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India got its name from Indus.

‘The Indus Valley Civilization’ was born around this river.

It flows in north-west direction from its source - Glaciers of Kailash Range in

Tibet near Lake Manasarovar
Source - Glaciers of Kailash Range in Tibet near Lake Manasarovar

It’s length is about 2,900 km

More than half of Its total drainage area lies in Pakistan

It is joined by Dhar River near Indo-China border.

After entering J&K it flows between the Ladakh and the Zaskar Ranges.
It flows through the regions of Ladakh, Baltistan and Gilgit.
It is joined by the Zanskar River at Leh

Near Skardu, it is joined by the Shyok.

The Gilgit, Gartang, Dras, Shiger, Hunza are the other
Himalayan tributaries of the Indus.

Five Major tributaries—the Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravi,

the Beas and the Satluj. The river empties into the Arabian
Sea south of Karachi.

Total length of 724 km

Sanskrit Name – Vitasta
The Neelum River (Kishanganga), the largest tributary of the Jhelum
The Jhelum has its source in a spring at Verinag in the Kashmir Valley.

It flows northwards into Wular Lake

From Wular Lake, it changes its course southwards.

At Baramulla the river enters a gorge in the hills. The river forms steep-sided narrow
gorge through Pir Panjal Range below Baramula.
At Muzaffarabad, the river takes a sharp hairpin bend southward.

It joins the Chenab at Trimmu.


Other name – Asikni

The river is formed by the confluence of two rivers, Chandra and Bhaga, near
Keylong, in the Lahaul and Spiti district in the Indian state of Himachal
Pradesh. The Bhaga river originates from Surya taal lake, near Bara-lacha la
pass in Himachal Pradesh.

The Chandra river originates from glaciers east of the same pass (near
Chandra Taal).

It flows through the Jammu region of Jammu and Kashmir into the plains of
Punjab, Pakistan, before flowing into the Indus River.

Salal Dam - 690 MW hydroelectric power project near Reasi

Dul Hasti Hydroelectric Plant - 390 MW type power project in Kishtwar District

Pakal Dul Dam - a proposed dam on a tributary Marusadar River in Kishtwar District

Ratle Hydroelectric Plant - an under construction power station in Kishtwar District

Kiru Hydroelectric Power Project (624 MW proposed) located in Kishtwar district

Kwar Hydroelectric Power Project (540 MW proposed) located in Kishtwar district


Ancient name → Purushni, Iravati

Origin →
originates from northern face of Rohtang pass in the
Himachal Pradesh and flows through the junction formed by
the BaraBang- Dhauladhar range of the Himalayas
Other name: Vipasa or Argikiya

The Beas originates near the Rohtang Pass, at a height of 4,062 m above sea
level, on the southern end of the Pir Panjal Range, close to the source of the

It crosses the Dhaula Dhar range and it takes a south-westerly direction and
meets the Satluj river at Harike in Punjab. It is a comparatively small river
which is only 460 km long but lies entirely within the Indian territory.

Home to Indus dolphin

Pong Dam

The Satluj rises near the Manasarovar Lakes in western Tibet

It takes a north-westerly course upto the Shipki La

Bhakra dam, Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Plant, and the
Nathpa Jhakri Dam

joined by the Beas at Harike

From near Ferozepur to Fazilka it forms the boundary between

India and Pakistan for nearly 120 km.
गंगा नदी
दे श - भारत, बांग्लादे श
स्रोत - गंगोत्री हिमनद, उत्तराखण्ड
उपनहदयााँ - घाघरा, कोसी, गंडक, यमुना, सोन नदी

शिर - िररद्वार, मुरादाबाद, रामपुर, कानपुर, इलािाबाद, वाराणसी,


मुिाना – सुंदरवन , बंगाल की खाडी

Ganga River
The Ganga originates as Bhagirathi from the Gangotri glacier in Uttar
Kashi District of Uttarakhand.

Alaknanda River joins Bhagirathi at Devaprayag.

Ganga descends from the hills into plain area first at Haridwar.
It is joined by the Yamuna at Allahabad.
Near Rajmahal Hills it turns to the south-east. At Farraka, it bifurcates
into Bhagirathi-Hugli in West Bengal and Padma-Meghna in
Bangladesh (it ceases to be known as the Ganga after Farraka).
Brahmaputra (or the Jamuna as it is known here) joins Padma-
Meghna at The total length of the Ganga river from its source to its
mouth (measured along the Hugli) is 2,525 km.
Farakka Barrage
• गंगा भारत और बांग्लादे श में कुल हमलाकर 2525 हकलोमीटर
(हक॰मी॰) की दूरी तय करती िै ।

• गंगा नदी भारत में पहवत्र मानी जाती िै तथा इसकी उपासना मााँ
तथा दे वी के रूप में की जाती िै ।

