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Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1318

Nima Rezaei  Editor

Disease -
Advances in Experimental Medicine
and Biology

Volume 1318

Series Editors
Wim E. Crusio, Institut de Neurosciences Cognitives et Intégratives
d’Aquitaine, CNRS and University of Bordeaux, Pessac Cedex, France
Haidong Dong, Departments of Urology and Immunology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, USA
Heinfried H. Radeke, Institute of Pharmacology & Toxicology, Clinic of the
Goethe University Frankfurt Main, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Nima Rezaei, Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s Medical
Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Junjie Xiao, Cardiac Regeneration and Ageing Lab, Institute of
Cardiovascular Sciences, School of Life Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai, China
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology provides a platform for
scientific contributions in the main disciplines of the biomedicine and the life
sciences. This series publishes thematic volumes on contemporary research in
the areas of microbiology, immunology, neurosciences, biochemistry,
biomedical engineering, genetics, physiology, and cancer research. Covering
emerging topics and techniques in basic and clinical science, it brings together
clinicians and researchers from various fields.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology has been publishing
exceptional works in the field for over 40 years, and is indexed in SCOPUS,
Medline (PubMed), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Science
Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch, Web of Science), EMBASE, BIOSIS,
Reaxys, EMBiology, the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), and Pathway
2019 Impact Factor: 2.450 5 Year Impact Factor: 2.324

More information about this series at

Nima Rezaei

Disease - COVID-19
Nima Rezaei MD, PhD
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies,
Children's Medical Center
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Tehran, Iran

Network of Immunity in Infection,

Malignancy and Autoimmunity (NIIMA)
Universal Scientific Education and Research
Network (USERN)
Tehran, Iran

ISSN 0065-2598     ISSN 2214-8019 (electronic)

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
ISBN 978-3-030-63760-6    ISBN 978-3-030-63761-3 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature
Switzerland AG 2021, corrected publication 2021
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This book would not have been possible without the continuous
encouragement of my family.
I wish to dedicate it to my daughters, Ariana and Arnika,
with the hope that we learn enough from today to make a
brighter future for the next generation.
This book is also dedicated to honoring the memory of our
brave fallen doctors and nurses who fought against COVID-19.

On March 2, 2020, I had an hour-­long meeting with three of my colleagues,

including the head of the hospital, head of infant intensive care unit (ICU),
and the consultant of the hospital, at the head office of the Children’s Medical
Center, the Pediatrics Center of Excellence (Tehran, Iran), to discuss the
novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-­19) outbreak. A few days later, I
realized that all of them were positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-­CoV-­2), confirmed by real-­time RT PCR (rRT-­PCR)
assays. Two of them presented with only low-­grade fever and malaise, while
the third one suffered from anosmia in addition to cough and myalgia. So, it
raised several questions in my mind, while I also had some concerns about
being affected by SARS-­CoV-­2, not only because of that meeting with three
physicians who were positive for the virus, but also for meeting and talking

viii Preface

closely with two other faculty members of our hospital, who were both
recently infected by COVID-­19. So, am I positive for COVID-­19? Fortunately,
in the 2 weeks after that meeting and after 8 months of working in the pediat-
ric referral hospital during the pandemic, I had not presented any symptom of
the disease, until October 2020, when I faced headache, backache, chills, and
malaise, which made me to qurantine myself for 18 days. As I was quite sure
about my symptoms, I did not test for SARS-­CoV-­2 during my quarantine.
However, SARS-­CoV-­2 IgG had been incresead slightly, when I got back to
the hospital. So, I am not among more than a  hundred million of reported
cases, which might show that the number of COVID-­19 is understimated!
Meanwhile, the global challenges and concerns still remain, while many
questions are yet to be answered! Is being asymptomatic not equal to being
affected? How does the virus spread? Does the outbreak situation change by
weather in different seasons? Who are at a higher risk of infection and mortal-
ity? Are healthy individuals without any underlying disease protected!? How
can we protect ourselves? And the immune system: Friend or Foe?
We, the world outside of China, heard the news of a Chinese city affected
by pneumonia of unknown origin in December 2019. We also saw this city, in
response to the increasing number of patients presented with this unusual
pneumonia, construct a temporary hospital in less than 2 weeks, but did not
realize that this disease could spread far beyond its boundaries, strike near us,
and provide an experience far worse than what happened in the city when
affected the first time. Wuhan was that city, and with the discovery of a coro-
navirus as the pathogen behind that, COVID-­19 was the name assigned to
that unusual pneumonia.
This novel SARS-­CoV-­2 proved to be unique in terms of transmissibility
and mortality. A proof of its being highly contagious is that while we were all
obsessed with the movement of the SARS-­CoV-­2 from Wuhan to all territo-
ries worldwide, it has been very difficult for most of us to track the chrono-
logical order of its global spread after affecting Wuhan. However, its
consequences are hitting us; 5 months have passed since the the World Health
Organization (WHO) declared COVID-­19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020,
while many countries are fighting the first and second wave of the disease. It
should be mentioned that there were only about 100,000 diagnosed cases
within a 3-­month period since the beginning of the outbreak; in the month of
April, about 3 million new cases were reported; now, there are more than 120
million officially reported cases and more than 2.5 million deaths from all
over the world (mid-­March 2021); and it's still unclear when the pandemic
will end! The pandemic has profoundly affected not only human health but
also human behavior and thought. No curative therapy so far! One of my
aforementioned colleagues, who was positive for SARS-­CoV-­2 in March 2020
and cured, faced reinfection 2 months later with positive PCR again! There
are some other reports, especially from healthcare workers who are exhausted
from the continuous long-­term fight against COVID-­19, which shows the
potential risk of reinfection after decreasing the SARS-­CoV-­2 antibody level.
So, how effective will the vaccines be?
It’s about a century since the Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918. How
much does this situation differ from that time? And how much have we
Preface ix

remembered and learned from the pitfalls we had faced? It should also be
mentioned that this novel coronavirus (SARS-­CoV-­2) is the third one in the
twenty-­first century that has brought us outbreaks after severe acute respira-
tory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in
2003 and 2012, respectively, but how much have we prepared ourselves for
this third one? Can we make sure that we will never face such a situation in
the future?
Certain countries, which were at the top of the list of the number of
infected individuals, implemented the policy of closing their borders to
restrict travel from outside. However, they simply forgot the key point that
this virus does not know any border; thus, a borderless solution is needed
when the entire world is affected by such a global challenge! We are all living
on the same Earth, and the world’s complex problem should be considered a
human problem in general; therefore, the solution can’t be country-­based.
Indeed, it's not limited to a specific field of science. Such a complex problem
involves not only medical scientists but also other scientists from formal sci-
ence to physical and chemical science to biological and social science. Thus,
there is a need to work together to solve complex problems, like COVID-­19.
It is now more than a year that the SARS-­CoV-­2 is an inhabitant of the
human heart, lungs, intestines, and brain in an unsatisfactory manner, asking
its origins, evolution, and pathogenesis has become habituated to human
beings, in the hope to hear and learn something for enhancing their prepared-
ness for the next wave of the pandemic and the fourth outbreak of the century.
Inevitably, there have been massive amounts of data published on this curious
subject. In addition to the unexpected rapid flow of publications made avail-
able within only a few months, I have a proof of such curiosity. When I was
preparing the proposal for this book in March when the outbreak just reached
us, I could only collect about ten evidence-­based chapter titles, but since then,
as time passed, there was a lot I had to include in the book. And now that the
book is about to be published, it has more than 50 chapters.
After a rapid introduction to COVID-­19 as a global challenge (Chap. 1),
the book provides general discussions over characteristics, ecology, and evo-
lution of coronaviruses (Chaps. 2 and 3). Then, it goes into the details about
epidemiological (Chaps. 4 and 5), genetic (Chaps. 6 and 7), immunological
(Chaps. 8 and 9), oxidative stress (Chap. 10), and diagnostic and prognostic
(Chaps. 22–24) aspects of COVID-­19. Chap. 11 takes a general view of clini-
cal manifestations of COVID-­19, while Chap. 20 and Chap. 21 link to the
involvement of individual systems. During the COVID-­19 pandemic, pediat-
rics and geriatrics shaped a sharp contrast in terms of disease outcomes, so
Chaps. 12 and 13 separately discuss these specific populations. Pregnant
women and neonates are other populations treated specially under the pan-
demic condition (Chap. 14). The COVID-­19 problem has shown its worst
scenarios in the case of pre-­existing conditions, in particular, cardiovascular
diseases (Chap. 15), hypertension (Chap. 16), and cancer (Chaps. 17 and 18).
Furthermore, it is expected to be complicated if it occurs concurrently with
tropical infections (Chap. 19). The book contains several chapters concerning
the treatment of COVID-­19, ranging from supportive ventilator support and
nutrition therapy to the development of potential virus-­and host-­ based
x Preface

t­ herapies, immune-­based therapies, photobiomodulation, and antiviral photo-

dynamic therapy (Chaps. 25–30). The relations of COVID-­19 to dentistry,
hematology, ophthalmology, and pharmacy lie in Chaps. 33–36, while its
general implications to the healthcare setting take place in Chap. 32. As the
virus is transmitted, misinformation and rumors spread quickly, resulting in
the infodemic (Chap. 37). The book also discusses social issues posed by
COVID-­19 , for example, social isolation, quarantine, lockdown (Chap. 38),
prejudice, and discrimination (Chap. 39), and the resulting consequences on
mental health (Chaps. 40–42), education (Chaps. 43 and 44), tourism indus-
try (Chap. 45), and economy (Chap. 46). It also makes attempts to explain the
bioinformatic approaches (Chap. 47), innovation and ingenuity (Chap. 48),
globalization (Chaps. 49 and 50), social and scientific networking (Chap. 51),
interdisciplinary approaches (Chap. 52), and art integration (Chap. 53) as
solutions to the problems of COVID-­19. Of course, many difficulties remain
to be dissolved, merely as an example of the challenges for vaccine develop-
ment (Chap. 31).
The COVID-­19 Book is the result of the valuable contribution of more
than 200 scientists and clinicians from more than 100 well-­known universi-
ties/institutes worldwide. I would like to hereby acknowledge the expertise of
all contributors for generously devoting their time and considerable effort in
preparing their respective chapters. I would also like to express my gratitude
to Springer Nature for providing me the opportunity to publish the book.
Finally, I hope that this timely book will be comprehensible, cogent, and
of special value for researchers and clinicians who wish to extend their
knowledge on COVID-­19.

Tehran, Iran Nima Rezaei

Your complex pain
is our old pain
Its care could be in our brain
Your sadness
is our loneliness
Its solution should be borderless
This is our world without rain
all alone, full of pain
Uncertain, no gain
If there is no border
the world might have a new order
No complain, no pain…


I would like to express my gratitude to the editorial assistant of this book,

Dr. Amene Saghazadeh. Without doubt, the book would not have been com-
pleted without her contribution.

Nima Rezaei


1 Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

Pandemic: The Global Challenge ��������������������������������������������������   1
Nima Rezaei, Saboura Ashkevarian, Mahsa Keshavarz Fathi,
Sara Hanaei, Zahra Kolahchi, Seyedeh-Sanam Ladi Seyedian,
Elham Rayzan, Mojdeh Sarzaeim, Aida Vahed,
Kawthar Mohamed, Sarah Momtazmanesh, Negar Moradian,
Zahra Rahimi Pirkoohi, Noosha Sameeifar,
Mahsa Yousefpour, Sepideh Sargoli, Saina Adiban,
Aida Vahed, Niloufar Yazdanpanah, Heliya Ziaei,
and Amene Saghazadeh
2 Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About
the Characteristics of Viruses? ������������������������������������������������������  23
Wei Ji
3 Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses��������������������������������  41
Eduardo Rodríguez-Román and Adrian J. Gibbs
4 The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak:
Spreading Beyond Expectations ����������������������������������������������������  61
Sara Hanaei, Farnam Mohebi, Maziar Moradi-­Lakeh,
Parnian Jabbari, Surinder Kumar Mehta,
Liudmyla S. Kryvenko, Livio Luongo, Loďc Dupré,
and Nima Rezaei
5 The Incubation Period of COVID-­19: Current
Understanding and Modeling Technique��������������������������������������  81
Char Leung
6 Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic
Predisposition ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������  91
Farzaneh Darbeheshti, Hassan Abolhassani,
Mohammad Bashashati, Saeid Ghavami, Sepideh Shahkarami,
Samaneh Zoghi, Sudhir Gupta, Jordan S. Orange,
Hans D. Ochs, and Nima Rezaei
7 Genetic Polymorphisms in the Host and COVID-19
Infection�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109
Joris R. Delanghe, Marc L. De Buyzere,
and Marijn M. Speeckaert

xvi Contents

8 How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid

Transmission, and the Immune System Nourishment������������������ 119
Amene Saghazadeh and Nima Rezaei
9 Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against
COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV���������������������������� 149
Mahzad Akbarpour, Laleh Sharifi, Amir Reza Safdarian,
Pooya Farhangnia, Mahdis Borjkhani, and Nima Rezaei
10 COVID-19 and Cell Stress�������������������������������������������������������������� 169
Abdo A. Elfiky, Ibrahim M. Ibrahim, Fatma G. Amin,
Alaa M. Ismail, and Wael M. Elshemey
11 Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19�������������������������������������������� 179
Mahsa Eskian and Nima Rezaei
12 Pediatrics and COVID-19���������������������������������������������������������������� 197
Tuna Toptan, Sandra Ciesek, and Sebastian Hoehl
13 Geriatrics and COVID-19 �������������������������������������������������������������� 209
Mona Mirbeyk, Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei
14 Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta,
Fetus, and Neonate�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 223
David A. Schwartz and Amareen Dhaliwal
15 COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension ������������������������������������ 243
Thiago Quinaglia, Mahsima Shabani, and Nima Rezaei
16 COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases �������������������������������������� 263
Babak Geraiely, Niloufar Samiei, Parham Sadeghipour,
Azita H. Talasaz, Seyedeh Hamideh Mortazavi, and Roya
Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh
17 How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases
with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory
Syndromes?�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 293
Maryam Fotouhi, Elham Samami, Sahar Mohseni,
Amir Nasrollahizadeh, Mohammad Haddadi, Mona Mirbeyk,
Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei
18 COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer������������������������������������������������ 315
Ali Nowroozi, Sepideh Razi, Kamal Kant Sahu,
Fabio Grizzi, Jann Arends, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi,
and Nima Rezaei
19 COVID-19 and Tropical Infection: Complexity
and Concurrence������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 333
Pathum Sookaromdee and Viroj Wiwanitkit
20 Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19�������������������������������������� 343
Farnaz Delavari, Farnaz Najmi Varzaneh,
and Nima Rezaei
Contents xvii

21 Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure

Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2������������������������������������������ 355
Steven E. Kornguth and Robert J. Hawley
22 Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity,
Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19:
A Multisystem Disease�������������������������������������������������������������������� 369
Bahareh Gholami, Samira Gholami, Amir Hossein Loghman,
Behzad Khodaei, Simin Seyedpour, Nasrin Seyedpour,
Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei
23 Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19������������������������������������������������������ 403
Tung Phan and Kristin Nagaro
24 The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19���������������������������������� 413
Houman Sotoudeh and Masoumeh Gity
25 Therapeutic Development in COVID-19��������������������������������������� 435
Chan Yang, Yuan Huang, and Shuwen Liu
26 Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19���������������������������������������� 449
Abdolreza Esmaeilzadeh, Davood Jafari, Safa Tahmasebi,
Reza Elahi, and Elnaz Khosh
27 Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19�������������������������� 469
Paolo Maria Leone, Matteo Siciliano, Jacopo Simonetti,
Angelena Lopez, Tanzira Zaman, Francesco Varone,
and Luca Richeldi
28 Nutrition and Immunity in COVID-19������������������������������������������ 485
Marjan Moallemian Isfahani, Zahra Emam-­Djomeh,
Idupulapati M. Rao, and Nima Rezaei
29 Dietary Supplements for COVID-19���������������������������������������������� 499
Gerard E. Mullin, Berkeley Limektkai, Lin Wang,
Patrick Hanaway, Loren Marks, and Edward Giovannucci
30 Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic
Therapy in COVID-­19 Management���������������������������������������������� 517
Reza Fekrazad, Sohrab Asefi, Maryam Pourhajibagher,
Farshid Vahdatinia, Sepehr Fekrazad, Abbas Bahador,
Heidi Abrahamse, and Michael R. Hamblin
31 The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape������������������������������������������������ 549
Till Koch, Anahita Fathi, and Marylyn M. Addo
32 Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies
for General Population, Healthcare Setting,
and Various Professions������������������������������������������������������������������ 575
Shirin Moossavi, Kelsey Fehr, Hassan Maleki, Simin
Seyedpour, Mahdis Keshavarz-Fathi, Farhad Tabasi,
Mehrdad Heravi, Rayka Sharifian, Golnaz Shafiei,
Negin Badihian, Roya Kelishadi, Shahrzad Nematollahi,
Majid Almasi, Saskia Popescu, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi,
and Nima Rezaei
xviii Contents

33 Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During

the COVID-­19 Pandemic���������������������������������������������������������������� 605
Pedro Amariles, Mónica Ledezma-Morales,
Andrea Salazar-­Ospina, and Jaime Alejandro Hincapié-García
34 Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry ������������������������������������������������ 623
Arghavan Tonkaboni, Mohammad Hosein Amirzade-Iranaq,
Heliya Ziaei, and Amber Ather
35 The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology���������������������� 637
Tracy H. T. Lai, Emily W. H. Tang, and Kenneth K. W. Li
36 Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19
Pandemic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 657
Kamal Kant Sahu, Sikander Ailawadhi, Natalie Malvik,
and Jan Cerny
37 COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories:
The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds������������������������ 673
Inayat Ali
38 Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional
Impact of Quarantine and Isolation During
the COVID-19 Pandemic���������������������������������������������������������������� 687
Helia Mojtabavi, Nasirudin Javidi, Anne-­Frédérique Naviaux,
Pascal Janne, Maximilien Gourdin, Mahsa Mohammadpour,
Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei
39 The Main Sources and Potential Effects
of COVID-19-Related Discrimination�������������������������������������������� 705
Piotr Rzymski, Hanna Mamzer, and Michał Nowicki
40 Potential Mechanisms of COVID-­19-­Related
Psychological Problems and Mental Disorders ���������������������������� 727
Alfred Shaw
41 Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19
Pandemic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 737
Antonia Bendau, Andreas Ströhle, and Moritz Bruno Petzold
42 Treatment of Patients with Mental Illness Amid
A Global COVID-­19 Pandemic������������������������������������������������������ 759
Ankit Jain, Kamal Kant Sahu, and Paroma Mitra
43 A Shift in Medical Education During the COVID-19
Pandemic������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 773
Farida Nentin, Nagaraj Gabbur, and Adi Katz
44 Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge������������������ 785
Dan Li, Elizabeth Z. Lin, Marie A. Brault, Julie Paquette,
Sten H. Vermund, and Krystal J. Godri Pollitt
45 COVID-19 and Its Impact on Tourism Industry�������������������������� 815
Dimitrios G. Lagos, Panoraia Poulaki, and Penny Lambrou
Contents xix

46 COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact�������������������������������� 825

Zahra Kolahchi, Manlio De Domenico, Lucina Q. Uddin,
Valentina Cauda, Igor Grossmann, Lucas Lacasa, Giulia
Grancini, Morteza Mahmoudi, and Nima Rezaei
47 Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2
and COVID-­19 Using Bioinformatics Approach�������������������������� 839
Muhamad Fahmi, Viol Dhea Kharisma,
Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori, and Masahiro Ito
48 Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic
Through Innovation and Ingenuity������������������������������������������������ 859
Kathryn Clare Kelley, Jonathan Kamler, Manish Garg,
and Stanislaw P. Stawicki
49 COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture
and Lessons for Collaborative Activities���������������������������������������� 875
Linda Simon Paulo, George M. Bwire, Xingchen Pan,
Tianyue Gao, Amene Saghazadeh, and Chungen Pan
50 A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless
Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader�������������������� 891
Kawthar Mohamed, Rangarirai Makuku,
Eduardo Rodríguez-­Román, Aram Pascal Abu Hejleh,
Musa Joya, Mariya Ivanovska, Sara A. Makka,
Md Shahidul Islam, Nesrine Radwan, Attig-­Bahar Faten,
Chunfeng Xiao, Leander Marquez, and Nima Rezaei
51 Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
The Role of Social and Scientific Networks During
Social Distancing������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 911
Sara Momtazmanesh, Noosha Samieefar, Lucina Q. Uddin,
Timo Ulrichs, Roya Kelishadi, Vasili Roudenok,
Elif Karakoc-­Aydiner, Deepak B. Salunke, Jan L. Nouwen,
Juan Carlos Aldave Becerra, Duarte Nuno Vieira,
Ekaterini Goudouris, Mahnaz Jamee,
Morteza Abdullatif Khafaie, Morteza Shamsizadeh,
Mohammad Rasoul Golabchi, Alireza Samimiat,
Donya Doostkamel, Alireza Afshar,
Mohammad Amin Khazeei Tabari, Melika Lotfi,
Reza Yari Boroujeni, Niloofar Rambod, Anzhela Stashchak,
Alla Volokha, Dainius Pavalkis, André Pereira,
Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff, Rauf Baylarov,
Bagher Amirheidari, Mojtaba Hedayati Ch,
Antonio Condino-Neto, and Nima Rezaei
xx Contents

52 Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19���������������������������������� 923

Negar Moradian, Marjan Moallemian, Farnaz Delavari,
Constantine Sedikides, Carlos A. Camargo Jr, Pedro J. Torres,
Armin Sorooshian, Saeid Paktinat Mehdiabadi, Juan J. Nieto,
Stephane Bordas, Hamid Ahmadieh, Mohammad Abdollahi,
Michael R. Hamblin, Frank W. Sellke, Jack Cuzick,
Bozkurt Biykem, Michael Schreiber, Babak Eshrati,
Georg Perry, Ali Montazeri, Ali Akbar Saboury,
Roya Kelishadi, Amirhossein Sahebkar,
Ali A. Moosavi-Movahed, Hassan Vatandoost,
Mofid Gorji-Bandpy, Bahram Mobasher, and Nima Rezaei
53 Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science
and Art to Fight COVID-19������������������������������������������������������������ 937
Nima Rezaei, Aida Vahed, Heliya Ziaei, Negin Bashari,
Saina Adiban Afkham, Fatemeh Bahrami, Sara Bakhshi,
Alireza Ghanadan, Atlasi Ghanadan, Nastaran Hosseini,
Pariya Kafi, Reihaneh Khalilianfard, Kawthar Mohammed,
Sepideh Sargoli, Kosar Tavasoli, Mahya Zare,
and Amene Saghazadeh
Correction to: COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact . . . . . . . . C1
Introduction on Coronavirus
Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: 1
The Global Challenge

Nima Rezaei , Saboura Ashkevarian,
Mahsa Keshavarz Fathi, Sara Hanaei,
Zahra Kolahchi, Seyedeh-Sanam Ladi Seyedian,
Elham Rayzan, Mojdeh Sarzaeim, Aida Vahed,
Kawthar Mohamed, Sarah Momtazmanesh,
Negar Moradian, Zahra Rahimi Pirkoohi,
Noosha Sameeifar, Mahsa Yousefpour,
Sepideh Sargoli, Saina Adiban, Aida Vahed,
Niloufar Yazdanpanah, Heliya Ziaei,
and Amene Saghazadeh

Abstract twenty-first-century medicine, healthcare

systems, education, and the global economy.
By driving the ongoing pandemic of corona- This chapter rapidly reviews the origin,
virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), coronavi- immunopathogenesis, epidemiology, diagno-
ruses have become a significant change in sis, clinical manifestations, and potential

N. Rezaei (*) · M. K. Fathi · S. Hanaei · E. Rayzan ·

S.-S. Ladi Seyedian
M. Sarzaeim · H. Ziaei · A. Saghazadeh
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
USC Institute of Urology, USC/Norris
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
e-mail: A. Vahed · M. Yousefpour · S. Sargoli · S. Adiban ·
A. Vahed
S. Ashkevarian
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Z. R. Pirkoohi
Research Institute of Applied Sciences, Academic
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Center of Education, Culture and Research (ACECR),
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
Z. Kolahchi · K. Mohamed · S. Momtazmanesh ·
N. Moradian · N. Yazdanpanah N. Sameeifar
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran (USERN), Tehran, Iran
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 1

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
2 N. Rezaei et al.

therapeutics of COVID-19. It would also features in relation to all the three groups of coro-
explore the effects of the introduction of a naviruses. SARS-CoV is therefore supposed to
single virus, the so-called severe acute respi- be produced by multiple genetic recombination
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-­ events. Subsequently, hCoV-NL63 and hCoV-
CoV-­2), on the public health preparedness HKU1 first occurred in 2004 and 2005, and both
planning. correlated with a form of mild respiratory dis-
ease. hCoVs highly pathogenic to humans con-
Keywords tinued by the outbreak of the Middle East
respiratory syndrome (MERS) with 584 deaths
Borderless · Coronavirus · COVID-19 · and CFR of 36% in 2012. By driving the ongoing
Global · Immune system · Pandemic · pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
SARS-CoV-2 19), which so far has been the cause of death of
more than 560,000 people worldwide, they have
become a significant change in the twenty-first-
century medicine, healthcare system, education,
1.1 Introduction and economy.

Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses composed

of non-segmented, single-stranded, and positive-­ 1.2 The Source of the Infection
sense RNA, which is the largest genome among
RNA viruses. They belong to the order Phylogenic analyses split coronaviruses into
Nidovirales having the common characteristics: four subgroups: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta.
gene expression through a 3′ nested set of Before the novel coronavirus 2019 appeared, six
multiple subgenomic mRNAs (sg mRNAs), a hCoVs were reported relating to either alpha-
ribosomal frameshifting mechanism for the (HCoV-­ 229E and HCoV-NL63) or
expression, a unique set of enzymatic activities, a betacoronaviruses (HCoV-OC43, HCoV-HKU1,
virion envelope formation, and a multi-span MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV) (Shereen et  al.
membrane protein in the virion. According to 2020). The new HCoV that causes COVID-19
antigenic relationships, 28 species of shares significant similarities with the SARS-
coronaviruses are included in three groups. CoV from the structural and pathological points
Species of group 3 rely on the bird host, while of view and is, therefore, classified as a
species of the other groups occur in mammals, betacoronavirus and called SARS-CoV-2.
including mouse, rat, bat, cow, dog, pig, puffin, HCoVs leading to outbreaks are apparently of
horse, and human (Masters 2006). zoonotic origin circulated in animals before
Human coronaviruses (hCoVs) date back to transmission to humans. SARS-­ CoV-­2 first
the 1960s with the identification of hCoV-229E occurred in late December 2019, in Wuhan,
and hCoV-OC43 from the respiratory tract and China. Notably, evidence shows the existence of
nasopharyngeal wash of patients with the com- SARS-CoV in bats, palm civets, and raccoon
mon cold (Su et  al. 2016). They, however, dogs. Also, MERS-CoV occurs in the primary
appeared to be highly pathogenic to humans in host of camels, while bats might transmit it.
the early 2000s, when a virus, SARS-CoV, with Human epidemiological data connects a
the characteristic features of hCoVs caused an relatively high proportion of first- and second-­
outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome generation human cases of COVID-19 to the
(SARS) and resulted in 776 deaths with a case Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan
fatality rate (CFR) of 9.6%. Bioinformatics infor- (Huang et al. 2020a). Following whole-genome
mation indicates that SARS-CoV does possess sequencing, which demonstrated 96.2%
nothing new compared to any of the previous similarity, SARS-CoV-2 was proven to be
three groups of coronaviruses, though owning associated with Bat-CoV-RatG13 (SARS-like
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 3

bat coronavirus) (Zhou et al. 2020b; Paraskevis polybasic cleavage site, O-linked glycans, and
et al. 2020). Although the primary host had been an SB subunit with higher affinity for binding
indicated, it was imperative to determine the ACE2. These differences may, in part, explain
intermediate hosts between bats and humans to the higher transmission of SARS-CoV-2, which
control the pandemic. Sequence and structural as of July 11, 2020, has infected 12 million
alignment of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 people worldwide, compared to SARS-CoV
(ACE2) among human, nonhuman primates, with less than 9000 confirmed cases during the
domestic animals, wild animals, and rodents entire outbreak.
indicate that SARS-CoV-2 may not infect The viral infection occurs when the virus acts
chicken, while nonhuman primates may be an on host cells. In the case of SARS-CoV-2, the
intermediate host for transmission (Luan et  al. RBD of the spike (S) protein on the viral envelope
2020). Analysis with the binding model of S seems to orchestrate such a mutual action with
protein, receptor-binding domain region (RBD the cell-surface receptor, e.g., ACE2 (Jahanshahlu
region), and ACE2 showed that snakes, and Rezaei 2020b). It requires host proteases for
pangolins, and turtles could serve as possible the cleavage of the S protein into two subunits,
intermediate hosts (Liu et al. 2020b). However, S1 and S2, that undertake the attachment of the
recent studies have demonstrated that it is virus to the membrane and then the fusion of
unlikely for snakes and turtles to be intermediate cellular and viral membranes. Endocytosis is
hosts, and researchers suggested pangolins as another mechanism that contributes to viral
potential targets (Liu et al. 2020a). On a recent internalization, as described for the SARS-CoV
study that isolated coronavirus, they detected (Li et  al. 2020b). Whether or not involving
Malayan pangolins to exhibit a high sequence clathrin, endocytosis is accompanied by the
identity (100% in the E gene, 98.2% in the M fusion of membrane with vesicles that transport
gene, 90.4% in the S gene, and 96.7% in the N viral particles and genome followed by the
gene); therefore, it was suggested that SARS- release of the virus into the cell.
CoV-2 could perhaps arise as a result of
recombination between Pangolin-CoV-like Antigen Presentation
virus and Bat-CoV-RatG13-­ like virus (Xiao Self-/nonself-recognition is mastered by the
et al. 2020). major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
Particularly speaking, the presentation of
endogenous antigens to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells is
1.3 Immunopathogenesis mediated by MHC class I, while the presentation
of COVID-19 of exogenous antigens to helper CD4+ T cells is
carried out by MHC class II.  Studies have
1.3.1 Virus Entry and Spread associated MHC polymorphisms with a spectrum
of immune-mediated conditions, including aging, The Virus Binding to Its Cell atopic diseases, autoimmune diseases, and
Receptors neurological diseases. Of interest to here is the
SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 do the action of association of these polymorphisms with
cell entry with a high level of equivalence, infectious diseases, such as human
arising from the same cleavage junctions, the immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis B virus
highly similar same sequence (96%) of their (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and tuberculosis,
main protease, a high degree (76%) of similarity which is a potential source of variation in
in the amino acid sequence of their S protein, response to vaccines and, therefore, can help the
similar S2′ cleavage site, and similar residues development of vaccinomics (Saghazadeh and
essential for binding ACE2 (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2019).
Rezaei 2020b). Compared to that of SARS-CoV, Upon the cell entry of the virus, the presenta-
the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 has acquired a tion of viral antigens by antigen-­presenting cells
4 N. Rezaei et al.

(APCs) leads to the activation of immune vasculitis, interstitial inflammation, and

responses. Less is understood about the mecha- hemorrhage. Of note, tubular cells and podocytes
nism of presentation of SARS-CoV-2, and all our contain clusters of SARS-CoV-2-like particles,
current knowledge is regarding the presentation as demonstrated by electron microscopy.
of SARS-CoV.  The presentation of SARS-CoV
involves MHC class I and, to a lesser extent, Liver
MHC class II. As reviewed in (Li et al. 2020b), The liver shows moderate microvesicular steato-
MHC polymorphisms confer susceptibility to sis, mild sinusoidal dilation, and mild portal and
(HLA-B∗4601, HLA-B∗0703, HLA-DR lobular inflammatory activity (Xu et  al. 2020;
B1∗1202, and HLA-Cw∗0801) and protection Tian et  al. 2020). These changes do not distin-
against (HLA-DR0301, HLA-Cw guish SARS-CoV-2 infection from drug-induced
1502, and HLA-A∗0201) SARS-CoV.  It would liver injury.
strengthen the importance of MHC molecules in
the immunopathogenesis of SARS-CoV and pos- Heart
sibly in that of SARS-CoV-2. Interstitial infiltrates of mononuclear cells, mild
focal edema, interstitial fibrosis, and myocardial Pathological Findings hypertrophy might occur in the heart tissue (Xu
Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and et al. 2020; Tian et al. 2020).
multiorgan dysfunction syndrome (MODS) are
the most common cause of death in patients with 1.3.2 R
 ole of the Immune System
COVID-19. During COVID-19

Lung The respiratory effects of COVID-19 are well-­

Lungs present evidence of acute or organizing known, but COVID-19 can affect other systems,
phase of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD), such as mainly the gastrointestinal system (Gu et  al.
desquamation of pneumocytes, hyaline 2020), central nervous system (Saleki et al. 2020;
membrane formation, vascular congestion, Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a), and
pulmonary edema, mononuclear cell infiltrates, cardiovascular system (Zheng et  al. 2020b;
and multinucleated syncytial cells (Xu et  al. Hessami et al. 2020). Its ability might lie partly in
2020). Consolidation characterized by abundant multiple routes, e.g., fecal-oral transmission,
neutrophilic infiltration may appear as well and airborne transmission, and contact, through
indicates bacterial pneumonia superimposed on which it can spread, and also, partly it can make
SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia (Tian et  al. 2020). A in through pulmonary and systemic immune
variety of immune cells expressing CD3, CD4, responses. Research has revealed that an
CD8, CD20, CD79a, CD5, CD38, and CD68 overactivated immune system occurs during
may exist as proven by immunohistochemistry COVID-19 and plays a role in determining the
(Luo et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 inclusions in the outcome of the disease (Bahrami et  al. 2020;
nucleus and cytoplasm are not visible. Basiri et al. 2020b; Sahu et al. 2020; Yazdanpanah
et  al. 2020a; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a;
Kidney Nasab et  al. 2020), while inborn errors of
Kidney examination reveals diffuse proximal immunity are not particularly vulnerable to
tubule injury as manifested by brush border loss, COVID-19 and what is likely to happen to high-­
non-isometric vacuolar degeneration, and risk population, i.e., older adults and people with
necrosis (Su et  al. 2020). Also, it displays other comorbid conditions (Babaha and Rezaei
hemosiderin granules, pigmented casts, and 2020). Therefore, it seems that the immune
erythrocyte aggregations that may obstruct the system starts attacking the body in response to
flow in the capillaries but lacks any signs of the trigger of COVID-19.
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 5 Antiviral Immune Dysfunction supposition is supported by the biomarkers of

When a pathogen invades the body, innate CSS that hitherto have been associated with the
immune receptors initiate a cascade of immune severity of COVID-19, including inflammatory
responses through recognition of pathogen-­ markers (CRP and procalcitonin), tissue injury
associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). Type I markers (LDH, AST, ALT), cytokines and
interferon (IFN) responses are an essential chemokines (IL6, I1B, IFNY, IL2Ra), fibrin
element of antiviral immunity and success in the degradation products (D-dimer, fibrinogen), and
control of viral replication (Saghazadeh and macrophage activation markers (ferritin)
Rezaei 2017). Both SARS-CoV and MERS- (Henderson et al. 2020).
CoV possess structural and nonstructural
proteins that prevent these responses from being
generated by either directly or indirectly 1.4 Epidemiology
interfering with IFN signaling pathways
(Prompetchara et al. 2020). Inhibition of type I 1.4.1 A
 Historical Review of SARS
IFN responses in the early phase of infection Pandemic
leads to progression to severe infection, and this
may be true for SARS-CoV-2. Also, antiviral In late 2002, an emerging infectious disease-­
immunity depends on the effector functions of causing pneumonia was introduced to the world.
cytotoxic lymphocytes, e.g., cytotoxic T In March 2003, a CoV was identified as the
lymphocytes (CTLs) and natural killer (NK) causative agent, and a month later (April 16,
cells. In people with COVID-19, CTLs and NK 2003), the WHO verified that SARS-CoV was
cells not only are reduced in number but also are the definitive origin of the disease. SARS is
functionally exhausted as indicated by the defined as a respiratory infection with a history of
increased expression of exhaustion markers high fever, cough, and dyspnea and may lead to
NKG2A on NK cells and PD-1 and Tim-3 on T respiratory distress syndrome. The WHO reported
cells (Diao et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2020a; Fathi the outbreak on February 11, 2003, when the
and Rezaei 2020). confirmed cases exceeded 300, and declared the
disease as a global alert on March 12, 2003. The Cytokine Storm first case was reported from China in November
Cytokine storm syndromes (CSS) refer to con- 2002, and then in February 2003, the virus spread
ditions associated with the maladaptive release to Hong Kong, Singapore, Toronto, and Hanoi. It
of cytokines (Ye et  al. 2020), including malig- was found that on February 21, 2003, an infected
nancy, ARDS, cytokine release syndrome, physician transported the infection to Hong
familial hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, Kong. In the hotel he was staying in, transmission
systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and to other guests occurred and subsequently
macrophage activation syndrome. In particular, contributed to other countries’ involvement
the cytokine storm might occur in infections (Cherry 2004; Skowronski et al. 2005). It seems
with the influenza virus and Epstein-Barr virus. that SARS-CoV, a beta genera virus, had an
Disease progression in patients with COVID-19 animal reservoir, an Asian civet cat. The
is accompanied by immune dysregulation, and transmission was mainly via human to human
this is not restricted to the antiviral immune contact with respiratory droplets, and most
dysfunction mentioned above but extended to happened in markets. The Chinese government’s
pro-inflammatory cytokine upregulation (Rokni nontransparency resulted in a global epidemic.
et  al. 2020). The latter, along with multiorgan SARS diagnosis is based on clinical manifes-
involvement, are the main characteristics of tations and laboratory findings. Dynamic changes
cytokine storm syndrome, which are seen in in chest X-rays are compatible with the infection
severe COVID-19. For this, severe COVID-19 is stages. Contact with confirmed cases and travel
supposed to be a cytokine storm syndrome. The to endemic areas are clues in diagnosis. The treat-
6 N. Rezaei et al.

ment was mainly supportive, but some drugs Epidemiological Characteristics
showed clinical improvements like lopinavir, By July 12, 2020, COVID-19 has affected around
ritonavir, and remdesivir (Peeri et  al. 2020). 13 million people worldwide. A systematic
However, no specific drug or vaccine was devel- review (Park et  al. 2020) summarizes the main
oped. The WHO measures were limited to tradi- epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 as
tional epidemic controlling tools. follows: the basic reproduction number, 1.9–6.5;
Patients were mostly from healthcare provid- the incubation period, 4–6  days; and the case
ers, and most transmissions happened in the hos- fatality rate outside of China, 0.3–1.4%.
pital setting (Skowronski et  al. 2005). Many
medical procedures, like intubation, which Routes of Transmission
exposed them to respiratory discharge, put them The transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is mainly
at risk of infection (Peeri et  al. 2020). The dependent on respiratory droplets, followed by
disease also had a tremendous psychological aerosols. Other routes that possibly mediate the
impact on the healthcare staff. Confronting with virus transmission include the eye-nose and
a disease with unknown origin made immense fecal-oral transmission routes.
distress (Sim and Chua 2004). During the
pandemic, governments dealt with significant The Spectrum of Infection
economic challenges. Quarantine limited the The spectrum of clinical severity covers both
trading to essential everyday needs, and the asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. A
tourism industry was among the most affected symptomatic infection might cause either mild to
industries (Fan 2003). moderate symptoms of infection, severe infection
The pandemic peak was the last week of May that requires hospital admission, a critical
2003. Finally, the epidemic led to more than infection that requires intensive care unit (ICU)
8000 infected cases with about 10% mortality admission, or even death. Among symptomatic
rate, and 29 countries were affected. Presumably, individuals, about 20% develop severe to critical
the last patients were infected in July 2003, and infection, and the remainders are diagnosed as
the disease was controlled after 7  months mild to moderate infection. Very concerning is
(Cherry 2004). Up to now, no other cases of that current data, though not sufficient for
SARS infection have been reported (Peeri et al. calculation of the role of asymptomatic
2020). individuals in the transmission of infection,
clearly reveals that the challenge of containing
the infection largely lies not in detecting
1.4.2 The Current State of COVID-19 asymptomatic cases but who can carry high
concentrations of the live SARS-CoV-2  in the
Undoubtedly, the eyes can easily judge how pow- absence of symptoms. Reports provide different
erful the global influence of the COVID-19 out- estimations of the ratio of asymptomatic
break is, starting from December 2019 in Wuhan, individuals, ranging from 30% to more than 50%
China, spreading across countries worldwide in a (Nishiura et al. 2020; Gandhi et al. 2020).
few months, and turning into a pandemic (Hanaei
and Rezaei 2020; Jabbari et al. 2020). However, High-Risk Population
the measurement of such an influence is neces- Adults aged 70 and above, male sex, and preex-
sary for controlling the present pandemic and isting medical conditions, e.g., cancer, diabe-
also would help in being prepared for its next tes, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory
waves. When defining the epidemiology of an disease, and hypertension, are the factors
epidemic, different factors matter, e.g., the num- known to be associated with death from
ber of infected people, the transmissibility of the COVID-19 (Ahmadi et al. 2020; Hessami et al.
infection, and the spectrum of clinical severity 2020; Basiri et  al. 2020b; Shamshirian and
(Lipsitch et al. 2020). Rezaei 2020). Moreover, reports have indicated
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 7

that the mortality of COVID-19 is not equal in Serologic Diagnosis

different ethnicities. Accordingly, in the USA, Serologic tests are comparatively easier to per-
most of the deceased patients were Blacks or form, requiring less technical expertise and
indigenous Americans. Even after age adjust- equipment compared to nucleic acid detection
ment, the mortality rates of Blacks and indige- (Rashid et al. 2020). Samples are the blood that is
nous Americans were 3.8 and 3.2 times as high collected in tubes, which poses a less potential
as Whites, respectively. On the other hand, the risk to the staff handling the samples. The use of
mortality of other races came after these two serologic methods requires appropriate
( interpretations of the results and understanding
deaths-­by-­race). of the strengths and limitations of such tests.
There is much to determine the value of
serological testing in COVID-19 diagnosis and
1.5 Diagnosis and Clinical monitoring. More comprehensive evaluations of
Manifestations of COVID-19 the performance of serologic tests are rapidly
underway. Considerations for the use of serologic
1.5.1 Diagnosis methods for COVID-19 require the correct and
appropriate interpretations of the results and
Diagnosis of COVID-19 is mainly based on epi- understanding the strengths and limitations of
demiological history, clinical manifestations, and such tests (Rashid et al. 2020).
some auxiliary examinations, such as nucleic
acid detection, computed tomography (CT) scan, Imaging
immune identification technology, and blood Some patients with positive chest CT findings
culture (Li et al. 2020b). Recent outbreaks with may present with negative results of RT-PCR for
RNA viruses have presented great difficulties SARS-CoV-2 (Xie et  al. 2020a). It has been
with diagnosis (Basiri et  al. 2020a). It was suggested that CT could play a role in the
particularly the case during the 2015–2016 COVID-19 case ascertainment. CT abnormalities
pandemic of Zika virus (ZIKV) due to low viral might predate RT-PCR positivity in symptomatic
titers and transient infection (Faye et al. 2008). patients and those without symptoms, which
subsequently tested positive by RT-PCR (Hessami Nucleic Acid Test et al. 2020; Corman et al. 2020).
The two commonly used nucleic acid detection
technologies for SARS-CoV-2 are real-time
quantitative polymerase chain reaction 1.5.2 Clinical Manifestations
(RT-qPCR) and high-throughput sequencing. The
reliable identification method for SARS-CoV-2 Even though coronaviruses usually have mild
is virus blood culture and high-throughput symptoms in human beings, betacoronaviruses
sequencing of the whole genome (Li et al. 2020b). such as SARS- and MERS-CoV can cause severe
Diagnosis by screening and confirmation steps forms associated with high mortality rates (Peeri
by the molecular method have been designed and et  al. 2020; Sabino-Silva et  al. 2020). SARS-­
validated with the use of synthetic nucleic acid CoV-­ 2, which is responsible for the recent
technology. It was followed by the development outbreak, is an emerging betacoronavirus that has
of numerous nucleic acid assays (Corman et al. clinical manifestations with various severity in
2020). Diagnosis of suspected cases is confirmed five stages, from asymptomatic infection to
by RNA assays with real-time PCR, using critical form (Bulut and Kato 2020; Verity et al.
respiratory samples. RNA-based molecular tests 2020; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020). Although the
require to set up facilities and instruments, with global concern about this viral infection has been
appropriate biosafety measures, and  skilled increased obviously due to the high
laboratory technicians at a high cost. transmissibility of the disease, it has a relatively
8 N. Rezaei et al.

low mortality rate compared to previous Potential neurological manifestations have

coronaviruses (Petrosillo et al. 2020). Most cases been reported in COVID-19 patients, such as
are categorized in the mild to the moderate dizziness, acute cerebrovascular diseases,
classification of the disease, while a low number unstable walking, malaise, and impaired
of patients develop a severe or critical form of the consciousness (Wang et  al. 2020b).
disease. The disease may be asymptomatic up to Keratoconjunctivitis is another infrequent clinical
14  days and even more up to 24  days in some symptom that might appear as an initial clinical
cases (Ather et al. 2020; Peng et al. 2020); but the symptom in COVID-19 patients (Cheema et  al.
mean incubation period reported for this viral 2020).
infection is 5.2 days, which is relatively similar to
SARS and MERS (Bulut and Kato 2020).
Therefore, patients who have an asymptomatic 1.6 Potential Therapeutics
form of the infection and also patients during the for COVID-19
asymptomatic incubation period can be carriers
and transmit the disease without awareness. The 1.6.1 Interferon-Alpha
most common symptoms of this viral infection and Interferon-Beta
are fever, followed by dry cough, fatigue, and
shortness of breath (Hu et  al. 2020). Among Both interferon-alpha (IFN-α) and interferon-­
upper airway manifestations, pharyngodynia, beta (IFN-β) have been shown to affect
nasal congestion, and rhinorrhea are more coronaviruses, especially MERS-CoV.
common (Lovato and de Filippis 2020). In more Although most in vitro studies and animal stud-
severe cases, viral pneumonia can cause ARDS, ies reported controversial effects of IFN-α and
and also these patients can have major IFN-β against the SARS-CoV-2, some publica-
complications such as acute cardiac injury (ACI), tions have shown promising results of IFN-α
acute kidney injury (AKI), and shock (Hu et al. and IFN-β in combination with ribavirin and/or
2020). In a study of 1590 patients with COVID-­19, lopinavir/ritonavir (Sanders et  al. 2020).
these comorbid conditions resulted in poorer According to the study by Ivan Fan-Ngai Hung
clinical outcomes, especially in the presence of et al., in patients with mild to moderate COVID-
more than one comorbidity (Guan et al. 2020a). 19 infection, the early triple antiviral therapy
Epidemiological studies reveal that a higher (ribavirin and lopinavir/ritonavir) with IFN-
mortality rate occurs in geriatric patients and β-1b was safer than using the lopinavir/ritonavir
patients who have preexisting comorbid alone and had better results in palliating the
conditions and that the median survival time symptoms, reducing the duration of
might be reduced to 5 days in old patients (Bulut hospitalization, and SARS-CoV-2 viral
and Kato 2020). shedding (Hung et al. 2020). Therefore, IFN-β
Other less prevalent clinical manifestations might be a good choice in combination with
include headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, other antivirals, but further research is needed
myalgia, and arthralgia (Guan et  al. 2020b; to confirm its actual effects.
Huang et  al. 2020b). In the mild form of the
disease, alterations in the sense of smell and taste
are commonly reported by the patients, and the 1.6.2 Antivirals
clinicians should consider these symptoms as
initial apparent symptoms of the disease (Spinato In combat with a newly emerged disease that
et al. 2020). Most of the patients have alterations does not have any specific known treatment,
in their chest CT. Bilateral ground-glass opacities the tendency is to use the most probably potent
(GGO), especially in the periphery of the lungs, available drugs on patients due to the time-­
are a common finding among most of the patients consuming process of de novo drug discovery.
due to pneumonia (Han et al. 2020). This process is named drug repurposing or
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 9

drug repositioning that is defined as using an 1.6.3 Convalescent Plasma and IVIG

approved drug for a new disease that is not on
its indication list. Considering the matter of In urgent conditions such as outbreaks when
time in the current pandemic condition, the there is no approved medication, the last hope of
best way to find potential candidates for repur- increasing the survival of the patients is to use
posing method might be computational or in convalescent plasma or immunoglobulins
silico approach. After a drug is proposed by (Pourahmad et al. 2020). It is usually performed
computational methods, the next step is to by taking the plasma of a survived patient, which
investigate the efficacy of that candidate by contains several types of immunoglobulins, and
in vitro studies. If the candidate got approval in injecting it into patients that represent severe
this level, it could enter the observational stud- forms of the disease. This method might be useful
ies or clinical trials, in which the latter is the if it was used within 48 h of the ICU admission of
most valid and reliable method to confirm a the patient. Many positive changes might occur,
drug candidate. such as reducing the need for mechanical
Table 1.1 provides a summary of the drugs ventilation, reducing the length of hospital stay,
most frequently entered into clinical trials. and recovery promotion (Chen et  al. 2020; Xie
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are of the et al. 2020b).
very first proposed candidates that entered the
trials. However, the computational methods have
not reported any specific target for them. 1.6.4 Monoclonal Antibodies
Lopinavir and ritonavir gain a low score in
computational methods in addition to the fact that Monoclonal antibodies are produced by one spe-
in observational studies and clinical trials, no cific clone of B cells. Therefore, they have a
specific benefit more than standard care was monovalent affinity and only identify one epitope
reported. Ribavirin is another candidate that is of an antigen. While most of the literature
acceptable by computational methods by regarding the treatment of the COVID-19
targeting two components of COVID-19, but due infection with monoclonal antibodies is related to
to its toxicity and high dose requirement, it might the previous knowledge of SARS and MERS,
not be the right choice. Although remdesivir was some studies express the effectiveness of
a promising candidate in both computational and anti-IL-6 antibodies against the COVID-19
in vitro studies, the overall number of cases is not infection. Tocilizumab is an IL-6 receptor
enough to statistically confirm its effectiveness. antagonist that lowered the use of oxygen
Favipiravir has the same condition as remdesivir, supplement in 75% of patients in a study
but the reports of its effectiveness are on moderate conducted in China. Another relevant monoclonal
cases of the disease, and there is not enough antibody is sarilumab, in which its efficacy is not
evidence for its effect on more severe cases. The approved yet, and it is in phase II/III clinical trial
other potential candidate to mention is atazanavir, (Lu et al. 2020).
which has successfully targeted six components
of COVID-19  in computational methods.
Furthermore, besides its positive results in 1.6.5 Corticosteroids
in vitro studies in decreasing viral replication, it
is reported that atazanavir has some anti-­ When an enhanced immune response arises, it
inflammatory effects because it diminishes the causes several injuries to the body, and the use of
IL-6 and TNF-α secretion from infected corticosteroids lies in reducing these injuries.
monocytes. However, there is no ongoing clinical However, the corticosteroids might cause some
trial on this potential candidate. side effects like lowering the pace of the viral
10 N. Rezaei et al.

Table 1.1  Antivirals repurposed by computational methods

Antivirals Computational methods In vitro studies studies
Chloroquine/ - No specific target, the Inhibiting the glycosylation No clear benefit was
hydroxychloroquine probability of targeting of host receptors, proteolytic present, and some side
3CLpro, PLP, Nsp3b, Nsp3c, processing, and endosomal effects like ventricular
and E-channel acidification, therefore, the arrhythmias are reported
- The effectiveness of the viral entry prevention (Mehra et al. 2020)
drugs that have no specific (Sanders et al. 2020)
targets is controversial, and
they are not recommended
Lopinavir/ritonavir - Low docking scores 3CLpro inhibition in other No benefit was present
- The failure of the coronavirus strains (Sanders apart from standard care
drug-target interaction et al. 2020) (Cao et al. 2020).
according to molecular
dynamics simulation
Ribavirin Targets PLP and RdRp Inhibiting viral replication in Due to its toxicity and high
high concentrations only dose requirement, this drug
(Sanders et al. 2020) has less chance in the
treatment of COVID-19
(Sanders et al. 2020)
Remdesivir Targeting 3CLpro and RdRp In vitro activity against Reported good
several Coronaviridae, effectiveness against the
including SARS-CoV-2 with COVID-19 infection, but
an EC50 value of 0.77 Μm more studies are needed to
(Sanders et al. 2020) statistically confirm its
effectiveness (Wang et al.
Favipiravir Targeting RdRp Having an EC50 of - Useful in the clinical
61.88 μM/L against recovery of moderate cases
SARS-CoV-2 in Vero E6 cells at day 7, more RCTs are
(Sanders et al. 2020) needed to confirm further
the results (Sanders et al.
- Median viral clearance
time (4 days) and chest
image improvement rate
(91.43%) (Lu et al. 2020)
Atazanavir Targeting 3CLpro, RdRp, - Diminished viral replication No trial was found
helicase, 3′to5′exonuclease, in the human epithelial
2′-O-ribose pulmonary cells infected with
methyltransferase, and COVID-19 (Fintelman-­
EndoRNAse Rodrigues et al. 2020)
- Diminished secretion of
IL-6 and TNF-alpha in
SARS-CoV-2-infected human
monocytes (Fintelman-­
Rodrigues et al. 2020)
Mohamed et al. (2020b)

clearance and, consequently, lengthening the 1.6.6 Vaccine Development

disease period. The use of the corticosteroids in
the treatment of COVID-19 is controversial, and Vaccine development (for both therapeutic and
almost all studies do not recommend it (Sanders preventive purposes) is a long time-consuming
et al. 2020). process that needs to become faster during
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 11

epidemics. The COVID-19 vaccine candidates ple, infections and organ failure, as well as to
that have entered the clinical trials are DNA-­ other conditions that increase the risk of under-
based, RNA-based, live attenuated virus, and nutrition like aging (Hirbod-Mobarakeh et  al.
inactivated virus vaccine platforms as of writing 2014). Besides, micronutrients, e.g., trace ele-
this manuscript (Craven 2020, 28 May). RNA-­ ments and vitamins, crucially contribute to the
based and DNA-based vaccine development regulation of immune responses, interestingly
platforms and recombinant-subunit developing antiviral immune responses (Mahmoudi and
platforms have a potential faster process than Rezaei 2019). Nutritional therapy is, therefore, of
other platforms. The potential fast speed of RNA high priority during the pandemic of COVID-19,
and DNA vaccines is because the development causing an acute respiratory infection associated
process of these vaccines does not require with fever and multiorgan failure. In particular, it
fermentation or culture. Furthermore, next-­ might be beneficial to older people with preexist-
generation sequencing and reverse genetics are ing chronic conditions, who are considered as the
considered as tools that can accelerate the vaccine most susceptible vulnerable to COVID-19 and
development process in the time of epidemics. adverse outcomes.
However, there are more challenges in developing Other efforts to combat COVID-19 occur in
a vaccine for COVID-19 itself. For example, multiple disciplines of immunotherapy (Fathi
whether to use a full-length spike protein or RBD and Rezaei 2020; Lotfi et al. 2020), regenerative
as the target has remained an unsolved issue medicine (Basiri et al. 2020b), medical biotech-
(Sharifkashani et  al. 2020). Furthermore, nology (Rezaei 2020b), picotechnology (Rabiee
regarding the recent vaccine candidates’ et  al. 2020), and telemedicine (Moazzami et  al.
preclinical studies, it has been observed that the 2020). However, the quality of clinical studies
candidates can intensify the pulmonary damage does not meet the requirements (Rzymski et  al.
both directly and as a consequence of the surge in 2020). The observation of the same phenotype of
the level of antibodies (Lurie et  al. 2020). By disease in family members and individuals with
considering these obstacles in this way, the idea specific genetic defects might establish a genetic
of vaccine repurposing might help to speed up basis of disease that would deserve the attention
this process. As an illustration, the Bacillus of clinical pharmacists (Yousefzadegan and
Calmette-Guerin (BCG) live-attenuated vaccine Rezaei 2020; Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020).
is one of the first candidates proposed to be
effective against COVID-19, and some clinical
trials are underway to investigate its effectiveness 1.7  OVID19 Pandemic: Global
(medicine 2020a, b). Challenges, Prevention,
and Preparedness
for the Next Pandemic
1.6.7 Nutrition
The primary prevention steps included isolation
As new trends in the diet have emerged, so have of confirmed cases, quarantine of suspected indi-
the new trends in noncommunicable diseases. viduals, and traveler screening. Scientific collab-
Nutrition therapy and its immunomodulatory orations facilitated the identification of the virus,
effects have been a topic of crucial importance in and the genome was sequenced in mid-­ April
the context of chronic diseases that lack a specific 2003 (Skowronski et  al. 2005). The genome
treatment, including cardiovascular diseases, sequencing gave on to the development of sophis-
cancer, and metabolic disorders. The importance ticated diagnosis tests and targets for medication
of nutrition therapy extends to acute conditions and vaccine (Chow et al. 2003).
that increase nutritional requirements, for exam-
12 N. Rezaei et al.

1.7.1 Global Challenges 2020a; Rothe et al. 2020). In order to control the
of Coronavirus Pandemic infection, early isolation and treatment of con-
(Lessons Learned firmed cases and strategies for the prevention of
from the 2003 SARS virus transmission from asymptomatic patients
Pandemic) must be taken into consideration (Helmy et  al.
2020). Quarantine, social distancing, and closing Animal Source Control borders are among the control and prevention
There are some similarities and differences strategies (Cowling and Leung 2020). The gen-
between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Some eral population must receive practical guidelines
animal sources, including Rhinolophus sinicus on personal hygiene, including cough or squeeze
(bat) and civet cats, have been suggested as etiquette, frequent handwashing, wearing a face
SARS-CoV sources. They had coronaviruses mask, using a disinfectant, and staying home.
genetically homologous to SARS-CoV (Yuan Wearing personal protection equipment (PPE),
et  al. 2010; Wang et  al. 2005). The probable including mask, gown, and shield, is also neces-
sources of SARS-CoV include Rhinolophus sary for healthcare workers (Moradian et  al.
affinis, snakes, and pangolin (Gralinski and 2020; Yan et al. 2020).
Menachery 2020; Zhou et al. 2020a; Ahmed et al.
2020; Liu et  al. 2020a). Prohibition of wild Vaccine Development
animal trading and slaughtering is the critical Vaccination is considered as the most effective
benefit of virus source identification (Peeri et al. approach for the reduction of incidence and
2020; Zhong and Zeng 2008). mortality of many infectious diseases (Clem
2011). Although the process of development, Early Detection, Isolation, evaluation, and approval of vaccines usually
and Tracing Close Contacts requires around 1 year or more (Verch et al. 2018;
Early detection of COVID-19 cases makes a basis Wang et al. 2020a), many investigators are trying
for its containment. Isolation of the confirmed to develop vaccines for COVID-19 prevention.
cases can hamper contacts and, ultimately, the They have accelerated testing various vaccine
transmission of the disease (Lau et al. 2004). The strategies in clinical trials (Thanh Le et al. 2020).
median incubation period of COVID-19 is
4.8 days; however, the median time from symptom Dissemination of Information
onset to confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19  in During an outbreak, dissemination of correct
severe cases is 8 days. Therefore, early detection information could be beneficial for the prevention
plays a substantial role in the reduction of COVID- of public panic, keeping clinicians updated on the
19 burden (Yang et  al. 2020; Bi et  al. 2020). last practical guidelines, and providing data for
Improvement of diagnostic methods and epidemiological analysis (Song and Karako
decreasing the time of detection are necessary. In 2020). Aside from the role of international
addition to symptoms, travel and contact history agencies such as the World Health Organization
should be taken into consideration for early case (WHO), online registries and timely publication
detection (Kim et  al. 2020). Early case of cases and experimental studies are essential
identification must be followed by tracing the for the dissemination of scientific information
close contacts, which requires self-quarantine and (Zhong and Zeng 2008).
follow-up for manifestations (Abdullah et  al.
2003). Recurrence
There were five viral infection outbreaks before Rigorous Infection Control SARS-CoV-2, in the twenty-first century,
COVID-19 could be transmitted from both symp- including SARS-CoV in 2003 and MERS-CoV
tomatic cases and those in the incubation period in 2011. SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the sixth
who do not have clinical manifestations (Li et al. outbreak of the century. Control of virus
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 13

transmission through preventive measures for Whether the novel coronavirus 2019 will follow
general populations and healthcare workers, as the same pattern and recur harder in fall and win-
well as early case detection, isolation, treatment, ter is disputable. The significant potential danger
and tracing close contacts, could hopefully of another deadly COVID-19 outbreak mandates
prevent a second wave (Hiscott et  al. 2020). authorities and individuals to get ready for it.
However, it has been hypothesized that Governmental and health authorities can play
termination of social distancing before the end of a critical role in enforcing our preparedness.
the pandemic leads to the initiation of a second First and foremost, from the first wave of the
wave with higher mortality than the first wave COVID-­19 pandemic, we learned that the most
(Goscé et al. 2020; Podile and Basu 2020; Leung critical tool in managing COVID-19 is rapid and
et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 has shown the risk of mass testing in addition to contact tracing
reinfection (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020) and might (Sanchez 2020). When it comes to COVID-19,
have recurring seasonal cycles after the first wave even a small number of infected patients can be
(Podile and Basu 2020). indicative of clusters, which need to be detected
and isolated. Moreover, constant testing and
Psychosocial Support contact tracing can help health authorities to
COVID-19 has induced public panic, and know the number of infected and exposed
COVID-19-related lockdown and quarantine individuals, which can be of immense help in
have considerably restricted economic activities anticipating the pattern of the pandemic and
and social relationships. All of these factors can getting prepared adequately. Second, when the
affect the mental health of the general population COVID-19 struck, we faced a global shortage of
(Jeong et al. 2016; Brooks et al. 2020; Rubin and personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators,
Wessely 2020). Healthcare workers are also at intensive care unit (ICU) beds, testing kits, and
higher risk of stress and burnout (Robertson et al. other resources (Todd 2020). Large quantities of
2004; Lai et al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b; PPE, testing kits, and ventilators should be on
Rezaei 2020a). Older people, children, pregnant hand to be used whenever necessary. Third,
women, and patients with prior chronic diseases, protecting the vulnerable population who are
especially psychiatric diseases, are the other more likely to be affected by COVID-19,
specific populations at high risk of mental stress, including the elderly, people with a disability or
and they need special attention (Doraiswamy long-term health condition, and those in
et  al. 2020; Ghosh et  al. 2020; Yao et  al. 2020; disadvantaged communities, should be one of
Wang et  al. 2020c; Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020). the main priorities of governments (Banerjee
Media, healthcare organizations, and authorities 2020). Planning for maintaining their physical
all should address the psychosocial effects of and mental health, in addition to reducing
COVID-19 by providing appropriate content and adverse socioeconomic effects of another
supportive regulations (Dubey et al. 2020). potential pandemic, is crucial in our preparedness
for another COVID-19 pandemic. Designating
financial resources to minimize health
1.7.2 Preparing for the Next inequalities (Anyane-Yeboa et  al. 2020),
COVID-­19 Pandemic ensuring their food security, and providing them
with hygiene products, together with the
Another global wave of the COVID-19 is pre- formation of support networks, can facilitate
dicted by many scientists to occur mainly in the helping these groups.
fall and winter. The next assault might be much Individuals, in addition to governmental and
more detrimental than the first wave (Sun 2020). health authorities, should also gear up for another
Several respiratory viruses and coronaviruses strike of the COVID-19. Initially, they should
similar to COVID-19 are found to behave season- maintain social distancing and regular hand
ally (Monto et  al. 2020; Dowell and Ho 2004). washing, which might become the new healthy
14 N. Rezaei et al.

lifestyle until we found a solution for this yet demand and supply of the market was disrupted
evolving challenge to prevent the spread of the and created an economic shock (Richard Baldwin
virus. Additionally, by targeting other diseases 06 March 2020). Many manufactures and
for which we have a solution, we can be more companies shut down around the world; some of
prepared for facing another wave of COVID-19 them will not reopen ever. It leads to an increased
pandemic. In the cold seasons, when there is a unemployment rate and poverty (McKee and
high chance for COVID-19 to recur, every year, Stuckler 2020). Car companies have been closed,
the healthcare system should also treat patients and even manufacturers of luxury goods are
infected with seasonal flu. Individuals must shutting. These are happening due to two main
receive their flu vaccine to lower the incidence of factors, reduced demands and shortages of
other respiratory infections in these seasons. supplies (Fernandes 2020). Many companies also
Most importantly, people should be mentally had to fire their employees to prevent bankruptcy.
prepared for new waves of COVID-19. They By closing the manufactures and reducing travel
should try to maintain their mental health and rate, the demands of oil dropped significantly. On
consider the possibility of occurrence of another the other hand, the two major oil producers,
similar or even deadlier wave. This possibility Saudi and Russia, argued and started to produce
should be taken into account when they are high amounts of oil. Thus, oil prices decreased
making their personal and professional plans dramatically (Nicola et al. 2020).
(Miller 2020). Tourism was also influenced. Traveling
between and across the countries decreased due
to quarantine and social distancing. It has been
1.8 The Economy of COVID-19 predicted that nearly 50 million jobs are at risk in
tourism (Nicola et al. 2020). Also, disruption of
As the world becomes more interconnected, and the airline industry will lead to losing 44% of its
the global village comes to reality, not only the revenue (Açikgöz and Günay 2020).
occurrence of pandemic becomes more probable The United Nations Conference on Trade and
but also the economic impact of diseases Development (UNCTAD) announced that only in
increases (Fernandes 2020). A pandemic can 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic could potentially
affect the economy in various ways. The most cost about $2 trillion around the world
apparent channel is increased mortality and (Development 2 March 2020). Also, GDP may
morbidity that leads to decreased human capital reduce by 7% in the first 6  months of 2020,
in the future or raised health expenditure for predicted by World Economic Prospects. By
disabled individuals. However, in the COVID-19 returning economic activities to normal and in
pandemic situation, the correlation between the absence of any new outbreaks, the GDP will
mortality rate and economic impacts is not stop decreasing in the second half of the year
reliable; this pandemic mostly affects the (Prospects April 2020).
economy through other ways (Fernandes 2020). Despite the adverse effects of the COVID-
The new integrated world has interconnected 19 pandemic on the global economy, it has
networks of supply chain routes. It means that a some benefits too. By disrupting the old supply
demand or supply shock in one place of the world chain routes, new chain mechanisms will
will affect the whole world. China is responsible appear and make new economic opportunities.
for 16% of global GDP.  By locking down the Online shopping and online educating will
manufactures of China, many supply chains were improve that will lead to significant progress in
disrupted. By spreading the outbreak to other digital technology and Internet network. Even
parts of the world, especially countries with high reduced oil prices will result in increased eco-
impacts on the economy such as the USA, nomic growth in the long-term for some coun-
Germany, and France, the balance between
1  Introduction on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pandemic: The Global Challenge 15

tries that are oil importers (Açikgöz and Günay


1.9 Conclusion

Like other hCoVs leading to outbreaks, the

SARS-CoV-2 is apparently of zoonotic origin
circulated in animals before transmission to
humans. The respiratory effects of COVID-19 are
well-known, but COVID-19 can affect other
systems, mainly the gastrointestinal system,
central nervous system, and cardiovascular
system. Its ability might lie partly in multiple
routes, e.g., fecal-oral transmission, airborne
transmission, and contact, through which it can
spread, and also, partly it can make in through
pulmonary and systemic immune responses.
Research has revealed that immune abnormalities
occur during COVID-19 and play a role in
determining the outcome of the disease. Recent
viral outbreaks have presented great difficulties
with diagnosis, including COVID-19. Diagnosis
of COVID-19 is mainly based on epidemiological
history, clinical manifestations, and some
auxiliary examinations, such as nucleic acid
detection, CT scan, immune identification
technology, and blood culture. The spectrum of
clinical severity covers both asymptomatic and
symptomatic individuals. A symptomatic
infection might cause either mild to moderate
symptoms of infection, severe infection that Fig. 1.1  The borderless solution to the world’s pain
requires hospital admission, a critical infection [Adapted with permission from the Association of Science
that requires intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and Art (ASA), USERN; Contributors: Nima Rezaei
(lyrics) and Saina Adiban (graphic design)]
or even death. Among symptomatic individuals,
about 20% develop severe to critical infection,
and the remainders are diagnosed as mild to initial apparent symptoms of the disease. Current
moderate infection. The most common symptoms therapeutics for COVID-19 include interferons,
of this viral infection are fever, followed by dry antivirals, convalescent plasma and IVIG,
cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Other less monoclonal antibodies, corticosteroids, and
prevalent clinical manifestations include nutrition therapy (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b).
headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, Also, the immune system and the cell-­ virus
and arthralgia. In the mild form of the disease, interaction seem promising targets for the
alterations in the sense of smell and taste are effective treatment of COVID-19 (Sharifkashani
commonly reported by the patients, and the et al. 2020; Mansourabadi et al. 2020; Pashaei and
clinicians should consider these symptoms as Rezaei 2020).
16 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 1.2  The endless art

and the borderless
solution to the world’
pain [Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Contributors: Nima
Rezaei (lyrics), Mahsa
(calligraphy), Sepideh
Sargoli (painting ideas),
and Siavosh Mahraeen
(graphic design)]

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Coronaviruses: What Should
We Know About the Characteristics 2
of Viruses?

Wei Ji

Abstract respiratory syndrome · Structural and

nonstructural proteins · Taxonomy
The ongoing coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) is highly conta- 2.1 Introduction
gious and fatal, posing a direct threat to human
health and the global economy. Most strategies A novel pathogen caused the current outbreak of
to prevent, control, and eradicate COVID-­19 coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), severe
are established based on the specific character- acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
istics of the pathogen. The quest for interrup- (SARS-CoV-2), previously known as 2019 novel
tion and eradication of COVID-19 has moved coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which is similar yet
research forward in understanding fundamen- unlike to SARS-CoV.  SARS-CoV caused 774
tal aspects of the virus genome, proteome, rep- deaths in 8096 infected individuals around the
lication mechanisms, and virus-host world between November 2002 and July 2003
interactions, which pave the way for the devel- (Shi and Hu 2008; Organization 2004; Peiris
opment of effective antiviral drugs and vac- et  al. 2004). SARS-CoV-2 infected approxi-
cines. This chapter provides an overview of mately 5.9  million people and killed more than
recent progress in human coronavirus taxon- 367,000 people worldwide between December
omy, molecular features of the SARS-CoV-2 2019 and May 2020. Although the two viruses
genome and proteome, and virus life cycle. have similar genome organization, SARS-CoV-2
has higher morbidity and manifest as acute respi-
Keywords ratory tract infection with extrapulmonary
involvement, such as cardiovascular complica-
COVID-19 · Genome · Human coronavirus · tions and multi-organ failure (Chan et  al. 2015;
Life cycle · SARS-CoV-2 · Severe acute Wang et  al. 2020b, c; Yang et  al. 2020; Assiri
et al. 2013; Rota et al. 2003; Zheng et al. 2020).
W. Ji (*) SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh member of human
Medical school, Liaocheng University, coronaviruses (HCoV). The taxonomy of these
Liaocheng, China viruses will be discussed later (see Classification
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and section). HCoVs share similar genome architec-
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific tures, comprised of a basic set of genes
Education and Research Network (USERN), 5′-replicase-­structure proteins-3′. SARS-CoV-2
Liaocheng, China

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 23

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
24 W. Ji

genome consists of 5’UTR/ typically cause mild, self-limiting respiratory

nsp1-16/S/3a/E/M/6/7a/7b/8/N/10/3’UTR orga- tract infection with high morbidity rates (Chan
nization. Untranslated regions (UTRs) 5’UTR et al. 2015; Gaunt et al. 2010; Pene et al. 2003;
and 3’UTR are crucial for RNA replication and Vabret et al. 2003; Woo et al. 2005; Abdul-Rasool
transcription. Nonstructural proteins nsp1-16 and Fielding 2010). The remaining three categor-
mediate RNA synthesis. Structural proteins, ically harmful HCoVs are SARS-CoV, Middle
including the S (spike), E (envelope), M (mem- East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-­
brane), and nucleoprotein (N), are involved in CoV), and SARS-CoV-2. The SARS-CoV is no
virus assembly and cell entrance. Accessory pro- longer circulating in humans (WHO 2020b).
teins 3a, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, and 10 can interact with MERS-CoV is lingering in humans in the Middle
nonstructural proteins and structural proteins, East (WHO 2020a), while SARS-CoV-2 is still
with undefined functions (Li et  al. 2020). raging in humans worldwide and has caused a
Altogether, these components fill different roles corrupting impact on our health and society.
in the virus life cycle and can be considered as
drug targets.
2.3 Virion Structure
and Genome Organization
2.2 Classification
Like other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 virion
Coronaviruses are a group of related enveloped particles are roughly spherical or moderately
RNA viruses sorted into four groups based on pleiomorphic, and the diameters range from 80 to
phylogenetic clustering, which belong to the sub- 160 nm (Liu et al. 2020a). The virus particle is
family Orthocoronavirinae, under the family lipid-enveloped and carries external spike protein
Coronaviridae, order Nidovirales (Chan et  al. on the membrane surface, shaped like a crown
2015; Burrell et al. 2017). According to the pro- (crown  =  corona) under electron microscopy
posal of the International Committee on (Fig.  2.2a) (Pyrc et  al. 2007; Liu et  al. 2020a).
Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), these groups  – Closed within the lipid bilayer is the nucleocap-
alpha-, beta-, gamma- and delta-coronaviruses – sid (viral core) formed by nucleic acid and
have been conferred the taxonomic position of nucleocapsid protein (Liu et al. 2020a).
genera. Like other hCoVs, SARS-CoV-2 is a single-­
Coronaviruses can infect a variety of birds and stranded, non-segmented, positive-sense RNA
mammals (Fig.  2.1). Alphacoronaviruses have virus. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 is approxi-
been isolated from humans, bats, murine, mink, mately 30  kb, and the genome of hCoVs is the
alpaca, porcine, and camel; betacoronaviruses largest among all RNA viruses (Kim et al. 2020a).
from humans, mink, tiger, dog, civet, murine, bat, The genome of hCoVs is a conserved organiza-
hedgehog, rabbit, rat, camel, horse, pig, and tion, consisting of a basic set of genes 5′-replicase-­
bovine; gammacoronaviruses from turkey, pheas- structure proteins-3′ (Fig. 2.3), and can be used to
ant, duck, Canada goose, dolphin, and whale; and generate a genomic RNA (gRNA) and different
delta coronaviruses from night heron, wigeon, sub-genomic RNAs (sgRNAs). These mRNAs all
common moorhen, sparrow, quail, munia, mag- have a 5′-methyl-cap structure, a 3′poly A tail,
pie robin, Chinese bulbul, thrush, white-eye, pen- and one to several open reading frames (ORFs)
guin, Calidris, falcon, houbara, pigeon, and between them. 5′ Two-thirds of the genome con-
porcine. tains ORF 1a and 1b, which share a small region
Notably, seven of these viruses are related to of overlap. ORF1a and ORF1b are both derived
human disease, called human coronavirus from gRNA, coding for polyprotein 1a (PP1a)
(HCoV) (Fig. 2.1). Four HCoVs (alphacoronavi- and Polyprotein 1b (PP1b). PP1a and PP1b
ruses HCoV-229E and HCoV-NL63 and beta- undergo posttranslational cleavage by virus-­
coronaviruses HCoV-HKU1 and HCoV-OC43) encoded proteases  – papain-like proteinase and
Fig. 2.1  Taxonomy of coronaviruses. The phylogenetic neighbor-joining method with 1000 replicates bootstrap-
tree was inferred from complete RdRp sequences of the ping using MEGA7. Human coronaviruses (SARS-CoV,
76 coronaviruses, which were grouped into four genera SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, HKU1, OC43, 229E, and
(α, β, γ, δ). Coronaviruses originating from different hosts NL63) are indicated in red
are listed on the right side. The tree was constructed by the
26 W. Ji

Fig. 2.2 SARS-CoV-2
structure and spike
protein. (a) Diagram
showing RNA genome
and the four major
structural proteins: spike
protein (S), an envelope
protein (E), membrane
protein (M), and
nucleocapsid protein
(N). (b) Schematic of
trimer spike protein
structure. (c) Linear
representation of
monomeric spike protein

main protease (Mpro,3CLpro) – to form 16 non- protein sequences between SARS-CoV-2

structural proteins: nsp1, nsp2, nsp3, nsp4, nsp5, (NC_045512.2) and SARS-CoV (NC_004718.3)
nsp6, nsp7, nsp8, nsp9, nsp10, nsp11, nsp12, ranges from 68.34% to 99.83% (Table 2.1).
nsp13, nsp14, nsp15, and nsp16. 3’ One-third of
the genome contains distinct ORFs, derived from
different sgRNAs, coding for structural proteins 2.4  olecular Features of SARS-­
and accessory proteins. The main structural pro- CoV-­2 Genome and Proteins
teins of SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV,
HCoV-229E, and HCoV-NL63 comprise of 2.4.1 Noncoding Genes
5’-S-E-M-N-3′, and that of HCoV-HKU1 and
HCoV-OC43 contain 5’-HE-S-E-M-N-3′. The The 5′ UTR region is approximately 265-nt,
accessory proteins are 3a, 3b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, which contains cis-acting sequences necessary
and 9b for SARS-CoV; 3a, 6, 7a, 7b, 8, and 10 for for transcription and replication and is involved
SARS-CoV-2 (Taiaroa et  al. 2020; Kim et  al. in the initiation of cap-dependent translation (Liu
2020a; Li et  al. 2020); 3, 4a, 4b, 5, and 8b for et al. 2007). The 5’UTR secondary structure con-
MERS-CoV; 4a and 4b for HCoV-229E; 3 for sists of five stem-loop structures (SL1-SL5),
HCoV-NL63; 4 and N2 for HCoV-HKU1; and which is relatively conserved in betacoronavi-
ns2 and ns12.9 for HCoV-OC43. More interest- ruses (Masters and Perlman 2013; Liu et al. 2007;
ingly, these accessory proteins are located in any Rangan et  al. 2020a, b). SL3 contains a short
positions downstream of the replicase polyprot- TRS, which is located immediately adjacent to
ein, except between E and M. Besides, a common ORF. SARS-CoV-2 genome contains nine TRSs,
transcription regulatory sequence (TRS) occurs located before different nine ORFs, separately
upstream of the 5′ end of each ORF, which is cru- (Fig.  2.3). TRS of SRAS-CoV-2 is a conserved
cial for sgRNA constitution. sequence (5’-ACGAAC-3′), which is consistent
SARS-CoV-2 is 80% identical to SARS-CoV, with that of SARS-CoV (Masters and Perlman
at the whole-genome level, which has been rela- 2013). SL5 contains the AUG start codon of
tively systematically studied and may serve as a ORF1ab (Rangan et al. 2020b).
mirror for SARS-CoV-2 investigations (Zhou The 3’ UTR region is approximately 229-nt,
et  al. 2020). Besides, the similarity of different which possesses a polyadenylate tail and is
2  Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About the Characteristics of Viruses? 27

Fig. 2.3  Genome organization and protein products of HKU1 (NC_006577.2), NL63 (NC_005831.2), 229E
SARS-CoV-2. A schematic of the complete genome of (NC_002645.1), MERS-CoV (NC_019843.3), SARS-­
SARS-CoV-2 (NC_045512.2) is shown in the middle. CoV (NC_004718.3), and SARS-CoV-2 (NC_045512.2).
Replicase genes and products are present at the bottom. The RNA structure of the frameshift motif was calculated
Other genes from the seven human coronaviruses are using the UNAFold web server
placed on the top panel, which are OC43 (NC_006213.1),
28 W. Ji

Table 2.1 
SARS-CoV-2 (NC_045512.2) protein cial for ribosome binding and translation sup-
pression, which is similar to SARS-CoV
Similarity with (Kamitani et  al. 2009). Mutations (K164A/
Residues Molecular size SARS-CoV in
SARS-­ (amino (KDa, without protein
H165A) in this motif abrogate its binding capac-
CoV-­2 acid) modifications) sequence level ity to the ribosome subunit (Thoms et al. 2020). It
nsp1 180 19.78 84.44% indicates that the K/H residues in this motif are
nsp2 638 70.52 68.34% crucial for ribosome binding and translation sup-
nsp3 1945 217.28 75.97% pression, which is similar to SARS-CoV
nsp4 500 56.19 80.00% (Kamitani et al. 2009). This mechanism confers
nsp5 306 33.8 96.08% nsp1 to facilitate immune evasion through block-
nsp6 290 33.04 88.15%
ing type I interferon innate immune response
nsp7 83 9.24 98.80%
(Thoms et al. 2020). Besides, nsp1 shares 88.44%
nsp8 198 21.89 97.47%
nsp9 113 12.38 97.35%
identity with that of SARS-CoV at the protein
nsp10 139 14.79 97.12% level.
nsp11 13 1.33 84.62% Nsp2 gene encodes a 638-amino-acid protein.
nsp12 932 106.67 96.35% It shares 68.34% identity with that of SARS-CoV
nsp13 601 66.86 99.83% at the protein level. The function of nsp2 has not
nsp14 527 59.82 95.07% been investigated in SARS-CoV-2 yet but
nsp15 346 38.82 88.73% reported in SARS-CoV. The deletion of the nsp2
nsp16 298 33.33 93.29% gene in the SARS-CoV genome attenuates viral
S 1273 141.2 75.96%
growth and RNA synthesis (Graham et al. 2005),
E 75 8.37 94.74%
which indicates that nsp2 is dispensable for viral
M 222 25.15 90.54%
N 419 45.64 90.52% replication and provides a new scenery of attenu-
ated live vaccine design.
Nsp3 gene codes a 217.28  kDa multi-­
considered important for virus replication and transmembrane protein that consists of 1945
potentially translation (Rangan et  al. 2020b; amino acids and is the largest of replicase-­
Taiaroa et al. 2020). The 3′ UTR includes switch- transcriptase complex (RTC) proteins (Angeletti
like domain (mutually exclusive formation of a et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020a). It contains multiple
pseudoknot and stem-loop) and hypervariable tandem domains, performing different functions,
region (HVR) (Rangan et  al. 2020a, b). The separately. These modular domains are macrodo-
switch-like domain is essential, while HVR is dis- main (Mac), SARS-unique domain (SUD),
pensable for viral replication (Rangan et  al. papain-like proteinase domain (PLpro2), nucleic
2020b). HVR contains a conserved octa-nucleo- acid-binding domain (NAB), transmembrane
tide sequence (5’-GGAAGAGC-3′) and a con- domains, and Y domain (Alhammad et al. 2020;
served subregion stem-loop II-like motif (s2m) Frick et al. 2020; Rut et al. 2020b). Mac contains
(Rangan et al. 2020b; Masters and Perlman 2013). three tandem domains: Mac1, Mac2, and Mac3.
Mac1 exists in all coronaviruses and is previ-
ously known as ADP-ribose-1″-phosphatase
2.4.2 Nonstructural Proteins (ADRP) (Egloff et  al. 2006; Putics et  al. 2005;
Saikatendu et  al. 2005). Mac1 functions as a
The Nsp1 gene encodes a 19.78  kDa protein, highly efficient mono-adenosine diphosphate
which consists of approximately 180 amino (ADP) ribosylhydrolase enzyme, which pos-
acids. Through binding to 40S and 80S ribo- sesses the capacity of binding ADP-ribose and
somes and blocking mRNA entry channels, nsp1 hydrolyzing single mono-ADP-ribose unit (post-
can shutdown capped mRNA translation, includ- translational modification) from protein substrate
ing mRNAs coding for antiviral defense factors (Alhammad et  al. 2020; Frick et  al. 2020).
(Thoms et al. 2020). A C-terminal of nsp1 is cru- Besides, a bioinformatic analysis suggested that
2  Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About the Characteristics of Viruses? 29

Mac may remove mono-ADP-ribosylation from nsp16 (Kneller et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020).
the STAT1, which may be related to cytokine Mpro consists of three domains: I, II, III (Kneller
storm observed of COVID-19 (Claverie 2020). et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020; Jin et al. 2020a).
PLpro2 acts as a cysteine protease, which recog- Domains I/II (residues 8–184) are the catalytic
nizes the LXGG motif in polyproteins 1a and 1ab domains, and domain III (residues 201–303)
between SARS-CoV-2 proteins nsp1 and nsp2, mediates the dimerization of nsp5, which is the
nsp2, and nsp3 and nsp3 and nsp4 (nsp1/nsp2, necessary prerequisite to the catalytic activity
nsp2/nsp3, nsp3/nsp4) (Rut et al. 2020a). PLpro2 (Zhang et al. 2020; Kneller et al. 2020). Based on
carries out a precise cleavage straight after this its importance to viral replication, nsp5 can be
motif to separate nsp1, nsp2, and nsp3 from poly- designed as a drug target (Jin et  al. 2020a, b;
proteins (Rut et al. 2020a). Also, PLpro2 harbors Zhang et  al. 2020; Tahir ul Qamar et  al. 2020;
the deISGylating activity to regulate immune Elfiky et al. 2020).
evasion, similar to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV Nsp6 is a 33.04  kDa protein that consists of
(Clasman et al. 2020; Ratia et al. 2014; Mielech 290 amino acids. This protein contains multiple
et al. 2014). The ISGylation is defined as conju- transmembrane domains, together with nsp3 and
gation of ISG15 to target proteins and mediate nsp4, positioning the RTC in the intracellular
antiviral response, which can be reversed using membrane (Benvenuto et  al. 2020; Wu et  al.
deISGylation. This mechanism facilitates PLpro2 2020a). SARS-CoV-2 nsp6 is 88.15% identical
to block interferon-responsive factor 3 (IRF3) with SARS-CoV nsp6 at the amino acid level,
nuclear translocation and further attenuate type I and the function of nsp6 needs further
interferon responses, which may be considered as lucubration.
an antiviral target (Shin et al. 2020). SARS-CoV Nsp7 is a 9.24 kDa protein that consists of 83
PLpro2 has another scheme of hydrolyzing K48-­ amino acids. Nsp8 is a 21.89  kDa protein that
linked Ub chains to mediate immune escape, in consists of 198 amino acids. Nsp7 and nsp8
which SARS-CoV-2 PLpro2 does not possess mediate the formation of accessory subunits of
(Rut et al. 2020a; Shin et al. 2020). The functions RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) (Peng
of other domains remain unclear and need further et  al. 2020; Hillen et  al. 2020; Romano et  al.
investigation. 2020). Polymerase assay in vitro showed that the
Nsp4 is a 56.19  kDa protein that consists of absence of either accessory subunit makes repli-
500 amino acids. This protein contains multiple cation impossible (Peng et  al. 2020). Besides,
transmembrane helices, anchoring in the intracel- nsp7 and nsp8 are conserved between SARS-­
lular membrane (Wu et al. 2020a). SARS-CoV-2 CoV-­2 and SARS-CoV, with 98.8% and 97.47%
nsp4 is 80% identical with SARS-CoV nsp4 at identity at the amino acid level, respectively.
the amino acid level. The function of nsp4 has not Nsp9 is a 12.38  kDa protein that consists of
been investigated in SARS-CoV-2 yet but 113 amino acids. Nsp9 takes part in viral genome
reported in SARS-CoV.  SARS-CoV nsp4 bind- reproduction via binding single-stranded RNA
ing with nsp3 is essential but not sufficient for (Littler et  al. 2020). Even more remarkably, it
membrane rearrangement, which is crucial for interacts with NKRF (NF-КB repressor) and
RNA replication (Sakai et al. 2017). facilitates both IL-8 and IL-6 induction, which is
Nsp5 gene encodes a 33.8  kDa protein con- involved in cytokine storm syndromes and ele-
sisting of 306 amino acids. This protein is a con- vated mortality in COVID-19 patients (Mehta
served 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) et  al. 2020; Li et  al. 2020; Wang et  al. 2020a).
and shares a 96.08% identity between SARS-­ Besides, nsp9 shares 97.35% protein sequence
CoV and SARS-CoV-2 at the amino acid level identity and similar crystal structure between
(Tahir ul Qamar et al. 2020; Kneller et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV (Littler et  al.
3CLpro is the main protease (Mpro) in cleaving 2020).
polyprotein1a and polyprotein 1ab at 11 distinct Nsp10 is a 14.79 kDa protein that consists of
sites to produce 13 nonstructural proteins: nsp4– 139 amino acids. It is a zinc finger protein that
30 W. Ji

can bind nonspecific RNA and interact with can be enhanced (twofold) by nsp12 (Adedeji
nsp16 as its cofactor (Rosas-Lemus et al. 2020; et  al. 2012a). It also contains 5′-triphosphatase
Li et  al. 2020; Krafcikova et  al. 2020). Nsp10 activity, required for the first step of 5’cap syn-
also interacts with nsp14 as its cofactor. More thesis (Adedeji et al. 2012b; Ivanov et al. 2004;
impressive is that nsp10 elevates both IL-8 and Tanner et  al. 2003). These functions of SARS-­
IL-6 production in lung epithelial A549 cells, CoV-­ 2 nsp13 need further investigation and
reflecting that it is a potential virulence factor of confirmation.
hyper inflammation similar to nsp9 (Li et  al. Nsp14 is a 59.82 kDa protein that consists of
2020). Besides, nsp10 is conserved between 527 amino acids. Nsp14 is a conserved protein
SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, with 97.12% with a 95.07% identity between SARS-CoV-2
identity at the protein sequence level. Following and SARS-CoV at the amino acid level. Nsp14 of
behind nsp10, nsp11 is an accessory remnant each virus is a bifunctional enzyme with an
from polyprotein 1a cleavage. It is a 1.33  kDa N-terminal 3′-5′ exonuclease (ExoN) domain and
peptide that consists of 13 amino acids and shares a C-terminal guanine-N7 methyltransferase
84.62% identity with that of SARS-CoV at the (N7-MTase) domain (Minskaia et  al. 2006;
protein sequence level. Romano et  al. 2020). ExoN can proofread the
Nsp12 is a 106.67 kDa protein that consists of elongating RNA and excise the mismatched base
932 amino acids. It is a core catalytic subunit of (Ogando et  al. 2019; Eckerle et  al. 2010).
the polymerase complex, which also needs the N7-MTase is S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-
involvement of an nsp7-nsp8 heterodimer and an dependent methyltransferases responsible for
additional nsp8 subunit (Peng et al. 2020; Hillen gRNA and sgRNA m7GpppA cap synthesis
et al. 2020). Nsp12, nsp7, and nsp8 are remark- (Krafcikova et  al. 2020). SARS-CoV study
ably and equally crucial for polymerase activity showed that the nsp10 cofactor enhances the
because the absence of either will inactivate the ExoN activity of nsp14 (>35-fold) without influ-
enzyme capacity (Peng et al. 2020). Nsp12 con- ence upon its N7-MTase activity (Bouvet et  al.
tains an N-terminal nucleotidyltransferase 2012). Yeast two-hybrid analysis provides evi-
(NiRAN) domain and a C-terminal RdRp dence for SARS-CoV-2 nsp14-nsp10 interaction.
domain, with an interface domain between them However, the function behind the complex needs
(Peng et al. 2020). The RdRp activity can be ter- further investigation (Li et al. 2020).
minated in  vitro by tenofovir and emtricitabine Nsp15 is a 38.82 kDa protein that consists of
(two FDA-approved HIV drugs for pre-exposure 346 amino acids. It is an endonuclease (NendoU)
prophylaxis, PrEP), which may be designated as composed of an N-terminal oligomerization
a potential PrEP therapy against COVID-19 domain, a middle domain, and a C-terminal
(Copertino Jr. et al. 2020; Jockusch et al. 2020). NendoU catalytic domain (Kim et  al. 2020b).
Besides, nsp12 is 96.35% identical to that of NendoU activity is Mn2+-dependent, which cuts
SARS-CoV at the protein sequence level. single-stranded RNA substrates with specificity
Nsp13 is a 66.86 kDa protein that consists of cleavage downstream of uridylate residues and
601 amino acids. Nsp13 is the most conserved releases 2′-3′ cyclic phosphates (Kim et al. 2020b;
protein between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, Bhardwaj et  al. 2006). Also, the nsp15 protein
with 99.83% identity at the amino acid level. sequence is relatively conserved, with 88.73%
Nsp13 of both viruses is a multifunctional pro- identity between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV.
tein, comprising an N-terminal Zn2+ binding Nsp16 is a 33.33 kDa protein that consists of
domain (ZBD) and a C-terminal helicase domain 298 amino acids. It is an m7GpppA-specific,
(Mirza and Froeyen 2020; Romano et al. 2020). SAM-dependent 2’-O-MTase, only active with
SARS-CoV nsp13 can unwind duplex RNA or the help of cofactor nsp10 (Decroly et al. 2011;
DNA with a 5′ to 3′ directionality in an NTP-­ Krafcikova et al. 2020). Nsp16 protein sequence
dependent manner, and this catalytic efficiency is conserved, with 93.29% identity between
2  Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About the Characteristics of Viruses? 31

SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV.  SARS-CoV (Graham and Baric 2010). Changes in RBM can
nsp10/nsp16 MTase activity requires the involve- lead to efficient cross-species transmission
ment of Mg2+ (Bouvet et al. 2010), and the diva- (Graham and Baric 2010; Song et  al. 2005; Li
lent cation is present in SARS-CoV-2 nsp16, et  al. 2005). hACE2 binding affinity of SARS-­
outside the active site, with an undefined function CoV-­2 RBD is higher than that of SARS-CoV,
(Decroly et al. 2011). while the entire SARS-CoV-2 spike has a compa-
rable or lower binding affinity to hACE2 than
SARS-CoV spike (Shang et  al. 2020a). This
2.5 Structural Proteins inconsistent state is caused by RBD switchable
and Accessory Proteins heteromorphism between a standing-up position
and a lying-down position. RBD of SARS-CoV
The spike gene encodes a 141.20  kDa surface is mostly in the standing-up state, which is more
structural protein that consists of 1273 amino accessible to ACE2 receptor (Gui et  al. 2017;
acids. Spike monomer protein will go through a Yuan et  al. 2017); while RBD of SARS-CoV-2
process from oligomerization to trimerization, spike is mostly in the lying-down state, which is
along with the glycosylation, which will enlarge less accessible and benefits immune evasion
the monomeric molecular size to approximately through epitope masking (Walls et  al. 2020;
250 kDa (Shang et al. 2020a). Mass spectrometry Wrapp et al. 2020; Shang et al. 2020a). Although
studies have shown that there are 22  N-linked the veiled RBD may exhibit poor recognition for
glycan sites in the monomer, with each trimer hACE2 and insufficient entrance into host cells, it
displaying 66  N-linked glycosylation sites evolved to possess two characteristics: an RBD
(Watanabe et al. 2020). The mature spike protein with higher hACE2 binding affinity and a furin
is a trimeric class I viral fusion protein containing motif (S1/S2 cleavage site), allowing its spike to
two functional subunits (Watanabe et  al. 2020) be preactivated (Shang et al. 2020a). S1/S2 cleav-
(Fig.  2.2b). Subunit 1 (S1) is responsible for age site (Q677TNSPRRAR↓SV687) is recognized
receptor binding, while subunit 2 (S2) drives the by the furin-like host like protease, which cuts S
membrane fusion between virion and host cell protein into similar-sized S1 and S2. Mutation of
(Hoffmann et  al. 2020; Watanabe et  al. 2020). the S1/S2clevage site from
Removal of S1 crown is necessary for the S2 con- Q677TNSPRRAR↓SV687 to Q677TILR↓SV683
formational changes, leading to membrane fusion can abrogate the furin-like protease cleavage. S2’
(Walls et al. 2017). is another cleavage site located in half of the S2
Spike monomer is a transmembrane protein position, which is recognized and cleaved by cell
consisting of a large N-terminal ectodomain, surface transmembrane serine protease called
transmembrane domain (TM), and a tiny TMPRSS2. Abrogating furin cleavage at S1/S2
C-terminal ectodomain (Fig.  2.2c). The sites, SARS-CoV-2 remains infectious by
N-terminal ectodomain includes different subdo- TMPRSS2 cleavage in S2’ locus, similar to
mains: SS (signal sequence), receptor-binding SARS-CoV (Walls et al. 2020). After the cleav-
domain (RBD), S1/S2 cleavage site, S2’locus, age, hydrophobic FP is exposed and initiates
fusion peptide (FP), heptad repeat 1 (HR1), and viral and cellular membrane fusion (Tang et  al.
heptad repeat 2 (HR2) (Wrapp et al. 2020). The 2020; Ling et  al. 2020). Heptad repeat region1
signal sequence mediates the protein inserted (HR1) and heptad repeat region 2 (HR2) then
into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) (Masters facilitate the termination procedure of membrane
and Perlman 2013). RBD specifically binds to fusion (Tang et  al. 2020; Xia et  al. 2020; Ling
hACE2 as a virus receptor and determines its et  al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 shows higher mem-
extensive potential host tropism (Wan et al. 2020; brane fusion capacity than SARS-CoV (Xia et al.
Guo et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020b). The receptor-­ 2020). Also, viral-neutralizing epitopes exist
binding motif (RBM) is the cassette containing within the spike protein, especially in RBD motif,
14 residues that directly interact with hACE2 which is sufficient to raise a protective antibody
32 W. Ji

response in infected human patients (Wu et  al. that accessory proteins are dispensable for RNA
2020b, c; Ku et al. 2020). This phenomenon pro- replication, while some of them are related to
vides potential opportunity to cure COVID-19. virus pathogenesis through modulation of inter-
The envelope gene (E) codes for an 8.37 kDa feron signaling pathways and production of pro-­
one transmembrane protein that consists of 75 inflammatory cytokines (Liu et  al. 2014).
amino acids (Bianchi et al. 2020; Thomas 2020). Although functions of accessory proteins of
It is the smallest virion structural protein, which SRAS-CoV-2 are still indistinct, the proteomic
shares 94.74% identity with that of SARS-CoV survey demonstrated that some of these proteins
at the protein sequence level. The computational could interact with host proteins, which provides
analysis demonstrated that envelope protein of insights into their purposes in the life cycle (Li
both viruses might function as a gated proton et al. 2020).
channel (Wilson et  al. 2004; Sarkar and Saha
2020) and contains a C-terminal Bcl-2 homology
3 (BH3)-like motif, which is responsible for 2.6 SARS-CoV-2 Life Cycle
interaction with antiapoptotic host protein Bcl-xL
and inducing apoptosis (Navratil et al. 2020). 2.6.1 Virus Entry and Uncoating
The membrane (M) protein is a 25.15  kDa
transmembrane protein that consists of 222 Recently, significant progress has been made in
amino acids. Bioinformatic analyses showed that understanding the critical steps of the SARS-­
it contains a single three-transmembrane domain CoV-­2 life cycle, although many steps remain
(Thomas 2020), and it shares a 90.54% identity enigmatic (Fig. 2.4a). Once SARS-CoV-2 reaches
with that of SARS-CoV at the protein sequence the target cell, the infection cycle begins with the
level. SARS-CoV-2 genome-wide yeast two-­ attachment and entry process, which is mediated
hybrid screens and co-immunoprecipitations (co-­ by the interaction of spike glycoproteins with
IP) experiments showed that M protein could hACE2 receptor and the following membrane
interact with S and N proteins, which needs fur- fusion (Shang et  al. 2020a). Binding of the
ther investigations (Li et al. 2020). SARS-CoV S1 subunit to the hACE2 primes
Nucleocapsid phosphoprotein (N) is a endocytosis of virus particle to form a double-­
45.64  kDa protein that consists of 419 amino membrane vesicle. Then, cleavage of S2’ locus is
acids. It shares a 90.52% identity with that of mediated by lysosomal protease cathepsin L and
SARS-CoV at the protein sequence level. The N the host cell serine protease TMPRSS2, co-­
protein of both viruses contains an N-terminal localizing with and binding to hACE2 (Shulla
RNA binding domain and a C-terminal domain et al. 2011; Walls et al. 2020). This cleavage pro-
(Dinesh et al. 2020; Kang et al. 2020). The RNA cess disassociates S1 from S2 and then facilitates
binding domain of both viruses captures the RNA S2 conformational rearrangement with exposure
genome to form the ribonucleoprotein complex, of hydrophobic fusion peptide within S2 trimer.
and the C-terminal domain of SARS-CoV bind- This fusion peptide penetrates the cell membrane,
ing M protein then serves as a bridge for linking which initiates the membrane fusion event
RNA genome to the viral membrane (Dinesh between SARS-CoV-2 and acidified endosome.
et al. 2020). The SARS-CoV-2 proteomic analy- Meanwhile, S2 conformational change primes
sis demonstrated that N protein could interact the interaction between HR1 and HR2  in each
with proteins M and E, and the mechanism of monomer, which forms an antiparallel helix-­
which needs intensive investigations (Li et  al. coiled bundle (Xia et al. 2020). The formation of
2020). this trimer of hairpins brings the juxtaposition of
SARS-CoV-2 has six accessory proteins (3a, viral and cellular membranes closer, resulting in
6, 7a, 7b, 8, and 10), and SARS-CoV contains ultimate fusion and subsequent release of the
eight accessory proteins (3a, 3b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8a, 8b, viral core into the cytosol (Ling et al. 2020; Tang
and 9b). Previously study of SARS-CoV showed et al. 2020; Xia et al. 2020).
2  Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About the Characteristics of Viruses? 33

Fig. 2.4  Overview of SARS-CoV-2 life cycle (a) and transcription (b)
34 W. Ji

2.6.2 V
 iral Replicase Expression the leader (TRS-L). This mechanism results in
and RNA Synthesis discontinuous negative-strand RNA synthesis
and fusion of leader RNA to body
After the delivery of viral core into the cytosol, RNA.  Additionally, the negative-strand gRNA
cap-dependent translation is initiated and gives replication requires RdPR to pass through all
rise to two polyproteins (pp1a and pp1ab) from TRS-B sites in gRNA. Each negative-strand RNA
the viral genome. Translation begins at 5’UTR intermediate is equipped with a 5′ oligouridylate
and continues until the ribosome encounters the tracts and 3′ anti-leader, which then mediates the
heptanucleotide slippery sequence synthesis of one gRNA and eight sgRNAs (ORF
5’-UUUAAAC-3′ (Fig. 2.3) (Kelly and Dinman S, ORF 3a/3b, ORF E, ORF M, ORF6, ORF
2020). If the ribosome passes the heptamer 7a/7b, ORF8, ORF N) (Davidson et  al. 2020;
sequence without frameshift, the translation will Nomburg et al. 2020; Kim et al. 2020a).
terminate at the UAA stop codon, which is 12-nt Beyond this canonical TRS-mediated
downstream of the slippery motif. If ribosome template-­switching mechanism, there exist other
pauses in the slippery motif with codon frame- noncanonical mechanisms, similar to other coro-
shifting, the translation will terminate at another naviruses (Kim et al. 2020a; Irigoyen et al. 2016;
UAA stop codon, which is 8084-nt downstream Viehweger et  al. 2019). Sequencing analyses
of the frameshifting signals. The first strategy showed that minor noncanonical transcripts owe
generates a truncated PP1a, and the latter pro- junction sites different from canonical tran-
duces PP1ab. PP1a was automatically hydrolyzed scripts, such as ORF7b and ORF10 without the
into 11 nonstructural proteins  – nsp1–nsp11  – TRS motif (Kim et  al. 2020a; Nomburg et  al.
and PP1ab produces 15 nonstructural proteins: 2020; Davidson et  al. 2020). The function of
nsp1–nsp10 and nsp12–nsp16. The proteolysis these noncanonical transcripts is still unclear,
was mediated by nsp3 (PLpro) and nsp5 (Mpro) which needs further investigation.
(Rut et  al. 2020a; Kneller et  al. 2020; Tahir ul
Qamar et al. 2020). PLpro performs separation of
nsp1, nsp2, and nsp3, while Mpro executes the 2.6.3 Virion Assembly and Release
other protein isolation. The mature nsps assemble
into RTC to carry out RNA synthesis. After transcription, sgRNAs immediately give
RNA synthesis begins with the replication and rise to accessory and the structural proteins that
transcription forming distinct negative-strand build progeny viruses. The membrane-associated
RNAs, which are used as templates for further proteins S, E, and M are initially inserted into the
synthesis of the capped gRNA and sgRNAs ER and then transported into Golgi. Meanwhile,
(Nomburg et al. 2020; Davidson et al. 2020; Kim N protein integrates the viral genome to form
et al. 2020a). The gRNA acts as a genome and the nucleocapsid, which can coalesce with envelope
mRNA for coding RTC proteins, and sgRNAs components via interaction with M and E pro-
function as mRNAs for encoding structural and teins (Liang et al. 2020). The assembled virions
accessory proteins. Each sgRNA contains a 5′end are then transported via vesicles and released out
leader sequence (~70-nt) and a body RNA, which of the cells. In this process, spike trimer of mature
is identical to the genome segment 3′ (Kim et al. virions may undergo proteolytical preactivation
2020a). at S1/S2 cleavage site by furin for more accessi-
The negative-strand RNA synthesis begins ble cell entrance (Shang et al. 2020b).
with RTC at the 3′end of gRNA (Masters and
Perlman 2013). When RdRp crosses TRS in the
body (TRS-B), the elongation process pauses 2.7 Conclusion
with two following options (Fig. 2.4b) (Kim et al.
2020a): RdRp may continue to elongate the The novel SARS-CoV-2 is still raging world-
negative-­sense RNA intermediates. Alternatively, wide, with a corrupting impact on human health.
it may switch the template from TRS-B to TRS in Specific antiviral drugs and efficient commercial
2  Coronaviruses: What Should We Know About the Characteristics of Viruses? 35

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Ecology and Evolution
of Betacoronaviruses 3
Eduardo Rodríguez-Román and Adrian J. Gibbs

Abstract Keywords

The crown-like outline of the virions of coro- Betacoronaviruses · Coronaviruses · Ecology

naviruses will long endure as the iconic image · Emergence · Evolution · Phylogeny ·
of 2020  – the year of the COVID-19 pan- SARS-CoV-2
demic. This major human health emergency
has been caused by a betacoronavirus, as have
others in the past. In this chapter, we outline
the taxonomy of betacoronaviruses and their 3.1 Introduction
properties, both genetic and biological. We
discuss their recombinational and mutational Viruses are the most abundant biological entities
histories separately to show that the sequence around the globe (Suttle 2007). A recently
of the RaTG13 bat virus isolate is the closest emerged virus called severe acute respiratory
currently known full-length genetic homolog syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes
of that of the severe acute respiratory the human coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-­19).
syndrome-­ related coronavirus 2 (SARS-­ SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the species Severe acute
CoV-­2). However, the RaTG13 bat virus and respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus in the
SARS-CoV-2 have probably diverged over subgenus Sarbecovirus, genus Betacoronavirus
20 years. We discuss the ecology of their pan- of the family Coronaviridae (Gorbalenya et  al.
golin and bat hosts and conclude that, like 2020a).
other recent viral pandemics, the underlying As described by the International Committee
cause of the SARS-CoV-2 emergence is prob- on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV), the family
ably the relentless growth of the world’s Coronaviridae is divided into 2 subfamilies, 5
human population and the overexploitation genera, 26 subgenera, and 46 species (ICTV
and disturbance of the environment. online). However, only members of the genera
Alphacoronavirus and Betacoronavirus have
E. Rodríguez-Román (*) been reported to infect humans, as shown in
Center for Microbiology and Cell Biology, Instituto Fig. 3.1. There are three subgenera of betacoro-
Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, naviruses, and these contain 14 species officially
Caracas, Venezuela recognized by the ICTV.
A. J. Gibbs
Emeritus Faculty, Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 41

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
42 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

Fig. 3.1  Current taxonomy of the family Coronaviridae. humans (person symbol). MNRH stands for taxon or taxa,
Dots represent the taxon family (blue), subfamily (yel- where members have not been reported in humans.
low), and genus (green). Coronavirus species reported in (Prepared with data from ICTV)

Coronaviruses have single-stranded positive-­ (iii) there must be the possibility of the human-­
sense RNA genomes that are the largest known human infection. The present chapter provides an
for RNA viruses (Anthony et al. 2017). overview of the discovery of human coronavi-
ruses, their origins, natural reservoirs, and the
ability of coronaviruses to cause spillovers and
3.1.1 The Emergence host switching.
of an Infectious Disease

The emergence of an infectious disease depends 3.1.2 A

 Brief History
on the pathogen, the host, and their environment of the Discovery of Human
(Agrios 2005). In recent work (Frutos et  al. Coronaviruses
2020), the three required conditions for the emer-
gence of human infectious diseases were defined The first coronavirus was discovered in 1937
as follows: (i) the pathogen must be able to infect (Beaudette 1937) and called avian infectious
and reproduce in human beings; (ii) there must be bronchitis virus, a member of the then genus
interactions between human beings and the Coronavirus, as seen in the first report of the
pathogen reservoir or the intermediary host; and ICTV in 1971 (Fenner 1975). It was associated
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses 43

with avian bronchitis disease and caused death in navirus), which emerged in 2012 (Zaki et  al.
chick embryos (Beaudette 1937; Fabricant 1998). 2012), the etiological agent of MERS and the
This virus is now classified as the type of the spe- second hCoV to cause a health emergency.
cies Avian coronavirus (genus MERS-CoV caused 858 deaths between 2012
Gammacoronavirus) (ICTV online). The first and 2019, with a CFR of 34% (Mahase 2020).
two coronaviruses of humans were discovered in Finally, in December of 2019, the emergence
1965 during an electron microscopy study of the of a new coronavirus causing pneumonia in
causes of common respiratory diseases of Wuhan, China, was announced (Wu et al. 2020).
humans. The virions of two viruses were mor- Although more infectious than SARS-CoV, its
phologically similar to those of the coronavirus case fatality rate was much lower. Initially, the
previously reported in chickens, avian infectious virus was called 2019-nCoV, but it is now known
bronchitis virus (Almeida and Tyrrell 1967). The as SARS-CoV-2 (Gorbalenya et  al. 2020a), the
coronaviruses OC43 (species Betacoronavirus 1) etiologic agent of the disease COVID-19, and is
and 229E (species Human coronavirus 229E) the seventh hCoV to be reported. COVID-19 was
were thus the first coronaviruses (hCoVs) to be declared as a pandemic by the WHO on March
shown to cause disease in humans (Almeida and 11, 2020. As of May 31, 2020, at least 6.2 million
Tyrrell 1967). June Almeida, the codiscoverer of people have been infected, and more than 372,000
these first hCoVs, suggested the name “coronavi- of these have died (WHO 2020; Worldometer
rus” as each virion appeared to have a crown of coronavirus website 2020).
knob-shaped projections from its surface when
viewed under an electron microscope, and thus
the name of this group of viruses was established 3.2 Origin and Evolution
(Henry 2020). of SARS-CoV-2 and Other
About 40 years passed before another corona- Betacoronaviruses
virus that causes disease in humans was discov-
ered. It was SARS-CoV (species Severe acute All viruses with RNA genomes, riboviruses, are
respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus), the currently placed in the viral realm Riboviria, a
etiological agent of severe acute respiratory syn- taxon defined by their RNA-dependent RNA
drome (SARS), which emerged in 2002 and polymerase gene (Gorbalenya et  al. 2020b). A
caused severe pneumonia and death in some indi- distinctive characteristic of most riboviruses is
viduals (Drosten et al. 2003). SARS-CoV was the their ability to generate genetic diversity quickly
first hCoV to cause an international health emer- and, therefore, to evolve rapidly (Domingo 2019).
gency, as declared by the World Health They can form large populations and have short
Organization (WHO). It was transmitted at a generation times (Duffy et  al. 2008; González-­
moderate, but significant, rate from human to Candelas et al. 2018).
human and associated with a case fatality rate Organisms, including viruses, evolve by the
(CFR) of 9.6% as reported in July 2003 (Mahase mutation of individual nucleotides in their genes
2020). Fortunately, the SARS-CoV was con- and also by genetic recombination, in which
trolled by quarantine and rigorous tracing of genome regions of coinfecting viruses are
­contacts. After the SARS epidemic, two other exchanged. The most evident clues about the ori-
hCoVs were identified almost at the same time, gins of any virus come from phylogenetic com-
NL63 (species Human coronavirus NL63) in parisons of its genome sequence with those of
2004, causing croup and bronchiolitis (Fouchier other related viruses. Point mutations are of pri-
et al. 2004; van der Hoek et al. 2004), and HKU1 mary value for phylogenetic analysis, whereas
(species Human coronavirus HKU1) in 2005, recombination often confuses the interpretation
causing pneumonia (Woo et al. 2005). The sixth of such analyses.
human coronavirus was MERS-CoV (species In mid-May 2020, we downloaded from the
Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coro- GenBank and GISAID databases all the full-­
44 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

length coronavirus genomes closest to that of Recombination Detection Program (RDP) 4.95
SARS-CoV-2, together with a representative (Martin et al. 2015). Recombination was detected
selection of related coronaviruses. It was per- in, and between, all betacoronaviruses, but not
formed by BLAST searches of the databases between them and the outgroup sequences. The
using the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan-Hu-1 sequence 10 outgroup sequences were therefore removed,
(NC_045512) as a query. Over 100 full-length and the remaining 20 sequences were realigned
matching sequences were identified and aligned using MAFFT-L and BioEdit (Hall 1999) to
using MAFFT with its L option. A neighbor-­ ­create an alignment of concatenated open reading
joining (NJ) phylogeny of these sequences iden- frames (ORFs) (concats).
tified eight genomic sequences closest to The phylogeny of the complete sarbecovirus
NC_045512 in the SARS-CoV-2 lineage. Eleven concats (Fig. 3.2a) shows that they form into two
others, more distant, included the SARS-CoV lineages, SARS-1 and SARS-2, with the individ-
reference sequence (NC_004718), and an out- ual tips at a range of distances from the midpoint
group of ten other coronavirus genomes included root, a sign of recombination and topology that is
that of MERS-CoV. These 30 representative beta- often not supported statistically. Homologous
coronavirus sequences (Table  3.1) were aligned recombination is widely accepted as playing an
and checked for recombination using the essential role in the evolution, emergence, and

Table 3.1  Coronavirus sequences compared phylogenetically

Accession code Host Isolate Country
EF065505 Bat HKU41 China
EPI_ISL_410721 Pangolin Guangdong/1/2019 China
EPI_ISL_412977 Bat RmYN02 China
GQ153540 Bat HKU3-5 HK
GQ153543 Bat HKU3-8 HK
KF636752 Bat Zhejiang/2013 China
KU762337 Bat-Rous GCCDC1 346 China
KX442565 Bat-Hypsugo HKU25/NL140462 China
KY417145 Bat Rf4092 China
KY417148 Bat Rs4247 China
KY417152 Bat Rs9401 China
KY674941 Human HKU1/N091663B USA
KY770859 Bat Anlong112 China
KY770860 Bat Jiyan84 China
MG772933 Bat ZC45 China
MG772934 Bat ZXC21 China
MK211374 Bat SC2018 China
MK211376 Bat YN2018B China
MK211377 Bat YN2018C China
MN481964 Human Riyadh_58_2014 Saudi
MN996528 Human WIV04 (SARS-CoV-2) China
MN996532 Bat RaTG13 China
MT040333 Pangolin GX-P4L China
MT040336 Pangolin GXP5E China
NC_004718 Human Tor2 (SARS-CoV) Canada
NC_009021 Bat HKU91 China
NC_030886 Bat-Rous GCCDC1 356 China
NC_034440 Bat PDF2180 Uganda
NC_039207 Bat Erinaceus/VMC/DEU/2012 Germany
NC_045512 Human Wuhan-Hu-1 (SARS-CoV-2) China
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses 45

Fig. 3.2  ML phylogenies of 20 sarbecovirus concat sequences using (a) the complete concat sequences and (b) only
nucleotides 1–11,502. The nodes marked “a”–“e” are discussed, and nodes with blue disk have >0.99 SH support

epidemiology of viruses, especially in those with RmYN02 has additional recombinant regions
positive RNA genomes, and can lead to rapid most closely related to regions from two other
changes in genetic diversity (Holmes 2009; coronaviruses. The positions and statistical sup-
Knipe and Howley 2013; Simon-Loriere and port for these recombinant regions are shown in
Holmes 2011). It has been shown to contribute to Table  3.2. Further recombinant regions were
changes and expansion of viral host ranges, found in the other SARS-CoV-2 lineage concats,
increases of virulence, acquisition of new hosts but, significantly, none were in the 5′ terminal
by evading host immunity, and resistance to anti- third (1-11502  nts) of the sequences. Thus,
virals (Simon-Loriere and Holmes 2011). The importantly, this region was available to obtain a
alignment of SARS-1 and SARS-2 lineage con- phylogeny of the SARS-CoV-2 lineage based on
cats was therefore checked for recombinants point mutations alone and not confounded by
using RDP 4.95. recombination.
The recombination map (Fig. 3.3) shows that Figure 3.2b shows the maximum likelihood
the two SARS-CoV-2 concats (from NC_045512 (ML) phylogeny calculated from nts 1-11502 of
and MN996528) together with those of RmYN02 the 20 SARS-1 and SARS-2 lineage concats. It
and RaTG13 (EPI_ISL_412977 and MN996532) can be seen that, compared with Fig.  3.2a phy-
share the same two recombinant regions (“a” and logeny, its tips are now at similar distances from
“b”), both of them related to SARS-1 lineage bat the root; the SARS-CoV-2s, RmYN02, and
viruses. Significantly, however, the concat of RaTG13 concats now form the sister group to
46 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

Fig. 3.3  Screenshot of part of the recombination map of details of the recombinant regions in four of the concats
the RDP analysis of 20 concats from the same SARS-1 closest to, and including, that of SARS-CoV-2 are shown
and SARS-2 lineage genomes shown in Fig.  3.2a. The in Table 3.2

those of the two other bat sequences, MG772933 “c” (Fig.  3.2b). The additional recombinant
and MG772934 (ZC45 and ZXC21), and concats regions found in the RmYN02 concat were not
of the three isolates from pangolins (EPI_ present in the other SARS-CoV-2 concats and so
ISL_410721, MT040333, and MT040336) form must have been acquired after the three diverged
an outgroup. The two recombinant regions found at node “a” (Fig. 3.2b).
in the four concats, SARS-CoV-2s, EPI-­ It is noteworthy that recombinants “a” and “b”
ISL_412977, and MN996532, were not found in had smaller Consensus Recombinant Score
the MG772933, MG772934, or more distant (CRS) values (i.e., support) than recombinants
sequences and so must have been acquired by the “c,” “d,” and “e”; as predicted by the phylogeny,
SARS-CoV-2 progenitor between nodes “b” and the first two were acquired before the others. Also
Table 3.2  Positions and support for the recombinant regions of the SARS-CoV-2, RaTG13, and RmYN02 sequences shown in Fig. 3.3
Position of the recombinant region Consensus Recombinant Scores (CRS)
Major parent Minor parent
Region (Fig. 3.3) Start (nts) End (nts) Recombinant CRS Sequence CRS Sequence CRS
a 14405 15024 0.353 MT040333 0.329 KY417145 0.317
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses

b 16549 17613 0.393 MT040336 0.373 GQ153543 0.234

c 21040 22598 0.745 MN996528 0.135 MT040333 0.120
d 22644 24078 0.810 MN996528 0.034 ISL_410721 0.156
e 27550 28016 0.697 MN996528 0.162 ISL_410721 0.141
48 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

interesting is the fact that minor “parents” (i.e., known to have polymerases with this type of exo-
the nearest sequence tested) of recombinant “a” nuclease activity (Sanjuán and Domingo-Calap
and “b” were coronaviruses of bats from the 2019).
SARS-1 lineage, whereas those of “c,” “d,” and The genetic inactivation of ExoN activity in
“e” were all coronaviruses from pangolins of the engineered SARS-CoV genomes results in viable
SARS-2 lineage. However, it is essential to real- mutants that have a 15- to 20-fold increases in
ize that, although those were the hosts from mutation rates, up to 18 times greater than those
which they were isolated, the viruses may have tolerated for fidelity mutants of other RNA
infected other hosts en route. viruses, and thus this protein is essential for rep-
lication fidelity and coronavirus genetic diversity
(Denison et al. 2011; Gribble et al. 2020). ExoN
3.2.1 Genome Evolution has been determined as the first (non-RdRp) viral
protein involved in the sensitivity of RNA viruses
Mutation is the fundamental evolutionary mecha- to mutagens and could be considered as a good
nism driving diversification in biological entities. target for therapeutics in coronaviruses (Smith
Although RNA virus populations generally have et  al. 2013) by, for example, inducing lethal
high mutation rates, not all mutations in a virus mutagenesis in coronavirus populations (Perales
population have the same fate. Some mutations et al. 2011).
are lost over time by natural selection or genetic The effect of ExoN is to produce a mutation
drift, while others increase in frequency and rate for SARS-CoV genomes of around
eventually become fixed in the virus population 9.06  ×  10−7 substitutions/site/replication round
(Pagán 2018). Generally, the rate of fixation (s/n/r), i.e., three orders of magnitude less than
determines the long-term rate of evolution (Pagán the average of other RNA viruses (1  ×  10−4)
2018; Vandamme 2009) and results from the (Cuevas et  al. 2009; Drake 1991; Eckerle et  al.
combined effects of mutation rates, generation 2010), and more like that of some ssDNA viruses
times, effective population size, and fitness in such as the bacterial virus ΦX174 (Eckerle et al.
viruses (Duffy et  al. 2008), and it can be 2010; Sanjuán et al. 2010). However, when ExoN
calculated using Bayesian phylogenetic infer- is inactivated, the mutation rate for SARS-CoV
ence or regression methods (Bouckaert et  al. increases to around 1.26  ×  10−5 s/n/r (Eckerle
2019). et al. 2010), which is closer to that of other RNA
The mutation rates of RNA viruses are in the viruses and near the limit as the virus population
range from 1 × 10−3 to 1 × 10−6 mutations/nucleo- cannot fix/accumulate more, so it suffers an error
tide/replication round (m/n/r) (González-­catastrophe (Belshaw et  al. 2011; Duffy et  al.
Candelas et al. 2018), and generally, this results 2008; Sanjuán and Domingo-Calap 2019).
in a rate of between 1 × 10−2 and 1 × 10−5 nucleo- Knowledge of the rates of virus evolution
tide substitutions/site/year (s/s/y) (Duffy et  al. allows the times of coalescence (or divergence)
2008; González-Candelas et  al. 2018; Hanada of taxa or lineages, and the date of their most
et al. 2004; Jenkins et al. 2002). These rates result recent common ancestor (tMRCA), to be inferred.
from low-fidelity copying by their RdRps, which Note that although all mutations contribute to the
lack a proofreading mechanism (Drake and “molecular clock” of a population, most of the
Holland 1999). Although coronaviruses possess most recent mutations are quickly lost (Duchêne
the largest genomes (26–32  kb) among ribovi- et al. 2014), so that the older a population is, the
ruses (Anthony et  al. 2017; Gorbalenya et  al. more diverse it will be, and its average evolution-
2006), they have lower mutation rates than others ary rate will be less.
as they have proofreading activity provided by Short-term rates of evolution of the current
the 3′ exoribonuclease (ExoN) (Minskaia et  al. populations have been estimated for the five
2006; Zhang and Holmes 2020). Currently, the human betacoronaviruses (Table 3.3). It has been
coronaviruses are the only group of RNA viruses estimated that the tMRCA for the hCoVs OC43
Table 3.3  Evolutionary rate estimates of human betacoronaviruses
Virus Evolution rate (x10−3 s/s/y) References
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses

SARS-CoV-2 1.04 (0.71–1.40) Virological website

SARS-CoV 0.80–2.38 Zhao et al. (2004)
MERS-CoV 0.63 (0.14–1.1) Cotten et al. (2013)
1.12 (0.88–1.37) Cotten et al. (2014)
0.96 (0.83–1.09) Dudas et al. (2018)
hCoV-OC43 0.43 (0.27–0.60) Vijgen et al. (2005)
hCoV-HKU1 0.62 (0.42–0.78)a Al-Khannaq et al. (2016)
Prepared with data from
Only the S gene
50 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

and HKU1 is around 120 and 70  years before recombination) (Gorbalenya et  al. 2020a; Lai
present (ybp), respectively (Al-Khannaq et  al. 1996; Luk et  al. 2019; Tao et  al. 2017).
2016; Forni et al. 2017; Vijgen et al. 2005), and Recombination in genomes from members
the tMRCA for hCoVs SARS-CoV and MERS-­ grouped in different coronavirus species (inter-
CoV has been estimated to be around 1985–1998 specific recombination) has been suggested to
and 2006, respectively (Forni et  al. 2017). play an important role in the diversification of
Similarly, the tMRCA date for the divergence of this family (Tao et al. 2017); note that the “minor
SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 or RmYN02 was parent” of recombinants “a” and “b” in Table 3.2
around 40–70 ypb and 37.02 ybp (18.19–55.85), are in the SARS-1 lineage, but the more recent
respectively (Boni et  al. 2020; Nielsen et  al. ones are all from the SARS-2 lineage. The fre-
2020). Likewise, if all viruses of the SARS-2 lin- quency of recombination in betacoronaviruses
eage (Fig. 3.2b) are evolving at the same rate as has been determined to be 25% or more in the
that of the complete SARS-CoV-2 genome entire genome. It is the highest determining
(1.04 × 10−3 s/s/y) (Table 3.3), one can estimate recombination frequency for non-segmented
the dates of their divergences. The nonrecombi- single-­ stranded positive RNA viruses (Baric
nant 1-11502  nts region of the SARS-CoV-2 et al. 1990). Recombination is not just an experi-
genome is evolving 9.2% faster than the com- mental artifact and is frequent under natural con-
plete genome. Thus, it has an evolutionary rate of ditions (Decaro et  al. 2009; Herrewegh et  al.
1.135 × 10−3 s/s/y. Therefore, using the pairwise 1998; Hon et al. 2008; Kahn and McIntosh 2005;
evolutionary (i.e., patristic) distances between Lau et al. 2010, 2011), and as a result, the recom-
the SARS-2 lineage viruses, the nodes marked bination of the spike protein gene may be the cru-
“a” to “e” in Fig.  3.2b are dated as 1996.8  CE cial event that changes the host range of
(23.2 years before present; ybp), 1987.3 CE (32.7 coronaviruses (El-Duah et al. 2019).
ybp), 1945.1  CE (74.9 ybp), 1919.3  CE (100.7 Coronaviruses with closely similar sequences
ybp), and 1800 CE (220 ybp), respectively. The to human isolates have been found in wild ani-
standard deviation of the branch length estimates mals and may be a source of human isolates
was less than 2%, and the most recent estimates (Azhar et  al. 2014; Corman et  al. 2016; Guan
are probably the most accurate because, as et al. 2003; Tao et al. 2017). The coronavirus that
explained above, all mutations contribute to the is genetically most similar to SARS-CoV-2 is
“molecular clock,” but most are quickly lost RaTG13 (96.1% nt identity) (Zhou et al. 2020),
(Duchêne et al. 2014), and therefore times to the which was isolated from a bat. Recently, the
older dates are overestimated. However, likely, RmYN02 coronavirus was also isolated from a
the two recombinant regions characteristic of the bat, but even though it shares the highest nt iden-
SARS-CoV-2s, EPI_ISL_412977, and tity in the nonstructural region (ORF 1ab), 97.2%,
MN996532 sequences were acquired by their its RBD region has only 61.3% of nt identity with
shared progenitor more than 20 years ago! the SARS-CoV-2 region (Zhou et al. 2020), as it
It is noteworthy that the tMRCA for all mem- is recombinant in that region (Fig. 3.3).
bers of the subfamily Orthocoronavirinae is esti- The sequence of coronavirus
mated to be around 300 million years ago, which Guangdong/1/2019, isolated from a Malayan
is believed to coincide with the separation of the pangolin (Manis javanica) has an nt identity of
classes Mammalia and Aves (Forni et al. 2017). It 91.02% with the whole genome, but interestingly
means that the evolutionary rate of the coronavi- its RBD region shares 97.4% of aa identity with
ruses since their origins is many orders of magni- SARS-CoV-2, including six key residues in the
tude smaller than the evolutionary rate of their site probably involved in the interaction between
extant populations. the subunit S1 of the spike protein and the cell
As already described, coronaviruses can receptor in humans (ACE2) (Andersen et  al.
undergo homologous recombination between 2020; Lam et  al. 2020). The 12 nts insertion in
viral genomes of the same species (intraspecific the SARS-CoV-2 genome encoding -PRRA-,
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses 51

between the S1 and S2 subunits, makes it a site RaTG13 sequences, and the slightly closer com-
for cleavage by furin and other proteases, and it is parison between the SARS-CoV-2 and RmYN02
not found in other sarbecoviruses (Andersen sequences is only valid for nts 1-11502.
et al. 2020). This distinctive feature has contrib- We, therefore, compared them directly
uted to conspiracy theories about the origin of (Fig. 3.4). It can be seen that there are more syn-
SARS-CoV-2. The recombination history we onymous (S) than non-synonymous (NS) changes
report above for SARS-CoV-2 and its nearest (van Dorp et  al. 2020), but both are distributed
relatives resolves those suggested by others (Lau genome-wide. As expected, most of the differ-
et al. 2020; Xiao et al. 2020) and indicates that ences, especially NS ones, are in the spike pro-
the most reliable comparison of full-length tein gene, especially its RBD region and an
homologs is between the SARS-CoV-2 and adjacent “-PRRA- ” insertion (Andersen et  al.

Fig. 3.4  A histogram that scans the S/NS differences before calculating sliding running sums for ten codons at
between the SARS-CoV-2 and RaTG13 concat sequences each codon position. S and NS differences are in blue and
using the DnDscan method (Gibbs et  al. 2007). The orange, respectively, with their lengths indicating the
sequences were scanned codon by codon, and their S/NS score (NB the “PRRA” insert is of four NS differences)
differences determined one nucleotide position at a time,
52 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

2020), but there is also a region of NS differences for hCoVs -OC43 and -HKU1, the natural hosts
around codon 1000, which seems to have evaded are rodents (Cui et al. 2019). In particular, in the
scrutiny so far. It is in the nsp3 region and named case of betacoronaviruses, all intermediate hosts
“DUF (domain of unknown function) 3655”; it is have been mammals (Cui et  al. 2019) because
a “disordered binding region” (Prates et al. 2020) the members grouped in this viral genus infect
and is N′ terminally adjacent to the ADP-ribose only mammals. Switching hosts is rare for any
phosphatase. Most of the amino acid differences virus and particularly rare if the potential host
in that region are conservative, but notably, three species are from different higher taxa. For
involve proline and would therefore change the SARS-CoV and MERS-­CoV, it was concluded
shape of the protein! that palm civets and camelids were the interme-
diate hosts, respectively, enabling a switch from
bats to humans. Bovines were thought to be the
3.3 Ecology intermediate hosts of hCoV-OC43, and it is still
of Betacoronaviruses unknown what was the intermediate host to
HKU1 (Cui et al. 2019).
3.3.1 Natural Hosts Zoonoses are thought to be responsible for
of Coronaviruses about 60–75% of emerging infectious diseases
(EIDs), mainly originating directly from wildlife
In a previous section, we briefly reviewed the dis- species (Valitutto et  al. 2020), and particularly
covery of human coronaviruses. Only seven viruses constitute approximately 25% of EIDs
coronaviruses are currently known to infect and (Jones et  al. 2008). Recent studies found that
cause diseases in humans. However, 46 coronavi- 11% of mammals (class Mammalia) are hosts of
rus species are recognized by the ICTV. So, what viruses with “zoonotic potential” and 58% of
are the other coronavirus species? Where are those mammals host at least one zoonotic virus
they? What are their natural hosts? (Johnson et al. 2020). In addition, domestic mam-
Coronaviruses infect a wide range of animals, mals, represented by 12 species such as cats,
mainly birds, and mammals, including humans, dogs, pigs, and horses, host 50% of zoonotic
pets, and livestock. Only members in the genus virus diversity. Meanwhile, bats (order
Alphaletovirus (subfamily Letovirinae) have Chiroptera) host 30% of them (Johnson et  al.
been reported to infect animals other than birds 2020).
and mammals (Bukhari et  al. 2018), and Bats are the natural hosts of SARS-like coro-
alphacoronaviruses and betacoronaviruses only naviruses (Li et  al. 2005), but probably do not
infect mammals (Cui et  al. 2019; Shaw et  al. transmit coronaviruses to humans directly
2019), and infections usually cause respiratory (El-Duah et al. 2019). They are, however, proba-
illness in humans and gastroenteritis in other bly the natural hosts for all presently known
mammals (Cui et  al. 2019). No biological vec- coronavirus lineages and host of the common
tors have been reported for coronaviruses (Weiss ancestor for coronaviruses in other species
and Navas-Martin 2005). Among mammals, bats (Anthony et al. 2017; Vijaykrishna et al. 2007).
are thought to be the natural hosts for both alpha- The large diversity of coronavirus metage-
and betacoronaviruses (Calisher et  al. 2006; Li nomes has been reported mostly from bats
et al. 2005; Olival et al. 2017; Woo et al. 2012), (Anthony et al. 2017). To date, bats are diversi-
and from them, spillover events can occur once fied and grouped in 1411 species (~22% extant
or several times to intermediate hosts that finally species mammals) distributed in all around the
aid the transmission from animals to humans, as world excepting Antarctica (ASM Mammal
has been documented for human betacoronavi- Diversity Database 2020). However, although all
ruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV orthocoronaviruses are believed to have diverged
(Azhar et  al. 2014; Cui et  al. 2019; Han et  al. when mammals and birds diverged around
2016; Kan et al. 2005; Tu et al. 2004). However, 300 million years ago (Forni et al. 2017), the ear-
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses 53

liest bat fossils are only around 50 million years mites and ants and also can include the eggs, lar-
old (Gunnell and Simmons 2005). Metagenomic vae, and pupae of some insects (Lim 2008;
surveys reveal the possibility of earlier lineages Ashokkumar et  al. 2017; Swart et  al. 1999).
of coronaviruses, and coronavirus metagenomes Furthermore, it has been reported that bats in the
that are phylogenetically basal have been isolated genus Rhinolophus from Asia eat ants and, in
from a Chinese water skink (Tropidophorus sini- rainy seasons, termites (Eckrich and Neuweiler
cus) and a frog (Microhyla fissipes) (Shi et  al. 1988). Pangolins and insectivorous bats are both
2018). nocturnal. It can create a link between these spe-
Interestingly, the diversity of zoonotic virusescies from their shared nocturnal habits and diet
found in mammals is correlated with the diversity that change between seasons. Interestingly, insect
of mammals grouped in different orders (Johnson larvae and the DNA from plant-insect pests have
et al. 2020). Previous work found the same cor- been found in the feces of bats in the genus
relation between bats and coronaviruses, and spe- Rhinolophus (Baroja et  al. 2019), which may
cifically the coronavirus’ α- and β-diversity is suggest a link between the use of agricultural
higher when the bat’s α- and β-diversity is greater land, the nocturnal habit of insectivorous bats and
(Anthony et  al. 2017). It has been determined pangolins, and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2.
that, on average, there are 2.67 coronaviruses per Is it possible to surmise more specifically why
host species (Anthony et al. 2017). If we extrapo- two coronaviruses have recently emerged from
late this average to the number of current bat spe- bats to infect humans? It is most likely that the
cies, a total potential richness of coronaviruses inburgeoning human population is involved as it
bats could be determined to be 3767 species, with directly affects the ecology of all organisms on
a minimum of 1411 bat coronavirus species, Earth and affects the interface between bat and
assuming one coronavirus species per bat ­species. human habitats and populations (e.g., land-use
However, many of them are still undescribed changes and the spread of factory farming) and
(Anthony et al. 2017). indirectly through pollution generated by humans
New coronaviruses are continually evolving and the climate changes it causes. Several bats in
and being described. For example, when SARS-­ the genus Rhinolophus, including the species R.
CoV-­2 emerged, the last ICTV dataset of corona- affinis, have been recorded/found in both forest
viruses reported 2505 coronaviruses (Gorbalenya and rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) plantations in the
et  al. 2020a), and the list continues to grow southeast of Asia (Phommexay et  al. 2011).
(Valitutto et al. 2020). Recently, it has been suggested that the origin of
SARS-CoV-2 was not in Wuhan (Zhang et  al.
3.3.2 The Environment Rubber plantations in Southeast Asia now
cover 8% of the region that includes all of
The loss of natural habitats in wild animals and Cambodia and Laos, northwest Vietnam, north-
the high human population density correlate with east Thailand, Shan State in Myanmar, and
the emergence of infectious diseases (Afelt et al. Xishuangbanna Prefecture in southern Yunnan,
2018; Frutos et  al. 2020; Rocklöv and Sjödin China (Fox et  al. 2018). In 2014, 29% of the
2020). When natural habitats are reduced by nat- Xishuangbanna Prefecture alone was a monocul-
ural or anthropic events, wild animals tend to ture of rubber (Fox et  al. 2014). Interestingly,
migrate to anthropogenic areas. pangolins (M. javanica) inhabit secondary for-
The emergence or reemergence of SARS-­ ests, monocultures, or urban areas without sig-
related coronaviruses (SARSr-CoVs) from bats nificant preferences (Lim 2008). A recent study
in Asia was suggested to have resulted from found that the highest density of termitaria and
deforestation and other environmental pressures termite-infested decaying logs was rubber planta-
(Afelt et al. 2018). However, it is possible to be tions and forest (Karawita et  al. 2020), and
more specific. The diet of pangolins is mostly ter- virome studies demonstrate the presence of coro-
54 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

naviruses in bat stool samples (Ge et  al. 2012). and the mid-1990s. Then, in 2002, a program
Furthermore, rubber plantations with high ter- called “Grain for Green” encouraged farmers to
mite activity were identified as the preferred for- continue planting even on degraded slopes in
aging habitat of Indian pangolins (M. order to increase forest cover and protect the
crassicaudata) (Karawita et  al. 2018; Perera environment. Particularly in Xishuangbanna,
et al. 2017). rubber trees were included as forest cover. In
In laboratory studies of the use of guano from addition to the increase in rubber prices and the
insectivorous bats as an enhancer of crop growth, desire of individual producers to obtain money
a significant quantity of ants and other larvae through this route, it led to a significant increase
were found in humus and guano (Sridhar et  al. in the rubber plantation in the pending areas not
2006). The omnivorous behavior of ants is well yet covered, in steep areas below 700 m, and even
known, and many of them feed on carrion or in the village forests. The rubber monoculture
mammal feces in search of insect eggs and larvae became ubiquitous in the area (Fox and Castella
(Heo et al. 2009; Clark and Blom 1991). 2013; Fox et al. 2018).
In the early 1950s, Chinese researchers man- All the conditions described above, including
aged to develop rubber varieties that were more the overexploitation of lands, the monocultures
suitable for production in the highlands of of rubber, the replacement of secondary forests
Southeast Asia. These varieties were introduced by rubber plantation, the shared habitat prefer-
by the Chinese government in Xishuangbanna ences of pangolins and bats as well as their noc-
Prefecture on a large scale at the collective/com- turnal activity and diet, even the presence of
munity level (Fox et al. 2018). coronaviruses in bat feces, and the presence of
Thirty years later, the Chinese government food larvae in bat feces, create all the conditions
dismantled these agricultural communes and for new pathogens to emerge and to spread even-
returned the land to individual farmers. Rubber tually into humans.
seedlings and subsidies were also granted to each
farmer, while these became economically pro-
ductive (Fox and Castella 2013). Agricultural 3.4 Conclusion
land was then part of individual farms, while for-
est land continued to be controlled by the state. In The probability of coincidence of bats, pango-
1983, forest and contracted land policy were lins, and humans resulting from the disturbance
implemented in Yunnan province in order to sta- of their environment, generated by the promotion
bilize forest land and wooded fields by granting of rubber production, may have been the triggers
land titles and demarcation of land, seeking to for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to emerge and pro-
change the forest management that belonged then duce the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as significant
to the state, and individuals were now responsible changes, in the past, of pig, duck, chicken, and
for forest regeneration in the province (Fox and even horse, populations probably generated viral
Castella 2013). Both the plots of each farmer and epidemics (Morse et al. 2012). The importance of
the forests that belonged to the community were rapid genome sequencing and public data sharing
leased or contracted to individual households, can provide smarter and better epidemiological
who were granted long-term use rights (Jianchu surveillance (Eden et al. 2020). It requires strong
et al. 2006). international collaboration and transparency in
With the latter came a rubber price protection publishing data (Mohamed et  al. 2020). It has
plan, the introduction of the Household been reported that the western and southwest
Responsibility System and the introduction of provinces in China, including Yunnan, were less
new technologies, and technical training to plant affected by COVID-19, even when few or no
rubber even at elevations below 700  m and on measures were used to control the spread of the
sloping land. All this encouraged small farmers disease (Leung et al. 2020). Serological assays of
to plant rubber as a cash crop between the 1980s the population of Yunnan, particularly those liv-
3  Ecology and Evolution of Betacoronaviruses 55

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60 E. Rodríguez-Román and A. J. Gibbs

F, Liu LL, Yan B, Zhan FX, Wang YY, Xiao GF, ICTV online: Consulted on
Shi ZL (2020) A pneumonia outbreak associated May 21, 2020
with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin. Virological.: Consulted on May
Nature 579(7798):270–273. 21, 2020
s41586-­020-­2012-­7 WHO: WHO Director-General’s opening remarks at the
media briefing on COVID-19—11 March 2020. World
Health Organization website.
Websites dg/speeches/detail/who-­director-­general-­s-­opening-­
remarks-­a tthe-­m edia-­b riefing-­o n-­c ovid-­1 9—11-­
ASM Mammal Diversity Database, American Society of march-­2020. Published March 11, 2020. Accessed
Mammalogist; Chiroptera: https://mammaldiversity. April 12, 2020
org/#Y2hpcm9wdGVyYSZnbG9iYWxfc2VhcmNoP Worldometer.:
XRydWUmbG9vc2U9dHJ1ZQ (consulted: May 21, rus/. Consulted on May 31, 2020
The Epidemiologic Aspects
of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading 4
Beyond Expectations

Sara Hanaei, Farnam Mohebi, Maziar Moradi-­

Lakeh, Parnian Jabbari, Surinder Kumar Mehta,
Liudmyla S. Kryvenko, Livio Luongo, Loďc Dupré,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract deaths in over 4200 patients. Subsequently,

and after affecting over 118,000 individuals
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and causing over 4200 deaths, the condition
outbreak started in late 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei was officially announced as a pandemic by the
Province of China, and quickly spread to the World Health Organization (WHO). In the
surrounding regions and neighboring coun- meantime, the epidemic curve took a down-
tries. A novel coronavirus, the so-called severe trend in China, the original epicenter of the
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 pandemic, but started to rise in other countries
(SARS-CoV-2), was found to be responsible with a steep slope. Among over 215 affected
for this outbreak potentially originating from countries, the USA, European countries (Italy,
pangolins. In China, the outbreak lasted for Germany, Spain, France, the UK), Iran, and
1 month until it seemed to be controlled after South Korea had the highest frequencies in the
affecting over 81,000 individuals and causing matters of infected patients and deaths.

S. Hanaei (*) · P. Jabbari

L. S. Kryvenko
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran
Kharkiv National Medical University,
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
L. Luongo
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Department of Experimental Medicine, University of
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Naples, Italy
Tehran, Iran
e-mail: L. Dupré
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Rare and Undiagnosed
F. Mohebi
Diseases, Vienna, Austria
Research Associate, Non-Communicable Diseases
Research Center, Endocrinology and Metabolism N. Rezaei (*)
Population Sciences Institute, Tehran University of Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
M. Moradi-Lakeh
Preventive Medicine and Public Health Research Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Tehran, Iran Education and Research Network (USERN),
Tehran, Iran
S. K. Mehta
Department of Chemistry & Centre of Advanced Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Studies in Chemistry, Panjab University, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Chandigarh, India e-mail:
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 61
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1306,
62 S. Hanaei et al.

Importantly, different countries took different which occurred in the past two centuries (twenti-
policies when encountered with an outbreak, eth and twenty-first). These recent outbreaks and
especially in the matter of accuracy of the pandemics were different types of flu (Spanish,
report and timing of the action. A part of the Asian, Hong Kong, and swine), human immuno-
delays in reporting was expected, including deficiency virus infection and acquired immune
the lag in the chain of reporting, the shortcom- deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), severe acute
ings of tests, missed patients, and inadequate respiratory syndrome (SARS), Ebola, and the
testing facilities. However, there were also Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
political and nontechnical reasons that caused (LePan 2020).
the reporting to be inaccurate. Surveillance Most recently, a novel coronavirus, severe
seems to be less of a reason for the observed in acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
poor management, and it mostly originated (SARS-CoV-2), was discovered as the cause of a
from human decision-making failures and critical respiratory disease called coronavirus
political issues. Besides, the culture of popula- disease 2019 (COVID-19). Though similarly
tions and their trust in their governments related to a potentially fatal respiratory disorder,
played an important role on how they reacted the SARS-CoV-2 has shown considerable genetic
to the COVID-19 pandemic and acquired poli- dissimilarity with causes of SARS and MERS
cies. Finally, the characteristics of the world (Ahanchian et al. 2020). The novel coronavirus,
today indicate the danger of probable upcom- in particular, seems more talented in the manipu-
ing outbreaks, and policymakers should uti- lation of the host immune system that can inhibit
lize the existing opportunities, particularly the antiviral pathways and induce hyper-­inflammation
advancements in technology and media, to (Bahrami et al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020a;
prevent or adequately manage them. Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab et al. 2020). It has
been shown to affect other vital organs/systems,
Keywords including but not limited to the blood coagulation
system and central nervous system, resulting in a
COVID-19 · Epidemiology · Outbreak · variety of complications (Sahu et al. 2020; Fathi
Pandemic · Policymakers · Prevalence and Rezaei 2020; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Saleki
et al. 2020) that have made the treatment of dis-
ease more challenging (Jahanshahlu and Rezaei
2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020; Lotfi et al.
4.1 Introduction 2020; Mohamed et al. 2020b).
COVID-19 has caused a propagated pandemic
As defined by the World Health Organization (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020), mainly transmitted
(WHO), a disease outbreak is the occurrence of from person to person. It has affected almost all
disease cases over average expectancy (Kafieh countries around the world, from children to
et  al. 2020). When the outbreak develops to be adults and from community people to health pro-
less localized and more likely to cause public fessionals (Mohamed et  al. 2020b). Although
panics, it would be called an epidemic. COVID-19 seems not being more severe in neo-
Furthermore, after developing to spread to sev- nates and children, pregnant women (Mirbeyk
eral countries and even continents and affecting a and Rezaei 2020), and immunodeficient patients
significant proportion of the population, it would (Ahanchian et al. 2020) than the general popula-
be called a pandemic (US Department of Health tion, its adverse effects particularly relate to older
Human Services. Principles of Epidemiology in people and people with comorbidities, and that
Public Health Practice Third Edition An might depend on genetic background
Introduction to Applied Epidemiology and (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; Darbeheshti
Biostatistics 2013). As investigated so far, the and Rezaei 2020; Ahmadi et al. 2020). Given the
world has encountered about 20 pandemics, 9 of trends in the aging population and noncommuni-
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 63

cable diseases, COVID-19 has introduced a 4.2 Coronavirus-Caused

global challenge that needs all people Outbreaks: SARS, MERS,
(Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020), disciplines and COVID-19
(Moradian et al. 2020; Rezaei 2020; Rabiee et al.
2020; Moazzami et al. 2020; Basiri et al. 2020b), In November 2002, the SARS outbreak started in
and organizations working together to test their Guangdong province of China. It was not until
knowledge from the previous pandemics (Jabbari later in 2003 that the SARS coronavirus (SARS-­
et al. 2020), collaborate with its solving process CoV) was confirmed as the cause of this out-
(Mohamed et al. 2020a), and brand high-standard break. SARS-CoV originated from bats and then
lessons (Rzymski et  al. 2020) for the global transmitted to other animals such as civet or cats
immunity in the future (Kafieh et al. 2020). and human. The disease manifested with flu-like
This chapter provides a review of the charac- symptoms, which were all nonspecific for SARS-­
teristics and epidemiological measures of CoV.  After affecting 8437 patients and causing
COVID-19  in selected countries, followed by 813 deaths in 26 countries, the outbreak was con-
reviewing the adopted policies, shortcomings in trolled in July 2003 (Moazzami et al. 2020). The
confronting the pandemic and the probable epidemic curves of the SARS outbreak (2002–
underlying reasons, and the susceptibility of the 2003) are illustrated in Figs. 4.1 and 4.2.
communities to future outbreaks.

Probable cases of SARS by date of report

Worldwide* (n=7,588), 1 March - 10 July 2003


number of cases






01-Mar-03 15-Mar-03 29-Mar-03 12-Apr-03 26-Apr-03 10-May-03 24-May-03 07-Jun-03 21-Jun-03 05-Jul-03
date of report
* As of 10 July 2003, 8,437 probable cases of SARS have been reported to WHO.
This graph includes all cases from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Taiwan, China, but only those cases elsewhere in
China reported after 3 April 2003 (1.190 cases between 16 November 2002 and 3 April 2003 not shown). Also includes
341 probable cases of SARS who have been discarded and for whom dates of report could not be identified.
The United States of America began reporting probable cases of SARS to WHO on 20 April 2003

Fig. 4.1  The WHO epidemic curve of SARS-CoV based Health Organization. Epidemic curves—severe acute
on the date of the report from March 1 to July 10, 2003. respiratory syndrome 2003))
(Adapted from WHO epidemic curves of SARS (World
64 S. Hanaei et al.

Probable cases of SARS by week of onset

Worldwide* (n=5,910), 1 November 2002 - 10 July 2003


number of cases






01-Nov-02 22-Nov-02 13-Dec-02 03-Jan-03 24-Jan-03 14-Feb-03 07-Mar-03 28-Mar-03 18-Apr-03 09-May-03 30-May-03 20-Jun-03 11-Jul-03

date of onset
* This graph does not include 2,527 probable cases of SARS (2,521 from Beijing, China), for whom no dates of onset
are currently available.

Fig. 4.2  The WHO epidemic curve of SARS-CoV based (World Health Organization. Epidemic curves—severe
on the date of onset from November 1, 2002, to July 10, acute respiratory syndrome 2003))
2003. (Adapted from WHO epidemic curves of SARS

In 2012, after almost a decade of peace, a cially called this outbreak “a public health emer-
respiratory outbreak, similar to SARS, started in gency of international concern” on January 30,
Saudi Arabia. It correlated mainly with the symp- 2020 (Pourahmad et  al. 2020). It was first sus-
toms of fever, cough, and shortness of breath. It pected that the virus originated from a common
was later considered as the MERS outbreak to be source of seafood. However, later on, less than
caused by a new type of coronavirus (MERS-­ 15% of new confirmed cases by January 23 had
CoV), probably originating from bats and then exposures with that source, and thus the hypoth-
transmitted to animals such as camels and then to esis was rejected (Mansourabadi et al. 2020). The
humans with a zoonotic nature. The MERS out- bats were the next suspect. However, it was later
break has 2519 affected patients and 866 deaths proposed that pangolin might be the intermediate
in 27 countries since 2012 and continues (World host between bats and humans because pangolin-­
Health Organization. Middle East respiratory CoV has considerable genome similarities with
syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), Fact both BatCoV RaTG13 and 2019-nCoV (Zhang
Sheets. 2019). The epidemic curves of the MERS et al. 2020). Despite the initial animal source of
outbreak from 2012 to 2019 are shown in Fig. 4.3. the disease, it was then reported that human-to-­
While still struggling with MERS, in late human transmission would play a major role in
December of 2019, the first reports of a new type the spread of COVID-19 (Mansourabadi et  al.
of pneumonia from Wuhan, Hubei Province of 2020). The incubation period of COVID-19 was
China, appeared. Although the etiology of this at first estimated between 2 and 10 days (WHO)
type of pneumonia was not clear at the beginning, and then updated to be 2.4 and 15.5 days
it was confirmed on January 7, 2020, that the (Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b; Backer et al. 2020).
novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV or SARS-CoV-2) During this period, the infected asymptomatic
was responsible for COVID-19. The WHO offi- patient might act as a silent carrier of the disease
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 65

100 Republic of Korea
Other Countries
85 Saudi Arabia
Number of Cases

12 18243036424801 0713 1925313743490309152127333945510511172329354147 010713192531374349030915212733 394551041016222834404652061218 24
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Week of Onset
Other countries: Algeria, Austria, Bahrain, China, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Malaysia, Netherlands,
Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Yemen
Please note that the underlaying data is subject to change as the investigations around cases are ongoing. Onset date estimated if not available.

Fig. 4.3  The WHO epidemic curve of confirmed MERS-­ respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), MERS-­
CoV. (Adapted from WHO MERS maps and epicurves CoV maps and epicurves))
(World Health Organization. Emergencies, Middle East

and transmit the virus to other individuals, albeit 4.3.1 T

 otal Affected Cases
the lower relative probability compared to symp- of COVID-19
tomatic patients.
While the outbreak was quickly developing in By January 5, 2021, a total number of 83,326,479
China, other countries, including Thailand, patients were confirmed for COVID-19. Disease
Japan, and South Korea, were the firsts to be distribution in countries based on the total num-
affected (Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b). The number ber of reported cases is presented in Fig. 4.7.
of affected countries increased rapidly with thou-
sands of confirmed patients and deaths until
March 11, 2020, when the WHO officially char- 4.3.2 Prevalence Rate
acterized the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic.
By that time, over 118,000 patients were infected, According to the total number of patients and the
and over 4200 deaths were caused by the disease world population, the prevalence rate of
in more than 100 countries (Rabiee et al. 2020). COVID-­19 is 10,687 per million population in
The characteristics of these three outbreaks the world  (by January 05, 2021). However, the
caused by coronaviruses are summarized in adjusted prevalence based on the country might
Table 4.1. be biased, as the accuracy of prevalence in some
countries would be a matter of suspect due to the
sources of bias (see Sect. 4.6).
4.3 The Characteristics
of COVID-19
4.3.3 Mortality Rate
Below are the epidemiologic measurements cal-
culated considering the world population of By January 05, 2021, the COVID-19 caused
7,797,000,000 (Figs. 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6). 1,831,703 deaths among all the confirmed
66 S. Hanaei et al.

Table 4.1  Comparison of outbreaks caused by coronaviruses: SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 Update date: 01/05/2021
Time period 2002–2003 2012–present 2019–present
Source Bats, cats, civet Bats, camels Unknown (bats,
Reported cases 8437 2494 83,326,479
Reported deaths 813 858 1,831,703
Number of involved countries/regions 26 27 > 215
Incubation period 1–14 days 2–14 days 2.4–15.5 days
(Organization 2003) (Organization 2018)

Fig. 4.4  Epidemic curves of daily new cases in 16 selected countries, from January 21, 2020, to January 05, 2021.
(Adapted from Our World in Data (Niestadt 2020))

cases, which indicates a mortality rate of 4.45% (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). The distribution of
by this date. Interestingly, the primary estima- total COVID-­19 deaths in the world is illus-
tion of the mortality rate has been different. As trated in Fig.  4.8. However, and similar to the
reported by the general director of the WHO, prevalence rate, the mortality rate adjusted for
Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, on March 3, the population size of countries would be a
COVID-19 had resulted in death in 3.4% of all matter of suspicion due to potential sources of
confirmed cases of this disease by the time bias (see Sect. 4.6).
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 67

Fig. 4.5  Epidemic curves of daily new deaths in 16 2021. (Adapted from Our World in Data (Niestadt 2020))
selected countries, from January 21, 2020, to January 05,

Fig. 4.6  Daily COVID-19 tests performed worldwide. (Adapted from Our World in Data (Niestadt 2020))
68 S. Hanaei et al.

Fig. 4.7  Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in countries. (Adapted from Our World in Data (Niestadt 2020))

Fig. 4.8  Total deaths caused by COVID-19 in countries. (Adapted from Our World in Data (Niestadt 2020))
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 69

Fig. 4.9  Case-fatality rate in countries with more than 1000 affected patients. (Adapted from Our World in Data
(Niestadt 2020))

4.3.4 Case-Fatality Rate deceased of the disease, and 108,525 were in

critical condition. Therefore, the virulence of
Out of 91,744,365 confirmed cases, 65,612,144 COVID-19 would be 2.26% by this date.
patients have recovered (until the time of writing
this document), and 1,963,594 of them died. This
indicates the case-fatality rate of 2.14% world- 4.3.6 Serial Interval
wide. The case-fatality rate was estimated to be
2.3% in the reports from China (Novel 2020) and The average time it takes for a disease to be trans-
also in the first report of the WHO on January 29, mitted from a person to the next person is called
2020 (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020); however, the serial interval. COVID-19 is estimated to
and as mentioned by the WHO as well, the rate have a serial interval of 4.0–5.0  days (Li et  al.
would be more sensible than the initial reports 2020).
when the disease spread to other countries. The
distribution of the worldwide case-fatality rate is
illustrated in Fig. 4.9. 4.3.7 R0 (The Reproduction Ratio or
the Reproduction Number)

4.3.5 COVID-19 Virulence R0 represents the number of people that an

infected person passes the disease to in its next
By January 10, 2021, out of 90,739,150 total con- generation, in which its length is primarily deter-
firmed cases of COVID-19, 1,943,214 were mined by the serial interval measure of the dis-
70 S. Hanaei et al.

ease. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the initial estimated a 200,000 death (Fink 2020) in the
estimates of R0 fall between 2.0 and 2.5, as USA versus the Imperial College London that
reported by the WHO (Organization and predicted it to be approximately 2.2  million
Organization 2020). However, the Imperial (Ferguson et al. 2020). The existing gap is prob-
College London reported it to be 3.0 (Walker ably caused by the inputs of the models and the
et al. 2020). uncertainties that come with it. As mentioned
previously, there is still not enough certainty and
census on the numbers for COVID-19 that deter-
4.4  elevant Reporting Sources
R mine the number of deaths, consisting of the at-­
and Predictions risk population, infection rate, and fatality rate.
Besides, there are basic dissimilarities in the
Different sources have attempted to collect daily reporting methods and statistics of COVID-19
records, as reported by countries’ officials. It that every entry of the simple equation to calcu-
would be an essential effort in the documentation late death number is wobbly and, thus, broad in
and keeping the world updated about the condi- the range. Much of the mentioned factors differ
tion of one another and also evaluating the effi- in unalike contexts and situations. As a result,
cacy of the implemented strategies. Accordingly, there could be no one single number to fit all
one of the most frequently used sources was the countries, populations, genders, and age groups.
daily situation reports of the WHO (Basiri et al. It is not possible, at least yet, to make a collective
2020a). A considerable number of public people, predicted number of deaths.
as well as official stakeholders of countries, may
rely on any of these sources to stay updated not
only about the status of their own country but 4.5  OVID-19 Pandemic Details
also about the other countries. Therefore, the in China and Selected
consistency between different sources shall be Countries
taken into consideration. The epidemic curves
provided by different sources are considerably As described in detail, the statistics of COVID-19
similar to each other, with insignificant differ- vary by reporting source, and it is not yet clear
ences that might be explained as different timing how close to reality they are. Nevertheless,
of taking original reports from countries or delays reviewing what is available would at least sup-
in updating the websites. port the claim that the COVID-19 pandemic is
Other data sources are worth attention: (i) the one of the biggest disasters of history. Besides,
Johns Hopkins report, which follows the general comparisons should be made cautiously as com-
trends of the WHO with slightly higher numbers pleteness and, in some cases, the validity of the
that is probably due to considering “presumptive reports are not apparent and most likely are away
positive cases” in its counting as well from perfect. It might lie in different policies and
(CSSEGISandData/COVID-19 2020), and (ii) contexts that have resulted in different denomina-
the European Centre for Disease Prevention and tors and, of course, numerators. Iceland, for
Control (ECDC), which is another source of data instance, tests a large population of asymptom-
based on different resources including the indi- atic patients, and on-demand testing is available,
vidual level metrics as well and is very similar to while there are countries where the number of
the WHO and provides data not only about testing facilities is far less than the daily infected
Europe but all over the world. people such as some European countries with
Besides the reporting, sources have also pro- centralized, socialized healthcare systems.
vided estimations and forecasts about the future Finally, many people are already supposed to
of COVID-19. Although all predictions seem to experience similar symptoms this time of year
be mathematically robust in methods, the num- due to common cold or flu and are now consid-
bers are very different. For example, the CDC ered a probable case of mild COVID-19 (Rokni
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 71

et al. 2020). Although they could not be precisely tries. Although this may primarily be in line with
distinguished from COVID-19 cases when the benefit, it will have a much destructive effect
reviewing the reports, it should be considered in when the outbreak spread with a significant num-
interpreting the numbers. The epidemic curves of ber of patients and deaths. The reasons are prob-
some highly infected countries are illustrated in ably the same as the reasons for delays observed
Fig. 4.4 (cumulative cases) and Fig. 4.5 (cumula- in implementing interventions to deal with
tive deaths). COVID-19, described in Sect. 4.7. Country-level
policies also play a critical role in this context;
some countries may have proceeded with an
4.6  ias in Estimating the Extent
B extensive screening protocol for seeking suspi-
of COVID-19 Pandemic cious patients and then coming up with confirm-
ing the diagnosis and treatment of patients. It
The reported numbers of COVID-19 are incom- resulted in significantly higher reports from
plete, if not invalid. Healthcare systems and developed countries such as the USA or European
authorities are dealing with a disease accompa- countries, which changed the maps of disease
nied by an unknown extent, and they probably spread in a short time (Figs.  4.4, 4.5, 4.7, and
just know the tip of the iceberg. Additionally, 4.8).
they are dealing with scarce and limited financial
and medical resources to prevent the spread and
diagnose and manage the affected patients. All 4.6.2 N
 onselective Bias or
these set creating reliable and accurate reports Technical Bias
and datasets at a low priority for authorities,
though being critical in decision-making and Lack of adequate facilities for diagnosis, weak
evaluating the situation and effectiveness of clinical information and surveillance systems,
interventions. However, the trade-off exists, and and underdeveloped death registration systems
it is not glass clear on what is the most efficient end up with undercounting of cases and deaths.
approach to save more people: to invest in reports Therefore, the incidence and disease spread could
or to allocate its funding to the medical and eco- not be accurately calculated in countries with
nomic management of the situation, where it is such systems. Lack of adequate resources for
closer to the battlefield. Besides, the accuracy screening and diagnosing all the patients, espe-
and availability of tests are increasing alongside cially in low-middle-income countries, may
with the prevalence and incidence of the disease. result in overestimation of disease severity and
Thus, the measures of case detections rates could mortality, as specific testing for COVID-19
be different by even 20-fold due to multiple rea- would be limited to hospitalized patients in these
sons, and either a decline or an increase is a spe- countries. They were mainly those with severe
cific indication of progress/deterioration in the diseases or comorbidities (de Sousa et al. 2014).
situation. Noteworthy, the reporting and estimat- A similar condition might be dominated in some
ing biases are nonrandom and, therefore, could other countries with a low number of reports,
not be neglected when comparing the countries. especially the low-middle-income ones.
In general, the biases could be categorized as Another source of nonselective underreport-
selective and nonselective biases. ing is the diagnostic suspicion bias. The diagno-
sis of COVID-19 can be missed, as the clinical
manifestations of the disease are similar to other
4.6.1 Selective Bias or Political Bias types of pneumonia. It was especially the case at
the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Considering some political reasons or seeking Therefore, having the background of community-­
financial benefits, the official reports might be acquired pneumonia (CAP) and common cold in
either delayed or underestimated in some coun- mind, especially in the fall and winter, the physi-
72 S. Hanaei et al.

cians could have misdiagnosed some of the first more could be categorized as a failure to perform
cases of COVID-19 with the aforementioned the best. Of note, recent outbreaks had resulted in
conditions without specific testing for this dis- efforts to build surveillance and response infra-
ease (de Sousa et al. 2014). structure and systems. Thus, the delays seem to
There are also difficulties coming as might be be more caused by delays in action mobilization,
expected with daily reports. For example, there is in comparison with detecting the outbreak, and
a lag time between the time of getting the disease multiple reasons could cause that. It is not a clear
and being presented as a confirmed case in the border between whether governments, authori-
reports. It is due to the expected delay in the ties, or even people were denying the crisis at a
chain of reporting and also the time it takes to personal level, or they decided not to do what is
develop the symptoms and refer to a healthcare best to control the spread of the disease, though
center. On top of all, there are errors in testing as they understood how severe the condition is.
a part of their nature. It includes not only false-­ These shortcomings could not merely get limited
positive cases, which are less of a concern when to poor governance, but they are also originating
the prevalence is high and more concerning in from the natural human failures in making deci-
low prevalence of the disease that it could exceed sions and dealing with fast-changing circum-
the actual numbers, but also false-negative cases stances and crises.
that considerably decrease the accuracy of case
detection rates.
4.7.1 Policymaker Shortcomings

4.7 Confronting the COVID-19 The shortcuts, as mentioned earlier in decision-­

Outbreak and the Impact making, are mainly based on past experiences
on the Expansion and recognized patterns, particularly in condi-
of COVID-19 tions that humans find similar to what they are
dealing with in the time. Thus, in the best-case
Countries have adopted different interventions, scenario, countries and governments could have
strategies, and policies to deal with the COVID-­19 implemented strategies based on recognized pan-
pandemic. These strategies focus on either pre- demics and outbreaks, including SARS, MERS,
venting and controlling the disease itself or man- and even Spanish flu. However, not only were
aging the side effects of the former strategies they different, but also the world today is funda-
such as economic and social impacts of lock- mentally dissimilar to when these pandemics
down. This chapter mainly focuses on the strate- affected (see Sect. 4.8). Besides, their experience
gies to directly deal with COVID-19. The of flu, which was mainly compared with
interventions could be generally categorized as COVID-­19 at the beginning of its spread to jus-
health information (surveillance and intervention tify no drastic early actions, seems to be less
information), controlling the transmission (either lethal. Therefore, the superficial comparisons of
prevention or mitigation), treating patients, pro- elsewhere and other time comparisons seemed
tecting healthcare workers, and coordination. not to help the countries to deal perfectly with
Some factors significantly impact the national COVID-19. Moreover, it blinded some to take the
and global response to outbreaks and pandemics condition less seriously. On top of all, many
and cause delays, including disease severity, countries considered China to be significantly
number of affected countries, at-risk population unalike them, politically, socially, and even
size, disease novelty, transmission way, percep- genetically, that they did not consider the possi-
tion by the public, time of the year, and to what bility of experiencing what China was going
extent it is affecting the USA (Hoffman and through in their home. Of course, authorities’
Silverberg 2018). Even though some delays seem rational decision-making might be clouded by
to be necessary or inevitable before taking action, the tendency of being famous and only a means
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 73

of good news, that they avoided implying restric- including in the time of a pandemic. The culture
tive and not-very-welcomed-by-public policies also leaves its traces in how people react to man-
even in their confrontations with a pandemic. The datory lockdown; as western is historically con-
popularity and confirmation seeking (or even sidered a land of liberty, people would likely be
populism) were also presented as finding a victim less welcoming in dealing with the obligatory
who caused the outbreak by authorities. Among lockdown. Besides, it is less of an option for the
all inclinations, there could also be an optimism authorities as well. Finally, the public trust in
bias that comes for authorities with an illusion of governments and social and financial security is
control, mentioned by Donald Low, professor of also a powerful driver on how people react to
practice in public policy at Hong Kong University COVID-19 reports and acquired policies by
of Science and Technology, which probably authorities as well, presented in the percentage of
affected successful and wealthy government people who could not follow the social distancing
more. and quarantine recommendations because they
needed to work daily to provide for their family.
Similarly, the media and its coverage also play a
4.7.2 General Population critical role in determining the behavior of
Shortcomings people.
Understanding and recognizing the causes of
Government and high-level policymakers are not delay and shortage in responses to COVID-19
the only confronters with pandemics; people play not only provides a great opportunity for improve-
a substantial role as well. Importantly, culture ment for further preparedness but also is a great
and history come to the spotlight whenever peo- driver on why some countries suffered less from
ple are making decisions. The differences in cul- this pandemic and some others could not handle
ture in dealing with COVID-19 could be simply it.
observed in different countries’ mask-wearing
behavior. While it is quite acceptable to not wear
masks in public places in the UK and the USA, a 4.8 The Psychological
bare face could rarely be seen in most Asian Explanation on Determining
countries. All these happen despite almost con- the Extent of an Outbreak
sistent advice from the WHO about who should
wear a mask. Mask-wearing looks to be a cultural By causing a significant number of affected
norm when digging more in-depth in the culture patients and deaths, an outbreak could potentially
of these countries. It might be due to being impo- resemble a significant loss for a country or even
lite to sneeze or cough openly, avoiding air pollu- the whole world. Therefore, the political, health-
tion, having recent and painful histories, and care stockholders and the public population may
experiences of pandemics and outbreaks. It, react in five stages of grief (Axelrod 2006).
results in a higher public awareness or more cau-
tious people, being altruistic in culture and caring
not to make others sick, and whether people are 4.8.1 Denial and Isolation
considered social pariahs or are stigmatized if
wearing a mask or not attending social gatherings The COVID-19 outbreak started with one or a
or even fashion trends. Of course, some cultures few cases in each country and then rapidly devel-
are more cautious and anxious toward any threat. oped to affect a considerable proportion of the
The traces of culture were also presented in the country. However, surprisingly, it is commonly
panic-buying behavior, empty store shelves, and observed that no serious action or official
“the toilet paper shortage.” Among the most criti- announcement has been made until the beginning
cal factors, different cultures come with different of the steep slope. This could be explained that
hygienic and preventive behavior and self-care, potential political concerns might put one in the
74 S. Hanaei et al.

denial stage in the interval between confirmation 4.8.5 Acceptance

of the first case and the official announcement of
the outbreak in one country. It is also considered It is the most critical and crucial stage for con-
that in this interval, the regional reports on the trolling an outbreak. While the other four were
COVID-19 situation would be underestimated. the common reactions, which would not result in
overcoming the COVID-19 outbreak, the fifth
stage would manifest itself in accepting the
4.8.2 Anger occurrence of the outbreak and taking a rational
strategy to prevent, treat, and control the
Encountering the growing number of affected outbreak.
patients and deaths, the effect of denial would be The most crucial point in encountering these
masked sooner or later. The next reaction might five stages is losing the valuable gold time
be projecting the anger to find the victim who between stages 1 and 4 to reach stage 5. In other
caused the outbreak. The anger stage of grief, in words, the COVID-19 outbreak spread quite fast
the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, has in the interval between stages 1 and 4, which
shown itself in blaming the first affected coun- resulted in unexpected infections and deaths in
tries, neighboring countries, and airlines for start- many countries and underestimation of true prev-
ing the outbreak in one country. This shall be alence in those countries. The sooner one can
carefully differentiated from the scientific seek- overcome the four stages, the sooner the outbreak
ing of the source of the outbreak, which is a criti- could be controlled, and the less loss would be
cal step in controlling it. While the causal source experienced. Figure  4.10 illustrates the five
of the outbreak shall be quickly found to be elim- stages of grief in an outbreak.
inated, this shall not be sidelined with blaming In other words, the COVID-19 outbreak
one another for causing the outbreak. spread quite fast in the interval between stages
1–4, which resulted in unexpected infections and
deaths in many countries, and underestimation of
4.8.3 Bargaining true prevalence in those countries. The sooner
one can overcome the 4 stages, the sooner the
In the time of the COVID-19 outbreak, there outbreak could be controlled, and the less loss
were numerous bargaining reactions in almost would be experienced.
every country. Some examples could be as fol-
lows: if the government has started the isolation
earlier…, if the borders were closed sooner…, if 4.9 Social Impacts
the people were united…, if we did not take the of the COVID-­19 Pandemic
travel…, and many other buts and ifs. This stage
is more commonly taken by the public population Other than devastative economic consequences
rather than the political or healthcare for countries (Chap. 52), COVID-19 left mental
stockholders. and social impacts as well. Although the effects
of COVID-19 pandemic might last for decades to
an unknown extent, in here, a brief review of
4.8.4 Depression social and mental possible effects is presented.

The fourth stage would be experienced by the

countries’ officials and the public population. It 4.9.1 Social Impacts
has shown itself in the COVID-19 outbreak as
finding no other solution for overcoming the The social impacts of COVID-19 could be gener-
problem and surrendering the natural selection ally categorized as educational, religious, and
rule. political impacts of the pandemic. As of the polit-
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 75

Overcoming the

Feeling doomed and
surrendering natural selection

A series of buts and ifs: if the borders were
closed sooner, if the first city was isolated
sonner, etc.

Finding victims and blaming the others for causing the outbreak

Denial and Isolation

The interval between confirmation of 1st case and official announcement of an

Fig. 4.10  Five stages of grief in encountering an outbreak

ical impacts, some might argue that civil rights ger time in developing countries than developed
and democracy are damaged due to adopted poli- countries, however, it will boost the education
cies of mitigation, suppression, and the quaran- system efficiently. Additionally, the COVID-19
tine efforts. Besides, the false claims, wrong pandemic could also have religious effects as
responses, and enfeebled nations are likely to social and religious rituals, and gestures are
have an impact on the political power of banned. Other than the direct explained conse-
­governments. On the other hand, people project quences, these could result in unexpected, or
tendencies to appreciate some authorities and even unknown, outcomes. However, predicting
service provides, even to the extent of heroism, the future social effects is out the scope of this
including healthcare workers and specific author- chapter.
ities. The impact of these could continue as
increased demand for the education and paths
leading to these social roles. The pandemic has 4.9.2 Mental Impacts
caused schools to close, and over 1.5 billion stu-
dents worldwide (Buhalis 2020) were banned Nations have a lot on their hands with limited
from studies, with the alternative of home- resources in dealing with the physical impacts of
schooling with an unknown implementation rate pandemics that they mostly and deliberately
and effectiveness. On top of all, the educational neglect the mental health impacts of them. Thus,
impact of pandemics seems to last for decades COVID-19, like any other catastrophic event,
(Almond 2006). It has become a prerequisite that impairs the mental health of people. The mental
offline classrooms should transform into an problems that are failed to care for would proba-
online mode. Although the shift may take a lon- bly be difficult to manage later as well as a result
76 S. Hanaei et al.

of accumulating and aggregating. The manage- munities without any immunity or previous expo-
ment of mental health problems gets further com- sure to them as they could rapidly and easily
plicated because the COVID-19 pandemic, like spread among all. Besides, healthcare profession-
most other social problems, would, in all likeli- als are also unfamiliar with over-expected infec-
hood, hurt vulnerable populations the most. The tions, and it would take them a while to respond
vulnerable populations consist of, but are not properly to the disease.
limited to, i, elders, with limited social encoun-
ters, who are now more restricted and would feel
more alone than ever; ii, Asian people, as they are 4.10.2 Climate Change
minorities in some countries and they are insulted
and acted on because of the source of the pan- The world is changing, and the extent of change
demic; iii, people who are dealing directly with and its impacts are not yet totally understood and
the COVID-19, such as recovered patients, as predicted. As the weather personality changes,
they could be stigmatized or avoided by people; we would experience sharper fluctuations that
iv, individuals with a history of psychiatric disor- theoretically provide a great opportunity and
ders including generalized anxiety disorder, breeding situation for both infectious diseases in
obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and agorapho- a hot and humid environment and for those that
bia, as they are quite probable to deteriorate or survive in cold weather.
present harmful behaviors during the crisis; and
v, healthcare workers and authorities, who are
already under relatively higher social pressure 4.10.3 Urbanization
and feel responsible for what happens. Moreover,
inequalities seem to widen as the economic Almost all countries are having positive rates of
shocks always hit people with the lowest income urbanization. Most of these cities have limited
the most. Besides, they are more likely to have facilities of what we typically think of when we
uncontrolled chronic diseases that increase the consider cities; they are densely populated loca-
risk of severe infection and poor prognosis if tions with unhygienic and unplanned structures,
affected by COVID-19. and many people live in slums. Besides, the land
use required to expand the cities increases the
chance of getting exposed to zoonosis diseases as
4.10 The Future Outbreaks well.

Outbreaks are either human-made or natural; in

either case, humans should get exposed to the 4.10.4 Poverty
underlying cause, get infected, and transmit it to
others, and the pathogen expands to cause a Although extreme poverty has declined, poverty
major epidemic (Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020). seems to persist. Poverty comes with lower
There exist barriers between each level of patho- hygiene, lower health, and lower access to the
gen emergence; however, the world today is an healthcare system, and all these make a great
excellent place for infectious diseases to make an combination as a target for infectious diseases to
outbreak. spread and not to be controlled.

