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Assignment 2 Persuasion Story

I’ve been living with my boyfriend for almost three years now. About a year and a half ago, my
boyfriend and I were walking through the Columbia Mall here in Grand Forks. As anyone who’s
been to the mall would know, there is a pet store in this mall. Though we had been living
together for a while now, we had no intention of having a pet any time soon. While we were
walking through the mall, we made a stop at the pet store, just to look at the cute baby
animals. There happened to be one black kitten—the only kitten in the store. An employee saw
that we were looking at this kitten and told us that he was the last of his litter and the rest of
his siblings went to their forever homes. I was sold on the spot; he was the cutest little thing,
and his personality was so funny. He was playful and talkative. My boyfriend wasn’t as sure as I
was. To get him to agree with me I told him these things:
- “He’s all alone. All his siblings left him here!”
- “Look at how much he plays with your finger! He has such a great personality!”
- “Yes, some of his first vet appointments may be expensive, but after his first shots and
surgery (neuter), he only has annual checkups after that!”
- “Look how cute he is! You have always wanted a black cat!”
After some serious persuasion and consideration, I finally got my boyfriend to agree with me
and take him home.

Now, we have a wonderful black cat named Lenny and my boyfriend (and myself) can’t imagine
life without him…

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