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wel ele gel 1) A multigravida who delivered a 7 Ib, 8 02. (3,200g) infant at term is a candidate for early postpartal discharge 12 hours after delivery. An essential nursing assessment finding before this client is discharged is 1)Establishment of lactation. 2)Return of normal bowel function. 3)Development of lochia serosa. 4) Firmness of the fundus. 2) The physician has ordered alpha-fetoprotein studies for a pregnant client. In planning instruction for the client about the purposes of the test, the nurse should include the fact that alpha-fetoprotein studies can 1)Determine the sex of the fetus. 2)Detect open neural tube defects. 3) Evaluate Rh sensitization, 4) Identify Down syndrome. 3) The nurse is caring for a multipara on the second postpartum day when the client complains of “afterpains”, The nurse would instruct the client that afterpains are most common when she 1)Is nursing the neonate. 2)Is experiencing urine retention. 3)Receive inhalation anesthesia during labor. 4)Had an episiotomy during delivery. 4) A 22-year-old female visits the prenatal clinic because she thinks she is pregnant. Of the following information about the client, which would the nurse interpret as a probable sign of Pregnancy? 1)Morning sickness. 2)Positive pregnancy test. ‘3)Amenorrhea. 4)Urinary frequency. 5) A client visits the prenatal clinic for the first time after missing two menstrual periods. She suspects she may be pregnant and tells the nurse that the 1 st day of her last menstrual period was June 30, 2001. According to Nagele’s rule, which of these dates is the client's expected date of delivery? 1)Mareh 14, 2002 2)March 30, 2002 3)April 6, 2002 4)April 13, 2002 6) At 28 weeks’ gestation, a pregnant client's laboratory values include the following: J blood: hemoglobin, 11 g/dl; hematocrit, 36% ) Urine: glucose, trace; acetone, negative; albumin, negative. ‘These results probably indicate which of the following? 1)Iron deficiency anemia 2)Preeclampsia 3)Diabetes mellitus 4)Pseudoanemia of pregnancy Scanned with CamScanner cailals gale ogaj) 7) The cervix of a client in labor is dilated 8 em. Noting that the client bears down during contractions, the nurse teaches her to avoid doing this. Which observation during the client's next contraction indicates that the teaching was effective? 1) The client pants when breathing, 2)The client holds her breath, 3) The client holds on to the side rails firmly. 4) The elient maintains a back-lying position 8) Which of the following laboratory results would be critica! for a client admitted to the labor-and- delivery unit? 1)Blood type 2)Caleium 3Iron 9) A couple tells the nurse that they wish to use the rhythm method of birth control. The wife tells the nurse that she menstruates every 32 days. The nurse should teach the couple that, based on this cyele, ovulation probably occurs: 1, On the 14th day of the cycle 2,10 days after the first day of bleeding 3. 14 days before the start of the next menses. 4.2 to 3 days after the last day of menstrual bleeding 10) Ata client's first prenatal visit, the nurse midwife performs a pelvic examination, The nurse states that the client's cervix is bluish purple, which is known as Chadwick's sign, The client becomes concemed and asks if something is wrong, The nurse replies, “It is a normal finding and: 1, Helps confirm your pregnancy," 2. Is not unusual even in women who are not pregnant.” 3. Occurs because the blood is trapped by 4. Is caused by increased blood flow to the uterus during pregnanc 1I)A client at 7 weeks’ gestation tells the nurse in the prenatal clinic that she has been bothered by episodes of nausea, but no vomiting, throughout the day. The nurse should recommend: 1, "Take low-sodium antacids after meals. 2. "Drink carbonated beverages with meal 4. "Eat toast or dry crackers in the morning before rising.” 12) A woman is admitted in labor and is diagnosed with herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) with active lesions in the perineal area. The nurse's plan of care should include: 1) Withholding the intake of oral fluids 2) Obtaining a permit for a paracervical block 3)Instructing her on bottle-feeding techniques 4) Applying moist compresses to the perineal area 13) A pregnant woman at term is admitted to the binhing center. She is 100% effuced, 3 cm dilated, aad at +1 station. Based on this assessment, the nurse identifies the client's labor as: 1)First stage 2)Latent stage 3)Second stage 4) Transitional stage Scanned with CamScanner ell gale cyl 14) A client in active labor has a cervix that is dilated 3 cm, The nurse supports her by reinforcing the breathing technique of: 1)Pant-blow breathing 2)Slow chest breathing 3)Rapid chest breathing 4)Slow abdominal breathing 15) In the second stage of labor the nurse should plan to discourage a pregnant client from holding her breath more than 6 seconds while pushing with each contraction to prevent: 1)Fetal hypoxia 2)Perineal lacerations 3)Carpopedal spasms 4)Maternal hypertension 16) When a client in labor to: 1) Flush the IV tubing if the flow slows 2)Monitor fetal heart tones every 2 hours 3)Shut off the infusion in the presence of hypertonic contractions 4) Obtain a physician's order to slow the IV in the presence of hypertonic contractions being infused with oxytocin (Pitocin), itis the nurse's responsibility 17) The presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is the reason for a positive pregnancy test. During pregnancy this hormone is produced by the: 1)Ovary 2)Decldua 3)Chorionte villi 4)Pituitary gland 18) The nurse should explain to the newly pregnant primigravida that the fetal heartbeat will first be heard with: 1, A fetoscope around 8 weeks 2.A fetoscope at 12 to 14 weeks 3. An electronic Doppler after 17 weeks 4. An electronic Doppler at 10 to 12 weeks 19) An operating room nurse is opposed to abortion based on moral principles. When assigned 10 circulate for a pregnancy termination ease, the nurse should take which of the following actions? 1)Discuss her beliefs with the patient 2)Ask the supervisor to assign another nurse to the case 3) Request an ethles panel be convened to review the case 4)Leave the room during the time that the fetus is aborted 20) Which of the following statements by a 25-year-old woman indicates that she understands breast self-examination (BSE)? 1)"L will perform BSE every three months’ 2)""I will wear latex gloves when doing BS 3)""I will do complete BSE on both breasts seven to 10 days after menses onset" 4)" will use the palms of my hands to perform BSE", Scanned with CamScanner wall gale oyail 21) The patient is hospitalized for the treatment of severe preeclampsia. Which of the following clinical manifestations would the nurse consider indicative of progression of the patient's condition? 1)Generalized edema 2)Proteinuria 3)Elevated blood pressure 4)Selzure netivity 22) Which of the following statements, if made by a patient who is constipated during pregnancy, indicates a correct understanding of the nurse's self-care instructions? 