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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)

Revised 11.5.18
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Brittany Clift Social Studies 6th-8th
Mentor Email School/District Date
Kings Valley Christian
Shahien Shakar October 8 , 2022 th
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical
Promoting critical thinking posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. thinking by designing structured inquires into complex problems.
T – Applying T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions
S – Exploring S - Innovating
solving, and reflection comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of and problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on
lessons. in depth analysis of content learning.
T - Explores additional instructional strategies, T- Uses data from a variety of formal and
Using a variety of
resources, and technologies in single lessons or a informal sources to learn about students and
sequence of lessons to meet student’s diverse guide selection of instructional strategies to
strategies, resources,
T- Exploring learning needs. T-Applying meet diverse learning needs.
1.4 and technologies to S- Exploring S-Integrating S - Students actively utilize a variety of
meet students’
S- Students participate in single lessons or a instructional strategies and technologies in
diverse learning
sequence of lessons related to their interests and learning that ensure equitable access to the
experiences. curriculum.
3.5 Using and T- Selects, adapts, and utilizes appropriate
T- Explores additional instructional materials,
adapting resources, instructional materials, resources, and
resources, and technologies to make subject
technologies, and technologies for concept and skill
matter accessible to students. Explores how to
standards-aligned development in subject matter. Resources
make technological resources available to all
instructional T-Exploring T-Applying reflect the diversity of the classroom and
3.5 materials including S-Applying students. S-Integrating support differentiated learning of subject
adopted materials, matter.
S- Guides students to use available print,
to make subject S- Assists student with equitable access to
electronic, and online subject matter resources
matter accessible to materials, resources, and technologies. Seeks
based on individual needs.
all students outside resources and support.
Section 3: Inquiry Focus and Planning (Attach Pre/Post Assessments and Data Collection Tools)
Directions: Your inquiry question should be concise and likely no more than 8-10 words. Your hypothesis should indicate what you expect students to be able to do after the lesson, and it should
be able to be evaluated based on your assessment plan. Note that Semester 3 requires an inquiry question that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Inquiry Question Hypothesis Lesson Series Topic Assessments/Data Collection
I believe using GSuite tools can help engage my students and
How can incorporating GSuite tools help engage Students will have an interactive quiz on a
provide them with an opportunity to illustrate learning in a Road to the Revolution
my students and improve their technology skills? Google Form after completing this activity.
creative way.

Focus Students
Directions: Identify three focus students for your inquiry. Identify special characteristics of the students and include performance data. Explain why you have selected them for this inquiry focus.
Do not use actual names of students. (Note: At least one focus student should be an English learner and at least one must have an ILP/504 accommodation. The third is your choice, but please
identify someone that poses an instructional challenge.) Identify expected results for each focus student.
Focus Student 1: English Learner Focus Student 2: Student with ILP/504 Focus Student 3: Your Choice
Student J.A. – This student has been diagnosed with
Student L.O. – This student has an A- in this class. She
ADHD and anxiety. This student struggles with paying Student K.L – This student has struggled with
consistently completes homework and is working on her
attention in class and completing homework. This completing homework and classwork over the
study skills. Quizzes are the area that she struggles with
Performance student has a C+ in the class. This student has grown a last two years. However, this year has shown
the most, even if notes are allowed. She struggles with
Data some reading and vocabulary. I have chosen this
lot in the last two years but still struggles with some great improvements and time
completing all work. This student also struggles with management skills. This student currently has
student because I believe she would benefit from
writing in complete sentences on homework an 89% in my class.
setting goals to help improve her vocabulary over time.
There will be some struggles and layout issues, but the While this student has shown some success
Information will be accurate and the layout will follow material and information will generally be correct. I this year, I expect some information to not be
Expected Results all directions. I am hoping all vocabulary used will be expect not all thoughts and sentences will be complete. I complete. I hope that working with a partner
accurate. I believe her grade will continue to rise. believe any required images or drawings will be can help motivate her to complete the
completed and added. assignment.
Inquiry Lesson Implementation Plan
Directions: that Semester 3 requires a lesson that focuses on use of technology to support teaching and learning.
Administer Post- Discuss Results with
Administer Pre-Assessment Deliver Lesson(s) Analyze Results
Assessment Mentor
Identify dates for activities.
Week of Oct.10th Week of Oct. 17th Day after lesson After assessment TBD