4.10.1 Global Trades, Travels, 4.10.5 Demographic Shifts

and Transactions
Life expectancy has increased both in developed
Almost all places in the world are at most 1 day countries and developing countries with different
apart with a flight. It provides merely a Utopia for extents. Older people come with higher suscepti-
infectious diseases where they could infect com- bility to infectious diseases. Besides, a significant
4  The Epidemiologic Aspects of COVID-19 Outbreak: Spreading Beyond Expectations 77

percentage of them have comorbidities that disorganization in time of emergency, or having

increase their vulnerability to infectious diseases the power of becoming independent on essential
even more. requirements in the time of closed borders.
Among all, the importance of truth-telling mainly
came to spotlight the most during the COVID-19
4.10.6 Behavior Shifts pandemic. It directly affected the responses of
authorities and people and weakened the strength
There are new trends in human behavior that has and timeliness of reactions and people’s trust in
never been present in history. Thus, the outcomes officials where it was neglected. Although shar-
are unpredictable. Besides, the previous existing ing bad news may cause fear and anxiety, the
behaviors, like eating behaviors, could also result nations should stay focused on reacting ade-
in different outcomes and, as a result, outbreaks quately to the situation, and not getting panic
of infectious diseases. attacks, and accepting where they are, even if
Nevertheless, healthcare systems, surveillance they are in bad condition. Interventions are effec-
methods and structures, medicine, and health tive when they are designed for the real situation,
technology are all advancing as well with an not the wished situation. On top of all, the sup-
unexperienced speed. It is not still crystal clear pressed information would usually come to light.
which side would win the opportunity, but Thus, the lack of truth-telling might cause the
authorities could utilize the opportunities that nations to lose their trust in the powers. In the
come with the advancements, particularly in protection phase, unfortunately, marginalized
technology and social media, to tackle rising out- communities who were among the most vulnera-
breaks more effectively and efficiently than ever. ble population are usually neglected, but they are
a common and important reason why the actions
fail. Of course, nations should not forget about
4.11 Conclusion the late-onset effects of the pandemics, including
economic, social, and mental health impacts, and
The epidemiology of COVID-19 showed how the should plan to address them ahead of the time
world is unprepared in facing an outbreak. Even they get complicated or unable to be controlled.
the wealthiest and most developed countries,
which ranked highest based on the Global Health
Security Index (Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020) and References
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damaged tremendously by COVID-19. However, Ahanchian H, Moazzen N, Faroughi MSD, Khalighi N,
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The Incubation Period
of COVID-­19: Current 5
Understanding and Modeling

Char Leung

Abstract Keywords

This chapter aims to answer the following COVID-19 · Epidemiology · Incubation

questions regarding the incubation period of period · MERS · Modeling · SARS
COVID-19. Why is understanding the incuba-
tion period of COVID-19 important? How
long is the incubation time, and what are the 5.1 Introduction
associating factors? How should the incuba-
tion period be modeled given the current pan- The pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019
demic situation? Where should we go from (COVID-19) originated in Wuhan, China, as
here? As a critical epidemiological metric, the pneumonia with unknown etiology. It was
incubation period is of public health and clini- declared on the 30th of January 2020 by the
cal importance. While the incubation time of World Health Organization (WHO) as the sixth
COVID-19 is generally similar to that of Public Health Emergency of International
SARS and MERS, recent studies identifying Concern. The causative agent was later discov-
factors that impact the incubation period of ered and named as SARS-CoV-2 (previously
COVID-19, travel history, for example, only known as 2019-nCoV). It is the seventh corona-
tell part of the story. Therefore, in addition to virus pathogenic to humans, after SARS-CoV
reviewing current findings, this chapter also and MERS-CoV, as well as strains 229E, NL43,
explores the modeling technique and future HKU1, and OC43 that cause the common cold.
research directions of the incubation period of While the pathogenesis, etiology, and epide-
COVID-19. miology of COVID-19 remain an active area of
research, SARS-CoV-2 is molecularly related to
SARS-like coronaviruses detected in bats from
Yunnan province (96.3% similarity) (Paraskevis
et  al. 2020) and Zhoushan (88% identity) (Lu
C. Leung (*) et al. 2020). Consequently, some of the virologic
Deakin University, Burwood, VIC, Australia and epidemiological features of the severe acute
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and respiratory syndrome (SARS) also hold for
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific COVID-19. For instance, both viruses are
Education and Research Network (USERN), believed to be transmitted through respiratory
Burwood, VIC, Australia droplets and direct contact, as well as, most

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 81

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
82 C. Leung

likely, by the fecal-oral route (Gu et  al. 2020). Wuhan, the time interval between exposure to
Both viruses use receptor angiotensin-converting the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market and
enzyme 2 (ACE2) for host cell entry and serine symptom onset was used to speculate the
protease TMPRSS2 for spike protein priming source of infection (Li et al. 2020). It is impor-
(Hoffmann et  al. 2020). In contrast, the basic tant because the late identification of the com-
reproduction number of COVID-19 is higher, mon source may cause a higher number of
compared to SARS (Liu et al. 2020a). The differ- infections (Huang et al. 2020).
ences in the incubation period between • Assess the risk of developing the disease: the
COVID-­ 19, SARS, and MERS (Middle East incubation period can also be used as part of
respiratory syndrome) are not fully understood. It the case definition for assessing the risk of
remains a research area of public health and clini- developing the disease in those who have
cal importance, despite limited investigation. close contacts with COVID-19 patients. It has
This chapter focuses on the incubation period of been suggested that the incubation period can
COVID-19 by drawing on current studies as well help the differential diagnosis between MERS
as the modeling technique. and influenza (Nishiura et al. 2012). It should
not be overlooked because COVID-19 could
be mistaken for influenza, and patients were
5.2 The Importance not aware of the need for hospitalization
of Understanding (Leung 2020a).
the Incubation Period • Study unusual cases: despite being a respira-
tory disease, some COVID-19 cases have been
The term incubation period, also known as the reported to be associated with Guillain-Barré
incubation period of a disease, is defined as the syndrome (GBS) (El Otmani et  al. 2020).
time interval between exposure to the pathogen While GBS is commonly believed to be a
and symptom onset. A less commonly used term, postinfectious disease, a case has been
the incubation period of infection, refers to the reported in China that the symptom onset of
time from exposure to infection if the infection GBS occurred 7 days before that of COVID-­19,
does not occur directly after exposure (Rothman suggestive of a para-infectious profile (Zhao
et al. 2012). et al. 2020). The incubation period of COVID-
Several reasons call for an urgent understand- 19 should be useful in understanding the rela-
ing of the incubation period of COVID-19. In tionship between GBS and COVID-19 from
addition to the determination of the length of an epidemiological perspective.
quarantine, it would help to (Armenian and
Lilienfeld 1983): To date, research on the incubation period of
COVID-19 mainly focuses on the following: i,
• Judge the dynamics of an epidemic: while the median and/or mean of the incubation period;
there is no direct association between the ii, the statistical distribution of the incubation
incubation period and the latent period (the period; and iii, factors associated with the incu-
time interval between exposure to the patho- bation period. The incubation period of almost all
gen and the host becoming infectious), the diseases is right-skewed; thus, the median also
incubation period can be used to understand serves a suitable summary statistic to describe the
the dynamics of COVID-19, along with the data. The variation of the incubation period can
serial interval. It has been suggested that the be represented by the interquartile range (IQR),
infectious profile of COVID-19 more closely confidence interval, or credible interval. The sta-
resembles that of influenza than of SARS (He tistical distribution of the incubation provides
et al. 2020). further analysis from a probabilistic perspective.
• Estimate date of common exposure: at the While the relationship between viral replication
beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19  in and symptom onset is not entirely known, the
5  The Incubation Period of COVID-19: Current Understanding and Modeling Technique 83

incubation period of many diseases follows a log- 2016a; Cauchemez et  al. 2014) and 5.2  days
normal distribution, as proposed by Sartwell (Assiri et al. 2013), respectively.
(Sartwell 1950). The differences in the reported incubation
time of COVID-19 may be explained by a variety
of factors such as variation of host immune
5.3 Existing Findings responses and virus replication. In the remainder
of the Incubation Period of this section, we review existing observations
of COVID-19 regarding the determinants of the incubation
period of COVID-19. While the clinical data evi-
The first observation of the incubation period of dence many of these findings, the pathogenesis of
COVID-19 was reported by the National Health many of these observations requires further
Commission of China, suggesting an incubation research. For instance, it was found that travelers
time between 1 and 14 days (Leung 2020b). To to Hubei had significantly shorter incubation
date, most studies concerning the incubation periods than non-travelers (Leung 2020b).
period of COVID-19 focus on patients in China; Another study found that patients who regularly
hence clinical data accessible to researchers out- lived in Wuhan had more extended incubation
side of China remain very limited. Table 5.1 sum- periods compared to those infected outside
marizes the findings reported in different Wuhan (Xiao et  al. 2020). Because Hubei resi-
studies. dents and travelers to Hubei might have been
The size of the sample considered in these exposed to the pathogen multiple times during
studies varies between 6 and 2907. Single- their stay in Hubei (Yu et al. 2020b), incubation
center studies can recruit only a small number time may be associated with the dose of expo-
of patients, while studies with data gathered sure, as in the case of typhoid (Fine 2003).
from public sources consider a more signifi- Similar observations concerning the relation-
cant number of patients, although biases may ship between viral load and incubation period
arise from the search strategy. Consequently, have also been proposed. The incubation period
the reported mean and median incubation time of tertiary patients was significantly more
varies greatly. Also, comparative studies on extended than that of secondary patients, while
cohorts with different characteristics report the viral load was undetectable in tertiary patients
very different incubation times. Thirteen mean on day 14 after the exposure (Xu et  al. 2020a).
incubation periods were reported varying However, the authors also noted that the median
between 1.8 and 7.2 days, whereas 16 median age of the tertiary patients was significantly
incubation periods were reported varying higher than that of the secondary patients, imply-
between 2 and 12  days. Different forms of ing that age may confound the relation between
interval estimates have also been reported, tertiary transmission and incubation time.
including credible intervals, confidence inter- Moreover, the authors also reported that tertiary
vals, ranges, and IQRs. Against highly diverse patients had more comorbidities, suggestive of
estimates, it is not surprising that the incuba- comorbidities being another confounder.
tion time of COVID-19 is believed to be simi- Notwithstanding this finding, another study sug-
lar to that of SARS and MERS (Jiang et  al. gested that there is no relationship between an
2020). The mean and median incubation time incubation time and comorbidities such as
of SARS were reported to be 3.8 to 6.9  days chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes,
(Cai et al. 2006; Cowling et al. 2007; Kuk and hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cere-
Ma 2005; Donnelly et al. 2003; Lau et al. 2010; brovascular disease (Guan et al. 2020a).
Lessler et  al. 2009) and 4  days (Lessler et  al. The role viral load plays in the determination
2009), respectively, whereas the mean and of the incubation period remains uncertain,
median incubation time of MERS were although some studies may help clarify. A study
reported to be 5 to 6.9  days (Virlogeux et  al. suggested high viral load in the respiratory secre-
84 C. Leung

Table 5.1  Studies concerning the incubation time of COVID-19

Study Sample size Location The incubation period (days) Interval estimates (days)
Backer et al. 88 China 6.4 (mean) 5.6–7.7 (95% CI)
Chen et al. 12 children and Chongqing, 8 (mean) 1–13 (range)
(2020) adolescents China
Guan et al. 291 China 4 (median) 2–7 (IQR)
Guan et al. 1590 China 3.6 (mean) 4.2 (SD)
Han et al. 32 Shaanxi, 5 and 4 (median) for children 3–12, 2–12 (range) for
(2020b) China and adults children and adults
Huang et al. 6 Anhui, China 2 (median) 1–4 (range)
Ki and 10 South Korea 3.9 (mean), 3 (median) 0–15 (range)
Lauer et al. 181 25 countries 5.1 (median) 4.5–5.8 (95% CI)
Leung 175 China 1.8 and 7.2 (mean) for ND
(2020b) patients with and without
travel history to Hubei
Li et al. 425 China 5.2 (mean) 4.1–7.0 (95% CI)
Linton et al. 158 China 5 and 5.6 (mean) excluding/ 4.2–6 and 5–6.3 (95% CI)
(2020) including Wuhan residents excluding/ including Wuhan
Nie et al. 2907 China 5 (median) 2–8 (IQR)
Qian et al. 88 Zhejiang, 6 (median) 3–8 (IQR)
(2020) China
Qiu et al. 71 Hunan, China 6 (median) 1–32 (range)
Sanche et al. 24 China 4.2 (mean) 3.5–5.1 (95% CI)
Shen et al. 6 children Hunan, China 7.5 (median) 1–6 (range)
Song et al. 21 Beijing, China 8 (median) 5–12 (IQR)
Sun et al. 55 Beijing, China 7.5 (median) 5–11.8 (IQR)
Tian et al. 262 Beijing, China 6.7 (median) ND
Wang et al. 483 Henan, China 7 (median), 7.4 (mean) 4.1–9.4 (IQR)
Xiao et al. 9 Chongqing, 7 (mean) 2.59 (SD)
(2020) China
Xiao et al. 2555 China 8.98 (mean) 7.98–9.9 (95% CI)
Xu et al. 51 Jiangsu, China 8, 8, and 12 (median) for 4–10, 4–11, and 9–14 (IQR)
(2020a) imported, secondary, and for imported, secondary, and
tertiary infection tertiary infection
Xu et al. 56 Zhejiang, 4 (median) 3–5 (IQR)
(2020b) China
5  The Incubation Period of COVID-19: Current Understanding and Modeling Technique 85

Table 5.1 (continued)
Study Sample size Location The incubation period (days) Interval estimates (days)
Yu et al. 132 Shanghai, 7.2 (median) 6.4–7.9 (95% CI)
(2020b) China
Zhang et al. 49 China, 5.2 (mean) 1.8–12.4 (95% CI)
(2020a) excluding
Zhang et al. 8 Beijing, China 2.1 (mean) ND
CI confidence interval, IQR interquartile range, ND not determined, SD standard deviation

tions of patients during incubation (Chan et  al. dren present relatively mild symptoms (L’Huillier
2020), as explained by the finding that SARS-­ and Asner 2020; Castagnoli et al. 2020) as well as
CoV-­2 produced higher amounts of infectious lower prevalence of elevated inflammatory mark-
particles than SARS-CoV in human lung tissues ers and lymphocytopenia (Ludvigsson 2020). In
(Chu et al. 2020). Nevertheless, most studies con- contrast, a study on a large sample found that
cluded that patients are infectious during the incubation periods of elderly patients were sig-
incubation period (Qian et  al. 2020; Yu et  al. nificantly more extended (Xiao et  al. 2020).
2020a; Zhang et al. 2020a), including the obser- Nevertheless, circumstantial evidence suggests
vation that the serial interval of COVID-19 is that the immune response is associated with the
shorter than the incubation period (Park et  al. incubation time. A case series proposed that the
2020). In contrast, it has been observed that long-term use of glucocorticoids might cause
patients with SARS are not infectious during the more extended incubation periods (Han et  al.
incubation period (Li et  al. 2003; Zeng et  al. 2020a).
2009). Interestingly, an immunocompromised patient
While findings of the association between with MERS was found to have longer incubation
viral load and disease severity in COVID-19 periods (Kim et  al. 2017). It is suspected that
remain conflicting (He et  al. 2020; Liu et  al. multiple courses of chemotherapy and autolo-
2020b), at least three studies have demonstrated gous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
that disease severity is not correlated to the incu- prolonged the incubation period. Whether these
bation period (Tian et al. 2020; Guan et al. 2020b; are coincident observations or the impact of
Sun et al. 2020), as opposed to the case of SARS immunosuppression requires further research in
(Virlogeux et  al. 2015) and MERS (Virlogeux immunology.
et al. 2016b). It is important to note that disease
severity may be defined differently among stud-
ies, varying from clinical features such as dys- 5.4 Modeling the Distribution
pnea to the use of diagnosis guideline that of the Incubation Period
includes lab findings (Metlay et al. 2019).
Other features concerning the incubation While summary statistics such as the median and
period of COVID-19 have also been observed. the mean provide useful information about the
For example, there is no significant difference in incubation period, the statistical distribution
the incubation time between females and males reflects variations in infectious dose, in replica-
(Wang et  al. 2020; Nie et  al. 2020; Xiao et  al. tion times of the pathogen, and levels of suscepti-
2020). Some other proposed features represent bility among members of the host population
preliminary results because of the small sample (Fine 2003).
size involved. For instance, there is not yet evi- Just like the case of other diseases, modeling
dence to show any significant difference in the the distribution of the incubation period of
incubation period between children (n  =  7) and COVID-19 is usually subject to incomplete infor-
adults (n = 25) (Han et al. 2020b), although chil- mation. Although the date of first symptom onset
86 C. Leung

is usually known, the date of exposure to the While approaches used vary greatly among stud-
infectious source is usually not precisely known. ies, the lognormal distribution is a popular choice
For example, the moment of infection by a virus of F (Wang et al. 2020; Lauer et al. 2020; Li et al.
via a mosquito bite is not directly observable, 2020; Linton et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020a).
whereas the onset of symptoms is always known Weibull (Backer et al. 2020; Leung 2020b; Xiao
for symptomatic patients (Fourié et al. 2018). In et  al. 2020), beta (Zhu and Chen 2020), and
the case of COVID-19, a patient living outside gamma (Yu et  al. 2020b) distribution have also
Hubei yet infected during her temporary stay in been assumed. In contrast, the incubation period
Hubei can only report a time interval within of SARS and MERS mainly follows the lognor-
which the exact time of exposure falls. Even mal and gamma distribution (Donnelly et  al.
worse, a patient who always lives in Hubei may 2003; Cowling et  al. 2007; Lau et  al. 2010;
not be able to recall any possible exposure given Lessler et al. 2009; Assiri et al. 2013; Virlogeux
human-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2. et  al. 2016a). Nevertheless, the choice of F
Unless the exact time of exposure or symptom depends on the data. In many studies, models
onset is known, incubation period data are usu- with different underlying distributions are esti-
ally interval-censored. mated, and the model selection relies on prede-
While the exclusion of incomplete observa- termined criteria (Leung 2020b; Backer et  al.
tions is an option (Zhang et  al. 2020a; Ki and 2020).
2019-nCoV  TFf 2020), maximum likelihood The median of the incubation period can be
estimation (MLE) can be applied to estimate the obtained from the quantile function of the
incubation period distribution based on interval-­ estimated distribution. That is, given the set
censored data. Let E and S be the exact date of of estimated, qˆ , the median is given by
exposure and symptom onset, and then the incu- ( )
F -1 0.5;q where F −1 is the inverse function
bation period, T, is defined as T  =  S  −  E. The of F, i.e., the quantile function. The 95% con-
following likelihood function, Li, 1, can be applied fidence interval of the median requires boot-
to an individual i whose time of exposure and strapping a nonparametric technique. It can
symptom onset is precisely known: be done by creating K bootstrap samples.
Li,1 = f ( T ;q ) These bootstrap samples are then used to esti-
mate K medians of incubation periods, fol-
where f is the probability density function of T lowing the abovementioned estimation
and θ is the set of distribution parameters. procedure. The 95% confidence interval is
In the case of interval-censored data, if the then the 2.5% and 97.5% percentile of these
time of exposure of individual i is only known to medians.
fall between EL and ER, where ER > EL, the likeli- If F is lognormal as in Sartwell’s model, the
hood function is given by: following parametric method might be used
Li ,2 = F ( TR ;q ) - F ( TL ;q ) (Gilbert 1987). The median of a lognormal distri-
bution is e m̂ where m̂ is the estimated log-­
where F is the cumulative distribution function of transformed mean. The 95% confidence interval
T, TR = S − EL and TL = S − ER.
Given a dataset consisting of n observations of
{ ( )}
of the median is then exp µ ± t0.975, n -1 se µ ,
where t is the quantile of Student t-distribution
the above types, the sum of the log-likelihood, l, and se is the standard error of m̂ .
for estimating the incubation period is given by: This approach can further be generalized to
i =1 study the factors associated with the incubation
l = å ln éë(1 - g i ) Li ,1 + g i Li ,2 ùû period. For example, to see any difference in the
incubation period distribution between travelers
where γi = 1 if observation i is interval-censored. to Hubei and non-travelers, the likelihood func-
The literature on the distribution of the incu- tions were parameterized as follows (Leung
bation period of COVID-19 remains very scant. 2020b):
5  The Incubation Period of COVID-19: Current Understanding and Modeling Technique 87

Li,1 = f ( T ;,q1 + I d1 ;,q 2 + I d 2 ) Finally, most of the studies have concerned

the incubation period of COVID-19 patients in
Li ,2 = F ( TR ;,q1 + I d1 ;,q 2 + I d 2 ) China. Similar to SARS (Lau et al. 2010), varia-
- F ( TL ;,q1 + I d1 ;,q 2 + I d 2 ) tions in incubation time between regions may
exist. With COVID-19 raging in more than 200
where θ1 + Iδ1 and θ2 + Iδ2 are the shape and scale countries, comparative epidemiologic analyses
parameter of Weibull distribution, respectively, serve as another important research direction.
with I being the binary variable with value 1 or 0
for travelers to Hubei and non-travelers and δ1
and δ2 are parameters indicating the impact of the 5.6 Conclusion
binary variable.
Other MLE approaches for estimating incuba- This chapter reviewed existing literature con-
tion periods have also been proposed. For cerning the incubation period of COVID-19, one
instance, the likelihood function can further be of the critical epidemiological metrics with clini-
modified to accommodate doubly interval-­ cal significance. Studies report very different
censored data where the time of both exposure incubation times of COVID-19, partly owing to
and symptom onset is not precisely known (Reich the characteristics of the cohorts as well as the
et al. 2009). The incubation period of postinfec- method of sampling. As a result, the incubation
tious diseases such as Guillain-Barre syndrome period of COVID-19 is not significantly different
can also be estimated by modifying this approach from that of SARS and MERS. While the travel
(Leung 2019). history and the level of transmission have been
found to be associated with the incubation time,
the mechanism behind these observations
5.5 Future Research Directions requires further extensive research. Moreover,
many other factors, such as viral load, comorbidi-
While the comparison between COVID-19, ties, age, and immunosuppression, may pose as
SARS, and MERS remains an exciting theme, factors determining the length of the incubation
other areas of research regarding the incubation period. Because of confounding relationships,
period of COVID-19 should be on the agenda. As existing studies remain inconclusive and more
discussed in the previous section, more research evidence is necessary for clarification. Modeling
is needed to verify whether the incubation period techniques have also been discussed in this chap-
is related to the infectious dose. This also holds ter. With the presence of incomplete information,
for the relationship between the viral load and the maximum likelihood estimation serves as a use-
incubation time, as suggested by contradicting ful technique to model incubation periods by rec-
findings. ognizing the interval-censored data structure.
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Coronavirus: Pure Infectious
Disease or Genetic Predisposition 6
Farzaneh Darbeheshti, Hassan Abolhassani,
Mohammad Bashashati, Saeid Ghavami,
Sepideh Shahkarami, Samaneh Zoghi,
Sudhir Gupta, Jordan S. Orange, Hans D. Ochs,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract CoV-­2 and uses the same receptor to bind to host

cells, could provide some clues. It, therefore,
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seems possible to assemble new evidence in
(SARS-CoV-2), which causes novel coronavirus order to solve a potential genetic predisposition
disease (COVID-19), is the seventh pathogenic puzzle for COVID-19. In this chapter, the puzzle
coronavirus recently discovered in December pieces, including virus entry receptors, immune
2019 in Wuhan, China. To date, our knowledge response, and inflammation-­ related genes, as
about its effect on the human host remains lim- well as the probable genetic predisposition mod-
ited. It is well known that host genetic factors els to COVID-19, are discussed.
account for the individual differences in the sus-
ceptibility to infectious diseases. The genetic Keywords
susceptibility factors to COVID-19 and its sever-
ity are associated with several unanswered ques- COVID-19 · Genetic predisposition · Genetic
tions. However, the experience gained from an susceptibility · SARS-CoV-1 · SARS-CoV-2 ·
earlier strain of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-1, Polymorphism
which shows 78% genetic similarity to SARS-­

F. Darbeheshti
Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran M. Bashashati
Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal
Medical Genetics Network (MeGeNe), Universal
Medicine, Texas Tech University Health Sciences
Scientific Education and Research Network
Center, El Paso, TX, USA
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
H. Abolhassani
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Division of Clinical Immunology, Department of
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institute at
El Paso, TX, USA
Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge,
Stockholm, Sweden S. Ghavami
Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science,
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Max Rady College of Medicine, Rady Faculty of
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Health Sciences, University of Manitoba,
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases Network
Faculty of Medicine, Katowice School of Technology,
(PIDNet), Universal Scientific Education and
Katowice, Poland
Research Network (USERN), Stockholm, Sweden

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 91

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
92 F. Darbeheshti et al.

6.1 Introduction GWA data can explain only a small proportion of

the genetic variance of infectious diseases
Infectious diseases exert one of the most substan- (Schork et al. 2009). Host genetic variants have
tial selective pressures on human genomes by been demonstrated to be influential on viral dis-
eliminating individuals with high susceptibility ease susceptibilities, such as the CCR5Δ32 muta-
from the population (Hill 2012). Reports pre- tion in resistance against HIV and mutations in
sume that virus-human interactions are involved the FUT2 gene as a protective factor against nor-
in 30% of human genome evolution (Kenney ovirus infection.
et al. 2017). Several single gene defects in immunity-­
The pathogen-centered approaches have con- related genes have been identified to affect indi-
ventionally managed infectious diseases. However, vidual predisposition to severe viral infection
the attention given to the roles of the host genetic with Mendelian inheritance, such as STAT1/2,
background in the burden of infectious diseases IRF7/9 (severe influenza disease), IFNAR1/2 (a
has become more remarkable over the past decade. severe disease caused by yellow fever), and
Scientists are looking for substantial inter-individ- FCGR3A (severe herpes viral infections) with
ual variations in susceptibility and vulnerability to autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance, and
infectious diseases (Burgner et  al. 2006). The POLR3A/C/F (a severe disease caused by yellow
advent of high-­throughput sequencing technolo- fever) with autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance
gies and the expansion of genome-wide associa- (Tangye et  al. 2020). Notably, there are a few
tion (GWA) studies have uncovered genetic genetic polymorphisms that result in susceptibil-
predisposition to infections. ity to limited infections, for instance, SNP
The hypothesis-free approach in GWA studies rs2070874 of the IL4 gene for RSV infection and
is capable of mapping millions of single nucleo- rs2430561 of IFNG for tuberculosis (Shen et al.
tide polymorphisms (SNPs) across different 2013; Zhang et al. 2016).
human genomes. However, GWA studies have a Accurate identification of host genetic
main methodological limitation in detecting rare variability in the susceptibility to exogenous
variants with high penetrance, and the available pathogens needs merging insights from other

S. Shahkarami
Medical Genetics Network (MeGeNe), Universal
Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran H. D. Ochs
School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics,
Gene center, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Munich, Munich, Germany
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
S. Zoghi
(USERN), Seattle, WA, USA
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical N. Rezaei (*)
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rare and
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Undiagnosed Diseases, Vienna, Austria
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
S. Gupta
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Medicine, Division of Basic and
Clinical Immunology, University of California, Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Irvine, CA, USA Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
J. S. Orange
Tehran, Iran
Immunology, Allergy, and Rheumatology, Baylor
College of Medicine and the Texas Children’s Children’s Medical Center Hospital, Tehran, Iran
Hospital, Houston, TX, USA e-mail:
6  Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition 93

fields, including immunology and epidemiology, helped to uncover variants involved in the patho-
in order to achieve a systematic understanding of genesis of respiratory infections.
the concept. This chapter discusses the potential A challenging issue about COVID-19 is the
genetic variants involved in the earlier strain of development of severe symptoms in adults and
coronavirus, namely, severe acute respiratory even adolescents without any underlying disease.
syndrome-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV)-1, This issue has attracted geneticists’ attention
since SARS-CoV-2 has 78% genetic identity to worldwide to pinpoint the involving genetic fac-
SARS-CoV-1 (Lu et al. 2020; Ren et al. 2020), tors that make individuals more vulnerable to
and therefore it may serve as possible genetic COVID-19. It is postulated that available knowl-
predisposition models for SARS-CoV-2 edge concerning the genetic predisposition factors
infection. to SARS-CoV-1 may also be right for SARS-
The recently emerged SARS-CoV-2 is an CoV-2, but this needs careful DNA analysis and
enveloped single-stranded RNA betacoronavirus, the use of bioinformatics to find variants in genes
which recently emerged in December 2019  in that result in facilitating viral entry and abnormal
Wuhan but rapidly turned into a pandemic affect- immune responses or allow situations of immune
ing people worldwide (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). dysregulation that causes an overreaction of innate
SARS-CoV-2 infection shows a wide range of or adaptive immunity, as in cytokine storm. Below,
disease severities among different patients (Lotfi we will discuss the molecular targets and genetic
and Rezaei 2020). This respiratory disease pres- variants that might be involved in the development
ents mainly with mild to moderate symptoms. In and severity of COVID-19 infection.
China, 41% and 26% of affected patients needed
hospital admissions and intensive care unit (ICU)
care, respectively; mortality was reported in 4.3% 6.2 Genetic Variants Relating
of patients (Wang et  al. 2020a). However, indi- to Virus Binding and Entry
viduals who have underlying medical conditions Receptors
(e.g., chronic lung/kidney/liver diseases, severe
heart conditions, metabolic syndrome, and sec- 6.2.1 Angiotensin-Converting
ondary immunosuppression) and older people Enzyme (ACE)
have a higher risk of developing severe symp-
toms, including respiratory failure. Both these Angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE1) and 2
high-risk populations, i.e., older people and peo- (ACE2) genes occur on chromosomes 17q and
ple with comorbidities, have the functionally Xp, respectively. These homologous genes
impaired immune system, compared to the gen- encode the essential enzymes that are part of the
eral population. Therefore, there has been an renin-angiotensin system with a 42% identical
interest in understanding the immunopathogene- protein sequence. ACE1 regulates blood pres-
sis of COVID-19 (Nasab et al. 2020; Saghazadeh sure and the balance of fluids and salts by target-
and Rezaei 2020a; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020), and ing angiotensin Ι. ACE2, located on the outer
consequently, hyperinflammation including a surface of cells, modulates the levels of angio-
cytokine storm appeared to play a role (Bahrami tensin II. Also, this protein has been established
et al. 2020). as a functional receptor for the spike glycopro-
Influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), tein of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 (Li et al.
and pneumonia represent the leading causes of 2003).
respiratory infection-related death worldwide
(Ascough et  al. 2018). Concerning these three ACE1
respiratory infectious diseases, a small percent- ACE1 is highly expressed on microvascular
age of patients experience severe symptoms and endothelium and is probably involved in angiop-
need hospital admission. Genetic studies have athy of the lung. It has been assumed that ACE1
94 F. Darbeheshti et al.

variants could be associated with the progression some SNPs are associated with a higher RNA
of SARS-CoV-1 (Itoyama et al. 2004). This gene expression of ACE2, which might cause different
has an insertion (I) or a deletion (D) polymor- susceptibility to COVID-19 among patients (Cao
phism in the 287-bp Alu repeat sequence in intron et al. 2020).
16 (rs1799752). The D allele demonstrates an Studies have investigated the significance of
enhanced ACE1 expression and activity (Rigat ACE2 variants in susceptibility and vulnerability
et al. 1990). of individuals to SARS-CoV-1. Generally, 30%
The association of this polymorphism with of SARS-CoV-1-infected patients required inten-
pathological states such as myocardial infarction sive care admission, and interestingly males
has been documented (Baudin 2002). Concerning infected were more likely to manifest severe
SARS-CoV-1 infection, the D allele was statisti- symptoms (Booth et  al. 2003). Moreover, the
cally associated with hypoxemic status in mortality rates have been estimated at 21.9% and
Vietnamese patients (Itoyama et  al. 2004). In 13.2% of male and female patients, respectively
Chinese patients, individuals with the DD geno- (Karlberg et al. 2004). This evidence points to the
type had higher mortality of acute lung injury (Lu intriguing coincidence that the ACE2 gene is
et  al. 2011). Moreover, a meta-analysis of ten located on the X chromosome.
related studies shows evidence supporting a The assessment of variants in the protein-­
causal association between D allele and pneumo- coding region of ACE2 in a large human cohort
nia vulnerability, and that individuals with the I/I revealed some polymorphisms that either likely
genotype have a high chance to survive from protect or predispose individuals to the virus
acute respiratory distress syndrome (Wang et al. (Stawiski et al. 2020). However, the importance
2015). However, based on another study, there is of variants in the human ACE2 gene for suscepti-
no significant association between the ACE1 I/D bility to both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 has
polymorphism and poor outcomes after SARS-­ not been comprehensively examined. Chiu et al.
coronavirus infection (Chan et al. 2005). reported no associations between ACE2 common
genetic variants and SARS-CoV-1 susceptibility ACE2 or outcome (Chiu et al. 2004).
The large-scale structural analyses of an atomic-­
level investigation have revealed a strong interac-
tion between the receptor-binding domain (RBD) 6.2.2 CD147
of both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein with ACE2 as their host receptor, which is A transmembrane glycoprotein referred to as
responsible for human-to-human transmission CD147/Basigin, which belongs to the immuno-
(Letko and Munster 2020). A high ACE2 expres- globulin superfamily, is involved in virus infec-
sion has been detected in different cell types, tion and tumor development. This protein is
such as epithelial cells of the tongue, alveolar highly expressed in infected and inflamed tissues.
cells, enterocytes, a subpopulation of macro- CD147 has a functional role in facilitating the
phages, and small intestine (Xu et al. 2020). The SARS-CoV-1 invasion of the host cells.
spike protein binds to ACE2, and then a trans- Interestingly, it has been presumed that SARS
membrane protease (TMP) cleaves the S1 and S2 nuclear (N) protein interacts with CD147 located
subunits of the spike protein that is critical for the on the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum
virus entry into target cells. Therefore, genetic (ER), thereby facilitating the virus particles in
variation in ACE2 and/or TMP that could affect attaching to and budding into the ER (Chen et al.
its expression, protein conformation, and stabil- 2005). Recently, it was documented that the
ity are potential genetic predisposing factors to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein also binds to CD147
COVID-19. The recent systematic analysis of and facilitates the viral invasion (Wang et  al.
coding-region variants in the ACE2 gene, as well 2020b). Therefore, both SARS-CoV-1 and
as using the GTEx database, has revealed that
6  Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition 95

SARS-CoV-2 are expected to invade host cells rs763246423) have been documented to reduce
via CD147. the binding efficiency of MERS-CoV spike pro-
There is no specific evidence for the role of tein to DPP4 (Kleine-Weber et  al. 2020). It has
CD147 polymorphisms in predisposition to coro- been suggested that the DPP4 polymorphisms
navirus infection. However, a functional poly- affect the course of MERS-CoV infection.
morphism of the CD147 gene has been reported Recently, a high-affinity binding between
in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) in several SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and DPP4 has been
independent studies. The rs8259 AA genotype reported, using bioinformatics approaches and
shows a significant association not only with the protein docking based on crystal structures (Li
high expression of CD147 mRNA and protein but et al. 2020). However, the affinity of the SARS-­
also with ACS patients (Yan et al. 2015). It pro- CoV-­ 2 spike protein with human DPP4
vided evidence for the possible role of rs8259 for (−34.8  kcal/mol) is lower than its affinity with
the individual difference in the susceptibility to ACE2 (−39.2 kcal/mol). It is well known that the
viral infection and the severity of the disease. coronavirus spike protein can be associated with
Although ACE2 has been widely known as a a wide range of molecules on cell surfaces. These
critical receptor involved in virus invasion, anti-­ molecules could play the role of co-receptors or
ACE2 antibodies may lead to severe adverse attachment factors, which play a predominant
events, since ACE2 is widely expressed in a vari- role in viral entry (Cui et al. 2019). It is conceiv-
ety of tissues (Tipnis et  al. 2000). On the other able that DPP4 acts as a co-receptor for SARS-­
hand, Meplazumab, a humanized anti-CD147 CoV-­2, though ACE2 is considered the primary
antibody, has shown safety in preclinical research receptor for SARS-CoV-2. Hence, the host sus-
(Wang et al. 2020b). Therefore, it has been sug- ceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 might be influenced
gested that blocking CD147 might effectively by protein interactions between the spike protein
inhibit the viruses from invading host cells. and cell-surface co-receptors. Moreover, DPP4
inhibitors have been recently proposed as a
potential therapeutic strategy for COVID-19
6.2.3 Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (DPP4) infection (Strollo and Pozzilli 2020).

DPP4, also known as CD26, is a type-II trans-

membrane protein that is expressed in various tis- 6.2.4 Transmembrane Serine
sues, such as the intestine, respiratory tract, liver, Protease 2 (TMPRSS2)
kidney, and fibroblasts of the lung. Moreover,
DPP4 is expressed on different immune cells, As mentioned above, the coronavirus spike gly-
including dendritic cells, macrophages, NK cells, coprotein, which is embedded in the viral enve-
activated T cells, and B cells (Shao et al. 2020). It lope, facilitates membrane fusion through
is involved in the immune response and auto-­ mediating receptor recognition. The spike protein
inflammatory reaction by modulating the produc- consists of two subunits, S1 and S2, which are
tion of chemokines and cytokines (Shao et  al. involved in binding to the receptor and fusion
2020). The significant association of the genetic with the cellular membrane, respectively. After
variants in the DPP4 gene with some human dis- membrane fusion, the coronavirus genome is
eases has been reported, such as diabetes (Ahmed delivered into the cellular cytoplasm to transla-
et  al. 2016) and myocardial infarction (Aghili tion and replication.
et al. 2012). TMPRSS2 proteolytically primes the fusion
The MERS-CoV, which causes Middle East proteins of the human influenza virus (Böttcher
respiratory syndrome (MERS), recognizes DPP4 et al. 2006), metapneumovirus (Shirogane et al.
as the primary receptor (Raj et  al. 2013). 2008), and coronavirus (Glowacka et  al. 2011).
Interestingly, four DPP4 polymorphisms The cleavage of the coronavirus spike glycopro-
(rs1229319529, rs780673235, rs764879525, tein by TMPRSS2 produces the fusion-­catalyzing
96 F. Darbeheshti et al.

forms, which can boost or can be critical for viral Some functional SNPs in the promoter and
infectivity (Bergeron et  al. 2005; Iwata-­ coding regions of the MBL gene may affect its
Yoshikawa et  al. 2019). Interestingly, a recent serum level (Madsen et al. 1995). Two polymor-
in vitro study indicated that Camostat Mesylate, a phisms have been identified in exon 1 (rs1800450)
clinically proven TMPRSS2 inhibitor, partially and promoter (rs7096206) of the MBL gene,
blocks SARS-CoV-2 entry into cells (Hoffmann which has a remarkable association with SARS-­
et al. 2020). CoV-­1 susceptibility (Ip et al. 2005; Zhang et al.
Some variants in the 3′ UTR region of the 2005). The higher frequency of haplotypes asso-
TMPRSS2 gene show a significant impact on its ciated with low or deficient serum levels of MBL
expression in the lung. Different inter-population in patients than in healthy controls suggests MBL
frequencies of these variants are described. The as a first-line host defense against SARS-CoV-1
haplotype with higher expression of TMPRSS2 is infection. Moreover, the SNPs associated with
characterized by three SNPs (rs2070788, low serum levels of MBL have been reported to
rs9974589, rs7364083), whose minor allele fre- be increasingly present in several respiratory
quencies (MAFs) are significantly increased in infectious diseases, such as a higher risk of inva-
Italians compared with East Asians (Asselta et al. sive pneumococcal disease (Roy et al. 2002) and
2020). These observations suggest a role of more frequent hospital admissions in patients
TMPRSS2 polymorphisms in modulating with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COVID-19 severity, which, however, need addi- (Yang et  al. 2003). Of note, MBL deficiency is
tional experimental investigations. considered by some as one the most common pri-
mary immunodeficiencies, in which the extreme
deficiency can be detected in more than 10% of
6.3 Genes with Immune the healthy population (Engler et al. 2010).
Response-Related Functions

6.3.1 Mannose-Binding Lectin 6.3.2 Type C Lectin

Two closely related transmembrane proteins
Mannose-binding lectin (MBL) is a serum pro- named DC-SIGN (CD209) and L-SIGN
tein that plays a pivotal role in the first-line host (CLEC4M) are dendritic cell-specific intracellu-
defense and the innate immune response lar adhesion molecules that directly recognize a
(Ezekowitz 2003). MBL binds to microbial sur- wide range of microorganisms (HIV, Ebola, hep-
faces through its carbohydrate recognition atitis C, and SARS-CoV-1 coronavirus). Both
domains (CRDs) and induces at least two pro- genes have an extended neck region encoded by
tective responses, including the activation of tandem repeats in the extracellular domain
the complement cascade and opsonophagocyto- region, which play a crucial role in pathogen rec-
sis. Genetic deficiency of MBL increases sus- ognition of these receptors. While DC-SIGN has
ceptibility to both bacterial and viral infectious a relatively constant repeat, the L-SIGN gene
diseases such as HIV, Neisseria meningitidis, shows remarkable polymorphisms among differ-
and influenza A (Garred et al. 1997; Hartshorn ent individuals that could affect ligand-binding
et al. 1993; Hibberd et al. 1999). The different affinity. The polymorphism (rs4804803), identi-
vulnerability of individuals to the coronavirus fied in the DC-SIGN promoter, could alter its
infections might lie in the critical role of MBL expression (Chan et  al. 2010a). A demographic
in the innate immune response, especially dur- investigation of the variation in tandem repeat
ing the time before producing specific antibod- lengths performed in 52 different populations
ies, since the latter are not detected until about indicated that this region is one of the targets of
10  days after the onset of symptoms (Peiris the selective pressure exerted by pathogens
et al. 2003). (Barreiro et al. 2005).
6  Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition 97

Several functional and GWA studies have comprised 44 SARS-CoV-1-­ infected patients,
evaluated the effect of polymorphisms on the 103 staff members who had contact with SARS-
pathogen-binding ability and genetic susceptibil- CoV-1-infected patients but had not developed the
ity to infectious diseases. A genetic-risk associa- infection, and 50 healthy individuals without con-
tion study revealed that homozygosity in L-SIGN tact history indicated that DRB1*12 has a signifi-
tandem repeat (rs71179137) is a significant pro- cant positive association with developing
tective factor for SARS-CoV-1 infection (Chan SARS-CoV-1 (Keicho et al. 2009). The DRB1*12
et  al. 2006). However, these findings have not allele tendency to develop infection was also
been supported by a case-controlled study in demonstrated in a large study from southern
northern China (Zhi et  al. 2007). Investigations China (Xiong et  al. 2008). Furthermore, in a
related to DC-SIGN polymorphisms show a sig- Taiwanese association study, the B*4601 allele
nificant correlation between the G allele of the was significantly associated with the severity of
rs4804803 polymorphism and lower levels of SARS-CoV-1 (Lin et al. 2003).
promoter activity (Chan et al. 2010a). This vari-
ant shows association with several important
infectious diseases, such as Mycobacterium 6.4 Inflammation-Related Genes
tuberculosis and HIV-1. Moreover, the G allele
could protect the lung from injury during the pro- SARS-CoV-1 and other acute respiratory viruses
gression of SARS-CoV-1 infection (Chan et  al. commonly trigger an inflammatory cascade
2010b), and patients with the AA genotype had a in  local tissues. The upregulation of inflamma-
60% chance for developing severe symptoms tory chemokines recruits immune cells into the
(Chan et  al. 2010a). In contrast, another study infected tissue. It has been suggested that vari-
reported that no genetic predisposition allele in ants in inflammation-related genes could be
the lectin gene cluster is involved in SARS-­ involved in the quality and quantity of immune
CoV-­1 infection (Li et al. 2008). responses against coronavirus infections (see the
following section for more details).

6.3.3 H
 uman Leukocyte Antigen
(HLA) 6.4.1 C
 -C Motif Chemokine Ligand 2
The human major histocompatibility complex,
also known as human leukocyte antigen (HLA), Chemokines have prominent roles in cell traffick-
consists of the most polymorphic genes. The ing during immune responses. The CCL2 is
studies concerning the association between HLA involved in both innate and adaptive immunity
and human diseases, including infectious dis- through chemoattraction of monocytes and T
eases, have been carried out for nearly 40 years. helper cell polarization, respectively. CCL2 is
The products of both HLA class I and II encoding one of the chemokines contributing to the SARS-­
genes share the responsibility of presenting viral CoV-­ 1 infection. It is upregulated during the
antigens on the cell surface for recognition by T early stage of inflammation in both the epithelial
cells. Hence, they might be critical components cells of the lung and in monocytes (Law et  al.
of the adaptive immune system against 2005). Moreover, CCL2 overexpression in
SARS-CoV-2. plasma of patients with SARS-CoV-1 is signifi-
By studying the HLA type A, B, DR, and DQ cantly associated with more severe symptoms
alleles, a strong association between HLA-­B*0703 (Wong et al. 2004).
and DRB1*0301 alleles and SARS-­CoV-­1 infec- Interestingly, the role of a functional SNP
tion has been reported among 90 Chinese patients (rs1024611 G/A) in the transcriptional activity
(Ng et  al. 2004). On the other hand, in the of CCL2 promoter has been well characterized.
Vietnamese population, a case-­controlled study The G allele induces higher CCL2 mRNA and
98 F. Darbeheshti et al.

protein expression as well as more infiltration of sion of the IL-6 signaling cascade might be a
leukocytes into tissues compared with the A promising therapeutic strategy against severe
allele (McDermott et al. 2005). It has been docu- SARS-CoV-2 infection (Ulhaq and Soraya 2020).
mented that the G allele could contribute to
inter-­individual differences in both susceptibility
and vulnerability to SARS-CoV-1 infection (Tu 6.4.3 Interferon-Gamma (IFN-γ)
et al. 2015).
The interferon-mediated immunopathological
events play a pivotal role in immune responses
6.4.2 Interleukins against SARS-CoV-1 infection (Cameron et  al.
2007). IFN-γ is another inflammatory cytokine
IL-12 is an inflammatory cytokine that is released that is produced by T and NK cells to drive Th1
by activated dendritic cells. It has a crucial role responses. Also, IFN- γ induces the production of
in inducing cell-mediated immunity through free radicals and pro-inflammatory cytokines like
stimulating T-cell and NK-cell proliferation. tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α through activating
IL-12 receptor (IL-12R) consists of B1 and B2 monocytes and macrophages.
subunits, which form the IL-12R complex on The IFN-γ c.874A allele (rs2430561) was sig-
activated T and NK cells. A case-controlled nificantly overrepresented in 476 SARS-CoV-1-­
study including 115 SARS-CoV-1-infected infected patients when compared with the 449
patients and 2 control groups (141 healthy indi- healthy controls. Notably, a dose-dependent
viduals with close contacts with SARS-CoV-1- manner indicated that the IFN-γ c.874A allele is
infected patients and 155 individuals without associated with susceptibility to SARS-CoV-1
contact history) uncovered a significant associa- (Lim et al. 2006). Interestingly, this allele variant
tion between the risk of susceptibility to SARS- has been previously reported to be associated
CoV-1 infection and c.1664 CT/TT genotypes with several infectious diseases such as hepatitis
on IL12RB1 gene (rs1331950321) in Chinese B virus, tuberculosis, and parvovirus infection
population (Tang et  al. 2008). This variant has (Ben-Ari et  al. 2003; Tso et  al. 2005). The T
been confirmed to cause the missense SNP (p. allele of IFN-γ c.874A>T provides a binding site
P534L) in the extracellular coding sequence of for the transcription factor nuclear factor
the IL12RB1 protein. κ-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB), which
IL-6 gene polymorphisms are other potential could regulate the expression of IFN-γ (Pravica
factors associated with disease progression. The et al. 2000). It is suggested that the downregula-
two polymorphisms, c.-174G/C (rs1800795) and tion of IFN-γ by the c.874A allele impairs the
c.-572C/G (rs1800797), have been shown to antiviral responses.
affect both the transcription and secretion levels In the context of the different severities of
of IL-6 (Tong et  al. 2010). Interestingly, viral infections, the inflammatory response could
rs1800795 was significantly associated with the get out of control due to the genetic predisposi-
severity of pneumonia (Ulhaq and Soraya 2020). tion to immune dysregulation. Thanks to new
It is shown that carriers of IL-6 c.-174 C allele insight into the molecular events that precipitate
have higher IL-6 levels and 2.42-fold higher risk an IFN-γ-related cytokine storm, several molecu-
for septic shock induced by pneumonia (Feng lar targets have been linked to the uncontrolled
et al. 2015; Jerrard-Dunne et al. 2003). Moreover, inflammation in H5N1 influenza and SARS-­
the haplotype spanning from –1363 to +4835 CoV-­1 infections (Vaninov 2020; Huang et  al.
from the transcription start site of the IL-6 gene 2005). Studies have suggested several germline
has the association with susceptibility to acute mutations in inflammasome (NLRP3 and IL1B),
lung injury (Flores et al. 2008) (Mao et al. 2017). genes (TNF and IFNB1), and cytokine receptor
It is suggested that IL-6 polymorphisms could be (TNFRSF1B and IL4R) genes that might lead to
involved in COVID-19 progression. The suppres- hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis and macro-
6  Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition 99

phage activation syndrome, which, in turn, cor- is associated with more severe symptoms, as
relate with a higher chance of developing the defined by admission to ICU or deaths (Ng et al.
clinical complication of cytokine storm after 2007). The SNP is located at the NF-κB binding
viral infections (Canna and Behrens 2012). site and could be involved in the regulation of
RANTES expression (Moriuchi et  al. 1997). It
should be noted that many chemokines not only
6.4.4 IFN-Inducible Genes participate in antiviral immune response but are
also in cell damage and organ failure. Higher lev-
Type I IFNs have been commonly applied as an els of RANTES induce lung inflammation and
antiviral drug, notably for treating hepatitis C result in lymphopenia and increased risk of sec-
virus (HCV) infection. The role of host genetic ondary infection among SARS-CoV-1-positive
factors in response to IFN treatment in HCV-­ patients (Jiang et al. 2005).
infected patients has been documented. A pro- Taken together, the considerable evidence
moter variant in the IFN-inducible MX1 gene for susceptible variants that affect SARS-CoV-1
(encoding IFN-induced GTP-binding protein infection provides some clues and meaningful
MXA) is involved in the patient’s response to predictions to solve a potential genetic predis-
IFN treatment in the Japanese (Suzuki et  al. position puzzle related to COVID-19 (Fig. 6.1).
2004) and Caucasian populations (Knapp et  al. However, these studies have provided some
2003). It has also been observed that SNPs in conflicting results, possibly due to low study
IFN-inducible genes (OAS-1, MX1, and PKR) power, population stratification, and different
affect not only the efficiency of IFN treatment but study designs. Future large-scale genomic stud-
also the natural course of HCV infection. It is ies will hopefully provide more precise insight
presumed that these SNPs could be involved in into the role of the genetic background of the
susceptibility to SARS-CoV-1 infection. An host as to the susceptibility and vulnerability to
investigation among Vietnamese SARS-CoV-1-­ COVID-­ 19. These investigations are funda-
infected patients revealed that the G allele of non-­ mental steps to develop personalized genomic
synonymous A/G SNP in exon 3 of the OAS-1 approaches to the prevention and treatment of
gene (rs3741981, p.S162G) is associated with infectious diseases.
SARS-CoV-1 infection (Hamano et al. 2005). In
addition, the G allele of c.-88 G/T polymorphism
(rs2071430) in the promoter of the MX1 gene is 6.5 Autophagy-Related Genes
found more frequently in a hypoxemic group
than in the non-hypoxemic group of SARS-­ Autophagy is the cellular response to stress (Brun
CoV-­1. Interestingly, the G allele shows lower et  al. 2020; Eghtedardoost et  al. 2020) and is
promoter activity compared with T allele responsible for removing damaged organelles
(Fernández-Arcás et al. 2004). and misfolded proteins through lysosomal diges-
tion. Autophagy includes three major forms:
macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy), microau-
6.4.5 RANTES tophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy
(CME) (Emami et al. 2019). This natural process
RANTES chemokine, also known as CCL5, is a conserved mechanism among species
plays a critical role in the recruitment and migra- (Shojaei et al. 2020).
tion of T cells at the site of inflammation during A recent investigation has shown that
acute infections. The CCR5 (RANTES receptor) autophagy is involved in the regulation of aller-
is targeted to block HIV entry to the host cell. gic asthma through several mechanisms, includ-
Regarding the SARS-CoV-1 epidemic in China, ing regulation of fibrosis (McAlinden et  al.
it has been uncovered that the G allele of 2020; Zeki et  al. 2016). The genetic polymor-
RANTES c.-28 C/G polymorphism (rs2107538) phisms in autophagy-related 5 (ATG5) and
100 F. Darbeheshti et al.

Fig. 6.1  The potential predisposition puzzle for COVID-19. Genetic variants are mostly based on SARS-CoV-1

autophagy-­related 7 (ATG7) genes are associ- 2020; Abrams and Szefler 2020). As an exam-
ated with neutrophilic airway inflammation ple, asthma was significantly associated with
contributing to the pathogenesis of adult asthma longer intubation time in COVID-19 patients in
(Pham et al. 2016). The functional single nucle- ICU. It mainly increases the intubation time in
otide polymorphisms in the ATG5 gene, younger COVID-19 patients (Mahdavinia et al.
rs12201458 and rs510432, were found to be 2020). Therefore, it is suggested that there is
associated with asthma severity and pathogen- probably an indirect link between genetic poly-
esis (Martin et al. 2012). morphisms of the autophagy-related genes and
Several lines of evidence showed that asthma COVID-19. The variants that influence the risk
increases the symptoms and severity of disease of asthma through autophagy genes could
in patients who are infected with SARS-CoV-2 potentially increase the severity of COVID-19
(Pennington 2020; Johnston 2020; Abrams et al. pathogenesis.
6  Coronavirus: Pure Infectious Disease or Genetic Predisposition 101

6.6 Genetic Predisposition The genetic predisposition to infectious dis-

Models for Coronavirus eases could also result from gene-environment
Infection interactions, as a multi-factorial model. In the
case of COVID-19, smoking might be a potential
Most variants discussed in this chapter are rela- environmental risk factor that could exhibit the
tively common; however, their impact on disease additive effect in combination with susceptible
susceptibility is overall weak. On the other hand, genetic variants. Some medical conditions,
their additive contribution may increase their mainly with underlying genetic factors, such as
impact on susceptibility, severity, or prognosis of diabetes, obesity, asthma, chronic obstructive
the disease. Moreover, it should be noted that pulmonary disease, and vitamin D deficiency,
other rare variants which cannot be detected by have consequential effects on the course of
conventional association studies may also affect SARS-CoV-2 infection. Moreover, age is an
disease outcome. independent risk factor to suffer more severe
Interestingly, there are published reports symptoms due to natural physiological changes
strongly suggesting potential genetic susceptibil- associated with aging.
ity for a fatal form of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
multiple members of a family. Death in three 54-
to 66-year-old brothers from COVID-19 without 6.7 Conclusion
any underlying risk-associated conditions, who
lived in separate locations in Tehran, Iran, pro- COVID-19 is a multisystem infectious disease
vides strong evidence for the existence of highly (Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et  al.
penetrant genetic factors (Yousefzadegan and 2020) that has transmitted between people world-
Rezaei 2020). Moreover, in a report from China, wide and triggered reactions and awareness
four family members died of COVID-19 (Hui among a variety of professionals oriented toward
et al. 2020). These anecdotal observations suggest containing the disease spread along with its man-
that there could be rare variants with high power agement and treatment (Rezaei 2020a, b; Lotfi
of penetrance that might explain a dominant et al. 2020; Moazzami et al. 2020). It causes mild
inheritance in a subset of patients developing to moderate symptoms in nearly 80% of people,
severe manifestations without a history of under- even in specific populations who are usually
lying diseases (Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020). treated special, e.g., children, pregnant women,
The X-linked ACE2 variants that had been and immunodeficient patients (Ahanchian et  al.
linked to the severity of COVID-19 infection 2020; Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020). However, it
may explain the higher prevalence and severity of may have severe symptoms in people with under-
COVID-19  in men than in women (Cai 2020), lying diseases, like cancer (Ahmadi et al. 2020),
since X-chromosome-linked traits usually have and surprisingly, in people without any pre-­
less severe manifestations in females because of existing problems (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei
X inactivation. 2020; Sahu et  al. 2020), and this would further
SARS-CoV-2 infection tends to be less severe worsen the situation that no formal treatment
in children. Accordingly, some theories have exists in practice (Fathi and Rezaei 2020;
been proposed, such as low expression of Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Saghazadeh and
ACE2  in children or having healthier lungs. Rezaei 2020b; Mohamed et  al. 2020b; Rabiee
However, an epidemiological study of SARS-­ et al. 2020). In this condition, the genomic data
CoV-­2-infected patients in China has reported would be a great tool in the tailoring of personal-
that approximately 6% of cases in children were ized medicine for the disease, for example,
severe (Dong et  al. 2020). Whether severe pre- through stem cells (Basiri et  al. 2020). For this
sentation in some children is the product of purpose, well-controlled investigations of rare
genetic susceptibility or underlying acquired fac- variants with complete penetrance involving host
tors needs further investigation. vulnerability and response to SARS-CoV-2 are
102 F. Darbeheshti et al.

essential for predicting disease sensitivity, pro- Asselta R, Paraboschi EM, Mantovani A, Duga S (2020)
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gression, and therapeutic strategies. Powerful didates to sex and country differences in COVID-19
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affordable and rapid exploration of genetic pre- Hyperinflammatory shock related to COVID-19  in
a patient presenting with multisystem inflammatory
disposition to infectious diseases, including syndrome in children: first case from Iran. J Paediatr
COVID-19, and are expected to contribute to the Child Health.
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ously. Then, the translation of large-scale B, Quintana-Murci L (2005) The heritage of patho-
gen pressures and ancient demography in the human
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Genetic Polymorphisms
in the Host and COVID-19 Infection 7
Joris R. Delanghe, Marc L. De Buyzere,
and Marijn M. Speeckaert

Abstract tor protein (HFE), cystic fibrosis transmembrane

conductance regulator (CFTR), and angiotensin-­
The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic shows converting enzyme 1 (ACE1). In a univariate
a marked geographical variation in its preva- approach, ACE1 D/I, C3, CFTR, and HFE poly-
lence and mortality. The question arises if the morphisms correlated significantly with
host genetic variation may (partly) affect the COVID-19 prevalence/mortality, whereas Hp
prevalence and mortality of COVID-19. We pos- and FUT2 polymorphism did not show any sig-
tulated that the geographical variation of human nificant correlations. In a multivariate analysis,
polymorphisms might partly explain the variable only ACE1 D/I and C3 polymorphisms were
prevalence of the infection. We investigated determinants for COVID-19 prevalence/mortal-
some candidate genes that have the potential to ity. The other polymorphisms (CFTR, DBP,
play a role in the immune defense against FUT2, HFE, and Hp) did not correlate with
COVID-19: complement component 3 (C3), COVID-19 prevalence/mortality. Whereas
galactoside 2-alpha-L-­ fucosyltransferase 2 ACE1 D/I polymorphism shows functional links
(FUT2), haptoglobin (Hp), vitamin D binding with ACE2 (which is the receptor for the virus)
protein (DBP), human homeostatic iron regula- in COVID-19, C3 can act as a critical step in the
virus-induced inflammation. Our findings plead
against a bystander role of the polymorphisms as
J. R. Delanghe (*) a marker for historical migrations, which comi-
Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Ghent
grate with causal genes involved in COVID-­19
University, Ghent, Belgium
infection. Further studies are required to assess
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
the clinical outcome of COVID-19 in C3S and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), ACE1 D allele carriers and to study the role of
Ghent, Belgium C3 and ACE1 D/I polymorphisms in COVID-19
e-mail: and their potential effects on treatment response.
M. L. De Buyzere
Department of Internal Medicine, Ghent University, Keywords
Ghent, Belgium
M. M. Speeckaert Complement component 3 · COVID-19 ·
Department of Internal Medicine, Ghent University,
Cystic fibrosis · Haptoglobin · Human
Ghent, Belgium
Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), Ghent,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 109
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
110 J. R. Delanghe et al.

homeostatic iron regulator · Secretor gene · lated that the marked geographical variation of
Vitamin D binding protein some immune-related human polymorphisms
might partly explain the variable prevalence of
Genetic polymorphisms are the consequence
7.1 Introduction of human evolution, which have been modified
by a natural selection process (Langlois and
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2019–2020 shows a Delanghe 1996; Speeckaert et al. 2006; Delanghe
marked geographical variation in its prevalence et al. 2015) and usually function to retain a vari-
and mortality. In particular, some Western ety of forms in a population living in a varied
European countries were severely affected by the environment. Polymorphisms are seen in many
virus, whereas the number of COVID-19 casual- plasma proteins and are related to biodiversity,
ties was much lower among Eastern European genetic variation, and adaptation. Some polymor-
countries. As so far, no viral mutations have been phic candidate genes (Table 7.1), which may play
associated with geographical variations of the a role in immune defense against COVID-19, can
pandemic; the question arises if the host genetic be put forward.
variation may (partly) affect the outcome and the Complement component 3 (C3) is a central
mortality of COVID-19. We, therefore, postu- component of the innate immune system, which

Table 7.1  The investigated human genetic polymorphisms

Polymorphism Genotypes Remark
C3 C3 FF, C3 FS, C3 SS Supports complement activation
C3a is an anaphylatoxin
Stimulates mast cell degranulation
Plays a role in chemotaxis
A precursor of the stimulating acylation protein
Involved in C5 cleavage
Assembly of membrane attack complexes and deposition
of activated C3 molecules on the microbe surface, which
is necessary for phagocytosis
Enhances immune response
The representative of the first principal component
DBP Gc 1-1, Gc 2-1, Gc 2-2 Regulator of vitamin D status
Involved in fatty acid transport, actin scavenging,
macrophage activation, and chemotaxis,
HFE Wild type, C282Y heterozygous, Demonstrates immune activities that bridge innate and
C282Y homozygous adaptive immunity
Relates to MHC I antigen presentation
FUT2 Se/Se, Se/se, se/se The secretor status has consequences for the immune
defense: nonsecretors have reduced susceptibility to the
most common strains of norovirus
Expression of the Lewis blood group antigens is affected
by secretor status
Hp Hp 1-1, Hp 2-1, Hp 2-2 Involved in iron conservation and immune response (e.g.,
interaction between B and T lymphocytes)
CFTR Wt, heterozygous delta F508 and CFTR mutation is associated with increased resistance to
homozygous mutation delta F508 secreting diarrheas
ACE DD, DI, II Structurally similar to ACE2, which is the SARS-CoV-2
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, C3 (F, S) complement component 3 (fast, slow), CFTR cystic fibrosis transmem-
brane conductance regulator, DBP vitamin D binding protein, FUT2 galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase 2, Gc
group-specific component, HFE human homeostatic iron regulator protein, MHC major histocompatibility complex
7  Genetic Polymorphisms in the Host and COVID-19 Infection 111

forms in association with other complement pro- ciation between the D-allele of ACE1 and
teins, a significant host mechanism for the detec- COVID-19 prevalence and mortality has been
tion and clearance of potential pathogens described (Delanghe et al. 2020a, b).
(Delanghe et  al. 2014). This 185  kDa protein The secretor status refers to the presence or
interacts with at least 25 different soluble and absence of ABO blood group antigens in body
membrane-bound proteins and supports the acti- fluids. People who secrete these antigens in their
vation of all the three pathways of complement body fluids are referred to as secretors, while
activation: the classical, alternative, and lectin people who do not are called nonsecretors. The
pathway. C3a is an anaphylatoxin that stimulates secretor status is controlled by the FUT2 gene
mast cell degranulation and plays an essential (also called the Se gene). Approximately 80% of
role in chemotaxis. Through its interaction with Caucasian people are secretors, whereas ± 20%
carboxypeptidase B, it serves as a precursor of are nonsecretors. The secretor status has conse-
the acylation stimulating protein (ASP). Binding quences for the immune defense: e.g., nonsecre-
between C3b and factor B or the plasma glyco- tors have reduced susceptibility to the most
protein properdin, in the presence of factor D, is common strains of norovirus (Rydell et al. 2011).
responsible for the amplification of C3a conver- Expression of the Lewis blood group antigens is
tase activity. This process can result in C5 cleav- also affected by secretor status (Henry et  al.
age, assembly of membrane attack complexes 1995).
(MAC), and deposition of thousands of activated Haptoglobin (Hp) is a hemoglobin-binding
C3 (C3b) molecules on the microbe surface, plasma protein. The Hp gene is highly polymor-
which is necessary for the phagocytosis of for- phic in humans with strong evidence of function-
eign particles, to enhance humoral immune ally distinct biochemical phenotypes. In all
responses to antigens and probably to eliminate human populations, three major Hp phenotypes
self-reactive B cells (Carroll 1998). As C3 fulfills (Hp 1-1, Hp 2-1, and Hp 2-2) are present
a vital role in the immune defense, it can be pos- (Langlois and Delanghe 1996). The Hp polymor-
tulated that C3 polymorphism has significant phism has an important biological and clinical
clinical consequences. A single base substitution significance and plays a role in parasitic, bacte-
in C3 defines two alleles – S (slow) and F (fast) – rial, and viral infections (Delanghe et  al. 1998;
based on their differential electrophoretic mobil- Kasvosve et al. 2010).
ity (Alper and Propp 1968; Teisberg 1970). Those Vitamin D binding protein (DBP), originally
two alleles give rise to three phenotypes: C3SS, known as group-specific component-globulin
C3FS, and C3FF.  The single-nucleotide poly- (Gc-globulin), is a plasma protein that is encoded
morphism (SNP) rs2230199, responsible for the by the GC gene. It is the major plasma carrier
molecular difference between those two variants, protein of vitamin D.  Apart from its specific
is found in nucleotide position 394 (C-G), result- sterol-­binding capacity and a determinant of vita-
ing in the amino acid substitution R-G (Poznansky min D status, DBP fulfills several other biologi-
et al. 1989). The allelic frequency of C3F varies cal functions, e.g., fatty acid transport, actin
markedly among races: ± 1% among Asians, ± scavenging, macrophage activation, and chemo-
5% among Africans, and ±  20% among taxis. DBP polymorphism plays a role in many
Caucasians (Delanghe et al. 2014). Therefore, C3 diseases, including infections (Speeckaert et  al.
genotyping is more critical in white populations. 2006; Delanghe et al. 2015).
Angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 (ACE1) is Viruses depend on iron in order to replicate
characterized by a polymorphism in its intron 16, within living host cells efficiently. Some viruses
which largely determines ACE expression in tis- selectively infect iron-acquiring cells or influ-
sues and plasma. ACE1 shows significant struc- ence cellular iron metabolism via human hemo-
tural homology with ACE2, which is the receptor chromatosis protein (HFE) or hepcidin (Schmidt
for the SARS-CoV-2 virus to gain entry into the 2020). The hemochromatosis molecule HFE is a
cells (Delanghe et al. 2020a). Recently, an asso- major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-like
112 J. R. Delanghe et al.

molecule that plays a major role in iron metabo- Data on the geographical variation of some
lism. The C282Y polymorphism is associated immune system-related human plasma protein
with hereditary hemochromatosis and consists of polymorphisms on the deletion/insertion (D/I)
a change of cysteine to tyrosine at position 282. polymorphism of the ACE1 gene (Saab et  al.
Evidence is growing that the HFE protein plays a 2007), HFE gene (Lucotte and Dieterlen 2003),
role in immunity (Barton et  al. 2015; Reuben C3 gene (Cavalli-Sforza et  al. 1994; Delanghe
et al. 2017). et al. 2014), Hp gene (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994;
The common delta F508 cystic fibrosis trans- Langlois and Delanghe 1996), FUT2 gene
membrane conductance regulator (CFTR) muta- (Cavalli-Sforza et  al. 1994), GC gene (Cavalli-­
tion in European populations might be a Sforza et  al. 1994; Speeckaert et  al. 2006;
consequence of the impact of selective pressures Delanghe et  al. 2015), and the CFTR mutation
generated by the transmission of pathogens from (Farrell 2008) were collected from the literature.
domesticated animals to man. A mutation that For the CFTR and HFE genes (typical European
conferred increased resistance to the diseases polymorphisms), only genetic data from
caused by pathogens transmitted by cattle would European countries could be retrieved.
have constituted a selective advantage. This The various genetic polymorphisms were
selective advantage would be determined by compared with both COVID-19 prevalence and
increased resistance to Cl(−)-secreting diarrheas mortality in a univariate and multivariate regres-
of delta F508 CFTR heterozygotes (Alfonso-­ sion model. Statistical analysis was carried out
Sánchez et al. 2010; Borzan et al. 2014). using a Medcalc® package (Medcalc, Mariakerke,
In the present study, prevalence and mortality Belgium).
of COVID-19 were compared with epidemiologi-
cal data on some plasma protein polymorphisms
in 49 countries. 7.3 Results

7.3.1 Univariate Regression

7.2 Methods Analysis

Prevalence and mortality data (per 1,000,000 In a univariate approach, correlation coefficients
inhabitants) of the COVID-19 from a large num- between COVID-19 prevalence and the investi-
ber of European, Mediterranean, and Middle gated polymorphisms showed a large variety.
East countries were included in the present Whereas the Hp and FUT2 polymorphisms did
study: Algeria, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, not show any significant correlations, the ACE
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, D/I, C3, CFTR, and HFE polymorphisms showed
Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, highly significant results with COVID-19 preva-
Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, lence (Table  7.2). As illustrated in Fig.  7.1, the
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Iran, Israel, log-transformed prevalence of COVID-19  in 40
Italy, Jordan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, countries (on April 13, 2020) negatively corre-
Malta, Moldova, Morocco, the Netherlands, lated with the C3S allele frequency: log (preva-
Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Romania, lence; no. of cases/106 inhabitants) = 8.897–0.077
Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, (C3S allele frequency, %), r2 = 0.174; p = 0.003.
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, The model improved when the onset of the epi-
Turkey, and the UK. Data reported on April 14, demic in each country was taken into account:
2020, by Johns Hopkins were analyzed (www. log (prevalence; no. of cases/106 inhabit- ants) = 9.586–0.077 (C3S allele frequency, %) –
Furthermore, the time interval since the start of 0.013 (days since January 1, 2020), r2  =  0.273;
COVID-19  in each country was recorded in p = 0.001. The correlations obtained between the
order to synchronize the data. various genetic polymorphisms and COVID-19
7  Genetic Polymorphisms in the Host and COVID-19 Infection 113

Table 7.2  Univariate models in predicting COVID-19 prevalence

(Y = COVID-19 prevalence on April 13, 2020,
Polymorphism (allele) n/106 inhabitants) N (countries) R2 p-value
ACE D/I (D) 5.410–0.047 × (D allele frequency, %) 44 0.230 0.001
C3 (S) 8.897–0.077 × (S allele frequency, %) 48 0.174 0.003
HFE (C282Y) 2.487–0.011 × (C282Y allele frequency, %) 33 0.282 0.001
Hp (Hp1) 2.930–0.007 × (Hp1 allele frequency, %) 49 0.004 n.s.
FUT2 (Se) 3.085–0.008 × (Se allele frequency, %) 49 0.029 n.s.
DBP (DBP1) 8.180–0.075 × (DBP1 allele frequency, %) 49 0.244 <0.001
CFTR (delta F508) 2.737 + 0.0003 × (delta F508 frequency, %) 31 0.195 0.013
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, C3 (S) complement component 3 (slow), CFTR cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator, DBP vitamin D binding protein, FUT2 galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase 2, HFE human
homeostatic iron regulator protein, n.s. not significant

Fig. 7.1  Prevalence of

COVID-19 infection in
48 countries (on April
13, 2020) vs. the C3S
allele frequency (%).
Log (prevalence, no. of
inhabitants) = 8.897–
0.077 (C3S allele
frequency, %),
r2 = 0.1737; p = 0.003

Table 7.3  Univariate models in predicting COVID-19 mortality (n/106 inhabitants)

Polymorphism (Y = COVID-19 mortality on April 13, 2020, n/106
(allele) inhabitants) N (countries) R2 p-value
ACE D/I (D) 5.448–0.057 × (D allele frequency, %) 44 0.227 0.001
C3 (S) 9.635–0.094 × (S allele frequency, %) 48 0.139 0.009
HFE (C282Y) 1.889 + 0.012 × (C282Y allele frequency, %) 36 0.235 0.003
Hp (Hp1) 1.054 + 0.014 × (Hp1 allele frequency, %) 49 0.013 n.s.
FUT2 (Se) 2.634–0.01 × (Se allele frequency, %) 49 0.004 n.s.
DBP (DBP1) 7.424–0.073 × (DBP1 allele frequency, %) 49 0.158 0.005
CFTR (delta F508) 5.447–0.057 × (delta F508 frequency, %) 31 0.227 0.001
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, C3 (S) complement component 3 (slow), CFTR cystic fibrosis transmembrane
conductance regulator, DBP vitamin D binding protein, FUT2 galactoside 2-alpha-L-fucosyltransferase 2, HFE human
homeostatic iron regulator protein, n.s. not significant

mortality were quite similar to the ones obtained (C3S allele frequency, %), r2 = 0.139; p = 0.009.
for COVID-19 prevalence (Table  7.3). Highly Also, this correlation improved when the onset of
significant correlations were observed for ACE the epidemic was taken into account: 4.955–
D/I C3, CFTR, and HFE polymorphisms. 0.055 (C3S allele frequency, %)  – 0.026 (days
COVID-19-associated mortality correlated with since January 1, 2020), r2  =  0.457; p  <  0.0001.
the C3S allele frequency as follows: log (mortal- Neither FUT2 nor Hp1 polymorphism showed a
ity; no. of cases/106 inhabitants)  =  9.635–0.094
114 J. R. Delanghe et al.

significant correlation with COVID-19 Table 7.5  Multivariate model for predicting COVID-19
mortality (n/106 inhabitants) in 42 countries (r2 = 0.457,
p < 0.001)
Parameter Coefficient t p-value
Constant 12.878
7.3.2 Clustering of Genetic C3S allele frequency −0.095 −2.879 0.007
Polymorphisms ACE D allele −0.031 −2.136 0.016
The C3S allele frequency showed a strong corre- Start of pandemic −0.011 −2.159 0.037
lation with the GC1 allele frequency (r = 0.543, (days since January
p  =  0.0001) and with the FUT2 Se allele fre- 1, 2020)
quency (r = − 0.3423, p = 0.02). No significant ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, C3 (S) complement
component 3 (slow)
correlation was found between the C3S allele and
the ACE1 D allele frequency (r = 0.157), the Hp1
allele frequency (r = 0. 175), the CFTR frequency with COVID-19 prevalence. Similarly, only the
(r  =  −0.075), and the HFE gene (r  =  −0.263) C3 and ACE D/I polymorphism were significant
mutation. On the other hand, in the subgroup of determinants for COVID-19 mortality. The
European countries, the CFTR mutation fre- model calculated a determination coefficient of
quency showed a strong correlation with the HFE 0.457 when taking into account the onset of the
allele frequency: r = 0.831; p < 0.001. pandemic in each country (Table  7.5). Here
again, the other investigated polymorphisms [C3
(F and S alleles), HFE (C282Y mutation), Hp
7.3.3 Multivariate Regression (Hp1 and Hp2 alleles), and vitamin D binding
Analysis protein (Gc 1 and Gc 2 alleles)] did not show a
significant correlation with COVID-19
In a multivariate regression analysis (backward mortality.
procedure), only C3S and ACE D/I provided to
be determinant for the COVID-19 prevalence. A
determination coefficient of 0.453 was calculated 7.4 Discussion
for the model by considering the onset of the
COVID-19 pandemic in each country. Table 7.4 The present study shows that C3 polymorphism
summarizes the data of the multivariate analysis. may be regarded as an independent confounder in
The other investigated genetic polymorphisms the spread of COVID-19 and associated out-
[C3 (F and S alleles), HFE (C282Y mutation), Hp comes of disease. Multiple associations between
(Hp1 and Hp2 alleles), and DBP (Gc1 and Gc 2 genetic polymorphisms of C3 and disease have
alleles)] did not show a significant correlation been described (Delanghe et  al. 2014). As an
example, clinical outcome following renal
Table 7.4  Multivariate model for predicting COVID-19 (Damman et  al. 2012; Pallet and Thervet 2012)
prevalence (n/106 inhabitants) in 42 countries (r2 = 0.453, and liver transplantation (Dhillon et al. 2010) is
p < 0.001) determined by the C3 polymorphism. Although
Parameter Coefficient t p-value complement is a key player of protective immu-
Constant 11.655 nity against pathogens, its excessive or deregu-
C3S allele frequency −0.085 −3.588 0.001 lated activation may result in collateral tissue
ACE D allele −0.026 −2.508 0.016 injury (Risitano et al. 2020). A mouse model of
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-
Start of pandemic −0.011 −2.159 0.037
(days since January CoV-2 demonstrated that dysregulated comple-
1, 2020) ment activation contributed to immunopathology,
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme, C3 (S) complement as C3 knockout (C3−/−) mice showed less lung
component 3 (slow) damage and systemic inflammation with similar
7  Genetic Polymorphisms in the Host and COVID-19 Infection 115

viral loads as compared to control mice (Gralinski factor in the multiple regression analysis. The
et al. 2018). Moreover, increased serum and lung sharp contrast observed between FUT2 (showing
C5a and C5b-9 concentrations were measured in no correlation with COVID-19 infection) and C3
a murine model of MERS-CoV infection. (showing a good correlation) proves that the cor-
Administration of a murine C5a antibody resulted relation between C3 polymorphism and
in a decreased cytokine response with improved COVID-­19 prevalence/mortality cannot be attrib-
spleen and lung damage (Jiang et  al. 2018). uted to a passive migration of this polymorphism
Preliminary data of a small case series of four with the group of genes belonging to the first
COVID-19 patients with severe pneumonia or principal component group. The C3 polymor-
ARDS showed promising results from a combi- phism can be regarded as a key step in the virus-­
nation treatment, including anticomplement C5 induced inflammatory process.
therapy (eculizumab). However, these findings Our findings confirm the described associa-
should be confirmed in more extensive trials, tion between ACE D/I polymorphism and
e.g., the ongoing SOLID-C19 trial (Diurno et al. COVID-19 (Delanghe et al. 2020a, b). This poly-
2020). C3 inhibitors may also have the potential morphism shows functional links with ACE2
to ameliorate lung injury by simultaneously (Kuba et al. 2006; Yan et al. 2020), which plays a
blocking C3a and C5a generation, as well as key role in COVID-19 infection as the SARS-­
intrapulmonary C3 activation and IL-6 release CoV-­2 virus uses this receptor to gain entry into
from alveolar macrophages or other cells that the cells. ACE2-expressing cells are susceptible
express C3a receptors (C3aRs) and/or C5a recep- to COVID-19 infection (Zou et al. 2020). As car-
tors (C5aRs) (Risitano et  al. 2020). Also, the riers of the D allele have reduced expression of
compstatin C3 inhibitor AMY-101 can interfere ACE2, they may have a lower COVID-19 infec-
with IL-6 release, as demonstrated in ex  vivo tion risk (Delanghe et al. 2020a, b).
whole-blood infection models with the comp- The DBP polymorphism showed a correlation
statin C3 inhibitor AMY-101 (Mastellos et  al. with the COVID-19 prevalence and mortality in a
2019). So, C3 inhibition in combination with univariate model, which, however, was lost in the
anti-IL-6 regimens could be a successful combi- multivariate regression model. The presence of
nation in the search for the treatment of inflam- microangiopathy and microthrombi in different
matory lung complications of SARS-CoV-2 vascular beds has been observed in COVID-19
infection, as well as of the systemic inflammation patients with multi-organ injury and failure (Liu
affecting the microvascular beds of the kidney, et  al. 2020). The presence of viral elements
brain, and other vital organs. However, at this within endothelial cells (COVID-19-endothelitis)
moment, there are only limited clinical data on and an accumulation of inflammatory cells, with
the role of complement activation in the develop- evidence of endothelial and inflammatory cell
ment of SARS-CoV-2-associated ARDS, and death, have recently been demonstrated (Varga
there are a lot of unanswered questions concern- et al. 2020). Endothelial injury is associated with
ing the therapeutic use of complement inhibitors the release of toxic intracellular molecules into
for COVID-19 (Risitano et  al. 2020). On the the circulation, including F-actin. As F-actin is
other hand, the C3 polymorphism is a pure repre- angiopathic, an effective actin scavenger system
sentative of the first principal component of consisting of gelsolin and DBP is activated to
European gene frequencies (Sokal et  al. 1991; clear F-actin from the circulation rapidly. More
Cavalli-Sforza et  al. 1994). However, also the specifically, plasma gelsolin depolymerizes
FUT2 gene (Se/se) is a genetic polymorphism F-actin into G-actin, which binds to the highly
that shows a high correlation coefficient with the abundant circulating protein, DBP.  The actin-­
same first principal component (which explains VDBP complexes are removed from the circula-
28.1% of total genetic variance in Europe) tion by the reticuloendothelial system, primarily
(Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994). This polymorphism in the liver (Lind et al. 1986; Lee and Galbraith
was subsequently eliminated as a determining 1992; Meier et  al. 2006). As demonstrated in a
116 J. R. Delanghe et al.

murine model, a lack of free DBP and increased human genetic factors involved in COVID-19
concentrations and/or prolonged exposure to infection. Genetic polymorphisms with a sub-
DBP-actin complexes might induce endothelial stantial geographical variation (a low frequency
cell injury and death, particularly in the lung in one part of the world, and a high one some-
microvasculature (Ge et al. 2014). Although the where else) have a better chance to be selected
major DBP phenotypes have an equal actin-­ during evolution (Bradbury 2004).
binding affinity, the plasma DBP concentrations
are relatively highest in Gc1–1 carriers, which
could lead to a more rapidly sequestering of free 7.5 Conclusion
actin and a better outcome (Speeckaert et  al.
2006). In conclusion, we have demonstrated an associa-
In the subgroup of European countries, tion between various genetic polymorphisms of
remarkably, there was a relationship between the host and COVID-19 infection/mortality.
COVID-19 prevalence/mortality and the CFTR These associations can be explained by variable
mutation. Like the C282Y mutation, this muta- host-virus interactions and a variable immune
tion is regarded as a Celtic mutation, showing a response in the host. The strength of the associa-
marked east-west gradient in Europe (Lucotte tion between the investigated polymorphisms and
and Dieterlen 2003; Farrell 2008). Viral respira- COVID-19 infection/mortality is further high-
tory tract infections are more severe in cystic lighted by the variability in national policies in
fibrosis patients than in the general population. the studied group of countries during the early
As demonstrated during the 2009 influenza A/ phase of the COVID-19 outbreak and also the
H1N1 pandemic, this vulnerable group had an variable onset of the infection in these countries.
increased risk of complications with a negative Further studies are required to assess the clinical
impact on lung function (Colombo et  al. 2011; outcome of COVID-19 infection in C3S carriers
Bucher et  al. 2016). However, at this moment, and to study the exact role of the C3 and the ACE
most patients with cystic fibrosis are doing an D/I polymorphisms in COVID-19 infection and
exceptional job (social isolation) avoiding SARS-­ its therapy response. Eventually, this could lead
CoV-­2 infection, as only a limited number of to drug development and more personalized med-
patients have been infected so far (Colombo et al. icine in COVID-19 infection.
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How COVID-19 Has Globalized:
Unknown Origin, Rapid 8
Transmission, and the Immune
System Nourishment

Amene Saghazadeh and Nima Rezaei

Abstract count steadily decreases. Therefore, the ability

of COVID-19 to escape the immune system
The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) might lie in its power to profoundly diminish
profoundly influences T-cell immunity. The T-cell effective function, which is necessary
counts of total T cells and T-cell subsets, espe- for the establishment of a robust antiviral
cially CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, are decreased immunity. Also, COVID-19 is associated with
in patients with COVID-19. Also, the function increased numbers of monocytes and macro-
of these cells becomes less effective as the phages, and as the disease progresses from a
expression of immune inhibitory receptors, mild form to a severe/critical condition, the
such as Tim3 and PD-1, increases over time macrophage population becomes denser.
during the disease. Kinetic analyses show that Monitoring the expression of cytokines asso-
the T-cell profile changes dynamically, so ciated with macrophage activation, mainly
does the COVID-19 stages. As COVID-19 interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10, indicates that the
continues to deteriorate and progresses to course of COVID-19 consists of two stages
severe/critical condition, the lymphocyte and the transition between disease stages
occurs by the end of the first week after onset
A. Saghazadeh of symptoms. At the initial stage, the immune
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s military recognizes the severe acute respira-
Medical Center Hospital, Tehran University of tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran as nonself and thus fires macrophages at the
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group lungs against the virus. The first flame can
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and control disease progression effectively.
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
However, a trained immunocompetent system
N. Rezaei (*) would maintain the fire of macrophages over
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center Hospital, Tehran University of an extended time. It lies in its immune mem-
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ory in tissue-resident macrophages, especially
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, alveolar macrophages, making a profession-
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran ally trained immune system more likely to be
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and feared by COVID-19 than an untrained
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific immune system. In this manner, the trained
Education and Research Network (USERN), immunocompetent system commits such a
Tehran, Iran
failure that causes the lungs to come down

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 119
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
120 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

rapidly. The fact that younger age groups, Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020) and partly from
including neonates and children, are less sus- studies reporting the worst-case scenarios in peo-
ceptible to COVID-19 than older age groups ple with comorbidities known to cause chronic
reflects that the natural affinities of the inflammation, e.g., cardiovascular diseases and
immune system that has not been trained thor- cancer (Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; Ahmadi
oughly would be standard in combatting et al. 2020). Interestingly, despite initial thoughts,
against COVID-19 whereas the higher affini- there have been only sporadic reports of
ties of the trained immune system for rapid COVID-­19 in patients with primary immunodefi-
activation of immune responses might raise ciency disorders (Ahanchian et al. 2020), and so
faults – the lungs come down. these patients appear to be less susceptible to
COVID-19 than the general population (Babaha
Keywords and Rezaei 2020). These observations are why
rethinking the role of the immune system in the
COVID-19 · Cytokine storm · Interleukin-6 · pathogenesis of COVID-19 is critical to define
Lung · Macrophage · Monocyte specific treatments (Fathi and Rezaei 2020;
Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Mansourabadi
et al. 2020; Mohamed et al. 2020b; Pashaei and
Rezaei 2020; Pourahmad et al. 2020; Saghazadeh
8.1 Introduction and Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et al. 2020b).
COVID-19 has affected people worldwide in
In 2019, after the lapse of 8  years, a modified less than 3  months, with no exception noted
strain of coronaviruses was born in the Chinese (Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020; Rezaei 2020a). As a
city of Wuhan, hence giving it the name as result, it has been a challenge in healthcare sys-
WH-Human 1 coronavirus. When compared with tems, making its prevention, diagnosis, and treat-
the two other most recent outbreaks caused by ment as a priority area for research in various
virulent strains of betacoronaviruses, the novel fields (Basiri et  al. 2020a; Rabiee et  al. 2020;
strain, also known as 2019 novel coronavirus Rezaei 2020b; Mohamed et  al. 2020b;
(2019-nCoV), severe acute respiratory syndrome Sharifkashani et  al. 2020; Lotfi et  al. 2020;
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), or human corona- Moazzami et al. 2020; Sahu et al. 2020). Not only
virus 2019 (HCoV-19), is more serious. has it urged seniors to remember the previous
The novel coronavirus causes a multicolor pandemics and share their valuable lessons, but
disease, the so-called coronavirus disease 2019 also COVID-19 made novices to think differently
(COVID-19), linked to a spectrum of clinical about globalization and how it can overcome lim-
severity from asymptomatic infection to severe its and contribute to the success of humanity in
and critical infection (Lotfi and Rezaei 2020). fighting against the current and with a risk of
COVID-19 can involve multiple organs/systems reinfection, possibly future outbreaks (Moradian
(Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et  al. et  al. 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; Jabbari
2020; Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020). The quality et  al. 2020; Kafieh et  al. 2020; Mohamed et  al.
and quantity of inflammatory responses appear to 2020a; Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020; Rzymski
mainly, if not wholly, explain the disease pheno- et al. 2020; Jabbari and Rezaei 2020).
type that varies from individual to individual First, the present chapter reviews the when,
(Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; Saghazadeh and what, and where of COVID-19. Then, it provides
Rezaei 2020a; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020b; a detailed discussion of the current literature on
Bahrami et al. 2020; Nasab et al. 2020). The evi- the immune system abnormalities associated
dence behind this derives partly from studies with COVID-19, making doubt on the role of the
showing a similar picture of the disease in family immune system in COVID-19. Evidence of the
members who share the immunogenetic back- hyper inflammation orchestrated by cytokines
ground (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; and macrophages in patients with severe
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 121

COVID-­19 would further strengthen the contri- ing the respiratory system, gastrointestinal
bution of the immune system to COVID-19. system, and the nervous system. Three most
Finally, this chapter gives an overview of the cur- recent human coronaviruses, SARS-CoV, MERS-
rent condition in different countries struggling CoV, and SARS-CoV-2, appear to be originated
COVID-19, leading to the conclusion that the by zoonotic transmission and can cause poten-
world is globalized, the globalized world tially fatal condition characterized by respiratory
embraces the globalized problems, and the glo- failure.
balized problems call for a globalized solution. Human coronaviruses are positive-sense
single-­stranded RNA viruses that possess two
main groups of proteins: structural and nonstruc-
8.2 When, What, and Where tural proteins. Structural proteins include the
of COVID-19 spike (S), nucleocapsid (N), matrix (M), and
envelope (E). Nonstructural proteins (NSP)
8.2.1 The Family Coronaviridae include proteases, such as nsp3 and nsp5, and
RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) such
The subfamily Orthocoronavirinae is within the as nsp12. The spike protein is the key to binding
family Coronaviridae, along with the subfamily the virus to its cell surface receptor. Sequence
Coronavirinae. The genera of the subfamily analyses reveal that the spike glycoprotein of the
Orthocoronavirinae are alphacoronavirus, beta- SARS-CoV-2 has a high sequence identity of
coronavirus, gammacoronavirus, and deltacoro- greater than 70% to that of the 2002 SARS-CoV
navirus. Betacoronavirus is a genus with (Fig. 8.2).
subgenera Sarbecovirus and Merbecovirus to
which SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV species
belong (Millán-Oñate et  al. 2020). The first 8.2.3 S
 ARS-CoV-2: Where Does It
caused the outbreak of severe acute respiratory Come from, and How Does
syndrome (SARS) in 2002–2003, and the other It Go?
one succeeded in opening the outbreak of the
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) in In 2015, the application of reverse genet-
2012–2013. The SARS and MERS outbreak cor- ics of SARS-CoV led to the development of a
related with a death rate of 10% and 34%, respec- recombinant virus that through binding the
tively, indicating their high potential of same surface receptor caused infection in
pathogenicity for humans. They caused together human lung parenchymal cells but was resis-
about 1600 deaths. However, the recent outbreak tant to SARS-CoV vaccine and monoclonal
of pneumonia of unknown etiology, which seems antibodies targeting SARS-CoV spike protein
to be the result of a novel coronavirus, the so-­
called SARS-CoV-2, has to date caused over 3 In 2015, a group of American, European, and
million cases and claimed more than 200,000 Chinese researchers obtained a SARS-like coro-
deaths in only 4 months (Fig. 8.1). navirus WIV1 (SL-CoV-WIV1) from Chinese
horseshoe bats, isolated the spike protein of
SL-CoV-WIV1, the RsSHC014-CoV sequence,
8.2.2 W
 hat Have Coronaviruses and developed a hybrid virus utilizing the
Brought for Human Beings? RsSHC014-CoV sequence and the SARS-CoV
(mouse-adapted) backbone (Menachery et  al.
Since the mid-1960, seven coronaviruses have 2015).
occurred in humans by consideration of this new Despite very similarities, compared to human
one. Four coronaviruses, including 229E, NL63, SARS-CoV, SL-CoV-WIV1 expresses 14 differ-
OC43, and HKU1, are endemic in humans and ent residues involved in binding the ACE2 recep-
correlate commonly with mild symptoms affect- tor (Menachery et al. 2015). Also, the lentivirus
122 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.1 Three
epidemics caused by
virulent human
CoV, and 2019-nCoV
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 123

Fig. 8.2  The sequence identity of the 2019-nCoV spike with the spike protein of other human coronaviruses

expressing the spike protein of SL-CoV-WIV1 None of the four human monoclonal antibod-
could not bind human ACE2, while human ies targeting SARS-CoV spike protein showed
SARS-CoV can bind the ACE2 receptor. significant potential as SHC014-MA15 therapeu-
Consequently, the authors used the SARS-CoV tics (Menachery et  al. 2015). Not only double-­
backbone to create a chimeric virus composed of inactivated whole SARS-CoV vaccine (DIV) did
the spike protein of SL-CoV-WIV1. They named not offer protection against SHC014-MA15 but
this novel virus the chimeric CoV or also was pathogenic to the aged animals
SHC014-MA15. SHC014-MA15 required the (Menachery et  al. 2015). Aged mice vaccinated
ACE2 receptor for the cell entry; could use its with DIV developed eosinophilia traffics in the
orthologs in humans, civet, and bats; and repli- lungs. Also, their serum could not neutralize
cated in the human epithelial airway cell line SHC014-MA15. A live attenuated
Calu-3 2B4 and primary human airway epithelial SHC014-MA15 vaccine could bring both young
(HAE) cultures enough so that a severe infection and aged mice cross-protection against SARS-­
occurred. CoV (Menachery et  al. 2015). However, it
Ten-week-old mice faced weight loss and required a secondary antigen boost at 28  days
death upon infection with SHC014-MA15 postinoculation (dpi), and its minimum protec-
(Menachery et  al. 2015). Weight loss, but no tive dose caused death in the aged mice.
death, occurred in mice infected with SARS-
CoV Urbani (SARS-MA15). Lungs from both In 2020, genome analyses underscore the
mice infected with SHC014-MA15 and mice characteristic features of the SARS-CoV-2  –
infected with SARS-MA15 revealed the same they add the view that SARS-CoV-2 has been
viral titers. However, pathological findings were produced by natural selection
different; SHC014-MA15 mainly involved the
parenchyma, while SARS-MA15 affected both Recently, an American-European research
airways and the parenchyma. For 12-month-old group (Andersen et  al. 2020) proposed that
mice, both SARS-MA15 and SHC014-MA15 SARS-CoV-2 is the result of a natural selection
infection caused weight loss and death. that might occur either in animals before trans-
However, death occurred with SHC014-MA15 mission to humans or in humans after transmis-
to a lesser extent than with SARS-MA15 sion from animals. The proposition was based on
(Menachery et  al. 2015). ACE2-deficient mice specific characteristics of the virus.
developed no sign of infection upon exposure to
SARS-MA15, indicating the critical role of the Phylogenetic analyses estimated the ori-
ACE2 receptor in the disease progression gin of SARS-CoV-2 from the same isolate to
(Menachery et al. 2015). be about 2 years ago
124 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

A study of 276 coronavirus genomes found ZC45, and Chinese snakes. As shown in Fig. 8.3,
five SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences with very the squared Euclidean distance is useful for the
high bootstrap support (Ji et  al. 2020). Well-­ measurement of dissimilarity between the SARS-­
supported clades A and B (100%) contained CoV-­2 and its potential wildlife reservoirs, where
coronavirus strains isolated from bats in China, the lesser the distance, the higher the strength of
Kenya, and Bulgaria. The clade C included 267 convergent forces.
coronavirus genomes and was on a phylogenetic
tree with 67% bootstrap support. By consider- Different viral genotypes shed light on
ation of 0.000094 substitutions per site and the the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 – it has not
SARS-CoV-2 length of 29,865 bp, the evolution- been perfected yet and might become con-
ary rate was measured as 0.0038 substitutions per verted into a more pathogenic species
site per year. The time of the most recent com-
mon ancestor (TMRCA) approximates the origin Analysis of 27 genomes of SARS-CoV-2 iso-
of current SARS-CoV-2 sequences from the lates from different patients has associated the
same kind about 2 years ago. virus to at least six major genotypes (Zhang et al.
2020b). Using the higher number of genome Homologous recombination: a possible samples (N = 97), there were 95 variable genome
mechanism that may increase the cross-­ sites, containing only up to 3 mutations at coordi-
species transmission of SARS-CoV-2 spike nates 8750, 28,112, and 29,063  in most cases
glycoprotein (Zhang et al. 2020c). Genome three coordinate-­
based data could define two major types to which
There are a variety of viral infections sup- SARS-CoV-2 strains belong (Fig.  8.4), and
posed to result from homologous recombination, SARS-CoV-2 strains are mostly of type II strains.
including the human immunodeficiency virus (Ji Of note, the coordinates of interest retain the
et  al. 2020). The high similarity in the viral same codons for type I SARS-CoV-2 strains and
genome between the SARS-CoV-2 and bat the BatCoV RaTG13. Such a relation is weak for
SARS-like CoVs posed the potential of recombi- type II SARS-CoV-2 strains. As evidenced by
nation events between coronaviruses from bats functional analysis, mutations were either non-­
and another species before being transmitted to synonymous (28112) or synonymous at (8750
humans. Analysis of codon usage patterns indi- and 29,063), and those synonymous mutations in
cated a biased occurrence of synonymous codon type II SARS-CoV-2 strains appear to have
among the SARS-CoV-2, bat SARS-like CoV higher translational efficiencies relative to those

Fig. 8.3  The squared Euclidean distance between 2019-nCoV-WIV04 and putative reservoirs
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 125

peak of 106.91 copies per milliliter. The corre-

sponding values were 105.11 and 106.29 copies
per milliliter for patients with mild disease.

8.4  he Older the Age Is,

the Higher the Viral Load
of SARS-CoV-2 May Increase

In general, the lack of correlation between dis-

ease severity and viral loads reveals to us that the
SARS-CoV-2 would replicate a similar degree in
patients with severe and non-severe disease.
Fig. 8.4  2019-nCoV genotypes Thus, what divides patients into severe and non-­
severe groups is the individual response to the
infection. Interestingly, there is a direct associa-
in type I SARS-CoV-2 strains. Higher transla- tion between age and peak viral loads (To et al.).
tional efficiencies might increase the production In particular, the presence of this correlation and
rate of type II SARS-CoV-2 particles, and conse- the statistics that represent the older people as the
quently, we might expect that type II SARS-­ most vulnerable group corroborate the determin-
CoV-­2 strains tend to become in a corresponding ing role of age in individual response to
degree more contagious than type I SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2.

8.5 I mmune Profile of Peripheral

8.3  either the Window of Viral
N Blood in Patients
Detection nor Viral Loads with COVID-19
Reflect COVID-19 Severity
COVID-19 occurs in three forms (Wu and
A study of 173 respiratory specimens (including McGoogan 2020). In most cases, fighting against
posterior oropharyngeal saliva and endotracheal infection would be successful, and the disease
aspirate samples) showed that patients with results in mild symptoms that either does not
COVID-19 have a median viral load of 105.2 progress to pneumonia or would progress to mild
copies per milliliter at presentation with the high- pneumonia. In 14% of cases, the virus brings a
est levels being detected within the first week and severe threat to the respiratory function and
then decreasing slowly to become undetectable causes serious complications ranging from dys-
mostly within the next 2 weeks (To et al.). Thus, pnea, breathing rate higher than 30 breaths per
the usual window of detection of viral RNA minute, and peripheral oxygen saturation of 93%
might not be more than 3  weeks after onset. or less to the ratio of PaO2 to FiO2 less than 300
However, viral RNA lasts for longer than 20 days and lung infiltrates higher than 50% within 24 to
in one-third of patients, and this prolonged detec- 48 h. The battle would be prolonged and critical
tion of viral RNA shows no correlation with dis- to 5% of cases who develop respiratory failure,
ease severity. Also, there was no significant septic shock, and multiple organ dysfunction or
difference between initial and peak viral load, failure.
and neither initial viral load nor peak viral load Regardless of whether or not they have a diag-
was related to disease severity. Patients with nosis of severe or critical COVID-19, the periph-
severe COVID-19 display a median viral load of eral blood specimens from patients with
106.17 copies per milliliter, which increases to a COVID-19 present an extremely dysregulated
126 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.5  The body burden of COVID-19

milieu, marked by the production of various times more prevalent than high counts (Guan
inflammatory mediators, tissue injury-related et  al. 2020). More than 60% of patients with
enzymes, and biomarkers of hypercoagulation severe COVID-19 have low WBC counts, while
(Wang et  al. 2020b). Figure  8.5 gives an over- less than 30% of patients with mild and moderate
view of the body burden of and biomarker disease show low WBC counts (Guan et  al.
changes well-associated with COVID-19. Below, 2020). The median count of WBC is higher in
we will provide a rapid review of COVID-19-­ patients who require admission to the intensive
related changes in the immune system. care unit (ICU) than patients who do not need the
ICU (Huang et  al. 2020; Wang et  al. 2020a).
However, another study found no such difference
8.5.1 White Blood Cell between ICU and not-ICU patients (Zhou et  al.
The majority of cases with COVID-19 show nor-
mal white blood cell counts (WBC) (Guan et al. Lymphocytes
2020; Wang et al. 2020a). Among patients with Lymphopenia is a common laboratory finding
abnormal WBC counts, low counts are about six (Fathi and Rezaei 2020) present early on since
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 127

the symptoms appear, even in patients with mild COVID-19 into three categories  – remission
COVID-19 (Guan et al. 2020) and even in those (N  =  74), deterioration (N  =  26), and death
who have normal WBC count (Cai et al. 2020). (N = 12) – and provided a peripheral T-cell pro-
On admission, patients whose conditions file of patients in three general stages: early,
progressed to the critically ill, patients who
­ advanced, and late stage. Throughout the stages,
required admission to ICU, and patients who died total lymphocyte count (TLC) in remitting
from disease had a median lymphocyte count patients was steadily higher than that in patients
lower than that of patients whose condition was of deterioration and death groups. TLC in patients
mild or severe, patients who do not require the of the death group was lower than patients of the
ICU, and patients who survived (Huang et  al. other two groups and steadily decreased during
2020; Wang et al. 2020a; Yang et al. 2020a; Chen the disease progression. The initial normal TLC
et al. 2020b; Zhou et al. 2020). Up to about 96% decreased in the advanced stage in patients in the
of the population with severe and critical COVID- deterioration group. For all three subsets of T
19 has lymphopenia (Guan et al. 2020). A lym- cells, e.g., CD3+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, and
phocyte count of less than 1100 per mm3 can CD8+ T cells, in the advanced stage of
predict elevation in alanine aminotransferase COVID-­19, patients who obtained the remission
(ALT) and, therefore, COVID-19-related hepatic had greater counts compared with patients who
injury (Li et al. 2020b). deteriorated, and these patients, in turn, had
greater counts than those who died (Fig. 8.7). The
T Cells three groups of patients did not differ in B-cell
counts. During a follow-up of 1 month, counts of
T-Cell Pattern in Relation to the Deterioration CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells averaged above nor-
of COVID-19 mal in most of the remission patients. On the con-
As the disease continues to deteriorate, the lym- trary, the CD4+ T- and CD8+ T-cell values were
phocyte count steadily decreases (Fig. 8.6). The below normal in most of the patients in the dete-
study (Jiang et  al. 2020) placed patients with rioration and death groups.

Fig. 8.6  Peripheral blood lymphocyte count during the progression of COVID-19
128 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.7  Peripheral blood T-cell count in the advanced stage of COVID-19

T-Cell Pattern in Relation to the Severity seen in patients with less than 20  years of age
of COVID-19 while the lowest counts of these cells occur in
A study of 40 patients with COVID-19 moni- patients of 60 years and above.
tored the kinetics of lymphocyte counts within
16 days after the onset of disease and compared T Cells Become Reduced, Exhausted,
that between severe and mild disease (Liu et al. and Overwhelmed in COVID-19
2020). On the first 6 days after the onset of dis- The change in T cells is profound. Not only the
ease, patients with severe COVID-19 had lower counts of total T cells and T-cell subsets decrease,
counts of total lymphocyte, CD3+ T cells, CD4+ but the function of these cells becomes less effec-
T cells, and CD8+ T cells, pointing to the lowest tive as the expression of immune inhibitory
levels on the fourth to the sixth day. Since the receptors increases over time during the disease.
seventh day, the counts in the severe group began Individuals with COVID-19 have a higher pro-
to increase so that on the sixteenth day, there was portion of T cells expressing programmed cell
no difference between severe and mild COVID-­19 death protein 1 (PD-1), an immune checkpoint
patients in counts of total lymphocytes. that contributes to CD8+ T-cell exhaustion dur-
ing chronic infections and cancers through affect-
T-Cell Pattern in Relation to the Criticality ing T-cell receptor signaling, that controls without
of COVID-19 COVID-19. Among COVID-19 patients, those
A retrospective study of 522 patients with con- who require ICU would, in turn, have a higher
firmed COVID-19 reveals that more than 70% of proportion of PD-1+ CD8+ T cells compared to
patients had reduced counts of total T cells, non-ICU patients. A follow-up of a few cases
CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells (Diao et  al. provided evidence that the counts of CD8+ T
2020). Patients admitted to the ICU had lower cells start increasing, while PD-1 moves in the
counts of these cells than patients not admitted to direction of decreasing expression throughout the
ICU. Among non-ICU patients, those who were prodromal phase of the disease (Diao et al. 2020).
in a severe or critical state of disease produced A study of 33 patients with severe COVID-19
lower counts of total T cells, CD4+ T cells, and showed that compared to patients who do not
CD8+ T cells compared to their counterparts. require ICU, the counts of total T cells, CD4+ T
Interestingly, an analysis of total T-cell counts cells, and CD8+ T cells were lower in patients
and T-cell subsets in different age groups reflected admitted to ICU, who, in turn, had lower counts
that the count of these cells changes in an age-­ than healthy controls (Zhou et al. 2020). Despite
dependent manner such that the highest counts of lower counts, T cells become activated in patients
total T cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cell are with severe COVID-19, as indicated by an
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 129

increased expression of CD69, CD38, and CD44 with severe COVID-19, especially those who
on both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells, OX40 require the ICU (Zhou et  al. 2020). Generally,
(CD134) on CD4+ T cells, and 41BB (CD137) these monocytes, known as intermediate cyto-
on CD8+ T cells. In parallel, they will become kines, exhibit a pro-inflammatory behavior (Zhou
exhausted as represented in the increased expres- et al. 2020). In particular, peripheral blood mono-
sion of Tim3 and PD-1 on both CD4+ T and cytes from ICU patients with COVID-19 express
CD8+ T cells. Intracellular staining highlighted high levels of IL-6 and GM-CSF (Zhou et  al.
the higher percentage of CD4+ T cells expressing 2020).
IL-6 and GM-CSF, but not TNFα, in patients
with severe COVID-19 than healthy controls and Neutrophils
patients admitted to ICU than patients not requir- Studies indicate that on admission, the median
ing ICU. Also, CD8+ T cells expressing GM-CSF, count of neutrophils is higher in i, patients who
but not IL-6 and TNFα, were increased in ICU were in a severe condition compared to patients
than non-ICU patients. CD4+ T cells that express who were in a mild condition; ii, patients whose
both IFNγ and GM-CSF existed merely in condition was or progressed to critically ill com-
patients with severe COVID-19 who are admitted pared to patients whose condition was mild or
to ICU. severe or not progressed to critically; and iii,
Besides lower counts of lymphocyte subsets patients admitted to the ICU compared to patients
(CD3+ T cells, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells), not admitted to the ICU (Huang et al. 2020; Wang
there is an increased CD4/CD8 ratio in the major- et al. 2020a; Chen et al. 2020b; Liu et al. 2020).
ity of critically ill patients with COVID-19 admit- Kinetics of neutrophil counts during the clinical
ted to ICU (Wang et  al. 2020c). Generally, an course of 16 days following SARS-CoV-2 infec-
increased CD4/CD8 ratio relates to autoimmune tion corroborates sustained higher counts in
diseases, while a decreased ratio commonly patients with severe disease compared to patients
occurs in viral infections. These lines of evidence with mild disease (Liu et  al. 2020). The study
support the idea that COVID-19 tends to develop (Liu et  al. 2020) identified neutrophil to CD8+
an autoimmune-like condition rather than merely T-cell ratio, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, WBC
resemble a viral infection. counts, and neutrophil counts as the best predic-
tors of COVID-19 severity.
B Cells and Natural Killer (NK) Cells
At all the time points within the clinical course of
the disease, patients with severe COVID-19 did 8.5.2 Immunoglobulins
not differ in the number of B cells and natural
killer (NK) cells from patients with mild At the baseline, patients with severe and mild
COVID-­19 (Liu et  al. 2020) (Fig.  8.8). Among forms of COVID-19 showed no difference in lev-
patients with severe COVID-19, ICU and non-­ els of immunoglobulins IgA, IgG, and IgM (Liu
ICU patients did not differ in counts of B and NK et al. 2020). The detection of both IgM and IgG
cells (Zhou et al. 2020). However, when the con- tends to increase by time (Zhang et  al. 2020d).
dition progressed to critically ill, the number of For IgM, the detection rates were estimated using
NK cells decreased below normal levels (Wang ELISA to be about 50% and 80% on day 0 and 5.
et al. 2020c). The corresponding rates for IgG were 80% and
100%. More precisely, a kinetic study of 49 Monocytes patients with COVID-19 estimated that IgM and
Patients with severe COVID-19, either requiring IgG simultaneously happen, and their detection
or not requiring ICU, had lower counts of mono- rates rise at the median of 10 days after the onset
cytes than healthy controls (Zhou et  al. 2020). of infection (Li et al. 2020a). In particular, S-IgM
However, the proportion of monocytes express- and N-IgM exist in about 39% and 51% of
ing both CD14 and CD16 was higher in patients patients at the median of 10 (range: 3–20 days)
130 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.8  Peripheral blood B-cell count in the advanced stage of COVID-19

and 9 (range: 2–16 days) days after the onset of IL-9, IL-10, basic FGF, GCSF, GM-CSF, IP-10,
infection (Li et  al. 2020a). S-IgG and S-IgM MCP1, MIP1A, MIP1B, PDGF, and VEGF
appeared in about 63% and 41% of patients at a (Huang et  al. 2020). Patients who need ICU
median of 9  days (range: 2–22  days) (Li et  al. admission produce higher levels of IL-2, IL-7,
2020a). Only about 10% of patients must pro- IL-10, GCSF, IP-10, MCP1, MIP1A, and TNFα
duce high levels of antibodies, and in these compared with patients who do not require criti-
patients, S-IgG is the only antibody that remained cal care (Huang et al. 2020).
high over 30 days after infection (Li et al. 2020a). Of 48 cytokines investigated (Yang et  al.
2020b), on admission, patients with mild and
severe COVID-19 display increased concentra-
8.5.3 Complement Factors tions of different cytokines, including IFNγ,
IL-1RA, IL-2RA, IL-6, IL-10, IL-18, HGF,
Baseline levels of complements C3 and C4 were MCP3, MIG, M-CSF, G-CSF, MIG-1A, CTACK,
not different between patients with severe and and IP-10. When compared to patients having a
mild forms of COVID-19 (Liu et al. 2020). mild form of the disease, patients with severe
COVID-19 had higher levels of IP-10, MCP-3,
IL-1RA, and MIG at different time points during
8.6  ytokine Storm: A Defensive
C the disease (Yang et al. 2020b). All the four cyto-
Strategy Protecting kines, except for MIG, showed association with
the Home Against SARS-­ the PaO2 to FaO2 ratio, and their combination
CoV-­2 or a Self-Medicated yielded good AUCs for the prediction of disease
Disaster Hitting the Home by progression (Yang et al. 2020b). However, IP10
SARS-CoV-2 was the most consistently elevated cytokine in
patients with severe COVID-19 and the only
8.6.1 Cytokines cytokine associated with viral load, as deter-
mined by the cycle threshold (CT) value of qRT-­ Baseline Levels of Cytokines PCR (Yang et al. 2020b).
in Relation to the Severity A retrospective study of patients with
of COVID-19 COVID-­19 (n = 522) confirmed higher levels of
Patients with COVID-19 show dysregulation of cytokines IL-6, IL-10, and TNFα, but not IFNγ,
peripheral levels of cytokines and chemokines in IL-2, and IL-4 (Diao et al. 2020). Patients admit-
the acute phase of infection (Huang et al. 2020). ted to ICU also had higher levels of the three
There were higher plasma levels of IFNγ and cytokines than non-ICU patients (Diao et  al.
TNFα, IL-4, IL-10, IL-1β, IL-1RA, IL-7, IL-8, 2020).
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 131 Tracing Kinetics of Changes computed tomography (CT) scan scores, exhibit
in Cytokine Levels in COVID-19 significantly higher concentrations of IL-6 com-
pared to cases with lower disease severity (Wang
Cytokines Add Their Character et al. 2020b).
to the Progression of COVID-19
A negative association between cytokine levels IL-6 Levels in Relation to the Criticality
and T-cell counts (total and CD4+ and CD8+ of COVID-19
subsets), as well as the reduction in cytokine lev- Among the investigated cytokines, IL-6 seems to
els during treatment, poses the accumulation of be of high value because its increase was observed
cytokines as a critical inhibitor of T-cell survival in all critically ill patients admitted to ICU (Wang
and proliferation (Diao et al. 2020). et  al. 2020c), while the increase of other cyto-
kines, e.g., IL-10, IL-4, and IFNγ, existed in less
The Changes of IL-6 and IL-10 Are Most than half of those patients. Monitoring patient
Remarkable During COVID-19 status along with measurement of IL-6 levels
The study (Liu et al. 2020) monitored serum lev- showed that the increase of IL-6 could predict
els of cytokines, e.g., IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, that respiratory condition may worsen shortly
IFNγ, and TNFα, during the clinical course of and pulmonary inflammation may progress as
disease in patients with severe and mild represented in chest CT (Wang et al. 2020c).
COVID-­19. For the mild group, a straight line
described no fluctuations in concentrations of all IL-6 Levels in Relation to the Viral Load
cytokines. The severe group showed a very dif- of COVID-19
ferent profile of cytokines. For the cytokines The study of patients with throat-swab specimen
IL-2, IL-4, IFNγ, and TNFα, there was one peak that tests positive showed that the SARS-CoV-2
concentration on the fourth to the sixth day. The nucleic acid could be detected in critically ill
most potent fluctuations occurred in the concen- patients, but not in patients having a mild or
trations of IL-6 and IL-10. severe form of the disease (Chen et  al. 2020b).
Another kinetic study of cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, Critically ill patients with COVID-19 show ten-
IL-6, IL-10, IL-17, IFNγ, TNFα, and IL-12P70) fold higher levels of IL-6 compared to patients
highlighted IL-6 as the only cytokine that increased with mild and severe COVID-19, and SARS-­
in more than 50% of patients with COVID-19 CoV-­2 RNAaemia relates directly with IL-6 lev-
(N = 49), with the median detection time of 7 days els (Chen et  al. 2020b). In this manner, IL-6
(range: 2–26 days) (Li et al. 2020a). Analysis of levels of 100 pg/ml or more are considered as a
individual patient data indicated that for the most biomarker of mortality and RNAaemia in patients
COVID-19-associated cytokines, e.g., IL-6, IL-10, with COVID-19 (Chen et al. 2020b).
and IFNγ, the peak concentration occurs at 8 days,
which begins to decrease within the subsequent IL-6 Levels in Relation to the Prognosis
2–3 days (Li et al. 2020a). Higher levels of IL-6 of COVID-19
occurred in patients with severe than those with There is a direct linear correlation between serum
mild disease. Higher levels of IL-10 happened in IL-6 and CT imaging scores and the reduction of
patients with an underlying condition. IL-6 levels during treatment (Wang et al. 2020b). IL-6: The Well-Documented

Cytokine in COVID-19 8.6.2 Inflammatory Markers

IL-6 Levels in Relation to the Severity Inflammatory markers, mainly C-reactive protein

of COVID-19 (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),
Overall, more than 50% of patients display lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), procalcitonin
increased levels of IL-6. Of note, patients with (PCT), serum amyloid A (SAA), and ferritin, rise
higher COVID-19 severity, as defined by chest in patients with COVID-19.
132 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei Inflammatory Markers despite the presence of a high number of viral

in Relation to the Severity reads in BALF samples (Xiong et  al. 2020).
of COVID-19 Quantitative transcriptome analysis selected
Patients with a severe form of the disease and about 1000 and 500 differentially expressed
patients admitted to ICU show higher baseline genes (DEGs) in BALF and PBMC among
levels of inflammatory markers, particularly patients with COVID-19 compared to controls.
CRP, compared to patients with mild COVID-19 The upregulated genes in BALF include those
and patients not admitted to ICU (Liu et al. 2020; involved in viral invasion strategies such as
Zhou et  al. 2020). Compared to patients with cotranslational protein targeting to membrane,
lower chest CT scan scores, patients with higher protein targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum,
chest CT scan scores have higher levels of CRP, and viral transcription. While the downregulated
ESR, and serum amyloid A (Wang et al. 2020b). genes can act mainly on immune cell activation,
However, CRP seems to be the most important the upregulated genes in PBMC play a role in
one because of its meaningful correlation with activating the immune responses, especially
CT scan score in terms of the higher the CRP lev- complement activation, humoral immune
els are, the higher the CT scan score, and there- response mediated by circulating immunoglobu-
fore the more the COVID-19 is severe. lin, and B cell-mediated immunity, and in induc-
ing inflammatory processes and regulation of Inflammatory Markers acute inflammatory response. Also, genes differ-
in Relation to the Complications entially downregulated in PBMC from patients
of COVID-19 with COVID-19 are recognized for their partici-
Cardiac complications, including tachycardia, pation in processes related to the maturation of
electrocardiography abnormities, diastolic dys- immune cells, such as chemotaxis and
function, elevated myocardial enzymes, and migration.
acute myocardial injury, are prevalent in patients Pathways enriched by upregulated genes in
with COVID-19. High CRP levels can predict BALF include ribosome, protein processing in
those who will develop cardiac complications the endoplasmic reticulum, phagosome, pentose
(Xu et al. 2020a). phosphate pathway, carbon metabolism, and
lysosome (Xiong et  al. 2020). Upregulated Inflammatory Markers genes in PBMC contribute to cell cycle and P53
in Relation to the Prognosis signaling pathways. In contrast, downregulated
of COVID-19 genes take part in viral protein interaction with
Treatment reduces CRP and ESR levels, and cytokine and cytokine receptor, NF-kappa B
therefore, CRP and ESR offer an excellent prog- (NF-kB) signaling pathway, Toll-like receptor
nostic biomarker. In particular, elevated CRP lev- (TLR) signaling pathway, and IL-17 signaling
els are predictive of liver injury, as indicated in pathway. P53 signaling plays a role in cell cycle
high ALT levels (Li et al. 2020b). control and apoptosis, and its upregulation and
mediated apoptosis may explain reduced counts
of PBMC, e.g., lymphocytes in patients with
8.6.3 Differentially Expressed COVID-19.
Genes in Bronchoalveolar As for their gene expression, patients with
Lavage Fluid and Peripheral COVID-19 show increased expression of cyto-
Blood from Patients kines IL-10, CCL2/MCP-1, CXCL10/IP-10,
with COVID-19 CCL3/MIP-1A, and CCL4/MIP1B in BALF
(Xiong et al. 2020). The change in the expression
The near-total absence of viral reads and ACE2 of IL-10, IL-36RN, IL-36G, TNFSF15, CCL5,
expression in PBMC provides evidence that TNFSF10, CXCL1, and IL-33 depends on dis-
SARS-CoV-2 does not directly infect PBMC, ease severity.
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 133

8.7  he Scenario of How

T The organizing phase of DAD (mild to
the Lungs Come Down marked), including interstitial and airspace fibro-
in Few Days by Macrophage blast proliferation, orchestrates the repair by
Missiles in COVID-19 hyperplasia of type II pneumocytes and squa-
mous metaplasia. It may show the involvement of
8.7.1 H
 uman Studies Reveal the lung parenchyma with a range of 1% to 100%.
the Kinetics of Two-Phase Type II pneumocytes showing hyperplasia are
Lung Disease in Patients Who indicated by cytomegaly, nucleomegaly, chroma-
Died of SARS-CoV tin clearing, and prominent nucleoli.
Multinucleated cells, CD68+ macrophages,
Pathological findings of the lungs from patients pancytokeratin-­positive/TTF-1-positive pneumo-
who died from SARS-CoV include diffuse alveo- cytes, and multinucleated cells are commonly
lar damage (DAD), hyperplasia of pulmonary present in alveolar spaces. Acute bronchopneu-
epithelial cells, infiltration of giant cells, alveolar monia (mild to marked) causes between 50 and
and interstitial macrophages, squamous metapla- 75% involvement of the lung and is attributed to
sia of bronchial mucosa, septal inflammation, the trafficking of neutrophils and macrophages in
SARS-CoV particles, and RNA (Nicholls et  al. alveoli and airway passages.
2003; Franks et al. 2003).
Lung histopathology changes between the two
phases during SARS-CoV infection (Franks et al. 8.7.2 I mmunological Cells Invade
2003). The more the primary injury is damaging, the Lungs and Occupy its
the fewer cells remain to aid the lungs to repair Nation Within 3–10 Days
during the second phase. in Patients with COVID-19 Phase 1 (0–10 Days) A rapid review of recorded COVID-19 cases of

It is an acute phase of DAD accompanied by air- death without any preexisting condition reveals
space edema and bronchiolar injury. an astonishingly rapid progression of lung lesions
The acute phase of DAD (mild to marked) leading to respiratory failure and death. The
causes between 50 and 75% involvement of the intervals between symptom onset and assisted
lung parenchyma, interstitial and intra-alveolar mechanical ventilation range from 3 to 10  days
edema, interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrate, (Chen et al. 2020a).
and pulmonary vascular congestion. Airspace A 66-year-old male with severe COVID-19
edema (moderate to marked) causes between 50 and marked brightness of the lungs had acute
and 100% involvement of the lung parenchyma respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), finally
and correlates with the accumulation of eosino- leading to lethal respiratory failure (Luo et  al.
philic material within alveolar spaces. 2020). Immunohistological findings of the case
Bronchiolar injury arising from fibrin collec- include interstitial inflammatory cell infiltrates
tion within lumens correlates with a loss of consisting of lymphocytes, plasma cells, and
cilia, the denudation of the bronchial epithe- mononuclear cells and focal accumulation of
lium, and fibrinoid deposits along the basement immune cells expressing CD3, CD4, CD8, CD20,
membrane. CD79a, CD5, and CD38.
A confirmed case of COVID-19 was a 50-year-­ Phase 2 (After 10 Days) old male who complained of fever, chills, cough,
It is the organizing phase of DAD associated with and shortness of breath (Xu et  al. 2020b). His
type II pneumocyte hyperplasia, squamous meta- breathing became more difficult, as reflected in
plasia, multinucleated giant cells (e.g., type II increased interstitial shadows in both lungs, and
pneumocytes and macrophages), and acute ultimately, he died. As confirmed by the tissue
bronchopneumonia. examination, mononuclear cell infiltration com-
134 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

posed dominantly of lymphocytes is the immune Blood Monocytes Correlate

feature of both lungs. Consistently, peripheral with the Severity and Criticality
blood demonstrated that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, of COVID-19
though generally decreased in numbers, become Patients who required admission to ICU pos-
hyperactive. The other immunological character- sessed a higher proportion of FSC-high mono-
istics of the disease include induction of T helper cytes than of FSC-low monocytes (Zhang et  al.
(Th) 17 cell development (represented with 2020a). Besides, the increased percentage of the
increased levels of inflammatory C-C chemokine FSC-low population of monocytes corresponded
receptor 6 (CCR6)) and enhancement of effectiv- to discharge from the hospital.
ity of CD8+ T cells (indicated with increased fre-
quency of T cells expressing cytotoxic Blood Monocytes Express
granules). the Lower Amount of ACE2
There is also a pathological report of two in Patients with COVID-19
cases with lung cancer who died of 2019-nCoV ACE2 is present on different human monocyte
infection (Tian et al. 2020). We have to overlook cell lines (THP-1 and U939) and murine macro-
this report because the impact the preexisting phage cell (RAW264.7) lines (Zhang et  al.
lung disease can have on pathological findings is 2020a). Patients with COVID-19 displayed lower
pervasive. levels of ACE2 on monocytes/macrophages than
controls without COVID-19.

8.7.3 Macrophage Population BALF Macrophages Are

Properties in COVID-19 Different Among Patients
with Severe and Mild COVID-19 Blood Monocytes Are Larger The study (Liao et  al. 2020) compared the
and More Complex in Patients BALF-­derived specimens of eight people who
with COVID-19 had never been diagnosed with COVID-19 with
Using flow cytometry, the study (Zhang et  al. that of those who had bilateral pneumonia and
2020a) remarked a foreword scatter (FSC)-high suffered from mild (N  =  3 and age range
population of atypical, large, vacuolated mono- 35–37  years) or severe COVID-19 (N  =  3 and
cytes in the peripheral blood from patients with age range 62–66  years). Generally, it showed
COVID-19 (n  =  28). These cells included an that different immune cells form 36 different
expansion of monocytes, M1 macrophages, and cell clusters in the BALF. Precisely, the propor-
M2 macrophages, because of the expression of tions of T cells and natural killer (NK) cells in
surface markers related to monocytes, CD14 and patients with mild COVID-19 exceed those of
CD16, and also a variety of markers including patients with severe COVID-19, which in turn
CD11b, CD68, CD80, CD163, and CD206 that are higher than those of control subjects
define M1 and M2 macrophages. Besides, they (Figs. 8.9 and 8.10). Also, the BALF in patients
could produce cytokines that are expressed by with severe COVID-19 would harbor a macro-
M1 (IL-6 and TNFα) and M2 macrophages phage population that is widely different from
­(IL-­10). The COVID-19-related monocyte popu- that in patients with mild COVID-­19 and con-
lation contained a similar number of classical trol subjects in both the amount and cellular
monocytes but did include higher numbers of phenotype. The severe COVID-19 BALF
intermediate and nonclassical monocytes. includes a higher number of macrophages char-
Neither controls without COVID-19 nor patients acterized by two predominant cell types: mono-
with other infectious diseases, including HIV, cyte-derived macrophages expressing Ficolin 1
tuberculosis, malaria, H1N1, and HTNV, exhib- (FCN1) and pro-fibrotic macrophages repre-
ited such an FSC-high population of monocytes senting secreted phosphoprotein 1 (SPP1)
with multiple phenotypes. (Fig. 8.11).
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 135

Fig. 8.9  The distribution of discrete cell types in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF): controls without COVID-­19,
patients with mild COVID-19, and patients with severe COVID-19

Fig. 8.10  The distribution of natural killer (NK) and T-cell clusters in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid: controls with-
out COVID-19, patients with mild COVID-19, and patients with severe COVID-19

tissues other than in those the respiratory sys- SARS-CoV-2-Positive tem, including the mediastinal lymph nodes
Macrophages Are Present and the intestinal tract.
in the Lung and Other Organs
The study (Munster et al. 2020) of eight adult
rhesus macaques has shown that inoculation 8.7.4 Anti-COVID-19 Macrophages:
with SARS-CoV-2 could cause irregular Anti-inflammatory
breathing patterns, weight loss, and fever. Macrophages that Induce
Animals displayed pulmonary infiltrates in the Tolerance to Coronaviruses
lower lobes on one dpi, which progressed to Resembling the Novel One
the caudal lobes by three dpi. Also, they in Bats
showed increased levels of cytokines, includ-
ing IL-6, IL-10, IL-1RA, IL-15, MCP1, and SARS-CoV is a bat-loving microparasite; bats
MIP1B and high viral loads in the serve as a natural reservoir for SARS-CoV (Li
BALF.  Necropsy confirmed interstitial pneu- et al. 2005). Bat macrophages do not differ from
monia characterized by gross lung lesions, mice macrophages in the amount of production
thickening of the alveolar septa, edema fluid, of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1β,
fibrin, hyaline membrane formation, type II TNF-α, and IFNβ. However, bat macrophages
pneumocyte hyperplasia, alveoli with macro- act differently in terms of higher levels of the
phages and neutrophils, and perivascular infil- anti-­inflammatory cytokine, IL-10, they can
tration of lymphocytes. There were alveolar produce (Kacprzyk et al. 2017). The production
macrophages and type II pneumocyte positive of IL-10 is an effort to balance the heavyweight
for the SARS-CoV-2 antigen. Interestingly, of pro-­ inflammatory cytokines. The mainte-
antigen-positive macrophages were present in nance of this balance might have determined
136 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.11  The distribution of different cell clusters in the macrophage population of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
(BALF): controls without COVID-19, patients with mild COVID-19, and patients with severe COVID-19

that the tolerance to some deadly viral infec- 8.8 Macrophage-Mediate Cell
tions is present in bats while it is absent in other Pyroptosis and Inflammation
8.8.1 C
 ell Pyroptosis: A Pro-­
inflammatory Programmed
8.7.5 Pro-COVID-19 Macrophages: Cell Death
Macrophages Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are the
innate immune receptors that can detect both
As real-time world statistics disseminate it, the invading pathogens and endogenous dangers
COVID-19 infectivity largely depends on the ini- through the recognition of pathogen-associated
tial host condition with a case fatality rate of molecular patterns (PAMPs) and damage-­
0.9% in patients without comorbid conditions associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). PRRs
compared with a range of 7.6% to 13.2% in are of two main categories: transmembrane and
patients with a comorbid condition. Among cytosolic. Toll-like receptors and C-type lectin
patients with different comorbid conditions, receptors (CLRs) take place at the cell membrane
patients with preexisting cardiovascular disease (transmembrane), while retinoic acid-inducible
and hypertension have the highest mortality rate. gene (RIG)-like receptors (RLRs) and NOD-like
COVID-19 infectivity depends on its receptor, receptors (NLRs) are located inside the cell
i.e., ACE2 receptor. Monocyte-derived macro- (cytosolic). Upon recognition of PAMPs and
phages in patients with hypertension and prehy- DAMPs, PRRs mostly tend to trigger signal
pertension exhibit higher ACE2 activity compared transduction pathways linked to the induction of
with individuals with normal blood pressure inflammatory responses (Walle and Lamkanfi
(Keidar et al. 2007). 2016). However, some NLRs, NLRP3, NLRP1B,
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 137

and NLRC4 signal the formation of multiprotein cells, and neurons, though the primary cells
complexes, called inflammasomes (Walle and known to undergo pyroptosis are a professional
Lamkanfi 2016). In particular, the assembly of type of myeloid lineage, including macrophages,
the NLRP3 inflammasome consisting of carboxy-­ neutrophils, and dendritic cells. Infection of mac-
terminal leucine-rich repeats (LRRs), amino-­ rophages and activation of NLRP3 inflamma-
terminal caspase recruitment (CARD) or pyrin some occurs with various RNA viruses, including
domain (PYD), adaptor protein apoptosis-­ EV71, H1N1, H7N9 influenza A virus, and Zika.
associated speck-like protein containing a CARD In particular, for both SARS-CoV and MERS-­
(ASC), and pro-caspase 1 occurs in response to CoV, there is evidence of the use of cell pyropto-
bacteria, fungi, and viruses and results in the sis in human macrophages.
recruitment of caspase 1 (Walle and Lamkanfi
2016). Upon activation, caspase 1 induces cleav- Cell Pyroptosis in Macrophages
age of precursors of pro-inflammatory cytokines, During SARS-CoV Infection
mainly pro-IL-1β and pro-IL-18, and of pore-­ As summarized in Fig.  8.12, SARS-CoV pos-
forming effector proteins of Gasdermin (GSDM) sesses several accessory proteins that affect the
family members, such as GSDMD. In this man- immune system in different ways to prevent
ner, caspase 1 causes inflammation and the for- viral clearance. Of which, ORF8b can induce
mation of pores in the cells scheduled for pyroptosis in macrophages through its direct
pyroptosis. It makes a stressed cellular environ- interaction with the NLRP3 inflammasome (Shi
ment so that neither is favorable for the pathogen et al. 2019).
replication nor favorable to maintain the cell
viability. Such cells release DAMPs and, in this Cell Pyroptosis in Macrophages
manner, would undergo a programmed pro-­ During MERS-CoV Infection
inflammatory cell death called pyroptosis. MERS-CoV can infect both THP-1 macrophages
and monocytes, as indicated by the presence of
MERS nucleocapsid protein (Jiang et al. 2019).
8.8.2 Cell Pyroptosis: A Double-­ Upon MERS-CoV infection, the expression of
Edged Sword pro-IL-1β and pro-caspase 1 increases in THP-1
monocytes and to a higher degree in THP-1
Whereas host-mediated suicide seems to benefit ­macrophages. In parallel, MERS-CoV infection
the host by its work that is the degradation of in these cells led to the increased expression of
intracellular pathogens (Brodsky and Medzhitov complement factors, i.e., C3, C3aR, and C5aR1,
2011), it may become a severe struggle for life which play a crucial role in TLR-mediated IL-1β
when the body gets confused due to chronic transcription. In hDPP4 transgenic mice infected
inflammation overload. For example, human with MERS-CoV, there is evidence in favor of
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects CD4+ T pyroptosis, such as the increase in the expression
cells and induces caspase 1-mediated pyroptosis of pro-IL1β in the lung, IL-1β in serum, and cas-
of these cells. HIV, therefore, correlates with pase 1 in the spleen (but not lung). Also, MERS-­
CD4+ T-cell depletion and chronic inflammation, CoV-­ infected mice revealed an inflammatory
which both of them are not good for the host response, characterized by higher serum levels of
(Doitsh et al. 2014). pro-inflammatory cytokines, e.g., IL-6, IFNγ,
and TNFα, and increased expression of CD68
and IFNγR in the lung and spleen. Treatment
8.8.3 Cell Pyroptosis with an antibody targeting C5aR1 could limit
in Macrophages pyroptosis and inflammatory response – through
decreasing the expression of IL-1β in serum, cas-
Pyroptosis can occur in various cells, CD4+ T pase 1 in the spleen, IFNγ in serum, and CD68
cells, keratinocytes, epithelial cells, endothelial and IFNγR in the lung and spleen.
138 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

Fig. 8.12  Immune dysregulation by SARS-CoV accessory proteins

8.9  avaged by Macrophage

R symptoms, hypotension, organ toxicities, shock,
Missiles Under the Cytokine hypoxia, and the need for mechanical
Storm: A Lethal Disease ventilation.
Model for COVID-19 COVID-19 seems to present a disease that is
ideally similar in immune and clinical features
The discussion, as mentioned above, reveals that with that of CRS. The course of COVID-19 con-
all adult patients with mild, severe, and critical sists of two stages. The first stage causes T-cell
COVID-19 have developed, from one prototype, reduction, putting the responsibility on the
inflammation and that it is possible to attribute remaining T cells that combat viral infection,
the severity and criticality of COVID-19 to the making them overwhelmed and exhausted. Also,
wildness of this inflammation. a variety of cytokines and inflammatory markers
Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) rise in response to infection in this stage. The sec-
(Shimabukuro-Vornhagen et  al. 2018) refers to ond stage occurs in two main phenotypes that
inflammatory conditions where target cell lysis determine the fate of the patient. The favored
or T-cell activation is accompanied by the release phenotype of remission/survival leads to an
of cytokines, especially IFNγ and TNFα, that increase in T-cell numbers and a decrease in con-
immediately involve immune cells such as endo- centrations of cytokines and inflammatory mark-
thelial cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells to ers. The unfavored phenotype of deterioration/
commence the production of IL-6. IL-6, in turn, death corresponds to the continuing decrease in
can induce immune cells to produce cytokines. In T-cell numbers and an increase in concentrations
this manner, IL-6 would develop a cytokine storm of cytokines and inflammatory markers, pro-­
through a positive feedback loop of cytokine pro- inflammatory monocytes, and neutrophils.
duction. In clinical practice, there are different Eventually, COVID-19 can lead to organ dys-
grading systems for CRS is according to the pres- function or failure and coagulopathy, even in
ence and/or severity  of  fever, constitutional patients who reported no history of immune dis-
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 139

orders. For both phenotypes, immunoglobulin sarily reflect no cases because test kits are not
levels begin to rise in the second stage. available as demanded by some countries.
COVID-19 is associated with increased num- Besides, asymptomatic patients and patients who
bers of monocytes and macrophages, and as the tested negative for the coronavirus worsen the
disease progresses from a mild form to a severe/ situation by increasing the proportion of con-
critical condition, the macrophage population cealed carriers who handle viral shedding. Four
becomes denser. Monitoring the expression of common causes of negative nucleic acid amplifi-
cytokines associated with macrophage activation cation tests (NAAT) such as RT-PCR include low
indicates that the transition between disease specimen quality, very early or late collection of
stages occurs by the end of the first week after the specimen, and technical issues (World Health
onset of symptoms. An adult immunocompetent 2020). Virus gene mutations are of technical
system fires macrophage missile in two phases at issues causing the negative result.
the initial and transition states. At the initial
stage, the immune military recognizes the SARS-­
CoV-­2 as nonself and thus fires macrophages at 8.11 SARS-CoV-2:
the lungs against the virus. The first flame can An International Problem
control disease progression effectively. However, Starting from Wuhan
a trained immunocompetent system would main- on December 11, 2019,
tain the fire of macrophages over an extended Spreading to 199 Countries
time. It lies in its immune memory in tissue-­ and Territories Around
resident macrophages, especially alveolar macro- the World and Two
phages, making a professionally trained immune International Conveyances
system more likely to be feared by COVID-19 as of March 28, 2020
than an untrained immune system (Xing et  al.
2020). In this manner, the trained immunocom- The first case occurred in Wuhan on December
petent system commits such a failure that causes 11, 2019. The Guardian reports on the first cases
the lungs to come down rapidly. The fact that of Thailand, Japan, China, South Korea, Taiwan,
younger age groups, including neonates and chil- and the USA on January 22, 2020; Australia and
dren, are less susceptible to COVID-19 than Canada on January 26, 2020; Italy, Sweden,
older age groups reflects that the natural affinities Russia, and the UK on January 31, 2020; Iran on
of the immune system that has not been trained February 19, 2020; Pakistan, Brazil, Georgia,
thoroughly would be standard in combatting Greece, North Macedonia, Norway, and Romania
against COVID-19 whereas the higher affinities on February 26, 2020; Argentina, Chile, Jordan,
of the trained immune system for rapid activation and Ukraine on March 3, 2020; Albania, Cyprus,
of immune responses might raise faults  – the and Brunei on March 09, 2020; Kazakhstan,
lungs come down. Ethiopia, Sudan, Guinea, Kenya and Antigua,
and Barb on March 13, 2020; and Dominica,
Grenada, Mozambique, and Syria on March 22,
8.10 Epidemiological Eye 2020 (Amin et al. 1997).
of SARS-CoV-2 Has No No doubt, COVID-19 is a challenge for low-­
Exception to Any Region income countries and countries with the highest
Worldwide population. However, it has raised concerns
worldwide. For example, more than 1  month
A quick look at the CDC report of COVID-19 after the beginning of the outbreak, Italy was the
cases reveals that the virus has rapidly spread first European country affected by COVID-19.
around the world but at varying rates in different On March 27, 2020, the number of total cases in
countries from 1 to 1,005,808 cases as of writing Italy was similar to that of China (81,285 vs.
this. The exceptions and low rates do not neces- 80,589). However, the number of total deaths was
140 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

more than twofold for Italian patients compared Table 8.1  The stability and viability of SARS-CoV-2
and SARS-CoV-1 in the air and on different surfaces
to Chinese patients (8215 vs. 3287). By consider-
ing the country’s population, which is estimated SARS-­
Parameter Medium CoV-­2 SARS-CoV-1
to be about 60.48 million in Italy and 1.386 bil-
Duration of Aerosols 3 3
lion in China, the COVID-19-related deaths cor- viability, Plastic 72 72
respond to 0.01% of the Italian population and hours Stainless 48 48
0.0002% of the Chinese population (>57 times steel
greater in Italy than China). It might be due to the Copper 4 8
age distribution of the population in Italy and Cardboard 24 8
China because people aged 60 or older are the Titers of Aerosols 103.5–102.7 104.3–103.5
viable virus, Plastic 103.7–100.6 103.4–100.7
main target of COVID-19 and about 23% of the
TCID50 per Stainless 103.7–100.6 103.6–100.6
Italian population is 65  years and older, with a liter of air or steel
corresponding rate of 12% in China. milliliter of Copper 103.2–101.8 103.4–102.0
Cardboard 102.8–100.8 102.7–100.8
The half-life Aerosols 1.09 1.18
8.12 Facilitators of SARS-CoV-2 of viable (0.64–2.64) (0.78–2.43)
Transmission virus, Plastic 6.81 7.55
median (5.62–8.17) (6.29–9.04)
(2.5%– Stainless 5.63 4.16
8.12.1 Stability on Surfaces 97.5% steel (4.59–6.86) (3.30–5.22)
quantile Copper 0.77 1.50
As summarized in Table 8.1, aerosol and surface range) hours (0.43–1.19) (0.93–2.66)
stability are not different between the SARS-­ Cardboard 3.46 0.59
CoV-­1 and SARS-CoV-2 concerning the duration (2.34–5.00) (0.32–1.21)
of viability, titers of viable virus, and the half-life
of viable virus. However, the transmissibility of
SARS-CoV-2 is higher than that of SARS-CoV-1. SARS-CoV-2: a. it involves the respiratory sys-
Some attribute this to the higher tropism of tem as well as the gastrointestinal system, b. it
SARS-CoV-2 on the upper respiratory tract and tends primarily to enter the upper respiratory sys-
the higher viral shedding in asymptomatic indi- tem, and c. it, in severe cases, spread via the
viduals (van Doremalen et al. 2020). bloodstream.

8.12.2 Multiple Shedding Routes 8.12.3 The Near-Presentation

Detection of Viral RNA Gives
A study of 15 patients with COVID-19 detected Us No Opportunity
the SARS-CoV-2 on day 0 in oral swab (n = 8), to Recognize Asymptomatic
anal swab (n  =  4), blood (n  =  6), and serum People
(n = 3) (Zhang et al. 2020d). All serum positive
patients showed SARS-CoV-2 in the blood, and Compared to asymptomatic patients, patients
all blood positive patients had no positive swabs. display high viral loads in the throat and to a
Two of eight oral swab-positive patients showed higher level in the nose immediately after the
the SARS-CoV-2  in the anal swab. There were symptoms appear (Zou et  al. 2020). Besides,
three cases with a severe form of the disease, of compared to patients with a mild-to-moderate
whom two were serum positive and one was oral form of the disease, patients with a severe form
swab positive. On day 5, the rate of oral swab of the disease have lower cycle threshold (Ct)
positive was reduced by 50% (n = 4), and the rate values of Orf1b on RT-PCR, which, in turn, cor-
of anal swab positive increased by 25% (n = 6). respond to higher viral RNA copy number.
These statistics imply three points about the Precisely, samples with a Ct value of 40 tested
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 141

negative and the Ct values of 30.76, 27.67, 24.56, projected prevalence. For example, Wuhan
and 21.48 assigned to the viral RNA copies per adopted the strategy of travel restrictions for the
milliliter of 1.5 × 104, 1.5 × 105, 1.5 × 106, and control of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 on January
1.5 × 107, respectively. 23. The mathematical model calculated that
whereas one individual with SARS-CoV-2 infec-
tion was able to produce the average number of
8.12.4 Children Contribute 2.35 new infections per day at 1 week before the
Significantly date of implementation of the strategy adopted,
to the Asymptomatic the infectivity rate dropped to 1.05 at 1  week
Population of COVID-19 after that date (Kucharski et al. 2020).
Using simulation (Prem et  al.), Prem et  al.
A retrospective study of 36 children with assessed the effect of physical distancing plans
COVID-­19 showed that about half of children aiming to limit social mixing on the prevention of
had a moderate form of disease commonly pre- secondary outbreak of SARS-CoV-2  in 2020.
sented with fever and dry cough and the other The extension of school closures and working
half were asymptomatic (Qiu et al.). The propor- holidays could induce a significant decrease in
tion of asymptomatic patients is a determining the cumulative infections by end-2020 and the
factor affecting human-to-human transmission peak incidence and a delay in the peak of the out-
and, therefore, the efficiency level of interven- break. When returning to work set out to at the
tions. Such a high asymptomatic proportion of beginning of April, we could witness the best
children infected with COVID-19 make children effect of physical distancing correlated with
as a facilitator of transmission (Kelvin and greater than 90% and 20% reduction in the
Halperin). median incidence by mid-2020 and end-2020,
and the biggest effects occurred among school-­
aged children and older people. People are per-
8.12.5 The High Prevalence of SARS-­ mitted to return to work on March 10. So, there is
CoV and MERS-CoV in Animals a concern about the magnitude and peak of the
second outbreak of COVID-19.
A meta-analysis calculated the pooled prevalence Koo and colleagues (Koo et  al.) presented a
of MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV detected by simulation modeling of SARS-CoV-2 human-to-­
RT-PCR to be higher than 10% and 14% among human transmission in Singapore. They investi-
camels and bats, respectively (Bonilla-Aldana gated the effect of four interventions (I1,
et  al. 2020). Having such a large-scale natural quarantine; I2, quarantine plus school closure; I3,
reservoir paves the way for coronaviruses to sus- quarantine plus workplace distancing; I4, the
tain their survival, and therefore, new strains con- combined intervention of quarantine, school clo-
tinue to emerge. sure, and workplace distancing) versus no inter-
vention on the simulated transmission of
SARS-CoV-2 under different rates of infectivity
8.13 Mathematical Models and asymptomatic infections. With the assump-
from Dynamics tion of the asymptomatic ratio of 7.5% and R0 of
of the Primary Coming 1.5–2.5, the median cumulative number of
of COVID-19 to Preparedness infected individuals at day 80 was estimated to
for the Next Coming fall within the ranges of 279,000–1,207,000 for
of COVID-19 no intervention, 15000–520,000 for I1, 10,000–
466,000 for I2, 4000–320,000 for I3, and 1800–
Mathematical models can estimate current and 258,000 for I4. Though the first local transmission
future prevalence rates and allow them to evalu- could be successfully aflected, this model leading
ate the efficiency of different interventions on the to the recommendation of the combined strategy
142 A. Saghazadeh and N. Rezaei

to control the early spread of SARS-CoV-2  in The UK was an example of a currently low-­
Singapore would help with preparedness for the incidence country with a total of about 17,000
second coming of SARS-CoV-2. cases and 1000 death as of March 28, 2020.
When the number of cases per day was increas-
ing day-by-day, NHS workers raised their con-
8.14 N
 ational Healthcare Services cerns about the imminent crisis of deaths due to
Close to Kneeling During lack of proper testing of symptomatic cases, con-
the COVID-19 Pandemic: tact tracing, and quarantine (Horton 2020). The
The Need UK has now placed sixth in the CDC report, with
for an International Solution more than 150,000 confirmed cases and 20,000
Rather than a Merely deaths as of April 28, 2020. The UK has pub-
National Solution lished a plan of a national program of community
health workers that aims to provide supportive
With the emergence of COVID-19, national health- care for people who are especially vulnerable to
care systems have come face to face with their COVID-19, e.g., older people and people with
weaknesses, calling for a variety of remedies. preexisting conditions (Haines et  al.). It is fea-
Continuing from Italy – where the healthcare tured by its large scale and offers in-home care or
system fears it is going to collapse in regions virtual services to address people’s needs. The
worst impacted by COVID-19  – there is a sub- program will be held by young community health
stantial need for timely intervention, national workers (CHW), who can gain immunity after
coordination, flexible financing, public-private being exposed to the virus, and if they get sick,
partnerships, and human resource management their immunity will hopefully guide them to be
(Armocida et al.). healthy again. CHWs have the responsibility to
Spain, with the first cases reported on February find those who need advanced care. They will
15, 2020, was the second European country have in-home visits to get vital signs such as tem-
affected by COVID-19. On March 27, 2020, perature, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation
4365 people had died out of 57,786 cases, mean- and train people on hygiene issues.
ing the death rate is greater than 7%. A recent The above examples lead us to the conclusion
crisis of cases with about 7000 cases per day for that distinct nations share similar needs while
the last 4  days has made the very challenging requiring different means corresponding to dif-
times for the Spanish healthcare system concern- ferent demands. The development and imple-
ing different aspects, including the governance, mentation of strategies for dealing with the
finance, service delivery, medicines and equip- 2019-nCoV pandemic rely on financial incen-
ment, health workers, and media (Legido-Quigley tives as well as nonfinancial incentives. Now, all
et al. 2020). feel much stress on their knees, from politicians
The top of the CDC report has been assigned to healthcare workers; international collaboration
to the USA, with more than 10,000 cases being can enforce nonfinancial incentives more than
detected per day since March 23, 2020. ever it did. It might be that the eye of COVID-19
Projections by the IHME (IHME) provided infor- could not expect from humanities.
mation that the 2019-nCoV pandemic would
reach its peak in the second week of April and
that the crisis of daily deaths would be on April 8.15 Conclusion
14, 2020 (team). For the preparedness for the
peak of deaths, the USA’s hospital system The Wuhan-born novel coronavirus is only
planned to reduce the demand for elective care 4 months old, but it has affected more than 3 mil-
and devoted the system to the care of patients lion people worldwide. With a case fatality of
with COVID-19. 6.9%, the novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19,
8  How COVID-19 Has Globalized: Unknown Origin, Rapid Transmission, and the Immune System… 143

has claimed more than 200,000 lives, whereas the fact that humans have a limited tolerance to phys-
previous outbreaks of SARS and MERS by coro- ical distancing strategies and travel restrictions.
naviruses caused a total of fewer than 2000 A universal solution that aims to solve the prob-
deaths. Besides, coronaviruses have introduced lem of COVID-19 worldwide would be helpful to
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Potential Antiviral Immune
Response Against COVID-19: 9
Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV

Mahzad Akbarpour, Laleh Sharifi,
Amir Reza Safdarian, Pooya Farhangnia,
Mahdis Borjkhani, and Nima Rezaei

Abstract the host immune system. Since SARS-CoV-2

shares similarities with SARS-CoV that
Virus and host innate immune system inter- caused the epidemic of SARS in 2003, the
action plays a significant role in forming the pathogenesis of both viruses could be at least
outcome of viral diseases. Host innate immu- very similar. For this, this chapter provides a
nity initially recognizes the viral invasion synthesis of literature concerning antiviral
and induces a rapid inflammatory response, immunity in SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2.
and this recognition activates signaling cas- It includes the presentation of epitopes linked
cades that trigger the release of antiviral to SARS-­ CoV-­ 2 as well as the ability of
mediators. This chapter aims to explore the SARS-CoV-2 to cause proteolytic activation
mechanisms by which newly emerged coro- and interact with angiotensin-converting
navirus called severe acute respiratory syn- enzyme 2 (ACE2) via molecular mimicry.
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) activates This chapter characterizes various mecha-
nisms that this virus may engage in escaping
the host immunity, ended by a discussion of
Laleh Sharifi, Amir Reza Safdarian and Pooya Farhangnia
contributed equally with all other contribu- humoral immune responses against
tors.  M.  Akbarpour and N.  Rezaei share senior SARS-CoV-2.

M. Akbarpour (*) L. Sharifi

Department of Surgery, Northwestern University Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Tehran, Iran
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), Uro-Oncology Research Center, Tehran University of
Tehran, Iran Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Immunology Board for Transplantation and A. R. Safdarian
Cell-Based Therapeutics (ImmunoTACT), Universal Immunology Board for Transplantation and
Scientific Education and Research Network Cell-Based Therapeutics (ImmunoTACT), Universal
(USERN), Tehran, Iran Scientific Education and Research Network
e-mail: (USERN), Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 149
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
150 M. Akbarpour et al.

Keywords 9.2 I nnate Immune Recognition

of Coronaviruses
COVID-19 · Epitope spreading · Humoral
response · Innate immunity · SARS-CoV- 2 Interactions between the virus and the host innate
immune system play a significant role in deter-
mining the outcome of viral diseases. During the
early phases of viral invasion, innate immunity
9.1 Introduction can limit the virus replication and control its
spread within the host by the production of type I
Coronaviruses (CoV) have been the cause of IFNs (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2017), comple-
three twenty-first-century infectious epidemics: ment, and other mediators (Katze et  al. 2002).
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), The host defense and clearance of viral infections
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and profoundly depend on IFN expression (Ben Addi
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). SARS-­ et al. 2008). Expression of IFNs and subsequent
CoV-­2, which is known to cause COVID-19, is downstream signals result in reprogramming
similar to the SARS-CoV, the causative agent of cells into an antiviral state, infection control, and
SARS, in many aspects. Notably, both these viral clearance (Lazear et al. 2019). In this phase,
viruses bind to the same cell surface receptor overactivation of antiviral responses by innate
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). For immunity can lead to tissue damage (Garcia-­
this, this chapter provides a synthesis of literature Sastre and Biron 2006). Also, initial innate
concerning antiviral immunity in SARS-CoV immune responses play a role in determining
and SARS-CoV-2. In particular, we review the adaptive immune responses. Therefore, compre-
current evidence of potential mechanisms by hensive knowledge of how the host innate
which SARS-CoV-2 activates the host immune immune system counteracts the viruses is critical
response, with emphasis on viral antigen presen- for understanding the signaling cascades regulat-
tation, immunodominant epitopes, and possible ing pathogenesis, virulence, and disease
molecular mimicry characteristics. It will finally outcomes.
summarize antibody-mediated immune responses Invasion of viruses is initially recognized by
against SARS-CoV-2 and their diagnostic and innate immunity that induces a rapid inflamma-
clinical value. tory response. This recognition activates signal-
ing cascades that, in turn, trigger the release of
antiviral mediators (Takeuchi and Akira 2007).

Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, M. Borjkhani

Alborz University of Medical Sciences, Alborz, Iran Immunology Board for Transplantation and
Cell-Based Therapeutics (ImmunoTACT), Universal
Department of Immunology and Laboratory
Scientific Education and Research Network
Medicine, Ghaem Hospital, Alborz, Iran
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Department of Immunology, Cancer Biomedical
National Institute of Genetic Engineering and
Center, Tehran, Iran
Biotechnology (NIGEB), Tehran, Iran
P. Farhangnia
N. Rezaei
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Tehran, Iran
Tehran, Iran
Immunology Board for Transplantation and
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Cell-Based Therapeutics (ImmunoTACT), Universal
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 151

The host innate immune system detects invading family member, which is utilized by almost all
viruses using pattern recognition receptors TLRs except TLR3. Upon PAMP recognition,
(PRRs) that can recognize pathogen-associated MyD88 mediates the recruitment of interleukin
molecular patterns (PAMPs). At present, the receptor-associated kinases (IRAKs) that are
known PRRs mainly include toll-like receptors intracellular signaling molecules essential for the
(TLR), RIG-I-like receptors (RLR), NOD-like transduction of TLR signals. IRAK4 is crucial to
receptors (NLR), C-type lectin-like receptors activating nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB) and
(CLmin), and free-molecule receptors in the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) down-
cytoplasm, such as stimulator of interferon (IFN) stream of MyD88. IRAK interacts with tumor
genes (STING), gamma-interferon-inducible necrosis factor receptor (TNFR)-associated fac-
protein (IFI16), Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase tor 6 (TRAF6), which facilitates NEMO (NF-κB
(cGAS), and DNA-dependent activator of inter- essential modifier)/IKKγ (IκB kinase-gamma)
feron regulatory factors (DAI) (Takaoka et  al. ubiquitination to activate NF-kB (Akira et  al.
2007; Li et al. 2020a, b). RNA viruses, such as 2006; Hacker and Karin 2006; Hacker et  al.
SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV, are 2006). TRIF is another adapter protein that
detected by endosomal RNA PRRs, including recruits to TLR3 and TLR4 and triggers the tran-
TLR3 and TLR7 and/or cytoplasmic RNA sen- scription factors IFN regulatory factor 3 (IRF3)
sors, namely, RIG-I and melanoma differentiation-­ and NF-κB to stimulate the expression of type I
associated protein 5 (MDA5) (Felsenstein et  al. IFNs and inflammatory cytokines (Ermolaeva
2020). et  al. 2008). TRAM and TIRAP function to
recruit MyD88 adaptor protein to TLR2 and
TLR4 as well as TRIF to the TLR4. Therefore,
9.2.1 TLRs the TLR signaling pathways are classified as the
MyD88-dependent and MyD88-independent
They are famous members of PRRs that are (TRIF-dependent) signaling pathways, which
expressed on/in immune and nonimmune cells, activate the gene expression of pro-inflammatory
specialized to detect PAMPs or damage-­ cytokines and IFNs (Akira et al. 2006).
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) (Kawai Dendritic cells are the most important antigen-­
and Akira 2010). At present, ten TLRs have been presenting cells (APCs) in the body that express
detected in humans. TLRs 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 10 different TLRs and cytoplasmic PRRs, making
occur on the cell surface, while TLRs 3, 7, 8, and these cells the best sensors of PAMP and DAMP
9 are present on endosomes. Triggering these between all cell types. The plasmacytoid den-
receptors by specific ligands results in double dritic cells (pDCs) are a subset of dendritic cells
binding of TLRs, interactions of their cytoplas- with similar morphology to antibody-producing
mic domains known as the Toll-interleukin 1 plasma cells that are the primary source of the
receptor (TIR), and initiating signal transduction antiviral cytokines and type I IFNs produced in
by recruiting adaptor molecules (Martin and response to viral infections. This capacity of
Wesche 2002). pDCs is because of the presence of the numerous
Different TLRs can promote diverse biologi- endosomal TLRs (TLRs 3, 7, 8, and 9), which
cal functions using varied adapter proteins, such recognize internalized nucleic acids of viruses
as myeloid differentiation primary response gene (Abbas et al. 2017).
(MyD88), TIR domain-containing adaptor pro- An animal model study showed that TLR3_/_,
tein (TIRAP), TIR domain-containing adaptor TLR4_/_, and TRAM_/_ mice are more sensitive
protein-inducing interferon β (TRIF), and TRIF-­ to coronavirus infection than wild-type mice, but
related adaptor molecule (TRAM). These adapter interestingly, they only experience a transient
proteins have a common Toll/Interleukin-1 recep- weight loss without mortality. In contrast, TRIF_/_
tor (TIR) domain (Kawai and Akira 2010). mice show a highly increased susceptibility to
MyD88 is recognized as the most famous TIR SARS-CoV infection with weight loss; increased
152 M. Akbarpour et al.

viral titers; extra infiltration of inflammatory cell 9.2.2 RLRs

and neutrophils; an abnormal pro-inflammatory
cytokine, chemokine, and interferon-stimulated RLRs consist of the cytosolic PRRs such as RIG-­
gene (ISG) signaling cascade; and morbidity I, MDA5, and laboratory of genetics and physiol-
(Totura et al. 2015). ogy 2 (LGP2). These receptors share the
However, MyD88_/_ mice in response to DExD/H-box helicase domain and a C-terminal
SARS-CoV show similar viral titers, weight loss, domain of the repressor domain (RD). RIG-I and
and mortality, but the outcomes in downstream MDA5 also share common signaling structures,
cellular signaling are very different (Sheahan including N-terminal tandem caspase activation
et  al. 2008). After infection with SARS-CoV, and recruitment domains (CARDs). Interaction
both MyD88- and TRIF-deficient mice present a between their DARDs and CARDs of the essen-
lack of cytokine and chemokine signaling com- tial signaling adapter protein of the RLRs (also
pared to wild-type mice, but on day 4, TRIF-­ known as IPS-1, VISA, or Cardif) initiates the
deficient mice present an elevated signaling pathway activating TBK1, and IKKε
pro-inflammatory cytokine and ISG signaling. protein kinases result in IRF3 and NF-κB activa-
This alteration can be explained by a compensa- tion (Kawai et al. 2005; Meylan et al. 2005; Xu
tory mechanism of innate immune signaling et al. 2005). Activation of IRF3 and NF-κB would
resulting from the absence of innate immune induce transcription of innate immune response
response and higher viral titers of SARS-CoV genes such as IFNs and direct antiviral mediators
(Totura et  al. 2015). Deletion of both arms of as well as pro-inflammatory genes regulating the
TLR signaling results in lethal SARS-CoV dis- innate immune response to viral infections. IFNs
ease in mice. Therefore, counterbalanced TLR then induce hundreds of ISGs that their products
signaling using both MyD88-dependent and have antiviral and immunomodulatory functions
MyD88-independent pathways is crucial to creating an antiviral state.
establishing an innate antiviral response against
RNA viruses, such as SARS-CoV, SARS-­ 9.3 Antigen Presentation
CoV-­2, and MERS-CoV, are detected by endo- Pathways
somal TLR3 and TLR7 that direct translocation
of the transcription factors NF-κB and IRF3 and Presentation of viral antigens is mediated by
increase the production of pro-inflammatory major histocompatibility complex (MHC; or
cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in humans)
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα) as well as class I molecules. Viral linear peptides are loaded
type I IFNs (de Wit et  al. 2016; Prompetchara in the groove of MHC-I molecules. Finally, the
et al. 2020). Interestingly, it has been found that peptide-MHC complex is displayed on the sur-
in  vitro stimulation of TLR3 by its synthetic face of cells, especially APCs. This complex is
ligand polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly I:C) recognized by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs).
can lead to the secretion of IFNβ and protection Subsequently, a specific antiviral immune
against murine coronavirus infection response is initiated. There are various compo-
(Mazaleuskaya et al. 2012). In addition to sens- nents involved in the antigen presentation path-
ing RNA of coronavirus, viral coat proteins can way with the MHC-I molecule, including
serve as a PAMP that is usually recognized by proteasome, tapasin, TAP, Calreticulin, and
TLR2 and TLR4 on the cell surface (Kumar et al. ERP57. The broad spectrum of viruses escapes
2011). Interaction of coronavirus and cells leads from antigen presentation pathways by targeting
to the production of large quantities of chemo- key components of the MHC-I pathway and
kines and cytokines in response to CoV infection inhibiting them (Hansen and Bouvier 2009).
by sensing viral RNA and S and M proteins via There is no clear information about how SARS-­
TLRs (Dosch et al. 2009; Wang and Liu 2016). CoV-­ 2 escapes from antigen presentation
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 153

p­athways. However, there is evidence that interaction with MHC, is ranked among top
MERS-CoV reduces the expression of genes potential candidates. Open reading frame (ORF)
associated with antigen presentation pathways 1ab, M, N, and E proteins work in the next grade,
(Menachery et  al. 2018). Considering this, respectively (Fast et  al. 2020). The information
SARS-CoV-2 may also use a similar mechanism about the association between HLA allele and
to reduce the presentation of viral antigens. COVID-19 can lead to the production of diagnos-
Studies show that the N protein of SARS-CoV tic kits and effective vaccination among the
interacts with the HLA-A*2402 molecule groove human population (Shi et al. 2020).
(Liu et  al. 2010). SARS-CoV-2 antigens are,
however, more likely to be presented with MHC-I
molecules. 9.4 Epitope Spreading
Previous studies have shown the association and Molecular Immune
between HLA alleles and susceptibility to Mimicry
COVID-19. The presence of HLA-B*46:01 allele
is associated with vulnerability and severe infec- The concept of epitope spreading refers to the
tion of COVID-19, whereas HLA-B*15:03 allele release of new antigens as a result of tissue dam-
may provide antiviral immunity due to its high age or alteration in self-proteins. New antigens
ability to presenting SARS-CoV-2 peptides. activate lymphocytes and antibody responses
Also, HLA-A*02:02 and HLA-C*12:03 alleles with different specificities. Repetition of this
function as presenter of SARS-CoV-2 conserved cycle causes more tissue damage and the target-
peptides. In contrast, the HLA-A*25: 01 and ing of new epitopes by the autoreactive lympho-
HLA-C*01: 02 alleles are less likely to present cytes (Rosenblum et al. 2015). Epitope spreading
SARS-CoV-2 epitopes (Nguyen et  al. 2020). is one of the mechanisms of infection-induced
Research has shown the association between autoimmunity (Vanderlugt and Miller 2002).
HLA-B*46:01 alleles and the severity of SARS The relationship between epitope spreading
infection (Tseng et  al. 2003). The presence of and COVID-19 is not obvious. The role of viruses
HLA-CW*1502 and HLA-DR*0301 alleles in in autoimmune diseases has been well demon-
people infected with SARS infection is associ- strated. For example, coronaviruses have been
ated with resistance to infection (Wang et  al. associated with the incidence or recurrence of
2011). HLA-B*0703 and HLA-B60 alleles may multiple sclerosis (MS) (Boucher et  al. 2007).
play a role in vulnerability to SARS infection The proposed mechanism is epitope spreading
(Ng et al. 2004). These findings may be true in (Vanderlugt and Miller 2002).
the case of COVID-19, too. Briefly, in epitope spreading, a persistent
Identifying potential T-cell epitopes will help source of viral infection activates the virus-­
scientists for suitable vaccine design. In order to specific T helper 1 (TH1) cells. The release of
identify the COVID-19  T-cell epitopes, a study inflammatory cytokines by these cells triggers
using computational tools and machine learning macrophage recruitment and tissue damage,
has predicted presentable viral peptides for which in turn leads to the release of self-antigens.
MHC-I and MHC-II. In this study, 405 viral pep- The self-antigens are processed by APCs and
tides were identified. One of the findings was that primed to self-reactive TH1 cells. Continuous
HLA-C alleles present the majority of COVID-­19 damage and further release of self-peptides cause
antigens. However, antigens are presented with the expansion of self-reactive immune responses
HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-DR as well. When a (Vanderlugt and Miller 2002).
T-cell epitope with more than one-third of the An accurate understanding of the mechanisms
common HLA alleles among the Chinese popula- of COVID-19 immunopathology may reveal the
tion is present, it can be considered a potential association between autoimmunity as a result of
epitope as well as a suitable candidate for vaccine epitope spreading and COVID-19. The lung is
design. S protein, in terms of presentation and one of the organs most affected by COVID-19.
154 M. Akbarpour et al.

Infection with COVID-19 is associated with thereby finding novel therapeutic and preventive
hyper-inflammation, infiltration of neutrophils approaches with minimum side effects in humans.
and macrophages, diffuse alveolar damage, hya- A study has shown molecular mimicry
line membrane formation, and inflexibility of the between SARS-CoV spike (S) proteins and
alveolar wall of the lung. Finally, these mecha- human proteins. The immunogenic and patho-
nisms cause respiratory failure (Cao 2020). genic regions of the virus spike proteins were
Furthermore, one study reported that in patients evaluated using in silico evaluation. Four patho-
with COVID-19, T lymphocytes and natural genic regions, e.g., region 1 (residues 294–259),
killer (NK) cells become exhausted as repre- region 2 (residues 658–715), region 3 (residues
sented in the increased expression of the NK 893–941), and region 4 (residues 1127–1184),
group 2 member A (NKG2A) marker on the sur- had sequence homology with hydroxy acid oxi-
face of these cells. In contrast, the expression of dase, human Golgi autoantigen, angrgm-52, and
CD107a, IL-2, IFNγ, Granzyme B, and TNFα is pallidin, respectively. Among these areas, region
decreased (Cao 2020; Zheng et al. 2020). Taken 3 had the highest homology with the human pro-
together, regarding the link between epitope tein. Also, residues 490–502
spreading and COVID-19, it is suggested that in (GYQPYRVVVLSFEE) related to S protein had
the acute phase of the disease, virus-specific TH1 sequence homology with bradykinin. Anti-­
cells are activated in the lungs, resulting in tissue synthetic peptide D07 and D08 antibodies cross-­
damage that, in turn, induces the release of self-­ reacted with A549 cellular lysate. Interestingly,
antigens and epitope spreading. Subsequently, the anti-synthetic peptide D10 antibody showed
the autoreactive immune responses are induced. cross-reactivity with bradykinin protein. The
Meanwhile, in the chronic phase of the disease, D07/D08 and D10 peptides were related to the
exhausted T and NK cells would cause immune pathogenic region 3 and the S protein, respec-
tolerance associated with anti-COVID-19 tively (Hwa et  al. 2007). The homology of the
responses. Overall, it is possible to suggest an genomic sequence between SARS-CoV-2 and
association between epitope spreading and SARS-CoV is 79.6% (Zhou et al. 2020a, b). Such
induced autoimmune disease in SARS-CoV-2 molecular mimicry might, therefore, occur with
infection. SARS-CoV-2.
The antigenic similarity between the parasite Another study reported that SARS-CoV pro-
and the host is the concept of the molecular mim- duces autoantibodies against adrenocorticotropic
icry introduced by Damian for the first time. hormone (ACTH) via molecular mimicry.
Structural similarities between the microorgan- Inhibition of ACTH impaired adrenocortical
isms and host antigens cause the failure of responses and instead increased levels of inflam-
immune tolerance and the activation of the matory cytokines (Wheatland 2004).
immune system against the host antigens. The molecular mimicry between human coro-
Therefore, molecular mimicry is considered to be navirus 229E and myelin basic protein may cause
a factor involved in the initiation of autoimmu- MS.  Probably, molecular mimicry causes FcγR
nity (Maoz-Segal and Andrade 2015). The most activity in coronaviruses S proteins. Mimicry of
obvious example of molecular mimicry is the IgG-specific Fc receptor accounts for binding
similarity of structure between the M protein of virus nonspecific IgG to the virus. The steric
Streptococcus pyogenes and the myosin of the effect resulting from this binding may help the
human heart and the resultant rheumatic heart virus to escape from the antibody-dependent cel-
disease (Ellis et  al. 2005). The similarities of lular cytotoxicity (ADCC) and neutralization by
sequence and structure between SARS-CoV-2 complements (Chew et al. 2003).
antigens and human proteins are essential in A study based on bioinformatics analysis
understanding the pathogenesis and mechanisms examined 37 SARS-CoV-2 proteins and their
of virus escape from the immune system and homology with human proteins. Eight of the 37
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 155

proteins lacked immunogenic peptides. Twelve system proteins and SARS-CoV-2 proteins. The
of the 37 proteins that were related to spike study claims that respiratory failure in COVID-
(N = 6) and nonstructural proteins (nsp) (N = 6) 19 is due to molecular mimicry between viral
had the highest number of immunogenic pep- proteins and the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-
tides. All of the proteins had at least one peptide BotC). Pre-­ BotC-­ related proteins include
similar to that of human proteins, except the Disabled homolog1 (DAB1), Apoptosis-
nucleocapsid (N) phosphoprotein. Human pep- inducing factor mitochondrial1 (AIFM1), and
tides similar to viral peptides are present in the Surfeit locus protein1 (SURF1), which structur-
brain, lung, kidney, eye, gastrointestinal tract, ally are similar to SARS-CoV-2 Hexamer pep-
lymphocyte B and plasma cell, spleen, liver, pla- tides. The QSQASS, LNEVAK, and SAAEAS
centa, testis, pituitary gland, thyroid, heart, and virus peptides are similar to DAB-1, AIFM-1,
skeletal muscle (Lyons-Weiler 2020). and SURF-1 proteins, respectively (Lucchese
Considering that immunogenic proteins of and Flöel 2020).
SARS-CoV-2 have peptides similar to human There is another hypothesis related to the
proteins, there is a possibility of autoimmunity molecular mimicry in SARS-CoV-2, which sug-
as a result of molecular mimicry. According to gests that the molecular mimicry between
these findings, SARS-CoV-2 infection and vac- RRARSVAS peptides at the S1/S2 cleavage site
cination may induce organ-specific autoimmune of the virus and human peptide related to epithe-
diseases. lial sodium channel α-subunit (ENaC-α) may be
According to Cappello’s hypothesis, diabetes a way for virus activation and entry to host cells.
and high blood pressure induce chronic stress on ACE2 receptor is an entry receptor for SARS-­
endothelial cells. As a result of stress, the abnor- CoV-­2. Proteolytic cleavage of S1/S2 by prote-
mal expression of some proteins, such as heat ases is important for activating and facilitating
shock proteins (HSPs), increases in these cells. In virus entry into the cell. The S1 subunit interacts
this condition, the cells and tissues undergo with the ACE2 receptor, while the cleavage of
molecular mimicry. In this way, the anti-SARS-­ S2 by the host proteases is necessary for the
CoV-2 antibody may cross-react with the abnor- virus entry into cell and fusion of the virus-host
mally expressed proteins (Cappello 2020). This cell membranes. Furin protease is involved in
hypothesis can be explained by the fact that in a the activation of ENaC-α via cutting the peptide
bacterial infection, T lymphocyte responses and bond between the residues of the arginine and
antibodies against bacterial HSPs occur. serine amino acids. The presence of the
Interestingly, these responses may cross-react RRARSVAS sequence in SARS-CoV-2 has
with self-HSPs and cause autoimmunity via been identified by bioinformatics analysis.
molecular mimicry (Rajaiah and Moudgil 2009). However, this sequence does not exist in SARS-
Viruses that lack HSP, including the SARS-­ CoV. S1/S2 site is activated proteolytically like
CoV-­2, may mediate molecular mimicry-induced ENaC-α. Interestingly, ENaC-α expression
autoimmune diseases in individuals with a his- occurs in cells such as nasal epithelial cells,
tory of a bacterial infection. type 2 lung alveolar cells, and colonic entero-
A growing body of evidence suggests that the cytes. These cells are involved in the pathophys-
number of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in patients iology of COVID-19 (Anand et  al. 2020).
with COVID-19 is decreased. Cytokine storm, Therefore, SARS-CoV-2 might exploit the
autoimmune diseases, and unregulated inflam- human protease network for proteolytic activa-
matory responses result from reduced regula- tion and interaction with the ACE2 receptor via
tory T-cell number in patients with COVID-19 molecular mimicry. Therefore, the use of prote-
(Qin et  al. 2020). Recently, a study reported ase inhibitors may be considered as a therapeu-
molecular mimicry between human nervous tic approach in COVID-19.
156 M. Akbarpour et al.