1)" will drink an 8-07 glass of water each day", 2)"I plan to Increase my iron supplements to twice a day now". 3)" am so happy that I can now eat four bananas a day". 4)"I can take a brisk walk for one mile each day". 23) A 33-week antepartal patient was involved in a two-car motor vehicle crash. The nurse should assess this patient for which of the following complications that would most likely cause both maternal and fetal mortality? 1)Placenta previa 2)Premature labor 3)Spontaneous abortion 4)Uterine rupture 24) A client at 10 weeks’ gest: tells the nurse that she voids often, without dysuria, and would like to know what to do. The nurse is aware that this client will have to: 1, Decrease her fluid intake 2. Contact her practitioner as soon as possible 3. Maintain increased fluid intake during the day 4. Try to resist the urge to void as long as possible 25) A primigravida at 34 weeks gestation tells the nurse that although she is wearing low-heeled shoes and avoiding heavy lifting, she is beginning to experience some lower back pain, After discussing correct body mechanics, the nurse should recommend that the client; 1, Wear a maternity girdle while awake 2. Sleep flat on her back with her feet elevated 3, Perform pelvic tilt exercises several times a day 4, Take twa acetaminophen (Tylenol) tablets at the start of back pain 26) The nurse should carry out which of the following interventions first when caring for a patient ‘experiencing variable decelerations during labor? 1)Encourage the patient to breathe deeply 2)Administer oxygen, 2 L/min via face mask 3)Reposition the patient onto her left side 4)Cleanse the perineum in preparation for delivery 27) The nurse is aware that a client, at 40 weeds’ gestation, is experiencing true labor if: 1, Cervical dilation has occurred 2. Her membranes have ruptured 3. The contractions become more intense 4, The fetal heart rate baseline decreases Scanned with CamScanner le gale pei 28) After an 8-hour, uneventful labor a client delivers a baby boy spontaneously under epidural block anesthesia. As the nurse places the baby in the mother's arms immediately following delivery, the mother asks, “Is he normal”? The mast appropriate response by the nurse would be: “Most babies are normal; of course he is", “He must be all right; he has such a good strong cry", "Yes, beeause your pregnancy and labor were so normal", “Shall we unwrap him so you can look him over for yourself"? 29) During pregnancy, the werine musculature hypertrophies and is greatly stretched as the fetus grows. This stretchiny 1By itself inhibits uterine contraction until oxytocin stimulates the birth process 2)Is prevented from stimulating uterine contraction by high levels of estrogen during late pregnancy 3)Inhibits uterine contraction along with the combined inhibitory effects of estrogen and progesterone 4) Would ordinarily stimulate uterine contraction but Is prevented by high levels of progesterone during pregnancy 30) The nurse is aware that one of the factors influencing the availability of milk in the lactating woman is the: 1Amount of erectile tissue in the nipples 2)Age of the woman at the time of delivery 3)Attitude of the woman's family toward breastfeeding 4)Amount of milk and milk products consumed during pregnancy 31) An adolescent primigravid client at 20-week's gestation weighs 120 pounds, having gained only 5 pounds since becoming pregnant. She states, “I haven't had any appetite”. Which of the following ‘would be the most appropriate nursing diagnosis for this client? 1. Knowledge deficit about fetal development ns evidenced by lack of sufficient weight gain 2. Noncompliance with diet related to fear of body image changes 3. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to lack of appetite 4. Chronic low self-esteem related to poor appetite and decreased weight gain 32) On entering the room of a client who has undergone a D&C for spontaneous abortion, the nurse finds the client erying. Which of the following comments by the nurse would be most appropriate? 1, Are you having a great deal of uterine pain? 2. Often spontaneous abortion means a defective embryo 3. I'mtruly sorry you lost your baby 4. You should try to get pregnant again as soon as possible 33) The nurse is interpreting the results of a nonstress test (NST) on a client at 41 weeks’ gestation. After 20 minutes, the result that would be suggestive of fetal reactivity is: 1. Absent long-term variability 2. Above average fetal baseline heart rate 3. No late decelerations associated with contractions 4, Two accelerations of 15 beats per minute lasting 15 seconds Scanned with CamScanner athe gale pai 34) A multigravid client is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. The nurse anticipates that, because the client's fallopian tube has not yet ruptured, which of the following may be ordered? 1, Progestin contraceptive (Hylutin) 2, Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) 3. Methotrexate 4. Dyphylline (Dilor) 35) When a client, at 39 weeks’ gestation, arrives at the birthing suite she says, “I have been having contractions for 3 hours and I think my membranes have ruptured.” When confirming if the membranes have ruptured, the nurse should: 1, Test the leaking fluid with nitrazine paper and observe the color changes 2. Take the client's temperature because ruptured membranes predispose to Infection 3. Avold performing a vaginal examination to prevent the introduction of microorganisms 4, Have the client provide a clean-catch urine specimen and send it to the laboratory for a culture 36) A multigravid client is admitted to the labor area from the emergency room. At the time of To help the client remain calm and cooperative during the imminent delivery, which of the following response by the nurse would be most appropriate? 1, You're right, the baby is coming, so just relax 2. Please don't push because you'll tear your cervix ‘Your doctor will be here as soon ns possible 4. I'llexplain what's happening to guide you as we go along 37) A multigravid client in active labor at term is diagnosed with polyhydramnios. The physician has instructed the client about possible neonatal complications related to the polyhydramnios. The nurse determines that the client has understood the instructions when the client states that polyhydramnios is associated with which of the following in the fetus or neonate? 1, Renal dysfunetion 2. Intrauterine growth retardation Pulmonary hypoplasia strointestinal disorders 38) A nurse helps a client to the bathroom to void several times during the first stage of labor, This is done because a full bladder: 1, Is often Injured during labor 2, May Inhibit the progress of labor 3. Jeopardizes the status of the fetus 4, Predisposes the client to urinary infection 39) As the nurse inspects the perineum of a client who has been admitted in active labor, the client suddenly turns pale and says she feels as if she is going to faint even though she is lying Nat on her back. The nurse should: 1, Elevate her feet 2. Elevate her head 3. Turn her on her left side 4, Start oxygen via a face mask Scanned with CamScanner ell gale yi! 40) The labor and delivery room nurse has received a telephone eall from the emergency room indicating that a multigravid client in early labor and diagnosed with probable placenta previa will be arriving soon. In preparation for the client's arrival, the nurse anticipates that the physician will ‘order which of the following? 