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Impact of ICT on Society:

ICT has made so many of the things we need to do every day quicker and easier. We
can shop online and people with bank accounts can check up on them without having
to go to the bank. Our governments also provide many services online, which saves
lot of time. We can download application forms to obtain official documents and, in
many countries, citizens can even pay their taxes online. This means that many
chores that took hours to complete in the past can be completed in minutes, leaving
us with more time for fun and leisure. But it also means we don’t have the same
opportunities to interact and talk to people. This is not a problem when we are at
school or university, but for some people who live alone, there are fewer and fewer
reasons to go out and meet People. It also creates new security challenges related
to preserving confidentiality of information.

There is also what is called the ‘digital divide’. This refers to the fact that
some people do not have a computer or do know how to use a computer. This means
they are not able to do all the things mentioned in the previous paragraph Some
things can only be done online now, so it puts these people at a great

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