9.5 Antigen Epitopes It has been reported that the structural proteins
and Immunodominant of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV are genetically
Epitopes similar. The amount of similarity for E, M, N,
and S proteins is estimated to be about 94.7%,
The genetic analysis ranks SARS-CoV-2 with the 90.1%, 90.6%, and 76.0%, respectively. Given
highest closeness to two bat-derived SARS-like the lack of mutations, SARS-CoV-related lym-
coronaviruses called BAT-SL-COVZC 45 and phocyte B and T epitopes are similar to those of
Bat-SL-COVZXC 21 (about 88% identity). The SARS-CoV-2, about 23% and 16%, respectively
genetic identity of SARS-CoV-2 with SARS-­ (Ahmed et al. 2020).
CoV and MERS-CoV was about 79% and 50%, One study reported that CR3022, a specific
respectively. Phylogenetic analysis has displayed human SARS-CoV antibody, could bind to
that SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the subgenus SARS-CoV-2 RBD.  Probably a high similarity
Sarbecovirus of the genus Betacoronavirus. between RBD epitopes of SARS-CoV and
According to homology models, SARS-­ SARS-CoV-2 has caused cross-reaction (Tian
CoV-­2 and SARS-CoV have a similar receptor-­ et al. 2020). Another study shows that RBDs of
binding domain (RBD) to bind the same receptor. SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV have a highly con-
Some differences exist yet (Lu et al. 2020). The served cryptic epitope, which causes cross-­
RBD of SARS-CoV on S protein is crucial for reaction via the CR3022 (Yuan et al. 2020). Other
interaction with the ACE2 receptor and virus SARS-CoV neutralizing antibodies, such as
entry into host cells (Li et  al. 2003, 2005). M396 and CR3014, failed to bind to the SARS-­
Interestingly, ACE2 receptor tissue distribution is CoV-­2 spike protein (Tian et al. 2020). Because
consistent with possible routes of entry for the the recognized RBD epitope by the CR3022 and
SARS-CoV (Hamming et al. 2004). Convergent the ACE2 receptor does not overlap, the CR3022
evolution between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 antibody did not compete with the ACE2 receptor
RBDs has been proven through structural analy- for binding to the SARS-CoV-2 RBD epitope
sis. The majority of residues in RBDs are highly (Yuan et al. 2020). However, SARS-CoV-2 could
conserved and have similar side chain properties not be neutralized by this antibody (Vabret et al.
(Shang et  al. 2020). There are 380 amino acid 2020; Yuan et al. 2020). Other SARS-CoV neu-
substitutions between protein sequences of tralizing antibodies compete with the ACE2
SARS-CoV-2 and corresponding sequences of receptor (Berry et al. 2004; Sui et al. 2004; van
SARS-like CoVs. In comparison with SARS-­ den Brink et al. 2005; Prabakaran et al. 2006; ter
CoV-­ 2, SARS-CoV has the protein 8a. Meulen et al. 2006). The m396, S230.15, S109.8,
Furthermore, the protein 8b is 121 amino acids in S227.14, S230.15, 80R, CR3022, CR3014,
length in SARS-CoV-2 but is shorter in SARS-­ 33G4, 35B5, and 30F9 monoclonal antibodies
CoV, with 84 amino acids. The protein 3b con- block the interaction between RBD and cellular
tains 22 amino acids in SARS-CoV-2, whereas it ACE2 receptor by recognizing epitopes on
is 154 amino acids in SARS-CoV (Wu et  al. SARS-CoV RBD (Jiang et al. 2020). Considering
2020). Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) or cluster the similarity of RBD antigen between SARS-­
of differentiation 26 (CD26) mediates MERS-­ CoV-­2 and SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV neutralizing
COV entry into cells host (Lu et  al. 2013). For antibodies can be considered as a treatment and
this reason, a hypothesis has been proposed that prevention of SARS-CoV-2.
CD26 inhibition may prevent the progression of Peptide sequences called mimotope, which
SARS-CoV-2 infection (Chen et al. 2020; Strollo mimic carbohydrate, lipid, or protein antigens,
and Pozzilli 2020; Li et al. 2020a, b). Recently, induce both humoral and cellular immune
an in silico study has shown that glutamic acid responses (Hung and Yu 2019). Recent evidence
insertion in the position of 484 of SARS-CoV-2 S reveals that IgM mimotope heptapeptides are
protein is essential for the interaction between identical to peptides of SARS-CoV-2. AQTGIAV
CD26 and S protein (Li et al. 2020a, b). and TKGPHEF epitopes are conserved among
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 157

SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 (Shivarov et  al. Additionally, 36 HLA-Class I and 10 HLA-Class
2020). SARS-CoV-correlated TTSTALG epitope II epitopes were common between MERS-CoV
is part of CD4+ T-cell epitope, which is presented and SARS-CoV-2 (Kiyotani et  al. 2020). It has
in the context of HLA-DRB1*04:01 (Yang et al. been shown that epitope sequences for bat
2009). VKGDDVR epitope is part of the immuno- RaTG13 coronavirus and SARS-CoV have a
dominant sites of the SARS-CoV S protein (He 100% sequence identity with SARS-CoV-2 epit-
et al. 2004). Spike-related TTLDSKT mimotope opes (Tilocca et al. 2020). Similarly, bat RaTG13
is specific for SARS-CoV-2, and it may be a puta- coronavirus and SARS-CoV-2 use the human
tive immunodominant peptide inducing an ACE2 receptor for cell entry (Shang et al. 2020).
immune response (Shivarov et  al. 2020). It has Another study found that 29 out of 34 SARS-­
now been demonstrated that of ten dominant CoV-­2 epitopes are unique, and 5 epitopes are
SARS-CoV B-cell epitope regions, six regions shared between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-­
had a high percent identity (≥ 90%) with those of CoV. RBD of SARS-CoV-2 contained seven epi-
S A R S - C o V - 2 . topes, and notably, one of them was homologous
888FGAGAALQIPFAMQMAYRFNGIG909 with SARS-CoV. In this study, according to epit-
B-cell immunodominant epitope, which is related ope score and surface accessibility parameters,
to surface glycoprotein, had a 100% identity there were 11 antibody epitopes ranked with high
between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. Besides, scores for SARS-CoV-2. One epitope
of 45 dominant SARS-CoV T-cell epitope (KYFKNHTSP) belonged to a conserved region
regions, 14 regions had a 100% identity between but is located outside RBD. In contrast, AWNRKR
SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. These epitopes and PKKS sequences occurred inside
are associated with surface glycoprotein, mem- RBD. Finally, this study suggested that most of
brane protein, and nucleocapsid phosphoprotein the antibodies against the SARS-CoV spike pro-
(Grifoni et  al. 2020). It has been demonstrated tein do not become capable of neutralizing
that the S protein-specific CD4+ T cells are pres- SARS-CoV-2 because of novel B-cell epitopes
ent in 83% of patients with COVID-19 (Braun on the surface of SARS-CoV-2 (Zheng and Song
et al. 2020). The S protein of SARS-CoV-2 also 2020).
induces S protein-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T The identity and similarity of the surface gly-
cells, and it is an immunodominant epitope can- coprotein of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV are
didate for the vaccine (Weiskopf et  al. 2020). estimated to be about 76.3% and 87.3%, respec-
Unlike the main protease, there were antibody tively. SARS-CoV-2-correlated VVNQNAQAL
responses against the N protein and spike CTL epitope has a 100% identity with SARS-­
RBD.  Furthermore, spike RBD induces SARS-­ CoV (Baruah and Bose 2020). There is a highly
CoV-­ 2-specific T-cell responses (Dong et  al. similar peptide sequence in RBD of spike pro-
2020). Unlike memory B-cell responses, memory tein, which mediates binding to the human ACE2
T-cell responses against SARS-CoV S protein receptor between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV
last 6 years after infection in convalescent SARS-­ (Qiu et al. 2020). A study has indexed 933 SARS-­
CoV patients (Tang et al. 2011). Recently, it has CoV-­2 epitopes, which are absent in the Homo
been shown that COVID-19 convalescent indi- sapiens proteome. It explains that these are for-
viduals have RBD-specific antibodies with potent eign epitopes that cause the immune system to
antiviral activity (Robbiani et al. 2020). respond and can be considered as potential candi-
Kazuma Kiyotani et  al. used bioinformatics dates for vaccine design against the virus
analysis for screening potential T-cell epitopes (Lucchese 2020). A growing body of evidence
for the SARS-CoV-2. 2013 and 1399 T-cell epit- reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 furin cleavage site
opes were identified for HLA Class I and II, is different from other coronaviruses. Sequence
respectively. These results highlighted that 781 alignment has shown the insertion of four new
HLA Class I and 418 HLA Class II epitopes were amino acid residues (PRRA) into SARS-CoV-2 S
common between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. protein at 681–684 positions. This sequence did
158 M. Akbarpour et al.

not exist in the prior coronaviruses (Coutard et al. genus, these mechanisms might resemble those
2020; Hoffmann et al. 2020a, b; Walls et al. 2020; of SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV. Most evasion
Wang et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020a, b; Kim et al. mechanisms depend on the blockade of innate
2020a, b). PRRA-based vaccine design may be immunity and, in particular, preventing induc-
considered as an avenue for SARS-CoV-2 tion and signaling of type I IFNs as well as the
treatment. ways to increase IFN resistance (Kindler et al.
According to central dogma theory, DNA is 2016). All coronaviruses induce low levels of
transcribed to mRNA, and mRNA is translated to IFNs in most cell types (Menachery et al. 2014).
protein (Li and Xie 2011). A recent study has Loading of viral double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)
delineated the SARS-CoV-2 transcriptome and inside binary membrane vesicles is the most
epitranscriptome map. Results indicate that there important mechanism that prevents viral anti-
are 41 potential RNA modification sites with an gen from being recognized by innate endosomal
AAGAA motif in SARS-CoV-2 RNA.  RNA receptors (Knoops et al. 2008; Van Hemert et al.
modification may contribute to viral survival and 2008). Similar to large RNA viruses, coronavi-
escape from host immune responses (Kim et al. ruses have sufficient genetic space for encoding
2020a, b). RNA modification also suppresses several proteins to interfere with innate immune
innate immune responses (Karikó et al. 2005). It signaling pathways to escape the host responses.
seems that SARS-CoV-2 has changed its epitopes Coronaviruses encode a protease accomplished
and thereby promoted evolution via RNA modifi- to block the ubiquitination of key signaling mol-
cation and, consequently, virus evasion from the ecules to stop the induction of IFNs. SARS and
immune system. MERS coronaviruses encode a papain-like pro-
tease (PLpro), which is capable of preventing
IRF3 activation by deubiquitination of TRAF,
9.6  otential Immune Evasion
P TBK1, RIG-I, as well as STING (Sun et al.
Mechanisms 2012; Bailey-­Elkin et al. 2014; Chen et al. 2014;
Mielech et al. 2014). Viral proteins, such as N
Viruses have developed various mechanisms to protein, sequester IFN inducing RNA PAMPs
escape host immunity. These mechanisms include (Kopecky-­Bromberg et  al. 2007; Lu et  al.
the following: i, interfering with recognition by 2011). M protein obstructs the establishment
CD8+ T cells by limiting the antigen processing of the TRAF3/TBK1 complex (Siu et al. 2009).
and presentation through blocking transporter Besides, M protein inhibits activation of the
associated with antigen processing (TAP) and interferon-stimulated response element (ISRE)
deletion of MHC class I molecules from the after its stimulation with IFNs (Yang et al.
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in APCs; ii, synthe- 2013). Nsp1 interacts with host mRNA transla-
sizing homologs of cytokine receptors; iii, pro- tion and degradation, as well as the reduction
duction of immunosuppressive cytokines; and iv, in STAT1 phosphorylation (Lokugamage et al.
killing or functional impairment of immune cells 2015). The ADP-ribose-1‫״‬-monophosphatase
(Abbas et  al. 2017). RNA viruses have evolved domain of nsp3 with an unknown mechanism
mechanisms for evading immune recognition and results in IFN resistance (Kuri et al. 2011).
damping immune responses. Current observa- ORF4a interacts with the RLR cofactor PACT
tions point out that coronaviruses are specialized (Yang et al. 2013; Siu et al. 2014) and binds
to escape immune detection at the early stage of TBK1 and IKKε and thereby can inhibit ISRE
infection as they are apt to have an extended activation after stimulation with IFNs (Yang
incubation period (2–11 days) compared to influ- et al. 2013, 2015; Matthews et al. 2014). ORF6
enza virus (1–4 days) (Lessler et al. 2009). inhibits STAT1 nuclear introduction by seques-
Our current knowledge about the evasion tering karyopherinα2 to intracellular membranes
mechanisms of the novel SARS-CoV-2 is limited. (Frieman et al. 2007; Kopecky-Bromberg et al.
However, as a member of the Betacoronavirus 2007). ORF9b causes the proteasomal degra-
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 159

dation of TRAF6, TRAF3, and inhibits activa- 9.7 Humoral Immune Responses
tion of mitochondrial antiviral-­signaling protein
(MAVS), which is crucial for triggering nuclear Humoral immune responses against COVID-19
translocation of IRF3 upon the induction of cyto- are the result of B cells’ cooperation with T fol-
plasmic RNA sensors (Shi et al. 2014). Similar licular helper cells (Tay et al. 2020). The plasma
evasion mechanisms are expected for SARS- containing neutralizing antibodies from recov-
CoV-2, SARS-CoV, and MERS-CoV, but some ered individuals has been used to treat patients
differences are present, for instance. ORF6 and with severe COVID-19. With the help of a high-­
ORF3b proteins of SARS-CoV-2 are shortened scale sequential RNA sequence B-cell sequenc-
and probably lost their anti-interferon roles. This ing method in patients recovering from
difference could be a reason for the significant COVID-19, neutralizing antibodies against
sensitivity of novel coronavirus to IFNα in vitro SARS-CoV-2 were identified. These antibodies
(Lokugamage et al. 2020). are against SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein.
It has been found in an animal model study Measuring these antibodies, which are of the IgM
that delays in IFN induction contributes to the and IgG classes, is used in conjunction with the
activation of monocytes/macrophages and pro-­ RT-PCR test to diagnose the disease. Patients
inflammatory cytokines in the lungs leading to with a severe form of the disease show a high titer
vascular leakage and dampened adaptive of IgG (Long et al. 2020). It raises the antibody-­
immune responses (Channappanavar et  al. dependent enhancement (ADE) phenomenon in
2016). SARS-CoV-2 infection. The ADE phenomenon
It seems that the host immune system devel- occurs in viral infections and enhances virus
ops mechanisms to compensate for the effect of entry and causes severe inflammatory responses.
immune escape of viruses partially. Interestingly, Unfortunately, it has previously been shown that
in the condition that most cells become IFN-­ monoclonal antibodies neutralizing MERS spike
deficient after coronavirus infection, pDCs pro- protein (which binds to receptors at the human
duce high levels of IFNs in response to cell surface) enhance virus entry. Therefore, this
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV (Cervantes-­important pathological effect of anti-SARS-­
Barragan et  al. 2012; Channappanavar et  al. CoV-2 antibodies should be considered in vac-
2016). It is found by a mouse coronavirus model cine production and antibody therapy (Cao 2020).
study that TLR7 plays an important role to Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
induce IFN production by pDCs in coronavirus (ELISA) is used to assess the profile of IgM, IgG,
infections (Cervantes-Barragan et  al. 2007). and IgA in SARS-CoV-2 infection (Guo et  al.
However, at the next phase, virus-infected cells 2020). These antibodies appear 4 to 7 days after
undergo death, and PRRs sense virus particles the onset of symptoms. IgM is present until
released in the intracellular milieu. After the 12  weeks, while IgG is present for a more
development of innate immune responses and extended time, so IgG likely plays a protective
secretion of pro-­inflammatory responses, adap- role (Li et al. 2020a, b). The SARS-CoV on the
tive immune responses initiate defense against fourth day after the onset of symptoms causes
viral infection by CD4+ T cell-derived cyto- seroconversion and, in most patients, lasts up to
kines, CD8+ T cell-­mediated cytotoxicity, and 14 days. There is a specific, long-term neutraliz-
antibodies produced by B cells. In addition to ing IgG response for up to 2 years after infection.
depletion of lymphocytes during cytokine storm For MERS infection, seroconversion occurs in
due to the recruitment of innate immune cells to the second or third week after the onset of symp-
the lung and causing hyper-inflammation (Cron toms. In both types of coronavirus infection, a
and Chatham 2020), SARS-CoV-2 can also weak and delayed antibody response is associ-
evade adaptive immune responses by induction ated with severe complications and
of T-cell apoptosis (Yi et al. 2020). consequences.
160 M. Akbarpour et al.

Concerning SARS-CoV-2, studies investigat- virus and severe tissue damage (Zhang et  al.
ing serological testing are limited. In a prelimi- 2020).
nary study, peak production of specific IgM Studies on SARS and MERS show that spe-
occurred on the ninth day after the onset of the cific antiviral antibodies can be evaluated in 80 to
disease and then switched to IgG in the second 100% of patients within 2 weeks of the onset of
week. Interestingly, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibod- the disease. Currently, little is known about the
ies in sera from patients with confirmed SARS-­ anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibody responses, and more
CoV-­ 2 infection cross-reacted with research is needed on the clinical application of
SARS-CoV. Also, in vitro plaque assay showed serological tests. Serum samples of patients with
that all patients’ sera were able to neutralize COVID-19 showed no cross-reaction with the S1
SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, a humoral immune subunit of the SARS-CoV S protein. However,
response could be a successful response. Of there was some cross-reactivity of serum samples
course, the relevance of the kinetics or titer of of patients with COVID-19 to SARS-CoV N
specific antibodies to the severity of the disease antigens. All patients tested positive for virus-­
must be examined, and the production of more specific IgG approximately 17–19 days after the
and stronger neutralizing antibodies requires a onset of symptoms, and more than 90% of
stronger response of T cells (Prompetchara et al. patients showed virus-specific IgM approxi-
2020). IgM, IgA, and IgG might be detected on mately 20–20 days after the onset of symptoms.
the first day of symptom onset. However, in gen- Studies show that a subset of patients may not
eral, anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies can be evalu- develop long-term antibodies to SARS-CoV-2. It
ated in the acute phase of the disease on the fifth remains to be addressed whether these patients
day (Guo et al. 2020). are prone to reinfection. The titer of neutralizing
IgG production and dynamics are different antibodies against SARS-CoV-2  in discharged
between male and female patients because IgG and convalescent patients is closely related to the
production is more robust in women in the early number of N protein-specific T cells. The pres-
stages and at the onset of the disease. Moreover, ence of specific antibodies against RBD of S pro-
in the severe stage of the disease, the anti-SARS-­ tein of SARS-CoV-2 is an important factor for
CoV-2 IgG titer is higher in women. Therefore, neutralizing the SARS-CoV-2  in convalescent
the complications and outcomes of the disease patients. Anti-S-RBD IgG can be useful in the
are different between men and women  (Zeng study of the ability of serum neutralization in
et  al. 2020). The exact mechanism is not fully COVID-19 patients (Ni et al. 2020).
understood yet (Fig. 9.1). Generally, anti-SARS-CoV-2 humoral immu-
The monitoring of anti-SARS-CoV-2 anti- nity has completely dual and exciting effects,
bodies offers a good way to predict disease pro- which both increase antiviral defense and
gression. In general, anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG increase immunity and cause more virus entry
might be detectable on day 4 after the onset of and pathogenicity, so this dual effect should be
the disease, and the highest level appears in the considered in plasma therapy and vaccine discus-
fourth week, which is similar to the dynamics sion. The most important question about the
anti-SARS-CoV IgG follows. Previous studies humoral immune response to COVID-19 is pre-
have shown that in severe SARS, the humoral cisely how long the antibodies are present and
and serological immune response is more robust, how long they can protect people and why in
and the level of IgG is higher compared to mild some individuals, the antibody titer decreases
SARS. Therefore, the strong and robust immune despite the previous infection and a new infection
response against SARS-CoV-2 might reflect the occurs again. Also, if or not plasma therapy trans-
severity of the disease. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgG is mits the virus remains an open question
involved in both the defense and clearance of the (Table 9.1).
9  Potential Antiviral Immune Response Against COVID-19: Lessons Learned from SARS-CoV 161

Fig. 9.1  Proposed mechanisms of type I IFN (IFN-α, IFN, interferon; IFNAR, IFN-α/β receptor; JAK1, Janus
IFN-β) antiviral defense against SARS-CoV-2 and kinase 1; TYK2, tyrosine kinase 2; IRF9, interferon regu-
immune evasion. This effect is via the JAK-STAT signal- latory factor 9; ISRE, interferon-­stimulated response ele-
ing pathway. This pathway causes not only an antiviral ment; ISG, interferon-stimulated gene; OAS,
response but also upregulation of SARS-CoV-2 receptor 2–5-oligoadenylate synthetase; PKR, protein kinase
ACE2 (not shown). The transcription of target genes has RNA-activated; STAT1, signal transducer and activator of
been shown transcription 1; ACE2, angiotensin-­converting enzyme 2

Table 9.1  Diagnostic criteria for COVID-19

Window period Early phase Active phase End phase Early phase Previous infection Recovery
PCR + + + + − − −
IgM − + + − + − +
IgG − − + + − + +

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world with considerable impact on the economy, ing an effort to develop proper preventive and
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education, and every aspect of the individual’s the SARS-CoV-2 and more than 200 clinical tri-
daily life. Therefore, it is of the utmost impor- als of COVID-19 have been recorded in https://
tance to understand the immunopathology of dis-, it might take a long time to
ease. Although the immune system plays an examine their efficacy in  vitro and in  vivo.
essential role in fighting COVID-19, paradoxi- Altogether, better understanding the interaction
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COVID-19 and Cell Stress
Abdo A. Elfiky, Ibrahim M. Ibrahim,
Fatma G. Amin, Alaa M. Ismail,
and Wael M. Elshemey

Abstract This chapter introduces the current knowledge

about severe acute respiratory syndrome coro-
The present century will undoubtedly be navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which has caused
marked with the COVID-19 global health cri- the COVID-19 pandemic, and cell stress
sis. It is not time yet to talk about the total aimed at defining possible strategies to com-
number of deaths and hospitalizations, as they bat the COVID-19 pandemic.
are enormously growing daily. Understanding
the nature of COVID-19-induced pneumonia Keywords
is vital in order to deal with the associated
health complications. Cell stress is an estab- Cell stress · Chaperone · COVID-19 · GRP78
lished mechanism known to be associated · SARS-CoV-2 · Spike
with infection and cancer. Different proteins
crucial for cellular response to stress are
reported to be a possible target to stop the
infection and to reduce the chemo-resistance 10.1 Introduction
in cancer. Heat shock protein (HSP) families
of chaperones play an essential role in cells A novel human coronavirus, which broke up in
both in normal state and under stress. The the city of Wuhan in China last year, is the rea-
upregulation of HSP5A, also termed GRP78 son for a significant outbreak of the coronavirus
or Bip, is reported in different viral infections. disease 2019 (COVID-19), which is currently
widely spread worldwide (Elfiky 2020a; Yang
2020). Coronaviruses are common in humans
A. A. Elfiky (*) · I. M. Ibrahim · A. M. Ismail
Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo and several other vertebrates. They are known to
University, Giza, Egypt cause respiratory, enteric, hepatic, and neuro-
e-mail: logic diseases (Elfiky et  al. 2017). Human epi-
F. G. Amin demics of coronaviruses have emerged several
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria times during the past 20 years, such as the severe
University, Alexandria, Egypt acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-­
W. M. Elshemey CoV) and Middle East respiratory syndrome
Biophysics Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo coronavirus (MERS-CoV), each one leaving
University, Giza, Egypt
about 800 deaths. HKU1, OC43, 229E, and
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, Islamic NL63 are milder strains of human coronaviruses
University in Madinah, Medina, Saudi Arabia

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 169
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
170 A. A. Elfiky et al.

associated with flu-like symptoms (van den (Elfiky 2020a). Researchers are still competing
Brand et al. 2015; Hilgenfeld and Peiris 2013). to explore SARS-CoV-2 secrets to relive its
Former human coronaviruses, in comparison associated COVID-19 pneumonia (Song et  al.
with the current COVID-19 pandemic, show sev- 2018).
eral significant differences and similarities. Both Mainly, SARS-CoV-2 encodes at least four
MERS-­CoV and SARS-CoV have much higher major structural proteins: spike protein (S),
case death rates (36% and 10%, respectively). membrane protein (M), an envelope protein (E),
Although the current SARS-CoV-2 shares 79% and nucleocapsid protein (N) (Wu et  al. 2020).
of its genome with SARS-CoV, it appears to be Spike protein, which is a type I glycoprotein,
much more transmissible (de Wit et  al. 2016). protrudes from the surface of the virion and
Similar to other emerged human coronaviruses, mediates the attachment and virus entry to the
the bat is still a prospective species of origin for host cell. Spike protein has attracted consider-
SARS-CoV-2 (Li et al. 2005b; Zhou et al. 2020). able attention because of its function in receptor
However, former human coronaviruses, such as recognition (Huang et al. 2015; Belouzard et al.
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, used intermediate 2012).
hosts, such as civet cat and dromedary camel,
respectively (Cui et al. 2019). This fact suggests
that SARS-CoV-2 is probably transmitted to 10.2 SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry
humans through an intermediate host (Fig. 10.1)
The first step in coronavirus infection is the bind-
ing of the viral homo-trimeric spike protein to the
human receptors found at the membrane of the
host cell (Ismail and Elfiky 2020;  Yan et  al.
2020a). Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
(ACE2) is the primary host cell receptor for some
human coronavirus strains, including SARS-­
CoV-­ 2 (South et  al. 2020; Fang et  al. 2020).
Because the binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike gly-
coprotein and ACE2 receptor is a critical step for
virus entry, virus-receptor binding affinity is
under intensive study through different
It was reported that the angiotensin-­converting
enzyme 2 (ACE2) binds to the receptor-binding
motif in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of
the SARS-CoV spike and functions as a receptor
for SARS-CoV (Li et al. 2003, 2005a). ACE2 is
widely distributed in the heart, liver, testis, kid-
ney, intestine, and other tissues. It has the physi-
ological functions of controlling heart and kidney
function and regulating blood pressure (Anguiano
et  al. 2017). The structure of human ACE2  in
complex with a membrane protein, sodium-­
Fig. 10.1  The common reservoir (bat) and the intermedi- dependent neutral amino acid transporter
ate animal hosts (civet cat, dromedary camel, and (B0AT1), shows that ACE2 is a dimer (Yan et al.
unknown animal (snake and pangolin are suspected))
identified for the three different human coronaviruses
10  COVID-19 and Cell Stress 171

Recently, it has been found that human ACE2 10.3 Cell Stress
corroborated the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the
cells (Zhou et  al. 2020; Letko et  al. 2020). It is a stressful time! COVID-19 creates a pleth-
Moreover, the crystal structure of the SARS-­ ora of stresses from the sub-cellular level up to
CoV-­ 2 spike receptor-binding domain bound the whole globe. Cells can be exposed to a wide
with ACE2 (PDB ID: 6M0J) indicates how the range of environmental challenges that impact
receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 inter- different sub-cellular levels. Various stressors
acts with ACE2 and suggests that it is probable like xenobiotics, ionizing radiation, hypoxia,
that two trimeric spike proteins bind to an ACE2 chemical toxins, heat stress, oxidative stress, or
dimer (Lan et al. 2020). The SARS-CoV-2-ACE2 infectious agents, mainly viruses, lead to pertur-
complex includes a higher number of links, a bation in normal cellular functions and homeo-
more extensive interface area, and reduced inter- stasis (Galluzzi et al. 2018). Cells execute various
face residue fluctuations relative to SARS-­ adaptive mechanisms to cope with stress and re-­
CoV.  These findings reveal an exceptional establish homeostasis, which include heat shock
evolutionary recognition exerted by coronavi- response, unfolded protein response, and
ruses toward host recognition. Consequently, the autophagy.
versatility of cell receptor binding strategies has Cells mount to appropriate defensive response
immediate implications for therapeutic based on stress duration, cell type, and macromo-
approaches. lecular damage. If the stress exceeds the repair
The glycoprotein spike on the external sur- capacity and becomes uncontrollable, the cell
face of coronaviruses is responsible for the will turn to apoptosis or programmed cell death
attachment and entry of the virus to host cells. (Mehrbod et  al. 2019; Samali et  al. 2010). The
The receptor-binding domain (RBD) is loosely coordination between all regulatory mechanisms
attached among the virus particle; therefore, it is a decision-making for cell fate whether to
may infect multiple hosts (Raj et  al. 2013; repair the damage and restore homeostasis or
Perlman and Netland 2009). Other coronaviruses directed to cell demise.
mostly recognize aminopeptidases or carbohy- Heat shock response, in general, is a protec-
drates as a critical receptor for entry to human tive response to handle cell stimuli (e.g., heat
cells (Wang et  al. 2013). The entry mechanism shock, heavy metals, and oxidative stress) where
of a coronavirus depends upon cellular prote- cells activate the transient expression of chaper-
ases, which include human airway trypsin-like ones or heat shock proteins (HSP). The chaper-
protease (HAT), cathepsins, and transmembrane ons alleviate the heat shock damaged
protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) that split the spike consequences by refolding the unfolded or aggre-
protein and establish further penetration changes gated proteins. It confers the cells a thermotoler-
(Glowacka et al. 2011; Bertram et al. 2011). ance to gain more resistance for various lethal
Both SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 enter the factors (Samali et al. 2010; Richter et al. 2010).
host cell mainly through the ACE2 receptor One member of the heat shock protein 70
(Wan et  al. 2020). The SARS-CoV-2 primarily (HSP70) is the HSPA5, also termed glucose-­
infects lower airways and binds to ACE2 on regulated protein 78 (GRP78) or binding immu-
alveolar epithelial cells. Both viruses are vigor- noglobulin protein (Bip). It can be found in the
ous inducers of inflammatory cytokines (Vaninov lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in all
2020). The “cytokine storm” or “cytokine cas- eukaryotic cells (Ibrahim et al. 2019; Lee 2014).
cade” is the postulated mechanism for organ HSPA5 is a 654 amino acid protein that corrects
damage. The virus activates immune cells and the folding, assembles, and prevents the transport
boosts the secretion of inflammatory cytokines of misfolded proteins (Hendershot et  al. 1994;
and chemokines into pulmonary vascular endo- Haas 1991; Gething and Sambrook 1992).
thelial cells (Andersen et  al. 2020; Vaninov HSPA5 is a water-soluble protein with small
2020). groups of hydrophobic amino acid patches. These
172 A. A. Elfiky et al.

patches are responsible for their role in recogni- HSPA5 is N terminally arginylated and bound to
tion of unfolded proteins (Ting and Lee 1988). the ZZ domain of p62 allowing its polymeriza-
HSPA5 has two domains, substrate-binding tion. The complex of polymerized p62 along with
domain (SBD) at the C-terminal and ATP, or the ER transmembrane E3 ligase tripartite motif-­
nucleotide, binding domain (ABD or NTP) at the containing 13 (TRIM13) drives the ER compart-
N-terminal (Lindquist and Craig 1988). In the ment to autophagosome leading to its lysosomal
case of cell stress, such as cancer or viral infec- degradation (Cha-Molstad et  al. 2017; Ji et  al.
tion, the expression of HSPA5 is increased 2019). Thus, HSPA5 not only reliefs the ER
(Ibrahim et al. 2019). stress by initiating the UPR but also plays a criti-
Autophagy is a multistep process required for cal role in ER-phagy.
the capture and turnover of unfolded proteins or
their aggregates, organelles (e.g., endoplasmic
reticulum, mitochondria, peroxisome), and inva- 10.3.1 HSPA5 Functions in Healthy
sive pathogens (e.g., bacteria, viruses) through Versus Stressed Cells
delivering them to the lysosome to be degraded
and recycled. The clearance of unwanted materi- Typically, the function of HSPA5 is to bind to
als is governed through three main routes: macro- misfolded and unfolded proteins and start
autophagy (Feng et  al. 2014; Choi et  al. 2018), ER-associated degradation (ERAD), which is
microautophagy (Mijaljica et  al. 2011), and responsible for unfolded protein response (UPR)
chaperone-mediated autophagy (Kaushik and (Ibrahim et al. 2019; Little et al. 1994; Pfaffenbach
Cuervo 2018). and Lee 2011). It binds to unfolded proteins
Microautophagy is the destruction of cyto- through its SBD and prevents their aggregation.
plasmic materials through a direct engulfment by This process requires energy, which can be
the lysosome. During the chaperone-mediated obtained through the hydrolysis of ATP in the
autophagy, the unfolded proteins which have a NBD domain (Luo et  al. 2006). Under normal
KFERQ motif are recognized by the cytosolic cell conditions (no stress), HSPA5 is attached to
chaperone (HSPA8). Chaperone translocates the three proteins, which are protein kinase RNA-­
substrates to the lysosome via lysosomal-­ like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK),
associated membrane protein 2A (LAMP2A). On inositol-­requiring enzyme 1 alpha (IRE1α), and
the other hand, macroautophagy is the primary activating transcription factor 6 (ATF6). These
route. It begins with the sequestration of cargoes three proteins are UPR transmembrane sensors
of undesirable cellular constituents by double-­ for stress. Under stress conditions such as the
membrane vesicle of autophagosome followed accumulation of unfolded proteins in ER, HSPA5
by a subsequent fusion with the lysosome to be is released from these proteins, activating them,
degraded. The cargoes are degraded into its main which leads to a reduction in protein translation
components, e.g., sugars, nucleosides, amino and enhancement of correct folding (Ibrahim
acids, and fatty acids, and released into the cyto- et al. 2019; Pfaffenbach and Lee 2011; Sepulveda
sol to enable their recycling (Feng et  al. 2014; et al. 2018).
Choi et  al. 2018). P62 or sequestosome-1 is a A more detailed description of what happens
critical adaptor molecule that delivers cargoes to is as follows. Activation of PERK requires its
autophagosomes; it is a modulator of autophago- dimerization to gain its autophosphorylation
some biogenesis. Self-polymerization of p62 is activity. After that, it phosphorylates the alpha
essential for its binding to the cargoes. The bind- subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor
ing of its ZZ domain stimulates the polymeriza- 2 (eIF2α). That, in turn, inhibits the initiation of
tion of p62 to the N-terminal arginine of protein translation and prevents protein synthe-
arginylated substrates. For example, in the case sis, leading to a reduction in the entry of newly
of ER-phagy (autophagic degradation of the formed proteins into ER. In the case of the acti-
endoplasmic reticulum), the heat shock protein vated form of ATF6, it migrates to the Golgi
10  COVID-19 and Cell Stress 173

apparatus where its cleavage occurs. The cleaved to ER, allowing escaping of a subfraction of ER
part, then, moves to the nucleus and acts as an chaperones to the cell surface (Tsai et al. 2018).
active transcription factor leading to the upregu-
lation of protein transcription that boosts the
folding capacity of the ER, such as HSPA5 10.3.3 HSPA5 in Cancer and Viral
(Ibrahim et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2009). Infection
On the other hand, the activated form of
IRE1α has an endoribonuclease activity. It breaks HSPA5 has many roles in different cancer types.
an intron of length 26-base from the mRNA of In breast cancer, the overexpression of HSPA5
X-box binding protein 1 (XBP-1). This protein is reduces the sensitivity to gemcitabine by inhibit-
a transcriptional factor, which targets genes ing apoptosis (Xie et al. 2016). Besides, HSPA5
involved in ERAD, such as protein disulfide overexpression in ovarian carcinoma protects
isomerase (PDI), ER degradation-enhancing paclitaxel and cisplatin treatments (Zhang et  al.
α-mannosidase-like protein (EDEM), endoplas- 2015; Chen and Xu 2017). On the other hand,
mic reticulum-localized DnaJ 4 (ERdj4), p58, overexpression of HSPA5  in pancreatic ductal
and DnaJ (Wang et al. 2009). adenocarcinoma (PDAC) leads to a decrease in
patient survivability (Niu et al. 2015).
In addition to the previous roles of CS-HSPA5,
10.3.2 HSPA5 over the Cell it can also act as a receptor for some viruses (Ni
Membrane et al. 2011; Ibrahim et al. 2019).
Zika virus (ZIKV), which is a flavivirus
Under stress, HSPA5 can be found on the surface related to microcephaly, uses its envelope protein
of the cells where it can interact with a bunch of for cellular attachment. One of the receptors that
ligands or other proteins. Cell-surface HSPA5 help its entry is HSPA5 (Smit et al. 2011; Ojha
(CS-HSPA5) plays an essential role in migration, et  al. 2018; Elfiky and Ibrahim 2020). Another
invasion, apoptosis, signaling, and immunity. virus that can handle the CS-HSPA5 as its recep-
Some of the ligands that bind to CS-HSPA5 are tor is the dengue virus (DENV)
α2 macroglobulin, Isthmin, Par-4, and plasmino- (Jindadamrongwech et  al. 2004). Moreover, the
gen Kringle 5 (Ibrahim et al. 2019). The proposed Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), which is a
mechanism of GRP78 translocation from the ER neurotropic virus that causes encephalitis in
to the cell surface was described by Tsai et  al. humans with high mortality reaching 30%, can
(2018). There is a tetra-peptide, KDEL, in the use CS-HSPA5 as its receptor in addition to its
C-terminal of HSPA5 that maintains it inside the two receptors, heparan sulfate proteoglycans
ER (Munro and Pelham 1987). Under ER stress (HSPGs) and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs).
conditions, ER chaperones’ surface expression is CS-HSPA5 can bind to JEV envelope domain III
rapidly increased, while the intracellular levels (Nain et al. 2017; Chien et al. 2008; Chiou et al.
do not change. Thus, it cannot be described by 2005). The MERS-CoV is a human coronavirus
the oversaturation of KDEL receptors’ retrieval that causes severe lower respiratory tract infec-
mechanisms (Tsai et  al. 2018). SRC is a non-­ tion, with mortality reaching 36%. MERS-CoV
receptor protein-tyrosine kinase that belongs to can utilize CS-HSPA5, which promotes its entry
SRC family kinases and has many roles in cancer in the presence of its functional receptor dipepti-
cells (Yeatman 2004) and also has a function in dyl peptidase 4 (DPP4) (Chu et  al. 2018; Chan
the relocalization of ER chaperones to the cell et al. 2015). Ebola virus (EBOV) belongs to the
surface (Tsai et  al. 2018). IRE1α can activate filovirus family and has very high mortality
SRC through phosphorylation of Y419 amino reaching 90%. When the cell is under stress, the
acid (Tsai et al. 2018). Upon SRC activation, it HSPA5 is overexpressed and escapes ER reten-
triggers a signaling cascade reducing, partially, tion reaching the cell surface (Elfiky 2020b). Two
the retrograde chaperones’ trafficking from Golgi EBOV glycoproteins (GP1 and GP2) may accu-
174 A. A. Elfiky et al.

mulate in the ER and cause cell stress unfolded hydrophobic amino acid patches (Kim
(Bhattacharyya and Hope 2011). GP1 is the viral et al. 2006).
protein required for virus entry. Overexpression Since CS-HSPA5 acts as a receptor for many
of HSPA5 is reported to increase EBOV infectiv- viruses, as indicated above, it may be an excellent
ity. Recently, an in silico study provided a predic- strategy to try to decrease or inhibit the
tion of the binding site between GRP78 and GP1. CS-HSPA5 expression over the cell membrane to
This would pave the route for the design of drugs fight the infection. Many natural compounds can
to prevent this binding (Elfiky 2020b). reduce the expression of CS-HSPA5. Iridoid glu-
HSPA5 also has a role related to the viruses coside catapol, which is extracted from Radix
inside the cell. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is rehmannia, is reported to inhibit the expression
reported as the leading cause of cervical, head, of HSPA5 in human aortic endothelial cells (Hu
anal, and throat cancers. It has more than 150 et  al. 2019). An antitumor flavonoid extracted
different strains with HPV16 as the most com- from Sophora flavescens Aiton named kurari-
mon cause of cervical cancer worldwide (Elfiky none decreases the expression of HSPA5  in a
2020d). One of the nonstructural proteins in non-small cell lung cancer cell line (Yang et al.
HPV16 is E6, which is reported as the element 2018). One of the most exciting HSPA5 down-
responsible for cancer cell proliferation regulators is triptolide. It is the bioactive com-
(Kaliamurthi et al. 2018). One of the host cell pound in Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, which
proteins that bind to E6 protein is HSPA5. This can decrease the expression of HSPA5 in leuke-
binding increases the E6 lifetime in vivo mia cells (Li et  al. 2016). This reduction of
because HSPA5 protects it from degradation HSPA5 by triptolide causes cell death by either
through the proteasome degradation pathway apoptosis or autophagy (Chan et  al. 2017).
(Ajiro and Zheng 2015). E6 destabilization is a Polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)
strategy to prevent cancer proliferation. An in (found in green tea) decreases the CS-HSPA5;
silico study provided a prediction of the bind- however, it increases the HSPA5 expression in
ing site between the HSPA5 and E6 protein the ER (Martinotti et al. 2018).
aiming to show the possible targeting binding
site (Elfiky 2020d).
10.4 C
 OVID-19 Inhibition by
Targeting CS-HSPA5 and/or
10.3.4 CS-HSPA5 Targeting Spike Protein

Severe side effects are accompanying the treat- As mentioned before, the spike protein is a vital
ment for cancer; therefore, searching for other viral element that aids in the attachment and virus
ways for cancer treatment is essential (Fennelly internalization to the host cell (Ha et al. 2020). A
and Schneider 1995; Alexandrescu et  al. 2005). significant amount of host cell receptors are tar-
One of the methods is to use specific ligands that gets for viruses, including the cell-surface
can bind to cancer cells only (Landon and HSPA5. Inhibiting the interaction that happens
Deutscher 2003). These ligands can be used as a between the COVID-19 spike protein and the
vehicle to transport chemotherapeutics specifi- host cell receptor HSPA5 would probably
cally to cancer cells. Three different types of decrease the rate of viral infection. Besides, a
vehicles are used to target CS-HSPA5: peptides, vaccine against the COVID-19 spike protein
monoclonal antibodies, and natural com- would inhibit viral infection. HSPA5 against
pounds  Elfiky et  al. 2020a). Pep42 is a cyclic SARS-CoV-2 spike protein docking has been
peptide of 13 amino acids (CTVALPGGYVRVC). performed using the Haddock software in four
This peptide binds specifically to CS-HSPA5. different regions of the spike (Ibrahim et  al.
Besides, it is mainly hydrophobic, supporting the 2020). Each region of the spike (predicted to be
primary role of HSPA5, which can bind to the binding site due to its hydrophobic and cyclic
10  COVID-19 and Cell Stress 175

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Clinical Manifestations
of COVID-19 11
Mahsa Eskian and Nima Rezaei

Abstract polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test of

throat swap is the gold standard of diagnosis;
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- however, several studies have reported false-­
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the third coronavirus negative results with non-ideal sensitivity.
causing an outbreak in the twenty-first cen- Because this pandemic constitutes a signifi-
tury. It is related to a contagious coronavirus cant burden on global healthcare systems and
disease (COVID-19), which its high pace of due to the high transmission rate of the virus,
spreading allowed it to lie to the whole world an accurate diagnosis algorithm is needed to
and be turned into a pandemic only a few reduce the missing case number. A compre-
months after the identification of the first case. hensive clinical examination and taking a his-
Currently, the reverse transcription-­ tory of all systems (not just limited to the
respiratory system) combined with hemato-
M. Eskian (*) logic laboratory tests and chest imaging can
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and lead to a sensitive diagnosis, severity assess-
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific ment, and RT-PCT test interpretation. This
Education and Research Network (USERN),
chapter focuses on clinical characteristics,
Tehran, Iran
hematologic laboratory, and chest imaging
Department of Radiology, Center for Evidence-Based
features in COVID-19.
Imaging, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Clinical characteristics · COVID-19 ·
e-mail: Imaging · Laboratory · SARS-CoV-2 ·
N. Rezaei (*) Symptoms
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Tehran, Iran
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
11.1 Introduction
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Coronaviruses are enveloped, positive-sense,
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, single-­stranded RNA viruses, capable of rapid
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran mutation and recombination and widely existing

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 179
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
180 M. Eskian and N. Rezaei

in nature. They are classified into alphacoronavi- patients is necessary to prevent and control this
ruses and betacoronaviruses, which both have outbreak (Zhu et al. 2020d).
their gene source from bats and are mainly pres- The reverse transcription-polymerase chain
ent in mammals such as bats, rodents, civets, and reaction (RT-PCR) for viral nucleic acid is the
humans, and gammacoronaviruses and delta- current gold standard method to detect and diag-
coronaviruses, which both have their gene source nose COVID-19. However, several studies have
from birds and mainly occur in birds (Woo et al. reported false-negative results and reduced sensi-
2005; Lau et  al. 2015). Betacoronaviruses have tivity for this test (Huang et  al. 2020a; Suzuki
proven to be highly pathogenic and contagious et al. 2020; Basiri et al. 2020a). For instance, in
pathogens, leading to respiratory, digestive, Wu et  al. study with 80 confirmed COVID-19
hepatic, and nervous system disorders (Weiss and cases, more than 10% passed 3 tests (with at least
Leibowitz 2011; Chen et al. 2020d). 1-day sampling time interval) before they got
Two of coronaviruses can cause acute respi- positive results. Therefore, if the suspected cases
ratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute respi- are excluded based on even two consecutively
ratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) negative respiratory pathogenic nucleic acid test
and Middle East respiratory syndrome corona- results, about 10% of the infected patients will be
virus (MERS-CoV), which caused two out- missed (Wu et al. 2020a). Xu et al. also reported
breaks in 2002  in China and 2012  in the that the detection of the nucleic acid of the SARS-­
Middle East, respectively. SARS-CoV-2 is the CoV-­2 was still negative in some patients on the
seventh beta-­ coronavirus known to infect sixth to the eighth day after the onset of disease
humans and cause coronavirus disease in 2019 (Xu et al. 2020b). In another study, despite nega-
(COVID-19). At the end of the year 2019, it tive nucleic acid test results, all 56 patients
was discovered in Wuhan, China, with the showed high specific IgG concentrations, sug-
potential of causing acute respiratory distress gesting SARS-CoV-2 infection (Dong et  al.
syndrome (ARDS) and transmission between 2020). It has also been reported that the SARS-­
humans (Cleary et al. 2020; Phan et al. 2020; CoV-­2 was detected by RT-PCR in the upper
Lotfi et al. 2020). respiratory tract, even after full resolution of
COVID-19 pandemic is the third outbreak of symptoms (Lescure et al. 2020).
coronavirus in the twenty-first century Studies reported the sensitivity of the RT-PCR
(Organization 2020; Jabbari et al. 2020). method on throat swab samples ranging from
In December 2019, the first case of COVID- 30% to 60% (Ai et  al. 2020). Moreover, it has
19 pneumonia was reported in Wuhan, China. been reported that the number of days between
Infection rapidly spread worldwide in almost 3 symptom onset and positive RT-PCR ranged
months, and World Health Organization from 1 to 19 days (median 14 days) (Himoto
announced COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic et al. 2020), which can be due to the testing errors
and a public health emergency of international or sample collection method of throat swap
concern with a total of 63,965,092 confirmed (Dong et  al. 2020). COVID-19 targets human
cases and 1,488,120 total death worldwide as of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
Dec 3, 2020 (Hick and Biddinger 2020; Lotfi and (Sharifkashani et  al. 2020; Ahmadi et  al. 2020)
Rezaei 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; and infects intrapulmonary epithelial cells more
Organization 2020). than cells of the upper airways, which may be the
Currently, the source and pathogenesis of the reason for the false-negative results of throat
COVID-19 remain unclear, and there are no uni- swab specimens for RT-PCR assays
form diagnostic and treatment standards. (Veeramachaneni et al. 2020).
Unfortunately, in certain patients, the disease Therefore, non-ideal sensitivity and specific-
progresses rapidly, and respiratory failure can ity of RT-PCR testing of the nasopharyngeal
occur within a short time, even leading to death sample, as well as the limited number of RT-PCR
(Liu et  al. 2020). Thus, early identification of kits, call for the necessity of diagnostic algorithm
11  Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 181

Table 11.1  Systems involved by COVID-19 and associ- which is longer in milder or early asymptomatic
ated clinical findings
cases and shorter in severe or rapidly progressive
System or test Common findings cases (Guan et al. 2020; Tian et al. 2020).
General Fatigue, fever, chills, headache, and Since the diameter of the SARS-CoV-2 is very
muscle ache
small, about 60 to 140 nanometers, it can pene-
Respiratory Dry cough, dyspnea, and chest
distress trate the lung terminal structures, including the
CNS and PNS Agnosia, anosmia, altered mental interlobular and alveolar septum. In healthy lung
status, acute cerebrovascular disease, tissue, ACE2 is mainly expressed by club cells of
epilepsy, central respiratory failure, distal bronchioles and type I and type II alveolar
enhanced tendon reflexes, and ankle
clonus epithelial cells, which are involved in preventing
GI Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, ARDS.  Cub cells secrete proteins protective
diarrhea, and abdominal pain against airway inflammation and oxidative stress,
Cardiac Acute myocardial injury, arrhythmia, and type II pneumocytes are the defender of the
and cardiac shock alveolus by synthesizing and recycling all com-
Cutaneous Petechiae, erythema, vesicles,
ponents of the surfactant (Bombardini and Picano
pustules, papulovesicular exanthem,
urticarial, maculopapular eruptions, 2020). ACE2 serves as a receptor for SARS-­
livedo, and necrosis CoV-­2, which plays a crucial role in lung injury.
Hematologic Decreased: lymphocyte count and The binding of COVID-19 spike protein to ACE2,
laboratory thrombocyte count activates the enzyme, thus activating the renin-
tests Increased: CRP, ESR, PCT, D-dimer,
prothrombin time, LDH, serum
angiotensin system to cause lung injury, which in
ferritin, AST, ALT, cardiac troponin turn may contribute to ARDS by triggering vaso-
I, CK-MB, and NT-proBNP constriction, edema, lymphocyte infiltration,
Chest CT scan Multifocal, peripheral, bilateral apoptosis, and fibrosis in the lung interstitium
ground-glass opacities and
(Kuba et  al. 2005; Rezaei 2020b; Saghazadeh
consolidation, air bronchogram sign,
crazy-paving pattern, and pleural and Rezaei 2020b).
thickening Therefore, the common symptoms of
COVID-­19 patients are consistent with the mani-
festation of lower respiratory tract infections. By
for patients with suspected COVID-19 pneumo- contrast, upper respiratory tract symptoms are
nia. Effective triage and early detection of less common in these patients. General symp-
COVID-19 are also essential for disease control, toms of viral infection and pneumonia happen in
isolation, psychological reassurance for patients, the vast majority of COVID-19-infected patients,
and effective treatment. The combining of clini- including fever, fatigue, cough (mostly without
cal, laboratory, and imaging findings is necessary sputum), also chills, dyspnea, nausea, headache,
to assist clinicians anywhere in the globe in sus- anorexia, and muscle ache. On the other hand,
pecting the possibility of COVID-19, pretest upper respiratory tract signs and symptoms,
probability assessment, and accurate interpreta- including rhinorrhea, sneezing, or sore throat,
tion of diagnostic testing. We have tried to have been rarely reported in COVID-19 cases
address this algorithm in this chapter (Table 11.1). (Zheng et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020d; Tian et al.
2020; Zhang et  al. 2020b). In a meta-analysis,
including 50,466 patients with COVID-19, fever
11.2 Respiratory Manifestations incidence was 89.1%, 72.2% had a cough, and
and Constitutional the incidence of muscle soreness or fatigue was
Symptoms 42.5% (Sun et al. 2020). In another meta-analysis
of Overall, 31 articles and 46,959 patients,
As reported, patients with COVID-19 develop including 10 English articles and 21 Chinese arti-
clinical symptoms after an incubation period cles, the most common clinical manifestations
ranging from 1 to 14 days, mostly 4 to 7 days were fever (87.3%), cough (58.1%), dyspnea
182 M. Eskian and N. Rezaei

(38.3%), muscle soreness or fatigue (35.5%), and patients (Mao et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et  al.
chest distress (31.2%) (Cao et al. 2020). In other 2020b; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki
metal analysis studies of COVID-19 cases, the et  al. 2020). Although the most common brain
same symptoms have been reported as the most imaging abnormalities reported in COVID-19
common symptoms of COVID-19 pneumonia cases were leptomeningeal enhancement and
(Zhu et  al. 2020b; Li et  al. 2020b; Rodriguez-­ bilateral frontotemporal hypoperfusion, which
Morales et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2020a). can be due to the hypoxia (Helms et  al. 2020;
Although the initiative for COVID-19 screen- Kandemirli et  al. 2020; Ebrille et  al. 2020),
ing started from fever clinics since fever, cough, autopsy results of patients with neurological
and shortness of breath are the most emphasized symptoms confirmed COVID-19 nucleic acid
symptoms, it increases the risk of omitting those existence in the brain tissue and the brain tissue
patients with other symptoms and average body damage including hyperemesis, edema, and
temperature, mainly middle-aged and elderly degeneration (Mao et al. 2020).
patients, or cases at the first days of the infection The neurotropism of SARS-CoV-2 explains
or immunosuppressed patients (Jazieh et  al. the potential mechanism behind the neural inva-
2020; Young et  al. 2020). In a study of 1,099 sion of COVID-19 (Hamming et  al. 2004). It
laboratory-­confirmed patients, fever presentation might lie in the expression of ACE2 on nervous
increased from 43.8% on admission to 88.7% system cells, cytokine storm syndrome (Mehta
during hospitalization (Guan et  al. 2020). In et  al. 2020; Rokni et  al. 2020), microvascular
another study of 202 hospitalized patients with thrombosis, and hypoxemia. Neurological symp-
COVID-19, more than 20% of patients were afe- toms reported in a high percentage of COVID-19
brile on admission (Huang et  al. 2020b). It is patients ranging from 20% to as high as 80% in
noteworthy to mention that not all patients with severe cases admitted to the intensive care unit
COVID-19 had high temperature during their (ICU) (Kandemirli et al. 2020; Helms et al. 2020;
first visit, although they have experienced a fever- Mao et  al. 2020). Diffuse corticospinal tract
ish feeling which may be due to the use of over-­ signs, including enhanced tendon reflexes and
the-­counter antipyretic drugs (Zhu et al. 2020f). ankle clonus, have also been reported in
Afebrile cases have also been reported in SARS-­ COVID-­19 patients, which may be due to the
CoV and MERS-CoV cases (Zumla et al. 2015). existence of the SARS-CoV-2  in cerebrospinal
Thus, since afebrile patients may be missed if the fluid (Arabi et al. 2017; Helms et al. 2020).
surveillance case definition focuses on fever Severe cases of COVID-19 are more prone to
detection, it should be noted that fever is not a develop neurological symptoms (Mao et  al.
reliable symptom for the suspicion or screening 2020). Acute ischemic stroke has been reported
out the COVID-19. in young COVID-19 patients (Beyrouti et  al.
2020; Oxley et al. 2020), which may be due to the
coagulation disorder since a higher level of
11.3 C
 entral Nervous System D-dimer and large vessel occlusion also have
Manifestations been reported in such patients (Thachil et  al.
2020). Moreover, severe COVID-19 cases are
Nervous system involvement has been reported more prone to develop intracranial cytokine
in SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV cases. The storms, thus acute necrotizing encephalopathy,
SARS-CoV-2 may also enter the central nervous which is known as a complication of COVID-19
system (CNS) through the hematogenous or ret- (Li et al. 2020c). Therefore, due to the high mor-
rograde neuronal route, causing neurological tality rate of neurological injury during
symptoms including headache, altered mental COVID-­19, patients should be examined for neu-
status, anosmia, acute cerebrovascular disease, rological symptoms during the early phase of
epilepsy, and central respiratory failure, which symptoms, and patients with neurological
have been reported in studies of COVID-19 involvement should be closely monitored and
11  Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 183

also receive anticoagulant therapies in the case of in outpatient mild-to-moderate cases can give a
coagulopathy. high sensitivity up to 90% for COVID-19 diagno-
Olfactory and taste disorders have been ses (Menni et  al. 2020; Roland et  al. 2020).
reported in COVID-19 patients, even in some However, it should be noted that smell loss
patients, as the only presenting symptoms related to COVID-19 is mostly presented sud-
(Hjelmesaeth and Skaare 2020). ACE2 is also denly and in the absence of nasal obstruction and
expressing on cells in nasal and oral tissue (Xu rhinitis symptoms (Vaira et al. 2020).
et  al. 2020a; Hamming et  al. 2004; Fini 2020),
and seems to be the potential mechanism of this
finding. Although in magnetic resonance imaging 11.4 Gastrointestinal System
studies of patients with anosmia, the olfactory Manifestations
bulb was found to be normal (Galougahi et  al.
2020), but the first cranial nerve branches dys- Some patients with COVID-19 are presented
function can’t be rolled out as the potential cause with gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, including
of anosmia. Since necrotic changes was present nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea as the initial
in olfactory bulb and cranial nerve tracts of symptom (Wang et al. 2020a; Zhou et al. 2020;
COVID-19 patients (Han et al. 2020). Zhang et  al. 2020b). Even abdominal pain in
FDG-PET scan also showed redused meta- some patients was the only symptom of
bolic activity in the orbitofrontal cortex of COVID-­ 19, which may be due to pneumonia
COVID-19 patients (Karimi-­ Galougahi et  al. affecting lower lobes and/or pleural effusion
2020). Moreover, smell loss in these patisnts hap- (Dane et  al. 2020). Also in other Coronavirus
pens in the absence of mechanical nasal obstruc- infections inclusding MERS-CoV and SARS-
tion and lasts longer than common viral rhinitis CoV, GI symptoms have been reported in up to
(Akerlund et al. 1995). 30% of patients (Assiri et  al. 2013; Zhou et  al.
It seems that the virus reaches the brain 2017). GI symptoms in COVID-19 can be
through peripherally located olfactory dendrites explained by the fact that ACE2, as the receptor
within receptor cells, thus inducing central anos- of the SARS-CoV-2, is also present in the GI
mia (Brann and Firestein 2014). In transgenic tract, including epithelial cells of the tongue, oral
mice, SARS-CoV entered the brain through the cavity, esophagus, and enterocytes in the ileum
olfactory bulb since couple hours following and colon epithelium (Wan et al. 2020; Xu et al.
infection, viral antigen was detected and was 2020a).
most abundant in the regions of the brain that are In a study of 1,141 confirmed COVID-19
connected with the olfactory bulb, including piri- cases, 183 (16%) presented with just GI symp-
form and infralimbic cortices, basal ganglia, and toms (Luo et  al. 2020). In a meta-analysis of
midbrain (Baig et  al. 2020; Brann et  al. 2020). 4,243 COVID-19 patients from 6 countries, the
These findings suggest that impaired neural func- pooled prevalence of all GI symptoms was
tion due to direct neurotropism of COVID-19 is 17.6%; anorexia was the most common GI symp-
the main cause of anosmia and probably also tom (26.8%), followed by diarrhea (12.5%), nau-
agnosia (Hjelmesaeth and Skaare 2020; Karimi-­ sea/vomiting (10.2%), and abdominal pain/
Galougahi et al. 2020). discomfort (9.2%) (Cheung et al. 2020). Overall
Anosmia or agnosia has been reported mostly GI symptom presentation varies from 3% to 40%
in the mild form of COVID-19. In a study of a of COVID-19 patients (Zhu et al. 2020a; Li et al.
total of 417 mild-to-moderate COVID-19 2020b). However, recall bias may be the reason
patients, 85.6% and 88.0% of patients reported behind the relatively low percentage of GI symp-
olfactory and gustatory dysfunctions, respec- tom reporting in some studies. Moreover, most
tively (Lechien et al. 2020; Yan et al. 2020). Even studies reported hospitalized COVID-19 patients,
it has been reported that using the presence of and GI presentation may have a higher preva-
smell or taste change with fever and muscle ache lence in milder outpatient cases, since it has been
184 M. Eskian and N. Rezaei

reported that GI symptoms in COVID-19 was (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT), and more likely
associated with longer illness duration but lower to have a fever and severe pneumonia, which may
ICU admission rate and lower mortality rate be related to the severe immune response (Wang
(Nobel et al. 2020). et al. 2020a; Huang et al. 2020a; Bahrami et al.
Viral replication was seen in stool samples of 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020a; Saghazadeh and
patients with MERS-CoV infection (Zhou et al. Rezaei 2020a; Nasab et al. 2020). Liver enzymes
2017). COVID-19 virus also could be detected in need to be monitored in COVID-19 patients
the stool samples of patients during the first week regardless of the GI symptoms since liver injury
of symptoms (Young et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. was reported to be significantly higher in
2020a). In a meta-analysis of 60 studies includ- COVID-­19 patients compared to other respira-
ing 4,243 patients, up to 50% of COVID-19 tory virus infections (Jin et al. 2020; Zhao et al.
patients tested of viral RNA in stool samples 2020). Moreover, liver damage was reported to
reported positive for viral RNA (Cheung et  al. be associated with a significantly higher risk of
2020) regardless of GI symptoms or even when ICU admission and death in COVID-19 patients
the throat swap testing was negative (Qian et al. (Hajifathalian et al. 2020).
2020; Zhang et al. 2020a). In Ling et al. study, the These findings suggest that viral shedding
viral RNA could be detected in the stool of 81.8% from the intestinal tract can be a potential route
(54/66) cases with the negative results for throat for infection transmission. Thus, toilet isolation
swabs (Magrone et al. 2020). Therefore, routine and washing hands after anal hygiene should be
RT-PCR testing of stool in patients with considered to reduce fecal-oral route viral trans-
COVID-­ 19, especially those presenting with mission, especially in patients with GI symp-
digestive symptoms, is recommended since it toms. Moreover, a stool sample can be another
also seems to be a safer sample for medical staff way of diagnosis of COVID-19, especially when
compared to a throat swap sample. the throat swab results are negative despite
Moreover, it should be noted that viral pres- highly suspicious of infection or when the medi-
ence in stool samples could raise a serious con- cal stuff protection is not adequate for the throat
cern on the isolation policy for the COVID-19 swap sample. It should be noticed that an unex-
patients, particularly during the recovery phase, plained abdominal pain or GI symptoms could
since patients with GI symptoms also presented be criteria for COVID-19 testing for reducing
higher rates of familial clustering, which may be missed cases.
due to the aerosols generated from the toilet
flushing of the shared toilets (Jin et  al. 2020;
Zhou et  al. 2020). Therefore, toilet isolation 11.5 Cardiovascular System
should be implemented in households with posi- Manifestations
tive cases of COVID-19, and fecal-oral route
transmission should be considered for prevention Cardiac involvement has been reported in viral
strategies. infections such as influenza, parvovirus B-19
Patients with GI symptoms are more likely to (Fung et  al. 2016), and COVID-19 as well
present elevated liver tests, such an aspartate ami- (Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020). In COVID-19,
notransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransfer- up to 12% of patients were reported to have car-
ase (ALT), thus liver injury (Jin et al. 2020; Zhou diac injury presenting as abnormal cardiac
et al. 2020). However, it seems to be a result of enzyme level, acute myocardial injury (AMI),
systemic inflammatory response rather than a and arrhythmia-induced cardiac shock (Ebrille
direct viral invasion to liver cells since ACE2 is et al. 2020; Kir et al. 2020). In a meta-analysis,
highly expressed in bile duct cells but not liver including 50,466 patients with COVID-19,
cells (Chai et  al. 2020). Moreover, COVID-19 49.4% of the patients presented with myocardial
patients with liver damage had higher inflamma- enzyme spectrum abnormalities, which mani-
tory indexes, such as elevated C-reactive protein fested as an increase in cardiac enzymes or lac-
11  Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 185

tate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels (Zhu et  al. (de Masson et  al. 2020). In a study of 375
2020b). COVID-19 patients with cutaneous manifesta-
These findings can be explained by the fact tions, the most common ones were areas of ery-
that ACE2 is highly expressed in the heart cells thema with vesicles or pustules (pseudo-chilblain)
(Sodhi et al. 2018) and ACE2 in circulation and (19%), other vesicular eruptions (9%), urticarial
local tissues has a significant protective effect on lesions (19%), maculopapular eruptions (47%),
the cardiovascular system (Cole-Jeffrey et  al. and livedo or necrosis (6%) (Galvan Casas et al.
2015). It has been shown that ACE2 is expressing 2020).
in sinoatrial nodal cells (Ferreira et  al. 2011). Some studies have reported that laboratory or
Moreover, conduction disturbances such as ven- imaging confirmed COVID-19 cases who were
tricular fibrillation have been noted with overex- clinically asymptomatic (Dong et al. 2020; Cao
pression of ACE2 receptor in experimental mice et al. 2020; Shi et al. 2020a). The potential expla-
models (Danilczyk and Penninger 2006). AMI nation for clinically asymptomatic patients can
reported in COVID-19 patients can be a result of be the false-positive laboratory tests, especially
the accumulation of LDH, hypoxia caused by in cases who had negative imaging as well (Li
respiratory failure, or blood hypercoagulability. et al. 2020a), or the SARS-CoV-2 did not suffi-
Inflammatory markers such as CRP and PCT ciently stimulate the immune response to develop
were also reported to be higher in COVID-19 symptoms, or the clinical symptoms were not
patients with cardiac injury, suggesting cytokine significant enough for the patient to recall or seek
storm as another cause of myocardial injury (Shi medical care for them. Other explanations can be
et al. 2020c; Shi et al. 2020b). that the virus just replicated in the upper respira-
Cardiac injury has been reported as an inde- tory system and the immune response was fast
pendent risk factor for infection severity and and efficient enough to control the infection
mortality in COVID-19 (Shi et al. 2020c). Thus, before the virus reaches the other systems or
monitoring cardiac enzymes, including cardiac lower respiratory system; thus, no clinically sig-
troponin I, creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-­ nificant symptoms developed, but the throat swap
MB), and N-terminal prohormone of brain natri- test was positive.
uretic peptide (NT-proBNP), is highly Since asymptomatic cases have the ability of
recommended in severe cases of COVID-19, disease transmission, it raises concerns regarding
especially in those who have coagulopathy (Shi the medical staff primarily who work with
et al. 2020c; Shi et al. 2020b). COVID-19 non-infected cases, especially immu-
nocompromised patients. Therefore, we recom-
mend a detailed clinical symptom screening,
11.6 Other Systems especially for atypical symptoms, which are
more common in the mild form of COVID-19,
Among patients with COVID-19, ocular involve- including anosmia, agnosia, or general fatigue
ment has been reported mostly as conjunctivitis and even using imaging for screening out asymp-
and, in severe cases (Wu et al. 2020b), even has tomatic infected medical staff, especially who are
been reported as the only symptom of patients working with high-risk non-infected patients.
(Scalinci and Trovato Battagliola 2020). Chen
et al. reported that in 535 COVID-19 patients, 27
patients (5%) presented with conjunctival con- 11.7 Laboratory Findings
gestion (Chen et al. 2020c).
Reported skin manifestations of COVID-19 In addition to clinical symptoms, laboratory
include erythematous lesions, dengue-like pete- results also give us some hints in COVID-19
chiae (Joob and Wiwanitkit 2020), urticaria, and diagnosis. Since SARS-CoV-2 binds the ACE2
varicella-like papulovesicular exanthem receptor, organs that express this receptor, includ-
(Marzano et al. 2020) and chilblain-like lesions ing the myocardium, vascular endothelium, and
186 M. Eskian and N. Rezaei

liver, show involvement by the virus and thus Routine hemostasis tests, including raised
impaired biochemical results. Abnormal blood D-dimer, prothrombin time, and thrombocyte
enzymes, including counts of lymphocytes and count, can be additional useful tools for improv-
neutrophils, CRP, ESR, D-dimer, fibrinogen, ing early diagnosis and disease severity assess-
LDH, serum ferritin, ALT, and AST, have been ment, since these factors were significantly
reported in COVID-19. associated with higher ICU admission and mor-
Lymphopenia is the most common reported tality rate in COVID-19 patients (Chen et  al.
laboratory abnormality finding in COVID-19 2020a). It is well known that inflammation is
patients especially in severe cases, and the closely associated with thrombosis. Since proin-
severity of lymphocytopenia is associated with flammatory cytokines are modulators of coagu-
the severity of infection (Rodriguez-Morales lation (Vazquez-Garza et  al. 2017) and
et al. 2020; Li et al. 2020b). In a meta-analysis, coagulation is a line of defense against severe
including 50,466 patients with COVID-19, infections, hypercoagulable state happens in sev-
most patients showed normal WBC counts eral infections (Zhang et al. 2020b; Wang et al.
(64.7%) with lymphopenia (47.6%). In another 2020a). Moreover, ACE2 is expressed in arterial
meta-­ analysis of 38 studies involving 3,062 endothelial cells; SARS-CoV-2 can directly
COVID-19 patients, normal WBC count attack vascular endothelial cells and activate the
(69.7%), lymphopenia (56.5%), elevated CRP coagulation system after vascular endothelial
(73.6%), and elevated ESR (65.6%) were the injury (Bellosta et  al. 2020). Elevated von
most common laboratory findings (Zhu et  al. Willebrand factor levels reported in COVID-19
2020a). patients is another e­ vidence of endothelial injury
Noticeably, the percentages of lymphocytes in these patients (Panigada et  al. 2020).
but not absolute counts of lymphocytes were Moreover, hypoxia in severe COVID-19 cases
lower in severe patients when compared to non-­ can stimulate thrombosis through increasing
severe COVID-19 patients (Fathi and Rezaei blood viscosity and hypoxia-inducible transcrip-
2020). SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to infect tion factors (HIFS) (Gupta et al. 2019). It should
lymphocytes and destruct them, especially in be noted that hypercoagulable state in COVID-
severe cases (Zhao et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. 19 leads to excessive consumption of coagula-
2020b). Therefore, even with normal or increased tion factors and thrombocytopenia, thus
lymphocyte numbers, especially in the early disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
stage of infection, the number of lymphocytes (Levi and Ten Cate 1999). It poses COVID-19 as
decreases as the disease progresses. Critically ill a threat to patients vulnerable to thrombocytope-
patients with MERS infection also presented nia (Sahu et al. 2020).
with lymphocytopenia (He et  al. 2005). Rising Secondary to the coagulopathy, microthrom-
neutrophil count related to cytokine storm bosis and microcirculation disorder happen,
induced by viral invasion and a falling lympho- which lead to deep venous thrombosis, limb isch-
cyte count causes an increase in neutrophil-to-­ emia, intermuscular vein thrombosis, pulmonary
lymphocyte ratio in patients with COVID-19, embolism, myocardial injury, and cerebrovascu-
especially in the severe cases (Zheng et al. 2020). lar events, which have been reported in COVID-­19
Moreover, lower lymphocytes and higher neutro- patients with coagulopathies (Ji et  al. 2020;
phil count were significantly associated with ICU Goyal et al. 2020). Autopsy results also showed
admission and mortality rate in COVID-19 (Chen that SARS-CoV-2 could cause multiple organ
et al. 2020b). Therefore neutrophil-to-­lymphocyte thrombosis events (Wichmann et  al. 2020).
ratio, which is also a well-known marker of sys- Therefore, routine monitoring of hemostasis tests
temic inflammation in other infections, can be can be a useful tool for early establishing antico-
used in diagnosis and prognosis prediction in agulant treatments, thus preventing thrombotic
COVID-19. events and death.
11  Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 187

11.8 Imaging Findings multilobe involvement is more common (Zhu

et al. 2020e).
Besides the clinical signs and symptoms and lab- As COVID-19 infection progresses, the chest
oratory findings, imaging is another way of diag- CT manifestations change as well, which helps
nosis and severity assessment of COVID-19. the differential diagnosis and evaluation of the
Based on studies reporting chest imaging in progression. The median time interval between
COVID-19 patients, the density of the lung symptom onset and imaging finding is 7 days
lesions in viral types of pneumonia, including (Yang et al. 2020; Li et al. 2020a), which is not
COVID-19 infection, is not specific or predomi- significantly different between the elderly group
nant enough to be diagnosed by conventional and the young group (Zhu et al. 2020e). The halo
radiographs. Therefore, chest computed sign appears in early stage and then rapidly
tomography(CT) examination is recommended changed into GGO within a few days due to the
for diagnosis and follow-up of the COVID-19 invasion of the pulmonary interstitium; thus, dur-
patients, especially in screening outpatients with ing the first week, GGO is the main radiological
a highly suspected disease with typical clinical demonstration. It should be noted that false-­
manifestations but initial negative RT-PCR test or positive imaging may happen at this time. During
in patients who may not develop the typical the second week, as the disease progresses,
symptoms such as immunosuppressed or onco- ground-glass opacities transform into multifocal
logic patients (Zhang et  al. 2020c; Cao et  al. consolidation and increase in size and number
2020). The sensitivity of chest CT scan in (peaked around days 6 to 11). Therefore, fewer
COVID-19 suspected cases has been reported to GGO lesions and more consolidation ­involvement
increase over time after symptom onset up to are likely an indicator of disease progression.
97% (Wang et al. 2020c; Ai et al. 2020). Crazy-paving patterns, septal thickening, and
The chest CT scan findings of COVID-19 residual parenchymal bands are other findings of
pneumonia reflect a typical lung injury of viral the second week. After 14 days in mild-­ to-­
pneumonia, which is mostly characterized by moderate recovered patients, the consolidation is
multifocal, peripheral, bilateral, lower lung gradually absorbed, and no crazy-paving pattern
ground-glass opacities (GGO) and consolidation is present anymore; thus in this stage, extensive
(Salehi et  al. 2020; Wang et  al. 2020a; Zhang GGO could be observed again as the demonstra-
et al. 2020b). In a meta-analysis of 4,121 patients tion of the consolidation absorption. This absorp-
with COVID-19, the most common CT scan find- tion stage can be continued beyond 26 days (Pan
ings were ground-glass opacities (68.1%), air et al. 2020; Salehi et al. 2020).
bronchogram sign (44.7%), crazy-paving pattern A normal chest CT scan cannot exclude the
(35.6%), consolidation (32.0%), and pleural diagnosis of COVID-19. In Yang et al. study of
thickening (27.1%) (Zhu et  al. 2020c). 149 confirmed COVID-19 patients, 11.4% had
Lymphadenopathy, pleural effusion, pericardial normal chest CT on admission, and 8% remained
effusion, cavitation, halo sign, and pneumothorax negative 10 days later (Yang et  al. 2020). In
are some of the uncommon but possible findings another study of 877 COVID-19 patients, no
associated with poor prognosis in COVID-19 radiographic or CT abnormality was found in 157
patients (Zhu et  al. 2020c; Qin et  al. 2020). (17.9%) with non-severe cases and in 5 (2.9%) of
Peripheral lung involvement is a common finding severe patients (Guan et al. 2020).
in COVID-19 chest imaging, which can be due to Therefore, scattered ground-glass opacities
the SARS-CoV-2 tendency to affect the terminal and consolidations, especially in the periphery
bronchioles and lung parenchyma around them of the lungs, are the main chest CT scan feature
(Nie et al. 2020). However, it should be noted that of COVID-19, which can be used for diagnosis
coronavirus pneumonia cannot be excluded and progression follow-up of COVID-19.
according to single-lobe involvement on CT, but However, a CT scan is unlikely a reliable stand-
188 M. Eskian and N. Rezaei

alone tool to rule out COVID-19; thus in screen- mentation rate (ESR), PCT, LDH), and abnormal
ing patients, clinical manifestations, laboratory blood coagulation function are associated with
examination, exposure history, RT-PCR test, and severe COVID-19 (Zhu et  al. 2020b; Liu et  al.
chest imaging should be combined for compre- 2020). Increased LDH levels also have been
hensive analysis. reported as an independent risk factor for devel-
oping severe or critical COVID-19 (Jin et  al.
2020). LDH is also known as the independent
11.9 Disease Course and Severity risk factor for developing ARDS (Yu et al. 2020).
Spectrum Moreover, organ failure is one of the common
and serious complications of severe COVID-19,
COVID-19 shows a biphasic pattern in non-­ and thus high ALS, AST, and creatinine indicate
severe cases. The first phase is characterized by organ damage and poor prognosis (Zhang et al.
fever, cough, fatigue, and other systemic and 2020d). Thus, assessment of clinical symptoms
respiratory symptoms. During this phase, which and laboratory abnormalities can be used to early
usually lasts for 7 days since starting symptoms, identification of high risk patients who might
the disease progresses due to the uncontrolled become critically ill later and need close observa-
viral replication; thus, the majority of the patients tion, hospitalization, or more aggressive
show positive results for upper respiratory speci- treatments.
mens. The second phase is usually during the sec-
ond week when, in mild cases, symptoms,
including fever, mostly begin to relieve and imag- 11.10 Conclusion
ing features start to resolve (Chen et al. 2020b).
However, severe or hospitalized cases show per- COVID-19 pandemic is the most lethal outbreak
sistent fever and disease progression with wors- of coronavirus in the twenty-first century, and its
ening radiologic imaging during the second rapid spread has surpassed both MERS and
phase (Chen et  al. 2020b; Lescure et  al. 2020). SARS in the number of confirmed cases and mor-
Therefore, whether the COVID-19 is going to tality. Based on the high chance of person-to-­
progress to a critical situation or not is an issue of person transmission, early and accurate diagnosis
the first few days of symptoms; thus, we suggest of patients can lead to more efficient isolation;
more attention to the disease progression at an thus, it is necessary to prevent and control the
early stage, rather than neglecting the mild spread of the pandemic. Moreover, an efficient
illness. diagnosis and screening tool leads to a reliable
Prognosis of COVID-19 infeciton can be screening out, thus decreasing the medical and
determined considering degree of fever (mostly > psychological burden of a high number of sus-
38°C) as an indicator of severe inflammatory ceptible cases, including the older adults, health-
cytokine secretion, respiration rate, chest pain as care providers (Rezaei 2020a; Moazzami et  al.
the result of inflammation of pleura, progressive 2020), pregnant women (Mirbeyk and Rezaei
hypoxemia, dyspnea as the result of severe dam- 2020), and individuals having specific genetic
age to alveoli lung invasion and abdominal pain profiles (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020;
as an indicator of viral replication in the gut; Ahanchian et  al. 2020; Darbeheshti and Rezaei
which all are associated with more severe or criti- 2020; Babaha and Rezaei 2020).
cal COVID-19 infection (Henry et al. 2020). Based on this chapter, the diagnosis of
Laboratory abnormalities can serve as prog- COVID-19 cannot be made by relying on only
nostic factors for COVID-19. In particular, one tool or criteria. A combination of exposure
decreased lymphocyte count (Wang et al. 2020b; history, clinical features, throat or stool sample
Zheng et  al. 2020), increased white blood cell RT-PCR testing, laboratory, and imaging findings
(WBC) count (Deng et  al. 2020), increased is necessary to improve the accuracy of the diag-
inflammatory markers (CRP, erythrocyte sedi- nosis of infection and re-infection with
11  Clinical Manifestations of COVID-19 189

COVID-­19 (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020). Moreover, Fowler RA (2017) Middle East respiratory syn-
drome. N Engl J Med 376(6):584–594. https://doi.
the clinical examination should not be restricted org/10.1056/NEJMsr1408795
to the respiratory system, and attention should Assiri A, Al-Tawfiq JA, Al-Rabeeah AA, Al-Rabiah FA,
also be paid to other systems including GI, car- Al-Hajjar S, Al-Barrak A, Flemban H, Al-Nassir WN,
diac, and peripheral and central nervous system Balkhy HH, Al-Hakeem RF, Makhdoom HQ, Zumla
AI, Memish ZA (2013) Epidemiological, demo-
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Adv 3(11):eaao4966.­6736(15)60454-­8
Pediatrics and COVID-19
Tuna Toptan, Sandra Ciesek, and Sebastian Hoehl

Abstract 12.1 Introduction

Viral respiratory tract infections are prevalent Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
in children. They have substantial effects on (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes coronavirus
childhood morbidity throughout the world, disease 2019 (COVID-19), is a single-stranded,
especially in developing countries. In this enveloped RNA virus primarily affecting the
chapter, we describe the preliminary charac- respiratory tract. Older adults with underlying
teristics of pediatric COVID-19 and discover medical conditions are disproportionately prone
that severe and critical disease in children is to severe disease. Children have a low risk of
rare. Many children remain asymptomatic. severe disease.
The reason why severity increases with pro- In children under 5  years of age, however,
gressing age and largely spares children is not other respiratory infections are among the lead-
yet known. In the search for possible explana- ing causes of death (World Health Organization).
tions, we explore key differences between the Among them, viruses that are transmitted through
pediatric and adult immune responses to new droplets are important pathogens. Many of them
pathogens, and in host factors, such as ACE2 are enveloped RNA viruses, as is SARS-CoV-2.
abundance. Examples include human respiratory syncytial
virus (RSV), influenza viruses, and measles mor-
Keywords billivirus. RSV is considered the most critical
respiratory tract pathogen of early childhood and
ACE2 · Adolescents · Children · COVID-19 · the primary cause of bronchiolitis in children
Immunity · Pediatrics · SARS-CoV-2 younger than 1 year (Kliegman and Geme 2019).
From 1997 to 2006, 24% of all lower respiratory
tract infection hospitalizations in children
younger than 5  years of age was attributed to
RSV in the United States. Infants younger than
3 months of age have the highest rate of hospital-
ization (Stockman et al. 2012). Children are also
disproportionately affected by the influenza-­
T. Toptan · S. Ciesek · S. Hoehl (*) associated disease. Worldwide, between 28,000
Institute of Medical Virology, University Hospital and 111,500 deaths in children younger than
Frankfurt, Goethe University, 5 years of age are estimated to be attributable to
Frankfurt, Germany
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 197
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
198 T. Toptan et al.

influenza, and young children below the age of 2 Stockman et al. 2007). In 2012, the first cases of
are particularly affected. Low-to-middle-income Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)
countries bear a disproportionate amount of the emerged on the Arab Peninsula. Most cases are
global burden (Nair et  al. 2011). Children with located within Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
chronic conditions such as pulmonary or cardiac Emirates. Camels were identified as the interme-
disease, as well as neurologic, renal, and neuro- diate host, and cases were often related to expo-
muscular disorders, and other disorders, are at an sure to these animals. Pediatric MERS cases are
increased risk for severe disease (Kondrich and rare but are reported in household contacts. In a
Rosenthal 2017). In measles, children below small case series of 11 children, most were dis-
5  years of age are also at a markedly increased covered during contact investigations and were
risk for complications, including pneumonia, the asymptomatic. Only two were symptomatic; both
most common cause of death in measles (Perry had preexisting medical conditions (Memish
and Halsey 2004). et  al. 2014). In another study of 280 household
Children and adolescents are also vulnerable contacts of 26 index patients with MERS, 3 chil-
to disease by the seven human coronaviruses: dren younger than 18 years of age were among
OC43, 229E, NL63, HKU1, MERS, SARS, and the 12 probable secondary infections. All of them
SARS-CoV-2. The seasonal coronaviruses OC43, were asymptomatic (Drosten et al. 2014).
HKU1 (both betacoronavirus), 229E, and NL63 In this chapter, we will characterize the novel
(both alphacoronavirus) usually cause asymp- coronavirus disease COVID-19  in children and
tomatic or mild cold-like illness in adults and adolescents and explore the hypotheses of why
account for approximately 15% of all common children are less susceptible to severe disease.
colds. They may also cause lower respiratory
tract infections, such as bronchiolitis and pneu-
monia, and may cause exacerbations of asthma 12.2 COVID-19 in Children
and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Adolescents
(COPD) in adults. NL63 is a common cause of
croup in young children (Sung et al. 2010). In a SARS and MERS in children commonly present
study from Norway, seasonal coronaviruses, as a mild or asymptomatic disease. COVID-19
most commonly NL63, were present in 9.1% of also appears to be a mild, self-limiting disease in
all respiratory tract infections of hospitalized most children, but children of all age groups are
children, varying with the season. More than also vulnerable to severe disease. It should be
two-thirds were detected with other viruses. A noted that the total number of children with
control group also had a similar rate of 10.2% laboratory-­confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
(Heimdal et al. 2019), demonstrating that corona- might be underreported. It is reasonable to
virus infection is prevalent in children. The pan- assume that, due to the lower frequency of typical
demic caused by the betacoronavirus severe acute symptoms, they may not meet the local criteria
respiratory distress virus (SARS virus) in 2002 for testing (McCarthy 2020).
and 2003 also affected children, but the severe
disease was rare. Younger children commonly
had a mild, nonspecific illness and more com- 12.2.1 Pediatric COVID-19 Is Often
monly had coryza or gastrointestinal symptoms Asymptomatic, and Severe
than adults. No deaths or cases of acute ­respiratory Disease Is Rare
distress syndrome occurred in children with
SARS younger than 12 years of age. Respiratory The literature on pediatric COVID-19 is only
distress and hypoxemia were observed in 10–20% beginning to evolve, and many aspects are still
of all patients, the case fatality rate in adults was poorly understood. The data that is available
10–17%, and it was highest in those older than today stems mainly from outbreaks in regions
65  years (>50%) (Kliegman and Geme 2019; with advanced medical systems in China, the
12  Pediatrics and COVID-19 199

United States, and Europe. The outcome and bur- lower in children than adults (5.7% and 10%,
den of COVID-19 in children in the developing respectively). Interestingly, the percentage of
world without access to advanced medical care patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection
must also be studied and considered. The charac- who exhibited symptoms was lower in the pediat-
terization of pediatric COVID-19 is far from ric group compared to the adult group for fever,
being complete. cough, shortness of breath, myalgia, sore throat,
However, from the reports available, two main headache, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, and
conclusions can already be drawn: (i) most chil- diarrhea. Only in the case of runny nose, similar
dren are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms, relative numbers were reported.
and even though children of all age groups are Pediatric deaths from COVID-19 are rare. In
susceptible, (ii) severe disease is rare (Castagnoli China, of 1023 COVID-19-related deaths, none
et al. 2020). was under the age of 10 years, and just 1 case was
A summary of 72,314 cases from the Chinese reported in the age group 10 to 19 years with a
Center for Disease Control and Prevention was case fatality rate of 0.2% in this group
published in late February 2020. Most cases (Surveillances 2020). Out of 1625 COVID-19-­
included in that study were symptomatic patients related mortalities reported from Italy, none were
with suspected or confirmed COVID-19. Children under 30  years of age (Onder et  al. 2020).
under the age of 19 made up only 2% of total Similarly, no deaths were reported in those
cases (Wu and McGoogan 2020). younger than 9  years of age among the 72,314
In a large study of more than 2135 laboratory-­ cases from China (Wu and McGoogan 2020). In
confirmed (34.1%) or suspected (65.9%) cases of a case series of 48 children admitted to North
COVID-19  in children from China, the largest American pediatric intensive care units (PICUs),
study on COVID-19 in children to date in May of the ICU mortality was less than 5% at the end of
20, over 90% had an asymptomatic, mild, or the follow-up period (Shekerdemian et al. 2020).
moderate disease. Severe disease, defined by the Due to the low numbers of children with
occurrence of hypoxia, and critical disease, severe or critical COVID-19, factors associated
defined by the occurrence of acute respiratory with an unfavorable outcome are not well stud-
distress syndrome (ARDS) or multi-organ fail- ied. In the case series from North American
ure, developed in 5.8% of these children. Children PICUs, 80% of patients had significant long-term
below the age of 1 were more likely to develop underlying medical conditions, but they were
the critical or severe disease (8.8% and 1.9%, commonly medically complex and associated
respectively) than other age groups (in compari- with developmental delay and/or genetic abnor-
son: >15  years of age, 2.7% and 0.3%, respec- malities. Other symptoms warranting PICU
tively) (Dong et al. 2020). A brief report on 171 admission included a vaso-occlusive crisis in the
children with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection setting of sickle cell anemia, diabetic ketoacido-
from Wuhan Children’s Hospital, Wuhan, China, sis, seizures, and circulatory collapse. In the
was published in March 2020 (Lu et  al. 2020). study of 171 hospitalized children from Wuhan,
Common signs and symptoms in these children China, 3 children with preexisting conditions
included fever (41.5%), cough, and pharyngeal (hydronephrosis, leukemia on maintenance che-
erythema. Diarrhea, vomiting, and rhinorrhea motherapy, and intussusception) required
were also recorded but were less frequent. In mechanical ventilation, of whom 1 child, a
total, 15.8% of children were classified as asymp- 10-month-old with intussusception and multi-­
tomatic infection, 19.3% as upper respiratory organ failure, died (Lu et al. 2020). For the four
tract infection, and 64.9% as pneumonia in this seasonal coronaviruses, OC43, NL63, HKU1,
hospitalized cohort (Lu et al. 2020). First reports and 229E, younger age, underlying pulmonary
from the United States in early April of 2020 also pathology, and immunocompromised conditions
confirmed a milder course for children with are factors associated with severe lower respira-
COVID-19. The hospitalization rate was also tory tract infection (Ogimi et al. 2019).
200 T. Toptan et al.

12.2.2 What Role Do Children Play long-term repercussions on the well-being of the
in the Spread of SARS-CoV-2? students, who themselves have a low, albeit not a
non-existing, risk of severe disease or death. A
Data on the susceptibility of children to contract higher degree of depressive symptoms in chil-
an infection with SARS-CoV-2 is contradictory. dren in a primary school in China (Xie et  al.
In current studies (May of 2020), where children 2020) is attributed to reductions in both outdoor
are rarely going to school during the pandemic, activities and social interactions. The long-­lasting
most children acquire infection through close effects of the measures implemented to curb the
contact with their parents or other family mem- pandemic on children have yet to be evaluated.
bers (Lu et al. 2020). In a study by Bi et al., data The effectiveness of school closures on the pan-
from 391 SARS-CoV-2 cases and 1286 close demic can be challenging to assess, as they are
contacts from Shenzhen, China, were examined usually applied as a package of several measures,
(Bi et  al. 2020). Children were as likely to be also including social distancing. The data that is
infected with SARS-CoV-2 as adults (infection available at this time is often of low quality (Viner
rate of 7.4% in children under 10 years of age vs. et  al. 2020). The study of contact surveys from
6.6% in the population average) (Bi et al. 2020). Wuhan and Shanghai that discovered that young
In an analysis of contact surveys from Wuhan and children were less susceptible to infection with
Shanghai, however, children aged 14 or younger SARS-CoV-2 also determined that while school
were less susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection closures by themselves cannot interrupt transmis-
than adults between 15 and 64 years of age (odds sion, they can reduce peak incidence by 40–60%
ratio 0.34 95%CI 0.24–0.49) (Zhang et  al. (Zhang et al. 2020b).
2020b). Other studies also indicate that infection
may occur less frequently in children when com-
pared to adults. In a population-based study from 12.2.3 Why Is the Case Fatality Rate
Iceland, targeted testing by PCR using oropha- Low in Children?
ryngeal or nasopharyngeal swabs were positive
in 6.7% (38 of 564) of children under the 10 years As SARS-CoV-2 has only been causing disease
of age and in 13.7% (1183 of 8635) of individu- in humans for a few months at the time of writ-
als who were 10  years of age or older ing, the distinct presentation of and host response
(Gudbjartsson et al. 2020). to COVID-19 in the elderly, adults, adolescents,
As children are often asymptomatic or paucis- children, toddlers, and newborns are not yet well
ymptomatic, it could be hypothesized that they studied. Our endeavor to highlight and explain
are also less contagious. However, in adults, 44% these differences is merely cautious speculation.
of transmissions are believed to occur before the It is reasonable to assume that the underlying
occurrence of symptoms (He et al. 2020). A com- pathophysiology leading to a lower fatality rate
parative study between children and adults dem- among children with COVID-19 is multifacto-
onstrated no significant difference in the viral rial. Age-specific host factors and fewer concur-
loads from upper respiratory samples (Terry et al. rent comorbidities, such as cardiovascular
2020). As the viral load is associated with infec- disease, diabetes, and hypertension that are com-
tivity in vitro (Wolfel et al. 2020), transmission monly associated with severe disease in adults,
rates may, therefore, be similar in children and may reduce the risk of severe disease in children.
adults. Accumulated long-term environmental factors,
It is of great epidemiological interest to deter- such as the inhalation of cigarette smoke and fine
mine whether children are as susceptible to be particles, in addition to the general aging process
infected with SARS-CoV-2 as are adults and of the lungs, may increase the risk of severe pul-
whether they are as infectious when shedding the monary disease in older adults. In these patients,
virus. Public health strategies commonly include reduced muscle function and impaired mucocili-
school closures as part of the strategy. These have ary clearance restrict the host immune cells to
12  Pediatrics and COVID-19 201

eliminate pathogens (Lowery et  al. 2013). In less mutated than MBCs in adults and produce
addition to basal levels of inflammation due to natural antibodies (mostly IgM isotype) with
increased inflammasome activation and neutro- broad reactivity and variable affinity independent
phil infiltration, older individuals also exhibit of previous antigen encounters (Carsetti et  al.
impaired toll-like receptor (TLR) function, inter- 2020). CD27-negative IgM B cells, which are
feron (IFN) production, and antiviral resistance, capable of rapid activation during infections, were
which overall increase the susceptibility to respi- found to more abundant in children (Grimsholm
ratory infections (Shaw et al. 2013; Iwasaki et al. et al. 2020). Another source of natural antibodies
2017). is B1 cells. These low-affinity IgM-producing
The age-dependent severity of COVID-19 cells play a critical role in preventing viral dis-
may be attributed to the adaptation and develop- semination, especially during infancy and early
ment of the immune response throughout a life- childhood (Simon et al. 2015). Trained immunity
time. Immune ontogeny is a dynamic and enables innate immune cells to respond to the
complicated process, which involves age-­ same or new pathogenic stimulus by ameliorated
dependent maturation of innate and adaptive transcription of the genes relevant for host defense
immune systems and may be modified by genetic and the production of pro-­inflammatory cytokines
and environmental factors. The microbiome con- (Netea et al. 2016). The initial challenge, either by
tent and immune priming via frequent exposure vaccines such as Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)
to other pathogens and regular immunizations (Benn et  al. 2013), oral polio, and measles
may indirectly facilitate the containment of this (Goodridge et al. 2016) or an infection, may repro-
infection. In other words, immune preparedness gram the metabolic and the epigenetic landscape
and response of children to SARS-CoV2 infec- of the innate cells and allow transcription factors
tion differ from adults. Understanding these dif- to access the promoter and enhancer regions of
ferences is also crucial for developing safe and pro-inflammatory genes upon re-stimulation
effective interventions. (Netea et al. 2020). Therefore, children challenged
by regular vaccinations and frequent infections
may acquire a potent trained immunity and limit
12.2.4 The Immune Response to Viral the virus infection by activation of local innate
Infections Differs Between immune responses during the early phases of the
Age Groups infection.

The immune system is not fully functional at

birth, and especially adaptive responses to anti- 12.2.5 What Are the Immune
genic challenges are relatively immature during Components That Play a Role
the early stages of life. As the protective maternal in Disease Severity During
antibodies wane, young children become more SARS-CoV-2 Infection?
susceptible to infections. Nevertheless, the innate Moreover, How Does This
immune response of children to new antigens is Differ in Children?
highly adaptable, which may, in part, be explained
by innate immune memory. In SARS-CoV-2 infection, the virus binds
Innate immune memory or trained immunity is angiotensin-­converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) recep-
proposed as a primitive form of host defense medi- tor for entry (Hoffmann et al. 2020; Walls et al.
ated by epigenetic changes, including chromatin 2020), which is primed by the cleavage of viral
structure rearrangements, DNA methylation, and spike (S) protein with TMPRSS2 and cathepsin
non-coding RNAs (Netea et al. 2019), and it dif- proteases (Hoffmann et al. 2020). It leads to the
fers from adaptive immune memory which fusion of viral and cellular membranes and the
requires additional gene recombination events. release of the viral genome into the cytoplasm.
Memory B cells (MBCs) of young children are During this period, viral genomic RNA interme-
202 T. Toptan et al.

diates may act as pathogen-associated molecular (Diao et  al. 2020; Xu et  al. 2020) contribute to
patterns (PAMPs) that can be recognized by the severe disease.
cytoplasmic and endosomal pattern recognition In contrast, lymphopenia and increased
receptors (PRRs) (Kato et al. 2006). Activation of inflammatory markers are rare in children
PRRs initiates a signaling cascade that leads to (Ludvigsson 2020). The cytokine profile in chil-
the production of other inflammatory cytokines dren during SARS-CoV-2 infection showed
and type I interferons (IFN). The latter induces upregulation of IL-1β but not TNF-α and IL-6
some key IFN-stimulated genes that limit viral (Ng et al. 2004), which are markedly elevated in
replication through a variety of mechanisms severe COVID-19 in adults (Chen et al. 2020a).
(Schneider et al. 2014). However, like many other On the contrary, the majority of SARS-CoV-2-­
viruses, coronaviruses have evolved multiple infected children also do not present with immune
immune evasion mechanisms to limit the early dysregulation and pro-inflammatory response
induction of type I IFN and thus promote viral signatures (Lu et  al. 2020; Liu et  al. 2020).
replication and persistence (Sun et al. 2012; Zust However, critical host immune factors that under-
et al. 2011; Hackbart et al. 2020). lie the development of severe inflammatory
Interestingly, the production of type I and III responses are poorly defined.
IFNs was found to be dampened in adult In regions with a high incidence of COVID-­19,
COVID-­19 patients, unlike infections with other cases with diverse clinical presentations that are
respiratory viruses influenza and RSV (Blanco-­ characterized by excessive inflammation,
Melo et al. 2020). As a result, delayed-type I IFN referred to as the multisystem inflammation syn-
production and uncontrolled viral replication drome, have recently emerged in children and
lead to pyroptosis, which is a highly inflamma- adolescents (Jones et  al. 2020; Verdoni et  al.
tory form of programmed cell death and com- 2020). The World Health Organization (WHO)
monly seen with cytopathic viruses (Fink and recently (May 15th, 2020) issued a clear brief
Cookson 2005). Release of PAMPs and damage-­ that offers a case definition for this syndrome
associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) from (World Health 2020) that includes fever of at
infected/dying cells to extracellular milieu acti- least 3 days, elevated markers of inflammation,
vates tissue-resident macrophages and leads to no other apparent microbial cause, and evidence
the expression of pro-inflammatory chemokines of COVID-19, as well as other signs. Criteria for
and cytokines, notably IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, and Kawasaki disease, an acute vasculitis of the
IL-1β (Wen et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020a; medium caliber vessels, may be fulfilled.
Hadjadj et  al. 2020; Merad and Martin 2020). Features of toxic shock syndrome and macro-
These molecules recruit monocytes, macro- phage activation syndrome have also been
phages, neutrophils, NK cells, and cytotoxic T observed, as has been abdominal (Dallan et  al.
cells to the lungs causing overproduction of 2020) and cardiac manifestations. Share clinical
inflammatory cytokines and tissue damage features with patients with severe COVID-19,
(Channappanavar and Perlman 2017). Under nor- such as leucopenia with marked lymphocytope-
mal circumstances, pro-inflammatory cytokines nia, thrombocytopenia, and increased ferritin,
prime adaptive T and B cell immune responses are observed (Verdoni et  al. 2020). Excessive
that are capable of resolving the infection. inflammation in the context of COVID-­19, there-
However, in some patients with COVID-19, dys- fore, can also be observed in children and ado-
functional adaptive immune responses as a result lescents in the context of COVID-19, but while
of T cell exhaustion, lymphopenia (Tay et  al. pulmonary symptoms are paramount in older
2020), and the influx of innate immune cells in adults, these may be secondary or even absent in
the lungs, heart, spleen, lymph nodes, and kidney children and adolescents.
12  Pediatrics and COVID-19 203

12.2.6 Immaturity of the Resident to suppress inflammation and T cell activation

Immune System of the Lung changes with age. Cultured alveolar macrophages
obtained by BAL from infants under 2 years of
It is relatively difficult to obtain samples from the age expressed less HLA-DR antigen, showed
lower airways of healthy children, and most of limited phagocytic function, and produced less
the studies on the resident immune system of the interleukin IL-1 and TNF secretion following
lung have been carried out in animal models. TLR4 stimulation compared to children aged
Thus, the number of studies describing the between 2 and 17 (Grigg et al. 1999). However,
immune system components of the respiratory there are no published data on the suppressive
system is limited. In this section, we will focus receptor phenotype of alveolar macrophages in
on the immune components involved in the healthy children.
pathogenesis of COVID-19 described above.
Respiratory immunity comprises epithelial
cells, neutrophils, alveolar macrophages, den- 12.2.7 ACE-2 Maturity
dritic cells, innate lymphocytes, and adaptive and Abundance
components, including different subsets of T and
B cells (Iwasaki et al. 2017). The composition of The abundance and maturity of viral receptors
these cells was determined through bronchoalve- and host factors priming the entry may have an
olar lavage (BAL) sampling before elective sur- impact on the age-related difference in COVID-­19
gery. The profile of leukocytes and alveolar incidence and potentially also on disease sever-
macrophages in the lower airway of children ity. ACE2 is a membrane-associated aminopepti-
does not change significantly after 3 years of age dase expressed in many tissues, including lung,
(Grigg and Riedler 2000). The proportion of B vascular endothelia, renal and hearth, and small
cells, T cells, and natural killer cells in BAL fluid intestine and testes (Harmer et al. 2002; Hamming
of healthy children seem to be within the normal et  al. 2004), as well as monocytes, neutrophils,
range for adults. However, due to a higher abso- and lymphocytes. ACE2 is involved in the con-
lute number of CD8+ cells, CD4/CD8 ratios version of angiotensin II, and it is a crucial modu-
seem to be lower in children when compared to lator of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS)
adults (Ratjen et al. 1995). Since the lung airways (Tikellis and Thomas 2012). Other coronavi-
are separated mainly from blood vessels and thus ruses, including SARS-CoV (Li et al. 2003) and
have minimal blood cell contaminants, it is rea- human CoV-NL63 (Hofmann et al. 2005), use the
sonable to postulate that the BAL CD8+ T cells ACE2 receptor for entry and subsequently down-
are mostly resident effector and memory T cells. regulate its protein expression similar to SARS-­
Resident CD8+ cells are capable of mediating an CoV2 infection in Caco2 cells (Bojkova et  al.
enhanced recall response to secondary infection 2020). In mice models, recombinant ACE2 was
with the same or related pathogen (Hikono et al. shown to exhibit a protective role in the lungs,
2006). Thus, higher levels of resident CD8+ T and thus, its reduced expression was implicated
cells may provide superior immune protection to play a role in inflammation and severe lung
against SARS-CoV-2  in children. On the other injury (Kuba et al. 2005). However, a compara-
hand, the exact distribution of T cell subpopula- tive study of biomarkers of host defense in bron-
tions is not defined. choalveolar lavage fluid showed no age-dependent
Alveolar macrophages produce low levels of differences in the RAS between neonates, chil-
inflammatory cytokines, maintain high phago- dren, adults, and older adults with acute respira-
cytic activity toward infectious agents, and gen- tory distress syndrome (ARDS) (Schouten et al.
erally suppress inflammation and adaptive 2019). ACE2 levels decrease with aging and in
immunity (Grigg and Riedler 2000). Despite patients with chronic diseases, as reported by a
similar absolute cell numbers among different recent study (Chen et al. 2020b). It suggests that
age groups, the ability of alveolar macrophages relatively higher expression of ACE2 receptors in
204 T. Toptan et al.

lung pneumocytes in children may have a protec- that produce antibodies with broad reactivity and
tive effect on severe clinical manifestations due variable affinity independent of previous antigen
to SARS-CoV-2 infection. On the other hand, encounter. Immune dysregulation frequently
receptor levels and their role in virus entry may occurs in adults, with a marked increase in TNF-α
be distinct between the lung and nasal environ- and IL-6 levels. However, recently we have also
ments. Regarding the latter, a recent study seen cases of immune dysregulation occurring in
showed an age-dependent expression of ACE2 in children. The multisystem inflammatory syn-
the nasal epithelium in a cohort of 305 individu- drome may be associated with COVID-19  in
als aged between 4 and 60  years (Bunyavanich children, but causation has not been proven yet in
et al. 2020). ACE2 gene expression was found to May of 2020. Age-dependent differences in lung-­
be lowest in children. However, this study did not resident immune cells, as well as in ACE2 abun-
include individuals older than 60 years of age as dance, have been proposed. Whether these
well as cofactors involved in the entry process, differences have any impact on the susceptibility
such as TMPRSS2 protease expression. If any of or clinical course of SARS-CoV-2 infection in
these age-dependent differences of ACE2 expres- children remained to be addressed. Further
sion have an actual impact on the susceptibility research on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 is
of children to be infected with SARS-CoV-2 is required to determine the molecular mechanisms
yet unknown. underlying age-dependent differences in disease
severity and develop improved care for at-risk
12.3 Conclusion

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Geriatrics and COVID-19
Mona Mirbeyk, Amene Saghazadeh,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract fatalities and spread of the disease in this spe-

cific population. The chapter provides an
Since December 2019, a novel coronavirus overview of diagnostic methods, laboratory
called severe acute respiratory syndrome and imaging findings, clinical features, and
coronavirus 2 (SARS-­ CoV-­2) has begun to management of COVID-­19  in aged people.
infect people. The virus first occurred in Possible mechanisms behind the behavior of
Wuhan, China, but the whole world is now SARS-­ CoV-­2  in the elderly include immu-
struggling with the pandemic. Over 13 million nosenescence and related impaired antiviral
confirmed cases and 571,000 deaths have been immunity, mature immunity and related
reported so far, and this number is growing. hyper-­inflammatory responses, comorbidities
Older people, who constitute a notable pro- and their effects on the functioning of critical
portion of the world population, are at an organs/systems, and the altered expression of
increased risk of infection because of altered angiotensin-­converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) that
immunity and chronic comorbidities. Thus, acts as an entry receptor for SARS-­CoV-­2.
appropriate health care is necessary to control This evidence defines the herding behavior of
COVID-­ 19  in relation to ACE2 under the
M. Mirbeyk · A. Saghazadeh influence of immune dysregulation. Then,
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s identifying the immunogenetic factors that
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical affect the disease susceptibility and severity
Sciences, Tehran, Iran and as well as key inflammatory pathways that
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group have the potential to serve as therapeutic tar-
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and gets needs to remain an active area of research.
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
N. Rezaei (*) Keywords
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran ACE2 · COVID-19 · Elderly · Geriatrics ·
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Herding behavior · Immunity
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 209
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
210 M. Mirbeyk et al.

13.1 Introduction and HCoV-­ HKU1, mainly cause the common

cold, and three others, including the Middle East
While humanity was ever proud of his superhe- respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-­CoV),
roic facilities, a little virus, distinguished first in SARS-­ CoV, and SARS-­ CoV-­2, can represent
Wuhan, China, could have fatal effects on the with fatal pneumonia (Yang et al. 2020; Su et al.
global economy, diplomacy, and especially social 2016; Zhu et  al. 2020). SARS-­CoV-­2 siblings,
life. In December 2019, Chinese health authori- e.g., MERS-­CoV and SARS-­CoV, mainly involve
ties reported pneumonia of unknown origin asso- the respiratory system and could cause horrifying
ciated with an exposure to a seafood market in outbreaks with massive mortality during the past
some cases (Rabi et  al. 2020). The causative two decades (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; Jabbari
pathogen was unknown, so researchers started to et al. 2020).
investigate its origin, reservoir, and suspected Detection of the origin, hosts, and transmis-
intermediate hosts. Investigations revealed that sion routes of the virus can help to stop the virus
the viral genome sequences share about 80% from spreading and infecting more people.
similarity to that of severe acute respiratory syn- Further investigations found that the SARS-­­
drome coronavirus (SARS-­CoV). The virus was CoV-­­2 genome shares a 96% similarity with bat-­­
then called SARS-­CoV-­2, and the disease caused CoV (Zhou et al. 2020) and put forward pangolins
by this virus was named coronavirus disease as the intermediate host of SARS-­CoV-­2 because
2019 (COVID-­19) (Zhou et al. 2020; Gorbalenya of more than 90% concordance of pangolin-­CoV
et  al. 2020; Rabi et  al. 2020). Over the last genome with both bat-­ CoV and SARS-­ CoV-­2
6 months, this novel coronavirus has continued to (Zhang et  al. 2020). SARS-­CoV-­2 transmission
infect people with a great contagion over the mainly occurs through human-­to-­human contact
boundaries, with more than 13 million confirmed by inhaling droplets and aerosols (Lotfi et  al.
cases as of July 13, 2020. 2020). Current evidence suggests the angiotensin-­­
SARS-­CoV and SARS-­CoV-­2 belong to the converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a cell surface
Coronaviridae family (Coronavirinae subfam- receptor for the virus (Wilder-­ Smith and
ily), possessing spikes on the superficial part and Freedman 2020; Wilson and Chen 2020;
positive-­stranded RNA in the central part Sharifkashani et al. 2020; Rezaei 2020b) and the
(Coronaviridae—Positive Sense RNA Viruses— immune responses as the source of variability in
Positive Sense RNA Viruses. 2011). the vulnerability of people to infection
Coronavirinae subfamily contains four main (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a; Yazdanpanah
genera: Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, et  al. 2020a; Bahrami et  al. 2020; Lotfi and
Gammacoronavirus, and Deltacoronavirus. Rezaei 2020; Nasab et al. 2020). Older adults are
Gammacoronaviruses and deltacoronaviruses a high-­risk group to this infection as they have an
occur in pigs and birds, while alphacoronaviruses immune system with a decreased ability to fight
and betacoronaviruses are detected in mammals with infectious diseases (Huang et al. 2020). It is
(Coronaviridae—Positive Sense RNA Viruses— important to notice the clinical features of the
Positive Sense RNA Viruses. 2011; Velavan and disease in aged patients to reduce total mortality.
Meyer 2020). The history of coronaviruses dates
back to 54 years ago when the virus was isolated
from nasal washing specimens of patients with 13.2 Elderlies: Too Frail
the common cold (Tyrrell and Bynoe 1966). Until for COVID-19
this day, seven types of coronaviruses have been
discovered with the ability to infect humans, Geriatrics is a medical subspecialty aimed at pro-
among which the natural reservoir of five types viding health care for old patients. The elderly
are probably bats (Cui et  al. 2019). From these can be defined in different ways, though it mainly
seven types, four types, including human corona- applies to people aged 65 years or over (Orimo
virus (HCoV)-­NL63, HCoV-­229E, HCoV-­OC43, et  al. 2006; Singh and Bajorek 2014; (WHO)
13  Geriatrics and COVID-19 211

2002), and that some divide old ages into early aging process, including the immune system,
elderly (65–74  years old) and late elderly which has an essential role in fighting with infec-
(75  years and older). The World Health tion. The impact of aging on the immune system,
Organization (WHO) claims that the world’s which is referred to as immunosenescence,
population is going to be old very soon and that involves both innate and adaptive immunity
the percentage of the people with the age of 60 or (Nikolich-­Zugich 2018; Fuentes et  al. 2017;
more would surpass the 22% of the whole popu- Wong and Goldstein 2013) and extends over the
lation by 2050 ((WHO) Updated May 2017). skin and mucosal immune system (Lichterfeld-­­
Children are different from adults in the risk Kottner et al. 2020).
of developing and dying from COVID-­ 19. Aging-­associated changes in in the immune
Studies show that only 2% of cases with con- system include, but are not limited to, the acqui-
firmed COVID19 are in the age group 0–19 years sition of old cells in the immune system and other
(Wu and McGoogan 2020). About 15% of organs/systems, reduction in naïve T cells releas-
patients over age 80 die. Also, patients with ing from the thymus, mRNA processing changes,
severe COVID-­19 are older than patients with and dysregulation of immune receptors (Pietilä
non-­severe COVID-­ 19 (Wang et  al. 2020a). et al. 2015; Walford 1964; Fuentes et al. 2017).
Therefore, children and the elderly have high Natural killer cells (NK Cells) are an essential
contrast in the behavior of COVID19 (Figs. 13.1 member of the innate immune system that play a
and 13.2). Below are about possible mechanisms significant role not only in eliminating malignant
behind this behavior of COVID-­19. cells but also removing cells infected with
viruses. They are affected by aging, as indicated
by decreased expression of activating receptors
13.2.1 The Aged Immune System and CD56 marker on their surface (Baume et al.
1992; Carson et  al. 1997; Saito et  al. 1993).
The human body is a multiphysiological system, Similarly, as we get older, T cells undergo reduc-
and all of its systems would be affected by the tions in their number, function, and surface
receptors. Inevitably, the ability of these cells to
recognize infectious or tumoral cells would also
be impaired (Larbi et  al. 2006, 2014; Vallejo
On the other hand, COVID-­19 itself would
influence the immune system. It has been shown
to decrease T cell numbers and that this might be
related to disease severity and adverse outcomes
of disease (Qin et  al. 2020; Fathi and Rezaei
2020b). NK cells are also reduced in the count
and cytotoxic function during this infection
(Yaqinuddin and Kashir 2020). Given that hyper-­­
inflammation in COVID-­19 is a strong predictor
of poor outcomes, inflamm-­aging, known as a
baseline subclinical mild chronic inflammation
produced by aging, can also worsen the outcome
of COVID-­19 (Bonafè et al. 2020). Altogether, it
is not surprising that COVID-­19 can cause worst-­­
case scenarios in the context of an aged immune

Fig. 13.1  Age distribution of patients with COVID-­19

212 M. Mirbeyk et al.

Fig. 13.2  The death rate of patients with COVID-­19 according to the age group

13.2.2 The Increased Risk of Chronic kines decrease with age, whereas Th1 cell
Diseases immune responses and pattern recognition recep-
tor (PRR)-­mediated signaling increase with age.
The frailty of old patients is not only due to the In this manner, a sophisticated immune system,
old immune system. Aging is a significant risk through the production of pro-­ inflammatory
factor for chronic diseases, including hyperten- cytokines (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-­2, IL-­1β), leads to the
sion, cardiac diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, recruitment of hyper-­ inflammatory immune
neurodegeneration, and cancer (Pawelec et  al. responses under pathologic conditions. By con-
2014). Recent investigations have shown that trast, an immature immune system induces hypo-­­
SARS-­ CoV-­2 could cause higher mortality or inflammatory responses that are maintained by
poorer prognosis in patients with comorbidities, anti-­inflammatory and immune-­regulatory cyto-
in particular, hypertension, diabetes, and cardio- kines (IL-­4, IL-­5, IL-­10, IL-­13, IL-­35, and TGFβ)
vascular diseases, compared with patients with- and diminished PRR-­mediated signaling. Due to
out comorbidities (Guan et al. 2020; Chen et al. decreased communication between the innate
2020a, 2020b; Singhal 2020; Grasselli et  al. and adaptive immune system in the immature
2020; Du et  al. 2020). Of note, hypertension is immune system, all responses generated from the
associated with about 2.5-­fold increased risk of adaptive immune system are declined, including
mortality related to COVID-­ 19 (Lippi et  al. T cell proliferation, cytotoxic T cell responses,
2020). Moreover, many elderlies deal with loneli- memory T cells, and CD8+ T and CD4+ T cell
ness, which can lead to poor hygiene and neglect activation (Maddux and Douglas 2015). Soluble
of disease symptoms at early stages and, there- factors known to maintain immune responses
fore, presenting to hospitals with progressed skewed to Th2 cell type come from both the
manifestations. Also, living in care facilities maternal origin, e.g., TGFB, progesterone, and
would significantly affect person-­ to-­
person prostaglandin, and the child’s own origin, such as
transmission. adenosine.
Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional myeloid
cells that can detect pathogen-­associated molecu-
13.2.3 The Mature Immunity lar patterns (PAMPs) and damage-­ associated
molecular patterns (DAMPs) released by invad-
Generally speaking, T helper (Th) 2 cell and T ing pathogens or damaged cells and mediate their
regulatory (Treg) cell responses and Th17 cyto- death through apoptosis, necrosis, or pyroptosis.
13  Geriatrics and COVID-19 213

Notably, DCs perform apoptosis of their own patients with hypertension and cardiovascular
kind as being programmed. A decreased function diseases posed the possibility that the target may
of DCs in the clearance of apoptotic/necrotic be wrong, i.e., ACE. Efforts led to the recognition
DCs results in the accumulation of cells that of ACE2 (angiotensin-­converting enzyme 2) that
should be dead but are alive, and this would cause acts as a human carboxypeptidase that utilizes
critical conditions such as autoimmunity and zinc. The lack of or deficiency of ACE2 ­correlates
tumorigenesis. Like mature DCs, immature DCs with diabetic nephropathy, heart dysfunction, and
display the ability of up taking apoptotic/necrotic reduced cardiac contractility and accumulation of
cells (Kushwah et al. 2010). The ability of imma- angiotensin II and hypoxia-­­induced genes (Guy
ture DCs is, however, unique – whereas apoptotic et al. 2003).
cells are required inflammatory responses for ACE2 is primarily present on specific tissue
being detectable by mature DCs, no evident like renal, cardiac, and testicular tissue. Besides,
inflammatory response is necessary for their rec- its expression exists in other tissue like the liver,
ognition by immature DCs. Uptake of apoptotic lung, pancreas, ovary, colon, small intestine, pla-
DCs would be appropriate for immature DCs to centa, and retina (Bindom and Lazartigues 2009).
be educated of a tolerogenic character, as indi- Thereby, ACE2 can ubiquitously exert anti-­­
cated by increased expression of TGFβ that is a fibrotic and anti-­inflammatory effects through the
critical driver of Treg cell induction by naïve degradation of its primary substrate, angiotensin
CD4+ T cells. More interestingly, cord DCs can, II, and also by inhibition of TGFB and MIF
upon exposure to PAMPs, elicit immune (Bindom and Lazartigues 2009). However, ACE2
responses compatible with those of adult DCs can mediate the degradation of different sub-
(Langrish et al. 2002). While due to the below-­­ strates, as shown in Fig. 13.3.
required expression of cytokines, IL12P70 and Antiserum that contains antibodies against
IFNY, inducing differentiation of naïve CD4+ T human ACE2 could hinder the entry of pseudo-
cells into Th2 cell dichotomy (Langrish et  al. typed SARS-­ 2-­S.  It supports the notion that
2002), cord DCs are in an immaturity-­­ SARS-­2-­S utilizes ACE2 as an entry receptor
enforcement capacity against the pro-­­ (Hoffmann et al. 2020).
inflammatory Th1 cell polarization.
A systematic review of cytokine expression in D  ual-Function ACE2: Zinc
children has confirmed that the expression of pro-­­ Metalloproteinase
inflammatory cytokines, including IFNY, IL6, and Microbial Collagenase
IL10, and TNFA, increases with age (Decker ACE2 and ACE share 42% sequence identity and
et  al. 2017). A closer look at individual studies 61% sequence conservation around the active site
included in the review reveals to us an age-­­ (Guy et al. 2003). Sequence alignment has con-
associated increase most being pronounced for firmed that ACE2 possesses an active site with
the percentage of CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells that high similarity to that of testicular ACE (tACE),
express IFNY and TNFA. and therefore like other ACE family members,
ACE2 can function as a zinc metalloproteinase
(Guy et al. 2003). However, it dissociated tACE
13.2.4 The Aberrant Expression and ACE2 on a zinc ligand; for tACE, there is a
of ACE2 third zinc ligand that occurs within the Glu-­
(Xaa)3-­Asp motif, and for ACE2, the motif lacks A  CE2: A Receptor for SARS-­ the aspartate residue and has obtained a gluta-
CoV2 (2019-nCoV) Cell Entry mate residue (Guy et al. 2003). This motif, Glu-­
That Is Present on Lungs, (Xaa)3-­Glu, allows ACE2 to function as a
Heart, Kidney, and Testis microbial collagenase (Guy et al. 2003).
An insufficient response to classical angiotensin-­­ Having a basic structure like ACE and on the
converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors among other side having a zinc-­binding motif (HEXXH)
214 M. Mirbeyk et al.

Fig. 13.3 ACE2
substrates and products

resembling the M32 family of peptidases have SARS-­ CoV cell entry as TMPRSS2-­mediated
ranked ACE2 as the first mammalian carboxy- ACE2 cleavage did it significantly (Heurich
peptidase structurally related to ACE, neurolysin, et al. 2014).
and PfuCP (Guy et al. 2003). A  CE2 Expression Decreases ACE2 Is Not Sensitive to ACEI with Age
ACE2 functions as a carboxypeptidase that The study of rats has confirmed the expression of
removes one single amino acid from the C termi- ACE2 in the lungs, kidneys, heart, and the gastro-
nus of its substrates, e.g., angiotensin I, angioten- intestinal system. For the lungs, the ACE2 expres-
sin II, and des-­ Arg9-­ bradykinin. ACE is a sion occurs in both the bronchus and pulmonary
peptidyl dipeptidase that removes a dipeptide parenchyma, alveolar type I epithelium, alveolar
from the C terminus of its substrates, angiotensin type II epithelium, bronchiolar epithelium, endo-
I and bradykinin, to reduce respective vasodila- thelium, and smooth muscle cells of the pulmo-
tory effects. Also, ACE2 and ACE differ in their nary vascular structure. The expression of
ligand-­binding pockets that mainly occur at the ACE2  in the rat lungs significantly decreases
S2’ site (Guy et al. 2003). with age, and that this decrease is relatively
higher in males than females (Xudong et  al. A  CE2 Exists in Membrane-­ 2006). Both the elderly and the male population
Bound and Soluble Forms are at higher risk of dying from COVID-­ 19
ACE2 is a type I transmembrane protein having (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a).
a long extracellular N-­terminal domain and a
short intracellular C-­
terminal tail. Its soluble T  he Herding Behavior
form can interfere with ACE2 binding to the of COVID19 in Relation
SARS-­CoV spike protein. ADAM metallopepti- to ACE2 Under the Cytokine
dase domain 17, ADAM17, is a TNFA conver- Storm
tase that mediates ACE2 shedding in the soluble When a large number of people gather in the
form (Lambert et al. 2005). However, ADAM17-­ same event, a real concern arises regarding the
mediated ACE2 cleavage does not influence risk of injury and death. For example, the event
13  Geriatrics and COVID-19 215

“2015 Mina stampede” occurred in Mina when there is a subset of ACE2 that remained func-
people were performing the rites of Hajj. What tional. It would allow the immune responses to
that caused people to stampede is not apparent. clear the viral infection effectively.
Whatever the primary cause was, the movement In this manner, the herding behavior of
of a large number of people led to a disaster asso- COVID-­19 depends on the individual-­centered
ciated with 769 deaths. Such behavior of people factors, e.g., age and underlying condition, and
arising from a sudden fear is referred to as panic collective behavior, e.g., the cytokine storm.
behavior. Statistical physicists developed several Three main points of intervention are as follows:
models for the prediction of human behavior in 1. hindering the virus binding to ACE2 through-
real crowds and led to the conclusion that out the disease course, 2. downregulation of cyto-
individual-­­centered behavior, like collective kine release within the mild stage of the disease
behavior, would influence the optimization of the and before a severe stage of disease appears, and
escape from the crowds (Helbing et  al. 2000). 3. upregulation of ACE2 expression during a
Suppose a two-­exit room filled with fire. A tradi- severe stage of the disease to extend the deadline
tional fluid-­flow model believes that people will for immunity to act effectively.
be able to use both doors correctly and succeeded
in exit safely. The individual-­centered model pre-
dicts that a large number of people may leave the 13.3 COVID-19 in Aged Patients
room using only one exit, resulting in the block-
ing of that exit, which is known as the herding History taking and physical examination are the
behavior (Low 2000). keys in diagnosis, followed by laboratory testing
The SARS-­CoV-­2 enters the body. Upon its and further paraclinical diagnostics.
recognition, the immune system would elicit the Understanding disease features is mandatory to
cytokine storm in the peripheral blood. In a diagnose disease in its earliest stages, thereby
cytokine-­­filled body, the only optimal strategy is providing optimal health care and disease man-
cell surface receptors through which the virus can agement. COVID-­19 can manifest in a variety of
enter the cell and escape the immune responses. forms, from a common cold to a severe form of
Thus, the virus will find organs, e.g., exit doors, disease like respiratory distress syndrome. Old
that express the highest density of ACE2 expres- ages (mostly aged 65 and over) and the presence
sion. The virus reaches the vital organs, lungs, of comorbidities crucially predict poor prognosis
heart, and kidney, and bind to transmembrane and an increased risk of mortality. The role of
ACE2 as rapidly as possible as much as possi- immunogenetic background is still under investi-
ble—reduction of functional ACE2, in turn, gation in this regard (Babaha and Rezaei 2020;
causes cardiac dysfunction, inflammation, and Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020; Yousefzadegan
fibrosis. and Rezaei 2020).
The herding behavior of SARS-­ CoV-­ 2 can
explain the most prominent epidemic characteris-
tics of COVID-­ 19. Higher death rates among 13.3.1 Clinical Features
adults and older adults and patients with underly-
ing conditions, e.g., cancer, diabetes, cardiovas- The incubation period means the interval time
cular diseases, and hypertension, linked to limited from exposure to a virus source or infected peo-
or aberrant ACE2 expression, can be predicted by ple until the initiation of disease symptoms. It
occupying ACE2 and blocking its function to the varies from about 1  day to 2  weeks, and the
threatening extent. Children and young median incubation time is about 4 or 5 days (Xu
adults who have none of those, as mentioned ear- et al. 2020a; Lauer et al. 2020; Nie et al. 2020).
lier, conditions have a good repertoire of ACE2. Overall, the most common symptoms of the dis-
Therefore, when the virus is occupying ACE2, ease are fever and cough (mostly dry cough).
216 M. Mirbeyk et al.

Fatigue, myalgia, shortness of breath, and dys- 13.3.3 Imaging Findings

pnea are also common among patients with
COVID-­19. Other symptoms can include con- Chest CT scan findings of patients may include
junctival and nasal congestion, sore throat, chills, ground-­glass opacities (GGO), patchy infiltra-
skin rashes, rhinorrhea, nausea or vomiting, spu- tions, consolidation, pleural effusion, pleural
tum production, headache, diarrhea and hemop- thickening, crazy-­paving pattern, and interlobu-
tysis, loss of smell sensation, loss of taste lar septal thickening. It seems extensive pulmo-
sensation, and altered mental status. Moreover, it nary involvement occurs in elderlies more than
must be noticed that asymptomatic patients have younger patients.
also been reported (Wang et al. 2020d; Lai et al.
2020; Breslin et  al. 2020). Asking a history of
exposure to symptomatic or suspicious patients 13.3.4 Diagnosis
or exposure to the Huanan seafood market would
be useful. We can consider a person suspected to have
In elderly patients, the disease does not COVID-­ 19 when that person has had recent
include very different clinical manifestations travel to Wuhan, China, or at least one of the peo-
from what is seen commonly. However, probably ple whom he is in close contact with, recently
because of aging and its related comorbidities, recognized as a confirmed case of COVID-­19,
these manifestations are more severe compared begins to develop fever or common respiratory
with younger adults. Besides, old patients may symptoms of COVID-­19 or chest radiogram of
develop more atypical manifestations (Olde pneumonia (Kim et al. 2020).
Rikkert et al. 2020); for example, in some cases, Confirmation of COVID-­19 in a patient occurs
changes in mental status and orientation have when the pharyngeal swab specimen turns posi-
been represented as initial symptoms of tive for real-­ time reverse transcription-­­
COVID-­­19 in aged patients (Wang et al. 2020c; polymerase chain reaction (RT-­ PCR) for the
Ward et al. 2020). Dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycar- SARS-­ CoV-­
2 genome (Kim et  al. 2020).
dia, and chest discomfort may occur in elderlies However, because of probable false negatives for
(Nanda et al. 2020). RT-­PCR, it is better to repeat the test (Long et al.
2020). Moreover, a chest CT scan is a sensitive
diagnostic method for early diagnosis (Wang
13.3.2 Laboratory Findings et al. 2020b; Xu et al. 2020b). Elderlies with mild
or uncommon symptoms of the disease can
Laboratory findings can be useful for predicting undergo diagnostic assessments for the virus
the prognosis and outcome of the disease. (Nikolich-­Zugich et  al. 2020). Although immu-
Although a significant number of patients can noglobulins are not used for diagnosis of the dis-
represent disease with normal laboratory data ease, positive IgG antibody levels for
such as normal complete blood count, the fol- SARS-­CoV-­2 can be highly suggestive for recent
lowing changes in laboratory data of patients infection (Gosch et  al. 2020). An active area of
might have been seen: abnormal white cell research is devoted to finding diagnostic methods
count, lymphocytopenia, low platelet count, for more rapid, reliable detection of SARS-­­
hyponatremia, and increases in c-­reactive pro- CoV-­­ 2. Microfluidic devices offer promising
tein (CRP), aminotransferases, erythrocyte sedi- platforms in this context (Basiri et al. 2020a).
mentation rate (ESR), lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH), D-­dimer, procalcitonin, creatine kinase,
and IL-­6. In addition to dyspnea and lymphocy- 13.3.5 Management
topenia, high levels of CRP, ESR, LDH, and
IL-­6 might be predictive of developing severe or Overall, there is not a specific treatment or drug
critical conditions. for COVID-­19, and most of the treatments and
13  Geriatrics and COVID-19 217

care are supportive (Nikolich-­Zugich et al. 2020). Rezaei 2020b; Mansourabadi et al. 2020; Pashaei
Considering complications related to altered and Rezaei 2020). However, the heavy burden of
mental status, such as falling, and underlying dis- the pandemic (Rezaei 2020a) and the concern
eases is an essential factor to help manage the that it tends to stay (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020)
disease in elderlies. Conventional therapies are have attracted much attention from other disci-
high-­flow nasal oxygen, non-­invasive positive-­­ plines around the possible ways and means for
pressure ventilation, taking care of underlying ill- prevention and management of the disease, too
ness and comorbidities, and treatment of (Sahu et al. 2020; Moazzami et al. 2020; Rabiee
co-­infections. Routine use of corticosteroids is et al. 2020; Mohamed et al. 2020; Momtazmanesh
controversial (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b); et al. 2020; Moradian et al. 2020).
however, in severe cases, it may lead to a better
outcome (Veronese et al. 2020). In patients with
hypertension, the use of angiotensin-­converting 13.4 Conclusion
enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin-­ 2
receptor blockers (ARBs) can lead to a better out- Aging affects the immune system function, there-
come (Meng et  al. 2020). Patients with coagu- fore increasing the risk of infection and adverse
lopathy who undergo low molecular weight outcomes. Moreover, aging is a significant risk
heparin may have better outcomes (Tang et  al. factor for chronic comorbidities that can put an
2020). The use of other drugs, such as antiretro- aged person in a fragile state. Old patients with
virals, is uncertain and may need further investi- COVID-­19 tend to develop severe illness and
gations (Ford et al. 2020). Considering respiratory have a higher risk of death. They also are more
rehabilitation may also be useful in the post-­acute likely to have abnormal laboratory findings and
phase (Liu et al. 2020). extensive pulmonary lesions. Old age and pre-­­
existing chronic diseases such as hypertension,
cardiovascular diseases, COPD, and diabetes can
13.3.6 The Immune System, increase the risk of mortality. It is important to
Inflammation, consider mild or atypical symptoms in the setup
and Therapeutic of an early diagnostic assessment of COVID-­­19 in
Opportunities an old patient. Monitoring and controlling under-
lying illness might help to have a better outcome
Research shows that while the immune system is in old patients with COVID-­19.
expected to elicit antiviral immune responses, the
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Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant
Women, the Placenta, Fetus, 14
and Neonate

David A. Schwartz and Amareen Dhaliwal

Abstract potential clinical outcomes and issues relating

to testing and diagnosis. The potential mecha-
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- nisms of vertical transmission of the virus
rus-­2 (SARS-CoV-2), the etiological agent of between pregnant women and their infants are
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is analyzed, including intrauterine, intrapartum,
similar to two other coronaviruses, severe and postpartum infections. Several recent
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus studies have reported the detection of SARS-­
(SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiratory CoV-­2 in tissues from the fetal side of the pla-
syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV), in caus- centa, permitting the diagnosis of
ing life-threatening respiratory infections and transplacental infection of the fetus by SARS-­
systemic complications in both children and CoV-­ 2.  Placentas from infected mothers  in
adults. As the COVID-19 pandemic has con- which intrauterine transplacental transmission
tinued to spread globally, increasing numbers of SARS-CoV-2 has occurred demonstrate an
of pregnant women have become infected, unusual combination of pathology findings
raising concern not only for their health but which may represent risk factors for placen-
also for the health of their infants. This chap- tal as well as fetal infection.
ter discusses the effects of coronavirus infec-
tions, e.g., MERS, SARS, and COVID 19, on Keywords
pregnancy and describes the evolving knowl-
edge of COVID 19 among pregnant women. COVID-19 · Fetus · Maternal coronavirus
The physiological changes that occur in preg- infection · Maternal death · Maternal health ·
nancy, especially changes in the immune sys- MERS · Neonatal infection · Perinatal
tem, are reviewed in terms of their effect on infection · Pregnancy · SARS · SARS-CoV-2
susceptibility to infectious diseases. The · Vertical transmission
effects of COVID-19 on the placenta, fetus,
and neonate are also reviewed, including

D. A. Schwartz (*) 14.1 Introduction

Department of Pathology, Medical College of
Georgia, Augusta University, Augusta, GA, USA No one was expecting the coronavirus disease
A. Dhaliwal 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to occur, although
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, the possibility of a cataclysmic global event due

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 223
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
224 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

to an emerging infectious agent had been dis- and mortality but also perinatal infections and
cussed in many professional circles. As the Ebola deaths. Multiple outbreaks and epidemics of
virus disease epidemic was coming to a close in Ebola virus disease in Africa have caused high
West Africa in 2015, Margaret Chan, MD, the levels of maternal death as well as the demise of
former director-general of the World Health almost every infected fetus and newborn. The
Organization (WHO), presciently stated, Zika virus did not result in maternal deaths or,
“Everyone needs to remember that Ebola was not in many cases, even symptoms; instead, it
a worst-case scenario. Preparedness for the future stealthily crossed the placenta to cause fatal
means preparedness for a very severe disease that infections, malformations, neurological inju-
spreads via the airborne route or can be transmit- ries, and death. It is no wonder that the emer-
ted during the incubation period before an gence of the severe acute respiratory syndrome
infected person shows telltale signs of illness.” coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, China,
By the close of the West African Ebola epidemic, in December 2019 and the subsequent COVID-
a minimum of 28,616 persons developed the 19 pandemic has triggered worldwide anxiety
infection, and 11,323 died, and these deaths and fear among pregnant women and their fami-
included pregnant and lactating mothers, as well lies. As a newly identified zoonotic virus, the
as their fetuses, neonates, and infants (Schwartz SARS-CoV-2 represents an unknown quantity
et  al. 2019). Pregnant women and their infants in terms of its consequences to pregnant women,
continued to die from the Ebola virus during suc- and the effects of emerging infections may be
cessive outbreaks in DR Congo (Schwartz 2018, unknown and difficult to predict.
2019a, b, 2020b). The recognition of COVID-19 and its rapid
Pregnant women are significantly affected by global spread has led to widespread concern for
emerging infections and constitute a particular its effects on pregnant women and the fetus.
group of persons at high risk during outbreaks Experiences from two previous coronavirus dis-
of novel disease agents (Schwartz 2019a, eases, e.g., Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome
2020b). They often bear the burden of the most (MERS) caused by the Middle East respiratory
severe effects of infectious disease not only to syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and severe
themselves, including morbidity and death, but acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) caused by
also the risk and consequences of congenital the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi-
fetal and neonatal infection. Heightened risk for rus (SARS-CoV), demonstrated that these highly
adverse obstetrical outcomes due to emerging pathogenic coronaviruses could result in severe
infections results from various factors  – an maternal illness and death, as well as pregnancy
altered immune state; changes in the maternal loss. Fortunately, there were no confirmed cases
cardiovascular and respiratory systems includ- of intrauterine transmission of either the SARS
ing increased oxygen consumption, heart rate, or MERS coronaviruses to the fetus, although the
and stroke volume and decreased lung capacity; numbers studied were relatively small (Schwartz
and other physiological changes in pregnancy and Graham 2020).
all increase the likelihood for the severe mater- There have been rapid advances in under-
nal disease. Moreover, pregnant women often standing the medical and epidemiological fea-
comprise a significant subset of the reproductive tures of COVID-19 in pregnant women and their
age female population in some areas where infants, but a great deal remains to be understood.
emerging infections strike. The past 50 years are This chapter examines the current state of knowl-
filled with numerous examples of the vulnera- edge of the three coronaviruses affecting preg-
bility of pregnant women and their infants to nancy  – SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and
emerging infections. Acquired immunodefi- SARS-CoV-2 – and compares and contrasts their
ciency syndrome (AIDS) was a devastating effects on outcomes of the mother, fetus, and
event that resulted in both maternal morbidity neonate.
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 225

14.2 Pregnancy, the Immune numbers of CD19+ cells in the peripheral blood

System, and Infectious (Pazos et al. 2012; Medina et al. 1993).
Disease Together with the decrease in T-cell and NK
cell function and numbers, there is an increase in
The maternal immune system during pregnancy some elements of innate immunity. Increased
plays a vital role in the potential increased sus- numbers of phagocytic immune cells that include
ceptibility of pregnant women to certain infec- neutrophils, monocytes, and dendritic cells occur
tious diseases. Immunologic changes occur in the maternal blood from as early as 20 weeks’
during pregnancy, including alterations in the gestation (Kraus et  al. 2012). A concomitant
maternal immune system to tolerate fetal anti- increase in phagocytic activity has been
gens by suppressing cell-mediated immunity described. There are also increased levels of
while retaining healthy humoral immunity. Thus, defensins, polypeptides that inhibit microbes in a
while the pregnant woman is not technically variety of ways in the maternal serum throughout
immunosuppressed, these changes may induce a pregnancy (Pazos et al. 2012; Kraus et al. 2012).
state of increased susceptibility to specific intra- Being infected with SARS-CoV-2 might
cellular pathogens. These include hepatitis E, affect typical physiological alterations that occur
influenza, herpes simplex, malaria, and toxoplas- in the immune response during pregnancy. Severe
mosis (Kourtis et al. 2014; Jamieson et al. 2006). cases of COVID-19 infection have been found to
Pregnancy profoundly affects maternal immu- be associated with a life-threatening cytokine
nological cells and pathways, which can affect storm, which is referred to as an uncontrolled and
the course of infectious diseases in women. It has excessive release of proinflammatory cytokines.
been proposed that the immunological changes These include increased levels of the interleukins
that occur as a result of pregnancy consist of a IL-2, IL-7, IL-10, granulocyte colony-­stimulating
finely tuned series of adaptations that have been factor (G-CSF), interferon-γ-inducible protein 10
termed the “immunological clock of pregnancy” (IP-10), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1
by Aghaeepour and colleagues (Aghaeepour (MCP-1), macrophage inflammatory protein 1
et al. 2017). The total number of T cells, includ- alpha (MIP-1α), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
ing CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ lymphocytes, is Because pregnant women in the first and third tri-
diminished in the peripheral blood. It likely mester are in a proinflammatory state, there is the
results from an increase in estrogen and proges- possibility that a cytokine storm induced by
terone that develops at the close of the first tri- SARS-CoV-2 may result in a more severe inflam-
mester and results in reversible thymic involution. matory state during pregnancy (Liu et al. 2020a).
There are also diminished levels of Th1 and Th2
cytokines that contribute to maintaining and bal-
ancing the proinflammatory response to infec- 14.3 S
 evere Acute Respiratory
tious agents. This results in cells that have Syndrome (SARS)
reduced activity following being stimulated with-
out any apparent bias toward a Th2 phenotype. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
Peripheral NK cells have cytotoxic function and (SARS) emerged in late November 2002 from
trigger responses to an infectious agent by secret- bats and civet cats, leading to human transmis-
ing cytokines such as IFNγ, thereby enabling the sion and suspected outbreaks from animal mar-
adaptive response. These cells are decreased in kets in Guangzhou, China. SARS presented with
number and have reduced activity after 20 weeks flu and pneumonia-like symptoms and was ini-
of gestation (Raj et al. 2014; Pazos et al. 2012). tially believed to be pneumonia or an influenza
The functions of B cells are  also  influenced by outbreak. In February 2003, a traveling physician
pregnancy, and it has been found that estrogen unknowingly initiated the SARS epidemic in
reduces both the number and activity of commit- Hong Kong. Soon after, the virus was isolated,
ted B-cell precursors in the bone marrow and the recognized as a global threat, and quarantine and
226 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

travel restrictions were placed. By July 11, 2003, infections has been shown to be associated with
the WHO announced the end of reported human-­ increased risk of preterm labor, intrauterine
to-­human transmission (Tong 2006). During growth restriction, perinatal death, and neonatal
these few months, the virus reached 29 countries death (Schwartz and Graham 2020).
and led to 8427 suspected SARS cases, with 916 A case-control study was performed at the
deaths and a case fatality rate of 9.6% (Bell et al. Princess Margaret Hospital in Hong Kong in
2004). Additionally, healthcare workers order to investigate the effects of SARS on preg-
accounted for approximately  one-third of these nancy. It compared the clinical obstetrical out-
cases (Schwartz and Graham 2020). comes of 10 pregnant women with those of 40
SARS has been considered to be less infective non-pregnant women who had the infection
than the common cold, having a basic reproduc- (Lam et  al. 2004). In the cohort of pregnant
tion number (R0) of 2–3. SARS has an incuba- women with SARS, there were three maternal
tion period of 6.4  days, after which clinical deaths (maternal mortality rate of 30%), but no
disease develops in three phases: initial flu-like deaths occurred in the cohort of non-pregnant
symptoms, pneumonia-like symptoms, and, infected women (P  =  0.006). Other complica-
lastly, acute respiratory distress syndrome. tions, including renal failure (P = 0.006) and dis-
Children, especially those under 12, are less seminated intravascular coagulopathy
likely to display significant symptoms or prog- (P  =  0.006), occurred more frequently in preg-
ress to the third phase of SARS (Li and Ng 2005). nant women with SARS as compared with non-
Common symptoms of SARS include fever pregnant women. There were six pregnant
(100%), chills or rigor (50%), headache (40%), women with SARS who required admission to
cough (60%), and coryza (50%). Some cases also the intensive care unit (ICU) (60%), and four
reported dyspnea, dizziness, sputum production, needed endotracheal intubations (40%), com-
sore throat, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, pared to an intubation rate of 12.5% and an ICU
abdominal pain, febrile seizure, and rash admission rate of 17.5% (P = 0.012) in the non-
(Srikantiah et  al. 2005; Li and Ng 2005). pregnant cohort of women. Not surprisingly,
Mortality was notably higher in elderly patients pregnant women with SARS needed a longer
with comorbid illnesses (Cao et al. 2003). Despite time in the hospital than did women in the non-
the high case fatality rate of SARS, less than 10% pregnant group. Adverse pregnancy outcomes
of cases were children, and an even smaller pro- were common. Four out of five women present-
portion was under 12  years of age. Fortunately, ing during the first trimester had sustained mis-
there were no SARS-related deaths reported to carriage, and four women presented after the
occur in children. second trimester had to undergo preterm deliv-
The clinical obstetrical outcomes among preg- ery. Five surviving neonates were not infected
nant women infected with SARS-CoV in Hong with SARS, but three had complications due to
Kong were worse than the outcomes among preterm delivery.
infected women who were not pregnant (Maxwell In another study from Hong Kong, Wong et al.
et  al. 2017). Pregnant women with SARS had (2004) reviewed the outcomes of 12 pregnant
higher rates of miscarriage, preterm birth, intra- patients with SARS.  This cohort had complica-
uterine growth retardation, and gastrointestinal tions that included maternal death (3 of 12; case
symptoms (Li and Ng 2005) (Table 14.1). There fatality rate of 25%), first trimester spontaneous
has been no evidence of vertical transmission of miscarriage (four of seven), preterm delivery
SARS between an infected mother and her fetus after 24  weeks (four of five), and two cases of
or neonate (Schwartz and Graham 2020). The intrauterine growth restriction. Specimens of
cases of adverse perinatal outcomes have been cord blood, placental tissue, and neonatal serol-
considered to result from maternal disease, ogy all tested negative for SARS. There was no
including pneumonia and its systemic effects. evidence for vertical transmission of the virus
Maternal pneumonia from other causes and (Wong et al. 2004).
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 227

Table 14.1  Reports of some cases of SARS during pregnancy

Study of cases Maternal outcomes Neonatal outcomes
Lam 10 Maternal death (30%), ICU admission (60%), endotracheal 4/5 mothers in the first
et al. intubation (40%), fever, lymphopenia, renal failure, and DIC trimester had a miscarriage
(2004) Four mothers presenting after the second trimester had 3/5 surviving neonates with
preterm deliveries complications of
Neonates uninfected
Wong 12 Maternal death (3) Intrauterine growth
et al. Miscarriage (1) restriction (2)
(2004) Preterm delivery (4), All neonates, cord blood,
and placental tissues tested
were uninfected
Zhang 5 Fever (5), chills (3), cough (4), secondary infection (3), high Neonates asymptomatic and
et al. transaminases (3), thrombocytopenia (2), hypoalbuminemia uninfected (5)
(2003) (4), abnormal chest X-ray (5), and ICU admission (1)
Yudin 1 Fever, cough, patchy infiltrate on chest X-ray requiring Neonate was asymptomatic
et al. hospital admission and uninfected

A cohort of five primigravida women in their 14.4 M

 iddle East Respiratory
second and third trimester of pregnancy who Syndrome (MERS)
were infected with SARS in Guangzhou, China,
were noted to have fever (100%), chills or rigor It was first reported in September 2012 in Saudi
(60%), cough (80%), secondary Arabia from a male patient who had died several
­ acquired infection (60%), elevated months previously with severe pneumonia and
transaminases (60%), thrombocytopenia (40%), multiorgan failure (Milne-Price et  al. 2014).
hypoalbuminemia (80%), and abnormal chest There have now been 2519 confirmed cases of
X-rays (100%). One patient required intensive MERS, resulting in 866 deaths globally (WHO
care. In this group, there were no maternal deaths 2020). While 27 countries have reported con-
reported, and all neonates showed no evidence of firmed cases of MERS, approximately 80% of
SARS infection (Zhang et al. 2003). these have originated in Saudi Arabia (Assiri
In Canada, there was a case report of a et  al. 2016). All identified persons who have
33-year-old pregnant woman with SARS who developed MERS are linked to travel or residence
presented at 31  weeks’ gestation with fever, in countries along the Arabian Peninsula.
cough, and patchy infiltrates. She required a Isolated as a sporadically zoonotic coronavi-
21-day hospital course without respiratory sup- rus which resides in dromedary camels, the virus
port, and later she delivered a healthy, uninfected was believed to spread from camels to humans
female neonate (Yudin et al. 2005). and had the potential for intrafamilial human-to-­
The 2002–2003 epidemic of SARS led to human transmission (Al Awaidy and Khamis
poor obstetrical outcomes, including maternal 2019; Memish et al. 2013). Similar to other coro-
deaths, miscarriages, preterm deliveries, and naviruses, bats are believed to be the natural res-
respiratory distress. Fortunately, there was no ervoir of MERS-CoV, and dromedary camels are
evidence of vertical transmission of the virus to assumed to be as possible intermediary hosts and
the fetus or neonate (Schwartz and Graham a source of infection to humans (Schwartz and
2020). Instead, it is suggested that the effects of Graham 2020). As of January 2020, MERS
viral pneumonia and hypoxia on the neonate and accounts for 2298 confirmed cases and 811
mother were the leading causes of adverse deaths. MERS-CoV presents similarly to SARS-­
outcomes. CoV but with a drastically higher mortality rate –
228 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

greater than 34% – and cases continue to occur born infant and one neonatal death occurring just
(WHO 2020; Assiri et al. 2016). after delivery by emergency cesarean section.
Nosocomial outbreaks of MERS in healthcare Two of the five women were healthcare workers,
settings have resulted from poor infection control consistent with the high risk for acquiring MERS
and prevention and are characteristic of MERS infections in healthcare settings (Table 14.2).
transmission (Hui 2017). The risk factors for Alfaraj et  al. (2019) reported two pregnant
MERS infections include direct exposure to women infected with MERS-CoV as confirmed
dromedary camels, exposure to seropositive by nasopharyngeal swab testing by RT-PCR. One
household contact(s), diabetes mellitus, heart dis- mother was a 29-year-old woman who was at
ease, and smoking. Asymptomatic cases are 6  weeks’ gestation with no underlying medical
likely to occur as a study of 10,000 participants in conditions. The second case was a 39-year-old
Saudi Arabia was found to have a MERS-CoV mother who was at 24 weeks’ gestation and had
seroprevalence of 0.15%. Clinically, MERS pres- several comorbidities that included hypertension
ents with fever, chills, cough, arthralgia, and gas- and end-stage renal disease requiring hemodialy-
trointestinal symptoms, which can rapidly sis. She presented to the hospital after contact
progress to pneumonia-like symptoms and respi- with a person infected with MERS-CoV during
ratory distress. MERS is more likely to lead to an active outbreak. Both women fully recovered
respiratory illness in people over 55, immuno- from the infection and then tested negative for
compromised status, with other comorbidities or MERS-CoV. The first patient delivered a healthy,
with hypoalbuminemia (Hui 2017; Hajjar et  al. full-term infant, while there is no information on
2013). the status of the second patient’s delivery and her
There are limited data available on the preva- fetus (Alfaraj et al. 2019).
lence and clinical features of MERS occurring in Malik et  al. (2016) reported a 32-year-old
pregnant women and their infants. Similar to pregnant woman with MERS at 34 weeks’ gesta-
many other viral infections, it appears probable tion who had recent contact with farm animals.
that the immunological and physiological She presented with fever, back pain, and dyspnea.
changes that accompany pregnancy may alter She developed respiratory decline resulting in
susceptibility to the MERS-CoV and the severity ICU-level care with mechanical ventilation. An
of clinical illness (Schwartz and Graham 2020). emergency C-section delivery resulted in a
As previously discussed, pregnant women healthy uninfected newborn. After delivery, the
infected with the related coronavirus SARS-CoV patient’s symptoms mildly improved but then
have increased morbidity and mortality when later declined and resulted in maternal death
compared to non-pregnant women, suggesting (Malik et al. 2016).
that pregnant women with MERS are also at risk The one confirmed case of pregnancy-­
for developing severe clinical outcomes. associated MERS outside of the Middle East
However, only 11 pregnancy-associated cases occurred in South Korea. Jeong et al. (2017) and
have been described, but significantly 91% have Park et al. (2016)) reported that in 2015 a 39-year-­
had adverse maternal and infant outcomes. old pregnant woman in the third trimester was
From the period between November 2012 and exposed and infected following contact with a
February 2016, there were 1308 cases of MERS patient having MERS.  Although she developed
reported to occur by the Saudi Arabia Ministry of an episode of abrupt vaginal bleeding and rupture
Health. Among them were five pregnant women of membranes, the mother fully recovered. Her
with ages ranging from 27 to 34  years, all of baby was born healthy at 37 weeks, 5 days’ ges-
whom had adverse obstetrical outcomes (Assiri tation. Testing of the infant’s blood failed to
et al. 2016). All five pregnant women had expo- reveal IgG, IgM, or IgA antibodies to MERS-­
sure during the second or third trimesters, and all CoV (Jeong et al. 2017; Park et al. 2016).
required intensive care. Two mothers died, and While conducting an epidemiologic investiga-
there were two cases of perinatal death: one still- tion during the 2012 MERS outbreak in Zarqa,
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 229

Table 14.2  Reports of some cases of MERS during Jordan, Payne et al. (2014) found that at 5-months
gestation, a stillbirth had occurred from maternal
Number Fetal exposure to MERS-CoV.  The pregnant woman
Study of cases Maternal outcomes outcomes
had developed fever, headache, fatigue, and
Assiri 5 Patients reporting Stillbirth
et al. shortness of breath (1) cough together with vaginal bleeding and abdom-
(2016) and pneumonia-like Neonatal inal pain. On the seventh day of symptoms, there
symptoms later death (1) was an intrauterine fetal demise. The mother
complicated by reported that she had unprotected contact with
respiratory distress,
acute renal failure, family members who later tested positive for the
ICU-level care, virus. Later it was confirmed that she had anti-
intubation, bodies to MERS-CoV, and this became the first
mechanical case of stillbirth related to maternal infection
ventilation, and
maternal and with MERS-CoV (Payne et al. 2014).
neonatal deaths Alserehi et al. (2016) described a 33-year-old
Alfaraj 2 One asymptomatic Term, woman who was 32  weeks’ pregnant and pre-
et al. mother infected in healthy sented cough, fever, and dyspnea, which led to
(2019) the first trimester neonates
admission for pneumonia. Due to respiratory fail-
One mother infected (2)
during the second ure, an emergency cesarean section was per-
trimester with formed, which resulted in the delivery of a
end-stage renal healthy newborn. The mother developed acute
respiratory distress syndrome requiring mechani-
hypertension, and
dialysis cal ventilation and tested positive for MERS-­
Malik 1 Third trimester Healthy CoV by tracheal aspirate. Her symptoms resolved
et al. mother with MERS neonate after 4 days of treatment. The neonate was kept in
(2016) and hypoxemia isolation precaution during delivery and tested
requiring emergency
C-section and later negative for MERS-CoV (Alserehi et al. 2016).
resulting in maternal Among these 11 cases of confirmed cases of
death MERS during pregnancy, the mean maternal age
Payne 1 Second trimester Stillbirth was 33.2 years, and the mean gestational age was
et al. with exposure to
26.3  weeks. In two of the cases, the source of
(2014) MERS, fever, cough,
and other symptoms; infection was believed to result from contact with
mother had family members who had tested positive for
MERS-CoV MERS-CoV.  The source was unknown in three
cases, and in six of the pregnant women, the
Jeong 1 Third trimester Healthy
et al. infection with neonate cause of infection was healthcare-associated (two
(2017) MERS developed of these patients were healthcare workers). In one
and Park vaginal bleeding and case, the source was thought to be due to animal
et al. rupture of exposure. Six of the pregnant women received
(2016) membranes
intensive care. Of the three mothers who died,
Alserehi 1 Respiratory failure Healthy
et al. at 32 weeks’ neonate two were exposed to MERS-CoV during the third
(2016) gestation leading to trimester, and one was exposed in the second tri-
acute respiratory mester. The infant death rate among the 11 preg-
distress syndrome
nancies was 27%. There did not appear to be a
and mechanical
ventilation, MERS correlation of fetal survival with the timing of
infection maternal MERS-CoV infection and gestational
age; however, more data are needed to conclude
this relationship. Alfaraj et al. (2019) stated that
230 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

the case fatality rate for the 11 women with to become infected by SARS-CoV-2 than are
MERS, which was 27%, was not statistically dif- non-pregnant women. However, recent data from
ferent from the overall case fatality rate from the CDC indicates that pregnancy is associated
MERS in the general population (35%). There with increased risk for an intensive care unit
was only one case of both maternal and fetal admission and need for mechanical ventilation
death (Schwartz and Graham 2020). (Ellington et al. 2020).

14.5 COVID-19 in Pregnant 14.5.1 Studies from China

Data on the effects of COVID-19 on pregnant
Since the identification of SARS-CoV-2  in women and their infants mainly come from
Wuhan, China, and the resulting global pandemic investigations from China, the source of the pan-
that was declared on March 11, 2020, there has demic. Following the initial descriptions of
been an increasing attention to the effect of pneumonia caused by COVID-19 from Wuhan,
COVID-19 on pregnant women and their infants. reports became available of individual, small
It has been estimated that 116 million babies will groups, and cohorts of pregnant women with
be born during the 9 months following the initial COVID-19 infection in China (Chen et al. 2020;
recognition of SARS-CoV-2 (UNICEF 2020). Li et  al. 2020; Schwartz 2020a; Zhang et  al.
Those countries with the highest expected num- 2020). Based upon these early studies, the spec-
bers of births since the start of the COVID-19 trum of maternal disease during the third trimes-
pandemic include India with 20.1  million ter of pregnancy was variable, with some
expected births, China with 13.5 million, Nigeria pregnant women having COVID-19 being
with 6.4  million, Pakistan with 5  million, and asymptomatic and others only mild symptoms
Indonesia with 4 million. Unfortunately, some of which were similar to those of non-pregnant
these countries had high maternal or neonatal infected adults – fever, nonproductive dry cough,
mortality rates that predated the COVID-19 pan- and occasionally malaise, dyspnea, headache,
demic. Also, these metrics will probably increase and myalgias. Pregnant women with COVID-19
either directly or indirectly as a result of both pneumonia and abnormal chest radiographs
infections of pregnant women and conditions were reported but did not require intensive care.
existing that result from the newly identified Comorbid conditions, many of them pregnancy-
coronavirus infection. In the United States, the related such as gestational diabetes, preeclamp-
sixth highest country for expected births, there sia, pregnancy-induced hypertension, uterine
will be approximately 3.3  million babies born scarring, and uterine atony, were noted but
between March 11 and December 16, 2020. appeared to have no significant impact on the
COVID-19 has caused significant changes in the effect of COVID-19 on the maternal outcome.
way in which prenatal and delivery care for preg- Perinatal complications were frequent  – these
nant women are being handled in the United included preterm labor, premature rupture of
States (Davis-Floyd et  al. 2020a, b). These membranes, intrauterine growth restriction, low
changes, and the potential direct threats from birth weight, fetal distress, feeding intolerance,
COVID-19 to pregnant women, the fetus, and asphyxia, respiratory distress, pneumonia, and,
newborns, have created tremendous concern in one infant, neonatal death that did not appear
among women of reproductive age, their fami- to be related to COVID-19. There were no mater-
lies, and healthcare providers. nal deaths or severe disease attributable to
There is much remaining to understand how COVID-19. Importantly, these early studies did
COVID-19 affects pregnant women, their preg- not demonstrate any intrauterine fetal infections
nancies, the fetus, and neonate. There is currently with SARS-CoV-2 (Yang et al. 2020a; Schwartz
no evidence that pregnant women are more likely 2020a, c).
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 231

In addition to individual case reports and Approximately 65% of the pregnant women in
small numbers of patients, analyses of medium-­ this study were exposed to an infected person.
sized cohorts of pregnant women with confirmed The most common presenting symptom was
COVID-19 and their infants from China began to fever (86%), followed by cough (68%). Seventy
appear in the medical literature. These included percent of women had lymphopenia. Mild or
reports by Schwartz et al. (2020a) of 38 pregnant moderate symptoms of COVID-19 were present
women in China infected with SARS-CoV-2 dur- in 78% of women, and one-third had underlying
ing the third trimester. Liu et al. (2020b) described comorbid conditions. Obstetric complications
13 hospitalized pregnant women in multiple hos- related to pregnancy were common and included
pitals and cities throughout China. Zeng et  al. prematurity (61%) and fetal distress (31%) as
(2020) reported  33 mother-infant dyads from well as premature rupture of membranes (14%).
Wuhan, and Zhang et  al. (2020) described  an There were no maternal deaths (Kasraeian et al.
analysis of 16 women from Wuhan and Qianjing. 2020).
In many cases, testing was performed from the Another review of pregnant women with
placenta, umbilical cord blood, amniotic fluid, COVID-19 from China examined the features of
breast milk, maternal blood, and vaginal secre- 114 pregnant women from 17 case reports/series
tions, and all were negative for SARS-CoV-2 and one case-control study (Yang et al. 2020b).
infection, No evidence for intrauterine infection This analysis of published cases revealed that the
of the fetus was identified in any of these studies most frequent symptoms were fever (87.5%) and
or others (Yu and Chen 2020). In a more recent cough (53.8%). Symptoms that were less fre-
retrospective study of 116 infected pregnant quent includedfatigue (22.5%), myalgia (16.3%),
mothers from 25 hospitals conducted in China dyspnea (11.3%), diarrhea (8.8%), and sore
between January 20 and March 24, 2020, the throat (7.5%). Two pregnant women were asymp-
most frequent symptoms included fever in 59/116 tomatic upon admission, developing initial symp-
(50.9%) and cough in 22/116 (28.4%). No symp- toms a few days later. The large majority of
toms were present in 27/116 (23.3%) of the pregnant women (96.5%) had either mild symp-
mothers. The median age at presentation was toms or described as having a mild or regular
38  weeks. Abnormal radiologic findings were type of COVID-19 upon admission, based on the
identified in 104/108 (96.3%) of cases. Eight Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Diagnosis and
mothers (6.9%) developed severe pneumonia. Treatment Protocols created by the Chinese gov-
One of the eight women presenting in the first ernment. Six patients (5.3%) developed a severe
trimester and early second trimester had a missed or critical type of COVID-19, including one case
spontaneous abortion. Among 99 pregnant of multiple organ failure who required extracor-
women, there were 21 (21.2%) preterm deliver- poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). There
ies, including 6 having preterm premature rup- were two cases of induced abortion performed
ture of membranes (PPROM). Spontaneous because of patient decisions. Cesarean sections
preterm birth before 37  weeks of pregnancy were performed in the majority of patients (91%)
occurred in 6/99 (6.1%) pregnancies. There was a for a variety of reasons that included preeclamp-
single occurrence of severe neonatal asphyxia sia, fetal distress, history of prior operative deliv-
that resulted in neonatal death. There were no ery, and unknown risk of intrapartum
maternal deaths and no cases of vertical transmis- mother-to-child transmission by vaginal delivery.
sion (Yan et al. 2020). The only case-control study examined revealed
Like other adults, COVID-19 pneumonia that there were no significant differences in pre-
among pregnant women has been an important eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, and pre-
cause of morbidity. Kasraeian et al. (2020) per- mature rupture of the membrane between
formed a meta-analysis of 87 pregnant women pregnant women with and without COVID-19
with COVID-19 and pneumonia from China. infection (Yang et al. 2020b).
232 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

14.5.2 Studies from North America during their disease course, with 94% of them via
and Europe cesarean. Among all critically ill pregnant women
in this cohort, 75% (15/20) delivered preterm.
As COVID-19 spread from Asia to Europe and There were no stillbirths or neonatal deaths or
North America, additional information derived cases of vertical transmission.
from analyses of large cohorts of pregnant In New  York City, Breslin et  al. (2020)
women with COVID-19 were published, and the described a cohort of 43 pregnant women with
clinical spectrum of the infection in pregnant COVID-19 presenting to two hospitals during an
women and infants became more defined. approximately 2-week period. There were 14
The cardiopulmonary disease is the most women (32.6%) who were asymptomatic at the
potentially life-threatening complication of time of the initial evaluation. Among these
COVID-19 in pregnant women. In order to evalu- women, ten (71.4%) developed COVID-19
ate the severe manifestations of COVID-19  in symptoms either during their admission and
pregnancy in the United States, a cohort study delivery or in the postpartum period. In addition
examining severe infection among 64 hospital- to this group, there were 29 pregnant women
ized pregnant women with severe COVID-19 at (67.4%) who initially presented with symptoms
12 different institutions in four states was per- of COVID-19 infection. Three of these women
formed (Pierce-Williams et  al. 2020). All 64 eventually needed antenatal admission for viral
women having critical COVID-19 disease had symptoms, and one patient re-presented with
been administered either prophylactic or thera- worsening respiratory disease and required oxy-
peutic anticoagulation during their admission. gen supplementation for 6 days postpartum fol-
Forty-four (69%) women had severe disease, and lowing a successful induction of labor. Utilizing
20 (31%) had a critical disease. There were mul- the criteria of Wu and McGoogan (2020), 37
tiple pre-existing comorbidities present among women (86%) had mild disease, 4 (9.3%) had
women in this cohort, including 25% with a pul- severe disease, and there were 2 (4.7%) pregnant
monary condition and 17% with cardiac disease, women with the critical disease.
and a mean BMI was 34 kg/m2. The mean gesta- In a large prospective national study of a
tional age at the onset of symptoms was cohort of 427 pregnant women with COVID-19
29 ± 6 weeks, and the women had a mean gesta- from the United Kingdom, it was found that upon
tional age at the time of hospital admission of hospital admission, the majority of women had
30 ± 6 weeks. Eighty-one percent of women were potential risk factors for poor outcomes (Knight
treated with hydroxychloroquine, and 9% of et al. 2020). These included 233 (56%) pregnant
women with severe disease and 65% of women women who were from black or other ethnic
with the critical disease received remdesivir. In minority groups, 281 (69%) who were obese or
cases of respiratory compromise, intubation usu- overweight, 175 (41%) who were 35 years of age
ally occurred around hospital day 9, and the peak or older, and 145 (34%) who had pre-existing
of respiratory support for patients having severe comorbidities. Among the 427 pregnant women,
disease occurred on hospital day 8. In patients 266 (62%) delivered or had a pregnancy loss at
having critical disease, prone positioning was the time of the study, and 196 (73%) gave birth at
performed in 20% of cases. The rate of acute term. There were 41 (10%) women who were
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was 70%, admitted to the hospital that required respiratory
with 20% of women needing re-intubation. There support, and five (1%) women died. Among the
was a single case of maternal cardiac arrest. No 265 infants tested for SARS-CoV-2, there were
women developed cardiomyopathy, and there 12 (5%) whose infants tested positive for viral
were no maternal deaths. Thirty-two (50%) RNA, with 6 of them testing positive in the first
women delivered during their hospitalization for 12 h after birth (Knight et al. 2020).
COVID-19 – 34% of severe and 85% of critical Coagulopathy has emerged as a potentially
patients. Among the pregnant women with criti- significant complication of COVID-19  in preg-
cal COVID-19, 88% (15/17) delivered preterm nant women. Vlachodimitropoulou Koumoutsea
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 233

et  al. (2020) reported two women with 22 to June 7, 2020, the CDC received surveil-
COVID-­19 in their third trimester of pregnancy. lance reports of 91,412 women of reproductive
The patients developed coagulopathy before age (15–44  years) with COVID-19 for whom
delivery, as indicated by elevated D-dimers, pro- data on pregnancy status were available, includ-
gressive thrombocytopenia, declining fibrinogen, ing 8207 (9.0%) women who were pregnant.
and rising activated partial thromboplastin time Both symptomatic pregnant and non-pregnant
(APTT), and postpartum hemorrhage in one of women with COVID-19 had similar frequencies
the mothers. Postpartum coagulopathy has also of cough (>50%) and shortness of breath (30%);
been described with COVID-19. Two pregnant however, the pregnant women reported less fever,
women with COVID-19 had developed severe headache, diarrhea, muscle aches, and chills.
COVID-19 pneumonia that required intubation Several chronic conditions not associated with
and emergency cesarean sections; the initial evi- pregnancy were more frequently reported among
dence of having coagulopathy did not occur until pregnant women than among non-pregnant
3  days following delivery when they developed women  – these included chronic lung disease,
signs of pulmonary microthrombi (Tutiya et  al. diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease.
2020). Approximately one-third (31.5%) of pregnant
Cardiomyopathy has also been reported as a women with COVID-19 had been hospitalized
complication of COVID-19 in pregnant women. compared with 5.8% of non-pregnant women
In a report of seven pregnant women with SARS-­ with COVID-19. Following statistical adjustment
CoV-­2 infection, two developed findings of car- for the presence of underlying medical condi-
diomyopathy that included moderately reduced tions, age, and race/ethnicity, pregnant women
left ventricular ejection fractions of 40%–45% with COVID-19 were more likely to require ICU
and hypokinesis. One of the women required admission and mechanical ventilation than were
CPR and mechanical ventilation (Juusela et  al. non-pregnant women with COVID-19.
2020). At the end of June 2020, the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention modified their
list of heightened risk groups for COVID-19 to
14.5.3 Pregnancy as a Heightened include pregnant women based partly on the find-
Risk Factor for Women ing that approximately 9% of laboratory-­
of Reproductive Age confirmed COVID-19 cases occurred in women
with COVID-19 of childbearing age in the US population in which
approximately 5% of women of childbearing age
During the initial months of the COVID-19 pan- are pregnant at any given time (CDC 2020).
demic, published reports of individual cases,
clusters, and small cohorts of pregnant women
infected with SARS-CoV-2 originated mostly 14.5.4 Maternal Mortality
from China. These reports did not demonstrate
that pregnant women were at a heightened risk At the start of the pandemic, it was initially
for having a poor outcome due to their infection believed that COVID-19 could not produce life-­
status when compared with non-pregnant indi- threatening diseases in pregnant women.
viduals. However, as the pandemic spread glob- However, this was dispelled when seven maternal
ally, the severe and life-threatening maternal deaths resulting from COVID-19 were first
disease was reported with increasing frequency reported in April 2020 in Iran. In a cohort of nine
(Schwartz 2020c). On June 26, 2000, the US pregnant women diagnosed during the late sec-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention pub- ond or third trimester with COVID-19, seven
lished their analysis of a national cohort of women died, one remained severely ill and
women of reproductive age with and without ventilator-­dependent at the time of publication,
COVID-19 (Ellington et al. 2020). From January and one eventually recovered following a pro-
234 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

longed hospitalization (Hantoushzadeh et  al. branes, infect the amniotic fluid, and cause fetal
2020). None of these women had pre-existing infection. This mechanism almost always works
comorbidities that were higher than baseline pop- in the presence of a bacterial infection (Schwartz
ulation risk, and none had renal disease, asthma, 2020d).
or chronic hypertension. At the time of their hos- Intrapartum transmission can occur with some
pital admissions, all of these patients had normal infections around the time of labor and delivery
blood pressures, excluding a comorbid diagnosis when the fetus passes through an infected birth
of preeclampsia. canal. This type of vertical transmission can
Maternal deaths occurred in 5 among 427 occur with herpes simplex virus. Intrapartum
(1%) pregnant women with COVID-19  in a transmission causes 85% of vertical HSV infec-
national cohort of hospitalized patients reported tions and is the basis for performing cesarean
from the United Kingdom (Knight et al. 2020). section delivery in infected mothers. Human pap-
illomavirus and human immunodeficiency virus
can also be transmitted to the infant through
14.5.5 Vertical Transmission exposure in an infected birth canal during labor
of Viruses and delivery.
Postpartum vertical transmission of viruses
As is the case with other newly identified emerg- develops following delivery. It can be caused by
ing infections, a significant concern during the the contaminative transmission of a virus to the
COVID-19 pandemic is whether an infected neonate from an infected mother through respira-
pregnant woman can transmit the virus to her tory secretions and fomites, skin-to-skin-contact,
infant. This process of mother-to-infant infection and breast milk. Respiratory viruses can be trans-
is termed vertical transmission and, depending on mitted by this mechanism, as well as those viral
the agent, can occur by three different mecha- agents present in breast milk, including HIV,
nisms, e.g., intrauterine, intrapartum, and post- cytomegalovirus (CMV), Ebola virus, and
partum routes. Maternal-fetal viral transmission others.
can occur through two significant mechanisms – During the early phases of the pandemic, the
the hematogenous route and an ascending route. vast majority of neonates who were tested for
The hematogenous route is characteristic of most SARS-CoV-2 following delivery to a mother
viral agents where mother-to-fetus transmission with COVID-19 were negative for the virus
occurs. In this mechanism, virus that is circulat- (Simoes and Leal 2020; Schwartz 2020a). A few
ing in the maternal bloodstream during preg- infants were noted to have positive test results
nancy enters the placenta through maternal blood following delivery, but due to the time-lapse
perfusing the placenta through the uterine arteri- between delivery and testing, the source of infec-
oles. The virus can then transit the maternal-­ tion could not be determined (Schwartz 2020e;
placental interface to reach the fetal vessels in the Zeng et al. 2020). More recently, neonates have
chorionic villus tree, and then to be transmitted been described with positive nasopharyngeal
through the umbilical blood vessels to the fetus. swab results for SARS-CoV-2 using RT-PCR
Hematogenous vertical transmission occurs with within the first 24  h of life.  As COVID-19 has
viruses such as rubella, human immunodefi- continued to spread throughout the world, there
ciency virus, cytomegalovirus, Ebola virus, par- have been increasing numbers of neonates found
vovirus, and Zika virus and requires that the virus to have positive tests for the virus, and it has
be present in the maternal blood – viremia. The become important to identify the source of their
ascending route of intrauterine fetal infection infections.
develops when microbial agents present in the In the setting of a new emerging infection
lower genital tract ascend the cervicovaginal tract affecting pregnant women and their infants, it can
to reach the pregnant uterine cavity. They can be challenging to determine whether neonatal
then infect the uterine lining and placental mem- infections have occurred through intrauterine
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 235

transmission including the transplacental or of placentas from infected neonates, thereby con-
ascending routes, by intrapartum infection during firming intrauterine fetal exposure and infection
delivery, or by postpartum infection from the with the coronavirus (Schwartz et al. 2020b).
mother, other infected persons, or the Schwartz and colleagues have proposed that
environment. the identification of the virus in chorionic villous
In order to guide in determining whether a tissue of the placenta, using either in situ nucleic
neonate testing positive for COVID-19 has acid hybridization methods as was performed by
acquired the infection by transplacental transmis- Patane et al. (2020) or by immunohistochemistry
sion, Schwartz et al. (2020b) have recommended using virus-specific antibodies to detect viral
that placentas from infected newborns be exam- antigen, establishes confirmatory evidence of
ined for direct evidence of infection. Techniques fetal infection (Schwartz et al. 2020b; Schwartz
including immunohistochemistry using antibod- and Thomas 2020). In the setting of an infected
ies to viral antigens and nucleic acid analysis maternal-infant dyad, this finding should repre-
such as in situ hybridization and RNAscope that sent a definitive criterion for confirming that
detect target RNA molecules of the virus within transplacental maternal-fetal infection has
intact cells have the advantage of identifying occurred.
virus within specific cell types in defined ana-
tomic compartments of the placenta. As a result,
these techniques can definitively localize a virus 14.5.6 The Placenta
to such fetal cells such as the syncytiotropho-
blast, Hofbauer cells (fetal-derived villous stro- The placenta is the largest of fetal organs, and its
mal macrophages), extravillous trophoblast, and examination has been of great importance in pre-
chorionic villous endothelial cells.  Using these vious outbreaks of emerging infections in evalu-
meothds of placental evaluation, there have been ating the existence and potential mechanisms of
at least several neonates that appear to have intrauterine vertical transmission of agents such
acquired SARS-CoV-2 infection in utero from as the Zika virus and Ebola virus (Schwartz 2017;
transplacental transmission of the coronavirus Muehlenbachs et al. 2017). The information cur-
from an infected mother (Schwartz and Thomas rently  available regarding  placental pathology
2020; Schwartz and Moriotti 2020).  findings in mothers with COVID-19, the effects
In situ RNA hybridization was recently used of SARS-CoV-2 on the placenta, and the role of
to identify and localize SARS-CoV-2 in the pla- the placenta in intrauterine infection of the
centas from two infected neonates testing posi- fetus is rapidly increasing, but is still preliminary
tive for COVID-19 in Italy (Patane et al. 2020). (Schwartz and Thomas 2020; Schwartz and
Both placentas showed chronic intervillositis and Morotti 2020).
the presence of CD-68-positive macrophages in Baergen and Heller (2020) analyzed 20 pla-
the intervillous and the villous space. The placen- centas from neonates whose mother had tested
tal tissues were evaluated using in situ hybridiza- positive for SARS-CoV-2. Ten of the 20 cases
tion with RNAscope technology, a method that (50%) demonstrated pathological findings that
enables the detection of the SARS-CoV-2 spike included some evidence of fetal vascular malper-
protein mRNA by using the V-nCoV2019-S fusion or fetal vascular thrombosis. Fetal vascu-
probe. Both placentas showed the coronavirus in lar malperfusion occurred in nine cases (45%)
the syncytiotrophoblast, confirming the presence and was the most common  abnormal process.
of SARS-CoV-2 on the fetal side of the placenta. These findings included intramural fibrin deposi-
It provided evidence that that intrauterine infec- tion in three placentas, foci of villous stromal-­
tion of fetal cells within the placenta had occurred vascular karyorrhexis in two placentas, and
in the intrauterine environment and before deliv- multiple lesions in four placentas. A few placen-
ery. This study was the first to demonstrate tas contained recent, intramural, nonocclusive
SARS-CoV-2 infection in chorionic villus tissue thrombi. The fetal vascular malperfusion was low
236 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

grade in all of the placentas where it was present. represent pathology risk factors for coronavi-
Additional findings included meconium within rus  infection of the placenta and transplacental
macrophages, microscopic findings of maternal transmission of SARS-­CoV-­2 from the pregnant
vascular malperfusion in five placentas, and focal mother to the fetus.
increase in perivillous fibrin deposition. In one
placenta from a neonate whose mother had pneu-
monia and acute hypoxia, there was evidence of 14.5.7 Fetal and Neonatal Infections
an ascending infection with acute chorioamnion-
itis and funisitis. Four placentas demonstrated There has been intense interest in the infection
chronic villitis of unknown etiology. The villitis status of infants delivered to pregnant women
was high grade in two placentas and was associ- with COVID-19. There have been approximately
ated with the occurrence of obliterative vascu- 217 neonates delivered to pregnant women with
lopathy in one case. All infants tested negative for COVID-19 reported in the literature (Schwartz
COVID-19 (Baergen and Heller 2020). Thus, it et  al. 2020b). Thus far, the large majority of
would be difficult to associate any of these find- infants born to pregnant women infected with
ings with the maternal-fetal transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 have been uninfected throughout
virus or with fetal infection. the world. However, there remains much to be
In another study of placentas, Shanes et  al. learned about this issue. This apparent low fre-
(2020) examined 16 placentas from deliveries to quency of perinatal infection is not surprising
women with COVID-19, including 15 placentas given the information available on vertical trans-
from third trimester live-born neonates and one mission with other RNA respiratory viruses,
from a second trimester (16 weeks) intrauterine including the coronaviruses SARS-CoV and
fetal demise. In comparison to a cohort of control MERS-CoV, as well as respiratory syncytial
placentas, the third trimester placentas were more virus, influenza, parainfluenza, and human meta-
likely to demonstrate at least one feature of pneumovirus (Schwartz and Graham 2020;
maternal vascular malperfusion (12 of 15 placen- Schwartz and Dhaliwal 2020). The inhibition of
tas), especially abnormal or injured maternal ves- respiratory RNA viruses to undergo intrauterine
sels, and intervillous thrombi. The placenta from maternal-fetal transmission is likely the result of
the case of intrauterine fetal demise had villous both viral and host factors and involves the abil-
edema and a retroplacental hematoma. All infants ity of the virus to penetrate the maternal-fetal
were found to be uninfected with SARS-CoV-2 interface, including the placenta, avoiding the
by nasopharyngeal and throat swab (Shanes et al. innate immune system, and tropism of the virus
2020). to host cells.
Schwartz  and Morotti (2020) have recently Among the neonates that have been reported
identified a pattern of placental pathology find- with positive testing for SARS-CoV-2, some have
ings occurring in placentas from neonates who been asymptomatic (Alzamora et  al. 2020;
have acquired SARS-Co-2 via the intrautrerine Schwartz et al. 2020a; Wang et al. 2020; Yu et al.
tranplacental route. Placentas from these mother-­ 2020; Zeng et al. 2020), and other neonates have
infant dyads have demonstrated an had symptomatic illness. The symptomatic
unusual pathology finding termed chronic histio- infants with positive testing for SARS-CoV-2
cytic intervillositis in which histiocytes accumu- have demonstrated variations in the onset of ill-
late in the intervillous space, often accompanied ness, ranging from within 1 or 2 h after delivery
bu other types of inflammatory cells.    Also to within the first 24–72 h of life and up to many
occurring in these placentas is trophoblast necro- days to weeks following birth (Alzamora et  al.
sis, as well as  infection of the syncytiotropho- 2020; Gordon et al. 2020; Schwartz et al. 2020a;
blast with SARS-CoV-2  as demonstrated by Zaigham and Andersson 2020). Some of these
immunohistochemistry and/or RNA in situ cases have been considered to be suspicious for
hybridization. This group of findings appears to vertical transmission. However, the mechanisms
14  Coronavirus Diseases in Pregnant Women, the Placenta, Fetus, and Neonate 237

and timing of acquiring the infection remained 19 (16%) of neonates did not have symptoms or
unknown. findings that were referable to their positive
A recent analysis of 67 neonates delivered to COVID-19 status. A significant observation in
pregnant women with COVID-19 demonstrated this study was that 7 of 19 (37%) neonates who
neonatal complications that included respiratory were discharged from the hospital as healthy sub-
distress or pneumonia in 18%, disseminated sequently required readmission as they devel-
intravascular coagulation in 3%, asphyxia in 2%, oped signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Among
and two cases of perinatal death (Zimmermann these seven neonates, the average approximate
and Curtis 2020). time interval between discharge and readmission
Recently there have been 19 neonates testing for symptoms of COVID-­ 19 was 12  days.
positive for COVID-19 reported by Schwartz Another significant finding in this cohort of
et  al. (2020a) from ten hospitals in multiple infected neonates was the frequent occurrence of
provinces throughout Iran, among whom there disparities between initial testing of neonates for
were infants with early and late positive testing COVID-19 and the results of subsequent tests. If
for the virus. These 19 neonates demonstrated repeat testing for COVID-­19 has not been per-
significant differences in the epidemiology, clin- formed among infants in this cohort, infections in
ical characteristics, results of testing, and clini- 4 of 19 infants (21%) would have been undiag-
cal outcomes. Analysis of possible sources of nosed. The neonatal mortality rate from COVID-
neonatal infection demonstrated that in 11 of the 19 among these 19 infants was 10.5%, though not
19 neonates, at least one family member tested included the death of 2 triplets whose cause of
positive for COVID-19. It included eight neo- death could not be confirmed.
nates whose mothers were the only parent with
confirmed COVID-19. One mother/father pair
had confirmed COVID-19, and in one case, only 14.6 Conclusion
the grandmother had COVID-19. In one neonate,
both parents were tested, but only the father had All of the three major pathogenic coronavirus
confirmed infection with the mother testing neg- infections occurring in humans  – SARS-CoV,
ative. In five cases, the mothers were tested neg- MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 – have now been
ative for COVID-19. In 4 of the 15 neonates demonstrated to cause adverse obstetrical out-
(27%) who had at least one family member comes when they occur in pregnant women.
tested, there was no identifiable family source of Although it was initially believed at the start of
infection. Preterm delivery frequently occurred the COVID-19 pandemic in China that pregnant
among these neonates; 12 of 19 infants (63%) women might be spared the life-threatening
were delivered before 37  weeks’ gestation, effects of the virus, as the infection spread, this
including two very preterm deliveries at has been shown to not be the situation. Pregnant
28 weeks and a set of triplets at 29 weeks’ gesta- women with COVID-19 can, in the minority of
tion. Two preterm infants in this cohort tested cases, develop critical illness including severe
positive for SARS-­CoV-­2 infection just 1 and pneumonia requiring intensive care and mechani-
2  h following cesarean section delivery. cal ventilation, cardiovascular and thrombotic
Respiratory distress was the most common pre- disease, multiple organ dysfunction, and obstetri-
senting medical problem, occurring in 12 of the cal near-miss events as well as maternal death.
19 (63%) neonates. Twenty-five percent of the Preterm birth is a frequent complication, and
neonates with respiratory distress (3 of 12) had neonates delivered to infected mothers can
already been ­ discharged home and required develop complications including pneumonia and,
readmission with the initial onset of respiratory rarely, death. Early onset of neonatal COVID-19
disease. Bradycardia, icterus, lung hemorrhage, may be the result of vertical infection in some
thrombocytopenia, and abdominal distension cases, and placental infection with SARS-CoV-2
with poor feeding were also reported. Three of has been described in a few cases supporting the
238 D. A. Schwartz and A. Dhaliwal

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COVID-19 in Patients
with Hypertension 15
Thiago Quinaglia, Mahsima Shabani,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract between COVID-19 and hypertension is wor-

risome. Additionally, antihypertensive drugs,
Hypertension has been listed in several case especially the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone
series and retrospective cohorts as a potential system (RAAS) inhibitors, could also influ-
risk factor for the incidence and severity of the ence the natural course of COVID-19 infec-
new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)-associated tion. Not only can these associations hold
disease (COVID-19). The debate is notewor- from an epidemiologic standpoint, a mecha-
thy because almost one billion people around nistic scenario possibly exists. Hypertension
the globe are estimated to have hypertensive and antihypertensive drugs can increase the
diseases, according to the Global Burden of expression of transmembrane angiotensin-­
Disease study. Considering the SARS-CoV-­ converting enzyme (ACE)-2 receptors, the
2’s high infectivity rates, a possible interaction entry target of the viruses, thus facilitating
infectivity. On the other hand, an increase in
ACE-2 could be protective considering the
T. Quinaglia
Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic effects of
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA the ACE-2-angiotensin 1–7/Mas pathway. So
M. Shabani (*) far, little is known about the whole picture.
Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Observational studies appear to indicate at
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA least a twofold increased risk of mortality for
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and hypertensive patients with COVID-19; how-
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific ever, the previous and continued use of RAAS
Education and Research Network (USERN), inhibitors may be protective in this subgroup
Baltimore, MD, USA
e-mail: of patients. The scarcity of randomized clini-
cal trials precludes evidence-based decision-­
N. Rezaei
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and making. At least one randomized study in a
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific non-specified sub-analysis demonstrated no
Education and Research Network (USERN), relationship between an angiotensin-­
Baltimore, MD, USA
converting enzyme inhibitor and incidence or
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s severity of the disease. It is reflected mainly
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
by observational studies and, therefore, by
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
international cardiology societies’ guidelines,
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
which state that antihypertensive drugs, par-
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 243
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
244 T. Quinaglia et al.

ticularly RAAS inhibitors, should not be dis- et al. 2020; Cheng et al. 2020). However, a study
continued unless necessary on a case-by-case designed to address the specific question of
basis. whether hypertension predicts clinical outcomes
demonstrated an unambiguous association. In
Keywords this large retrospective cohort (n = 2877), hyper-
tension status is associated with a twofold
Coronavirus disease · COVID-19 · increase in all-cause mortality (HR 2.12, 95% CI:
Hypertension · Renin-angiotensin inhibitors · 1,17–3.82) adjusted for age, sex, diabetes history,
SARS-CoV-2 CAD, renal failure, heart failure, asthma, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, and stroke (Gao
et  al. 2020). Moreover, untreated hypertensive
patients (n = 140) had a significantly higher mor-
15.1 Introduction tality rate than treated ones (n = 730) (HR 2.17,
95% CI 1.03–4.57, P = 0.041). The type of anti-
The new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)-derived hypertensive treatment—RAAS inhibitor vs.
respiratory infection, known as COVID-19, has non-RAAS inhibitor—did not seem to change
placed the whole world in a pandemic crisis the clinical outcome in this study, but in a meta-­
emerging in December 2019. Although an incal- analysis of four studies presented in the same
culable effort is being devoted ubiquitously to publication (n = 2242), RAAS inhibitors tended
tackle its spread, there is no clear solution to this to decrease mortality (relative risk 0.65, 95% CI
health calamity in the foreseeable future. 0.45–0.94, p = 0.02).
Effective preventive measures, such as vaccines, Currently, almost 1 billion people worldwide
may only be available in no less than have hypertension (Forouzanfar et al. 2017), and
12–18 months, considering it usually takes many considering the high infectivity rates of
years for such therapies to be developed and COVID-­19, this population is possibly under sig-
called useful and beneficial. In parallel, drug nificant vulnerability. If hypertension leads to
treatments with general applicability to more severe disease, it is essential to understand
COVID-­19 patients are still unavailable, and ran- how this risk can be mitigated. Hypertension
domized clinical trials (RCTs) are still ongoing. treatment, whether with RAAS inhibitors or not,
Thus, it is of paramount importance to under- could be one way of addressing this issue, but
stand the natural course of the disease and its RCTs are needed to confirm. In this chapter, we
pathophysiology, the effective non-­ aim to investigate the relation between COVID-­19
pharmacological measures, and groups with the and hypertension through a review of available
highest risk. This knowledge allows resources to literature by mid-2020.
be adequately allocated and directed to the most
vulnerable populations.
At this point, observational evidence indicates 15.1.1 Epidemiology
that older age and baseline burden of comorbidi-
ties are associated with a more severe disease As well as a higher risk of COVID-19 infection
progression. Together with diabetes, lung dis- within the hypertensive population, COVID-19
ease, and coronary artery disease (CAD), hyper- progression to severe illness and case fatality
tension predicted higher rates of acute respiratory rates (CFRs) are reported to be higher in patients
distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury with hypertension. Studies indicate a high yet
(AKI), cardiac injury, admissions to the intensive heterogeneous prevalence of hypertension among
care unit (ICU), and death. In multivariate analy- COVID-19 patients, from 56.6% in New  York,
ses, the predictive power of these parameters USA (Richardson et  al. 2020), to 15%–30% in
fades in some studies except for age in some individual Chinese studies (Zhou et  al. 2020;
studies (Wu et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Ruan Rodriguez-Morales et  al. 2020) and 15.6% in a
15  COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension 245

21-study meta-analysis in Chinese population Mexican study, and higher weights were attrib-
(Guan et  al. 2020). Compared with all infected uted to age, obesity, and diabetes (Bello-
patients or non-severe patients, higher rates of Chavolla et  al. 2020). In the CORONADO
hypertension were observed in patients with multicenter study in France, in fully adjusted
severe disease (23.7% in one study; 36.4 vs. models for death, neither ­ hypertension nor
15.1% in another) (Zhou et al. 2020; Mao et al. antihypertensive drugs were associated with
2020), patients with ICU admission (49% in one primary outcomes or death in COVID-19
study; 58.3 vs. 21.6% another study) (Grasselli patients (Cariou et  al. 2020). However, one
et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020), patients with ARDS study with the specific design to understand the
(risk difference, 13.7%) (Wu et  al. 2020), or in association of hypertension and all-cause mor-
COVID-19 non-survivors (48 vs. 23%) (Zhou tality showed a twofold increase in the ratio,
et al. 2020). Two meta-analyses studying 46,248 even in the fully adjusted model. This study
patients in Wuhan, China, and 1527 patients from also showed that untreated hypertensive
several centers in China reported the most com- patients have worse outcomes and, in an
mon comorbidity in infected patients to be hyper- accompanying meta-­ analysis, that RAAS
tension (17% and 17.1%) and estimated pooled inhibitors may decrease mortality (Gao et  al.
odds ratios of 2.36 (1.46–3.83) and 2.03 (1.54– 2020). The data is observational and should not
2.68) for hypertension in patients with severe dis- drive clinical decisions, but currently, it is the
ease compared to non-severe disease (Yang et al. best evidence available.
2020; Li et al. 2020). Odds of inhospital mortal-
ity was also increased to 3.05-fold (1.75–5.92) in
patients with hypertension vs. non-hypertensive 15.1.2 Pathogenesis
subjects (Zhou et al. 2020).
Even though available data directs toward a Similar to SARS-CoV, part of SARS-CoV-2
higher incidence of COVID-19 among hyper- infectivity is initiated by the binding of this virus
tensive individuals, most studies are descrip- to its functional receptor, transmembrane
tive and not adjusted for other confounding angiotensin-­converting enzyme (ACE)-2 recep-
factors, on top of all older age. The Italian sur- tor, which is expressed on the lung, intestine, kid-
vey on 1591 COVID-19 patients pointed to this ney, myocytes, and vascular endothelium (Zou
debate as showing that patients with hyperten- et  al. 2020). Viral surface spike glycoprotein
sion were more aged than normotensive cases (S-glycoprotein) binding to ACE-2 triggers the
(Grasselli et al. 2020). A hypertension-focused internalization of virion mediated by host cell
study on COVID-19 patients showed that protease TMPRSS2 (Hoffmann et  al. 2020).
hypertensive patients are also older and more Replication of the virus within the host cell leads
likely to have diabetes or cerebrovascular dis- to decreased expression of ACE-2 on the surface
ease and higher levels of acute-phase reactants. of cells and consequently suppressed angioten-
Accordingly, multivariate analysis with age sin-­2 degradation. As observed in SARS-CoV
and gender as covariates did not report any infection, angiotensin-2 accumulation results in
association between hypertension and COVID- acute lung injury using the type 1 receptor (ATR-­
19 progression or mortality (Huang et  al. 1) (Kai and Kai 2020). The hypokalemia also
2020b). Despite a 52.9% prevalence of hyper- supported the overactivity of angiotensin-2/
tension within COVID-19 patients in two hos- ATR-1  in COVID-19 patients. A single-center
pitals in London, age- and gender-adjusted study in China reported a high prevalence of
models did not show a significant time-to-event hypokalemia among COVID-19 infected patients,
association between hypertension and death or including 39 severe hypokalemia and 69 hypoka-
critical care admission individually (Galloway lemic patients among 175 admitted patients.
et  al. 2020). Likewise, hypertension was not They have also suggested that sustained correc-
included in a lethality risk score designed by a tion of hypokalemia reflected by diminished
246 T. Quinaglia et al.

urine K+ loss may be a favorable prognostic fac- although the association between hypertension
tor for COVID-19 outcome (Chen et al. 2020). and mortality from seasonal flu is not significant,
Another possible point of interaction between the risk of death due to pandemic flu was
the SARS-CoV-2 mechanism of infection and increased (OR 1.34; 95% CI, 1-10-2.10) in
comorbidities, including hypertension, is the patients with hypertension (Mertz et  al. 2013).
endothelium. Reports of cardiac involvement, Also, a meta-analysis on 637 patients with
hypoxemia with apparently healthy lungs, and MERS-CoV showed a pooled remarkable 48%
severe thrombotic complications (Fox et al. 2020) (95% CI, 31–65%) prevalence of hypertension
may be a consequence of diffuse endotheliitis (Badawi and Ryoo 2016). On the other hand,
expressed as localized or disseminated vasocon- there are studies on patients with community-­
striction, thrombotic macro- and microangiopa- acquired pneumonia that show when adjusted for
thy, and a pro-inflammatory systemic response. other comorbidities like age, the association
The endothelium mainly expresses ACE-2, and between hypertension and pneumonia fades away
there has been evidence of viral inclusions, (Koivula et al. 1994). Finally, when studying the
inflammation, and apoptosis of endothelial cells role of hypertension in illnesses, the predictive
in several organs and tissues, including the lungs, value of hypotension for the outcome of pneumo-
heart, kidney, and intestines (Varga et  al. 2020; nia, especially the early drop in blood pressure
Inciardi et al. 2020). Moreover, endothelial cells during the disease, should also be taken into
operate as sentinels of the innate immune system account (Schulte-Hubbert et  al. 2020).
and have a somewhat similar function to that of Controlling hypertension in these patients can be
macrophages, e.g., antigen presentation and cyto- a double-edged sword.
kine secretion (Shao et al. 2020). Thus, the advent
of an endotheliitis could culminate with the com-
monly cited cytokine storm of COVID-19. Most 15.2.2 Renin-Angiotensin-­
of the comorbidities related to COVID-19 were Aldosterone System Inhibitors
previously described to be associated with endo-
thelial dysfunction (Flammer et al. 2012). From In addition to hypertension as a risk factor for the
this theoretical viewpoint, endothelial function development or progression of acute viral respi-
impairment would increase vulnerability to viral ratory illnesses, antihypertensive drugs are fre-
effects and severity of the disease once installed quently reported to affect host response to these
but not necessarily increase the incidence of the infections. The immunomodulatory effect of
disease. angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) in host
defense against acute critical viral infections is an
expanding area of research, frequently pointed
15.2 L
 essons Learned from Other during previous pandemics of influenza, Ebola,
Types of Pneumonia and other pneumonia outbreaks. Promising
results have been observed in the treatment of
15.2.1 Hypertension patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), sepsis, influenza, and Ebola with ARBs,
Even though the OR of mortality due to influenza mainly when used with statins (Fedson 2016). An
in hypertensive patients vs. normotensive patients exciting retrospective study in a Texas tertiary
(OR 3.53) is lower than that of COVID-19 (OR care center a year before the emergence of SARS-­
7.39) (Kang et  al. 2020), comorbidities like CoV-­ 2 investigated the effect of angiotensin-­
hypertension are also considered to be a signifi- converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/ARB use
cant risk and prognostic factor for acute viral ill- before/during admission of at least 24  h in all
nesses like influenza. A systematic review on the comers >18 years of age and a PCR-based viral
risk factors of severe outcomes in patients with respiratory infection. The study showed no asso-
seasonal or pandemic influenza reported that ciation with pneumonia diagnosis, as assessed by
15  COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension 247

an infiltrate in the chest radiograph. Among the pared with controls (see below). As for heart fail-
1055 patient admitted with viral pneumonia, the ure, ACEI inhibitors were associated with a
results showed that although baseline history of significant 37% reduction in the risk of pneumo-
ACEI use was associated with higher mortality or nia (0.63, CI, 0.47 to 0.84). For patients with
intubation, continued ACEI use during admission chronic kidney disease, ACEI did not s­ ignificantly
lowered the risk of intubation or death (OR = 0.25; influence the incidence of pneumonia compared
95% CI, 0.09–0.64) and shorter length of stay with controls. In none of these patients’ catego-
(Henry et  al. 2018). However, it is not clear ries (stroke, heart failure, or chronic kidney dis-
whether the possible discontinuation of ACEI ease), ARBs reduced the risk for pneumonia,
during admission, due to shock and organ failure, according to the meta-analysis. The use of ACEI
could have contributed to the increased mortality/ yielded a reduction in mortality related to pneu-
intubation and lengths of stay. monia (OR, 0.73; 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.92), although
In specific populations, these results can vary. this benefit was less robust than for the incidence
In a retrospective study on 50,119 patients over reduction. Most of the benefits, however, seemed
65 years with nonspecific pneumonia (both viral to exist in Asian ethnicity populations.
and bacterial), prior use and inpatient use of A couple of RCTs reported the effects of
ACEI (OR 0.88 and 0.58) or ARB (OR 0.73 and ACEI in poststroke populations and the incidence
0.47) were associated with decreased 30-day of pneumonia. Investigators of the Perindopril
mortality rates (Mortensen et  al. 2012). Also, Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study
both prior and inpatient ACEI/ARB use were (PROGRESS), a large-scale randomized trial
associated with shorter hospitalization periods. (n  =  6105), performed a secondary analysis to
However, in a coronary artery disease population, evaluate the risk of incident pneumonia in
with a previous history of revascularization, a patients with a previous history of cerebrovascu-
case-control study (1666 patients with pneumo- lar disease. During a median follow-up of
nia and 33,315 time-matched control subjects) 3.9  years, 261 patients developed pneumonia
demonstrated no association between hospital (viral or bacterial). Perindopril use was not asso-
admissions for community-acquired pneumonia ciated with a lower risk of pneumonia (p = 0.09).
and the use of ACEI (rate ratio 0.98, 95% CI, The authors note, however, that among partici-
0.69–1.40). Likewise, a lack of association was pants of Asian ethnicity, there was a relative risk
seen for ARB (RR 1.02, 95% CI, 0.70–1.49). reduction of pneumonia (47%, 14–67%; p = 0.01)
as compared with non-Asian participants (5%, 27
to 29%; p = 0.7) (Ohkubo et al. 2004). In a ran-
15.2.3 Meta-analysis and Clinical domized placebo-controlled trial, an ACEI was
Trials on ACEI/ARB Use tested as a preventive measure for pneumonia in
and Pneumonia Outcomes elderly patients on tube-feeding due to
cerebrovascular-­related dysphagia (n  =  71). All
A comprehensive meta-analysis was performed patients had a history of hospitalization within 3
with clinical trials, cohorts, and case-control months of enrollment. Results showed that a low
studies on the effect of ACEI/ARB on pneumonia dose of lisinopril resulted in increased mortality
outcome (incidence and pneumonia-related (adjusted OR, 7.79; p = 0.018) and did not reduce
death). A lower pooled odds of pneumonia inci- the incidence rate of pneumonia (Lee et al. 2015).
dence was reported in patients treated with ACEI These data are controversial but show that ACEI
(OR in trials, 0.69; cohorts, 0.58; case-controls, does not prevent the incidence of pneumonia in
0.66). For ARBs, the decrease in odds of pneu- the overall cerebrovascular-diseased population,
monia was less significant (OR in trials, 0.90; except perhaps in an Asian ethnicity, and can
cohorts, 0.95) (Caldeira et  al. 2012). Previous potentially be harmful in a very fragile and
stroke and use of ACEI were associated with a pneumonia-­susceptible population such as those
54% reduction in the risk of pneumonia com- with dysphagia.
248 T. Quinaglia et al.

