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Child Custody Law in Pakistan

Child Custody Law in Pakistan

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 November 9, 2015 (

 Fahad Ahmad Siddiqi (

 Blawgs (, Commentary


Child Custody Law in Pakistan

The recent trend in our society is seeing a paradigm change in matrimonial relationships, with an
increasing number of divorce cases, particularly since the last two decades, while more and more
middle and lower-middle class couples have been approaching family courts for divorce, resulting in
the rise of bitter child custody battles. The innocent child/ children are often being used as a tool to
seek vengeance by vindictive litigants who feel no hesitation in inflicting severe emotional and
psychological abuse on the child, thereby seriously affecting the child in his/ her development in the
later part of life. Among many implications that a divorce has on the individual, family and society at
large, the children of divorced couples are the ones who bear the brunt of the entire process. It is a
common practice among couples to use kids as pawns in this game of emotional chess and it
amounts to absolutely irresponsible parenting to scar children emotionally post separation. In due
course the parents move on with their lives and onto other partners but the children carry the trauma
of being manipulated and torn apart emotionally, throughout their lives. In my legal experience I have
seen a large number of these kids suffering from personality disorders, substance abuse, criminal
conduct and anti social traits etc.


The law pertaining to guardianship and regulating the custody of children in Pakistan is known as
the Guardians and Wards Act, 1890. The primary consideration in guardian courts, whilst granting
custody of minors to either parent or sometimes to grandparents or other relatives, is the welfare of
the minor. The said law is the main mode of attaining custody of children. In guardian/ custody
proceedings pending adjudication in a family/ guardian court there are three parties to the said
proceedings, the Custodial Parent, the Non Custodial Parent and the Minor.


As per the provisions of Verse No. 2, Ayat No. 233 of the Holy Quran, no parent will be subjected to
torture for being the parent of a child. The said provision is reproduced here to below for the perusal:

“ ‫وف ۚ َﻻ ُﺗﻜَﻠ ُﻒ َﻧ ْﻔ ٌﺲ‬ ِ ‫ﺎﻣﻠَ ْﻴ ِﻦ ۖ ِﻟ َﻤ ْﻦ ا َرادَ ان ﻳُ ِﺘﻢ اﻟﺮ َﺿﺎﻋَ َﺔ َۚوﻋَ ﻠَﻰ ْاﻟ َﻤ ْﻮ ُﻟ‬
ِ ‫ﻮد ﻟَﻪُ ِر ْز ُﻗﻬُ ﻦ َو ِﻛ ْﺴ َﻮ ُﺗﻬُ ﻦ ِﺑ ْﺎﻟ َﻤﻌْ ُﺮ‬ ِ َ ‫ات ﻳُ ْﺮ ِﺿﻌْ َﻦ ا ْو َﻻدَ ُﻫﻦ َﺣ ْﻮﻟَ ْﻴ ِﻦ ﻛ‬
ُ َ‫َو ْاﻟ َﻮاﻟِﺪ‬
َ ‫ﺎو ٍر َﻓ َﻼ ُﺟﻨ‬
‫َﺎح‬ ُ ‫اض ﻣﻨْﻬُ َﻤﺎ َو َﺗ َﺸ‬ ٍ ‫ار ِث ِﻣﺜْ ُﻞ ٰ َذ ِﻟ َﻚ ۗ َﻓﺎ ْن ا َرادَ ا ِﻓ َﺼ ًﺎﻻ ﻋَ ﻦ َﺗ َﺮ‬ ْ َ َ ُ َ َ َ
ِ ‫اﻻ ُو ْﺳﻌَ ﻬَ ﺎ ۚﻻ ُﺗ َﻀﺎر َواﻟِﺪَ ٌة ِﺑ َﻮﻟ ِﺪﻫَﺎ َوﻻ َﻣ ْﻮﻟﻮدٌ ﻟﻪُ ِﺑ َﻮﻟ ِﺪ ِه ۚ َوﻋَ ﻠﻰ اﻟ َﻮ‬
ٌ ‫ﻮن ﺑ َِﺼ‬َ ‫وف َۗواﺗ ُﻘﻮا ا َ َواﻋْ ﻠَ ُﻤﻮا ان ا َ ِﺑ َﻤﺎ َﺗﻌْ َﻤ ُﻠ‬ َ ‫ﻋَ ﻠَ ْﻴ ِﻬ َﻤﺎ ۗ َوا ْن ا َردﺗ ْﻢ ان َﺗ ْﺴﺘَ ْﺮ ِﺿﻌُ ﻮا ا ْو َﻻدَ ﻛُ ْﻢ َﻓ َﻼ ُﺟﻨ‬
ِ ‫َﺎح ﻋَ ﻠَ ْﻴﻜُ ْﻢ ا َذا َﺳﻠ ْﻤﺘُ ﻢ ﻣﺎ آ َﺗ ْﻴﺘُ ﻢ ِﺑ ْﺎﻟ َﻤﻌْ ُﺮ‬