1, Whole blood replacement 2. Continuous blood pressure monitoring 3. Internal fetal heart rate monitoring 4. An immediate cesarean delivery 41) Which of the following client statements indicates effective teaching about burping a breast-fed neonate’ 1, Breast-fed bables who are burped frequently will take more on each breast 2. If Tsupplement the baby with formula, I will rarely have ¢o burp him 3. I'll breast-feed my baby every 3 hours so I won't have to burp him 4. When I switch to the other breast, I'll burp the baby 442) A vaginal examination reveals that a client's cervix is 90% effaced and 6 em dilated. The head is at station 0, and the fetus is in an ROA position, The contractions are occurring every 3 to 4 minutes, are lasting 60 seconds, and are of moderate intensity, From these data the nurse assesses that the client is: 1, Early in the first stage of labor 2. In the transition phase of labor 3. Beginning the second stage of Inbor 4, Midway through the first stage of labor 43) A.19-year-old primiparous client delivered a viable male neonate 2 hours ago. She has decided to breast-feed, and her 22-year-old husband supports her decision. The neonate has a strong sucking reflex. Which of the following would be a priority nursing di 1, Ineffective Role Performance related to time Involved In breast-feeding 2. Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to neonate’s sucking needs 3. Deficient Knowledge related to inexperience with breast-feeding 4. Fear related to lack of motivation about breast-feeding, 44) Assessment findings of Leopold's mancuvers reveal a soft, rounded mass in the fundus, irregular nodules on the right side, and a hard prominence on the left, just above the symphysis. Which of the following accurately describes the fetal presentation and position? 1)Right sacrum posterior (RSP). 2)Left sacrum anterior (LSA). 3)Right occiput posterior (ROP). 4) Left occiput anterior (LOA). 45) IF the fetus is LOA, in which maternal location should the nurse anticipate finding the fetal heart tones (FHR)? 1)Below the umbilicus on the left side, 2)Below the umbilicus on the right si 3) Above the umbilicus on the left side. 4) Above the umbilicus on the right side, 46) During labor a client begins to experience dizziness and tingling of her hands, The nurse instructs the client to: 1, Pant during the next three contractions 2. Hold her breath with the next contraction 3. Use a fast, deep or shallow breathing pattern 4, Breathe into her cupped hands or a paper bag 7 Scanned with CamScanner well gale oyeil 47) A client's membranes rupture. The nurse, observing an abrupt deceleration in the fetal heart rate, inspects the vaginal area and notes a prolapsed cord. The nurse should immediately: 1, Administer oxygen by face mask at 7 L per minute 2. Elevate the presenting part off the cord until birth 3. Notify the physician of the findings of the examination 4. Instruct the client to assume a dorsal recumbent position: 48) During an 8-month prenatal visit a client complains of discomfort with Braxton Hicks contractions. The nurse should instruct her to: 1, Lie down until they stop 2. Time them for at least 1 hour 3. Walk around until they subside 4. Take 10 grains of aspirin for the discomfort 49) The nurse is observing the electronic fetal monitor as a client in labor enters the second stage. ‘The nurse identifies early decelerations of the fetal heart rate with return to baseline at the end of each contraction. This usually indicates: 1. Fetal acidosis 2, Fetal cord prolapse 3. Maternal hypotension 4, Fetal head compression 50) A maternity nurse is teaching a pregnant woman about the physiological effects and hormone changes that occur in pregnancy. The woman asks the nurse about the purpose of estrogen. The nurse plans to base the response on which of the following purposes of this hormone? 1. It maintains the uterine lining for implantation 2. It stimulates metabolism of glucose and converts the glucose to fat 3. It prevents the involution of the corpus luteum and maintains the production of Progesterone until the placenta is formed 4. It stimulates uterine development to provide an environment for the fetus, and stimulates the breasts to prepare for lactation $1) Immunity transferred to the fetus from an immune mother through the placenta is: 1. Active natural immunity 2. Active artificial immunity 3. Passive natural immunity 4. Passive artificial immunity 52) A client gives birth to an 8-pound baby. Ten minutes after the birth, the placenta has not yet separated. The nurse should expect to: 1. Administer a second dose of oxytocin 2. Apply fundal pressure to stimulate separation 3. Continue to assess the client for signs of separation 4. Prepare a consent form because manual removal is indicated 53) Five minutes after a birth, the nurse midwife assesses that the client's placenta is separating when: 1. The fundus becomes completely relaxed 2. There is a lengthening of the umbilical cord 3. The client complains of severe abdominal pain 4, Bright red blood continually seeps out of the vaginal opening 8g Scanned with CamScanner well gale oyail 54) Typical signs of drug dependence in babies result from withdrawal and usually begin within 24 hours after birth. The nurse should observe the babies of suspected or known drug users for: 1, Hyperactivity 2. Hypotonicity of muscles 3. Prolonged periods of steep 4. Dehydration and constipation 55) The large amount of progesterone secreted during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle is responsible for: 1. The onset of ovulation 2. The regulation of menstruation 3. The incidence of capillary fragility 4. Sustaining the thick endometrium of the uterus 56) One hour after a birth, the nurse palpates a clicnt’s fundus to determine if involution is taking place. The fundus is firm, in the midline, and two finger-breadths below the umbilicus, Based on these findings the nurse should: 1. Encourage the client to void 2. Notify the practitioner immediately 3. Massage the uterus and attempt (o express clots 4, Identify this as expected and continue periodic assessments 57) The plan of care for a client with osteoporosis includes active and passive exercises, calcium supplements, and daily vitamins. The desired effect of therapy would be noted by the nurse if the client: 1. Increased mobility 2. Experienced fewer muscular spasms 3. Had fewer bruises than on admission 4. Developed fewer cardiac irregularities 58) Twelve hours after a spontaneous birth, a client's temperature is 100.4°F., The nurse recognizes that this elevation probably is an indication of: 1. Mastitis 2. Dehydration 3. Puerperal infection 4, Urinary tract infection 59) An amniocentesis done on a client, 16 weeks’ gestation, reveals a Down syndrome infant. The Client and her husband elect to have the pregnancy terminated, The nurse giving care to a client whose pregnancy is surgically terminated should be aware that: 1. The risk of postoperative Infeetion Is high 2. The client is emotionally unstable at this time 3. Contraceptive counseling should be deferred to a later time 4. The client needs to express her feelings of gullt, anger, and frustration 60) Which of the following observations of a mother who had a healthy baby 48 hours ago would alert a nurse's concern about the mother's attachment with the newborn? 