15.3 H
 ypertension Per Se tion in hypertension development (Huan et  al.
and COVID-19 2015).
This immunity-hypertension interaction could
Aside from hypertension, the top common partly explain why patients with hypertension are
comorbidities observed in COVID-19 patients more susceptible to developing severe forms of
are diabetes, coronary heart disease, and cerebro- COVID-19 infection. Host inflammatory cyto-
vascular diseases. A common denominator of kine storm is a single prognostic factor leading to
these comorbidities is the use of ACEI/ARB for the rapid progression of the disease. The level of
various indications. It is still not explained many chemokines was shown to be elevated in
whether uncontrolled hypertension is individu- patients with COVID-19, among which, specific
ally a risk factor for COVID-19 progression or cytokines that are also elevated in hypertensive
the drugs used in controlled hypertension are individuals had higher levels in patients with the
involved in the disease susceptibility/progres- severe form of the disease (Huang et al. 2020a;
sion. Therefore, current data do not provide Wu et al. 2020).
strong evidence on the individual association of Another possible explanation of how hyper-
hypertension with COVID-19 severity. Herein, tension and COVID-19 infection severity are
we discuss possible theories underneath this linked is that genetic polymorphisms in ACE-2
hypothesis. pathway-related genes can be the common
Like many other multifactorial diseases, denominator of both disorders (Fang et al. 2020).
immune dysregulation is involved in the patho- Some variants observed within the entry complex
genesis of hypertension. The pro-inflammatory of SARS-CoV-2, especially ACE-2, were sug-
state in chronic diseases can be the common gested to work as boosters of spike protein bind-
logic underlying the association of COVID-19 ing to cells, especially in men, including many
and many chronic diseases. In terms of hyper- rare variants not frequently seen in the general
tension, both endogenous stress and antigens population (Darbani 2020). Variants in ACE-2
derived from exogenous risk factors, including were previously reported to be associated with
unhealthy diets, trigger immune responses hypertension and cardiac function (Patel et  al.
toward a pro-­ inflammatory status. Innate 2012).
immune pathways hyperactivate the inflamma- A causal association between hypertension
tory response through TLR-mediated inflamma- and COVID-19 is not clearly understood.
some activation; IL-6, IL-1, and TNF-α COVID-19 could impair homeostasis of blood
production; and alternative stimulation of the pressure allowing deflagration or aggravation of
complement pathway. Additionally, humoral previous hypertension. The infection-derived
immunity through autoantibody production, the vascular and cardiac injuries resulting in the
cellular immune response by CD4+ Th17 and extreme form of cardiogenic or septic shock are
CD8+ T cells, and suppressed regulatory T-cell believed to lower the systolic blood pressure
activity influence the homeostasis in blood pres- (Kang et al. 2020). However, a considerable pro-
sure control by their direct effect on the heart portion of patients with COVID-19 develop acute
and blood vessels or indirectly through the kid- kidney injury (AKI) (36.6%) (Hirsch et al. 2020),
ney and autonomic pathway (Drummond et al. which may cause secondary hypertension.
2019). The ongoing hemodynamic stress itself Moreover, overactivity of the angiotensin-2/
stimulates the immune response, and thus, this ATR1 pathway increases the downstream signal-
vicious cycle brings a sustained inflammatory ing and can potentially increase blood pressure
environment in the circulation of hypertensive through salt and water retention, as well as arte-
patients. Also, polymorphisms in immunomod- rial stiffening. Another possible interaction
ulation-related molecules, e.g., SH2BP3 would be the stimulation of the vicious cycle of
observed in genome-wide association studies, inflammation-hypertension (previously
further highlight the role of immune dysregula- explained) by the host response to SARS-CoV-2.
15  COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension 249

One consequence of COVID-19, or any other (Epelman et  al. 2009; Walters et  al. 2017;
major pandemic, regards the metabolic outcomes Ramchand et  al. 2018). Also, soluble ACE-2
of confinement and the consequent sedentary detected in plasma and urine may not reflect
lifestyle. Confinement status can affect diet, precisely transmembrane ACE-2 at the tissue
physical activity, medication compliance, and level. Thus, an increase in the plasma level of
access to regular medical provider visits and ACE-2 may not correlate with an augmentation
thereby could cause uncontrolled hypertension of ACE-2 receptor activity, the actual point of
(Martinez-Ferran et al. 2020). virus action. Furthermore, to date, there seems
to be no data regarding the effects of ACEI or
ARB on the expression of ACE-2 receptors by
15.4 Antihypertensive Drugs type 2  pneumocytes, the primary target of the
and COVID-19 virus. It should also be noted that any significant
change in the level of these molecules and acti-
The early finding of a high prevalence of vation of pathways (either of ACE-2 and angio-
COVID-­ 19 among hypertensive patients tensin 1–7 or ACE and angiotensin-2) requires
prompted researchers to investigate if the antihy- chronic use of this group of drugs (Luque et al.
pertensive medications are mediating this asso- 1996).
ciation. A comprehensive retrospective study on On the other hand, increased expression of the
12,594 patients tested for COVID-19 in New York ACE homolog, ACE-2, which presents a higher
showed that among tested patients, there was no affinity to angiotensin-2, could be beneficial.
significant difference between patients under Angiotensin-2 triggers the release of the soluble
treatment with any of the five types of antihyper- domain of ACE-2 into plasma. On its turn, solu-
tensive agents and their matched non-treated ble ACE-2 could sequester SARS-CoV-2 within
patients for hypertension and other possible con- the circulation and impede viral attachment and
founders, in being diagnosed with COVID-19 entry to cells. Circulating ACE-2 also mediates
(Reynolds et al. 2020). The five groups of medi- the cleavage of angiotensin-2 to angiotensin 1–7
cations studied were ACEI, ARB, beta-blockers, and alamandine. These autacoids, angiotensin
thiazide diuretics, and calcium channel blockers. 1–7 and alamandine, have anti-inflammatory
Also, the risk of developing a severe form of the effects on the liver, lungs, and cardiovascular sys-
disease was not different between patients with tem through their interaction with the Mas recep-
or without treatment. Similarly, a study on hyper- tor and Mas-related G-protein receptor pathway.
tensive patients reported that although hyperten- In addition to anti-inflammatory effects, angio-
sive COVID-19 patients are more likely to need tensin 1–7 has protective effects against throm-
critical care or mechanical ventilation compared bosis and fibrosis, two other complications of
to normotensive patients, there is no difference in COVID-19 infection (Simões e Silva et al. 2013;
risk between those on ACEI/ARB treatment and Passos-Silva et al. 2015). The promoted increase
those without (Hu et al. 2020). of ACE-2 by ACEI or ARB could have a protec-
Doubt lies over the importance of hyperten- tive effect considering that ACE-2 cleaves angio-
sion itself as well as drugs used to treat hyper- tensin-­2, a molecule known to cause
tension, i.e., ACEIs and ARBs, on the incidence vasoconstriction, inflammation, and fibrosis and
and severity of COVID-19. ACEI and ARBs to worsen lung injury leading to ARDS, as dem-
upregulate ACE-2 receptors in animal models onstrated with other coronaviruses (Kuba et  al.
(Ishiyama et al. 2004; Ferrario et al. 2005), but 2005). As opposed to angiotensin-2, angiotensin
it is not clear if this is also true in humans. Some 1–7/mas receptor signaling blocks all alveolar
cross-­sectional studies in different clinical pop- epithelial cell apoptotic signals and thereby pro-
ulations have demonstrated the absence of dif- motes epithelium survival through upregulation
ference in plasmatic ACE-2 activity or urinary of MKP-2 phosphatase (Gopallawa and Uhal
ACE-2 levels related to the use of these drugs 2016).
250 T. Quinaglia et al.

ARBs are known to antagonize the activity of Moreover, a higher likelihood of ICU admis-
angiopoietin-2 and could be used to treat host sions was observed for those patients taking
response, although with no direct effect on viral ACEI.  The authors highlighted that due to the
entry. The balance of angiopoietin-1 and angio- study’s observational nature, general conclusions
poietin-­2 is theoretically known to contribute to could not be drawn (Mehta et al. 2020). One case
the integrity of the endothelium layer. series from China corroborates with those find-
Angiopoietin-1/Tie2 downstream signaling sup- ings. The authors demonstrated an unadjusted
presses angiopoietin-2 expression. However, pro-­ association of ACEI/ARB use and increased tro-
inflammatory cytokines accumulated in acute ponin, a marker of severity of the disease, but no
illness trigger the release of angiopoietin-2 from association with mortality (Guo et al. 2020).
Weibel-Palade bodies, inhibiting Tie2 signaling The controversy increases as new studies are
and further stimulating expression of angiopoi- published. A recent multicenter and retrospective
etin-­2 (Fedson 2016). Increased level of angio- survey pointed in the opposite direction. In this
poietin-­2 is associated with higher mortality in cohort of 1128 hypertensive and hospitalized
sepsis patients and accompanied by severe acute COVID-19 patients (Hubei, China), a group of
lung injury (Calfee et  al. 2012). Like in other 188 taking ACEI/ARB had reduced all-cause
viral outbreaks, RAAS inhibitors, especially mortality compared to the group not taking ACEI/
ARBs, act in favor of maintaining the endothelial ARB in a median follow-up of 28  days. The
barrier from acute damage caused by respiratory unadjusted results were similar to the propensity
viruses (Saavedra 2020). score-matched analysis (in a 1:2 matching ratio)
Due to the lack of substantial evidence, the (adjusted HR, 0.37; 95% CI, 0.15–0.89; p = 0.03).
current clinical decision has relied on informa- In a further subgroup propensity score-matched
tion from case series and observational studies. analysis, ACEI/ARB use is associated with a
A population-based case-control study per- reduced risk of mortality compared with the use
formed on 6272 patients from Lombardy of other antihypertensive drugs (n  =  745)
(Northern Italy) revealed no increased relation- (adjusted HR, 0.29; 95%CI, 0.12–0.69; p = 0.01).
ship between the use of RAAS blockers and sus- The use of ACEI (OR, 0.33; 95% CI, 0.20 to
ceptibility of COVID-19 or any other 0.54), but not ARB, was associated with reduced
antihypertensive drug (Mancia et  al. 2020). inhospital mortality in an international registry
Similar results were reported from a cohort of (n = 8910) of 169 hospitals and three continents
New  York patients who underwent COVID-19 (Asia, Europe, and North America). These analy-
testing (n  =  12,594) (Reynolds et  al. 2020). In ses were adjusted for age and sex, repeated for
another recent retrospective cohort of 18,472 the subgroup of hypertensive patients, and
participants tested for COVID-19 carried out in adjusted for statin use (which also associated
Florida and Ohio (United States), 12.4% of the with reduced mortality), but results remained
total population was taking either ACEI or consistent. While these data cannot confirm that
ARBs. The use of these drugs was not associ- these classes of drugs reduce mortality during
ated with the likelihood of having a positive test COVID-19 infection, they at least suggest that
for COVID-19. However, in secondary and their use does not increase mortality. Altogether,
exploratory analysis, results suggested a possi- these results likely reflect the fact that there is a
ble association with worse outcomes for those greater proportion of patients with underlying
who tested positive, namely, hospital admis- comorbidities and cardiovascular disease among
sions, ICU admissions, or mechanical ventila- the COVID-19 cases, which is a consistent find-
tion necessity. When weighted by  propensity ing throughout studies.
score for the presence of underlying diseases, The first RCTs on COVID-19 are beginning to
the association remained significant for hospital be published. A non-pre-specified interim analy-
admissions and the use of either ACEIs or sis of the RASTAVI trial assessed the effect of
ARBs. ramipril on the risk incidence or severity of
15  COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension 251

COVID-19. One-hundred and two patients under- e­ vidence supporting the harm or benefit of ACEI/
going transcatheter aortic valve replacement ARB use in COVID-19 infection or progression,
were allocated to ramipril (n  =  50) or control patients who are on these medications should
groups (n = 52). The results showed no difference continue their antihypertensive therapy.
in any of the outcomes (incidence or severity). Abruption in ACEI/ARB use for the prevention
Eleven patients (10.8%) were diagnosed with of disease or initiation of the drug as a preventive
COVID-19 (six in the control group and five in means of inflammatory injuries in newly diag-
the ramipril group, HR = 1.150 [95% CI, 0.351– nosed COVID-19 patients is not recommended
3.768]) (Amat-Santos et  al. 2020). Many other by this society (De Simone 2020).
clinical trials are on the pipeline. They involve
the evaluation of the effects of not only ACEI and
ARB in the treatment of COVID-19 but also spi- 15.5.2 European Society
ronolactone, another RAAS inhibitor, and other of Hypertension
antihypertensive treatments, including calcium
channel blockers and alpha-1 receptor antago- On April 15, 2020, the ESC COVID-19 task force
nists (Table 15.1). released a statement on the conditional use of
So far, data have shown that ACEI/ARB use ACEI/ARB blockers in COVID-19 patients.
does not lead to a higher mortality rate, although According to ESH, “There is no clear evidence
the relationship with hospital and ICU admis- that hypertension per se is associated with an
sions is debatable. Also, discontinuation or increased risk of infection by COVID-19 and the
change in antihypertensive drug should not be available evidence did not support a deleterious
recommended due to possible consequent harm. effect of RAS blockers in COVID-19 infections,”
Any escalation in the level of medications in and thus same predictive strategies should be
patients under chronic treatment can cause an applied in hypertensive patients based on age and
imbalance in blood pressure control culminating other comorbidities. Moreover, in stable infected
with rebound hypertension or hypotensive states patients, discontinuation of medication is not rec-
due to unadjusted dose of alternative drugs, ommended. However, in patients with hemody-
which could aggravate the hemodynamic changes namic instability, a case-based decision on the
brought by infection (Vaduganathan et al. 2020; adjustment of blood pressure-lowering agents is
Zhang et al.). necessary.

15.5 Guideline Recommendations 15.5.3 The American Heart

Association, American College
Although there is still debate in the role of history of Cardiology, and Heart
of ACEI/ARB use in COVID-19 infection risk or Failure Society of America
progression, current guidelines recommend con-
tinuation but not initiation (unless otherwise A joint statement released on March 17, 2020,
implicated) of this group of drugs in patients with HFSA/AHA/ACC prioritized the use of the high-
COVID-19. est standard of care for patients with cardiovascu-
lar diseases. Therefore, previously administered
RAAS antagonists are recommended to be con-
15.5.1 European Society tinued in patients with underlying hypertension.
of Cardiology: Council However, although the addition or discontinua-
on Hypertension tion of RAAS antagonists is not advised in
patients with COVID-19, they have highlighted
As of March 13, 2020, the ESC council on hyper- individualized therapeutic decision-making
tension stated that given the lack of strong based on hemodynamic status and clinical pre-
Table 15.1  Ongoing clinical trials as of mid-2020 according to
Title Interventions Sponsor/collaborators Phases Enrollment Study type Locations URL
Hydroxychloroquine Other: standard of care University Hospital, Phase 480 Interventional NCT04372082
or Diltiazem-­ (SOC)|drug, Lille|I-site University Lille 3
Niclosamide for the hydroxychloroquine|drug, North Europe
Treatment of association of diltiazem
COVID-19 and niclosamide
Ramipril for the Drug: ramipril 2.5 MG University of California, Phase 560 Interventional NCT04366050
Treatment of Oral capsule|drug: placebo San Diego|Pfizer 2
COVID-19 oral capsule
Prazosin to Prevent Drug: prazosin|other, Johns Hopkins Phase 220 Interventional Johns Hopkins Hospital, NCT04365257
COVID-19 standard of care University|Fast Grants 2 Baltimore, Maryland, United
Pilot Clinical Trial of Drug: telmisartan University of Hawaii Phase 40 Interventional University of Hawaii -Manoa, NCT04360551
the Safety and 40 mg|drug, placebo 2 John A Burns School of
Efficacy of Medicine UH Clinics at
Telmisartan for the Kakaako, Honolulu, Hawaii,
Mitigation of United States
Pulmonary and
Complications in
COVID-19 Patients
Efficacy of Drug: University Hospital, Phase 1600 Interventional CHU de Strasbourg, NCT04359953
Hydroxychloroquine, hydroxychloroquine|drug, Strasbourg, France 3 Strasbourg, France
Telmisartan, and azithromycin|drug,
Azithromycin on the telmisartan
Survival of
Hospitalized Elderly
Patients with
Prognosis of Drug: angiotensin-­ Hakeam Abdulaziz 226 Observational King Faisal Specialist Hospital NCT04357535
Coronavirus Disease converting enzyme Hakeam|Buraidah Central & Research Centre, Riyadh,
2019 (COVID-19) inhibitors (ACE-I) and Hospital|King Khalid Saudi Arabia
Patients Receiving angiotensin II receptor University Hospital|King
Antihypertensives blockers (ARBs) Faisal Specialist Hospital &
Research Center
Title Interventions Sponsor/collaborators Phases Enrollment Study type Locations URL
Telmisartan for Drug: telmisartan arm will Laboratorio Elea Phoenix Phase 400 Interventional Hospital de Clínicas NCT04355936
Treatment of receive 80 mg Telmisartan S.A. 2 'Jos√© de San Mart√≠n',
COVID-19 Patients twice daily plus standard Facultad de Medicina,
care Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Buenos Aires, Ciudad De
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Efficacy of Captopril Drug: captopril 25 mg Assistance Publique - Phase 230 Interventional CH Victor Dupuy- Argenteuil, NCT04355429
in Covid-19 Patients Hopitaux de Paris 2 Argenteuil, France|Hôpital
with Severe Acute Avicenne, Bobigny,
Respiratory Syndrome France|Hôpital Avicenne,
(SARS) CoV-2 Bobigny, France|Hôpital
Pneumonia Avicenne, Bobigny,
(CAPTOCOVID) France|Hôpital Antoine
Béclère, Clamart,
France|CH de Compiègne-
Noyon, Compiègne,
France|Groupe hospitalier Sud
Ile de France, Melun,
France|Hôpital de la
Pitié- Salpêtrière,
Paris, France|Hôpital Tenon,
Paris, France|CHRU de Tours,
Hôpital Bretonneau, Tours,
France|Hôpital de Tours,
Tours, France
Amiodarone or Drug: amiodarone|drug, Nicolaus Copernicus Phase 804 Interventional Nicolaus Copernicus NCT04351763
Verapamil in verapamil University 2|phase University, Bydgoszcz, Poland
COVID-19 3
Hospitalized Patients
with Symptoms
Table 15.1 (continued)
Title Interventions Sponsor/collaborators Phases Enrollment Study type Locations URL
Austrian Corona Virus Drug: chloroquine or Medical University of Phase 500 Interventional Medical University of NCT04351724
Adaptive Clinical hydroxychloroquine|drug, Vienna|Kaiser Franz Josef 2|phase Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Tirol,
Trial (COVID-19) lopinavir/ritonavir|other, Hospital|SMZ-Ost 3 Austria|Medical University of
best standard of care|drug, Donauspital|Otto Wagner Vienna, Vienna,
rivaroxaban|drug, Hospital|Hospital Austria|Wilhelminenspital,
thromboprophylaxis|drug, Hietzing|Wilhelminenspital Vienna, Austria|SMZ S√°d
candesartan|drug, non-RAS Vienna|Medical University Kaiser Franz Josef Spital,
blocking Innsbruck Vienna, Austria|KH Hietzing,
antihypertensives|drug, Vienna, Austria|SMZ
clazakizumab|drug, placebo Baumgartner Höhe Otto
for clazakizumab Wagner Spital, Vienna,
Austria|SMZ Ost Donauspital,
Vienna, Austria
Spironolactone in Drug: spironolactone Istanbul Phase 60 Interventional Istanbul University-­ NCT04345887
COVID-19 Induced 100 mg|drug, placebo oral University-Cerrahpasa 4 Cerrahpa≈üa, Istanbul, Turkey
ARDS tablet
Angiotensin-­ Drug: ACEIs|drug, Tanta University Phase 60 Interventional Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt NCT04345406
Converting Enzyme conventional treatment 3
Inhibitors in
Treatment of
Do Angiotensin Drug: losartan Sharp HealthCare Phase 200 Interventional Sharp Grossmont Hospital, La NCT04340557
Receptor Blockers 4 Mesa, California, United
Mitigate Progression States|Sharp Chula Vista
to Acute Respiratory Medical Center, San Diego,
Distress Syndrome California, United States|Sharp
with SARS-CoV-2 Coronado Hospital, San Diego,
Infection California, United States|Sharp
Memorial Hospital, San Diego,
California, United States
Title Interventions Sponsor/collaborators Phases Enrollment Study type Locations URL
Valsartan for Drug: valsartan Radboud University Phase 651 Interventional Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, NCT04335786
Prevention of Acute (Diovan)|drug, placebo oral 4 ‘s-Hertogenbosch,
Respiratory Distress tablet Netherlands|Rijnstate,
Syndrome in Arnhem, Netherlands
Hospitalized Patients
with SARS-COV-2
(COVID-19) Infection
Study of Open-Label Drug: losartan University of Kansas Phase 50 Interventional University of Kansas Medical NCT04335123
Losartan in Medical Center 1 Center, Kansas City, Kansas,
COVID-19 United States
Renin-Angiotensin Societa Italiana 2000 Observational Spedali Civili di Brescia, NCT04331574
System Inhibitors and dell’Ipertensione Arteriosa Brescia, Italy
Coronavirus Drug: thiazide or thiazide-­ National University of Phase 2414 Interventional University Hospital Galway, NCT04330300
(COVID-19) ACEI/ like diuretics|drug, calcium Ireland, Galway, Ireland 4 Galway, Ireland
ARB Investigation channel blockers|drug,
ACE inhibitor|drug,
angiotensin receptor
Losartan for Patients Drug: losartan|other, University of Minnesota|Bill Phase 200 Interventional Hennepin County Medical NCT04312009
with COVID-19 placebo and Melinda Gates 2 Center, Minneapolis,
Requiring Foundation Minnesota, United States|M
Hospitalization Health Fairview University of
Minnesota Medical Center,
Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States|University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States
Table 15.1 (continued)
Title Interventions Sponsor/collaborators Phases Enrollment Study type Locations URL
Losartan for Patients Drug: losartan|other, University of Minnesota|Bill Phase 580 Interventional Hennepin County Medical NCT04311177
with COVID-19 NOT placebo and Melinda Gates 2 Center, Minneapolis,
Requiring Foundation Minnesota, United States|M
Hospitalization Health Fairview University of
Minnesota Medical Center,
Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States|University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States
15  COVID-19 in Patients with Hypertension 257

sentations of each admitted patient (Bozkurt J Am Coll Cardiol. doi:

et al. 2020). As of April 24, the latest updates in Badawi A, Ryoo SG (2016) Prevalence of comorbidities
cardiology released by ACC further emphasized in the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
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with COVID-19 and underlying hypertension, Int J Infect Dis 49:129–133.
referring to a more recent retrospective study that Bello-Chavolla OY, Bahena-López JP, Antonio-Villa
showed a reduced risk of all-cause mortality in NE, Vargas-Vázquez A, González-Díaz A, Márquez-­
patients admitted for COVID-19 (Zhang et  al. Salinas A, Fermín-Martínez CA, Naveja JJ, Aguilar-­
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vational publications. Thus far, evidence indicates Risk of pneumonia associated with use of angiotensin
converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor
that hypertension does not increase the incidence blockers: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ
of COVID-19 but might be related to increased 345:e4260.
mortality due to the disease. The paucity of RCTs Calfee CS, Gallagher D, Abbott J, Thompson BT,
on antihypertensive use also precludes definite Matthay MA (2012) Plasma angiopoietin-2 in clinical
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COVID-19 and Cardiovascular
Diseases 16
Babak Geraiely, Niloufar Samiei,
Parham Sadeghipour, Azita H. Talasaz,
Seyedeh Hamideh Mortazavi,
and Roya Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh

Abstract drome, ST-segment elevation myocardial

infarction, and chronic coronary syndrome;
We herein seek to expound on up-to-the-­ discuss tachy- and bradyarrhythmias in the
minute information regarding cardiovascular COVID-19 setting alongside their treatments;
disease in the era of coronavirus disease 2019 elucidate coagulopathies, venous thromboem-
(COVID-19) by highlighting acute myocar- bolism, and its prophylactic measures in the
dial injury caused by COVID-19 and probing context of this infection; set out the cardiopul-
into its pathophysiology, clinical signs, diag- monary resuscitation protocol as well as the
nostic tests, and treatment modalities. We aim pertinent safety concerns during the current
to share the latest research findings vis-à-vis pandemic; and, finally, explicate drug-drug
cardiovascular disease patients with confirmed interactions between COVID-19 and cardio-
or suspected COVID-19 on the association vascular medication in hypertension, acute
between hypertension and this infectious dis- coronary syndrome, heart failure, venous
ease along with the relevant recommenda- thromboembolism, and arrhythmias.
tions; describe the mechanism of coronary
artery disease in such patients together with Keywords
the necessary measures in the setting of non-­
ST-­segment elevation acute coronary syn- Cardiovascular disease · COVID-19 ·
Outbreak · SARS-CoV-2
B. Geraiely · R. Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh (*)
Department of Cardiology, Imam Khomeini Hospital
Complex, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
e-mail: 16.1 Introduction
N. Samiei
Heart Valve Disease Research Center, Rajaie Since the first report on coronavirus disease 2019
Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Iran (COVID-19) in the Chinese city of Wuhan, a con-
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran siderable number of articles on the cardiovascu-
P. Sadeghipour lar manifestations of this infection and its impact
Cardiovascular Intervention Research Center, Rajaie on patients with cardiovascular disease have been
Cardiovascular, Medical, and Research Center, Iran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
This chapter aims to review these articles with
A. H. Talasaz · S. H. Mortazavi
a focus on their applicable and practical points
Tehran Heart Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 263
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
264 B. Geraiely et al.

vis-à-vis the management of such patients. In hemodynamic control (2020 ESC Guidance for
addition, this chapter discusses the precautionary the diagnosis and management of CV Disease in
measures and changes proposed by internation- the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available
ally renowned cardiovascular societies with at­
respect to the concerns about the intra-hospital 19-­and-­Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance
spread of this infection and the resultant altera- 2020).
tions in the treatment methods of non-COVID-19
patients with cardiovascular disease. This chapter
also highlights key points concerning drug-drug 16.2.2 Definition
interactions between COVID-19 and cardiovas-
cular medications and thereafter introduces the Myocardial injury is defined as at least a single
cardiovascular effects of the pharmaceutical ther- measurement of cardiac troponin above the 99th
apies applied thus far in the current epidemic. percentile of the upper-reference limit (URL)
Needless to say, given the novelty of the (Thygesen et al. 2018). In some studies, this defi-
SARS-CoV-2 virus and, thus, the hitherto nition is propounded clearly irrespective of any
unknown aspects of it, a sizeable portion of the change in electrocardiography (ECG) or evi-
recommendations in the new guidelines and dence of myocardial injury in echocardiography
reported in this chapter are based on expert opin- (Shi et al. 2020).
ion and are liable to modifications and updates
over time.
16.2.3 Incidence

16.2 Acute Myocardial Injury One of the earliest investigations to report the
manifestation of myocarditis as acute myocardial
16.2.1 Introduction injury during the COVID-19 outbreak was a
study of 41 patients hospitalized in the Chinese
Acute myocardial injury as myocarditis has been city of Wuhan. The results showed elevated levels
previously reported in studies on Middle East of high-sensitivity troponin I (hs-TnI) in five
respiratory syndrome (MERS) resulting in acute patients, of whom four presented with a more
heart failure (Alhogbani 2016). severe form of the infection and needed hospital-
The genomic proximity between Middle East ization in the intensive care unit (ICU) (Huang
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) et al. 2020).
and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- Another study in Wuhan on 416 patients
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the strain of the reported elevated levels of hs-TnI in 82 (19.7%).
coronavirus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 These patients were older, had higher values of
(COVID-19), leads to the hypothesis that acute inflammatory markers, exhibited more severe
myocardial injury occurs through similar mecha- lung involvement, had a higher need for mechan-
nisms in COVID-19, too. The role of angiotensin-­ ical respiratory ventilators, presented with more
converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors as the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
main receptors in the pathophysiology of symptoms, and were more frequently compli-
COVID-19 also supports the theory that the coro- cated by renal complications, electrolyte disor-
navirus can harm the myocardium since the latter ders, and coagulopathy. Mortality was reported
abounds with ACE2 receptors (Zheng and Ma in 51% of these patients, whereas only 4.5% of
2020). those without this marker of myocardial injury
Acute myocardial injury can lead to inade- expired (Shi et al. 2020). The incidence of myo-
quate tissue perfusion and, accompanied by cardial injury has also been reported to range
hypoxia secondary to pulmonary involvement, from 7% to 28% in some other studies (Lippi
exacerbate the disease and further complicate et al. 2020a; Bhatraju et al. 2020). The key point
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 265

in the interpretation of these findings is that most COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­C OVID-­1 9-­
of these investigations were conducted on hospi- Guidance 2020).
talized patients. The myocarditis hypothesis is reinforced by a
few case reports. The presence of ACE2 recep-
tors, which are the direct receptors of the corona-
16.2.4 Pathophysiology virus, in the heart further supports the theory of
myocarditis as the cause of acute myocardial
Various mechanisms have been posited for the injury. Based on this postulation, the invasion of
occurrence of acute myocardial injury in myocardial cells by the virus triggers an inflam-
COVID-­19; they include the direct invasion of matory response with the secretion of T cells,
myocardial cells by the virus, stress-induced car- which in turn aggravates this vicious circle of cell
diomyopathy (Takotsubo cardiomyopathy), isch- injury (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and
emic injury caused by atherosclerotic plaque management of CV Disease in the context of the
rupture-induced Type 1 myocardial infarction COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://www.
(MI), cytokine storm-induced inflammatory­19-­and-­
response, and hypoxia created by severe lung Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
involvement resulting in Type 2 MI (Fig.  16.1) A case report described a patient who pre-
(Tersalvi et  al. 2020). Other salient postulated sented with fulminant myocarditis and was
mechanisms are acute kidney injury, hypervol- treated with corticosteroids and human immuno-
emia, and tachyarrhythmias (2020 ESC Guidance globulin. For this patient, who had cardiomegaly
for the diagnosis and management of CV Disease and bilateral pleural effusion in computed tomog-
in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. raphy (CT) scan, ST-segment elevation in ECG,
Available at an elevated troponin T level, and an ejection frac-

Fig. 16.1  Possible mechanisms explaining troponin ele- Myocardial infarction; SARS-CoV-2 Severe acute respira-
vation in patients with COVID-19 tory syndrome coronavirus 2
ACE2 Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; CAD Coronary Adapted with permission (Tersalvi et  al. 2020; https://
artery disease, COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019, MI­request-­form)
266 B. Geraiely et al.

tion of 27% in echocardiography, a sputum sam- A study on 18 patients with COVID-19 and
ple was checked for the genomes of 13 diseases ST-segment elevation reported MI in 8 subjects,
including viral diseases suspected of causing of whom 6 were confirmed via coronary
myocarditis as well as mycoplasma pneumonia ­angiography. Additionally, ten patients had non-­
and chlamydia, and the results were positive for coronary myocardial injury. In-hospital death
only the COVID-19 genome. The patient fully was reported in four patients with MI and nine
recovered from cardiac complications after patients with non-coronary myocardial injury,
aggressive anti-inflammatory treatment (Hu et al. which was indicative of poor prognosis in such
2020). patients (Bangalore et al. 2020).
A case report from Italy described a patient Another hypothesis regarding the occurrence
who suffered cardiogenic shock immediately of acute myocardial injury in the presence of
after the COVID-19 symptom onset and needed COVID-19 is microangiopathy. Cytokine storms,
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). oxidative stressors, and processes related to
Endomyocardial biopsy and ultrastructural stud- ACE2 receptors can expedite the course of coag-
ies revealed viral particles and typical morphol- ulopathy (Tersalvi et  al. 2020; Yin et  al. 2020).
ogy of the virus in the cardiac interstitium, but Almost half of the patients with COVID-19 have
there was no virus inside the myocardial cells an elevated level of D-dimer, which is a product
themselves (Tavazzi et al. 2020). of the coagulation cascade (Guan et  al. 2020b).
Another case report from Italy described a Moreover, the phenomenon of vasculitis, which
patient presenting with extensive ST elevation in has been postulated in the association between
ECG and severe left ventricular hypertrophy and COVID-19 and Kawasaki disease, can induce
hypokinesia. The patient underwent cardiovascu- microangiopathy as the cause of cardiac and
lar magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), which renal involvement (Tersalvi et  al. 2020; Giray
illustrated edema and gadolinium enhancement, et al. 2016).
in favor of myocarditis. Supportive treatment for Stress-induced cardiomyopathy (Takotsubo
COVID-19 and heart failure proved effective cardiomyopathy) could also be a culprit in the
(Inciardi et al. 2020). occurrence of acute myocardial injury in patients
There have also been studies indicating a with COVID-19 insofar as while it creates new
higher likelihood of myocarditis in the presence ST-T abnormalities and transient cardiac dys-
of a higher viral load (Liu et al. 2020b). function incompatible with the coronary artery
Despite the abovementioned cases in support territory in the absence of stenotic lesions in the
of the myocarditis hypothesis in the occurrence coronary arteries, it is accompanied by elevated
of acute myocardial injury, no autopsy study or troponin levels. This disorder is usually revers-
myocardial biopsy study has hitherto reported the ible. A case of reverse Takotsubo cardiomyopa-
presence of the coronavirus or its genome in thy was reported in a patient with COVID-19
myocardial cells. who had edema without late gadolinium enhance-
Another mechanism for acute myocardial ment in CMR and some lymphocyte infiltrations
injury in the presence of COVID-19 is Type 1 without the coronavirus in biopsy (Sala et  al.
MI, which can be caused by atherosclerotic 2020).
plaque rupture and epicardial coronary artery Heart failure, whether diagnosed or undiag-
obstruction. Also involved in the incident could nosed, in the presence of COVID-19 can be
be cytokines, acute inflammatory response, and, accompanied by aggravated symptoms and acute
of course, the theory of the direct viral damage at myocardial injury. This issue was confirmed by a
the plaque site (Thygesen et  al. 2018; Tersalvi study on four patients hospitalized in New York
et  al. 2020). Type 2 MI is another mechanism, (Fried et al. 2020).
which occurs following reduced oxygen supply The presence of underlying heart failure or
due to hypoxia, on the one hand, and increased cardiovascular risk factors such as hypertension,
oxygen demand due to fever and tachycardia, on diabetes, and a history of coronary artery disease
the other (Tersalvi et  al. 2020; Thygesen et  al. (CAD) was reported to be more frequent in
2018). patients requiring hospitalization than in those
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 267

who did not, which suggests that it could create 16.2.6 Diagnostic Tests
higher susceptibility to acute myocardial injury
(Zhou et al. 2020). Blood Tests
An investigation in China on 187 patients with Routine diagnostic tests include complete blood
COVID-19, of whom 144 recovered and 43 counts; white blood cell differential counts; lev-
expired, reported underlying cardiovascular dis- els of serum electrolytes, urea, creatinine, and
eases such as cardiomyopathy, hypertension, and glucose; and liver function tests.
CAD in 35.5% and elevated troponin T (denoting
myocardial injury) in 27.8% of the study popula- Chest X-Ray and CT Scanning
tion. The mortality rate was significantly differ- In this group of patients, cardiomegaly or bilat-
ent between the patients with and without these eral pleural effusion, often not among the typical
two parameters (Fig. 16.2) (Guo et al. 2020). manifestations of COVID-19, may be visualized
(2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and man-
agement of CV Disease in the context of the
16.2.5 Clinical Signs COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://www.­19-­and-­
Most patients with COVID-19 experiencing Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
acute myocardial injury often present with the
typical signs of the infection such as fever, cough, ECG
and dyspnea. Few are the patients who present All patients with COVID-19 who need special
with primary cardiac signs and symptoms such as care should undergo admission ECG. New ST-T
chest pain and palpitation (Liu et al. 2020a). abnormalities, QRS morphological changes, and

Fig. 16.2  Mortality of patients with coronavirus 2019 Adapted with permission (Guo et al. 2020; https://jama-
(COVID-19) with/without cardiovascular disease (CVD)­by-­license-­permissions)
and with/without elevated troponin T (TnT) levels.
268 B. Geraiely et al.

cardiac block may indicate myocardial injury Echocardiography

(Caforio et  al. 2013). The measurement of the In order to perform echocardiography based on
QT-segment in admission ECG can assist in the clinical and paraclinical issues suggestive of
monitoring of pharmaceutical side effects. ECG heart involvement and to consider both patient
changes in patients with COVID-19 and myocar- and operator benefits, the Iranian Society of
dial injury include ST-segment elevation or Echocardiography (ISE) (Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh
depression, T-wave inversion, and Q-wave for- et al. 2020) recommended the use of this feasible
mation (Shi et  al. 2020; Inciardi et  al. 2020; imaging modality in the presence of the follow-
Bangalore et al. 2020). No specific ECG abnor- ing indications:
mality has been defined in patients with
COVID-­19 (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagno- • Shock state
sis and management of CV Disease in the context • New arrhythmias (except for isolated prema-
of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https:// ture ventricular contractions [PVCs] or pre-­19-­and-­ mature atrial contractions [PACs]) or block in
Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). ECG
• Cardiomegaly in CT scan Troponin • More-than-mild pericardial effusion in CT
The troponin test in patients with COVID-19 is scan
valuable in the determination of myocardial • Elevated cardiac biomarkers defined as:
injury and the prognosis of the disease. A rise in –– NT-pro-BNP more than 450  pg/dL in
the troponin level is considered drastic or pro- patients aged below 50 years
gressive when it exceeds the 99th percentile URL –– NT-pro-BNP more than 900  pg/dL in
(Zhou et al. 2020). patients aged between 50 and 75 years
–– NT-pro-BNP more than 1800  pg/dL in Natriuretic Peptides patients aged over 75 years
Elevations in the level of brain natriuretic peptide –– An otherwise unexplained elevated hs-TnI
(BNP) or N-terminal prohormone brain natri- level of more than the 99th percentile
uretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in patients with sus- • New ischemic changes in ECG
pected heart failure can aid the diagnosis. The • Generalized edema
measurement of NT-proBNP to determine prog- • Unexplained deterioration in the clinical sta-
nosis in patients with COVID-19  in a previous tus of patients with previous cardiovascular
study showed that its elevated level had an incre- disease
mental value to hs-TnI (Shi et al. 2020).
Myocardial injury is usually associated with Also according to the recommendations of the
elevated levels of troponin T and I; nonetheless, ISE, it is also reasonable to perform echocardiog-
the levels of BNP and NT-proBNP are allied to raphy at the discretion of the consultant cardiolo-
the severity of the created hemodynamic stress gist while considering the appropriateness criteria
(2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and man- (Sattarzadeh Badkoubeh et al. 2020).
agement of CV Disease in the context of the
COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://www. Endomyocardial Biopsy ucation/COVID-­19-­and-­ This diagnostic test may be useful in carefully
Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). selected patients. Imaging
Echocardiography, CMR, and angiography are 16.2.7 Diagnosis
drawn upon not only to assess regional and global
cardiac motion but also to diagnose other etiolo- Acute myocardial injury may be indicated by the
gies of cardiac involvement such as valvular and patient’s history and signs such as acute chest
congenital diseases. pain, dyspnea, palpitation, and syncope. The
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 269

diagnosis can be further bolstered by cardiac 16.2.8 Differential Diagnosis

examinations, ECG, and the measurement of tro-
ponin, BNP, and NT-proBNP. The presence of a The coronary causes of myocardial injury consti-
single clinical criterion together with one of the tute the most significant differential diagnoses.
following items in patients without a history of Chronic troponin elevations have been reported
CAD hints at the presence of non-coronary myo- in patients with renal disease and in patients at
cardial injury (Caforio et al. 2013): high risk of cardiovascular complications. The
level of troponin should be defined for any spe-
• Elevated levels of natriuretic peptides cific population under study on the basis of sex
• Imaging evidence of abnormalities in regional (Jaffe et al. 2011; Ford et al. 2016).
or global cardiac motion Cardiogenic shock can concur with other
• Significant ECG changes (e.g., significant ST-­ kinds of shocks such as ARDS and sepsis (2020
segment elevation) ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and manage-
• Appearance of edema or late gadolinium ment of CV Disease in the context of the
enhancement in CMR COVID-­19 Pandemic. Available at https://www.­19-­and-­
Nevertheless, in the era of the COVID-19 Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
pandemic, the assessment of a patient with sus- Such cases require the measurement of central
pected myocardial injury differs slightly with the venous oxygen saturation or even invasive moni-
standard diagnostic assessment, particularly toring, in addition to routine imaging procedures,
given the possibility of the spread of the infec- for better differentiation between the etiologies
tion in the hospital (Driggin et  al. 2020). For of shock state (2020 ESC Guidance for the diag-
instance, it should be determined whether fur- nosis and management of CV Disease in the con-
ther evaluations aimed at the diagnosis of acute text of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at
myocardial injury can exert a significant thera-­19-­
peutic impact on the course of the disease (e.g., and-­C ardiology/ESC-­C OVID-­1 9-­G uidance
Type 1 MI). Furthermore, in the allocation of 2020).
personnel and resources, society’s health should
be prioritized.
In patients with no suspicion of acute coro- 16.2.9 Treatment
nary syndrome (ACS) and with hemodynamic
stability, further diagnostic tests and multiple A proven definitive treatment has yet to emerge
imaging are unnecessary because a specific treat- for COVID-19; nonetheless, numerous treatment
ment for non-coronary myocardial injury has yet modalities have been suggested and tried to
to be formulated. Patients with slightly elevated diminish morbidity and mortality in patients with
troponin levels can be followed just clinically. In this infection. Some of these therapies have anti-
contrast, in patients with heart failure signs, it is viral properties, but evidence regarding their effi-
advisable that the threshold for the use of imag- cacy is conflicting (Sanders et al. 2020). In some
ing methods be lowered, specifically for transtho- trials, immunomodulatory drugs have been used
racic echocardiography, which is portable and in the hope of ameliorating the severe inflamma-
readily available. tory response among critically ill patients.
Endomyocardial biopsy may prove useful in Glucocorticoids have been used not only for
younger patients or in those experiencing cardio- COVID-19-induced pneumonia (Veronese et  al.
genic shock or life-threatening arrhythmias 2020) but also for suspected myocarditis (Hu
without coronary involvement (Caforio et  al. et  al. 2020; Zeng et  al. 2020). Still, the recent
2013). treatment reviews and guidelines, in the main, do
270 B. Geraiely et al.

not recommend glucocorticoids merely because a receptor blockers (ARBs), the available data are
patient is COVID-19-positive (Sanders et  al. conflicting. An early hypothesis postulated that
2020; COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. treatment with ACEIs/ARBs could increase the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) risk of severe COVID-19 (Diaz 2020) and even
Treatment Guidelines. National Institutes of place patients with diabetes and hypertension at
Health. Available at https://covid19treatment- the risk of death (Fang et al. 2020). On the other; Massachusetts General hand, in support of the protective effects of ARBs
Hospital COVID-19 Treatment Guidance. The on the pulmonary endothelium in the wake of
General Hospital Corporation 2020 Version 3.1: acute injury caused by the virus, a review article
1-16. Available at https://advances.massgeneral. cited the therapeutic efficacy of ARBs in the
o r g / r e s e a r c h -­a n d -­i n n o v a t i o n / a r t i c l e . treatment of patients with sepsis, pneumonia, and
aspx?id=1184). influenza and reported that ARBs in combination
Intravenous immunoglobulin has been admin- with statins were effective in lowering mortality
istered in the treatment of both severe COVID-­ in the Ebola pandemic (Fedson 2016). It has also
19-­induced pneumonia (Xie et  al. 2020) and been posited that the protective effects of ACE2
COVID-19-induced myocarditis (Hu et al. 2020; are bolstered by ARBs (Saavedra 2020).
Zeng et  al. 2020). Nevertheless, the very latest Losartan is currently under study for its ability
treatment guidance and guidelines do not recom- to reduce lung injury in hospitalized and outpa-
mend their use (Massachusetts General Hospital tient individuals with COVID-19 (ClinicalTrials.
COVID-19 Treatment Guidance. The General gov. Randomized Controlled Trial of Losartan
Hospital Corporation. 2020 Version 3.1: 1-16. for Patients With COVID- 19 Not Requiring
Available at Hospitalization. Identifier: NCT04311177.
research-­and-­innovation/article.aspx?id=1184; March 17, 2020.
COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel. show/NCT04311177;
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Randomized Controlled Trial of Losartan for
Treatment Guidelines. National Institutes of Patients With COVID- 19 Requiring
Health. Available at https://covid19treatment- Hospitalization. Identifier: NCT04312009. March 17, 2020.
In immunomodulatory strategies vis-à-vis show/NCT04312009).
cytokine storms, particularly against interleukin- A collaborative registry on 8910 patients
­1 (IL-1) and IL-6, drugs are used (Conti et  al. found no evidence concerning an increased risk
2020; Zhang et al. 2020a). of in-hospital mortality following the use of
It is vital that further observations on myocar- ACEIs/ARBs (Mehra and Desai 2020).
dial enzyme curves and imaging studies be Overall, in patients with heart failure, there is
undertaken in patients having received treatment no need to discontinue ACEIs/ARBs unless there
with these drugs with a view to correlating immu- are contraindications. In patients with cardiovas-
nomodulation with myocardial protection in cular disease who contract COVID-19, any alter-
COVID-19 (Tersalvi et al. 2020). ations in the therapeutic regimen should be in
There is as yet no appropriate treatment for keeping with the latest reported evidence and at
myocardial injury in tandem with COVID-19. the discretion of the treating physician and team
Treatment for patients suffering from COVID-19 (Statement from the American Heart Association,
with myocardial injury, including those with sus- Heart Failure Society of America, American
pected myocarditis, should, therefore, be sup- College of Cardiology. Patients taking ACE-i and
portive and seek to treat heart failure and ARBs who contract COVID-19 should continue
arrhythmias and also to prevent the use of drugs treatment, unless otherwise advised by their phy-
with cardiotoxic effects (Caforio Accessed on sician 2020).
May 14, 2020). The initiation of ACEIs/ARBs in patients with
With respect to angiotensin-converting COVID-19 has not been recommended yet
enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin II (Massachusetts General Hospital COVID-19
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 271

Treatment Guidance. The General Hospital infected with mild COVID-19 is supportive and
Corporation 2020 Version 3.1: 1–16. Available at includes the maintenance of immunosuppression,­and-­ the reduction of the dose of antimetabolites
innovation/article.aspx?id=1184). (mycophenolate or azathioprine), and the contin-
Of course, the existing literature also contains uation of the therapeutic course based on the
recommendations against the use of ACEIs or severity of the disease and the availability of
even ARBs in the case of pneumonitis and ARDS drugs (Clerkin et  al. 2020; Guidance for
due to the possibility of vasoplegia and renal fail- Cardiothoracic Transplant and Mechanical
ure (Mehra and Ruschitzka 2020). Circulatory Support Centers regarding SARS
In regard to patients on left ventricular assist CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 2020; American
devices that contract COVID-19, a formidable Society of Transplantation. COVID-19
challenge arises if they develop vasodilation, fol- (Coronavirus): FAQs for Organ Transplantation.
lowed by diarrhea and dehydration and, conse- Updated February 29, 2020. Available from:
quently, the low-flow state. On the other hand,
excess fluid volumes in these patients cause COVID19%20FAQ%20Tx%20Centers%20
right-sided heart failure (Caforio Accessed on 030220-­1.pdf).
May 14, 2020). Protease inhibitors are used in the treatment of
Apropos heart transplantation recipients, in a COVID-19, but they can raise the level of calci-
retrospective study conducted in a center in China neurin inhibitors (Ren et al. 2020).
on 87 such patients, the follow-up indicated that The golden rule is that patients with chronic
appropriate preventive measures could decrease heart failure should avail themselves of protec-
the likelihood of infection and COVID-19 (Ren tive measures so as to avoid infection (2020 ESC
et al. 2020). Guidance for the diagnosis and management of
The main question is, however, whether or not CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19
the severity of COVID-19 and the duration of the Pandemic. Available at
disease differ between patients with implanted Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­
hearts and those not on immunosuppressants. COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). Moreover, irrespec-
The salient discussion point is the advisability tive of their COVID-19 status, patients suffering
of heart transplantation during the COVID-19 from chronic heart failure should strictly adhere
pandemic. On the one hand, there is the risk of to guideline-directed medical therapy. The over-
infection among patients during the pre- and use of intravenous fluids and the prescription of
post-implantation hospital stay, and on the other drugs that can cause electrolyte imbalances (e.g.,
hand, there is the risk of mortality among patients nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [NSAIDs])
with heart failure on the waiting list. The latest should be avoided in old patients with COVID-19
recommendation is to proceed with implantation (Mehra and Ruschitzka 2020). Heart failure spe-
and continue with the existing therapeutic regi- cialists need a well-structured approach to
men in patients with negative COVID-19 tests patients with COVID-19 and heart failure, an
that have had no symptoms or direct contact with instance of which is presented in Table  16.1
known or suspected cases of COVID-19  in the (Mehra and Ruschitzka 2020). It would also be
preceding 2–4  weeks. Regarding heart donors, beneficial to consider telemedicine, if feasible, to
the COVID-19 test should be negative, and if it is provide medical advice and to follow stable
positive, a minimum of 2  weeks of negative patients with cardiovascular disease (2020 ESC
COVID-19 status prior to organ harvesting is Guidance for the diagnosis and management of
required. What also poses a challenge is a sce- CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19
nario whereby donors are asymptomatic or have Pandemic. Available at
had no chance to undergo a COVID-19 test. The Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­
treatment for heart transplantation recipients COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
272 B. Geraiely et al.

Table 16.1  Clinical cardiovascular concerns in COVID-19 illness

COVID-19 infection Concern Interpretation
Asymptomatic or early mild Should background There is no clear evidence that ACEI or ARBs
disease with constitutional cardiovascular medications should be discontinued
symptoms (fever, dry cough, be modified? NSAIDs should be used with caution or, ideally,
diarrhea, and headache) avoided
Moderate disease with Is there a cardiovascular Check troponin (evidence of myocardial injury
pulmonary complications and contribution to the lung and prognosis)
shortness of breath (including complications? Check natriuretic peptides
hypoxia) Consider cardiac echocardiography to evaluate
for evidence of underlying structural heart
disease, high filling pressures
Avoid overuse of intravenous fluids, which may
worsen underlying pulmonary edema
Advanced-stage disease with Is there evidence of Check for evidence of hyperinflammation or a
hypoxia, vasoplegia, and cardiogenic contribution to cytokine release storm (elevated troponin,
shock shock, and what therapy may natriuretic peptides, CRP, and serum ferritin of
be potentially curative? >1000 ng/ml) (measure IL-6 levels if available)
If the cardiac function is reduced (LVEF <50%),
consider supportive care with inotropic therapy
but move to consider anti-cytokine therapy with
drugs such as tocilizumab and corticosteroids

Note that therapy in COVID-19 remains experimental

ACEi Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, ARB Angiotensin receptor blockers, CRP C-reactive protein, IL inter-
leukin, LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction
Adapted with permission and modified (Mehra and Ruschitzka 2020;

16.3 Hypertension and COVID-19­19-­and-­

Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
A meta-analysis of four studies on COVID-19 Since the early days of the COVID-19 pan-
showed that this infection in individuals with demic, hypotheses have been proposed as to
hypertension and those with chronic kidney dis- the negative impacts of ACE inhibitors and
ease manifested itself with greater severity (Guan ARBs on the treatment course of this infection
et al. 2020a). These findings were confirmed by a (Fang et  al. 2020). Nonetheless, robust evi-
subsequent cohort study in China (Henry and dence has yet to emerge in the support of such
Lippi 2020). Nonetheless, further scrutiny hypotheses. In some animal studies, ACE
revealed that the main reason for such conclu- inhibitors and ARBs even played protective
sions was the absence of age adjustment in the roles against severe lung damage. Thus,
data analyses. Indeed, individuals aged over 60, patients with hypertension who already con-
of whom 50% suffer from hypertension, are sume such drugs should continue the medica-
prone to more severe forms of this infection; tion in keeping with the latest guidelines (2020
therefore, a higher reported incidence of hyper- ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and manage-
tension among this group of patients with SARS-­ ment of CV Disease in the context of the
CoV-­2 cannot be deemed unexpected. COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://
Overall, there is currently no evidence indicat-­19-­and-­
ing that hypertension per se is associated with the Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020;
severity of COVID-19 or an increase in mortality Vaduganathan et  al. 2020; Li et  al. 2020), as
(2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and man- endorsed by the latest statements of the
agement of CV Disease in the context of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH)
COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://www. (Kuster et al. 2020).
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 273

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is recom- COVID-19 with elevated troponin levels exhibit
mended that patients with hypertension who are the signs and symptoms of ACS (Shi et al. 2020).
in quarantine monitor their blood pressure at It has been reported that elevated troponin levels
home and refrain from referring to hospitals as in combination with a history of cardiovascular
much as possible. disease increase mortality among patients with
With regard to patients with hypertension who COVID-19 to the highest possible level (Guo
are hospitalized for COVID-19, the following et al. 2020).
measures are recommended: MI may occur in patients with COVID-19
through such different mechanisms as hypoxia,
• Antihypertensive agents may have to be tem- microvascular disorders, hypercoagulability-­
porarily discontinued in severely ill patients induced thrombosis, and cytokine storms, which
due to hypotension or acute renal failure. may lead to plaque instability in coronary arteries
• Intravenous antihypertensive agents in the (Libby et al. 2018).
case of patients requiring invasive ventilation Patients suffering from fever or hypoxia need
are recommended only if there is persistently an increase in their cardiac output; consequently,
severe hypertension. Blood pressure in this those with coronary artery stenosis may develop
group of patients should be merely reduced to Type 2 myocardial ischemia. A large body of evi-
below 160/100 mm Hg and not the ideal value. dence indicates a significant correlation between
• Hospitalized patients with hypertension may a history of CAD and the risk and severity of
be at risk of arrhythmias secondary to left ven- COVID-19 (Guan et al. 2020b; Zhou et al. 2020;
tricular hypertrophy or other cardiac diseases, Madjid et al. 2020; Wu and McGoogan 2020).
especially in hypoxic conditions. Hence, the CAD management during the COVID-19 pan-
measurement and adjustment of the serum demic requires special considerations.
potassium level in this group of patients are
vitally important since hypokalemia, which is
associated with advanced COVID-19, can 16.4.1 Non-ST-Segment Elevation
increase the risk of arrhythmias (2020 ESC Acute Coronary Syndrome
Guidance for the diagnosis and management (NSTE-ACS)
of CV Disease in the context of the COVID-­19
Pandemic. Available at https://www.escardio. Upon hospital entrance, all patients with NSTE-­
org/Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ ACS need to undergo the SARS-CoV-2 test in
ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). order that the treatment team can implement
comprehensive protective measures accordingly.
If feasible, those with a positive test should be
16.4 COVID-19 and CAD transferred to a COVID-19-designated center.
According to the guidelines of the European
CAD has various incidence rates in different pop- Society of Cardiology (ESC), very-high-risk
ulations, which is probably why the incidence of patients with NSTE-ACS that exhibit the follow-
CAD among patients with COVID-19 reportedly ing features should be managed via an immediate
varies between 4.2% and 25% based on the popu- invasive strategy:
lation under study (Wang et al. 2020a). The inci-
dence of CAD is higher in patients in the ICU • Unstable hemodynamics or cardiogenic shock
than in other persons (Chen et al. 2020). • Chest pain refractory to medical therapy
Myocardial injury, accompanied by elevations • Malignant arrhythmias or cardiac arrest
in troponin or ECG changes, based on various • Mechanical complications of MI
investigations, has an incidence rate of 7.2% to • Acute heart failure
20%. Nonetheless, only a few patients with • Recurrent intermittent ST elevation
274 B. Geraiely et al.

Otherwise, particularly, in instances where the ­OVID-19-­

C designated centers, the preferred
healthcare system is overwhelmed or catheteriza- method of reperfusion is primary percutaneous
tion laboratories or their operators are in short coronary intervention (PCI) (2020 ESC Guidance
supply, many patients with NSTE-ACS can be for the diagnosis and management of CV Disease
managed with conservative therapy and be dis- in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
charged from the hospital early. Nonetheless, Available at
very-high-risk patients, similar to patients with COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­C OVID-­1 9-­
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Guidance 2020). Nevertheless, published experi-
(STEMI), need immediate invasive treatment ences during the current pandemic show that the
(2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and man- implementation of safety guidelines has delayed
agement of CV Disease in the context of the primary PCI procedures (Tam et al. 2020; Abdi
COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://www. et al. 2020), which is why fibrinolysis, if not con- ucation/COVID-­19-­and-­ traindicated, may be preferred when a timely pri-
Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). mary PCI procedure is not feasible (2020 ESC
Guidance for the diagnosis and management of
CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19
16.4.2 STEMI Pandemic. Available at
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­
The COVID-19 pandemic must not delay the COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
timely reperfusion of patients with In the primary PCI scenario, it is advisable
STEMI.  According to the current guidelines, that, in the presence of subtotal non-culprit
patients with less than 12  h after the onset of lesions and unstable lesions, complete revascu-
symptoms presenting with ST elevations in at larization be done as much as possible so that
least two contiguous leads need reperfusion. The staged procedures can be avoided and the length
safety of the treatment team should be accorded of hospital stay be curtailed. Still, the treatment
priority throughout the process (2020 ESC of non-culprit lesions without the mentioned fea-
Guidance for the diagnosis and management of tures should be postponed to after the pandemic
CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19 termination (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagno-
Pandemic. Available at sis and management of CV Disease in the context
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­ of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).­19-­and-­
Upon hospital entrance, all patients with Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
STEMI not having undergone the SARS-CoV-2
test should be considered to have a positive
COVID-19 status and, as such, be given the test 16.4.3 Chronic Coronary Syndrome
as expeditiously as possible. Needless to say, (CCS)
safety protocols should be adhered to while
awaiting the test result so as to prevent the spread Patients with CCS are often at low risk of cardio-
of the infection (2020 ESC Guidance for the vascular incidents; their diagnostic and interven-
diagnosis and management of CV Disease in the tional procedures should, therefore, be postponed
context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at as much as possible unless they become clini-­19-­ cally unstable. It is also recommended that the
and-­C ardiology/ESC-­C OVID-­1 9-­G uidance clinical follow-up of these patients be done tele-
2020). medically (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis
Provided that the safety of the medical team and management of CV Disease in the context of
and other patients is guaranteed, in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 275­19-­and-­ exacerbated ischemia secondary to an increased

Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). oxygen demand in the myocardial tissue.
Evidence indicates that NSAIDs may worsen A study conducted in a hospital in the Chinese
the treatment course of patients with COVID-19 city of Wuhan, without clarifying the types of
(Basille et  al. 2017). However, the use of low-­ arrhythmias, reported cardiac rhythm alterations
dose ASA in patients with CCS should not be in 17% of the entire patients and in 44% of the
discontinued because it does not appear to have patients in the ICU (Wang et al. 2020a).
considerable anti-inflammatory effects. Statin During the COVID-19 pandemic, the manage-
use should be continued unless there is rhabdo- ment of arrhythmias requires special
myolysis or a drastic increase in liver enzymes. considerations.
A précis of the recommendations of the ESC
for the treatment of CCS during the COVID-19
pandemic is presented below (2020 ESC 16.5.1 Tachyarrhythmias
Guidance for the diagnosis and management of
CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19 Supraventricular
Pandemic. Available at Arrhythmias
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­ No special report has thus far been published on
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020): the incidence rate of the various types of parox-
ysmal supraventricular tachycardias (PSVTs)
• Medications should be continued in patients during the COVID-19 pandemic; nonetheless,
with CCS during the pandemic. this infection could theoretically lead to the
• Follow-up with tele-health is preferred in occurrence or exacerbation of these
patients with CCS. tachycardias.
• Revascularization in low- or intermediate-risk The pharmacological therapy for PSVTs,
patients should be postponed. based on the existing guidelines, is the use of
• Noninvasive testing in these patients should adenosine for acute termination or the use of
be postponed. beta-blockers and calcium channel blockers for
• CT angiography is preferred to functional maintenance therapy. Needless to say, bradycar-
testing. dia, which can prolong QT, should be prevented.
• Screening for SARS-COV-2 should be consid- The option of catheter ablation should be post-
ered in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. poned to the post-pandemic era (2020 ESC
• PCI may be preferred to coronary artery Guidance for the diagnosis and management of
bypass graft surgery, if feasible, during the CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19
COVID-19 pandemic. Pandemic. Available at
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
16.5 Arrhythmias and COVID-19 A  trial Fibrillation (AF)
Patients with COVID-19 are prone to various and Flutter
kinds of tachy- and bradyarrhythmias. These AF can be caused or worsened by COVID-19 in
arrhythmias can be triggered by numerous fac- that the infection creates fever, inflammation,
tors, the most significant of which are electrolyte hypoxia, increased adrenergic tone, and electro-
disturbances and hypoxia secondary to the severe lyte disturbances such as hypokalemia and hypo-
forms of COVID-19. The risk of arrhythmias in magnesemia. Research shows that the occurrence
the milder forms of this infection and in recover- of AF in patients with ARDS and sepsis is associ-
ing patients has yet to be determined (Lakkireddy ated with an increased risk of stroke, heart fail-
et  al. 2020). Arrhythmias in patients with ure, and death (Boriani et al. 2019; Walkey et al.
COVID-­19 can also be due to medication and 2014).
276 B. Geraiely et al.

In the event of AF occurrence in patients with Torsades de pointes (TdP), a fatal ventricular
COVID-19, the following points should be arrhythmia, can occur in those patients with
considered: COVID-19 that are on QT-prolonging medica-
tions. The risk of the occurrence of this arrhyth-
• In patients who are hemodynamically unsta- mia is higher in the presence of hypokalemia,
ble due to new-onset AF, electrical cardiover- hypomagnesemia, renal failure, bradycardia,
sion is recommended. Of course, cardioversion left ventricular hypertrophy, and heart failure,
can be efficacious provided that other underly- as well as in the female sex. The prevention of
ing factors such as hypokalemia, hypomagne- these ventricular arrhythmias in the context of
semia, acidosis, increased sympathetic tone, SARS-­CoV-­2 assumes even a greater signifi-
volume overload, and accompanying bacterial cance (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis
infections are effectively treated. Amiodarone and management of CV Disease in the context
is the drug of choice for the maintenance of of the COVID-­ 19 Pandemic. Available at
the sinus rhythm, but its concurrent adminis-­
tration with hydroxychloroquine and azithro- 19-­and-­Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance
mycin should be avoided as much as 2020).
• In patients who are hemodynamically stable Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias
and need antiviral drugs, it is advisable that In ventricular arrhythmia cases in which the
antiarrhythmic agents be discontinued and the patient with COVID-19 is unresponsive and
method of rate control be drawn upon. breathless, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation
• Anticoagulants should be administered in (CPR) guideline in this chapter should be
accordance with the CHA2DS2-VASc Score implemented.
(2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and The occurrence of TdP requires the imple-
management of CV Disease in the context of mentation of the following measures:
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https://­1 9-­ • Discontinuation of all QT-prolonging
and-­Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance medications
2020). • Normalization of the serum potassium level (>
4.5 meq/L) Ventricular Arrhythmias • Intravenous injection of magnesium
In a recent study conducted in a hospital in the • Augmentation of the heart rate by discontinu-
Chinese city of Wuhan, 5.9% of the patients hos- ing bradycardia-inducing drugs
pitalized for COVID-19 developed malignant • Use of isoproterenol or the implantation of
ventricular arrhythmias (ventricular tachycardias temporary pacemakers, if need be
[VTs] and ventricular fibrillations [VFs]).
Additionally, the incidence of such arrhythmias In patients with sustained monomorphic VTs,
was higher among patients with elevated tropo- the following measures are recommended:
nin levels (Guo et al. 2020). These findings show
that ventricular arrhythmias are indicative of • In patients receiving QT-prolonging medi-
myocardial injury, necessitating more aggressive cations, electrical cardioversion is advis-
antiviral and immunosuppressive treatment (2020 able; and if such patients require
ESC Guidance for the diagnosis and manage- antiarrhythmic agents, lidocaine should be
ment of CV Disease in the context of the administered.
COVID-­19 Pandemic. Available at https://www. • In patients with structural heart disease, intra- ucation/COVID-­19-­and-­ venous amiodarone is a suitable option with
Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). the proviso that it not be administered concur-
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 277

rently with hydroxychloroquine and In the case of refractory symptomatic brady-

azithromycin. cardia due to AV block or sinus node dysfunction,
• In critically ill patients with COVID-19 that the following points are recommended:
sustain repeated VTs and VFs, amiodarone is
the drug of choice (2020 ESC Guidance for • All medications leading to bradycardia should
the diagnosis and management of CV Disease be discontinued.
in the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. • Isoprenaline and atropine should be
Available at administered.
Education/COVID-­19-­and-­Cardiology/ESC-­ • Temporary pacemaker implantation should be
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). considered.
• After recovery from COVID-19, the patient
should undergo evaluation concerning the
16.5.2 Bradyarrhythmias need for permanent pacemaker implantation
since bradycardia might be transient and pace-
As yet, there has been no specific report on the maker implantation during an infection can
occurrence of bradyarrhythmias in patients with result in the superimposed bacterial infection
COVID-19. Nevertheless, theoretically and in of the device (2020 ESC Guidance for the
particular, if there is myocardial involvement, diagnosis and management of CV Disease in
such patients could experience exacerbated con- the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
duction system abnormalities or sinus node dys- Available at
function or even develop new-onset high-degree Education/COVID-­19-­and-­Cardiology/ESC-­
atrioventricular (AV) block. In critically ill COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020).
patients in the ICU, transient bradycardia and
asystole might occur during the intubation, tra-
cheal suction, or rotation of the patient for breath- 16.6 Coagulopathy
ing in the prone position possibly due to increased in the COVID-­19 Outbreak
vagal tone (Boriani et  al. 2019). It is, however,
vital that hypoxemia be ruled out (2020 ESC Coagulopathy is believed to predict poor out-
Guidance for the diagnosis and management of comes in patients with COVID-19 (Guan et  al.
CV Disease in the context of the COVID-19 2020b). Early reports on comparisons between
Pandemic. Available at COVID-19 survivors and non-survivors indicated
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­ meaningfully higher levels of fibrin degradation
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). products (e.g., D-dimer) and longer prothrombin
The risk of AV block and bundle branch and activated partial thromboplastin times in the
block may be increased by some COVID-19 latter (Tang et al. 2020b). For instance, Tang et al.
medications such as hydroxychloroquine reported that disseminated intravascular coagula-
(more likely with chloroquine) and fingolimod. tion occurred in 71.4% of the non-survivors and
Some of these effects might manifest them- 0.6% of the survivors during hospitalization in
selves after a few weeks. Accordingly, patients their study (Tang et  al. 2020b). Interestingly,
who have recovered from COVID-19 should be none of the patients developing thrombotic com-
warned that in the event of presyncope or syn- plications in the ICU in a study by Klok et al. suf-
cope signs and symptoms, they need to seek fered disseminated intravascular coagulation
medical help (2020 ESC Guidance for the (Klok et al. 2020). What, thus, remains unclear is
diagnosis and management of CV Disease in whether the observed coagulopathy is merely a
the context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. marker of the severity of the disease (e.g., in sep-
Available at tic shock) or whether the virus exerts a direct
Education/COVID-­1 9-­a nd-­C ardiology/ESC-­ impact on the coagulation cascade (Tang et  al.
COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). 2020b; Iba et  al. 2019). Several investigations
278 B. Geraiely et al.

have implicated coagulopathy indices in the sur- A meticulously devised prophylaxis strategy
vival prediction of patients with COVID-19 and is needed in view of not only the symptom over-
postulated that the D-dimer level (Tang et  al. lap between pulmonary embolism and acute
2020b; Guan et al. 2020b), the prothrombin time respiratory disease in patients with COVID-19
(Tang et al. 2020b), and thrombocytopenia (Lippi (Danzi et al. 2020) but also the abovementioned
et al. 2020b) may be potential prognostic factors. challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of pul-
Contrariwise, bleeding complications appear to monary emboli. Apropos of VTE prophylaxis,
be atypical in patients infected with COVID-19 Tang et al. performed a retrospective analysis on
(Thachil et al. 2020). 449 patients hospitalized for severe COVID-19
with the objective of assessing the validity of
the sepsis-induced coagulopathy score and the
16.6.1 Venous Thromboembolism D-dimer level in the risk stratification of such
(VTE) patients (Tang et  al. 2020a). Their results
showed no 28-day mortality benefit in heparin
Thrombotic events in patients with COVID-19 (low-­molecular-­weight or unfractionated) users
are more likely to occur in those recommended by comparison with nonusers. The authors,
to take a prolonged bed rest while consuming however, observed a meaningful improvement
the pertinent therapeutic regimen. A few reports in 28-day mortality in patients with a minimum
are available on the prevalence of different sepsis-induced coagulopathy score of 4 or a
thrombotic complications in patients suffering D-dimer level of greater than 3.0 μg/mL due to
from COVID-19. In three academic/teaching heparin prophylaxis and, therefore, recom-
hospitals in the Netherlands, Klok et  al. mended prophylaxis based on risk
observed a 31% (95% CI: 20 to 41%) incidence stratification.
rate of thrombotic complications, the majority Other risk stratification tools (e.g., Caprini
of which were VTE (27% [95% CI: 17 to 37%]), and IMPROVE) have also been recommended
compared with arterial thrombotic events in for use (Bikdeli et  al. 2020). Nevertheless, the
3.7% (95% CI: 0 to 8.2%) (Klok et al. 2020). A recommendations of the International Society on
similar high incidence rate of pulmonary Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) appear to
emboli was also observed by Poissy et al., who be liberal insofar as they advocate the administra-
reported a rate of 20.6%, which was twice the tion of low-molecular-weight heparin in all
rate during the same time interval in the previ- patients hospitalized for COVID-19 (including
ous year (Poissy et al. 2020). The diagnosis of those that are not critically ill) that do not have
VTE may become further complicated in contraindications (platelet count ≤25 × 109/L or
patients hospitalized for COVID-19 by a vari- active bleeding) (Thachil et al. 2020). Despite the
ety of reasons ranging from the inapplicability current paucity of data to suggest this routine
of the D-dimer test to the constraints in the VTE prophylaxis at this juncture, the case series
transfer of patients to imaging wards or even by Klok et  al. confirmed the high incidence of
positioning them for imaging studies (Bikdeli VTE (27%) in patients hospitalized for
et al. 2020). Fortunately, VTE diagnosis can be COVID-­19, which might be judged as justifica-
facilitated, albeit partially, by such diagnostic tion for the liberal approach. Of note, mechanical
measures as right ventricular enlargement/dys- prophylaxis has been suggested for patients with
function in echocardiography or deep VTE in contraindications for pharmacological prophy-
lower limbs on ultrasound (Bikdeli et al. 2020). laxis (Bikdeli et al. 2020).
A consensus has yet to emerge vis-à-vis the VTE prophylaxis merits more attention,
treatment of patients without a definite diagno- although even the earliest reports on the
sis, but intermediate- to full-dose anticoagula- COVID-­ 19 pandemic underscored its signifi-
tion has been suggested by various experts cance. In their short report on 1026 patients hos-
(Bikdeli et al. 2020). pitalized for COVID-19, Wang et al. showed that
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 279

while more than 40% of their study population 16.7.1 CPR Protocol
had a minimum Padua prediction score of 4 (i.e.,
high risk for (Wang et al. 2020b) VTE), only 7% 1. The basic principles of CPR protocols have
received appropriate treatment (Wang et  al. certainly not been altered and should be
2020b). adhered to as strictly as before (Kleinman
et al. 2015).
2. Prone CPR is advocated if administered by
16.7 CPR experienced CPR personnel in order that the
risk of aerosol transmission is minimized. In
CPR, which is deemed the terminal procedure of brief, chest compression is applied at the mid-­
every critical medical process, has the primary thoracic vertebrae (T7 level) between the two
objective of restoring life with the fewest sequelae scapulae with the patient in the prone posi-
and disabilities (Morrison et  al. 2015). tion. Placing a stiff board between the patient’s
Nonetheless, the prominent medical aspect of chest and the mattress can augment the com-
CPR notwithstanding, under no circumstances pression. If necessary, defibrillation can be
can its ethical and legal facets be disregarded administered by placing one of the pads at the
(Morrison et al. 2015). patient’s left midaxillary line and the other
The considerable health burden begotten by one on the right scapula (Cave et al. 2010).
COVID-19 has created a stressful situation for 3. Given the risk of infection spread during the
both medical staff and patients (Castelletti 2020). use of masks and bag-valve masks, CPR
Several procedures in CPR known as aerosol-­ should be performed, as much as feasible, via
generating procedures with a high risk of trans- chest compression and defibrillation, if need
mission and infection aggravate the stress and, be (chest compression-only CPR). During
as a result, inadvertently undermine CPR effi- chest compression, the mask should be fixed
cacy and increase the risk of staff contamination on the patient’s face so as to limit aerosol
(Resuscitation Council of United Kingdom spread. If the AutoPulse (ZOLL, CA) or
2020; Edelson et  al. 2020). A well-thought-out LUCAS (LUCASTM2 Chest Compression
series of prognostications and preparations is, System, JOLIFE AB Inc., Lund, Sweden) is
therefore, vitally important in the treatment of available, the use of either one for chest com-
patients in need of CPR while striving to confer pression is recommended.
protection against COVID-19 not only to them 4. Airway management requires the observation
and their families but also to the hospital staff of the following points (Orser 2020):
and other patients (Edelson et  al. 2020; (a) Patients should be intubated only by
Resuscitation Council of United Kingdom highly experienced CPR team members
2020). This is probably why CPR recommenda- and, if available, with the aid of a video
tions were among the earliest guidelines formu- laryngoscope. If the patient needs respira-
lated by international societies in the immediate tory support before the arrival of the air-
wake of the outbreak. way team’s supervisor, a mask or a
Indubitably, evidence concerning COVID19 is bag-valve can be used but only for the
still scant, with the major recommendations purposes of passive fixation. Put differ-
based on expert consensus and previous viral out- ently, without ventilation and bagging, the
breaks. In writing the following recommenda- patient receives oxygen through the mask.
tions, we have drawn upon two major sources: (b) Intubation should be avoided as long as
available guidelines from eminent international the patient is conscious. Because of the
scientific societies (Edelson et  al. 2020; potential virus aerosolization by atomized
Resuscitation Council of United Kingdom 2020) local anesthetics, the GlideScope or simi-
and experts’ personal experiences during the cur- lar devices should be utilized in their
rent pandemic. stead, if feasible.
280 B. Geraiely et al.

(c) In pre-arrest cases, anesthesia should be 4. CPR administration should be done by a mini-
induced via rapid-sequence induction mum number of staff members.
(RSI) by an experienced physician. RSI 5. CPR administration should not involve less
should be tailored to the patient’s condi- experienced personnel such as students as
tion (e.g., presence of severe hypoxia, much as is achievable.
intolerance of apnea for 30 s, and contra- 6. Complete PPE packages should be placed at
indications to the use of neuromuscular specified spots in each ward. PPE should be
paralyzers). A low tidal volume is prudent donned prior to CPR initiation. The package
in manual ventilation. should contain as a minimum the following
(d) It is advisable that 5  min of preoxygen- items: one long surgical gown or one water-
ation with 100% oxygen precede RSI in proof one-piece gown, two pairs of gloves,
order to avoid manual ventilation as much one N95 or one FFP2 or FFP3 mask, one hat,
as possible. Aerosol spread is a potential one pair of goggles or one face shield, and one
consequence of manual ventilation. pair of shoe covers. Under no circumstances
(e) The placement of a high-efficiency hydro- should CPR be attempted before the team
phobic filter between the face mask and members have donned these items.
the respiratory tract or the respiratory 7. During and after CPR, contaminated pieces of
mask or the bag-valve mask is highly rec- equipment, not least those containing respira-
ommended (e.g., the Laerdal Resuscitation tory secretions (e.g., laryngoscopes and
Bag). patient masks), should be set down on a
labeled tray or in a marked receptacle rather
than on the patient’s bedside.
16.7.2 Safety Concerns 8. Upon CPR termination, all pieces of reusable
equipment such as laryngoscopes and stetho-
1. The suggested personal protective equipment scopes should be sterilized in keeping with the
(PPE) by this document is presumed to be infection control protocol of the hospital.
essential for any center involved in CPR; still, Additionally, all pieces of nonreusable equip-
the complexity of the situation may preclude ment such as chest leads and endotracheal
some scenarios. The aforementioned centers tubes should also be considered infectious
should seek to address shortages and modify waste and disposed of in designated bins.
the recommendations accordingly while
ensuring maximal possible protection. Upon CPR termination, all PPE should be
2. CPR is required by all healthcare workers
doffed in compliance with the pertinent protocol
whether directly (e.g., physicians and nurses) and be discarded in the nearest bin for infectious
or indirectly (e.g., nurse aides, technicians, waste (yellow). While wearing PPE, the person
infection control committees, hospital house- should not be permitted in areas outside the CPR
keepers, and security staff); hence the signifi- designated zone (Barati et al. 2020).
cance of the presentation and education of the
present guidelines, in conjunction with other
recommendations and directives, should be 16.8 Drug-Drug Interactions
endorsed by the authorities of treatment cen- Between COVID-19
ters to their personnel. and Cardiovascular
3. All patients presenting with cardiorespiratory Medications
arrest to the emergency department should be
considered suspicious COVID-19 cases and Numerous studies are underway on the manage-
be administered CPR in accordance with the ment of patients with COVID-19 (Gabutti et al.
present guidelines. 2020). Potential therapeutic pathways, which are
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 281

the main focus of treatment strategies, consist of of COVID-19, leading to the formulation of
viral entry blockage (chloroquine, hydroxychlo- many hypotheses as to the reason behind this
roquine, umifenovir, and interferon), viral RNA susceptibility. SARS-CoV-2 attaches to ACE2
synthesis inhibition (remdesivir, favipiravir, and receptors and is then internalized to induce
ribavirin), virus replication blockage (protease infection. ACE2 also degrades angiotensin II
inhibitors), and passive immunotherapy (mainly (Ang II) and increases the concentration of Ang
tocilizumab as an interleukine-6 inhibitor) 1–7 (South et  al. 2020; Ferrario et  al. 2005;
(Gasmi et  al. 2020). The National Institutes of Zhang et al. 2020b). The latter has some benefi-
Health (NIH) states that there are insufficient cial anti-­fibrotic effects. Thus, it appears that
data to recommend chloroquine, hydroxychloro- ACEIs/ARBs by increasing the concentration of
quine, remdesivir, or tocilizumab for the treat- ACE2 could have more positive than negative
ment of patients with COVID-19. However, the outcomes (South et al. 2020). This advantage is
NIH recommends against treatment with inter- more pronounced in the use of ARBs in animal
feron and protease inhibitors including lopinavir/ models, where losartan is reported to increase
ritonavir and atazanavir (https://covid19treat- ACE2 in cardiomyocytes (Ferrario et al. 2005). Therapeutic options are Consequently, cardiovascular organizations
not without adverse events and could interact have issued recommendations to continue
with other medications. However, remdesivir ACEIs/ARBs in patients with definite indica-
though metabolization by cytochrome 2C8 tions of hypertension, heart failure, diabetes, or
(CYP2C8), CYP3A4, and CYP2D6 does not chronic kidney disease (Zhang et  al. 2020b).
show significant interactions due to rapid Still, due to the metabolic interactions of ARBs,
clearance. patients’ blood pressure should be monitored
Patients with cardiovascular disease, particu- (Dixon et al. 2020). Losartan is metabolized via
larly the severe forms of the disease, are more 2C9, and its effects could be influenced by pro-
vulnerable to COVID-19 and are at greater risk of tease inhibitors. Ritonavir could increase the
mortality (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis formation of losartan metabolites. The concen-
and management of CV Disease in the context of tration of valsartan could, however, be increased
the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at https:// by protease inhibitors due to hepatic transporter­19-­and-­ interactions. ACEIs, candesartan, eprosartan,
Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance 2020). and telmisartan do not have significant interac-
Therefore, interactions between COVID-19 med- tions with protease inhibitors (Giguere et  al.
ications and cardiovascular drugs could be of 2019).
vital importance in the management of such
patients. These interactions are assessed in the Diuretics
following sections, comprising hypertension, The most imperative issue to consider vis-à-vis
ACS, heart failure, VTE, and arrhythmias. the use of diuretics in patients with COVID-19 is
the potential electrolyte disturbances.
Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are known
16.8.1 Hypertension to prolong QTc and could place the patient at the
risk of TdP.  Electrolyte disturbances, mainly ACEIs/ARBs hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia, could
ACEIs and ARBs are the medications that attract increase the risk of TdP.  Hence, monitoring the
the most attention in this era. The earliest reports levels of electrolytes is mandated in these patients
on COVID-19 considered patients with a history to prevent QTc prolongation. Furthermore, inda-
of ACEI/ARB medication to be at a higher risk pamide has extra interactions with protease
282 B. Geraiely et al.

inhibitors due to the similar metabolic pathway actions via CYP2D6 and 2C9 pathways, requiring
of cytochrome P (CYP) 3A4 and 2C19, necessi- the monitoring of the heart rate and blood pres-
tating caution in its titration and dosing in patients sure (Dixon et  al. 2020; Giguere et  al. 2019).
with COVID-19 (Giguere et al. 2019). Secondly, as bradycardia is a risk factor for the
development of TdP, it is suggested to maintain Alpha-Adrenoreceptor the heart rate above 70 beats per minute to reduce
Antagonists the likelihood of QTc prolongation.
Interactions have been reported on metabolism
and transporter levels, which could affect the Statins
serum concentration and hypotensive effects of High-intensity statins constitute the corner-
alpha-blockers. As a result, this class of medica- stone of the management of ACS. Nevertheless,
tions should be initiated at a low dose and gradu- statins have metabolic interactions with medi-
ally titrated, in tandem with careful blood cations administered to patients with COVID-
pressure monitoring (Giguere et al. 2019). 19. For patients on lopinavir/ritonavir,
atorvastatin (20  mg) and rosuvastatin (10  mg) Dihydropyridine Calcium are recommended, respectively. Tocilizumab
Channel Blockers also has interactions with statins, which are
Amlodipine exposure is reported to be increased dependent on cytochromes for their metabo-
by protease inhibitors. Thus, vigilant initiation lisms. For indications other than ACS, the
and titration are highly recommended in patients administration of simvastatin and lovastatin
receiving lopinavir/ritonavir or atazanavir as should be prohibited due to the increased risk
COVID-19 management (Giguere et al. 2019). of toxicity in patients receiving lopinavir/rito-
navir (Dixon et al. 2020).

16.8.2 ACS
16.8.3 Heart Failure P2Y12 Inhibitors
According to the guidelines, clopidogrel remains ACEIs/ARBs, beta-blockers, and
the agent of choice in patients receiving fibrino- mineralocorticoid-­ receptor antagonists (MRAs)
lytics. Nonetheless, in those receiving protease constitute the mainstay of heart failure manage-
inhibitors, the conversion of clopidogrel into ment. For MRAs, it should be noted that eplere-
active metabolites could be impaired. For patients none is contraindicated owing to metabolic
undergoing PCI, more potent P2Y12 inhibitors interactions with protease inhibitors, which could
are recommended. Still, the use of ticagrelor is increase the risk of toxicity, mainly hyperkale-
not recommended with protease inhibitors due to mia. Accordingly, spironolactone is the MRA of
the metabolic interaction and the increased risk choice in patients with heart failure. In patients
of bleeding. Thus, prasugrel is the preferred receiving ivabradine and protease inhibitors, the
option provided that the increased tendency of risk of hypotension and bradycardia could be
bleeding in these patients is taken into account increased significantly (Dixon et al. 2020); con-
(Dixon et al. 2020). sequently, the concomitant administration is not
recommended. Sacubitril valsartan should also Beta-Blockers be initiated at a low dose and titrated slowly in
The use of beta-blockers in patients with patients on protease inhibitors as the effects of
COVID-­19 is associated with two important con- both drugs might be increased (Giguere et  al.
cerns. Firstly, these agents have metabolic inter- 2019).
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 283

16.8.4 VTE anticoagulation while taking heed of drug inter-

actions (Bikdeli et al. 2020). Anticoagulants
Based on the guidelines of the ESC, direct oral
anticoagulants (DOACs) should be considered 16.8.5 Arrhythmias
the oral agents of choice except for those with
mechanical valves or antiphospholipid syn- Calcium Channel Blockers
drome (2020 ESC Guidance for the diagnosis The interaction between protease inhibitors and
and management of CV Disease in the context diltiazem necessitates the close monitoring of
of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Available at patients for the heart rate and blood pressure­ (Giguere et al. 2019). Owing to the known car-
19-­and-­Cardiology/ESC-­COVID-­19-­Guidance diac adverse effects of chloroquine and
2020). Meanwhile, for patients receiving lopi- hydroxychloroquine, ECG monitoring is rec-
navir/ritonavir, DOACs are not recommended. ommended to monitor patients for QTc prolon-
While there is not enough evidence for edoxa- gation, TdP, and AV block. A protocol has been
ban and dabigatran, an elevation in the serum advocated to monitor QT at baseline before the
concentration of apixaban and rivaroxaban has initiation of therapy even among those man-
been reported. From a pharmacokinetic point of aged as outpatients. The Tisdale risk score can
view, between 20% and 25% of apixaban is be employed to estimate the risk of QTc prolon-
metabolized by CYP3A4 compared with rivar- gation in patients receiving therapy (Simpson
oxaban, of which 50% is metabolized by et  al. 2020). Dose reduction or treatment dis-
CYP3A4; therefore, a dose reduction of 50% is continuation should be performed when QTc is
suggested as an alternative for those receiving more than 500 ms or when there is an increase
apixaban. Needless to say, in patients on 2.5 mg in QTc of greater than 60  ms. Other medica-
twice daily of apixaban, its use is not recom- tions with known QT-prolonging effects should
mended. For dabigatran, a dose reduction of be substituted with alternatives. Furthermore,
50% is suggested as ritonavir is considered to caution is advised for the treatment of patients
be a P-glycoprotein inhibitor. However, phar- receiving antiarrhythmics for QTc prolongation
macokinetic studies have indicated that a 2-h effects. However, QT monitoring alone cannot
separation in administration obviates the need prevent fatal tachyarrhythmias (Huang 2017)
to reduce the dose of dabigatran. Edoxaban because chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine
requires no dose adjustment for AF and is could also place the patient in danger of distur-
deemed an option for VTE at a dose of 30 mg bances in conduction velocity and calcium
once daily; still, its concomitant administration homeostasis in cardiomyocytes (Jeevaratnam
with antiretroviral agents is not recommended 2020). QTc prolongation is also a problem
due to a lack of evidence. Warfarin may be con- associated with lopinavir/ritonavir, while AV
sidered in patients with COVID-19 with the block is more common with atazanavir; conse-
proviso that the international normalized ratio quently, baseline ECG and its monitoring dur-
(INR) be carefully monitored (Health and ing treatment have been recommended. It is
Services 2013). In hemodynamically unstable also advisable that patients on COVID-19 treat-
patients, low-molecular-weight heparin is indi- ment be monitored closely for their digoxin
cated, and unfractionated heparin is an agent of levels (Dixon et al. 2020).
choice for those at risk of bleeding or kidney Tables 16.2, 16.3 and 16.4 present cardiovas-
failure. Therefore, DOACs should be consid- cular medication interactions with antiviral
ered for stable patients at discharge in need of agents used for COVID-19.
284 B. Geraiely et al.

Table 16.2  Cardiovascular medication interactions with antiviral agents used for COVID-19
Drug Class Drug Interaction Recommendation
↑risk of adverse effects
Simvastatin/Lovastatin (hepatotoxicity and Contraindicated
Rosuvastatin AUC ↑ 2.1-
Statins Rosuvastatin fold and Cmax ↑ 4.7 Not to exceed 10 mg daily
Atorvastatin AUC ↑ 5.9 -
Atorvastatin fold and Cmax ↑ 4.7 Not to exceed 20 mg daily
Rivaroxaban Contraindicated
Reduce dose by
Apixaban Use is not recommended
Oral Anticoagulants ↑risk of bleeding
May be suggested as an option with 2 hour
(OACs) Dabigatran
Edoxaban Use is not recommended
Warfarin ↓ Monitor INR more frequently
Clopidogrel active
Antiplatelets (P2Y12
metabolite AUC ↓ with P2Y12 inhibitor of choice with fibrinolytics,
inhibitors)* Clopidogrel
impaired platelet platelet function test suggested
Ticagrelor ↑risk of bleeding Contraindicated
Prasugrel ↑risk of bleeding Not recommended in high risk of bleeding
If possible use alternative; if coadministered,
Amiodarone ↑ reduce dose and monitor BP, LFT, TFT, and ECG
Use with caution; monitor ECG and adjust dose if
Lidocaine ↑
Antiarrhythmics necessary
Flecainide ↑ Use is not recommended
Propafenone ↑ Use is not recommended
Use with caution; monitor ECG and adjust dose if
Quinidine ↑
↑risk of bradycardia and Monitor HR/BP; if necessary consider dose
Beta-blockers Carvedilol/Bisoprolol/
hypotension reduction
Calcium Channel Amlodipine/Verapamil ↑risk of bradycardia/ Monitor BP (HR for verapamil)
Blockers Diltiazem hypotension) Dose adjustment based on HR/BP
Losartan ↓ Monitor BP
Angiotensin receptor
Valsartan ↑ Monitor BP, SCr, K
Sacubitril/Valsartan ↑
Alpha-blockers Terazosin/Prazosin ↑ risk of hypotension Monitor BP; dose adjustment may be necessary
Indapamide ↑ Monitor BP and serum electrolytes
Eplerenone ↑risk of adverse effects Contraindicated
Sildenafil Use is not recommended
Phosphodiesterase 5
Stop tadalafil ≥ 24 hours before
inhibitors ↑ risk of hypotension,
Lopinavir/ritonavir initiation and restart 7 days
Tadalafil priapism
after Lopinavir/ritronavir initiation with 20 mg
Monitor digoxin concentration if signs of toxicity
Cardiac glycosides Digoxin ↑risk of toxicity
Ranolazine Risk of QT prolongation Contraindicated
Stop bosentan ≥ 36 hours before
Bosentan AUC ↑ 422% Lopinavir/ritonavir initiation and restart 10 days
and Cmax ↑ 512% after Lopinavir/ritonavir initiation with 62.5 mg
daily or every other day
Ivabradine ↑risk of bradycardia Contraindicated
Use half dose; do not co-administer if renal or
Colchicine ↑risk of toxicity
hepatic impairment
Red, orange, and yellow cells indicate contraindicated use, use with caution/consider dose adjustment, and use under
monitoring, respectively
AUC Area under the curve, BP Blood pressure, ECG Electrocardiogram, HR Heart rate, INR International normalized
ratio, LFT Liver function test, OAC Oral anticoagulant, TFT Thyroid function test
16  COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases 285

Table 16.3  Cardiovascular medication interactions with antiviral agents used for COVID-19
Drug Class Drug Interaction Recommendation
↑risk of adverse effects
Simvastatin/Lovastatin (hepatotoxicity and Contraindicated
Statins Rosuvastatin AUC ↑ 3- Monitor for toxicities
fold and Cmax ↑ 7 fold Max : 10 mg daily
Monitor for toxicities
Atorvastatin ↑
Max : 20 mg daily
Oral Anticoagulants Rivaroxaban Contraindicated
(OACs) Use half
Apixaban Use is not recommended
↑risk of bleeding dose
Use half
Dabigatran Use is not recommended
Edoxaban ↑ 30 mg Daily

Warfarin ↓ OAC of choice, Monitor INR more frequently

Clopidogrel active
metabolite AUC↓ with P2Y12 inhibitor of choice/ due to increased
Antiplatelets (P2Y12 Clopidogrel
impaired platelet risk of bleeding by the others
Ticagrelor ↑risk of bleeding Contraindicated
If possible use alternative; if
Amiodarone ↑ coadministered, reduce dose and monitor
BP, LFT, TFT, and ECG periodically
Use with caution; monitor ECG and adjust
Lidocaine ↑
Antiarrhythmics dose if necessary
Flecainide ↑ Use is not recommended
Propafenone ↑ Use is not recommended
Use with caution; monitor ECG and adjust
Quinidine ↑
dose if necessary
↑ risk of bradycardia and Monitor HR/BP; if necessary consider dose
Beta-blockers Carvedilol/Bisoprolol/
hypotension reduction
Calcium Channel Amlodipine/Verapamil ↑risk of bradycardia/ Monitor BP (HR for verapamil)
Blockers Diltiazem hypotension Use half dose; monitor BP and HR
Monitor BP; dose adjustment may be
Alpha-blockers Prazosin/Terazosin ↑ risk of hypotension
Diuretics Eplerenone ↑risk of adverse effects Contraindicated
Phosphodiesterase 5
Sildenafil Use is not recommended
↑risk of hypotension, Stop tadalafil ≥ 24 hours before
priapism Lopinavir/ritonavir initiation and restart 7
days after Lopinavir/ritonavir initiation with
20 mg daily
Cardiac glycosides Monitor digoxin concentration if signs of
Digoxin ↑risk of toxicity
toxicity develops
Ranolazine Risk of QT prolongation Contraindicated
Stop bosentan ≥ 36 hours before ART
initiation and restart 10 days after ART
Bosentan ↑
initiation with 62.5 mg daily or every other
Ivabradine ↑risk of bradycardia Contraindicated
Use half dose; do not co-administer if renal
Colchicine ↑risk of toxicity
or hepatic impairment
Red, orange, and yellow cells indicate contraindicated use, use with caution/consider dose adjustment, and use under
monitoring, respectively
ART antiretroviral, AUC Area under the curve, BP Blood pressure, ECG Electrocardiogram, HR Heart rate, INR
International normalized ratio, LFT Liver function test, OAC oral anticoagulant, TFT thyroid function test
286 B. Geraiely et al.

Table 16.4  Cardiovascular medication interactions with antiviral agents used for COVID-19
Chloroquine Phosphate/ Hydroxychloroquine
Drug Class Drug Interaction Recommendation
↑risk of Monitor HR/BP; if
Metoprolol/Atenolol/ Carvedilol/
Beta-blockers bradycardia and necessary consider dose
Bisoprolol/ Propranolol
hypotension reduction
Monitor digoxin
Cardiac glycosides Digoxin ↑risk of toxicity concentration if signs of
toxicity develop
↑risk of bleeding Use with caution
Anticoagulants ↑risk of bleeding Use is not suggested
Monitor INR more
Warfarin ↓
Maintain serum Mg ≥ 2
Quinidine/ Disopyramide/ Procainamide/ ↑risk of QT
and K ≥ 4
Antiarrhythmics Flecainide/ Propafenone/Amiodarone/ prolongation and
Monitor QTc before
Sotalol torse de point
Fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin,
Antipsychotics (haloperidol, quetiapine,
↑ risk of QT
Other QT- Antidepressants (citalopram,
prolongation and Use alternative agents
prolonging agents escitalopram)
torse de point
Antiemetics (metoclopramide,
domperidone, ondansetron)
Red, orange, and yellow cells indicate contraindicated use, use with caution/consider dose adjustment, and use under
monitoring, respectively
BP Blood pressure, HR Heart rate, INR International normalized ratio, OAC oral anticoagulant

16.9 Conclusion References

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How Prevalent Is Cancer
in Confirmed Cases 17
with Coronaviruses and Severe
Acute Respiratory Syndromes?

Maryam Fotouhi, Elham Samami, Sahar Mohseni,

Amir Nasrollahizadeh, Mohammad Haddadi,
Mona Mirbeyk, Amene Saghazadeh,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract cause potentially fatal respiratory syn-

dromes, though behave differently in
Novel coronavirus disease 2019 patients with cancer compared to patients
(COVID-­19) has posed a crucial hazard to without cancer. Accordingly, the present
global health. The new species share simi- chapter aims to, through a systematic inves-
larities with the two previously emerged tigation, estimate the prevalence of cancer
entities: severe acute respiratory syndrome among COVID-­19, SARS, and MERS con-
(SARS) and the Middle East respiratory firmed cases. Our analysis based on data
syndrome (MERS) that have caused out- from 78 studies with SARS, MERS, and
breaks in 2002 and 2012, respectively. COVID-­ 19 confirmed cases showed that
Interestingly, all of these coronaviruses can the prevalence of cancer (4.94%) stands at

M. Fotouhi · A. Nasrollahizadeh · M. Haddadi ·

M. Mirbeyk
A. Saghazadeh
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
E. Samami Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
N. Rezaei (*)
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
S. Mohseni Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Tehran University University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran e-mail:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 293
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
294 M. Fotouhi et al.

fourth place after hypertension (20.8%), COVID-­19 to be about 5.6% in cancer patients
diabetes (11.39%), and cardiovascular dis- compared to 2.8% in the general population (Wu
eases (7.46%). According to the findings of and McGoogan 2020a).
the present study, comorbidities are signifi- Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
cantly more common in patients with and the Middle East respiratory syndrome
MERS compared to patients with COVID-­19 (MERS) are the other two human coronaviruses
and SARS, and this was the cancer case as that have caused outbreaks in 2002 and 2012,
well. Further studies need to address respectively. The new species share similarities
whether or not patients with coronaviruses with the two previously emerged entities.
and cancer are different from patients with Interestingly, all of these coronaviruses behave
coronaviruses without cancer in terms of differently in patients with cancer compared to
clinical manifestations, laboratory findings, patients without cancer. Accordingly, the pres-
outcomes, and men to women ratio. ent chapter aimed to, through a systematic
investigation, estimate the prevalence of cancer
Keywords among COVID-­ 19, SARS, and MERS con-
firmed cases.
Cancer · Comorbidities · COVID-19 · MERS
· SARS · Systematic review
17.2 Methods

A systematic review of the literature was con-

17.1 Introduction ducted according to the Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Review and Meta-­Analyses
Novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-­19) has (PRISMA) statement (Moher et al. 2009).
posed a crucial hazard to global health as declared
by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a
pandemic on March 11, 2020. Though the dis- 17.2.1 Literature Search
ease can involve multiple systems, it would pre-
dominantly affect the respiratory system. Patients A systematic search was conducted in PubMed,
with COVID-­19 frequently report at least a pre- Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, and
existing condition, such as cardiovascular dis- Cochrane Library to include studies published by
ease, diabetes, hypertension, and pulmonary April 17, 2020. The combinations of the follow-
disease ( Wang et al. 2004a; Shi et al. 2020c, d). ing keywords were used: 2019 novel coronavirus,
Moreover, patients with severe COVID-­19 are novel coronavirus, novel coronavirus 2019,
more likely to report comorbidities than patients 2019-­nCoV, COVID-­19, SARS-­CoV-­2, SARS-­­
with non-­severe COVID-­19. The findings pro- CoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome, MERS-­­
pose that people with comorbidities are at higher CoV, and cancer.
risk of infection and adverse outcomes for
COVID-­19 (Wang et  al. 2020a). In particular,
studies show that COVID-­19 in cancer patients is 17.2.2 Study Selection
different from the general population in terms of
higher risk for poor outcomes (Zhang et  al. The results of the initial search strategy were first
2020d) such as intensive care unit (ICU) admis- screened by title and abstract. The full texts of
sion, invasive ventilation, and death (Liang et al. potentially relevant articles were examined for
2020). Consistently, a recent investigation has inclusion and exclusion criteria. Original obser-
estimated a considerable case fatality rate of vational studies, i.e., case-­control, cohort, case-­­
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory… 295

series, and cross-­ sectional studies, that 17.2.5 Statistical Analysis

investigated the prevalence and/or clinical fea- and Publication Bias
tures of COVID-­19, SARS, and MERS in adult
cancer patients (18 years of age or older) were All analyses were performed in STATA MP ver-
included in the systematic review. Other types of sion 15. The random-­effect model of analysis
articles, e.g., case reports, nonhuman studies, was used to estimate the pooled prevalence of
editorial, letter-­
editor, and also studies that cancer among confirmed cases of COVID-­ 19,
provided no adequate information for meta-­­ SARS, and MERS.  The statistics test I2% was
analysis, were excluded. calculated for the measurement of heterogeneity
across studies. I2 values of 50% and above were
considered as significant heterogeneity. Testing
17.2.3 Data Extraction for funnel plot asymmetry using Egger's regres-
sion test was carried out for the assessment of
Two groups of authors independently extracted publication bias.
the following data from each included publica-
tion: author, location, year of publication, study
groups (COVID-­19, SARS, and MERS), number 17.3 Results
of participants, age, clinical manifestations (e.g.,
fever, cough, sputum production, chill, palpita- 17.3.1 Study Selection
tion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, lack of appetite, and Characteristics
sore throat, chest pain, dizziness, shortness of
breath, respiratory failure, nasal congestion, After duplicate removal, a total of 1852 discrete
headache, hemoptysis, myalgia, fatigue, nausea, records remained for title/abstract screening.
vomiting), number of comorbidities (cancer, Two groups of reviewers independently screened
hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, the literature. After screening based on abstract
liver diseases, pulmonary diseases, cerebrovas- and title, 354 articles were selected for detailed
cular diseases, thyroid diseases, chronic kidney review; of these, 265 were excluded with reasons
diseases, immunodeficiency, endocrine diseases, for exclusion outlined in Fig.  17.1. Finally, 78
and cardio-­cerebrovascular diseases), and labo- studies were included in the meta-­analysis (Ai
ratory findings. In case of disagreements, the et  al. 2020; Ajlan et  al. 2014; Al-­Tawfiq et  al.
two groups of authors discussed the study, and if 2014; Arabi et al. 2014; Assiri et al. 2013; Booth
the issue remained, the senior author was et al. 2003; Cai et al. 2020; Cao et al. 2020; Chan
consulted. et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020a, b, c, d, e; Cui et al.
2020; Diao et al. 2020; Du et al. 2020a, b; Gritti
et al. 2020; Guan et al. 2020a, b ; Guo et al. 2020;
17.2.4 Quality Assessment Ho et  al. 2003; Hu et  al. ; Huang et  al. 2020a;
Huang et al. 2020b; Hui et al. 2020; Jazieh et al.
The Newcastle-­Ottawa scale (NOS) was used for 2020; Jiang et  al. 2020; Kenneth W.  Tsang and
assessment of the quality of cohort (Wells et al. Article 2003; Kim et al. 2020; Kim et al. 2015;
2014), case-­control (Wells et al. 2016), and cross-­­ Kui et  al. 2020; Lei et  al. 2020; Lescure et  al.
sectional studies (Margulis et  al. 2014). Also, a 2020; Li et  al. 2020a, b; Liu et  al. 2020a, b;
quality assessment tool was applied for case Nelson Lee et  al. 2003; Omrani et  al. 2014;
series (Murad et al. 2018). Two authors indepen- Omrani-­Nava et  al. 2020 ; Peiris et  al. 2003a;
dently performed a quality assessment, and con- Prevention 2015; Prof 2003b; Qi et al. 2020; Qin
troversies were resolved by discussion between et al. 2020; Shi et al. 2020a, b, c ; Su et al. 2020;
the authors and expert opinions. Cho et al. 2016; Tan et al. 2020; Tsui et al. 2003;
296 M. Fotouhi et al.

Records identified through Pubmed Additional records identified through other

database searching sources (Scopus, Google scholar, Web of
(n=546) sciences, WHO, Cochrane library, hand search)
(n = 1803)

Records after duplicates removed


Records screened for title

Records excluded
and abstract

Full-text articles excluded,

Full-text articles assessed for
with reasons: (n = 265)

Study type (n=59)

Population (n=125)
Outcome (n=81)

Studies included in extraction

Records excluded in
extraction with reasons:
(n = 11)
Population (n = 9)

PICO (n = 2)
Studies included in quantitative

Studies included in qualitative synthesis (meta-analysis)

COVID-19 (n=60) SARS-CoV (n=8) MERS-CoV (n=10)

Fig. 17.1  PRISMA flow diagram of study selection

Wang et al. 2020b, c, d, e, f, 2004b, 2020g; Wu MERS (n = 635), and COVID-­19 (n = 9552)
et al. 2020a, b, c; Xu et al. 2020a, b; Yang et al. were included in the present systematic review
2020a, b; Zhang et al. 2020a, b, c, d ; Zhang et al. and meta-­analysis. The mean age of partici-
2020e, f, g; Zhao et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; 房 pants across studies was 50.83 years. It was
晓伟 et al. 2020). The main characteristics of the 42.27, 55.38, and 51.29 years in SARS, MERS,
included studies and the results of quality assess- and COVID-­ 19 subgroups. Male to female
ment are summarized in Tables 17.1, 17.2, 17.3, ratio was more than one in total and in
17.4 and 17.5. COVID-­19 and MERS subgroups, while it was
less than one in patients infected with SARS
(Table 17.6).
17.3.2 Demographical Overall, fever was the most prevalent mani-
Characteristics and Clinical festation detected in 84.58% of patients. In par-
Manifestations ticular, it was more common in SARS (99.76%)
than in COVID-­ 19 (84.16%) and MERS
Seventy-­eight studies with a total of 11043 (75.61%) subgroups. After the fever, the most
patients with confirmed SARS (n = 856), common clinical manifestations included cough
Table 17.1  Characteristics of the included studies on cancer in cases confirmed as SARS, MERS, and COVID-­19 by real-­time RT-­PCR
First author Year Virus N Sex (M/F) Age (mean, SD) Number of cancer patients
Kenneth W. Tsang et al. 2003 SARS 10 5/5 52.2 ±11 1
Nelson Lee et al. 2003 SARS 138 66/72 39.3 ±16.8 2
J S M Peiris, CM Chu, et al. 2003 SARS 75 36/39 39.54 ±12.3363 1
J S M Peiris, ST Lai, et al. 2003 SARS 50 22/28 45.25±1136 1
Ping Tim Tsui et al. 2003 SARS 323 127/196 41 ±14 1
Wang Y et al. 2004 SARS 44 15/29 45.8545 ±18.5932 7
James C. Ho et al. 2003 SARS 72 30/42 44.75±12.39 2
Christopher M. Booth et al. 2003 SARS 144 56/88 45.33±17.22 9
Kim, K. H. et al. 2015 MERS 185 111/74 55±12 51
Kyung Min Kim et al. 2015 MERS 36 20/16 51.25±13 9
Amr M. Ajlan et al. 2014 MERS 7 5/2 49.85 ±21.22 2
Jaffar A. Al-­Tawfiq et al. 2014 MERS 17 11/6 56.25±20.32 1
Yaseen M. Arabi et al. 2014 MERS 12 8/4 59.25±14.37 1
Abdullah Assiri et al. 2013 MERS 47 36/11 55±18.02 1
Omrani, Ali S, et al. 2014 MERS 44 32/12 65.5 ±18.2 2
Korea Centers for Disease Control 2015 MERS 186 111/75 54.33±17.93 43
and Prevention*
Sun Young Cho et al. 2016 MERS 82 53/29 54.11±14.88 12
Abdul-­Rahman Jazieh 2020 MERS 19 12/7 59±19.5 12
Jin-­Wei Ai et al. 2020 COVID-­19 102 50/52 50.38 ±16.86 1
Qingxian Cai et al. 2020 COVID-­19 298 149/149 47±4.88 4
Xiaoping Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 25 11/14 51.4 ±11.6 1
Xiaohua Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 48 37/11 64.8 ±18.1 6
Xu Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 291 145/146 46.3±18.62 2
Pengfei Cui et al. 2020 COVID-­19 35 0/35 61.5 ±11.2 2
Bo Diao et al. 2020 COVID-­19 85 48/37 28.25±14.54 1
Ying Huang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 36 25/11 69.22 ±6.94 1
Wanli Jiang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 112 52/60 53.00 ±17.87 14
Yu Shi et al. 2020 COVID-­19 487 259/228 46 ±19 5
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory…

Wang Wenjun1 2020 COVID-­19 11 10/1 59.66±19.5 1

Hui Hui et al. 2020 COVID-­19 41 19/22 48.66±22.27 1
Jing Li et al. 2019 COVID-­19 47 28/19 61±14.52 7

Table 17.1 (continued)
First author Year Virus N Sex (M/F) Age (mean, SD) Number of cancer patients
Xun Li et al. 2020 COVID-­19 25 10/15 71.48 ±12.42 2
Lei Liu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 153 93/20 52.33±18.71 12
Ru Liu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 41 17/24 39.1 ±9.2 2
Xiaolong Qi et al. 2020 COVID-­19 52 17/35 37±16.01 2
Heshui Shi et al. 2020 COVID-­19 81 42/39 49.5 ±11 4
L Wang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 18 10/8 41±20.91 1
J Wu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 80 39/41 46.10 ±15.42 1
Y Xu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 45 29/16 56.7 ±15.4 3
W Yang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 149 81/68 45.11 ±13.35 2
X Yang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 52 35/17 59.7 ±13.3 2
B Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 82 54/28 72.5±11.31 6
G Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 221 108/113 53.16±19.77 9
J Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 140 71/69 56.5±11.85 6
JC Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 80 34/46 54.5±12.4 7
Z Zhao et al. 2020 COVID-­19 75 42/33 45.33±15.87 1
FANG Xiao-­wei et al. 2020 COVID-­19 79 45/34 45.1 ±16.6 1
JFW Chan et al. 2020 COVID-­19 7 4/3 46.16 ±20.52 1
Nanshan Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 99 67/32 55.5 ±13.1 1
Wei-­Jie Guan et al. 2020 COVID-­19 1099 640/459 46.66±17.07 10
Chaolin Huang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 41 30/11 49.33±13.06 1
Liu, Kui, et al. 2019 COVID-­19 137 61/76 54.25±12.07 2
Dawei Wang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 138 75/63 55.33±19.47 10
Fei Zhou et al. 2020 COVID-­19 191 119/72 56.33±15.68 2
B. Cao et al. 2020 COVID-­19 199 120/79 58.33±14.18 6
Jun Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 249 126/123 50.33±20.87 1
Rong-­Hii Du et al. 2020 COVID-­19 179 97/82 57.6±13.7 4
Du Y et al. 2020 COVID-­19 85 62/23 65.8±14.2 6
Giuseppe Gritti et al. 2020 COVID-­19 21 18/3 62.75±7.14 1
Wei-­jie Guan et al. 2020 COVID-­19 1590 904/674 48.9±16.3 130
Tao Guo et al. 2020 COVID-­19 187 91/96 58.5±14.66 13
Bo Hu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 50 34/16 60.62±4.34 2
M. Fotouhi et al.
First author Year Virus N Sex (M/F) Age (mean, SD) Number of cancer patients
Eu Suk Kim et al. 2020 COVID-­19 28 15/13 42.6±13.4 1
Shaoqing Lei et al. 2020 COVID-­19 34 14/20 54±4.78 9
Francois-­Xavier Lescure et al. 2020 COVID-­19 5 3/2 47±18.08 1
Versa Omrani-­Nava et al. 2020 COVID-­19 93 51/42 56.3±15.2 4
Un Liu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 88 45/43 54.7512.84 2
Jian Wu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 80 39/41 46.10±15.42 1
Zhongliang Wang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 69 32/37 46.33±20.44 4
Yan Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 258 138/120 63.33±10.43 12
Luwen Wang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 116 67/49 55±23.27 12
Lang Wang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 339 166/173 71±8 15
Rui Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 120 43/77 45.4±15.6 7
Xiaoli Zhang et al. 2020 COVID-­19 645 328/317 45.3384±4.3381 6
Xi Xu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 90 39/51 51±13.81 2
Meizhu Chen et al. 2020 COVID-­19 97 42/55 47.5±13.06 6
Hua Su et al. 2020 COVID-­19 26 19/7 68.92±13.03 6
Chaomin Wu et al. 2020 COVID-­19 201 128/73 51.33±12.69 1
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory…
300 M. Fotouhi et al.

Table 17.2  Quality assessment of cross-­sectional studies

First author, year Selection Comparability Exposure/outcome Total score
Jin-­Wei, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Qingxian Cai,2020 **** ** *** *********
Xiaoping Chen,2020 **** ** *** *********
Xiaohua Chen, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Xu Chen, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Pengfei Cui, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Bo Diao, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Ying Huang, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Wanli Jiang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Kim, K. H., 2015 **** * ** *******
Shi y, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Wang Wenjun, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Wang Y, 2004 **** ** *** *********
Hui Hui, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Kyung Min Kim, 2015 **** ** *** *********
Jing Li, 2019 **** ** *** *********
Xun Li,2020 **** ** ** ********
Lei Liu, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Ru Liu,2020 **** ** *** *********
Xiaolong Qi, 2020 **** ** ** ********
J Wu, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Y Xu, 2020 **** ** ** ********
X Yang, 2020 **** ** ** ********
B Zhang, 2020 **** ** ** ********
J Zhang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
JC Zhang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Abdullah Assiri, 2013 **** ** ** ********
Nanshan Chen,2020 **** ** ** ********
Wei-­Jie Guan, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Chaolin Huang,2020 **** ** *** *********
Liu, Kui, 2019 **** ** ** ********
J S M Peiris, 2003 **** ** ** ********
Korea Centers for Disease Control and **** ** ** ********
Prevention, 2015
J S M Peiris, 2003 **** ** ** ********
Sun Young Cho, 2016 **** ** ** ********
Jun Chen, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Du Y, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Giuseppe Gritti, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Wei-­jie Guan, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Abdul-­Rahman Jazieh, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Eu Suk Kim, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Versa Omrani-­­Nava, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Jian Wu, 2020 **** ** ** ********
Luwen Wang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Lang Wang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Rui Zhang,2020 **** ** *** *********
Xiaoli Zhang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Xi Xu,2020 **** ** ** ********
Meizhu Chen, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Hua Su, 2020 **** ** ** ********
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory… 301

Table 17.3  Quality assessment of cohort studies

First author, year Selection Comparability Exposure/outcome Total score
James C. Ho, 2003 **** ** *** *********
Heshui Shi, 2020 **** ** *** *********
W Yang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
房晓伟, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Amr M. Ajlan, 2014 **** ** *** *********
Nelson Lee, 2003 **** ** *** *********
Omrani Ali S, 2014 **** ** *** *********
Fei Zhou, 2020 **** ** *** *********
B. Cao, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Rong-­Hii Du, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Shaoqing Lei, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Yan Zhang, 2020 **** ** *** *********
Chaomin Wu, 2020 **** ** *** *********

Table 17.4  Quality assessment of case-­control studies

First author, year Selection Comparability Exposure Total score
Jaffar A. Al-­Tawfiq, 2014 **** ** *** *********

Table 17.5  Quality assessment of case-­series studies

First author, year Domain Selection Ascertainment Causality Reporting Total score
L Wang, 2020 * * ** * * ******
G Zhang, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Z Zhao, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Yaseen M. Arabi, 2014 * * ** * * ******
Christopher M. Booth, 2003 * * ** * * ******
Jasper Fuk-­Woo Chan, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Kenneth W. Tsang, 2003 * * ** * * ******
Ping Tim Tsui, 2003 * * ** * * ******
Dawei Wang, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Tao Guo, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Bo Hu, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Francois-­Xavier Lescure, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Un Liu, 2020 * * ** * * ******
Zhongliang Wang, 2020 * * ** * * ******
302 M. Fotouhi et al.

Table 17.6  Pooled prevalence of comorbidities and clinical manifestations

Number Number of Prevalence
Variable Group of studies patients (%) 95%CI I2% P
Age COVID-­19 60 9552 51.29* 51.15–51.44 98.70 0.00
SARS 8 856 42.27* 42.09–42.44 77.63 0.00
MERS 10 635 55.38* 55.13–55.62 56.07 0.015
Total 78 11043 50.83* 50.69–50.96 98.48 0.00
Male COVID-­19 60 5179 54.21 54.06–54.37 73.32 0.00
SARS 8 357 41.70 41.42–41.98 0.00 0.54
MERS 10 399 62.83 62.40–63.26 7.22 0.38
Total 78 5935 53.74 53.58–53.89 75.79 0.00
Cancer patients COVID-­19 60 388 4.06 3.98–4.13 76.81 0.00
SARS 8 24 2.80 2.55–3.05 65.15 0.01
MERS 10 134 21.10 20.22–21.98 90.03 0.00
Total 78 546 4.94 4.83–5.05 83.03 0.00
Any comorbidity COVID-­19 46 2788 36.47 36.10–36.83 96.13 0.00
SARS 6 93 19.01 18.27–19.76 72.31 0.00
MERS 7 214 55.01 52.99–57.03 97.06 0.00
Total 59 3095 36.31 35.95–36.68 96.76 0.00
Other comorbidities
Hypertension COVID-­19 52 1829 21.34 21.12–21.56 90.09 0.00
SARS 3 18 4.69 4.56–4.83 0 –
MERS 5 77 28.51 27.21–29.82 71.91 0.01
Total 60 1924 20.86 20.63–21.08 91.88 0.00
Diabetes COVID-­19 54 971 10.89 10.77–11.00 74.34 0.00
SARS 8 40 4.67 4.42–4.92 55.11 0.03
MERS 9 165 29.83 27.76–31.91 97.43 0.00
Total 71 1176 11.39 11.21–11.56 88.75 0.00
Cardiovascular COVID-­19 46 568 6.98 6.83–7.12 88.18 0.00
disease SARS 7 30 3.84 3.52–4.15 69.90 0.00
MERS 10 115 18.11 16.71–19.50 92.31 0.00
Total 63 713 7.46 7.29–7.63 88.51 0.00
Hepatic diseases COVID-­19 32 198 2.68 2.64–2.72 54.75 0.00
SARS 3 4 1.52 1.40–1.63 0 –
MERS 3 3 0.96 0.92–1.00 0 –
Total 38 205 2.58 2.54–2.61 49.74 0.00
Pulmonary diseases COVID-­19 43 444 5.76 5.59–5.93 90.98 0.00
SARS 4 20 3.08 2.72–3.44 68.86 0.02
MERS 8 117 19.21 18.28–20.13 89.37 0.00
Total 55 581 6.48 6.30–6.66 91.36 0.00
Cerebrovascular COVID-­19 27 212 3.90 4.59–7.46 73.87 0.00
diseases MERS 3 7 2.90 1.08–25 – –
Total 30 219 3.86 4.55–7.32 72.66 0.00
Thyroid diseases COVID-­19 5 45 5.49 5.37–5.61 46.58 0.11
MERS 1 1 0.54 – – –
Total 6 46 4.58 4.42–4.73 82.15 0.00
Chronic kidney COVID-­19 23 95 2.14 2.08–2.20 50.18 0.00
diseases SARS 2 6 1.30 1.29–1.31 – –
MERS 6 53 13.02 11.43–14.60 92.29 0.00
Total 31 154 2.90 2.75–3.06 74.80 0.00
Immunodeficiency COVID-­19 3 3 0.24 0.22–0.26 – –
Endocrine diseases COVID-­19 5 45 6.25 6.12–6.91 87.02 0.00
MERS 1 8 9.75 – – –
Total 6 53 6.86 6.50–7.22 85.82 0.00
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory… 303

Table 17.6 (continued)
Number Number of Prevalence
Variable Group of studies patients (%) 95%CI I2% P
Cardio-­­ COVID-­19 5 149 23.53 23.17–23.90 43.20 0.13
Fever COVID-­19 48 6960 84.16 83.96–84.37 93.91 0.00
SARS 5 414 99.76 99.72–99.77 – –
MERS 7 245 75.61 73.63–77.59 94.03 0.00
Total 60 7621 84.58 84.36–84.79 94.62 0.00
Cough COVID-­19 46 4958 62.18 61.87–62.49 95.85 0.00
SARS 5 247 59.23 57.70–60.75 9238 0.00
MERS 7 127 39.19 36.15–42.24 96.68 0.00
Total 58 5332 61.18 60.86–61.51 96.05 0.00
Sputum production COVID-­19 23 1193 29.64 29.41–29.87 88.50 0.00
SARS 2 41 27.70 26.93–28.47 – –
MERS 5 52 18.05 16.31–19.79 88.72 0.00
Total 30 1286 28.83 28.58–29.08 90.17 0.00
Chill COVID-­19 8 373 11.28 11.20–11.37 49.86 0.05
SARS 4 227 55.77 53.73–57.80 96.64 0.00
Total 12 600 16.16 15.66–16.67 97.73 0.00
Palpitation COVID-­19 5 41 6.72 6.49–6.95 65.58 0.02
Stomachache COVID-­19 11 27 2.00 1.91–2.09 44.10 0.06
SARS 1 5 3.47 – – –
MERS 3 33 13.75 13.54–13.95 – –
Total 15 65 3.75 3.55–3.96 74.72 0.00
Diarrhea COVID-­19 43 532 6.90 6.79–7.01 81.18 0.00
SARS 4 67 16.46 15.65–17.26 94.46 0.00
MERS 6 50 15.77 15.19–16.35 26.42 0.24
Total 53 649 7.69 7.57–7.82 83.28 0.00
Inappetence COVID-­19 14 357 18.75 18.05–19.44 96.69 0.00
SARS 1 10 20 – – –
MERS 1 24 12.90 – – –
Total 16 391 18.27 17.65–18.88 96.30 0.00
Sore throat COVID-­19 24 453 10.43 10.25–10.60 90.82 0.00
SARS 5 68 16.30 15.74–16.87 63.55 0.04
MERS 4 20 7.63 6.85–8.41 61.34 0.05
Total 33 541 10.77 10.60–10.94 89.51 0.00
Chest pain COVID-­19 17 221 12.25 11.68–12.82 91.78 0.00
SARS 1 15 10.41 – – –
MERS 2 8 12.5 11.51–13.48 – –
Total 20 244 12.13 11.61–12.64 90.61 0.00
Dizziness COVID-­19 9 74 5.68 5.45–5.90 63.66 0.00
SARS 4 74 18.18 16.45–19.91 96.12 0.00
Total 13 148 8.66 8.14–9.17 88.76 0.00
Shortness of breath COVID-­19 39 1830 24.84 24.49–25.18 97.40 0.00
SARS 4 79 28.31 26.28–30.34 95.99 0.00
MERS 5 63 52.94 47.72–58.15 95.77 0.00
Total 48 1972 25.39 25.04–25.74 97.28 0.00
Respiratory failure COVID-­19 13 424 19.46 18.62–20.30 97.95 0.00
SARS 1 6 8.33 – – –
MERS 1 2 11.76 – – –
Total 15 432 19.05 18.24–19.86 97.57 0.00
304 M. Fotouhi et al.

Table 17.6 (continued)
Number Number of Prevalence
Variable Group of studies patients (%) 95%CI I2% P
Nasal congestion COVID-­19 8 176 4.45 4.41–4.49 86.92 0.00
Headache COVID-­19 25 660 10.80 10.69–10.90 89.58 0.00
SARS 2 58 37.66 36.31–39.01 – –
MERS 3 9 11.84 11.05–12.63 – –
Total 30 727 11.46 11.32–11.61 90.29 0.00
Hemoptysis COVID-­19 18 129 3.15 3.04–3.27 79.31 0.00
SARS 3 98 37.26 34.89–39.63 – –
MERS 4 27 10.03 9.63–10.43 0 0.48
Total 25 254 5.50 5.21–5.78 91.74 0.00
Myalgia COVID-­19 35 994 15.32 15.11–15.54 91.77 0.00
SARS 5 238 57.07 56.39–57.74 54.53 0.07
MERS 6 84 27.54 26.52–28.56 74.91 0.00
Total 46 1316 18.27 17.95–18.56 94.43 0.00
Fatigue COVID-­19 31 2337 34.80 34.43–35.16 98.34 0.00
SARS 1 25 50 – – –
MERS 1 1 14.28 – – –
Total 33 2363 34.89 34.53–35.25 98.24 0.00
Nausea COVID-­19 14 248 5.67 5.58–5.77 81.19 0.00
MERS 2 11 18.64 17.30–19.98 – –
Total 16 259 5.85 5.74–5.95 80.53 0.00
Vomiting COVID-­19 13 62 4.05 3.93–4.17 22.09 0.23
MERS 3 12 14.45 12.76–16.14 – –
Total 16 74 4.59 4.41–4.77 39.96 0.06
*The mean age of participants (years)

(61.18%), fatigue (34.89%), shortness of breath 36.47% (95% CI 36.10 to 36.83) in COVID-­19,
(25.39%), myalgia (18.27%), headache and 19.01% (95% CI 18.27 to 19.76) in SARS
(11.46%), sore throat (10.77%), chest pain subgroups. In patients with COVID-­19, the most
(10.41%), diarrhea (7.69%), nausea (5.85%), common comorbidities were hypertension, dia-
hemoptysis (5.50%), vomiting (4.59%), and betes, and cardiovascular disease with the pooled
nasal congestion (4.45%). prevalence of 21.34% (95% CI 21.12 to 21.56),
10.89% (95% CI 10.77 to 11.00), and 6.98%
(95% CI 6.83 to 7.12), respectively. In the case of
17.3.3 The Prevalence of Cancer SARS, the three most common conditions were
in COVD-19, SARS, and MERS the same but with a significantly lower preva-
Confirmed Cases lence of 4.69% (95% CI 4.56 to 4.83), 4.67%
(95% CI 4.42 to 4.92), and 3.84% (95% CI 3.52
Cancer was detected in 546 patients, including 24 to 4.15). At the specific subgroup of MERS, dia-
SARS, 134 MERS, and 388 COVID-­19 ­confirmed betes, hypertension, and pulmonary diseases
cases. The pooled prevalence of cancer was were the first three common conditions with the
4.94% in total (95% CI 4.83 to 5.05). In detail, it estimated prevalence of 29.83% (95% CI 27.76
was estimated to be about 21.10% (95% CI 20.22 to 31.91), 28.51% (95% CI 27.21 to 29.82), and
to 21.98) in MERS, 4.06% (95% CI 3.98 to 4.13) 19.21% (95% CI 18.28 to 20.13).
in COVID-­19, and 2.80% (95% CI 2.55 to 3.05) As summarized in Table 17.6, an I2 value of
in SARS patients (Fig. 17.2). Across the studies 83.3% indicated a significant level of heterogene-
included, the pooled prevalence of any comor- ity across studies, and thus, the random-­effect
bidities was 36.31% (95% CI 35.95 to 36.68). It model was used for pooled analyses. No evidence
was 55.01% (95% CI 52.99 to 57.03) in MERS, of publication bias was detected when visualiz-
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory… 305

Fig. 17.2  Pooled prevalence of cancer among cases confirmed as SARS, MERS, and COVID-­19 by real-­time
306 M. Fotouhi et al.

Fig. 17.3  Funnel plot

for the assessment of
publication bias across
studies included in the
analysis of the pooled
prevalence of cancer
among cases confirmed
as SARS, MERS, and
COVID-­19 by real-­time

ing the funnel plot (Figs.  17.3) and also using in September 2012 and was caused by a corona-
Egger’s test (P = 0.996). virus (Zhong et  al. 2003; Mackay and Arden
2015). COVID-­19 is associated with a mortality
rate lower than that of MERS and SARS, though
17.4 Discussion it has claimed the lives of people more than
MERS and SARS integrated. Altogether, all
In summary, our analysis based on data from 78 these three coronaviruses have raised concerns
studies with SARS, MERS, and COVID-­19 con- for patients with cancer who are undergoing
firmed cases showed that the prevalence of can- active therapy about their safety due to their
cer (4.94%) stands at fourth place after weak immune system. Cancer treatment during
hypertension (20.86 %), cardiovascular diseases this pandemic has been discussed in several
(7.46%), and diabetes (11.39%). We observed studies because clinicians should make decisions
just barely men more than women. This observa- to continue or postpone it. Some authors do not
tion occurred in each of SARS, MERS, and recommend patients to delay or hold their che-
COVID-­19 subgroups as well. It could be attrib- motherapy (Desai et  al. 2020). Others are with
uted to a more robust immune response in women the opinion that active treatment can be post-
compared to men (Belmonte et al. 2020) or arise poned for patients with no severe sign or high-­
from the increased exposure of men to Chinese degree tumors until new protocols for safe and
trade markets than women. effective methods like tele-­­treatment and follow-­
The outbreak of COVID-­19 is now a public ups without unnecessary in-­ person consulting
health concern in most of the countries world- are implemented.
wide. By June 10, 2020, this pandemic has With all lessons learned from the previous epi-
affected 213 countries and territories around the demics triggered by coronaviruses, i.e., SARS
world, with a total of 7,145,539 confirmed cases and MERS, the world has been globally affected
and a death toll of 408,025 deaths (WHO 10 by the third outbreak of the coronavirus origin,
June 2020). SARS epidemic that took place in called COVID-­19, since December 2019 (Jabbari
November 2002  in Guangdong province of et  al. 2020). The outbreak rapidly turned into a
southern China was very close to the ongoing pandemic state associated with more than
pandemic of COVID-­ 19. Additionally, the 400,000 deaths worldwide as of writing this
MERS outbreak first happened to Saudi Arabia (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020).
17  How Prevalent Is Cancer in Confirmed Cases with Coronaviruses and Severe Acute Respiratory… 307

Like SARS and MERS, COVID-­19 can cause along with a fatality rate of 28.6% (Zhang et al.
potentially fatal respiratory syndromes. Recent 2020d), while about 5% of patients with
research confirms that respiratory manifestations COVID-­­19 in the general population develop the
are common in patients with COVID-­ 19, and critical condition with a fatality rate of 2.3% (Wu
what initially appeared to be the most clinically and McGoogan 2020b). Also, patients with can-
relevant presentation of COVID-­19 has turned cer display the altered expression of angiotensin-­­
out to be one of the many manifestations seen in converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which serves as a
patients with COVID-­19. Such a multiple system cell surface receptor for the coronavirus causing
involvement (Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020c; COVID-­19, and this might also play a role in pre-
Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu and disposing these patients to severe COVID-­ 19
Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et al. 2020) seems to depend (Sharifkashani et al. 2020; Ahmadi et al. 2020).
on the amplification of transduction pathways According to the findings of the present study,
involved in the production of pro-­inflammatory patients with cancer are at a greater risk of SARS,
cytokines (Basiri et al. 2020b; Yazdanpanah et al. MERS, and COVID-­19, and comorbidities are
2020b; Bahrami et al. 2020b; Rokni et al. 2020) significantly more common in patients with
that might have a genetic basis (Darbeheshti and MERS compared to patients with COVID-­19 and
Rezaei 2020; Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020). SARS, and this is the cancer case as well. Further
Studies suggest a dual role for the immune studies are necessary to address if patients with
system in the pathogenesis of COVID-­19, when coronaviruses and cancer are different from
antiviral immunity is present on the one hand patients with coronaviruses without cancer in
and, on the other hand, patients having elevated terms of clinical manifestations, laboratory find-
inflammatory markers are most seriously affected ings, outcomes, and men to women ratio.
by COVID-­19 (Rokni et al. 2020; Bahrami et al.
2020a; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; Saghazadeh
and Rezaei 2020a; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab 17.5 Conclusion
et al. 2020). The latter, i.e., the negative role of
the immune system in COVID-­ 19, is further We are reminded by the pandemic of COVID-­19,
strengthened by the evidence that not only which could affect people globally and make
patients with primary immunodeficiency disor- them practice social distancing which we hope is
ders appear to be prone to COVID-­19, not more for a temporary time (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020),
than the general population, but they seem to be that our research needs to be ideal in terms of its
less likely to develop the severe disease (Babaha quality (Rzymski et  al. 2020), especially in the
and Rezaei 2020). As a result, recent research short term of the pandemic when we search for a
says the immune system is the bane of COVID-­­19 reliable diagnostic method and specific treatment
pathogenesis and remarks on the potential bene- and prevention (Mohamed et  al. 2020b; Rezaei
fits derived from its targeting (Sharifkashani 2020; Rabiee et al. 2020; Kafieh et al. 2020; Lotfi
et al. 2020; Pourahmad et al. 2020; Mansourabadi et al. 2020; Basiri et al. 2020a, b), and the back-
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COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer
Ali Nowroozi, Sepideh Razi, Kamal Kant Sahu,
Fabio Grizzi, Jann Arends, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract ratory diseases, and kidney diseases are at

higher risk of developing severe events,
With more than 5 million cases and 333,212 including requiring intensive ventilation,
deaths, COVID-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) contin- intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and
ues to spread. General symptoms of this dis- death. Patients with cancer are more likely to
ease are similar to that of many other viral be infected with COVID-19, which is possibly
respiratory diseases, including fever, cough, due to their immunological dysfunction or fre-
dyspnea, and fatigue, with a chance of pro- quent clinic visits. Also, there is a higher
gression to more severe complications. chance that these patients experience severe
However, the virus does not affect all people events because of the medication they receive.
equally, and cases with comorbidities such as In this chapter, we will review the main clini-
malignancies, cardiovascular diseases, respi- cal manifestations of COVID-19  in patients

A. Nowroozi · M. Keshavarz-Fathi
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
Scientific Education and Research Network
Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
(USERN), Milan, Italy
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
J. Arends
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Medicine I, Medical Center –
S. Razi (*) University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine,
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Scientific Education and Research Network
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Scientific Education and Research Network
Student Research Committee, School of Medicine, (USERN), Freiburg, Germany
Tehran, Iran
N. Rezaei (*)
K. K. Sahu Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Department of Medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Worcester, MA, USA Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Scientific Education and Research Network Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(USERN), Worcester, MA, USA
Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
F. Grizzi Scientific Education and Research Network
Department of Immunology and Inflammation, (USERN), Stockholm, Sweden
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Milan, Italy e-mail:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 315
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
316 A. Nowroozi et al.

with cancer. Recommendations and chal- Studies reported that some risk factors are asso-
lenges for managing resources, organizing ciated with severe outcomes of COVID-19,
cancer centers, treatment of COVID-19-­ including high age and preexisting comorbidi-
infected cancer patients, and performing can- ties such as cardiovascular and respiratory dis-
cer research during this pandemic will also be eases and cancer (Cao et al. 2020; Shamshirian
discussed. and Rezaei 2020). It has been reported that
patients with cancer are more prone to infec-
Keywords tions and are considered as a high-risk group
due to their immunosuppressed state and altered
Cancer · COVID-19 · Malignancy · Neoplasm expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
· Pandemic · SARS-CoV-2 (ACE2), known as a cell surface receptor for the
SARS-CoV-2 (Arjeyni et al. 2017; Sharifkashani
et al. 2020; Ahmadi et al. 2020; Rezaei 2020b;
Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b). Also, they are
18.1 Introduction more likely to be infected with COVID-19,
which is possibly a result of their frequent visits
In late December 2019, novel coronavirus dis- to medical centers. It has been shown that there
ease (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute is a high chance that patients with cancer
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-­ develop severe events such as requiring inten-
CoV-­2) was first presented in the Hubei prov- sive ventilation, intensive care unit (ICU)
ince of China as pneumonia of unknown cause. admission, or death (Liang et al. 2020). It might
As of May 22, 2020, COVID-19 has more than be a result of the clinical therapies they receive.
5,118,416 confirmed cases, and 333,212 deaths Therefore, it is important to know the degree of
have been reported worldwide (Johns Hopkins risk that patients with cancer are facing during
University 2020), and the situation has been the pandemic and come up with solutions for
declared as a pandemic (World Health managing cancer care in this period. In this
Organization 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). chapter, we will review the main clinical mani-
SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the Coronaviridae festations of COVID-19  in cancer patients.
family, which includes severe acute respiratory Recommendations and challenges for managing
syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory resources, organizing cancer centers, treatment
syndrome (MERS) (first started to spread in of COVID-19-infected cancer patients, and per-
2002 and 2012, respectively), two other corona- forming cancer research during this pandemic
viruses that have caused epidemics (Jabbari will also be discussed.
et al. 2020). The most common symptoms of the
disease include fever, cough, dyspnea, and
fatigue (Cao et  al. 2020). Also, lymphopenia 18.2 Respiratory Infections
occurs in 57% of the cases, which results in the in Patients with Cancer
immune system dysregulation in the patients
(Cao et  al. 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Like all other chronic conditions, cancer makes
Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a; Nasab et  al. patients more susceptible to severe complica-
2020). The most frequent severe complications tions from an acute disease such as a respiratory
of COVID-19 are acute respiratory distress syn- infection. Oncology patients frequently require
drome (ARDS) and acute cardiac injury, which chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which both
happen in 29% and 14% of cases, respectively. suppress the immune system. Some patients
Moreover, 29% of cases will eventually require receive immunosuppressants following trans-
intensive care, and the case fatality rate is 7% plants to prevent rejection. Additionally, hema-
among infected patients (Jordan et  al. 2020; tologic malignancies directly affect the bone
Zhou et  al. 2020; Wu and McGoogan 2020). marrow and the immune system, causing defects
18  COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer 317

in the body’s defense mechanisms. Studies pro- 18.3 COVID-19 in Patients

vide evidence that although children with cancer with Cancer
are less likely to develop the severe illness than
adults, infants and younger children are more 18.3.1 Risk Factors for Severe
likely to develop severe clinical manifestations Complications
than older children because of the immaturity of
the immune system. Children, as well as adult Liang et al. conducted a study (Liang et al. 2020)
patients with cancer, are at higher risk of devel- on 1590 COVID-19-positive patients, of which
oping severe complications from an infection 18 had a history of cancer. The results showed a
due to both the treatment they receive, the malig- higher prevalence of severe events (ICU admis-
nancy itself, the social distancing, and the num- sion requiring invasive ventilation or death)
ber of people visiting oncology departments. among patients with cancer history (39%) com-
The use of telehealth for noncritical outpatient pared to the general population (8%, p < 0.003).
visits, such as for children in follow-up or survi- The significant difference was still present when
vorship clinics, has been aspectable to be imple- severe complications were characterized by both
mented to protect children who require hospital the abovementioned events and the physician’s
visits (Yang et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020; evaluation (50% vs. 16% in patients with a his-
Extance 2020; Dong et al. 2020; Moazzami et al. tory of cancer and the general population of
2020). Previous data showed that influenza has a COVID-19-infected cases, respectively,
much more strong effect on patients with cancer p < 0.008). Other comorbid conditions were also
than the general population and hospitalization analyzed as risk factors for severe events, such as
and mortality rates among cancer patients are hypertension and chronic obstructive pulmonary
four times and ten times higher, respectively disease (COPD). However, none of the odds were
(Bitterman et  al. 2018). Viral respiratory tract as high as that of cancer. Moreover, none of the
infections are usually self-limiting in healthy other risk factors were significantly related to
individuals, and treatment is generally support- severe outcomes in cases with a cancer history.
ive (Kuchar et  al. 2015). Although common This study also showed that patients who had
symptoms of these diseases are generally mild undergone surgery or chemotherapy within 1
(e.g., sneezing, coughing, and nasal congestion) month before the study presented a significantly
(Kuchar et  al. 2015; Kennedy et  al. 2012; Wat higher rate of severe events compared to those
2004; Eccles 2005) and resolve within few days, with no history of surgery or chemotherapy in the
immunosuppressed patients might progress to past month. According to most studies, lung can-
more adverse conditions such as lower respira- cer appears to be the most prevalent malignancy
tory tract infection (LRTI) and pneumonia (Kim among patients with cancer and COVID-19
et  al. 2014). LRTI occurs in 30–50% of adults infection (Zhang et al. 2020; Yu et al. 2020; Liang
with cancer who are immunocompromised et  al. 2020). However, in one study, colorectal
(Hijano et al. 2018; Kim et al. 2007; Hakim et al. cancer was the most prevalent, followed by lung
2016; Fisher et al. 2018), and the overall mortal- cancer. A study in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan
ity rate among cases with malignancies who University (Yu et al. 2020) estimated that out of
develop pneumonia is approximately between 1524 patients with cancer, only 0.79% (95%
11% and 15% but might reach as high as 75% CI = 0.3%–1.2%) were infected with COVID-19.
(Chemaly et  al. 2006; Kim et  al. 2019; Hijano It was higher than the general infection rate in
et al. 2018). Also, studies showed that hemato- Wuhan over the same time (0.37%) (OR = 2.31,
poietic stem cell transplantation and myelosup- 95% CI = 1.89–3.02), and out of 12 patients with
pression cause the highest morbidity and cancer infected with COVID-19, 1 patient (8%)
mortality rates among these patients (Hijano required ICU admission, and 3 patients (25%)
et al. 2018). died, rather unusual results which are probably
318 A. Nowroozi et al.

due to study limitations such as the small popula- 18.3.2 Clinical Manifestations
tion of the study.
Another study was conducted in Wuhan Although studies regarding clinical features of
University’s Renmin Hospital, which involved 37 COVID-19-infected patients with cancer are few,
patients with cancer infected with COVID-19. they give us a reasonable insight into what we
The results demonstrated that 54% of the patients should expect and what should be done. Early
had a severe/critical status, which is much higher symptoms of COVID-19 in patients with cancer
than that of general COVID-19-infected cases, are almost identical to those in the general popu-
and the mortality rate of 13.5% was observed in lation, including fever, dry cough, fatigue, dys-
these cancer patients, which is also higher than pnea, lymphopenia, and elevated high-sensitivity
the general population. The results of this study C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) (Rothan and
also reported that the history of receiving anti- Byrareddy 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). However, it
cancer therapy did not affect the severity of has been reported that in patients with lung can-
COVID-19  in patients with cancer, which is in cer, dyspnea presents early in the course of the
contrast to what Liang et al. have found in their disease (approximately 1 day after fever), which
study. In another study of 28 cancer patients is much earlier than in the general population
infected with COVID-19 (out of a total of 1276 (5–8 days after fever) (Zhang et al. 2020; Wang
COVID-19 cases), 54% developed the severe et  al. 2020a). Also, Zhang et  al. reported that
condition, 21% eventually required ICU care, lymphopenia was more prevalent in cancer
36% encountered life-threatening complications, patients than in the general COVID-19-infected
and 29% of the patients died (median time from population (82% vs. 57%, respectively) (Cao
admission to death  =  16  days). The results also et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). Anemia and hypo-
reported that severe events were more frequent in proteinemia might also be present due to the
patients with stage IV cancer (70%) compared to nutritional deterioration of cancer patients
patients with less advanced disease (44%). Even (Zhang et  al. 2020). According to Liang et  al.’s
though this difference was not proved to be sig- study, patients with cancer seem to be more likely
nificant by statistical analysis, Zhang et  al. to experience polypnea and present a more severe
believe that the cancer stage might affect the clin- baseline CT scan. Also, cancer patients face
ical outcome of the disease. Patchy consolida- severe events much earlier than the general popu-
tions on first computed tomography (CT) after lation (13  days vs. 43  days, p  <  0.001, age-­
admission were also related to a higher risk of adjusted). However, more research is needed to
developing severe complications after adjust- prove these results because, in this study, patients
ment. Also, the outcomes of this study demon- with cancer had a higher median age and were
strated that the rate of severe complications was more likely to have a history of smoking.
significantly higher in patients who had received Furthermore, the study population was small, and
antitumor treatment within 14  days of their 12 out of 18 cancer cases did not have an active
COVID-19 diagnosis, which is compatible with malignancy and were in post-resection routine
the results of the Liang et  al. study. There is a follow-up (Liang et al. 2020).
possibility that genes affecting the immune sys- Patients with cancer have an immunosup-
tem function contribute to the development of a pressed status and are therefore less likely to suf-
severe form of COVID-19 (Yousefzadegan and fer from severe lung injuries associated with
Rezaei 2020; Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020; inflammatory cytokines. Studies report that
Ahanchian et al. 2020; Babaha and Rezaei 2020). ARDS presents in 29% of patients with cancer,
Further research is, however, necessary to inves- which is comparable to the general population
tigate the issue in cancer patients. (29%). Even though ARDS in cancer patients is
To summarize, current data on epidemiologic as common as in general COVID-19-infected
statistics of COVID-19-infected cancer patients patients, mortality rates appear to be much higher.
are inconclusive, and further research is needed. One possible explanation for a lower than
18  COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer 319

expected ARDS prevalence in cancer patients is pandemic, known as the “distraction effect”
that the immune system and inflammatory cyto- (Cortiula et al. 2020; Schrag et al. 2020).
kines play an important role in ARDS.  Hence, National University Cancer Institute,
immunosuppressed patients are less likely to Singapore (NCIS), has taken its experience dur-
develop the condition. Still, data on clinical fea- ing the SARS epidemic into action and devel-
tures and outcomes of COVID-19  in cancer oped a comprehensive guideline for managing
patients is limited, and further studies are needed healthcare workers and hospitals (Ngoi et  al.
(Xu et al. 2020; Stebbing et al. 2020; Conti et al. 2020). The main aim of the plan is to keep work-
2020; Cao et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). On the force loss as low as possible. All staff was divided
other hand, due to impaired immunity, relatively into two groups so that in case of quarantine,
high age, and other concurrent diseases of there would be a backup team. Subgroups of each
patients with cancer, the direct effects of the virus physician were distributed geographically to
will probably appear more severely, which is yet reduce interaction between individuals, and each
to be proven. outpatient division had its own set of departments
(e.g., counter, triage, and consultation rooms). To
further increase the workforce at the hospital, all
18.4 M
 edical Care of Patients community services of NCIS, such as home che-
with Cancer During motherapy and nursing, were canceled. Also,
COVID-­19 Pandemic: cancer surveillance meetings were postponed,
Challenges and nonresident referrals were ceased to lessen
and Recommendations the patient load. In the case of the inpatient set-
ting, all surgeries other than cancer-related ones
COVID-19 is a new disease, and guidelines of were deferred by 3 months. Negative pressure
medical care for patients infected with the virus isolation rooms were redesigned for COVID-19
are being updated rapidly. Furthermore, literature suspected or confirmed cases. Blood was also
regarding cancer care during pandemic infections reserved for special situations, as social distanc-
is limited (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; Battershill ing measures had diminished blood stocks.
2006). Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of A similar study (Jazieh et al. 2020) described
the most recent findings on the matter. It is also actions taken by a King Abdulaziz Medical City’s
necessary that every structure created in health oncology department in Saudi Arabia during the
systems because of the pandemic be flexible 2015 MERS pandemic. A leadership committee
enough so that it can be updated according to the was created, and all outpatient schedules were
most recent guidelines and protocols. canceled for 4 days so that the situation could be
analyzed more thoroughly. Most of the meetings
of the staff were via the Internet. Patients of the
18.4.1 Managing Resources outpatients’ clinic were divided into three groups,
based on the possibility of postponing their
One of the main points of focus during a pan- appointments: urgent cases which their visits
demic is how to manage limited and rapidly could not be deferred, intermediate cases which
depleting resources (Ueda et al. 2020). could have had their appointments delayed for a
Naturally, healthcare providers face a huge few weeks, and follow-up cases which were post-
workload because of the spreading disease, and poned to latest time possible. All clinic visitors
human resources are of utmost importance. were screened when entering the clinic, and sus-
Human resources must be distributed carefully so pected cases were isolated and triaged. To be able
that both the pandemic and other health matters to handle the delayed chemotherapies, the work-
could be managed at the same time. Health insti- ing hours of the infusion department were
tutions and organizations must not allow other increased. The cancer center decided not to admit
departments and tasks to be overshadowed by the any new patients, and all cases that required
320 A. Nowroozi et al.

admission were transferred to another hospital. 2020, a total of 103 drugs are indicated “currently
Moreover, stable cancer patients already admit- in shortage.” It must be mentioned that some can-
ted were discharged. Training courses for all hos- cer drugs have no alternatives, and the shortage
pital staff were directed to update their knowledge of their supplies might cause disastrous effects on
regarding the ongoing outbreak and reducing patients (Alpert and Jacobson 2019).
their stress. Nonmedical staff were put off-work
for a few days and were advised to minimize con-
tact with the medical team upon return. It was 18.4.2 Cancer Centers During
told if any of the staff showed symptoms of the the Pandemic
disease, do not show up for work. After the con-
trol of the outbreak, recovery was initiated in Cancer centers must execute a plan specifically
three phases: i. immediate phase, completing all designed for the time of the pandemic to continue
services that were not available at the alternate cancer treatment, while maximizing safety and
hospital; ii. intermediate phase, restoring all pre- minimizing the risk of infection and disease
vious activities; and iii. long-term phase, imple- spread. Specific personnel must be designated to
menting the lessons learned from the outbreak in supervise the execution, thus ensuring compli-
the hospital workflow and structure. ance with the protocols (Al-Shamsi et al. 2020).
Generally, it is recommended that only vital General screening procedures are necessary.
medical services be provided and unnecessary Temperatures and symptoms of COVID-19 must
appointments such as elective surgeries, nonur- be checked routinely both in staff and throughout
gent matters, and routine follow-ups, especially the complex. Additionally, past contact and travel
in low-risk patients, be canceled or postponed history of every individual have to be acquired
(Al-Shamsi et al. 2020; The Cancer Letter 2020; (Ngoi et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020b; Hanna et al.
Mukherjee et  al. 2003; Wang et  al. 2020b; 2020; Bitar et  al. 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020; Pino
Shankar et al. 2020; Hanna et al. 2020; Cortiula et  al. 2020; Chen et  al. 2020). Suspected cases
et  al. 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020; Wei et  al. 2020; should be separated and transferred to an isolated
Bartlett et al. 2020; Schrag et al. 2020; Ganatra area for further evaluation by the pandemic team
et al. 2020). This action not only helps to allocate (Ngoi et  al. 2020; Bitar et  al. 2020; You et  al.
human resources more efficiently and reduces the 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020; Chen et  al. 2020). If a
chance of cross-infection, but it also enables patient reports previous contact or travel history
healthcare personnel to be able to provide drugs but is asymptomatic, it is recommended to be
and treatment to those who are truly in need. asked for 14-day self-isolation and appointment
However, health centers must be prepared for the reschedule. If not feasible, the patient has to be
heavy load of patients that has been shifted from isolated, and extra protective measures must be
the pandemic period to a later time (Cortiula carried out (Bitar et  al. 2020). Suspected staff
et al. 2020). Using over the phone assessments or should be put off duty until disease resolution.
online videoconferences could also reduce Restricting the number of companions allowed
incoming patient flow to the clinic and the burden with a patient to a maximum of one companion
it carries (Hanna et al. 2020). will prevent casual gatherings and reduce the risk
Drug shortage is likely during a pandemic, of cross-infection (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020;
and medical centers must be prepared for it. The Lambertini et al. 2020). Furthermore, some can-
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cer centers have prohibited guest visits to the
released a statement on February 27, 2020, indi- hematology department (Cortiula et  al. 2020).
cating the shortage of only one drug (US Food Utilizing Internet-based services such as appoint-
and Drug Administration 2020a). On March 21, ment scheduling systems is advantageous as they
2020, FDA’s drug shortage list (US Food and reduce the need for on-site appearance. Also, on-­
Drug Administration) included 26 cancer medi- phone screening assists in preventing the spread
cations (Al-Shamsi et al. 2020), and as of April 9, of the disease in ambulatory clinics. Patients
18  COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer 321

could be asked about symptoms or recent con- recommended (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; The
tacts, a day before they visit the clinic (Al-Shamsi Cancer Letter 2020; Hanna et  al. 2020; Bitar
et  al. 2020; You et  al. 2020; Cinar et  al. 2020; et  al. 2020; You et  al. 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020;
Rivera et  al. 2020). Routine checking for Pino et  al. 2020; Simcock et  al. 2020; Schrag
COVID-­19 symptoms, blood tests, and perform- et  al. 2020). For example, a resectable tumor
ing CT imaging before admission are also recom- might grow and become inoperable if neglected
mended to better identify patients at risk of (Cortiula et  al. 2020). In non-curable cases,
carrying the virus (Wang et al. 2020b). patients with lower age and higher life expec-
For better organization of the medical team, tancy should be prioritized (You et al. 2020).
the facility could be divided into different sec- Exposure to the medical environment
tions, based on the degree of virus contamination increases the chance of infection (Hanna et  al.
(Chen et al. 2020). Different protocols could then 2020; Wang et  al. 2020a; Chen et  al. 2020).
be prepared according to each section’s During cancer treatment, many procedures
situation. involve direct contact with surfaces and other
individuals (e.g., visits to the clinic, surgeries,
and chemotherapy sessions) and consequently
18.4.3 Cancer Care During put patients and physicians at risk of infection
the Pandemic (Kutikov et  al. 2020). As previously stated, the
infection rate among patients with cancer appears
Based on a case-by-case evaluation and if it is to be higher than the general population, and it is
medically safe, some professionals recommend speculated that this is a consequence of frequent
that all cancer treatments be delayed to time as hospital visits of these patients, which increases
late as possible (Lambertini et al. 2020; Ganatra their chance of encountering the virus and acquir-
et  al. 2020). Although cancer medication may ing the disease (Yu et al. 2020). Outpatient visits
result in worsened outcome in patients infected can especially be challenging due to lower pro-
with COVID-19 (Hanna et al. 2020), some sug- tective measures applied and a higher number of
gest that cancer centers must carry on with pro- patients. Therefore, the general target is to mini-
viding treatment for all patients as before, but mize patients’ contact with the hospital and clinic
with intense supervision and monitoring for environment, while providing all the necessary
COVID-19 and reduced dosage of immunosup- treatment (You et  al. 2020). Telemedicine (over
pressing medication (Cortiula et al. 2020; Zhang the phone or online medical consultation) is a
et al. 2020; Salako et al. 2020). However, due to practical and beneficial approach to minimize
the increased burden on healthcare systems, this direct contact (Ngoi et  al. 2020; Kutikov et  al.
seems to be practically impossible (Lambertini 2020; Wang et al. 2020b; Hanna et al. 2020; Bitar
et  al. 2020). Limited resources oblige cancer et  al. 2020; You et  al. 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020;
treatment facilities to adopt new strategies in Pino et  al. 2020; Simcock et  al. 2020; Spicer
treating patients with cancer. Many healthcare et al. 2020; Cinar et al. 2020), especially in fol-
centers have decided not to continue chemother- low-­up patients who are disease-free and where
apy or immunotherapy for patients with advanced in-person visits are not essential (Lambertini
malignancy in the maintenance phase or to et al. 2020).
receive long-time treatments (Wang et al. 2020b; It is recommended that patients scheduled for
Schrag et  al. 2020; Hanna et  al. 2020), while anticancer treatment be under observation and
some professionals suggest otherwise and recom- isolated from other patients 7 days before receiv-
mend continuing treatment for patients with the ing medication (Zhang et  al. 2020). If possible,
advanced disease if no COVID-19 symptoms are intravenous treatment could be substituted with
present (Cortiula et  al. 2020). Unlike advanced oral medication to lower the risk of nosocomial
malignancies, which are a matter of debate, treat- infection (Wang et  al. 2020b; Al-Shamsi et  al.
ing patients with a high chance of cure is vastly 2020; Hanna et  al. 2020; Bitar et  al. 2020; You
322 A. Nowroozi et al.

et al. 2020; Pino et al. 2020; Cinar et al. 2020). major healthcare centers. However, if the tumor
Patients could also receive chemotherapy at is locally advanced, it is best if radiotherapy is
home, if practicable (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; deferred and, instead, neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Shereen and Salman 2019; American Society of is practiced. Treatment centers must clean and
Clinical Oncology 2020; You et  al. 2020; Cinar disinfect facilities in-between patients, and pro-
et al. 2020). Otherwise, sessions should be rear- tective equipment must be provided both for staff
ranged so that it requires fewer hospital visits and patients, according to the latest guidelines
(Cinar et  al. 2020). It is best if patients could and protocols, and strict hand hygiene must be
obtain medicine with minimum person-to-person maintained by the medical team (Chen et  al.
contacts, such as drive-through pharmacies or 2020; Wei et al. 2020).
delivery services (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; Ngoi Educating individuals is invaluable during
et al. 2020; Spicer et al. 2020). If blood work is infection outbreaks. Approximately 18–33% of
required during the treatment process, the num- infected individuals are estimated to be asymp-
ber of draws must be reduced to a minimum and, tomatic (Mizumoto et  al. 2020; Nishiura et  al.
if suitable, at home (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; 2020). Therefore, patients must be taught about
American Society of Clinical Oncology 2020). general precautionary methods such as social
Some cancer patients require a transplant for ­distancing, proper hand hygiene, control mea-
treatment. The pandemic has made organizing a sures and devices, and COVID-19 disease itself
transplant difficult due to several reasons. The (i.e., ways of transmission, symptoms, and dis-
donor is required to be present at the hospital for ease course), based on the most recent informa-
evaluation and preparation. Both visiting a medi- tion and protocols (Shankar et al. 2020; Oh 2020;
cal center and the possible need for traveling Bitar et  al. 2020; Ueda et  al. 2020; Lotfi et  al.
increase the risk of infection for the donor. 2020).
Additionally, if the donor is infected with Cancer affects patients in emotional and psy-
COVID-19, the transplant cannot be made until chological aspects. Amid reduced in-person con-
the pathogen is completely cleared from the tact and possible quarantines in a pandemic, it is
body. Therefore, some institutions are assigning important to maintain patients’ mental health and
backup donors for patients for situations where provide emotional support so that they under-
the original donor is not available (Burki 2020). stand they are not alone (Hanna et  al. 2020).
Managing patients undergoing radiotherapy is Moreover, patients with cancer are more worried
a much more complicated task than chemother- about acquiring the infection and its complica-
apy patients. Patients receiving radiation must tions than healthy individuals, even young
visit their health center daily to continue treat- patients who have a relatively low risk of severe
ment with adjusted doses (Wei et al. 2020), and in complications from the disease (Casanova et al.
many cases, the sessions cannot be halted mid- 2020; Verity et al. 2020). It has been reported that
way through. Hypofractionated radiation or some patients might cancel all treatment plans in
short-course radiotherapy is recommended to fear of acquiring an infection (Chen et al. 2004).
reduce the risk of virus transmission (Ngoi et al. Thus, healthcare professionals must make sure
2020; Hanna et al. 2020; You et al. 2020; Spicer that patients receive all necessary medication and
et  al. 2020; Cinar et  al. 2020). Before radiation should help them overcome these fears. Patients
delivery, all patients must be screened for also understand that their relatives are worried
COVID-19 and divided into different groups, about them and feel this burden on themselves
based on their screening results and status. If the (Casanova et al. 2020). Psychology departments
patients have been tested negative in screening could help to lower these effects on individuals
and are in the early stages of the disease or need by taking extra measures and running extra sup-
emergency radiation treatment, the best choice is portive programs and psychological assessments
to be treated at the nearest radiotherapy center to in this period (Al-Shamsi et al. 2020). The use of
avoid unnecessary travel and overpopulating telemedicine could also support patients during
18  COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer 323

this period (Lambertini et  al. 2020; Cinar et  al. (Shankar et  al. 2020). However, in some cases
2020). where it is life-saving, cancer treatment could
continue on physicians’ decisions (Cinar et  al.
18.4.4 Managing COVID-19-Infected COVID-19 management has to be rapid and
Cancer Patients intense in cancer patients, especially when other
comorbidities among older adults, pregnant
Diagnosing viral infections in patients with can- women, and children are present (Liang et  al.
cer is challenging. Some symptoms of the dis- 2020; Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020). The level of
ease, such as fatigue and dyspnea, are common in support provided for patients must be determined
patients with cancer, especially when they receive based on cancer-related life expectancy and other
medication (Spicer et al. 2020; Cinar et al. 2020). comorbid conditions. Even with the highest lev-
Additionally, radiologic findings of infection els of ventilatory assistance, patients with
could resemble the progression of the tumor or advanced malignancies are unlikely to survive
drug-mediated toxicity related to cancer treat- the infection. Therefore, treatment priority has to
ment (Lambertini et al. 2020). Hence, screening be discussed with the patient in the early stages
and diagnostic protocols differ from the general of the disease (Spicer et al. 2020).
population (Ngoi et al. 2020). Malnutrition must especially be kept in mind
Patients confirmed for COVID-19 must be when providing supportive care for patients.
isolated immediately and consulted with the While malnutrition could increase the risk of
COVID-19 pandemic team (You et  al. 2020; acquiring an infection (Farhadi and Ovchinnikov
Spicer et  al. 2020). Cancer treatment might be 2018), infections could result in malnutrition via
significantly associated with the severe clinical various mechanisms such as gastrointestinal dis-
condition in COVID-19-infected patients (Zhang orders (e.g., loss of appetite, diarrhea) (Li et al.
et al. 2020; Simcock et al. 2020). However, recent 2020) and metabolism imbalance (Handu et  al.
research showed that some groups of medication, 2020). Additionally, malnutrition is common in
including steroids and cytotoxic drugs, are not patients with cancer and is associated with poor
associated with severe outcomes (Russell et  al. prognosis and reduced quality of life (Lee et al.
2020) and even might help to accelerate recovery 2016; Jager-Wittenaar et  al. 2011; Van Cutsem
in COVID-19 patients (Saghazadeh and Rezaei and Arends 2005; Hill et al. 2011; Norman et al.
2020b). Oncologists mostly recommend to cease 2010; Capuano et  al. 2010). Therefore, early
further anticancer therapy and prioritize detection and treatment of any nutritional impair-
COVID-­ 19 treatment based on a case-by-case ment are crucial in COVID-19-infected cancer
evaluation. They agree to resume anticancer ther- patients.
apy only when no medical signs of the pathogen
are present (Al-Shamsi et  al. 2020; Yang et  al.
2020; Bitar et  al. 2020; You et  al. 2020; Chen 18.4.5 Managing Hematological
et al. 2020; Cinar et al. 2020) (i.e., the resolution Malignancies During
of all symptoms and two consecutive negative COVID-19
molecular tests on nasopharynx swabs) (Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention 2020). If test- Among the cancers, hematological malignancies
ing is not available, at least 3 days and at least 7 belong to a special subset for their underlying
days must pass after symptoms relief and initial differences in the prevalence and biology when
symptoms appearance, respectively (Cinar et al. compared to solid tumors. Unlike solid tumors,
2020). Some expand the criteria for stopping can- blood cancers like leukemia, myelodysplastic
cer treatment even more and suggest that patients syndromes, and multiple myeloma primarily
in close contact with a COVID-19-infected per- involve the bone marrow. Such patients may have
son should also stop receiving cancer medication neutropenia, pancytopenia, or thrombocytopenia
324 A. Nowroozi et al.

of variable degrees to start with, and treatment the local guidelines would be the key factors to
with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or hematopoi- help hematologists navigate through this health
etic stem cell transplantation could worsen the crisis.
severity and/or prolong the duration of bone mar-
row suppression (Sahu et  al. 2020b). Though
having hematological malignancies does not 18.5 C
 ancer Research During
increase the risk to acquire the SARS-CoV-2 but the Pandemic
once acquired, these patients tend to decompen-
sate more rapidly than others (Gavillet et  al. COVID-19 pandemic will affect almost all
2020). Hong et  al. from China noted a similar research areas globally. With the increasing need
observation with a rapid spread and transmission for human resources, researchers are less likely
of the SARS-CoV-2 among the patients at their to participate in studies, and most of the research
hematology ward (Hong M). They noted community will put their attention on COVID-­
extremely high mortality (>50%) for hospitalized 19-­related matters. Furthermore, universities are
patients with combined COVID-19 and hemato- closed in many cities in response to the outbreak,
logic malignancy. It is believed that perturbation and a large proportion of students are not avail-
in both innate and adaptive immunity could lead able for helping in researches. Ongoing trials will
to higher mortality in patients of hematologic have to be prioritized, and inevitably some will
malignancies undergoing chemotherapy on be canceled or postponed (The Lancet 2020).
acquiring SARS-CoV-2 infection. Many researchers have already stopped enrolling
There is no fixed protocol available on how to new participants in trials (Spicer et al. 2020), and
manage hematological patients during the many others will be forced to do so (Burki 2020).
COVID-19 pandemic. However, international FDA (US Food and Drug Administration 2020b)
societies like the American Society of and the European Medicines Agency (EMA)
Hematology, the European Hematology (European Medicines Agency 2020) have
Association, and other tertiary cancer center released guidelines and proposed recommenda-
experts have laid down interim guidelines to tions for ongoing trials during the COVID-19
guide hematologists and transplant specialists pandemic.
(­19). In gen- With no definitive cure for many types of
eral, patients with stable cancer are suggested to cancers, especially in advanced stages, cancer
watch and wait for strategy. Patients with chronic research plays an important role in the develop-
myeloid leukemia and chronic lymphoid leuke- ment of oncology treatment, and with the ongo-
mia are classic examples. On the other side, ing pandemic, new trials are less likely to start
patients who need urgent treatment like acute or will be delayed for a while (Lambertini et al.
leukemias can be offered oral chemotherapies or 2020; Burki 2020). Also, follow-up appoint-
targeted agents that can be easily taken at home, ments are a necessity in most trials, which may
thereby minimizing hospital visits. These agents not be possible during the pandemic, both due
can serve as an excellent bridging therapy till the to health risks and workload of the medical
pandemic curve declines when health resources team. Another challenge during a pandemic is
could be redirected back to patients with hemato- providing investigational drugs to research
logical cancers for blood transfusions and in hos- teams. Delays in drug deliveries might cause
pital admissions due to febrile neutropenia, etc. irreversible damages to the course of the trial.
(Sahu et al. 2020a). A classic example of the less Maintaining patients’ safety and accuracy of
intense but effective oral chemotherapeutic agent the trial at the same time require preparation of
is oral Venetoclax for patients more than 70 years new instructions, conducted by the joint deci-
with acute myeloid leukemia (Pollyea et  al. sion of the medical team and sponsors of the
2019). Data sharing, staying accurate and up to trial (Kutikov et  al. 2020; Lambertini et  al.
date with the latest developments, and following 2020).
18  COVID-19 in Patients with Cancer 325

Some centers allow therapeutic trials to con- almost identical in patients with and without can-
tinue as prior (Schrag et  al. 2020), albeit with cer, though immune dysregulation seems to be
restricted access to high-risk areas such as isola- more severe in cancer patients, as lymphopenia is
tion wards and the ICU (Ngoi et  al. 2020). more common compared to the general popula-
Recruiting for trials should only be considered tion. Additionally, symptoms are likely to emerge
when the benefit from the treatment is likely earlier and with more intensity in these patients
(Ueda et al. 2020). Travel limitations and quaran- than expected. Even though ARDS in cancer
tines are likely to interfere with research proce- patients is as common as in general COVID-19-­
dures such as tests and follow-ups. If possible, infected patients, mortality rates appear to be
tests could be carried out in  local clinics of the much higher. One possible explanation for low
patients, and telemedicine could be used for ARDS prevalence in cancer patients is that the
follow-­ups and instructions (Ngoi et  al. 2020; immune system and inflammatory cytokines play
Lambertini et al. 2020). If a center cannot handle an important role in ARDS. Hence, immunosup-
the extra workload of researches, patients can be pressed patients are less likely to develop the
distributed among other less crowded health cen- condition. However, data on clinical features and
ters for treatment and follow-up continuation outcomes of COVID-19 in cancer patients is still
(Lambertini et al. 2020). limited, and further studies are necessary.
Even though the pandemic has hindered Cancer treatment centers face a demanding
research, professionals worldwide are reaching challenge during the pandemic. With limited
each other and cooperating more than ever. resources, healthcare facilities must manage to
Oncologists from different countries share their handle the ongoing COVID-19 situation, as well
opinions with their colleagues to help in produc- as other health services, while minimizing the
ing efficient and beneficial protocols in the path risk of infection and complications. Guests’ vis-
to better managing the global emergency (Schrag its to the hospital could be limited during the pan-
et al. 2020). demic. Unnecessary services such as elective
surgeries and follow-ups of low-risk patients
should be postponed. Some activities, such as
18.6 Conclusion appointment scheduling, could be done over the
phone or the Internet instead of in-person.
COVID-19 (or SARS-CoV-2) has spread all over Healthcare centers must educate both the staff
the globes and has infected millions of people, and the patients and provide them with necessary
including healthcare providers (Rezaei 2020a). personal protective equipment such as masks and
Patients with comorbidities such as cardiovascu- gloves, according to the most recent guidelines.
lar diseases, respiratory diseases, and malignan- For further prevention, facilities must perform
cies are at higher risk of severe events from this screenings at entrance points, check patients and
disease. Patients with cancer are at increased risk staff routinely for symptoms, and refer all suspi-
of complications for any respiratory infection, cious cases to the pandemic team.
and COVID-19 is not different. Patients’ visits to hospitals must be as few as
Cancer patients are more likely to be infected possible. Whether to cancel some treatments or
with COVID-19, which is probably because of not is debated. In both cases, prioritization seems
their frequent visits to medical centers. Also, to be the answer. Cancer treatment with the intent
there is a higher chance that these patients of cure and emergency treatments must be priori-
develop severe events due to the medications they tized over treatment for advanced diseases and
receive. It is, however, a matter of dispute, and long-term medications. Telemedicine can be ben-
further studies are needed to prove the correlation eficial during this period. The use of oral medi-
between anticancer therapy and worsened cine requires fewer hospital visits compared to
COVID-19 outcomes. Early symptoms are chemotherapy, and so it is preferred during the
326 A. Nowroozi et al.