• इलािाबाद और िल्दिया के बीच (1620 हकलोमीटर) गंगा नदी

जलमागग 1 को राष्ट्रीय जलमागग घोहित हकया िै ।

• The NW-1 passes through West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar and Uttar Pradesh
and serves major cities and their industrial hinterlands like Haldia Howrah
Kolkata Bhagalpur Munger Patna Ghazipur Varanasi Allahabad
• उद्गम स्थल - उत्तराखंड के उत्तरकाशी जनपद के 3900 मी0
की ऊाँचाई पर ल्दस्थत गोमुख के हनकट गंगोत्री नामक से

• मैदान मे इलािाबाद तक इसकी हदशा दहिण एवं दहिण-पूवग

की ओर िोती िै | इलािाबाद से फरक्का तक इसकी हदशा
पूवग की ओर िोती िै |

• इससे आगे दहिण-पूवग प्रवाहित िोकर बांग्लादे श मे प्रवेश

कर जाती िै जिां इसे पद्मा के नाम से जाना जाता िै |
• यह गंगोत्री से गौमुख हिमनद के पास (3,900 मीटर) उत्तराखंड के
उत्तरकाशी जिले से जिकलती है ।

• यहााँ पर ये भागीरथी के िाम से िािी िाती है ।

• दे वप्रयाग में भागीरथी, अलकनंदा से जमलती है और जिर उसके बाद
यह गंगा के रूप में िािी िाती है ।

• अलकनंदा का स्रोत बद्रीनाथ के ऊपर सतोपंथ हिमनद में िै ।

• गंगा िररद्वार से मैदान में प्रवेश करती िै ।

1. हवष्णुप्रयाग = धौलीगंगा + अलकनंदा
2. नंदप्रयाग = नंदाहकनी + अलकनंदा
3. कणगप्रयाग = हपंडर + अलकनंदा
4. रुद्रप्रयाग = मंदाहकनी + अलकनंदा
5. दे वप्रयाग = भागीरथी + अलकनंदा

Alaknanda river meets the Dhauliganga river at Vishnuprayag,

the Nandakini river at Nandprayag ,the Pindar river at
Karnaprayag , the Mandakini river at Rudraprayag and finally
the Bhagirathi river at Devprayag to form the mainstream, the
• गंगा िररद्वार से मैदान में प्रवेश करती िै ।

• हररद्वार से पहले दजिण में बहती है और जिर दजिण-पूर्व में और

मैदाि मे इलाहाबाद तक इसकी जदशा दजिण एर्ं दजिण-पूर्व की ओर होती है |

• इलाहाबाद से िरक्का तक इसकी जदशा पूर्व की ओर होती है |

• इससे आगे दजिण-पूर्व प्रर्ाजहत होकर बां ग्लादे श मे प्रर्ेश कर िाती है िहां इसे
पद्मा के िाम से िािा िाता है |

• इस िदी की लंबाई 2,525 जकलोमीटर है । उत्तराखंड (110 जकमी) , उत्तर

प्रदे श (1,450 जकलोमीटर), जबहार (445 जकमी) और पजिम बंगाल (520 जकमी)
िेत्र को सीचते हुये बंगाल की खाड़ी में जमल िाती है |

• यमुना - The Yamuna River is the biggest tributary of the Ganga River.

• गंगा के पजिमी भाग और सबसे लंबे समय तक सहायक िदी के रूप

में यमुिा िदी का स्रोत बन्दरपूाँछ रें ि (6316 जकमी) के पजिमी ढलाि पर
यमुिोत्री हिमनद है ।

• यह प्रयाग (इलाहाबाद) में गंगा से जमलती है । इसके दाजहिे जकिारे

पर चंबल, जसंध, बेतर्ा और केि िजदया इससे जमल िाती है िबजक
इसके बाएं जकिारे पर जहं डि, ररं ड, सेंगर, र्रुण, आजद इसमें शाजमल
होती है ।
Yamuna River

Largest and the most important tributary of Ganga

It originates from the Yamnotri glacier on the Bandarpunch
Peak in the Garhwal region in Uttarakhand at an elevation of
about 6,000 meters.

It emerges out of the hilly area and enters plains near Its
main affluent in the upper reaches is the Tons which also
rises from the Bandarpunch glacier.
• Sindh river meets Yamuna River in Jalaun District, Uttar Pradesh just after the confluence
of the Chambal River with the Yamuna River

• Chambal river also meets Yamuna River in Etawah District, UP

• Chambal is largest tributary of Yamuna.