Translation as per Mushin Ali

The mothers shall breastfeed their children for two whole years, (that is) for those (parents) who
desire to complete the term of suckling, but the father of the child shall bear the cost of the mother’s
food and clothing on a reasonable basis. No person shall have a burden laid on him greater than he
can bear. No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child, or father on account of his
child. And on the (father’s) heir is incumbent the like of that (which was incumbent on the father). If
they both decide on weaning, by mutual consent, and after due consultation, there is no sin on them.
And if you decide on a foster-feeding-mother for your children, there is no sin on you, provided you
pay (the mother) what you agreed (to give her) on reasonable basis. And fear Allah and know that
Allah is the All-Seer of what you do. (‫ﺳﻮرة اﻟﺒﻘﺮة‬, Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #233)


The most common kind of child abuse is parental child abuse which often occurs when the parents
separate or initiate divorce proceedings. A parent may, remove or retain the child from the other
parent’s custody, seeking to gain an advantage in the expected or pending child custody
proceedings, or because that parent fears losing the child in the lengthy, pending child custody
proceedings. A parent may refuse to return a child at the end of an access visit or may even flee with
the child to prevent an access visit. This very retention by the parent can itself create tangible effects
on a child psychology which often goes unaddressed.

The worst possible thing that can happen in a child’s life, apart from losing a parent, is to become a
rolling ball in a parents’ divorce and the ensuing custody battles. Whilst the spouses and their
families hurl accusations and try to get the better of each other, the trauma being suffered by the
child may sometimes be overshadowed by the volley of hurt and anger of the parties.

Cases pertaining to custody/ visitation issues of the minors are not ordinary cases like the breach
and enforcement of other civil rights/ obligations , such as property disputes etc. These cases have
their own dimensions, repercussions and consequences, founded upon human emotions and the
sentiments. The resolution and adjudication of this special kind of matters, therefore should be
conceived, considered and settled in a different perspective and context, which obviously revolves
around the welfare of the minor, but at the same time the natural feelings of the parents cannot be
overlooked and ignored. If a parent means a lot to a child, the child may also mean the whole world
to the parents.


When there is a lis or dispute between the parents, there are three main characters in the scenario, a
mother, a father and a child and in certain cases the brothers and sisters of the minor – they are all
stakeholders and the emotions and feelings of every one of them should be kept in view while
deciding the noted issue, in addition to the personal law applicable to the minor and the rules about
his welfare as mentioned earlier which should be of pivotal consideration.
All of this put together contemplates that in the visitation schedule neither the mother should be
deprived altogether of the complete custody of the minor nor should the father be deterred and
prevented to meet and see his own child with whom under normal circumstances otherwise/ if the
relation between the parents was normal, he shall have free access and interaction and be able to
shower his love and affection. The same applies vice versa for the mother.

The third important character is the child himself, who, under the law of nature, should have the
privilege of getting love and affection from both the parents, which is one of the greatest blessings
of Allah Almighty, but if for certain reasons, the parents on account of their discord and disparity
have fallen apart, the child shall not be deprived of having the maximum of what he/ she could
achieve from either of the parents. And it does not behoove the adversary parties, who may even
have hatred towards each other, to claim exclusive possessory rights over the child to the exclusion
of others, like one could demand in the matter of property disputes etc.


On an average, a family/ custody case under the Guardian & Wards Act lasts approximately three to
five years in the guardian courts. During these years, owing to a lack of interaction between the
minors and the non-custodial parents, the parent-child bond keeps on depleting and often
completely breaks after a while. In a majority of cases it has been observed that the custodial parent
keeps on brain-washing the minors against the non-custodial parent. On top of that, the guardian
courts strengthen the revengeful motives of the custodial parent by not granting a reasonable
visitation schedule between children and the non-custodial parent. It has been seen that the non-
custodial parent initially struggles and contests the litigation in the hopes of getting justice, but then
finally gives up after being disappointed. He/she re-marries, starts a new life and bears new children.
As a result the minors normally end up losing one of the parents forever.