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COVID-19 and Tropical Infection:
Complexity and Concurrence 19
Pathum Sookaromdee and Viroj Wiwanitkit

Abstract COVID-­19  in tropical countries. To exem-

plify the effects of COVID-19 on tropical
COVID-19 is a newly emerging pandemic countries, the authors would show how
caused by a novel coronavirus. After its first COVID-19 has affected Indochina, a large
report in China in December 2019, the dis- tropical area.
ease already spread and affected more than
200 countries worldwide. It correlates with Keywords
different phenotypes ranging from an acute
febrile illness to severe respiratory problems. COVID-19 · Dengue · Indochina · Infection ·
Often, patients with COVID-19 suffer from Tropical · Tuberculosis
metabolic disorders, and this can result in a
more severe clinical course. COVID-19 might
also co-occur with other common diseases in
different settings. In tropical countries, 19.1 Introduction
COVID-­19 has already affected thousands of
local populations. Tropical diseases such as COVID-19 is a newly emerging viral infection
dengue and tuberculosis can modify the clini- that has spread worldwide and caused a pan-
cal presentation of COVID-19 and result in demic. It is caused by a novel coronavirus,
difficulty in the diagnosis and treatment of the SARS-CoV-2, which seems to be transmitted
patients. The complexity of concurrence from wild animals to humans. COVID-19 was
between COVID-19 and tropical diseases is, firstly reported in patients with pneumonia of
thus, a matter of concern in tropical medicine. unknown origin in Wuhan, China, in December
This chapter is devoted to discussing prob- 2019. After its first report in China in December
lems surrounding the management of 2019, the disease spread rapidly to many areas
around the world (Hsia 2020). Moreover, it was
P. Sookaromdee declared by the World Health Organization
Private Academic Practice, Pune, India (WHO) a public health emergency (Cucinotta
V. Wiwanitkit (*) 2020). COVID-19 has already affected countries
Department of Community Medicine, Dr. DY Patil all over the world, with more than six million
University, Pune, India confirmed cases by the end of May. Such a world-
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group wide spread of disease calls for urgent interna-
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and tional collaboration to manage the present crisis.
Research Network (USERN), Pune, India

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 333
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
334 P. Sookaromdee and V. Wiwanitkit

Table 19.1 Some atypical clinical presentations in COVID-19 commonly co-occurs with other
medical diseases. Considering the rapid spread of
Atypical presentations Examples disease, we can conclude that this high preva-
Uncommon clinical Diarrhea lence of COVID-19 co-occurring with other
symptom Skin rash
medical diseases is simply due to having a large
population affected by COVID-19 (Rodriguez-­
Muscle weakness Morales 2020). In particular, COVID-19 has
Unconsciousness affected thousands of local populations in tropi-
Sudden death cal countries. So, it is statistically possible that
Uncommon laboratory Eosinophilia COVID-19 might also co-occur with tropical dis-
presentation Anemia eases, and this concurrence can lead to atypical
Impaired liver function and severe clinical features of COVID-19, mak-
Impaired renal ing it difficult to diagnose and treat. Therefore,
concurrence between COVID-19 and tropical
Non-severe presentation Asymptomatic
presentation diseases such as dengue and tuberculosis is a
Mild presentation complex issue in clinical medicine.
The management of COVID-19  in tropical
Table 19.2  Interrelationship between COVID-19 and countries is of high importance. Governmental
some common tropical infections public health agencies usually try several attempts
Tropical infections Details for disease control (Wu 2020). According to the
Dengue Mimicry skin lesion, public health structure, primary medical care
centers serve as frontlines in the management of
Similar clinical presentation
Tuberculosis Hidden clinical problem
outbreaks like COVID-19. However, several rea-
Increased mortality sons limit the performance of these centers, par-
Hepatitis B Increased mortality ticularly in developing countries (Sohrabi 2020),
infection for example, limited knowledge of primary
healthcare workers, lack of adequate personnel
COVID-19 often involves the respiratory protective equipment (PPE), and lack of well-­
system. It can cause acute febrile illness and skilled primary care center administrators. This
severe respiratory problems. The patients chapter is devoted to discussing problems sur-
might develop illness after the exposure in a rounding the management of COVID-19 in tropi-
few days to weeks (Rothan 2020). As a highly cal countries. To exemplify the effects of
contagious respiratory disease, human-to- COVID-19 on tropical countries, the authors
human COVID-19 transmission quickly occurs would show how COVID-19 has affected
(Guo 2020). Patients with underlying diseases Indochina, a large tropical area.
such as diabetes mellitus and hypertension are
more likely to experience a more severe clini-
cal course (Guo 2020). In addition to classical 19.2 COVID-19 and Tropical
presentations, some COVID-19 patients might Infection: Complexity
manifest atypical clinical features (Table 19.1 and Concurrence
and 19.2) that are difficult-to-­diagnose cases
(Tin 2020). Sometimes, the infection might be The nationwide outbreak of infections is quite
mild or asymptomatic, making it spread possible in developing countries because of pov-
quickly in the community. Closed contact is erty, low education, and limited infrastructures,
the leading way of COVID-19 spread (Singhal while the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the
2020), and therefore, social distancing is rec- globe, including several tropical countries. There
ommended as an approach to disease preven- are tropical diseases endemic to the local popula-
tion (Nicola 2020). tion. The existence of COVID-19  in tropical
19  COVID-19 and Tropical Infection: Complexity and Concurrence 335

countries is a paramount public health concern (Saavedra-Velasco 2020). The coinfection

because COVID-19 might concurrently affect between COVID-19 and dengue might become a
patients with tropical diseases. dangerous combination in tropical countries
(Lorenz et  al. 2020), requiring a public health
plan for the management of co-epidemic of den-
19.2.1 COVID-19 and Tropical gue and COVID-19 in tropical countries (Navarro
Infection 2020). Dengue Chikungunya

Dengue is a mosquito-borne infection. The mos- Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne infection char-
quito vector is Aedes species. This disease is acterized by acute febrile illness. Since arthralgia
characterized by acute febrile illness and hemor- commonly occurs in both COVID-19 and chi-
rhagic complications. Laboratory findings kungunya, it would be necessary to consider
include hemoconcentration, thrombocytopenia, COVID-19 as a differential diagnosis in patients
and atypical lymphocytosis. The clinical presen- with fever and arthralgia.
tation of dengue is similar to that of COVID-19,
and this can result in misdiagnosis. The misdiag- Zika Virus Infection
nosis of COVID-19 as dengue can result in It is a mosquito-borne infection. The mosquito
delayed diagnosis of COVID-19 and, therefore, vector for the Zika virus infection is Aedes spe-
the poor clinical outcome of COVID-19. cies. It is characterized by acute febrile illness
Saavedra-Velasco (2020) and Yan (2020) reported and hemorrhagic complications. The patient
that COVID-19 could cause false positives in might also have a low platelet count. Zika virus
dengue screening tests. Thrombocytopenia is a infection is easily missed as dengue and
common laboratory finding in both dengue and COVID-­19. From infodemiology, the pattern of
COVID-19 and causes difficulty in the differen- Google Trends in the early outbreak stage is the
tial diagnosis. Patients who have thrombocytope- same as that previously observed in the Zika
nia present with skin rash and petechiae. As Joob virus infection (Mavragani 2020). Nevertheless,
and Wiwanitkit (Joob 2020) noted, petechiae in there is still no official report on concurrent
COVID-19 might be misinterpreted as skin rash COVID-19 and Zika virus infection.
due to dengue (Fig. 19.1). So, we need a diagnos-
tic approach for COVID-19  in endemic zones Yellow Fever
Yellow fever is a mosquito-borne infection char-
acterized by acute febrile illness and jaundice. In
the yellow fever endemic area, there is a chance
for co-occurrence between COVID-19 and yel-
low fever (Chauhan et  al. 2020). Nevertheless,
there is still no official report on concurrent
COVID-19 and yellow fever. It might be because
yellow fever is presently under strict control by
the yellow fever vaccination problem. Malaria
Malaria is a mosquito-borne infection. The mos-
quito vector is Anopheles species. Malaria is an
important global public health threat. Millions of
people living in tropical countries are at risk for
Fig. 19.1  Skin rash in a patient that is difficult to differ- malaria. Malaria is characterized by acute febrile
entiate between dengue and COVID-19 illness. The misinterpretation of malaria as
336 P. Sookaromdee and V. Wiwanitkit

COVID-19 is possible if blood test examination nosis of COVID-19 as salmonellosis is, there-
is not available for malaria. In the malaria-­ fore, possible. There is no report on the
endemic area, there is a chance for co-occurrence co-occurrence of COVID-19 and salmonellosis.
between COVID-19 and malaria. Wang et  al. However, Wilson (Wilson 2020) and Meyer et al.
(Wang 2020) noted that preparedness is essential (Meyer 2020) noted that salmonellosis could be
for malaria-endemic regions during the imported in the COVID-19 disaster.
COVID-­19 pandemic since the combination of
two diseases might occur and could result in Leptospirosis
severe clinical problems. Leptospirosis is a spirochetal infection. A history
Nevertheless, there is still no official report on of exposure to contaminated floodwater is impor-
concurrent COVID-19 and malaria. Another crit- tant for diagnosis. Patients with leptospirosis
ical issue regarding the relationship between usually have fever and myalgia. Renal dysfunc-
malaria and COVID-19 is the use of the antima- tion is common among patients with leptospiro-
larial drug for COVID-19 treatment. Many sis. Since fever and myalgia are common in
reports are showing that chloroquine is a possible patients with COVID-19, the misdiagnosis of
useful drug for the management of COVID-19 COVID-19 as leptospirosis is possible. No report
(Luna 2020). Smit et  al. concluded that chloro- on the concurrence of COVID-19 and leptospiro-
quine could be used safely for COVID-19 and sis exists.
suggested that the drug should be used under
monitoring the corrected QT (Smit 2020). Tuberculosis
However, the margin of safety of the drug is nar- Tuberculosis is an important mycobacterial
row, particularly in children (Smit 2020). infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
It usually affects the lung and can cause a chronic Cholera condition. Although tuberculosis is observed
Cholera is a gastrointestinal infection caused by worldwide in both tropical and nontropical areas,
Vibrio cholerae. This bacterial infection is still an the high prevalence of tuberculosis mainly occurs
important public health problem in many devel- in tropical countries. Therefore, it would be quite
oping countries. Watery diarrhea is a common possible to see the concurrence between
problem in cholera. The cholera patient might die COVID-­19 and tuberculosis in tropical countries.
from severe dehydration if excessive diarrhea There is a report on the poor prognosis of
occurs. Since COVID-19 might initially present COVID-19 in a Chinese patient with tuberculosis
with diarrhea, the misdiagnosis of COVID-19 as (Chen 2020). Adepoju (Adepoju 2020) noted that
cholera is possible. However, cholera does not a worst-case scenario might be a patient with
present with acute febrile illness, making it easier tuberculosis, HIV infection, and COVID-19.
to differentiate between cholera and COVID-19.
The sanitation control model for cholera can be Hepatitis B Infection
adapted for COVID-19 (Signorelli 2020). There Hepatitis B viral (HBV) infection is common in
is no report on the co-occurrence of COVID-19 several tropical countries. HBV can cause acute
and cholera. febrile illness or chronic disease. A large portion
of the population in tropical countries is seropos- Salmonellosis itive for HBV, and therefore the concurrence
Salmonellosis is a gastrointestinal bacterial infec- between COVID-19 and HBV is possible. Zhong
tion. Similar to cholera, this bacterial infection is et al. (Zhong 2020) observed the fatal outcome of
a significant public health problem in many COVID-19  in a case previously infected with
developing countries. Patients with salmonellosis HBV. Also, COVID-19 might present with hepa-
present with fever and diarrhea. Leukopenia is titis (Sookaromdee 2020) and, therefore, is prone
also a common laboratory finding. The misdiag- to be misdiagnosed as HBV.
19  COVID-19 and Tropical Infection: Complexity and Concurrence 337

19.2.2 COVID-19 and Cancer ble that COVID-19 can co-occur alongside

in Tropical Countries tropical hemoglobin disorders, and this co-­
occurrence might change the severity of each
Evidence is mounting that the behavior of condition, as suggested in Beerkens (2020).
COVID-19 is much more aggressive among There is a report of a patient with sickle cell
patients with malignancy than otherwise healthy anemia who developed thrombohemostatic disor-
people. der and vaso-occlusion following COVID-19
infection (Nur 2020). HBV-Related Hepatocellular
Carcinoma T  ropical Red Blood Cell
As already mentioned, HBV can cause chronic Enzymatic Disorder
infection. Chronic HBV carriers are at risk for Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
developing hepatocellular carcinoma. Therefore, deficiency is a common red blood cell enzy-
the concurrence between COVID-19 and hepato- matic disorder in tropical countries. G6PD defi-
cellular carcinoma might also be possible. There ciency causes red blood cells sensitive to some
are reports of death from COVID-19  in cases circumstances, including infections. Hemolysis
with HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma can quickly occur if the patient is subjected to
(Zhong 2020). stress. There are some reports on the co-occur-
rence between COVID-19 and G6PD deficiency. Cholangiocarcinoma Aydemir (2020) proposed that G6PD deficiency
Cholangiocarcinoma is a malignant disease of might increase the severity of COVID-19. Since
the biliary tract characterized by severe jaundice the antimalarial drug is an alternative drug that
at presentation. There is an extremely high preva- is used for the treatment of COVID-19, hemo-
lence of cholangiocarcinoma in Southeast Asia’s lytic crisis due to using the antimalarial drug in
tropical areas, and the important underlying eti- COVID-19 therapy is already reported
ologies are infection with liver flukes, poor (Beauverd Y 2020). It is suggested that if the
dietary habits, and ingesting raw fish. There is no antimalarial drug is selected as a therapeutic
report on the concurrence of COVID-19 and alternative, screening for G6PD deficiency is
cholangiocarcinoma. necessary.

19.2.3 COVID-19 and Hereditary 19.3 COVID-19 and Role

Disorders in Tropical of Primary Care Center: View
Countries on Common Pitfalls

Sporadic genetic diseases are observed in clinical The public health system in developing tropical
practice. In tropical countries, there are some countries is usually weaker than developed
common genetic diseases. The co-occurrence Western countries. The frontline for combating
between COVID-19 and tropical genetic disease with COVID-19 is the primary healthcare worker.
is interesting. In tropical countries, primary healthcare workers
have to work hard for the management of the Tropical Hemoglobin influx of patients (Palacios-Cruz 2020). Several
Disorder problems for primary care management of
Inherited hemoglobin disorders are the most COVID-19  in tropical countries are observed.
common group of genetic diseases in tropical The common problems are limited knowledge of
countries. In particular, sickle cell disease is primary care workers, insufficient protective
highly prevalent in tropical Africa, while hemo- devices, and lack of well-skilled primary care
globin E in Southeast Asia. Thus, it seems possi- center administrators.
338 P. Sookaromdee and V. Wiwanitkit

19.3.1 Knowledge of Primary distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Healthcare Worker Additionally, protective devices for practitioners
are usually insufficient. It corresponds with an
The data on the newly emerging disease is usu- increased risk of infecting a primary care worker
ally limited. Primary healthcare workers in devel- in occupational settings.
oping countries usually work and live far from Since the primary health work during the
the center of the country. In this condition, there COVID-19 outbreak in developing tropical coun-
is a low chance for continuous education and tries is usually under stress and limitations, the
updating of knowledge. The only data that the success might not be easily achieved (Palacios-­
local government wants is usually fed to the local Cruz 2020). The pitfalls might occur and have to
primary care workers in remote primary care cen- be managed. Common pitfalls that should be
ters. Knowledge of the local primary care worker mentioned include the following.
is usually not up-to-date. May workers have
missed information and out-of-date knowledge
(Apaijitt 2020). Hence, we might expect poor 19.3.4 Underdiagnosis of COVID-19
knowledge generalization to local people in the
rural area of developing countries. As already mentioned, the lack of knowledge
among medical personnel is common in develop-
ing countries. Also, some COVID-19 patients
19.3.2 The Vision of Local Primary might be asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.
Healthcare Center The underdiagnosis of COVID-19 is a common
Administrator pitfall in primary care practice in developing
countries. The use of criteria for the selection of
During the crisis, the admin vision is very impor- patients for further surveillance might be useful,
tant (Khanna 2020). In developing countries, but the main problem is the lack of update of the
poor vision is common. Since administrators of criteria. Commonly, the criteria are out-of-date,
primary healthcare centers have poor vision, they resulting in underdiagnosis of COVID-19.
usually do according to their desire. For example,
in the primary health center, an administrator
might order that worker work while giving pri- 19.3.5 Overdiagnosis of COVID-19
mary care to the patient carefully. This concept is
against the standard principle of social distanc- Similarly, overdiagnosis of COVID-19 is also
ing. In this manner, the local administrator might possible. Some private medical centers in devel-
focus on the patient’s satisfaction score, which is oping countries might try to make money by
a criterion for accreditation of primary care cen- exaggeration of information that causes fearful-
ter, rather than keeping the standard of infection ness among local people. In this condition,
control. How to seek an excellent primary care patients are presumptively diagnosed without
administrator is a common problem in tropical confirmation, and this is associated with incorrect
developing countries where corruption is a rooted infection statistics.

19.3.6 Poor Reporting System

19.3.3 Lack of Infrastructures
The reporting system is essential for surveillance
As already mentioned, infrastructures are usually and planning for coping with an outbreak situa-
limited and not available in primary healthcare tion. In the remote area, the communication sys-
units in poor tropical developing countries. Often, tem is usually weak, and the reporting system is
the workplace is small such that it does not allow usually delayed.
19  COVID-19 and Tropical Infection: Complexity and Concurrence 339

19.3.7 Poor Disease Control Activity for better management of dead bodies in infec-
tious outbreaks.
Local social contexts might also increase the dif-
ficulty in disease control. For example, in the
remote area of Indochina, the local people usu- 19.4.2 Lao
ally believe in animism. They usually believe in
ghosts and do not follow modern infection con- Lao is a poor developing country in Indochina.
trol precautions. The ritual object of chasing a COVID-19 is a prominent local public health
virus is an excellent example of a strange belief challenge to Lao, leading to the early lockdown
that might result in poor disease control. How to of Lao.
adjust the new standards to the local belief is a
critical issue to be considered for further primary
healthcare planning. 19.4.3 Myanmar

Similar to Lao, Myanmar is a poor developing

19.4 COVID-19 in Indochina country in Indochina. At first, Myanmar was free
from COVID-19, but it is now affected by the dis-
Indochina is the tropical zone between China and ease due to not controlling for migration.
India. There are many developing tropical coun-
tries in this area. Due to the short distance from
China, COVID-19 firstly affected this area after 19.4.4 Cambodia
its first occurrence in China. Thailand is located
in the Indochina peninsula and is the second Cambodia is a country in Indochina. This country
country in the world affected by COVID-19. At is very famous for its ancient world wonder,
present, all countries in Indochina are already Angkor Wat, and for this, it is a top-rated destina-
affected by COVID-19. The epidemiological data tion for many Western tourists (Chakraborty
of those tropical countries in Indochina is 2020). The current situation in Cambodia clearly
interesting. shows that Western tourists, not Chinese tourists,
have imported COVID-19 in this country.

19.4.1 Thailand
19.4.5 Vietnam
Thailand is the second country in the world
affected by COVID-19 since January 2020. The Vietnam is another country in Indochina. This
first case of COVID-19 in Thailand, which is also country shares an international border with
the first case of COVID-19 outside China, was a China. An interesting observation is that the first
Chinese tourist. In the first phase, Chinese tour- case of COVID-19 in Vietnam was an infant (Hai
ists were the leading group responsible for the 2020).
movement of infection in Thailand. After Lessons learned from the Indochina situation
unsuccessful disease control in Thailand, the
­ should be mentioned. As already noted, Indochina
local spread of diseases occurred, and now there is the first foci of the outbreak outside China.
are many clusters of COVID-19 related to differ- Therefore, a long history of the outbreak is
ent activities. An interesting cluster is the Thai-­ derived. An apparent reason for disease occur-
boxing-­ related COVID-19 cluster. It is the rence in Indochina is the unsuccessful control of
leading cause of widespread disease in Thailand. immigration; hence, the importation of disease
Finally, another important report is the first pos- by foreigners occurs. It is a similar problem to
sible transmission of disease from a corpse to any area worldwide. The poor local infrastructure
humans (Sriwijitalai 2020). This case report calls in this area is noted, but the mortality rate of local
340 P. Sookaromdee and V. Wiwanitkit

people is not as high as many developed coun- Chen (2020) Epidemiological and clinical character-
istics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneu-
tries in Europe. It might be hypothesized that monia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Lancet
natural resistance and cross-protective immunity 395(10223):507–513
might exist among the local population living in Cucinotta (2020) WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic.
Indochina. Acta Biomed 91(1):157–160
Guo (2020) The origin, transmission and clinical thera-
pies on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) out-
break – an update on the status. Mil Med Res
19.5 Conclusion Hai (2020) The first infant case of COVID-19 acquired
from a secondary transmission in Vietnam. Lancet
Child Adolesc Health 4(5):405–406
COVID-19 is a global public health threat. Hsia (2020) Emerging new coronavirus infection in
Tropical countries are already affected by the Wuhan, China: situation in early 2020. Case Study
new disease. In tropical medicine, the co-­ Case Rep
occurrence of COVID-19 and the endemic tropi- Joob (2020) COVID-19 can present with a rash and be
mistaken for dengue. J Am Acad Dermatol 82(5):e177
cal disease is possible, and it is an interesting Khanna (2020) COVID-19 pandemic: lessons learned and
issue for further study in tropical medicine. Some future directions. Indian J Ophthalmol 68(5):703–710
tropical diseases are already reported on their Lorenz C, Azevedo TS, Chiaravalloti-Neto F (2020)
concurrence with COVID-19. The clinical inter- COVID-19 and dengue fever: a dangerous combina-
tion for the health system in Brazil. Travel Med Infect
relationship is usually demonstrable. Regarding Dis 101659–101659
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management of the outbreak in the situation of with severe acute chest syndrome in a sickle cell
many limitations. Lessons learned from tropical patient successfully treated with Tocilizumab. Am J
Hematol 95(7):876–878
countries might be useful and adaptable else- Mavragani (2020) JMIR Public Health Surveill
where. International collaboration might be a Meyer (2020) Imported infections in rural Mid-West
clue for solving the present global crisis. United States – a report from a tertiary care center. Mo
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Neurologic Manifestations
of COVID-19 20
Farnaz Delavari, Farnaz Najmi Varzaneh,
and Nima Rezaei

Abstract by which the neurological symptoms arise are

not yet determined but may either proceed as
Neurological manifestations of novel corona- an indirect consequence of systemic hyperin-
virus disease (COVID-19) are reported to flammation or result from the direct invasion
occur in as much as 37% of the affected of the virus to neural and glial cells. The neu-
patients. These manifestations range from ral invasion can explain both the retrograde
headache and dizziness to altered mental sta- pathway of encephalitis and the early manifes-
tus and consciousness, anosmia, ageusia, sen- tation of anosmia by invading the olfactory
sory disturbances, and stroke. The mechanisms bulb. Moreover, in the case of attacking the
brain stem, it may take part in the early apnea
manifestation reported by patients.
F. Delavari (*) Additionally, neurotropism of the virus could
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland be the cause of acute hemorrhagic encephali-
Interactive Research Education and Training tis. Hyperinflammation can have acute and
Association (IRETA), Universal Scientific Education prolonged effects in the nervous system, such
and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
as acute demyelination and predisposition to
F. N. Varzaneh multiple sclerosis. Moreover, the pro-­
The Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and
inflammatory state contributes to hypercoagu-
Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, USA lation, which in turn could result in
cerebrovascular injuries in COVID-19
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific patients. This chapter would discuss that the
Education and Research Network (USERN), neurologic manifestations of the COVID-19
Baltimore, MD, USA are to be looked at as a multifactorial entan-
N. Rezaei (*) gled phenomenon.
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Betacoronavirus · Blood-brain barrier · Brain
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
stem · Central nervous system · Coronavirus
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
infections · Middle East respiratory syndrome
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), · Olfactory bulb · Pandemics · Severe acute
Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 343
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
344 F. Delavari et al.

respiratory syndrome · Viral diseases · Virus structural and functional neural damage. Given
internalization · Viral tropism the fact that SARS-CoV-2 is a newly emerged
virus, prior knowledge on how other pathogens
descended from the same family behave has been
contributing significantly to our understanding of
20.1 Introduction the disease. Namely, both SARS-CoV and
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV
Since the beginning of novel coronavirus disease have been associated with polyneuropathy, men-
(COVID-19) pandemic, studies have been trying ingitis, and cerebral inflammation. Furthermore,
to unravel the multifaceted manifestations of the the reports extend to vascular damage in the cen-
disease. Caused by the virus that is known as tral nervous system (CNS) as well as demyelin-
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 ation (Aurelian 2005; Hovanec and Flanagan
(SARS-CoV-2), the main manifestation of 1983; Kalinke et al. 2011; Li et al. 2016). More
COVID-19 has been documented as respiratory interestingly, some of these neurological mani-
symptoms. However, as high as 37% of patients festations are not temporally accompanying the
with COVID-19 have reported what here is main respiratory symptoms but have the chorol-
debated as neurological symptoms (Berger 2020; ogy of their own. The mechanism by which the
Bohmwald et al. 2018; Bolay et al. 2020; Burke novel coronavirus causes neurological manifesta-
et  al. 2020). These symptoms range from more tions is still under debate. The two branches of
general, such as headaches and dizziness, to more the dispute revolved around the question of
specific such as altered mental states and dis- whether the virus attacks the nervous system
turbed consciousness and even more focally such directly or the damage to the nervous system is
as sensory disturbances and stroke-like symp- merely the consequence of the body’s immune
toms (Carod-Artal 2020; Federico 2020; Gklinos reaction to the disease. The importance of this
2020). These neurological manifestations have significant question would be implicated in man-
been reported in more severely affected patients; agement strategies regarding these symptoms as
however, some specific alterations such as anos- well as percussions in patients with a definite
mia have been reported to occur before the emer- diagnosis (Whittaker et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020;
gence of any other symptoms. Moreover, the Yin et  al. 2020). Moreover, the implication of
postmortem study of a report conducted in China general care may be significantly influenced (Ng
(the first hotbed for the virus) has indicated brain Kee Kwong et  al. 2020; Bajunaid et  al. 2020;
tissue inflammation as well as lesions caused by Mohile et al. 2020; Sheraton et al. 2020; Siddiqui
neural degeneration. Additionally, in March and Khan 2020; Sweiss et al. 2020). Here we dis-
2020, 4 months after the official emergence of the cuss the possible routes through which the SARS-­
disease, the first case for SARS-CoV-2-induced CoV-­2 makes way to the nervous system. We
viral encephalitis was reported (Bohmwald et al. then discuss how, given the current and prior
2018; Hovanec and Flanagan 1983; Kalinke et al. knowledge, the neural damage might be caused.
2011; Vilensky 2014; Li et al. 2016). Therefore, We further go into discussing the possible long-­
we suggest that a comprehensive understanding term neurologic outcomes of the disease.
of COVID-19 must include awareness of neural
manifestations of the disease (Liu et  al. 2020;
Mamo et al. 2020). 20.2 Highway to the Brain
The concept of a viral infection partaking neu-
rological manifestations is not new to clinicians The interaction between known viral infections
(Hankins and Rosekrans 2004; Hovanec and and the CNS has suggested two main routes of
Flanagan 1983; Kalinke et  al. 2011; Prevention transmission for the pathogen: hematogenous
2020; Whitley and Gnann 2002). Many well-­ spread of the virus, which happens when a sub-
understood viral infections have been accused of stantial amount of virus is present in the blood-
20  Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19 345

stream, and retrograde viral spread with means of added to the list of Centers for Disease Control
the peripheral nervous system (PNS). In the case and Prevention (CDC) (Montalvan et  al. 2020;
of the novel coronavirus, both routes seem imag- Robinson and Busl 2020; Nath 2020; Li et  al.
inable (Algahtani et al. 2016; Dickey et al. 2016; 2020b).
Plaisted et  al. 2016; Li et  al. 2017; Grist et  al. Moreover, anosmia in patients with COVID-­19
2018). happens early in the course of the disease, espe-
cially when the disease has not progressed into a
constitutional state. Given the well-established
20.2.1 The Hematogenous Route knowledge that the COVID-19 colonizes in the
nasal cavity, the convergent evidence once again
The hematogenous route requires the invasion of reinforces the olfactory bulb as a major route of
endothelial cells of the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) neural transmission of the disease. In regard to
or infection of leukocytes that then, in part, can previous knowledge in rhinoviral infections, the
act as carriers of the virus. Given the significant less reported anosmia in patients with influenza,
evidence pointing toward endothelial adherence adenovirus, or rhinovirus has been mostly associ-
of the virus, the former would not be unexpected, ated with rhino symptoms. Interestingly, the
while the latter is reinforced by the evidence reported anosmia in patients with the COVID-19
pointing toward immune cell invasion by SARS-­ seems to happen in the absence of significant
CoV-­ 2. However, both of these routes would nasal congestion or rhinorrhea. It, in turn, has
require the patients to be in advanced stages of fortified the researchers to look at the novel coro-
the disease with high viral loads (Grist et  al. navirus as a neurotropic viral infection
2018; Agarwal et al. 2020; Barzegar et al. 2020). (Giacomelli et  al. 2020; Prevention 2020;
Xydakis et al. 2020).

20.2.2 The Neural Pathway

and Anosmia 20.3 Neural Invasion

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, The angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)
the primary route of transmission has been the receptor, known to function as a cell surface
upper respiratory tract. Correspondingly, the first receptor for the SARS-CoV-2, is present in a
possible suggested suspect for neural transmit- variety of human tissues, including glial cells and
ting routes has been the olfactory bulb, which is neurons in the brain. Therefore, SARS-CoV-2
situated right above the nasal cavity (Chan et al. can migrate from the systemic circulation into
2020). The olfactory bulb has been suggested as the cerebral circulation. The relatively slow-flow
a pathway to the brain for many viral infections movement of blood in the brain would make the
before (Algahtani et al. 2016). Namely, the well-­ SARS-CoV-2 more interactive with brain capil-
known respiratory virus influenza has been lary endothelial cells, leading to endothelial dam-
known to invade the CNS through the olfactory age (Baig et al. 2020). The proposed neurovirulent
bulb, both by the cell-to-cell synaptic transmis- theory of COVID-19 may have raised from the
sion of infected cells and channeling through alerting anosmia but have not stayed limited to
olfactory unsheathing cells (Kalinke et al. 2011; local nerves. The fact that the novel coronavirus
van Riel et  al. 2015; Vilensky 2014; Williams might infiltrate the CNS opens various possible
et al. 2004). One of the main symptoms suggest- scenarios, in which the virus infects cells (both
ing this route as the main transmitting route has neurons and glial cells). The so-called neurotro-
been the frequently reported symptom of anos- pism makes possible the initiation of many neu-
mia. The frequency of reporting a loss of sense of rological manifestations, which may progress to
smell and taste has been prominent to the extent neurological diseases. Prior knowledge provides
that it was one of the first neurologic symptoms support for the neurovirulent properties of
346 F. Delavari et al.

viruses. Depending on how much profound the attribute some respiratory symptoms of the dis-
virus neurotropism is, the consequences could ease to the involvement of the CNS (Li et  al.
range from minor neurological symptoms to dire 2020a). This theory may have originated from
encephalitis, which can be fatal (Aurelian 2005; early translational mice studies, showing the
Hankins and Rosekrans 2004; Whitley and presence of the early SARS-CoV or MERS-CoV
Gnann 2002). In regard to respiratory infections, in the brain stem of the transnasally infected
one particular example could be the family of the mice. The notion that the virus invades the brain
human coronavirus (HCoV) itself. Studies have before the lung in these mice models further fed
previously demonstrated the presence of HCoV the theory that the manifested respiratory distress
RNA in the brain tissue of infected patients. might have a more central origin (Li et al. 2016;
Moreover, the persistent presence of the virus McCray et al. 2007; Netland et al. 2008; Saleki
in the CNS has been established by studying the et  al. 2020). To this date, there is no original
infected mice models. The incubating neuroinva- investigation confirming the role of medullary
sion of this family has opened new insights to invasion in respiratory distress. However, the
look into the pathogenesis of neural disorders in presence of shortness of breath as a common
patients with COVID-19 (Leslie-Mazwi et  al. symptom, even in mild cases of the disease, may
2020; Waldman et al. 2020; Heman-Ackah et al. indicate a central mechanism for COVID-19 (Li
2020; Baig et al. 2020; Zayet et al. 2020; Deliwala et al. 2020d; Li et al. 2020c). A concurrent mech-
et al. 2020). It may result in prolonged immune-­ anism is imaginable in the human population
mediated damage that can cause delayed neuro- where infection of regions such as the nucleus of
logical manifestations (see sect. 5).The neural the solitary tract and nucleus ambiguous could
cell damage caused by the viral invasion would result in a malfunction in receipt of sensory infor-
be resulting from both heightened host immune mation from the mechanic receptors in the respi-
response and the viral replication itself. As a con- ratory tracts and, consequently, aberrant
sequence of viral replication, the loss of CNS innervation to the airway smooth muscles.
gray matter might happen, and this, most likely,
would result in what was priorly known as typical
encephalitis. Given the novelty of COVID-19, at 20.5 Neuroinflammatory
the time of this manuscript, the evidence of Manifestations
encephalitis presentations in COVID-19 remains
sparse. However, to the extent of our knowledge, While suppressing antiviral pathways, the novel
it remains among rare manifestations of the dis- coronavirus induces an exacerbated state of
ease with a self-retaining nature. Patients with inflammation in many patients, and this state of
SARS-CoV-2 encephalitis have shown to deteri- hyperinflammation may involve a storm of cyto-
orate in consciousness and show signs of menin- kines and give rise to cases of unexpected mor-
geal irritations, though CSF specimen tested talities (Bahrami et al. 2020; Nasab et al. 2020;
negative for virus particles (Ye et al. 2020). Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a; Yazdanpanah
et al. 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Mehta et al.
2020; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020). Therefore, when
20.4 The Brain-Lung Axis evaluating the neurological manifestations of the
disease, a state of neuroinflammation, although
Not to ignore the role of hypoxia and the damage not specific to the nervous system, must not be
it induces, some recent publications point toward overlooked. The presence of headaches has high-
a neural-centered mechanism for hypoxia occur- lighted this mechanism of action as it is one of
ring in COVID-19. Aside from a simple presenta- the most prominent symptoms of COVID-19.
tion of viral encephalitis, some studies suggest Intuitively, the invasion of the CNS with neuro-
that the neurological involvement of COVID-19 tropic signaling causes the glial cells to call for
is more of a tangled web and, more interestingly, an inflammatory state. Accordingly, in vitro stud-
20  Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19 347

ies have shown that primary glial cells that are these findings indicate the possibility of a delayed
disposed to earlier coronavirus strains (CoV) are neurologic manifestation in COVID-19, which, if
predisposed to produce inflammatory factors not looked out for, may remain obscure (Soma
such as IL-6 and TNF-α. The immune cell signal- et al. 2018; Hascup and Hascup 2020; Papa et al.
ing in the brain will cause collateral brain dam- 2020; Plaze et al. 2020; Schirinzi et al. 2020).
age (Moriguchi et  al. 2020). It may provide an
educated explanation for otherwise unexplained
neural lesions. Interestingly, acute demyelination 20.6 Neurovascular
in the white matter without embolic or large vas- Manifestations
cular originations has been reported (Brun et al.
2020). In a series of 11 critically ill patients with One of the less expected characteristics of
COVID-19 who underwent brain MRI for persis- COVID-19 has been the hematologic effect of the
tently depressed mental status, 10 patients had virus (Levi et al. 2020). The hypercoagulopathic
diffuse leukoencephalopathy, of which, 4 patients state observed in these patients follows pro-­
had an additional finding, intracranial microhem- inflammation and is a phenotypic disseminated
orrhage. Therefore, diffuse leukoencephalopathy intravascular coagulation (DIC) with thrombocy-
and microhemorrhages were suggested as late topenia, increased D-dimer, and prolonged pro-
complications of critically ill COVID-19 patients thrombin time (Asadi-Pooya 2020;
and are likely related to hypoxemia (Radmanesh Bostanciklioglu 2020; Byrnes et al. 2020; Chen
et  al. 2020a). It is worth to note that the same et  al. 2020; Kuroda 2020; Liguori et  al. 2020;
group of authors published a study earlier in Wilson and Jack 2020). This hypercoagulative
March and reviewed brain imaging of 242 state is proposed to be a cause for thrombotic
patients with COVID-19. Patients with microangiopathy. Notably, neurovascular throm-
COVID-­ 19 displayed scatted white matter botic accidents have been reported in patients
changes, but not diffuse leukoencephalopathy with COVID-19. Since the outbreak, the over-
(Radmanesh et  al. 2020b). These findings sug- load on the health system has caused the inci-
gest the correlation of diffuse leukoencephalopa- dence of cases reported as a stroke to fall.
thy with end-stage and critically ill COVID-19 However, COVID-19 is suggested to be a cause
conditions. Thus, the neural impact of the for stroke itself. To this date, most stroke cases
COVID-19 relates merely to neither the onset nor reported in COVID-19 are reported to be isch-
the course of the disease. The presence of early emic, but rare cases of hemorrhagic stroke and
CoV has been established in chronic neurological cerebral venous sinus thrombosis have also been
disease with an implication of neuroinflamma- reported (Hughes et al. 2020). Intracranial punc-
tion, including Parkinson’s disease (PD) and tuate microhemorrhage is, however, not that rare.
multiple sclerosis (MS). These examples are two Its pathophysiology lies in the development of
of the widely accepted neurological disease for antiphospholipid antibodies, thrombotic vascu-
which prior exposure to an infectious pathogen lopathy in dermal blood vessels, and, eventually,
has been discussed as triggers. Namely, MS has cerebral vasculitis (Shoskes et  al. 2020). The
been nominated as a possible consequence of potential mechanism for the stroke phenomena
several neurotropic viruses. Albeit, there has not roots back to the increased D-dimer levels of the
yet been enough evidence to attribute a specific patients. Complementary theories point toward
virus to these neurologic disorders. However, a possible cardiac injury, stating that the cardiac
significant association with MS exacerbation and injury predisposes the patients to cardiac embo-
HCoV-229E infection has been implied. lism and a consequent stroke (Mehta et al. 2020;
Moreover, it has been shown that the pattern for Brun et al. 2020; Hovanec and Flanagan 1983).
seasonal HCoV infection fits the macro pattern The neurovirulent theory also contributes to the
observed for MS exacerbations (Hovanec and stroke manifestations of the disease by causing
Flanagan 1983; Arbour et  al. 2000). Overall, acute hemorrhagic necrotizing encephalopathy
348 F. Delavari et al.

(Markus and Brainin 2020). Moreover, the over- multifactorial disease where the genetic back-
all state of hypoxia can contribute to ischemic ground (Ahanchian et  al. 2020; Yousefzadegan
brain damage, reported in patients with and Rezaei 2020) and environmental factors play
COVID-­19. The multifactorial nature of cerebro- a role in individual susceptibility to infection and
vascular incidents makes it challenging to pin- adverse outcomes and more interestingly as a
point the direct pathway the virus can cause multisystem infectious disorder that lies in its
stroke in patients with COVID-19. Future patho- capability of causing a combination of hyperin-
logical assessments, as well as epidemiologic flammation and hypercoagulation making it quite
evaluations, can shed light on this matter. competent to actually all organs/systems where
its cell surface receptor(s) is present (Ahmadi
et al. 2020; Sahu et al. 2020).
20.7 Conclusion In this chapter, we reviewed the neurological
manifestations of COVID-19 and the possible
COVID-19 emerged in late 2019. It began spread- pathophysiologic pathways they occur through.
ing in Wuhan, China, and, shortly after that, The knowledge on COVID-19 is relatively
reached almost all countries and people of all sparse, and its neurological manifestations have
ages, professionals, and conditions and conse- been less visited. However, the importance of
quently named a pandemic by the World Health clinical consideration for the neurological mani-
Organization (WHO) (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; festations must be highlighted. Given that one
Lotfi et  al. 2020; Rezaei 2020a; Mirbeyk and of the earliest manifestations of SARS-CoV-2
Rezaei 2020). Compared to the other hCoVs could be neurologic, a better understanding of
causing outbreaks, this new one is more easily these phenomena could open opportunities for
transmitted among people so that despite the early detection and early intervention. Moreover,
implementation of a variety of control measures given the incubated resistance possibility for the
at the national level, the disease has continued to virus in neural cells, the delayed neurological
spread out with more than 13 million people manifestations must be anticipated (Ogier et al.
affected worldwide (Lotfi et  al. 2020; Jabbari 2020; Baig et al. 2020). On the other hand, we
et  al. 2020). This highly transmissible disease, discuss the possibility that some neurological
when no effective drugs and vaccines are present manifestations of COVID-19 might include
(Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b), has been a killer delayed but chronic neurodegenerative diseases
of more than 500,000 people. Such a condition such as multiple sclerosis. Thus, the moral con-
has been a motive to work in collaborative teams siderations do not stop with recovery for people
to facilitate knowledge integration between dif- who are confronted with the virus. The long-
ferent disciplines effectively. It is not only in the term consequence of SARS-CoV-2 infection
hope of offering a cure (Basiri et al. 2020; Fathi could be dire neurologically. This knowledge
and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; may alter the view on epidemiologic concepts
Moazzami et  al. 2020; Mohamed et  al. 2020a; such as herd immunity (Li et al. 2020b; Stoessl
Mohamed et  al. 2020b; Momtazmanesh et  al. et al. 2020; Kim et al. 2020; Gandhi et al. 2020;
2020; Moradian et al. 2020; Rabiee et al. 2020; Salari et  al. 2020). Finally, we would like to
Rezaei 2020b; Kafieh et al. 2020) but also to pro- emphasize that knowledge is critical by pointing
vide a more in-depth look of means and ways to to the fact that a vast body of literature on the
manage patients and healthcare providers’ well-­ neurologic manifestations of COVID-19 is built
being (Moazzami et al. 2020). The proof of this upon prior extensive studies on SARS and
motivation is that scholar metrics reveal an expo- MERS.  Similarly, a more critical view on the
nential growth of literature on COVID-19. more recent COVID-19 might result in a more
Though not 100% qualified for treating the con- prompt and appropriate response to a later
dition (Rzymski et al. 2020), it has crucially con- emerging threat (Jahanshahlu and Rezaei
tributed to the understanding of the disease as a 2020a).
20  Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19 349

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Autoimmune Processes Involved
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Infection with SARS-CoV-2

Steven E. Kornguth and Robert J. Hawley

Abstract tion of SARS-CoV-2 and its interaction with

ACE2. It is followed by a discussion over the
During the COVID-19 pandemic associated role of the major histocompatibility complex
with high incidence, transmissibility, and (MHC) in recognition of the virus. The impor-
mortality, this chapter focuses on three phases tance of rapid compartmentation of the viral
of the disease: initial exposure, initiation of genome into the target cells as opposed to the
the immune response to the agent, and finally, binding constant of the virus for the ACE
an inflammatory/autoimmune-like presenta- receptor is discussed. Host factors affecting
tion with pulmonary, neurological, and renal the immune response to the virus are exam-
failure and disseminated intravascular coagu- ined, and the subsequent inflammatory dys-
lation which occurs in a small proportion of regulation enabling the cytokine storm leading
the patients. The elegant demonstration of the to system organ failure is described. Finally,
site of interaction between the spike (S) pro- the similarities of the clinical effects of the
tein of the severe acute respiratory syndrome murine hepatitis virus-JHM (a coronavirus) on
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which is the multi-organ systems (liver, brain, clotting cas-
causative agent of COVID-19, and the ACE cade) as described by Perlman and colleagues
(angiotensin-converting enzyme) 2 receptor of permit insights regarding the role of the inter-
cells distributed throughout the body has action between the host and the virus in devel-
enabled research efforts to develop pharmaco- oping the clinical presentation of the
logical and immune countermeasures to the inflammatory/autoimmune disorders that
viral phase of the disease. This chapter rapidly occur in multiple sclerosis, neuromyelitis
reviews the molecular and structural organiza- optica, and more interestingly, during the third
phase of COVID-19.

S. E. Kornguth (*) Keywords

Department of Neurology, Dell Medical School,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
Autoimmune · COVID-19 · Immune dysregu-
Biological Safety and Security, Frederick, MD, USA lation · Immune response · SARS-CoV-2
R. J. Hawley
Biological Safety and Security, Frederick, MD, USA
Department of Kinesiology and Health Education,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 355
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
356 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

21.1 Introduction tion in humans following zoonotic transfer”

(Andersen et  al. 2020). This virus is a novel
A new human coronavirus (hCoV), known as human coronavirus named severe acute respira-
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It
(SARS-CoV-2), is supposed to be a responsible is one of the seven known human coronaviruses
pathogen of the pandemic of coronavirus disease and causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
2019 (COVID-19). The pandemic has caused 19). Coronaviruses are members of the subfamily
worldwide severe morbidity and mortality with Orthocoronavirinae, in the family Coronaviridae,
ensuing economic concerns resulting in extreme order Nidovirales, and realm Riboviria
hardship and devastating conditions. We examine (Gorbalenya et  al. 2020). Virus particles are
the stages of disease exposure, replication of the enveloped, have a positive-­sense single-­stranded
virus, and initiation of the immune response with ribonucleic acid (RNA) genome, and a nucleo-
eventual dysregulation of the immune response capsid of helical symmetry. Coronaviruses are
and potential treatment(s). The chapter moves the largest among known RNA viruses having a
from the molecular and structural organization of genome size ranging from about 27 to 34 kilo-
SARS-CoV-2 to its interaction with the host. It bases (Woo et al. 2010).
includes the cellular receptors binding to the Coronaviruses may cause illness in mammals,
virus and the role of the major histocompatibility birds, or humans. There are four genera: Alpha-,
complex (MHC) of the host target organs inter- Beta-, Gamma-, and Deltacoronavirus. Alpha-
acting with the virus. The factors in the host and betacoronaviruses infect several mammalian
immune response to the virus are examined, and species (as well as domestic cats), including
the subsequent inflammatory dysregulation humans, while gamma- and deltacoronaviruses
enabling the cytokine storm leading to systemic infect birds (Corman et al. 2018). Human corona-
inflammation, multi-organ dysfunction, and criti- viruses can cause respiratory infections with a
cal illness is described. Populations that are most broad spectrum of severity from the common
vulnerable to or resilient to COVID-19 are con- cold to more severe respiratory diseases as
sidered from a population perspective. Various referred to as severe acute respiratory syndrome
therapeutics are also briefly discussed. (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome
(MERS). Both the SARS and MERS viruses
belonged to the genus Betacoronavirus and were
21.2 Ecology and History responsible for outbreaks involving high case
of SARS-CoV-2 fatality rates.
SARS was first identified in November
A recently emerged virus is now a reality. It is 2002  in the Guangdong province of southern
challenging even robust healthcare systems of China. However, it could spread to 26 countries
many areas worldwide (approximately 217 coun- in North America, South America, Europe, and
tries and territories with ten million cases, with Asia, infected 8098 people, and claimed 774
over 499,000 deaths, as of June 28, 2020) and in lives during the outbreak. The virus is thought to
the United States (over 2,500,000 cases with have spread from bats to civets (carnivores of the
127,000 deaths, as of June 28, 2020) since being family Viverridae – small mammals that resem-
recognized during an outbreak in Wuhan, Hubei ble a cat in appearance) before the first human
province, China, in December 2019. The defini- patient was infected. Infections were primarily
tive origin of the virus remains unknown at through person-to-person transmission. No
present. Comparative genomic analysis data
­ known cases of SARS have been reported since
shows that its origin is unlikely a result of labora- 2004, as declared by the Centers for Disease
tory manipulation. Reasonable origin(s) of the Control and Prevention.
virus may include “natural selection in an animal In 2012, Saudi Arabia reported the first case
host before zoonotic transfer; and natural selec- infected with MERS-CoV, a cousin to SARS
21  Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2 357

Fig. 21.1 Electron
microscopy image of
SARS-CoV. The arrow
points at a single virion
(virus particle).
(Adapted from the
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s
(CDC) Public Health
Image Library (PHIL),
identification number
4814 (https://phil.cdc.

derived from bats. MERS-CoV could cause a corona (meaning “crown” or “halo”). The crown
respiratory illness that spread to 27 countries in appearance is due to the surface covering in club-­
Europe, Africa, Asia, and North America. The shaped protein spikes (Figs. 21.1, 21.2, and 21.3).
MERS virus can be transmitted between animals The spike protein (S) is the largest structure on
and humans, thus known as zoonoses. Although the virion surface, is heavily glycosylated, and
the origin(s) of the virus is not fully understood, uses an N-terminal signal sequence to gain access
analyzing different virus genomes has suggested to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mediate
MERS-CoV be originated in bats and then trans- attachment to host cell receptors. The host cell
mitted to dromedary camels. Since 2012, there furin-like protease cleaves the S protein into two
have been 2494 reported cases of MERS and 858 functional subunits. The S1 subunit is responsible
deaths from the virus. Infections occurred primar- for binding to the host cell receptor, while the S2
ily from close human-to-human contact, accord- subunit is responsible for the fusion of the viral
ing to the World Health Organization (WHO). and cell membrane (Yan et al. 2020). The article
SARS-CoV-2 is the seventh coronavirus caus- by He et al. (He et al. 2020) discusses the spike 1
ing disease, i.e., COVID-19, in humans. The protein attachment via one of three C-terminal
virus is classified as a betacoronavirus of group domains with the ACE2-receptor binding domain
2B by the WHO (Hui et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 located on CTD-1 moiety. The RNA is the
is the seventh coronavirus that can infect humans. genome of the virus with about 30 kilobases. The
SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 can viral genome contains 15 genes, among which
cause severe disease, while HKU1, NL63, OC43, the S gene codes for a protein on the virion enve-
and 229E are associated with mild symptoms lope. The genome of SARS-CoV-2 shares about
(Corman et  al. 2018). SARS CoV-2, like the 80% identity with that of SARS-CoV (causative
MERS and SARS coronaviruses, likely evolved agent of SARS) (Fehr and Perlman 2015). The
from a virus previously found in animals. nucleocapsid protein (N), helically symmetrical
configuration, binds to RNA in vitro and is heav-
ily phosphorylated. The N protein binds the viral
21.3 Structure of SARS-CoV-2 genome in a beads-on-a-string-type arrangement.
These protein interactions likely help bind the
Looking under transmission electron microscopy viral genome to a replicase-transcriptase com-
(TEM), virus particles are surrounded by a crown plex (RTC) and subsequently package the encap-
resembling the sun’s corona. The crown or sulated genome into viral particles (Fehr and
corona-like appearance resulted in the virus Perlman 2015). The envelope protein (E) of about
being classified as coronavirus from the Latin 8–12 kilodaltons (kDa) is found in small quanti-
358 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

Fig. 21.2 SARS-CoV-2
structure. SARS-CoV-2
consists of a spike
protein (S),
dimer (HE), a membrane
glycoprotein (M), an
envelope protein (E), a
nucleocapsid protein
(N), and RNA. (Adapted
from https://www.

Fig. 21.3 SARS-CoV-2
illustration. (Adapted
from the Centers for
Disease Control and
Prevention’s (CDC)
Public Health Image
Library (PHIL),
identification number
2871 (https://phil.cdc.

ties within the virus. It is most likely a transmem- in the virion. M proteins may have two different
brane protein having ion channel activity. The E arrangements to enable them to promote mem-
protein is necessary for viral replication, facilitat- brane curvature as well as bind to the nucleocap-
ing assembly, and release of the virus, but not for sid (Neuman et  al. 2011). The
pathogenesis (Nieto-Torres et al. 2014). hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) dimer protein is
The membrane protein (M) of about present in a subset of betacoronaviruses, includ-
20–30  kDa is the most abundant structural pro- ing this one. The HE protein has acetyl-esterase
tein in the virus and is thought to give shape to activity, binds to sialic acids on surface glycopro-
the virus. Most M proteins do not contain signal teins, and acts as a hemagglutinin (Klausegger
sequences, and studies suggest it exists as a dimer et al. 1999). These protein activities are thought
21  Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2 359

to enhance S protein-mediated cell entry and the SARS CoV-2 can cause a severe respiratory ill-
virus spread through the mucosa (Cornelissen ness like SARS and MERS based on evidence
et al. 1997). from clinics in Wuhan, and data suggest that the
virus, in general, is less pathogenic than SARS-­
CoV, and much less than MERS-CoV (Chen
21.4 Infectivity and Virulence 2020). Since coronaviruses have error-prone
Factors of SARS-CoV-2 RNA-dependent RNA polymerases (RdRP),
mutations and recombination events frequently
A cluster of infections was initially reported on occur. It results in a quasispecies assortment that
December 31, 2019, when the WHO China is closely associated with adaptive evolution and
Country Office was informed. Chinese authori- the capacity to cause disease (Cui et  al. 2019).
ties isolated a new coronavirus, initially called Higher pathogenicity is often associated with
novel coronavirus 2019, nCoV-2019, on January lower transmissibility, which may also apply to a
7, 2020. The WHO received detailed information specific virus of different subtypes and strains –
from the National Health Commission of China the influenza virus is one such example.
on January 11 and 12, 2020, regarding the out- The H1N1 virus (the outbreak of 2009) binds
break associated with exposures in one seafood to receptors in the upper respiratory tract causing
market in Wuhan. The clinical spectrum described relatively mild disease (case fatality rate of
at that time included mainly fever and, to a lesser 0.03%) and became endemic in the population.
extent, difficult breathing. Chest radiographs The H7N9 virus (the outbreak of 2013) binds to
showed diffuse pneumonic infiltrates. This novel receptors in the lower respiratory tract and had a
human coronavirus was subsequently named fatality rate of approximately 40%. The H7N9
SARS-CoV-2. The disease, COVID-19, caused has so far resulted in only a few small clusters of
by this agent, is characterized by a range of human-to-human transmission. Also, both mea-
symptoms that include fever, cough, dyspnea sles virus and rhinovirus have strong transmissi-
(difficult or labored breathing, shortness of bility but a low mortality rate. Interestingly,
breath), and myalgia (pain in a muscle or group SARS-CoV-2 uses the same receptor (ACE2) as
of muscles) in most cases. The dynamics of this CoV-NL63 (a coronavirus causing common colds
newly emerged and rapidly growing infectious in human adults and children) but causes disease
disease outbreak is challenging because of the of very different severity. With SARS-CoV-2,
limited amount of clinical and epidemiological there has been some evidence suggesting that an
data available. Early estimates of the exponential individual with highly severe COVID-19 will
growth rate of the outbreak were 0.1–0.14/day only cause a few infections. By contrast, while
with a doubling time of 6–7 days. The reproduc- the molecular mechanism is not understood, indi-
tive number (R0), the average number of second- viduals with a moderate disease or latent infec-
ary cases due to infection by an index case, tion can occasionally cause many infections. A
ranged from 2.2 to 2.7 (Li et al. 2020). potential consequence of this is that viral muta-
Using mathematical model approaches to tions that are of less importance at the individual
understand the outbreak dynamics in Wuhan by level may eventually confer a high risk for the
examining domestic travel and infection data, population. Thus, the current SARS-CoV-2 virus
results showed that the doubling time early in the seems to have relatively low pathogenicity and
epidemic was 2.3–3.3 days. The authors assumed moderate transmissibility. To further refine the
a serial interval of 6–9  days and calculated a risk assessment and subsequent risk management
median R0 value of 5.7 (95% CI 3.8–8.9). To halt procedures to benefit SARS-CoV-2 mitigation
transmission of the virus, Sanche and colleagues and prevention efforts, further information on the
indicated that active surveillance, contact tracing, biological and epidemiological characteristics of
quarantine, and initial robust social (physical) the virus are hastily needed. Anti-coronaviral
distancing efforts are needed (Sanche et al. 2020). drugs and vaccines are vigorously being pursued
360 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

(Colson et  al. 2020; Grein et  al. 2020; Amanat benefits for the treatment of patients during the
and Krammer 2020; Sanders et al. 2020). current pandemic and the possible future re-­
emergence of the virus. However, the neutraliza-
tion capability of serum from
21.5 Coronavirus Diagnostics post-SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals is uncer-
and Medical tain. The mechanism of action of the neutralizing
Countermeasures antibodies is not fully understood, and there is a
concern about the consequences of potential
Molecular assay technologies help detect the molecular interactions and pulmonary injury
presence of a virus by identifying a small section (Zhou and Zhao 2020).
of the virus genome, then amplifying that portion Gao and associates from China recently
until there is an adequate number of nucleotides reported the development of an inactivated
for detection. These assays are available for the SARS-CoV-2 virus vaccine candidate
diagnosis of acute infection. This process can (PiCoVacc), shown to induce SARS-CoV-2-­
decrease testing wait time from days, if not hours, specific neutralizing antibodies in mice, rats, and
to as little as 5 min for positive results and 13 min nonhuman primates. The SARS-CoV-2 coronavi-
for negative results. As previously mentioned, rus was isolated from a COVID-19-infected
SARS-CoV-2 consists of four major proteins, patient, cultured in Vero cells, inactivated with
including a protruding glycoprotein (spike), β-propiolactone, and purified by Ion-exchange
membrane, envelope, and a nucleocapsid. Given chromatography and size exclusion chromatogra-
its multi-protein structure, scientists are utilizing phy. Purified viruses were mixed with Al(OH)3
reverse transcription-polymerase chain (PC) adjuvant to serve as the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine
reaction (RT-PCR) assays and real-time quantita- candidate (Zhang et al. 2020).
tive PCR assays (qRT-PCR). The CDC provides
test kits for public health laboratories in order to
perform real-time (RT) PCR (rRT-PCR) detec- 21.6 SARS-CoV-2
tion for SARS-CoV-2. The protocol for CDC and the Human Host
2019-novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) testing is
intended for the possible qualitative detection of Several discrete events are required for viral rep-
nucleic acid from the SARS-CoV-2. The tradi- lication in a susceptible host following inhalation
tional PCR test serves as a workhorse for of aerosol particles released by an infected indi-
diagnostics. vidual into the local environment of a second
An antibody test helps identify a past infec- host. The first event following inhalation (pri-
tion. Antibody testing for the coronavirus allows mary route of infection) is the binding of the
for the determination of the scope of the disease inhaled virus to specific cell receptors located on
it caused in various geographic areas. An enzyme-­ the external surface of cells in the alveoli, oral,
linked immunosorbent assay was recently devel- and nasal mucosa. Additional organ involvement
oped using recombinant antigens derived from a later in the disease process may include the stom-
portion of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. ach, small intestines, arterial and venous endo-
This assay is sensitive and specific and permits thelial cells, brain, and kidneys. Upon binding of
for the screening and identification of individuals the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the specific receptors
showing COVID-19 seroconversion (the period (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, ACE2), a pro-
during which a specific antibody response devel- tease is required to act upon the spike protein,
ops and antibodies become detectable in the thereby facilitating the fusion of the virus coat
blood) using human plasma/serum as early as membrane with the host cell membrane and
2  days following onset of symptoms (Amanat uptake of the viral genome into the host cell. The
et al. 2020). The availability of therapeutic neu- RNA genome of the virus is then localized into
tralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 offers the endoplasmic reticulum of the host cell with
21  Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2 361

subsequent replication of the virus in the endo- first phase of the initiation of infectivity, as
plasmic reticulum and release of mature envel- described in the above paragraph, is a function
oped virus from infected cells into the interstitial primarily of the nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
and vascular compartments of the host. This with some contribution from host genomic and
sequence of events is the first phase of the infec- phenotypic factors. The second and third phases
tivity of a host with SARS-CoV-2. primarily rely on host factors, including the
Data now being accrued and analyzed indicate molecular/structural properties of the serine pro-
that the majority of individuals infected with tease, the MHC class 1 and 2 types of the immune
SARS-CoV-2 (60–70%) recovers with minimal defense system of the host, as well as of inflam-
clinical symptoms, including fever, perception of matory response modifiers on activated macro-
breathing difficulties, and GI problems. The phage and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells of the host.
remaining group of infected individuals is com-
prised of those who have significant clinical ill-
nesses and a subset of those who succumb to 21.7 Interaction Between
pulmonary, cardiovascular, and renal failure. the SARS-CoV-2
This last cohort (those who die) exhibits multi-­ and the ACE2 Receptor-­
organ system failure associated with cytokine Binding Domain (RBD)
storms and are felled by dysregulated immune/
inflammatory disease seen with toxic shock syn- The next section will describe the first event of
drome. A cytokine (small peptides that are impor- the infectious process, namely, the binding of the
tant in cell signaling) storm is a hyperimmune SARS-CoV-2 to the ACE2 surface marker on
response whereby too many cytokines are multiple organ systems, including the alveoli of
released into the blood very rapidly; this may be the lung. Multiple lines of evidence demonstrate
severe or life-threatening and lead to multiple that the initial interaction of the SARS-CoV-2
organ failure. with host alveolar epithelium occurs with the
We, therefore, will consider the problem from ACE2 RBD. The evidence consists of the demon-
the perspective that there are potentially three stration that the amino acid sequence of the
stages of pathophysiology following exposure of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (S), between posi-
human hosts to the SARS-CoV-2 agent. The first tions 331 to 524, is the region that binds to the
stage is the initiation of infection of a host by the ACE2 receptor-binding region (Tai et  al. 2020;
agent, which includes the event of infection from Wan et al. 2020). The primary region on human
a zoonotic source (bat or pangolin) or human ACE2 that binds the spike protein is between 31
vector. The second stage is the production of new and 38. The primary region of the spike protein
SARS-CoV-2 virus particles in host organ sys- that binds ACE2 RBD is between 442 and 487
tems, including the lungs, brain, and kidneys, and (Wan et al. 2020; Muth et al. 2018). The critical
initiation of an immune response to the viral sites of interactions between the ACE2 RBD and
agent and control of the infectious process in the the SARS-CoV-2 include electrostatic forces
host. The third stage is the major inflammatory (e.g., E 484 on the spike with K31 on ACE; K417
and hyperimmune toxic shock associated with a with D 30) and pi or hydrogen bonding (e.g., Y
cytokine storm that can lead to death from mul- 453 with H34; F486 with Y83) (Wang et  al.
tiple organ failure processes in a small percent- 2020). The single-letter codes for the amino acids
age of the infected population. A fundamental are as follows: E is glutamate; D is aspartate; K is
concept that the authors wish to emphasize is the lysine; Y is tyrosine; H is histidine; F is phenyl-
principle that clinical disease results from an alanine. Also, complexes consist of several aro-
interaction between a stressor (virus in the SARS-­ matic or hydrophobic amino acids on the
CoV-­2 pandemic) and host vulnerability/suscep- SARS-CoV-2 C-terminal domain (e.g., Y 489
tibility factors (e.g., MHC complex, inflammatory and F 486) interacting with human ACE2 (e.g., F
response factors in the current pandemic). The 28, L 79, M82, Y83) (Wang et al. 2020).
362 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

There is a 29 nucleotide (nt) region (ORF 8) protein and subsequent cleavage of S to S1 and
involved in binding of the SARS-CoV-2 to the S2 and resultant membrane fusion provides an
ACE2, and modification or deletion of this ORF insight into the advantage of the SARS-CoV-2
8 can result in altered binding and subsequent for entry into the host cells. Even the Kd of ACE2
infection rates by the virus for humans (Muth for angiotensin appears to lower the probability
et al. 2018). Significant insight into the interac- of binding of ACE by the virus. The rapid action
tion of SARS-CoV-2 with ACE2 was the demon- of the protease with the immediate fusion of viral
stration of the binding interface between the viral and cell membrane changes the problem from
protein and the ACE2 obtained from high-­ one of equilibrium on-off kinetics to one of com-
resolution examination of cryo-electron micro- partmentation. Further evidence that the serine
scope images revealing the binding of protease component of the host membrane is
SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 (Wrapp et al. 2020; Yan critical in the infectivity mechanism is the dem-
et al. 2020). onstration that serine protease inhibitors (camo-
The question then arose whether binding of stat mesylate combined with E-64d) fully inhibit
SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 is necessary and sufficient the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into cells. These com-
for infection of the cell by the agent. It was, pounds inhibited the uptake of SARS-CoV-2 into
therefore, necessary to explore the dissociation lung cells, further supporting the critical role of
constant (Kd) of SARS-Co-V-2 to ACE2 and the serine protease in infectivity (Hoffmann et al.
compare that with that of angiotensin to ACE2. 2020).
The Kd of SARS-CoV-2 for the RBD of ACE2 is The evidence that the initial step is the interac-
15  mM (Jackson et  al. 1986; Hoffmann et  al. tion between SARS-CoV-2 and ACE2 RBD of
2020), while the Kd for the ACE2 interaction pulmonary epithelium comes from the cryo-­
with angiotensin ranges from 57 to 84 picomolar. electron microscopic ultrastructure revealing
Therefore, ACE RBD is many magnitudes more binding domains. Also, it is supported by the
favorable to binding angiotensin than for SARS-­ critical role of a serine protease in cleaving the
CoV-­2. It implies that there are factors other than viral spike protein, which results in the fusion of
the binding of SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 involved in the viral membrane with the cell membrane and
the initial stage of infection. Additional factors uptake of the viral genome into the endoplasmic
include a serine protease (TMPRSS2) that cleaves reticulum of the cell where replication of the
the S protein and thereby facilitates entry of virus and subsequent release of membrane-bound
SARS-CoV-2 RNA into the host cell (Hoffmann viral particles into the interstitial space surround-
et  al. 2020), the MHC organ transplant marker, ing the infected cell occurs.
and a glucose regulatory protein 78 (Ibrahim Additional factors contributing to the stabili-
et al. 2020). zation of the SARS-CoV-2 complex with ACE2
One of these additional factors is a serine pro- are the high surface area involved in the interac-
tease in the vicinity of the RBD of cells to be tion between the virus and RBD of ACE2 and the
infected. Upon binding of the SARS-CoV-2 to significant number of electrostatic interactions
the CE2 RBD, a serine protease (TMPRSS2) (e.g., lysine or arginine with glutamate or aspar-
cleaves the S protein of the viral spike into two tate) in the binding domains (Yan et al. 2020).
fragments S1 and S2. The cleavage site where the
protease hydrolyzes the S spike protein to the S1
and S2 fragments contains two adjacent arginine 21.8 T
 he Potential Roles that MHC
groups (Walls et  al. 2020). The S2’ site allows Molecules Play in Infection
fusion of the viral membrane with the cellular
membrane of the infected cell, while the SARS-­ The prior section describes the first stage of
CoV-­2  S protein engages the ACE2 (Hoffmann infection of a host resulting from the inhalation
et al. 2020; Li et al. 2005). The short time interval of aerosol-containing viral particles from an
between the association of the SARS-CoV-2  S infected carrier. That was the first stage of disease
21  Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2 363

transmission. The second stage involves virus patients during the first 3 days following infec-
replication in the host and activation of immune tion with SARS-CoV-2. The timing of the injec-
responses to mediate viral clearance and end the tion of the neutralizing antisera appears to be
viremic stage. The activation of the immune valuable insofar as treatment during advanced
response involves the activation of B and T cells clinical disease with COVID-19 is less effica-
of the immune system. The immune vulnerability cious. That may be because the titer of the neu-
of the host to SARS-CoV-2 was proposed (Zhu tralizing antibodies may not be sufficient to result
et al. 2020) to be a result of genetic variation in in clearance or that access of the injected anti-
the mutational rates of viral genomic regions of bodies to the enormous viral load is limited
SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2. (Casadevall and Pirofski 2020).
They demonstrated the relative mutational rates
of the viral genomic regions enriched for abun-
dant CD4+ T cell epitopes, CD8+ T cell epitopes, 21.9 C
 ytokine Storm: Result
and linear antibody epitopes in the three viruses. of the Interaction of SARS-­
Of interest is that the mutational rate of CD8 CoV-­2 with ACE2
epitope-­enriched regions of 2019-nCoV is higher
than those of CD4 epitope regions in SARS and The literature is replete with information impli-
MERS. These authors suggested that this obser- cating a strong role that pathogenic T cells and
vation results from the selection pressure inflammatory monocytes play in inciting a
“inflicted” by CD8+ T cytotoxic cells related to a postinfectious cytokine storm in patients with
function of MHC type. Their study compared the COVID-19 and also in mice initially infected
susceptibility of a European American (EA) pop- with various coronaviruses (Zhou et  al. 2020;
ulation and a primarily Hong Kong (HK) Chinese Perlman and Dandekar 2005). The clinical mani-
population with MHC characteristics. The num- festations of the cytokine storm can include
ber of immunogenic binding epitopes across severe respiratory distress, including weak oxy-
binned genomes (500 bp) was examined for the gen exchange in the pulmonary alveoli; gastroin-
genomic position (nt), MHC 1 or 2 binder inten- testinal, renal, hepatic, and central nervous
sity, and MHC mutation rate. Differences in these system disease (demyelination); disseminated
parameters between the EA and HK populations, intravascular coagulation (DIC); and multi-organ
at least in part, explain different group suscepti- failure leading to death (Perlman and Dandekar
bility patterns. This study provides evidence that 2005). It is referred to as a dysregulated immune
the MHC structure of the CD4+ T cells and CD8+ response by Perlman.
T cells appears to regulate the response of the The phenomena mentioned above occur dur-
immune system to clear the viral burden from the ing or after viral clearance, and immune cells
infected patients eventually. There is an extensive (macrophages, CD4+ T cells, and CD8+ T cells)
literature that describes the role of MHC type in have infiltrated into the organs. The disease stage
determining the susceptibility of a host to viruses is a function of the host response to the viral
(HIV, hepatitis B and C, dengue fever, and shock), insult rather than to the properties of the virus
bacteria (M. tuberculosis), and a prion (variant alone. The severe phase of disease occurs in
Creutzfeldt-Jakob) (Chapman and Hill 2012). 1–8% of the population infected with COVID-­19.
Clearance of the infectious SARS-CoV-2 is In patients with immune dysregulation resulting
dependent upon the activated CD4+ and the from COVID-19, the CD4+ T cells are activated
CD8+ T cells and the B cells as described above to function as pathogenic T helper cells (TH1)
but also on circulating neutralizing antibodies in that generate granulocyte-macrophage colony
the serum (Casadevall and Pirofski 2020) (Zhang stimulating factor (GM-CSF). These cells pro-
et  al. 2005). Convalescent sera obtained from duce cytokines and induce proinflammatory
patients who have recovered from the viremic CD14 and CD16 monocytes that have a high
stage of the disease have been injected into expression of interleukin-6 (IL-6) (Zhou et  al.
364 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

2020). The TH1 and inflammatory monocytes elination and virus clearing by CD8+ T cells but
accumulate in the lung and cause immune injury not the CD4+ T cells. Lymphocyte and macro-
(Zhou et al. 2020). Evidence that it is the postin- phage infiltration are seen in the demyelinated
fectious immune dysregulation rather than the region. Activated macrophages and microglia are
primary viral infection that causes organ failure observed in the perivascular spaces in the region
is the observation that monoclonal anti-TH1 or of demyelination (Perlman and Dandekar 2005).
anti-IL-6 blocks the inflammatory response. The demyelination has shown to result from dys-
The sequence of events involved in the severe regulation of the immune response rather than
cytokine storm following viral infection is as fol- primarily from the viremia. The authors surmise
lows: i, the introduction of double-stranded RNA that the processes described here are consistent
into a vulnerable host where the double-stranded with an autoimmune disease that results from the
RNA is perceived as a pathogen by the innate progression of the disease from a primary viral
immune system (Perlman and Dandekar 2005); infectious disease to autoimmune processes in
ii, initiation of viral clearance by the host T cells the cytokine storm phase.
that kill virally infected cells and B cells that pro-
duce soluble immunoglobulins that bind the viral
particles; iii, generation of proinflammatory 21.10 Neural Pathology
cytokines that attract neutrophils and macro- of Coronaviruses:
phages to the sites of viral infection; and iv, From Experimental Studies
release of cellular proteases (e.g., metalloprotein- to Human Studies
ase) that enhance attack on infected cells but also
noninfected cells in the vicinity of the inflamma- The single-stranded RNA coronavirus MHV-­
tion. As Perlman and Dandekar (Perlman and JHM 2.2 A1 has been shown to cause a multiple
Dandekar 2005) point out, the intense inflamma- sclerosis-like CNS demyelination. It is of par-
tion may compromise the normal function of the ticular interest to us because of the demonstra-
organs affected by the intense inflammation. tion that the renin-angiotensin system (RAS),
Alternatively, autoimmune responses become including ACE2, is involved in the inflamma-
dominant in and generate long-term disease of tory disease myelin oligodendrocyte glycopro-
the central nervous system or other organ sys- tein-induced allergic encephalomyelitis (MOG,
tems such as the liver and kidneys. The activated a model or multiple sclerosis) (Stegbauer et al.
T cells may contribute to normal tissue injury 2009; Guo et al. 2017) and because of research
nonspecifically (bystander activation). Normal done in one of our laboratories (SK) in the early
tissue proteins that have epitopes similar to those 1970s as well. Stegbauer et al. observed that the
of the virus could evoke immune responses to RAS components, including renin, angioten-
these epitopes in normal cells resulting in auto- sinogen, ACE2, angiotensin II type 1 receptor,
immune disease that progresses over time and and then type 2 receptor, are all present in the
involves multiple organ systems. An example of a central nervous system (Stegbauer et al. 2009).
coronavirus infection that causes a demyelinating The MOG EAE exhibits changes in Th1
disease similar to multiple sclerosis is seen when responses, infiltration of macrophages, and
murine hepatitis virus (MHC JHM 2.2  V-1) is antigen-­presenting cells (Stegbauer et al. 2009).
injected into C57 BL/6 mice. The virus has tro- In this experimental model for MS, the RAS
pism for oligodendrocytes (Perlman and activity was increased, as was ATR 1 R and
Dandekar 2005). Demyelination and hind limb chemokine expression levels. Losartan, an
paralysis, similar to experimental allergic inhibitor of the ATR1 R, blocked this inflamma-
encephalomyelitis (EAE), are seen at 7 days tory response. The presence of the ACE2 and
postinfection. The virus is cleared by day 12 with related components of the RAS system in neu-
clearing affected by the CD8+ and the CD4+ T rons occurred in some brain regions, for exam-
cells. Gamma interferon is required for the demy- ple, the motor cortex and raphe nucleus (Xia
21  Autoimmune Processes Involved in Organ System Failure Following Infection with SARS-CoV-2 365

and Lazartigues 2008; Doobay et  al. 2007; ceptibility of a host to MS. These factors are all
Abiodun and Ola 2020). These observations seen in the development of severe SARS-CoV-2
recalled our investigation into the potential role disease, the third stage of the dysregulated
of viruses and the inflammatory response in the immune initiated disease. In this chapter, the
initiation of multiple sclerosis (MS) in humans authors considered clinical disease manifestation
(Johnson et al. 1976). to result from an interaction between stressor
The Kornguth laboratory was funded by a (virus in the case of SARS-CoV-2) and host vul-
contract from the National Institutes of Health to nerability (including MHC levels, CD4+ and
obtain the brains of patients who died with CD8+ T cells, increased permeability of the
MS. The brains recovered postmortem were por- blood-brain barrier, and other comorbid stressors
tioned into demyelinated regions and other non-­ (concurrent existence of MS, traumatic brain
demyelinated regions. Portions of each were injury (TBI), multi-organ disease)). From this
processed for examinations in an electron micro- perspective, the highly variable responses of per-
scope, while others were processed for separation sons to the SARS-CoV-2 virus ranging from no
in the cesium chloride density gradient. The spi- clinical disease in the majority of patients to
nal fluid from the patients obtained postmortem death in 1–3 percent of the infected population
was cleared by centrifugation, and the pellets may be more readily understood.
were examined. Of particular interest was the The presence of ACE2, other components of
presence of crystals, paracrystalline arrays, and RAS, and appropriate receptors of ATr1R, as
rigid tubules in the brain and spinal fluid pellets. well as infiltration of monocytes and macro-
In the brain sections examined by electron phages into lesions of the CNS in MOG and MS,
microscopy, 38- to 41-nm-wide tubules in the suggests to the authors that common compo-
paracrystalline array were observed. In the pel- nents of RAS confer susceptibility to the cyto-
lets of the cerebrospinal fluid, these long tubules kine storm phase 3 of COVID-19 and to MS and
in the rigid array had internal diameters 41 to related inflammatory responses in autoimmune
45 nm. The proteins present in the tubules from diseases and TBI.  These three related neuropa-
the spinal fluid samples at a density of 1.24–1.26 thologies have been of significant interest to the
and had the following discrete molecular weights: authors (Demock and Kornguth 2019; Kornguth
40  kDa, 45  kDa, 88–130  kDa, and 300  kDa as et al. 2017).
determined by gradient gel electrophoresis
(Johnson et al. 1976). Other investigators reported
observing 15–26 nm paracrystalline arrays in the 21.11 Conclusion
nuclei and cytoplasm of mononuclear cells or
macrophages in perivenous demyelinating While fear plays a role in this economic and
lesions of MS brain and attributed these to a para- social situation, until we have an effective vac-
myxovirus origin (Prineas 1972). A confirmatory cine, human behavior will be vital to blunting the
report of the presence of 50–60 nm diameter hol- spread and impact of the disease. If the transmis-
low tubes in MS brain appeared in 1979 (Kirk sion of the virus from person-to-person could be
1979). Kirk (Kirk 1979) concluded that the tubu- substantially and dependently interrupted
lar arrays were not of paramyxovirus origin but (R0 < 1), then this outbreak could be controlled,
rather were proteinaceous aggregates that devel- but this achievement requires the efforts of all
oped from host cell sources. members of society. People should be tested for
MS lesions frequently contain infiltrates of the presence of the coronavirus when they meet
CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and increased levels of specific criteria: those admitted to the hospital
interferon-gamma, a cytokine that mainly plays a and healthcare workers who have COVID-19
role in innate and adaptive immunity against symptoms, people who have symptoms and who
infections, in particular, viral infections. live in long-term care facilities, who are 65 years
Additionally, the MHC subtype affects the sus- or older, first responders, or those more likely to
366 S. E. Kornguth and R. J. Hawley

get seriously ill because of other health condi- Casadevall A, Pirofski LA (2020) The convales-
cent sera option for containing COVID-19. J Clin
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Exp Neurosci 13:1179069519849935. https://doi.
Acknowledgments This manuscript is dedicated to org/10.1177/1179069519849935
Margaret Kornguth and Evelyn Marie Hawley. The Doobay MF, Talman LS, Obr TD, Tian X, Davisson RL,
authors thank them for their lifelong support of the scien- Lazartigues E (2007) Differential expression of neu-
tific and research endeavors of their respective spouses. ronal ACE2  in transgenic mice with overexpression
EMH succumbed to coronavirus disease 2019 of the brain renin-angiotensin system. Am J Physiol
(COVID-­19) on April 17, 2020. We want to graciously Regul Integr Comp Physiol 292(1):R373–R381.
acknowledge Doctors David R. Franz and John T. Pinto
for their critical and valuable review of the manuscript. Fehr AR, Perlman S (2015) Coronaviruses: an
overview of their replication and pathogen-
esis. Methods Mol Biol 1282:1–23. https://doi.
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Wang X, Ning Y, Liu YF, Gao Q, Xu JG, Qin C, Dong at the University of Wisconsin between 1962 and 1998.
XP, Yin WD (2005) A serological survey on neutral- His research during this period related to neural develop-
izing antibody titer of SARS convalescent sera. J ment, autoimmune diseases, and the development of bind-
Med Virol 77(2):147–150. ing agents for sensors and magnetic resonance image
jmv.20431 contrast materials. In 1998, Prof. Kornguth relocated to
Zhang J, Zeng H, Gu J, Li H, Zheng L, Zou Q (2020) The University of Texas, Austin, and led federally funded
Progress and prospects on vaccine development programs in biological defense and also on the effects of
against SARS-CoV-2. Vaccines (Basel) 8(2). https:// sleep deprivation on decision-making in soldiers and ath- letes. His latest research involved head impacts during
Zhou G, Zhao Q (2020) Perspectives on therapeutic neu- competitive athletic events on neural structures and pro-
tralizing antibodies against the novel ­ coronavirus tein biomarkers. He served as director of neuroscience
SARS-CoV-2. Int J Biol Sci 16(10):1718–1723. programs at the National Science Foundation for 2 years and the Office of Naval Research. Prof. Kornguth also
Zhou YF, Fu B, Zheng X, Wang D et  al (2020) worked as a consultant for Perspecta Engineering in
Pathogenic T cells and Inflammatory monocy- Chantilly, VA, on biological security. Prof. Kornguth
tesincite inflammatory storm in severe COVID-19 passed on September 21, 2020, following a battle with
pancreatic ­cancer.
Clinical and Laboratory Predictors
of Severity, Criticality, 22
and Mortality in COVID-19:
A Multisystem Disease

Bahareh Gholami, Samira Gholami,
Amir Hossein Loghman, Behzad Khodaei,
Simin Seyedpour, Nasrin Seyedpour,
Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei

Abstract ducted a systematic evaluation of studies that

investigated laboratory abnormalities in
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pan- patients with COVID-19 and compared i.
demic continues devastating effects on health- patients with a severe form of disease and
care systems. Such a crisis calls for an urgent patients with a non-severe form of the dis-
need to develop a risk stratification tool. The ease, ii. patients who were in critical condi-
present chapter aimed to identify laboratory tion and patients who were not in critical
and clinical correlates of adverse outcomes in condition, and iii. patients who survived and
patients with COVID-19. To this end, we con- patients who died. We included 54 studies in
the data synthesis. Compared to patients with
a non-­ severe form of COVID-19, patients
Bahareh Gholami and Samira Gholami contributed
equally with all other contributors.

B. Khodaei · S. Seyedpour
B. Gholami Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group (SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran
sciences, Tehran, Iran
Nanomedicine Research Association (NRA),
S. Gholami Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group (USERN), Tehran, Iran
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran N. Seyedpour
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
School of Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of (SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
A. H. Loghman Nanomedicine Research Association (NRA),
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical
School of Medicine, Kashan University of Medical Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Sciences, Kashan, Iran Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 369
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
370 B. Gholami et al.

who had a severe form of disease revealed Keywords

higher values for white blood cells (WBC),
polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN), total Biomarker · Clinical · COVID-19 · D-dimer ·
bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Diagnostic · Immune system · Inflammation ·
creatinine, troponin, procalcitonin, lactate Interleukin 6 · Laboratory · Mortality ·
dehydrogenase (LDH), and D-dimer. By con- Prognostic · Severity · Systematic review ·
trast, platelet count, lymphocyte count, and Meta-analysis
albumin levels were decreased in patients
with a severe form of COVID-19. Also,
patients with a severe phenotype of disease
were more likely to have diabetes, chronic 22.1 Introduction
heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), cerebrovascular disease, In December 2019, pneumonia cases with
hypertension, chronic kidney disease (CKD), unknown etiology emerged in Wuhan, China (Lu
and malignancy. Compared to patients who et  al.). Lower respiratory tract sampling and
survived, patients who died had higher WBC, sequencing process could reveal a novel corona-
PMN, total bilirubin, ALT, procalcitonin, virus from the family of betacoronavirus, which
IL-6, creatinine, PT, lymphocyte count, plate- was subsequently named 2019 novel coronavirus
let count, and albumin. Also, non-survivors (2019-nCoV) (Zhu et al. 2020). This family also
revealed a higher prevalence of diabetes, included severe acute respiratory syndrome
chronic heart disease, COPD, cerebrovascular (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syn-
disease, and CKD.  Meta-analyses identified drome (MERS), which have caused outbreaks
several laboratory parameters that might help over the last two decades (Ksiazek et al. 2003; de
the prediction of severe, critical, and lethal Wit et al. 2016; Jabbari et al. 2020). Coronavirus
phenotypes of COVID-19. These parameters disease 2019 (COVID-19) has rapidly spread
correlate with the immune system function, throughout the world, posing a global emergency
inflammation, coagulation, and liver and kid- (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; Rezaei 2020a).
ney function. The Chinese Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) has suggested classifying
COVID-19 patients according to their clinical
state into three categories. Mild disease manifes-
tations include no pneumonia or mild pneumonia
A. Saghazadeh and occur in 81% of cases. Severe disease char-
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group acterized by dyspnea, respiratory frequency ≥ 30/
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and min, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2)  ≤  93%,
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
PaO2/FiO2 ratio  <  300, and/or lung infiltrates
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s >50% within 24–48 h is present in 14% of cases.
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences (TUMS), Tehran, Iran
Critical conditions accompanied by respiratory
failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dys-
N. Rezaei (*)
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
function or failure occur in 5% of cases (The
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency
Sciences (TUMS), Tehran, Iran Response Epidemiology 2020). While most
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, patients experience mild respiratory illness, some
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran cases, especially the old population and patients
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and with comorbid conditions, develop a severe form
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN),
of disease requiring intensive management (Guan
Tehran, Iran et  al. 2020b; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020). Chinese
e-mail: CDC has reported an overall case fatality rate of
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 371

2.3%, with the majority of deceased patients of adverse outcomes in patients with COVID-19.
being 60 years old and above and having preex- For this purpose, a systematic evaluation of liter-
isting comorbid conditions such as hypertension, ature was conducted according to the Preferred
cardiovascular disease, and diabetes (The Novel Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and
Coronavirus Pneumonia Emergency Response Meta-Analyses (PRISMA).
Epidemiology 2020; Shamshirian and Rezaei
2020). Accordingly, the resistance and suscepti-
bility to disease are governed by genetic factors 22.2 Methods
and nongenetic factors such as biological age,
pregnancy, and chronic conditions, which affect 22.2.1 Search Strategy
the expression of the receptors which mediate
virus entry, i.e., angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 The published literature was searched from
(ACE2), and the function of the immune system December 2019 to April 20, 2020. Databases
(Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; Ahmadi et al. including EMBASE, MEDLINE via PubMed,
2020; Ahanchian et  al. 2020; Darbeheshti and and Scopus were searched for observational stud-
Rezaei 2020; Babaha and Rezaei 2020; Mirbeyk ies of COVID-19. The keywords for search strat-
and Rezaei 2020). egy included “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia
With the increasing number of people infected virus,” “COVID19,” “2019-nCoV,” “novel coro-
with the virus, the burden of COVID-19 on navirus,” “coronavirus disease-19,” “severe acute
healthcare systems has been overwhelming. respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2,” “SARS-­
Thus, early and efficient detection of high-risk CoV-­2,” “characteristic,” “finding,” “lab,” “imag-
patients is a priority for maximizing the utiliza- ing,” “comorbidit*,” “sever*,” “critical,”
tion of limited resources, while current diagnos- “hospital*,” “ICU,” “non-ICU,” “death,” “mor-
tics are not as rapid and as reliable as the current tality,” and “surviv*.” Detailed search strategies
pandemic condition needs (Basiri et  al. 2020a). are presented in Table 22.1.
Furthermore, no clinically proven specific antivi-
ral agent has been confirmed for COVID-19.
However, approaches targeting the immune sys- 22.2.2 Study Selection
tem and virus entry, computational methods of
drug discovery, regenerative medicine, medical The studies identified were imported into an
biotechnology, and picotechnology offer hope for EndNote library. After duplicate removal, the two
the future amid the pandemic (Mohamed et  al. groups (three reviewers in each group) performed
2020b; Rezaei 2020b; Rabiee et al. 2020; Basiri the screening titles and abstracts for inclusion
et al. 2020b; Sharifkashani et al. 2020; Lotfi et al. and then reviewing the full text of potentially rel-
2020; Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei and evant articles. Any questions or conflicts were
Rezaei 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu resolved through discussion with the members of
and Rezaei 2020b). Thus supportive manage- the other group. Concerning studies with over-
ment, including oxygen therapy and conservative lapping samples, the study that had the largest
fluid management, along with anti-inflammatory sample size was included in the final analysis.
and antiviral agents, remains to be the most Studies that i. included subjects with confirmed
important management strategy (Cascella et  al. COVID-19 based on laboratory testing; ii. evalu-
2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b). Dynamic ated individual laboratory characteristics, symp-
changes of laboratory parameters, as well as clin- toms, and comorbidities in predicting severe
ical and imaging findings of patients infected COVID-19 infection or mortality caused by
with COVID-19, have been depicted in the litera- COVID-19 infection; and iii. were written in
ture (Zhou et al. 2020a; Liu et al. 2020a). Results English were eligible to be included in the sys-
are, however, not consistent. The present chapter tematic review. If the criteria for disease severity
aims to identify laboratory and clinical correlates were not determined, then the study was excluded

Table 22.1  Search strategy

Search Number of search
Database date Search strategy results
Embase March (characterist* OR finding$ OR feature$ OR lab OR labrat* OR imaging? OR radiolog* OR “ct scan” OR “computed 162
20, tomograph*” OR clinical OR comorbidit* OR symptom* OR discript*) AND (sars2 OR “covid-19” OR “2019-ncov” OR
2020 “coronavirus disease 2019” OR “novel coronavirus” OR “coronavirus disease-19” OR “severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2” OR “sars-cov-2” OR “Wuhan coronavirus” OR “ncov-2019” OR “Wuhan seafood market pneumonia
virus” OR “covid19 virus”) AND ((sever* OR critical OR hospital* OR icu OR intensive) AND care OR death OR
mortality OR surviv* OR fatal* OR “disease progression” OR “invasive management” OR outcome OR predic* OR
prognos* OR “risk factor” OR (risk NEAR/2 factor NEAR/2 (mortality OR sever*)) OR correlat* OR (risk NEAR/2
death) OR “non-icu” OR “mechanical ventilation” OR “respiratory failure”) AND [english]/lim AND [2019–2020]/py
Scopus March (characterist* OR finding OR feature OR lab OR labrat* OR imaging OR radiolog* OR ct_scan OR computed_ 195
20, tomograph* OR clinical OR comorbidit* OR symptom* OR discript*) AND (sars2 OR covid_19 OR 2019_ncov OR
2020 coronavirus_disease_2019 OR novel_coronavirus OR coronavirus_disease-19’ OR severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome_
coronavirus_2 OR sars_cov_2 OR wuhan_coronavirus OR ncov_2019 OR wuhan_seafood_market_pneumonia_virus OR
covid19_virus) AND ((sever* OR critical OR hospital* OR icu OR intensive) AND care OR death OR mortality OR
surviv* OR fatal* OR ‘disease AND progression’ OR invasive_management OR outcome OR predic* OR prognos* OR
risk_factor OR (risk W/2 factor W/2 (mortality OR sever*)) OR correlat* OR (risk W/2 death) OR non_icu OR
mechanical_ventilation OR respiratory_failure) AND (LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2020) OR LIMIT-TO (PUBYEAR, 2019))
PubMed March ((((characteristic) OR (finding) OR (feature) OR (lab) OR (laboratory) OR (imaging) OR (radiolog*) OR (CT scan) OR 104
20, (computed tomography) OR (clinical) OR (comorbidit*) OR (symptom))) AND ((SARS2) OR (Wuhan seafood market
2020 pneumonia virus) OR (COVID19 virus) OR(COVID-19) OR (2019-nCoV) OR (coronavirus disease 2019) OR (novel
coronavirus) OR (coronavirus disease-19) OR (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) OR (SARS-CoV-2) OR
(Wuhan coronavirus) OR (nCoV-2019))) AND ((sever*) OR (critical) OR (hospital*) OR (ICU) OR (non-ICU) OR
(intensive care) OR (death) OR (mortality) OR (surviv*) OR (fatal*) OR (disease progression) OR (invasive management)
(predic*) OR (prognosis)OR (risk factor)OR (risk factor n2 mortality) OR (risk factor n2 sever*) OR (correlat*) OR
(influencing factors) OR (risk n2 death) OR (outcome) OR (PaO2/FiO) OR (mechanical ventilation) OR (respiratory
B. Gholami et al.
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 373

Table 22.2  The definition of outcome and population mum of 10 scores for the least risk of bias in three
Definition domains: the selection of study groups (5 points),
Laboratory-­ The laboratory-confirmed case was comparability of groups (2 points), and ascertain-
confirmed defined as the presence of SARS-­ ment of exposure and outcomes (3 points).
case CoV-­2 in respiratory specimens
(including nasal and pharyngeal Three authors independently extracted the
swabs) detected by the reverse-­ data by a predesigned spreadsheet in Excel,
transcriptase polymerase chain including the author’s name, publication year,
reaction (RT-PCR), according to the setting (country/hospital name), study design,
protocol established by the World
Health Organization sample size, clinical and laboratory and comor-
Severe The following criteria defined severe bidities, and severity criteria.
disease disease: 1) respiratory distress
(respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/minute);
2) an oxygen saturation (SpO2) ≤ 93%
in the resting state; 3) hypoxemia
22.2.4 Data Synthesis
defined as an arterial partial pressure
of oxygen divided by the fraction of All between-group meta-analyses were performed
inspired oxygen (PaO2/FiO2 using Comprehensive Meta-Analysis. For the con-
ratio) ≤ 300 mmHg; 4) the presence of
tinuous type of outcome, we entered the number of
radiographic progression, defined as
≥50% increase of target lesion within participants in two groups and the mean and stan-
24–48 hours. The criterion was based dard deviation (SD) of laboratory data. We used
on the Chinese COVID-19 prevention methods described in Luo et al. (2018) and Wan
and control program (seventh edition,
et  al. (2014) to estimate mean and SD based on
cn/2020-­03/29/c_78469.htm) and median (IQR). A meta-analysis was conducted for
American Thoracic Society guideline data on laboratory and clinical characteristics,
(Mandell et al. 2007) and World Healthcomorbidities, and vital status when there were at
Organization interim guidance
least three between-group comparisons for each
variable. Because studies used different measure-
(Table  22.2). Also, types of articles other than ment scales, we employed the standardized mean
original observational studies, e.g., opinion, edi- difference (SMD) as effect size (ES) measure. For
torial, case report, book chapter, review, and categorical data, we used the dichotomous method
meta-analysis, studies confined to the pediatric to calculate the odds ratio (OR) with its 95% con-
population or pregnant women, and studies rated fidence interval as ES measure. As explained by
as low-quality evidence were not included. Higgins and Green et al., the ES of 0.2, 0.5, and
0.8 represent small, moderate, and large effect
estimates, respectively (Higgins and Wells 2011).
22.2.3 Data Extraction and Quality We investigated heterogeneity across studies
Assessment by Cochran’s Q test, which is calculated by the
weighted sum of squared differences between
We used the Newcastle-Ottawa scale (NOS) and individual study ES estimates. A P-value of 0.10
its modified version for the assessment of the qual- or less indicates the presence of heterogeneity.
ity of retrospective cohort studies and cross-­ The I2 index was used to get a more precise esti-
sectional studies. This scale gives the maximum mate of heterogeneity. If the I2 is less than 40%,
score of 9 points for the least risk of bias in four the heterogeneity is considered to be not signifi-
domains: the selection of study groups (4 points), cant. The fixed-effects model is the preferred
comparability of groups (2 points), and ascertain- method of meta-analysis. However, if I2 esti-
ment of exposure and outcomes (3 points). Age mates exceeded 40%, the random-effects
and sex were defined as the most relevant covariate approach was applied as the meta-analysis model.
for comparability. For the cross-sectional studies, We based our analysis on the different outcome
we used the modified NOS, which gives a maxi- stratification including critical/ICU vs noncriti-
374 B. Gholami et al.

cal/non-ICU, severe/critical vs non-severe, and 22.3.2 Study and Patient

survivors vs non-survivors. Subgroup analysis Characteristics
was performed to explore the potential sources
for heterogeneity. We also applied univariate As summarized in Table 22.3, all included stud-
meta-regression analyses to investigate the effect ies were from China, except two studies, which
of potential moderators, e.g., sample size, the dif-were from Singapore (Young et  al. 2020; Fan
ference in the mean age of two groups (years), et al. 2020). All studies were designed as retro-
and percentage of female patients on the effect spective cohort studies except two with a pro-
size and heterogeneity. Finally, to identify studiesspective cohort design (Liu et  al. 2020b;
exerting excessive influence on the results or Momtazmanesh et al. 2020) and one which was a
causing high heterogeneity among studies, we cross-sectional study (Zhang et al. 2020b). Tables
conducted a sensitivity analysis by systemati- 22.4 and 22.5 show the results of the quality
cally excluding each study at a time and then assessment for studies included in the data
rerunning the analysis to assess the change in ES. synthesis.
We assessed publication bias visually by the There were 16 studies that compared critical
degree of funnel plot asymmetry and used Begg-­ or severe vs non-severe patients (Zhao et  al.
Mazumdar Kendall’s tau (Begg and Mazumdar 2020; Zhang et al. 2020a; Guan et al. 2020b; Li
1994) and Egger bias test to quantify it (Duval et al. 2020a; Zhou et al. 2020b; Cai et al.; Tian
and Tweedie 2000). A P-value of 0.10 or less sug- et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2020b, d; Wu et al. 2020;
gests the presence of publication bias across stud- Feng et  al. 2020c; Wan et  al. , 2020; Xu et  al.
ies. The trim and fill method was used to adjust 2020; ; Han et al. 2020b; Wang et al. 2020d); 3
effect sizes in cases that there was evidence of studies compared 3 groups of patients, namely,
publication bias (Duval and Tweedie 2000). critical, severe, and non-severe (Feng et  al.
2020b; Liu et  al. 2020c; Han et  al. 2020a); 20
studies compared severe vs non-severe patients
22.3 Results (Qu et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020b, c; Wang et al.
2020e; Cao 2020; Gao et  al. 2020; Chen et  al.
22.3.1 Characteristics of Selected 2020a, e; Liu et al. 2020a; lei and Jian-ya 2020;
Studies Lu et al. 2020; Chu et al. 2020; Ji et al. 2020; Xie
et al. 2020; Zheng et al. 2020a; c; Li et al. 2020c;
The database search resulted in 461 records. Gong et  al. 2020; Young et  al. 2020; Qin et  al.
After the removal of duplicates (n  =  60) and 2020; Nie et al. 2020); 6 studies compared criti-
retrieval of additional 14 studies through hand cal/ICU vs noncritical/non-ICU patients (Wang
search of additional references, the title/abstract et al. 2020a; Fan et al. 2020; Du et al. 2020; Yan
of 415 search results was screened for potential et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020b);
eligibility. Three hundred forty papers were and 9 studies compared survivor vs non-survivor
excluded through screening. Seventy-five full-­ patients (Tang et al. 2020; Yang et al. 2020; Zhou
text articles were reviewed in detail, and 32 met et  al. 2020a; Wu et  al. 2020; Momtazmanesh
the inclusion criteria. Moreover, an updated et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020c, d; Li et al. 2020c;
search was conducted and resulted in the inclu- Wang et al. 2020c; Cao et al. 2020). Two studies
sion of 22 studies. In total, 54 studies were were not entered into analysis because of the
included in the meta-analysis. Figure  22.1 pro- shared samples (Chen et al. 2020c; Huang et al.
vides an overview of study selection for system- 2020). A total of 8603 patients were included in
atic review and meta-analysis according to the meta-analysis. Tables 22.6, 22.7, 22.8, 22.9,
PRISMA guidelines. 22.10, 22.11, and 22.12 provide a summary of the
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 375

Fig. 22.1  PRISMA flow diagram of study selection

results of meta-analyses, subgroup analyses, and the random-effects model was applied. Meta-­
meta-regressions. regression analyses demonstrated no significant
effect of percentages of female patients, the dif-
ference in the mean age, and sample size on the
22.3.3 Laboratory Findings heterogeneity. Neither subgroup meta-analyses
nor sensitivity analysis showed a significant Severity Analysis effect of specific outcome or study on the effect
Twenty-seven studies provided data on white size and related heterogeneity. Meta-analysis of
blood cell (WBC) values for patients with severe data on four studies showed that critical
(n = 1131) and non-severe (n = 3293) COVID-19. COVID-­19 patients (n  =  131) had higher WBC
Meta-analysis showed that patients with non-­ than noncritical COVID-19 patients (n  =  348)
severe outcome had lower WBC compared to (SMD −0.58; 95% CI, −0.79, −0.37; P < 0.0001).
patients with severe COVID-19 (SMD −0.40; There was no significant heterogeneity and evi-
95% CI, −0.58, −0.21; P < 0.0001). There was dence of publication bias as well.
no evidence of publication bias (Begg’s P = 0.77; Pooled data from 22 studies, including 2215
Egger’s P  =  0.10). Significant heterogeneity non-severe and 1109 severe COVID-19 patients,
existed across studies (I2 = 84%), and therefore, demonstrated that polymorphonuclear (PMN)

Table 22.3  Characteristics of studies included in the systematic review

Setting Sample Outcomes Adverse outcome Non-adverse outcome
City Hospital size Patients Age Female Patients Age
Study Country (%) % (%) Female %
Zhao China Four institutions in Hunan 101 Non-severe 14 53.71 (12.6) 44.83% 87 42.94 (11.7) 42.86%
et al. province vs severe (13.86%) (86.14%)
Zhang China Wuhan Zhongnan 221 Non-severe 55 62.0 36.36% 166 51 (36.0–64.3) 56.02%
et al. Hospital of vs severe (24.89%) (52.0–74.0) (75.11%)
Wuhan University
Guan China 552 hospitals in 30 provinces 1099 Non-severe 173 52.0 42.20% 926 45.0 41.82%
et al. vs severe (15.74%) (40.0–65.0) (84.26%) (34.0–57.0)
Li et al. China Multicenter 83 Non-severe 25 53.7 (12.3) 40.00% 58 41.9 (10.6) 50.00%
vs severe (30.12%) (69.88%)
Zhou China Wuhan CentralHospital of 377 Non-severe 117 65.63 (14.03) 41.88% 260 48.35 (16.17) 60.77%
et al. Wuhan vs severe (31.03%) (68.97%)
Cai China Shenzhen Third People’s 298 Non-severe 58 62.5 (56–66) 43.10% 240 41 (31–56) 53.75%
et al. Hospital of vs severe (19.46%) (80.54%)
Tian China 57 hospitals across Beijing 262 Non-severe 46 61.4 (1–94) 43.48% 216 44.5 (1–93) 53.24%
et al. vs severe (17.56%) (82.44%)
Liu China Wuhan Central Hospital 109 Non-severe 53 61 (52–70) 47.17% 56 49 (37–59) 44.64%
et al. of Wuhan vs severe (48.62%) (51.38%)
Liu China Beijing Beijing Ditan 61 Non-severe 17 56 (34–73) 41.18% 44 41 (1–76) 52.27%
et al. Hospital vs severe (27.87%) (72.13%)
Wu China Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 201 Non-severe 84 58.5 28.57% 117 48.0 41.88%
et al. vs severe (41.79%) (50.0–69.0) (58.21%) (40.0–54.0)
84 Survivor vs 44 68.5 34.09% 40 50.0 22.50%
non-­ (52.38%) (59.3–75.0) (47.62%) (40.3–56.8)
Feng China Changsha Third Xiangya 141 Non-severe 15 58 (44–66) 53.33% 126 41 (33–52) 48.41%
et al. Hospital, vs severe (10.64%) (89.36%)
Changsha Public
Health Treatment
Center, Second
People’s Hospital
of Hunan
B. Gholami et al.
Setting Sample Outcomes Adverse outcome Non-adverse outcome
City Hospital size Patients Age Female Patients Age
Study Country (%) % (%) Female %
Wan China Chongqing Three Gorges 123 Non-severe 21 61.29 ± 15.55 47.62% 102 43.05 ± 13.12 46.08%
et al. Central Hospital vs severe (15.22%) (73.91%)
Xu China Single center 50 Non-severe 13 (26%) 60.2 (34–85 46.15% 37 (74%) 36.75 (3–62 40.54%
et al. vs severe range) range)
Wan China Chongqing Three Gorges 135 Non-severe 40 56 (52–73) 47.50% 95 44 (33–49) 45.26%
et al. Central Hospital vs severe (29.63%) (70.37%)
Han China Wuhan Renmin Hospital 47 Non-severe 24 65.08 (31–87) 29.17% 23 64.74 (41–81) 60.87%
et al. of Wuhan vs severe (51.06%) (48.94%)
Qu China Huizhou Huizhou 30 Non-severe 3 (10%) 60 ± 5.29 NA 27 (9%) 49.44 ± 14.86 NA
et al. Municipal Central vs severe
Zhang China Wuhan No. 7 Hospital of 140 Non-severe 58 64 (25–87) 43.10% 82 51.5 (26–78) 53.66%
et al. Wuhan vs severe (41.43%) (58.57%)
Wang China Wuhan Union Hospital 69 Non-severe 14 70.5 50.00% 55 37.0 54.55%
et al. vs severe (20.29%) (62.0–77.0) (79.71%) (32.0–51.0)
Cao China Xiangyang Xiangyang No 1 128 Non-severe 21 NA 42.86% 107 NA 55.14%
et al. Hospital vs severe (16.41%) (83.59%)
Gao China Fuyang Fuyang Second 43 Non-severe 15 45.20 ± 7.68 40.00% 28 42.96 ± 14.00 39.29%
et al. People’s Hospital vs severe (34.88%) (65.12%)
Chen China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 21 Non-severe 11 61.0 9.09% 10 52.0 30.00%
et al. vs severe (52.38%) (56.5–66.0) (47.62%) (42.8–56.0)
Liu China Wuhan Union Hospital 40 Non-severe 13 59.7 ± 10.1 46.15% 27 43.2 ± 12.3 70.37%
et al. vs severe (32.5%) (67.5%)
Liu China Chongqing Three Gorges 51 Non-severe 7 52 (44–60) 42.86% 44 44 (33–49) 36.36%
et al. Hospital vs severe (13.73%) (86.27%)
Zhang China Chongqing Chongqing Public 43 Non-severe 14 61.7 ± 9.22 64.29% 29 44.34 ± 15.84 41.38%
et al. Health Medical vs severe (32.56%) (67.44%)
Lu China Wuhan Wuhan Hankou 577 Non-severe 100 61 (49–71) 50.00% 338 57 (43–65) 54.44%
et al. Hospital vs severe (17.33%) (58.58%)
Chu China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 54 Non-severe 43 38 (26–66) 30.23% 11 47 (36–73) 45.45%
et al. vs severe (79.63%) (20.37%)
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…

Table 22.3 (continued)

Setting Sample Outcomes Adverse outcome Non-adverse outcome

City Hospital size Patients Age Female Patients Age
Study Country (%) % (%) Female %
Ji et al. China Fuyang and Fuyang Second 208 Non-severe 40 57.7 ± 15.9 30.00% 168 40.7 ± 14.7 47.02%
Beijing People’s Hospital, vs severe (19.23%) (80.77%)
Fifth Medical
Center of Chinese
PLA General
Xie China Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 79 Non-severe 28 62.5 NA 51 59.0 NA
et al. vs severe (35.44%) (50.5–67.8) (64.56%) (46.0–66.0)
Zheng China Changsha North Hospital of 161 Non-severe 30 57 (46.5–66) 50.00% 131 40 (31–51) 41.22%
et al. Changsha First vs severe (18.63%) (81.37%)
(Changsha Public
Health Treatment
Zheng China Chengdu Chengdu Public 99 Non-severe 32 63.81 ± 16.51 40.63% 67 42.51 ± 15.11 52.24%
et al. Health Clinical vs severe (32.32%) (67.68%)
Medical Center
Li et al. China Wuhan Department of 25 Non-severe 9 (36%) NA 33.33% 16 (64%) NA 62.5%
Thoracic Surgery vs severe
of Tongji Hospital 25 Survivor vs 5 (20%) NA 20% 20 (80%) NA 60%
Gong China Guangzhou Guangzhou 372 Non-severe 28 63.5 42.86% 161 45.0 55.28%
et al. and Wuhan Eighth People’s vs severe (7.53%) (54.5–72.0) (43.28%) (33.0–62.0)
Hospital of
Wuhan University,
and the Third
Affiliated Hospital
of Sun Yat-sen
University, China
B. Gholami et al.
Setting Sample Outcomes Adverse outcome Non-adverse outcome
City Hospital size Patients Age Female Patients Age
Study Country (%) % (%) Female %
Young Singapore 4 hospitals in Singapore 18 Non-severe 6 56 (47–73) 66.67% 12 37 (31–56) 41.67%
et al. vs severe (33.33%) (66.67%)
Feng China Wuhan, Jinyintan 476 Non-severe 124 58.54 ± 14.38 34.68% 352 50.29 ± 19.35 46.02%
et al. Shanghai and Hospital, vs severe (26.05%) (73.94%)
Anhui Shanghai Public
Province Health Clinical
Center and
Tongling People’s
Liu China 6 hospitals in Anhui province 67 Non-severe 24 46.55 ± 14.30 58.33% 43 33.4 ± 12.2 34.88%
et al. vs severe (32.81%) (67.19%)
Han China Wuhan Renmin Hospital 273 Non-severe 75 58.68 ± 14.80 65.33% 198 58.95 ± 10.8 64.14%
et al. of Wuhan vs severe (27.47%) (72.52%)
Nie China Wuhan Renmin Hospital 67 Non-severe 25 58 (47–67) 48.00% 72 37 (29–55) 70.83%
et al. vs severe (25.77%) (74.23%)
Qin China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 452 Non-severe 286 61 (51–69) 45.80% 166 53 (41.25–62) 51.81%
et al. vs severe (63.27%) (36.73%)
Wang China Suzhou Suzhou Fifth 69 Non-severe 18 46.0 27.78% 51 41.0 43.14%
et al. People’s Hospital vs severe (26.09%) (37.3–60.3) (73.91%) (35.0–57.0)
Wang China Wuhan Zhongnan 138 ICU vs 36 66 (57–78) 38.89% 102 51 (37–62) 48.04%
et al. Hospital non-ICU (26.09%) (73.91)
Fan Singapore NA National Centre 67 ICU vs 9 54 (47–62) 33.33% 58 41 (32–53) 46.55%
et al. for Infectious non-ICU (13.43%) (86.57%)
Diseases (NCID)
Du China Wuhan Wuhan Pulmonary 109 ICU vs 51 68.4 ± 9.7 29.41% 58 72.7 ± 11.6 34.48%
et al. Hospital, Tianyou non-ICU (46.79%) (53.21%)
Hospital, Central
Hospital of
Yan China Hainan Hospital of 168 Critical vs 36 61 (50.3–68) 41.67% 132 49 (34–60) 54.55%
et al. province Hainan Medical noncritical (21.43%) (78.57%)
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…
Table 22.3 (continued)

Setting Sample Outcomes Adverse outcome Non-adverse outcome

City Hospital size Patients Age Female Patients Age
Study Country (%) % (%) Female %
Tang China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 183 Survivor vs 21 64.0 ± 20.7 23.81% 162 52.4 ± 15.6 50.62%
et al. non-­ (11.48%) (88.52%)
Yang China Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 52 Survivor vs 32 64·6 ± 11·2 34.38% 20 51·9 ± 12·9 30.00%
et al. non-­ (61.54%) (38.46%)
Zhou China Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 191 Survivor vs 54 69.0 29.63% 137 52.0 40.88%
et al. and Wuhan non-­ (28.27%) (63.0–76.0) (71.23%) (45.0–58.0)
Pulmonary survivor
Du China Wuhan Wuhan Pulmonary 179 Survivor vs 21 70.2 ± 7.7 52.38% 158 56.0 ± 13.5 44.94%
et al. Hospital non-­ (11.73%) (88.27%)
Chen China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 274 Survivor vs 113 68.0 26.55% 161 51.0 45.34%
et al. non-­ (41.24%) (62.0–77.0) (58.76%) (37.0–66.0)
Wang China Wuhan Tongji Hospital 344 Survivor vs 133 70 (62–77) 44.36% 211 57 (47–69) 50.24%
et al. non-­ (38.66%) (61.34%)
Cao China Wuhan Wuhan University 102 Survivor vs 17 72 (63–81) 23.53% 85 53 (47–66) 52.94%
et al. Zhongnan non-­ (16.67%) (83.33%)
Hospital survivor
Huang China Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital 41 ICU vs 13 49·0 15.38% 28 49·0 32.14%
et al. non-ICU (31.71%) (41·0–61·0) (68.29%) (41·0–57·5)
Chen China Shanghai Shanghai Public 249 ICU vs 22 NA NA 227 NA NA
et al. Health Clinical non-ICU (8.84%) (91.16%)
Center (SPHCC)
Chen China Wuhan Zhongnan 55 Survivor vs 19 77 (median) 15.79% 36 72 (median) 50.00%
et al. Hospital of non-­ (34.55%) (65.45%)
Wuhan University survivor
Chen China Guangzhou Guangzhou 57 Mild vs 18 NA NA 39 NA NA
et al. Eighth People’s severe (31.58%) (68.42%)
B. Gholami et al.
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 381

Table 22.4  The results of quality assessment for cohort studies included in the systematic review
Study Selection Comparability Outcome
Wang et al. (2020a) *** * **
Wang et al. (2020d) *** * **
Cao (2020) *** * *
Huang et al. (2020) *** ** ***
Chen et al. (2020b) *** ** ***
Gao et al. (2020) **** ** *
Guan et al. (2020a, b) *** -- **
Yang et al. (2020) *** -- ***
Li et al. (2020a) *** * **
Xu et al. (2020) *** * ---
Fan et al. (2020) *** * **
Zhou et al. (2020a, b) **** ** ***
Cai et al. *** ** **
Liu et al. (2020d) *** * ***
Tian et al. (2020) *** * **
Liu et al. (2020b) *** ** ***
Wu et al. (2020) *** ** ***
Liu et al. (2020a) *** * **
Zhang et al. (2020a) *** -- **
Zhang et al. (2020c) *** -- **
Qu et al. (2020) *** * **
Tang et al. (2020) **** -- **
Zhao et al. (2020) *** -- **
Feng et al. (2020b) **** * ***
Zhang et al. 2020b) *** ** **
lei and Jian-ya (2020) *** * ***
Wan et al. (2020) *** -- **
Momtazmanesh et al. (2020) **** ** ***
Chen et al. (2020e) *** -- **
Lu et al. (2020) *** ** ***
Chu et al. (2020) ** * **
Ji et al. (2020) **** ** ***
Li et al. (2020b) *** * **
Liu et al. (2020c) *** -- **
Wang et al. (2020b) **** * ***
Xie et al. (2020) *** ** **
Zheng et al. (2020a) *** * **
Chen et al. (2020c) *** * **
Chen et al. (2020d) **** -- *
Han et al. (2020b) *** * ***
Feng et al. (2020a) *** ** ***
Wan et al. *** * **
Du et al. (2020) *** * **
Han et al. (2020a) *** -- **
Zheng et al. (2020b) *** -- **
Yan et al. (2020) *** * **
Cao et al. (2020) **** * ***
Young et al. (2020) *** -- ***
Gong et al. (2020) *** * ***
382 B. Gholami et al.

Table 22.4 (continued)
Study Selection Comparability Outcome
Nie et al. (2020) *** * ***
Qin et al. (2020) *** * **
Wang et al. (2020c) *** ** **
Chen et al. (2020a) *** * **

Table 22.5  The results of quality assessment for a cross-­ compared to the non-severe group (SMD −0.33;
sectional study included in the systematic review 95% CI, −0.46, −0.21, P < 0.0001), and no sub-
Author Selection Comparability Outcome stantial heterogeneity was seen (I2 = 31%).
Zhou et al. *** * ** Alanine transaminase (ALT) was documented
(2020a, b)
in 23 studies accounting for a total of 1875 non-­
severe and 775 severe patients. ALT levels were
cell counts were increased in severe compared to higher in severe patients than non-severe patients
non-severe patients (SMD −0.72; 95% CI, −0.88, (SMD −0.52; 95% CI, −0.77, −0.27; P < 0.0001).
−0.57; P < 0.0001). There was significant hetero- There was evidence of publication bias (Begg’s
geneity among studies (I2 = 64%). No evidence P = 0.009). The ES was adjusted using the trim
of publication bias was observed (Begg’s and fill method and estimated to be about −0.56
P = 0.498; Egger’s P = 0.496). Meta-analysis for with 95% CI, −0.79, −0.32. There was high het-
data derived from four studies comparing critical erogeneity across studies (I2 = 85.5%). A sensi-
and noncritical COVID-19 patients showed a tivity analysis showed that I2 dropped to 49%
similar result with the SMD of −0.74 (95% CI, with the associated ES of −0.36 (95% CI, −0.50,
−1.10 to −0.39; P < 0.0001). Critical patients had −0.22) when the study (Zheng et al. 2020a) was
higher PMN compared to the noncritical group. excluded. Similarly, AST levels were higher in
Patients with severe outcomes (n = 1890) had severe patients compared to non-severe patients
lower lymphocyte count compared to non-severe (SMD −0.79; 95% CI, −1.00, −0.58; P < 0.0001).
patients (n  =  4035) (SMD 0.68; 95% CI, 0.53, Heterogeneity was high (I2  =  74.5%). Critical
0.84; P  <  0.0001). Heterogeneity was high patients had higher AST and ALT levels com-
(I2 = 80%). Also, critical patients had lower lym- pared to noncritical patients (SMD −0.78; 95%
phocyte counts than noncritical patients. CI, −1.27, −0.29; and SMD −0.45; 95% CI,
Patients with severe disease (n  =  2288) had −0.68, −0.22), respectively.
significantly lower platelets than non-severe Creatinine was increased in severe patients
cases (n = 627) with an SMD of 0.21 (95% CI, (n  =  751) compared to non-severe patients
0.06, 0.35; P  =  0.004). Moderate heterogeneity (n = 2320) (SMD −0.21; 95% CI, −0.34, −0.08;
was present (I2 = 50.5%). No evidence of publi- P = 0.001). No evidence of publication bias was
cation bias was observed (Begg’s P  =  0.707; found (Begg’s P  =  0.785; Egger’s P  =  0.282).
Egger’s P = 0.241). Moderate heterogeneity was seen (I2  =  52%).
Eight studies documented CD4 counts for 506 Furthermore, BUN was higher in severe patients
non-severe and 587 severe patients. Because of than non-severe patients (SMD −0.55; 95% CI,
evidence of publication bias (Begg’s P = 0.009), −0.93, −0.17; P < 0.0001).
the ES was adjusted using trim and fill method, Severe patients showed no difference in potas-
resulting in an ES of 0.80 (95% CI, −0.06, 1.62), sium levels compared with non-severe patients
which showed no significant difference between (SMD = 0.18, p = 0.269). However, the exclusion
severe and non-severe patients in regard to CD4 of a study (Feng et al. 2020b) could resolve het-
counts. Heterogeneity was high (I2 = 96%). erogeneity (I2 = 0.0), and the ES became signifi-
Total bilirubin (TB) was investigated in 15 cant (SMD 0.25; 95% CI, 0.12, 0.39; P < 0.0001).
studies, with a total of 1528 non-severe and 650 Sodium levels were not different between severe
severe individuals. Severe patients had higher TB and non-severe patients, and sensitivity analysis
Table 22.6  Summary of the results of meta-analyses of clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with COVID-19: patients who survived versus patients who died
No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias
pairwise Died SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value
of Begg’s P-value of
Factor Survived test Egger’s test
WBC 5 707 365 −1.01 −1.33 −0.696 <0.0001 78.57 18.67 0.001 0.327 0.356
PMN 4 570 311 −1.05 −1.53 −0.584 <0.0001 87.76 24.52 <0.0001 0.734 0.191
Lymphocyte 6 727 397 0.97 0.52 1.43 <0.0001 89.79 48.97 <0.0001 0.024 0.0437
Platelet 5 569 376 0.45 0.19 0.70 0.001 67.56 12.33 0.015 0.0864 0.0717
Hb 3 318 199 0.08 0.10 1.26 0.383 0.00 0.59 <0.0001 1 0.713
Ferritin 3 259 223 −1.03 −1.23 −0.83 <0.0001 0.00 22.64 <0.0001 0.296 0.422
TnI 3 415 277 −3.08 −1.041 −0.722 <0.0001 0.00 1.038 <0.0001 0.296 0.149
CRP 4 554 296 −4.09 −1.49 −0.4 0.001 90.47 31.49 <0.0001 0.734 0.171
PCT 4 622 301 −1.05 −1.27 −0.83 <0.0001 48.37 5.81 0.121 0.734 0.320
CK 3 504 298 −0.78 −0.93 −0.63 <0.0001 0.00 1.74 0.418 1.00 0.636
AST 4 570 311 −0.52 −1.066 0.027 0.062 91.46 35.14 <0.0001 0.734 0.115
ALT 5 705 365 −0.36 −0.54 −0.17 <0.0001 44.65 7.22 0.124 0.462 0.236
TB 5 590 343 −0.79 −1.01 −0.56 <0.0001 49.29 7.88 0.096 0.308 0.097
Alb 5 496 232 0.88 0.46 1.30 <0.0001 87.95 33.21 <0.0001 0.086 0.091
PT 7 880 418 −0.78 −1.89 −0.37 <0.0001 88.54 52.36 <0.0001 1.00 0.345
PTT 4 521 199 0.26 −0.62 0.41 0.695 86.19 21.72 <0.0001 0.308 0.903
Cr 5 590 343 −0.34 −0.77 0.09 0.123 87.55 32.13 <0.0001 1.00 0.898
IL-6 4 498 284 −1.22 −1.38 −1.07 <0.0001 0.00 2.80 0.422 0.734 0.541
D-dimer 5 677 349 −0.66 −1.10 −0.22 0.003 89.02 36.44 <0.0001 0.22 0.32
Fevera 7 601 551 1.077 0.70 1.65 0.735 0.00 2.71 0.844 0.763 0.437
Cough 7 489 414 0.82 0.26 2.56 0.739 92.58 80.92 <0.0001 1.00 0.464
Fatigue 5 752 338 0.75 0.57 0.90 0.042 17.64 4.85 0.302 0.806 0.549
Dyspnea 5 590 343 0.34 0.25 0.46 <0.0001 33.68 6.03 0.197 1.00 0.732
Diarrhea 4 503 236 1.33 0.85 2.09 0.206 0.00 2.21 <0.0001 0.734 0.369
Nausea/vomiting 4 318 199 1.14 0.54 2.39 0.71 0.00 1.39 <0.0001 1.00 0.79
Myalgia/arthralgia 5 561 237 0.95 0.63 1.42 0.811 32.99 5.97 0.201 0.806 0.552
Headache 3 339 166 0.66 0.20 2.17 0.500 60.59 5.07 0.079 1.00 0.720
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…

Sputum production 4 610 311 0.84 0.50 1.43 0.535 61.83 7.86 0.049 0.730 0.630
DM 7 812 414 0.49 0.36 0.67 <0.0001 14.60 7.02 0.318 0.071 0.098

Table 22.6 (continued)

No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias

pairwise Died SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value
of Begg’s P-value of
Factor Survived test Egger’s test
CHD 6 654 393 0.31 0.13 0.72 0.006 61.11 12.85 0.025 1.00 0.651
COPD 3 368 192 0.13 0.052 0.34 <0.0001 0.00 0.38 0.824 1.00 0.669
Cerebrovascular 3 266 162 0.125 0.034 0.465 0.002 0.002 0.32 0.852 0.29 0.047
CKD 3 383 184 0.095 0.023 0.391 0.001 0.00 0.49 0.782 1.00 0.747
HTN 6 792 382 0.48 0.22 1.03 0.061 85.87 35.38 <0.0001 0.45 0.63
Malignancy 4 561 237 0.44 0.15 1.3 0.149 0.00 1.34 <0.0001 0.089 0.061
Gender (female) 8 974 435 1.45 0.97 2.16 0.066 51.46 14.42 0.044 0.901 0.825
Age 8 974 435 −1.07 −1.35 −0.78 <0.0001 77.49 31.04 <0.0001 0.710 0.648
PR 4 550 299 −0.037 −0.822 0.066 0.095 86.03 21.48 <0.0001 1.00 0.820
WBC white blood cells, PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes, Hb hemoglobin, TnI troponin I, CRP C-reactive protein, PCT procalcitonin, CK creatine kinase, AST aspartate
aminotransferase, ALT alanine transaminase, TB total bilirubin, Alb albumin, PT prothrombin time, PTT partial thromboplastin time, Cr creatinine, IL-6 interleukin 6, DM dia-
betes mellitus, CHD coronary heart disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CKD chronic kidney disease, HTN hypertension, PR pulse rate, No. number, SMD
standardized mean difference, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
Reported as a categorical variable
B. Gholami et al.
Table 22.7  Summary of the results of meta-analyses of laboratory measures in patients with COVID-19: patients with a severe form of COVID-19 versus patients with a non-­
severe form of COVID-19
No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias
pairwise Severe SMD /OR 95%CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value of
Non-­ Begg’s P-value of
Factor severe test Egger’s test
WBC 27 3293 1131 −0.40 −0.58 −0.21 <0.0001 83.86 161.12 <0.0001 0.77 0.010
PMN 22 2215 1109 −0.72 −0.88 −0.57 <0.0001 63.72 67.07 <0.0001 0.498 0.496
Lymphocyte 31 4035 1890 0.68 0.53 0.84 <0.0001 79.92 149.93 <0.0001 0.586 0.298
Monocytes 11 872 575 0.17 0.57 0.428 0.003 30.70 14.43 0.154 0.640 0.073
Eosinophil 3 164 86 0.23 −0.03 0.50 0.086 33.50 3.00 0.2222 0.296 0.064
CD4 cells 8 506 587 1.80 1.17 2.57 <0.0001 96.17 181.82 <0.0001 0.009 0.062
CD8 cells 8 862 593 1.46 0.81 2.10 <0.0001 95.86 168.91 <0.0001 0.035 0.084
CD3 cells 4 521 176 1.18 0.67 1.69 <0.0001 84.77 19.70 <0.0001 0.308 0.250
Platelet 18 2288 627 0.21 0.06 0.35 0.004 50.47 34.32 0.008 0.707 0.241
Hb 12 1827 472 0.24 0.14 0.34 <0.0001 33.61 16.57 0.121 0.731 0.677
Ferritin 4 470 489 −0.88 −1.26 −0.51 <0.0001 69.82 9.94 0.019 1.00 0.226
D-dimer 17 1954 727 −0.93 −1.12 −0.74 <0.0001 72.77 58.77 <0.0001 0.901 0.619
TnI 3 585 199 −0.98 −1.18 −0.77 <0.0001 0.00 1.31 0.519 1.00 0.370
CRP 23 1677 906 −1.23 −1.48 −0.98 <0.0001 87.20 172.00 <0.0001 0.072 0.004
ESR 7 357 252 −0.71 −1.13 −0.29 0.001 91.74 72.85 <0.0001 0.071 0.054
PCT 13 1170 707 −0.81 −1.07 −0.55 <0.0001 81.08 63.43 <0.0001 0.200 0.202
CK 13 1222 448 −0.50 −0.75 −0.26 <0.0001 74.94 47.88 <0.0001 1.00 0.782
AST 20 1569 630 −0.79 −1.00 −0.58 <0.0001 74.49 74.48 <0.0001 0.922 0.640
ALT 23 1875 775 −0.52 −0.77 −0.27 <0.0001 85.45 151.28 <0.0001 0.009 0.206
TB 15 1528 650 −0.33 −0.46 −0.21 <0.0001 31.00 20.29 0.121 0.766 0.972
Alb 13 1719 868 1.02 0.81 1.23 <0.0001 76.46 50.97 <0.0001 0.760 0.954
Pt 11 796 415 −0.30 −0.64 0.03 0.074 84.18 63.22 <0.0001 0.755 0.689
PTT 9 644 273 0.05 −0.29 0.39 0.772 79.03 38.15 <0.0001 0.251 0.330
LDH 17 1590 587 −1.33 −1.54 −1.17 <0.0001 68.41 50.65 <0.0001 0.433 0.086
Fibrinogen 5 533 193 −0.95 −1.59 −0.31 0.003 87.01 30.79 <0.0001 0.220 0.160
Cr 21 2320 751 −0.21 −0.34 −0.08 0.001 52.31 41.93 0.003 0.785 0.282
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…

BUN 9 821 294 −0.55 −0.93 −0.17 <0.0001 84.97 53.23 <0.0001 0.251 0.143
Sodium 6 1470 381 0.33 −0.05 0.72 0.096 87.33 39.48 <0.0001 1.000 0.413
Table 22.7 (continued)

No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias

pairwise Severe SMD /OR 95%CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value of
Non-­ Begg’s P-value of
Factor severe test Egger’s test
Potassium 6 1473 375 0.18 −0.13 0.49 0.269 79.74 24.68 <0.0001 1.00 0.516
Glucose 5 451 322 −1.02 −1.30 −0.74 <0.0001 44.07 7.15 0.128 0.462 0.608
CK-MB 9 1156 487 −0.44 −0.71 −0.18 0.001 80.40 40.83 <0.0001 0.602 0.590
C3 4 288 384 −0.17 −0.49 0.14 0.291 53.17 6.4 0.093 1.00 0.515
C4 4 288 384 −0.20 −0.79 0.37 0.484 85.58 20.81 <0.0001 0.734 0.709
IgM 5 502 374 0.18 0.02 0.33 0.020 0.00 0.85 0.932 0.220 0.085
IgG 5 502 374 −0.001 −0.15 0.15 0.994 6.66 4.28 0.369 0.462 0.318
IgA 5 502 374 −0.47 −1.04 0.08 0.094 88.30 34.19 <0.0001 0.027 0.282
TNFα 3 310 201 −0.47 −1.00 0.05 0.077 59.53 4.94 0.084 0.296 0.185
IL-6 10 863 532 −1.67 −2.39 −0.95 <0.0001 96.15 234.19 <0.0001 0.371 0.051
IL-10 5 376 355 −3.49 −5.46 −1.47 <0.0001 98.22 224.95 <0.0001 0.220 0.105
IL-4 3 203 60 −0.28 −0.55 0.007 0.056 0.00 0.27 0.871 1.000 0.860
WBC white blood cells, PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes, Hb hemoglobin, TnI troponin I, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, PCT procalcitonin,
CK creatine kinase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, ALT alanine transaminase, TB total bilirubin, Alb albumin, PT prothrombin time, PTT partial thromboplastin time, Cr creati-
nine, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, BUN blood urea nitrogen, CK-MB creatine kinase-MB, C3 complement component C3, C4 complement component C4, IgM immunoglobulin
M, IgG immunoglobulin G, IgA immunoglobulin A, TNFα tumor necrosis factor-alpha, IL-6 interleukin 6, IL-6 interleukin 10, IL-6 interleukin 4, No. number, SMD standardized
mean difference, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
B. Gholami et al.
Table 22.8  Summary of the results of meta-analyses of clinical characteristics and comorbidities in patients with COVID-19: patients with a severe form of COVID-19 versus
patients with a non-severe form of COVID-19
No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias
pairwise Severe SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P value
Non-­ of Begg’s P-value of
Factor severe test Egger’stest
Age 28 4006 1493 −0.89 −1.05 −0.72 <0.0001 76.61 115.43 <0.0001 0.797 0.051
Gender (female) 35 4635 1707 1.32 1.17 1.49 <0.0001 18.19 41.56 0.175 0.690 0.799
History of smoking 9 1800 428 0.53 0.38 0.73 <0.0001 0.00 7.045 0.532 0.602 0.795
HTN 25 1787 1322 0.40 0.30 0.52 <0.0001 45.33 43.90 0.008 1.000 0.964
DM 25 3197 1322 0.36 0.26 0.52 <0.0001 47.44 45.66 0.005 0.005 0.038
CHD 20 3036 1259 0.34 0.25 0.45 <0.0001 1.35 19.26 0.440 0.381 0.611
CKD 8 1871 792 0.35 0.18 0.68 0.002 14.09 8.14 0.320 0.901 0.383
Cerebrovascular 10 2298 886 0.30 0.18 0.50 <0.0001 0.00 7.41 0.594 0.474 0.892
COPD 15 2607 742 0.20 0.12 0.33 <0.0001 0.00 8.00 0.889 0.022 0.087
Chronic liver disease 12 2126 788 0.71 0.37 1.36 0.309 18.67 13.52 0.260 0.631 0.762
Malignancy 9 1910 748 0.42 0.24 0.72 0.002 0.00 5.58 0.693 0.117 0.480
Immunodeficiency 3 1444 282 0.76 0.15 3.80 0.740 0.00 0.03 0.984 1.000 0.323
Fevera 27 3484 1339 0.70 0.41 1.18 0.185 80.74 135.02 <0.0001 0.559 0.097
Feverb 8 1579 441 −0.38 −0.67 −0.09 0.010 81.12 37.08 <0.0001 0.386 0.690
RR 6 632 181 −0.78 −1.26 −0.30 0.001 83.29 29.92 <0.0001 1.000 0.825
PR 4 256 107 −0.33 −0.56 −0.09 0.007 0.00 2.26 0.519 0.089 0.025
Chill 5 1037 260 0.62 0.42 0.93 0.023 0.00 2.65 0.616 1.000 0.617
Cough 28 3367 1327 0.78 0.60 1.01 0.064 53.45 58.01 <0.0001 0.441 0.019
Sputum production 18 2247 947 0.66 0.55 0.79 <0.0001 34.46 25.94 0.076 0.939 0.313
Chest pain 10 625 302 0.58 0.28 1.20 0.146 39.37 14.84 0.095 1.000 0.935
Myalgia/arthralgia 15 2248 864 0.79 0.62 1.009 0.060 35.53 21.71 0.085 0.766 0.693
Nausea/vomiting 12 1885 765 0.75 0.51 1.10 0.151 39.55 18.19 0.077 0.837 0.966
Diarrhea 22 2630 1029 0.90 0.57 1.40 0.644 55.48 47.17 0.001 0.283 0.491
Sore throat 16 2422 930 1.01 0.76 1.35 0.903 0.00 11.39 0.724 0.162 0.229
Dyspnea 25 3016 1334 0.22 0.14 0.33 <0.0001 73.50 90.56 <0.0001 0.075 0.083
Headache 17 2500 871 0.83 0.64 1.08 0.178 0.00 11.02 0.808 0.174 0.168
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…

Hemoptysis 4 1519 602 0.25 0.11 0.55 0.001 0.00 0.52 0.914 0.308 0.169
Fatigue 20 2519 981 0.71 0.52 0.97 0.032 54.64 41.89 0.002 0.581 0.273
Table 22.8 (continued)

No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias

pairwise Severe SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P value
Non-­ of Begg’s P-value of
Factor severe test Egger’stest
Abdominal pain 6 538 460 0.49 0.24 0.98 0.045 0.00 4.44 0.488 0.259 0.101
DM diabetes mellitus, CHD coronary heart disease, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CKD chronic kidney disease, HTN hypertension, RR respiratory rate, PR pulse
rate, No. number, SMD standardized mean difference, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
Reported as a categorical variable
Reported as a continuous variable
B. Gholami et al.
Table 22.9  Summary of the results of meta-analyses of clinical and laboratory characteristics of patients with COVID-19: patients who either were in critical condition or
required ICU admission versus patients who neither were in critical condition nor required ICU admission
No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias
pairwise Critical SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value
Begg’s P-value of
Factor Noncritical test Egger’stest
WBC 4 348 131 −0.58 −0.79 −0.37 <0.0001 15.29 3.54 0.315 1.00 0.806
PMN 4 347 131 −0.74 −1.10 −0.39 <0.0001 60.88 7.66 0.053 1.00 0.854
Lymphocyte 4 346 131 0.53 0.09 0.98 0.018 75.56 12.27 0.006 0.308 0.382
Monocyte 3 346 131 0.16 −0.37 0.69 0.556 74.68 7.9 0.019 0.296 0.160
Platelet 4 350 131 0.15 −0.15 0.46 0.946 50.68 6.08 0.108 0.734 0.555
D-dimer 3 191 102 −0.74 −1.14 −0.34 <0.0001 57.15 4.66 0.097 1.00 0.85
LDH 3 260 76 −1.64 −2.38 −0.89 <0.0001 80.52 10.27 0.006 0.296 0.330
AST 3 235 116 −0.78 −1.27 −0.29 0.002 76.70 8.58 0.014 1.000 0.567
ALT 3 241 118 −0.45 −0.68 −0.22 <0.0001 0.00 0.99 0.608 1.000 0.838
PTT 3 229 114 0.11 −0.12 0.34 0.347 10.73 2.24 0.326 1.000 0.794
PT 3 229 113 −0.27 −0.50 −0.46 0.019 0.00 1.17 0.556 1.000 0.928
Cr 3 248 117 −0.03 −0.75 0.68 0.926 89.91 19.82 <0.0001 1.000 0.879
BUN 3 253 116 −0.42 −1.28 0.42 0.325 92.64 27.19 <0.0001 1.000 0.539
Age 3 292 123 −0.17 −0.85 −0.50 0.614 91.90 24.69 <0.0001 1.000 0.784
Gender (female) 3 292 123 1.46 0.93 2.29 0.094 0.00 0.25 0.879 0.296 0.046
RR 3 292 123 −0.45 −0.99 0.08 0.100 83.58 12.18 0.002 1.000 0.359
PR 3 292 123 −0.55 −0.97 −0.12 0.012 73.51 7.55 0.023 1.000 0.399
Fevera 3 292 123 0.41 0.19 0.86 0.019 0.00 0.46 0.793 1.000 0.817
Cough 3 292 123 0.94 0.60 1.48 0.818 0.00 0.25 0.878 1.000 0.534
Fatigue 3 292 123 0.80 0.29 2.21 0.676 78.04 9.11 0.011 1.000 0.600
Dyspnea 3 292 123 0.22 0.06 0.71 0.012 73.46 7.53 0.023 1.000 0.693
Diarrhea 3 292 123 0.59 0.32 1.08 0.088 0.00 0.74 0.700 1.000 0.332
Myalgia/arthralgia 3 292 123 0.81 0.45 1.43 0.475 0.00 1.93 0.380 1.000 0.834
Headache 3 292 123 0.61 0.28 1.32 0.21 0.00 0.51 0.775 1.000 0.208
Sputum production 3 292 123 1.19 0.74 1.91 0.454 0.00 0.15 0.924 1.000 0.341
DM 3 292 123 0.31 0.12 0.82 0.018 59.21 4.90 0.086 0.296 0.005
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem…

Chronic liver disease 3 292 123 1.10 0.14 8.34 0.921 49.44 3.95 0.138 0.296 0.012
CKD 3 292 123 0.70 0.06 8.26 0.77 68.62 6.37 0.041 1.000 0.676
Table 22.9 (continued)

No. of No. of subjects Meta-analysis Heterogeneity Publication bias

pairwise Critical SMD /OR 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2 P-value P-value
Begg’s P-value of
Factor Noncritical test Egger’stest
HTN 3 292 123 0.398 0.12 1.30 0.128 83.73 12.29 0.002 1.000 0.525
Malignancy 3 292 123 1.02 0.38 2.72 0.961 23.69 2.62 0.270 1.000 0.728
WBC white blood cells, PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, ALT alanine transaminase, PT prothrombin time, PTT
partial thromboplastin time, Cr creatinine, BUN blood urea nitrogen, DM diabetes mellitus, CKD Chronic kidney disease, HTN hypertension, RR respiratory rate, PR pulse rate,
No. number, SMD standardized mean difference, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval
Reported as a categorical variable
B. Gholami et al.
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 391

Table 22.10  Summary of the results of meta-analyses of subgroups of patients with a severe and non-severe form of
Between-­ No. of Meta-analysis Heterogeneity
group pairwise 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2
Factor comparison SMD /OR P-value
WBC Aa 12 −0.39 −0.67 −0.12 0.004 88.29 93/98 <0.0001
Bb 15 −0.40 −0.66 −0.14 0.001 78.88 66.29 <0.0001
PMN A 10 −0.74 −0.89 −0.59 <0.0001 45.35 16.17 0.063
B 12 −0.73 −1.01 −0.45 <0.0001 75.93 45.70 <0.0001
Lymphocyte A 14 0.81 0.60 1.03 <0.0001 85.09 87.22 <0.0001
B 17 0.55 0.32 0.79 <0.0001 72.64 58.48 <0.0001
CD4 cells A 4 2.89 1.35 4.43 <0.0001 98.29 176.20 <0.0001
B 4 0.79 061 0.96 <0.0001 0.00 2.73 0.434
CD8 cells A 4 2.24 0.86 3.62 0.001 98.07 155.52 <0.0001
B 4 0.60 0.31 0.89 <0.0001 35.40 4.64 0.200
Platelet A 6 0.29 0.04 0.55 <0.0001 72.07 17.90 0.003
B 12 0.12 −0.002 0.26 0.054 0.00 8.18 0.697
Hb A 3 0.31 0.17 0.45 <0.0001 0.00 1.13 0.566
B 8 0.22 0.04 0.41 0.016 36.89 11.09 0.135
CRP A 7 −1.20 −1.49 −0.91 <0.0001 72.32 21.67 0.001
B 16 −1.26 −1.61 −0.91 <0.0001 89.02 136.62 <0.0001
PCT A 4 −1.27 −1.63 −0.62 <0.0001 86.83 22.78 <0.0001
B 9 −0.61 −0.88 −0.34 <0.0001 61.69 21.04 0.007
Ferritin B 3 −0.90 −1.49 −0.31 0.003 65.83 5.85 0.054
A 5 −0.43 −0.75 −0.16 0.008 77.29 17.61 0.001
CK B 8 −0.56 −0.96 −0.16 0.006 75.37 28.43 <0.0001
A 7 −0.89 −1.13 −0.66 <0.0001 65.06 17.17 0.009
AST B 13 −0.70 −1.04 −0.36 <0.0001 78.07 54.72 <0.0001
A 8 −0.35 −0.61 −0.10 <0.0001 73.13 26.05 <0.0001
ALT B 15 −0.62 −1.02 −0.22 0.002 88.32 119.86 <0.0001
TB A 5 −0.36 −0.52 −0.21 <0.0001 0.00 1.29 0.863
B 8 −0.25 −0.50 −0.01 0.035 48.91 13.07 0.057
Alb A 6 0.92 0.67 1.17 <0.0001 70.38 16.88 0.005
B 7 1.14 0.78 1.49 <0.0001 79.04 28.62 <0.0001
PT A 5 −0.65 −0.91 −0.38 <0.0001 53.90 8.67 0.070
B 6 −0.001 −0.445 0.442 0.95 76.17 20.98 0.001
PTT A 4 −0.30 −0.71 0.11 0.151 80.60 15.46 0.001
B 5 0.45 −0.10 1.02 0.114 75.01 16.01 0.003
LDH A 7 −1.23 −1.57 −0.90 <0.0001 82.13 33.58 <0.0001
B 10 −1.41 −1.59 −1.22 <0.0001 20.92 11.38 0.250
Cr A 9 −0.31 −0.48 −0.22 <0.0001 66.85 24.13 0.002
B 12 −0.09 −0.23 0.03 0.139 0.00 10.25 0.50
BUN A 3 −1.04 −1.21 −0.87 <0.0001 0.00 0.50 0.778
B 6 −0.25 −0.71 0.20 0.270 73.67 18.99 0.002
D-dimer A 8 −1.05 −1.29 −0.81 <0.0001 75.82 28.95 <0.0001
B 9 −0.79 −1.10 −0.49 <0.0001 67.66 24.73 0.002
Sodium A 4 0.46 −0.01 0.95 0.058 91.99 37.48 <0.0001
Potassium A 4 0.06 −0.28 0.41 0.731 84.66 19.56 <0.0001
392 B. Gholami et al.

Table 22.10 (continued)
Between-­ No. of Meta-analysis Heterogeneity
group pairwise 95% CI P-value I2% Chi2
Factor comparison SMD /OR P-value
IL-6 A 3 −3.07 −5.20 0.94 0.005 98.77 162.79 <0.0001
B 7 −1.11 −1.69 −0.54 <0.0001 86.82 45.54 <0.0001
CK-MB A 6 −0.58 −0.84 −0.32 <0.0001 75.94 20.78 0.001
B 3 −0.11 −0.78 0.59 0.746 82.49 11.42 0.003
WBC white blood cells, PMN polymorphonuclear leukocytes, Hb hemoglobin, CRP C-reactive protein, PCT procalci-
tonin, CK creatine kinase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, ALT alanine transaminase, TB total bilirubin, Alb albumin,
PT prothrombin time, PTT partial thromboplastin time, LDH lactate dehydrogenase, Cr creatinine, BUN blood urea
nitrogen, IL-6 interleukin 6, CK-MB creatine kinase-MB, SMD standardized mean difference, OR odds ratio, CI confi-
dence interval
Stduies comparing patients with a severe form of disease or patients who were in a critical condition and patients with
a non-severe form of disease or patients who were not in a critical condition
Stduies comparing patients with a severe form of disease and patients with a non-severe form of the disease

Table 22.11  Adjusted ES using trim and fill methods

Factor Comparison group ES 95% CI
Lymphocyte Survived vs died 1.20 1.06 to 1.34
Alb Survived vs died 1.23 0.79 to 1.69
Cerebrovascular disease Survived vs died 0.17 0.05 to 0.51
Malignancy Survived vs died 0.30 0.11 to 0.78
Monocytes Severe vs non-severe 0.08 −0.020 to 0.185
Eosinophil Severe vs non-severe 0.05 −0.170 to 0.285
CD4 cells Severe vs non-severe 0.80 −0.006 to 1.62
CD8 cells Severe vs non-severe 0.59 −0.15 to 1.33
CRP Severe vs non-severe −0.64 −1.02 to -0.25
ESR Severe vs non-severe −0.71 −1.13 to −0.29
ALT Severe vs non-severe −0.56 −0.79 to −0.32
LDH Severe vs non-severe −1.39 −1.62 to −1.16
IgM Severe vs non-severe 0.20 0.06 to 0.34
IgA Severe vs non-severe −0.47 −1.03 to 0.08
IL-6 Severe vs non-severe −0.53 −1.29 to 0.22
COPD Severe vs non-severe 0.42 0.27 to 0.64
Fever Severe vs non-severe 1.36 0.83 to 2.23
Dyspnea Severe vs non-severe 0.31 0.20 to 0.49
Cough Severe vs non-severe 1.10 0.84 to 1.43
PR Severe vs non-severe −0.39 −0.61 to −0.16
Age Severe vs non-severe −0.59 −0.76 to −0.41
Chronic liver disease Critical vs no-critical 0.25 0.03 to 2.10
DM Survived vs died 0.59 0.45 to 0.79
Critical vs noncritical 0.69 0.24 to 2.01
Severe vs non-severe 0.48 0.32 to 0.71
Alb albumin, CRP C-reactive protein, ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate, ALT alanine transaminase, LDH lactate
dehydrogenase, IgM immunoglobulin M, IgA immunoglobulin A, IL-6 interleukin 6, COPD chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease, PR pulse rate, DM diabetes mellitus, ES effect size, CI confidence interval
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 393

Table 22.12  Summary of the results of meta-regressions

Moderator No of The proportion
pairwise of total
Meta-regression explained
Variable Coefficient SE 95% CI z P-value R2 analog
WBC Sample 20 0.0006 0.0004 −0.0001 0.0014 1.6 0.1085 0.27
Age 18 0.018 0.0236 −0.0284 0.0643 0.76 0.4467 0
Gender 20 0.0219 0.0142 −0.0059 0.0497 1.54 0.1226 0
D-dimer Sample 12 0.0005 0.0007 −0.0008 0.0018 0.79 0.4324 0
Age 12 −0.0234 0.0179 −0.0585 0.0117 −1.31 0.1908 0.46
Gender 12 −0.0097 0.0116 −0.0323 0.013 −0.83 0.4039 0.15
No, number, SE standard error, CI confidence interval

showed no significant effect of any individual cantly higher D-dimer levels compared to non-­
study. severe patients (SMD −0.93; 95% CI, −1.12,
Troponin I (TnI) was higher in severe patients −0.74; P < 0.0001). Heterogeneity among studies
(n  =  199) than non-severe patients (n  =  585) was relatively high (I2  =  72.77%), but meta-­
(SMD −0.98; 95% CI, −1.18, −0.77). Thirteen regression analysis could not find any significant
studies reported data on albumin levels, including potential moderators.
868 severe patients and 1719 non-severe patients.
Severe patients had lower albumin levels (SMD Survival Analysis
1.02; 95% CI, 0.81, 1.23; P  <  0.0001). Also, A total of five studies reported the white blood
severe (n = 1170) patients had higher procalcito- cell count concerning survival outcomes. Non-­
nin levels compared to non-severe patients survivor patients (n  =  707) had significantly
(n = 707) (SMD −0.81; 95% CI, −1.07, −0.55; higher WBC than survivors (n = 365) with an ES
P < 0.0001). of −1.01 (95% CI, −1.33, −0.69). No evidence
A meta-analysis of 11 studies providing data of publication bias was observed (Begg’s
on prothrombin time (PT) showed that patients P = 0.327; Egger’s P = 0.356). Heterogeneity was
with severe disease were not different from non-­ high (I2  =  79%). Sensitivity analysis was per-
severe patients (SMD −0.30; 95% CI, −0.64, formed, leaving out a study that only included
0.03; P  =  0.074). Also, PTT showed no signifi- patients with ARDS (acute respiratory syndrome)
cant difference between the two groups (Wu et  al. 2020), and as a result, heterogeneity
(SMD = 0.05; 95% CI, −0.29 to 0.39; P = 0.772). was abolished, and ES became −1.18 (95% CI,
Critical patients had higher PT compared to non- −1.33, −1.03).
critical patients (SMD −0.27; 95% CI, −0.50, Analysis of four studies with a total number of
−0.46, P = 0.019), though PTT was not different 570 survivors and 311 non-survivors revealed
between two critical and noncritical groups significantly higher PMN counts in non-survivor
(SMD 0.11; 95% CI, −0.12, 0.34; P = 0.347). patients compared to survivors (SMD −1.05;
Seventeen studies reported data on LDH lev- 95% CI, −1.53, −0.58; P < 0.0001). Heterogeneity
els, and the meta-analysis revealed that severe was high (I2  =  87.76%). When removing the
patients had higher LDH levels than non-severe abovementioned study (Wu et al. 2020), hetero-
patients (SMD −1.33; 95% CI, −1.54, −1.17; geneity dropped to 55%, and the ES remained
P < 0.0001). There was moderate heterogeneity significant −1.32 (SMD −1.32; 95% CI, −1.59,
(I2  =  68.41). Also, severe patients had signifi- −1.06).
394 B. Gholami et al.

Patients who survived (n  =  727) had signifi- 22.3.4 Symptoms and Vital Status
cantly higher lymphocyte than non-survivors
(n  =  397) (SMD 0.97; 95% CI, 0.52, 1.42). Severity Analysis
Significant publication bias was observed (Begg’s Compared to severe patients, non-severe
P = 0.024 Egger’s P = 0.043). The trim and fill patients were less likely to have chills (OR 0.62;
method was used to adjust the ES (SMD 1.20; 95% CI, 0.42, 0.93), sputum production (OR
95% CI, 1.06, 1.34). No individual study showed 0.66; 95% CI, 0.54 to 0.79), dyspnea (OR 0.22;
a significant influence on the ES. 95% CI, 0.14, 0.33), hemoptysis (OR 0.25; 95%
Compared to non-survivors (n = 376), survi- CI, 0.11, 0.55), fatigue (OR 0.71; 95% CI, 0.52,
vors had significantly higher platelet counts 0.97), and abdominal pain (OR 0.49; 95% CI,
(SMD 0.45; 95% CI, 0.19, 0.70; P  =  0.001). 0.24, 0.98). Patients with severe outcomes had
Heterogeneity was relatively high (I2 = 67.56%). significantly higher fever than non-severe
When the study (Yang et al. 2020) was removed, patients (SMD −0.38; 95% CI, −0.67, −0.09;
there was no heterogeneity across studies further P = 0.01).
(I2  =  0%), while the pooled effect remained
significant. Survival Analysis
Non-survivor patients showed higher ALT The only symptoms that showed a difference
(SMD −0.36, P  <  0.0001) and total bilirubin between survivors and non-survivors were dys-
(SMD  =  −0.79, p  <  0.0001) than survivors. pnea and fatigue, which were less likely to occur
Albumin levels were measured in five studies. in survivors (OR 0.34; 95% CI 0.25, 0.46; and
Survivor patients showed higher albumin levels OR 0.75; 95% CI 0.57, 0.90).
compared to non-survivors (SMD  =  0.88,
p  <  0.0001). However, heterogeneity was high
(I2 = 87.95). Sensitivity analysis showed a robust 22.3.5 Comorbidities
ES. Additionally, with the exclusion of two stud- and Demographic
ies (Wu et al. 2020; Momtazmanesh et al. 2020), Characteristics
I2 reduced to 58.41% (Wu et  al. 2020;
Momtazmanesh et al. 2020). Severity Analysis
IL-6 (SMD −1.22; P < 0.0001) and procalci- Severe patients (n  =  4006) were significantly
tonin (SMD −1.05; P < 0.0001) levels were sig- older than non-severe patients (n = 1493) (SMD
nificantly higher in non-survivors than survivors. −0.59; 95% CI, −0.76, −0.41). A meta-analysis
For both analyses, there was no evidence of of data derived from nine studies showed that
publication bias and significant heterogeneity. non-severe patients were less likely to be smok-
A meta-analysis of data from five studies ers than severe patients (OR 0.53; 95% CI,
showed no difference between non-survivors 0.38, 0.73). Male patients had a higher risk of
(n = 343) and survivors (n = 590) regarding cre- developing the severe disease compared to
atinine levels (SMD −0.34; 95% CI, −0.77, 0.09; females (OR 1.32; 95% CI, 1.17, 1.49). Non-
P = 0.123). However, there was high heterogene- severe patients were less likely to have diabetes
ity (I2  =  87.55). Sensitivity analysis excluding (OR 0.36; 95% CI, 0.26 to 0.52), chronic heart
two studies reduced heterogeneity to I2  =  0%, disease (OR 0.34; 95% CI, 0.25, 0.45), COPD
though the ES remained not significant (SMD (OR 0.20; 95% CI, 0.12, 0.33), cerebrovascular
0.016; 95% CI, −0.18, 0.21; P = 0.876). disease (OR 0.30; 95% CI, 0.18, 0.50), hyper-
PT was significantly higher in non-survivors tension (OR 0.40; 95% CI, 0.30, 0.52), CKD
than survivors (SMD −0.78; 95% CI, −1.89, (OR 0.35; 95% CI, 0.18, 0.68), and malignancy
−0.37; P < 0.0001). However, there was no dif- (OR 0.42; 95% CI, 0.24, 0.72) than severe
ference regarding PTT between survivors and patients. For all analyses, there was low to
non-survivors (SMD 0.26; 95% CI, −0.62, 0.41; moderate heterogeneity, with I2 ranging from 0
P = 0.695). to 47%.
22  Clinical and Laboratory Predictors of Severity, Criticality, and Mortality in COVID-19: A Multisystem… 395 Survival Analysis COVID-19. In the meantime, many disciplinary

A meta-analysis of data from eight studies dem- perspectives on the immunology of COVID-19
onstrated that non-survivors (n = 435) were older come into the competition, and the perspective
than survivors (n = 974) with the SMD of −1.07 which is already dominant deals inflammatory
(95% CI, −1.35, −0.78; P  <  0.0001). Male cells and molecules widely distributed through-
patients were not different from females concern- out the critical organs to mediate COVID-19
ing survival (p = 0.066; I2 = 51.46). pathogenesis (Pourahmad et  al. 2020; Bahrami
Patients who survived were less likely to have et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a;
diabetes (OR 0.49, 0.36 to 0.67), chronic heart Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Saghazadeh and
disease (OR 0.31; 95% CI, 0.13–0.72), COPD Rezaei 2020a; Pashaei and Rezaei 2020; Nasab
(OR 0.13; 95% CI, 0.052–0.34), cerebrovascular et al. 2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b; Rokni
disease (OR 0.125; 95% CI, 0.034–0.46), and et al. 2020). As a result, taking a look at the cur-
CKD (OR 0.095; 95% CI, 0.023–0.39). For all rent evidence links us to a variety of biomarkers
analyses, there was low to moderate heterogene- and clinical features that might predict the prog-
ity, with I2 ranging from 0 to 61%. nosis of COVID-19. The present chapter aimed
to offer the most reliable predictors, and for this,
we performed a systematic synthesis of the data.
22.4 Discussion We have stratified patients according to their
diverse outcomes: survivor vs non-survivor, criti-
Hundreds of thousands of deaths due to cal vs noncritical, and severe vs non-severe. The
COVID-­19 during only a few months have placed analysis by severity outcome demonstrated that
a heavy burden on the shoulder of each medical higher levels of WBC with PMN dominancy
researcher by explicitly proving that our knowl- might be related to disease severity and subse-
edge, at the present condition of the pandemic, quent mortality. In the analysis of the WBC in
can seldom offer a useful product to humanity severe patients, a relatively high amount of het-
unless all data are collected from other disci- erogeneity was observed. Meta-regression of the
plines and then it would be entirely fair to arrive sample size could only explain 28% of that het-
at conclusions from the accumulation of this data erogeneity, and the two other moderators, includ-
(Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020; Mohamed et  al. ing the difference in age between two groups and
2020a; Rzymski et  al. 2020; Moradian et  al. percentages of female patients, could not explain
2020; Kafieh et al. 2020). For example, medical heterogeneity significantly.
doctors initially described COVID-19 as a ­disease We could not find a significant difference
of the respiratory system. It did not take long regarding CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts between
when a wave of studies reporting anosmia in severe and non-severe patients. However, previ-
patients with COVID-19 emerged, putting for- ous investigations have shown that the depletion
ward the neurotropism of COVID-19 of T cells occurs during the COVID-19 course
(Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020b; Jahanshahlu and (Diao et  al. 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020). The
Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et al. 2020). The next wave study (Zheng et al. 2020b) has shown extensive
was actually of two sources of studies in parallel. lymphocyte subset reduction in the blood of
One was studies that reported stroke events in patients infected with COVID-19 compared to
young patients with COVID-19, and the other patients with other types of pneumonia. CD45+
was studies that provided evidence of a high inci- lymphocytes, CD3+ lymphocytes, CD4+ T cells,
dence of thromboembolic events in patients with CD8+ T cells, and CD19+ B cells were signifi-
COVID-19. Therefore, the second wave strongly cantly lower in patients with COVID-19 than
confirmed that the involvement of the central ner- those in non-COVID-19-infected pneumonia
vous system might be why patients with patients with the same radiological stage.
COVID-­19 die from acute respiratory failure in a In line with previous studies, thrombocytope-
few days as well as suggested coagulopathies as nia was found to be associated with the severity,
another significant contributor to death from mortality, and critical outcomes of COVID-19
396 B. Gholami et al.