Students will complete and digital snapshot activity about the road to the Revolutionary war in the colonies. Students will be working
Provide 1-2 sentence
in pairs. Students will be given information to read and had to annotate that reading in the Google Slides. Students will need to
summary of your lesson plan.
respond in a variety of ways, including attaching images that help others visualize the information they read. Students will have to
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 4
think about the main ideas of the readings and be able to provide support for the main idea.
Summarize process for Students will already have some knowledge of the issues the colonists faced. Students will have had some readings and questions
administering and analyzing before this activity. Students will be given a Google Form quiz once they have finished this activity. This will happen during the
pre- and post-assessments. following class period. Students will be able to get immediate feedback on this quiz as it is digital.

Semester 3 Only: Identify the

specific technology tools,
applications, links, and/or Students will use iPads, Google Classroom, Google Slides, and Google Forms.
devices to be incorporated
into the lesson.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
Torchia, Rebecca. “The Benefits of Integrating Technology into Today's K–12 Cormie, Alicia. “Let's Get Personal: Adaptive Learning Tech and
Classrooms.” Technology Solutions That Drive Education, 18 Apr. 2022, Education.” Google, 16 Mar. 2022, initiatives/education/adaptive-learning-technology/.
todays-k-12-classrooms-perfcon. This is an interesting blog to read because it relates to what I use in the
I found this article very interesting. In this article it discusses how using technology in the classroom. It talks about adaptive learning tech in the classroom and how
classroom can lead to more equitable educational experiences for students. The article to use it. It explains how tools like Google Classroom can be so useful in
also expresses how technology should not be used just to be used but should be used in a real time because teachers can give real-time feedback. This article also
meaningful and impactful way that helps enhance learning. This is something I very much discusses how technology can allow for more customized resources and
agree with. Technology should be used to help students but isn’t always the thing that will activities for students that can address different learning needs.
always help students learn.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed this issue in their classroom. Identify grade level, subject, and summary of ideas.)
One of my colleagues is a little different from me and uses technology
One of my colleagues balances technologies well in his classroom. Textbooks and other
exclusively in the classroom. Everything is done digitally including all
resources can be found on devices, but also makes sure to have students write out their
assessments. He has been able to get into a good routine with the
homework on paper. This teacher teaches math and makes sure to have them practice
students and use of technology. Because of the system he has created the
problems with pen and paper, but also utilizes technology when appropriate. Teaches 6 th-
students have been able to receive feedback quickly and get immediate
8th grade.
data on their learning. Teaches 6-8th grade.
Special Emphasis: ISTE Standards (Semester 3 only)
Directions: Identify at least one ISTE-Educator and at least one ISTE- Student Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
Both of these standards will be incorporated into this lesson. The lesson is
Educator 5.5b: “Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards something that is to be done digitally on Google slides. The assignment
and use digital tools and resources to maximize active deep learning. has students focus on the Road to the Revolution in the Colonies.
Student 6.6b: “Create original works or responsibly remix digital resources into new Students will be given a Slide show that they will have to edit and make
creations.” their own. Students will have to find appropriate images and illustrations
for different elements in this assignment.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Directions: Record Pre- and post- assessment data into Pre/Post Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies/images of pre/post assessments/directions and the Pre/Post
Assessment Data Table with submission.
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Three Focus
Pre/Post Assessment Data Analysis Findings for Whole Class
For my focus students, 2 of my focus students trended upward,
Overall, I see a trend upwards in terms of understand and of the grades. The
while one did not. I was pleased to see the focus students
pre-assessment scores did not shock me and the trend upward was great
understand the concept. For my 3rd student who was on the same
feedback. I was happy more and more students were understanding the
trend, she seems to understand the concepts when talking in class
but struggles to have that translated via a quiz.
Evidence/Rational for Rating
CSTP Element Initial Rating Revised Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
(Summarize from POP Section 3)
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
Promoting critical
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation. complexity of task beyond a single lesson so that there
thinking through T – Applying T – Integrating
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. are continuing opportunities for students to engage in
inquiry, problem S – Exploring S - Integrating
Students created their own math problems. inquiry in complex problem. How could you extend lesson
solving, and reflection
into PBL?
Using a variety
of instructional
Teacher had students use technology during As suggested by my mentor, a follow up
this lesson. Students worked in pairs while on to the activity could be great. If I could
resources, and T- Exploring T- Applying
1.4 technologies to S- Exploring S-Applying
their iPads. Some utilized pair reading. figure out a way to incorporate a
Students researched images and other gallery walk type activity, that could
meet students’
resources to share with their partners. help it be more interactive.
learning needs
3.5 3.5 Using and T-Exploring T-Applying “Students read the slides in pairs. They would In the future I will be more cautious of
adapting S-Applying then reflect on the content of the slides. After the tools I use. If students were using
resources, reflecting, they would search for media to laptops, the issue would not have been
technologies, create a post reflecting their findings and present, however the issue was
and standards- create an imaginary social media post.” because students use iPads and it was a
aligned formatting issue.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 4
materials, to
make subject
accessible to all
Special Emphasis ISTE-Educator and ISTE-Student Standards (Semester 3 only)
Results of Incorporation into Lesson Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Teacher
Technology is vital in the classroom today. The uses and tools are extremely Better practice with having to change things on the fly and adjust
beneficial and I will continue to use it. lesson plans and activities in the moment.
Action Items