• चंबल मध्य प्रदे श के मालर्ा पठार के पास से जिकलती है और यह उत्तर की ओर

कोटा रािस्थाि की और बहती है

कोटा से यह बूंदी, सर्ाई माधोपुर और धौलपुर की ओर िीचे बहती है

िीमच मंडसौर - गां धी सागर बां ध का जिमाव ण जकया गया है

Rawatbhata , Rajasthan - Rana Pratap Sagar dam
Jawahar Sagar Dam – Kota

और अंत में यमुिा में जमलती है ।

National Chambal Sanctuary
In Dholpur

Conservation of Gharial

The major tributaries of the Chambal include Shipra, Kalisindh, Banas,

• गंडक दो धाराओं का जमलाि है अथाव त् कालीगण्डक और जत्रशुलगंगा इसमें शाजमल हैं ।
यह िेपाल जहमालय में धौलाजगरी और अन्नपूणाव के बीच जिकलती है और िेपाल के मध्य
भाग में बहती है । यह जबहार के चंपारण जिले में गंगा के मैदािी में प्रर्ेश करती है और
सोिपुर पटिा के पास गंगा में िाकर जमलती है ।

• Gandak river source is at the border with Tibet in the Mustang region of
• The river then flows between the mountains Dhaulagiri and Annapurna
• It meets Ganga near Sonpur in Bihar
• घाघरा उत्तरी भारत में बहिेर्ाली एक िदी है । यह गंगा िदी की प्रमुख सहायक िदी
है । यह दजिणी जतब्बत के ऊंचे पर्वत जशखरों (जहमालय) मपचचुंगो के ग्लेजशयरों
से जिकलती है । िहााँ इसका िाम कणाव ली है । इसके बाद यह िेपाल से होकर बहती
हुई भारत के उत्तर प्रदे श एर्ं जबहार में प्रर्ाजहत होती है । बजलया और छपरा के बीच
यह गंगा में जमल िाती है

• Ghagra (Karnali) It rises in the southern slopes of the Himalayas in Tibet, in

the glaciers of Mapchachungo
• An important tributary of Ghaghara is the Sarayu River in India. This
tributary is famous for the location of Ayodhya (the capital of King
Dasarath's Kingdom) on its banks. It is the second longest tributary of the
Ganges by length after Yamuna.
The Kosi River drains the northern slopes of the Himalayas in the Tibet
Autonomous Region and the southern slopes in Nepal, the Kosi River is
also known as Saptakoshi for its seven upper tributaries.

Sorrow of Bihar

Tributaries - Tamur , Arun River from Tibet , Sun Koshi ,Dudh Koshi,
Bhote Koshi, Tamba Koshi and Indravati Koshi.

The Saptakoshi crosses into northern Bihar where it branches into

distributaries before joining the Ganges near Kursela in Katihar district.
• रामगंगा अपेिाकृत एक छोटी िदी है िो गैरसैण के पास गढ़र्ाल पहाजड़यों
में बहती है । The Ramganga is the first major tributary
joining the Ganga

जशर्ाजलक पार करिे के बाद ये दजिण-पजिम जदशा की ओर अपिे िलमागव

में पररर्तवि लाती है और उत्तर प्रदे श के ििीबाबाद के पास के मैदािों में
प्रर्ेश करती है । अंत में यह कन्नौि (in the Fategarh district) के पास गंगा में
जमलती है ।
दामोदर छोटािागपुर पठार के पूर्ी हाजशये पर अजधकार करके एक दरार घाटी के माध्यम से
बहती है और अंत में हुगली से जमल िाती हैं । बराकर इसकी मुख्य सहायक िदी है ।

शारदा या सरयू नदी िेपाल जहमालय के जमलाि ग्लेजशयर से जिकलती है िहां यह

गोरीगंगा के रूप में िािी िाती है । भारत- िेपाल सीमा पर यह काली या चौक कहा िाता
है िहां यह घाघरा में िाकर जमलती है ।

मिानंदा - गंगा की एक अन्य महत्वपूणव सहायक िदी दाजिवजलंग जहल्स से जिकलती है ।

यह पजिम बंगाल में गंगा के अंजतम बाएं जकिारे पर सहायक िदी के रूप में जमलती है ।

सोन - गंगा िदी के दाजहिे जकिारे की प्रमुख सहायक िदी है । यह अमरकंटक पठार
से जिकलिे र्ाली गंगा के दजिण जकिारे की एक बड़ी सहायक िदी है । पठार के
जकिारे पर झरिे की एक श्ृंखला बिािे के बाद यह गंगा में शाजमल होिे के जलए
ये पटिा के पजिम, आरा तक पहुाँ चती है ।
The Gomti River

a river of the Ganga Plain and one of the important tributaries of the Ganga,
originates near Mainkot, from a lake– ‘Fulhar Jheel’ in Madhotanda, about 30
km. east of the Pilibhit town in Uttar Pradesh