(Lippi et  al. 2020). However, the most remark- cytokines, and direct cardiac damage due to
able effect size was observed for comparison COVID-19 (Guo et al. 2020).
between survivors and non-survivor patients, On the other hand, there was not a significant
which showed moderate ES.  Previous literature difference regarding creatinine neither between
recognized thrombocytopenia as an indicator that severe and non-severe patients nor between sur-
occurs in critically ill patients and is associated vivors and non-survivors. BUN, on the other
with mortality (Williamson et  al. 2013). hand, was significantly increased in severe
Therefore, COVID-19 can be more challenging patients compared to the non-severe group. The
in patients whom themselves suffer from immune authors in Wang et al. (2020b) evaluated the kid-
thrombocytopenia (Sahu et al. 2020). ney function of patients with COVID-19 over 4
Acute-phase reactants, including ESR, CRP, weeks and found that patients with COVID-19
ferritin, and procalcitonin, were significantly experienced no acute renal injury and only
increased in patients with severe disease com- showed a mildly elevated BUN and creatinine.
pared to patients with the non-severe disease and However, there is controversy around acute kid-
in patients who died compared to patients who ney injury in severe patients.
survived. In contrast, negative phase reactants Electrolytes, including sodium and potassium,
such as albumin, on the other hand, were showed no significant difference between severe
decreased in patients with severe disease and in and non-severe patients. However, there was high
patients who died. heterogeneity in studies reporting potassium, and
Liver enzymes were increased in severe, during sensitivity analysis, a significant ES was
critical, and deceased patients compared with observed indicating hypokalemia in severe cases.
their counterparts without adverse outcomes. Studies report hypokalemia to be present in a
Given the relatively low prevalence of chronic majority of critically ill patients. It can be attrib-
liver disease before infection with COVID-19, uted to increased urine potassium excretion due
studies suggest that increased liver enzymes, to the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) distur-
as seen in severe patients, might result from a bances and enhanced delivery of sodium and
dysregulated immune response against the water to distal tubules (Li et al. 2020b).
virus rather than underlying liver comorbidity Also, PT and PTT in severe patients were not
(Mantovani et  al. 2020). Studies postulating significantly different from non-severe patients.
the same hypothesis emphasize an inflamma- However, PT was higher in critical patients and
tory storm having played a role in immune dys- non-survivors compared to noncritical and survi-
regulation. Other studies believe that vors, respectively. It might be due to the measure-
respiratory distress syndrome-­induced hypoxia ment time of coagulation parameters, which
and subsequent hepatic ischemia and hypoxia- mostly was at the time of admission, while it
reperfusion dysfunction might contribute to would undergo significant change over the dis-
liver dysfunction in COVID-19 (Feng et  al. ease course. D-dimer, on the other hand, was sig-
2020a). nificantly increased in patients with poor
Our findings pointed to a higher level of TnI in outcome.
both severe patients and non-survivors. A cohort Patients with poor outcomes, e.g., severe dis-
of 416 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 ease and mortality, were more likely to have
established that 19.7% of these patients had a COPD, CHD, DM, HTN, CKD, cerebrovascular
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Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19
Tung Phan and Kristin Nagaro

Abstract 23.1 Introduction

The diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syn- Identification of severe acute respiratory syn-
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has ram- drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is one of the
ifications on both an individual level and a most critical aspects of care, impacting both
public health level. The use of appropriate treatment of individual patients and preventative
testing mechanisms is paramount to prevent- recommendations on the scale of public and
ing transmission, along with offering treat- global health. However, given the rapid and
ment to those who are infected and show transmittable nature of SARS-CoV-2, along with
appropriate symptomatology. The choice of other complicated factors beyond the scope of
employing a specific test often relies on labo- medicine, the ability to implement testing proto-
ratory capabilities, including the abilities of cols has been made more difficult than would be
the medical technologists, the cost of testing preferred. Also, many companies have created
platforms, and the individual quirks of each SARS-CoV-2 testing kits, and the choice to use
test. This chapter intends to discuss the rele- one test over another is dependent on a multitude
vant issues relating to diagnostic testing for of factors, including specimen type, costs of
SARS-CoV-2, including specimen types and labor and kits, and more. In order to organize
collection methods, viral detection methods, these issues, this chapter will focus first on the
and serological testing. specimens, following the testing mechanisms. It
is expected, however, that as research and testing
Keywords continue to shine a light on this subject, much of
this chapter will likely require regular updates in
COVID-19 · Diagnostic testing · Molecular order to keep abreast of recent changes.
detection · SARS-CoV-2 · Serodiagnosis ·
Specimen collection · Specimen types · Viral
detection 23.2 Specimen Collection

T. Phan As with any infection, the choice of the specimen

University of Pittsburgh and University of Pittsburgh depends on the most common anatomical sites
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA affected by the virus. Active viral replication has
K. Nagaro (*) been noted in the upper respiratory tract, discov-
Indiana University School of Medicine, ered through reverse transcription-polymerase
Indianapolis, IN, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 403
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
404 T. Phan and K. Nagaro

chain reaction (RT-PCR) on subgenomic messen- remain flexible, while releasing the sample from
ger RNAs (sgRNA), within the first 5 days of the swab into a proper medium (Cox and Koepsell
symptom presentation (Wolfel et  al. 2020). As 2020). Callahan et al. performed a multistep pre-
such, the most reliable recommendation states clinical evaluation on 160 swab designs and 48
that a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab performed by a materials from 24 companies, laboratories, and
healthcare practitioner should be used as the pri- individuals. However, none of the prototypes
mary specimen for testing purposes. It has also tested were flocked, though their performance
been accepted that in the instance that an NP was statistically indistinguishable from the
swab cannot be collected, nasal swabs, nasal tur- flocked control swab (Callahan et  al. 2020).
binate swabs, or oropharyngeal (OP) swabs may Overall, there is a dearth of publications compar-
be collected and used for testing. If an OP swab is ing manufactured swabs against 3D-printed ones,
collected along with an NP swab, it should be leaving questions about the equivocality of the
placed in the same container (CDC 2020). There different types of swabs.
is conflicting data on the requirement for an OP Another issue has been the limited quantities
swab to be collected concurrently but is generally of viral transport media or universal transport
not suggested that clinicians rely only on an OP media. Swabs are placed in the media in order to
swab over an NP given the lower sensitivity of preserve the cells and potential viruses at room
OP swabs (Wang et al. 2020a, b). temperature, inhibit bacterial and fungal growth,
Lower respiratory tract specimens are also and allow for long-term preservation when fro-
acceptable, preferably from patients who have zen (Diagnostics 2020). The Food and Drug
already been intubated. The highest rates of posi- Administration (FDA) has offered a list of accept-
tive viral RNA tests are reported from bronchoal- able swab types (NP, OP, mid-turbinate, and ante-
veolar lavage (BAL) specimens due to having rior nares) along with transport media products,
higher viral loads in comparison to upper respira- including VTM/UTM and phosphate-buffered
tory tract specimens (Wang et al. 2020a; Yu et al. saline (FDA 2020).
2020). However, there is a danger for droplet dis- Many additional specimen types have also
persion of viral particles causing iatrogenic infec- been evaluated, in part to determine the duration
tions; it is advised that bronchoscopy should be of patient isolation and decision-making regard-
limited to specific therapeutic indications and ing the safety of hospital discharge. SARS-CoV-2
patients who have already been intubated. RNA has been found in both fecal specimens
Induced sputum is also not recommended for the (Young et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020b) and respi-
same reason, but expectorated sputum can be col- ratory specimens (Paules et al. 2020) late in the
lected from patients with a productive cough clinical course. One study from Beijing identified
(CDC 2020). These recommendations have been 133 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients via quantita-
expounded upon by the Infectious Diseases tive reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) and
Society of America, who has provided a template found 22 patients who had positive sputum or
to help guide healthcare professionals on the fecal specimens even after pharyngeal swabs
choice of testing methodologies (IDSA 2020). Of tested negative (Chen et al. 2020a). SARS-CoV-2
note, there are no recommendations for serologi- was detected in a total of 28 (66.7%) fecal speci-
cal testing under these guidelines. mens originating from 48 Chinese COVID-19
There have been multiple issues surrounding patients (Chen et  al. 2020c). A fecal specimen
the pre-analytical components of laboratory test- collected from a COVID-19 patient in the United
ing. Although NP swabs are the preferred method, States was tested positive on day 7 of her illness
there was a global shortage of swabs requiring (Holshue et al. 2020). Peng et al. 2020 revealed
laboratories to come up with unique ways to the presence of SARS-CoV-2’s RNA in urine,
address this crisis. One idea was to use additive blood, and anal swabs in some COVID-19 cases
manufacturing (also known as 3D printing) to using RT-qPCR targeting the N gene (Peng et al.
produce more swabs. Cox and colleagues used a 2020). The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from a case
filament-based printer that allowed the swabs to of meningitis/encephalitis in Japan tested posi-
23  Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19 405

tive for SARS-CoV-2 (Moriguchi et  al. 2020). degenerate primers targeting a highly conserved
However, there are currently no clinical testingRNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp)
platforms for non-respiratory specimens, leavingregion, also named nonstructural protein 12
this area within the purview of research use only.
(NSP12) (Zhu et al. 2020). The complete genome
Proper transport of clinical specimens has also
of SARS-CoV-2 was amplified and sequenced
been paramount in making sure that test results using an unbiased viral metagenomic approach
are as accurate as possible. For bronchoalveolar(Zhu et  al. 2020). An attempt to isolate SARS-­
lavage (BAL) or tracheal aspirates, 2–3  mL of CoV-­ 2 was performed in different cell lines,
fluid placed in a sterile, leak-proof, screw-capincluding human airway epithelial cells, Vero E6
container is the preferred collection method. This
cells (African green monkey cells), and Huh-7
container prevents leakage and contamination of cells (Human hepatocarcinomatous cells). It was
the original specimen or any other specimens that
found that cytopathic effects (CPEs) were seen in
may have been transported concurrently with human airway epithelial cells 96 hours after inoc-
SARS-CoV-2-positive specimens (CDC 2020). ulation on surface layers of human airway epithe-
Also, the use of proper technique helps improve lial cells. No CPEs were observed in the Vero E6
the sensitivity of a test, particularly for NP swabs.
and Huh-7 cell lines until 6 days after inoculation
NP swabs should be inserted into the nostril par-
(Zhu et al. 2020). Cell culture supernatant from
allel to the palate, and the swab should come into
human airway epithelial cell cultures was col-
contact with the pharyngeal mucosa for several lected, and viral particles were subsequently
seconds before removal (Baden et  al. 2009; observed under transmission electron micros-
Miller et al. 2018). CDC also advises that speci-
copy (Zhu et al. 2020).
mens may be stored at 2–8  °C and should be For safety, the CDC recommends that virus
tested within 72 hours of collection. isolation in cell culture from clinical specimens
Lastly, the FDA has issued an Emergency Use collected from COVID-19 patients under investi-
Authorization (EUA) to the first stand-alone at-­
gation should not be attempted due to the possi-
home sample collection kit, the EverlyWell ble propagation of SARS-CoV-2. Although cell
COVID-19 test home collection kit, which can be culture has been considered as the gold standard
used by multiple COVID-19 diagnostic tests. method for the laboratory diagnosis of viruses for
They had previously issued a different EUA for many years, this approach often requires inten-
the Pixel, a home collection kit by LabCorp for sive labor and technical expertise (Hsiung 1984;
COVID-19, but could only be used with Storch 2000). Also, the lack of a BSL3 biocon-
LabCorp’s COVID-19 RT-PCR test. Both collec- tainment facility in many clinical laboratories
tion kits contain a nasal swab and a saline-filled
combined with the unavailability of commercial
container; the patient self-swabs to collect a nasal
antisera against SARS-CoV-2 for culture confir-
sample, which is then placed in the container and
mation creates significant obstacles. Thus, the
returned to the specified CLIA-certified laborato-
rapid and accurate diagnostic tools are essential
ries. In the case of the LabCorp test, it is returned
in early detection and monitoring of diseases,
to LabCorp. For the EverlyWell test, it may be which help to improve overall cost-effectiveness
shipped to either Fulgent Therapeutics or and to reduce mortality (Niesters 2004;
Assurance Scientific Laboratories (FDA 2020). Scagnolari et al. 2017).
Genomic analysis revealed that the complete
genome of SARS-CoV-2 shared only less than
23.3 Viral Detection 50% identities at the nucleotide level to those of
four common human coronaviruses (hCoV) known
SARS-CoV-2 RNA was first detected in human as HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, and -HKU1 (Phan
BAL specimens collected from hospitalized 2020). Given the high genomic divergence, com-
patients with unexplained pneumonia by a real-­ mercial multiplex molecular assays for the detec-
time RT-PCR assay using pan-betacoronavirus tion of a panel of respiratory microorganisms,
406 T. Phan and K. Nagaro

including HCoV-229E, -NL63, -OC43, assay (Zhen et  al. 2020). The Panther Fusion
and -HKU1, showed no evidence of cross-reactiv- SARS-CoV-2 assay amplifies and detects two
ity with SARS-CoV-2 (Phan 2020). In order to conserved regions of the RdRp gene (Zhen et al.
screen for SARS-CoV-2  in COVID-19 patients 2020). Lieberman et  al. 2020 reported that the
under investigation, two major protocols for labo- CDC-based LDT and Cepheid Xpert Xpress
ratory-developed tests (LDTs) were quickly pub- SARS-CoV-2 were the most sensitive assays for
lished. The CDC assay known as CDC 2019-nCoV SARS-CoV-2. The Panther Fusion SARS-CoV-2,
real-time RT-PCR diagnostic panel was designed Simplexa COVID-19 Direct, and Cobas SARS-­
for specific detection of different regions of the CoV-­2 were 100% specific but failed to detect
nucleocapsid (N) gene of SARS-CoV-2 (https:// positive samples near the limit of detection of the­ncov/lab/rt-­pcr-­ CDC-based LDT (Lieberman et al. 2020).
panel-­primer-­probes.html). At first, the CDC assay One of the emerging molecular detection
included three separate RT-PCR reactions aimed at methods for viral infections is the use of clus-
universal detection of SARS-like betaCoVs and tered regularly interspaced short palindromic
specific detection of SARS-CoV-2. Later, the CDC repeats (CRISPR) and CRISPR-associated Cas
assay decided to remove the primer and probe set proteins (Burbelo et  al. 2019). Broughton et  al.
specific for SARS-like betaCoVs but kept the two 2020 developed a rapid (under 40 minutes), easy-­
primer and probe sets for SARS-CoV-2. The sec- to-­implement, and accurate CRISPR-Cas12-­
ond protocol was also an RT-PCR assay, developed based lateral flow assay to detect SARS-CoV-2.
by Corman, and targeted three different regions of The positive predictive agreement and negative
the RdRp, N, and envelope (E) genes of SARS- predictive agreement of this assay relative to the
CoV-2 (Corman et al. 2020). CDC-based LDT were 95% and 100%, respec-
Since SARS-CoV-2 continues to spread to tively (Broughton et al. 2020). Another research
countries and territories around the world, caus- group also developed a CRISPR/Cas12a-based
ing a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 assay with a naked eye readout called CRISPR/
cases, faster and more-accessible testing is a cru- Cas12a-NER. According to this research group,
cial component in managing the pandemic. As of CRISPR/Cas12a-NER can detect as few as ten
May 2020, there were 311 different molecular copies of the virus gene in 45 minutes without a
assays worldwide in the SARS-CoV-2 pipeline special instrument (Wang et  al. 2020c). Lastly,
(FIND 2020). However, in the United States, the Sherlock CRISPR SARS-CoV-2 kit is the
there are only 51 molecular tests that have been first CRISPR-based diagnostic assay receiving an
authorized by the Emergency Use Authorization EUA by the FDA.
(EUA) protocol (­ Point-of-care testing (POCT) is essential for
devices/emergency-­situations-­medical-­devices/ the rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 in the outpa-
emergency-­u se-­a uthorizations#covid19ivd). tient setting. It allows physicians and medical
These tests can qualitatively measure SARS-­ professionals to accurately receive real-time, lab-­
CoV-­2 RNA in clinical specimens collected in quality diagnostic results within minutes rather
the upper and lower respiratory tracts from than hours. The use of a faster COVID-19 diag-
patients being tested for COVID-19. Commercial nosis leads to improved monitoring and manage-
tests vary in their sensitivity, as defined with ment by enabling the early administration of
parameters such as detection limit and the amount treatment (if necessary), which in turn leads to
of time required for testing. Also, these commer- improved health outcomes for patients. Finally,
cial tests vary in targeting different regions of the rapid diagnostics would help to prevent disease
SARS-CoV-2 genome. While Cepheid Xpert spread between close contacts at home and in the
Xpress SARS-CoV-2 amplifies the E and N genes community (Goyder et  al. 2020; Kankaanpaa
(Loeffelholz et  al. 2020), only results from the et  al. 2018; Kankaanpaa et  al. 2016). The FDA
RdRp and surface (S) genes are used to generate has approved the emergency use of a portable,
test results in the Simplexa COVID-19 Direct rapid swab test for SARS-CoV-2, known as
23  Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19 407

Abbott ID NOW COVID-19, which is a molecu- be performed by laboratories that are Clinical
lar point-of-care test system for the detection of Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988
SARS-CoV-2. The test is an automated assay that (CLIA’88) certified to perform high complexity
takes only 5 minutes to show positive results and tests.
only 13 minutes to show negative results, using
the ID NOW molecular platform, but accuracy
issues are surrounding false-negative results. 23.4 Serological Tests
Zhen et al. 2020 performed a clinical evaluation
of three sample-to-answer platforms for the Another diagnostic approach is to devise blood
detection of SARS-CoV-2. It was found that the tests looking for IgM and IgG antibodies against
Cepheid Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 had the low- SARS-CoV-2. Many companies around the world
est limit of detection (100 copies/mL), followed have raced to develop antibody tests, though
by the ePlex SARS-CoV-2 (1000 copies/mL) and there are many broader questions beyond the
the ID NOW COVID-19 (20,000 copies/mL). straightforward positive vs. negative implica-
According to this research group, the ID NOW tions. As of April 2020, the FDA has not vali-
COVID-19 produced the most rapid time to result dated any antibody tests for the diagnosis of
per specimen (∼17 minutes) as compared to the SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, this does not
Cepheid Xpert Xpress SARS-CoV-2 (∼46  min- imply that they have no use; the FDA has stated
utes) and the ePlex SARS-CoV-2 (∼1.5  hours) that they are to be used as confirmatory tests,
(Zhen et al. 2020). The decision to choose any of determining whether the patient is in acute infec-
these platforms must weigh the benefits of rapid tion (via IgM) or either is recovering or has
results versus concerns over false negatives, as a recovered (via IgG). It may offer insight into the
positive result is dependent on the patient’s viral active epidemiology of COVID-19, along with
load or quality of the sample provided for each assisting in retrospective analyses of the
platform. outbreak.
One final complicating matter is that SARS-­ The biology of human coronavirus (hCoV)
CoV-­2 had become pandemic during the winter has determined the sites for antibody testing.
months when influenza A, influenza B, and a Spike (S) proteins mediate receptor binding and
multitude of other upper respiratory viruses are fusion functions, while N proteins form the cap-
seasonally endemic. From an initial study from sid surrounding hCoV RNA.  Cleavage of the S
Wuhan, China, in January 2020, they performed protein creates S1 and S2 subunits; S1 is primar-
respiratory pathogen testing on 99 patients who ily involved with viral receptors that bind to
were SARS-CoV-2 positive (amidst other clinical human ACE2 as the entry point into cells, while
characteristics). No other viral pathogens were S2 is involved with viral fusion (Du et al. 2009).
detected, while one polymicrobial infection and Previous studies showed that antibody-based
four cases of fungal infections were noted (Chen tests against the N proteins show false positivity
et al. 2020b). However, a more recent study look- when looking at specific hCoVs due to sequence
ing at 1217 patients in California suggested a conservation within N proteins among hCoV
higher rate of coinfection, closer to 7.5%, with (Chan et al. 2009). Meyer et al. evaluated the per-
both SARS-CoV-2 and a second pathogen (Kim cent of amino acid pairwise-identity between the
et al. 2020). As such, patients tested positive for a hCoV to SARS-CoV in both the S and N pro-
non-SARS-CoV-2 pathogen are not necessarily teins. It, too, showed an overall lower degree of
excluded from the possibility of being infected conservation among S proteins in comparison to
with SARS-CoV-2 superimposed upon initial the N proteins. Western blots and ELISA tech-
infection. niques that were based on the N proteins were
Finally, it should be noted that, at this time, often very sensitive. However, they had more
there are no at-home PCR testing kits for SARS-­ reduced specificity, implying that a combination
CoV-­2. It is required that all SARS-CoV-2 testing of both N protein and S protein antibodies is nec-
408 T. Phan and K. Nagaro

essary for improving detection without compro- found that, in a study of 36 patients with probable
mising specificity (Meyer et  al. 2014). Indeed, SARS-CoV infection and 48 with suspected
previous SARS-CoV infections have provided SARS-CoV, IgG antibody persisted at least for
historical evidence that there is difficulty teasing 60 days post-fever onset, while IgM persisted for
apart the distinction between antibody evidence 28.5  ±  8.7  days (Chen et  al. 2004). Further
indicating SARS-CoV infection and infection research by this team showed that IgG antibody
with other hCoVs. Previous tests have shown that production seemed to be associated with T-cell
hCoV OC43 and hCoV 229E have cross-reacted immunity but did not progress further than
with SARS-CoV in ELISA testing, leading to 60-day testing, but this research is complicated
false-positive results (Woo et al. 2004). Multiple by the fact that only nine patients in the probable
types of serological assays were used during the infection group had been SARS-CoV PCR posi-
SARS-CoV outbreak, including IFA, ELISA, tive. A long-term prospective cohort followed 34
and Western blot analysis; IFA and ELISA SARS-CoV-infected healthcare workers from
showed high sensitivity but low specificity, lead- 2002 to 2003 for 13  years with annual serum
ing to a false-positive rate between 0 and 30% samples. IgG was detected via ELISA, and indi-
(Infantino et al. 2020). rect ELISA was able to quantify antibodies
Another complicating factor is that the time- against the whole virus and N199 antigen (used
line from a negative response to IgM or IgG con- for detecting a specific antibody). It was found
version is also not fully defined. One patient from that although IgG levels decreased from 2003 to
Finland became positive with undetectable IgM 2015, they remained higher than levels in non-­
and IgG levels on day 4 of symptom presentation SARS-­ CoV-infected healthcare workers (Guo
and fully detectable for both on Day 9 (Haveri et al. 2020b). It is hoped that the presence of IgG
et  al. 2020). Zhao J et  al. tested SARS-CoV-2 antibodies could provide partial to complete
PCR-positive patients and performed ELISA immunity, but as there has been no recurrence of
testing for IgM, IgG, and total antibody levels at SARS-CoV, we are unable to state one way or
multiple time points during the patient’s hospital- another definitively.
ization. This study showed that total antibody As of May 2020, 12 antibody tests have
against SARS-CoV-2 was 100% by day 15–39 received EUA approval in the United States
post-symptom onset, but the individual sensitiv- (­devices/emergency-­
ity and specificity of either IgM or IgG were as situations-­m edical-­d evices/emergency-­u se-­
low as 19% and as high as 99% (Zhao et  al. authorizations#covid19ivd). The qSARS-CoV-2
2020a). An additional study focused on the early IgG/IgM rapid test (Cellex Inc.) was the first anti-
humoral response with IgM, IgA, and IgG used body test to receive EUA approval, intended to
as a diagnostic tool. All three could appear as qualitatively detect IgG and IgM antibodies in
early as day 1 post-symptom onset, though the human serum, plasma, and whole blood. Ortho
median time of IgM and IgA detection was Clinical Diagnostics Inc. has two different tests:
around day 5, while IgG detection was more the VITROS Anti-SARS-­CoV-2 total, which can
often on day 14 (Guo et al. 2020a). Zhang G et al. detect either IgM or IgG but cannot distinguish
followed 112 PCR-positive patients for 50 days between them, and Anti-­SARS-­CoV-2 IgG test to
and notably showed a statistically significant dif- be used on serum or EDTA. The DDP COVID-19
ference in the IgG titers the longer they were rapid test (Chembio Diagnostic Systems, Inc.) is
from the onset of infection. However, the time of a 15-minute test IgM/IgG performed from a fin-
persistence in the body past this point is still gerstick; it is likely a lateral flow assay since its
uncertain (Zhang et al. 2020a). Zika IgM/IgG is patented under the same tech-
Our understanding of the persistence of nology, but it does not formally state otherwise.
humoral immune response from SARS-CoV The Mount Sinai Laboratory has an enzyme-
infection may serve to enhance and support our linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test that
current knowledge of SARS-CoV-2. Chen et al. can offer IgG antibody titers in serum and plasma.
23  Diagnostic Tests for COVID-19 409

Abbott Laboratories has a chemiluminescent still noted cross-reactivity with different hCoV
microparticle immunoassay for IgG, and strains (Okba et  al. 2020). Global studies are
DiaSorin Inc. has an S1/S2 IgG antibody test. looking at the applicability of serology testing as
Autobio Diagnostics detects both IgM/IgG.  It the diagnostic test of choice in order to find
should be noted that all of them vary in their for- patients who may be asymptomatically infected.
mat (lateral flow immunoassays (LFAs), ELISAs, One study from China compared 412 negative
and chemiluminescent immunoassays), the anti- samples against 69 positive samples (per PCR),
body classes they detect, the antigens used, and using an ELISA kit that used the S1 protein as the
the specimen type. It is paramount that laborato- capturing antigen, and found a sensitivity of
ries understand the differences between testing 97.1% and specificity of 97.3%. When this was
platforms in order to understand the advantages used on 276 asymptomatic healthcare workers,
and disadvantages of each (Theel et  al. 2020). 28 were found to be positive though there was no
Once again, all these tests are authorized for use discussion on whether the SARS-CoV-2
by a CLIA-certified laboratory that can perform antibody-­positive patients were also positive via
moderate- to high-­complexity tests. Thus, they molecular techniques (Zhao et al. 2020b).
are not approved for at-home usage. Given the limited time that has progressed
LFAs have also found a niche with POC test- since the beginning of the pandemic – December
ing platforms, which have been employed in lab- 2019 to May 2020 – systemic studies on diagnos-
oratories and clinics worldwide. Many tests tic performance and meaningful predictive value
(influenza types A and B, adenovirus, respiratory of SARS-CoV-2 serological tests have been lack-
syncytial virus, and others) have received CLIA ing. It is in part due to the reality that 6 months
waivers that allow for POC use (Kozel and does not give a robust view of the long-term
Burnham-Marusich 2017). A lateral flow immu- human immunological response to SARS-CoV-2
noassay requires two major analytes: microbial infection nor cement the implication that the
antigens and antibodies specific for microbial presence of IgG is evidence of protection against
antigens (Qin et  al. 2019). The Sofia 2 SARS recurrent infection, as we have only been through
Antigen FIA is the first COVID-19 antigen test to one wave as of May 2020. One final area of rele-
be granted the EUA by the FDA.  It is an LFA vance to the realm of serological diagnostics is
sandwich assay that is used with the Sofia 2 the concern that infection with SARS-CoV-2,
instrument intended for the qualitative detection and the subsequent development of antibodies,
of the nucleocapsid protein antigen from could lead to immune-enhanced disease; this is
­SARS-­CoV-­2 in NP and nasal (NS) swabs. Again, the possibility that repeated exposure to SARS-­
there are no EUA tests available for non-respira- CoV-­2 could cause a more severe response the
tory specimens. second time around. It is a topic of particular
One study from China looked at 397 SARS-­ alarm for vaccine development, whose whole
CoV-­2 PCR-positive patients in comparison to existence is to create antibodies against a specific
128 negative patients through a lab-developed pathogen. More concerning, infection-induced
IgM/IgG antibody test, which showed a sensitiv- antibody response would almost certainly be
ity of 88.7% and specificity of 90.6%. The most higher than one caused by a vaccine (de Alwis
notable limitation was a lack of data on that time et al. 2020). Although no publications have made
from post-symptom presentation to blood draw a note of any recurrent infections and one study
(Li et  al. 2020). Nine specimens taken from from China showed that reinfection with SARS-­
SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive patients in France CoV-­2 did not occur among rhesus macaques that
were compared with patients who had PCR-­ were infected and then rechallenged with the
positive hCoV/SARS/MERS infections. virus (Bao et al. 2020), the possibility of hyper-
Although it was a small cohort, ELISA testing immune reactions has not been completely ruled
revealed that the S1 subunit was more specific for out. Until we have additional data, the ability to
SARS-CoV-2 than S2 or N protein, and there was
410 T. Phan and K. Nagaro

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undercut the importance of having rigorous stud- L, Wang H, Wang Y, Zeng H, Zhang F (2020a) SARS-­
ies to prove the efficacy and validation of each CoV-­2-positive sputum and Feces after conversion of
pharyngeal samples in patients with COVID-19. Ann
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The Role of Medical Imaging
in COVID-19 24
Houman Sotoudeh and Masoumeh Gity

Abstract Keywords

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Chest X-ray · COVID-19 · CT · Medical

pandemic launched in the third decade of the imaging · MRI · Pandemic · SARS-CoV-2 ·
twenty-first century and continued to present Ultrasound
time to cause the worst challenges the modern
medicine has ever encountered. Medical
imaging is an essential part of the universal 24.1 Introduction
fight against this pandemic. In the absence of
documented treatment and vaccination, early Medical imaging crucially helps the diagnosis
accurate diagnosis of infected patients is the and management of coronavirus disease 2019
backbone of this pandemic management. This (COVID-19). It is known that the sensitivity of
chapter reviews different aspects of medical imaging is higher than the reverse transcription-­
imaging in the context of COVID-19. polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test, especially
in the early stage of the infection. Chest imaging
is the primary diagnostic test in this infection;
H. Sotoudeh (*)
however, extrapulmonary complications are also
Department of Radiology, University of Alabama at diagnosed by imaging. Because of availability
Birmingham (UAB), and high anatomic resolution, a computed tomog-
Birmingham, AL, USA raphy (CT) scan is the most commonly studied
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group medical imaging modality in this infection. CT
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and can diagnose the infection in its earliest stages,
Research Network (USERN), Birmingham, AL, USA
estimate the severity of the disease, and diagnose
the possible superimposed complications. This
M. Gity
Advanced Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
chapter reviews the potentials of medical imag-
Research Center (ADIR), Tehran University of ing in COVID-19. Chest X-ray (CXR) and tho-
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran racic CT scans constitute the main parts of this
Department of Radiology, Medical Imaging Center, chapter. Other modalities, such as ultrasound and
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran extrapulmonary imaging, are discussed briefly.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 413
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
414 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

24.2 Pulmonary Imaging most recent meta-analysis estimated the preva-

lence of bilateral and unilateral lesions to be
24.2.1 CXR about 73% and 25%, respectively (Rodriguez-­
Morales et  al. 2020). The diagnosis of GGO is
CXR  remains the first Imaging modality for challenging on CXR and can be better evaluated
patients with COVID-19 because of low radia- on a CT scan (Jacobi et al. 2020). Distribution of
tion risk and low cost. However, its application is lesions on CXR can be helpful to differentiate
limited because of low sensitivity and specificity COVID-19 pneumonia from bacterial pneumonia
(Jajodia et al. 2020; Nair et al. 2020; Revel et al. (which is often unilateral and lobar). However,
2020; Rubin et  al. 2020). The sensitivity of the the CXR presentation of COVID-19 has a signifi-
CXR to detect PCR-confirmed COVID-19 cases cant overlap with other viral pneumonia. Pleural
has been reported as low as 69% (Jajodia et  al. effusion is not a common finding on CXR and
2020). However, CXR is critical for patient fol- has been reported in about 3% of patients with
low-­up and detection of the superimposed com- COVID-19. Pulmonary cavitation, pneumo­
plications during hospitalization in patients thorax, and parenchymal calcifications are rarely
admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) (Rubin seen on CXR of COVID-19 patients and require
et  al. 2020). Routine follow-up CXR for stable clinical evaluation to exclude other causes
intubated patients in ICU is not recommended (Salehi et al. 2020). Pneumothorax can be seen
(Rubin et  al. 2020). The role of CXR is even as a complication of intubation and mechanical
more critical in patients with COVID-19, given ventilation (Wong et al. 2019). In severe form of
the fact that CT scanners must be disinfected COVID-19 pneumonia, the entire lungs are
after scanning each patient, compromising work- involved, and the CXR findings would be similar
flow for the next patients (American College of to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
2020). secondary to other  diseases (Figs.  24.4 and
The classical presentation of COVID-19 on 24.5). These patients are usually critically ill and
CXR includes multiple foci of ground-glass need intubation and ventilation in the
opacities (GGOs) (68% of patients) and consoli- ICU.  Typically, the CXR findings peak at
dations, which are located mainly in the periph- 10–12  days after the initial symptoms. About
eral and lower zones of the lungs (Figs.  24.1, 1–3 weeks after the initial symptoms, the lesions
24.2, and 24.3). The pulmonary findings can be on CXR will evolve to diffuse coalescent or con-
bilateral or unilateral (Yoon et  al. 2020). The solidative patterns (Jacobi et al. 2020). Given the

Fig. 24.1  Chest X-ray

of a COVID-19 patient.
There are peripheral
ground-glass opacities in
both lungs (arrows).
Subsequent chest CT
confirmed the peripheral
ground-glass opacities
(not shown here)
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 415

Fig. 24.2  Chest X-ray

in COVID-19 patients.
There is an area of
consolidation in the
right lung base (circle)

Fig. 24.3  Chest X-ray

from COVID-19
pneumonia. There are
several areas of
consolidations in both
lungs (arrows)

low radiation dose of CXR, this modality has the pulmonary involvement is (Borghesi and
been recommended for serial imaging in hospi- Maroldi 2020).
talized patients and to exclude superimposed
complications (Borghesi and Maroldi 2020). One
CXR scoring system has been suggested for 24.2.2 CT Scan
COVID-19 pneumonia. In this system, each lung
is divided into three zones (upper, middle, and Given the higher anatomic resolution and very
lower) with a total of six zones bilaterally. Then high sensitivity (about 97%) of CT scan to
score 0 to 3 is assigned to each zone: score 0, no detect patients with COVID-19, CT scan is the
visible lesion; score 1, interstitial infiltrations; backbone of the imaging in these patients.
score 2, interstitial more than alveolar infiltra- Because of the radiation risk and the need for
tions; and score 3, alveolar more than interstitial disinfecting the CT scanner after scanning the
infiltrations. In this manner, the CXR SCORE is COVID-19 patients, CT scan is not recom-
defined as the sum of all zone score falls between mended for PCR-­positive COVID-19 patients
0 and 18, with the higher the number, the worse who are asymptomatic or have mild clinical
416 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.4  Chest X-ray

in a COVID-19 patient
with respiratory distress.
There are diffuse and
extensive pulmonary
consolidations with air

Fig. 24.5  Chest X-ray

in a COVID-19 patient
with respiratory distress.
There are extensive
diffuse air space and
interstitial opacities in
both lungs

symptoms (Nair et al. 2020; Rubin et al. 2020). Despite the abovementioned high sensitivity
However, a CT scan is recommended for of the CT scan in COVID-19, it must be noted
patients with moderate to severe clinical symp- that a negative CT scan cannot exclude this infec-
toms as the baseline imaging. Also, it has been tion. A negative CT scan has been reported in
recommended for evaluation of possible com- patients with COVID-19, mainly if it is per-
plications during hospitalization (superim- formed in the first few days after initial symp-
posed bacterial infection, pulmonary embolism, toms start (Bernheim et al. 2020; Pan et al. 2020a;
and pleural effusion) (Rubin et  al. 2020). CT Xiong et al. 2020). CT findings in COVID-19 are
scan is considered the most effective diagnos- nonspecific but can be helpful when considered
tic technique in COVID-­19 management, espe- in the context of patient exposure and clinical
cially in early stages (Borghesi and Maroldi findings. The most common image presentations
2020). of COVID-19 on chest CT are listed below.
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 417

Fig. 24.6  Axial chest

CT with lung window. A
single patchy area of
ground-glass opacity
(arrow) in the left lung
in a COVID-19-­positive

Fig. 24.7  Axial chest

CT with lung window.
Multiple ground-glass
pulmonary opacities in a
COVID-19 patient.
Lesions are mostly
subpleural (black
arrows) but with a single
central lesion (white
arrow) GGO 2020a; Bernheim et  al. 2020; Wu et  al. 2020a;
GGO is consistent with parenchymal lesions Song et  al. 2020; Han et  al. 2020; Xu et  al.
causing increased density, while the vascular 2020a, b; Zhao et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Li
structures are visible through them (Figs.  24.6 and Xia 2020; Yang et al. 2020; Ai et al. 2020;
and 24.7). Different mechanisms have been Xiong et  al. 2020; Bai et  al. 2020a, b; Cheng
described as the causes of the GGO, including et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020a, b; Colombi et al.
partial filling of alveoli, interstitial lung diseases, 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020; Li 2020; Liu et  al.
and partial alveolar collapse (Hansell et al. 2008; 2020b; Grillet et al. 2020; Oudkerk et al. 2020).
Ufuk and Savas 2020). The most common pre- It is believed that GGO is secondary to the early
sentation COVID-19 on CT is multifocal patchy stages of alveolar damage and pulmonary edema
GGO involving the peripheral zone of the lungs, (Jajodia et al. 2020; Xu et al. 2020b). A serial CT
especially in the posterior lung bases (Figs. 24.6 scan has also been suggested for the evaluation
and 24.7). GGOs have been observed in 88% of of GGO progression. The time interval between
patients and are among the first radiologic pre- these follow-­ up CTs is usually 3–7  days
sentations (Li et al. 2020; Guan et al. 2020; Ufuk (Borghesi and Maroldi 2020; Bernheim et  al.
and Savas 2020; Chung et  al. 2020; Pan et  al. 2020; Pan et al. 2020a).
418 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.8  Axial chest

CT. A single patchy
subpleural consolidation
in the left lung
obscuring the vascular

Fig. 24.9  Axial chest

CT. Extensive diffuse
consolidations involving
the bilateral lungs.
Prominent bilateral air
bronchograms (black
arrows) Consolidations are likely secondary to evolving organizing pneu-

Pulmonary consolidations are the parenchymal monia (Jajodia et al. 2020; Hani et al. 2020; Ufuk
lesions with increased density, while the vascular and Savas 2020; Chung et  al. 2020; Wu et  al.
structures are not visible through them (Figs. 24.8, 2020a; Huang et  al. 2020; Pan et  al. 2020a, b;
24.9, and 24.10). The mechanisms underlying Xiong et  al. 2020; Zhou et  al. 2020).
consolidations are complete filling of air spaces Consolidations are often associated with GGO
by fluid, blood, neoplastic cells, and pus (Hansell (Chung et al. 2020).
et al. 2008).
Pulmonary consolidations are commonly seg- Crazy-Paving Pattern
mental or subsegmental and located in peripheral Like GGO, a crazy-paving pattern is consistent
and lower zones of the lungs, and they are usually with increased parenchymal density, while the
patchy and round in morphology (Figs.  24.8, vascular structures are visible through them.
24.9, and 24.10). Consolidations are more com- However, in the crazy-paving pattern, there is
mon in the later stage of COVID-19, in severe interlobular septal thickening and enlarged intra-
cases, and patients older than 50 years old. Linear lobular lines (Fig. 24.11). The likely underlying
shape consolidations also have been reported and cause for this pattern is interstitial inflammation
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 419

Fig. 24.10  Axial chest

CT. Multiple subpleural
consolidations in both
lungs in a patient with
COVID-19 pneumonia

Fig. 24.11  Axial chest

CT. A peripheral
crazy-­paving opacity in
the right lung (black
arrow) and a subpleural
crazy-paving opacity in
the left lung (white
arrow). In crazy-­paving
opacities, the density of
lesions is increased;
however, there is
associated interlobular
septal thickening and
enlarged intralobular

in association with alveolar damage (Wu et  al. tic finding in COVID-19 pneumonia (Lomoro
2020a; Hansell et  al. 2008). The crazy-paving et al. 2020; Ye et al. 2020) (Fig. 24.12). By defini-
pattern is relatively common in COVID-19 and tion, the PVE is subsegmental pulmonary arteries
has been reported in up to 90% of patients and veins within the pulmonary lesion with a size
(Jajodia et al. 2020; Xie et al. 2020; Fang et al. of greater than 3  mm (Zhao et  al. 2020; Zhou
2020; Bernheim et  al. 2020; Wu et  al. 2020a; et  al. 2020; Li and Xia 2020; Bai et  al. 2020a;
Song et  al. 2020; Pan et  al. 2020b; Han et  al. Wang et  al. 2020a). Compared to pneumonia
2020; Xu et al. 2020a, b; Zhao et al. 2020; Zhou related to other causes, PVE is more common in
et al. 2020; Li and Xia 2020; Yang et al. 2020; Ai pneumonia due to COVID-19 (22% versus 59%)
et al. 2020; Xiong et al. 2020; Bai et al. 2020a; and is likely secondary to vascular
Wang et al. 2020a, b ; Colombi et al. 2020; Zhang inflammation.
et al. 2020; Li 2020; Guan et al. 2020; Liu et al.
2020b). Air Bronchograms
The air bronchogram sign is one of the main pre- Pulmonary Vascular sentations of filled air spaces and is consistent
Enlargement (PVE) with persistent air within bronchioles while there
Engorged dilated vessel within the pulmonary is an increased density of adjacent parenchyma
opacities has been described as a useful diagnos- (Fig.  24.13). Air bronchograms occur in up to
420 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.12  Axial chest

CT. Patchy
consolidations in both
lungs. The vessels
within the left-sided
opacity (black arrow)
are larger than the
vessels of the uninvolved
areas (white arrow)

Fig. 24.13  Axial chest

CT. A large area of
consolidation in the left
lung base in a patient
with COVID-19
pneumonia. Classical air
bronchograms within the
lesion (black arrow)

80% of patients with COVID-19 (Jajodia et  al. 80% of patients (Ufuk and Savas 2020; Bernheim
2020; Song et al. 2020). et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020a; Song et al. 2020; Pan
et al. 2020b). R  everse Halo Sign (RHS) or
the Atoll Sign Diffuse Pulmonary
The RHS or atoll sign is consistent with a GGO, Involvement/White Lungs
which has been encased by a rim of pulmonary In the worst form of pulmonary involvement,
consolidation (Fig.  24.14). RHS is classically COVID-19 causes the involvement of all pulmo-
associated with cryptogenic organized pneumo- nary lobes and segments. This pattern occurs in
nia (COP); however, it has been reported in up to critically ill patients and patients admitted to ICU
15% of patients with COVID-19 (Hansell et  al. (Fig. 24.16).
2008; Bernheim et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020a;
Ufuk and Savas 2020). Subpleural Curvilinear Lines
The subpleural curvilinear lines are among the Thickening of Interlobular late radiologic finings and are because of devel-
Septa oping permanent pulmonary fibrosis and have
This CT finding is one of the delayed presenta- been reported in about 20% of patients (Ufuk and
tions of COVID-19 and usually happens after Savas 2020; Wu et  al. 2020a; Pan et  al. 2020b;
GGO (Fig. 24.15). It has been reported in up to Xiong et al. 2020) (Fig. 24.17).
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 421

Fig. 24.14  Axial chest

CT from a patient
suspected of COVID-19
infection. There is an
area of ground-glass
opacity in the right lung,
which is surrounded by
a rim of consolidation
compatible with the
reverse halo sign (RHS)
or atoll sign

Fig. 24.15  An axial

chest CT in a patient
with emphysema and
superimposed COVID-
19 pneumonia.
Significant “thickening
of interlobular septa” in
the left lung (arrows) Pleural Effusion Lymphadenopathy

and Thickening Mediastinal lymphadenopathy is not common in
Effusion and thickening of the pleura are not COVID-19. Lymphadenopathy, especially in the
among the classical presentation of COVID-19. presence of pleural effusion, micronodules, and
They have been reported in a few cases (less than tree-in-bud pattern, necessitates evaluation for
20%) and late stages of infection (Fig.  24.18). bacterial infection/superinfection (Fig. 24.19).
However, the presence of pleural effusions is
associated with poor prognosis (Ufuk and Savas Lung Cavitary Lesions
2020; Chung et al. 2020; Bernheim et al. 2020; The cavitary pulmonary lesions are not a typical
Wu et  al. 2020a; Song et  al. 2020; Pan et  al. presentation of COVID-19 (Fig.  24.20). They
2020a,b; Han et al. 2020; Xu et al. 2020a; Zhao have been reported in a few case reports, so the
et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Li and Xia 2020; Ai presence of cavitary lesions necessitates the
et al. 2020; Bai et al. 2020a; Cheng et al. 2020). exclusion of other pathologies (Xu et al. 2020c).
422 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.16  Chest CT

with coronal plane
reconstruction. There are
diffuse extensive
pulmonary opacities
involving all lobes and

Fig. 24.17  Axial chest

CT from a patient with
COVID-19 pneumonia.
There are subpleural
curvilinear lines in both
lungs (arrows) Parenchymal Calcification In the case of pulmonary nodularity in a patient

Pulmonary calcifications are not the classical suspected to have COVID-19, other etiologies,
presentation of COVID-19 pneumonia (Shi et al. including bacterial superinfection and aspiration,
2020), but they are commonly seen in other must be excluded (Ufuk and Savas 2020).
chronic pulmonary lesions (Fig.  24.21). The
presence of parenchymal calcification in con- Air-Bubble Sign
firmed COVID-19 patients can be coincidental. The air-bubble sign is consistent with the foci of
air densities within the pulmonary lesions Centrilobular Nodules (Fig.  24.23). They are likely secondary to
and Tree-in-Bud Nodularity enlarged air-filled air spaces or bronchioles
By definition, pulmonary nodules are the round within the lesions. These lesions have been
pulmonary opacities smaller than 30  mm. The reported in up to 54% of patients with COVID-19
pulmonary nodularity is uncommon in COVID-­19 (Ufuk and Savas 2020; Zhou et  al. 2020; Yang
and occurs in about 6–7% of patients (Fig. 24.22). et al. 2020; Cheng et al. 2020).
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 423

Fig. 24.18  Axial chest

CT from a patient with
COVID-19 pneumonia
shows moderate bilateral
pleural effusions. Pleural
effusion is not common
in COVID-19

Fig. 24.19  Axial chest

CT from a COVID-19
patient. There is a
right-sided moderate
pleural effusion (black
arrow) and left-sided
lymphadenopathy (white
arrow). Pleural effusion
and lymphadenopathy
are not common in
COVID-19 infection L  esion Locations on Lomoro et al. 2020; Ye et al. 2020; Caruso et al.
Chest CT 2020; Chen et al. 2020b; Wu et al. 2020a; Zhao
Single lung lesion is not typical for COVID-19 et al. 2020).
pneumonia. More than 70% of lesions are multi-
focal. The lesions are mainly peripherally located CT Scoring
and in lower lung lobes. Lesion distribution along Many researchers suggested and implemented
the bronchovascular bundles is not a typical pre- scoring systems based on the volume of lung
sentation and has been reported only in 12% of parenchymal involvement on CT scan. Usually,
patients (Jajodia et  al. 2020; Xiong et  al. 2020; CT scoring consists of visual evaluation of five
Pan et  al. 2020a; Qin et  al. 2020; Wang et  al. different lung lobes. Involvement of each lobe is
2020b; Yoon et al. 2020; Peng et al. 2020; Salehi then visually estimated as follows: score 0, if
et  al. 2020; Xu et  al. 2020d; Hani et  al. 2020; there is no visible lesion (0% involvement); score
424 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.20  Axial chest

CT in COVID-19
pneumonia showing an
evolving cavitary lesion
in the right lung (arrow)

Fig. 24.21  Axial chest

CT in a confirmed
COVID-19 patient.
There are cavitary
lesions and foci of
calcifications in the right
lung apex. These lesions
are not common in
COVID-19 and are
likely secondary to
underlying pulmonary

1, for minimal lobar involvement (1–25%, of diagnostic kit failure (Chen et al. 2020a). If the
lobe volume); score 2, for mild lobar involvement clinical presentation is concerning for COVID-­19,
(26–50% of lobe volume); score 3, for moderate CT scan can be performed, and CT scan findings
involvement (51–75% of lobe volume); and score can be used for patient management despite the
4, for severe involvement (76–100% lobe vol- negative PCR results. A serial PCR test has been
ume). The overall lung involvement is the sum of proposed for the evaluation of these PCR-­
five lobar scores. It is a score between 0 and 20, negative but CT-positive patients (Rubin et  al.
and the higher the score, the worse the pulmonary 2020).
involvement is (Fu et  al. 2020; Chung et  al.
2020). Changes of Imaging
Findings Over Time T  he Role of CT Scan in PCR-­ As mentioned above, the sensitivity of thoracic
Negative Patients CT is higher than that of swab and PCR tests for
PCR tests can be negative even in moderately or COVID-19 diagnosis. So, it is not uncommon to
severely ill patients. The sensitivity of the nucleic observe PCR-negative patients who have positive
acid test by PCR is about 30–50%. There are chest CT, especially in the very early stage of the
many reasons for negative PCR, including low disease. According to the disease stage, CT find-
viral load, nonstandard sampling technique, and ings in COVID-19 are clustered into five:
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 425

Fig. 24.22  Axial chest

CT in COVID-19
patient. Multiple areas
of tree-in-­bud
nodularities in the lung

Fig. 24.23  Axial chest

CT in COVID-19
patient. There is a right
lung base opacity in
association with foci of
small air densities within
the lesion compatible
with the “air-bubble

• Ultra-early stage (before symptoms), scat- The peak of CT findings occurs between 9 and
tered foci of bilateral subpleural GGOs 13  days after initial symptoms (Kanne et  al.
• Early stage (1–3 days after initial symptoms), 2020).
multiple bilateral GGOs and irregular inter-
lobular septa Structured Reporting
• Rapid progression stage (3–7 days after initial The structured reporting is a way of standard-
symptoms), subpleural consolidations with air ization of the radiologic reports among differ-
bronchograms ent radiologists and medical centers. The
• Consolidation stage (the second week after structured reporting helps the radiologists to
initial symptoms), an increase in the size of reduce variabilities and uncertainty in reports
the consolidations and improves communication between the
• Dissipation stage (2–3 after initial symptoms), radiologists and clinicians. In this context, the
patchy consolidations with reticular opacities Radiology Society of North America (RSNA)
with bronchial and interlobular septal thicken- has proposed a structured reporting system
ing (Fatima et al. 2020; Jin et al. 2020) for COVID-19 patients. In this system, the
426 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

pulmonary lesions are divided into different should be limited to the critically ill patients and
classes: when the ultrasound result can change the patient
management. A fair indication for lung u­ ltrasound
• Typical appearance of COVID-19: peripheral is pregnant patients, considering the hazard of
bilateral GGO with(out) consolidations or CXR and CT scan in this group. It has been
crazy-paving pattern reported that the ultrasound can detect the periph-
• Indeterminate appearance: the absence of eral pulmonary lesion with higher accuracy than
typical findings and presence of multifocal, the chest X-ray (Soldati et al. 2020).
perihilar, diffuse, or unilateral GGO US findings of the healthy lung include subcu-
• Atypical appearance: the absence of typical taneous layers, horizontal pleural line with slid-
and indeterminate findings and presence of ing movements during respiratory activity, and
lobar or segmental consolidation without horizontal reverberation lines with regular inter-
GGO, pulmonary nodule, cavities, pleural val lines called A-lines. In contrast, peripheral
effusions, and smooth interlobular septal and subpleural lesions will generate vertical B
thickening lines, which are different in thickness and bright-
• Negative appearance: no evidence of pneu- ness according to the pathology. In the early
monia (Simpson et al. 2020) stages of COVID-19, like other viral pneumonia,
the pleural line is usually irregular, thickened, Diagnostic Challenges and blurred (Soldati et al. 2019).
in Patients with COVID-19
As mentioned above, CT findings of COVID-19
are very sensitive but not specific. Viral pneumo- 24.2.4 Neuroimaging
nia of other causes is the most challenging and
common differential diagnosis of COVID-19, CNS involvement has been reported in 44% of
characterized by GGO, consolidations, and thick- ICU patients with neurologic symptoms
ening of interlobular septa. Accurate diagnosis by (Kandemirli et al. 2020). The prevalence of neu-
solo evaluation of the chest imaging is challeng- roimaging abnormalities is higher in patients
ing; however, classical chest CT findings during with more severe respiratory diseases. Common
the COVID-19 pandemic in patients with prior indications for brain imaging in patients with
exposure to the virus are very suggestive for COVID-19 include altered mental status, syn-
COVID-19. Several noninfectious diseases can cope/fall, and focal neurologic deficit (Radmanesh
also mimic the radiologic presentation of et al. 2020b). Cortical and lacunar infarctions are
COVID-19 on CXR and CT. Table 24.1 summa- among the known CNS complications
rizes the most common types of pneumonia and (Fig.  24.24). Ischemic stroke in young patients
their similarities and differences in medical without a history of prior cardiovascular disease
imaging. has been attributed to COVID-19 (Radmanesh
et al. 2020b). These observations can be second-
ary to endothelial damage or coagulopathy asso-
24.2.3 Ultrasound ciated with this infection. Extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is commonly
During the COVID-19 pandemic, in many cen- used in ICU patients with respiratory distress.
ters, ultrasound (US) was used as the first imag- Anticoagulation medications are used in ECMO
ing modality to triage, treatment monitoring, patients to avoid clot formation in the connecting
complication detection, and evaluation of pleural tube, and intracranial hemorrhage is a well-­
effusion (Soldati et  al. 2019, 2020; Kim et  al. known complication of ECMO (Fig.  24.25).
2020). However, given the fact that the ultra- However, patients with COVID-19 show an
sound exam imposes an additional risk of infec- increased risk of intracranial hemorrhages, even
tion to the radiologists and sonographers, it without ECMO (Fig.  24.26) (Radmanesh et  al.
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 427

Table 24.1  Similarities and differences between COVID-19 and other pneumonia on chest imaging
Similarity with
Other pneumonia COVID-19 Differences from COVID-19
Bacterial pneumonia Consolidation can Bacterial consolidation is usually single and with the
happen lobar distribution. Clinical and laboratory
presentation is different than COVID-19
Influenza Unilateral or bilateral In addition to the peripherally located lesions,
patchy ground-glass Influenza lesions can be along with the
opacities+/− bronchovascular bundles. Also, pulmonary vascular
consolidations enlargement in COVID-19 may differentiate these
two viral pneumonias
Severe acute respiratory Peripheral, bilateral, Epidemiology is important. SARS and MERS are
syndrome coronavirus (SARS- focal,, or multifocal not active pathogens at the time of writing this
2003) and Middle East ground-glass opacities manuscript. However, on imaging, there is a
respiratory syndrome and consolidations significant overlap with COVID-19
coronavirus (MERS-2012)

Mycoplasma pneumonia GGO and Mycoplasma is common in children and may have a
consolidations can lobular distribution of consolidation. Ill-defined
happen centrilobular nodules, thickening of the
bronchovascular bundles, and lymphadenopathy are
common in mycoplasma but uncommon in
Adenovirus Multifocal Adenovirus pneumonia is more common in children.
consolidation and Atelectasis and right upper lobe collapse are
ground-glass opacities common in adenovirus
Respiratory syncytial virus GGO and Centrilobular nodules and bronchial wall thickening
consolidations can are common in RSV but uncommon in COVID-19.
happen RSV is more common in infants and in patients with
immunosuppression and chronic lung disease
Human parainfluenza virus GGO and Lesions of human parainfluenza are mainly centrally
consolidations can located, while COVID-19 lesions are mostly in
happen subpleural areas
Cryptogenic organizing Multiple patchy In cryptogenic organizing pneumonia, there is no
pneumonia alveolar opacities. predominant craniocaudal distribution, while in
Lesions are often COVID-19, lesions are more common in lung bases
bilateral and subpleural

Fig. 24.24  A COVID-19 patient with altered mental sta- tiple foci of diffusion restriction and infarctions in bilat-
tus and without a history of cardiovascular disease. eral centrum semiovale and cerebellum (white arrows b
Maximum intensity projection (MIP) of CT angiogram and c) and cortical infarction involving the left occipito-
shows a cutoff of the right posterior cerebral artery (black temporal lobes and left insula (dash white arrow d)
arrow a). Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) shows mul-
428 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.25  A COVID-19 patient with severe respiratory of new intraparenchymal hemorrhages (arrows, b).
distress on ECMO. Axial baseline brain CT shows mild Follow-up CT 2 days later shows interval enlargement of
microvascular disease; otherwise, no acute intracranial the right basal ganglia hemorrhage now with mass effect
lesion (a). Follow-up CT 2 days later shows tiny new foci (arrow, c)

2020b). Intraventricular hemorrhage (Fig. 24.27) 24.2.6 Imaging of COVID-19

and cortical-based abnormal signal intensity are in Pregnancy
the other COVID-19 manifestations in neuroim-
aging (Fig.  24.28). Acute necrotizing encepha- Diagnosis of COVID-19  in pregnancy is chal-
lopathy (ANE) is the potential life-threatening lenging because clinical and laboratory findings
but rare complication of COVID-19 (Poyiadji are different from nonpregnant patients. It has
et al. 2020). ANE presents on brain CT by bilat- been reported that the body temperature, white
eral thalami and basal ganglia hypodensities and blood cell, and neutrophil count are higher in
swelling. The same structures show T2 and pregnant patients. The main CT findings in these
FLAIR hyper signal intensities with petechial patients are the same as nonpregnant cases, and
microhemorrhages on blood-sensitive sequences dominant lesions are GGO (81%) and consolida-
(GRE and SWI) (Poyiadji et  al. 2020). Diffuse tions (17%) (Wu et al. 2020b; Liu et al. 2020a;
leukoencephalopathy and brain parenchymal Elshafeey et al. 2020). On CT scans of pregnant
microhemorrhages are among other CNS compli- patients with COVID-19, pulmonary lesions are
cations of COVID-19 (Fig.  24.29) (Radmanesh bilateral in 79% and unilateral in 17%. CT scan is
et al. 2020a). negative in 3% of pregnant patients with
COVID-­19 (Elshafeey et al. 2020).

24.2.5 Imaging Findings in Pediatrics

24.2.7 Imaging of COVID-19
The prevalence and severity of COVID-19  in Complications
children are less than that in adults. Also, the rate
of negative chest CT is higher in children than A  cute Respiratory Distress
adults, and a negative CT rate of up to 77% has Syndrome (ARDS)
been reported in pediatrics. In positive CT cases, ARDS is the common endpoint of many etiolo-
peripheral GGO, crazy-paving pattern, and the gies, causing fluid accumulation in the alveoli
halo and reverse halo signs have been reported as and subsequent impaired blood oxygenation.
dominant lesions. Lesions are more common in ARDS is common in COVID-19 and on imaging
the lung bases, and CT lesions are more severe in presents as diffuse and bilateral GGO and con-
older children (Steinberger et al. 2020; Bai et al. solidations (Tang et al. 2020).
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 429 Bacterial Superinfection

Pleural effusions, lymphadenopathies, tree-in-­
bud opacities, and pulmonary cavities are not
among the classical presentation of COVID-19.
The presence of these conditions in a PCR-­
positive patient necessitates clinical evaluation to
exclude superimposed bacterial infection (Revel
et al. 2020). Pulmonary
Thromboembolism (PTE)
PTE is very common in critically ill COVID-
19 patients and has been reported to happen in
30% of them. Imaging findings are the same
as other PTE.  They include cardiomegaly,
pleural effusions, atelectasis, Hampton hump,
and Westermark sign on the CXR, filling
defects within the pulmonary arteries on pul-
monary CT angiogram (CTA), and V-Q mis-
Fig. 24.26  Axial brain CT from a COVID-19 patient match on ventilation-­ p erfusion nuclear
shows a small parenchymal hemorrhage in the right fron- medicine scan (Poyiadji et  al. 2020). The
tal lobe. The patient was not on ECMO
diagnosis of PTE usually necessitates CTA
after contrast injection. Evaluation of PTE is
one of the indications of postcontrast imaging
in these patients. Radiomics and Artificial

Intelligence (AI)
Radiomics is an evolving research topic in radiol-
ogy. The radiomics analysis includes feature
extraction by computer from the medical images
which are not apparent to the human eyes and
then using these features for disease classifica-
tion. The radiomics techniques are often associ-
ated with AI models. The most common
applications of radiomics are about neoplasms,
and very few data are available about infections
and pneumonia.
AI now has a significant footprint on
COVID-­19 imaging. There are several reports
regarding the performance of AI in the diagnosis
of COVID-19 using CXR and chest CT scans.
The most common AI models in COVID-19
Fig. 24.27  Axial brain CT in a COVID-19 patient with imaging are the convolutional neural network
acute altered mental status shows extensive intraventricu- (CNN) and related models. Sensitivities of
lar hemorrhage and acute hydrocephalus. Periventricular
white matter hypodensity is compatible with subependy-
67–100% and specificities of 81–100% for pre-
mal interstitial edema secondary to acute hydrocephalus. diction of COVID-19 pneumonia have been
The patient was not on ECMO reported in different studies (Ito et al. 2020).
430 H. Sotoudeh and M. Gity

Fig. 24.28  A COVID-19 patient with acute altered men- mal cortical diffusion restriction in this region (arrow, b).
tal status. Axial FLAIR MRI shows mild cortical swelling Follow-up MRI did not demonstrate a change in the signal
and hyper signal intensity in the right frontal lobe (arrows, alteration or evolving encephalomalacia
a). Axial diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) shows mini-

Fig. 24.29 Axial
imaging (SWI) in a
COVID-19 patient
shows multiple tiny foci
of parenchymal

24.3 Conclusion multiple bilateral GGO, consolidations, and

crazy-paving patterns in peripheral and subpleu-
Medical imaging is essential in COVID-19 man- ral parts of the lungs and sometimes interlobular
agement. A chest CT scan is more sensitive than septal thickening. Pulmonary nodularity, pleural
the PCR test and can be decisive in the early effusions, lymphadenopathy, parenchymal calci-
stage of infection. The main CT presentations are fications, and cavitary lesions are not the typical
24  The Role of Medical Imaging in COVID-19 431

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Therapeutic Development
in COVID-19 25
Chan Yang, Yuan Huang, and Shuwen Liu

Abstract immunity of patients. This chapter will sum-

marize the currently used antiviral and adju-
Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease vant therapies in clinical practice and provide
2019 (COVID-19) caused by the SARS- a theoretical basis for the future treatment of
CoV-2, the disease has spread rapidly world- COVID-19.
wide and developed into a global pandemic,
causing a significant impact on the global Keywords
health system and economic development.
Scientists have been racing to find effective Antiviral · COVID-19 · Drugs ·
drugs and vaccines for the treatment and pre- SARS-CoV-2 · Therapy
vention of COVID-19. However, due to the
diversity of clinical manifestations caused by
COVID-19, no standard antiviral regimen
beyond supportive therapy has been estab- 25.1 Introduction
lished. Ongoing clinical trials are underway to
evaluate the efficacy of drugs that primarily Since the beginning of the twenty-first century,
act on the viral replication cycle or enhanced coronaviruses (CoVs) have caused massive out-
breaks of lethal human pneumonia. Severe acute
C. Yang · Y. Huang respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV),
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New Drug a virus spread rapidly through the air and readily
Screening, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, transmissible between humans, broke out in 2003
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China and ultimately infected 8096 people with 774
S. Liu (*) deaths in 26 countries on 5 continents (Stadler
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of New Drug and Rappuoli 2005; Peiris et  al. 2004). The
Screening, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
(MERS-CoV) appeared in the Arabian Peninsula
State Key Laboratory of Organ Failure Research,
Guangdong Provincial Institute of Nephrology, in 2012, with a mortality rate of 35.7% (Hui et al.
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China 2018; Chafekar and Fielding 2018). Severe acute
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific CoV-2) is the seventh known human coronavirus
Education and Research Network (USERN), identified as the cause of coronavirus disease
Guangzhou, China
2019 (COVID-19). The disease appeared first in

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 435
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
436 C. Yang et al.

Wuhan, China. As of the end of May 2020, a total Subsequently, 3CLpro and papain-like protease
of 5.56  million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PLpro) are encoded by ORF1a. PLpro cleaves
(with 351,826 deaths) are recorded worldwide the first three cleavage sites of its polyproteins,
(WHO Web). A high degree of clinical awareness while 3CLpro is responsible for cleavage of the
of the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 infection is remaining 11 sites, resulting in the release of a
essential. total of 16 nonstructural proteins (nsp) (Anand
To date, the approach to COVID-19 manage- et al. 2003). Since the autocleavage process is
ment focuses on symptomatic and supportive car- essential for viral transmission, 3CLpro is a
ing (Rabaan et  al. 2020). Meanwhile, several crucial drug target against coronavirus
effective antiviral drugs and drug candidates have infection.
been evaluated in  vitro, and a few of them are
under urgent investigation, including broad-spec- Lopinavir/Ritonavir (LPV/r)
trum antiviral and antimalarial drugs that inter- Lopinavir is a novel protease inhibitor (PI) devel-
fere with viral replication (Huang et  al. 2020b; oped from ritonavir, which is mainly used to sup-
Lythgoe and Middleton 2020). Future outbreaks press plasma viral load and enhance immunity in
like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic are likely HIV-1-infected patients (Trinh et  al. 2012).
to continue. Therefore, in addition to containing Co-formulated LPV/r is easy to administer and
this outbreak, efforts should be made to develop can be used in combination with other antiretro-
comprehensive measures to prevent future viral drugs (Yang et al. 2018). It was found that
outbreaks. LPV/r is a 3CLpro inhibitor against SARS-CoV
by affecting the formation of the viral RNA repli-
case precursor multi-proteins pp1a and pp1ab
25.2 Antiviral Treatments and blocking the release of viral polymerase and
for COVID-19 helical enzymes (Anand et al. 2003). Considering
the similarity between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-
25.2.1 Virus-Based Drugs CoV, LPV/r was recommended for anti-SARS-
CoV-2 treatment at the beginning of the
This class of drugs acts directly on the virus. The COVID-19 outbreak (Kannan et  al. 2020;
main antiviral drugs clinically tested so far are Martinez 2020). A randomized trial of 127
3C-like protease (3CLpro) inhibitors and RNA COVID-19 patients from February 10 to March
polymerase (RdRp) inhibitors (Fig.  25.1). The 20, 2020 showed that triple-antiviral therapy with
ongoing research and clinical data suggest that LPV/r, ribavirin, and interferon beta-1b (IFN-β)
there is a potential list of reuse drugs with appro- could suppress viral load, shorten hospital stay,
priate pharmacological effects and therapeutic and reduce mortality in COVID-19 patients com-
effects in the treatment of COVID-19 patients. pared with LPV/r alone (Hung et  al. 2020).
However, since most clinical studies are single- However, another randomized trial of LPV/r
arm studies or studies with small sample sizes, (400/100  mg, twice daily for 14  days) in 199
further clinical studies are still needed to evaluate severe COVID-19 hospitalized patients showed
the efficacy of antiviral drugs. that LPV/r did not reduce the time of clinical
symptom relief (Cao et al. 2020). Based on avail- 3CLpro Inhibitors able data, it is, thus, difficult to assess the thera-
3CLpro plays an essential role in the autocleav- peutic effect of LPV/r monotherapy or
age process of CoVs. Previous studies on other combination therapy on COVID-19 (Ye et  al.
coronaviruses found that the SARS-CoV and 2020). Importantly, LPV/r is not likely to develop
MERS-CoV genomes contain two open reading resistance, but the adverse reactions it causes,
frames (ORF), ORF1a and ORF1b, which are e.g., gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders,
translated via the host ribosomes into two should not be ignored (Aspiroz et  al. 2013).
respective viral polyproteins, pp1a and pp1ab. Therefore, it is necessary to implement LPV/r
25  Therapeutic Development in COVID-19 437

3CLpro inhibitor

3CLpro inhibitor

RdRp inhibitor

Virus-potential drugs RdRp inhibitor

Favipiravir (T-705)

RdRp inhibitor

Non-nucleotide antiviral drug

Arbidol (Umifenovir)

Ihibiting nuclear transport

Interference with transport and fusion of viruses

Interference with transport and fusion of viruses

Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)

TMPRSS2 inhibitor
Camostat mesilate

Host-potential drugs Immune checkpoint inhibitor

for COVID-19 Tocilizumab
humanized monoclonal antibody to the receptor of IL-6

Recombinant human ACE2


Regulate immune response

Human immunoglobulins
Shuang Huang Lian
Lianhua Qingwen Capsules
Lianhua Qingwen Granules
Jinhua Qinggan Granules
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Shufeng Jiedu Capsules
Huoxiang Zhengqi Capsules/
Jinhao Jiere Granules
Qingfei Paidu Decoction/
Ma Xing Shi Gan Decoction
Regulator of inflammation and immunity
Glycyrrhizic acid

Regulator of inflammation
Natural products and immunity
Diammonium glycyrrhizinate

3CLpro inhibitor and the regulator if inflammatory


Fig. 25.1  Antiviral treatments for COVID-19. The figure yellow border) are two main strategies for the develop-
summarizes potential antiviral drugs and traditional ment of antiviral drugs. TCMs (green border) and natural
Chinese medicine (TCM) for COVID-19 treatment. products (blue border) are, in particular, useful in China
Targeting the virus (viral-based potential drugs, red bor- for the treatment of COVID-19
der) and host-related factors (host-based potential drugs,

dosing and monitoring in patients with Recent studies have documented the inhibitory
COVID-19. effect of darunavir on 3CLpro (Sk et  al. 2020)
and identified it as a SARS-CoV-2 3CLpro inhib-
Darunavir/Cobicistat itor by structure-based virtual screening
Similar to LPV/r, darunavir/cobicistat has also (Costanzo et al. 2020). However, their therapeu-
been used to treat HIV, where cobicistat increases tic efficacy requires further study and validation.
the plasma concentration of darunavir by inhibit- Clinical trials of darunavir/cobicistat are cur-
ing CYP3A-mediated metabolism (Deeks 2018). rently registered and underway.
438 C. Yang et al. RdRp Inhibitors open-label controlled study of 80 patients with

RdRp is the central catalytic subunit of all posi- COVID-19  in which 35 patients received oral
tive-stranded RNA viruses that mediate RNA favipiravir plus interferon IFN-α by aerosol inha-
synthesis. RdRp synthesizes complementary lation and 45 patients received lopinavir/ritonavir
RNA chains using viral mRNA as a template and (LPV/r) plus IFN-α by aerosol inhalation showed
nucleoside analogs as substrates, but RdRp can- an advantage of favipiravir in preventing COVID-
not distinguish between nucleosides and nucleo- 19 progression and viral clearance. Also, favipi-
side analogs. Competitive binding of RdRp ravir treatment led to significant improvement in
inhibitors to RdRp results in blocked steric bind- the chest radiography and was associated with
ing of nucleosides, thus affecting viral RNA syn- fewer adverse reactions compared to the control
thesis (Wang et  al. 2020c). Since the catalytic group (Cai et  al. 2020). On March 8, 2020,
domain of RdRp is conserved in various RNA another multicenter, randomized, and controlled
viruses (Boonrod et  al. 2004), the RdRp of clinical trial study has recruited 150 patients to
SARS-CoV-2 was modeled, validated, and then investigate the safety of favipiravir in COVID-19
targeted using other antiviral drugs currently (Pilkington et al. 2020). Currently, several clini-
approved on the market. cal trials are underway to evaluate the safety and
efficacy of favipiravir in COVID-19 treatment.
Remdesivir (GS-5734)
The first reported COVID-19 patient in the Ribavirin
United States was treated with remdesivir Ribavirin was first approved for the treatment of
(Holshue et al. 2020). Sixty-eight percent of them respiratory syncytial virus infection and later for
experienced symptomatic relief after remdesivir the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV). As a
treatment, with a morbidity rate of about 18% broad-spectrum antiviral drug, ribavirin has
(Grein et  al. 2020). No accelerated recovery of inhibitory effects on a variety of DNA and RNA
COVID-19 hospitalized patients and no reduc- viruses.
tion in disease mortality were observed with rem- In most cases, ribavirin is combined with IFN
desivir (NCT04257656). However, another study for COVID-19 treatment (Khalili et  al. 2020).
in COVID-19 hospitalized patients (n  =  1063) However, during treatment with ribavirin, some
showed that remdesivir was superior to placebo patients with SARS-CoV developed hemolytic
in reducing the recovery time (NCT04280705) hemorrhage and decreased hemoglobin levels
(Beigel et  al. 2020). Future trials in severe (Tsang and Zhong 2003). The safety of ribavirin
COVID-19 patients may help confirm the effi- in large doses requires further attention.
cacy of remdesivir (Mahase 2020). Other Antiviral Drugs
Favipiravir (T-705)
Favipiravir (6-fluoro-3-hydroxy-2-pyrazinecar- Arbidol (Umifenovir)
boxamide) is an effective selective and potent Arbidol is a non-nucleotide antiviral drug devel-
RdRp inhibitor with a mechanism of action that oped by the Soviet Research Center for
enhances its broader antiviral activity (Shiraki Medicinal Chemistry and is an officially desig-
and Daikoku 2020). Favipiravir shows inhibitory nated anti-influenza drug (Brooks et  al. 2012).
effects on influenza viruses, West Nile virus, yel- The use of Arbidol as an anti-COVID-19 drug
low fever virus, as well as against flaviviruses, was first proposed in the New Coronavirus
alphaviruses, arenaviruses, bunyaviruses, and Pneumonia Diagnosis and Treatment Program
SARS-CoV-2 (Fang et al. 2020; Janowski et al. (China, Trial Sixth Edition) and was subse-
2020). quently widely used in the clinical treatment of
In February, favipiravir was declared effective adult COVID-19 patients (200 mg, three times a
in China for the treatment of COVID-19. An day, less than 10 days). A case analysis of four
25  Therapeutic Development in COVID-19 439

COVID-19 patients showed that Arbidol, in Chloroquine (CQ)

combination with LPV/r and Shufeng Jiedu cap- and Hydroxychloroquine
sules, significantly relieved the clinical symp- (HCQ)
toms of pneumonia (fever, cough, and dyspnea) Chloroquine (CQ) was first recommended as an
(Deng et al. 2020). Another clinical trial showed anti-coronavirus trial drug in the Diagnostic and
that darunavir, in combination with Arbidol, is a Treatment Protocol for COVID-19 (Trial Version
viable strategy to combat the SARS-CoV-2 epi- 6) in China (Wang et al. 2020d). As a classic drug
demic in China (Costanzo et  al. 2020). Also, for the treatment of rheumatism and malaria,
Arbidol monotherapy is superior to LPV/r in the chloroquine has been used clinically for more
treatment of COVID-19 (Zhu et al. 2020), with than 70 years and has also been effective in the
no significant side effects (Wen et  al. 2020). treatment of various viral infections (Rajic et al.
However, an observation in non-ICU patients 2018; Aguiar et  al. 2018). Hydroxychloroquine
showed that the use of Arbidol might not (HCQ) is an antimalarial drug developed in 1946
improve prognosis or accelerate SARS-CoV-2 based on the CQ structure. In addition to antima-
clearance (Lian et al. 2020). Two clinical trials larial properties, the pharmacological effects of
are currently underway in China to assess the HCQ include immunomodulation and antiviral
efficacy and safety of Arbidol in the treatment of and antibacterial effects (Plantone and
COVID-19 pneumonia (NCT04252274, Koudriavtseva 2018; Keshavarzi 2016).
NCT04252885). Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) is
the critical receptor for SARS-CoV-2 (Ziegler
Ivermectin et al. 2020). CQ and HCQ can bind to terminal
Targeting the nuclear transport process is a poten- glycosylation of ACE2 with high affinity and
tial therapeutic approach against RNA viruses. block viral entry into cells (Singh et al. 2020b).
Ivermectin is a Food and Drug Administration On the other hand, CQ and HCQ have inhibitory
(FDA)-approved antiparasitic drug that has also effects on specific cellular populations, such as
shown antiviral activity against HIV and dengue neutrophils, and thereby can reduce the produc-
virus (Grossi et  al. 2018; Wagstaff et  al. 2012). tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-
Recently, a study demonstrated that ivermectin ɑ, IL-1, and interleukin 6 (IL-6) (Mo and Chen
reduced viral RNA by 5000-fold within 48 h after 2019). Therefore, CQ and HCQ act as anti-
SARS-CoV-2 infection in vivo (Bray et al. 2020; inflammatory agents to alleviate severe clinical
Patri and Fabbrocini 2020). With its established symptoms and may effectively suppress SARS-
safety, the next step is to prove the efficacy of CoV-2 infection (Klimke et  al. 2020; Fantini
ivermectin in the treatment of COVID-19 and et al. 2020). Chloroquine phosphate is the phos-
conduct trials to find the appropriate dosage phate salt of chloroquine. On February 4, 2020,
(NCT04390022). the Institute of Virology, Wuhan, China, jointly
published the results of effective in vitro inhibi-
tion of SARS-CoV-2 by chloroquine phosphate
25.2.2 Host-Based Drugs (Wang et al. 2020b).
In the first clinical trial, CQ effectively
Clinical investigations found high concentrations reduced viral load, inhibited the progression of
of cytokines in the plasma of patients with severe pneumonia, improved lung imaging perfor-
COVID-19 and suggested that the cytokine storm mance, and shortened disease progression.
is associated with disease severity. Below are Subsequently, a treatment efficacy study in 80
therapeutic drugs that have shown antiviral patients with COVID-19 provided evidence of
effects by inhibiting viral entry and cell-viral the effectiveness of coadministration of HCQ and
membrane fusion during virus invasion and also azithromycin and their potential role in the early
can act on the host immune and inflammatory reduction of infectivity (Gautret et  al. 2020).
responses. However, the efficacy of HCQ positively corre-
440 C. Yang et al.

lated with its plasma concentration. Low concen- profile of APN01 in reducing angiotensin II (Ang
tration of HCQ achieved no satisfactory II) and IL-6 levels (Hoffmann et al. 2020b).
therapeutic effects, while using high concentra-
tions of HCQ caused toxic side effects (Gao et al. Tocilizumab
2020). The widespread use of this combination, Tocilizumab is a humanized monoclonal anti-
i.e., HCQ and azithromycin, by clinicians world- body (mAb) directed against the IL-6 receptor. It
wide has raised concerns as both drugs have been was first approved by the FDA in 2010 for the
independently shown to increase the risk of pro- treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. According to
longed QT intervals and sudden pharmacological the Diagnosis and Treatment of Pneumonia
death (Singh et al. 2020a). HCQ, in the form of a Caused by COVID-19 (7th edition) of China,
low-dose nonsystemic aerosol, is currently used tocilizumab can be used to treat severe lung
in high-risk, critically ill, and elderly patients injury in patients with COVID-19 (Colaneri et al.
with COVID-19 (Klimke et  al. 2020). Ongoing 2020). Tocilizumab has been approved in China
trials are actively recruiting with the hope of vali- for the treatment of COVID-19 pneumonia and
dating the potential of HCQ in the treatment and IL-6 elevation (ChiCTR2000029765) (Mazzitelli
prevention of COVID-19. et al. 2020; Antinori et al. 2020). Currently, seven
clinical trials of intravenous tocilizumab in Camostat Mesilate COVID-19 patients are underway
Transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) is (NCT04315480, NCT04306705, NCT04332094,
a serine protease that primes the spike protein of NCT04332913, NCT04317092, NCT04335071,
highly pathogenic human coronaviruses. The NCT04310228).
proteolysis of TMPRSS2 plays an essential role
in priming SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for entry Human Immunoglobulin
(Hoffmann et  al. 2020a). Camostat mesilate, an Human immunoglobulins are the cornerstone of
inhibitor of TMPRSS2, can block the entry of treatment for patients with primary immunodefi-
SARS-CoV-2 into the lung cells and has been ciency diseases affecting the humoral immune
effective in protecting the mice against SARS- system. Immunoglobulins contain IgG antibodies
CoV infection, with a survival rate of 60% (Zhou that are broadly resistant to viruses, bacteria, or
et al. 2015). other pathogens, with dual therapeutic effects of
immune replacement and immune regulation Bevacizumab (Perez et  al. 2017). In patients with severe
Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized mono- COVID-19, intravenous immunoglobulin can be
clonal antibody that inhibits angiogenesis through given in the early stages of infection, depending
specific binding to elevated vascular endothelial on the condition (Moeinzadeh et al. 2020).
growth factor (VEGF) (Ruan et  al. 2018). An
ongoing trial is now evaluating the efficacy of
bevacizumab as a unique approach in the treat- 25.2.3 Neutralizing Antibodies
ment of SARS-CoV-2 infection (NCT04275414). (nAbs) R  ecombinant Human ACE2 nAbs provide specific immune defense against
(APN01) viral infection in patients (Table 25.1). The spike
Human recombinant soluble ACE2 significantly (S) protein of coronaviruses is the primary inducer
blocks the early stages of SARS-CoV-2 infec- of nAbs. The S protein of SARS-CoV-2 and
tions (Monteil et al. 2020). APN01 was success- SARS-CoV consists of the S1 subunit and the S2
fully developed in 2010 and can mechanistically subunit. The virus recognizes the ACE2 receptor
prevent viral infections and prevent acute lung through the receptor-binding domain (RBD)
injury. A phase II study of acute respiratory dis- located on the S1 subunit, and the S2 subunit
tress syndrome has demonstrated a high safety mediates viral-cell fusion (Zhou and Zhao 2020).
25  Therapeutic Development in COVID-19 441

Table 25.1  Representative SARS-CoV-2 targeting nAbs

nAbs Source Target region Protective efficacy References
80R Human SARS-CoV S1 aa Blocking RBD-ACE2 binding and Tian et al.
scFv 261–672 inhibiting syncytium formation (2020)
47D11 Human SARS-CoV S1 aa NA Ho (2020)
525–533; SARS-CoV-2
S1 aa 338–506
CR3022 Human SARS-CoV RBD aa Protect ferrets against SARS-CoV Tian et al.
CR3014 318–510; CR3022 binds and SARS-CoV-2 infection (2020)
33G4 Mouse SARS-CoV RBD, NA Du et al. (2017)
35B5 blocking RBD-ACE2
30F9 receptor binding
MERS-27 Human MERS-CoV RBD, Preventing and treating MERS-CoV Du et al. (2017)
m336 blocking RBD-DPP4 (strain EMC2012) challenge in and Zhou et al.
MERS-GD27 receptor binding hDPP4-Tg mice, rabbits, or (2019)
MCA1 common marmosets
HCAb-83 Dromedary MERS-CoV RBD aa 539 Prophylactically prevents MERS- Zhou et al.
camel CoV (strain EMC2012) challenge in (2019)
hDPP4-Tg mice
311mab- Human Cloned from single Binding to the SARS-CoV-2 S to Wang et al.
31B5/32D4 memory B cells effectively neutralize the SARS- (2020a) and
separation from CoV-2 infection Chen et al.
recovered COVID-19 (2020b)
P2C-1F11/ Human SARS-CoV-2 RBD, Anti-SARS-CoV-2 neutralization Ju et al. (2020)
P2B-2F6 derived from single B activity
cells of SARS-CoV-2
infected individuals
B38 Human SARS-CoV-2 RBD Blocking binding between RBD of Wu et al.
470-loop supported by SARS- CoV-2 and ACE2 (2020)
nAbs neutralizing antibody, S spike, aa amino acid, RBD receptor-binding domain, ACE2 angiotensin-converting
enzyme 2, NA not applicable, hDPP4-Tg mice human DPP4-transgenic mice

25.2.4 Traditional Chinese Medicine granules could inhibit SARS-CoV-2 propagation

(TCM) and Natural Products in  vitro and reduce virus-induced gene expres-
sion of IL-6, IL-8, TNFα, IP-10, and MCP-1.
SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV share similarities Jinhua Qinggan granules, Lianhua Qingwen cap-
in epidemiology, genomics, and pathogenesis. sules, and Shufeng Jiedu capsules can be used for
Due to these similarities, studies investigating the the prevention and treatment of patients under
therapeutic efficacy of TCM in patients with medical observation (Hu et  al. 2020; Runfeng
SARS will be summarized below. et al. 2020). Huoxiang Zhengqi capsules are rec-
ommended for COVID-19 patients with gastroin- Chinese Medicine testinal manifestations. Moreover, the combined
Preparations use of Huoxiang Zhengqi oral liquid and Jinhao
and Prescriptions Jiere granules showed efficacy in patients with
Shuang Huang Lian, a TCM herbal product made COVID-19 (Ho et al. 2020). Other Chinese medi-
from Lonicerae japonicae Flos, Scutellariae cines, Qingfei Paidu decoction and Ma Xing Shi
radix, and Fructus Forsythiae, purportedly has Gan decoction, have also been used clinically for
anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity (Ni et al. 2020). It has the treatment of COVID-19 patients in China
been shown that Lianhua Qingwen capsules/ (Yang et al. 2020).
442 C. Yang et al. Natural Products Otherwise, it may cause pulmonary edema and

Glycyrrhizic acid is a triterpene isolated from aggravate the hypoxic state. Considering that
licorice root that significantly inhibits the entry systemic corticosteroids may delay viral clear-
and replication of SARS-CoV, providing a prom- ance, the use of corticosteroids is also not recom-
ising anti-coronavirus compound (Zhao et  al. mended (Johnson et  al. 2020). Nevertheless,
2020). Clinical trials of diammonium glycyrrhiz- corticosteroids can be applied if other reasons
inate combined with vitamin C for the treatment justify their use (Zha et al. 2020). Plasma therapy
of COVID-19 are currently underway. Another and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy depend
natural compound, Shikonin, has been identified on the circumstances (Chen et  al. 2020a).
as a primer inhibitor targeting the 3CLpro of Notably, heparin and nafamostat combination
SARS-CoV-2 and has potential for optimization therapy has shown potential for the treatment of
as an antiviral primer (Jin et al. 2020). However, severe COVID-19 (Alijotas-Reig et  al. 2020;
its specific anti-SARS-CoV-2 effect still requires Asakura and Ogawa 2020).
further experimental and clinical verification.

25.4 Precautions of COVID-19

25.3 Supportive Treatment
for COVID-19 Standard precautions, including respiratory and
eye protection, are recommended for all health-
Similar to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, common care providers caring for patients who are known
clinical symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, or suspected to have COVID-19 pneumonia
cough, sore throat, headache, myalgia, and short- (Gong et al. 2020). Even after two sets of nega-
ness of breath (Huang et al. 2020a). Meanwhile, tive test results, patients are still likely to become
a small number of patients present with symp- carriers of the virus (Liu et al. 2020). Therefore,
toms of gastrointestinal infection and a diagnosis it is recommended to remove precautions based
of conjunctivitis (Khavandi et al. 2020; Kim et al. not only on laboratory and radiological findings
2020). However, the clinical course of COVID- but also on the clinical evaluation of patients.
19 pneumonia shows variable disease severity
and rapid progression (Huang et  al. 2020c).
Mostly, elderly patients and patients with under- 25.5 Conclusion
lying diseases develop ARDS, cytokine storm,
acute cardiac injury, arrhythmia, and secondary This chapter outlined possible therapeutic options
infections (Liang et al. 2020; Jiang et al. 2020). currently under investigation for COVID-19. We
When the patient has difficulty breathing, ade- summarized clinical trials as of the end of May
quate oxygen should be given immediately. 2020, which were initiated rapidly after the pan-
Almost all patients received oxygen therapy, and demic emergency. Although trials of specific
the World Health Organization (WHO) recom- drugs and therapeutic antibodies based on SARS-
mends extracorporeal membrane oxygenation CoV-2 are underway, the solution will take lon-
(ECMO) in patients with refractory hypoxemia ger due to the need for testing of safety. On the
(Thibodeaux et al. 2020; Firstenberg et al. 2020). other hand, repurposing existing therapeutic
In patients with hypoxemia, nasal prongs, masks, agents previously designed for other viruses and
a high-flow nasal catheter (HFNC), and noninva- diseases is an effective way to respond quickly to
sive ventilation are recommended. However, pandemics, as most of these agents have already
mechanical ventilation or even additional porous been tested for safety. As the biological proper-
membrane oxygenation support may be required ties of SARS-CoV-2 continue to be understood,
(Thibodeaux et  al. 2020). If there is no sign of more potential mechanisms will be revealed and
inadequate tissue perfusion, fluid resuscitation confirmed, and more potential targets and drugs
should be done relatively conservatively. will be developed. However, the development of
25  Therapeutic Development in COVID-19 443

related vaccines and new drugs and the addition ritonavir doses in human immunodeficiency virus-
infected patients. Enferm Infec Micr Cl 31(1):36–43.
of new indications for “old drugs” require experi-
mental verification and further clinical studies, Beigel JH, Tomashek KM, Dodd LE, Mehta AK, Zingman
and drug development often lags far behind the BS, Kalil AC, Hohmann E, Chu HY, Luetkemeyer A,
development of the epidemic. The increasing Kline S, Lopez de Castilla D, Finberg RW, Dierberg K,
Tapson V, Hsieh L, Patterson TF, Paredes R, Sweeney
number of recovered patients and the recently DA, Short WR, Touloumi G, Lye DC, Ohmagari N, Oh
recorded higher recovery/mortality ratio seem to MD, Ruiz-Palacios GM, Benfield T, Fatkenheuer G,
favor experimental therapy. Therefore, the most Kortepeter MG, Atmar RL, Creech CB, Lundgren J,
effective response to the ongoing public health Babiker AG, Pett S, Neaton JD, Burgess TH, Bonnett
T, Green M, Makowski M, Osinusi A, Nayak S, Lane
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(2004) Single-chain antibodies against a plant viral
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Immune-Based Therapy
for COVID-19 26
Abdolreza Esmaeilzadeh, Davood Jafari,
Safa Tahmasebi, Reza Elahi, and Elnaz Khosh

Abstract against the virus, antibody-based immuno-

therapies of COVID-19 include injection of
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- convalescent plasma from recovered patients,
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel zoonotic virus high-dose intravenous immunoglobulins
identified as the cause of coronavirus disease (IVIG), monoclonal antibodies, and poly-
2019 (COVID-19) that has crossed species clonal antibodies. Also, cell-based treatment,
and infected humans. In order to develop new vaccine-based approaches, cytokine-based
insights on the immune-based treatments immunotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibi-
against this disease, it is vital to understand tors, JAK inhibitors, decoy receptors, and
the immunopathology of the COVID-19, immunosuppressive drugs are discussed in
implications of the immune response to this chapter.
SARS-CoV-2, and immune dysfunction in
response to SARS-CoV-2. There is no Keywords
approved drug for the treatment of COVID-­19.
It is, thus, promising to design immune-based Acute respiratory distress syndrome ·
treatments that inhibit the infectious mecha- Coronavirus · COVID-19 · Immune system ·
nism of the virus, improve the inadequate Immunotherapy · SARS-CoV-2
immune response, or regulate the hyperacti-
vated immune response in severely ill patients.
According to the antiviral immune response
26.1 Introduction
A. Esmaeilzadeh (*) · D. Jafari
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran (SARS-CoV-2) is a novel zoonotic virus that has
Immunotherapy Research and Technology Group, crossed species and infected humans, causing
Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). First
e-mail: cases of COVID-19 were reported in Wuhan,
S. Tahmasebi China; however, it has now spread worldwide
Department of Immunology, School of Public Health, and, thus, has been announced as a global pan-
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran demic (Tahmasebi et  al. 2020). In order to
R. Elahi · E. Khosh develop new insights on the immune-based treat-
School of Medicine, Zanjan University of Medical ments against this disease, it is vital to understand
Sciences, Zanjan, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 449
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
450 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

the immunopathology of the novel coronavirus, 26.2 Immunopathology and Its

implications of the immune response to SARS-­ Implications for Acute
CoV-­2, and immune dysfunction in response to Respiratory Distress
SARS-CoV-2. Syndrome (ARDS) Therapy
Immune-based treatments against COVID-19
are designed to inhibit the infectious mechanism Coronaviruses have unsegmented, enveloped,
of the virus, improve the inadequate immune and positive-sense single-stranded RNA genome.
response, or regulate the hyperactivated immune Notably, the four crucial proteins, including
response in severely ill patients (Khoury et  al. nucleocapsid (N), envelope (E), membrane (M),
2020). According to the antiviral immune and spike (S), are encoded by the coronavirus
response against the virus, immune-based thera- genome. The abovementioned proteins are neces-
pies of COVID-19 have been described in this sary for virus replication and pathogenesis. Spike
chapter. One of the immune-based therapies for protein is the substantial particle for the entrance
COVID-19 is antibody-based treatments, includ- of the virus through the cellular receptors on the
ing injection of convalescent plasma from recov- host cell surface. The releasing and replication
ered patients, high-dose intravenous processes of the RNA are initiated in the cyto-
immunoglobulins (IVIG), monoclonal antibod- plasm. Eventually, the vesicles composed of the
ies, and polyclonal antibodies (Kumar et  al. newly formed coronaviruses fuse with the cell
2020). Also, since the inflammatory pathways membrane and release the viral particles out of
and immune checkpoints have major roles in the the cells (Wang et  al. 2020c; Kui et  al. 2020;
uncontrolled immune response against the virus, Mousavizadeh and Ghasemi 2020; de Haan et al.
JAK inhibitors, immune checkpoint inhibitors, 1998; Woo et al. 2010). The most common recep-
and decoy receptors are the other immune-based tor for the entry of the SARS-CoV-2 to the cells
therapeutic approaches (Tay et al. 2020). is angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2).
Since the hyper-inflammation caused by the Additionally, the SARS-CoV-2 administrates
cytokine storm is the major cause of the respira- the transmembrane serine protease2 TMPRSS2
tory and multi-organ failure in severely ill and endosomal cysteine proteases cathepsin B
patients, different strategies have shown clinical and L (CatB/L), while entering the cells through
benefits for the management of the cytokine ACE2. The diffuse expression of the ACE2 rec-
storm in COVID-19 patients (Wang et al. 2020d). ommends that multiple organs can be infected by
One of these approaches is the suppression of the the novel coronavirus (Lukassen et  al. 2020;
severe inflammatory response using immunosup- Wambier and Goren 2020; Hoffmann et al. 2020).
pressive drugs, such as cytotoxic chemotherapy In addition to ACE2, the CD147 receptor may be
and low-dose corticosteroids and nonsteroidal involved in the invasion of the novel coronavirus.
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Given the Based on the expression of CD147 by the
significant roles of the immune cells in the inflamed tissues, tumor cells, and infected tis-
immune responses against SARS-CoV-2, cell-­ sues, the cross-reaction with the healthy cells
based immunotherapies have been recently intro- would be low (Guo et  al. 2020; Kosugi et  al.
duced as new treatment options for SARS-CoV-2. 2015).
The cell-based immunotherapies include the Of note, the most common clinical manifesta-
injection of the mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), tions of this highly pathogenic virus are fever,
natural killer (NK) cells, dendritic cells (DCs), cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath. The high
and intrapulmonary macrophages and inhibition proportion of infected patients experience mild to
of the T-cell exhaustion (Khoury et  al. 2020). moderate symptoms of the disease. Besides, they
Also, this chapter includes an overview of the would have a good prognosis. Approximately
immune-based clinical trials to provide a current 10% of the patients may have a severe infection
picture of the immune-based therapies for of the novel coronavirus. Additionally, about 5%
COVID-19. of the COVID-19 cases would be in the critical
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 451

condition of the disease. The clinical complica- vary from mild respiratory infection to severe
tions of the disease, such as acute respiratory dis- pneumonia, which can lead to respiratory fail-
ease syndrome (ARDS), kidney injury, shock, ure. Respiratory failure is the leading cause of
arrhythmia, and death, may occur in patients with death in COVID-19 patients. The underlying
critical condition. It is worth noting that older cause of respiratory failure is the ARDS,
patients, especially with concomitant medical ill- which is, in turn, mediated by the severe
nesses such as cardiovascular diseases, cerebro- inflammatory response or the cytokine storm
vascular diseases, hypertension, and diabetes, are (Mason 2020). After SARS-­C oV-­2 infects the
highly likely to progress to severe and critical lung tissue, the cytotoxic effects of the virus
conditions (Zhou et  al. 2020a; Abdulamir and on epithelial cells induce innate and further
Hafidh 2020; Prompetchara et al. 2020). adaptive immune responses. The interaction
SARS-CoV-2 penetrates to the lungs by pass- between the major pathogenic microbes and
ing through the respiratory tract. Then, the virus subsequent immune response induces inflam-
can appear in the blood and cause the viremic mation in the respiratory system that contains
condition. After that, COVID-19 can be in each multiple cytokines and molecules as its core.
organ that expresses ACE2 receptors. In addition The cytokine storm is the result of hyper-­
to the pathogenic features of the virus, the inflam- inflammation, caused by a severe uncon-
matory response critically contributes to the pro- trolled immune response to the virus. The
gression of COVID-19. The immune system histopathological findings of the SARS-
alterations during the pathogenesis of the corona- CoV-2 include bilateral consolidation,
virus would be as follows: decreasing the number ground-glass opacity, hyaline membrane for-
of lymphocytes (CD8+, CD4+ T cells, and B cells) mation, desquamation of the pneumocytes,
and NK cells, increasing the levels of immuno- and fibromyxoid exudates in the lungs. These
suppressive regulatory T (T reg) cells, and upreg- findings are consistent with a bilateral diffuse
ulating the proinflammatory cytokines. Innate alveolar damage (DAD) of the lungs, which is
and adaptive immune responses will destroy the exerted by severe inflammation and cytokine
pulmonary tissue and lead toward ARDS in some storm (Tian et al. 2020a). It is, therefore, nec-
infected patients. ARDS is a vital clinical feature essary to understand the anti-­ S ARS-­C oV-2
of the novel coronavirus. High levels of proin- immune mechanisms for controlling the dis-
flammatory cytokines and chemokines would ease and developing effective treatments
cause a critical phenomenon, called the cytokine (Khoury et al. 2020).
storm. The cytokine storm is a suggested mecha- The immune system mainly determines the
nism underlying ARDS conditions and multiple severity of the disease. The highest mortality
organ failures (Wang et al. 2020c; Lin et al. 2020; rate of the COVID-19 has been reported in
Shi et al. 2020). Overall, scientists should become elderly patients with comorbidities that com-
acquainted with the innate and adaptive immune promise the antiviral function of the immune
responses of the body against SARS-CoV-2 to system. Since this compromised immune
know better the COVID-19 response cannot inhibit the replication of the
immunopathogenesis. virus, lower respiratory airway and alveoli are
highly susceptible to infection with the SARS-
CoV-2. The most critical injury to the lung is
26.3 Immunopathogenesis caused by the severe inflammation and ARDS,
of COVID-19 rather than direct cytopathologic effects of the
SARS-CoV-2 (Xiao et  al. 2020). Both innate
The transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 occurs and adaptive immunity are involved in the
mainly through the droplets (Rabi et al. 2020). immunopathogenesis of the novel coronavirus
COVID-19 causes respiratory symptoms that (Fig. 26.1).
452 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

Fig. 26.1  The immunopathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2. antiviral antibodies. Activated neutrophils, monocytes,
Virus antigens are presented to TH1/17 and CTL cells by and lymphocytes also are recruited from the peripheral
antigen-presenting cells (alveolar epithelial I/II cells, blood to the lung alveoli by chemotactic factors produced
macrophages, and dendritic cells). On the one hand, TH by macrophages and damaged epithelial cells. As a result,
cells, as well as DCs, activate the CTLs, which attack the influx of large numbers of immune cells into the bron-
viruses by releasing perforin and granzymes. On the other choalveolar space and the overproduction of inflamma-
hand, TH cells stimulate the activation of neutrophils and tory cytokines by TH cells activated neutrophils, and
macrophages by the cell to cell connection and producing macrophages cause overstated immune responses, which
the inflammatory cytokines. Also, TH cells convert the B elicit the cytokine storms, alveolar epithelial cell damage,
lymphocytes to plasma cells and lead to the production of ARDS, and other organs

26.3.1 Innate Immune Response inflammatory cascade of the macrophages and

to SARS-COV-2 other inflammatory cells, which leads to the pro-
duction of the interleukin 1 beta (IL)-1β, IL-6,
Macrophages and lymphocytes are immune com- and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α). The
partments of the alveoli, which initiate the release of the inflammatory mediators increases
immune response against the virus. Airway epi- vascular permeability and the migration of the
thelial cells can act as immune effector cells, as immune cells such as neutrophils, lymphocytes,
well. The damage to the pneumocytes induces and monocytes to the lungs (Liu et  al. 2020b).
the presentation of adhesion molecules and the NK cells are among the immune cells that con-
production of the immune mediators that recruit tribute to the immune response against the virus,
further macrophages and lymphocytes to the as well (Prompetchara et al. 2020).
alveoli. Macrophages recognize the viral anti- COVID-19 patients have increased levels of
gens through innate immune receptors, such as serum acute proinflammatory chemokines and
toll-like receptors (TLR). The identification of cytokines, such as IL-1β, interferon gamma
viral antigens would activate the intracellular (IFN-γ), interferon-γ-inducible protein 10 (IP-­
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 453

10), and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 a common laboratory finding in COVID-19

(MCP-1). Besides, severe COVID-19 patients patients, which mainly contains a reduced num-
who required intensive care unit (ICU) admission ber of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (Tay et al.
had higher levels of TNF-α, granulocyte colony-­ 2020). Several reasons might lie in the reduced
stimulating factor (G-CSF), MCP-1, macrophage number of T cells in COVID-19, including apop-
inflammatory protein 1 alpha (MIP-1A), IL-2, 7, tosis/pyroptosis of T cells due to the infection by
10, and IL-10, indicating severe inflammation in SARS-CoV-2, pulmonary infiltration of T cells,
critically ill patients (Huang et  al. 2020). Thus, suppression of bone marrow due to severe diffuse
elevated proinflammatory cytokines and chemo- inflammation, and margination of T cells into the
kines that lead to hyper-inflammation are the vessels. SARS-CoV-2 can infect all lymphocyte
underlying cause of the lung tissue damage in subsets, including B cells, T cells, and NK cells;
COVID-19. Management of the inflammatory however, T lymphocytes are the most common
response has been shown to increase the outcome group. Lymphopenia can subsequently increase
of critically ill COVID-19 patients in the clinical the risk of secondary bacterial infections and dis-
setting (Jose and Manuel 2020). ease severity. The severity of the lymphopenia is
The laboratory findings also show an increased associated with poor prognosis in critically ill
number of neutrophils in COVID-19 patients, patients (Liu et al. 2020d).
which demonstrate the activation of innate immu- The adaptive immune system also contributes
nity. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to the hyper-inflammation and cytokine storm by
is increased in severe cases and has been pro- producing proinflammatory cytokines. The IL-12
posed as a prognostic factor in COVID-19 (Li produced by immune cells induces the Th1 cells
et al. 2020). to activate the CTLs. Also, Th1 cells, in combina-
tion with monocytes, contribute to produce pro-
inflammatory cytokines and growth factors such
26.3.2 Adaptive Immune Response as IL-6 and GM-CSF, which have critical roles in
to SARS-COV-2 the progression of mild pulmonary inflammation
to severe ARDS (Fu et al. 2020). Type 2 helper
B and T lymphocytes have a significant role in (Th2) cells have been reported to be reduced in
the adaptive immune response against SARS-­ COVID-19. The effects of the macrophage-­
CoV-­2. The binding of the viral peptides to the associated IL-4 on Th2 cells lead to the release of
major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-I and the inflammatory cytokines by Th2 cells, which
II on antigen-presenting cells (APCs) stimulates are subsequently involved in the severe inflam-
the CD8+ cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) and CD4+ matory response and cytokine storm
helper T cells (Th) to exert an adaptive immune (Prompetchara et al. 2020).
response against the novel coronavirus. Helper T
cells present the viral antigens to the B lympho-
cytes. B lymphocytes subsequently neutralize the 26.3.3 Challenges of the Immune
virus by producing neutralizing antiviral antibod- Response Against
ies. These neutralizing antibodies can bind to the SARS-COV-2
S protein of the free extracellular viruses and,
thus, can inhibit the infection of the healthy cells. Immune-Compromised
Also, CTLs can directly kill the virus-infected Patients
cells that express viral antigens on their cell The immune system is the most prominent
­surface by inducing apoptosis through granzymes defender of the body against SARS-CoV-2.
and perforin (Tay et al. 2020). Immune-competent COVID-19 patients have
Laboratory results of the COVID-19 patients shown less morbidity and mortality in compari-
show a decreased lymphocyte count. The immu- son to immune-compromised patients. Most of
nological assays have proved that lymphopenia is the mortalities during the COVID-19 pandemic
454 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

have been reported in immune-compromised and Dysregulation of Type I IFN

comorbid patients, such as cancer patients. The The pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 is similar to
insufficient immune response against SARS-­ that of SARS-CoV. The SARS-CoV uses multi-
CoV-­2 leads to increased replication of the virus ple immune-evasion mechanisms. One of the
and the progression of the disease (Wang et  al. most critical immune pathways that inhibit viral
2020a). Thus, the prophylactic protection and replication is the type I interferon (IFN-I) path-
stimulation of the immune response in immune-­ way. SARS-CoV has shown to interfere with host
compromised patients seem to be necessary. IFN-I production by suppressing the STAT-1, the
upstream signaling of the IFN-I. IFN-I depletion Cytokine Storm dampens the optimum antiviral immune
The cytokines and chemokines produced by the responses, thereby paving the way for the patho-
epithelial cells and the alveolar macrophages genesis of SARS-CoV (Hu et  al. 2017).
activate the innate and adaptive immune compo- Accordingly, IFN-based treatments have been
nents. The recruitment of these cells to the lung proposed for the treatment of COVID-19. IFN-­
tissue induces the immune responses against α1β, IFN-β, recombinant human IFN-α, IFN-­
SARS-CoV-2. In some severe cases, the immune β1A, and IFN-β1B are such IFN-based
response can be very severe that can cause cyto- immunotherapies currently under investigation
kine storm and ARDS in the lung. GM-CSF and by multiple clinical trials. Early administration of
IL-6 produced by the monocytes and Th cells are IFN-based therapeutics can induce immune
the major factors that lead to the inflammation responses in the first stages of the disease and
(Wang et al. 2020d). The increased serum level of prevent the cytokine storm. In contrast, treatment
IL-6 is associated with a more severe form of the with IFNs at the severe stages might cause an
disease. Hyper-inflammation causes the alveolus immune response that, in turn, further stimulates
filled with the inflammatory exudates and fibrous cytokine storm and hyper-inflammation in the
tissue, which can finally lead to respiratory fail- lungs (Mosaddeghi et al. 2020).
ure (Jose and Manuel 2020). Management of this
hyperinflammatory response using the immuno-
modulatory approaches can reduce lung tissue 26.3.4 Immunotherapy of COVID-19
damage and fibrosis. These approaches are the
cytokine-targeting therapies using the interven- While there are no vaccines or specific medicines
tions that mediate the adaptive immune response approved for the prevention and treatment of
toward the Th2-mediated pathway and include COVID-19, immunologists offer insights for
injection of MSCs as immunomodulatory cells immunotherapy of COVID-19. Immunotherapy
and using the immunomodulatory cytokines and is effective against diseases caused by similar
agents (Khoury et al. 2020). viruses such as SARS-CoV and MERS-­
CoV. Fig. 26.2 illustrates a graphical overview of Exhaustion of T Cells the key design characteristics of the different
Clinical studies on the immune cells of COVID-­19 types of immunotherapy-based strategies.
patients have shown that the T cells of these
patients have an increased expression of T-cell Antibody-Based Treatments
exhaustion markers, such as programmed death-1 for COVID-19
(PD-1) and T-cell immunoglobulin mucin-3
(TIM-3). Exhausted T cells cannot exert appro- Convalescent-Plasma Therapy
priate immune responses against the virus (Diao Convalescent plasma (CP) or hyper-immune
et al. 2020). Inhibiting the exhaustion of T cells immunoglobulin therapy is a passive-adaptive-­
could be considered as an immune-enhancing immunotherapy used to protect the individuals
approach in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 from clinical infections or to prevent the disease
individuals. progression (Casadevall et  al. 2004; Luke et  al.
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 455

Fig. 26.2  Immune-based therapies at a glance

2006). Plasma therapy has shown promise as neutralizing antibodies. Antibodies contribute to
postexposure prophylaxis in polio, measles, hep- the elimination of infection by binding to patho-
atitis, rabies, and mumps. It is also known as a gens and neutralizing them, directly or by activat-
therapeutic approach with acceptable efficacy ing the indirect cytotoxic routes, including
and safety for Ebola, influenza, Argentine hemor- antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
rhagic fever, SARS, MERS, and COVID-19 (ADCC), complement-dependent cytotoxicity
(Casadevall and Pirofski 2020; Sahr et al. 2017; (CDC), and phagocytosis (Van Erp et  al. 2019;
Hung et al. 2011). Plasma therapy is particularly Gunn et al. 2018). As an encouraging report, CP
useful during outbreaks when time and resources has been approved by the Food and Drug
are limited for the immunoglobulin preparations. Administration Agency (FDA) for the treatment
In exposed individuals, plasma contains the of COVID-19 (Administration 2020, May 1). CP
anti-SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing and non-­ helps to improve the immunity of SARS-CoV-2-­
456 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

infected patients, suppress the viremia, clear the lected from a pool of more than 1000 healthy
infected cells, prevent disease progression, and donors, which contains the polyclonal immuno-
augment the success rate of supportive care. globulin G (IgG). IVIG is a potent immunomod-
When applied in the early stages, CP is more ulatory treatment with a broad spectrum of
effective (Cheng et al. 2005). To this end, plasma antibacterial and antiviral hallmarks (Bayry et al.
can be collected from rehabilitated individuals 2004). As a protective effect, IVIg prevents infec-
following the development of anti-SARS-CoV-­2- tions of the upper and lower respiratory tracts
specific neutralizing antibodies and then rein- (Galeotti et  al. 2017; De Ranieri and Fenny
fused into the new cases. COVID-19 patients 2017). Previously published studies pointed out
treated with CP have shown recovery of symp- the encouraging clinical benefits and safety of
toms (cough, fever, sputum, and muscle pain) IVIG therapy in patients with SARS and MERS
and pulmonary lesions, enhancement of the lym- (Wang et al. 2004; Arabi et al. 2014).
phocyte ratio and blood oxygen saturation, reduc- IVIG modulates the immune responses by dif-
tion of the viral load, and clinical stability without ferent mechanisms, of which inhibiting the broad
any measurable adverse effects (Shen et al. 2020; spectrum of the proinflammatory cytokines and
Duan et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020b; Law 2020; increasing the anti-inflammatory cytokines are
xinhuanet 2020, February 28). the most critical functions. The high dose of
Of note, qualified donors are selected based IVIG has emerged as another modality of immu-
on the confirmed history of the COVID-19 infec- notherapy to neutralize SARS-CoV-2.
tion, a negative follow-up molecular test, the Specifically, IVIG induces immune responses
absence of symptoms, standard physical exami- against the virus in the newly treated COVID-19
nation, and pre-donation screening tests. patients (Jawhara 2020). However, possible
Importantly, plasma collection timing should be pathogens in plasma derived from COVID-19
put under consideration as an essential factor recovered patients should be inactivated or elimi-
affecting the antibody titer (Okba et  al. 2020; nated before IVIG therapy (Caballero et  al.
Bloch et  al. 2020). According to the investiga- 2010).
tions, it has been recommended that plasma with According to a case series of the COVID-19
a high neutralizing antibody titer is obtained IVIG therapy, 0.3–0.5 g per kg weight per day of
14 days following the improvement of the symp- high-dose IVIG is allowed to prescribe to
toms (Bloch et  al. 2020). Plasma therapy has a COVID-19 patients for 5 days (Cao et al. 2020).
variable dosage of administration based on the Successfully, findings have revealed that the
prevention or the treatment aims; thus, a specific administration of high-dose IVIg at the proper
dose has not been clarified. Nevertheless, some point could inhibit the disease progression to
planned clinical trials have proposed the use of severe conditions and increase the patients’
one unit of plasma (200  mL) for postexposure recovery in early stages. Patients demonstrated
prophylaxis and one/two units for therapeutic no fever and breathing recuperation in 3–5 days
purposes (29–31). The dosage of CP in COVID-­19 following the IVIG therapy. Also, no adverse
has been determined according to the previous effects were observed in all treated patients (Cao
experiences of utilizing CP in SARS, which was et al. 2020; Xie et al. 2020). On account of the
5  mL/kg of plasma with ≥1:160 titers (Cheng ability of IVIG therapy in augmenting the pas-
et al. 2005). In summary, plasma therapy can pro- sive immunity and modulating the inflammatory
vide great hope to improve the treatment of condition with satisfactory efficacy and safety, it
COVID-19 (Law 2020). could be considered as an alternative treatment
for SARS-CoV-2 cases. Moreover, IVIG, in
IVIG Administration combination with other supportive care, would
High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) is be a hopeful treatment for the novel
an effective and safe immune modulator col- coronavirus.
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 457

Monoclonal Antibodies (mAbs) CoV-­2 RBD protein. Among these, 311mab-31B5

Antibody-based therapy is another practical and 311mab-32D4 could potentially suppress the
approach that can be applied to COVID-19. interaction between the SARS-CoV-2 RBD and
Antibodies can be obtained from infected cases hACE2 proteins, leading to the virus neutraliza-
or produced by laboratory manufacturing. mAbs tion. Encouragingly, two described mAbs could
are characterized by high specificity and purity, be considered as potent prophylactic and thera-
high safety, and low rate of blood-borne infec- peutic agents against COVID-19 (Chen et  al.
tions that can overcome the restrictions related to 2020d). Up to now, many clinical trial studies
IVIG and CP preparations. mAb therapy, as have been initiated to investigate the efficacy of
effective passive antibody therapy, has appeared different mAbs against SARS-CoV-2, which may
to prevent or to treat the various diseases (Sui be helpful to disease management.
et  al. 2005; Bayry et  al. 2007). In the recent
decade, several mAbs have been developed or are Polyclonal Antibodies
under development against different viral infec- In addition to mAbs, polyclonal antibodies also
tions (Group and Team 2016; Gupta et al. 2016; can be developed as prophylactic and therapeutic
Prabakaran et  al. 2009). Mainly, mAbs can be agents against viral infections like the coronavi-
produced to target the specific epitopes of SARS-­ ruses family, mostly MERS-CoV (Sheahan et al.
CoV-­2 surface proteins and inhibit the viral entry 2017). As an example, SAB-301, a human poly-
to the host cells, replication, and progression. clonal antibody (50  mg/kg), has revealed the
Promising results have been observed with potent and well-tolerated antiviral function
specific neutralizing mAb, such as m396 and against MERS-CoV in healthy participants (Jean
CR3022 against SARS-CoV (Prabakaran et  al. et  al. 2020). Moreover, monoclonal and poly-
2009). Accordingly, the receptor-binding domain clonal antibodies have also shown powerful pro-
(RBD) of SRAS-CoV-2, which is similar to phylactic and therapeutic effects against influenza
SARS-CoV, can be targeted by CR3014, a SARS-­ by inhibiting virus replication (Beigel et  al.
CoV-­specific mAb. Targeting the SARS-CoV-2 2019). Thus far, various polyclonal antibodies
RBD by CR3022 resulted in the notable suppres- have obtained a license to target some viral infec-
sion of SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. Thereby, tions, including varicella-zoster virus (VZV),
CR3022, as a monotherapy or in combination cytomegalovirus (CMV), hepatitis B virus
with other drugs, might be helpful in the treat- (HBV), and influenza. These data suggest that
ment of COVID-19-infected patients. In contrast, polyclonal antibodies as effective therapeutic
m396 and CR3014, the other SARS-CoV-specific agents may be useful in COVID-19 as well.
neutralizing mAbs, were not significantly effec-
tive against SARS-CoV-2 due to the presence of Hemoperfusion Therapy
no connection between the mentioned antibodies Extracorporeal organ support therapies such as
and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. However, they hemoperfusion and hemoadsorption therapies
can be applied as an alternative treatment for would be beneficial for the critical conditions of
SARS-CoV-2 (Tian et  al. 2020b). 47D11 is the COVID-19 (Ronco et al. 2020). Blood purifica-
first mAb introduced to neutralize SRAS-CoV-2. tion techniques would assist in eliminating the
Interestingly, 47D11 cross-neutralizes both molecular toxins and extra-produced cytokines
SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 by binding to the from the body. They also play important roles in
conserved core domain of the spike RBD (S1B) stabilizing body temperature, volume balance,
with identical affinities. 47D11 could powerfully and hemodynamics. The plasma/whole blood
suppress the infection of SARS-CoV and SARS-­ adsorption technologies can be administrated to
CoV-­2 through the unknown mechanism (Wang scavenge the excessive inflammatory cytokines
et al. 2020b). Also, three human mAbs, including in the course of the novel coronavirus infection
311mab-31B5, 311mab-32D4, and 311mab-­ (Maoujoud et al. 2020). Since the proinflamma-
31B9, specifically and strongly bind to SARS-­ tory cytokines are prominent in the early stages
458 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

of the disease, it is recommended to use plasma/ ongoing to investigate the effect of PD-1 inhibi-
blood adsorption therapies in the initial stages of tion on the healing process of COVID-19 patients
the infection. These methods can have a thera- (NCT04268537). Therefore, inhibition of PD-1,
peutic effect on the pathogenesis of COVID-19. TIM-3, NKG2A, and other involved immune
The application of blood purification techniques checkpoints may be an efficacious therapy to pre-
in COVID-19 should be considered in situations vent T-cell exhaustion and to reinforce the
such as ARDS, volume overload, resistance to immune system against SARS-CoV-2 infection
the diuretics, and continuous inflammatory fever, (Zheng et al. 2020a, b; Diao et al. 2020).
which cannot be subsided by glucocorticoids
(Rangaswami et al. 2019). JAK Inhibitors
Notably, these methods are better to perform The collaboration between the Janus kinase
every 12 h in the early stages of the disease. After (JAKs) family and signal transducer and activator
that, the application of adsorption technologies of transcription proteins (STATs) forms JAK-­
can be reduced to one time in 24 h. The reduction STAT signaling pathways. This cellular pathway
in IL-6/IL-10 ratio represents that anti-­ is essential for the immune reactions of the cells
inflammatory cytokines have replaced proinflam- to the exogenous signals. The inhibition of JAKs
matory cytokines. Then, the body temperature family containing TYK3, JAK1, JAK2, and JAK3
would return to normal. At this time, the adsorp- will hinder the release of cytokines. The inhibi-
tion therapies should be ceased. Extracorporeal tion of the JAK1 signaling pathway would
membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is one of the decrease the expression of Th2 and related cyto-
respiratory supports in SARS-CoV-2-infected kines. Additionally, the disruption of STAT3
patients. However, it should be considered that phosphorylation followed by JAK1 inhibition
ECMO could deteriorate the release of cytokine would reduce the level of IL-6. IL-6 is one of the
phenomenon (Al-Fares et al. 2019). So the blood central destructive cytokines in the cytokine
purification techniques would be helpful for storm of the COVID-19; therefore, JAK inhibi-
patients who underwent ECMO. tors could be a candidate to control the cytokine
When using blood/plasma adsorption tech- storm (Russell et  al. 2020a; Napolitano et  al.
niques, it is necessary to adjust the dosage of the 2020; Peterson et  al. 2020). From recent litera-
drugs, in particular, albumin (Association 2020). ture, baricitinib (Olumiant), which is a JAK
inhibitor drug, has been introduced to diminish Immune Checkpoint the entrance of the virus to the host cells and also
Inhibitor-­Based Therapies inflammation in the COVID-19-infected patients.
CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, and NK cells would Baricitinib performs its function through inhibit-
become exhausted in the course of the COVID-­19. ing the adaptor-associated protein kinase 1
The increased expression of CD94/NK group 2 (AAK1) receptor that involves in the virus endo-
member A (NKG2A) by NK cells and CTLs cytosis (Richardson et al. 2020).
plays a role in this functional exhaustion. NKG2A
upregulation would reduce the capability of Development of Decoy
CTLs and NK cells in producing granzyme B, Receptors
IFN-γ, CD107a, IL-2, and TNF-α. Thus, decreas- The viral spike (S) protein mediates virus entry
ing the NKG2A+ NK and CTLs may help the into cells through its attachment to an enzyme
management of SARS-CoV-2 infection. attached to the surface of cells, called ACE2, and
Additionally, COVID-19-infected patients have is a primary determinant of cell tropism and
higher serum levels of IL-10, which is an inhibi- pathogenesis (Walls et al. 2020; Belouzard et al.
tory and anti-inflammatory cytokine and might 2012). Immunologists are currently studying the
affect T-cell exhaustion. Also, PD-1 and TIM-3 potential therapeutic roles of the Fc variants
are exhaustion markers that have shown to against the COVID-19 crisis. Thus, it would be
increase in COVID-19. A clinical trial study is desirable to convert the soluble form of ACE2
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 459

receptor into an immunoadhesin composition Corticosteroids, in particular dexamethasone,

fused to an Fc region of antibody molecules are the other drugs used to manage CRS. Of note,
(ACE2-Fc), thereby lengthening the half-life of the injection of corticosteroids for COVID-19-­
the circulating fusion protein while also trigger- associated cytokine storm and pneumonia has not
ing an immune response against the virus (Kruse been approved due to the increased risk of vascu-
2020). This approach has the potential to prevent lar necrosis and diabetes (Maschalidi et al. 2016).
or to treat not just infection by SARS-CoV-2 but Hyaluronan (HA) can be considered as another
also the other coronaviruses in humans and ani- potential cause of ARSD and fatalities in SARS-­
mals that use ACE2 as the critical receptor to CoV-­2 patients (Xu et al. 2020; Bell et al. 2019).
invade the cells. While not tested in an animal Moreover, studies show that the increased levels
model, an in  vitro study revealed that a human of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1β,
IgG1 Fc domain fused to the extracellular domain and TNF-α in the lungs of COVID-19 cases lead
of ACE2 enzyme (known as an ACE2-NN-Ig) to HA generation by inducing HA synthase-2
effectively neutralized SARS coronavirus, with a (HAS2) (Bell et al. 2019). Therefore, it has been
50% inhibitory concentration of approximately suggested that the prescription of the hyaluroni-
2 nM (Moore et al. 2004). The results of the pre- dase and 4-methylumbelliferone (4-MU) (HAS2
vious study show promising effects of these inhibitor) may help the rehabilitation of breath-
agents in the clinical setting and will be ready for ing in COVID-19 individuals (Collum et  al.
testing within months. 2017). Moreover, targeting inflammatory cyto-
kines can help inhibition of HAS2 and HA Management of the Cytokine production.
Interferon-Based Immunotherapy
Immune-Restraining Approaches The first line of the defense against viruses is the
According to the SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV innate immune responses, which mainly involves
infections, uncontrolled production of the IFNs (Schneider et al. 2014). IFN-α2b, a member
proinflammatory cytokines elicits the cyto- of the type I IFN, is quickly produced in viral
kine release syndrome (CRS) (Channappanavar infections and can suppress the replication of
and Perlman 2017; Cameron et al. 2008; Min coronaviruses, including human coronaviruses
et  al. 2016). Based on the investigations in (Turner et al. 1986). IFN-β, another type I IFN, is
COVID-19 patients, elevated levels of TNF-α, efficient in suppressing the SARS-CoV replica-
G-CSF, MIP-1A, MCP-1, IP-10, IL-10, and tion (Morgenstern et  al. 2005). Additionally, in
IL-7  in severe conditions have been high- MERS-CoV infection, IFN-β-1b has led to clini-
lighted the importance of CRS in disease cal improvement by inhibiting virus replication
inflammation and progression (Chen et  al. (Chan et al. 2015). Based on these results, IFN-­
2020c). IL-6, IFN-γ, and GM-CSF have based therapies can be suggested for treating
shown strong potential in ­g enerating the cyto- COVID-19. In COVID-19 patients, the produc-
kine storm (Liu et  al. 2020c; Zhou et  al. tion of IFN-1 is inhibited by the virus through the
2020b; He et al. 2020). suppression of the STAT-1 intracellular signaling
Plasma therapy, vaccines, MSCs therapy, pathway (Mosaddeghi et al. 2020).
interferon-based therapy, and inhibitory agents Interestingly, the low secretion threshold of
have been developed to block the inflammatory IFN in children and immediate production of IFN
cytokines and manage the cytokine storm (Barrett after infection may justify the low infection and
et al. 2014). Tocilizumab, a humanized mAb, is mortality rate of the SARS-CoV-2  in children.
used to block the IL-6 receptor in SARS-CoV-2 Contrarily, increased secretion threshold of IFN
cases, which suppresses the iatrogenic cytokine in elderly patients can be considered as a reason
storm and prevents the respiratory system for the higher mortality rate in these cases. It has
destruction (Cascella et al. 2020). shown promise that applying the IFN-based
460 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

immunotherapy would be useful in treating the coronaviruses, and assessed the possibility of
COVID-19 patients, particularly in early stages developing universal CoV vaccines (Dhama et al.
(Mosaddeghi et al. 2020). In this context, various 2020). Immunoinformatics tools can also be used
clinical trials have been designed to investigate for the identification of significant epitopes in
the efficacy of IFN-β, IFN-α2β, and recombinant COVID-19 vaccine candidates. Recently, immu-
human IFN-α against SARS-CoV-2. We might noinformatics was used to predict potential CTL
expect that IFNs-based therapy can heavily trig- and B-cell epitopes in SARS-CoV-2 spike glyco-
ger the innate immune responses in addition to protein. Molecular dynamic simulation analysis
the direct suppression of the SARS-CoV-2. of interactions between these epitopes and their
However, precautions should be considered in corresponding MHC class I molecules showed
using the high dose of IFNs due to the possibility that the CTL epitopes bind with MHC class I
of cytokine storm occurrence. peptide-binding grooves via multiple contacts,
thus suggesting their potential for eliciting SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination immune responses (Baruah and Bose 2020).
The development of a safe and effective vaccine The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
for COVID-19 that can be used globally is a pri- Innovations (CEPI) has collaborated with the
ority for ending the pandemic and preventing its University of Queensland to develop the DNA
future recurrence (Amanat and Krammer 2020; medicine vaccine platform against COVID-19.
Yamey et al. 2020). Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus The vaccine platform utilizes for delivering syn-
exhibits a high degree of genetic homology with thetic genes into cells for translation into viral
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, analyzing the vac- antigenic proteins, which generate T-cell and
cine patents relevant to the SARS-CoV and antibody responses. CEPI has also announced
MERS-CoV viruses may potentially facilitate the funding to Moderna for developing a vaccine
design of anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines (Ramaiah candidate expressing SARS-CoV-2  S protein in
and Arumugaswami 2020; Lurie et al. 2020). The the mRNA vaccine platform technology. This
strategies covered in these patents, which may vaccine is expected to undergo clinical testing in
ultimately offer promise as preventive vaccines the coming months (Dhama et al. 2020).
against COVID-19, include recombinant spike Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination
protein-based vaccines, attenuated and whole has been shown to offer broad protection to viral
inactivated vaccines, virus-like particle (VLP) respiratory infections (Moorlag et  al. 2019).
vaccines, viral vectors, and DNA-based, as well Recent studies show that national differences in
as mRNA-based, vaccines (Liu et  al. 2020a; the COVID-19 outbreak may be partly explicable
Dhama et al. 2020). by the different national policies on BCG vacci-
The comparative evaluation performed on nation in childhood, indicating its long-lasting
full-length S protein sequences identified that the protection against the current strain of coronavi-
most variable residues among MERS-CoV, rus (Miller et al. 2020). BCG vaccination signifi-
SARS-CoV, and SARS-CoV-2 reside within the cantly elevates the production of proinflammatory
S1 subunit of the S protein that exposes RBD (Yu cytokines, specifically IFN-γ and IL-1B, which
et al. 2020). It was reported that viral S protein has been demonstrated to play a major role in
subunit vaccines induced higher neutralizing antiviral defense (Kleinnijenhuis et  al. 2014).
antibody titers, T-cell responses, and more induc- The phenomenon known as “trained immunity”
tion of protective immunity than other S protein-­ is proposed to be caused by epigenetic changes
based strategies, including full-length S protein, leading to the reactivation of the genes encoding
live-attenuated SARS-CoV, and DNA-based S for proinflammatory mediators (Netea et  al.
protein vaccines (Liu et al. 2020a). 2016). Therefore, a combination of reduced mor-
Previous research analyzed the similarity in bidity and mortality could make the BCG vacci-
T-cell epitopes of SARS- and MERS-CoV, nation a potential new tool in the fight against the
revealed the potential cross-reactivity of the COVID-19 pandemic.
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 461 Cell-Based Immunotherapy Natural Killer (NK) Cells

NK cells are a subgroup of lymphocytes that have
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) an essential role in the initial immune responses
In the last decade, immune cell-based therapy, as against the tumor cells and virus-infected cells.
a promising therapeutic strategy, has demon- IFNs and macrophage-secreted cytokines can
strated a significant breakthrough in treating dif-activate the NK cells. Since NK cells are mem-
ferent kinds of diseases. Among the stem bers of the innate immune system, they initially
cell-based therapies, MSC therapy has revealed trigger the antiviral immune responses indepen-
the prominent curative potentiality in the most dent of MHC. NK cells have cytoplasmic gran-
incurable diseases (Golchin and Farahany 2019; ules that contain perforin and proteases. Through
Golchin et al. 2019). these granules, NK cells exert their cytotoxic
From this standpoint, MSC therapy probably effects on the target cells. The NK-guided
reduces the cytokine storm in the SARS-CoV-2 immune responses against the virus are indepen-
infection by inhibiting the production of TNF-α, dent of the MHC and, thus, are a rapid immune
IFN-γ, IL-1α, IL-6, and IL-12 cytokines (Uccelli response before the activation of the adaptive
and de Rosbo 2015). Additionally, MSCs may immune cells (Tay et al. 2020).
improve the ARDS by secreting IL-10, VEGF, Considering the important role of the NK cells
keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), and hepato- against viral respiratory infections, multiple clin-
cyte growth factor (HGF) in COVID-19 cases ical trials have started to assess the therapeutic
(Uccelli and de Rosbo 2015). MSCs entrap in the efficacy of NK-cell therapy in COVID-19
lungs following the intravenous administration (NCT04365101 and NCT04280224). Chimeric
into COVID-19 patients. Then, MSCs restore the antigen receptor (CAR)-NK cells have also been
pulmonary microenvironment, inhibit the alveo- among the novel therapeutics for the treatment of
lar epithelial cells destruction, arrest the pulmo-the COVID-19. An example is a phase I/II study
nary fibrosis, and recover the dysfunctionality that is designed for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2
and pneumonia of the lung (Leng et al. 2020). patients with universal off-the-shelf NKG2D-­
Based on the above-described details and the ACE2 CAR-NK-cell therapy (NCT04324996).
experiences of MSC therapy in H5N1 viral infec-
tions with similar functions in the lung, the use of T Cells and Chimeric Antigen Receptor
this treatment has been suggested in COVID-19 (CAR)-T-Cell Therapy
patients (Chen et  al. 2020a). The summarized CTLs are the most important effector cells of the
results of human MSC therapy in COVID-19 adaptive immunity against SARS-CoV-2. As
patients point out that most of the patients can mentioned earlier, studies have exhibited a higher
remove from the ventilator and can walk on a few expression of the T-cell exhaustion markers such
days after treatment. MSC therapy can lead to as PD-1 and Tim-3 (Diao et  al. 2020). Thus,
improvement of symptoms, pulmonary function, inhibiting the exhaustion of the T cells could be
and T-cell frequency, induction of T cells toward considered as a potential therapeutic approach in
regulatory phenotypes, inhibition of inflamma- COVID-19.
tory cytokines, and increased secretion of anti-­ CAR-T cells are CTLs engineered to express
inflammatory cytokines (Liang et al. 2020; Leng an antigen-specific receptor. By the expression of
et al. 2020). the CAR, CAR T cells can recognize and lyse the
To increase the effectiveness of anti-­ specific target cells that express the antigens
inflammatory responses of MSCs, they can be (Elahi et al. 2018; Tahmasebi et al. 2019). CAR-T
pretreated by IFN-γ, which is absent in severe cells have shown promising results in the treat-
cases of COVID-19 (Wang et al. 2014). Clinical ment of multiple cancers, allergic disorders, and
trials are currently investigating the safety and viral infections, such as HIV and hepatitis (Qi
efficacy of MSC therapy in COVID-19 et al. 2020; Tahmasebi et al. 2019; Esmaeilzadeh
pneumonia. et  al. 2020). CAR-T-cell therapy could also be
462 A. Esmaeilzadeh et al.

considered as a potential therapeutic approach in in  vitro analysis has shown that 6-thioguanine
the treatment of COVID-19 patients. (6TG) and 6-mercaptopurine (6MP) have the
inhibitory impacts on SARS-CoV. Indeed, tacro-
Dendritic Cells (DCs) and Engineered DCs limus is one of the immunosuppressor drugs that
DCs participate in the antiviral immune responses are involved in the inhibition of calcineurin.
against SARS-CoV-2 by presenting viral anti- Calcineurin has a role in the development process
gens to immune cells and inducing the produc- of T cells. Studies have demonstrated that tacroli-
tion of proinflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6. mus may have antiviral functions in the treatment
DCs are made up of two subsets, including DC-1 of human coronaviruses (Carbajo-Lozoya et  al.
and DC-2. DC-1 cells stimulate the T cells to pro- 2012; Carbajo-Lozoya et  al. 2014). Moreover,
duce antiviral immune responses in COVID-19. thalidomide would have an impact on the disrup-
Thus, DC-1 cells critically contribute to the pro- tion of the messenger RNA (mRNA) in the blood
gression of the disease to severe respiratory fail- cells and the reduction of the TNF-α. Clinical tri-
ure (Rajaei and Dabbagh 2020). Management of als are investigating the therapeutic features of
the inflammatory functions of DCs may be an thalidomide in the treatment of SARS-CoV-2
efficient approach to suppress severe inflamma- (Medicine 2020 Mar 12; 2020
tory responses. Also, engineered DCs can be Mar 12). Notably, the administration of myco-
another potential therapeutic approach in severe phenolate mofetil has not been recommended in
SARS-CoV-2. the treatment of the coronaviruses (Russell et al.
2020a). However, more in vivo and in vitro stud-
Modulation of the Intrapulmonary ies are necessary to define the therapeutic impacts
Macrophage of cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs on COVID-19.
Intrapulmonary macrophages are among the first
immune cells that start the inflammatory Low-Dose Steroids and NSAIDs
responses in the alveoli by producing proinflam- Low-dose steroids and nonsteroidal anti-­
matory cytokines, such as IL-6 and IL-1β (Tay inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) might help to con-
et  al. 2020). Macrophages are divided into two trol the inflammatory reactions in the course of
subtypes: M1 macrophages with proinflamma- COVID-19. Indeed, corticosteroids can decrease
tory properties and M2 macrophages with anti-­ immunopathological devastations of COVID-19.
inflammatory properties. In COVID-19, M1 NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes
macrophages induce the inflammation by releas- (COX-1 and COX-2), which, in turn, can subside
ing the proinflammatory cytokines (Prompetchara fever and inflammation in COVID-19. Among
et al. 2020). Thus, it would be beneficial to mod- NSAIDs, naproxen and indomethacin can also
ulate the intrapulmonary M1 macrophages to disrupt viral replication and therefore have anti-
reduce their inflammatory cytokine production. viral features. However, more researches are
Since M2 macrophages have considerable roles required to determine the definite effects of ste-
in tissue repair and remodeling, modulation of roids and NSAIDs on the pathogenesis of
M2 macrophages could be considered as a poten- COVID-19 (Russell et al. 2020a,b).
tial treatment approach to decrease the lung tis-
sue damage and fibrosis.
26.4 COVID-19 Immune-Based Immunosuppressive Drugs Clinical Trials at a Glance

Cytotoxic Chemotherapy Given the urgency to find new life-saving thera-

Cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs are utilized to pies, many centers are attempting to identify the
inhibit pathologic cell divisions in multiple can- potentials of existing immune-based therapies
cers. Also, these types of drugs may have thera- and repurposing them for COVID-19 treatment.
peutic effects against the novel coronavirus. An Progress has been extraordinary, and hundreds of
26  Immune-Based Therapy for COVID-19 463

Fig. 26.3 Clinical trials underway on the manipulation of the immune response toward immunotherapy of

clinical trials have been initiated. At the time of inhibitors, JAK inhibitors, decoy receptors,
writing, a search of revealed cytokine-­based therapies (hemoperfusion and
almost 230 results for COVID-19 immune-based interferon-based therapies), vaccines, cell-based
clinical trials, with some of them summarized in treatments (stem cells, NK cells, CAR NK/T
Fig. 26.3. cells, DCs, engineered DCs, and modulatory
macrophages), and immunosuppressive drugs
(cytotoxic chemotherapy, low-dose steroids, and
26.5 Conclusion NSAIDs) in COVID-19 treatment and preven-
tion. Meanwhile, the need is still felt to continue
The immunopathology of SARS-CoV-2 critically the understating of SARS-CoV-2 immunopatho-
contributes to the progression of COVID-19, genesis to recommend novel therapeutic
respiratory system injury, and other organ fail- approaches.
ures. In this context, the most immunopathologi-
cal challenges include viral evasion from the
immune system, hyper-inflammation derived References
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myeloid cells, lymphopenia mostly involving T Abdulamir AS, Hafidh RR (2020) The possible immuno-
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ment. At present, antibody-based therapies, investigational COVID-19 convalescent plasma.­b lood-­b iologics/
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izing Abs), high-dose IVIG, and monoclonal and ide-­process-­cber/recommendations-­investigational-­
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Ventilatory Support in Patients
with COVID-19 27
Paolo Maria Leone, Matteo Siciliano,
Jacopo Simonetti, Angelena Lopez,
Tanzira Zaman, Francesco Varone,
and Luca Richeldi

Abstract guidelines from professional societies, and a

worldwide consensus is still lacking. This
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- chapter aims to illustrate the potentials of ven-
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) caused the novel corona- tilatory support as therapeutic options for
virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, adult and pediatric patients affected by
which spread throughout the world. Acute COVID-19 pneumonia.
hypoxemic respiratory failure is the most dan-
gerous complication of COVID-19 pneumo- Keywords
nia. To date, no specific therapeutic drugs or
vaccines have been proven efficacious. Acute respiratory failure · ARDS · COVID-19
Ventilatory support is still a significant chal- · Guidelines · HFNC · Mechanical ventilation
lenge for physicians facing COVID-19. The · Oxygen therapy · Pediatric
mechanisms underlying hypoxemia in those
patients are not fully understood, but a new
physiopathology model has been proposed.
Oxygen therapy should be delivered to patients 27.1 Introduction
with mild to moderate hypoxemia. More
severe patients could benefit from other treat- Since the end of 2019, a novel coronavirus dis-
ments (high-flow nasal cannula, noninvasive ease (COVID-19) has spread from China all over
ventilation or intubation, and invasive ventila- the world (Zhu et al. 2020). Currently, about ten
tion). Given the rapid evolution of COVID-19, million people have been affected by this disease,
there has been a paucity of the high-quality of which more than 470,000 dead worldwide.
data that typically inform clinical practice COVID-19 mainly involves the lungs and can
cause a severe acute respiratory infection, so the
P. M. Leone (*) · M. Siciliano · J. Simonetti · virus causing the disease is referred to as severe
F. Varone · L. Richeldi acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS, (SARS-CoV-2) (Sanders et  al. 2020). Here we
Rome, Italy review the potentials of ventilatory support as
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy therapeutic options for adult and pediatric
e-mail: patients affected by COVID-19 pneumonia.
A. Lopez · T. Zaman
Department of Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center, Los Angeles, CA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 469
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
470 P. M. Leone et al.

27.2 Respiratory Failure 2016). Unstable patients may be managed

and Oxygen Therapy through other procedures (high-flow nasal can-
nula and noninvasive ventilation or intubation).
Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure is the most The protection of healthcare providers to the
dangerous complication of SARS-CoV-2 pneu- patients is a fundamental issue. Exhaled air dis-
monia. To date, the true prevalence of hypoxemic persion during oxygen delivery via nasal cannu-
respiratory failure in COVID-19 patients is not las ranges from 66 cm when oxygen flow is 1 L/
evident yet. One of the first papers illustrating the min to 1 m when the flow is 3–5 L/min. The max-
clinical characteristics of 72,314 Cases from imum exhaled air dispersion distance is 40  cm
China reports a prevalence of 14% (Wu and when using a Venturi mask, compared to less
McGoogan 2020). Another paper reports that than 10 cm when using a non-rebreathing mask
26.1% of patients required intensive care unit (Ferioli et al. 2020).
(ICU) admission, of whom 61.1% related to
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
(Wang et al. 2020a). A more recent report from 27.3 H
 igh-Flow Nasal Cannula
China shows that 41.3% of hospitalized patients Oxygen
required oxygen therapy, and 6.1% required
mechanical ventilation (Guan et al. 2020). High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) oxygen therapy
The mechanisms underlying hypoxemia in is a new oxygen delivery system widely adopted
those patients are not fully understood. Pulmonary in patients suffering from respiratory failure,
edema, loss of hypoxemic vasoconstriction including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
reflex, microvascular and macrovascular throm- (COPD), pulmonary edema, and acute respira-
bosis, alveolar filling, hemoglobinopathies, and a tory failure (ARF). It consists of a warmed and
mismatch between ventilation and perfusion are humidified (relative humidity: 100%) gas flow
all suspected (Gattinoni et al. 2020b; Tian et al. delivered via nasal cannula characterized by a
2020; Gattinoni et  al. 2020a; Alhazzani et  al. flow rate up to 70 L/min and a fraction of inspired
2020). A recent guidance paper suggests starting oxygen (FiO2) up to 100%.
supplemental oxygen if the peripheral oxygen HFNC oxygen therapy has several potential
saturation (SpO2) is <92% and recommends start- advantages: accurate FiO2 delivery control, wash-
ing supplemental oxygen if SpO2 is <90% out of upper airways dead space, provision of a
(Alhazzani et al. 2020). Since there are no trials small degree of positive airway pressure,
on the use of oxygen therapy in COVID-19 improvement of mucociliary motion and sputum
patients, indirect evidence should come from a clearance, matching patient’s inspiratory flow
dataset of acutely ill patients. A recent analysis of rate with consequently better comfort and com-
large ICU datasets had shown the lowest mortal- pliance, and reducing respiratory work and dys-
ity when SpO2 was maintained between 94 and pnea’s severity. All these characteristics improve
98% (van den Boom et al. 2020). A recent open-­ gas exchange via an increment of the partial arte-
label randomized trial investigating liberal versus rial pressure of oxygen PaO2/FiO2 ratio
conservative oxygen therapy in ARDS patients (Nishimura 2016).
(LOCO2 trial) was stopped for the potential Recent studies have dealt with evidence of
increased risk of serious adverse events and futil- aerosolization and the risk of infection with
ity (Barrot et al. 2020). However, the final analy- HFNC oxygen therapy. Loh and coworkers
sis showed a significant difference between experimented and simulated the cough of a
groups, with a lower probability of survival in the patient while using HFNC in order to assess the
conservative oxygen group. dispersion of droplets in healthy volunteers by
Oxygen therapy should be delivered through assuming a mean distance of 2.48 (SD 1.03) m at
nasal cannulas or Venturi masks for patients with baseline and 2.91 (SD 1.09) m with HFNC. The
mild to moderate hypoxemia (McDonald et  al. cough of patients using HFNC might reach a
27  Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19 471

maximum distance of 4.50 m (Loh et al. 2020). than in the two other treatment groups (Frat et al.
Hui and coworkers demonstrated a linear incre- 2015).
mental in droplet spread with increasing flow Zhao and coworkers conducted a systematic
rates using a human patient simulator (Hui et al. review and meta-analysis to investigate the effect
2019). Leung and coworkers showed no differ- of HFNC oxygen on the rates of intubation,
ences in surface contamination between the mechanical ventilation, the escalation of respira-
HFNC and facemask oxygen groups in patients tory support, and mortality versus conventional
with bacterial pneumonia (Leung et al. 2019). oxygen therapy (COT) or NIV in adult patients
Nowadays, there is still no firm evidence with respiratory failure. Compared to COT,
about the risk of using HFNC oxygen therapy in HFNC was associated with a significant reduc-
COVID-19 or yeast aerosolization of viruses. tion in the intubation rate, mechanical ventila-
Nevertheless, its use seems to be feasible. tion, and the escalation of respiratory support, but
In March 2020, the World Health Organization there was no difference in mortality. HFNC and
(WHO) released an official document on the NIV therapy did not differ for any outcomes of
management of severe acute respiratory infection interest (Zhao et al. 2017).
(SARI) when a SARS-CoV-2 infection is sus- Regarding COVID-19 pneumonia, to our
pected. Regarding the use of HFNC, the WHO knowledge, the experience of HFNC oxygen in
guidelines suggest that HFNC oxygen should this population is poor. Wang and coworkers per-
only be used in selected patients with hypoxemic formed a retrospective observational study;
respiratory failure with airborne precautions and among 27 patients suffering from severe ARF,
recommend the use of a negative pressure room HFCN oxygen was used as first-line therapy in
whenever possible. Assuming that HFNC oxygen 17 patients with a success rate of 59% (10 out of
therapy involves aerosolization of the particles, it 17). Of the 17 patients undergoing HFNC oxy-
is necessary to understand whether or not this gen, 7 (41%) experienced failure. The HFNC
mechanism entails an increased risk of infection oxygen failure rate was 0% (0/6) in patients with
(WHO 2020a). PaO2/ FiO2 > 200 mmHg vs 63% (7/11) in those
Various causes of lung injury can result in with PaO2/FiO2  ≤  200  mmHg (p  =  0.04). The
acute respiratory failure (ARF). Hypoxemic ARF study originally reported that HFNC was the
is characterized by severe acute hypoxemia most commonly used ventilation strategy for
(PaO2/FiO2 ratio < 300) and causes a high respi- COVID-19 pneumonia. Patients with lower PaO2/
ratory drive reflected by clinical signs of respira- FiO2 (<200 mmHg) were more likely to experi-
tory distress. In patients with ARF of various ence HFNC oxygen failure (Wang et al. 2020b).
origins, HFNC oxygen has been shown to result Studies of small series of patients showed an
in better comfort and oxygenation than standard improvement in respiratory and overall clinical
oxygen therapy. It can be considered as an alter- conditions after undergoing HFNC oxygen ther-
native in hypoxemic ARF patients for whom non- apy, supporting this therapy as a good option for
invasive ventilation (NIV) indications remain COVID-19 (Alhazzani et  al. 2020; Cook et  al.
controversial (Frat et al. 2017). 2020; Geng et al. 2020).
A randomized controlled trial was performed Recently the self-pronation was proposed for
by Frat and coworkers to compare three strate- patients undergoing treatment with HFNC oxy-
gies of oxygenation in 310 subjects: standard gen, and it was beneficial and led to an improve-
oxygen, HFNC, and NIV in patients with non-­ ment of oxygenation and clinical condition (The
hypercapnic ARF.  The primary outcome, the Critical Care Western Research et  al. 2020). It
intubation rate within 28 days after randomiza- also seemed to be a viable treatment for pregnant
tion among the three groups, was not met; on the women affected by COVID-19 pneumonia
other hand, 90-day mortality was lower in (Vibert et  al. 2020). Prone positioning (PP)
patients treated by HFNC, probably due to a avoided resorting to mechanical ventilation and
lower intubation rate in this group of patients intubation (The Critical Care Western Research
472 P. M. Leone et al.

et al. 2020; Vibert et al. 2020; Berlin et al. 2020). providers are encouraged to consider CPAP and
More studies in this field are necessary to assess NIV for the management of respiratory failure in
the role of PP while HFNC oxygen therapy is COVID-19, though conditioned to wearing
provided. appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
Multiple guidelines have developed different (WHO 2020a).
recommendations on the use of HFNC oxygen in The LUNG SAFE study, a large multicenter
the respiratory management of patients with study, demonstrated there is no significant differ-
COVID-19. However, HFNC oxygen therapy ence in the need for ICU admission and hospital
seems to be a useful method associated with a mortality rates of patients with ARDS receiving
significant reduction in the intubation rate, NIV or IMV, when ARDS severity, demographic
mechanical ventilation, and escalation of respira- characteristics, and associated comorbidities of
tory support in COVID-19 (Lyons and Callaghan both treatment groups were matched. This study
2020). HFNC oxygen benefits are well recog- showed the rate of mortality and NIV failure in
nized, while evidence is lacking for incremental the NIV group correlated with the severity of the
risk of infection due to aerosolization (Remy patient’s respiratory failure. An earlier multi-
et al. 2020; Li et al. 2020). However, the use of center study by Antonelli and coworkers showed
appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) an early 1 h NIV trial in ARDS patients upon ICU
by healthcare workers remains the cornerstone of admission could be helpful to clinically stratify
aerosolization-related infection risk control. For them and avoid unnecessary intubation in more
patients who are deteriorating despite standard than half of the population (Antonelli et al. 2007).
nasal oxygen or facemask oxygen, HFNC oxy- The arterial oxygenation improvement experi-
gen remains a valid option and should be consid- enced by subjects suffering hypoxemic ARF due
ered in the active management of patients with to atelectasis, pneumonia, or pulmonary edema
COVID-19 pneumonia. who undergo CPAP therapy leads to a reduction
in both the risk of airway collapse and the work
of breathing. The pathophysiologic explanations
27.4 Noninvasive Ventilation for this are the improvement of the functional
residual capacity and the shift of the tidal volume
In the last months, it has been widely suggested to a portion of the pressure-volume curve charac-
that patients with respiratory failure who are terized by higher compliance. Also, the applica-
either a known or suspected case of COVID-19 tion of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
should be intubated and ventilated as early as helps to recruit non-aerated alveoli, stabilizes the
possible in the disease course, giving no much airways, and reduces the differences of lung vol-
room to less invasive treatments, including con- ume distribution in the various segments
tinuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and (Navalesi and Maggiore 2013). Subjects with
NIV. However, adopting an early intubation strat- hypoxemic ARF and ARDS (from mild to moder-
egy in subjects affected by respiratory distress ate) seem to benefit from an initial approach with
with COVID-19 pneumonia or highly suspected CPAP. NIV with a facial mask might fail because
for this viral condition may lead to a couple of of the lacking of patient compliance and techni-
tricky scenarios: subjects with negative swabs for cal problems tied to the interface system
SARS-CoV-2 may undergo unnecessary intuba- (Chiumello et al. 2017).
tion and also subjects who would have improved The helmet had been proposed 20 years ago as
on CPAP or NIV would directly undergo invasive a different option to conventional interfaces. The
mechanical ventilation (IMV). Also, unnecessary helmet gear may vary among manufacturers for
intubation and ventilation of one patient might some details, but its core consists of a hood,
deny what could be a lifesaving treatment for which is transparent and latex-free, a soft collar,
another patient in resource-limited settings. which has different sizes, and a plastic or metal
According to the WHO guidelines, healthcare ring, which acts as a connector between the hood
27  Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19 473

and the collar. Two straps, usually applied under- the protection of workers involved in high-risk
arms, are attached to the ring, which keeps it interventions such as nebulizing therapy, HFNC
from flying upward when the gas flow inflates it oxygen therapy, COT, NIV, patient pronation,
(Chiumello et al. 2003). The average volume of and chest physiotherapy. According to the avail-
the hood, when containing the patient’s head, is able reports, 3.8% of Chinese healthcare workers
about 15 l. On one of the hood’s sides, there is the were infected; 63% of cases occurred in Wuhan
entrance for high flow gas, which flows out on the (Wu and McGoogan 2020). In Italy, the rate is
opposite side of the hood through an expiratory even worse (14%) (Niederman et al. 2020). The
port with an integrated manometer and an adjust- fundamental defense to date is wearing adequate
able or fixed PEEP valve. PPE, such as N95 masks, gowns, hair covers,
NIV could be a viable treatment for hypox- gloves, and eye and face shields (Ferioli et  al.
emic ARF patients, especially when PP is used. 2020). The use of more efficient respirators such
Intubated patients with severe ARDS could ben- as powered air-purifying respirators for high-risk
efit from early and prolonged (at least 12  h per aerosol-generating procedures (like respiratory
day) PP that might improve oxygenation and therapies) has been proposed but rarely used.
decrease mortality (Munshi et  al. 2017). Since Bench studies showed that the dispersion of
ICUs may be overloaded with COVID-19 exhaled air is different depending on the respira-
patients, awake PP may be useful to improve tory therapies and interfaces involved. NIV is
oxygenation and prevent ICU transfers. A recent considered to be an aerosol-generating procedure
study (Elharrar et  al. 2020) about COVID-19 that may increase the risk of disease transmission
patients with hypoxemic ARF managed outside (Alhazzani et al. 2020). If available, it should be
the ICU showed that 63% of them were able to used in a negative pressure room, and all profes-
tolerate PP for more than 3 h. However, oxygen- sionals entering the room should utilize airborne
ation increased during PP in only 25% and was precautions with appropriate PPE, as said before.
not sustained in half of those after resupination. In order to reduce COVID-19 transmission risk,
Previous studies about PP in spontaneously both assuring an appropriate seal on the patient’s
breathing non-intubated subjects showed similar mask and using a viral filter, before other devices,
findings (Scaravilli et al. 2015). A trial of PP may on the NIV mask play a pivotal role (Whittle
still be a viable mechanism to select patients who et al. 2020). Cohorting patients with COVID-19
will benefit the most with this kind of ventilation who require NIV is also helpful in reducing
(Berlin et al. 2020), since no sedation is used, and transmission to providers and other patients.
this could cause extreme discomfort to them. Nevertheless, the risk of COVID-19 transmission
The European Respiratory Society/American could be reduced to a negligible extent through a
Thoracic Society (ERS/ATS) clinical practice helmet interface. Large size range droplets are
guidelines recommend (although not firmly) NIV produced when patients undergo NIV with a
as a preventive strategy for avoiding intubation in vented mask compared with the baseline droplet
hypoxemic ARF (Rochwerg et  al. 2017). counts. This increase in large droplet count did
However, it has to be performed by experienced not occur when using the NIV circuit modifica-
teams in highly selected cooperative patients tion with a non-vented mask and exhalation filter.
with early-stage ARDS without any associated On the other hand, oxygen therapy seems not to
major organ dysfunction. In patients with de modify droplets’ count and mass (Simonds et al.
novo ARF undergoing NIV in assisted pressure 2010).
control mode, large expiratory tidal volumes In conclusion, neither outcomes nor the deci-
(VTE) may be generated, and then reliable sion to treat COVID-19 patients with NIV is
­monitoring of VTE and unintentional leaks is clear-cut. Data from each country look heteroge-
strongly recommended. nous, resulting in a lack of confidence when it
One of the most relevant and unfortunately comes to the time to choose the timing, the inter-
neglected (at least at the beginning) problems is face, and the modality of ventilation in these
474 P. M. Leone et al.

patients. Additional factors such as resource-­ et al. 2012), and emergency intubations may be at
limited settings and the risk of infection for pro- even higher risk (WHO 2020b).
fessionals decrease the possibility of a successful With little knowledge about the physiopathol-
treatment for these patients. Because of this, to ogy of COVID-19 ARDS (CARDS), we initially
recognize factors affecting outcomes is funda- used the well-accepted lung-protective ventila-
mental in order to provide the best ventilatory tion approach for ARDS characterized by lower
support in routine care to COVID-19 patients. tidal volumes (6  mL/kg ideal body weight) and
plateau airway pressure of less than 30  cmH2O
using PP (Matthay et al. 2020; Ziehr et al. 2020;
27.5 Invasive Ventilation Fan et al. 2017). PP seems to be even more ben-
eficial in the case of CARDS than in the usual
Severe COVID-19 patients require intensive care ARDS (Archer et al. 2020; Roesthuis et al. 2020).
surveillance, and this is mostly due to the devel- It should be maintained for at least 12 h a day, as
opment of ARDS.  ARDS represents the most suggested by international guidelines for ARDS
common and most severe complication of this ventilatory treatment (Fan et al. 2017). By redis-
viral infection, often leading to death. Subjects tributing pulmonary perfusion, PP leads to an
admitted to the ICU receive ventilatory support, improvement of the ventilation-perfusion mis-
frequently, in the form of IMV. According to dif- match (Möhlenkamp and Thiele 2020).
ferent patients’ series, the rate of patients inva- Endothelial damage sustained by micro- and
sively ventilated in the ICUs ranges from 29% to macro-thromboses seems to play a pivotal role in
89.9% (Wang et  al. 2020c; Richardson et  al. COVID-19-related lung injury, leading to altera-
2020; Grasselli et al. 2020), and in the American tions of pulmonary vasoregulation and large
series, the mortality rate of mechanically venti- intrapulmonary shunt. The primary cause of
lated patients reached 88% (Richardson et  al. hypoxia in COVID-19 pneumonia seems to be
2020). represented by the ventilation-perfusion mis-
In the United Kingdom, two-thirds of match (Marini and Gattinoni 2020). This assump-
COVID-­19 patients admitted to ICUs required tion allowed Gattinoni and coworkers to propose
mechanical ventilation within 24  h (Mahase a model for COVID-19 pneumonia dividing
2020). Therefore, it is pivotal not to delay the tra- patients in “type L” and “type H” (Gattinoni et al.
cheal intubation and mechanical ventilation. 2020a). These two types of patients seem to be
Often intubation is seen as a salvage maneuver, susceptible to different ventilatory treatments.
but it should be seen as a proactive procedure, The lung of “type L” patients is characterized by
particularly in this condition (Wunsch 2020; low elastance (high compliance), low weight,
Phua et  al. 2020). Early treatment of these low PEEP response, and larger tidal volumes
patients may result in a better outcome. (7–8 mL/kg ideal body weight) that occur mainly
A more aggressive behavior, with early intu- in the early phases of the disease. The transition
bation, is concordant with the COVID-19 pneu- to “type H” leads to a lung whose features are
monia model proposed by Gattinoni and more consistent with severe ARDS: high elas-
coworkers in order to avoid self-inflicted lung tance (low compliance), higher weight, high
injuries (Gattinoni et  al. 2020a; Marini and PEEP response, and acceptance of lower tidal
Gattinoni 2020). Also, IMV is characterized by volumes. Therefore, “type H” patients will bene-
lower aerosolization and therefore is a relatively fit from the usual ARDS approach. However,
safer procedure for both patients and healthcare “type L” and “type H” are just the extremes of
professionals (Sorbello et al. 2020). However, on this model, and in between, there are several
the other hand, the staff will be subjected to an shadows of gray. When lung edema increases in a
increased risk of being infected with the virus “type L” lung, its compliance lowers, and the
while performing the intubation because of the “baby lung” begins to take shape. Many factors
exposure to secretions with high viral load (Tran could influence this transition, including disease
27  Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19 475

severity, host response, and suboptimal manage- the use of shared ventilators has been proposed,
ment. Particularly the aggravation of pulmonary but this practice would not be exempt from any
edema will shrink the lung and lead to the “baby risk (Herrmann et al. 2020).
lung,” which is peculiar to the ARDS of other
Liu and coworkers also showed that hypercap- 27.6 Actual Guidelines
nia has a higher prevalence in CARDS patients and Recommendation
ventilated with low tidal volume. In their series, from Scientific Societies
an intermediate tidal volume (7–8  mL/kg ideal
body weight) successfully led to the resolution of Given the rapid evolution of COVID-19, there
hypercapnia, and the authors suggested this has been a paucity of the high-quality data that
approach for less severe cases with higher com- typically inform clinical practice guidelines from
pliance (Liu et al. 2020). professional societies. To date, only the Society
The data presented by Beloncle and cowork- of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) has published
ers are consistent with Gattinoni’s phenotype clinical practice guidelines on mechanical
(Beloncle et al. 2020). In CARDS patients PEEP ­ventilation in patients with COVID-19 within the
should be titrated after a systematic recruitment-­ framework “the Surviving Sepsis Campaign
to-­inflation (R/I) ratio evaluation. They identified Guidelines on the Management of Critically Ill
poorly and highly recruitable patients who may Adults with Coronavirus Disease 2019”
benefit from different PEEP levels and ventila- (Alhazzani et al. 2020). The guidelines were pro-
tory strategies in order to prevent ventilator-­ duced from a panel of 36 experts from 12 coun-
induced lung injury (VILI). They also observed tries. The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
the dynamism of the phenotypes, with patients also published Coronavirus Disease 2019
moving from one to another over time. Treatment Guidelines (COVID-19 Treatment
On the other hand, Ziehr and coworkers Guidelines Panel 2020). The NIH panel com-
endorsed the usual ARDS ventilation strategy. In prised 52 representatives from a total of 14 pro-
their cohort of 66 patients in Boston, they fessional societies and federal agencies. In both
reported physiopathology conditions consistent guidelines, the respective panels reviewed the
with ARDS of other causes, and their patients literature for direct and indirect evidence and
had a positive response to low tidal volume ven- provided recommendations graded by the
tilation, conservative fluid therapy, and PP (Ziehr strength of recommendation and the level of evi-
et al. 2020). dence (Table 27.1).
Tracheostomy should be considered as an Both guidelines prefer low tidal volume venti-
option in those patients who receive IMV for lation (4–6  ml/kg ideal body weight) over high
more than 14 days and for those who have diffi- tidal volume ventilation (> 8  ml/kg ideal body
cult weaning. However, there is no worldwide weight). While there are no controlled studies of
consensus about its timing in this context (Turri-­ differential ventilator management strategies in
Zanoni et al. 2020; Takhar et al. 2020). patients with CARDS, these recommendations
Tailored lung-protective ventilation is manda- are extrapolated from clinical trials that evaluated
tory in order to improve COVID-19 outcomes. mechanical ventilation strategy in patients with
The challenge of IMV in COVID-19 patients is “usual” ARDS (Walkey et  al. 2017; The Acute
mostly due to the heterogenous physiopathology Respiratory Distress Syndrome 2000).
of CARDS. The SCCM guidelines recommend the use of
A big challenge in a time of pandemic is the a high PEEP over a low PEEP strategy based on
high occupancy rate of the ICUs (Fagiuoli et al. a meta-analysis that demonstrated a trend toward
2020) and the shortage of equipment (i.e., improved survival in patients with ARDS with
mechanical ventilator). In order to minimize this PaO2/FiO2 < 200 (Briel et al. 2010). Importantly,
issue in the areas most affected by COVID-19, there is neither an agreement upon the definition
476 P. M. Leone et al.

Table 27.1  Summary of clinical practice guidelines for mechanical ventilation in COVID-19
recommendation recommendation
strength strength
SCCM Surviving Sepsis Rated quality of Rated quality of
Recommendation Campaign evidencea NIH evidenceb
Tidal volume Low tidal volume (Vt) Strong Low tidal volume (Vt) Strong
ventilation (Vt 4–8 mL/kg recommendation ventilation (Vt recommendation
of ideal body weight) Moderate-quality 4–8 mL/kg of ideal Level I evidence
evidence body weight)
Plateau pressure Target plateau pressure of Strong Target plateau pressure Strong
target <30 cm H2O recommendation of <30 cm H2O recommendation
Moderate-quality Level II evidence
PEEP Higher PEEP strategy Weak High PEEP strategy Moderate
over lower PEEP strategy recommendation over low PEEP recommendation
Low-quality strategy Level II evidence
Recruitment Suggest use Weak Suggest use Moderate
maneuver recommendation recommendation
Low-quality Level II evidence
Prone ventilation Suggest prone ventilation Weak Suggest prone Moderate
for 12–16 h for moderate recommendation ventilation for 12–16 h recommendation
to severe ARDS Low-quality for moderate to severe Level II evidence
evidence ARDS
Neuromuscular Suggest intermittent Weak Intermittent boluses or Moderate
blockade boluses over continuous recommendation continuous infusion to recommendation
infusions. If needed, Low-quality facilitate lung-­ Level III evidence
suggest using continuous evidence protective ventilation
infusion up to 48 h. up to 48 h
Inhaled Recommend against Strong Suggest as rescue Optional
pulmonary routine use of inhaled recommendation therapy for hypoxemia recommendation,
vasodilator nitric oxide Low-quality despite optimized Level III evidence
evidence ventilation
ECMO Suggest venovenous Weak Insufficient data for/ Moderate
ECMO for refractory recommendation against routine use recommendation
hypoxemia Low-quality Level III evidence
SCCM Society of Critical Care Medicine, NIH National Institutes of Health; Vt tidal volume, PEEP positive end-­
expiratory pressure, ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
According to the GRADE approach
Level of evidence: I = One or more randomized trials with clinical outcomes and/or validated laboratory endpoints;
II = one or more well-designed, nonrandomized trials or observational cohort studies; III = expert opinion

of “high PEEP” nor clinical trials to suggest what 20–40  s to maximize alveolar recruitment, are
PEEP level in ARDS patients may be optimal. often used in ARDS. Both guidelines suggest the
Instead, a somewhat arbitrary cutoff of PEEP use of recruitment maneuvers in patients with
>10 cmH2O has been suggested. In clinical prac- persistent hypoxemia despite optimal ventilator
tice, optimal PEEP is likely dependent on several settings. An important caveat, however, is a rec-
factors such as lung compliance and the extent of ommendation against the use of staircase recruit-
disease and may change over time due to disease ment maneuvers, for the evidence of harm due to
progression and patient positioning. barotrauma and cardiovascular instability from
Recruitment maneuvers, in which high PEEP prior clinical trials in ARDS (Writing Group for
is held for variable periods on the order of the Alveolar Recruitment for Acute Respiratory
27  Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19 477

Distress Syndrome Trial et  al. 2017; Hodgson the disease in this population (Tezer and Bedir
et al. 2019). Demirdağ 2020). To our data, pediatric patients
Galiatsou and coworkers reported that PP facili- might appear rarely diagnosed due to their
tates recruitment and reduces overinflated lung asymptomatic clinical condition. An active
areas, thereby decreasing VILI by reducing stress innate immune response, healthier respiratory
and strain throughout the lung (Galiatsou et  al. tracts, and fewer underlying disorders seem to be
2006). Both guidelines make the use of prone venti- reasonable causes for their less susceptible con-
lation as a moderate-weak recommendation. dition (Lee et  al. 2020). When compared to
The use of neuromuscular blockade agents adults, children with COVID-19 have a rela-
may help facilitate mechanical ventilation in tively mild clinical course with a good progno-
patients when deep sedation alone if significant sis, even though severe or critical cases occurred,
patient-ventilator asynchrony exists despite deep particularly in small children, with subsequent
sedation. Additionally, the use of these agents admission to pediatric ICUs (less than 10%
may decrease overall oxygen consumption among infected children who had coexisting
(Murray et  al. 2016). Both guidelines prefer conditions) (Jeng 2020). In a report of 2143
intermittent boluses over continuous infusions to pediatric cases, reported by Dong et  al., the
maintain lung-protective ventilation and recom- median age of confirmed cases was 10  years,
mend the use of continuous paralytics for no lon- 56.6% were male, and the interval from symp-
ger than 48 h. tom onset to diagnosis was 3 days (Dong et al.
Both guidelines recommend against the rou- 2020). The incubation period in children is usu-
tine use of nitric oxide; however, both do suggest ally about 2  days, with a range of 2–10  days
a trial of inhaled pulmonary vasodilator as a res- (Ludvigsson 2020).
cue therapy with taper off if a rapid improvement Fever and dry cough are the most frequent
in oxygenation does not occur. symptoms; other gastrointestinal symptoms,
The two clinical practice guidelines diverge including nausea; vomiting; abdominal pain;
slightly concerning recommendations regarding diarrhea; musculoskeletal symptoms, such as
the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation fatigue; and nervous system symptoms, as loss of
(ECMO). While the SCCM recommends utiliza- smell and loss of taste, are also reported. A pro-
tion of venovenous ECMO in cases of refractory portion of SARS-CoV-2-infected children, how-
hypoxemia with maximal mechanical ventilatory ever, has an asymptomatic condition, but they
support, the NIH guidelines defer recommenda- remain potential carriers of the disease (Jeng
tions citing insufficient data. 2020).
In summary, the clinical guidelines from soci- Dyspnea and hypoxia occur when children
eties on COVID-19 extrapolate existing data of become severely ill, thus requiring respiratory
clinical trials in ARDS.  Despite controversy support. In their report, Sun and coworkers
regarding whether CARDS represents a spectrum included eight severe or critically ill children
of disease distinct from that of “usual” ARDS, with COVID-19 who were treated at the Wuhan
currently-published guidelines for COVID-19 do Children’s Hospital’s ICU; among them, six
not deviate from society recommendations for received HFNC oxygen therapy, and two criti-
ARDS appreciably. cally ill patients received mechanical ventilation
(Sun et al. 2020).
Ground-glass opacities are the most common
27.7 Pediatric Patients: radiological characteristic at chest tomography,
A Challenge and lung consolidations may occur in severe
cases bilaterally. In the series of 171 children
Pediatric patients affected by COVID-19 are diagnosed with COVID-19, 15.8% of patients
concerning because of the poor understanding of have no radiological signs of pneumonia (Lu
the epidemiological data and clinical features of et al. 2020).
478 P. M. Leone et al.

Regarding respiratory management, when and coworkers (Gattinoni et al. 2020a) is excit-
hypoxia occurs, children must receive standard ing, and, nowadays, it might be considered the
oxygen therapy delivered by nasal cannula, as it cornerstone for a careful and safe approach to
may be better tolerated (WHO 2020a). Despite ventilatory support for patients with COVID-19,
using COT, in the absence of a resumption of mostly when mechanical ventilation is neces-
hypoxemia, HFNC oxygen therapy can be useful. sary. The risk of iatrogenic injuries, such as
The immediate recognition of signs of ARDS is VILI, is increased in these patients mostly in the
fundamental since children might benefit from early phases of the disease when their pulmo-
NIV. nary compliance is higher, and minimizing this
The European Society of Paediatric and kind of injury would lead to a better prognosis.
Neonatal Intensive Care suggests to start with a Physicians have several arrows in the quiver to
lung-protective ventilation according to the provide ventilatory support for patients with
today’s recommendation: VTE 5–7 mL/kg ideal COVID-19 patients (COT, HFNC oxygen, NIV,
body weight, initial PEEP around 10 cmH2O and IMV, and ECMO), and all of them could find
driving pressure ≤ 15 cmH2O with a FiO2 adopted some room in the treatment of hypoxemic ARF
to maintain SpO2 in a range going from 92 to and CARDS.  Several local scientific societies
96% (European Society of Paediatric and provided their own guidelines and suggestions
Neonatal Intensive 2020). based on both the availability of the resources
If clinical conditions do not improve after 2 h and the local situation. However, a worldwide
from starting the NIV or this cannot be tolerated, consensus would be desirable in order to stan-
with increased work of breathing or increased dardize the approach to this tricky and poten-
airway secretions, the onset of severe cough, or tially life-threatening condition. Although some
signs of hemodynamic instability, patients should kind of intervention seemed to be beneficial in
promptly undergo IMV. If necessary, ECMO may these patients (HFNC oxygen therapy, NIV, and
be considered for pediatric patients with severe the use of PP in patients undergoing HFNC oxy-
ARDS (China National Clinical Research Center gen and NIV), more and bigger studies are nec-
for Respiratory et al. 2020). essary to support these assumptions. The role of
ECMO in CARDS is far from being defined, but
it should be considered for patients with severe
27.8 Conclusion CARDS.

Ventilatory support of COVID-19 patients is a Acknowledgments  The authors would like to sincerely
challenge, and it becomes even more hardened thank the entire Columbus COVID Team (Fabiana Baldi,
Andrea Bellieni, Vincenzo Brandi, Angelo Calabrese,
in pediatric patients. The lack of worldwide Maria Rosaria Calvello, Arturo Ciccullo, Antonella
consensus makes it tricky figuring out how to Cingolani, Camilla Cipriani, Giuseppe Maria Corbo,
manage hypoxemic ARF and CARDS properly. Cinzia Falsiroli, Massimo Fantoni, Enrica Intini,
During the COVID-19 pandemic, we adopted Giovanni Landi, Paolo Maria Leone, Rosa Liperoti,
Francesco Macagno, Ilaria Martis, Giuliano Montemurro,
the actual standard of care for the “usual” Davide Moschese, Rita Murri, Cristina Pais, Giuliana
hypoxemic ARF and ARDS for COVID-19 Pasciuto, Annalisa Potenza, Sara Salini, Matteo
patients. However, a new insight into the patho- Siciliano, Jacopo Simonetti, Eleonora Taddei, Matteo
physiology of COVID-­ 19 pneumonia and Tosato, Anita Tummolo, Francesco Varone, Giulio
Ventura) for facing daily COVID-19 side by side on a
CARDS may cast doubt this is the right path to multidisciplinary basis, and a special thanks goes to the
walk. The new model proposed by Gattinoni Alpha Team.
27  Ventilatory Support in Patients with COVID-19 479

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Nutrition and Immunity
in COVID-19 28
Marjan Moallemian Isfahani, Zahra Emam-­
Djomeh, Idupulapati M. Rao, and Nima Rezaei

Abstract Keywords

Nutrition can strongly influence infection COVID-19 · Immunity · Micronutrient ·

trajectories by either boosting or suppressing Nutrition · Selenium · Vitamin
the immune system. During the recently
emerged pandemic of coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID-19), individuals who possess 28.1 Introduction
diets high in fat, refined carbohydrates, and
sugars have shown to be highly prone to the In December 2019, a novel coronavirus called
disease and associated adverse outcomes. severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Both micronutrients and macronutrients pro- (SARS-CoV-2) begun rapid transmission among
vide benefits at different stages of the infec- people. As of writing this, the number of con-
tion. Thus, using appropriate nutritional firmed cases is approaching 10  million, with
recommendations and interventions is neces- 500,000 deaths.
sary to combat the infection in patients with COVID-19 affects not only the respiratory
COVID-19  in both outpatient and inpatient tract, but it can involve other organs associated
settings. with increased morbidity (Yazdanpanah et  al.
2020b; Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu

M. Moallemian Isfahani I. M. Rao
Dietetics and Nutrition Experts Team (DiNET), Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical,
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Santiago de Cali, Colombia
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
N. Rezaei (*)
National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Pediatrics
Z. Emam-Djomeh Center of Excellence, Children’s Medical Center,
Dietetics and Nutrition Experts Team (DiNET), Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Department of Food Science and Engineering, Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran,
University College of Agriculture and Natural Iran
Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran e-mail:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 485
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
486 M. M. Isfahani et al.

and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et  al. 2020; Lotfi and and trace elements, including selenium, zinc,
Rezaei 2020). Older adults, patients with pre- iron, and magnesium.
existing conditions, in particular cardiovascular
diseases, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, and
individuals harboring genes that affect immunity 28.2 Nutritional Assessment
have shown the worst outcomes and highest mor-
tality (Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; Ahmadi Nutritional Diagnosis and Intervention describes
et  al. 2020; Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; the critical thinking process from assessment to
Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020). After 6-month selection of proper, timely, and measurable diag-
efforts to crack the spread of the COVID-19 pan- nosis of nutritional deficiencies. Measurement of
demic, there are still no vaccines or effective med- the indicators of inflammation is also a critical
ications to protect the body against or to treat the component of nutritional assessment.
infection (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b). Nutritional assessment is the first step in the
There is evidence of hyper inflammation and nutrition care process. Such an assessment must
immune system dysregulation in people with include critical elements of the dietary patterns,
COVID-19, especially in cases with severe and food cravings and eating habits, clinical or medi-
critical conditions (Rokni et  al. 2020; Bahrami cal history, and changes in food intake from the
et al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020a; Saghazadeh time of infection. Alterations in appetite, food
and Rezaei 2020a; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab variety, balance, and order of food meals as well
et al. 2020). As a result, approaches helping the as anthropometric measurements when possible
immune hemostasis come to attention, along and biochemical and laboratory values should be
with other ones that offer to target the virus-cell considered (Volkert et al. 2019). Also, food aller-
interaction (Sharifkashani et  al. 2020; gies, possible adverse effects of pharmaceutical
Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei and Rezaei treatments on nutritional status, and food intake
2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu and condition, as well as information on the medica-
Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et  al. 2020b; Saghazadeh tion and herbal supplement use for potential
and Rezaei 2020b; Mohamed et al. 2020b; Rezaei food-drug interactions, must be considered by
2020b; Rabiee et  al. 2020; Pourahmad et  al. interviewing the patient or their live-in compan-
2020; Lotfi et al. 2020). ion. Of significance are also the fecal extraction
Appropriate nutrient intake is necessary for rate and the amount of fluid intake. Moreover, the
the immune system to function correctly, and Nutrition Risk in Critically ILL Score (NUTRIC
nutritional therapy plays a crucial role in the pre- Score) tool is recommended as a part of nutri-
vention of the disease as well as the recovery pro- tional assessment in patients admitted to the
cess by regulating the immunity system (Gombart intensive care unit (ICU) (Kondrup et  al. 2003;
et al. 2020; High 2001). The few available stud- Ballmer 2020).
ies, which have investigated supportive treatment
in COVID-19, suggest that nutritional assess-
ment is necessary for all patients with COVID-­19, 28.2.1 Nutritional Care
and, accordingly, nutritional support should be in Outpatients with COVID-19
provided to patients as soon as possible. It is of
fundamental importance to supply nutritional With the immune system fighting off coronavi-
requirements such as energy, protein, and micro- rus, energy requirements are increased to meet
nutrients that can enhance the patient immune physiological needs. In this regard, a liquid diet,
system (Maggini et  al. 2018). In particular, including higher volumes of water, soups, fruit
micronutrients are essential to maintain the juices, milk, and tea, which needs less energy to
immune system healthy or improve the immune digestion, can be considered. Adequate intake of
competence in viral infections such as COVID-­19. basic food groups with a diversity of the content
They include vitamins such as A, B, D, E, and C would help promote immunity in people with
28  Nutrition and Immunity in COVID-19 487

COVID-19 to combat infection. Increased intake Effective management of a patient with

of whole fruits and vegetables, which are either COVID-19 calls for an effective and timely
excellent resources of vitamins such as Vit A and plan of nutritional therapy adjusted considering
Vit C or contain ample amounts of pigments and the clinical characteristics of the individual.
some precursors of vitamin A and Vit C, play a The transition from PN to EN is considered
vital role in improving nutritional status and when EN is predicted to meet 50% of require-
immunity, and thus well-being. ments. Also, when ONS can meet 50% of
requirements, the EN can be progressively
reduced and finally terminated. In contrast, if
28.2.2 Hospitalized Patients ONS is unable to fulfill 50% of requirements,
with COVID-19 the EN should be c­ ontinued. Elderly or mal-
nourished patients with COVID-19 are more
Clinical nutritional societies have endorsed the likely to require intensive care unit (ICU)
Global Leadership Project on Malnutrition admission and prolonged hospitalization. When
(GLIM) standards for the diagnosis of malnutri- hospital stay lasts longer than 48 h, nutritional
tion. The GLIM recommends a two-step approach therapy should be started as early as possible
in which an initial screening is performed to and no later than 72  h for patients who are
determine the at-risk status of the patient by uti- unable to eat or admitted to the ICU (Singer
lizing validated screening methods such as et al. 2019; Ballmer 2020).
MUST or NRS-2002, followed by a secondary
diagnostic evaluation to rate the severity of the Nutritional Strategies
malnutrition. According to the GLIM, malnutri- for Non-ICU Patients
tion diagnosis requires at least one phenotypic Hospitalized for COVID-19
criterion and one etiologic criterion (Cederholm
et al. 2019; Stratton et al. 2004). The mentioned Energy Requirements
criteria can be successfully applied to patients at Infection with COVID-19 raises the demand for
risk of severe COVID-19 or hospitalized due to energy. It is, therefore, of importance to provide
COVID-19. Poor COVID-19 outcomes are more energy supply to patients with COVID-19 to
likely to occur in patients with a higher risk of avoid undesirable loss of weight and muscle
malnourishment, such as older adults and indi- mass, which may lead to poor functional results.
viduals with comorbidities (Barazzoni et  al. Reliable estimation of patient’s caloric needs is
2020). necessary to prevent overfeeding or
When the nutritional status of the patient is underfeeding.
suboptimal, the dietitian must decide on the most The gold standard for estimation of caloric
suitable artificial nutrition (AN) solution, e.g., needs is the time-consuming method of indirect
enteral nutrition (EN) and parenteral nutrition calorimetry. The following predictive equations
(PN). In this regard, oral nutritional supplemen- and weight-based formulae are helpful to esti-
tation (ONS), tube feeding, supplementary par- mate caloric needs simply (Ballmer 2020; Gomes
enteral nutrition (SPN), and total parenteral et al. 2018):
nutrition (TPN) are available and can help the
recovery of patients. ONS is, however, the first • Total energy expenditure (TEE) for patients
choice of care. When oral intake is insufficient, with comorbidities aged above 65  years:
the dietitian should make recommendations on 27 kcal/kg body weight/day
the use of AN combined with either EN or • TEE for severely underweight patients with
PN. EN is the first tier of AN. If it were insuffi- comorbidities: 30 kcal/kg body weight/day
cient to provide requirements, it would be substi- • TEE for overweight and obese patients:
tuted by PN. 20 kcal/kg body weight/day
488 M. M. Isfahani et al.

It is noteworthy to mention that chronically evant to all critically ill patients, including
underweight patients should be fed carefully and patients with COVID-19. For non-intubated ICU
gradually to arrive at the goal of 30 kcal/kg body patients with COVID-19 not achieving the
weight/day because they are at high risk of defined energy target with an oral diet, ONS
refeeding syndrome. should be considered following EN.  Notably,
even for patients who can eat independently and
Protein Requirements unaided, it might be impossible to meet the
Based on growing evidence from experimental increased demand for energy and nutrient require-
and epidemiological research, age at hospitaliza- ments associated with metabolic stress and
tion, muscle mass, gender, and other essential recovery. Moreover, critically ill patients depen-
factors should be considered when selecting an dent on endotracheal intubation and mechanical
appropriate protein intake for patients with ventilation are unable to consume food orally.
COVID-19. In this regard, intake of at least Impairment of chewing and swallowing and
1  gram protein/kg body weight/day should be anorexia induced by pain-relieving medications
attempted for older people (Ballmer 2020; are other factors contributing to the inability of
Volkert et  al. 2019), particularly for those who oral feeding. The dietician might consider adding
are frail, suffer from comorbidities, or are at risk PPN in the case patients exhibit limitations with
of malnutrition. In general, recent guidelines rec- the enteral route or do not reach the defined
ommend maintaining the intake of protein within energy target by oral or enteral nutrition
the range of 1.2–2  grams per kilogram of body (Gostynska et al. 2019).
weight per day with at least 50% of this amount
should be of high biological value (HBV) pro- Intubated and Ventilated Patients
teins. The amount of protein that patients with
COVID-19 and renal failure need is determined Enteral Nutrition
between 1 and 1.2 grams per kg body weight per ICU patients with COVID-19 who are intubated
day. It is decreased to 0.8–1 gram protein per kg and ventilated, EN can be administered via a
body weight and day in patients with chronic kid- nasogastric tube (NGT). The prone position in
ney disease (CKD). itself does not pose a contraindication for
EN. However, in the case that the patient shows
Fat and Carbohydrate Requirements gastric intolerance or is at high risk for aspira-
A 30:70 fat and carbohydrate ratio in patients tion, post-pyloric feeding must be considered
with no respiratory impairment and a 50:50 per- after prokinetic treatment.
cent for ventilated patients may be considered
(9). Energy Requirements
Indirect calorimetry, when available, is advised N  utritional Strategies for ICU as the first-line method of evaluation of energy
Patients with COVID-19 expenditure (EE). If not available, the second-­
Prolonged ICU stays might initiate or aggravate line method is to assess EE from respiratory
malnutrition accompanied by severe muscle mass gases, e.g., VO2 (oxygen consumption) and
wasting and atrophy, which can, in turn, lead to VCO2 (carbon dioxide production), which are
profound disability and morbidity. The situation recorded by the ventilator (Elamin et  al. 2012).
gets worse when a controlled diet is not present, Predictive equations are in the last line because
and a lack of adequate calorie and protein results they can lead to under or overevaluation of needs
in exacerbation of nutritional status. Therefore, (Barazzoni et al. 2020).
the prevention of malnutrition is a critical part of
COVID-19 management. Protein Requirements
Recommendations for nutritional assessment Intake of 1.3 gram protein/kg body weight/day
to derive appropriate nutritional strategies are rel- might help to improve the survival rate in frail
28  Nutrition and Immunity in COVID-19 489

patients. Depending on the patient’s condition, genesis, which uses amino acid precursors
there are, however, a few considerations to bear provided by the skeletal muscle proteolysis. The
in mind. For example, preserving skeletal muscle protein-sparing effect of the parenteral provision
mass is of particular importance for the patient’s of glucose is seen in starvation, ensuring the mus-
recovery. It necessitates additional strategies to cle tissue is conserved. It has remained unclear
enforce skeletal muscle anabolism with regard to whether such sparing effectively occurs in the
the highly catabolic state of patients with critically ill condition.
COVID-­ 19 during ICU admission (McClave However, carbohydrate administration should
et al. 2016). be limited in critically ill patients with COVID-­19
and respiratory failure. The carbohydrate
Lipid Requirements ­requirement is 2  g/kg/day and must not exceed
When administering intravenous lipids, it is 150 g per day. The oxidation of a mole of carbo-
important to adhere to the recommendation of hydrates leads to the production of equal amounts
1 g/kg body weight/day with a tolerance of up to of CO2. In patients with respiratory failure, CO2
1.5 g/kg/day. Administration of excess lipids may production must be avoided to decrease respira-
result in waste, storage, or even toxicity tory quotients (Singer et  al. 2009, 2019;
(Santacruz et al. 2015). Gostynska et al. 2019).

Carbohydrate Requirements Fat Requirements

A low carbohydrate formula, at the maximum In long-term ICU patients, lipid intake analysis is
rate of 5  mg/kg weight/min, is prescribed to an integral part of the energy maintenance pro-
patients for the reduction of CO2 production and gram. Due to changes in fat absorption and fat
so an improvement of the respiratory function metabolism in critically ill patients undergoing
(Taylor et al. 2016; Singer et al. 2019). PN, lipid overload and toxicity can occur with
excessive intravenous injection of fat, resulting in
Parenteral Nutrition hypertriglyceridemia and abnormal liver
PN is indicated when the patient is unable to enzymes.
intake sufficient nutrients orally and enterally. It Studies show the association between glycerol
is recommended to be prescribed by day 3–7 concentrations and COVID-19 outcomes. The
after EN intolerance. For patients with infections, recommended daily venous fat is 1 gram/kg body
PN should meet the following requirements: weight, which should not exceed the maximum
of 1.5 gram/kg body weight (Singer et al. 2009).
Protein Requirements However, the dose needs to be adjusted according
1.3-grams protein/kg of ideal body weight per to individual tolerance. Also, for newly critically
day is given (Romano et  al. 2020; Heidegger ill patients with parenteral nutrition, the use of
et al. 2013). medium and long-chain fatty acids is preferred.
Furthermore, the use of omega-3 fatty acids in
Carbohydrate Requirements critically ill patients has been shown to result in a
Carbohydrates are the primary source of calories lower risk of infection and death, as well as a
in almost all PN formulations. Glucose is the decreased length of hospital stay.
major fuel for the human body. The brain, periph- Medium- and long-chain fatty acids and an
eral nerves, renal medulla, leukocytes, erythro- increase in the proportion of ω-3 and ω-9 fatty
cytes, and bone marrows use glucose as the acids are considered to be the most important fac-
primary source of oxidative energy. The mini- tor. Fatty acids significantly affect the immune
mum daily amount of glucose required is esti- system. They take part in constructing cell mem-
mated to be 100–120 g to meet the needs of the branes and cytokines, which are factors secreted
brain. If this requirement is not satisfied by exog- during immune cell signaling (Ren et  al. 2020;
enous nutrition, it will be satisfied by gluconeo- Rutting et  al. 2019). As an example, ω-3 fatty
490 M. M. Isfahani et al.

acids are well-acknowledged to prevent a hyper-­ with large areas of pulmonary consolidation. For
inflammatory state by decreasing the production every 1 degree C rise in temperature, there is a
of eicosanoid and specific cytokines. In particu- need for supplemental fluid therapy calculated at
lar, the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; 20:5 ω-3) 3–5 mL/kg (4 mL/kg) (Yu and Shi 2020; Singer
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; 22:6 ω-3) et al. 2019).
reduce the production of lipid mediators involved
in the induction of the pro-inflammatory state.
On the contrary, a ω-6 fatty acid, arachidonic 28.3 Role of Micronutrients
acid, has been one of the most crucial eicosanoid
precursors in the composition of prostaglandins Table 28.1 gives an overview of the effects of
and leukotrienes, which critically contribute to micronutrient deficiency and supplementation on
inflammation. the immune response. Low levels of certain
Fish oil (FO) is a well-established source for micronutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, C, and B
EPA and DHA (Kristine Koekkoek et al. 2019). and minerals such as zinc, selenium, and iron can
Thus, the administration of FO might be benefi- cause a worsening of viral infections (Gombart
cial in improving the prognosis of the critical et al. 2020; Kakodkar et al. 2020). Patients with
patient, for its anti-inflammatory and immuno- COVID-19 are at risk for micronutrient defi-
modulatory characteristics (Lu et  al. 2017). ciency due to reduced intake and increased
Enteral FO feeds are, in certain conditions, con- demands. Although the prevention and treatment
sidered in patients with ARDS (Singer et  al. of micronutrient deficiencies are significant,
2006; Pontes-Arruda et  al. 2008). Accordingly, there is no evidence that supraphysiological or
an intake of 0.1–0.2  gram EPA  +  DHA per kg supra-therapeutic levels of micronutrients will
body weight per day is recommended for patients improve COVID 19 outcomes (Barazzoni et  al.
with COVID-19 (Das 2020). 2020). Overall, there should be regular allow-
ances to modify the recommendations over the
Post-extubation Period and Dysphagia intake of vitamins and trace elements, consider-
In ICU patients with dysphagia, if swallowing ing the patient history and clinical
is proven unsafe, texture-modified food can be characteristics.
considered after extubation, and EN should be
administered (Barazzoni et  al. 2020). During
swallowing training, once the nasoenteral 28.3.1 Vitamin A
feeding tube is removed, post-pyloric EN can
be performed, mainly where high aspiration Vitamin A plays a role against infections.
risk exists. If post-pyloric EN is not possible, Additionally, vitamin A supplementation has
temporary PN can be attempted (Neelemaat been shown to be effective in reducing morbidity
et al. 2011; Gomes et al. 2018). A key consid- and mortality in infectious diseases such as
eration for COVID-19 patients, particularly in malaria, measles, lung infections, and measles-­
the elderly after prolonged extubation, is that related pneumonia (Kantoch et al. 2002). Vitamin
the post-extubation swallowing disorder can A, therefore, seems promising for COVID-19
result in a prolonged recovery process, lasting treatment (Zhang and Liu 2020).
up to 21 days in many cases (Barazzoni et al.
The general principles are followed for fluid 28.3.2 B Vitamins
therapy of patients with COVID-19, to stabilize
patients at 30–40 mL/kg per day. In stable ICU Vitamin B6 is required in protein metabolism. It
patients with COVID-19, it is recommended to participates in over 100 other regulatory reac-
maintain 30  mL/kg/day of fluid for adults and tions in various tissues and also plays an impor-
28  mL/kg/day for the elderly, as well as those tant role in the immune system.
28  Nutrition and Immunity in COVID-19 491

Table 28.1  The impact of micronutrient deficiencies and Table 28.1 (continued)

supplementations on the immune response
Effects of Effects of
Effects of Effects of Micronutrient deficiency supplementation
Micronutrient deficiency supplementation Zinc Depressed Recommended
Vitamin A Increased Enhances innate immune supplementation
susceptibility immune response to responses dose: 20–40 mg/day
to COVID-19 viral replication Increased for adults
infection susceptibility
B Vitamins Depressed Enhances immune to COVID-19
host immune response infectious
responses Vitamin B3 provides Iron Reduced Its impact can be a
robust anti-­ capacity for double-edged sword:
inflammatory adequate improves immune
response to immune response to infectious
respiratory tract response diseases, while
infection Increased irrational abuse of
Recommended daily recurrent supplementing may
amount for total acute increase the
parenteral nutrition respiratory availability of iron
(TPN): 40 mg of tract infection for pathogen and
vitamin B3 and 6 mg enhances viral
of vitamin B6 replication
Vitamin C Increased Antioxidant
oxidative properties prevent the
damage susceptibility to lower Hyaluronic acid (HA), an extracellular matrix
Increased respiratory tract
severity of infection of component, is distributed in the lung parenchyma
infection COVID-19 of humans. Based on several studies, increased
Recommended levels of HA occur in lung tissue of humans with
supplementation acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). HA
dose: 1–2 g/day for
patients can increase the capacity of absorption of water
Vitamin D Increased Reduced acute within the lung up to 1000 times its molecular
susceptibility respiratory tract weight. Patients with COVID-19 show dysregu-
to acute infection lation in the production and regulation of HA
respiratory Recommended
(Esposito et  al. 2017). Also, they have shown
tract supplementation
infections and dose: 500,000 IU for high levels of inflammatory cytokines, which are
the severity of all ICU patients in the potent inducers of HA synthase 2 (HAS2) in the
infection first week alveolar epithelial cells and fibroblasts, and this
might explain difficult breathing in COVID-19
morbidity and
mortality patients. Consequently, reducing or inhibiting the
Selenium Increased Improves immune production of HA might be promising to ease
oxidative response to breathing in COVID-19 patients (Shi et al. 2020).
stress COVID-­19 in Vitamin B3 can inhibit HA synthase and
Increased viral deficient individuals
virulence Suppresses the diminish the effects of HA. Y. Vitamin B3 sup-
Induces release of free plementation has been shown to significantly
impairment of radicals reduce neutrophil infiltration into the lungs and
host immune Reduces oxidative also produce a strong anti-inflammatory effect in
function damage
Recommended ventilator-induced lung injury (Shi et al. 2020).
dose: 100 μg/day
492 M. M. Isfahani et al.