Family matters were not to be decided strictly on the yardstick of procedural laws nor any other
principle aimed at the observance of technicalities. Paramount consideration before the court must
be the welfare of the minor and betterment of the minor. Courts in such a matter are required to act
in a loco parentis position and many matters are required to be kept into consideration by the
guardian court, which is not always the practice observed by the courts adjudicating guardian and
custody matters pending adjudication in Pakistan. What has actually been done in a vast majority of
cases pending in multiple guardian courts in Pakistan is that the non-custodial parents are subjected
to abuse and victimization in the name of procedural technicalities especially during the pendency of
divorce and custody-of-minor proceedings. Even after waiting for months for the first face-to-face
meeting with his/her own children, the non-custodial parent gets an extremely limited visitation
schedule to meet the children. This visitation schedule is often as little as ONCE IN A MONTH FOR
TWO HOURS WITHIN COURT PREMISES. Surprisingly, this visitation schedule is being followed
widely in the guardian courts of Pakistan for over decades and has now established precedence. In
other words “once a month for 2 hours in court” has become a “template” of visitation orders being
granted to non-custodial parents in guardian courts. In addition even the aforementioned visitation
schedule of TWO HOURS can be conveniently avoided by a custodial parent simply by presenting a
fake medical certificate showing they are unable to make it. In such cases the non-custodial parent
is left with no choice but to wait for the next scheduled meeting. The guardian courts are generally
very casual towards such excuses furnished by custodial parents.


Being a lawyer I have witnessed that in most cases the flawed court systems were being
manipulated to take revenge from the non-custodial parent (which is usually the father) by not letting
him meet his children. It is extremely easy to delay proceedings simply by filing frivolous
applications/appeals and assailing the orders to higher courts. Using similar delaying tactics,
thousands of children are kept from meeting their non-custodial parent for months and in some
cases, years. The guardian courts are unwilling to acknowledge the simple fact that the nature of a
child custody case is entirely different from routine civil cases. Child custody litigation is a true
representative of judicial litigation where “justice delayed is justice denied”. The mind of a child is
like a perishable commodity. With the passage of time it is easy to change the innocent mind. Within
months, due to a lack of interaction with the non-custodial parent and constant brain-washing by the
custodial parent and his/her family, the children start losing memory of, and in many cases, start
disliking, the non-custodial parent who was once extremely dear and loved. This phenomenon has
been named by psychiatrists as the Parental Alienation Syndrome or “PAS”.


It is amazing how there exists no specific duration or frequency defined in the Guardian & Wards Act
1890 for granting a visitation schedule for minors. The prime consideration to decide a reasonable
schedule is the “WELFARE OF THE MINOR”. In fact the entire Guardian and Wards Act 1890 is
ultimately based on the welfare of the minors. The Guardian Judge is required to act/think as a
parent in order to pass a decision. The extremely limited visitation schedule was adopted by
guardian courts to avoid complications and hassles that arise during administering more frequent
visitation meetings. However this negates the entire fundamentals of the Guardian and Wards
Act, because taking a child away from a parent cannot be in the interests and welfare of the minor
and should not be the solution to avoid administrative problems.


The non-custodial parents can be divided into two categories – those who have harmed their
children and do not deserve custody or visitation, and those who are good, loving, parents who are
not able to live with their child/children due to a divorce or separation with their spouse. Statistics
prove that in 99% cases, non-custodial parents fall into the second category and deserve reasonable
and regular visitation rights with their children.
In a vast majority of the cases a non-custodial parent has to wait for months before his/her first
official meeting (within the court) with his/her own children. This delay is caused by the flawed/
inefficient system of the service of the notices. Delaying appearances in court by claiming to not
having received the notice/summons is common practice.

In Pakistan, for reasons not conformed under the law, the guardian courts often hesitate in handing
over the minors to the non-custodial parent for out-of-court meetings. This is often justified by the
threat of illegal snatching of minors by the non-custodial parent and taking them out of the court
jurisdiction. However it has been observed that the entire idea of running away with minors has
evolved overtime and is a result of the frustration of not being able to meet with the minors. It is a
fact that running away with the minors from the jurisdiction of court is often not easy. The non-
custodial parent has to leave his/her social setup, home, business and a lot more in order to
disappear with the minor children. He/she has to live like a criminal with the constant fear of being
caught. The act of running away is normally considered as a last resort after being disappointed by
the delayed and flawed judicial system. Had the guardian court granted a reasonable visitation
schedule to both parents, the non-custodial parent would never be tempted to take the law into his or
her own hands. It has further been witnessed that keeping the minors away from the non-custodial
parents further aggravates the already adverse relationship between custodial and non-custodial
parents. Most separated/ divorced couples after many years of litigation forget the actual reasons
for separation and just fight over the visitation rights of children. Had the court not supported the
element of revenge through children, matters could have cooled down between the parties with the
passage of time.


