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Principles of Marketing

MARK 301
Term Project (Marketing Plan)

Marketing Plan (20%)

 Students are responsible for preparing a marketing plan for a local company of
their choice (it can be any brand of product, service or non-profit organization
located in North Cyprus).
 You need to identify a specific marketing challenge the organization is facing and
propose a plan that will help the company overcome this challenge and meet
certain strategic objectives.
 The marketing plan will be a team project (teams of max 6 students). Submission
of final marketing plans is due on December 26th 2022. All group presentation
will be held during the last 2 classes (Week 26-31 December and Week 02-08
January 2023). The time limit for this presentation will depend on the total
number of groups in the section, but will be approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
 I recommend that you look at the marketing plan template presented in your
textbook. Your final report should cover all the sections of the marketing plan
outlined there, plus an executive summary. Reading the sample marketing plan in
your textbook (appendix 2) may also be useful.

 Please note, to ensure individual marks may accurately reflect each team member

 There is "no limit" as to the number of pages to be written/submitted; (You should

not copy/paste any "Marketing Plan" from other authors) originality and
completeness of your Marketing Plan is what is important for your overall grade.

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