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Notes for Consequences of a Poor Diet [BK3.

Foods you should eat more: Fruits and vegetables
Foods you should eat less: Junk foods, as they are high in sugar in fat
Balanced diet: Recommended amount of each type of nutrient
Obesity health risks:
- Heart disease
- Stroke
- Diabetes

Underweight health risks:

- Weak immune system
- Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. scurvy, night blindness, rickets, anemia)
- Fatigue/lack of energy

Vitamin A deficiency: Night blindness

Makes it harder to see in low-light conditions

Vitamin C deficiency: Scurvy

Bleeding gums and severe joint pains
In extreme cases, it results in teeth falling out

Vitamin D deficiency: Rickets

Causes bones to become weaker and thin
This leads to bones easily changing shape

Iron deficiency: Anemia

Caused by lack of iron in diet or severe blood loss
Leads to fatigue and lack of energy

Diet - All the food and nutrients and individual eats
Energy expenditure - The total energy used to function.
Obese - Extremely overweight.
Starvation - Extreme case of not eating enough food.
Deficiency - Lack of a particular nutrient.

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