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Narrow therapeutics index:

1 tablets can treat you, increasing dose leads to Die.
With out antidote:
It works in 3 different sites
It's hard to stop drug action at the same time in different sites.
Increase duration:
(once,longer time)
Increase duration of opening chloride channel which leads to entrance of more CL- to flow
Wide therapeutics index :
Big difference btw dose that treat you and the dose that kills you.
With abntidote:
It has antidote calld"FLUMAZENIL"
that means that it has a specific site for action, that means it so easy to stop drug action.
Increase frequancey:
( more times,shorter time for each opening)
Increase TIMES of opening of the Cl- gates.
>-Flumazenil antidote >> Benzodiazepines, Zolpidem
>-Buspirone not suitable for panic attack, because delayed onset.
"Confirmed by Dr Mohamed El-Sah3er"

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