The river flows through an incised valley southwards through the districts of
Sitapur, Lucknow, Barabanki, Sultanpur and Jaunpur before meeting the Ganga
river at Kaithi, District-Ghazipur, bordering Varanasi

Reth river meets Gomti river in Barabanki district

Hindon River

The Hindon River, being a tributary of the Yamuna traces its

origin from the lower Himalayan ranges housing the Upper

this river is mostly created by rainwater. Flowing between the

Ganges and the Yamuna rivers for almost 400 km, this river
covers Muzaffarnagar District, Meerut, Baghpat, Ghaziabad,
Noida & Greater Noida and finally it meets the Yamuna
outside Delhi.
Kali River
• The Kali River originates from the Doon Valley in the western part of

• From its origin up to the confluence with Hindon River, a tributary of

Yamuna, the river travels a distance of approximately 150 km through
Saharanpur and Muzaffar Nagar, Meerut, and Ghaziabad Districts.

• Despite a significant drainage area, mostly lying in plains, the river does
not carry any significant flow. The city of Muzaffar Nagar is situated on
the left bank of the Kali River.
Ken River and Betwa River
• The Ken River is one of the major rivers of the Bundelkhand region of
central India, and flows through two states, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar

• The Ken River passes through Panna National Park.

The Betwa is a river in Northern India, and a tributary of the Yamuna.

The Betwa rises in the Vindhya Range just north of Hoshangabad in
Madhya Pradesh and flows north-east through Madhya Pradesh and
Orchha to Uttar Pradesh. Nearly half of its course, which is not navigable,
runs over the Malwa Plateau.
Matatila Dam, an undertaking between the states of Madhya
Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
Tons River

• Tons River is a major perennial Himalayan river which flows

through Garhwal division of Uttarakhand and touches
Himachal Pradesh. It is the largest tributary of Yamuna River
inside Uttarakhand, having a length of 148 km.

• The source of this river is Bandarpuch Mountain.

• Tons River joins the Yamuna in the north-western part of
Doon Valley, approximately 48 km away from Dehradun.
Sai – Tributary of Gomati which joins it in Jaunpur. Towns of Rai
bareily and Pratapgarh are situated on it.

Rapti – राप्ती नदी / इरावती

पूर्व-उत्तर प्रदे श की राप्ती का भी प्राचीि िाम इरार्ती था।
यह िदी िेपाल की लघु जहमालय श्ेजणयों में धौलाजगरर के दजिण में रुकुमकोट के
जिकट से जिकलकर पहले दजिण में और जिर पजिम में बहती है । तत्पिात एक बार
पुिः दजिण की ओर बहिे के बाद बिराइच, गोंडा, बस्ती और गोरखपुर ज़िलों में
बहती हुई बरहि के जिकट घाघरा िदी से जमल िाती है
• Rihand River – The Rihand headwaters originate in the Bagelkhand
region of Madhya Pradesh state, and flow towards the north into
Sonbhadra District of Uttar Pradesh. Here it joins the Son River. The
Rihand Dam was built across the river in 1962 for hydropower
generation; the reservoir made behind the dam is called Govind
Ballabh Pant Sagar.

• Karmanasa River – is a tributary of the Ganges. Flows through the

Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Along the boundary between
Uttar Pradesh and Bihar on the northern face of Kaimur Range . Its
tributaries are the Durgavati, the Chandraprabha. Devdari falls, at an
edge of the Rohtas Plateau.
Which river is known as "Singi khamban" or Lion’s mouth in Tibet?


Through which of the following states Chambal river does not flow?
Madhya Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh
Which is the longest river flowing into the Arabian Sea?

Indus River

Which of the following rivers is not a tributary of the Indus River?

C. Zanskar
D. Luni
Where does the Jhelum River join the Chenab?
a) Wular Lake
b) Ropar
c) Harike
d) Trimmu

Which river is known as Chandra Bhaga?

Which of the following is the correct sequence of various confluences?
A. Vishnuprayag, Nandprayag, Karnaprayag, Rudraprayag, Devprayag
B. Devprayag, Nandprayag, Karnaprayag, Rudraprayag, Vishnuprayag
C. Rudraprayag,Vishnuprayag, Nandprayag, Karnaprayag, Devprayag
D. Devprayag, Nandprayag, Rudraprayag, Vishnuprayag, Karnaprayag

Alaknanda river meets the Dhauliganga river at Vishnuprayag, Nandakini river at

Nandprayag, Pindar river at Karnaprayag, Mandakini river at Rudraprayag and
lastly the Bhagirathi river at Devprayag to form the holy Ganges.
The Mathabhanga river is on the international border of India with which

Which river has its source outside of India?

Which of the following rivers is NOT a tributary of the Ganga?


Which of these rivers is a trans-Himalayan river?

Which of the following is a habitat for freshwater dolphins?


The water of melting Siachen Glacier is the source of water for which river?

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