In guardianship matters, courts should exercise quasi parental jurisdiction. The supreme
consideration in such context would be the welfare of the minor, and to achieve such purpose courts
have unfettered powers. Application under section 12 of the Guardian & Wards Act, 1890 was
required to be decided on such principles. Admittedly, contesting parents have an inherent right to
seek visitation of the minor, especially the non-custodial parent, who is mostly the father, who is
inherently a natural guardian of the minor. Father is not only required to participate in the upbringing
of minors but should develop love, bondage and affinity with the minors. In order to achieve this
purpose, the guardian court should facilitate a congenial, homely and friendly environment and a
reasonable visitation schedule to the non-custodial parent. Courtroom of a Guardian Judge or a
separate room within the court premises for visitation or meeting purposes is neither conducive nor
effective. It lacks basic and proper facilities and arrangements and is not comparable to a homely
environment. Meeting for two hours once in a month cannot serve the purpose of meeting and it is
not in the welfare of the minor to hold meetings there with the non-custodial parent.

It is therefore highly recommended that the guardian courts of Pakistan adjudicating

guardian/custody cases should acknowledge the simple fact that the meeting of minors with the
non-custodial parent should preferably be held at the premises of the contesting parent to familiarize
minors with the environment there, to strengthen a healthy relationship between the minor and the
non-custodial parent and dispel fears of a future reunion. Only in extreme and exceptional cases, the
courtroom of a Guardian Judge could be chosen as a venue for which detailed reasons should be

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the
views of any organization with which he might be associated.

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Author: Fahad Ahmad Siddiqi

The writer is a Lahore based lawyer advocating for adoption, the application and
implementation of principles of shared parenting, and the rights of non-custodial
parents involved in child custody litigation in Pakistan. He can be reached at

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muhammad shahid
November 9, 2015 at 16:08 (
that article defines the problems for the kids who suffered from the
khula/divorce. but revenge is the prime and tool use for this to break is the
innocent kids

yasmin (
November 9, 2015 at 16:09 (
Mr.fahad excellent work you are doing no doubt Pakistan Family and Guardian
courts judges should understand and read this article too

imran sarwar
November 9, 2015 at 16:10 (
afsos hota hy ya sb daak kar lakin koi awaz nahi hoti kuch or nahi hota

asif jameel
November 9, 2015 at 16:11 (
how i can help you in this matter?
Yasir Iqbal
November 9, 2015 at 22:08 (
Dear Fahad Ahmad Bhai As NCP father I would like to Thanks First of all From me
and on Behalf of All NCP of Pakistan for Raising Problems face by NCP in
Pakistan Specially You Disclosed all Problems Faced by NCP Fathers specially
and mothers in Rear and also very Important Part which Neglected by both
Parents are Kids whose Suffering More Than any One Bhai In my Opinion
Guardian ward Act 1890 Should be changed and need very Important
ammenments in it or Need some Reforms once again Superb Work and once
again Thanks for Giving us plateform you provided on Facebook Through This
page pasting here
( and on Whats app +92 300 8411403
as well where You Guide us Legal advise Free of cost Allah may Gave you Reward
for it and our prayers are always with You Thanks Regards Yasir A Non Custodial
Father from Pakistan

November 10, 2015 at 00:24 (
Thats a Nice article in fact truely Childrens are Suffering More than any one as
Still in my case i am unable to see my own daughter due to seek vengeance since
start of my case in march 2015 even not decion of section 12 i need to ask
Honorable judges is it welfare of minor to not allow me to meet my own
daughter? With Due respect Judges order Interm Maintaince in one or two
hearing but they never orders to bring baby in court to meet with his own father
same like interim maintainance and as per Referance of Quran Ayat Mentioned
above No mother shall be treated unfairly on account of her child, or father on
account of his child.i need to Ask one more thing As per my very Low Knowledge
of Guardian act Opposite Side always use Delaying tactics in families cases as
they have physically custody to make it as weapon to not reproduce minor in
courts and our Guardian act only fine them for some Rupess no strick action
could be taken against them how minor is being used to mentally torture other
parent as i could be ex to my wife i could be ex to her families memebers but
please try to understand my feelings iam not ex to my baby she is my own Real
baby is it fair play as per Quran Ayat mentioned above please Though This article
i will request to all Our Honorable judges to not deal families cases like other
cases because the person who dont have physical custody Suffering to meet with
Kids our kids need both parents nice article but need some practical steps for
welfare of Minor kids as increase in Ratio of Khula and Divorce in our country

Advocate Shahzain Rashid

November 10, 2015 at 00:52 (
First of all First time i Read such a nice article what Problems are coming in
increasing Divorce Numbers in Pakistan and will also Suggest as Student of Law
to Make Separate Courts Judges for Families cases specially in Custody Cases of
I don’t think all children are ‘irretrievably’ damaged and I believe most if not all will
suffer damage of some kind for a period of time. How long that period of time is
would seem to be very much in the hands of the parents.