For curriculum design, lesson

In the future I will double check the activity can be properly used and operated on the student’s device.
planning, assessment planning

In the classroom, I want to make sure I continue the positive environment that I currently have in my classroom. I want to have students engage with the
For classroom practice
material, and support student learning

For teaching English learners,

students with special needs, and
Make sure I go over vocabulary. Provide some guidance on new words and make sure they have the tools on their device to help them.
students with other instructional

For future professional

Continue to participate in all Professional Developments and continue to learn from colleagues and the teaching community.

For future inquiry/ILP Plan out a little bit better so that I am not trying to do too much last minute.

For next POP cycle Plan out a little bit better so that I am not trying to do too much last minute.

Semester 3 Only: I am going to continue to use technology in my classroom. I am going to try and see what tools I have learned from this class that I can bring into my
For future use of technology classroom.

Other Notes

Pre-/Post- Assessment Data Table follows this document.

Include copies/images of pre-/post- assessments/directions and the Pre/Post Assessment Data Table with submission.

Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP)
Revised 5.1.17
Directions: Record student pre and post scores in this table. Do not use student’s actual names.
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
th th
Brittany Clift Social Studies 6 -8

Pre-Assessment Data Range and Average Post-Assessment Data Range and Average

9.9/14 – 70% 7/8 -- 87.5%


Student Pre-Assessment Score Post-Assessment Score Comments
1. Focus Student: EL (L.O.) 7/15 8/8
2. Focus Student: 504/IEP (J.A.) 10/15 8/8
3. Focus Student: Teacher Choice
10/15 5/8
4. Student T.A. 10 / 15 7/8
5. Student J.B. 10 / 15 8/8
6. Student R.B. 10 / 15 8/8
7. Student M.B. 11 / 15 8/8
8. Student I.B. 8 / 15 8/8
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 4
9. Student J.E. 10 / 15 7/8
10. Student A.L. 11 / 15 8/8
11. Student T.N. 11 / 15 8/8
12. Student A.R. 10 / 15 6/8
13. Student G.R. 14 / 15 6/8
14. Student L.R. 11 / 15 8/8
15. Student R.S. 10 / 15 3/8
16. Student C.S. 3 / 15 3/8
17. Student B.S. 8 / 15 8/8
18. Student E.S. 10 / 15 6/8
19. Student C.T. 10 / 15 8/8
20. Student S.J. 14 / 15 8/8
24. 910111213141516

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 4

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