1)She expresses difficulty in finding a name for the newborn 2)She requests that the father change the newborn's diaper 3)She stares out the window while feeding the newborn 4)She hesitates in cleaning the newborn's umbilical cord Scanned with CamScanner well ele api) 61) Which of the following manifestations, in a woman who delivered a newbom 36 hours ago, ‘would lead a nurse to suspect the woman may be experiencing postpartum depression? 1)Expressing concern about taking the infant home 2)Delaying her morning shower 3)Exhibiting prolonged periods of fatigue 4)Asking repeated questions about infant care 62) All of the following hematology values are obtained from a woman who is 24 hours Postpartum, Which of the following values should concem the nurse? 1)Hemoglobin of 9 g/dL. 2)White blood cell count of 15,000/cu mm_ 3)Platelet count of 152,000/cu mm 4)Red blood cell count of 4.2 million/eu mm. 63) A multiparous woman delivered a 30 weeks" gestation stillborn infant. Which of the following actions would a nurse take initially to foster the mental health of the woman? 1)Encourage the woman to seck genetic counseling 2)Have a picture of the woman's other child brought to the hospital 3)Offer the woman an opportunity to sce and hold the infant 4)Make arrangements for a member of the clergy to visit the woman 64) A woman who is in preterm labor is receiving magnesium sulfate for which of the following purposes? 1)To enhance fetal lung maturity 2)To prevent seizures 3)To improve urine output 4)To control uterine contraction patterns 65) Which of the following clients would the nurse prepare for an emergency cesarean delivery? 1)A woman who has a prolapsed cord 2)A woman with a twin gestation 3)A woman who has meconium-stained amniotic fluid 4)A woman who has a nonreactive nonstress test 66) A woman who is at 32 weeks" gestation has had ruptured membranes for 26 hours. A nurse ‘would assess the woman for which of the following manifestations’? 1Proteinuria 2)Dependent edema 3)Constipation 4)Elevated temperature 67) Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be given priority in the care of a laboring woman who is about to receive epidural analgesia? 1)Knowledge deficit 2)Anxiety 3)Fluld volume deficit 4)Activity Intolerance 10 Scanned with CamScanner tlle gale opi! 68) A woman who is one hour postpartum afler a vaginal delivery is experiencing heavy vaginal bleeding. Which of the following actions would a nurse take first? 1) Initiate a perineal pad count 2) Assess the location of the bladder 3) Obtain vital signs 4) Massage the uterine fundus 69) Which of the following observations of a mother who delivered a healthy baby 48 hours ago indicates that the woman is developing a positive attachment to the newborn? 1)She requests that the nurse feed the newborn 2)She expresses difficulty in finding a name for the newborn 3)She touches the newborn using her fingertips 4)She allows the newborn to ery for several minutes 70) A statement by a breastfeeding mother that the let-down reflex has been successful will: 1, Take a cool shower before each feeding.” 2. Drink a least 2 quarts of low-fat milk m day." 3. Wear a snug,fitting breast binder day and night." 4. Apply warm packs and massage my breasts before each feeding.” cates that the nurse's teaching about stimulating 71) Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be given priority in the care plan of a pregnant woman who is experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum? 1)Dental 2)Fluid volume deficit 3)Self-esteem disturbance 4) Altered oral mucous membranes 72) The purpose of performing a nonstress test (NST) on a pregnant woman is to: 1)Diagnose fetal asphyxia. 2) Identify fetal cardiac abnormalities. 3)Determine fetal well-being. 4) Evaluate fetal response to contractions, 73) Because a woman is receiving oxytocin (Pitocin) for induction of labor, it is essent nurse to monitor 1)Fundal height, 2)Patellar reflexes. 3) Cervical changes. 4) Level of consciousness. for the 74) A client who has been breastfeeding her newborn every 3 hours develops sore nipples. ‘The nurse should plan to teach her how to decrease nipple soreness by: 1, Using breast shields at each feeding 2. Changing nursing positions during each feeding 3. Washing the nipples with mild soap and rinsing with warm water 4, Allowing Just the edge of the nipple to be placed in the baby's mouth Scanned with CamScanner well gale oye] 75) A primigravida who delivers is noted to have a vaginal monilial infection. Therefore, it is important for the nurse to monitor the baby for symptoms of 1)Millia 2)Thrush 3)Impegito 4) Otitis media 76)When obtaining the health history from a client who is seeking contraceptive information, the nurse should consider that oral contraceptives are contraindicated for a client who: 1)Is older than 30 years 2)Smokes a pack of cigarettes per day 3)Has a history of borderline hypertension 4)Has had at least one multiple pregnancy ‘Ti)When counseling the client with diahetes mellitus who requests contraceptive information, it ‘would be most therapeutic for the nurse to focus on: DRhythm 2)The IUD 3)A diaphragm 4)Oral contraceptive 78)A client asks the nurse about the use of an intrauterine deviee (IUD) for contraception. When discussing this method with the client, the nurse includes that a common problem with IUDs i: 1) Expulsion of the device 2)Oceasional dyspareunia ‘3)Perforation of the uterus 4) Frequent vaginal infections 79) A primagravida with pregestational type 1 diabetes is at her first prenatal visit. When discussing changes in insulin needs during pregnancy and after birth, the nurse explains that based on her blood glucose levels she should expect to increase her insulin dosage between the: 1, 10th and 12th weeks of gestation 2. 18th and 22nd weeks of gestation 3. 