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Martínez de Jesús Eduardo.

Places to go near Guadalajara.

Tequila, Jalisco.
Tequila is a beautiful place. You can see many tequila factories. Also you can see many
people from other countries, on this interesting place.
You have a take a tourist cars our to walk. You can go with a arrive guide. you can try
many flavors of tequila and go to see museums and enjoy your preparations.
Where to buy.
There are a lots of souvenir shops on Tequila. You need to walk t osee may of them.
Things to do.
You can dance in the town.
You can eat and drink tequila.
Yoo can enjoy the tour

Read the text again. Mark if true or false.

Tequila isn´t a beautiful place
You can see many tequila factories
Tequila isn´t a interesting place
There are a lots of spuvenir shops
You can´t dance in the town

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