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Art as a scientific exploration My project is based on how snake venom differentiates. I wanted to do my project about snakes or reptiles and I thought this would be a perfect topic for me. The difference in snake venom changes the outcome of what would happen if a venomous snake species bit you For example, there are three main types of snake venom. These snake venom types are called cytotoxic, hemotoxic and neurotoxic. I will be explaining the different effects of snake venom if you were bitten. Cytotoxic venom kills cells, this venom is often found in cobras and other elapids. This venom works on a molecular level by destroying the cell membrane thus destroying the tissues cell by cell. The Marco effect of this cell destruction and the impact we see with the naked eye is called necrosis. The swelling seen by the cytotoxic bites is the body's immune system flushing the area with lymphatic fluid to dilute the effects of the venom and remove dead cells. Hemotoxic venoms can work in two ways they can affect the clotting factors in the blood, or they will destroy the blood cells in your body. Inside your body after being bitten, the venom is busy destroying the lining of your red blood cells causing uncontrolled internal bleeding, the first outlooked sign is bleeding from the bite wound site and bleeding from the mucus membranes in your mouth and eyes. Death would occur from internal bleeding. This type of venom will show little external signs, it's your insides that liquefy from the massive internal bleeding. Some American pit vipers have strong hemotoxins in their venom making patients have to go for blood tests weekly after the bite to see if their blood is clotting properly even after anti-venom is delivered. Neurotoxins in snake venom can be presynaptic or postsynaptic, both found in a single species of venom or only one can be present, these two different toxins work on two different nerve functions affecting the way nerve synapses function. Neurotoxins bind to the nerve receptors causing them to stop functioning. Neurotoxins affect the central nervous system and death will be a result of the nerves in your diaphragm not functioning, you will die from respiratory failure. Other signs of neurotoxic envenomation are drooping eyelids, slurred speech and extensive salvation all caused by nerves not working properly. There is very little pain from a neurotoxic snake bite and brain damage does not occur from the venom as the venom molecules are too big to pass the blood-brain barrier, although brain damage will occur from lack of oxygen deprivation should you stop breathing for too long. The reason why i chose snake venom... I chose this topic because I really enjoy learning about snakes and reptiles, but I hadn’t really thought about venom when I do my research so I thought it would be a great learning experience! Snakes are my special interest so it works out for me, and it helps me visualize what a situation in the wild would look like.

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