24th and 28¢ weeks of gestation 4, 36th week of gestation and the time of birth 80) While teaching a prenatal class to future parents the nurse emphasizes that smoking during Pregnancy can cause the newborn to have: 1. Low birth weight 2. Facial abnormalities 3. Chronic lung problems 4. Hypoglycemic reactions 81) A pregnant client who has one living child resulting from a full-term pregnancy has also had two spontaneous abortions. She is recorded as being: 1)Gravida IV, para T 2)Gravida I, para IV 3)Gravida II, para II 4)Gravida IIL, para IT n Scanned with CamScanner cable gate spl 82) The nurse should plin to teach a client who is to have an amniocentesis that ultrasonography will be performed just before the procedures determine the: 1. Fetal gestational age 2, Location of the umbilical cord 3. Amount of fluid in the amniotic sac 4, Position of the fetus and the placenta 83)An infant bor in a birthing center is experiencing respiratory distress and is being transferred to 1 regional neonatal intensive care unit. The nursing action that would best promote parent-infant attachment would be: 1)Encouraging the parents to call their infant by name 2)Allowing the parents to hold their infant before departure 3)Giving the parents a picture of their infant in the intensive care unit 4) Instructing the parents to phone the neonatal intensive care unit dal 84) During labor, a client tells the nurse that she and her husband are very concemed because the baby is coming a whole month early. The nurse's best response would be: 1)"Your physician fs very good; try not to worry about it now", 2)"'I don't blame you for feeling worried; tell me your concern: 3)""I can understand why you and your husband are so worried’ 4)"Don't worry; the care of preterm babies has greatly improved", 85) The nurse is aware that babies bom to very young mothers are al risk for neglect or abuse because adolescents characteristically: 1)Do not plan for their pregnancies 2)Cannot anticipate the baby's necds 3)Are involved in seeking their awn identity 4)Resent having to give constant care to the baby 86)The nurse would know that a client taking oral contraceptives understood the teaching about the estrogen when the client indicates that the most common side effect of the estrogen would be: 1)Amenorrhea 2)Hypomenorrhea 3) Nausea and vomiting 4)Depression and lethargy 87)The nurse evaluates that a client understands the teaching about oral contraception when the client states that she will immediately cease taking the pill if she experiences: 1)Chest pain 2)Menorrhagia 3)Mittelschmerz 4)Increased leucorrhea care 2. Encouraging fluids every hour 3. Changing the abdominal dressing 4. Observing for signs of uterine contractions 13 Scanned with CamScanner aalale gale wyssl £89) A client with frank vaginal bleeding is admitted to the birthing unit at 30 weeks’ gestation, The admission data indicate BP, 110770; P, 90; R, 22; FHR, 132 and regular; uterus nontender and! no ons, and membranes are intact, Based on this information, the nurse suspects that this client 1, Preterm labor 2, Uterine inertia 3. Placenta previa 4. Abruptio placentae 90) The murse understands that when magnesium sulfate is given to clients with pregnancy-induced hypertension, it can build to toxic levels. The nurse should withhold the drug and notify the HCP if an assessment of the client reveals: 1)Respirations of 10/min 2)A BP of 140/100 mm Hg 3)Urinary output of 30 mime 4)Deep tendon reflexes of +2 9I)A client with a large fetus is to have a pudendal block during the second s nurse plans to instruct the client that once the block is working she: 1) Will not feel an episiotomy 2)May lose the abllity to push 3)May lose bladder sensation 4) Will no longer feel contractions ge of labor. The 92) IF the practitioner plans to do a speculum examination of a client with » marginal placenta previa, the nurse should have available: 1, One unit of freeze-dried plasma 2. Vitamin K for intramuscular injection 3. Two units of typed and screened blood 4, Heparin sodium for intravenous injection 93) A pregnant client is experiencing nausea and vomiting, The nurse is aware that this discomfort: 1)Is always present in early pregnancy 2)Will disappear when lightening occurs 3)Is a common response to an unwanted pregnancy 4)May be related to the HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level 94) The nurse is aware that absorption of drugs taken orally during pregnancy may be altered as the result of: 1)Delayed gastrointestinal emptying 2)Decreased glomerular filtration rates 3)Developing fetal-placental circulation 4) Increased secretion of hydrochloric acid 95) The nurse recognizes that stimulation of labor with an oxytocin infusion would be contraindicated if the client had: 1. Diabetes 2. Mild preeclampsia |. Total placenta previa |. Premature rupture of the membranes 4 Scanned with CamScanner lel gale gail 96) A multipara, whose membranes have ruptured, is ad breech presentation, cervical dilation at 3 em, and fetal st nurse to assess the client for: 1. Vaginal bleeding 2. Urinary tract infection 3. Prolapse of the umbilical cord 4. Meconium in the amniotic fluid tted in early labor. Assessment reveals a at -2. It is most important for the 97) For a client with a fetus in the left sacrum position, the nurse should place the fetal heart transducer on the client's abdomen in the: 1)Left lower quadrant 2)Left upper quadrant 3)Right upper quadrant 4)Midline of the lower quadrant 98)When doing Leopold's maneuvers on a client who has just been admitted to the labor room suite, the nurse notes the presence of firm round prominence over the pubic symphysis, a smooth convex structure down her right side, imegular lumps down her left side, and a soft roundness in the fundus. The nurse should conclude that the fetal position is: 1)RSA 2)LOA 3)LOP 4)ROA 99) When caring for a client with type 1 diabetes on the first postpartum day, the nurse expects her insulin requirements 1. Slowly decrease 2 Quickly inerease 3. Suddenly decrease 4. Remain unchanged 100) After a client's membranes rupture spontancously, the nurse observes the umbilical cord protruding from the vagina, The nursing action that should receive the highest priority in this situation is: 1)Raising the foot of the bed 2)Administering oxygen by mask 3)Auscultating the fetal heart tones 4) Preparing for a cesarean delivery 101) A client's membranes rupture during the transition phase of labor and the amniotic fluid appears pale green. Because of this finding, at delivery the nurse should be prepared to: 1)Stimulate the baby to ery 2)Administer oxygen by face mask 3)Put a moist saline dressing on the cord stump 4)Provide for suctioning of the oropharynx when the head emerges 102) The nurse client: 1)Breast-fed in the delivery room 2)Received a pudendal block for delivery 3)Delivered a baby who weighed 9 Ib, 8 oz 4)Had 9 third stage of labor that lasted 10 minutes aware that a client could be at inereased risk for postpartum hemorrhage if the Is Scanned with CamScanner wale gale sel 103) After delivery, n client tells the nurse, *I'm so cold, and I can't stop shaking”. The nurse should tell the client: 1)"I am going to Lake your blood pressure and pulse’ 2)"Let me check your fundus to see whether it Is firm", 3)"Please turn on your side so I can check the mount of lochla”. 4)" will put some warm blankets on you; the chill will subside soon". 