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The primary objective of this livelihood initiative is to eliminate poverty and disparity in our barrio by
creating jobs for impoverished people and shifting highly vulnerable people into lasting livelihoods and
financial resilience.


This livelihood initiative that we are proposing would benefit a large number of individuals. improve the
community's ability to handle poverty challenges It may take the form of formulating rules and
programs, or it could take the form of providing skill training to assist individuals in becoming more
productive members of society. This is not only a form of poverty aid; it also teaches them correct
business practices so that they may start their own businesses if they have the necessary funds.


The most crucial aspect of it is the result. It would not only enhance the barangay's condition but also
provide the residents a chance to support their families. Many will learn new things, many will have
stable jobs, and the barrio will be in great shape.

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