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Ruhaya Asnawi (2022).

” Influence Chocking Management against Ability Mother in

Handle Choking on Children in the Village Pinokalan Subdistrict
Ranowulu City Bitung . " Thesis . Study Program nurse University
Muhammadiyah Manado. Lecturer Supervisor (1) Ns. Rahmat H. Djalil , S.Kep
., M.Kep . (2) Ns. Faradilla M. Suranata , S.Kep ., M.Kep


Chocking is the blockage channel breath by total or part so that cause victim
difficult breathe or deficiency oxygen , even could result in happening Dead . Actions that
can be conducted in handle child age toddler with incident chocking that is action
management chocking. Study this aim for see is existence influence management choking
against ability mother in handle choking on child .
Method used in study this is Pre- Experiment Design with approach One Group
Pre Test -Post Test Design. Study for 1 week , get amount sample 15 respondents mother
and child aged toddler in the village Pinokalan district, Ranowulu ,Bitung City .
Instruments used  in the form of SAP and sheet observation , method sampling is
accidental sampling . with use Mc.Namer statistical test , respondents rated from before
conducted intervention and after given intervention about education management
chooking .
Results study show existence significant difference to level ability parents /
mother before given intervention and after given intervention with p value = 0.008 , <
0.05 which means that there is influence management choking against ability mother in
handle choking on child .
The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of Choking Management on
Mother's Ability to Handle Choking in Children in Pinokalan Village, Ranowulu District,
Kota Bitung. This research suggestion can be a guide for further researchers.

Keywords : Education Health , Management Chocking,

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