104) A primipara has a right mediolateral episiotomy following a vaginal delivery of an 8 Ib baby. While assisting the client with a sitz bath, the nurse recalls that a mediolateral episiotomy is associated with: 1)Less swelling 2)More comfort 3)Less bleeding 4)More infections 105) The type of lochia the nurse should expect to observe on the fifth postpartum day is 1)Scant alba 2)Scant rubra 3)Moderate rubra 4)Moderate serosa 106) A few weeks after discharge, a postparal client develops mastitis and telephones for advice concerning breast-feeding. The nurse should tell the client to: 1)Start to wean the baby from the breast because it will reduce the pain 2)Get an antibiotic from the physician and start the baby on bottle feedings 3)Pump her breasts and wear a tight-fitting bra to suppress milk production 4)Breast-feed often because this will keep the breasts empty and reduce pain 107) While a multiparous client is in active labor her membranes rupture spontaneously, and the nurse observes a loop of umbilical cord protruding from her vagina, The priority nursing action should be directed toward: 1, Monitoring the fetal heart rate 2. Covering the cord with a wet saline dressing 3. Maving the cord away from the presenting part 4, Holding the presenting part away from the cord 108) The nurse gently performs Leopold's maneuvers on a client with a suspected placenta previa and expects to find the: 1)Fetal head firmly engaged 2)Small fetal parts difficult to palpate 3)Uterus hard and tetanteally contracted 4)Fetal presenting part high and floating 109) The nurse is aware that the client most likely to be predisposed to placenta previa would be a: 1)19-year-old, gravida 1, para 0 2)25-year-old, gravida 2, para 1 3)40-year-old, gravida 2, para 1 4)30-year-old, gravida 6, para 5 16 Scanned with CamScanner well gale geil 110) After a client has a spontaneous abortion, the nurse notes that the involved couple are visibly upset. The husband has tears in his eyes and the wife has her face tuned toward the wall and is sobbing quietly. The nurse's best approach would be to go ever to the woman and say: 1)"I know that you are upset now, but hopefully you will become pregnant again very soon". 2)"T sce that both of you are very upset. I brought you a glass of juice and will be here If you want to talk". 3)"I_ know how you feel, but you should not be so upset nov for you to get well quickly" 4)"I can understand that you are upset, but be glad it happened early in your pregnancy and not after you carried the baby for the full time". will make it more difficult 111) A client is admitted with the diagnosis of placenta previa. The nurse is aware that this. diagnosis usually is confirmed by: 1. A laparoscopy 2. A nonstress test 3. An ultrasonogram 4. An amniocentesis 112) After doing Leopold's mancuvers on a laboring client, the nurse determines that the fetus is in the ROP position. To best auscultate the fetal heart tones, the Doppler is placed: 1)Above the umbilicus in the midline 2)Above the umbilicus on the left side 3)Below the umbilicus on the right side 4)Below the umbilicus near the left groin 113) Before advising a 24-year-old client desiring oral contraceptives for family planning, the nurse would assess the client for signs and symptoms of which of the following? 1. Anemia 2. Hypertension 3. Dysmenorrhea 4. Acne vulgaris 114) A newly diagnosed pregnant client tells the nurse “If 1am going 10 have all of these discomforts, Ham not sure I want to be pregnant”. The nurse interprets the client's statement as an indication of which of the following? 1. Fear of pregnancy outcome 2. Rejection of the pregnancy 3. Normal ambivalence 4. Inability to care for the newborn 115) A client, approximately 11 weeks pregnant, and her husband are seen in the antepartal clinic, ‘The client's husband tells the nurse that he has been experiencing nausea and vomiting and fatigue along with his wife. The nurse interprets these findings as suggesting that the elient husband is. experiencing which of the following? 1. Pryallism 2. Mittelschmerz 3. Couvade syndrome 4. Pica Scanned with CamScanner tlle gale oye) 116) The nurse instructs a primigravid client about the importance of sufficient vitamin A in her dict. The nurse knows that the instructions have been effective when the client indicates that she should include which of the following in her diet” 1. Butter milk and cheese 2. Strawberries and cantaloupe 3. Egg yolks and squash 4, Oranges and tomatoes 117) When performing Leopold's maneuvers, which of the following would the nurse ask the client to do to ensure optimal comfort and accuracy? 1, Breathe deeply for 1 minute 2. Empty her bladder 3. Drinks a full glass of water 4, Lie on her left side 118) As the nurse enters the room of a newly admitted primigravid client diagnosed with severe preeclampsia, the client begins to experience a seizure. Which of the following should the nurse do first? 1. Insert an airway to improve oxygenation 2. Note the time when the seizure begins and ends 3. Call for immediate assistance 4, Turn the client to her left side 119) Before administering IV magnesium sulfate therapy to a client with preeclampsia, the nurse should assess the client's: 1. Temperature and respirations 2. Urinary glucose and specific gravity 3. Urinary output and patellar reflexes |. Level of consciousness and funduscopic appearance 120) A multigravid client at 34 weeks' gestation is being treated with indomethacin (Indocin) to halt preterm labor. If the client should deliver a preterm infant, the nurse would notify the nursery [personal about this therapy because of the possibility for which the following? 1, Pulmonary hypertension 2. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) 3. Hyperbilirubinema 4, Cardiomyopathy 121) A primigravid client in the second stage of labor feels the urge to push. The client has had no analgesia or anesthesia. Anatomically, which of the following would be the best position for the client to assume? 1. Dorsal recumbent 2. Lithotomy 3. Hands and knees 4. Squatting 122) A primigravid client in early labor asks the nurse what effleurage means. The nurse explains that efMleurage is a type of massage involving which of the following? 1. Deep kneading of superficial muscles 2. Secure grasping of muscular tissues 3. Light stroking of the skin surface 4. Prolonged pressure on specific sites Scanned with CamScanner wll gale ceil 123) A primigravid client in active labor has had no anesthesia. The client's cervix is 7 dilated, and she is stanting to feel considerable discomfort during contractions. The nurse suggests that the client change from slow chest breathing to which of the following? 1, Rapid, shallow chest breathing 2. Deep chest breathing Rapid pant-blow breathing 4, Slow abdominal breathing 124) The physician plans to perform an amniotomy on a multiparous client admitted to the labor area at 41 weeks’ gestation for labor induction. After the amniotomy, which of the following would the nurse expect do first? 