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First Class 2021 – Student Handout

A. Reading. Read the texts and match the corresponding question:

1. Which do you prefer, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve or Kings Day?
2. How was this year’s Christmas different from normal for you?
3. What was the best thing about the holidays?
4. What are you hopeful about for 2021?
5. Did you work during the holidays?

a) John, Barcelona Question: ____

Well, I usually go to the UK and spend Christmas with my siblings and nieces. They live in a picturesque market town
near Bristol and it's always super Christmassy there. However, this year I wasn't able to leave Spain due to the travel
restrictions, so I spent Christmas Day with my housemates instead. We tried to do all the things we usually do, and it
was fun, but it didn't feel the same. I missed being with family! 

b) María, Galicia Question: ____

When I was growing up, I always loved Kings Day the most! That was the day when we got most of our presents. The
night before we used to go to the big parade in the town, wave to the kings and catch the sweets they would throw
to us. Nowadays though, my preferred celebration is New Year's Eve - I love the grapes and cava, being with my
friends and talking about what the new year might bring. 

c) Jane, London Question: ____

As a business owner, it's difficult for me to switch off during the holidays. I run a shop which sells gifts, prints and
jewellery, so Christmas is usually a really crazy time of year for us. Despite  the restrictions, this year has been equally
busy! We’ve been doing a huge amount of online sales as well as offering a click and collect service. I will be working
all through Christmas and into the new year. No time off for me, but I shouldn’t complain.

d) Simon, Bristol (UK) Question: ____

2020 was a very challenging year in many ways. I work as a restaurant manager, so we've been one of the worst-
hit industries. I am feeling confident that most people will be vaccinated soon, and it will be back to business as
usual. Another problem has been home schooling my daughters during the various confinements, which is
exhausting. I’m pretty sure that it will all go back to how it was before – me and my partner working, the kids at
school, and we will finally be able to make plans for the future again.

e) Rebecca, Sheffield (UK) Question: ____

The highlight of my holidays was seeing my brother and his family! I live on my own and so with all
the lockdowns and limitations, I'd spent the previous few months feeling rather lonely. It was so lovely to see my
niece and nephew again after such a long time! Although I had fun, I must admit I was looking forward to being by
myself again - I think I prefer the peace and quiet of my own company more these days. 

What do you have in common with any of the people? 

B. Vocabulary
Match a word/expression in bold with the correct definition:
1. ______________ = (adj.) attractive to look at
2. ______________ = (noun) an official order to control movement of people and confine them
3. ______________ = (noun) a line of people and/or vehicles that moves through a public space to celebrate an occasion
4. ______________ = (linker) because of something
5. ______________ = (noun) brothers and sisters
6. ______________ = (adj.) difficult to do in a way that tests your ability or effort
7. ______________ = (noun) the best/most memorable thing
8. ______________ = (adj.) most affected (negatively)
9. ______________ = (noun) educating children at home, not in schools
10. ______________ = (phrasal verb) disconnect
11. ______________ = (noun phrase) order a product online and pick it up from the store
C. Language Focus - Verb Patterns

Find the following verbs in the text and decide if it follows with: 1. a gerund; 2. to + infinitive; 3. infinitive
without ‘to’:

1. try + _______ (= make an effort to do something)

2. miss + _______
3. might + _______
4. should(n’t) + _______
5. must + _______
6. look forward to + _______

D. Speaking

Ask each other the following questions:

1. What was the highlight of the holidays for you?

2. What did you miss doing this year that you normally do?
3. Did you try to recreate any Christmas traditions in a more “Covid-friendly” way?
4. Which do you prefer, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year’s Eve or Kings Day? Why? Is it different now to when you
were growing up?
5. Did you work during the holidays? Why (not)?
6. How did you do your Christmas shopping this year? Did you buy anything online or use click and collect?
7. What was the most challenging thing about 2020 for you?
8. Do you think there will be more lockdowns and restrictions in the coming months? Why (not)?
9. Do you believe there should be more help from the government for the worst-hit industries?
10. Apart from the pandemic, what do you think the new year might bring?
11. What are you looking forward to doing in 2021?


Choose one or more of the questions in A and write a short text about your own experience (120 words max).

Try to use some of the vocabulary and correct verb patterns if appropriate.

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