As a teacher, it can be heartbreaking to witness first hand the damage wrought by

warring parents on their children. Yes, on the outside children may appear
resilient and robust but inside they could be bleeding from a thousand wounds.

And, for some, the feeling of rejection, of not being ‘enough’ can be devastating
and life-changing. I implore all parents who can no longer have a relationship with
each other to put every ounce of humility, compassion and love into your child’s
wellbeing and relationship with both of you.

As for not letting a child under 4 to stay overnight with the absent parent – I do
understand – that is very young to have a sleepover of any kind. However, it is
possible and desirable to let the child spend time, on a daily basis if necessary,
with the other parent. It doesn’t have to be scheduled activity – just hanging out is
so beneficial to children. More than anything, more than toys, presents, treats,
outings, children just want their parents to spend TIME with them and that is how
you build a meaningful relationship with them

yasmin (http://m)
November 10, 2015 at 01:05
Shhzain Rashid sir approximately 99 percent children loosing one
Arif Karim
November 10, 2015 at 03:32 (
Very exhaustive analysis on child custody laws n practice in Pakistan .

Sadi Gilani
November 10, 2015 at 09:35 (
A very informative article…I wish the that authors perception and analysis are
accepted by all.

Muhammad Rizwan
November 10, 2015 at 13:18 (
As being a judicial officer, in order to tackle all issues as highlighted in the article
effectively, I would suggest an amendment in relevant law in custody matters that
lawyers of the parties must not plead the case for their respective parties rather
they should refer to and enunciate relevant law on the subject.

Fahad (
November 10, 2015 at 22:15
Don’t u think Rizwan Instead of bringing an amendment in the law we
should educate our judicial officers more about the tgerapeutic nature
of parental jurisdiction which they r required to exercise under the
law. I understand the law of guardianship is omnipotent to adjudicate
the needs of all the three dtake holders quite sufficiently

Fahad (
November 10, 2015 at 22:19
Don’t u think Rizwan sb , that Instead of bringing an amendment in
the law we should educate our judicial officers more about the
therapeutic nature of parental jurisdiction which they r required to
exercise under the law. I understand the law of guardianship is
omnipotent to adjudicate the needs of all the three stake holders
quite sufficiently

zafar (http://none)
November 11, 2015 at 11:11
sir don’t you think 2 hours in a month is plainly ridiculous?
I hope you don’t fear a backlash of feminists here.

zafar (http://none)
November 11, 2015 at 11:07 (
take a bow sir. The very law of custody in fact forces many fathers to continue
with a devastating marriage for the sake of children. Those fathers who have a
joint family(meaning ladies are in his house) or has remarried should be given a
partial custody, say fortnightly or whatever is necessary for at least giving a
meaning of custody. Unfortunately this law of mothers custody till 7 years or 14
years is given an Islamic color which is not in practice in many Islamic countries.
In western countries custody is given to the more fit ( qualified) parent. 2 hours in
a month is plainly ridiculous.

Umer Baig / M.K.Baig (

November 11, 2015 at 17:07 (
Brother Superb You are are the voice of Divorce Affected Children (DAC) and Non
Custodian Parent (NCP) Brother visit my sites also (
Fahad (
November 11, 2015 at 23:08 (
Zafar ji , it is not ridiculous it is ugly and unfortunate. Islamic law is subjective to
the doctrine of welfare of minor hence in practice there is no such stage where
the custody of the minor is shifted to the NOn Custodial Parent, neither in the
even of second marriage of the mother or even minor’s attaining the age of 7
years or 14 years. an ordinary guardian case takes a minimum 3-5 years to get
concluded! in Guardian Courts of Lahore alone, there are more than 7000 cases
are pending adjudication since 2012 and hundreds fresh are filed per month, in an
average , 2 children are usually involved in a case hence more than 14-16000
children are suffering at the hands of our guardian judges for their failure to
exercise parental jurisdiction, law has vested in them for want of proper training
and education on the subject! you can easily calculate the total number of kids
involved in this situation throughout Pakistan. A Guardian Court is deemed to act
as a bridge between the divorce affected child and his broken family, but actually
we are widening this gap between the child and his non custodial parent in the
name of procedure and an undefined term ” welfare of the minor”!

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