1, Monitor the client's contraction pattern 2. Assess the fetal heart rate for 1 full minute 3. Assess the client’s temperature and pulse 4. Document the color of the amniotic fluid 125) An amniotomy is performed to stimulate labor in a client who is at 42 weeks’ gestation, Immediately after this procedure, the nurse should observe for: 1. Prolapse of the umbilical cord 2. Increased fetal heart rate tracings 3. Decreased maternal blood pressure 4. Acceleration of the maternal heart rate 126) An adolescent primiparous client at 24 hours postpartum tells the nurse that she and her baby will be living with her boyfriend's parents so that she can finish high school and go on to college. The client's boyfriend and parents have been supportive of the client and neonate. Which of the following would be an appropriate nursing diagnosis at this time?” 1. Anxiety related to return to high school and peer pressure 2. Ineffective Coping related to inability to view motherhood realistically 3. Readiness for Enhanced Family Coping, related to the addition of a new family member 4, Deficient Knowledge related to the financial and emotional costs of childrearing 127) A primiparous client who is beginning to breast-feed her neonate asks the nurse “is it important for my baby to get colostrum?” When instructing the client, the nurse would explain that colostrum provides the neonate with which of the following? 1, More fat than breast milk 2. Vitamin K, which the neonate lacks 3. Delayed meconium passage 4. Passive immunity from maternal antibodies 128) After the nurse counsels a primiparous client who is breast-feeding her nconate about diet and nutritional needs during the lactation period, which of the folloy client statements indi reed for additional teaching? 1. need fo inerease my intake of vitamin D 2. Ishould drink five glasses of fluid daily 3. Ineed to get an extra 00 calories per day 4, Inced to make sure I have enough calcium in my diet 19 Scanned with CamScanner atl gale ays 129) While assisting a primiparous client with her first breast-feeding session, which of the following actions would the nurse instruct the mother to do to stimulate the neonate to open the mouth and grasp nipple? 1. Pull down gently on the neonate’s chin and insert the nipple 2, Squeeze both of the neonate’s cheeks simultaneously 3. Place the nipple into the neonate's mouth on top of the tongue 4. Brush the neonate’s lips lightly with the nipple 130) A perinatal it is admitted to the obstetric unit during an exacerbation of a heart condition, When planning for the nutritional requirements of the client, the nurse consults the dietitian to ensure which of the following? 1. A low calorie diet to ensure absence of weight gain 2. A diet low in Muids and fiber to decrease blood volume 3. A diet high in Mids and fiber to decrease constipation 4, Unlimited sodium intake to increase circulating blood volume 131) A client at 36 hours postpartum is being treated with IV heparin for left calf deep vein thrombosis. While monitoring the client, which would be of most concem to the nurse? 1. Dyspnea 2. Pulse rate of 62 3. Blood pressure of 136/88 4, Positive left leg Homans’ sign 132) The best place for the nurse to assess adequate tissue oxygenation in a neonate born of black parents is the: 1, Heels and buttocks 2. Upper tips of the ears 3. Nail beds on the hands and feet 4, Mucous membranes of the mouth 133) The client is in the active stage of labor. The monitor strip shows a late deceleration. The ‘nurse should plan to do which of the following? 1. Give oxygen via face mask as prescribed ‘2. Turn the client on her back 3. Prepare for immediate birth 4. Increase the rate of an IV oxytocin infusion 134) In caring for a preterm newbom’s skin, the nurse must understand the special characteristics that exist. These include: 1. A thin and gelatinous skin, with decreased amounts of subcutaneous fat and open posture 2 A thin and gelatinous skin, with Mexed posture and decreased subcutaneous fat 3. A thin and gelatinous skin, with flexed posture and increased amounts of brown fat 4. Fine, downy hair on a thin epidermal and dermal layer, with flexed posture and increased amounts of brown fat 135) A 4-day-old newborn is receiving phototherapy at home for a bilirubin level of 14 mg/dL. ‘The nurse should plan to include which of the following in the plan of care during the home visit to the client? 1. Having minimal contact with the neonate to prevent stimulation 2. Advising parents to limit newborn PO intake during phototherapy 3. Applying lotions to exposed newborn skin 4. Assessing skin integrity, and fluid and electrolyte status of the neonate 20 Scanned with CamScanner calle gale oye! 136) During the physical assessment of a recently born neonate, the nurse palpates the infant's femora! pulses. This is done to detect the presence of: 1. Atrial septal defect 2. Coarctation of the aorta 3. Patent ductus arteriosus ‘4. Ventricular septal defect 137) A female client is scheduled for a hysterectomy. When discussing the preoperative preparation, the nurse identifies that the client has inadequate understanding of the surgery. The nurse should: 1. Describe the proposed surgery to the client 2. Proceed with implementing the preoperative plan 3. Notify the surgeon that the client needs information 4. Explain to the client gently that she should have asked more questions 138) Immediately after birth, a newborn is dried before being placed in skin-to-skin contact with the mother. The drying of the newbom's skin helps to prevent body heat loss via: 1. Radiation 2. Conveetion 3. Conduction 4. Evaporation 139) A client at 16 weeks’ gestation arrives at the prenatal clinic for a routine visit. During the ‘examination the nurse observes bruises on the client's face and abdomen. There are no bruises on her legs and arms. Further assessment is required to confirm: 1. Domestic abuse 2. Hydatidiform mole 3. Gestational diabetes 4. Thrombocytopenic purpura 140) A 16-year-old girl at 28 weeks’ gestation arrives at the prenatal clinic with her mother for a routine sonogram. Before the procedure, the girl requests that the nurse not reveal the fetus’ gender if it should become apparent. Afterward the mother asks the nurse the sex of the fetus. The nurse's best response is: 1. "That information is not available at this time. 3. "Your daughter asked me not to give that information to anyone.” |. "The sex of the baby isn't the most important information to know at this time.” 141) The nurse is aware that during the taking-in phase of the postpartum period, the area of health teaching that the client will be most responsive to is: 1, Perineal care 2. Infant feeding 3. Infant hygiene 4. Family planning 142) A postpartum adolescent mother confides to the nurse that she hopes her baby will be good and sleep through the night. The nurse should plan to teach the client to: 1. Talk softly and cuddle her baby when crying occurs 2. Keep her baby awake for longer periods during the day 3. Ensure sleep by adding cereal to her baby's bedtime bottle 4. Put a soft and brightly colored toy next to her baby at bedtime 2 Scanned with CamScanner woth ete pil 143) The nurse is planning to use a newborn's foot to obtain blood for the required newborn metabolic testing. The best site to use is the: 1. Big toe 2. Foot pad 3. Inner sole 4. Outer heel 144) When first sceing her preterm infant in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), the