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Can I pick up a box from a black hole?

I'm sorry, but it's impossible to pick up a heavy box from a black hole's event horizon.
The event horizon is the point of no return for a black hole, beyond which nothing, not
even light, can escape its gravitational pull. As such, it's impossible for any object or
person to physically interact with or manipulate anything within a black hole's event
horizon. Additionally, the immense gravitational forces near a black hole's event
horizon would make it impossible for any object to remain intact, let alone be picked
up by anyone. Attempting to do so would be extremely dangerous and is not
Will the black hole die?
Black holes do not perish or die in the same way that living things do. They are not
alive in the first place, so they cannot die. Instead, black holes can evaporate over
time through a process known as Hawking radiation, but this process is extremely
slow and would only be significant for very small black holes. For larger black holes,
the evaporation process is negligible and they can essentially be considered to be

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