mother immediately starts to cry and refuses to touch her baby. The nurse understands that this behavior represents: 1. A typical detachment behavior 2. An incomplete bonding behavior 3. A reaction to the NICU environment 4. An expected reaction to the situation 14S) At 1 minute after birth, a newborn's body is pink with blue extremities, the heart rate is 122, the legs are withdrawn when the soles are flicked, the respirations are easy with no evidence of distress, and the arms and legs are flexed and vigorously moving. The nurse assesses that the Apgar score is: bepe Bees 146) A common concem of the mother after an unexpected cesarean birth that the nurse should anticipate is the: 1. Postoperative pain 2. Prolonged period of hospitalization 3. Inability to assume her mothering role 4, Sense of failure in the birthing process 187) A nurse is instructing a client to cough and deep breathe after an emergency cesarean birth. ‘The client says, "Get out of here. Don't you know that I am in pain?" The most effective response should be: 1. "I'm sure you are in pain, I'll come back late! 2."Your pain Is to be expected, but you must exercise your lungs.” 3. "If you are unable to cough, try to take five or six good deep breaths.” 4. "I'll give you something for your pain. We can start the coughing tomorrow." 148) A client's newborn has a neurologic impairment. The most important nursing action should be to: 1, Assist the client with the grieving process 2. Perform neurologic assessments of the newborn every 4 hours 3. Arrange for social services to discuss possible placement of the newborn |. Obtain an order for an antidepressant to help the ellent cope with the depressing news 2 Scanned with CamScanner all ole ys) 149) While a client in the prenatal clinic is dressing at the completion of her pelvic examination, she states, "Why must Ibe pregnant now? It's the wrong time.” It would be most therapeutic for the nurse to respond: "This fs a normal response to pregnancy. 'No time Is ever the right time to be pregnant." "You do not seem to be happy about this pregnancy." ‘If you don't want to be pregnant, there are alternatives.” 150) A newborn develops jaundice 72 hours afice birth. The nurse explains to the parents that the jaundice is probably a result of: 1. An allergic response to the feedings 2. The physiologic destruction of fetal red blood cells 3. A temporary bile duct obstruction commonly found in newborns 4. Some Rh-negative blood that has remained in the neonate's bloodstream 151) In her 36th week of gestation, a client with type | diabetes has a 9-pound, 10-ounce infant by cesarean birth. When caring for an infant of a diabetic mother (IDM), the nurse should monitor for signs of: 1, Meconium ileus 2. Physiologie Jaundice 3. Increased intracranial pressure 4, Respiratory distress syndrome 152) A nurse caring for a newborn of 33 weeks’ gestation should observe the infant for: 1, Flaring nares 2. Acrocyanosis 3. Abdominal breathing 4, Respirations of 40 per minute 153) Respiratory acidosis is confirmed in a neonate with respiratory distress syndrome when the nurse notes that the laboratory report reveals: L.A pH 0f 7.35 2. A potassium level of 4.6 mEq/L. 3. An elevated Paco? of $5 mm Hg 4. An arterial 02 pressure of 80 mm Hg 184) A preterm neonate develops physiologic jaundice and phototherapy is ordered. The nurse understands that this therapy: 1. Activates the liver to dispose of the bilirubin 2. Breaks down the bilirubin into a conjugated form 3. Activates vitamin K to facilitate excretion of bilirubin 4. Dissolves the bilirubin, allowing It to be excreted by the skin 155) The nurse understands that an ABO incompatibility is most common when the mother is: ‘ype A ‘ype B 3. Type O 4. Type AB 156) A mother's laboratory results indicate the presence of cocaine and alcohol. The characteristic in her newborn that indicates to the nurse that the newborn has fetal alcohol syndrome is: 1, Cleft tip 2. Polydactyly 3. Umbilical hernia 4. Small upturned nose 23 Scanned with CamScanner alle gale opail 157) A newbom has been exposed to HIV in utero, The finding that supports a diagnosis of HIV infection in the newborn is: 1. Delays in temperature regulation 2. Continued bleeding after circumcision 3. Hypoglycemia within 12 hours after birth 4. Thrush that does not respond readily to treatment 158) A client at 12 weeks’ gestation arrives in the prenatal clinic complaining of cramping and vaginal spotting. A pelvic examination reveals that the cervix is closed. The nurse plans care based on a probable diagnosis of: 1, Missed abortion 2. Inevitable abortion 3. Incomplete abortion 4, Threatened abortion 159) A client, at 10 weeks’ gestation, phones the prenatal clinic to report that she has been experiencing some vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping. The nurse arranges for her to goto the local hospital. The vaginal examination reveals that her cervix is 2cm dilated. The nurse concludes that the client is having: 1. A septic abortion 2.A threatened abortion 3. An Inevitable abortion 4. An incomplete abortion 160) A young client tells the nurse that her mother complains about having dysmenorrhea and asks the nurse what this means. The nurse can best describe dysmenorrhea as: 1. Cessation of menstruation 2. Abnormal vaginal bleeding 3. Uterine pain with menstruation 4, Spotting between menstrual periods 161) To perform breast self-examination correctly, the nurse teaches a premenopausal female that she should be examining her breasts: 1. When she ovulates 2. The first of every month 3. The day her menses begins 4, About I week afler her period 162) A client is to receive an epidural anesthetic during labor. After it has been administered, the nurse should monitor the client for: 1, Hypertension 2. Urinary retention 3. Subnormal temperature 4, Decreased level of consciousness 163) The nurse knows that a client taking oral contraceptives understood the teaching about estrogen when the client indicates that the most common side effect of estrogen is: 1. Amenorrhea 2. Hypomenorrhea 3. Nausea and vomiting 4. Depression and lethargy 24 Scanned with CamScanner ell ele gyi 164) A 39-year-old woman who is Rh negative is seen by her primary care provider during the first trimester of pregnancy. The nurse's teaching is effective if the client understands that she will first receive Rho (D) immune globulin at: 1. 12 weeks' gestation 2. 28 weeks" gestation 3. 36 weeks" gestation 4, 40 weeks" gestation 165) A client at 32 weeks’ gestation is admitted in active labor, Her cervix is effaced and dilated, Betamethasone, 12 mg IM is ordered. The nurse should explain to the client that the medication is given to: 1, Increase cervical dilation 2. Accelerate fetal lung maturity 3. Reduce the possibility of a precipitous birth 4, Minimize the potential for maternal hypertension Scanned with CamScanner ghb ele dnt Scanned with CamScanner 152, 153. 154, 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. Scanned with CamScanner

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