28.3.3 Vitamin C lungs (Anderson et al. 2020). Deficiency in vita-

min D increases the risk of developing respira-
It is known as an important antioxidant and enzy- tory infections (Martineau et  al. 2017; Jolliffe
matic cofactor for physiological reactions such as et  al. 2013; Pham et  al. 2019). Observational
hormone production, collagen synthesis, and studies indicate an association between low
immune potency. Human beings are unable to levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (the primary
synthesize ascorbic acid (vitamin C); as a result, metabolite of vitamin D) in the blood and vulner-
it must be obtained from dietary sources. It has ability to acute respiratory tract infections. In
been suggested that supplementation with vita- agreement with these findings, meta-analyses
min C may hinder the susceptibility to respira- have concluded that supplementation with vita-
tory tract infections (Hemilä and Louhiala 2013; min D may reduce the risk of respiratory tract
Kim et al. 2018; Padhani et al. 2020). Vitamin C infection in children and adults (Gruber-Bzura
(1–2  gram per day) is, therefore, suggested for 2018). While a substantial number of healthy
COVID-19 treatment (Chen et  al. 2020; Ran adults, often at the end of the winter season, pres-
et al. 2018). ent with low vitamin D levels.
Also, studies have shown that high-dose intra- COVID-19 was first identified in winter 2019
venous injection of vitamin C (3–10  gram per and has mostly affected elderly and middle-age
day) can substantially improve disease outcomes people. Hence, it may be supposed that the virus
in critically ill patients. So, in addition to the oral
has infected people who may already have had
intake of vitamin C, some authors suggest the use vitamin D insufficiency (Grant et  al. 2020;
of high-dose intravenous vitamin C in critically Jakovac 2020).
ill patients (Wang et al. 2019; Boretti and Banik Patients with COVID-19 undergoing EN and
2020). ICU patients who are in the early stages of PN should be tested for vitamin D deficiency. If
COVID-19 are candidates for a brief duration of the amount of vitamin D is less than 12.5 ng/mL
high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy (Cheng (insufficiency), cholecalciferol is given by intra-
2020). High-dose vitamin C therapy can induce muscular injection or via the route of administra-
an inflammatory response. Adding intravenous tion of EN with a maximum single dose of
(IV) glucocorticoid to high-dose vitamin C can 100,000 IU solution and 500,000 IU per week.
help to diminish the inflammatory effect of high-­
dose vitamin C therapy (Carr 2020) while keep-
ing the other effects of high-dose vitamin C in 28.3.5 Selenium
places, such as improvement of alveolar fluid
clearance and epithelial cell functions (Boretti Selenium deficiency may induce oxidative stress,
and Banik 2020). which can cause a mild or moderate pathogenic
virus to become highly virulent (Rayman 2012).
Selenium deficiency induces not only impair-
28.3.4 Vitamin D ment of the host immune system but also can
evoke mutations in the RNA viruses (Singer et al.
Vitamin D receptors exist in a variety of immune 2019).
cells. As a result, vitamin D can affect immunity Selenium assists a group of enzymes working
responses (Zdrenghea et  al. 2017). It has been in conjunction with vitamin E to prevent the for-
shown to promote the production of monocyte-­ mation of free radicals and oxidative damage to
derived macrophages and modulate the produc- cells and tissues (Calder et al. 2020). Synergistic
tion of inflammatory cytokines. Also, metabolites effects of selenium with some herbal products
of vitamin D tend to control the development of might help to improve immune response to coro-
different antimicrobial proteins that specifically navirus infections. Hence, 100 micrograms of
kill pathogens and are thus likely to help mini- selenium supplementation per day may be an
mize infection, including those occurring in the important option for the supplemental treatment
28  Nutrition and Immunity in COVID-19 493

of the novel coronavirus infection. These, how- 2020a; Moazzami et al. 2020). It has raised many
ever, should be recommended based on the concerns about the risk of infection and reinfec-
Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) for infected tion in frail older people who are malnourished;
patients with renal failure (Zhang and Liu 2020; people in special physiological conditions, for
Jayawardena et al. 2020). example, pregnant women, neonates, and chil-
dren; people with medical conditions who suffer
from an immune deficiency or are
28.3.6 Zinc ­immunocompromised; and patients from lower
socioeconomic groups (Ahanchian et  al. 2020;
Zinc deficiency induces both humoral and cell-­ Babaha and Rezaei 2020; Mirbeyk and Rezaei
mediated immunity dysfunction and increases 2020; Sahu et al. 2020; Jabbari and Rezaei 2020).
the vulnerability to infectious diseases. During the pandemic, prompt and appropriate
Intracellular zinc can effectively inhibit the repli- nutritional therapy play a critical role in the man-
cation of a variety of RNA viruses. Furthermore, agement of COVID-19  in all phases of care.
the low concentration of zinc and pyrithione pre- Nutritional therapy can provide highly effective
vents the replication of SARS coronavirus results, ensuring that all patients have a fair
(SARS-CoV) (te Velthuis et al. 2010). For adults, chance to fight COVID-19. The current status is,
a recommended dosage is 20–40  mg/day however, different; research has focused on phar-
(Gombart et  al. 2020). Zinc supplement can, maceutical treatment of COVID-19, while the
therefore, be an option for the treatment of importance of nutrition is being overlooked with
COVID-19-related symptoms (Zhang and Liu grave consequences. It calls a need for global rec-
2020). ommendations on the role of nutrition in the
ongoing and future pandemics (Momtazmanesh
et al. 2020; Mohamed et al. 2020a; Rzymski et al.
28.3.7 Iron 2020; Moradian et al. 2020; Kafieh et al. 2020).

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Taylor BE, McClave SA, Martindale RG, Warren MM,
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Dietary Supplements for COVID-19
Gerard E. Mullin, Berkeley Limektkai, Lin Wang,
Patrick Hanaway, Loren Marks,
and Edward Giovannucci

Abstract with either resolution or the potential to

accelerate to a cytokine storm, characterized
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a by high interleukin (IL)-6 and other
highly contagious infectious disease that can inflammatory markers. COVID-19 is a
rapidly escalate to respiratory failure and condition without a gold-standard treatment.
death. It has infected millions of people world- The US Federal Drug Administration (FDA)
wide. The trajectory of this disease continues issued an emergency use authorization for
to progress in some areas of the United States remdesivir in severe cases of COVID-19,
and worldwide. The Institute for Health which shortened the recovery time in
Metrics now predicts a resurgence of infec- hospitalized patients with lower respiratory
tions in the fall of 2020. The pathogenesis of tract infection in one study. Although several
COVID-19 includes an inflammatory phase vaccine trials are underway, no vaccines are
available for primary prevention of COVID-
19 at this time. Dietary supplement sales have
G. E. Mullin (*) dramatically risen during the COVID-19
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, pandemic despite depressed economic
Baltimore, MD, USA
conditions. Commonly used immune-
Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, modulating dietary supplements, including
Baltimore, MD, USA
e-mail: vitamin D, ascorbic acid, zinc, and melatonin,
are reviewed in this manuscript highlighting
B. Limektkai
The University of California Los Angeles School of biological plausibility for salutary benefit
Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA against COVID-19. Ongoing clinical trials
L. Wang recruiting subjects at the time of this writing
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public are provided for each dietary supplement.
Health, Baltimore, MD, USA
P. Hanaway Keywords
Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine,
Cleveland, OH, USA COVID-19 · Cytokine storm · Inflammasome
L. Marks · Melatonin · SARS-CoV-2 · Vitamin D ·
Integrative Nutrition, New York, NY, USA Vitamin C · Zinc
E. Giovannucci
The Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health,
Boston, MA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 499
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
500 G. E. Mullin et al.

29.1 Introduction • An inflammatory phase with either resolution

or acceleration to a cytokine storm, whereby
29.1.1 COVID-19: Epidemiology severe illness is associated with increased
and Pathogenesis plasma concentrations of pro-inflammatory
cytokines, including interleukin (IL)-6, IL-10,
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is granulocyte colony-stimulating factor
responsible for the third major coronavirus (CoV) (G-CSF), monocyte chemoattractant protein 1
pandemic in recent history (Mahase 2020). There (MCP1), macrophage inflammatory protein
is no definitive treatment for COVID-19, which (MIP)-1α, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α
remains a highly contagious infectious disease (Huang et al. 2020; Alunno et al. 2020). Most
that can escalate rapidly to respiratory failure and severe conditions, such as multiorgan failure,
death (Mahase 2020). The pandemic of occur in those with high IL-6 levels (Han et al.
COVID-­19 has infected over nine million people 2020).
worldwide, including over two million people in
the United States ((JHU); Jin et al. 2015; Urwyler The coronavirus responsible for COVID-19,
et al. 2019). The trajectory of disease continues severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
to progress in some areas of the United States and (SARS-CoV-2), also attaches to toll-like recep-
worldwide, and the University of Washington tors (TLRs) in pulmonary macrophages, caus-
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation ing IL-1-beta production and inflammasome
(IHME) now predicts a resurgence of infections activation. Once inflammasomes are activated,
in the fall of 2020 ((IHME) 2020). Overall, 81% and injurious pro-inflammatory cytokines are
of adults infected by COVID-19 self-resolve produced, an extensive injury with loss of lung
while 19% progress, and many require hospital- tissue and subsequent fibrosis with permanent
ization ((JHU)). Older people aged 65 or over respiratory dysfunction may result (Conti et al.
and those with comorbidities (immunocompro- 2020). Respiratory decompensation is frequent
mised, cardiopulmonary disease, cancer, diabe- and can include the development of ARDS
tes, obesity, and kidney failure) are most at risk to requiring mechanical ventilation. Angiotensin-
experience rapid disease progression, respiratory converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) converts angioten-
deterioration requiring intensive care unit (ICU) sin I to angiotensin (1–7), which regulates blood
admission, and mortality (Park et al. 2020; Zhou pressure, systemic vascular resistance, and
et al. 2020). COVID-19 is classified according to fluid-­electrolyte balance. COVID-19 infects
four levels of severity based on symptoms: mild, human cells as spike (S) protein enters cells via
moderate, severe, and critical (Siddiqi and Mehra ACE2 receptors. Once inside the cell, furin
2020). Critical disease has a 49% case fatality facilitates the cleavage of COVID-19 spike pro-
rate related to acute respiratory distress syndrome tein by transmembrane protease serine 2. The
(ARDS), systemic inflammatory response syn- glycoprotein cleavage byproduct of S protein
drome (SIRS), septic shock, and multiorgan fail- facilitates the entry of viral genetic material into
ure) (Wang et al. 2020c). the cell. This step appears to be required for
The pathogenesis of COVID-19 illness infection of lung tissues and occurs in other
proceeds variably according to distinct phases of aggressive viral infections such as dengue, avian
the disease: influenza, and anthrax (Shang et al. 2020; Walls
et al. 2020). However, furin protease activation
• Incubation with asymptomatic viral has not been seen with prior coronavirus infec-
replication. tions or its ancestor viruses (i.e., SARS-CoV-1).
• Symptomatic with constitutional, respiratory, Conditions associated with elevated furin,
and other systemic symptoms (i.e., gastroin- including diabetes, obesity, and hypertension,
testinal) of variable duration and severity. overlap significantly with vulnerability to the
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 501

severe form of COVID-19. ACE2 is constitu- from bacterial cell walls, pathogen-associated
tively expressed in respiratory and oral epithe- molecular patterns (PAMPs) from viruses, bacte-
lium, lung parenchyma, and other tissues, ria, and fungi. Inflammasomes can be activated
including gut epithelium. Increased ACE2 activ- by damage-associated molecular patterns
ity under physiologic conditions appears to pro- (DAMPs) and pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-­
tect against COVID-19 (Brojakowska et  al. 1β, TNFα) (Korakas et  al. 2020). Activation of
2020). However, higher expression of ACE2 on the NLRP3 inflammasome appears to be another
the surface of cells in COVID-19 is linked to critical event in the acceleration of the inflamma-
heightened disease severity (Brojakowska et al. tory phase of the disease to cytokine storm
2020). Furthermore, it seems that furin is impli- (Fig.  29.1). Inflammasomes activate caspase-1
cated in the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 infec- leading to pyroptosis, a pathway of cell death is
tion and potentially in the increased rates of uniquely dependent on caspase-1 (Fink and
human-to-human transmission. ACE2 expres- Cookson 2005), and stimulate maturation and
sion appears to be associated with COVID-19 secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokines,
severity. interleukin-1beta (IL-1β) (Parisi and Leosco
NOD-, LRR-, and pyrin domain-containing 2020) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) through nuclear
protein 3 (NLRP3) is an intracellular sensor that factor kappa-B (NF-κB) signaling. A cytokine
detects a broad range of microbial motifs. storm may occur in COVID-19 patients charac-
Inflammasomes are formed by different sub- terized by a failure of the immune system to
stances, including lipopolysaccharide (LPS) counter regulate NLRP3 inflammasome activity

Fig. 29.1 Central role of NLRP3 inflammasome DAMPs damage-associated molecular patterns, NLRP3
activation in the severe symptomatic phase of COVID-19 NOD-, LRR- and pyrin domain-containing protein 3,
and potential options for treatment. The DAMPs released PAMPs pathogen-associated molecular patterns, IL-1β
after NLRP3 inflammasome activation have a dual interleukin-1 beta, IL-2 interleukin-2, IL-6 interleukin-6,
function. In a normal immune reaction, they induce the IL-7 interleukin-7, TNF-a tumor necrosis factor-alpha,
necessary co-­stimulatory activation of the APC, but they CXCL10 interferon gamma-induced protein 10 or chemo-
also play a role in resolution and tissue regeneration. Only kine 10, GM CSF granulocyte colony-­stimulating factor,
in case of a hyperactivation of the NLRP3 inflammasome CCL2 C-C motif chemokine ligand 2, CCL3 C-C motif
DAMPs are released in high concentrations and result in chemokine ligand 3, NF-κB nuclear factor kappa-B, Th17
pyroptosis, high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) release, T-helper 17 cells, HMGB1 high-mobility group box 1
activation of macrophages, neutrophil infiltration and Adapted with permission (van den Berg and te Velde
reduced apoptosis, excessive cytokine production (IL-1β, 2020)
IL-2, IL-6, IL-17, TNF-α, GM-CSF, IFN-γ, CXCL10,
CCL2, and CCL3, cytokine storm), and fibrosis
502 G. E. Mullin et al.

(Paramo 2020). Modulation of ACE2 expression public health measures in Wuhan created diffi-
and furin proteases and prevention of the induc- culties with enrollment. The intention to treat
tion NLRP3 are targets of therapy in populations did not show a difference in time to
COVID-19. clinical improvement. However, those who had
symptom onset in less than 10 days before treat-
ment appeared to trend toward benefit with rem-
29.1.2 COVID-19: Current Treatment desivir over placebo.
Paradigm Goldman et al. conducted a randomized non-­
placebo-­controlled clinical trial of remdesivir in
Investigational therapies against COVID-19 that 397 patients who underwent 1:1 randomization
are being tested include antiviral agents, immune with intravenous remdesivir for either 5 days or
modulators, cellular therapies, vaccines, conva- 10 days. A total of 200 subjects were treated for
lescent plasma, traditional Chinese medicines, 5  days, and 197 were treated for 10  days.
combination agents, or other medications Remdesivir was administered intravenously to
(Bhagavathula et  al. 2020; Guo et  al. 2020). subjects at 200  mg on day 1 and then 100  mg
Hospitalization for COVID-19-related complica- once daily after that. The primary endpoint was
tions is primarily for supportive care, as therapies the clinical status of subjects on day 14, assessed
to prevent the progression of the respiratory dis- on a 7-point ordinal scale. There was no differ-
ease remain investigational. ence between a 5-day course and a 10-day course
The treatment with the most testing thus far of remdesivir in non-ventilated subjects with
has been the antiviral remdesivir. A double-blind, severe COVID-19. Both groups showed an
randomized placebo-controlled trial (RCT) of improvement by reduction of 2 more points in the
1063 patients with COVID-19 and lower respira- 7-point ordinal scale [64% (5  days) vs. 54%
tory tract involvement compared to remdesivir (10  days), p  =  0.14] (Goldman et  al. 2020).
(200 mg loading on day one, 100 mg daily days However, a placebo was not utilized, limiting the
2–10) to placebo and showed benefit in shorten- conclusions drawn from the study.
ing recovery time from 15 to 11 days (rate ratio Treatment to prevent the progression of
for recovery, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.12–1.55; P < 0.001) COVID-19 to severe disease is lacking, and the
(Beigel et al. 2020). The benefit was seen mainly public is using a variety of nutraceutical agents as
in those with a severity score of 5 (required oxy- a preventative measure to prevent or mitigate the
gen), which represents more severe disease. progression of COVID-19 (Table 29.1) (Hemila
Remdesivir may facilitate quicker recovery for and Chalker 2013). The nutraceutical agents with
patients who are hospitalized with COVID-19 biological plausibility (Iddir et al. 2020) with the
and require supplemental oxygen therapy. potential to address in part the pathophysiology
Wang et  al. reported a double-blind RCT of of COVID-19 are being explored in clinical trials
237 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 lower (, WHO database) and are
respiratory tract infections and severe disease, reviewed below.
comparing intravenous remdesivir (200  mg on
day 1 followed by 100 mg on days 2–10 in single
daily infusions) to placebo infusions for 10 days 29.2 D
 ietary Supplements Being
(Wang et al. 2020d). The primary endpoint was Studied for COVID-19
clinical improvement up to day 28, defined as the
time from randomization to the point of a decline 29.2.1 Ascorbic Acid
of two levels on a six-point ordinal scale of clini-
cal status (from 1 = discharged to 6 = death) or Ascorbic acid contributes to immune defense by
discharged alive from the hospital, whichever supporting various cellular functions of both the
came first. The study was terminated before innate and adaptive immune systems
reaching the anticipated sample size as stringent (Holmannova et  al. 2012). Ascorbic acid accu-
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 503

Table 29.1  Summary of dietary supplements being studied in clinical trials

Dose Mechanism(s) of action
Dietary supplements Innate and/ Antiviral NLRP3
used by the public and Oral = PO or adaptive
in clinical trials Intravenous = IV immunity Cytokines Adverse events
Ascorbic acid 1–3 g PO daily xx xx Risk of loose stools
Intravenous doses at high doses >5 ms
(12–24 g daily) daily. History of
used in the critical oxalate kidney stones
care setting a contraindication
Curcumin 500–1000 mg PO xx xx xx xx GI intolerance in
twice daily formulations that use
black pepper to
enhance absorption
Green tea 4 cups of tea or xx xx xx xx Palpitations from
(epigallocatechin 225 mg of EGCG excessive caffeine.
gallate; EGCG). PO daily. Extracts can cause
liver injury
Melatonin 5–20 mg PO daily xx xx xx xxx Drowsiness.
Quercetin 1000 mg PO twice xx xx xx xx Generally regarded
daily as safe (GRAS)
Resveratrol 100–150 mg PO xx xx xx xx NA
Vitamin D 5000–10,000 IU xx xx xx Risk of
D3 formulation PO hypercalcemia with
daily, emulsified excessive serum
formulation levels [(25(OH)
D>100 ng/ml]
Zinc 30–60 mg PO daily, xx xx Depletes serum
in divided dose copper. Consider
copper supplement

Adapted with permission (Evans et al. 2020)

mulates in phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils, outcomes among patients with a critical illness
and can enhance chemotaxis, phagocytosis, gen- such as sepsis and ARDS (Hager et  al. 2019,
eration of reactive oxygen species, and ultimately 2020; Fowler 3rd et  al. 2019, 2020; Kim et  al.
microbial killing (Carr and Maggini 2017). 2018, 2019; Hwang et al. 2019; Shin et al. 2019).
Ascorbic acid has a long history of use for viral The putative mechanisms include improvement
respiratory infections, and there is in  vitro evi- of pulmonary capillary integrity, correction of
dence of its activity against coronavirus in chick sepsis-induced coagulopathy, attenuation of oxi-
embryo ciliated tracheal organ cultures (Atherton dative endothelial injury, and lowering of serum
et al. 1978). Intravenous ascorbic acid has been TNF-alpha (Chen et al. 2014).
shown to reduce the length of stay and ventilator Vitamin C supplementation could help the
requirements in the critical care unit setting. prevention and treatment of respiratory and sys-
Vitamin C has been shown to shorten the duration temic infections (Turski et  al. 2020; Carr and
of mechanical ventilation by about 20% in Maggini 2017). High doses of ascorbic acid
patients who required mechanical ventilation for reduce the severity and duration of common cold
over a 24 h period (95% CI 7.7% to 27%; symptoms caused by rhinovirus, a coronavirus
p = 0.001) (Hemila and Chalker 2019). In combi- with a typical mild self-limited course if untreated
nation with thiamine (Amrein et al. 2011), ascor- (Hemila and Chalker 2013). The treatment of
bic acid and hydrocortisone may improve critically ill patients with ascorbic acid has shown
504 G. E. Mullin et al.

mixed results on mortality, length of intensive ascorbic acid for COVID-19 are registered in
care unit stay, and duration of mechanical venti- clinical, and the World Health
lation (Carr 2019a, b; Hager et al. 2020). There Organization Trial Registry Network (WHO
are some clinical trials involving ascorbic acid ICTRP database).
for COVID-19 underway (Carr 2020). A clinical
trial to investigate vitamin C infusion for the
treatment of severe 2019-nCoV-infected pneu- 29.2.2 Phytochemicals
monia will treat 140 patients with intravenous
vitamin C at a dose of 24 g/day versus matching Phytonutrients are plant-derived biochemicals,
placebo for 7 days. Study endpoints include the some of which impart disease-fighting health-­
need for mechanical ventilation, vasopressor benefits when ingested. Some phytonutrients are
drug requirements, sequential organ failure powerful anti-inflammatory agents modulating
assessment scores, intensive care unit length of NLRP3 inflammasome activation, thereby miti-
stay, and 28-day mortality (Identifier: gating degenerative diseases (Table  29.2 and
NCT04264533na). Other clinical trials involving Fig.  29.2) (Jahan et  al. 2017b). The following

Table 29.2  Phytochemicals shown to inhibit NLRP3 inflammasome activation in disease model systems being studies
in COVID-19
Phytochemical Model system activator Signaling pathway Human disease
Catechins (Green AGS cells, BALB/c Helicobacter Inhibited NLRP3 and IL-1β Helicobacter
tea) mice pylori activation and caspase-1 pylori infection
Curcumin (Curcuma C57BL/6 mice, LPS, cells Modulated TLR4-NF-κB Septic shock
longa) murine macrophage infected with pathway, inhibits NLRP3
cells line J774A.1 Salmonella including
IL-1β- HMGB-1- ROS
Epigallocatehin-3 Human metastatic Melanoma Inhibited NLRP3-ROS-­ Melanoma (skin
gallate (Camellia melanoma cell lines; cells, lupus NF-κB activation, impairs cancer), systemic
sinensis) 1205Lu & HS294T, prone mice caspase-1 and IL-1β lupus
female athymic nu/nu expression, enhances erythematous,
mice, New Zealand autophagy, Nrf2 antioxidant lupus nephritis
lupus mice signaling pathway and
increases Treg cell activity
Quercetin (Quercus STZ-induced and STZ, fructose Inhibited NLRP3 activation, Diabetic
tinctoria) fructose fed rat caspase-1, ASC, IL-1β, -6 nephropathy,
models of diabetic and TNF-α, mediates hyperuricemia
complications in rats JAK2-STAT3- PPAR-γ & dyslipidemia
signaling pathways
Sulforaphane Murine hepatic cells High-fat diet Inhibited NLRP3 Non-alcoholic
(broccoli and other expression, ASC and fatty liver disease
cruciferous caspase-1, activates AMPK
vegetables and reduced ROS and
mitochondrial dysfunction
STZ streptozocin, ROS reactive oxygen species, TNF tumor necrosis factor, PPARs peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptors, JAK-2 Janus kinase-2, ASC apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a CARD, AMPK AMP-­
activated protein kinase, STAT-3 signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, IL-1β interleukin-1beta, IL-6 inter-
leukin-­6, ERK1/2 extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2, IRS1 insulin receptor substrate 1, Treg T-regulatory
cells, Nrf2 nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2, TLR4 toll-like receptor 4, NF-kβ nuclear factor kappa B, HMGB1
high-mobility group box 1
Adapted with permission (Jahan et al. 2017a)
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 505

Fig. 29.2  Schematic model illustrating the underlying receptor, TNFR tumor necrosis factor receptor, NF-κB
anti-inflammatory mechanisms of curcumin through regu- nuclear factor kappa-­B, NLRP3 NOD-like receptor pyrin
lation of NLRP3 inflammasome activity. Curcumin could domain-containing 3, IL-1β interleukin-1β, IL-18 inter-
suppress the activity of NLRP3 inflammasome through leukin 18, AMPK 5′ adenosine monophosphate-­activated
different pathways, including deterrence of K+ efflux, protein kinase, ER endoplasmic reticulum, ROS reactive
inhibition of ER stress and decreased levels of ROS and oxygen species, TXNIP thioredoxin-interacting protein,
TXINP through AMPK activation, prevention of NLRP3 ATP adenosine triphosphate, P2 × 7R purinergic 2 × 7
components assembly via blocking the binding of ASC to receptor, MSU monosodium urate crystal, K+ potassium,
NLRP3, and suppression of NF-κB signaling pathway, Ca+ calcium, ASC apoptosis-­associated speck-like pro-
which leads to the prevention of NLRP3 and pro-IL-1β tein containing a caspase recruitment domain
expression Adapted with permission (Hassanzadeh et al. 2020)
PAMPS pathogen-associated molecular patterns, DAMPS
damage-associated molecular patterns, TLR toll-like

phytonutrients described here are essential to sues and cell types, and it has a role in maintaining
consider for COVID-19, due to their actions on cellular redox balance (Fig. 29.4). RSV can sup-
NLRP3 activation, viral replication, and immu- press NLRP3 inflammasome by different mecha-
nity. Curcumin can exert its anti-inflammatory nisms and pathways, including NAD-dependent
role mainly by preventing the activation of deacetylase sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) and autophagy
NLRP3 inflammasomes (Hasanzadeh et al. 2020; activation. RSV appears to be a potent SIRT1
Olcum et  al. 2020). Curcumin downregulates activator, which alters and inhibits the acetylation
NF-kappa B (NF-κB) signaling, interrupts IL-1β of inflammatory proteins (Sui et  al. 2016). In
maturation, and reduces the secretion and release most of the studies, RSV inhibits NLRP3 inflam-
of interleukins. Collectively, these actions are the masome via enhancing autophagy by activating
most prominent mechanisms of curcumin in SIRT1 (Qi et al. 2019). RSV may also upregulate
modulating inflammasomes (Figs. 29.3 and 29.4) ACE2 expression and may benefit the host
(Hasanzadeh et al. 2020). A recent review of phy- against COVID-19 infection (Horne and Vohl
tochemicals and their influence on intracellular 2020).
signaling mechanisms of action on NLRP3 Other NLRP3 activation inhibitors include
inflammasome activation focused on sulfora- green tea phytochemicals (Zhang et  al. 2019;
phane (SFN), curcumin, and resveratrol (RSV) Wang et al. 2020a). Phytochemicals can also pre-
(Olcum et  al. 2020). SFN, which is present in vent and or mitigate COVID-19 by serving as
cruciferous vegetables, was identified as a potent virus main protease (Mpro) inhibitors to
inhibitor of NLRP3 inflammasome activation. replication. A study using molecular docking
SFN is also known as a strong promoter of the technology revealed that Phaseolus vulgaris phy-
Nrf2 transcription factor, which is the primary tochemicals had maximum binding with Mpro
regulator of numerous cytoprotective, antioxi- and ACE2, while quercetin 3-glucuronide-­ 7-
dant, and anti-inflammatory genes in various tis- glucoside and quercetin 3-vicianoside gave even
506 G. E. Mullin et al.

Fig. 29.3  NLRP3 inflammasome suppression suppression via Nrf2 activation, STAT-1 activation. RSV
mechanisms of sulforaphane (SFN), curcumin, and and curcumin lead to inflammasome suppression via
resveratrol (RSV). All three phytochemicals use NF-kB TXNIP inhibition or leading to AMPK-induced autophagy
inhibition to suppress inflammasome activation. Other Adapted with permission (Olcum et al. 2020)
than this mechanism, SFN leads to inflammasome

better binding energy with both the targets (Joshi 29.2.3 Melatonin
et al. 2020). Quercetin has been shown to inhibit
hepatitis C viral replication (Khan et  al. 2013) Melatonin is receiving increasing attention in the
and modulate NLRP3 inflammasome activation, press as a natural product with a multitude of bio-
is antifibrotic by stabilizing mast cell function, logical effects that may be relevant to COVID-19
and promotes resolvins, which stabilize collateral (Reiter et al. 2020). Melatonin attenuates several
damage to host tissues. A subsequent study also actions that protect the host against COVID-19,
using molecular docking technology showed that including pro-inflammatory cytokine production,
robust one exhibited excellent binding affinity inducible nitric oxide synthases, neuronal nitric
properties against Mpro of SARS-­CoV-­2 (Rasool oxide synthase, cyclooxygenase-2, high-mobility
et al. 2020). This phytonutrient antioxidant flavo- group box 1 signaling, TLR4 activation, inflam-
noid compound has also been shown to be an masome NLRP3 activation, and NF-κB activa-
inhibitor against the protease of the dengue virus tion (El-Missiry et al. 2020). Melatonin induces
(Mishra et al. 2016). RSV has also been shown to anti-inflammatory cytokines while having a high
have in vitro activity against coronaviruses such antioxidant capacity, which buffers the injurious
as MERS-CoV and is effective clinically against inflammatory injury during the resolution phase
rhinovirus (Baldassarre et  al. 2020; Lin et  al. of COVID-19 (El-Missiry et  al. 2020). In
2017). COVID-19, melatonin may increase resistance to
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 507

Fig. 29.4  Inflammasome activation pathways concerning talline activators, cause the generation of reactive oxygen
disease development and phytonutrients: i, some species (ROS). A ROS-mediated pathway triggers inflam-
inflammasome agonists as ATP, triggers P2X7-dependent masome complex formation; and iv, toll-like receptor
pore formation by the pannexin-1 hemichannel, allowing (TLR) senses lipopolysaccharides and prime the NF-κB, a
extracellular agonists to enter the cytosol and directly trig- transcription factor which triggers pro-IL-1 and pro-IL-18
ger inflammasome assembly; ii, crystalline or particulate expressions which sequentially get converted into
inflammasome agonists that are engulfed by the cells have IL-1beta and IL-18. Caspase-1 clustering induces autoac-
characteristic physical properties which lead to lysosomal tivation and caspase-1-dependent maturation and secre-
rupture. The inflammasome senses lysosomal content tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as
released in the cytoplasm, for example, via cathepsin interleukin-1beta (IL-1b) and IL-18. Against all possible
B-dependent processing of a direct NLRP3 ligand; iii, all pathways, phytochemicals (shown by green leaf) are used
danger-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and for the therapeutic activity to inhibit inflammasome
pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs), induced diseases
stressed mitochondria including ATP and particulate/crys- Adapted with permission (Jahan et al. 2017a)

infection by upregulating ACE2 expression while ceptibility, and melatonin raises HO-1 (Hooper
inhibiting NLRP3 inflammasome activation 2020). Two active COVID-19 clinical trials
(Zhang et al. 2019). Multiple actions of melato- include melatonin. One clinical trial
nin as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and (NCT04409522) is evaluating the therapeutic
antiviral (against other viruses) make it a reason- effects of high-dose melatonin (9 mg) vs. usual
able choice for use (Reiter et  al. 2020). care for 7–10 days in 55 patients with COVID-19
Mitochondrial intracellular heme oxygenase while measuring inflammatory cytokines and
(HO-1) is low in the elderly, hypertensives, and pathways to include NLRP3 inflammasome acti-
diabetics, which may relate to COVID-19 sus- vation. The other study (NCT04353128) involves
508 G. E. Mullin et al.

450 Spanish healthcare workers who will be ran- low in number and dysfunctional in the setting of
domized to either melatonin 2  mg or placebo a cytokine storm (Wang et al. 2020b; Chen et al.
before bed for 12 weeks as primary prevention of 2020).
COVID-19. The World Health Organization Vitamin D enhances innate cellular immunity
(WHO) database lists two melatonin intervention to prevent and mitigate viral respiratory
COVID-19 studies: evaluation of the efficacy of ­infections. There are two main mechanisms by
melatonin tablets as auxiliary medication in which vitamin D has been shown to prevent viral
accelerating the improvement of the COVID-19 respiratory tract infections. One is the promotion
symptoms and clinical findings of respiratory epithelial and alveolar barrier func-
(IRCT20200408046988N1) and the effect of tion junctions to prevent the infiltration of
melatonin on the quality of sleep in COVID-19 immune cells in the lungs and other respiratory
patients (IRCT20200411047030N1). tissues. The other is an increased immune-­
enhanced viral killing while avoiding injurious
inflammatory response (Grant et  al. 2020).
29.2.4 Vitamin D Vitamin D enhances the production of
β-defensin-2 and LL-37 cathelicidin. Pulmonary
Vitamin D, once converted to the active epithelial cells have a high expression of
1,25hydroxyvitamin D (1,25VitD) form, has 1α-hydroxylase, which produces calcitriol, the
endocrine and paracrine properties. The para- active form of vitamin D. Calcitriol inhibits bron-
crine action of 1,25VitD may be most important chial smooth muscle cell proliferation and elabo-
for immunity. Activated vitamin D augments ration of pro-inflammatory cytokines,
innate cellular immunity against microbes, pro- chemokines, and matrix metalloproteinases, pre-
tects against bacterial and viral acute respiratory venting lung injury (Sandhu and Casale 2010).
tract infections (including influenza), and regu- Vitamin D upregulates cAMP, not only by mono-
lates adaptive immune responses such as those cytes and macrophages but also in cells partici-
seen in the COVID-19-associated cytokine storm pating in the innate immune system, including
(Zdrenghea et  al. 2017; Martineau et  al. 2017). the respiratory tract, by increasing their antimi-
Vitamin D influences T-helper cell (Th) cell dif- crobial activity and epithelial barrier function
ferentiation by its effect on antigen-presenting (Dhawan et al. 2015).
cells (APCs). Vitamin D is involved in APC Vitamin D is well-known to participate in
activity that modulates T-cell differentiation into the defense against some respiratory patho-
an effector cell with pro-inflammatory (Th1) or gens, including intracellular pathogens and
anti-inflammatory (Th2) properties; thus, modu- bacterial and viral pathogens (Anderson et al.
lation of APCs is crucial in initiating and main- 2020). Lower-serum vitamin D levels are asso-
taining adaptive immune response and ciated with adult new-onset severe sepsis,
self-tolerance. Vitamin D modulates adaptive including septic shock, and high doses of
immunity by suppressing Th1 and Th17 responses enteral vitamin D3 (400,000  IU) have been
that are overactivated in a COVID-19 cytokine shown to increase circulating cAMP and
storm (Wu and Yang 2020; Miraglia Del Giudice reduce inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-1
et  al. 2018). Vitamin D induces Th2 cytokines when compared to placebo (Quraishi et  al.
such as IL-10, which counterbalance Th1 pro-­ 2015). In viral respiratory infections, vitamin
inflammatory cytokines while increasing D metabolites modulate several chemokines
T-regulatory cells (Tregs) and their activity and pro-inflammatory cytokines (CXCL8,
(Fawaz et  al. 2016). By inducing Tregs and CXCL10, TNF-α, and IL-6) (Greiller and
increasing their numbers, vitamin D harmonizes Martineau 2015). Observational and interven-
inflammatory responses. In COVID-19, there are tional studies demonstrate that Vitamin D can
reports that Th1/Th17 cytokines are high, Th2 impart primary and secondary protection
cytokines such as IL-10 are low, and Tregs are against viral respiratory tract illness (Teymoori-
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 509

Rad et  al. 2019; Beard et  al. 2011). A meta- 29.2.5 Zinc
analysis of 25 eligible randomized controlled
trials (total 11, 321 participants) concluded Zinc is a micronutrient with an established role in
that Vitamin D supplementation was safe and robust and effective immune responses, including
protected against acute respiratory tract infec- antiviral immunity and adaptive immune
tion (adjusted odds ratio 0.88, 95% confidence responses, including antibody formation
interval 0.81–0.96) (Martineau et  al. 2017). (Gammoh and Rink 2017). Older adults (65 years
Patients who were very vitamin D-deficient as and older) are at increased risk of zinc insuffi-
defined by baseline 25-hydroxyvitamin D lev- ciency or deficiency. Further, because of the high
els <25  nmol/L (adjusted odds ratio 0.30, incidence of diarrhea with SARS-CoV2 infection
0.17–0.53) derived more protection against (seen in approximately 20% of patients), it was
respiratory tract infection compared to patients possible to assume these patients were zinc insuf-
who were not so identified with baseline ficient (Lee et  al. 2020). Zinc is particularly
25-hydroxyvitamin D levels ≥25  nmol/L attractive to consider in SARS-CoV2 infection.
(adjusted odds ratio 0.75, 0.60–0.95). Those In vitro studies show zinc to inhibit coronavirus
not receiving bolus doses experienced the most RNA replication (Fig.  29.5) (te Velthuis et  al.
benefit (adjusted odds ratio 0.81, 0.72–0.91). 2010; Read et al. 2019). Zinc lozenges at symp-
There is growing speculation that vitamin D tom onset reduce the duration of symptoms from
deficiency may render hosts vulnerable to illness attributed to more innocuous coronavirus
COVID-19 infection and that vitamin D may infections (i.e., the common cold) (Mossad et al.
serve a primary and secondary preventative role 1996; Hemila 2017; Hemila et  al. 2020). Also,
(Weir et  al. 2020; Grant et  al. 2020; Wei and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) mobilizes zinc into
Christakos 2015; Dhawan et  al. 2015). lysosomes suggesting there may be synergy
Countries related to high mortality rates early between HCQ and zinc to amplify efficacy (in
in the COVID-19 pandemic (Italy, Spain, and vitro data support this synergy in cell culture
the United Kingdom) are more likely to suffer assays of HCQ-induced cytotoxicity and HCQ-­
from lower vitamin D levels than countries that induced inhibition of autophagic flux) (Xue et al.
were not as severely affected (Grant et  al. 2014). The WHO database lists one study using
2020). An analysis of a world database by zinc sulfate (IRCT20180425039414N2; https://
investigators at Northwestern University exam- It investigates the effect of
ined severe SARS-­CoV-­2 illness and vitamin D 220 mg of zinc sulfate on the clinical course of 80
deficiency prevalence; data revealed that the inpatients with COVID-19. Forty patients will
risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 cases among receive a combination of zinc sulfate 220  mg
patients with severe vitamin D deficiency was with hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice daily and
17.3%, compared with a risk of 14.6% for then once for 5  days, and the other 40 patients
patients with normal vitamin D levels (a rela- will receive only hydroxychloroquine in the same
tive reduction of 15.6%) (Daneshkhah et  al. manner in a parallel clinical trial at the Esfahan
2020). The authors suggested that the correc- University of Medical Sciences in Iran (https://
tion of vitamin D deficiency may reduce SARS-
CoV-2 severity by suppressing the cytokine
storm. The WHO database lists one study that is
actively recruiting; IRCT2020040146909N1 9 29.3 Conclusion
(, an RCT to evalu-
ate the efficacy of 1000  IU of vitamin D3 or There is a dearth of surveys to precisely indicate
placebo daily for 8  weeks. The duration of the usage of dietary supplements by the public
COVID-19 infection is the primary endpoint for COVID-19. However, the dietary supplement
and the WHO severity scale as the secondary industry has reported a global boost in sales dur-
endpoint. ing the COVID-19 pandemic as people sought
510 G. E. Mullin et al.

Fig. 29.5  The diverse stages of viral replication cycles and mouth disease virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, HIV
that are inhibited by zinc. In vitro studies have demon- human immunodeficiency virus, HPV human papilloma
strated some mechanisms by which zinc interferes with virus, HRV human rhinovirus, HSV herpes simplex virus,
the viral replication cycle. These include free virus inacti- PV polio virus, RdRp RNA-­dependent RNA polymerase,
vation: i, inhibition of viral uncoating; ii, viral genome RT reverse transcriptase, SARS severe acute respiratory
transcription; iii and iv, viral protein translation and poly- syndrome coronavirus, SFV Semliki Forest virus, SV sind-
protein processing. No studies to date, however, have bis virus, VZV varicella-zoster virus, Zn zinc
demonstrated zinc-mediated inhibition of virus assembly Adapted with permission (Read et al. 2019)
and/or particle release
CV coronavirus, DdDp DNA-dependent DNA poly-
merase, EMCV encephalomyocarditis virus, FMDV foot

the aid of natural medicines in an attempt to pre- mortality spread across the world in an uncon-
vent or mitigate COVID-19. There is some evi- trolled manner. Ultimately, the many clinical tri-
dence to indicate that immune-modulating als underway now that will soon illuminate
dietary supplements may play a role in benefiting whether the millions of dollars spent by the pub-
the public from COVID-19. However, dietary lic and their actions during the COVID-19 pan-
supplements are not without cost or potential demic had any merit. Only time will tell.
harm, albeit low risk in the majority of cases. Any
benefit of dietary supplements against COVID-­19 Acknowledgments  The authors would like to thank the
depends on biological plausibility, the peer-­ members of the Institute for Functional Medicine Task
Force (Drs. Joel Evans, Dan Lukaczer, Robert Luby, and
reviewed literature, not direct studies in humans, Patrick Hanaway) and Dr. Keith Berkowitz for inspiring
preferably RCT. The approach was heuristic and this manuscript.
served its place at a time when morbidity and
29  Dietary Supplements for COVID-19 511

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Photobiomodulation and Antiviral
Photodynamic Therapy 30
in COVID-­19 Management

Reza Fekrazad, Sohrab Asefi,
Maryam Pourhajibagher, Farshid Vahdatinia,
Sepehr Fekrazad, Abbas Bahador,
Heidi Abrahamse, and Michael R. Hamblin

Abstract photon-based therapy that uses light to medi-

ate a variety of metabolic, analgesic, anti-­
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has inflammatory, and immunomodulatory effects.
shocked the world by its spread and conta- Antiviral photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is a
giousness. There is no approved vaccine and branch of photodynamic therapy based on the
no proven treatment for this infection. Some reaction between a photosensitizing agent and
potential treatments that have already been a light source in the presence of oxygen, which
associated with antiviral and anti-­inflammatory can produce oxidative and free radical agents
effects are under investigation. to damage the viral structures such as proteins
Photobiomodulation therapy (PBMT) is a and nucleic acids. This chapter aims to discuss

S. Fekrazad
International Network for Photo Medicine and Photo
R. Fekrazad (*) Dynamic Therapy (INPMPDT), Universal Scientific
Radiation Sciences Research Center, Laser Research Education and Research Network (USERN),
Center in Medical Sciences, AJA University of Tehran, Iran
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
International Network for Photo Medicine and Photo Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Dynamic Therapy (INPMPDT), Universal Scientific
A. Bahador
Education and Research Network (USERN),
Oral Microbiology Laboratory, Department of
Tehran, Iran
Medical Microbiology, School of Medicine, Tehran
S. Asefi University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry,
H. Abrahamse
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
M. Pourhajibagher
M. R. Hamblin
Dental Research Center, Dentistry Research Institute,
Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tehran, Iran
Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts
F. Vahdatinia
General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
Dental Implants Research Center, School of
Dentistry, Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Department of Dermatology, Harvard Medical
Hamadan, Iran School, Boston, MA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 517
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
518 R. Fekrazad et al.

the potential therapeutic benefit of PBMT and 30.2 Virology

aPDT in the context of the novel coronavirus.
Studies indicate that PBMT and aPDT could 30.2.1 Origin, Classification,
be useful in many viral and bacterial pulmo- and Genetical Features
nary complications like influenza, SARS-­
CoV, and MERS, but we found no direct study Clinicians diagnosed the disease as a pneumonia-­
on SARS-CoV-2. With a combination of related infection caused by a virus based on clini-
PBMT and aPDT, we may be able to combat cal manifestations, chest radiographs, and blood
COVID-19 with minimal interference with tests. First epidemiological studies concluded
pharmaceutical agents. It might improve the that most of the suspected cases had been exposed
efficacy of PBMT and aPDT by using mono- to a local Huanan Seafood Market. Scientists first
clonal antibodies and preparing new photo- suggested that the origin of the outbreak was the
sensitizers at the nanoscale that target the lung market because SARS-CoV-2 had been isolated
tissue specifically. More animal and human in environmental samples. However, this conclu-
studies would need to take place to reach an sion was disputed because the earliest/first case
effective protocol. This chapter would encour- had no reported link to the mentioned market
age other scientists to work on this new (Huang et  al. 2020). Furthermore, at least two
platform. different strains of SARS-CoV-2 had been identi-
fied a few months earlier before COVID-19 was
Keywords officially reported (Xiong et al. 2020). At present,
the precise origin of SARS-CoV-2 remains
Antiviral photodynamic therapy · COVID- unknown.
19 · Low-level laser therapy · SARS-CoV-2 was first isolated from the bron-
Photobiomodulation · Photodynamic choalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of three
therapy COVID-­19 patients in Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
on December 30, 2019 (Zhu et  al. 2020).
Sequencing and evolutionary tree analysis
showed that SARS-CoV-2 is a member of the
30.1 Introduction CoV family (Zhu et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020).
Coronaviruses are enveloped positive-sense
In late 2019, several patients presenting with single-­stranded RNA viruses. These viruses are
symptoms of pneumonia without any identified associated with respiratory, enteric, hepatic, and
cause were reported in Wuhan, Hubei Province, neurologic diseases (Weiss and Leibowitz 2011;
China (Li et  al. 2020). After analysis of the De Wilde et al. 2018), and both SARS coronavi-
sequence of development and possible expo- rus (SARS-CoV) and MERS coronavirus
sure, the new disease was determined to be (MERS-CoV) are members of CoVs (Weiss and
caused by a new coronavirus (CoV) named Leibowitz 2011). Genetic studies indicate that
2019-nCoV (Zhu et al. 2020). Subsequently, the SARS-CoV-2 shares 79.5% and 50% sequence
World Health Organization (WHO) announced identity to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, respec-
the nomenclature of Coronavirus Disease-2019 tively, and belongs to the B (Sarbecovirus) of
(COVID-19), for this novel coronavirus pneu- CoVs (Zhu et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Lu et al.
monia-related disease on February 11, 2020 2020; Wu et  al. 2020). Like other CoVs, the
(WHO 2020). At the same time, the International SARS-CoV-2 virion has a nucleocapsid com-
Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) posed of genomic RNA and phosphorylated
introduced the new coronavirus as SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein. It has two types of
(Gorbalenya et al. 2020). spike proteins: the spike glycoprotein trimer (S)
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 519

Fig. 30.1  Structural comparison between SARS-Cov-2, influenza, rhinovirus, and Streptococcus pneumoniae

and the hemagglutinin-esterase (HE). The former Wilde et  al. 2018). The S1 subunit triggers this
is common to all CoVs, while the latter is shared process, which leads to the transition of the S2
among certain CoVs. The envelope (E) protein subunit to a highly stable post-fusion conforma-
and the membrane (M) protein are among the S tion (De Wilde et al. 2018).
proteins in the viral envelope (Wu et  al. 2020).
Figure 30.1 shows SARs-CoV-2 and some simi-
lar viruses and bacteria. 30.3 Epidemiology

30.3.1 Source of Infection

30.2.2 Receptor Interactions and Cell
Entry Patients are the primary source of infection,
especially those presenting with severe infec-
Human angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) tion and symptoms. Other potential sources of
is the receptor that the SARS-CoV-2 uses to enter infection are asymptomatic persons or patients
cells just like SARS-CoV (Zhou et al. 2020; Li who are still within the incubation period and
et al. 2003). This receptor is a membrane receptor have no signs or symptoms of respiratory infec-
found in the lung, heart, kidney, and intestine and tion. These patients help virus shedding (Hoehl
has been associated with cardiovascular diseases. et al. 2020). Moreover, it is the first time in the
ACE2 possesses a direct binding site for the S history of human infectious diseases that sam-
proteins of CoVs (Donoghue et al. 2000). The S ples from recovered COVID-19 patients con-
protein undergoes a structural rearrangement to tinue to present a positive RT-PCR test (Lan
fuse the viral membrane and the host cell (De et al. 2020).
520 R. Fekrazad et al.

30.3.2 Routes of Transmission tion to the low detection efficiency, improved

types of rapid viral nucleic acid diagnostic tests
Respiratory droplets and contact transition are have been invented, especially a nucleic acid
the main transition routes. Recent reports implied paper test, which has made naked-eye detection
a fecal-oral risk of transition as well (Commission of SARS-CoV-2 possible within 3 min (Jin et al.
2020). Virus-contaminated foods are yet to be 2020b).
recognized as a source of infection and transition.
Besides, the possibility of mother to baby trans-
mission of SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy or 30.4.2 Serologic Diagnosis
childbirth is unknown.
Studies show that SARS-CoV-2 patients have
acute serological responses (Zhou 2020).
30.3.3 High-Risk Population Immunochromatography, colloidal gold, and
other relevant detection methods for serum anti-
Age, obesity, smoking as well as underlying dis- bodies became available in a short time (Jin et al.
orders such as asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular 2020b).
diseases, and cancer increase the risk and suscep-
tibility to SARS-CoV-2. Additionally, people in
close contact with infectious sources, including 30.4.3 Chest Radiography or
healthcare workers and family members of Computed Tomography
infected patients, are the high-risk population (CT) Scan
(Jin et al. 2020b).
It is an important tool for COVID-19 diagnosis in
clinical practice. Most COVID-19 patients dis-
30.3.4 Spectrum of Infection play similar features on CT Scan images, such as
signs of bilateral distribution of patchy shadows
COVID-19 is considered to be a self-limiting and ground-glass opacity (Kanne 2020).
infectious disease, and patients mostly suffer
from mild symptoms and recover in 1–2 weeks.
SARS-CoV-2 outcomes range from asymptom- 30.5 Pathogenesis
atic infection (1.2%) and mild to moderate infec-
tion (80.9%) to severe infection (13.8%), critical 30.5.1 Virus Entry and Spread
infection (4.7%), and death (2.3%) (Jin et  al.
2020b). Figure  30.2 shows the confirmed cases SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted via respiratory drop-
and total deaths related to COVID-19. lets, contact, and possibly through fecal-oral
transmission (Jin et al. 2020b). The mucosal epi-
thelium of the upper respiratory tract (nasal cav-
30.4 Diagnosis ity and pharynx) is the place in which the virus is
presumed first to enter and replicated. On the
30.4.1 Nucleic Acid Test other hand, further virus replication takes place
in the lower respiratory tract and gastrointestinal
Shortly after the initial outbreak, viral sequence mucosa (Xiao et al. 2020), causing a mild vire-
detection diagnostic tests using reverse mia. Asymptomatic cases are controlled in this
polymerase chain reaction stage. Non-respiratory symptoms were also seen
(RT-PCR) or next-generation sequencing plat- in some patients, such as the acute liver and heart
forms became available. False negatives remain a injury, kidney failure, and diarrhea (Wang et al.
problem when using nucleic acid tests. As a solu- 2020; Jin et al. 2020b), suggesting multiple organ
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 521

Fig. 30.2  Top ten countries with reported laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases and death as of 25 April 2020 (WHO

involvement. ACE2 is expressed in the nasal these pulmonary pathological findings are similar
mucosa, bronchus, lung, heart, esophagus, kid- to those of SARS (Ding et al. 2003) and MERS
ney, stomach, bladder, and ileum, so all these (De Wilde et al. 2018). On the other hand, mas-
organs are vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection sive mucus secretion was found in the lungs of
(Zou et  al. 2020). In recent studies, scientists patients who died from COVID-19, which is dif-
have suggested the potential pathogenicity of the ferent from SARS and MERS (Jin et al. 2020b).
SARS-CoV-2 in testicular tissues raising the con-
cern of fertility effects in younger patients (Fan
et al. 2020). 30.6 Clinical Features

In the first 41 patients (Huang et  al. 2020), the

30.5.2 Pathological Findings most common symptoms were fever (98%),
cough (76%), and myalgia or fatigue (44%).
The first report (Xu et al. 2020) of pathological Additional symptoms were sputum production
findings in a severe COVID-19 patient showed (28%), headache (8%), hemoptysis (5%), and
bilateral diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) with diarrhea (3%). Moreover, more than 50% of
cellular fibromyxoid exudates. Tissue from the patients experienced dyspnea. Blood tests showed
left lung displayed pulmonary edema with hya- average or reduced (25%) white blood cell count
line membrane formation suggesting an early and lymphopenia (65%) (Huang et  al. 2020).
phase of acute respiratory distress syndrome Bilateral involvement of the lungs was seen in
(ARDS). The right lung, on the other hand, dem- 98% of patients, as demonstrated in thoracic
onstrated the desquamation of pneumocytes and CT. ICU patients mostly display bilateral multi-
hyaline membrane formation, indicating acute ple lobular involvements and subsegmental areas
respiratory distress syndrome. Both lungs showed of consolidation, while non-ICU patients show
interstitial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates, bilateral ground-glass opacity and subsegmental
dominated by lymphocytes. Viral cytopathic-like areas of consolidation (Zhu et  al. 2020; Huang
changes also occur in intra-alveolar spaces. All et al. 2020).
522 R. Fekrazad et al.

30.6.1 Acute Respiratory Distress endothelial cell death and vascular leakage
Syndrome (ARDS) caused by the initial onset of rapid viral replica-
tion (Jin et al. 2020b). Pulmonary loss of ACE2
ARDS is a fatal lung condition in which suffi- function is considered to be related to acute lung
cient oxygen is prevented from reaching the injury (Imai et al. 2008) because it leads to dys-
lungs and hence the circulation. It is responsible function of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS),
for most deaths in respiratory disorders and acute which worsens the inflammation and causes vas-
lung injury (Thompson et  al. 2017). Clinically, cular permeability. ADE is a well-known phe-
fatal cases of human SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, nomenon in virology, and it has been confirmed
and SARS-CoV-2 infections exhibit severe respi- in multiple viral infections (Takada 2003). ADE
ratory distress requiring mechanical ventilation, can induce viral cellular uptake of the virus-­
while the histopathology findings also support antibody complexes resulting in enhanced infec-
ARDS (Xu et al. 2020; Ding et al. 2003; Ng et al. tion of target cells (Takada and Kawaoka 2003).
2016). Based on previous studies, the occurrence
of ARDS is closely connected to genetic features
and inflammatory findings. There are more than 30.6.3 Cellular Immune Dysfunction
40 candidate genes related to the development of
ARDS and its consequences (Meyer et al. 2013). In patients with severe COVID disease, periph-
These genes mainly involve molecular pathways eral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are reduced in
of ACE2 and cytokines (e.g., IL-10, interleukin counts, but their activity is increased, as indicated
10; TNF, tumor necrosis factor (TNF); and by an abundance of cytotoxic granules, including
VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor). CD8+ T cells and CD4+ T cells (Xu et al. 2020).
Different outcomes of ARDS are considered to
be associated with increased levels of plasma
IL-6 and IL-8 (Thompson et al. 2017). These bio- 30.7 Potential Therapeutics
markers suggest both an inflammatory explana-
tion and possible treatment for ARDS following There is no specific treatment or vaccine for
SARS-CoV-2 infection. COVID-19, and, still, systematic treatment strat-
egies are recommended for clinical practice (Jin
et al. 2020a). Potential therapeutic strategies cur-
30.6.2 Cytokine Storm Phenomenon rently available for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2
are listed below (Mahase 2020).
The leading cause of fatality is likely to be uncon-
trolled pulmonary inflammation, which has been
shown to be caused by extreme inflammatory 30.7.1 Chloroquine
responses during SARS-CoV-2 infection. The
result of a recent study concluded that rapid viral It is an approved treatment for malaria and rheu-
replication and cellular damage, virus-induced matoid arthritis. It has been tested against SARS-­
ACE2 downregulation and shedding, and CoV-­ 2 and has been suggested to be highly
antibody-­dependent enhancement (ADE) are the effective, but the evidence is limited and contra-
causes of aggressive inflammation caused by dictory. Chloroquine can interfere with viral cell
SARS-CoV-2 (Fu et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2 and entry by changing the acidity of the endocytosis
SARS-CoV use the same receptor (ACE2) for compartment and inhibition of initial viral repli-
cell entry, suggesting the same cells are targeted cation. Chloroquine may also change the ability
and infected (Gu et al. 2005). Excessive produc- of the virus to bind to the outside of the host cell.
tion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemo- Finally, this drug has various effects on immune
kines is triggered by massive epithelial and cells, which has made it a possible treatment for
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 523

autoimmune conditions like lupus and rheuma- 30.7.5 Tocilizumab (Actemra)

toid arthritis. However, the side effects of chloro-
quine, when used in conjunction with additional It is a monoclonal antibody used for rheumatoid
drugs, do not render it a safe treatment arthritis treatment. It blocks the IL-6 signaling
compound. pathway.

30.7.2 Kaletra 30.7.6 hrsACE2 (Human

Recombinant Soluble
Kaletra (lopinavir/ritonavir) is usually used to Angiotensin-Converting
treat HIV. The combination of Kaletra and other Enzyme 2)
antiviral drugs has been tested against
SARS. Lopinavir is an inhibitor of HIV protease, It is a genetically modified type of ACE2 which
which prevents cleavage of the Gag-Pol polypro- could significantly prevent SARS-CoV-2 entry
tein, resulting in the production of immature, (Monteil et al. 2020).
noninfectious viral particles. As co-formulated in
Kaletra, ritonavir can inhibit the CYP3A-­
mediated metabolism of lopinavir, thereby pro- 30.7.7 Immunoglobulin Therapy
viding increased plasma levels of lopinavir.
Convalescent plasma or hyperimmune immuno-
globulins may help with both the removal of free
30.7.3 Interferon virus and infected cell immune clearance
(Sanders et al. 2020). All these treatments can be
SNG001 is an inhaled form of interferon β, seen in Fig.  30.3. In conclusion, most current
which is a part of the lung’s defense system treatment regimens are focused on antiviral and
against viruses. It is believed that SNG001 can anti-inflammatory effects, stifling the cytokine
increase the production of INF-β, which is con- storm and increasing tissue oxygenation.
sidered to be suppressed by coronaviruses. This
phenomenon could prevent or decrease symp-
toms of severe respiratory illness, such as 30.8 Photobiomodulation
pneumonia. Therapy

Photobiomodulation therapy refers to the interac-

30.7.4 Remdesivir tion between visible light (usually red) or near-­
infrared light with low energy density and
It is going through clinical trials for potential biological tissue that does not induce thermal
COVID-19 treatment as a virus replication inhib- effects (tissue temperature does not rise above 98
itor. Wang et al. found that this drug alone cannot F). Light sources in PBM can be laser or light-­
provide significant clinical or antiviral effects in emitting diode (LED) systems that can emit
severely ill patients with COVID-19. Further wavelengths between 600  nm–1200  nm with
studies with larger sample sizes are necessary for energy densities of 1–20 J/cm2. Due to their low
a better understanding of this drug’s effects. energy density, this type of irradiation can treat
Furthermore, different strategies to improve the various injuries or pathologies without causing
antiviral potency of this drug, such as higher dose thermal damage in the target tissue (Migliorati
regimens and combination with antivirals and et  al. 2013; Theocharidou et  al. 2017; Huang
immunosuppressants targeting pro-inflammatory et al. 2011).
cytokines, such as IL-6, IL-1, or TNF-α, need to Biomodulation effects of PBMT occur with
be done (Wang et al. 2020). the interaction of light with photoacceptors,
524 R. Fekrazad et al.

Fig. 30.3  Current SARS-CoV-2 treatment modalities

resulting in mitochondrial signaling events that tions by mitochondrial photoacceptors activates

mediate photophysical, photochemical, and pho- the respiratory chain, NADH dehydrogenase,
tobiological effects in tissue (Migliorati et  al. cytochrome C reductase, and oxidase, as well as
2013; Theocharidou et al. 2017). Photochemical ATP synthase (Karu 2008; Karu and Kolyakov
reactions can be caused by the effect of visible 2005). Accordingly, cytochrome c oxidase (Cco)
light or NIR (near-infrared) on mitochondrial can be considered the primary photoacceptor that
photoacceptors and the process of ATP synthesis. absorbs R-NIR radiations in mammalian cells
The effects of light radiation on Ca ++ channels (Karu 1989a; Huang et  al. 2011; Karu and
in cell membranes is another basis for photophys- Kolyakov 2005).
ical reactions (Huang et  al. 2011; Karu 1989b; The absorption of light by the components of
Smith 1991; Lopes et  al. 2009, 2010; Heidari the respiratory chain causes the short-term acti-
et al. 2017). vation of the respiratory chain and the oxidation
Given the importance of mitochondria in of the NADH pool. This stimulation of oxidative
energy production and cellular metabolism, phosphorylation leads to changes in mitochon-
recent studies have paid particular attention to drial redox status as well as cell cytoplasm. The
their role in the mechanism of action of PBM electron transfer chain can provide increased lev-
(Fig.  30.4). The first PBMT mechanism at the els of energy to the cell by increasing ATP pro-
cellular level occurs by the absorption of mono- duction, as well as increasing the electrical
chromatic visible and NIR by cellular respiratory potential of the mitochondrial membrane, alka-
chain components. Absorption of R-NIR radia- lizing the cytoplasm, and activating the synthesis
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 525

Fig. 30.4  Mechanisms of photobiomodulation

of nucleic acids. Also, infrared radiation trans- 940–970 nm. Intravenous radiation is also a type
mits biological messages by activating ion chan- of direct radiation that can play an important role
nels and affecting the permeability of cell in the systemic effects of PBMT.  The indirect
membranes as well as the concentration of Na + method can be used to irradiate blood cells
-K + flux and Ca + 2 ions (Smith 1991). Because through the skin adjacent to the blood vessels in
ATP is a common form of energy for the cell, the wrist, nasal mucosa, and the back area of the
PBMT has the potential to stimulate normal cell knee, or even sublingual tissues, which is called
functions. By increasing cellular respiratory the transcutaneous technique (Fekrazad 2020).
metabolism, PBMT can also affect the cellular Among the most important clinical applica-
electrical-physiological characteristics (Moslemi tions of PBMT are accelerating the healing pro-
et  al. 2014; Hamblin and Demidova 2006). cess of the skin or mucosal wounds; reducing
Further stimulation of cell proliferation and inhi- acute and chronic pain; regulating the function of
bition of cell death, as well as the effect on the the immune system, especially in people with
production of extracellular matrix proteins, are immunodeficiency, anti-inflammatory function
among the most critical effects of PBMT on the by regulating levels of pro-inflammatory cyto-
expression of genes (Theocharidou et al. 2017). kines, as well as oxygenation of damaged tissue;
In general, PBMT can be used in both direct and helping tissue regeneration by stimulating
and indirect ways. For example, in the transtho- stem cell proliferation and differentiation
racic method, the lung tissue is exposed to direct (Fig.  30.4) (Desmet et  al. 2006; Chiari 2016;
infrared lasers with wavelengths of 810  nm or Fujita et al. 2008; Fekrazad 2020).
526 R. Fekrazad et al.

30.8.1 PBM and Pro-inflammatory leads to the removal of the pathogens and the
Cytokine establishment of homeostasis in the body.
Activated macrophages are differentiated into
Cytokines are hormone-like soluble proteins or two different phenotypes, classical macrophages
glycoproteins that allow communication between (M1) and alternative macrophages (M2). These
cells and the extracellular environment. When an phenotypes differ in terms of cytokines, chemo-
organ or limb is damaged or infected, an immune kines, ligand receptors, and function. M1 macro-
response is triggered to suppress the infection, in phages produce large amounts of lymphokines
which the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and are associated with the expression of genes
indicates the body’s attempt to respond to the such as IFNγ, TNF-β, and TNF-α. The M2 phe-
infection. Several cytokines play a key role in the notype shows high production of TGFβ, and
development of acute inflammatory responses, IL-10, and exerts anti-inflammatory effects that
including IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-11, TNF-α, G-CSF induce tolerance, immune regulation, and tissue
(granulocyte colony-stimulating factor), and repair. Also, both types of macrophage (M1 and
GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophage colony-­M2 phenotypes) are present in different organs,
stimulating factor). Among these, IL-1 and TNF such as microglia in the brain, alveolar macro-
(α and β) have the highest power to induce phages in the lung, and Kupffer cells in the liver,
inflammation (Mahnam and Payab 2016). and are specific to that organ (Hamblin 2017;
Studies have shown that one of the important Jalili et al. 2015).
functions of PBM is to reduce all the markers of Fernandes et al. were among the first research-
immune activation such as MHC class II, CD86, ers who found the effect of PBM on reducing
and CD11c in inflammatory cells. Also, the IL-12 TNF-α, COX-2, and iNOS expression in M1
secretion has been another effect of PBM. Hwang cells. Also, in another study, PBM had a signifi-
et al. stated the decreased expression of IL-8 and cant effect on reducing CCL3 gene expression in
IL-6 (two important pro-inflammatory cytokines M1 cells. Increased cAMP and decreased TNF-α
in macrophages) with PBM.  Chen et  al. con- mRNA are other identified effects following the
firmed the vital role of PBM in reducing inflam- effect of PBM on alveolar macrophages (Hamblin
matory markers (cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2), 2017; Fernandes et al. 2015; Sousa et al. 2017)
prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), granulocyte colony-­ (Fig. 30.4).
stimulating factor (GCSF), regulated on activated
normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES),
and CXCL11) (Chen et  al. 2011; Hwang et  al. 30.8.3 Role of Photobiomodulation
2015). Yamaura et al. also used PBM (810 nm, 5 in COVID-19 Management
or 25 J/cm2) to confirm its role in reducing levels
of TNF-α and interleukins (IL)-1beta, and IL-8 There is not yet any definitive treatment for
(Yamaura et al. 2009). COVID-19 disease. The main recommended
approaches for COVID-19 management are
increasing tissue oxygenation, facilitating dam-
30.8.2 PBM on Macrophage aged tissue repair, eliminating the virus, and
Phenotype reducing inflammation. Every treatment, which
can promote regeneration of respiratory or other
Another important effect of PBM at the cellular impaired tissues, can be helpful in controlling
level is its role in altering the phenotype of mono- COVID-19 progression. These may include
cyte or macrophage cells. Monocytes and macro- directly targeted organ or indirect methods as
phages critically contribute to innate immunity. influencing blood flow or oxygenation to dam-
These cells detect dangerous and invasive patho- aged tissues. So clinicians usually alleviate
gens in the blood and tissues and exert a strong symptoms, especially by decreasing
inflammatory immune response that eventually inflammation.
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 527

One of the innovative approaches is photobio- acceleration, anti-inflammatory effects, and dis-
modulation therapy. Light or low-level lasers infection (Tuner and Hode 2004). One of the
irradiate the tissues, and internal or external pho- advantages of photobiomodulation application is
toacceptors can absorb the emitted energy. In this its local effect on the target tissues. General
noninvasive method, free radicals are produced effects of photobiomodulation include metabolic,
after light irradiation, which leads to biostimula- analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and immunomodu-
tory cascades in cellular processes to promote latory functions. The regenerative power of pho-
cell proliferation, differentiation, or decrease tobiomodulation can increase cellular ability to
inflammation (Fekrazad 2020; Tuner and Hode overcome various problems, such as metabolic
2004; Khorsandi et al. 2020). and neurological diseases and cardiac or physical
When photoacceptors absorb light or laser, rehabilitation. Photobiomodulation is a noninva-
free radicals are produced. Reactive oxygen spe- sive intervention that is local to the target organ
cies (ROS) are of common radicals in this regard. and has the least side effects. There have been no
They include singlet oxygen, nitric oxide (NO), adverse systemic effects reported. Based on the
or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) (Derr and Fine reasons mentioned above and the lack of cur-
1965; Lubart et al. 1990; Mrowiec et al. 1997). rently available treatment for COVID-19, it is
They can play the role of secondary messengers likely that photobiomodulation can be helpful in
at low concentrations, whereas high concentra- controlling COVID-19, as an alternative or
tions can be destructive for cell processes. adjunctive treatment, especially in severe cases
Photoacceptors can be divided into internal or with ARDS.
external. Internal photoacceptors contain chro-
mophores (like porphyrins) and respiratory chain
components in the cell mitochondria, such as 30.8.4 Photobiomodulation
NADH oxidase and cytochrome a/a3 (Tuner and of the Lungs
Hode 2004; Karu 1996). Photosensitizer drugs
are examples of external photoacceptors. Oliveira et al. designed an in vivo study to eval-
Free radicals can influence cell processes uate the anti-inflammatory effect of low-level
through many mechanisms. Singlet oxygen can laser therapy on pulmonary and extrapulmo-
promote ATP formation, and ATPs can be used in nary lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced
energy-consuming processes like proliferation or ARDS. They experimentally induced ARDS by
differentiation (Passarella et  al. 1984; Hu et  al. intratracheal or intraperitoneal administration
2007). Also, low doses of laser irradiation can of LPS in mice. After 1 h, mice were irradiated
increase intracellular calcium ions by antiporter by an infrared laser (830 nm wavelength, energy
process on the cell membrane (Nasu et al. 1989; density 3  J/cm2 per application, power 35mW,
AlGhamdi et  al. 2012) or by increasing the continuous mode) in direct contact with the
proton-­ motive force (pmf) in mitochondria chest skin. They used three points, first at the
(Eduardo et  al. 2008) which then affect DNA/ end part of the trachea, second on the right
RNA synthesis via increasing intracellular pH lung, and third on the left lung. Each irradiation
(alkaline) leading to mitosis and cell prolifera- lasted 80  s. 9  J/cm2 energy was delivered in
tion. Also, mitochondrial activation stimulates each application to mice for 240 s. This proce-
Na,K-ATPase activity in order to provide more dure was repeated three times with a 1 h inter-
ATP that is necessary for cell division. If the cel- val between each application (Oliveira Jr et al.
lular function is impaired (especially by hypoxia), 2014). They found that photobiomodulation
there is more benefit of photobiomodulation could reduce pulmonary inflammation. It was
compared to situations where the cell functions confirmed by a significantly reduced number of
are intact (Tezel et al. 2009). total cells and neutrophils in bronchoalveolar
Previous studies have shown the benefits of lavage (BAL) and neutrophils in the lung
lasers in medical care, including wound healing parenchyma.
528 R. Fekrazad et al.

Neutrophil migration to the lungs and secre- 90 min, 6, 24, 48 h. Photobiomodulation reduced
tion of several mediators play important roles in inflammation in BAL and neutrophil migration to
ARDS.  These mediators include free radicals, the lungs. PBM also reduced PGE2 and TXB2 lev-
proteases, cytokines, and chemokines (Matute-­ els in BAL. PGE2 has an important role in releas-
Bello et al. 2008). The severity and mortality of ing mediators from mast cells, surveillance and
ARDS have a direct relationship with neutrophil chemotaxis of neutrophils, and mitogenesis
infiltration in the lungs (Fialkow et al. 2006). (Johnson et al. 1995). TXB2 mediates inflamma-
Oliveira reported that photobiomodulation tion and can stimulate bronchial constriction
could inhibit neutrophil migration to the lungs. (Pang and Knox 1997).
They also showed that IL-1 beta, IL-6, IL-8, KC, De Lima (de Lima et al. 2011a) confirmed the
and TNF-α levels were reduced significantly in beneficial effects of InGaAlP laser on ARDS
BAL fluid and serum after laser irradiation induced by LPS in an in vivo study in mice. Laser
(Oliveira Jr et al. 2014). parameters were 685  nm wavelength, 4.5  J/cm2
IL-1 beta contributes to the initiation of the energy density, 17.85  W/cm2 power density,
inflammatory process, and neutrophils are the 35  mW power, 252  s time of irradiation, and
primary source of IL-1 beta production. It 8.82  J energy dose. Irradiation was carried out
increases the survival rate of neutrophils and is 15  min after ARDS induction. PBM decreased
related to the development of ARDS and its poor neutrophil recruitment and TNF production in
prognosis. IL-6 is also related to the poor progno- BAL fluid and also increased cAMP indirectly.
sis of ARDS (Meduri et al. 1995; Cho et al. 2012; Another study (de Lima et al. 2011b) evalu-
Rojas et  al. 2013; Sharifov et  al. 2013) and the ated the effect of PBM on the acute lung inflam-
prolongation of inflammation (Meduri et  al. mation induced by intestinal ischemia and
1995; Fu et al. 2012). IL-8 stimulates neutrophil reperfusion. Diode laser (660  nm, 30  mW,
chemotaxis and also can increase neutrophil sur- 0.08 cm2 spot size, 5.4 J) was used directly on
vival in combination with CXCL1/KC.  These the rat skin over the right bronchus. Rats were
two functional homologs are related to ARDS irradiated 1 h after mesenteric artery occlusion.
severity and morbidity (Meduri et al. 1995; Cho Photobiomodulation reduced inflammation, neu-
et  al. 2012; McGettrick et  al. 2006). Therefore, trophil migration, MPO activity, and TNF pro-
reducing CXCL1/KC by photobiomodulation duction. One side effect of laser irradiation was
could be critical in severe ARDS cases. TNF-α an increase in IL-10. As mentioned before, TNF
affects neutrophil adhesion and activation, and it mediates neutrophil accumulation. IL-10 is asso-
increases IL-6 generation. TNF-α also induces ciated with a reduction in inflammatory cyto-
intravascular coagulation and edema, especially kines and the healing of tissue injury. They
in acute inflammation (Souza et al. 2002; Aimbire suggested that acute lung inflammation due to
et al. 2006). intestinal ischemia may occur with an imbalance
In one experimental study, Aimbire et al. eval- between TNF and IL-10 production (de Perrot
uated Ga-Al-As laser irradiation to reduce airway et al. 2003). So it is promising to promote IL-10
and lung inflammation induced by gram-negative generation and decrease TNF production in
bacterial LPS in rats (Aimbire et al. 2006). They order to reduce lung inflammation and subse-
used a 685 nm wavelength diode laser with 1, 2.5, quent injury.
and 5 J/cm2 energy densities in continuous mode. In addition to TNF-α and IL-1β, another study
They found that 1 and 5  J/cm2 energy densities considered some specific neutrophil chemoat-
were not effective in decreasing rat tracheal tractants (a family of cytokines and neutrophil
hypersensitivity, BAL cellular content, and chemoattractants, CINCs) and macrophage
myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity. Therefore, inflammatory protein 2 (MIP-2). Also, CD18
2.5  J/cm2 was selected, the power was 12  mW, integrin, on polymorphonuclear leukocytes
the spot size was 0.08 cm2, the exposure time was (PMNs), and intracellular adhesion molecules-1
1 min and 20 s, and the irradiation interval was in (ICAM-1), on endothelial cells, have important
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 529

roles in PMN migration into an inflammatory site 90 J/cm2 energy densities for all groups. It was
(de Lima et al. 2010). found that 598  nm wavelength at 72  J/cm2 flu-
In an in vivo study on rats with acute pulmo- ence had the best effects. There was a significant
nary inflammation, which was induced by increase in CD45 lymphocytes and natural killer
Escherichia coli LPS, photobiomodulation (CD16 and CD56) cells. However, other cells,
reduced TNF-α and IL-1β in BAL fluid. It was like CD3 T lymphocytes, T-suppressor (CD3,
suggested that inhibition of TNF-α and IL-1β CD8) cells, T-helper (CD3, CD4) cells, and
production might be due to ICAM-1 upregula- CD19 B lymphocytes, did not show any signifi-
tion. There was no influence on CINC-1, MIP-2, cant changes. As explained before, T-helper cells
or the expression of IL-10 after laser irradiation. can influence the inflammatory cascade by releas-
GaAsAl diode laser was used in this regard. Laser ing mediators. Therefore, photobiomodulation
parameters were as follows: 650 nm wavelength, may be able to increase lymphocyte or natural
power 2.5  mW, power density 31.2  mW/cm2, killer cells without any exacerbation in
energy density 1.3  J/cm2, laser spot size inflammation.
0.08  cm2, and irradiation time 42  s (de Lima Neutrophils have a critical role in ARDS
et al. 2010). pathogenesis (Oliveira Jr et al. 2014). Neutrophils
da Silva achieved similar results in the reduc- undergo an influx into pulmonary tissues, and
tion of lung inflammation by a diode laser (con- they release high quantities of cytokines, ROS,
tinuous mode, 30 mW, 660 nm, 60 s/point, a spot and inflammatory mediators. ROS are correlated
size of 0.14  cm2, a power density of 210  mW with the severity of inflammation (de Lima et al.
cm2, and energy density of 12.86  J/cm2). 2011b). Fujimaki et al. (2003) reported that pho-
Pulmonary inflammation was induced by formal- tobiomodulation could attenuate ROS production
dehyde (%1). The lower number of neutrophils, in neutrophils without influencing cell viability.
degranulation of mast cells, and MPO activity This effect was seen in both nonsmoker and
were observed along with reduced levels of IL-6 smoker patients, but it was more pronounced in
and TNF-α and increased level of IL-10  in the smoker patients. It was explained that MPO pro-
lungs (Miranda da Silva et al. 2015). duces the ROS in neutrophils, and laser irradia-
Some studies have concluded that light could tion can reduce MPO activity. Infrared diode
be useful for COVID-19 symptoms and also sug- laser (GaAlAs) was used with parameters of
gested that blue and ultraviolet wavelengths light 830  nm wavelength, continuous wave mode,
could be beneficial in virus eradication. Further power density 150  mW/cm2, power 1000  mW,
research is necessary to test the effectiveness of spot size 6.6 cm2.
light in COVID-19 disease (Enwemeka et  al.
30.9 Photodynamic Therapy
30.8.5 Indirect Photobiomodulation
The history of photodynamic therapy dates back
Lymphopenia is one of the main laboratory find- thousands of years to the ancient civilizations of
ings in COVID-19. These reduced numbers of Egypt, India, and China. The ancient people dis-
lymphocytes may represent the lower ability of covered that administering some plants to patients
the immune system to eliminate the virus. (Lu and exposing them to sunlight could help the
et al. 2019) treatment of different diseases such as psoriasis,
Al Musawi et al. (2016) designed an in vitro rickets, vitiligo, and skin cancer. However, about
study and found that photobiomodulation could 100  years ago, Hermann von Tappeiner and
significantly increase the lymphocyte count in Jesionek were the first to describe the photosensi-
whole blood samples. They used 405, 589, and tization reaction and active oxygen formation,
780  nm wavelength lasers with 36, 54, 72, and based on the accidental findings of his student
530 R. Fekrazad et al.

Oscar Raab, who was studying the reaction I and type II. In the type I reaction, the transfer of
between the fluorescent dyes and microorgan- energy from the PS causes free radicals in adja-
isms. They named the technique “photodynamic cent molecules, and during their reaction with
action” (Dolmans et al. 2003). oxygen, ROS (superoxide and hydroxyl radicals)
The PDT technique was successfully tested in are formed. In type II reactions, the PS-excited
the early twentieth century for the treatment of energy is transferred directly to the ground-state
malignant tumors, especially skin cancer. triplet 3O2 oxygen molecule, forming singlet oxy-
However, due to the lack of reliable evidence, it gen 1O2, another type of ROS.  Photodithazine
was not welcomed by the scientific community and phthalocyanine are two types of PSs with the
until the 1970s. Subsequently, following type II mechanism of action. Malachite green
Dougherty’s initial studies using porphyrin deriv- from the triarylmethane family is another domi-
atives, commercial photosensitizer products, and nant type of PS that appears to undergo the type I
appropriate light sources were introduced, lead- mechanism of action (Reis et al. 2019), as seen in
ing to successful clinical studies (Dolmans et al. Fig. 30.5.
2003; Allison and Moghissi 2013).
PDT works based on the interaction between
light, a photosensitizer (PS), and oxygen. ROS 30.9.2 PDT for Infectious Disease
production due to the interaction between light
radiation and nontoxic PSs can occur either An important challenge in the treatment of infec-
inside the cell or in the immediate environment. tious diseases is the emergence of bacteria that
Cellular apoptosis or cell necrosis occurs with are resistant to the effects of antibiotics.
minimal damage to adjacent tissues. Thus, an Therefore, many efforts have been made in recent
advantage of PDT is its dual selectivity, meaning decades to find effective treatments for resistant
that both PS and light with a specific wavelength infections. In the case of viral infections, there
are selectively confined to the target cells or tis- are several limitations, such as the lack of effec-
sue (Bargrizan et  al. 2019; Saffarpour et  al. tive vaccinations for viruses, different immune
2018). responses of people to vaccination, limited range
of antiviral drugs, and antiviral drug resistance
(Shahbaz et al. 2016). Due to the desire for tar-
30.9.1 Mechanism of Photodynamic geted therapy and the failure of antibiotics, the
Therapy PDT method has been proposed as an effective
method in the treatment of microbial infections
Apoptosis or cellular necrosis (cellular PDT), as (Shahbaz et al. 2016; Afrasiabi et al. 2019; Ahrari
well as the destruction of blood vessels (vascular-­ et al. 2018).
PDT), results from the generation of ROS, which
oxidizes biomolecules. It is the basis for the use
of PDT in the treatment of various diseases, 30.9.3 Antimicrobial Photodynamic
including cancers and bacterial infections. Therapy
In general, photodynamic reactions occur in
two ways, one is mediated by ROS and occurs Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT),
where photosensitizers are exposed to light, and also known as photoactivated disinfection, is a
the second group is related to reactions that are new type of treatment that can inhibit bacterial,
not caused by oxygen called photochemotherapy viral, fungal, and parasitic infections. aPDT is
(Dolmans et al. 2003). After absorbing the light also known as photodynamic inactivation (PDI),
energy, the PS is excited to a long-lived excited lethal photosensitization, photoactivated disin-
triplet state. In this case, it either returns to the fection (PAD), or photodynamic antimicrobial
ground state by losing energy, or it can undergo chemotherapy (PACT), and, as mentioned above,
two types of photochemical reactions called type the most important application of aPDT is the
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 531

Fig. 30.5  Mechanism of photodynamic therapy

treatment of multidrug-resistant infections. The tion is protein damage (Kashef et  al. 2017;
importance of aPDT treatments is such that no Käsermann and Kempf 1998). The PDT virus
bacterial resistance to this method has been inactivation mechanism is thought to be due to
reported so far (Kharkwal et al. 2011). one or more of the following three possibilities:
The most important advantages of using aPDI (i) damage to the cell membrane or virus enve-
technique include (Reis et al. 2019) lack of toxic- lope, (ii) inactivation of proteins or essential
ity and gene mutations in the long run; ability to enzymes, and (iii) damage to the structure of
destroy microbes in a short time (a few seconds DNA.
to a few minutes); no damage to adjacent tissues; Cellular damage due to the effect of aPDI falls
the ability to access and affect areas of complex into two groups: morphological and functional.
anatomy; decreased risk of bacteremia, in partic- The most important functional damage is the loss
ular in patients with weakened immune systems; of enzymatic activity, oxidation, and denatur-
and high repeatability without antimicrobial ation of proteins, as well as inhibition of meta-
resistance. bolic processes such as DNA synthesis or glucose
transport. Changes in the mesosome structure, as
well as direct damage to the cell wall, are the
30.9.4 Photoinactivation of Viruses most critical morphological damage. Damage to
the cell wall causes the intracellular contents to
As mentioned, aPDI can also have an antiviral leak and disrupt the membrane transport system
function. Enveloped viruses are the most impor- (Kashef et al. 2017; Hamblin 2017).
tant group of viruses that are destroyed by Methylene blue (MB), or
aPDI.  The presence of lipid and protein struc- 3,7-bis(dimethylamino)phenothiazine-5-ium
tures in the envelope plays a vital role in the pos- chloride, is an important PS that, along with light,
sibility of PS binding to the virus envelope, and can inactivate RNA viruses such as HIV-1  in
the most important mechanism for virus inactiva- blood or blood products. The mechanism of
532 R. Fekrazad et al.

action of MB in the inactivation of viruses refers and its derivatives have been tested against some
to the chemical process through the stimulation viruses such as HIV by several researchers. These
of MB by light radiation and change from the compounds can effectively degrade HIV protease
ground state (MB) to an excited singlet state under photo-irradiation and inhibit HIV replica-
(1MB). 1MB can lose its energy and return to the tion in living cells (Friedman et al. 1993). Many
ground state or become an excited triplet state reports have also emerged over the years of the
(3MB). 3MB can also slowly lose its energy and use of aPDT as a practical methodology for ster-
return to the ground state or act according to type ilization of blood or blood products (Lulic et al.
I or type II reactions. As mentioned, type II reac- 2009; Azarpazhooh et  al. 2010). These studies
tions take place in the presence of oxygen, and generally involved long known human viruses
MB is converted to the ground state by convert- but have also been carried out on recently
ing triplet oxygen to singlet oxygen. Singlet-state emerged viruses, e.g., coronaviruses.
oxygen has 23 kcal more energy than ground-­ Several studies have revealed that lipid-­
state triplet oxygen and has a much higher oxi- enveloped viruses are more susceptible to inacti-
dizing potential. 3MB can also carry out type I vation using aPDT than non-enveloped viruses
reactions in O2-saturated organic solvent or air-­ (Hamblin and Hasan 2004). Although there is no
saturated aqueous solutions through H atom or evidence explicitly investigating the effect of
electron transfer. MB can make strong bonds to aPDT on viral lipids and proteins, there are inves-
DNA, especially in G-C-rich regions, and break tigations about the effect of ROS on viral lipids
nucleic acid strands in the presence of light (Girotti 2001; Costa et  al. 2012; Baptista et  al.
(Cadet et al. 1986; Floyd et al. 2004). 2017). Since there are viral lipids in the envelope
of the COVID-19, these should be sensitive to the
effects of aPDT. aPDT damage to the structure of
30.10 Antiviral Photodynamic the viral envelope can inhibit the binding of the
Therapy in COVID-19 virus to the cells because the envelope plays a
vital role in the attachment of viruses to the host
The initial clinical applications of aPDT as a cell surface. The effect of aPDT as an adjunct
potentially effective and safe treatment modality therapy for a viral infection such as MERS and
for infectious diseases were directed against influenza caused by MERS-CoV and orthomyxo-
superficial viral diseases, including herpes geni- viruses, respectively, can be generalized to the
talis (Chang et  al. 1975; Roome et  al. 1975). COVID-19 due to the similarity of viral patho-
Besides in  vitro work on different viruses, in genesis to cause primarily mild to severe respira-
recent years several clinical trials of systemic and tory infections. In humans, these viruses can be
topical aPDT as a treatment approach and adju- detected with higher viral load and longer dura-
vant therapy with surgery, cryotherapy, or che- tion in the respiratory tract and have also been
motherapy have been conducted against viral detected in feces, serum, and urine and blood
infections (Abramson et  al. 1992; Bujia et  al. samples (Ho et  al. 2013; Hirose et  al. 2016;
1993; Shikowitz et  al. 1998; Zhou et  al. 2014; Al-Abdely et  al. 2019). They are highly conta-
Wiehe et al. 2019). Currently, there are two main gious, causing millions of infections each year.
clinical and medical aspects for aPDT of viruses: A recent study by Jin et al. (2020b) conducted
one is the treatment of local and superficial viral aPDT with methylene blue as a photosensitizer
infections, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) (Table  30.1) could be effective against SARS-­
and human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, and CoV-­ 2  in plasma without any side effects.
the other is the area of blood product decontami- Previously, it has proven that methylene blue
nation. An inhibitory effect of aPDT was observed photochemical technology not only inactivates
on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through lipid-enveloped viruses in  vitro but also can be
the decrease of viral integrase and protease activ- applied in clinical treatment without damage to
ities. Antiviral potentials of Buckminsterfullerene other components of the plasma (Eickmann et al.
Table 30.1  Summary of studies that used either direct or indirect methods for photobiomodulation
Induction of lung Target tissue/
No Study Year inflammation organ Light source Light parameters Results
1 Aimbire 2005 Airway and lung Rat lung Ga-Al-As diode 12 mW, irradiation time = 1 min Photobiomodulation reduced RTHR, BAL and lung
et al. inflammation laser 20 s, spot size = 0.08 cm2, neutrophils influx which led to the anti-inflammatory
(2005) induced by Continuous wave effect. It is associated with inhibiting of COX-2-derived
gram-negative metabolites
(LPS) intravenous
2 Aimbire 2006 The complex Rat lung Ga-AsI-Al laser 650 nm, 42 s at 5 min after LLLT significantly reduced TNF-α expression in a
et al. immune reaction by induction, continuous mode dose-dependent manner.
(2006) Instillation of 0.04, 0.11, and 0.22 Joules 0.11 J had the best efficacy
Ovalbumin Spot size = 0.08 cm2
intrabronchial Irradiated through the skin over
followed by IV upper bronchi
3 Aimbire 2008 Acute lung injury Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW spot size= LLLT decreased lung permeability, neutrophils influx,
et al. induced by IV 0.785 cm2; skin over the upper MPO activity, IL-1β expression, and its mRNA
(2008) injection of bronchus Laser anti-­inflammatory effect at 4, 12, and 24 h after
lipopolysaccharide LPS exposure
(LPS) (5 mg/kg)
4 Mafra de 2009 TNF-a-induced acute Rat-­ Ga-As-Al laser 650 nm, 2.5 mW, spot size = Photobiomodulation reduced BSM hyperreactivity or
Lima lung inflammation dissected 0.08 cm2, 0.44 J, irradiation time relaxation after acetylcholine and isoproterenol
et al. bronchi = 42 s application, respectively
(2009) with or Laser irradiation decreased TNF-α mRNA expression
5 de Lima 2010 Acute pulmonary Rat lung GaAsAl diode 650 nm, 2.5 mW, spot size = Photobiomodulation reduced pulmonary edema, the
et al. inflammation laser 0.08 cm2, irradiation time = 42 s neutrophil influx, endothelial cytoskeleton damage,
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management

(2010b) induced by aerosol The skin over the upper bronchus TNF-α, IL-1β, and ICAM-1 expression
of lipopolysaccharide Levels of CINC-1, MIP-2, and IL-10 did not affect by
from Escherichia laser irradiation
coli (0.3 mg/ mL)
6 de Lima 2010 4 h incubation with Rat AM cell diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, spot size = LLLT decreased MIP-2 mRNA expression and
et al. LPS or H2O2 for line 0.785 cm2, irradiation time = intracellular ROS generation
(2010b) inducing acute lung AMJ2-C11 252 s

Table 30.1 (continued)

Induction of lung Target tissue/

No Study Year inflammation organ Light source Light parameters Results
7 de Lima 2011 Acute lung Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, 5.4 J, spot size= Lung edema, neutrophils influx, MPO activity and TNF
et al. inflammation 0.08 cm2 expression and production were reduced by LLL
(2011b) induced by intestinal Irradiation time= 3 min irradiation, in contrast, IL-10 production was increased
ischemia and skin over the upper bronchus
8 de Lima 2011 Acute lung Rat-­ InGaAlP laser 660 (685) nm, 8.82 J, irradiation Photobiomodulation increased
et al. inflammation dissected time = 252 s The cAMP indirectly in Alveolar Macrophages by a
(2011a) induced by LPS bronchi On the skin over the right upper TNF-dependent mechanism
inhalation or TNF bronchus
intranasal instillation
9 de Lima 2013 Acute lung injury Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, 5.4 J, continuous Lung edema, neutrophils influx, MPO activity, and
et al. induced by gut mode, irradiation= 180 s, spot ICAM-1 mRNA expression, ROS formation were
(2013a) ischemia and size= 0.08 cm2 reduced by LLL irradiation
reperfusion The skin over the bronchus in the GSH concentration in the lung, HSP70, and PPARy
direction of the trachea distal expression were increased after LLLT
Two-series laser irradiations: Photobiomodulation reduce acute lung injury induced by
 (a) 5 min after initial or 5 min gut ischemia and reperfusion
before the end of the intestinal
 (b) 30 min after the beginning
of the reperfusion
10 de Lima 2013 ARDS induced by Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, 5.4 J, continuous Photobiomodulation airway reactivity dysfunction by
et al. intestinal ischemia mode, irradiation= 3 min decreasing lung edema, MPO activity, and TNF-α, iNOS
(2013b) and reperfusion Spot size= 0.08 cm2 or ICAM-1 expressions
Skin over the upper bronchus LLLT increased the production of IL-10
11 de Lima 2014 ARDS induced by Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, 5.4 J, continuous IL-6 and TNF mRNA expression and proteins were
et al. intestinal ischemia mode, irradiation = 5 min reduced significantly the following photobiomodulation
(2014) and reperfusion Spot size = 0.08 cm2 However, IL-1β and MPO activity was reduced by all
skin over the upper bronchus doses except 1 J/cm2
Photobiomodulation increased IL-10 protein in 1 J/cm2
12 Oliveira 2014 Acute lung Rat’s lung Infra-red laser 830 nm, 35 mW, 80 s per point, 3 Photobiomodulation significantly inflammation in
Jr et al. inflammation and points per application (total LPS-induced ARDS and reduced number of total cells,
(2014) ARDS induced by 240 s), continuous mode neutrophils in BAL or lung parenchyma and levels of
LPS Direct contact to skin IL-1beta, IL-6, KC and TNF-alpha in BAL fluid and in
Point 1 was in the end part of serum
trachea, point 2 and 3 were in the
R. Fekrazad et al.

right and left lungs, respectively

Induction of lung Target tissue/
No Study Year inflammation organ Light source Light parameters Results
13 Miranda 2015 Lung inflammation Rat lung diode laser 660 nm, 30 mW, spot size = Photobiomodulation reduced neutrophil influx (MPO
da Silva induced by 0.14 cm2, 60 s/point, 1.8 J for activity), leukocyte number, degranulation of mast cells,
et al. formaldehyde (1%) 1 min and lung microvascular permeability
(2015) or vehicle inhalation IL-6 and TNF-α production were reduced, but IL-10
(distilled water) generation was increased after laser irradiation
14 de 2015 ARDS induced by Rat lung Infra-red laser 830 nm, 35 mW, 80 s per point 3 Photobiomodulation significantly reduced ARDS in both
Oliveira LPS intratracheal or points per application) direct inducing ways
Junior intraperitoneal contact with the skin Photobiomodulation decreased total cell and neutrophil
et al. count in the BAL and neutrophil count in lung
(2015) parenchyma and also reduced levels of IL-1beta, IL-6,
KC, and TNF-alpha in BAL and in serum
IL-10 level didn’t increase by photobiomodulation
15 da Silva 2018 Acute lung injury Alveolar AsGaAl diode 808 nm, 100 mW, spot size= Photobiomodulation increased Bcl-2 mRNA levels but
Sergio induced by epithelial laser 0.028 cm2, 2 and 5 J energy per reduced caspase-3 mRNA levels in acute lung injury
et al. intraperitoneal cells of rat point, four points of irradiation, Also, photobiomodulation reduced DNA fragmentation
(2018) Escherichia coli LPS lung time= 2 and 5 s per point in alveolar cells but increased in polymorphonuclear
injection Skin over the lung cells which inducing apoptosis in these inflammatory
Indirect application of photobiomodulation
16 Fujimaki 2003 Isolated neutrophils Human GaAlAs laser 830 nm continuous wave, Photobiomodulation attenuated ROS production in
et al. from peripheral neutrophils 1000 mW, spot size 6.6 cm2, neutrophils and can reduce oxidative tissue injury
(2003) blood samples irradiation time = 30 or 60 s
17 Musawi 2016 Whole blood sample Diode laser wavelengths of 405, 589, and Photobiomodulatory effects are related to laser
et al. 780 nm, 10 mW, spot size = parameter. wavelength of 589 nm and fluence of 72 J/
(2016) 0.332 cm2, irradiation time = 20, cm2 had the best results
30, 40, and 50 min Photobiomodulation significantly increased CD45
lymphocytes and natural killer (NK) (CD16, CD56)
cells, but there was no significant change for CD3 T
lymphocytes, T-suppressor (CD3, CD8) cells, T-helper
(CD3, CD4) cells, and CD19 B lymphocytes
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management
536 R. Fekrazad et al.

2018, 2020; Xu et al. 2005). According to the Jin viral lipid membrane and can inhibit virus-cell
et al. results, 1, 2, and 4 μM of methylene blue fusion.
photochemical therapy using 630 nm wavelength In another study by Lenard et  al. (1993),
light for 2  min could completely inactivate the hypericin (4,5,7,4′,5′,7′-hexahydroxy-2,2′-
virus, and the viral titer of SARS-CoV-2 dimethyl-naphthodianthrone, an anthraquinone
decreased to 4.5 log10 median Tissue Culture derivative and one of the main active compounds
Infectious Dose (TCID50)/mL. in St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.)
As commented on by Eickmann et al. (2018, (Lyles et al. 2017; Klemow et al. 2018)) and rose
2020), methylene blue plus visible light using bengal were used as the photosensitizers during
light doses as low as 30 J/cm2, or 25% of the stan- aPDT to inhibit viral fusion of the influenza
dard full light dose of 120  J/cm2, can reduce virus. The finding showed that aPDT using
SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV by more than 3.1 80 nM hypericin and a standard fluorescent lamp
and 3.3 log10 TCID50/mL in plasma, respectively. against the influenza virus led to an extensive
The inactivation of the MERS-CoV using a cross-linking of G and M proteins and may dis-
riboflavin-based and ultraviolet light-based pho- rupt the capacity of the viruses to attach and pen-
tochemical treatment in plasma products was etrate the host cells. Also, aPDT of the influenza
evaluated by (Keil et al. 2016). In this study, the virus using rose bengal at a concentration of
treatments were performed using pooled and 50 nM plus a fluorescent lamp modified the HA
individual plasma units. The mean reductions in fusion protein and led to protein cross-links.
the log titer of MERS-CoV for the pooled and Chen et al. investigated the potential antiviral
individual donor plasma were ≥ 4.07 and ≥ 4.42, activity of curcumin against influenza virus prop-
respectively. Also, the results of this study sug- agation. The results indicated that curcumin
gested that riboflavin and UVA light might be inhibits hemagglutinin as a viral protein in influ-
able to reduce the risk of MERS-CoV transfusion enza a virus in cell culture. Chen et al. (2010) and
transmission in both platelet and plasma Sobotta et al. (2016) evaluated the photodynamic
products. activity of copper (Cu2+)- and metal-free phthalo-
A lipophilic thiazolidine derivative named cyanine, possessing 1,4,7-trioxanonyl substitu-
LJ001, and an arylmethylidene rhodanine deriva- ents against several viruses such as parainfluenza
tive were described in 2010 as a new broad-­ virus-3, influenza A virus (H1N1, H3N2), and
spectrum antiviral compound (Wolf et al. 2010) influenza B virus. In their experiments, 100 μM
against more than 15 different enveloped viruses. of this compound was exposed to the virus
LJ001 was then introduced by (Vigant et  al. strains, irradiated for 30  min at 735  nm with a
2013) as a new class of antiviral photosensitizer light intensity of 4.5 mW/cm2 and a light dose of
with increased potency, good 1O2 quantum yields, 8.1 J/cm2. The average percentages of virus infec-
and red-shifted absorption spectra. On the other tivity versus control were 4.6, <1.6, <3.3, and 30
hand, they determined the effects of treated influ- for parainfluenza virus-3, influenza A virus
enza virus A (A/PR/8/34 H1N1) with five mM of (H1N1, H3N2), and influenza B virus, respec-
LJ001, exposed to visible light for one h on the tively. The findings of Sobotta et al. study indi-
phospholipid composition of viral membranes. cated that photoactivation of Cu2+ phthalocyanine
As previously reported (Lorizate and Kräusslich could generate various reactive oxygen species
2011), the lipid composition can affect the bio- (ROS), including singlet oxygen, which leads to
physical properties of viral membranes that decrease infectivity of a wide variety of ­enveloped
impact the efficiency of virus-cell fusion. The viruses. Also, one of the desired properties of
results of Vigant et al. (2013) showed that LJ001-­ phthalocyanine is that it can be activated with
treated viruses had an up to a 300-fold increase in 735 nm wavelength in the far-red light spectrum
oxidized forms of unsaturated phospholipids. It that is not only much less damaging for nearby
was suggested that aPDT by LJ001 targets the tissues but also in combination with phthalocya-
nine affords the local generation of ROS.
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 537

Phthalocyanines were used by Ke et al. (2014) used effectively against influenza viruses without
due to their absorption in the tissue-penetrating any emergence of resistance to treatment.
red visible region, as well as production of the In another study, the photosensitizer and light
highly efficient singlet oxygen. In their study, the dose dependence of aPDT for virus inactivation
efficacy of a series of zinc (II) phthalocyanines was also confirmed by a study from (Belousova
conjugated with an oligolysine chain in photody- et  al. 2014). They evaluated the photodynamic
namic inactivation of influenza A virus (H1N1) inactivation of influenza virus A/Puerto Rico/8/34
was examined. The results showed that influenza (H1N1) by a solid-phase fullerene-based photo-
A virus (H1N1) was susceptible to photodynamic sensitizer (SPFPS). In this study, an ultrabright
inactivation with a half-maximal inhibitory con- diode at a maximum wavelength of 460 nm and a
centration (IC50) values as low as1 pM upon irra- mean power density of 180 mW/cm2 was used as
diation at λ > 610 nm under a light source of a the source of irradiation. Results demonstrated
300 W halogen lamp with a water tank for cool- that the inactivation of the influenza virus
ing at a fluence rate of 40 mW/cm2 for 20 min. depended on the concentration of SPFPS and the
Eventually, it was determined that phthalocya- dose of irradiation. To confirm the obtained data,
nines are promising photosensitizers for the pho- two studies were designed: first, a model contain-
toinactivation of influenza A enveloped virus. ing 0.1 g/mL of SPFPS and different time periods
Using porphyrin-conjugated multiwalled car- of irradiation (10–60  min; dose108-648  J/cm2)
bon nanotubes (NT-P), the study (Banerjee et al. was used. The results showed the infectious titer
2012) demonstrated the effects of visible light on of the virus was reduced with increasing irradia-
inactivation of influenza A virus (H3N2). In the tion dose, but it did not reach the zero level.
first series of experiments, the dependence of Interestingly, some infectious virus was still
viral inactivation on the concentration of NT-P detectable at the highest dose, i.e., 648  J/cm2
under 90 min light irradiation was evaluated. The (60 min) irradiation. In the next model, the high-
virus infectivity percentage was reduced from est concentration of SPFPS with the lowest dose
86% to 2% as the concentration of NT-P was of radiation was used. The findings showed that
increased from 0 to 1500 μg/mL. In the second the virus was wholly inactivated with 2  mg/mL
series of experiments, the virus inactivation was SPFPS at an irradiation dose of 108  J/cm2
examined using 1000 μg/mL of NT-P with differ- (30  min) irradiation. According to the data pre-
ent times of light irradiation from 0 to 90  min. sented by Belousova et  al., optimization of the
The data showed that the percentage of virus aPDT conditions is important to attain complete
infectivity was sharply decreased from 78% to inactivation of enveloped viruses in a relatively
3% in a dose-dependent manner after increasing short time.
time of light irradiation (0–30 min). The results On the other hand, the photodynamic inactiva-
showed that 1000 μg/mL of NT-P and 30 min of tion using hematoporphyrin of influenza A/WSN
irradiation with visible light from a compact fluo- was reported by Perlin et al. (1987). It was shown
rescence lamp (350  W) as the optimal dose of that hematoporphyrin, as a pigmented, iron-free
aPDT could cause more than a 250-fold reduc- natural breakdown product of hemoglobin, has
tion (with only 1% of virus infectivity) as the good photoactivated antiviral efficacy, which
effective infectious viral dose. This inactivation results from ROS generated by energy transfer
was due to the production of ROS by the proto- from the light-excited pigment to oxygen. The
porphyrin IX (PPIX) part of NT-P in the presence influenza virus was inactivated entirely within
of light. There was no significant reduction in the 15 min of incubation with 2.5 μg/mL hematopor-
percentage of infected cells between viruses phyrin in the presence of a fluorescent lamp as a
treated with NT-P in dark conditions without any visible light source. In addition, it was found that
NT-P under light, so this finding establishes the guanosine monophosphate was the only nucleo-
synergistic effect of light and NT-P.  Overall, tide to be decomposed in the presence of hemato-
these results suggest that NT-P with light may be porphyrin and fluorescent lamp, which could
538 R. Fekrazad et al.

inhibit the influenza virus replication. It was ity 6–9 months after aPDT, with 45% of patients
revealed that no cytotoxicity could be detected in the early treatment group free of laryngeal dis-
with five μg/mL of hematoporphyrin against pri- ease. Successful treatment of recurrent respira-
mary chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF). Inhibition tory papillomatosis with aPDT has been reported,
of 50% of CEF cells was determined with 25 μg/ probably through an improved immune response.
mL after overnight incubation. No CEF cell A notable review by Lieder et al. (2014) pro-
destruction was seen at 50  μg/mL within 24  h. vided an overview of aPDT as a relatively power-
Therefore, a selective index of 100 for the antivi- ful method for local destruction of papilloma in
ral effect of hematoporphyrin was calculated by the mucosal lining of the upper airway in recur-
the ratio of the cytotoxic concentration (50  μg/ rent respiratory papillomatosis. Although more
mL) to the inhibitory concentration of the virus high-quality randomized controlled trials are
(0.5 μg/ml). required to determine whether aPDT alters the
In addition, aPDT has been tested for the treat- course of the recurrent respiratory papillomato-
ment of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. sis, aPDT currently continues to be used in some
Goon et al. (2008), Venkatesan et al. (2012), and centers in the USA and Europe to treat recurrent
Hu et al. (2018, 2019), in their evaluation of the respiratory papillomatosis.
literature involving the treatment of recurrent aPDT, as antiviral therapy, was also investi-
respiratory papillomatosis, concluded that aPDT gated in a study by Kimberlin (2004), showing
could be applied as an adjuvant treatment for promise in controlled trials for juvenile-onset
viral infections. recurrent respiratory papillomatosis. Venkatesan
In a randomized prospective trial, Shikowitz et  al. (2012) showed that aPDT might provide
et al. (1998) evaluated the immediate and long-­ benefit by altering the immune response in the
term results of aPDT using one of two doses of case of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, trig-
3.26  mg/kg or 4.25  mg/kg dihematoporphyrin gering an immune response to even low concen-
ether (DHE) for respiratory papillomatosis. The trations of viral proteins. Moreover, other studies
light was administered using an Aurora/M tun- have shown decreased papilloma growth and
able Argon pumped dye laser emitting 630  nm potential long-term benefits (Abramson et  al.
red light through a 400 μm diameter flexible 1992, 1994; Borkowski et al. 1999).
quartz fiber for 100–200  s. According to the In one in vivo study, a murine model of recur-
results, there was a notable improvement and a rent respiratory papillomatosis was studied by
more significant decrease in papilloma growth Lee et  al. (2010)). It was shown that papilloma
rate in patients receiving 4.25 mg/kg DHE. The completely regressed under 1.0  mg/kg phthalo-
photosensitizer DHE is highly lipophilic and cyanine photosensitizer and 675  nm photoacti-
binds to the cytoplasmic membrane and slowly vated light at 150 J/cm2. As well, papilloma did
diffuses into cytoplasm around the perinuclear not regrow within the observation period of up to
area. Also, the 3-year follow-up of patients con- 79 days.
firmed that the improvement was maintained. Recently, successful treatment of adult-onset
Shikowitz et  al. (2005), in another clinical recurrent respiratory papillomatosis with CO2
trial study, investigated the efficacy of aPDT with laser and aPDT was reported by Lu et al. (2019).
0.15  mg/kg meso-tetra(hydroxyphenyl) chlorin After the patient was diagnosed with recurrent
(m-THPC, a second-generation photosensitizer respiratory papillomatosis, CO2 laser therapy was
molecule based on a chlorin) for respiratory pap- applied, followed by aPDT.  The neoplasm was
illomatosis. Diode laser at a 652 nm wavelength removed by CO2 laser, and aPDT was then
as an activating light was irradiated with 80–100 J ­performed at the surgical site. During aPDT, 20%
for adults and 60–80 J for children over an activa- aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) as a photosensitizer
tion time from 200 to 330 s. The results showed was excited using irradiation of 635  nm wave-
there was a significant reduction in lesion sever- length and 120  J/cm2 power for 30  min. Since
30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 539

there was no recurrence found during follow-up Therefore, for the best use of aPDT in clinical
15 months after treatment, it was suggested aPDT application, it is necessary to pay attention to
might be an effective approach in preventing the many factors. How the photosensitizers for aPDT
recurrence of recurrent respiratory are delivered into the lung environment could be
papillomatosis. via intratracheal or intravenous pathways. It has
Altogether, recent experimental and clinical been demonstrated that these delivery routes of
studies have revealed that aPDT is an effective photosensitizers can homogeneously expose all
approach for treating pulmonary infections. affected areas in the lung without complications.
Geralde et  al. (2017) evaluated the efficacy of However, the poor penetration of the activating
aPDT with ICG (10 μmol/L) as a photosensitizer light through to the target tissue is also a limita-
and extracorporeal illumination using an infrared tion in the clinical usage of aPDT (Zhang et al.
light source with a 780  nm laser device for the 2014). According to one recent clinical trial,
treatment of pneumonia in an experimental aPDT can be used at the oropharynx in subclini-
mouse model. The findings confirmed the poten- cal infections in the upper respiratory tract. This
tial of aPDT to eliminate Streptococcus pneu- method would help to reduce the microbial load
moniae and treat lung infections by administration and infection complications (Fekrazad et  al.
of the ICG and extracorporeal illumination with 2017). Some of the various photosensitizers are
infrared light. Geralde et al. (2017) also assessed used in viral disease are summarized in
the effect of aPDT on alveolar macrophages as Table 30.2.
critical lung phagocytic cells responsible for In this chapter, it was our objective to provide
innate immunity. Notably, the viability of alveo- an overview of aPDT against viruses, including
lar macrophage was more than 90% following influenza viruses, MERS-CoV, and orthomyxovi-
aPDT with light at 850 nm and ICG suggesting ruses over the last decade, to identify current
that aPDT did not harm the host immune system applications and developments that may be use-
and could be a safe treatment modality (Geralde ful against COVID-19. The most commonly used
et al. 2017). clinical application of the aPDT against these
The penetration depth of the light is the main viruses is currently the field of viral decontami-
limiting factor in the widespread clinical accept- nation of blood products. Looking at this field of
ability of aPDT in the case of deeper organs and aPDT application as an antiviral phototherapy, it
thicker lesions. Among the photosensitizers, the becomes evident that there is no “single” specific
absorption peak of ICG is in near-infrared photosensitizer, which is best suited for aPDT
(810  nm) where penetration into tissues is against viruses, but the choice of PS depends on
increased due to low absorption by water, hemo- the virus target and specific application. Given
globin, and melanin, which makes ICG an ideal the rise of viral resistance against antiviral agents,
photosensitizer in extracorporeal aPDT applica- aPDT, as a minimally invasive treatment modal-
tions for deep-seated lesions, which need light ity, could be an alternative treatment to intracta-
penetration through the lung parenchyma ble viral diseases. It will also be important to
(Urbanska et al. 2002; Crescenzi et al. 2004). study possible synergistic effects between aPDT
A critical issue in the clinical use of aPDT is and classical antiviral drugs. Although, more
the efficient delivery of light. A study by Geralde studies to confirm the effect of aPDT are still
et al. (2014)) revealed an insignificant reduction required, especially in photodynamic approaches
in the intensity of light transmittance from an to the inactivation of enveloped viruses, given
810 nm laser through the mouse chest in a post- this literature review of photoactivated-based
mortem model. Based on these results, infrared treatment in the modern era, and its established
light with 810  nm may be used effectively for safety and efficacy against the viruses that typi-
extracorporeal application in aPDT. cally infected the respiratory tract, it could be
540 R. Fekrazad et al.

Table 30.2  Properties of some of the most widely used photosensitizers against viruses
Photosensitizers Molecular structure Wavelength (nm) Target viruses
Curcumins 450 VSV
Hypericin 588 HSV

Methylene blue 660 HSV

Porphyrins 410 HSV-1

30  Photobiomodulation and Antiviral Photodynamic Therapy in COVID-19 Management 541

Table 30.2 (continued)
Photosensitizers Molecular structure Wavelength (nm) Target viruses
Phytochlorin 680 HPV

Phthalocyanines 300–400 and 600–700 VSV

Riboflavin 365–445 HIV
BoHV Bovine herpesvirus, BVDV bovine viral diarrhea virus, DENV dengue virus, EBV Epstein-Barr virus, EMV
encephalomyocarditis virus, FCV Feline coronavirus, FHV feline herpes viruses, HAV hepatitis A virus, HBV hepatitis
B virus, HCV hepatitis C virus, HSV herpes simplex virus, IVA influenza A virus, MERS-CoV Middle East respiratory
syndrome coronavirus, HPV human papillomavirus, NV Norovirus, PPV porcine parvovirus, RV rhinovirus, SARS-­
COV-­2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SV sindbis virus, VSV vesicular stomatitis virus, WNV West
Nile virus, ZV Zika virus

suggested that aPDT may be effective against 30.11 Conclusion

Many experimental and clinical studies have We have discussed the possibility of using PBM
reported that aPDT can be applied in combina- and photodynamic therapy for COVID-19. The
tion with other therapeutic modalities, including best approach may be a combination of both
supportive therapies, chemotherapy, and surgery. methods, as mentioned earlier. PDT would be
aPDT could be a new adjuvant therapy to the useful for virus destruction, while PBM would
management of viral lung diseases and reduce be better for improving tissue oxygenation and
the proximal extent of the infected tissue. reduction or inhibition of the cytokine storm
Therefore, the main indications for the use of that occurs in severe inflammation. When PDT
aPDT in the clinical management of viral lung and PBM combined, we can reach these goals
disease are the early stage of the disease, superfi- with minimal interference with medications and
cial, local, peripherally and centrally located battle this disease with biophysical methods.
affected endobronchial tissue, and pleural The use of aPDT could be improved by using
disease. monoclonal antibodies to target lung tissue spe-
542 R. Fekrazad et al.

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The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape
Till Koch, Anahita Fathi, and Marylyn M. Addo

Abstract structures of immunity, establish animal mod-

els that emulate human disease and immunity
The history of vaccine development spans as closely as possible, and learn about com-
centuries. At first, whole pathogens were used plex mechanisms of immune interaction such
as vaccine agents, either inactivated or attenu- as cross-reactivity or antibody-dependent
ated, to reduce virulence in humans. Safety enhancement (ADE). However, significant
and tolerability were increased by including knowledge gaps remain. What are the corre-
only specific proteins as antigens and using lates of protection? How do we best induce
cell culture methods, while novel vaccine immunity in vulnerable populations like the
strategies, like nucleic acid- or vector-based elderly? Will the immunity induced by vacci-
vaccines, hold high promise for the future. nation (or by natural infection) wane over
Vaccines have generally not been employed as time? To date, at least 149 vaccine candidates
the primary tools in outbreak response, but against SARS-CoV-2 are under development.
this might change since advances in medical At the time of writing, at least 17 candidates
technology in the last decades have made the have already progressed past preclinical stud-
concept of developing vaccines against novel ies (in vitro models and in vivo animal experi-
pathogens a realistic strategy. Wandering the ments) into clinical development. This chapter
uncharted territory of a novel pathogen, severe will provide an overview of this rapidly devel-
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 oping field.
(SARS-CoV-2), we can learn from other
human Betacoronaviridae that emerged in the Keywords
last decades, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-­
CoV.  We can identify the most likely target Antibody-dependent enhancement ·
COVID-­19 · Immunity · Safety · SARS-­
CoV-­2 · Vaccine
Till Koch and Anahita Fathi are contributed equally.

T. Koch (*) · A. Fathi (*) · M. M. Addo

First Department of Medicine, University Medical
Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
German Center for Infection Research, Hamburg-
Department for Clinical Immunology of Infectious Lubeck-Borstel-Riems,
Diseases, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Hamburg, Germany
Medicine, Hamburg, Germany e-mail:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 549
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
550 T. Koch et al.

31.1 Introduction Discussion on the worldwide eradication of

smallpox arose, and in the first global eradication
31.1.1 Genesis of Immunization campaign from 1803 to 1806, called the “Royal
Philanthropic Vaccine Expedition,” Dr. Francisco
Vaccines are one of the most significant public Javier de Balmis and his team believed to have
health interventions of all time and have saved vaccinated over 100,000 participants worldwide
countless lives. Despite a lack of knowledge (Soto-Perez-de-Celis 2008).
about the underlying mechanisms, protection
from infectious diseases by inoculation is a prac-
tice that is likely centuries old. One of the deadli- 31.1.2 Primal Vaccine Designs
est scourges of humanity in centuries past was
smallpox, a disease with a 30% mortality rate It took almost another century for the next vac-
that often left survivors scarred for life. The fact cine, a live-attenuated cholera vaccine, to be
that survivors of smallpox became immune to the introduced (Lopez et al. 2014). By that time, the
disease was well appreciated and led to the dis- entire concept of health and disease had been
covery of variolation, namely, the inoculation of revolutionized and now resembled theoretical
a patient with dried and pulverized material from constructs still recognizable today. With the
a smallpox lesion (Leung 2011). It conveyed knowledge of microorganisms as the cause of
robust protection from deadly smallpox, albeit at infectious diseases, vaccine development began
the cost of severe side effects such as an about to proliferate. For decades, vaccine design fol-
3% mortality rate and the possibility of smallpox lowed two principal methods, inactivation and
outbreaks following the procedure. Variolation is attenuation. For inactivation, whole viruses or
thought to have originated in the sixteenth cen- toxins were treated with chemical agents such as
tury in China, subsequently spreading to India, formaldehyde (diphtheria, influenza whole virus
where different routes of application (nasal, oral, vaccine, inactivated polio vaccine) (Glenny and
subcutaneous) were tried. In the early eighteenth Hopkins 1923), heat, and oxygen (anthrax,
century, variolation became popular in parts of rabies) (Pasteur 1885). Another strategy was the
Europe, especially in the British Empire (Barquet attenuation of live pathogens. It was first
1997), where King George I had decreed that all achieved by serial propagation in animals or
citizens could receive variolation for free. Several growth medium, the latter leading to the Bacillus
decades later, at the end of the eighteenth century, Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine, which is still
the concept of vaccination was introduced by used as a tuberculosis vaccine in parts of the
Edward Jenner. He discovered that inoculation world. However, it required the novel technol-
with material from a cowpox lesion, a distinct but ogy of cell culture in the 1950s (Taylor 2014)
related disease, inhibited the effects of variola- that enabled the propagation of live viruses until
tion and subsequently protected the recipient they developed key mutations that reduced viru-
from smallpox. This discovery was especially lence, to allow for the development of attenuated
remarkable as the concepts of human disease vaccines against several pathogens. Vaccines
were still more or less the same as in the against mumps, measles, and rubella (Hilleman
2000  years before, namely, that disease was et al. 1967; Katz et al. 1960; Plotkin et al. 1969)
caused by imbalances in the four humors, or “bad were created as well as the oral polio vaccine.
air” (miasmatic theory). Germ theory and patho- The latter was described by Sabin in 1961
physiology would not be described for decades to (Blume 2000) and subsequently almost suc-
come, but the medical community at the time ceeded in the goal of eliminating a second human
quickly realized the potential of this discovery. disease.
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 551

31.1.3 Vaccine Strategies Beyond Peptide vaccines aim to even further reduce
Whole Pathogens the chance of unwanted effects such as allerge-
nicity or reactogenicity, by including only those
Since it is not the whole pathogen that induces amino acid sequences that confer immunity.
immunity, the idea quickly arose only to use part Polypeptides, usually 20–30 amino acids of
of the pathogen in order  to increase vaccine length, can easily be produced at large scale and
safety. In the case of viruses, vaccine strategies offer the advantage of only activating immune
mainly focused on the amino acid sequence of responses against the desired epitope of the anti-
capsid proteins which contains specific areas that gen. In a process called reverse vaccinology, only
seem to be most immunogenic. For more com- those peptide sequences are included for which
plex organisms like bacteria, the outermost genomic analysis predicts strong immunity
membrane-­bound polysaccharides were utilized (Rappuoli 2000). However, due to their small
to develop vaccines against meningococcus size, peptides are usually not very immunogenic
(Gotschlich et  al. 1969), pneumococcus and require additional molecules as carrier sub-
(Heidelberger et al. 1948), and typhoid bacteria stances and adjuvants (Aguilar and Rodríguez
(Landy et al. 1954). However, these first polysac- 2007) to increase immunogenicity (Purcell et al.
charide vaccines had limited efficacy in children 2007). No peptide vaccines have been licensed to
and the elderly, where polysaccharides alone are date.
not sufficient to mount a potent B-cell response.
This was overcome by coupling the polysaccha-
rides to more immunogenic proteins (Schneerson 31.1.4 Naked Vaccines
et al. 1980), thereby activating T-helper cells to
aid the production of antibodies. In the early 1990s, an entirely novel approach
The next step was to develop split vaccines, was discovered. Injection of nucleic acids, i.e.,
for which viruses like influenza are broken apart plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), elicited
by detergents. To avoid complications arising an immune response (Tang et  al. 1992; Ulmer
from impurities, only the antigen that infers et al. 1993), a finding later repeated for ribonu-
immunity was purified, creating acellular subunit cleic acid (RNA) (Fleeton et al. 2001). Once the
(Cate et  al. 1977) or protein vaccines (Edwards desired sequence of bases is known, these
and Karzon 1990). However, the purification pro- “naked” nucleic acid (DNA/RNA) vaccines are
cess was still relatively cumbersome, and some easy and quick to generate in large quantities,
potentially allergenic substances could not be and, since a cell-free enzymatic transcription
removed at all, e.g., egg proteins from viruses reaction is utilized, quality and safety are
grown in chicken embryoblasts. The next revolu- improved (Hekele et  al. 2013). After cell entry,
tion was, therefore, the production of the anti- using the host’s intracellular machinery, the
genic proteins by genetically altering cells desired protein is translated, either directly from
in  vitro to produce the protein of choice, first RNA or after transcription of messenger RNA
achieved in 1982 by expressing the surface anti- (mRNA) from the injected DNA. When antigen-­
gen of the hepatitis B virus in yeast cells presenting cells like dendritic cells present these
(Valenzuela et al. 1982). It allowed for the rapid peptides via major histocompatibility complex
generation of large amounts of protein and, (MHC) molecules, a potent response of both
­therefore, vaccine (Hilleman et al. 1983). Some humoral and cellular immunity can be elicited
protein vaccines display unique properties, such (Condon et  al. 1996). Besides, foreign nucleic
as the human papillomavirus vaccine. It is based acids are also recognized by parts of the innate
on the major capsid protein L1, which aggregates immune system, such as toll-like receptors (TLR)
and self-assembles to form virus-like particles that may also trigger cellular immune responses.
(VLP), which are highly immunogenic compared Despite these theoretical concepts, DNA-based
to the soluble protein (Kirnbauer et al. 1992). vaccines have so far proven to be not particularly
552 T. Koch et al.

immunogenic, often requiring multiple booster they are making use of the natural ability of
vaccinations to counter a rapid waning of immu- viruses to infect cells. First viral vectors were
nity. Recently, novel delivery technologies like created based on simian virus 40  in the 1970s
electroporation and activation of innate immunity (Jackson et  al. 1972) and vaccinia virus in the
have increased the effectiveness of DNA vac- 1980s (Mackett et al. 1982), and several types of
cines (Grunwald and Ulbert 2015). Another viral vectors have been developed since then
potential drawback is that, at least theoretically, (Ura et al. 2014). After the introduction into the
DNA-based vaccines could integrate into the cell, the cell’s tools are used to replicate viral
host’s genome, causing mutations or new dis- DNA/RNA and to translate RNA into structural
eases (Nichols et al. 1995). proteins. Since this not only mimics but is, in
RNA-based vaccines would not be prone to fact, a viral infection, immunogenic antigens are
the latter concern since human cells lack the abil- synthesized intracellularly and at high levels. It
ity of reverse transcription, and over time, RNA elicits strong humoral and cellular immune
is simply degraded within cells. However, due to responses without an adjuvant, including activa-
ubiquitous RNases, RNA molecules are also rap- tion of cytotoxic T cells, which eliminate
idly degraded in extracellular surroundings. It infected cells. Commonly used viral vectors
necessitates the formulation of target RNA include, among others, adenovirus (Ad),
sequences in lipid nanoparticles, which also Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA), yellow
facilitate cell entry (Geall et al. 2012). However, fever virus (YF), and vesicular stomatitis virus
as with DNA, the immunogenicity induced is (VSV). Depending on the virus it is based on,
relatively low, so large amounts of RNA are each viral vector has unique properties and faces
needed to establish an adequate immune response. unique challenges.
An improvement was proposed by the use of self-­ Human Ad vectors are usually replication-­
amplifying mRNA vaccines, containing both defective after deletion of E1 and E3 genes,
viral RNA and enzymes for its replication (RNA-­ increasing their safety profile. Ad5, which has
dependent RNA polymerases). Since these vac- been studied extensively, confers strong immu-
cines are lacking the genes encoding for the nogenicity after the first dose of vaccination but
structural proteins that compose elements like the may be hampered by preexisting immunity
capsid, no new virions are formed. The accumu- against the vector (Sekaly 2008). The use of
lation of vast amounts of replicons (strands of chimpanzee Ad (ChAd), which is nonpathogenic
target RNA originating from a single founder in humans and confers little preexisting immu-
sequence) in one cell mimics a viral infection and nity, could circumvent this caveat (Morris et al.
leads to a robust immune response, e.g., via the 2016).
recognition of RNA by TLR.  The amplification After losing about 15% of the Vaccinia virus
in  vivo leads to lower dosages, usually in the genes, MVA is not replication-deficient per se but
microgram range. Self-amplifying mRNAs have so highly attenuated that it lost its ability to repli-
shown to be safe and immunogenic in various cate in mammalian cells. An additional adjuvant
animal models, including mice (Petsch et  al. effect is conferred by the stimulation of the innate
2012) and nonhuman primates (NHP) (Bogers immune system, e.g., via TLR (Zhu et al. 2007a)
et al. 2015). However, no nucleic acid-based vac- because the virus has lost genes hampering the
cine has yet been licensed. innate immune response. MVA, therefore, con-
fers high levels of immune responses (Sutter and
Staib 2003). However, in most studies, more than
31.1.5 Construction Kits for Vaccines one injection is needed to confer protective
immunity. MVA has been safely administered to
Vector vaccines have solved the problem of over 100,000 recipients in the eradication of
delivering the target sequence to a cell since smallpox (Mayr et al. 1978) and has been manu-
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 553

factured at a large scale for stockpiling in the also face challenges in safety and production
United States (Frey et al. 2013). capacity that need to be addressed for each viral
As an example of replication-competent viral vector.
vectors, VSV usually causes relevant  disease
only in animals and is not or only mildly patho-
genic in humans (Geisbert and Feldmann 2011). 31.1.6 Vaccines Against Emerging
Live vaccines offer the highest degree of immu- Pathogens
nogenicity, both humoral and cellular, due to the
potentiation of immunogenic material through Vaccine development gained substantial signifi-
replication. The distribution of the viral vector cance in the face of the West African Ebola virus
throughout the host can confer systemic and epidemic of 2014–2016, when, with no therapeu-
mucosal immunity. Concerns associated with tic or preventive measures at hand, more than
replication-competent vectors are those of 28,000 people were infected and over 11,000
genetic shifts, i.e., the recombination of genetic people died (Fathi et al. 2019).
material from different viruses or viral strains Traditionally, vaccine design had not been an
that could allow for an altered phenotype and established method of outbreak containment
increased virulence. Since the VSV genome is instead of relying solely on non-pharmaceutical
encoded in a single RNA strand, it lacks the interventions (NPI). Even in the case of influ-
potential for reassortment in vivo. As with adeno- enza, where the vaccine is renewed annually, and
viruses, preexisting immunity against the vector production pipelines are well-established, the
could hamper the induced immune response, but vaccine against the H1N1 strain came too late to
VSV seroprevalence in humans is low (Johnson have an impact on the so-called swine flu pan-
et  al. 1966). The second viral vector vaccine to demic in 2009 (Girard et  al. 2010). However,
obtain licensure, rVSV-ZEBOV (marketed by with novel vaccine development technologies
MSD as Ervebo®), which was licensed by the and the threat  of a high-consequence pathogen
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in spreading globally, clinical testing of already
2019, has shown to be nearly 100% protective existing vaccine candidates against EVD was
against Ebola virus disease (EVD) after a single implemented quickly after the beginning of the
injection (Henao-Restrepo et al. 2017). outbreak. Alas, it also came too late to contain the
The YF-based, tetravalent dengue vaccine outbreak. This tragedy underlined the need for
CYD-TDV (marketed by Sanofi Pasteur as swift vaccine development against emerging
Dengvaxia®) was the first viral vector vaccine to pathogens. It led the World Health Organization
obtain licensure (Mexico, 2015). It confers (WHO) to convene a group of experts and estab-
strong immunity (Guy et  al. 2011) and is cur- lish a list of known pathogens that were likely to
rently licensed in over 20 countries. Different cause public health emergencies in the future and
outcomes depending on previous monotypic or for which research and development (R&D)
multitypic infections with dengue virus (DENV) efforts to develop vaccine candidates and causal
indicate complex mechanisms of immune inter- therapies should, therefore, be prioritized. The
action and currently limit the use of CYD-TDV regularly updated list, called WHO R&D
to patients with prior dengue infection (Sridhar Blueprint (WHO 2019), contained nine priority
et al. 2018). pathogens before the COVID-19 pandemic,
In summary, vector vaccine platforms promise among them the highly pathogenic coronaviruses
to confer the strongest, longest-lasting immunity (CoV) SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, as well as
among the novel vaccine strategies and have suc- a Disease X, a yet unknown pathogen that would
cessfully progressed to licensure in two cases but need urgent R&D efforts once the outbreak
554 T. Koch et al.

would hit. This pathogen in the current pandemic 31.2 SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Design
has turned out to be the newly discovered Challenges
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-­ 31.2.1 Vaccines Against Respiratory
CoV-­2 has asserted the need to have vaccines Viruses
against emerging pathogens at hand as quickly as
possible. In this regard, the R&D strategy aims to Viruses that cause respiratory disease in humans
promote vaccine technologies that can then be presumably possess the highest potential for
adapted to the specific pathogen and manufac- pandemic spread. Unfortunately, to date, the
tured at a large scale. Once a priority pathogen development of vaccines against these patho-
has been identified, the next objective is to gens has proven immensely difficult. The only
develop pathogen-specific vaccines. In the case respiratory virus that has approved vaccines
an outbreak can be contained by NPI, as has been available is influenza, and the flu vaccine effi-
the case for the SARS-CoV-1 outbreak in cacy, changing annually, is comparably low,
2002/2003 and large MERS-CoV outbreaks in ranging from 40% to 80% (Hannoun 2013).
2014 (Saudi-Arabia) and 2015 (South Korea), the Other respiratory viruses include parainfluenza,
goal is to advance the development of multiple metapneumovirus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, and
vaccine candidates nevertheless. To accomplish respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The latter is
this goal, preclinical and early clinical stages are especially lethal in vulnerable populations like
designed to demonstrate the safety and immuno- children and the elderly, accounting for annu-
genicity of candidate vaccines, usually involving ally over 110,000 deaths globally in children
healthy volunteers (phases 1–2). Ultimately, it is under the age of 5 (Nair et al. 2010). It has been
aspired to stockpile thousands of dosages and a focus of vaccine research for decades, but
have these at hand in order to be able to start research experienced devastating setbacks early
advanced phase clinical trials as soon as an out- on, when a vaccine trial in the 1960s, examining
break of the pathogen arises. an inactivated whole virus vaccine, led to worse
While history has now taught us that this outcomes in vaccinated children compared to
endeavor may prove itself useful for emergency placebo (Fulginiti et al. 1969). This observation
preparedness, there is a little economic incentive was likely due to unfavorable immune interac-
for pharmaceutical companies to develop vac- tions (see below) such as the induction of non-
cines that may never be used, let alone be neutralizing antibodies (Murphy et al. 1986) or
licensed. In consequence, powerful funding a TH2-dominant cellular response (Openshaw
mechanisms had to be established. One such et  al. 2001). To date, at least 30 RSV vaccine
mechanism is the Coalition for Epidemic candidates have entered clinical stages of devel-
Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) (Burki 2017), a opment; however, none have been licensed.
public-private partnership supported by multiple Only one has progressed to phase 3 trials, and
governments as well as philanthropic organiza- the efficacy of candidate vaccines seems to be
tions such as the Bill and Melinda Gates relatively low (Rossey and Saelens 2019). In
Foundation, among others. CEPI plays a signifi- light of the, sometimes tragic, history of vaccine
cant role in funding current efforts in SARS-­ development against respiratory viruses, the
CoV-­ 2 vaccine development concerning development of a safe and efficacious vaccine
candidates that can be manufactured swiftly and against SARS-CoV-2 can, therefore, be expected
at scale and will be available globally (Thanh Le to pose a significant challenge. This history also
et  al. 2020). It is currently supporting the highlights that despite the urgent need for accel-
­development of eight candidates, of which three erated development of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine,
have already advanced into clinical trials (CEPI safety evaluation efforts must not be
2020). compromised.
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 555

31.2.2 The Coronaviridae Family of vaccine efficacy (Sutton and Subbarao

The RNA sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was released For MERS-CoV, which uses dipeptidyl pepti-
in mid-January 2020. Since then, the discovery of dase 4 (DPP4) as a receptor, common marmosets,
a vaccine has been made a priority by the scien- mice (Gretebeck and Subbarao 2015), and drom-
tific community worldwide. There are now more edary camels have been studied. The latter, which
than 100 vaccine candidates in the preclinical or serve as intermediate hosts, can be infected and
clinical stages (as of June 2020), and the land- transmit the virus to humans, allowing studies for
scape is continuously growing (Thanh Le et  al. immunogenicity (Haagmans et al. 2016), but due
2020). Keeping in mind that vaccine develop- to the distribution pattern of DPP4, the disease is
ment usually takes decades rather than years, this limited to the upper respiratory tract. Transgenic
evolution certainly is unprecedented and mice, which express the human entry receptor
extremely impressive. However, it requires to (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) or
address many open questions along with the DPP4 for SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, respec-
advancement of vaccine candidates. In the quest tively), have been established as models (Netland
to find answers to these questions, research on et  al. 2010; Munster et  al. 2017). They exhibit
other coronaviruses can guide our way. Including enhanced infection sensitivity and a more severe
the novel SARS-CoV-2 (Gorbalenya et al. 2020), course of the disease (high levels of viremia,
the family of Coronaviridae encompasses 46 lower respiratory tract infections, and death),
species (ICTV 2020), infecting a wide variety of allowing for better evaluation of vaccine efficacy
mammals. Most are limited in their host range, in preclinical studies.
and up to date, seven Coronaviridae are known to For SARS-CoV-1, rhesus macaques, inbred
infect humans. Four of these, namely, 229E, BALB/c mice, hamsters, and ferrets have been
NL63, OC43, and HKU1, are considered com- evaluated (Gretebeck and Subbarao 2015). Since
mon cold coronaviruses and cause self-limiting SARS-CoV-2 also uses ACE2 as an entry recep-
infections of the upper respiratory tract in tor, one might expect a similar host range, and,
humans. The genera of Betacoronaviridae indeed, SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to repli-
encompass two of the latter, OC43 and HKU1 cate in cats and ferrets, but not in dogs, pigs, and
(lineage A), as well as the three highly patho- chickens (Shi et al. 2020). In line with observa-
genic coronaviruses SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2 tions made in SARS-CoV-1 vaccine research,
(both lineage B) and MERS-CoV (lineage C). SARS-CoV-2 infection could successfully be
established in the NHP model of rhesus macaques
when challenged with high amounts of the infec-
31.2.3 Animal Models tious virus via the intranasal or intratracheal route
and the animals furthermore show clinical signs
One challenge is to establish an appropriate of illness, such as pneumonitis, when challenged
animal  model of SARS-CoV-2 infection in (Chandrashekar et  al. 2020). The model also
order to investigate vaccine immunogenicity allowed to assess the course of infection and
and efficacy, which is further complicated by established that the macaques were protected
the fact that infection experiments have to be from symptomatic disease upon rechallenge.
performed under enhanced security measures, While NHP often turn out to become the gold
i.e., in Biosafety Level 3 laboratories. No ani- standard for infection and vaccine studies, these
mal models have yet been defined that would animal models also harbor quite a few challenges,
adequately emulate the natural course disease both for ethical as well as practical reasons, such
in humans. Different animal models have been as availability. The establishment of an appropri-
evaluated for SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, ate small animal model for toxicology, preclini-
but the animals mostly show a reduced clinical cal immunogenicity, and, ideally, efficacy studies
severity of the disease, limiting the evaluation would, therefore, be advantageous.
556 T. Koch et al.

The ferret model has played a significant role together form one monomer; three of these
in vaccine research for respiratory infections in monomers then make up the S trimer (Lan et al.
general and SARS-CoV-1 research in particular, 2020). It is the S protein that binds to the ACE2
including the assessment of antibody-dependent receptor and mediates viral cell entry. S protein is
enhancement (ADE) of disease (see below). a highly immunogenic antigen in both MERS-­
Ferrets can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 and CoV and SARS-CoV-1 vaccine studies (Koch
may also transmit the infection to their kin (Kim et al. 2020; Folegatti et al. 2020; Gao et al. 2003),
et al. 2020). While viral antigen can be isolated and neutralizing antibodies against S glycopro-
from tracheal secretions as well as urine and tein have been shown to correlate with protection
stool, the disease course seems to be relatively against SARS (Jiang et al. 2005) and MERS (Du
mild. Hamsters have previously been established et al. 2016).
as animal models in SARS-CoV-1 infection Potent neutralizing antibodies against S pro-
(Subbarao and Roberts 2006) and also seem to be tein, notably the RBD, have also been described
an adequate small animal model permissible for in SARS-CoV-2. Unsurprisingly, in some form
SARS-CoV-2 infection (Sia et al. 2020). or other, S protein is incorporated in the design
Based on experiences made from studies of most candidate vaccines against SARS-
involving SARS-CoV-1 (Song et al. 2019), mice CoV-2 (Thanh Le et al. 2020). S protein, how-
seem to be an adequate model to assess immuno- ever, is a metastable protein, i.e., it undergoes a
genicity after infection and vaccination, while conformational change upon binding to the cel-
viral replication seems to be transient and not to lular ACE receptor and fusion of the virus with
induce noticeable disease. In SARS-CoV-2 vac- the cell membrane. The delivery of a stable pre-
cine research, a BALB/c mouse model and a fusion spike protein as a vaccine target will be
model using Wistar rats have successfully been necessary to induce effective antibody
established for the assessment of vaccine immu- responses while avoiding the generation of
nogenicity with comparable binding antibody ADE (Graham 2020) (see below). Although
titers (Gao et al. 2020). Furthermore, the genera- SARS-CoV-2 diversity is low, the possibility of
tion of a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 strain antigenic drift of the surface S protein under
seems to be achievable through serial virus pas- increasing pressure of natural selection has
sage in aged BALB/c mice. Some analyses, albeit become a growing concern. Currently, the
not yet peer-reviewed (Gu et al. 2020), indicate development of most vaccine candidates is
that this strain could be more pathogenic in mice, based on the sequence of the original Wuhan
as it may lead to disease (i.e., pneumonia) and isolate. Different isolates have been described
may, therefore, be used as a challenge model in since, with most being single-­nucleotide poly-
vaccine studies. Taken together, promising small morphisms (SNP). One isolate, featuring a
animal models have been described for SARS-­ G-to-A base change in the spike antigen (posi-
CoV-­2 alongside the NHP model. tion 23,403  in the Wuhan reference isolate),
named D614G, was described as more trans-
missible in a preprint manuscript (Korber et al.
31.2.4 Vaccine Targets 2020). If this observational data were validated,
it would indicate the emergence of a novel
Another question that is needed to be addressed SARS-CoV-2 strain, i.e., a virus with pheno-
is the definition of an optimal target antigen for typic changes, rather than just a different iso-
vaccine design. The spike (S) glycoprotein is a type. However, to date, no genotypic changes
surface antigen common to all coronaviruses. It leading to different properties in virulence or
consists of two subunits: S1 with a receptor-­ transmissibility have been demonstrated for
binding domain (RBD) and S2. These subunits other members of the Coronaviridae family.
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 557

31.2.5 Vulnerable Populations disease, that is, what the correlates of protection
(CoP) are. This question proved to be undoubt-
Another challenge will be the assessment of vac- edly complex (Plotkin 2013). Concepts such as
cine candidates in vulnerable populations. From immunity or protection are not binary (“pro-
what is known to date, pregnant women and chil- tected” or “not protected”); there are rather many
dren are not disproportionately affected by different shades in between. Immune responses
COVID-19 (Qiu et  al. 2020; Castagnoli et  al. after vaccination can lead to less severe disease
2020; WHO 2020b), and these populations will without preventing infection, can protect from
likely be excluded from early phase vaccine tri- disease while still allowing infection and trans-
als, as is common practice. On the contrary, the mission to others, or can confer sterilizing immu-
elderly are at an exceptionally high risk of devel- nity. In rare cases of failed vaccine development,
oping a severe disease course, and the age of ≥ vaccination has even led to more severe disease
80 years has been associated with a case fatality (Vennema et  al. 1990; Buchbinder et  al. 2008;
rate of up to 15% (Wu and McGoogan 2020). Steinbrook 2007). As two prominent examples of
Vaccines are likewise not commonly tested in completely different protection conferred, whole
elderly individuals until late in the development virus-inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) protects the
process, as immune senescence challenges the host from the disease. Still, it allows infection
assessment of vaccine immunogenicity. In the with the virus, its replication in the human gut,
case of COVID-19, the protection of older patient and fecal-oral transmission to others, while live-­
populations, however, is a priority, and trials will attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) confers ster-
need to investigate the safety, immunogenicity, ilizing mucosal immunity that prevents
and efficacy of vaccine candidates in this group transmission (WHO 2016).
early in the development process. Apart from pathogen factors such as higher
Immunocompromised individuals comprise or lower infective dose, host factors also play a
another vulnerable group, and specific vaccine role in determining an immune response and,
platforms, i.e., nonreplicating vaccines, may be thus, measurements of CoP.  Host factors
more suitable for them. Even if an otherwise include immune status (congenital or acquired
effective vaccine turns out not to be appropriate immunodeficiencies), coexisting infections or
for vulnerable populations, however, their indi- other diseases, age, nutrition, and genetic dif-
rect protection can, of course, be achieved ferences, with the latter primarily occuring in
through widespread vaccination of less affected MHC molecules (Plotkin 2013). Likewise, the
parts of the society. timing of measurements matters for the CoP at
hand. All measurable immune responses wane
over time, as active antibody-producing plas-
31.3 Immunity in Covid-19 mablasts are replaced by memory B cells
Vaccine Design (Kurosaki et  al. 2015). Thus, whether a mea-
surement is performed at the peak of immune
31.3.1 What Does Immune responses a few weeks after vaccination/dis-
Protection Consist of: ease or at the beginning of an infection, possi-
An Open Question bly years after the last vaccination, can change
the resulting measurements. It has been pro-
As outlined above, the first vaccines were devel- posed to further differentiate CoP into two
oped without a clear understanding of immunol- mutually exclusive categories. Mechanistic cor-
ogy or even major concepts of modern medicine relates of protection (mCoP) are the causal
like germ theory. However, as our understanding agents of protection, whereas nonmechanistic
of the body’s immune response grew, the ques- correlates of protection (nCoP) are merely a
tion arose as to which measurements signal predictor of protection without being its causal
immunity against a pathogen or protection from a agent (Plotkin and Gilbert 2012).
558 T. Koch et al.

For many pathogens, antibodies are dominant cells, mostly against intracellular pathogens like
humoral CoP. These include binding antibodies, bacteria and protozoa. TH2 (Type 2 helper cells)
usually measured by enzyme-linked immunosor- use cytokines like IL-4 and IL-10 and trigger a
bent assay (ELISA), as well as neutralizing anti- humoral response by activating B cells, eosino-
bodies, usually measured by plaque or phils, and basophils. TH17 (T-helper 17 cells)
neutralization assays. Antibody assays generally secrete IL-17 and shape the adaptive immune
measure immunoglobulin G (IgG) without fur- response, protecting against pathogens like fungi.
ther subdivision into the four subclasses IgG1–4 Regulatory T cells (Tregs) use cytokines like
(Vidarsson et  al. 2014) and generally measure TGF-β (Kretschmer et al. 2005) to modulate the
neither serum IgM nor mucosal IgA, with the lat- immune system and dampen immune responses
ter likely being important for protection against where needed, in order to prevent a reaction
noninvasive infections like influenza (Belshe against self-antigens that could lead to autoim-
et al. 2000). However, the mere quantity of anti- mune disease.
bodies may not be enough to describe their effec- Of paramount interest for vaccine develop-
tiveness against a pathogen fully; the quality of ment is the T-cell function of retaining memory,
the antibody response may be as important. i.e. the ability to elicit a more robust and more
Direct, Fab-mediated antibody functions, like rapid immune response when encountering an
binding or neutralization, are well-established, antigen for the second time after being “primed”
but indirect, Fc-mediated functions, such as through a previous encounter. Flow cytometry
antibody-­dependent cellular cytotoxicity based on antibodies with fluorescent dyes is tra-
(ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity ditionally used to define various subgroups of T
(CDC), may also have protective effects against cells according to surface molecules. These sub-
different pathogens, particularly HIV (Vargas-­ sets are transverse with the CD4/CD8 differentia-
Inchaustegui and Robert-Guroff 2013; Smith tion and include subsets such as effector memory
et al. 2014). After vaccination against Neisseria (TEM), central memory (TCM), or tissue-resident
meningitidis, bactericidal antibodies that use memory T cells (Trm). Some of these, like CD8+
Fc-dependent CDC to lyse cells can be consid- TCM, have been proposed as ideal populations for
ered mCoP, while binding antibodies measured protection because they remain in circulation
by ELISA are nCoP (Borrow et  al. 2005). through lymphoid tissue and have an especially
Currently, a big challenge is the identification long half-life (Gerlach et  al. 2016). However,
and implementation of assays that allow for reli- novel technologies like mass cytometry have led
able measurements with reproducible results that to an even greater plethora of T-cell memory sub-
are comparable between laboratories (Wines sets (Newell and Cheng 2016). Some authors,
et al. 2017). therefore, believe that such minuscule distinc-
Cellular immune responses also play a signifi- tions between subsets according to surface mol-
cant role in protection from pathogens, and their ecules alone are futile and that memory T-cell
activity is intertwined with humoral immunity. populations should be viewed more as a contin-
Traditionally, T cells have been divided by the uum (Jameson and Masopust 2018) to describe
cluster of differentiation (CD) molecules 4 and 8 key characteristics such as localization in differ-
into CD4+ T-helper cells (TH) and CD8+ cyto- ent tissues and trafficking between sites.
toxic T cells (TC), a method still used today to While antibodies play a role in protection after
describe cellular CoP, e.g., in influenza virtually all vaccines, cellular CoP is more
(Wilkinson et al. 2012). CD4+ T-helper cells can diverse between different pathogens. For some
be further subdivided, according to CD mole- pathogens, exact cutoff values for CoP can be
cules and functions, into TH1, TH2, TH17, and defined. Neutralizing antibodies, the mechanistic
Tregs (Zhu and Paul 2008). TH1 (type 1 helper CoP against toxin-producing bacteria causing
cells) use IFN-γ and IL-2 and trigger a cell-­ tetanus (Edsall 1959) or diphtheria (Björkholm
mediated response by macrophages and CD8 T et al. 1986), are protective above 0.1 IU/ml; for
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 559

rabies, the value is 0.5 IU/ml (WHO 2007). For On the one hand, cross-reactivity of antibod-
herpes zoster, levels of CD4+ T-cell responses ies might offer a certain degree of protection, par-
correlate with protection, although an exact cut- ticularly antibodies directed against other
off has not yet been defined (Weinberg et  al. Betacoronaviridae, either lineage A common
2009; Gilbert and Luedtke 2018). In the case of cold CoV (OC43 and HKU1) or lineage C
EVD, determining the protective immune (MERS-CoV). Cross-reactivity was observed
response is seemingly even more complex, with between different isolates of SARS-CoV-1 (Zhu
innate immunity, antibodies (Medaglini et  al. et  al. 2007b) and between SARS-CoV-1 and
2018) and T cells (Meyer et al. 2019) contribut- Betacoronavirus OC43 as well as, to a lesser
ing to immunity. degree, Alphacoronavirus 229E (Che et al. 2005).
In animal models, T-cell responses were criti- CR3022, a human monoclonal antibody directed
cal for clearance of both SARS-CoV-1 and against the S protein of SARS-CoV-1, showed
MERS-CoV (Zhao et al. 2010; Liu et al. 2017), potent binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike RBD
and in human survivors of SARS or MERS, both (dissociation constant (Kd) of 6.3 nM) (Tian et al.
humoral and cellular immune responses could be 2020). Little is known about the cross-reactivity
detected (Li et al. 2006; Zhao et al. 2017). of MERS-CoV and other coronaviruses. In one
study from 2016, only minimal cross-reactivity
was observed between a dromedary CoV (DcCoV
31.3.2 Duration of Immunity UAE-HKU23) and MERS-CoV (Woo et  al.
The duration of immune responses is of particu- On the other hand, ADE might induce more
lar concern with coronaviruses. It stems from the severe disease. The phenomenon is still incom-
fact that humans can get reinfected with the pletely understood, but it is believed that in ADE,
common cold CoV multiple times. In decades antibodies bind non-neutralizing parts of viral
past, challenge models with human volunteers surface proteins; in the case of coronaviruses,
have demonstrated waning protection against these are most likely regions of the S protein
hCoV-­ 229E and hCoV-OC43 (the only two other than the RBD.  Viral entry is then most
human CoV known at that time) despite measur- likely mediated by a different pathway than inter-
able antibody titers (Bradburne and Somerset action with the normal host receptor instead rely-
1972; Callow et al. 1990). Serological studies in ing on viral entry via Fc receptors (FcR) (Jaume
survivors have demonstrated antibody responses et al. 2011). Whether or not ADE occurs depends
24 and 36  months after infection with SARS- on several factors such as the antigen targeted by
CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, respectively (Liu et al. the antibody, the strength of the antigen-antibody
2006; Payne et  al. 2016), while memory T-cell interaction, and the antibody concentration
responses could be detected up to 6 years after (Pierson et  al. 2008). A similar phenomenon,
infection in case of SARS-CoV-1 (Tang et  al. called vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory
2011). How this translates to long-term protec- disease (VAERD), has been observed in swine
tion is unknown, especially since memory B that were vaccinated against influenza A using an
cells could not be demonstrated after 6  years inactivated whole virus vaccine (Gauger et  al.
(Tang et al. 2011). 2011).
ADE has been described in some viruses,
including an Alphacoronavirus which causes a
31.3.3 Immune Interaction: Cross-­ fatal disease in cats, called feline infectious peri-
Reactivity, ADE, and VAERD tonitis virus (FIPV) (Hohdatsu et  al. 1998).
Importantly, a vaccinia virus-based vector vac-
Another concern might be immune interactions cine encoding the S protein of FIPV increased
within the family of Coronaviridae. Specifically, mortality in cats (Vennema et  al. 1990). In
two possibly opposing phenomena come to mind. humans, ADE has been well documented for
560 T. Koch et al.

arboviruses of the Flaviviridae family, such as 31.3.4 Differences in Vaccine-­

the Zika virus (ZIKV) (Khandia et al. 2018) or Induced Immunity
dengue virus (DENV) (Halstead 2003;
Dejnirattisai et al. 2010). It is well documented The levels of immunity conferred by the different
that DENV infection with one of the four sero- vaccine platforms that are under investigation for
types can increase the severity of disease in sub- a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine vary tremendously
sequent infections by another serotype (Guzman (Table  31.1). Increased immunity sometimes
and Vazquez 2010). In human coronaviruses, comes at the price of side effects, while safer vac-
ADE was observed for SARS-CoV-1 in  vitro cines may be less immunogenic, necessitating
(Jaume et al. 2011) and in vivo in animal studies adjuvants or repeated booster immunizations. On
(Yasui et al. 2008). In studies on MERS-CoV, an the one end of the spectrum, live, attenuated yel-
increase in lung pathology has been observed in low fever (YF) 17D vaccine, developed in the
mice vaccinated with an inactivated MERS-CoV 1930s (Theiler and Smith 1937), confers a nearly
vaccine (Agrawal et  al. 2016). In rabbits, ani- 100% protective immunity, lasting many years
mals who developed non-neutralizing antibodies and often even a lifetime after a single injection
after a first infection with MERS-CoV also (Kareko et  al. 2019). However, in rare cases,
showed increased pulmonary inflammation upon severe adverse events, such as vaccine-associated
reinfection, compared to those that developed neurotropic (YEL-AND) and viscerotropic dis-
neutralizing antibodies (Houser et  al. 2017). ease (YEL-AVD), can be associated with the vac-
Whether these findings translate into more cine (Silva et al. 2010). On the other end of the
severe disease in coronaviruses and, importantly, spectrum, subunit influenza vaccines confer
whether or not ADE can be expected in COVID- varying immunity and between 40% and 80%
19  in humans remain unclear. ADE has been protection, have to be renewed yearly, and have
hypothesized to be a possible reason for different little more side effects than placebo injections
clinical outcomes in SARS and COVID-19 (Hannoun 2013). Their low and varying degree
(Tetro 2020), but to this point, this remains of protection is due to the antigenic shifts and
speculative. drifts that occur, in which reassortment of genetic
A possible solution to ADE would be to material between different viruses (antigenic
include only those parts of the S protein that shift) or through accumulated mutations within
elicit neutralizing antibodies, such as the RBD, one virus (antigenic drift) results in a new strain,
while excluding other parts that might elicit i.e., a new phenotype of the virus. The immune
non-­neutralizing immune responses. When history of previous exposures to influenza virus
such vaccines against CoV were tested in ani- strains likely also contributes to variability in
mal models, no signs of ADE were observed protection (Lewnard and Cobey 2018).
(He et  al. 2004; Wang et  al. 2015). Another Inactivated whole virus rabies vaccines elicit
strategy to avoid ADE might be the use of adju- high levels of protection but have to be boostered
vants. In mice vaccinated against SARS- several times for lasting protection and up to five
CoV-1, the addition of a polysaccharide-­based times when used as postexposure prophylaxis
adjuvant increased the levels of neutralizing (Ertl 2009). It shows that different pathogens
antibodies and reduced lung pathology post- require distinct approaches in vaccine
challenge (Honda-Okubo et al. 2015). In sum- development.
mary, while ADE is a known phenomenon in
humans for some Flaviviridae such as DENV,
it has only been demonstrated in animal studies 31.3.5 Vaccine Development Against
for coronaviruses. However, vaccine candi- SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV
dates against SARS-CoV-2 will need to be
carefully evaluated for the potential to induce The original vaccine development pipeline
ADE in humans. against SARS-CoV-1 encompassed different
Table 31.1  Platforms under evaluation for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development
vaccine data
Example for from animal In clinical testing?
Vaccine Previous licensure of SARS-CoV-2 models (
platform Examples the technology? Advantages Disadvantages candidatesa available? identifier)
DNA DNA plasmids No Easy to produce, May lack immunogenicity, INO-4800, multiple Yes (Yu et al. Yes
with/without thermostable, can needs a special device for variants (full-length 2020) (NCT04336410)
electroporation be provided at injection, boost necessary spike, RBD, etc.) in
large scale preclinical testing
RNA Lipid-­ No Easy to produce, Reactogenic, boost likely Moderna’s Yes Yes
nanoparticle-­ can be provided at necessary mRNA-­ (Erasmus (NCT04283461)
large scale 1273, Pfizer’s et al. 2020)
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape

mRNA (multiple BNT162b2,
targets) multiple others in
preclinical testing
Replication-­ Adenovirus No (MVA has Immunogenic Preexisting immunity to the ChadOx1 nCoV-19, Yes (van Yes, results
deficient (human (type 5, however been (including cellular vector may be a problem, multiple others in Doremalen available (Zhu
viral vectors type 26), licensed as a immunity), can be often has to be stored frozen preclinical testing et al. 2020) et al. 2020)
chimpanzee, poxvirus vaccine, and produced
simian), MVA the Ad26.ZEBOV/ relatively quickly
vaccine is
imminently expected
to receive licensure)
Replication-­ Measles, yellow Yes: YF-based, Immunogenic Reactogenic, not suitable for Measles vector No No
competent fever (YF17D), tetravalent dengue (including cellular pregnant or expressing N/S
viral vectors vesicular vaccine CYD-TDV; immunity), immunocompromised antigen (i.e., DZIF,
stomatitis virus VSV-based Ebola single-shot individuals, preexisting Themis) among
(VSV), Newcastle vaccine regimen possible, immunity to the vector may others
disease rVSVΔG-­ can be produced be a problem in some cases,
virus (NDV) ZEBOV-­GP relatively quickly has to be stored frozen
Table 31.1 (continued)

vaccine data
Example for from animal In clinical testing?
Vaccine Previous licensure of SARS-CoV-2 models (
platform Examples the technology? Advantages Disadvantages candidatesa available? identifier)
Subunit Protein subunit, Yes (i.e., HBV Safe and Booster vaccinations Full-length No Yes
vaccines conjugate, and vaccine, well-tolerated, necessary, adjuvants often SARS-CoV-2 S (NCT04368988)
polysaccharide pneumococcus well-established necessary glycoprotein,
vaccines vaccines) approach adjuvanted
(Novavax), among
many others
Whole Chemically or Yes (i.e., IPV) Usually safe and Booster vaccinations PiCoVacc (Sinovac), Yes (Gao Yes, multiple
inactivated physically well-tolerated, necessary, adjuvants often inactivated using et al. 2020) (i.e.,
virus inactivated virus, well-established necessary ß-propriolactone, NCT04352608)
with or without approach and many others
Virus-like Enveloped or Yes, i.e., human Safe and May need a booster VLP based on RBD No No
particle naked VLP papillomavirus well-tolerated vaccination, and
(VLP) vaccine (GardasilTM) manufacturing may be
challenging and costly
Live-­ Viruses attenuated Yes (i.e., varicella, Immunogenic Lengthy development Serum Institute of No No
attenuated through multiple measles-mumps-­ (including cellular process, extensive safety India codon-­
virus passages in rubella vaccination) immunity), assessment necessary deoptimized
nonhuman hosts/ well-established live-attenuated
cell culture approach vaccine
DZIF German Center for Infection Research, HBV hepatitis B virus, IPV inactivated polio vaccine, MVA Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara, RBD receptor-binding domain
As in DRAFT landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines – May 22, 2020
T. Koch et al.
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 563

platforms, including inactivated and attenuated 31.4 C

 urrent Status of SARS-­
whole virus vaccines, vector-based vaccine CoV-­2 Vaccine Development
platforms (parainfluenza virus, VSV, Ad, MVA,
and others), recombinant protein, VLP, as well An ideal vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 needs to
as DNA-based vaccines (Padron-Regalado meet quite a few requirements. Some of these
2020). As elaborated above, mostly the S gly- apply to vaccines designed against priority patho-
coprotein was used as the immunogenic target gens in general, while others are specific to SARS-
of choice. Either the complete S protein or CoV-2. In a best-case scenario, a vaccine should
fragments (S1 subdomain or RBD) were used; confer immunity quickly after vaccination and
only a few vaccines also included the nucleo- demonstrate a favorable safety profile. Specifically,
capsid (N) protein. Two vaccines made it to immune interactions such as ADE and VAERD, as
clinical development stages (phase 1 studies), observed in other respiratory virus vaccine trials
namely, an inactivated whole virus vaccine (Graham 2020), need to be ruled out. It should fur-
(Lin et  al. 2007) and a DNA-­based vaccine ther be possible to manufacture the vaccine quickly
(Martin et al. 2008). However, once non-phar- and on a large scale, and it should be storable
maceutical interventions stopped the outbreak under simple conditions.
of SARS in 2003, funding dried up, and the The distinct vaccine platforms are known today
vaccines were not developed further, exempli- to satisfy many of these requirements, although no
fied by another planned but withdrawn phase 1 one platform fulfills them all. It is, therefore, rea-
trial of a recombinant S protein-based vaccine sonable to develop multiple SARS-­ CoV-­2 vac-
( 2011). After more signifi- cines in parallel. To date, more than 100 vaccine
cant outbreaks of MERS-CoV in Saudi-­Arabia candidates are under investigation, and new candi-
in 2014 and South Korea in 2015, small-scale dates join the list almost daily. For the most up-to-
“smouldering” transmission is still continu- date information on the current state of vaccine
ously occurring on the Arabian Peninsula. As development, an extensive list of vaccine candi-
with SARS, the preclinical vaccine develop- dates in preclinical and clinical evaluation that is
ment landscape spans a wide range of technol- updated regularly has been established by WHO,
ogies, including whole virus-, vector-, protein-, which is accessible at
DNA-, or nanoparticle-based vaccines (Padron-­ publications/m/item/draft-­landscape-­of-­covid-­19-­
Regalado 2020). In contrast to SARS, however, candidate-­vaccines. Of the candidates in develop-
efforts in vaccine development have not been ment as of June 29, 2020, 132 are in the preclinical
halted entirely after the initial significant out- stage, while 17 vaccines are under clinical evalua-
breaks were contained. This was due to a shift tion (WHO 2020a).
in policies, exemplified by the WHO’s plan for A human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) vectored
R&D against emerging infections. MERS was vaccine candidate became the first about which
placed on the list of priority diseases (WHO clinical phase 1 test results were reported (Zhu
2019), and to date, three candidate vaccines et al. 2020). This clinical trial tested three single
have completed phase 1 clinical trials, namely, doses of recombinant Ad5 expressing full-length
one DNA (Modjarrad et  al. 2019) and two SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein (5  ×  1010,
vector-­based vaccines, one ChAd (Folegatti 1 × 1011, and 1.5 × 1011 viral particles) in healthy
et al. 2019), and one MVA-based (Koch et al. volunteers previously not exposed to SARS-­
2020), with preparations for phase 2 studies CoV-­2 and assessed safety as well as humoral and
underway. cellular immune responses. The vaccine seemed
564 T. Koch et al.

to be well-tolerated, causing mostly mild or mod- them CureVac’s mRNA vaccine candidate,
erate adverse events of transient nature. Also, all expected to proceed to clinical trials within
dose groups developed binding antibodies against months. The latter is the only mRNA vaccine
the RBD of S glycoprotein, while the level of neu- platform that has, albeit against another patho-
tralizing antibodies and interferon-­gamma T-cell gen, completed a phase 1 study and whose data
responses was highest in the high dose cohort. was published (Alberer et al. 2017). As a rabies
Preexisting immunity to the vector, however, vaccine, this platform was tested in multiple vac-
seemed to interfere with the generation of immune cination regimens and forms of application. It
responses, a phenomenon that has been a topic of was reported to be generally safe. However, reac-
debate in previous Ad5 vectored vaccine candi- togenicity was high, and severe adverse events
dates and will undoubtedly need to be a focus of such as high fever, myalgia, and fatigue did occur
further investigation in the currently ongoing in individual cases across dose cohorts. The vac-
phase 2 trial. Another prominent Ad-vectored cination appeared to be more immunogenic when
candidate is the rAd26 SARS-­CoV-­2 vaccine pur- given intradermally or with an intramuscular
sued by Janssen and Janssen, which is currently in needle-free device, and less mRNA was needed
the preclinical phase of development. The to induce neutralizing antibody titers that are
University of Oxford’s Jenner Institute is mean- commonly regarded as protective against rabies.
while pursuing a nonhuman adenovirus vector for DNA vaccines complement their mRNA
SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development, namely, counterparts in the field of nucleic acid vectors.
ChAdOx1, a chimpanzee adenovirus, which is To date, Inovio’s INO-4800, which is adminis-
currently in the phase 2/3 clinical stage (WHO tered via intradermal injection and electropora-
2020a). In mice and NHP, this vaccine was able to tion, has entered clinical trials. A preclinical
elicit humoral and cellular responses against the study of this candidate in mice and guinea pigs
SARS-CoV-2 spike encoded in the vector. shows promising results with regard to immuno-
However, in the NHP model that was used to genicity (Smith et  al. 2020). Inovio’s platform
assess efficacy, immunity was not sterile, and vac- has so far been assessed in a phase 1 clinical trial
cinated animals did show symptoms after chal- involving an anti-MERS-CoV vaccine
lenge, albeit those were milder than in (Modjarrad et  al. 2019). This dose escalation
mock-vaccinated animals (currently published as study was performed as a prime-boost-boost reg-
a preprint (van Doremalen et al. 2020)). imen, and the vaccine demonstrated a favorable
mRNA vaccines have likewise proceeded to safety profile. However, not all of the participants
clinical trials. Moderna’s mRNA-1273, the first seroconverted, irrespective of dosage. The lim-
vaccine candidate to have entered clinical trials, ited immunogenicity of DNA vaccines remains a
is a lipid nanoparticle-encapsulated mRNA concern. Encouragingly, SARS-CoV-2 DNA
encoding the full-length stabilized prefusion vaccine candidates studied in rhesus macaques
spike, which is applied in a prime-boost manner showed promising results. Here, a DNA vaccine
and is currently in phase 2 development (WHO expressing the RBD was able to induce antibody
2020a). Other anti-SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vac- and T-cell responses that reduced viral load in the
cines include BioNTech’s/Pfizer’s candi- respiratory tract and ameliorated disease (Yu
date BNT162b2, which is being tested in a phase et al. 2020). While sterilizing immunity may not
1/2 study that is, notably, randomized and have been achieved in the NHP, the neutralizing
placebo-­controlled, and compares a prime-only antibodies that were induced after vaccination
regimen with the more common prime-boost were of comparable magnitude to those observed
approach. For both companies’ mRNA-based in convalescent macaques after SARS-CoV-2
vaccine platforms, this is the first time of pro- infection (Chandrashekar et al. 2020).
gressing to clinical stages of vaccine develop- In general, both mRNA as well as DNA vaccine
ment. Many other mRNA vaccines are in the candidates have the advantage that they may be pro-
preclinical stages of vaccine development, among duced in large quantities in a short manner of time.
31  The COVID-19 Vaccine Landscape 565

As the third major pole in vaccine platforms, p­ athogens. In the last decades, global travel and a
inactivated candidates play a significant role, as growing world population have enabled patho-
they are relatively easy to manufacture, and pro- gens to cause outbreaks and pandemics at an
duction capacities for inactivated virus vaccines unprecedented magnitude, and the world vowed
are distributed worldwide. Currently, multiple to learn from events such as the West African
inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, with or with- Ebola epidemic in 2014–2016. One lesson
out the addition of adjuvants, are under clinical learned was that rapidly producible vaccines as
evaluation in phase 1 and 2 trials (WHO 2020a). tools in an outbreak scenario are urgently needed.
So far, Sinovac has reported the first preclinical Novel technologies such as RNA-based or vector-­
results of its candidate (Gao et  al. 2020). The based vaccines hold promise to make vaccine
company obtained inactivated SARS-CoV-2 by platforms available that could rapidly be adapted
passaging the virus multiple times, propagating it to new pathogens.
in cell culture, and inactivating it with propriolac- The question arises, which pathogen is going
tone. Efficacy of the vaccine was assessed using to cause the next pandemic. On the one hand, cer-
different doses and schedules, with and without tain known pathogens that have the potential for
adjuvant; it was immunogenic in mice, rats, and global spread can and have been identified, and
NHP.  Specifically, vaccination with the highest efforts to develop diagnostics, therapeutics, and
dose investigated in this study prevented viral vaccines against these are ongoing. On the other
replication in NHP, and, while the number of hand, it is vitally important also to develop strate-
macaques tested in this study was limited, no gies that will enable us to combat yet unknown
ADE (n = 4), obvious clinical symptoms, or nota- emerging pathogens that might cause what WHO
ble histopathological findings (n  =  20) were has termed “Disease X”. The first Disease X of
noted after vaccination. this millennium has turned out to be COVID-19,
even though it technically belongs to a class of
already known viruses.
31.5 Conclusion To develop a vaccine to protect against SARS-­
CoV-­2, the causative agent of COVID-19, we can
Vaccines are undoubtedly one of the enormous learn from research on its closely related rela-
contributions to human health. The history of tives, SARS-CoV-1 and MERS-CoV, which have
vaccination spans over hundreds of years. Even allowed the identification of target structures and
though in the eighteenth century, the core foun- development of animal models that recapitulate
dation of medical understanding differed from human disease. However, significant challenges
today, the observation that inoculation of animals remain. We need to understand better what con-
and humans could protect them from smallpox stitutes immunity against the virus, how this
was so striking that it was widely used, even immunity changes over time, and whether we
undertaking the challenging endeavor of the have to expect phenomena of immune
elimination of the disease in the early nineteenth interaction.
century. The first vaccines were based on whole In the COVID-19 pandemic, an unprecedented
pathogens, but as knowledge and medical under- collective effort has been mobilized by the scien-
standing grew, more sophisticated methods were tific community as well as stakeholders in phar-
developed to create vaccines that offered advan- maceutical, philanthropic, and governmental
tages such as better safety profiles, more acces- organizations.
sible means of production, or better immune The number of vaccine candidates that have
responses. entered clinical trials as of the writing of this
Vaccines traditionally took years, if not chapter will undoubtedly already be outdated
decades, to develop, so they were naturally once it is published, but some of these promising
unqualified as a tool for outbreak response, i.e., early candidates will likely progress to later
the acute fight against novel or emerging stages of development and might even achieve
566 T. Koch et al.

licensure. While inactivated whole virus vaccines Treanor J, Zangwill K, Hayden Frederick G, Bernstein
David I, Kotloff K, King J, Piedra Pedro A, Block Stan
would offer a simple production procedure that L, Yan L, Wolff M (2000) Correlates of immune pro-
could make use of existing facilities worldwide, tection induced by live, attenuated, cold-adapted, tri-
novel vaccine strategies offer other advantages. valent, intranasal influenza virus vaccine. J Infect Dis
mRNA-based and DNA-based vaccine candi- 181(3):1133–1137.
Björkholm B, Böttiger M, Christenson B, Hagberg L
dates promise rapid production, and viral vector (1986) Antitoxin antibody levels and the outcome of
vaccines promise to induce a strong and hope- illness during an outbreak of diphtheria among alco-
fully lasting immunity. Despite promising prog- holics. Scand J Infect Dis 18(3):235–239
ress in SARS-CoV-2 vaccine development, it Blume S (2000) Essay on science and society:a brief his-
tory of polio vaccines. Science 288(5471):1593–1594.
must be acknowledged that traditionally, the
development of vaccines against respiratory Bogers WM, Oostermeijer H, Mooij P, Koopman G,
viruses has been challenging. Finally, there are Verschoor EJ, Davis D, Ulmer JB, Brito LA, Cu
no guarantees that the development and licensure Y, Banerjee K (2015) Potent immune responses in
rhesus macaques induced by nonviral delivery of a
of a safe and effective vaccine will be achieved self-amplifying RNA vaccine expressing HIV type 1
swiftly or – for that matter – at all. envelope with a cationic nanoemulsion. J Infect Dis
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infected volunteers. Epidemiol Infect 70(2):235–244
approaches to vaccine design and distribution. To Buchbinder SP, Mehrotra DV, Duerr A, Fitzgerald DW,
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reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates human trial. Lancet
Prevention of COVID-19:
Preventive Strategies for General 32
Population, Healthcare Setting,
and Various Professions

Shirin Moossavi, Kelsey Fehr, Hassan Maleki,

Simin Seyedpour, Mahdis Keshavarz-Fathi,
Farhad Tabasi, Mehrdad Heravi, Rayka Sharifian,
Golnaz Shafiei, Negin Badihian, Roya Kelishadi,
Shahrzad Nematollahi, Majid Almasi,
Saskia Popescu, Mahsa Keshavarz-Fathi,
and Nima Rezaei

In this chapter, the transmission of severe
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
The disease 2019 (COVID-19) made a public (SARS-CoV-2) causing COVID-19, non-­
health emergency in early 2020. Despite pharmaceutical approaches at individual and
attempts for the development of therapeutic population level, chemoprevention, immuno-
modalities, there is no effective treatment yet. prevention, preventive measures in different
Therefore, preventive measures in various set- healthcare settings and other professions, spe-
tings could help reduce the burden of disease. cial considerations in high-risk groups, and

H. Maleki
S. Moossavi Department of Medical Nanotechnology and Nano
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Drug Delivery Research Center, Kermanshah
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran
Calgary, Canada
Nanomedicine Research Association (NRA),
Digestive Oncology Research Center, Digestive Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Disease Research Institute, Tehran University of (USERN), Kermanshah, Iran
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
S. Seyedpour
Microbiome and Microbial Ecology Interest Group School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
(MMEIG), Universal Scientific Education and Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Research Network (USERN), Calgary, Canada
Nanomedicine Research Association (NRA),
K. Fehr Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba, (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
M. Keshavarz-Fathi
Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, School of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshti University of
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Microbiome and Microbial Ecology Interest Group Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
(MMEIG), Universal Scientific Education and Scientific Education and Research Network
Research Network (USERN), Winnipeg, MB, Canada (USERN), Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 575
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
576 S. Moossavi et al.

the role of organizations to hamper the psy- 32.1 Introduction

chosocial effects will be discussed.
In December 2019, a new outbreak of an unknown
Keywords acute respiratory tract infection and pneumonia
caused by a novel coronavirus was reported in
COVID-19 · Healthcare · Nosocomial Wuhan, China (Huang et al. 2020). The disease
infection · Personal protective equipment · spread quickly among other world regions, and
Preventive measures · Psychological effects · by late January 2020, the World Health
Vaccine Organization (WHO) officially introduced the
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV2), also known as COVID-19, as an
F. Tabasi
School of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical
international public health emergency (Mallineni
Sciences, Zahedan, Iran
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medical
Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Medical Education Development Network (MED_ S. Nematollahi
NET), Universal Scientific Education and Research Urology Research Taskforce (URT), Universal
Network (USERN), Zahedan, Iran Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
M. Heravi
School of Medicine, Zahedan University of Medical Men’s Health and Reproductive Health Research
Sciences, Zahedan, Iran Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Medical Education Development Network (MED_
NET), Universal Scientific Education and Research M. Almasi
Network (USERN), Zahedan, Iran Gametogenesis Research Center, Kashan University
of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran
R. Sharifian
Men’s Health and Reproductive Health Research Brain Cancer Research Core (BCRC), Universal
Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Scientific Education and Research Network
Sciences, Tehran, Iran (USERN), Kashan, Iran
Iranian Association of Urology, Research Committee S. Popescu
(IUA-RC), Tehran, Iran HonorHealth, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Urology Research Taskforce (URT), Universal Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health,
Scientific Education and Research Network University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
(USERN), Tehran, Iran M. Keshavarz-Fathi (*)
G. Shafiei School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
Gametogenesis Research Center, Kashan University Sciences, Tehran, Iran
of Medical Sciences, Kashan, Iran Cancer Immunology Project (CIP), Universal
Department of Anatomy, Afzalipour Faculty of Scientific Education and Research Network
Medicine, Kerman University of Medical Sciences, (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Kerman, Iran N. Rezaei
Brain Cancer Research Core (BCRC), Universal Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Scientific Education and Research Network Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
(USERN), Kashan, Iran Sciences, Tehran, Iran
N. Badihian · R. Kelishadi Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,
Child Growth and Development Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Research Institute for Primordial Prevention of Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Non-communicable Disease, Isfahan University of Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran Education and Research Network (USERN),
Primordial Prevention of Non Communicable Disease Stockholm, Sweden
Group (PPNCDG), Universal Scientific Education e-mail:; m-keshavarz@
and Research Network (USERN), Isfahan, Iran
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 577

et  al. 2020; He et  al. 2020). The situation got other tissues, including the gastrointestinal tract
worse rapidly, and on March 11, 2020, COVID-­19 and liver (Muus et al. 2020; Sharifkashani et al.
was declared as a pandemic affecting almost all 2020). Following the entry, the virus life cycle is
countries of the globe (Rodriguez-Morales et al. completed within the host cells, and the virions
2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). are assembled via the interaction of viral RNA
SARS-CoV2 is an enveloped betacoronavirus and protein at the endoplasmic reticulum and
with a positive-sense single-stranded RNA Golgi complex (Hoffmann et al. 2020) (Fig. 32.1).
genome (30 kb) encoding 27 proteins, including The SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to asymp-
the spike protein and an RNA-dependent RNA tomatic or mild disease in the majority of people
polymerase. The spike protein mediates viral (Weiss and Murdoch 2020; Lotfi and Rezaei
attachment to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 2020). In symptomatic cases, the most common
(ACE2) receptor on epithelial cells leading to clinical symptoms of COVID-19 include fever
virus internalization during infection (Zhou et al. (87.9%), cough (67.7%), and fatigue (38.1%).
2020b; Zhang and Liu 2020; Rezaei 2020b; However, the disease can involve other systems
Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b). ACE2 is highly and cause gastrointestinal symptoms and loss of
expressed on lung alveolar epithelial cells and sense of smell (Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020b;

Fig. 32.1  The replication cycle of SARS-CoV2 in host replication and subgenomic transcription; 6, translation of
cells: 1, binding and viral entry via membrane fusion or viral structural protein; 7, S, E, M proteins combine with
endocytosis; 2, release of viral genome; 3, translation of nucleocapsid; 8, formation of mature virion; and 9,
viral polymerase protein; 4, RNA replication; 5, genome exocytosis
578 S. Moossavi et al.

Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et  al. 32.2.1 Animal-to-Human

2020). Acute respiratory distress syndrome Transmission
(ARDS) and death occur in 3.4% and 1.4% of
diagnosed patients, respectively (Guan et  al. The first COVID-19 cases were identified among
2020). Atypical manifestation can be observed in workers at the South China Seafood Wholesale
elderly or immunocompromised patients Market in Wuhan, China. Phylogenetic analyses
(Godaert et  al. 2020). The average incubation indicated that SARS-CoV-2 has the highest
period for COVID-19 is estimated to be 5 days, genome sequence similarity to a bat coronavirus
and an initial estimate of the basic reproduction Bat-CoV-RaTG13 from Rhinolophus affinis (Hu
number (R​0​, the average number of cases directly et  al. 2018), suggesting SARS-CoV2 may have
infected by one individual) was 2·2 (95% CI 1·4– crossed species from bats to wild mammals
3·9) (Wilder-Smith et  al. 2020). In addition to traded at the Wuhan seafood market. Additionally,
genetic factors, older age, cardiovascular disease, SARS-CoV-2 was closely related to Pangolin-­
hypertension, diabetes, chronic respiratory dis- CoV isolated from Malayan pangolin (Manis
ease, cancer, smoking, and obesity are predispos- javanica) (Zhang et al. 2020).
ing factors to severe/fatal disease (Yang et  al.
2020a; Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; Ahmadi
et  al. 2020; Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; 32.2.2 Human-to-Human
Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020). If or not immune Transmission
deficiency disorders make individuals more sus-
ceptible to COVID-19 remained a mystery Human-to-human transmission immediately fol-
(Ahanchian et  al. 2020; Babaha and Rezaei lowed the initial animal-to-human transmission
2020), as the role of the immune system in con- resulting in the rapid spread of the virus in China
ducting or misconducting in the fight against the and beyond (Lu et  al. 2020a; McBryde 2020).
disease is open to question (Rokni et  al. 2020; Human-to-human transmission could occur dur-
Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; Saghazadeh and ing asymptomatic, pre-symptomatic, or symp-
Rezaei 2020a; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab tomatic stages of the disease (Ferretti et al. 2020).
et al. 2020; Bahrami et al. 2020). The virus is primarily transmitted from person to
There is currently no effective vaccine or person directly through close contact with
treatment for COVID-19, while people are infected people via respiratory droplets from a
affected by the disease globally (Rezaei 2020a). cough or sneezing (Berhe et al. 2020). The virus
Therefore, prevention strategy is the best and could also be transmitted via aerosols during pro-
most effective action to contain and mitigate the cedures such as bronchoscopy and endotracheal
disease outbreak (Lotfi et  al. 2020). Preventive intubation (Organization 2020d). The aerosols
strategies for general populations, healthcare set-can travel to a greater distance and persist longer.
tings, and various professions are described in Evidence of airborne transmission must be care-
this chapter. fully interpreted as the experimental systems
used (e.g., a three-jet Collison nebulizer fed into
a Goldberg drum) might not accurately simulate
32.2 Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 the conditions of a normal human cough.
Furthermore, the clinical validity of the experi-
Identification of transmission routes of SARS-­ ment is yet undetermined (van Doremalen et al.
CoV-­2 is imperative for the development of effec- 2020).
tive preventive strategies at the individual and While the virus is primarily detected in the
population levels. Current evidence suggests the upper respiratory tract, the virus has also been
virus could be transmitted from wild animals to found in fecal samples from patients. Evidence is
humans, from humans to humans, and potentially accumulating on the presence of the virus in sew-
from humans to pet animals. age, wastewater, and river (Bar-Or et  al. 2020),
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 579

indicating a potential fecal-oral route of trans- 32.3.1 Preventive Measures at the

mission. Also, the virus has been found in the Individual Level
breast milk (Groß et  al. 2020), yet the vertical
transmission of the virus is not yet established. During the SARS-CoV2 pandemic, the main
So far, no evidence of congenital transmission focus of the public health authorities was to mini-
has been found (Chen et al. 2020b). mize the risk of virus transmission and thus to
minimize the burden on the healthcare system, in
other words, to flatten the epidemiologic curve of
32.2.3 Environment-to-Human the number of infected/hospitalized patients at
Transmission any given time. Regardless of the success of the
countries and jurisdictions in successfully con-
Contact with infected inanimate surfaces and taining the spreading virus, several interventions
human samples could also lead to a viral trans- directed at the individual level highlight the role
mission. Inanimate surfaces could include health- that every single one had to play during the crisis.
care equipment such as thermometers and Individual-level interventions mainly aimed to
stethoscopes or general household and public minimize the spread of the virus within the com-
surfaces such as doorknobs and supermarket bas- munity and reduce the likelihood of the coloniza-
kets (Liu et  al. 2020; Chan et  al. 2020; Huang tion of the virus on the mucus membrane.
et al. 2020; Ong et al. 2020; Ferretti et al. 2020). The rapidly evolving knowledge about the
potential routes of the virus transmission informs
the preventive measures at the individual level.
32.2.4 Human-to-Animal The virus is thought to have zoonotic origins,
Transmission with the first cases linked to a live animal market
in Wuhan, China. As a result, individuals were
Despite the limited evidence on human-to-animal advised to abstain from trading and consuming
transmission of SARS-CoV-2, case reports have live/wild animals. Additionally, individuals were
identified several pet and zoo animals infected advised to minimize contact with wild animals
with the virus (Belgium 2020). ACE2 orthologs co-habiting residential areas (Hou et  al. 2020).
are present in different wild and domesticated There are a few reported cases of confirmed
animal species, including cats and dogs, and thus COVID-19 in pet cats and dogs (Belgium 2020).
provide a mechanism for these animals to become The extent to which pet animals are susceptible
infected (Li et al. 2020; Shi et al. 2020a). to SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission is
currently unclear. However, pet owners were
advised to minimize their pet contact with other
32.3 Non-pharmaceutical humans, pets, or wild animals.
Preventive Interventions While the initial transmission of SARS-CoV-2
was zoonotic, the large-scale community transfer
Strategies to tackle an infectious disease outbreak occurred through human-to-human transmission.
are broadly categorized as non-pharmaceutical In accordance, public health recommendations
and pharmaceutical approaches. Non-­ were focused on reducing the probability of
pharmaceutical approaches are implemented on spreading or acquiring the virus through respira-
the community/country level and involve actions tory droplets. These measures include (i) proper
within the responsibility of individuals and orga- hand hygiene including frequent handwashing
nizations. In the absence of effective pharmaceu- for at least 20 s with soap and water or alcohol-­
tical prevention or treatment for the SARS-CoV-2, based hand sanitizers; (ii) proper sneezing/
the most effective approach to containing the dis- coughing hygiene by sneezing or coughing into
ease and mitigating the health impacts is non-­ the elbow; and (iii) physical distancing by avoid-
pharmaceutical interventions. ing non-essential activities, maintaining at least
580 S. Moossavi et al.

2  m distance, and avoiding large gatherings Contact tracing is a cornerstone of infectious

including family gatherings where proper physi- outbreak containment (Hellewell et  al. 2020).
cal distancing is not feasible. The virus can sur- Comprehensive and stringent contact tracing for
vive on surfaces, and thus frequently cleaning the patients could be done through the use of spatial
household surfaces is recommended. Further, surveillance technology and mobile phone appli-
into the pandemic, it was demonstrated that cations (Ferretti et  al. 2020). Countries such as
viruses exist in aerosols and thus could travel lon- Taiwan, Singapore, and Iceland that implemented
ger than initially projected (van Doremalen et al. stringent and innovative contact tracing very
2020). Consequently, wearing a face mask early on during the pandemic were among the
(including homemade face masks) by individuals most successful in containing the virus (Wang
in situations where physical distancing is not et al. 2020a; Lee et al. 2020; Gudbjartsson et al.
possible was recommended. 2020).

32.3.2 Surveillance, Patient 32.3.3 Population-Level Strategies

Identification, and Contact
Tracing While the majority of countries are dealing with
widespread SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, two broad
While public health recommendations targeting population-level strategies have been undertaken
uninfected/asymptomatic individuals aim to dis- for containment of the virus. The first strategy
rupt the widespread community transmission of exemplified by Iceland aimed to contain the dis-
the virus, an infected individual must be promptly ease and was based on active patient identifica-
diagnosed and isolated. Therefore, diagnostic cri- tion by mass testing and stringent contact tracing
teria for the definite and suspected case should be (Gudbjartsson et  al. 2020). While this strategy
developed based on the common presentation of has proven effective, it is contingent on active
the disease while modifying the case definition surveillance and increasing testing capacity long
by active monitoring of the patients, including before the community spread occurs in a nation.
those with unusual presentations in the elderly When there is evidence of widespread commu-
and immunocompromised people (2010). nity spread resulting in patients without a visible
Active surveillance requires systematic link to travel history to the outbreak epicenters,
screening of the population for patient identifica- the main focus would be shifted toward mitiga-
tion (2010). Many countries adopted the passive tion of the situation by disrupting the community
surveillance strategy that identifies patients transmission chain. In this approach, large-scale
through the established healthcare system. This physical distancing and stay and shelter measures
strategy results in the classical iceberg phenom- are implemented. China, many of the European
enon whereby the majority of infected individu- countries, Canada, and parts of the United States
als not requiring (or not seeking) medical have adopted the latter strategy (Adhikari et  al.
attention will not be identified (2010). Thus, 2020). These approaches mainly aiming to dis-
active surveillance via mass testing is the pre- rupt the community spread of the virus include
ferred strategy to mitigate the health and eco- the prohibition of gathering (including funeral
nomic consequences of COVID-19 pandemics. services), implementing physical distancing
For an outbreak as widespread as the SARS-­ (e.g., in the supermarkets), and changes to the
CoV-­ 2 pandemics, spatial surveillance using public transport maintenance and operations
novel technologies including GPS tracking, (Ebrahim et al. 2020).
phone records, and travel history has proven use- High-level strategies and guidelines to contain
ful in some countries (2010; Wang et al. 2020a; or mitigate the spread of the virus are developed
Lee et al. 2020); however, social acceptability of and disseminated by the national or local juris-
these measures might vary in different countries. dictional authorities. These measures include
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 581

limiting international travel and point-of-entry merase gene assay (Corman et al. 2020). Drive-­
surveillance to prevent cross-regional transmis- through screening centers are advantageous to
sion of the virus (Lin et al. 2020); surveillance, maximize the accessibility of the test for mass
identification, and contact tracing; and procure- testing (Kwon et al. 2020).
ment and manufacturing of personal protective Additional available laboratory diagnostic
equipment through the repurposing of existing techniques include serological testing of antibod-
local businesses. The authorities are also instru- ies against the virus indicative of the previous
mental in exhibiting leadership and promoting infection (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020).
community engagement and unity in the face of Understanding the immunity landscape of the
an unprecedented challenge. Several additional population is crucial for accurate epidemiologi-
initiatives and emergency measures to address cal modeling, public health monitoring, and
the financial and physiological needs of the popu- devising strategies to ease population-level phys-
lation are also achieved through high-level lead- ical distancing measures (2010). Virus whole-­
ership (Anderson et al. 2020). genome sequencing is required to map the
evolution pattern of the virus, while isolation of
the virus in culture is required for research (Berhe
32.3.4 The Rapid Development et al. 2020; Moore et al. 2020).
of Diagnostic Capabilities Unfortunately, standardized SARS-CoV-2
test kits are in short supply for many countries,
Developing a reliable diagnostic test is a priority limiting the ability to estimate prevalence rates
in response to the outbreak of an emergent patho- accurately and use large-scale testing methods
gen. In order to acquire accurate population-level (Eberhardt et  al. 2020). A few protocols and
information regarding the epidemiology of the options to accelerate testing and make it more
COVID-19, several questions need to be affordable have been proposed and include
answered: the transmission rate, infectivity, the repurposing laboratory equipment, repurposing
percentage of infected, the percentage of asymp- government and private laboratories, automated
tomatic carriers, and the percent requiring hospi- RNA extraction equipment, pooling samples
talization and intensive care. Mass testing is, such that one reaction includes multiple indi-
therefore, required, and for this, there is an acute viduals, and optimizing the testing scheme
need for developing and expanding testing capa- based on the prevalence of COVID-19  in the
bilities with rapid turnaround, high sensitivity, area (Eberhardt et al. 2020; Hogan et al. 2020).
and specificity. While centralized laboratories can oversee the
Currently, the gold standard for patient identi- quality assessments, additional testing sites,
fication is reverse transcription polymerase chain especially in remote areas, can significantly
reaction (RT-PCR) of the viral RNA in the upper enhance the testing capabilities (Hockemeyer
respiratory samples (Corman et  al. 2020). et al. 2020).
RT-PCR is a simple molecular method routinely
done in clinical and research laboratories.
Specifically, RT-PCR is a common method of 32.4 Pharmaceutical Prevention
identification of viral pathogens in upper respira-
tory infections. Initial diagnostic assays were 32.4.1 Chemoprevention
developed based on the publicly available
genome sequences of naturally occurring SARS-­ Despite the lack of an active pharmaceutical pre-
CoV (Corman et  al. 2020). Following the suc- ventive measure, several promising candidates,
cessful isolation of the virus, tests were developed including chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and
to target the envelope protein gene followed by remdesivir, are being investigated in international
confirmation by RNA-dependent RNA poly- clinical trials.
582 S. Moossavi et al. Chloroquine and Derivatives 32.4.2 Immunoprevention

Chloroquine and its derivative, hydroxychloro-
quine, are a group of antimalarial drugs, which Active immune-based interventions are one of the
are also commonly used in autoimmune diseases main approaches for the prevention of infectious
such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheu- diseases exemplified by vaccine as an effective
matoid arthritis. They interfere with the glyco- preventive strategy for existing and emerging viral
sylation of cellular receptors and increase infections (Gross et  al. 2018; Rauch et  al. 2018;
endosomal pH, thus disrupting the virus life Ahmed et al. 2020). Alternatively, passive immu-
cycle (Al-Bari 2017). Chloroquine has exhibited nity approaches using adoptive cell transfer and
inhibitory effects against SARS-CoV-2 in  vitro antibodies against the virus are useful before the
(Vincent et al. 2005; Wang et al. 2020d), while availability of the vaccine (Luke et al. 2010; Yan
both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine have et al. 2020; Mansourabadi et al. 2020; Pashaei and
shown some preventive efficacy against SARS- Rezaei 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu
CoV-2 when administered before or after the and Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et al. 2020b).
infection in patients (Vincent et al. 2005; Gautret
et al. 2020). Although chloroquine and hydroxy- Vaccine
chloroquine are inexpensive and have a rela- Currently, many investigators are working on
tively good safety profile, it is noteworthy to developing and testing vaccines against
highlight the potential fatal cardiac side effects, COVID-­ 19. Different approaches are being
including ventricular arrhythmias, QT prolonga- undertaken, including attenuated live virus, inac-
tion, and cardiac toxicity (Shah et  al. 2020; tivated virus, recombinant protein, peptide-based subunit vaccine, DNA vaccine, mRNA vaccine,
NCT04308668). Therefore, self-­ medication is and adenovirus vaccine (Gao et  al. 2020; Chen
strongly prohibited, and administration is rec- et  al. 2020d; Kalita et  al. 2020a; Dilucca et  al.
ommended in the context of a clinical trial. 2020; Wang et al. 2020b; Thanh Le et al. 2020)
(Table  32.1). Many of the investigational vac- Remdesivir cines target spike protein, which is essential for
Remdesivir, produced initially to treat the Ebola the pathogenicity of the virus (Ahmed et  al.
virus infection, is a nucleotide analog pro-drug 2020). S protein includes S1 and S2 subunits. S1
with a broad-spectrum antiviral effect against subunit has a receptor-binding domain (RBD)
RNA viruses through inhibition of viral RNA-­ that binds to angiotensin-converting enzyme 2
dependent RNA polymerase (Gordon et al. 2020; (ACE2) receptor, with very high affinity, to enter
Tchesnokov et al. 2019; Mohamed et al. 2020b). the host cell. S2 plays a role in the fusion of the
Remdesivir has previously shown some efficacy virus and the host membrane (Tai et  al. 2020).
against the other major coronaviruses, e.g., Other components of SARS-CoV-2, including
MERS-CoV and SARS-COV-1 (Agostini et  al. membrane (M) protein and nucleocapsid (N) pro-
2018). Given the high degree of sequence simi- tein, have the potential to be targeted by vaccines
larity between the RNA-dependent RNA poly- as well (Kalita et al. 2020a).
merases of SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, Subunit vaccines target several immunogenic
remdesivir became a promising candidate for fur- epitopes by using recombinant protein (Kalita
ther investigation (Hillaker et  al. 2020). et  al. 2020b). Antigen-presenting cells (APC)
Remdesivir has demonstrated efficacy against such as dendritic cells (DC) or artificial APCs
SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro and in vivo (Wang (aAPC) loaded with selected peptides are the
et  al. 2020d). Currently, remdesivir is recom- next approach for immunization, which could
mended for severe COVID-19 requiring invasive activate a robust T-cell response (Ji et  al. 2020;
mechanical ventilation. However, multiple clini- Neal et al. 2017). Viral or bacterial vectors encod-
cal trials are currently ongoing to confirm its pro- ing S protein, at the high expression level, have
phylactic effectiveness. also been used for stimulation of an immune
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 583

response against COVID-19 (Thanh Le et  al. ment activation, phagocytosis, and
2020). Adenovirus as a vector induces long-term antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
and robust immunity and has more potential for (ADCC), can be activated through this method
stimulation of CD4+ and CD8+ immune responses. (van Erp et al. 2019). Clinical trials are ongoing
This vector has been used for vaccination against to assess the effectiveness of convalescent
other respiratory viruses, including influenza plasma in high-risk exposure groups
(Moraes et al. 2011). Bifidobacterium longum, a (NCT04323800, NCT04390503) (Table 32.1).
commensal gut bacterium, is also used as a vec-
tor. This novel vaccine, which is orally adminis- Non-specific
tered and leads to the uptake of the antigen by the Immunoprevention
gut immune system, has been previously tested While the research community is racing to
for cancer vaccine and showed safety and high develop a safe and effective vaccine, inducing
immunogenicity (Shirakawa and Kitagawa non-specific immunity is suggested to be an
2018). Genetic vaccines, including DNA- and attractive alternative (Miyasaka 2020; Franklin
mRNA-based vaccines delivered through various et al. 2020). There is some evidence that a history
platforms such as nanoparticle-based strategies of BCG vaccination might confer non-specific
or direct delivery, are also being developed for protection against COVID-19 (Miyasaka 2020;
COVID-19 (Wang et al. 2020b; Thanh Le et al. Miller et  al. 2020). However, other population
2020). characteristics of the countries with routine BCG
vaccination, such as age, could compound the Convalescent Plasma observation (Hensel et  al. 2020). Measles,
Convalescent plasma has been previously used mumps, and rubella share protein homology with
to prevent or treat viral infections such as SARS-CoV-2 (Franklin et  al. 2020), and thus
Ebola, influenza, Middle East respiratory syn- measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine is the
drome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory other non-specific approach currently under
syndrome (SARS) (Luke et al. 2010; Yan et al. investigation in clinical trials to prevent
2020; Stokes et al. 1935; Sahr et al. 2017; Zhou COVID-­19 (Table 32.1).
et al. 2007; Ko et al. 2018; Cheng et al. 2005). Type I interferons (IFNs), including IFN-α
The convalescent plasma of patients recovered and IFN-β, are used to enhance immunity against
from COVID-19 was found to be useful for the viral infections (Teijaro 2016; Shi et al. 2020b).
treatment and prevention of COVID-19 (Chen IFN-α was shown to be effective against SARS-­
et  al. 2020c; Bloch et  al. 2020) (Shen et  al. CoV in vitro (Ströher et al. 2004). A clinical trial
2020). The donors are selected if the following is ongoing to assess the role of recombinant
criteria are met: (i) history of a confirmed diag- human IFNα-1b nasal drop for the prevention of
nosis of COVID-19; (ii) a negative result for COVID-19  in healthcare workers
SARS-CoV-2 molecular tests on the nasopha- (NCT04320238) (Table 32.1).
ryngeal or blood sample after 14 days of recov-
ery; (iii) no current clinical symptoms; and (iv)
anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies at the optimal 32.4.3 Traditional Medicine
titer (>1:320) (Bloch et al. 2020; Langhi et al.
2020). The convalescent plasma obtained from Traditional medicine is a broad term used to refer
these patients contains protective antibodies to treatments, including traditional Chinese med-
against the virus. In the recipient, the antibod- icine, Indian Ayurveda, Arabic Unani medicine,
ies bind to and neutralize the virus and thus pre- and various forms of local medicine (Alves and
vent its pathogenicity (Chen et  al. 2020c; Rosa 2007). Traditional medicine approaches are
Pourahmad et al. 2020). Also, some other path- also being studied for COVID-19 in China (Chen
ways of the immune system, including comple- and Du 2020; Yang et al. 2020c).
Table 32.1  Immune-based modalities for prevention of COVID-19 under investigation in ongoing clinical trials
Modality Type of modality Constituent phase Participants Reference
Ad5-nCoV vaccine Active specific Adenovirus type 5 vector encoding spike protein II 500 NCT04341389
Ad5-nCoV vaccine Active specific Adenovirus type 5 vector encoding spike protein I 108 NCT04313127
Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine Active specific Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 I-II 422 NCT04383574
Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine Active specific Inactivated SARS-CoV-2 I-II 744 NCT04352608
LV-SMENP-DC vaccine and Active specific Dendritic cells modified by lentiviral vector encoding I-II 100 NCT04276896
antigen-specific CTLs COVID-­19 minigene SMENP
aAPC vaccine Active specific Artificial antigen-presenting cells modified by a lentiviral vector I 100 NCT04299724
encoding COVID-19 minigene
BNT162 (a1, b1, b2, c2) vaccine Active specific SARS-CoV-2 RNA I-II 7600 NCT04368728
BNT162 (a1, b1, b2, c2) vaccine Active specific SARS-CoV-2 RNA I-II 200 NCT04380701
NVX-CoV2373 vaccine Active specific SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein nanoparticle vaccine I 131 NCT04368988
±MATRIX-M™ as adjuvant
ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine Active specific Adenovirus vector encoding spike protein I-II 1090 NCT04324606
bacTRL-spike vaccine Active specific Bacterial vaccine delivering spike protein plasmid (oral) I 84 NCT04334980
AV-COVID-19 vaccine Active specific Autologous DC loaded with SARS-CoV-2 antigens, ± GM-CSF I-II 180 HCW NCT04386252
INO-4800 vaccine Active specific DNA vaccine injected by electroporation I 40 NCT04336410
mRNA-1273 vaccine Active specific LNP-encapsulated mRNA-based vaccine encoding spike protein I 105 NCT04283461
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 1500 HCW NCT04328441
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 900 HCW NCT04350931
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 1000 HCW NCT04362124
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 4170 HCW NCT04327206
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 500 HCW NCT04379336
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 1500 HCW NCT04373291
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis IV 1800 HCW NCT04348370
BCG vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated Mycobacterium bovis III 1120 HCW NCT04384549
VPM1002 vaccine Active non-­specific Recombinant BCG vaccine III 1200 HCW NCT04387409
MMR vaccine Active non-­specific Attenuated MMR viruses III 200 HCW NCT04357028
rhIFNα nasal drop Passive non-­specific Recombinant human IFNα-1b III 2944 HCW NCT04320238
HB-adMSCs Active specific Stem cell-based intervention II 100 NCT04348435
Modality Type of modality Constituent phase Participants Reference
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 convalescent Passive specific Convalescent plasma obtained from patients, who recovered II 200 NCT04390503
plasma from COVID-19 individuals
with close
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 convalescent Passive specific Convalescent plasma obtained from patients, who recovered II 150 NCT04323800
plasma from COVID-19 individuals
with close
contact or
high risk of
Anti-Corona VS2 immunoglobulins Passive specific Purified hyper immunoglobulins containing anti-Corona VS2 – 100 NCT04383548
immunoglobulins from convalescent plasma obtained from
COVID-19 patients
HB-adMSCs Hope Biosciences adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells, MMR measles-mumps-rubella, BCG Bacillus Calmette–Guérin, aAPC artificial antigen-presenting
cells, HCW healthcare worker, LNP lipid nanoparticle, IFNα interferon-alpha
586 S. Moossavi et al.

32.5 Prevention in Healthcare (Hui et al. 2015). The least air dispersion is when
Settings the oxygen is delivered using a CPAP via an oro-
nasal mask (20 cmH2O) or during noninvasive
Hospital-associated transmission has been ventilation via a helmet with tight air cushion
reported as one of the important routes for (IPAP 20 cmH2O, EPAP 10 cmH2O) (Hui et al.
COVID-19 transmission (Zhou et  al. 2020a). 2015). In these two methods, the exhaled air dis-
Specifically, healthcare workers are at increased persion is considered negligible. Other oxygen
risk of contracting the disease (Wang et  al. delivery methods, including venturi mask, non-
2020g). Based on a report by the Centers for rebreathing mask, and CPAP via nasal pillows,
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in a sam- have an air dispersion distance of less than 35 cm
ple of 1432 US healthcare personnel diagnosed if used correctly (Hui et  al. 2011; Hui et  al.
with COVID-19, 55% reported contact with a 2014). The nebulization of drugs in a COVID-19
laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 case only in a patient can also cause the dissemination of the
healthcare setting (Basiri et al. 2020a). Moreover, virus (Hui et  al. 2014). Using a jet nebulizer
based on the statistics from those states of  the would cause some sideway air leakages.
United States with a complete report on the occu- Dispersion distance would increase with the
pational status of the recognized patients, almost level of lung injury and reaches almost 80 cm in
11% of the reported COVID-19 cases were a patient with severe lung injury (oxygen con-
healthcare personnel (Basiri et  al. 2020a). sumption of 500  ml/min, lung compliance of
Healthcare providers (HCP) should be monitored 10  ml/cm H2O) (Hui et  al. 2014; Ferioli et  al.
routinely for symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 2020).
and stay at home if they are ill. It is essential to
exclude HCP at a higher risk of the severe form
of COVID-19 (e.g., with underlying disease, 32.5.1 Patient Assessment
older age, pregnancy) during the crisis and severe and Transport
resource limitations, from the care of or contact
with patients suspected or confirmed COVID-19 It is essential to screen and triage all patients for
(Xu et al. 2020). clinical symptoms of COVID-19 before health-
The healthcare environment poses unique care visits to reduce unnecessary exposures. If
challenges for personal protection as physical possible, entry into the healthcare facility should
distancing is not feasible, and many life-saving be avoided, and telemedicine should be used for
procedures can enhance the dissemination of the initial screening to determine whether a patient
virus. An important aspect in healthcare settings may have symptoms consistent with COVID-19
is the risk of COVID-19 transmission from and whether a healthcare visit is needed (Zhang
patients undergoing oxygen delivery through et al. 2020; Moazzami et al. 2020). A patient sus-
different methods. The exhaled air during oxy- pected of having COVID-19 should follow the
gen delivery through a nasal cannula spreads instructions of the local public health officials.
based on the amount of oxygen flow. Air disper- All HCP responsible for transportation of
sion in the direction of the end of the patient’s patients with suspected COVID-19 should be
bed is almost 66 cm, 70 cm, and 1 m when the trained on infection control and prevention strate-
oxygen flow setting is 1  L/min, 3  L/min, and gies and use proper PPE (Outpatient and
3–5 L/min, respectively (Hui et al. 2011). Using Ambulatory Care Settings: Responding to
an oronasal mask with an oxygen flow of 4  L/ Community Transmission of COVID-19  in the
min would decrease the air dispersion to 40 cm United States 2020 (Reviewed April 7, 2020)).
(Hui et al. 2006). The amount of air leakage in All patients should be assessed for respiratory
noninvasive ventilation via a full face mask can symptoms upon entry into healthcare facilities,
also be considered if the inspiratory positive air- and patients in waiting areas should be spaced at
way pressure (IPAP) increases to 18  cm H2O least 2 m apart. Also, contact should be limited to
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 587

only what is necessary for proper care (Zhang among different HCPs. If resources are extremely
et al. 2020). limited during the COVID-19 pandemic, N95
respirator reuse is allowed to no more than five
times (Hick et al. 2009; recommended guidance
32.5.2 Personnel Protective for extended use and limited reuse of N95 filter-
Equipment ing facepiece respirators in healthcare settings
2014 (Reviewed March 27, 2020)).
The use and disposal of personal protective
equipment (PPE) are the cornerstone of protec- Gowns
tion against SARS-CoV-2 (Xu et al. 2020). PPE A gown protects HCPs by providing a physical
includes eye/face protection, face mask, N95 res- barrier against microorganisms, body fluids, and
pirator, and gowns. particulate material (Kilinc 2015). Gowns should
be prioritized for care activities where splashes or Eye/Face Protection aerosol-generating procedures are anticipated
Eye protection should be prioritized for pro- (Zu et  al. 2020). Isolation gowns should be
longed close contact of probably infected indi- reserved for critical situations, and alternation
viduals and aerosol-generating procedures (Xu with at least equivalent protection (like surgical
et  al. 2020). Reusable equipment such as face gowns or other impermeable protective clothing)
shields and goggles are preferred. Using powered should be prioritized (Zu et al. 2020). In a crisis,
air-purifying respirators (PAPRs) or full face res- gown use should shift toward isolation gown and
pirator (with built-in eye protection) could be extended use of isolation gown. Extended use
considered. If multiple users use them, proper must be considered when the same gown is worn
disinfection should be considered (Xu et  al. by the same HCP during interaction with patients
2020). with the same infectious disease in the same loca-
tion, without any additional co-infection, which Face Masks is transmissible by contact. Gowns made of poly-
Surgical masks could protect against respiratory ester or polyester-cotton are considered washable
viruses. HCP must avoid touching face masks, and can be safely laundered and reused (Zu et al.
and the facemask should be removed once soiled 2020). In extreme limitation, other clothing (e.g.,
or damaged. Extended use of face masks, i.e., disposable/reusable laboratory coats, aprons, or
wearing the same mask for repeated contacts or patient gowns) that have not been evaluated for or
with different patients without removing between have unknown effectiveness can be used, but not
visits, reduces their effectiveness for healthcare considered as PPE (Zu et al. 2020).
workers and increases the risk of transmission to
patients (Wan et al. 2020). Face shield and home-
made masks could also be used if resources are 32.5.3 Prevention of Nosocomial
severely limited (Wan et al. 2020). Infection N95 Respirators Several measures are recommended to minimize

N95 respirators are the most effective PPE against virus transmission within the healthcare setting,
airborne transmissible pathogens and are recom- including following preventive protocols before
mended for aerosol-generating procedures and patient arrival and during visit and assessment,
fluid hazards. The optimum effectiveness of N95 thorough disinfection of patient areas following
respirators depends on the fit and proper use. each visit of suspected or confirmed cases, sepa-
Extended use of these respirators for 8–12  h is ration of confirmed COVID-19 patients from
acceptable and does not put the patients and per- uninfected patients as much as possible, and pri-
sonnel at a higher risk of exposure (Zhang et al. oritizing airborne isolation rooms for patients
2020). N95 respirators should not be shared undergoing aerosol-generating procedures
588 S. Moossavi et al.

(Shereen et al. 2020). Pre-symptomatic or asymp-­ncov/hcp/dialy-

tomatic carriers are an important source of com- sis/screening.html (Accessed May 29, 2020)).
munity transmission. It is especially important in Signage at entrances is also recommended to
healthcare units caring for non-COVID-19 encourage patients to self-identify and ask for a
patients (Ong et al. 2020). While general recom- mask if they are experiencing symptoms. All
mendations are provided for healthcare workers, patients with COVID-19-like symptoms should
specialized units require additional context-­ be given a mask and appropriately isolated until
specific precautions. they can be evaluated. If possible, the utilization
Within the healthcare setting, education and of the electronic medical record is recommended
training of healthcare workers and ancillary staff to ensure rapid alerts and patient tracking. Proper
are critical. As the PPE and processes required isolation also includes isolation precaution sig-
for COVID-19 are unique, it is important to nage outside the patient’s room, but also efforts to
ensure all staff coming into contact with patients cohort confirmed cases in units that have appro-
and their environments have adequate training to priate signage to all entering the space. The rapid
ensure safety. It is recommended that efforts identification and isolation of potential COVID-­19
focus on PPE donning, doffing, and disinfection patients are critical in reducing secondary cases
practices but also encompass those ancillary (Heinzerling et al. 2020).
departments such as environmental services and Lastly, hospital-wide efforts can be utilized to
laboratory workers (Popescu 2020). prevent the spread of COVID-19. These include
Prevention of nosocomial infections for universal masking for all staff during their shifts,
patients and staff alike should include the utiliza- closure to patient visitors, and screening of
tion of proper disinfection products. It is recom- employees upon entrance to the hospital.
mended that those disinfectants meet national or Cancellation of elective surgeries has also been
World Health Organization standards for efficacy suggested to help reduce healthcare burden dur-
against human coronaviruses (WHO.  Cleaning ing periods of high COVID-19 community trans-
and disinfection of environmental surfaces in the mission. Established processes for contact tracing
context of COVID-19. Geneva: World Health when patients or staff are identified as having
Organization, May 16, 2020. https://www.who. COVID-19 are recommended to help reduce sec-
i n t / p u b l i c a t i o n s -­d e t a i l / c l e a n i n g -­a n d -­ ondary cases. These additional COVID-19 efforts
disinfection-­of-­environmental-­s urfaces-­i nthe-­ are recommended during periods of sustained
context-­of-­covid-­19 (Accessed May 29, 2020)). community transmission and can be de-escalated
Care should be taken to ensure manufacturer rec- as cases decline (Popescu 2020).
ommendations, including wet/kill times, are fol-
lowed. Staff should also be trained on the Pediatric Healthcare Settings
importance of using environmental disinfectants Healthcare providers are encouraged to maintain
when caring for COVID-19 patients. immunization during the pandemic, if possible
Rapid identification and isolation of patients (Guidance on Providing Pediatric Ambulatory
under investigation for COVID-19 are necessary. Services via Telehealth During COVID-19 2020
These efforts should include screening processes (Updated April 15, 2020)). As children are less
early in the patient’s registration to a healthcare commonly presenting with COVID-19 symp-
facility. Asking patients about their symptoms and toms, efforts should be made to minimize the risk
potential exposures should be considered for the of virus transmission from a child to others.
triage and registration process (CDC.  Screening Outpatient or inpatient management should be
Dialysis Patients for COVID-­ 19. Centers for decided on a case-by-case basis and based on the
Disease Control and Prevention 2020. https:// severity of the illness and medical condition, pre-
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 589

sentation, and care ability of parents or guardians hazards of processes, equipment, and available
(Information for Pediatric Healthcare Providers resources. Standard precautions should be con-
2020 (Updated April 17, 2020)). sidered, including PPE, hand hygiene, waste
management, and routine decontamination inter- Obstetric Healthcare ventions with disinfectants effective against
Settings SARS-CoV-2. Class II biological safety cabinets
Pregnant women should be assessed for (BSC) should be used for producers with high
COVID-­19 symptoms before arrival, while preg- potential of aerosols or droplet generation. Any
nant women with suspected or confirmed laboratory activities involving SARS-CoV-2
COVID-19 should notify obstetric facilities as should be conducted in biosafety level 3 (BSL-3)
soon as possible. Pregnant women suspected of laboratories and using BSL-3 practices (Interim
COVID-19 should be prioritized for testing upon Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines for Handling
admission (Chen and Du 2020). If the mother is a and Processing Specimens Associated with
confirmed case of COVID-19, decisions regard- Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) 2020
ing mother/infant contact should be made on a (Updated March 31, 2020)).
case-by-case basis and involve the parents in the
decision-making process. The presence of the
partner during the delivery should be discussed 32.6 S
 pecific Guidelines for Other
with the pregnant woman and should be allowed Professions
following precautions (Chen and Du 2020).
In pandemic situations, all occupational fields are Hemodialysis Settings encouraged to use the recommended preventative
Patients with symptoms presumptive of measures such as the use of masks and gloves,
COVID-­19 should be identified before entering limiting the number of on-site staff, and working
the treatment area. It is recommended that all from home whenever possible. However, careers
patients be provided with face masks at entry, come with different levels of occupational expo-
regardless of symptoms. Instructions about sure when it comes to COVID-19.
source control, distancing, and respiratory
hygiene should be provided to patients and HCP
by facilities. During dialysis, patients should be 32.6.1 Forensic Medicine
separated at least 2 m from other patients (Ikizler
and Kliger 2020). As in other healthcare settings, It is recommended that autopsies on suspected
suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients or confirmed cases of COVID-19 be performed
should be treated in a separate, isolated room. If in airborne infection isolation rooms. These
this is not possible, the patient should be placed rooms must have three components: (i) negative
at a corner (away from traffic) at least 2 m from pressure; (ii) airflow rate of 6–12 ACH (air
the closest patient. Routine protocols should be changes per hour); and (iii) air exhaustion to
used for the disinfection of dialysis stations using either unoccupied places or the use of a high-
products effective against SARS-CoV-2 (control efficacy particulate air (HEPA) filter to remove
and prevention). contaminants from the exhaust air (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention 2015, November Laboratory Settings 5). Vacuum tools and the use of biosafety cabi-
All precautions should be undertaken when nets are also recommended, along with mini-
working with and handling specimens suspected mizing the number of personnel present at a
or confirmed for SARS-CoV-2. Risk assessments time (Occupational Safety and Health
should be performed based on the procedures, Administration).
590 S. Moossavi et al.

32.6.2 Funeral Homes 32.7 Considerations in Special

Mortuary staff must take precautions to prevent
injuries when using sharps and dispose of them 32.7.1 High-Risk Groups and Elderly
properly. In addition, face touching should be
avoided during tasks, and proper handwashing Some groups of individuals are more susceptible
and PPE disposal procedures followed. Besides to developing severe COVID-19, warranting spe-
general autopsy PPE and special considerations cific attention to the high-risk group. The high-­
like using NIOSH-certified disposable N95 or risk patients include the elderly (age ≥ 65 years)
powered, air-purifying respirators (PARPs) with and those with one or more comorbidities includ-
HEPA filters must be considered due to the high ing chronic pulmonary conditions (including
chance of aerosol production. Fast disposal of moderate to severe asthma, chronic obstructive
corpses is also essential to prevent exposure. pulmonary disease), cardiovascular diseases
However, whether a specific manner of disposal (including heart failure, coronary artery disease,
prevents exposure more than others is unknown congenital heart disease, cardiomyopathies, and
(Occupational Safety and Health Administration). pulmonary hypertension), immunocompromised
states (including immunodeficiency, using immu-
nosuppressive medications, organ transplanta-
32.6.3 Airline Industry tion, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy), obesity,
diabetes, liver, and kidney failure (Prevention
Alongside the other industries, airlines have been 2020a).
greatly affected during the current pandemic, and Specific preventive measures are recom-
they need to apply preventive strategies for vital mended for each group. They should rigorously
flights necessary for COVID-19 support implement hand hygiene, social distancing, and
(Administration 2020). If travelers are suspected other general measures, provide at least a
of having COVID-19 during flights, it is recom- 2-week supply of drugs and other utilities to
mended that the situation be reported before minimize home leaving, reschedule medical
landing (Prevention 2020). For crew members appointments with their caregiver, and continue
who anticipate potential contact with symptom- their current medications according to their
atic patients or their body fluids, it is necessary to physician’s advice (Prevention 2020g). CDC
wear disposable gloves, and a face mask is neces- also recommends people over 65 years, immu-
sary (Association 2017). After the landing, both nocompromised, and patients with liver disease
the hard and soft portions of the symptomatic should be vaccinated against influenza and
travelers’ seat must be cleaned and disinfected pneumococcal disease (Prevention 2020a, g).
within 2 m (Prevention 2020i). Recently, CDC has recommended high-risk and
elderly populations to develop care plans,
which are a summary of each person’s previous
32.6.4 Border Control health condition, medications, and treatment
plans. Care plans reduce hospitalization and
For border security officers, frequent contact provide valuable data for better management of
with travelers increases the risk of contracting the patients during emergencies (Prevention
disease. Prevention strategies begin with apply- 2020b). Nursing home and long-term care facil-
ing physical shields between officers and passen- ities also face a high risk of transmission. CDC
gers, isolating passengers suspected of having the provides instructions for these centers, such as
disease, and providing waiting spots a distance of limiting visitors and regular surveillance of
2  m from stations (Occupational Safety and staff and residents to keep them safe (Prevention
Health Administration 2020). 2020h).
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 591

32.7.2 Pregnancy and Breastfeeding the blood, placenta, umbilical cord blood, amni-

otic fluid, pharyngeal swab, and breast milk sam-
Pregnant women might be more susceptible to ples (Wang et al. 2020c; Chen et al. 2020b).
COVID-19 as a result of the physiologic altera- Some modification in prenatal care during the
tion during pregnancy. However, no sufficient outbreak has been suggested including restricting
evidence is available whether pregnancy increases the number and duration of in-person visits,
the risk of severe COVID-19 (Kourtis et al. 2014; scheduling laboratory, non-stress test, and ultra-
Nelson-Piercy 2015). Pregnant women infected sonography to minimize patient referral, and
with COVID-19 demonstrated the same symp- where possible taking advantage of telemedicine
toms as others. Fever and respiratory symptoms (Chen et al. 2020a). Similar to other COVID-19
(cough, dyspnea) were the most frequent ones cases, pregnant women with confirmed or sus-
(Zaigham and Andersson 2020; Di Mascio et al. pected disease should be isolated in a specific
2020; Della Gatta et al. 2020; Monteleone et al. room for delivery (Chen et al. 2020a). However,
2020). Also, regarding reports of fetal growth the use of a surgical mask might interfere with
restriction in pregnant women with SARS infec- mothers’ forceful ventilation during the active
tion, follow-up ultrasonography is recommended phase of delivery, which can be prevented by
for patients who recovered from COVID-19 to appropriate use and proper choice of analgesia.
monitor the probable effects of infection on fetal COVID-19 is not considered an indication for
growth (Di Mascio et al. 2020). cesarean delivery (Organization 2020a).
According to a meta-analysis, spontaneous However, if possible, rescheduling delivery after
abortion, preeclampsia, perinatal death, and recovery can prevent virus transmission to the
cesarean were more prevalent in pregnant women neonate (Chen et al. 2020a). Assisted reproduc-
infected with SARS, MERS, or COVID-19 com- tive treatment (ART) is recommended to be con-
pared to healthy women (Di Mascio et al. 2020). tinued after adequate evidence provided regarding
However, most pregnant patients developed mild the effect of COVID-19 on both mother and fetus
to moderate COVID-19 with no increase in preg- (Monteleone et al. 2020).
nancy complications compared to the healthy The virus can readily transfer through drop-
population (Della Gatta et al. 2020; Zaigham and lets; therefore, neonates are recommended to be
Andersson 2020; Wang et al. 2020f). separated from infected mothers. CDC recom-
Preterm labor was the most prevalent compli- mends the following criteria for the duration of
cation (41–42%) of pregnancies with COVID-19 isolation:
(Di Mascio et al. 2020; Zaigham and Andersson
2020). Fetal death was estimated to be about • If she has confirmed COVID-19, she can dis-
7.0% in a study on 41 cases (Di Mascio et  al. continue isolation at least 7 days after initia-
2020). Respiratory distress, fever, tachycardia, tion of symptoms and should remain afebrile
vomiting, and pneumothorax have been reported for 72 h without consumption of antipyretics.
among complicated neonates of mothers  with • If her infant needs supportive care in the hos-
COVID-19 (Zaigham and Andersson 2020). pital, she can discontinue isolation if she
Early data failed to demonstrate an increased risk remains afebrile for 72 h without consumption
of developing severe disease in mothers and their of antipyretics with improvement in her respi-
fetuses with COVID-19; however, regarding the ratory symptoms with two continuous nega-
ongoing outbreak and limited studies on pregnant tive nasopharyngeal swab results.
populations, more high qualitative prospective • Asymptomatic mothers with a positive test for
studies are needed to be conducted (Monteleone COVID-19 can discontinue isolation 7  days
et  al. 2020). Up to now, no evidence supported after their first positive result.
the vertical transmission of COVID-19 (Di
Mascio et al. 2020; Monteleone et al. 2020), and It is recommended that mothers wear face
SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated from masks and keep social distancing 3 days after iso-
592 S. Moossavi et al.

lation (Prevention 2020c). The suspected infants who developed severe COVID-19 had other
should be isolated from other neonates. Those comorbidities, including leukemia, intussuscep-
who take care of the neonate should use proper tion, and bilateral hydronephrosis (Yang et  al.
PPE. If separation was not feasible, other strate- 2020b). Children with pulmonary dysfunction;
gies should be implemented to reduce the risk of immunocompromised state; renal, hematologic,
transmission, such as wearing masks while and liver disease; obesity; and endocrine disor-
breastfeeding, keeping infants in at least 6 ft dis- ders are also more vulnerable to severe infection
tance from mother, or using donated breast milk (Hagmann 2020; Wang et  al. 2020h). High-risk
from other healthy mothers (Chen et  al. 2020a; children should also be trained to use general pre-
Stuebe 2020; Organization 2020a; Davanzo ventive measures such as hand hygiene and social
2020). distancing. No specific treatment has been
The SARS-COV-2 has not been isolated from ­recommended for infected children (Control and
breast milk (Chen et  al. 2020b). WHO recom- Prevention 2020). Parents should contact chil-
mends cautious breastfeeding due to its benefi- dren’s physician, planning for future appoint-
cial effect on infant’s health. However, the effect ments as well as providing a sufficient supply of
of breastfeeding during antiviral treatment is not drugs and equipment (Organization 2020e).
apparent. Breast pumping should be safely con- CDC recommends several measures to pre-
ducted by cleaning hands, washing breast and vent children from COVID-19. Different guide-
pump with soap and water, and utilizing respira- lines are provided regarding the degree of
tory hygiene (Berveiller et al. 2020; WHO 2020). transmission in an area (low, moderate, high),
which is determined by local health services.
Schools have a fundamental role in providing a
32.7.3 Children healthy educational environment for both staff
and children and collaborating with healthcare
One to five percent of COVID-19 patients are offices to develop a comprehensive preventive
children with a mean age of 7  years old (Dong strategy based on the condition of COVID-19 in
et al. 2020; Lu et al. 2020b; Wei et al. 2020; Wu their region. They should provide adequate
and McGoogan 2020). Boys seem to be more amounts of sanitary supplies, monitor the school
affected than girls (COVID et  al. 2020; Dong absence, and implement social distancing when
et  al. 2020). However, the true prevalence of needed. Schools should also prepare an
COVID-19  in children is unclear. Reports from electronic-­
aid curriculum beforehand to avoid
SARS and MERS infection indicated that most interruption in educational programs (Prevention
children might remain asymptomatic (Hon et al. 2020e).
2003; Bitnun et al. 2003; Al-Tawfiq et al. 2016) Parents should regularly clean and disinfect
while still might be able to transfer the infection most touched areas of the home and should avoid
to others, including high-risk populations and the their children from in-person contact with other
elderly (Zhou et  al. 2020b; Ludvigsson 2020; children and high-risk adults. Recently, CDC has
Chan et  al. 2020). Despite differences in the recommended a cloth face mask as a new mea-
immune system of children and adults, the symp- sure for individuals above 2 years old. The cloth
toms are similar (Ludvigsson 2020). mask might be useful in the prevention of the
The outbreak can affect children with other spread of disease to others (Prevention 2020i).
medical conditions. They might be at higher risk However, people who are in close contact with
of developing severe infections (Hagmann 2020). patients still should use N95 or surgical mask
On the other hand, it might restrict their access to (Prevention 2020e).
the healthcare system and supporting facilities. Children with mild symptoms can be man-
No specific guideline has been published to aged at home (Zheng et al. 2020). Sick children
address these needs yet (Dayal). In a study in should be kept in an isolated room with separate
China on 171 pediatric patients, all three children bath and equipment and monitored for any sign
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 593

of deterioration. In case of dyspnea, chest dis- COVID-­19 on May 01, 2020, to improve efforts
comfort, cyanosis, shock, poor feeding, or any addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. The survey
deterioration in a child’s health condition, they assesses the comprehension, knowledge, and
should be visited by a doctor (Greenhalgh et al. behavior of people in response to COVID-19
2020; Organization 2020a). Other family mem- (World Health Organization, UNICEF:
bers should keep at least 6  ft distance, wear a Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey on
mask while contacting the child, and adequately COVID-19 response. Available at https://www.
disinfect households. It is also recommended for­r eleases/
the ill child caregivers to quarantine themselves knowledge-­attitude-­and-­practice-­survey-­covid-­
(Gandhi et  al. 2020; Organization 2020b, f; 19-­response. Accessed on 12 May
Prevention 2020d). 2020). Increased level of knowledge and aware-
Healthcare providers should properly use ness can lead to prevention of the disease.
PPE, prioritize routine child screening visits, and
prepare separate room or time to visit sick and
asymptomatic children. Where possible, the 32.8.2 Psychological Aspects
American Psychological Association (APA) rec-
ommends taking advantage of telemedicine COVID-19 pandemic influences many psycho-
(Pediatrics 2020). Screening and vaccination of logical aspects and induces stressful situation and
infants and children under 2 years old should be panic. WHO has released practical instructions
continued as routine (Prevention 2020f). for the general population and governments to
improve mental health status during the
COVID-­ 19 outbreak. Some special groups,
32.8 Prevention of Social Crisis including children, elderlies, and people with a
history of mental or physical disease are at higher
32.8.1 Education, Knowledge, risk of being affected by adverse effects of
and Awareness COVID-19 on mental health. Anxiety, stress,
fear, and interpersonal violence are some exam-
Lockdowns including school closure can influ- ples of these adverse effects (World Health
ence the education of 80% of children all around Organization, Regional Office for Europe. Mental
the world. Approximately 140 countries have had health and psychological resilience during the
nationwide school closure, and some others have COVID-19 pandemic. Available at http://www.
had local closures. These closures can ultimately e u r o . w h o . i n t / e n / h e a l t h -­t o p i c s / h e a l t h -­
lead to adverse effects on educational, social, emergencies/coronavirus-­c ovid-­1 9/news/
physical, mental, and food accessibility, espe- news/2020/3/mental-­health-­and-­psychological-­
cially in low socioeconomic regions (Bitler MP, resilience-­d uring-­t he-­c ovid-­1 9-­p andemic,
Seifoddini A. Health impacts of food assistance: accessed on 12 May 2020).
evidence from the United States. Annu Rev.
Resour Economics 2019; 11: 261–87).
Inequalities in educational outcomes following 32.8.3 Economic Aspects
school disclosure are also attributed to non-­
school factors, which has a tremendous burden The COVID-19 outbreak has disrupted the world-
on low socioeconomic households (Wim-Van wide economy. The economic impact of
and Parolin 2020).  Specific attentions to low COVID-­19 is too complex and uncertain to be
socioeconomic regions are required to reduce the responded by an appropriate policy (McKibbin,
global challeges of the pandemic. Warwick J. and Fernando, Roshen. The Global
In order to increase the  awareness to Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven
COVID-­19, UNICEF has launched a Knowledge, Scenarios (March 2, 2020). CAMA Working
Attitude, and Practice (KAP) survey on Paper No. 19/2020. Available at SSRN: https://
594 S. Moossavi et al. or https://doi. information are required. International organiza-

org/10.2139/ssrn.3547729). The economic tions such as WHO and the Global Research
effects of the COVID-19 outbreak might be Collaboration for Infectious Disease Preparedness
underestimated if the historical effects of the can facilitate international collaborations for
SARS crisis are considered (Fernandes, Nuno, sharing data, prioritizing research scope, running
Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak clinical trials, and getting regulatory approval
(COVID-19) on the World Economy (March 22, (Gates 2020).
2020). Available at SSRN: Non-profit and non-governmental organiza-
abstract=3557504 or tions can also play an essential role in expanding
ssrn.3557504). It has been estimated that even a budgets and funds to develop appropriate vaccine
contained outbreak could lead to a significant and treatment (Thanh Le et al. 2020; Mukherjee
influence on the world economy (McKibbin, 2020). However, governmental funding can mini-
Warwick J. and Fernando, Roshen. The Global mize the risk of conflicts for pharmaceutical
Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Seven companies. Finally, governmental and non-­
Scenarios (March 2, 2020). CAMA Working governmental organizations should support the
Paper No. 19/2020. Available at SSRN: https:// preparation and distribution of therapeutics and or https://doi. vaccines and provide an accessible and equitable
org/10.2139/ssrn.3547729). During the COVID- way to reach vaccines to the target population
19 outbreak, a 3–15% decline in the gross domes- (Bollyky et al. 2020).
tic product (GDP) could be anticipated, and
countries that are more dependent on tourism or
foreign trade will be more affected by the pan- 32.8.5 Regulation
demic (Fernandes, Nuno, Economic Effects of
Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) on the World On January 30, 2020, WHO announced the out-
Economy (March 22, 2020). Available at SSRN: break of COVID-19 as a public health emergency or https://doi. of international concern (PHEIC) (WHO. WHO
org/10.2139/ssrn.3557504). As a solution, invest- Director-General’s statement on IHR Emergency
ments in public health could prevent disastrous Committee on Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV).
expenses during similar outbreaks especially in Geneva: World Health Organization, Jan 30,
developing countries (McKibbin, Warwick J. and 2020.
Fernando, Roshen. The Global Macroeconomic who-­d irector-­g eneral-­s -­s tatement-­o n-­i hr-­
Impacts of COVID-19: Seven Scenarios (March emergencycommittee-­o n-­n ovel-­c oronavirus-­
2, 2020). CAMA Working Paper No. 19/2020. (2019-ncov) (accessed Jan 30, 2020)).
Available at SSRN: International Health Regulations (IHR 2005),
abstract=3547729 or which were released by WHO in 2007, aimed at
ssrn.3547729). the empowerment and preparedness of countries
in response to public health emergencies and epi-
demics. Implementation and regular assessment
32.8.4 Role of International and Non-­ of IHR in countries lead to responding to epidem-
governmental Organizations ics and pandemics by prevention, surveillance,
detection, management, and risk assessment
International organizations should respond to (Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. Annual
the COVID-19 pandemic through two main roles: report on global preparedness for health emer-
solving the current problem and preventing the gencies. Geneva: World Health Organization,
next wave. They should accelerate both treatment 2019.
development and prevention of disease transmis- report/GPMB_annualreport_2019.pdf (accessed
sion (Gates 2018). Establishment of databases Jan 25, 2020)). The criteria of WHO for IHR
and setting rules for providing instant scientific capacities consist of actions that improve the pre-
32  Prevention of COVID-19: Preventive Strategies for General Population, Healthcare Setting, and… 595

Fig. 32.2  COVID-19 prevention at the global, population, and individual level

paredness of countries in response to health the previous epidemics (Jabbari et  al. 2020).
emergencies and empower international health Nevertheless, the ongoing COVID-19 pan-
security (WHO.  WHO benchmarks for interna- demic took the global community by surprise
tional health regulations (IHR) capacities. and resulted in unprecedented preventive mea-
Geneva: World Health Organization, 2019. www. sures, including nationwide lockdowns, as summarized in Fig.  32.2. It is promising that
(accessed Jan 26, 2020); Kandel et  al. public health officials, biomedical researchers,
2020). Applying these regulations could help to the research and development sector, and non-
mitigate the pandemic’s damages.  governmental organizations made a unified
response (Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020;
Mohamed et  al. 2020a; Rzymski et  al. 2020;
32.9 Conclusion Moradian et al. 2020), resulting in the propos-
als for early diagnosis of disease (Rabiee et al.
During the last two decades, coronaviruses 2020; Basiri et al. 2020a) and development of
have continued to rise epidemics and thereby more than 100 experimental vaccines and
examining the lessons we have learned from international clinical trials.
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Pharmacist’s Role
and Pharmaceutical Care During 33
the COVID-19 Pandemic

Pedro Amariles, Mónica Ledezma-Morales,
Andrea Salazar-Ospina,
and Jaime Alejandro Hincapié-García

Abstract Keywords

Pharmacists play a vital role in public health Coronavirus infections · COVID-19 · Health
during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this chap- services · Pharmaceutical services ·
ter, we present the most significant contribu- Pharmacists
tions that pharmacists could make to
communitarian and hospital settings. It
includes the provision of essential services, 33.1 Introduction
such as continuous access to medication and
supplies, support to medical services, educa- SARS-CoV-2 causes coronavirus disease
tion and information to the population and the (COVID-19). Due to its high contagious and rela-
health team to reduce the misuse of medica- tively high mortality, the World Health
tions, patient monitoring and follow-up, and Organization (WHO) declared it a global health
the detection and referral of suspected cases of emergency (Rothan and Byrareddy 2020). The
COVID-19. The chapter ends with a discus- lack of similar crisis references in the recent past
sion over certain elements related to innova- limits the assessment of what might happen in the
tion needs, such as telepharmacy services. immediate future. As a consequence, to control
the outbreak advance of the COVID-19 pan-
demic, the situation demands that information be
balanced, coherent, in harmony to public health
communication, and based on either science (The
Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2020) or the best
practice. Healthcare professionals across all set-
tings are now caring for and communicating with
P. Amariles (*) · M. Ledezma-Morales · patients in a context of high uncertainty.
A. Salazar-Ospina · J. A. Hincapié-García Pharmacists, as healthcare practitioners, are
Research Group on Pharmaceutical Promotion and
Prevention, University of Antioquia, essential in preventing the spread of COVID-19
Medellín, Colombia and can be active participants in national efforts
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and to fight and contain this outbreak (Al-Quteimat
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific and Amer 2020). In the community settings,
Education and Research Network (USERN), pharmacists are likely to be the first option for
Medellín, Colombia many patients, refills of medicines, and supply of

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 605
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
606 P. Amariles et al.

medical devices. Also, they have a great respon- • Monitoring and following up patients in coor-
sibility by informing the public about preventa- dination with their medical practitioner, focus-
tive measures and advising about behavioral ing on identifying, preventing, and resolving
precautions and in the risk assessment, early drug-related problems (DRPs)
identification, and referral of individuals sus- • Detecting possible cases of the COVID-19
pected to be at a higher risk of being infected, and referring to medical institutions
also providing detailed information on pharma- • Developing workplace protocols
cotherapy for COVID-19 so that physicians could • And adjusting to critical personal protection
better master the characteristics and instructions equipment (PPE) shortages and serving as
for the medication usage (Aruru et  al. 2020). trustworthy drug information sources.
Pharmacists must be equipped with knowledge
and tools to communicate clearly and effectively Pharmacists across the world have a central
with patients and healthcare teams on how to role in putting each of these measures into action
limit the impact of COVID-19 (Carico et  al. to ensure that their countries emerge safely from
2020; Li et  al. 2020) and recognize all the ser- the current state of lockdown and should be sup-
vices that can support during the pandemic. ported to do so (Dawoud 2020).
Therefore, this chapter aims to describe the phar-
macist’s role across communitarian and hospital
settings and presents essential information to 33.2.1 Community Pharmacist
provide pharmacy services, including pharma- Support in the COVID-19
ceutical care (PC), in the context of the COVID-­19 Pandemic
pandemic, and also to comment on some pharma-
ceutical practice innovations to provide PC ser- In some countries, as the United States, England,
vices during the COVID-19 pandemic. or Canada, community pharmacies include both
retail and outpatient pharmacies as part of the pri-
mary care system. In other countries, retail phar-
33.2 T
 he Role of a Pharmacist macies can provide some prescription
During the COVID-19 medications, over-the-counter medications, sup-
Pandemic plements, and health-related products and devices
for sale; however, they are not considered part of
Pharmacists, according to specialty and scope of the healthcare system (Zheng et al. 2020).
practice, could make substantial contributions in Pharmacists in primary care are the most
the control, prevention, and treatment of accessible healthcare professionals. Usually,
COVID-­ 19, providing essential services that they are the initial connection with the health-
include (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020; Amariles care system for patients with health-related
et  al. 2020b; Aruru et  al. 2020; Bukhari et  al. issues or drug information/healthcare advice
2020; Cadogan and Hughes 2020; Carico et  al. requirements (Hedima et al. 2020; International
2020; Tan et al. 2020): Pharmaceutical Federation 2020; Zheng et  al.
• Providing continued access to medications The current COVID-19 pandemic has shown
and supplies the necessity to link community pharmacy’s
• Managing minor ailments action to the healthcare process (Amariles et al.
• Supporting healthcare needs and services such 2020b), to expand the capacity to provide health-
as triage services care services (Kretchy et  al. 2020) and reduce
• Educating the public to reduce medication patients’ burden on health facilities, such as hos-
misinformation pitals and general practices (Bukhari et al. 2020;
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 607

Hedima et al. 2020), and, moreover, to accurately riencing primary care provider shortages because
detect possible cases of COVID-19 and refer pharmacists become the only accessible health-
them to healthcare (Amariles et  al. 2020b). care provider in the area (Adunlin et  al. 2020;
Community pharmacists play a crucial role in Hedima et  al. 2020). When patients experience
patient education, increasing community aware- mild symptoms related to a common cold or sea-
ness, advising on self-care measures to prevent sonal allergies, they often seek advice in their
virus transmission, and offering help to individu- community pharmacies. Both the use of OTC
als with suspected COVID-19 (Al-Quteimat and medications and non-pharmacology treatments
Amer 2020; Amariles et  al. 2020b). Also, com- could be suggested. Pharmacists can refer
munity pharmacists should advise people not patients to medical institutions for testing,
suspected of having COVID-19 to practice social encourage them to seek treatment more rapidly,
distancing and avoid enclosed, crowded spaces and provide information to limit the disease
and inform them to maintain a protective distance spread (Adunlin et al. 2020).
of at least 2 meters from any individuals sus-
pected of having COVID-19 (Al-Quteimat and Community Pharmacist
Amer 2020). to Support Industrial
Community pharmacists could recommend Workers
symptom management for mild conditions, Industrial workers commonly have underlying
ensure medication refill on schedule, and counsel health diseases such as respiratory system prob-
patients about  using over-the-counter medica- lems and can suffer occupation-related injuries.
tions in case of minor symptoms. Those measures They usually self-medicate and visit commune
can reduce unnecessary hospital visits, where health centers, resulting in a higher risk of getting
individuals might be exposed to COVID-19 COVID-19 and spreading it in the communities.
(Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020; Dawoud 2020). Their economic vulnerabilities may cause a
Also, they should be prepared to continue with reluctance to take time off of work to attend the
the provision of skilled PC services, to ensure hospital/clinic. Therefore, it is necessary to
medication safety through the identification, res- involve local pharmacies, community health cen-
olution, and prevention of DRP (Al-Quteimat ters, and health providers or village health col-
and Amer 2020; International Pharmaceutical laborators to act as the first point for detection
Federation 2020; Zheng et al. 2020). and report of suspected COVID-19 cases, as well
As the International Pharmaceutical as a channel for accurate information about
Federation (FIP) stated, community pharmacists COVID-19 and safety measures (Tran et  al.
have a responsibility of ensuring appropriate 2020).
storage and supply of pharmaceutical products
and medical devices, such as medicines and
masks; informing, educating, and counseling the 33.2.2 Clinical Pharmacist’s Role
public; referring of suspected COVID-19 cases; in Hospital Settings During
and promoting disease prevention and infection the COVID-19 Pandemic
control (International Pharmaceutical Federation
2020). Clinical pharmacists can select, prepare, or
deliver drugs to the patient’s bedside (Gross and Community Pharmacist MacDougall 2020) and optimize COVID-19
in Rural and Underserved patient care through the identification, preven-
Areas tion, and  resolution of DRP (Al-Quteimat and
The public health contributions of community Amer 2020). For critically ill patients with
pharmacists are even more significant in those COVID-19, who often have comorbidities as
rural and underserved communities that are expe- renal and hepatic dysfunction or bacterial infec-
608 P. Amariles et al.

tions, pharmacists can actively participate in 33.3 P

 harmacy Services During
multidisciplinary teams and contribute to drug COVID-19 Pandemic
therapy plans, together with physicians. They
also can carefully monitor adverse drug reactions Pharmacy services are an essential pillar in pub-
(ADR) and drug-drug interactions and evaluate lic health to prevent and contain the COVID-19
drug treatments for COVID-19 (Aruru et  al. pandemic (Liu et al. 2020). The timely supply of
2020). preventive and treatment medications, the emer-
Clinical pharmacists should be joined to the gency plans for the pharmacy workforce, and the
multidisciplinary team to improve COVID-19 provision of pharmacy services are critical to
patients’ outcomes, reduce mortality, and facili- support public health emergency operations (Li
tate the pandemic control (Song et al. 2020). This et al. 2020).
work can be done through participation in mak- The pharmacy services provided in commu-
ing evidence-based decisions for medication, nity and hospital pharmacies to promote
monitoring, and evaluating medication safety and COVID-­19 control, and ensure the effective and
efficacy and providing scientific information safe medication use, include supply of medica-
about COVID-19 vaccines. The involvement of tions and products, home care guidance, psycho-
pharmacists in information technology, general logical support, and PC (drug dispensing,
and critical care, medicine distribution, and man- pharmacotherapy follow-up, patient education,
agement can play a meaningful role in speeding and counseling) (Zheng et al. 2020). In commu-
the time to therapy for patients (Gross and nity pharmacy, other services could be imple-
MacDougall 2020). mented as drug indication (Al-Quteimat and
Clinical pharmacists’ participation in the hos- Amer 2020; Cadogan and Hughes 2020; Faus
pital’s infectious disease team can help to coordi- Dáder et  al. 2018), testing and immunization
nate actions for COVID-19 patients as “monitor (Dawoud 2020; Hedima et al. 2020), consulting
compliance with institutional guidelines, prepare and referrals (Amariles et al. 2020b; Zheng et al.
and implement local treatment protocols, moni- 2020), and promotion of safe use of infusions
tor and manage drug shortages and help in inves- (Zheng et  al. 2020). In hospital settings, phar-
tigations of new drug applications and uses” macy services can include evidence-based drug
(Stevens et al. 2020). It is important to note that evaluation, guideline and the establishment of
using drugs with unproven benefits may repre- drug registration research, and management of
sent experimental use and that institutional off-label (Li et  al. 2020; Liu et  al. 2020; Song
review boards should approve intentional et al. 2020) (Fig. 33.1).
research using such agents with the application
of informed consent. Clinical pharmacists can
play a significant role in getting individuals 33.3.1 Supply of Medication
enrolled in such ongoing studies (Al-Quteimat and Products for COVID-19
and Amer 2020). Prevention
There are controversial opinions on the effi-
cacy and safety of COVID-19 pharmacotherapy; Medicine supplies are essential elements of all
hence, clinical pharmacists must be well-­prepared functioning health systems (World Health
to provide the best available recommendations to Organization 2018). During the pandemic, sup-
healthcare practitioners in order to establish stan- ply and dispensing of medicines and medical
dardized treatments. Pharmacists need to be devices should be prioritized over non-essential
updated with complete information on drugs products (International Pharmaceutical
used as COVID-19 treatment (dosing and dose Federation 2020) to guarantee an adequate sup-
adjustment, drug-drug interactions, drug-food ply to the public of their daily medications and
interactions, and adverse effects) (Al-Quteimat the products to prevent COVID-19 (masks and
and Amer 2020). alcohol-based hand rubs) (Aruru et  al. 2020;
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 609

Hospital Clinical pharmacists Community

Drug indication
Evidence-based drug Supply of medications and
evaluation and guideline products for COVID-19 prevention

Drug dispensing COVID-19 detection and

patient referral

Pharmacotherapy Follow-up*
Drug registration research
Testing and immunization
Patient counselling (education,
information, and communication)
Home care
Management of off-label
drug use Psychological support
during pandemic Safe use of infusion

*Pharmacotherapy Follow-up is a synonym for Chronic Disease Managementor Medication Therapy Management

Fig. 33.1  Pharmacy services during the COVID-19 pandemic

*Pharmacotherapy follow-up is a synonym for chronic disease management or medication therapy management

Zheng et  al. 2020). Therefore, focused actions patient medication needs (Faus Dáder et  al.
such as establishing remote pharmacy services 2018; Foro de Atención Farmacéutica-Farmacia
should be considered, and national emergency 2019).
drug formularies and COVID-19 therapeutic In the COVID-19 pandemic, PC is an essential
drug list should be created so pharmacists can complement for clinical management. It advances
monitor and resolve potential drug shortages the level of pharmacotherapy, improves patient
associated with the pandemic (Liu et  al. 2020; outcomes and medication compliance, and
Ying et  al. 2020). It is also essential to be pre-reduces the drug-induced risk through medica-
pared to manage any potential pharmacy con- tion review and medication guidance (Hua et al.
sumable shortages (such as PPEs, intravenous 2020; International Pharmaceutical Federation
bags, and syringes) (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020). PC must be done according to the patient’s
2020). needs, providing updated treatment plans, moni-
toring potential drug interactions, and focusing
on particular population medication. The imple-
33.3.2 Pharmaceutical Care mentation of remote pharmaceutical service can
be required to provide PC services during the
PC refers to the responsibility that pharmacists pandemic (Ying et al. 2020).
have to contribute to get the best health outcomes Some PC services can be implemented or
in patients receiving pharmacologic and non-­ strengthened during the COVID-19 pandemic in
pharmacologic treatments, focusing on solving community and hospital settings (Fig. 33.2).
610 P. Amariles et al.

Fig. 33.2  How to provide pharmacy services during therapy management. ADR adverse drug reaction, PPE
COVID-19 pandemic personal protective equipment
*Synonyms of pharmacotherapy follow-­
up (PFT) are
assumed as chronic disease management, medication Drug Dispensing cines. Besides, the provision of online or phone

Dispensing is a central service of the pharma- counseling by the pharmacist should be consid-
cist’s professional exercise, which guarantees ered, whenever feasible, in order to promote
access to medicines for patients, including the social distancing and self-isolation and to help
necessary information, so patients know the cor- patients who have limited access to healthcare,
rect use of medicines, as well as avoid and especially high-risk individuals (Al-Quteimat
solve some DRPs. Also, dispensing contributes to and Amer 2020; Kretchy et al. 2020). These ser-
the strength of the patient-pharmacist relation- vices can be offered by working with social
ship (Faus Dáder et  al. 2018; Foro de Atención workers, volunteers, care coordinators, or drug
Farmacéutica-Farmacia 2019; Hua et  al. 2020). companies (Zheng et  al. 2020) and can be sup-
When dispensing new medications to patients, ported using information network technology. In
the pharmacist must assess the current medica- this way, it is possible to reduce infectious risk
tion list to identify duplicate therapy and provide caused by cross-contact in the dispensing process
medication education to ensure the safe use of (Ying et al. 2020).
dispensed medications (Zheng et al. 2020). In some cases, the autonomy of pharmacists
Community pharmacies are likely to become must be encouraged. It can help pharmacists to
significant outlets where medical masks have to support clinicians and to ensure timely access to
be available for the public. Thus, pharmacists medicines during the COVID-19 pandemic
will need to not only ensure its supply but also (Iacobucci 2020). In this sense, countries as
provide appropriate instructions on how to use France and Portugal have removed some admin-
these masks (Dawoud 2020) correctly. istrative barriers and have authorized pharmacist
Mail order or home delivery services should to repeat dispensing of prescribed medicines for
be implemented to promote door-step prescrip- patients with long-term conditions, to reduce the
tion refills and other non-prescription supplies need for medical appointments and release
(Kretchy et al. 2020) to guarantee access to medi- resources. It is fundamental to remove/waive any
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 611

administrative barriers to improve access to phar- identifies any DRPs and NOMs resulting from
maceutical products and assure the quality, the patient’s pharmacotherapy. The pharmacist
safety, and efficacy of both medicines and medi- then suggests any necessary interventions, veri-
cal devices (International Pharmaceutical fying and reassessing the outcomes of the inter-
Federation 2020). ventions (Pharmaceutical Care Research Group
2006). These interventions can address drug Medication Reconciliation quantity (for instance, modifying dosage or fre-
Service quency), pharmacological strategy (for instance,
It allows identifying, classifying, evaluating, and adding or changing any drug), and patient educa-
resolving possible discrepancies in the pharma- tion (Faus Dáder et  al. 2007). During the
cological treatment generated in transit between COVID-­19 pandemic, pharmacists must educate
the care levels of the health system. Through this patients to perform self-monitoring on disease
service, pharmacists contribute to patient safety, control and how to evaluate the appearance of
avoiding possible damage that involves the use of ADR (Zheng et al. 2020) in order to avoid unnec-
medicines during patient care transitions and essary hospital visits (Cadogan and Hughes
hospital discharge (Faus Dáder et al. 2018; Foro 2020).
de Atención Farmacéutica-Farmacia 2019). Patient Counseling Pharmacotherapy Follow-Up (Education, Information,
(PTF) and Communication About
PTF, also known as medical review management COVID-19)
or medication therapy management, is the service Patient education and counseling are neces-
aimed at ensuring the appropriate use of medi- sary to prepare and motivate patients to follow
cines and medical devices according to each their therapeutic regimens and monitoring
patient’s clinical needs (Faus Dáder et al. 2018; plans. Pharmacists and other healthcare pro-
Foro de Atención Farmacéutica-Farmacia 2019). fessionals’ coordinated efforts will enhance
During PTF, the pharmacist can determine and patients’ adherence to pharmacotherapy regi-
recommend individualized drug regimens and mens to achieve chronic disease control and
improve pharmacotherapy effectiveness and the adoption of hygienic-dietary and lifestyle
safety according to patient clinical conditions (Li change recommendation (Faus Dáder et  al.
et al. 2020). 2018).
PTF involves detection, prevention, and reso- The WHO informs that the “COVID-19 out-
lution  of DRPs or negative outcome related to break has been accompanied by a massive ‘info-
medicine (NOM). It comprises continuous atten- demic’  – an over-abundance of information”
tion from the pharmacist and collaboration with (World Health Organization 2020), and it repre-
patients and other healthcare professionals to sents a severe challenge for health professionals.
improve outcomes and patient quality of life The current rush to search an effective drug or
(Faus Dáder et  al. 2018; Foro de Atención vaccine, even without adequate safety guaran-
Farmacéutica-Farmacia 2019). tees, has already become a source of medication-­
There are multiple methods to provide PTF, related misinformation, causing public confusion
such as the Dader Method, that can help pharma- and panic.
cists to achieve the most effective and safe phar- Pharmacists have a reliable drug information
macotherapy as possible for patients. According resource for patients and healthcare providers
to this method, a pharmacist conducts a pharma- (Erku et  al. 2020). They have an emerging role
ceutical interview, where drug information and during the pandemic preventing misinformation
patient health problems are recorded to create an surrounding COVID-19 and providing patient
assessment form. After the pharmaceutical inter- counseling and training in the rational use of
view, the pharmacist makes an assessment and medicines (Kretchy et al. 2020).
612 P. Amariles et al.

Some topics can be included in patient’s edu- (Cadogan and Hughes 2020; Erku et  al. 2020;
cation to reduce misinformation around Kretchy et al. 2020):
COVID-­ 19, the promotion of rational use of
medicines, and self-care measures to prevent • Provide updated and evidence-based scientific
COVID-19 transmission (Adams et  al. 2020; information on vaccines or treatments under
Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020; Amariles et  al. investigation.
2020b; Erku et  al. 2020; Kretchy et  al. 2020; • Participate actively in COVID-19 hygiene and
Zheng et al. 2020): infection control initiatives or strategies.
• Teach how to examine products for suspicious
• Mode of transmission and how to prevent it appearance and continuously monitor medi-
• Proper hand hygiene cine product alerts.
• Selection and proper use of masks • And promote medication adherence and life-
• Evaluation of COVID-19 symptoms and per- style habit changes, supported by the applica-
sonal contact histories tion of technology to remind patients of their
• Importance of prevention of self-medication medications and lifestyle regimen to enhance
and promotion of rational use of medicines, adherence. Pharmacists can frequently inter-
especially of medications used as COVID-19 act with patients using phone calls, SMS text
treatments messaging, and social media to educate, espe-
• Monitoring the appearance of ADR of pre- cially within this pandemic.
scribed COVID-19 treatments
• Contraindications or drug-disease state inter- Pharmacists and pharmaceutical associations
actions with COVID-19 medicines can prepare materials for communicating infor-
• Therapy and medications for the treatment mation with the community or inside hospitals
of minor symptoms associated with such as posters, leaflets, websites, text messages,
COVID-19 and app alerts, to clarify government guidelines
• Risk of procuring drugs from unregistered and any other information regarding COVID-19
Internet retail shops, in particular with the and the rational use of medicines.
risks of falsified medicines
• How to reduce the risk of transmission of Psychological Support
emerging pathogens from animals to humans During the Pandemic
in live animal markets or animal product mar- During drug dispensing, patient interaction, and
kets, including consumption of raw meat, communication, pharmacy staff must pay atten-
milk, or animal organs tion to the patient’s emotional situation to iden-
• Selection and safe use of disinfection prod- tify patients with excessive anxiety, concern,
ucts, proper preparation of sanitizers or anti- fear, or blind optimism. In such cases, psycho-
septic hand-rub products from locally logical or emotional support needs to be provided
available chemicals, and promote their appro- (Zheng et al. 2020).
priate application and usage In hospital settings, if the patient is considered
• And self-protection strategies outdoors and at having a psychological problem that needs
work assessment or treatment, the clinical pharmacist
can refer the patient to a psychiatrist. In the com-
Pharmacists must collaborate with other munity settings, it is crucial to establish a collab-
health professionals, health professional societ- orative relationship with its surrounding clinics/
ies, and associations to facilitate educational and hospitals or other medical institutions for mutual
behavioral interventions that will assist the com- patient information sharing and proper referral as
munity in complying with standards/procedures needed (Zheng et al. 2020).
aimed at combating the spread of COVID-19 and All pharmacy staff should encourage the pub-
misleading information. They also have to lic to combine regular work with adequate rest
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 613

and exercise to enhance the immune system and Cadogan and Hughes 2020). In the United
relieve negative emotions at the same time Kingdom and Canada, some schemes enable
(Zheng et al. 2020). community pharmacists to assess individuals
who present with particular minor ailments and
offer them appropriate self-care advice or treat-
33.3.3 PC Services in Community ment options with over-the-counter medications
Pharmacies During or certain prescription medications from agreed
the COVID-19 Pandemic formularies (Cadogan and Hughes 2020). In the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this can help
Patient-centered PC should be provided by com- to reduce unnecessary hospital visits, where indi-
munity pharmacists to promote COVID-19 pre- viduals might be exposed to the virus transmis-
vention and control and to ensure a safe and sion (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020) and can be
effective treatment (Zheng et  al. 2020). It even more critical in those cases when physicians
becomes even more relevant in patients with cancel non-urgent appointments. Community
chronic diseases because they may have difficul- pharmacist becomes the single point of in-person
ties accessing health services due to the increased contact with the healthcare system (Carico et al.
probability of infection in hospitals (Kretchy 2020).
et  al. 2020). The contribution of community
pharmacists will facilitate the timely response to COVID-19 Detection
acute diseases, as well as the effective control of and Patient Referral
chronic health problems by ensuring that these Given the proximity and availability of the com-
drugs are available and promoting adherence to munity pharmacist and the relationships estab-
pharmacotherapy during the pandemic (Cadogan lished with their patients, they can assist in
and Hughes 2020; Dawoud 2020). Additionally, identifying suspected cases of COVID-19 by fol-
it will help to alleviate the burden on already lowing established protocols and act as a point of
strained health systems (Cadogan and Hughes referral to the healthcare system at the commu-
2020). In this sense, PC services are in line with nity level (Amariles et al. 2020b; Kretchy et al.
the WHO initiative to maintain essential services 2020; Zheng et al. 2020). These actions can help
during the pandemic to prevent non-COVID dis- to prevent the spread of the pandemic within
ease burden on healthcare systems, particularly communities (Kretchy et  al. 2020). Also, it
in low- and middle-income countries (Kretchy requires some policies to authorize the commu-
et al. 2020). nity pharmacies as a point-of-care testing and
provide access to COVID-19 rapid test Drug Indication (Pharmacist as front-line responders for
It is a service usually requested in the community COVID-­19 patient care 2020). For instance, in
pharmacies, in which the pharmacist develops a March 2020, in the United States, licensed phar-
central role to improve/remove self-limited dis- macists were authorized to order and administer
eases by indicating non-pharmacology interven- COVID-19 tests, including serology tests (US
tions or a drug that does not require a medical Department of Health and Human Services
prescription. This service allows pharmacists to 2020).
contribute to medication optimization (Faus Amariles et al. proposed a route to detect and
Dáder et al. 2018; Foro de Atención Farmacéutica-­ counsel possible patients with suspicious
Farmacia 2019). COVID-19 from the community pharmacies to
Community pharmacists can participate in link them to the health system. This route has
recommending symptom management for minor three possible entrances depending on the user’s
ailments such as allergies and skin rashes, coughs needs: anti-flu drugs, symptoms related to
and colds, and gastrointestinal complaints, COVID-19 (such as fever, cough, and fatigue), or
among others (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020; the request for hygiene products as 70% alcohol
614 P. Amariles et al.

or face masks. After a quick interview, the phar- increased risk of cross-infection among patients
macist evaluates symptoms related to COVID-19 and healthcare providers. Therefore, some strate-
and the history of contact with people with sus- gies should be implemented as environment
pected or confirmed COVID-19. According to cleaning and disinfection, patient screening at the
the answers, the pharmacist should provide self-­ front door, limiting patient numbers, and patient’s
care education or manage the case as a suspected separation with a safe distance when lining up or
COVID-19 case (Amariles et  al. 2020b). They when infusing drugs. It could prevent cross-­
would recommend immediate isolation in a sin- infection in the healthcare institution and during
gle room and refer to the designated institutions the drug infusion (Zheng et al. 2020).
(Zheng et al. 2020).
Those strategies can expand access to care in
underserved areas, reduce unnecessary burdens 33.3.4 PC Services in COVID-19
on emergency departments, and reduce commu- Hospitalized Patients
nity exposure to the hospital’s environment
(Hedima et al. 2020). According to current information, older
COVID-­ 19 patients with underlying diseases Testing and Immunization (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic
Pharmacists can help expand access to COVID-­19 obstructive pulmonary disease, malignancy, bac-
testing through antigen testing and antibody test- terial or fungal infections) are more likely to
ing in community pharmacies. Antibody testing develop severe illness. Moreover, the use of mul-
carries fewer risks, as it should be conducted fol- tiple medications can lead to potential drug inter-
lowing recovery from the infection (Dawoud actions and increase the risk of appearance of
2020; Hedima et  al. 2020). Also, community ADR.  For instance, chloroquine phosphate can
pharmacies can act as a point of immunization to cause cardiac arrest as a severe ADR, and it is
administer vaccines to prevent infectious dis- contraindicated in combination with drugs that
eases (Adunlin et al. 2020). Converting pharma- cause Q-T prolongation (Sun et al. 2020).
cies as a point of immunization can increase the Hospital pharmacists should strengthen PTF
number of vaccinated patients in the community for those COVID-19 patients with combined
(Hedima et al. 2020). For instance, in the United underlying diseases or special populations, such
States, pharmacies have become typical locations as pregnant or lactating women, children, adoles-
for the flu vaccination, given its convenience and cents, and elderly patients. Therefore, individual-
low costs (Adunlin et al. 2020). ized PTF must be done in order to provide close
monitoring and evaluation of medication safety Home Care and efficacy, avoid the risk of duplicate use of
Pharmacists can refer to home care those sus- medications, adjust therapy dosages according to
pected cases of COVID-19 with the guidance on their liver and kidney function, manage drug
proper isolation at home and the requirement of interactions, and monitor convalescent plasma
medical observation. The home environment therapy (CPT) (Song et  al. 2020; Ying et  al.
must be well-prepared, adequately cleaned, and 2020).
disinfected, including the suspected patients’
tableware and articles for daily use (Zheng et al. R  emote Inpatient Order
2020). Review and Dispensing
In order to minimize any potential exposure, S afe Use of Infusions direct contact with COVID-19 patients must be
in Outpatient Pharmacy restricted to the caregivers that provide essential
Services health services in a hospital context, including
Additional infusions should be avoided during nurses, respiratory therapists, and physicians. In
the COVID-19 pandemic, considering the this sense, it is recommended to use innovative
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 615

methods to dispense drugs to inpatients to reduce of CPT, combining with allergy history, contrain-
the risk of infection. Those methods can include dications of plasma transfusion, and individual
automated dispensers and intelligent drug storage clinical conditions. Pharmacists must closely
cabinets (Li et  al. 2020). Intravenous drugs can monitor and record adverse effects of plasma
be centrally deployed in the Pharmacy Intravenous transfusion before, during, and after the adminis-
Admixture Services (Li et al. 2020). Other hospi- tration and cooperate with clinicians to manage
tal pharmacy services as patient counseling, med- adverse effects. Common adverse transfusion
ication reconciliation, and order review should be reactions include transfusion-related circulation
performed remotely with the use of an individu- overload; acute lung injury; dyspnea; allergy;
al’s room phone or via the primary nurse taking hypotension; non-hemolytic febrile, acute hemo-
care of such individuals (Al-Quteimat and Amer lytic transfusion reactions; delayed hemolytic
2020). transfusion reaction; infectious transfusion reac-
tion; etc. (Song et al. 2020). Management of Drug
Interactions Management of Off-Label
The potential medications to treat patients with Drug Use
COVID-19 can be related to drug interactions. Currently, antiviral drugs for COVID-19 have not
Also, considering that COVID-19 patients could been approved for marketing, and the safety and
have underlying diseases and, therefore, multiple efficacy of the medications that have been used
medicines, it is essential to perform drug interac- for treatment remain unclear to date. This situa-
tion evaluations to avoid symptom aggravation. tion has increased the off-label drug use with the
Pharmacists should evaluate potential drug-drug, following increment of potential drug use risks.
drug-food, or drug-disease interactions and Some drugs may cause severe ADR, including
strengthen the management of patients’ medica- hemolytic anemia, cardiotoxicity, infection, and
tion and diet. Pharmacists can provide the medi- teratogenic effects. Therefore, pharmacists
cal team with a list of common risk warnings of should cooperate with clinicians to formulate
potential drug interactions and reactions accord- medication regimens to avoid inappropriate high-­
ing to COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment plans dose medications or drug combinations and to
according to the literature (Ying et  al. 2020). monitor the appearance of ADR.  Through their
Also, for better assessment, the drug interaction pharmacovigilance systems, they can assess the
checker of the University of Liverpool can be safety of medicines used to treat COVID-19,
used: https://www.covid19-­ evaluate the causal relationship of ADR and pres-
(Song et al. 2020). ent feedback of the results to the healthcare team
(Song et al. 2020; Ying et al. 2020), and report the Monitoring ADR accurately in strict accordance with the
and Management regulatory agencies (Sun et al. 2020).
of Convalescent Plasma
CPT can be applied in COVID-19 patients with 33.3.5 Other Hospital Pharmacy
rapid disease progression, severe or critical con- Services During the COVID-19
dition. This therapy consists of the plasma Pandemic
infusion with a specific titer of virus-specific
antibodies, which patients receive to obtain pas- Establish and Participate
sive immunity and remove pathogens in circula- in Evidence-Based Drug
tion. CPT therapy has been successfully applied Evaluation and Guidelines
to the treatment of SARS and H1N1 influenza. Pharmacists should actively participate in
Before administering CPT, pharmacists should evidence-­based evaluations of the safety and
assist clinicians in assessing patients’ indications effectiveness of COVID-19 drug therapy to assist
616 P. Amariles et al.

clinicians in formulating and adjusting drug regi- 33.4 E

 nsuring a Safe and Efficient
mens (Li et al. 2020; Song et al. 2020). It implies Operation for Providing
a critical appraisal of the literature and decision-­ Pharmacy Services
making process to select the proper treatments
that could be part of guidelines and what has to It is necessary to train all pharmacy staff and to
be available in hospitals. For example, while establish some protocols to minimize the risk of
hydroxychloroquine has been considered to have virus transmission, regulate operating proce-
great promise, a recent trial was unable to show a dures, and ensure an appropriate environment
clinical benefit (Geleris et al. 2020). In the same control, staff protection, and emergency plan
way, lopinavir/ritonavir was very promising, but establishment to decrease occupational exposure
the clinical trials could not demonstrate its bene- risk (Zheng et al. 2020).
fits (Cao et al. 2020).
Clinical pharmacists in all medical institutions
should collaborate to establish and optimize pre- 33.4.1 Pharmacy Staff Training
scription review rules and knowledge databases,
using or developing a clinical decision support Under the COVID-19 epidemic, the staff of
system to review prescriptions in order to reduce community and retail pharmacies are at the
the irrational prescribing and medication errors front line, providing drugs and protective/
and to ensure medication safety (Li et al. 2020). hygiene supplies and offering information and
To assist clinicians in better understanding education to consumers (Chinese Pharmaceutical
and prescribing of COVID-19 treatments, clini- Association 2020). Therefore, pharmacists
cal pharmacists can create a rational drug use should stay up to date and be familiar with the
manual that includes usage and dosage, solvents, knowledge latest regarding the COVID-19 (Ung
precautions, ADR, and dose adjustment for spe- 2020). Besides, in contrast with high-income
cial populations (Li et al. 2020). countries, community pharmacy staff of low-
and middle-income countries may not be suffi- Establishment of Drug ciently trained and prepared to afront this
Registration Research situation. Hence, it is essential to provide com-
Pharmacists can participate in the proposal and prehensive and prompt training about virus
development of registered clinical studies to eval- transmission prevention and control, regulate
uate the effectiveness and safety of medication operating procedures, detect and refer suspected
regimens in hospitalized patients with COVID-­19 cases, properly handle medical waste, and
(Liu et al. 2020; Song et al. 2020). Besides, phar- decrease occupational exposure risk (Chinese
macists can cooperate with research sponsors in Pharmaceutical Association 2020).
the management of clinical trials, including the The FIP (International Pharmaceutical
proper supply, use, storage, and disposal of Federation 2020) and pharmacist researchers
experimental drugs in compliance with relevant (Amariles et  al. 2020b; Ung 2020; Zheng et  al.
clinical trial regulations (Liu et al. 2020). 2020) suggest training the entire pharmacy staff
In the case of vaccine-related clinical trials, in:
hospital pharmacists should assist clinicians and
immunologists in closely monitoring patients’ • Technical and scientific information on
clinical manifestations and ADR after vaccina- COVID-19 (symptoms, incubation period,
tion. Pharmacists should also collect data about and modes of transmission of the virus)
the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines under • Epidemiological information on affected areas
evaluation in clinical trials (Song et  al. 2020). • Information and counseling on preventive
Short-term efforts to quickly develop lifesaving actions to reduce virus transmission, for
vaccines and therapeutics are of the highest instance, the use of mask and other PPE, per-
importance (Amariles et al. 2020a). sonal hygiene, social distancing, pharmacy
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 617

cleaning, and use of disinfectants, among the pharmacy (or at least the non-public areas
others of the pharmacy).
• Pharmacy environment control • All the medicines received from wholesale
• Pharmacology and non-pharmacology treat- distributors should be cleaned and disinfected
ments of COVID-19 before they are taken inside the pharmacy.
• Criteria for identification and referral of sus- • Delimit with tape or some sign those areas of
pected cases of COVID-19, including strate- consumer’s attention.
gies that each community pharmacy should • There should be, if possible, isolated and
implement reserved space in the pharmacy where a con-
• Psychological support sumer with suspected COVID-19 can be
• And materials to support the intervention located. If the pharmacy does not have a suit-
(information brochures, intervention flow able isolation room, an area in which individu-
charts, and accurate information websites) als can stay at least 2 meters away from the
staff and customers is recommended (Al-­
In the context of the pandemic, training pro- Quteimat and Amer 2020).
grams can be developed by universities or phar- • And frequently clean and sanitize the care
macist organizations, and they can be offered to areas, mainly when serving a consumer with
pharmacists in virtual modality. For instance, suspected COVID-19.
pharmacists from the Research Group on
Pharmaceutical Promotion and Prevention from
the University of Antioquia in Colombia devel- 33.4.2 Biosecurity Measures
oped a free online course, available for all phar-
macy staff, especially the community Pharmacy staff can be at medium exposure risk
pharmacists. The course aims to teach the differ- for COVID-19 (International Pharmaceutical
ent terms, concepts, and practices to provide Federation 2020) because they are likely to
care and identify suspected cases of COVID-19 encounter symptomatic or asymptomatic carriers
from retail pharmacies (Universidad de of SARS-CoV-2, and then, the risk of getting
Antioquia 2020). infected increases. Since infected individuals
Community pharmacy protocols should may be asymptomatic at least during the incuba-
include some of these recommendations tion period, there is an increasing probability of
(Consejo General de Colegios Farmacéuticos further transmission of SARS-CoV2 to the gen-
2020; International Pharmaceutical Federation eral public visiting pharmacies (Hasan et  al.
2020; Center for Disease Control and Prevention 2020). Therefore, all pharmacy staff shall be pro-
2020): vided with adequate and sufficient PPEs (Zheng
et al. 2020) to ensure their safety and to increase
• Contact with consumers/patients should be the public’s trust in the safety of visiting the phar-
minimized by dispensing medications through macy and using its services (Dawoud 2020).
a small window on the door. A plastic protec- The WHO and FIP recommend the use of
tor can be placed on the distribution area, and long-sleeved gowns, appropriate eye protection
marks can be placed on the ground to indicate (face shield or goggles), and surgical masks.
the distance of approximately 2 meters Those are measures to protect pharmacists from
between customers and staff. infection and to avoid further dissemination – in
• Consumers should be asked to wait their turn case the pharmacy personnel becomes infected
outside the pharmacy keeping 2 meters themselves (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020;
between them. International Pharmaceutical Federation 2020).
• Medicine supply to pharmacies should be Also, it is recommended to wear gloves when
done without any patient/customer entering entering a room containing suspected or con-
618 P. Amariles et al.

firmed COVID-19-infected individuals area or bathroom, because those areas may have
(Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020). been contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2
Besides the use of PPEs, some practices must (American Pharmacists Association 2020;
be included during consumer and patient service International Pharmaceutical Federation 2020).
in community pharmacies (Center for Disease The Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
Control and Prevention 2020; Consejo General recommends the disinfection of the working
de Colegios Farmacéuticos 2020; International environment and associated articles and equip-
Pharmaceutical Federation 2020): ment (Chinese Pharmaceutical Association
• Perform hand hygiene frequently (patient by
patient), using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer • Items in the public areas as phones, comput-
or soap and water. ers, stationery, cash register, balance, table
• Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces which and chair, and door handle: wipe the surface
are touched by people frequently, e.g., tele- for sterilization with 75% alcohol or
phones, pens, workstations, keyboards, hand- 5000 mg/L peracetic acid every 2 h.
rails, and doorknobs. • Extensive facilities as shelves, counters,
• When it is possible, avoid using phones, desks, refrigerators, lockers, and air conditioners:
offices, or other tools and work equipment of wipe for sterilization with 5000 mg/L perace-
other employees. Always perform cleaning tic acid or 500 mg/L chlorine-containing dis-
and disinfection before and after using them. infectant once a day.
• Respect the safety distance of 1–2 meters. • Work clothes: sterilize twice a week (replace
• In case of respiratory symptoms, notify the when contaminated) by hot washing method.
boss or supervisor, use the mask, contact the Sterilize at 75 °C for more than 30 min or at
reporting lines, initiate voluntary isolation at 80 °C for more than 10 min (the sterilization
home, and avoid close contact with other peo- time can be extended according to the degree
ple. Employees should not go back to work of dirt); or with clothing disinfectant (250–
until the criteria for interrupting insulation at 500 mg/L chlorine-containing disinfectant can
home are met. be used for white clothes) for 30  min, rinse
• And pharmaceutical staff who do not have with water repeatedly.
symptoms but who have a relative at home • And cleaning utensils as mops and cleaning
with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor rags: should be dedicated to the particular
and follow all precautions to avoid area, rinse with water after each use, soak and
transmission. sterilize with 500  mg/L chlorine-containing
disinfectant for 30 min, rinse again with water,
and then dry.
33.4.3 Cleaning and Disinfection

COVID-19 transmission occurs mainly through 33.4.4 Waste Management

droplets and contact; therefore, it is crucial to
promote healthcare professionals and patients’ Pharmacy staff should avoid secondary contami-
safety during the distribution and supply chain to nation. It is recommended to have a dedicated
ensure that medications or pharmacy areas are container/bag to throw discarded masks/gloves.
not contaminated (Aruru et al. 2020). Therefore, Before disposal, the bag must be sealed and ster-
it is necessary to carry out proper cleaning and ilized with 500  mg/L chlorine-containing disin-
disinfection, especially if a customer or patient fectant. The sealed bags should be marked with
suspected of having COVID-19 spent time in any “discarded masks/gloves” (Chinese
public areas of the pharmacy, such as a waiting Pharmaceutical Association 2020).
33  Pharmacist’s Role and Pharmaceutical Care During the COVID-19 Pandemic 619

33.5 Pharmaceutical Practice approval, thereby decreasing the time to get

Innovations in COVID-19 needed medications to ill patients (Adunlin et al.
Pandemic 2020) and to reduce unnecessary visits to the
pharmacy (Zheng et al. 2020).
When facing public health emergencies, pharma- Given the importance of the pharmaceutical
cists can contribute to analyzing the current situ- interventions discussed before in this chapter, it
ation, working in collaboration, formulating is necessary to design and develop a remote or an
telehealth strategies swiftly, providing informa- online pharmacotherapy follow-up service, using
tion to medical staff, and developing innovative equipment and software according to the context
pharmacy services to ensure rational use of medi- of each country and institution. This service can
cine (Al-Quteimat and Amer 2020; Li et  al. be provided using just a telephone or more com-
2020). Thus, it is necessary to establish remote plex systems such as video chats or mobile apps
pharmacy services to reduce human-to-human in places where the Internet is available. The ser-
infections. Some remote pharmacy services such vice model should contribute to reducing
as online drug prescribing, drug consultation, and hospital-­acquired infections, to increase the effi-
drug delivery services can be implemented to ciency of pharmacy services, and to perform
provide out-of-hospital PC access and to help to effective professional services for patients
reduce the risk of cross-infection during unneces- included in the PC process.
sary hospital visits (Liu et al. 2020). Examples of telepharmacy practices are the
services offered during the pandemic by the
Chinese pharmacists in “Fangcang shelter hospi-
33.5.1 Use of Technology to Provide tals” – a novel public health concept for quaran-
Information About tining and treating infected patients with mild
Medication Availability symptoms. They have developed novel
approaches to introducing drug information,
Community pharmacist can use apps, web pages, answering patients’ questions, and relieving
or social networks to provide information of drug patients’ anxiety through broadcast and tele-
availabilities and its store locations to guide the phone services and mobile phone apps. Besides,
public and patients when they need to buy medi- pharmacists have also conducted online clinics or
cations (Zheng et al. 2020). used Internet tools to support these patients (Tan
et al. 2020).

33.5.2 Telepharmacy,
Telepharmaceutical Care, 33.5.3 Telehealth Counseling
and Innovative Telehealth-­ and Patient Education
Based Practices
Pharmacists can educate the public, focusing on
In the United States, rural communities have infection prevention and disease management
been providing pharmacy services using technol- (Liu et al. 2020). Considering that patients in the
ogy  – commonly known as telepharmacy  – hospital and at home need pharmacotherapy
expanding access to healthcare. This modality counseling, pharmacists should launch a variety
has demonstrated value for patient counseling, of innovative remote pharmaceutical services
monitoring of pharmacotherapy effectiveness (Erku et  al. 2020; Gamble et  al. 2020; Li et  al.
and safety, medication selection, and the provi- 2020; Tan et al. 2020):
sion of clinical services (Li et al. 2020). With the
increased number of COVID-19 cases, telephar- • Creation or use of radio stations to develop
macy can be implemented for providing those educational programs regarding COVID-19,
services, to remote order entry and medication including prevention and control and medica-
620 P. Amariles et al.

tion knowledge, and solve concerns about the armacy and various advanced practices. These
disease. Radio shows can include lectures reveal the need to continually update practice and
related to patients’ therapeutic drugs, push the boundaries of pharmaceutical services,
COVID-­ 19 reasonable nutrition, dietary especially during the outbreak.
advice, self-­ protection, and medication
instructions after discharge, targeting patients’
medication needs at admission, during hospi- References
talization, and upon discharge.
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with patients with COVID-19 or assist health- Emergency Preparedness and Response (PEPR): a pro-
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33.6 Conclusion Bukhari N, Rasheed H, Nayyer B, Babar Z-U-D (2020)
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the public and in ensuring the supply and rational Cao B, Wang Y, Wen D, Liu W, Wang J, Fan G, Ruan L,
use of medicines. We found significant roles for Song B, Cai Y, Wei M, Li X, Xia J, Chen N, Xiang J,
pharmacists that the epidemic has driven, with Yu T, Bai T, Xie X, Zhang L, Li C, Yuan Y, Chen H,
Li H, Huang H, Tu S, Gong F, Liu Y, Wei Y, Dong C,
particular emphasis on team-based activities, Zhou F, Gu X, Xu J, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Li H, Shang L,
pharmacy management, and pharmaceutical care. Wang K, Li K, Zhou X, Dong X, Qu Z, Lu S, Hu X,
We also find innovative services, such as teleph- Ruan S, Luo S, Wu J, Peng L, Cheng F, Pan L, Zou
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Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry
Arghavan Tonkaboni,
Mohammad Hosein Amirzade-Iranaq,
Heliya Ziaei, and Amber Ather

Abstract to patients, dentistry is thought to be associated

with the nosocomial spread of infection. The
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) risk of bidirectional spread of infection
pandemic has affected the health-care system between patient and dental care providers
drastically, including dental care practice. makes it critical to take additional
COVID-19, caused by severe acute respira- precautionary measures to mitigate the spread
tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), of COVID-­19. It is essential to understand that
is thought to spread via close contact through the guidelines for providing dental treatment
respiratory droplets and aerosols. Owing to during the COVID-19 pandemic will vary
specific characteristics of dental care such as across the globe, and dental practices should
aerosol generation as well as close proximity be in compliance with their regional
guidelines. This chapter aims to present an
overview of the dynamics of COVID-19
A. Tonkaboni (*) transmission and its impact on dentistry and
Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine Department, School
of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, discuss measures to provide dental care during
Tehran, Iran the time of the COVID-19 outbreak effectively.
Grupo de investigación en patología oral médico
quirúrgica, University of Santiago de Compostela, Keywords
Santiago, Spain
e-mail: Aerosols · COVID-19 · Dental · Dentistry ·
M. H. Amirzade-Iranaq Oral · Pandemic · Saliva · SARS-CoV-2
Universal Network of Interdisciplinary Research in
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (UNIROMS),
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
International Otorhinolaryngology Research
Association (IORA), Universal Scientific Education
and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
H. Ziaei
International Otorhinolaryngology Research
A. Ather (*)
Association (IORA), Universal Scientific Education
Department of Endodontics, University of Texas
and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Health Science Center at San Antonio,
School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical San Antonio, TX, USA
Sciences, Tehran, Iran e-mail:

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 623
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
624 A. Tonkaboni et al.

34.1 Introduction The mode of transmission of SARS-CoV-2

has been a matter of debate owing to limited sci-
The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 entific evidence. The most commonly proposed
(COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, spread to the rest routes for SARS-CoV-2 transmission are through
of the world in an exponential manner (Chen and inhalation of respiratory droplets, close contact,
Yu 2020). COVID-19, a febrile respiratory ill- or fomites (Ong et al. 2020). One of the first stud-
ness, is caused by a virus bearing close genomic ies demonstrating the person-to-person transmis-
resemblance to severe acute respiratory syn- sion of SARS-CoV-2 was done by Chan et  al.,
drome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (Chen and Yu who studied five patients in a family cluster pre-
2020). As a result, this novel coronavirus was sented with unexplained pneumonia (Chan et al.
named severe acute respiratory syndrome coro- 2020). Also, there have been reports of indirect
navirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) (of the International transmission of COVID-19. Cai et  al. investi-
CSG 2020). SARS-CoV-2 enters the host cells by gated a cluster of COVID-19 cases in a shopping
efficient binding of the spike (S) viral protein to mall in China and reported indirect transmission
the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE-2) of SARS-CoV-2 via fomites or aerosolization
receptors present in several tissues such as the (Cai et  al. 2020). The possibility of indirect
heart, kidney, lung, and brain (Walls et al. 2020; ­transmission has been further corroborated by
Zhang et al. 2020). results of a study by Van Doremalen et  al.,
Patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection wherein they showed that SARS-CoV-2 could
typically present with fever, myalgia, and remain viable on surfaces such as stainless steel,
difficulty in breathing (Fu et  al. 2020). glass, or plastic up to 9  days (Van Doremalen
Individuals with comorbidities such as diabetes et al. 2020).
mellitus, pre-­ existing respiratory disease, or Another important consideration is the
immunocompromised state often present with transmission from asymptomatic carriers or
a severe form of this infection, notably with patients in their incubation period. The incubation
pneumonia or acute respiratory distress period is the time between infection and onset of
syndrome (Fu et  al. 2020). However, recent symptoms. It ranges from 0 to 24  days (Guan
evidence has also shown the presence of some et al. 2020), with a mean value of 5.1 days (Lauer
atypical symptoms in COVID-­19 patients such et al. 2020). It has critical implications as disease
as gastrointestinal upset, anosmia, dysgeusia, transmission can occur before any symptoms are
pink eye, and even inflammatory symptoms in apparent (Rothe et al. 2020). To better understand
young children (Fu et  al. 2020; Giacomelli this, Ferretti et  al. have outlined four different
et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020; Verdoni et al. 2020). modes of transmission which are as follows: i,
Interestingly, a subset of COVID-19-affected symptomatic transmission, direct transmission
patients are asymptomatic; these patients often from a confirmed COVID-19 individual; ii, pre-­
go undiagnosed and can lead to untraceable symptomatic transmission, direct transmission
transmission to multiple individuals (Gandhi from a person before the development of any
et al. 2020). apparent signs and symptoms; iii, asymptomatic
transmission, direct transmission from individu-
als who never experience noticeable symptoms;
34.2 Routes of Transmission and iv, environmental transmission, indirect
transmission via contamination, which is difficult
The high spread of this infection can also be to trace back to index patient (Ferretti et al. 2020).
partly explained by the basic reproduction num- Transmission of COVID-19 to health-care
ber (R0) of SARS-CoV-2. R0, defined as the workers in hospitals, even in low contagion areas,
average number of people one infected person has already been reported, and dental care pro-
will pass the virus to, is relatively high, with an viders are no exception (Sikkema et  al. 2020).
estimate of 1.4–5.5 (Chen 2020). Dental practitioners and their patients might be at
34  Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry 625

high risk of contracting infections because of some regions implemented a complete lockdown
several reasons (Ather et al. 2020). First, provi- of dental practices compared to specific areas
sion of dental care demands to work in close where dentists continued to provide care for
vicinity to the patient’s oropharyngeal region, emergency patients (Mallineni et  al. 2020). In
which has been shown to contain high viral loads some regions, dental care professionals were at
of SARS-CoV-2 (To et al. 2020). Second, dental the forefront, providing care to COVID-19-
procedures usually involve the handling of affected individuals (Cagetti et al. 2020). Despite
sharps, needles, and instruments contaminated the disparity in recommendations across different
with blood and/or saliva. Third the use of a high-­ regions in the world, the main goal has been to
speed handpiece, ultrasonic instrument, and air-­ treat dental patients in need to reduce the burden
water syringe generates high levels of aerosol or on the emergency room.
splatter (Zemouri et  al. 2017). Inevitably, the A report published by the American Dental
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Association (ADA) on April 10, 2020, showed
(OSHA) has categorized the dental profession as that four of five dentists had closed their practices
a “very high-risk job,” especially if it involves and were only providing emergency care. It is
performing aerosol-generating procedures interesting that dentists and their team joined
(Dentistry Workers and Employers 2020). public health settings, worked with other depart-
ments, and contributed to screening and testing
34.3 I mportance of Oral Health The pandemic also had financial implications.
and Impact of COVID-19 Even though dentists in the public health settings
on Dental Practice were still being paid during the lockdown, their
counterparts employed in private care settings
Oral health critically contributes to the overall were not being paid, especially if they were non-­
well-being of an individual. In a systematic anal- owners of practices.
ysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study
2017, it was shown that oral diseases affect
3.5  billion people worldwide (Dye 2017). Oral 34.4 U
 tilization of Dental Services
diseases pose a significant health burden and can During COVID-19 Pandemic
be a cause for pain, discomfort, disfigurement,
and even death (Oral health 2020). One of the The pattern of utilization of dental services is
most prevalent oral diseases worldwide is greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. A
untreated dental caries in permanent teeth. report published by Guo et al. revealed that the
Periodontal (gum) disease, maxillofacial trauma, proportion of patients with dental infection
oral cancer, and dental infections, including increased by 20% during the pandemic, whereas
abscess, are some other examples of oral diseases dental trauma cases decreased from 14.2% to
that can have a significant impact on the quality 10.5% (Guo et al. 2020a). There was also a sig-
of life. Access to oral health-care services is still nificant decrease in patients presenting with non-­
a significant problem across many countries with urgent conditions (Guo et al. 2020a). In another
challenges such as the unequal distribution of study, collected data from Brazil showed that
oral health professionals and a lack of appropri- cases of facial trauma had declined as a result of
ate health facilities. social distancing practices and lockdown (Maffia
COVID-19 and its rapid spread have et al. 2020).
drastically affected the dental community Meng et al. treated more than 700 patients and
worldwide. Various dental organizations provided online consults to over 1600 patients.
responded by specifying guidelines for the Although they did not report on the characteris-
provision of dental care during the pandemic. tics of all the emergency patients, the recommen-
Sets of recommendations emerged. Accordingly, dation was made to treat a COVID-19 patient at
626 A. Tonkaboni et al.

the end of the day in an isolated or negative pres- data. Therefore, the use of secure and encrypted
sure room (Meng et al. 2020). platforms for communication is highly encour-
Yu et  al. reported on the characteristics of aged. It is also a limitation to perform a physical
dental emergency patients visiting the School and and detailed visual examination, which might be
Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University critical to diagnosing several dental conditions,
(WHUSS), during the COVID-19 outbreak and as a result of which several states or countries
found that the proportion of endodontic emergen- have prohibited the routine use of teledentistry
cies was 51% (Yu et al. 2020). These patients are (Maret et  al. 2020). However, in particular cir-
usually presented with symptomatic irreversible cumstances such as during a public health emer-
pulpitis, symptomatic apical periodontitis, and gency, guidelines on telemedicine and
acute apical abscess. The authors also proposed teledentistry should be revised to facilitate the
the use of vital pulp therapy procedures such as provision of care for affected or susceptible indi-
pulpotomy to relieve pain and, at the same time, viduals. For example, in response to the
reduce treatment duration (Yu et al. 2020). COVID-­ 19 pandemic, the United States
Department of Health and Human Services has
eased the Health Insurance Portability and
34.5 Tele-dentistry and Triaging Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations in order
to enable free telehealth services to patients
An exponential increase in the number of (Notification of Enforcement Discretion for
COVID-19 cases and its community spread pat- Telehealth 2020). In a survey conducted by ADA,
tern led to the introduction of the “social distanc- it was shown that 58% of dentists in public health
ing” concept to flatten the curve (Maharaj and settings and 25% of dentists in private practice
Kleczkowski 2012). During the pandemic, sev- were utilizing virtual technology/telecommuni-
eral state and national associations recommended cations to conduct remote problem-focused eval-
restrictions on dental practices to curb the spread uations (COVID-19 Impact on Dental Practices
of COVID-19. A sudden increase in the use of 2020).
teledentistry occurred in order to continue pro-
viding care to the dental patient population
(Giudice et  al. 2020). Teledentistry, similar to 34.6 Pharmacologic Management
telemedicine, makes use of telecommunication
modalities to enable screening and triaging of During the state of lockdown and restrictions
patients and can serve as an alternative to face-to-­ imposed on face-to-face visits, pharmacological
face visits to evaluate several dental and mucosal management can be a useful alternative to man-
conditions (Jampani et  al. 2011). It has been age several dental complaints. These might
reported that in China, 69% of the tertiary dental include the use of analgesics, antibiotics, and ste-
hospitals offered free dental consultations (Yang roids to provide palliative care for pain, swelling,
et  al. 2020). Patients with urgent and emergent and infection (Ather et al. 2020). It is also a use-
needs can be identified and either managed phar- ful strategy to provide symptomatic relief for
macologically or scheduled to have a face-to-face patients with suspected or confirmed COVID-19
visit. It is critical to prioritize the follow-up of infection. This approach will also provide the
these patients and schedule them as soon as rou- dentist with some time to identify centers with
tine dental treatment resumes. However, teleden- adequate resources where dental care can be pro-
tistry is an evolving field that may not be routinely vided safely to COVID-19-positive patients
practiced worldwide, and there are several inher- (Ather et al. 2020).
ent limitations which still need to be addressed Ibuprofen, a commonly used non-steroidal
(Maret et  al. 2020). One of the foremost chal- anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in dental prac-
lenges is to maintain the confidentiality of patient tice, alone or in combination with acetamino-
34  Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry 627

phen, may be prescribed for pain relief (Fu et al. Table 34.1  List of commonly encountered urgent and
emergent dental conditions
2020). There were some initial concerns about
the use of ibuprofen in COVID-19 patients. It Dental Uncontrolled post-extraction
emergencies hemorrhage
might prolong the illness and worsen respiratory
Facial trauma with potential to
problems during the infection (Day 2020). compromise the airway
However, the World Health Organization (WHO) Acute pericoronitis/cellulitis/
in a commentary refuted these findings (The use spreading infection with the potential
of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to compromise the airway and/or
cause severe trismus
(NSAIDs) in patients with COVID-19 2020). It
Inhalation or ingestion of fractured/
stated, “there is no evidence of severe adverse displaced orthodontic appliances or
events, acute health care utilization, long-term pieces of restoration or tooth
survival, or quality of life in patients with Oral ulceration with severe
COVID-19, as a result of the use of NSAIDs.” dehydration
Corticosteroids may be prescribed for Urgent dental Dental trauma: tooth fracture/
care displacement/avulsion with or
managing dental inflammatory conditions such without soft tissue injury
as postoperative swelling or endodontic flare-up Severe dental pain from pulpal
(Ather et al. 2020). There have been conflicting inflammation
reports on the use of steroids in COVID-19- Dry socket
positive patients. Initial reports raised concerns Pericoronitis
about prescribing steroids in COVID-19 patients Biopsy
Oral ulcers of >3 weeks of history
(Li et al. 2020). However recent data has shown
Abscess or localized bacterial
that low-­dose dexamethasone at 6  mg for up to infection
10 days can lead to a reduced rate of mortality. Dental treatment required before
Therefore, the prescription of drugs should be critical medical procedures
assessed on a case-by-case basis and after Loss of temporary restoration: the
consultation with the patient’s primary care need for a final crown and/or fixed
dental prosthesis (FDP)
Other urgent Extensive dental caries or defective
dental care restorations causing pain
Suture removal
34.7 Screening of Patients Denture adjustment on radiation/
oncology patients or when the
Before scheduling any patient for an in-office function is impeded
Lost temporary restoration on
visit, the medical and dental history can be endodontic access openings in
obtained via a telephone call (Ather et al. 2020). patients experiencing pain
Patients should be screened to determine the Orthodontic wire/appliance
nature of the chief complaint, as it is crucial to adjustment
differentiate between routine and urgent dental Adapted and modified from the National Health Service
conditions. Table  34.1 provides a list of com- (NHS), Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme,
and American Dental Association guidelines
monly encountered urgent and emergent dental
conditions. Also, a COVID-19 screening ques-
tionnaire should be utilized as a part of a dual-­ COVID-19, deferring the appointment to
phase triaging (telephonic consultation followed another date (at least 2 weeks later) is suggested
by in-person at the clinic) to evaluate the (Giacomelli et al. 2020).
patient’s health status better (Fig.  34.1).
Regardless of this primary tele-screening, the
patient’s body temperature and other symptoms 34.8 Considerations for In-Office
must be evaluated on the day of the appointment Dental Visit
(Ather et al. 2020). If they had a fever (over 37
degrees) or considered as a suspected case of
628 A. Tonkaboni et al.

Fig. 34.1  COVID-19 screening questionnaire

Fig. 34.2  Flowchart for patient triaging and dental management

Because of the evolving understanding of the the screening protocol and dental
disease and its transmission dynamics, provid- management.
ing definitive universal recommendations
about scheduling an in-office visit is beyond
the scope of this text. An in-office dental visit 34.8.1 Waiting Area
should be scheduled at the discretion of the
dental health-­care provider and in compliance If possible, patients should be instructed to come
with local/state/national guidelines. Before alone to minimize the number of people in the
scheduling, it is crucial to use professional waiting area. As an additional measure to avoid
judgment to carefully assess the risk to benefit crowding, patients can be asked to wait in the
ratio, as a significant subset of COVID-19- vehicle or a designated common area and then be
affected patients might be asymptomatic and notified via telephone or RFID to come in for the
can serve as carriers of infection (Rothe et al. appointment. In order to avoid cross-­
2020). Amid the pandemic, all the patients contamination, a minimum of 6  feet or 1 meter
should be treated as if they are COVID-19 distance between patients should be maintained
positive. Therefore standard, contact, and air- in the waiting area, and infographics regarding
borne precautions should be in place (Ather appropriate hand hygiene and respiratory eti-
et al. 2020). Figure 34.2 is a brief overview of quettes such as for coughing and sneezing should
34  Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry 629

be put up. Alcohol-based hand rubs (60–95%) Specifically, the dental care providers should
should also be provided in the waiting area and wash their hands before examining a patient,
front desk. Patients need to wear a face mask at before performing any dental procedures, after
all times. As the waiting area usually has a lot of touching the patient, after touching the surround-
flat surfaces, and the fact that coronavirus can ings and equipment without disinfection, and
persist on inanimate surfaces for several days, after touching the oral mucosa, blood, damaged
frequent disinfection with a neutral pH detergent skin, or wound (Peng et al. 2020). CDC recom-
should be performed (Jamal et  al. 2020). mends using alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs)
Emphasis should be put to reduce the number of with 60% ethanol or 70% isopropyl alcohol as an
flat surfaces as much as possible and unnecessary alternative to washing hands with soap and water
items from the waiting area, such as magazines for 20 s as the use of ABHRs has been shown to
and toys (Jamal et al. 2020). have better compliance among health-care work-
Upon patient arrival, the COVID-19 screening ers (Kratzel et  al. 2020). However, if hands are
questionnaire should be filled out again to deter- visibly soiled, handwashing with soap and water
mine any changes in the patient’s COVID-19 sta- for at least 20 s is recommended (Kratzel et al.
tus (Ather et  al. 2020). Dental staff should be 2020).
trained to measure the patient’s temperature
using a non-touch thermometer or infrared ther-
mal scanner and oxygen saturation with a pulse 34.8.3 Personal Protective
oximeter (Ather et al. 2020). These vitals should Equipment (PPE)
be recorded for every patient, as silent hypox-
emia or low blood oxygen saturation level has PPE should be worn in order to have an effective
been reported as a presenting sign in some barrier against the cross-transmission of infec-
asymptomatic COVID-19 patients (Wilkerson tious agents. The judicious use of PPE is encour-
et al. 2020). Presence of fever (>100.4 °F = 38 °C), aged owing to the overwhelming spread of
low oxygen saturation (<94%), and symptoms COVID-19 infection and to prevent the shortage
related to COVID-19 should be recorded, and of PPE supply (Using Personal Protective
elective care should be deferred for at least Equipment (PPE) 2020). Therefore, PPE should
2 weeks. These patients should be asked to self-­ be chosen depending on the planned procedure
quarantine themselves, and the findings should and the infection status of the patient. PPE
be reported to local health authorities and to includes the use of gowns, gloves, protective eye-
patient’s primary care physician. wear, surgical facemask with a shield, surgical
head cap, and impervious shoe cover (Using
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 2020;
34.8.2 Hand Hygiene Jamal et  al. 2020). Depending on the logistics,
infection status of patient, and procedure, more
It is a simple and effective method to prevent the stringent practices such as the use of hazmat
spread of infectious diseases. Unfortunately, suits, National Institute for Occupational Safety
hand hygiene compliance rates have been and Health (NIOSH)-certified N95, European
reported to be as low as 51% (Pettinger and Standard Filtering Face Piece 2 (EU FFP2), or
Nettleman 1991). It has also been reported that EU FFP3 respirators conforming to European
people touch their face on an average of 23 times Standard 149 (EN149) might be needed (Jamal
per hour, with 44% of these occurrences involv- et al. 2020). OSHA recommends using powered
ing the mucous membranes of the mouth and air-purifying respirators or supplied-air respira-
nose (Kwok et al. 2015). Therefore, a two-before tors for aerosol-generating procedures.
and three-after hand hygiene protocol should be Furthermore, it is critical to ensure the fit of the
followed in order to reinforce the compliance of masks and respirators. Therefore, masks and res-
handwashing (Safety and World Health 2009). pirators should be fit checked and always dis-
630 A. Tonkaboni et al.

carded if soiled (Using Personal Protective tion for 30–60  s (Peng et  al. 2020). Data for
Equipment (PPE) 2020). hydrogen peroxide comes from an in vitro study
Guidelines for donning and doffing of PPE confirming the efficacy of 0.5% hydrogen perox-
must be followed (Using Personal Protective ide against SARS-CoV-2 on inanimate surfaces
Equipment (PPE) 2020), as it has been shown (Kampf et al. 2020). Conflicting results are avail-
that incorrect doffing is a frequent occurrence able in the literature on the efficacy of chlorhexi-
and can lead to contamination of health-care dine mouth rinse against SARS-CoV-2. Although
workers after the patient encounter (Okamoto Meng et al. reported against the use of chlorhexi-
et al. 2016). dine rinse for SARS-CoV-2 (Meng et al. 2020),
another study showed the efficacy of chlorhexi-
dine mouth rinse in reducing SARS-CoV-2 load
34.8.4 Radiographs in saliva (Yoon et al. 2020).

Dental radiography is an integral component of

establishing the diagnosis in several dental condi- 34.8.6 Aerosol-Generating
tions. The use of intra-oral radiographic films or Procedures (AGP)
sensors carries the potential to induce cough or
gag reflex (Ather et al. 2020). If needed, films or Aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) are
sensors should be a double barrier to reduce the defined as any medical and patient care proce-
chances of contamination with the patient’s saliva dure that results in the production of airborne
(Hokett et al. 2000). As an alternative, extraoral particles (aerosols) (Bolton et al. 2020). Aerosols
radiographic techniques such as panoramic are defined as particles less than 50 micrometers
radiograph or limited field of view CBCT can be in diameter compared to splatter characterized by
used to obtain diagnostic information (Ather having a diameter of greater than 50 micrometers
et al. 2020). (Harrel and Molinari 2004). Aerosols have been
suggested as the greatest airborne infection threat
in dentistry due to their ability to stay airborne
34.8.5 Pre-procedural Mouth Rinse and the potential to enter respiratory passages
(Harrel and Molinari 2004). The potential of
Oral rinses targeting the viral envelope represent aerosols to contain saliva, nasopharyngeal secre-
a potential method to reduce or inactivate infec- tions, blood, and microorganisms can pose a risk
tive viral particles (O’Donnell et  al. 2020). for nosocomial spread of infection (Zemouri
Povidone-iodine (PVP-I) mouthwash in a con- et al. 2017). It is noteworthy that aerosols from
centration of 0.23% has been shown to inactivate severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus
both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV following a (SARS-CoV) can travel more than 6 feet (Kutter
15-second exposure (Eggers et  al. 2018). An et al. 2018). Studies have demonstrated high viral
in vitro study published in June 2020 confirmed load in nasopharyngeal secretions and saliva of
the rapid SARS-CoV-2 viricidal activity of PVP-I COVID-19-affected individuals (Xu et al. 2020;
[0.50–1.5%%] (Bidra et al. 2020). However, cau- To et  al. 2020). In addition to lungs, salivary
tion should be exercised while using high con- glands have also been shown to possess human
centrations, as they have been shown to possess angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptors (Liu
ciliotoxicity on human respiratory tissues et al. 2011), which can act as the binding site for
(O’Donnell et al. 2020). Rare reports of an aller- SARS-CoV-2 (Using Personal Protective
gic reaction to PVP-I have also been reported in Equipment (PPE) 2020).
the literature (O’Donnell et  al. 2020). Another Interestingly, high concentrations of virions
alternative is an oxidizing agent, hydrogen per- have also been reported on oral mucosa and
oxide, which should be diluted to 1–1.5% for oral tongue of affected patients (Xu et  al. 2020).
use, and the patient should gargle with the solu- However, the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via
34  Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry 631

aerosols is still to be proven. There have been form AGP in isolated closed rooms during the
reports of the ability of SARS-CoV-2 to be aero- pandemic (Peng et al. 2020).
solized and transmitted to other individuals. A Also, the use of lasers has been implicated in
recent study by Guo et al. showed the potential the spread of viral particles via plumes. Ziegler
for SARS-CoV-2 to be aerosolized and reported et  al. investigated that application of Er:YAG
on-air and surface contamination in COVID-19 laser can enhance the virus spread through longer
hospital wards (Guo et al. 2020b). This study also distances and promote its transmission signifi-
highlighted the potential for this infection to cantly in the dental setting (Ziegler et al. 1998).
spread to health-care professionals. Even after
completing treatment, aerosols are suspended in
the air within the treatment room, with more sub- 34.8.7 Use of Rubber Dam and High-­
stantial and larger particles settling faster Volume Evacuation
(Bennett et  al. 2000; Nikitin et  al. 2014).
Microbial contamination can be detected as long Rubber dam isolation involves the application of
as 30 min after an aerosol-generating procedure a latex/non-latex sheet in a frame over the tooth/
(Nikitin et  al. 2014; Bennett et  al. 2000). teeth and isolates the site from the rest of the oral
Therefore, to avoid cross-transmission, a waiting cavity (Ahmed et al. 2014). One of the purposes
time of at least 30 min between patients is recom- of a rubber dam is to prevent the seepage of saliva
mended along with adequate ventilation of the into the field of operation (Ahmed et al. 2014). It
operatory (coronavirus Sars-CoV 2020). Settling has been reported that if applied appropriately
occurs on all horizontal surfaces, after which and further sealed with a barrier such as
these can act as a vehicle for transmission of the OpalDam/OraSeal (Ultradent Products Inc.,
SARS-CoV-2 virus via indirect contact. Also, the South Jordan UT, USA), the only source of con-
viability of SARS-CoV-2 in aerosols can be up to tamination would be the tooth that is being treated
3 h, while it can maintain up to 3 days on surfaces (Diegritz et  al. 2020; Li et  al. 2004). After the
such as stainless steel and glass (Van Doremalen rubber dam application, it is advisable to disin-
et al. 2020). fect the dam and tooth with 0.5–5.25% sodium
In dentistry, the most common sources for hypochlorite solution, which has shown to pos-
aerosol generation are high-speed handpieces, sess virucidal activity against SARS-CoV-2
ultrasonic units, air abrasion devices, and three-­ (Kampf et  al. 2020). Cochran et  al. reported a
way air-water syringes (Harrel and Molinari significant reduction in atmospheric microbial
2004). Depending on the status of the COVID-19 contamination when rubber dams were used
pandemic in a specific region, recommendations (Cochran et  al. 1989). A further step to reduce
are put forward to restrict the use of aerosol-­ microbial contamination and aerosols is to rou-
generating devices. Alternative measures to AGP tinely use high-volume evacuation during
can be undertaken to achieve the same treatment aerosol-­generating procedures (Jamal et  al.
goal, e.g., scaling and root planing can be per- 2020).
formed manually instead of using ultrasonic
units. Chemo-mechanical caries removal (atrau-
matic restorative technique) can be used to avoid 34.8.8 Negative-Pressure Treatment
aerosol generation from high-speed rotary hand- Room/Airborne Infection
pieces. However, in situations where AGP needs Isolation Rooms (AIIRs)
to be undertaken, a four-handed dentistry tech-
nique with rubber dam application and high-­ For suspected or confirmed patients with
volume evacuation should be utilized (Ather COVID-­19 or individuals meeting any criteria
et al. 2020). High-speed handpieces should also outlined in Fig. 34.2, the dental procedure should
have anti-retraction valves to prevent the aspira- be performed at a center with a provision for a
tion of contaminants. It is also advisable to per- negative-pressure room (Ather et al. 2020; Jamal
632 A. Tonkaboni et al.

et al. 2020). AIIRs are rooms at negative pressure Regarding disinfectants, the WHO has stated,
relative to the surrounding areas and with a mini- “The recommendation of 0.1% (1000 ppm) in the
mum of six air changes per hour (Ather et  al. context of COVID-19 is a conservative concen-
2020). Anticipatory knowledge of centers with tration that will inactivate the vast majority of
provision for AIIRs will help dentists to provide other pathogens that may be present in the health
emergent dental care if the need arises (Ather care setting. However, for blood and body fluids,
et  al. 2020). By considering the shortage of large spills (i.e., more than about 10 mL) a con-
negative-­pressure rooms and the overwhelmed centration of 0.5% (5000 ppm) is recommended.”
hospitals, there should be another alternative to A review of literature done by Kampf et  al.
provide care in an isolated room. Also, the showed that coronaviruses could persist on
appointment should be scheduled as the last ­inanimate surfaces for up to 9 days and surface
patient of the day (Meng et al. 2020), and if pos- disinfection with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite or
sible, it is advisable to defer the treatment for at 62–71% ethanol significantly reduces coronavi-
least 2  weeks (Ather et  al. 2020). However, if rus infectivity on surfaces within 1 min exposure
these patients have an urgent dental problem, pal- time (Kampf et  al. 2020). Specific research on
liative care such as prescribing antibiotics and SARS-CoV-2 done by Van Doremalen et  al.
analgesics should be considered. revealed that it could persist on inanimate sur-
faces for up to 3 days with more stability on sur-
faces such as plastic and stainless steel (Van
34.8.9 Disinfection of Instruments, Doremalen et al. 2020). Therefore, adequate dis-
Surfaces, and Operatory infection of surfaces should be carried out to
mitigate the risk of indirect transmission of
The use of single-use disposable instruments and SARS-CoV-2.
devices such as mouth mirrors and syringes is In addition to chemical disinfectants, UV-C
recommended (Peng et  al. 2020). For reusable might have a potential role in the disinfection of
patient care items, procedures for cleaning, disin- operatories and workspace clinical surfaces
fection, and sterilization can be performed (Casini et al. 2019). However, the data on UV-C
according to the CDC guidelines. light disinfection is mostly against SARS-CoV-1
The workspace environment can often get and has conflicting results (Kariwa et  al. 2006;
contaminated due to the microbial-laden aerosols Darnell et  al. 2004). No conclusive data on the
generated during dental procedures. These work- efficacy of UV disinfection against SARS-CoV-2
space surfaces can be separated into housekeep- has been published to date in the scientific
ing surfaces (such as floors and walls) and clinical literature.
contact surfaces (Schneiderman and Cartee Ozone gas is also a potential agent that has
2020). Clinical contact surfaces include the den- been tested for eliminating various types of
tal radiographic equipment, knobs, switches, viruses (Roy et  al. 1981). It has been reported
light handles, drawer handles, chairside comput- that SARS-CoV is also sensitive to ozone gas
ers, countertops, nitrous oxide equipment, and (Schentag et  al. 2004). Enveloped viruses are
digital impression devices (Schneiderman and vulnerable to inactivation in the presence of
Cartee 2020). Impervious barriers should be ozone gas, which has an oxidizing effect; reac-
placed on clinical contact surfaces and should be tive oxygen species can have negative effects on
replaced between patients (Schneiderman and the integrity of the envelope because of their
Cartee 2020). Clinical contact surfaces require oxidation (Kekez and Sattar 1997). This inacti-
disinfection between patients. The United States vation may work on the novel coronavirus,
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pro- which possesses a lipid envelope, like the
vides a list of approved disinfectants for SARS-­ SARS-­ CoV.  However, the concentration of
CoV-­2 disinfection and specifies the contact time more than 1  ppm is not recommended in an
required for adequate disinfection. occupied room because of its toxicity (Paffett
34  Impact of COVID-19 on Dentistry 633

et  al. 2015). Another study investigated that systems or having a window is a simple step to
virus in the aerosols was inactivated in a few dilute the contaminants. Materials such as copper
seconds after exposure to ozone gas (Kekez and may find increased use as it has shown to be bet-
Sattar 1997). ter than steel and plastic in terms of resisting
SARS-CoV-2 survival (Van Doremalen et  al.
34.8.10 Workspace Considerations

As part of the COVID-19 outbreak preparedness, 34.9 Conclusion

clinics were shut down, and elective procedures
were withheld. As a result, patient volume across Infectious disease outbreaks have been on the
most health systems declined, helping reduce the rise for the past few decades. The COVID-19
nosocomial spread of the virus. Moving forward, pandemic has been one of the most humbling
several regions across the world have moved experiences for the health-care system. Although
toward a phased opening of the economy and the topic of COVID-19 transmission via aerosols
reopening of dental practices for elective care. in dental practices has been controversial, the
However, a shift from emergent care to elective possibility still exists and calls for an immediate
care will increase patient flow and subsequently action by the dental community to play a dual
challenge the feasibility of “social distancing” role by not only providing adequate care to the
practices, which is the bedrock for continuing to patients but also making sure that appropriate
open the country. measures are in place to contain the spread of this
Unfortunately, several modern health-care infection. The practice of dentistry might experi-
facilities have open floor plan practices and ence specific changes such as careful screening
“densified” waiting rooms, especially for out- of patients, strict adherence to safety protocols,
patient care. Such proximity of patients, family and modification of workspaces. It is essential to
members, and health-care workers, combined understand that the guidelines and recommenda-
with the high infectivity of SARS CoV-2, poses tions provided in this chapter might change over
a high risk for cross-contamination and limits a while as the understanding of COVID-19
the ability of facilities to prevent COVID-19 matures. Therefore, dentists need to keep them-
spread. selves abreast of the dynamic trends in the under-
As we move toward possibly providing standing of COVID-19 and should follow the
elective care, changes in the architectural design local or regional dental guidelines at all times.
and layout of the work environment should be
considered. Design interventions such as placing
glass barriers at the front desk, automated doors, References
and minimizing flat surfaces as much as possible
to reduce fomite transmission of microbes are all Ahmed HMA, Cohen S, Lévy G, Steier L, Bukiet F (2014)
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The Implications of COVID-19
to Ophthalmology 35
Tracy H. T. Lai, Emily W. H. Tang,
and Kenneth K. W. Li

Abstract 35.1 Introduction

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a
pandemic has brought unprecedented chal- highly infectious disease caused by severe acute
lenges to ophthalmology. At least 16 ophthal- respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-­
mologists worldwide have succumbed to CoV-­2). It quickly evolved into a global threat
COVID-19. It reflects the susceptibility of since the first reported case in December 2019.
ophthalmologists to COVID-19 infection as The World Health Organization (WHO) officially
they are in close proximity to patients. This declared COVID-19 a global pandemic on March
chapter provides an overview of the ocular 11, 2020 (WHO Director-General’s opening
manifestations of COVID-19, risks of remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19
COVID-­19 to ophthalmologists and patients, 2020). Since then, there has been continuing
clinical service adjustments due to COVID-­19, exponential growths in both the newly confirmed
and infection control measures to minimize COVID-19 cases and the death toll. At the time of
the transmission of COVID-19 in ophthalmic writing, more than 71 million people worldwide
practice. are confirmed to be infected with COVID-19, and
the number of deaths has already surpassed 16
Keywords million (COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic
2020). Border control, quarantine policies, lock-
Conjunctivitis · Coronavirus · COVID-19 · down, and social distancing measures have been
Infection control · Ophthalmology · implemented in various parts of the world to con-
SARS-CoV-2 tain the virus and mitigate the spread of infection.
Some localities, such as Hong Kong, employed a
containment approach, which involves the use of
extensive testing of COVID-19, tracing of all sus-
pected cases, quarantining of all close contacts,
and admission of all COVID-19 patients. Some
T. H. T. Lai · E. W. H. Tang · K. K. W. Li (*) countries, such as the United Kingdom and the
Department of Ophthalmology, United Christian United States, adopted a mitigation approach, in
Hospital, Kowloon, Hong Kong
which only severe COVID-19 cases would be
Department of Ophthalmology, Tseung Kwan O admitted and mild COVID-19 cases would be
Hospital, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong sent home to self-isolate.

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 637
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
638 T. H. T. Lai et al.

35.1.1 Hospital-Wide Contingency wide have been deployed to medicine depart-

Measures ments, ICUs, and accident and emergency
departments. For example, ophthalmologists
During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals world- from New York (Matossian 2020) and Singapore
wide have implemented contingency measures (Li et  al. 2020b) were deployed to emergency
(Adlhoch et al. 2020). Triage systems were set up rooms and screening centers to conduct examina-
at hospital entrances to identify suspected tion and screening on suspected COVID-19
COVID-19 cases who are then diverted to the patients. In the United Kingdom, ophthalmolo-
accident and emergency department or tents out- gists were deployed to acute wards and ICUs
side the hospital for medical care and testing. Due (Attzs and Lakhani 2020; Yang et  al. 2020). In
to the overwhelming number of patients, operat- Hong Kong, ophthalmologists were deployed to
ing theatres were converted into intensive care non-COVID medical wards and medical outpa-
units (ICU) for COVID-19 patients in numerous tient clinics to relieve the workload of medical
countries. Regular inpatient wards have been colleagues who had to take care of COVID-19
equipped with air filtration systems to convert patients. To prepare medical staff for deploy-
them into isolation wards. When the capacity of ment, it is of paramount importance to equip
the hospital was overwhelmed, prefabricated them with the latest knowledge in both clinical
buildings and mobile military hospitals were set medicine and infection control.
up. To reduce the risk of cross-infection and con-
serve resources, such as human resources, inpa-
tient beds, and personal protective equipment 35.2 Ocular Manifestations
(PPE), many nonurgent outpatient clinics, elec- and COVID-19
tive investigations, and operations were sus-
pended. Guidelines were established to conserve 35.2.1 Conjunctivitis and COVID-19
and optimize the use of PPE, and visitors and
accompanying persons were kept to a minimum. Prevalence of Conjunctivitis
The policy on the use of surgical masks by and SARS-CoV-2
health-care workers and patients within the hos- in Conjunctival Swabs
pital varies among different countries (Tang et al. The prevalence of ocular involvement in
2020). Public Health England (PHE) does not COVID-­19 patients varies widely among studies.
recommend all health-care workers to wear sur- In a study of 1099 COVID-19 cases, only nine
gical masks in hospitals (COVID-19 personal (0.8%) had conjunctival congestion (Guan et al.
protective equipment (PPE) 2020). Contrarily, in 2020). In another case series of 535 COVID-19
Hong Kong, under the emergency response level, patients in Wuhan, 27 (5.0%) had conjunctival
everyone that enters the hospital premises congestion, of which 4 (0.75%) had conjunctival
(health-care worker, patient, or visitor) is required congestion as the initial symptom (Chen et  al.
to wear mask (Recommended Personal Protective 2020a). Hong et  al. administered the Ocular
Equipment (PPE) in hospitals/clinics under Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Salisbury Eye
Serious/Emergency Response Level. Coronavirus Evaluation Questionnaire (SEEQ) to 56
disease (COVID-19) 2020). COVID-­19 cases. A total of 15 patients (26.8%)
reported aggravation of ocular symptoms, 6
(10.7%) had prodromal ocular symptoms before
35.1.2 Deployment the disease onset, and only 2 (3.6%) had conjunc-
of Ophthalmologists tivitis (Hong et al. 2020).
to Emergency Rooms SARS-CoV-2 transmission through conjunc-
and Medical Departments tival secretions and the tear fluid remained con-
troversial. Zhang et al. from Wuhan, which was
With the increase in clinical workload due to the epicenter of COVID-19  in China, reported
COVID-19, numerous ophthalmologists world- conjunctivitis in only 2 out of 72 patients (2.8%)
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 639

(Zhang et  al. 2020). Only one patient (1.4%) were treated with ganciclovir eye ointment,
had a positive conjunctival swab. They found azithromycin, or ribavirin eye drops. The effi-
that out of 121 COVID-19 patients, 8 (6.6%) cacy of these drugs for COVID-19-associated
had ocular symptoms, with only 3 (2.5%) who conjunctivitis will be the focus of future
had a positive conjunctival swab reverse tran- research.
scription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) In summary, out of 1981 patients reported,
for SARS-­CoV-­2. 2 of these 3 patients were in 75 (3.8%) had ocular manifestations and 10
critical condition (Zhou et  al. 2020). In a (0.5%) had positive conjunctival swabs. The
Singaporean study of 64 tear samples, which WHO-­­China Joint Mission on COVID-­19 esti-
were collected from 17 COVID-19 patients mated the incidence of conjunctival congestion
using Schirmer’s tests, all samples tested nega- to be about 0.8%, based on a study on 55,924
tive for SARS-­CoV-­2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) laboratory-­confirmed cases (Report of the
(Seah et al. 2020). Out of the 17 patients, only 1 WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus
(5.9%) had conjunctival injection and chemosis. Disease 2019 (COVID-­19) 2020). The rate of
Another study conducted by Xia et al. included SARS-CoV-2 RNA detection in tears and con-
30 COVID-19 patients (Xia et al. 2020). Some junctival swabs may be influenced by the
of these patients overlapped with patients who method of sampling and the definition (clinical
were included in the study by Hong et al., which vs. laboratory-­confirmed diagnosis) of COVID-
was previously mentioned. Only 1 patient 19 and severity classes. With regard to conjunc-
(3.3%) had conjunctivitis whose conjunctival tival swab, the rate of SARS-CoV-2 RNA
swab tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. All the detection was affected by the number of sam-
other patients had negative conjunctival swabs. ples taken from each patient, the amount of ocu-
Karimi et  al. from Iran collected tear samples lar discharge collected, and the time from the
from 43 COVID-19 patients, of which only 1 date of illness onset to the date of conjunctival
(2.3%) had conjunctivitis; 3 (7%) samples tested sampling. A single sample, an inadequate sam-
positive for SARS-­CoV-­2 (Karimi et al. 2020). pling, and a sample taken after the disappear-
Most studies did not report on how conjunctival ance of ocular symptoms may have led to a
swabs were taken, but Karimi et al. mentioned false-negative result.
that they obtained all eye swabs on the first day
of admission and placed them in the lower for- T  he Conjunctiva as a Portal
nix for a longer duration (at least 10 seconds). for SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Such a method of sample collection may explain and the Importance of Eye
the slightly higher positive rate of tear RT-PCR Protection
for SARS-CoV-2 in their study compared with The presence of SARS-CoV-2 in the conjunctiva
that in other studies. A study by Wu et  al. can be caused by direct inoculation, migration of
included 38 COVID-19 patients (Wu et  al. the virus from the respiratory tract through the
2020). Among them, 12 (31.6%) had ocular nasolacrimal duct, or infection of the lacrimal
manifestations compatible with conjunctivitis gland and consequent shedding of the virus (Seah
(conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis, epiphora, or et al. 2020). Whether the conjunctiva is a possible
increased secretions), and 8 were in critical con- site of entry for SARS-CoV-2 remains controver-
dition. Only 2 (5.3%) had positive conjunctival sial (Napoli et al. 2020). Ma et al. suggested that
swabs. The percentage of patients with ocular the conjunctiva would be less likely to be infected
manifestations in this study was much higher by SARS-CoV-2 due to the presence of
than those in other studies. However, we need to angiotensin-­ converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and
bear in mind that such ocular manifestations are the absence of type II transmembrane serine pro-
common in ventilated patients and may not nec- tease (TMPRSS2), which are both required for
essarily imply COVID-­19-­related conjunctivitis the occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Ma
(Stevens et al. 2020). In addition to the conven- et  al. 2020). However, anecdotal reports sug-
tional treatment of conjunctivitis, some patients gested that conjunctivitis may be the only initial
640 T. H. T. Lai et al.

symptom of COVID-19 before the appearance of swab tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA
systemic symptoms, and there have been reports (Chen et  al. 2020b). He suffered from eye red-
of ocular transmission of COVID-19 to health-­ ness, tearing, and foreign body sensation.
care workers due to the lack of eye protection. Through the physical examination, bilateral con-
These are pieces of evidence proving that the junctival injection, follicles, and preauricular
conjunctiva could potentially be a portal for lymph nodes were observed. Another 63-year-
SARS-CoV-2 infection, either by droplets or by old male developed hemorrhagic pseudomem-
direct contact with secretions from infected branous conjunctivitis on day 17 after the disease
cases, followed by subsequent inoculation into onset (Navel et al. 2020). His conjunctival swab
the mucous membranes. Dr. Guangfa Wang, a and scraping tested negative for any bacteria or
member of the Chinese national expert panel on virus. It suggests that conjunctivitis may reflect
pneumonia, experienced conjunctivitis in the left SARS-CoV-2 infection or be secondary to other
eye 3 hours before the onset of cough (Lu et al. infections.
2020). He suspected that the SARS-CoV-2 virus
entered his body through his eyes as he wore an Severe Keratoconjunctivitis
N95 respirator but did not wear any eye protec- in COVID-19
tion when he visited COVID-19 patients in The severity of conjunctivitis in patients with
Wuhan. A nurse working in the emergency COVID-19 varies from mild to severe. While
department developed conjunctivitis and fever some only experienced eye redness and tearing,
without any other systemic symptoms of there have been reports of cases of severe con-
COVID-­19 (Zhang et al. 2020). She reported that junctivitis with corneal involvement causing
her protective goggles occasionally dislocated visual impairment. A 29-year-old woman in
and touched her eyelids. She later tested positive Canada developed keratoconjunctivitis with a
for COVID-19. Hui et al. from the University of swollen eyelid, photophobia, and eye discharge
Hong Kong studied the infectivity of SARS-­ (Cheema et al. 2020). The slit-lamp examination
CoV-­2 and SARS-CoV using ex vivo human con- revealed conjunctival injection, follicles, and cor-
junctival tissues (Hui et  al. 2020). Conjunctival neal involvement with pseudodendrites and sub-
cultures were more extensively infected by epithelial infiltrates with overlying corneal
SARS-CoV-2 than by SARS-CoV, as indicated defects with a drop in vision from 20/20 to 20/40.
by immunohistochemical staining, and had A tender preauricular lymph node was palpable.
higher infectious viral titers. The demonstration The conjunctival swab of the patient tested posi-
of infection and replication of SARS-CoV-2  in tive for SARS-CoV-2 RNA.
the conjunctiva suggested that the conjunctiva
could be a possible portal for SARS-CoV-2 infec-
tion and supported the important practice of 35.2.2 Neuro-ophthalmological
wearing eye protection by health-care workers manifestations of COVID-19
(Lai et al. 2020b).
Miller Fisher syndrome, a variant of Guillain– C  onjunctivitis May Present Barre Syndrome, was reported in one case of
as an Initial Symptom or May COVID-19 (Gutierrez-Ortiz et  al. 2020). This
Occur in the Later Stages syndrome is characterized by ophthalmoplegia,
of COVID-19 ataxia, and areflexia. A 50-year-old man pre-
While conjunctivitis could present as an initial sented with vertical diplopia 5 days after the
symptom of COVID-19, it may also occur dur- onset of cough, fever, anosmia, and ageusia. The
ing the later stages of COVID-19. A 30-year-old physical examination revealed right hypertropia,
man developed acute bilateral conjunctivitis 13 limited adduction of the right eye, and abduction
days after the disease onset, and his conjunctival nystagmus of the left eye, compatible with right
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 641

internuclear ophthalmoplegia and oculomotor lesions in the ganglion cells and inner plexiform
nerve palsy. An ataxic gait was detected, whereas layers, especially at the papillomacular bundle.
deep tendon reflexes in the upper and lower Four patients had cotton wool spots and retinal
limbs were absent. He tested positive for SARS- hemorrhages along the retinal arcades. Optical
CoV-2 RNA in the nasopharyngeal swab and coherence tomography angiograms were normal,
antibodies to the ganglioside GD1b in the blood. and the vision was not affected. However, it was
Following treatment with intravenous immuno- not mentioned whether the patients had any pre-
globulin, his neurological symptoms resolved existing ocular pathologies, and no follow-up
over 2 weeks. scans were performed. These retinal changes
Bilateral abducens nerve palsy was also may be the result of microvascular occlusion sec-
reported in a COVID-19 patient (Gutierrez-Ortiz ondary to COVID-19.
et  al. 2020). The patient presented with acute-­
onset diplopia. Three days before, he suffered
from fever and diarrhea without any respiratory 35.2.4 Hydroxychloroquine
symptoms. The physical examination revealed and ocular toxicity
bilateral abduction deficit and esotropia, which
was more marked at a distance than near. All Both chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine bind
deep tendon reflexes were absent, but there was with melanin in the retinal pigment epithelium,
no ataxia. He tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 which could lead to damage in the photorecep-
RNA in the oropharyngeal swab. The anti-­ tors and outer nuclear layers, thus resulting in a
ganglioside antibody test was not performed for classical “bull’s eye” maculopathy after many
this case. He completely recovered after 2 weeks. years of drug use (Ruamviboonsuk et al. 2020;
The pathogenesis of Miller Fisher syndrome Yusuf et  al. 2017). Chloroquine and hydroxy-
and cranial nerve palsy in COVID-19 patients chloroquine were postulated to reduce the viral
may be due to either an aberrant immune replication of coronavirus, though their effec-
response to SARS-CoV-2 or direct pathogenic tiveness against COVID-19 has not been proven
effects of SARS-CoV-2. The former seems to yet. At the time of writing, more than 80 clinical
be more likely as there have been reports of trials are currently underway (Ferner and
Miller Fisher syndrome after different bacterial Aronson 2020; Gautret et  al. 2020; Gao et  al.
and viral infections, suggesting a para- or post- 2020). However, the WHO has halted its clinical
viral immune response. Moreover, SARS- trials involving the use of hydroxychloroquine
CoV-2 was not detected in the cerebrospinal as it has no proven effect in the reduction of
fluid of both patients, making the latter less mortality (“Solidarity” clinical trial for COVID-
likely to be true. 19 treatments 2020). The standard dosage pre-
scribed in clinical trials was 800 mg per day for
the first day, followed by 400 mg per day for 5
35.2.3 Retinal Changes in COVID-19 days. Although this is higher than the dosage of
Patients <5mg/kg recommended by the American
Academy of Ophthalmology (Marmor et  al.
Asymptomatic retinal changes were detected in 2016), retinopathy is rarely observed before 10
the retinas of COVID-19 patients. A study from or more years of hydroxychloroquine usage.
Brazil reported optical coherence tomography The risk associated with high-dose hydroxy-
findings of 12 COVID-19 infected adults 11–33 chloroquine over a concise period is very low,
days after the onset of symptoms (Marinho et al. and an eye exam is not likely to be necessary
2020). All patients showed hyper-reflective (Marmor 2020).
642 T. H. T. Lai et al.

35.3 T
 he Risks of COVID-19 not have COVID-19, the eye professionals in the
to Ophthalmologists case group were older (p = 0.01), had been in
and Patients practice longer (p = 0.001), had higher rates of
contact with confirmed or suspected cases (p =
According to the WHO, during previous corona- 0.002), and reported higher rates of lack of sleep
virus outbreaks, such as SARS, human-to-human (p = 0.008) and lack of PPE (p = 0.02). Also, the
transmission occurred through droplets, contacts, control group participants more frequently
and fomites. Evidence shows similar modes of avoided direct skin contact with patients by using
transmission for COVID-19 (Coronavirus dis- gloves or cotton tips (p = 0.03). Ophthalmologists
ease 2019 Situation Report  – 25 2020). More are particularly at risk for COVID-19 due to the
than 15,000 health-care workers in Italy were proximity to the patient’s upper respiratory tract
infected with COVID-19, and the latest estimates during the slit-lamp examination and direct oph-
from Lombardy suggested that 20% of the health-­ thalmoscopy, contact with ocular secretions, and
care professionals were positive for SARS-CoV-2 seeing a large number of patients (Breazzano
RNA (Veritti et al. 2020). The Centers for Disease et  al. 2020). Anecdotal reports suggest that
Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that at patients with subclinical infection can transmit
least 9,282 health-care workers in the United infection (Chang et  al. 2020) and that when no
States had been infected with COVID-19 eye protection is worn, the transmission of the
(Characteristics of Health Care Personnel with virus can occur via aerosol contact with the con-
COVID-19 – United States, February 12-April 9, junctiva (Lu et al. 2020).
2020). Moreover, more than 1,800 health-care Ophthalmologists may also be caught off
workers worldwide have died from COVID-19 guard because conjunctivitis, though uncommon,
(In Memoriam: Healthcare Workers Who Have could be the first presenting symptom of
Died of COVID-19 2020). According to a survey COVID-­ 19 before the appearance of common
conducted on 2,306 residents in New York City, ones, such as cough and fever (Lu et  al. 2020).
anesthesiology, emergency medicine, and oph- The American Academy of Ophthalmology has
thalmology clustered as high-risk specialties, as issued an alert advising ophthalmologists to wear
indicated by the proportion of residents infected masks and eye protection when seeing patients
with COVID-19 (Breazzano et  al. 2020). In with conjunctivitis, respiratory symptoms, and a
Wuhan, otolaryngologists and ophthalmologists recent history of international travel (Alert:
had higher rates of infection compared with their Important coronavirus context for ophthalmolo-
colleagues in other specialties (Patel et al. 2020). gists 2020).
Dr. Li Wenliang, an ophthalmologist at Wuhan The world’s population is aging. Given the
Central Hospital, contracted COVID-19 when he direct association between aging and cataract,
visited an initially asymptomatic glaucoma most ophthalmic clinics are extremely busy and
patient. He succumbed to the disease 1 month crowded. Elderly patients also appear to be at
later (Parrish et  al. 2020). His colleagues, Drs increased risk of severe COVID-19 infection and
Mei Zhongming and Zhu Heping, also contracted mortality (Wang et  al. 2020; Zhang 2020).
the virus at the same hospital and died in March Furthermore, since ophthalmic consultations
2020 (Ting et al. 2020). At the time of writing, 16 often involve multiple investigations, including
ophthalmologists have already died due to visual acuity, intraocular pressure measurement,
COVID-19 (In Memoriam: Ophthalmologist and pupillary dilatation, it is not uncommon that
Deaths from COVID-19 2020). A survey con- patients have prolonged stay in the clinic to com-
ducted across hospitals in Wuhan reported that 14 plete the whole examination (What Happens at
ophthalmologists, 12 ophthalmic nurses, and 2 an Eye Exam? 2019). All these factors potentially
ophthalmic technicians were infected with increase the risk of cross-infection, between
COVID-19 (Qiao et  al. 2020). Compared with patients and between health-care workers and
the control group of eye professionals who did patients, in ophthalmology outpatient clinics.
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 643

35.4 Strategies to Prevent ischemic central retinal vein occlusion, acute

COVID-­19 Transmission retinal detachment, severe active uveitis (Hung
in Ophthalmology and Li 2020), active ocular and adnexal cancers,
Outpatient Clinics retinopathy of prematurity, endophthalmitis,
sight-threatening trauma or orbital disease, and
We previously described the use of a three-level giant cell arteritis affecting the vision (Protecting
hierarchy approach as a framework to minimize Patients, Protecting Staff 2020). International vit-
the COVID-19 transmission in ophthalmology: reoretinal experts have also published risk strati-
(i) administrative control, (ii) environmental con- fication guidelines for patients receiving
trol, and (iii) the use of PPE (Lai et al. 2020a). anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-­
VEGF) injections (Korobelnik et  al. 2020).
Patients with a recent onset of significant visual
35.4.1 Administrative Control loss, neovascular age-related macular degenera-
tion, neovascular glaucoma, new central retinal
It is the first and most important level of the hier- occlusion, and only eye would be prioritized over
archy, which involves the most significant num- patients with diabetic macular edema and branch
ber of people. It consists of the following retinal vein occlusion. In Northern Carolina and
measures aimed at reducing the risk of exposure Maryland in the United States, drive-through
of uninfected people to people infected with clinics were set up such that the patient would sit
COVID-19. in his/her car and an ophthalmologist wearing a
face shield and surgical mask would examine the Lowering Patient patient using portable equipment. It reduces the
Attendance risk of cross-infection among patients in the wait-
With many countries facing an aging population, ing hall (Linnehan 2020; Robinson 2020). Any
most ophthalmic clinics are crowded with elderly talking between the ophthalmologist and the
patients. It is important to reduce the number of patient was discouraged, and any communication
outpatient attendance to prevent infection in this would be made via telemedicine after the consul-
vulnerable group of patients. In countries under tation. To maintain social distancing, some clin-
lockdown due to severe COVID-19 outbreak, ics advised patients to wait in their motor
elective clinic visits are suspended, and only vehicles, and they would be called upon to enter
cases with emergency ophthalmic conditions the clinic when it was their turn.
would be seen. On March 18, 2020, the American Telemedicine has been widely implemented
Academy of Ophthalmology recommended all during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in
ophthalmologists in the United States to immedi- countries with a more severe outbreak. Virtual
ately cease the provision of any treatment other consultations are conducted using video-­
than urgent or emergent care (Recommendations conferencing applications. For example, at the
for urgent and nonurgent patient care 2020). The New  York University Langone Health Medical
Royal College of Ophthalmologists in the United Center, over 5,000 video visits were conducted
Kingdom made similar recommendations on within 1 month of the pandemic onset (Grossman
March 30, 2020. They suggested that all face-to-­ et al. 2020). Oculoplastic surgery is a subspecialty
face outpatient activities should be postponed particularly suitable for teleconsultation. Websites
unless patients are at a high risk of rapid, signifi- and apps for checking visual acuity are widely
cant harm if their appointments are delayed available, and external appearance and extraocu-
(Protecting Patients, Protecting Staff 2020). Such lar movements can be checked during the video
conditions included acute glaucoma, wet active consultation. Patients with ptosis, dermatochala-
age-related macular degeneration, sight-­sis, ectropion, entropion, eyelid retraction, epiph-
threatening proliferative diabetic retinopathy, ora, and other conditions that rarely threaten
644 T. H. T. Lai et al.

vision can be readily identified using telemedi- cal advice and avoid ophthalmic clinic atten-
cine (Langer and Bernardini 2020). By using tele- dance. An inquiry hotline was set up, and an
medicine for pre-screening, both ophthalmologists ophthalmic specialist nurse answered all calls.
and patients would feel more comfortable to post- The medical records of patients who requested
pone appointments safely and reduce the number postponement of their appointments were
of face-to-face consultations. Follow-up visits for screened by ophthalmologists, who would decide
preseptal cellulitis and stable thyroid eye disease whether to accept the request for postponement,
could also be conducted. With the use of absorb- the duration of postponement, and the need for
able sutures in blepharoplasty, entropion/ectro- drug-refill based on the clinical conditions at the
pion correction, and lid mass excisional biopsy, most recent follow-up, as documented in the
postoperative visits can also be conducted using electronic medical record. The rescheduling was
telemedicine. Our hospital has also successfully based on the following agreed protocol with one
conducted pilot teleconsultations for stable oculo- overarching principle that only patients with sta-
plastic patients. Nevertheless, virtual consulta- ble clinical conditions would be permitted to
tions would be more difficult for subspecialties postpone their appointments. Patients with the
requiring intraocular examination or more sophis- following clinical conditions would need to keep
ticated investigations, such as visual field and their original appointment: (i) cases on systemic
optical coherence tomography. Developing coun- or topical steroids, (ii) cases within 2 weeks post-
tries may not have sufficient information technol- operatively, (iii) cases with uncontrolled intraoc-
ogy support and resources to conduct telemedicine. ular pressure in the previous visits, and (iv) cases
On the other hand, developed countries also face with conditions requiring frequent follow-ups. In
issues of legislation, coding, and billing that need our hospitals, a total of 17,028 SMS were sent
to be addressed. from February to April 2020. The overall response
In some parts of the world where the rate was 23.6% (4,011/17,028 patients). A total
COVID-­ 19 outbreak is relatively less severe, of 14.3% (2,439/17,028) of patients postponed
such as Hong Kong, ophthalmic clinics contin- their appointments, which led to an overall reduc-
ued their activities while giving the patients an tion of 13.9% in clinic attendance. Two hundred
option to postpone their appointments. Patients patients were invited to answer a questionnaire
with fever, flu symptoms, or recent travel were regarding satisfaction level and reason(s) for
advised to avoid ophthalmic clinic attendance. appointment rescheduling. The overall satisfac-
The number of accompanying persons was lim- tion was high (96%). The main reason for post-
ited to one for each patient. Despite active solici- poning appointments was worries about infection
tation of patients at the entrance of the clinic to risk (93.1%) (Lai et al. 2020d).
reschedule their appointments, it would be more The elderly with comorbidities are particu-
desirable if patients are informed of this option larly vulnerable to COVID-19 (Li et al. 2020c).
well before their scheduled appointments. Outbreaks in elderly homes or long-term facili-
Conveying this message to a large number of out- ties for dependent elderly can be disastrous
patients is often challenging. Our hospital took (McMichael et  al. 2020; Etard et  al. 2020). To
advantage of short message service (SMS) to reduce the risk of infection in the elderly, we pro-
send information to patients through their actively called nursing homes in our catchment
electronic mobile devices, at least 5 days in
­ area to encourage their residents to utilize our
advance before their scheduled appointments. drug refill service and consider postponing their
The content of the SMS included (i) the option of appointments. The nursing home staff could col-
rebooking and drug refill via telephone hotline lect drugs, on the patients’ behalf, at either our
and (ii) the suggestion for patients with fever, flu hospital pharmacy or nearby community
symptoms, or recent travel history to seek medi- pharmacies.
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 645 Suspension of Elective Contact of a suspected or confirmed case, and

Surgeries and Clinical Cluster of cases (TOCC)) were administered by
Services triage nurses. Besides, patients fulfilling the fol-
In numerous countries, nonurgent operations lowing criteria were also identified, and their
were suspended to reduce the risk of transmis- clinic appointments were postponed for at least
sion due to cross-infection and to conserve 14 days, which was the incubation period of
resources, such as inpatient beds, human COVID-19 (Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease
resources, and PPE used to combat the COVID-­19 2019 2020): (i) patients (or patients who have
outbreak (Recommendations for urgent and non- family members or accompanying persons) who
urgent patient care 2020; Protecting Patients, travelled to outbreak areas within 14 days; (ii)
Protecting Staff 2020). Emergency surgeries, patients with symptoms of upper respiratory tract
such as ruptured globe repair, lid laceration infection; and (iii) patients with acute conjuncti-
repair, retinal detachment repair, and vitrectomy vitis. Any patient fulfilling any of the above crite-
for endophthalmitis, were continued (Tang et al. ria but requiring urgent ophthalmic attention
2020a). Some countries have suspended solicita- would be diverted to a separate waiting area and
tion of eye tissue donation during the period of seen by a designated ophthalmologist in a par-
the outbreak. Before harvesting corneal grafts ticular room. Designated equipment and instru-
(Busin et  al. 2020) and amniotic membranes ments were used and not shared with other
(Yeung et al. 2020), all donors were required to patients. Figure  35.1 presents the patient triage
undergo PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2. Other workflow.
clinical services, such as electrodiagnostic stud- Inpatient consultations from other specialties
ies, botulinum toxin injections, and contact lens were seen in their respective parent wards rather
clinics, were suspended. than in the outpatient clinic, thereby mitigating
the risk of nosocomial transmission of Patient Triage COVID-19.
Up to 89% of COVID-19-infected cases suffer
from fever (Guan et al. 2020). Therefore, it is nec- Reduction of Aerosol
essary to ensure that patients with fever are identi- and Droplet Generation
fied before they enter the clinical area. Many in Ophthalmology
ophthalmology clinics worldwide have set up tri- COVID-19 transmission can occur via aerosols
age stations to screen for high-risk patients sus- (Zhou 2020). Therefore, routine aerosol-­
pected of having COVID-19. At our hospital, generating procedures (AGP) in ophthalmic
thermal infrared cameras were set up at the hospi- practice should be suspended.
tal entrance. All patients and their accompanying Non-contact tonometry (NCT) is a potential
persons were screened. Anyone not wearing source for micro aerosol (Britt et al. 1991). Using
masks would not be allowed to enter the hospital a camera and flash electrically coupled to an
premises. Those with fever were prohibited from NCT machine, Britt et al. studied the disruption
entering the eye clinic and were diverted to the of tear film when a pulse of pressurized air was
Accident and Emergency Department by health-­ blown towards the eyes. They reported tear film
care workers wearing appropriate PPE.  Those dehiscence and micro aerosol formation.
with urgent eye conditions and fever were seen by Therefore, it is prudent to suspend the use of
the on-call ophthalmologist either at the Accident NCT in outbreak areas. Other ways of intraocular
and Emergency Department, inpatient isolation pressure measurement, such as i-Care tonometry
rooms, or inpatient wards after admission. or Goldmann applanation tonometry, can be
For afebrile patients, questionnaires to screen employed instead (Ng et al. 2020). With the use
for epidemiological history (Travel to affected of disposable tips in tonometry, the risk of cross-­
areas during the incubation period, Occupation, infection is minimized.
646 T. H. T. Lai et al.

All Attendance to Eye Clinic

Yes No

Urgent eye condition?

(1) TOCC positive
• Travel history to outbreak area within 14 days
Ye s No • Cluster with people who travelled to outbreak
area within 14 days
(2) Symptoms of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
Ophthalmologist will Suggest patient to (3) Acute conjunctivitis within 14 days
see patient in A&E or seek medical
inpatient wards if advice Yes No

Does patient agree to postpone

Urgent eye condition? appointment?

Yes No
Yes No

Special clinic Need drug refill? Attend clinic as usual

• Patient waits in separate waiting area Doctors have usual
• Patient seen in a special room by a designated doctor protection with
• Doctor will be equipped with full personal protective surgical masks and
equipment when necessary eye protection

Yes No

Drug Refill
• Medical record screened by
doctor Postpone appointment for 14 days
• Refill drug item(s) or more
Postpone appointment for 14 days
or more

Fig. 35.1  Patient triage in the ophthalmology outpatient during the novel coronavirus outbreak: an experience
clinic. Abbreviations: A&E Accident and Emergency from Hong Kong. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and
Department, TOCC Travel, Occupation, Contact, and Experimental Ophthalmology 258 (5):1049–1055. https://
Clustering. (Adapted with permission (Lai THT et  al.­020-­04641-­8))
Stepping up infection control measures in ophthalmology

Oculoplastic surgeons often utilize nasal speed (75,000 rpm) drilling of a cadaver head
endoscopy in the outpatient clinic and during (Workman et  al. 2020). If the cadaver was
endonasal surgery. Workman et al. from Harvard unmasked, a simulated sneeze event generated
Medical School simulated sneezing during aerosol distribution of up to 66  cm from the
endoscopy using an intranasal atomizer placed in nares. Suction did not produce aerosols, but high-­
a cadaver head and performed suction and high-­ speed drills caused significant aerosol contami-
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 647

nation up to 30 cm away from the nares. A recent protective eyewear. Our department, in collabo-
study demonstrated that aerosolized particles of ration with anesthetists and other surgical depart-
SARS-CoV-2 of <5 μm remain viable in air for at ments, published a risk stratification protocol for
least 3 hours (van Doremalen et  al. 2020). As emergency operations under general anesthesia
nasal endoscopy may irritate the nasal mucosa (Fig. 35.2) (Wong et al. 2020b). The protocol was
and provoke sneezing and dacryocystorhinos- established to protect health-care workers from
tomy and medial wall decompression often potential COVID-19 patients by providing a clear
involve the use of high-speed drills, they pose guideline during emergency surgical situations
risk of infection to the operator. Thus, they should while simultaneously conserving PPE.
be avoided as much as possible (Mak and Yuen
2020). If endoscopy is unavoidable, appropriate Infection Control Training
PPE, including N95/FFP3 respirators, should be and Staff Monitoring
worn (Tran et al. 2012). All health-care workers should undergo infection
As vitrectomy operates at a speed of 10,000 control training to update them with the knowl-
CPM, it is also potentially generates aerosol. edge of COVID-19. Such training is also pro-
Both the British and Eire Association of vided to educate them on the proper technique of
Vitreoretinal Surgeons and the Royal College of hand hygiene and donning and doffing of
Ophthalmologists in the United Kingdom have PPE. Staff are instructed to be extra careful when
recently recommended the use of FFP3 respira- applying multidose eye drops and to avoid con-
tors and eye protection for vitrectomy surgeries tact between the patients’ eyelashes and the bot-
owing to their potential to cause aerosol genera- tle tip. All staff are required to measure and report
tion (Vitreoretinal surgery during the COVID-19 their body temperatures before work and report
pandemic 2020). Phacoemulsification has an any symptoms, such as fever, chills, myalgia,
even higher frequency at 50,000 Hz, but whether sore throat, runny nose, cough, vomiting, diar-
it generates aerosol remains to be investigated. rhea, or pneumonia. Staff are discouraged from
Even if both procedures are, in fact, AGPs and non-essential travels and are required to report
unless the viral carriage of intraocular fluid is their travel histories after returning from over-
exceptionally high, the amount of released aero- seas. Certain countries have imposed compulsory
sol should be minimal (Li et al. 2020a). quarantine measures after international travel,
If ophthalmic surgery needs to be performed which should be strictly followed.
during this pandemic, it should preferably be per-
formed under local anesthesia and not general T  eam Splitting to Conserve
anesthesia, as endotracheal intubation generates PPE and Prevent
aerosol (Tran et al. 2012). If emergency operation Cross-infection
under general anesthesia is inevitable (e.g., repair Due to the cutdown of elective clinical services,
of the ruptured globe or macula-on retinal detach- the number of ophthalmologists required to pro-
ment), ophthalmologists should work closely vide clinical service was reduced. Some ophthal-
with anesthetists and internists to ensure mology departments divided their workforce into
COVID-­19 rapid test is conducted and identify two separate teams. One team provided clinical
TOCC positive cases before undergoing general services in the hospital, and the other team
anesthesia (CDC Tests for COVID-19 2020). For worked from home and/or conducted teleconsul-
patients who tested positive for COVID-19, for tations for nonurgent cases. Their roles would be
patients who tested negative but considered at a interchanged every 1 to 2 weeks. The rationale of
high risk, or in ultra-urgent situations in which it this arrangement was twofold: first, to only keep
was not feasible to wait for the test results, opera- clinically essential staff in the hospital so that the
tions should be performed in negative-pressure other team of staff could work from home, reduc-
isolation operating theatres, and all staff should ing the risk of getting infected and lowering the
wear isolation gowns, N95/FFP3 respirators, and consumption of PPE, and, second, to prevent
Fig. 35.2  Risk stratification protocol for the arrangement respirator, and goggles or face shield; PCR, polymerase
of emergency operation. A&E, Accident and Emergency chain reaction. (Adapted with permission (Wong DHT
Department; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; et al. Risk stratification protocol to reduce consumption of
FTOCC, Fever, Travel, Occupation, Contact, and personal protective equipment for emergency surgeries
Clustering; Full PPE, full personal protective equipment, during COVID-19 pandemic. Hong Kong Med J 2020 26
including splash-resistant gown, disposable gloves, N95 (3):252–254.
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 649

cross-infection between the members of the two

teams and to ensure that essential clinical ser-
vices are maintained. In the worst-case scenario
that a member of staff tested positive for
COVID-­19, and the whole team needed to be
quarantined, the other team could fill in to pro-
vide clinical service.

35.4.2 Environmental Control

Environmental control aims to prevent the

spread of SARS-CoV-2 and reduce the concen-
tration of infectious droplets in ambient air. Air
ventilation in the waiting areas should be
enhanced by opening the fresh air dampers in
the air handling equipment to achieve a higher
fresh air rate with improved air dilution. Mobile
high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) units
could be added to augment the total air change
rates in waiting areas where necessary. Patients
were advised to practice social distancing from
other patients wherever possible and were
required to sit in every other seat in the waiting
areas. Signage and broadcast advising respira-
tory hygiene and cough etiquette should be set
up. Hand sanitizer dispensers should be installed Fig. 35.3  Protective shield installed on a slit lamp.
(Adapted with permission (Lai THT et  al. Stepping up
in waiting areas, and patients are required to
infection control measures in ophthalmology during the
apply disinfection hand rub before entering con- novel coronavirus outbreak: an experience from Hong
sultation rooms. Kong. Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental
The proximity between ophthalmologists and Ophthalmology 258 (5):1049–1055. https://doi.
patients during slit-lamp examination puts oph-
thalmologists at risk of infection, as droplets
from a cough or sneeze can travel up to 6 feet care workers and patients (such as doorknobs,
(How Flu Spreads 2020). Protective plastic phones, and computer keyboards) should be dis-
shields should be installed on slit lamps to lower infected according to the manufacturer and local
the risk of transmission via droplets (Wong et al. disinfection guidelines. Ultraviolet disinfection
2020a) (Fig. 35.3). These shields act as barriers machines could be set up for staff to disinfect
to droplets (Liu et al. 2020; Poostchi et al. 2020), their mobile phones, staff cards, and other small
and they should be cleaned and disinfected after items.
every clinic session and when the shields are vis- The use of video conferences through per-
ibly soiled or contaminated. The consultation sonal mobile devices is helpful to minimize the
time should be kept as short as possible, and gathering of staff for situation updates or aca-
patients are advised to refrain from talking while demic meetings. Virtual symposiums and webi-
having examination at the slit lamp. Equipment nars are excellent platforms for knowledge
such as slit lamps, indirect binocular ophthalmo- exchange, allowing ophthalmologists to glob-
scopes, visual field analyzers, and environmental ally attend and acquire the most updated knowl-
surfaces that are frequently touched by health-­ edge. To minimize droplet transmission, the
650 T. H. T. Lai et al.

breaktime of staff should be staggered such that protection with either visors or protective eye-
staff would not gather in pantries at the same wear should be provided to all ophthalmolo-
time. Plastic barriers are installed in pantries, gists (Lai et  al. 2020b). Instead of directly
and signage is put up to remind staff to refrain touching patients, ophthalmologists could wear
from chatting while having meals. Appropriate gloves or use cotton tips to lift the patients’
distancing between diners in canteens should be eyelids during the examination.
adopted. For instance, the staff is recommended Ophthalmologists attending higher-­risk patients
to sit in a one-way direction behind plastic at designated areas should take extra precau-
barriers. tions and wear full PPE, including isolation
gown, gloves, cap, eye protection, and a surgi-
cal mask (or N95/FFP3 respirator when neces-
35.4.3 Use of PPE sary). Hand hygiene is particularly important,
and ophthalmologists should practice hand
The first two levels of the hierarchy approach hygiene using the WHO formula alcohol hand
reduce exposure to SARS-CoV-2 but do not elim- rub or hand washing before and after every
inate the risk in clinics and wards. The use of PPE patient encounter (Lai et  al. 2020c). If gloves
in these situations could further reduce the risk of are worn, they should be removed, followed by
exposure of health-care workers to infectious hand hygiene between patients.
droplets expelled from a patient infected with
COVID-19 (Chan and Yuen 2020).
Some countries initially had reservations 35.5 Conclusion
about the use of PPE by ophthalmologists, but
their recommendations have been updated since At the time of writing, COVID-19 has taken the
more evidence came to light. On March 30, 2020, lives of more than 16 million people worldwide,
the Royal College of Ophthalmologists published including more than 1,800 health-care workers
that “clinicians may wish to wear standard surgi- and 16 ophthalmologists (COVID-19
cal masks while recognizing that they are of Coronavirus Pandemic 2020; In Memoriam:
uncertain benefit. Gowns and gloves are not rec- Healthcare Workers Who Have Died of COVID-
ommended when seeing patients without respira- 19 2020; In Memoriam: Ophthalmologist Deaths
tory symptoms” (Protecting Patients, Protecting From COVID-19 2020). Ocular manifestations
Staff 2020). Due to the spread of COVID-19 in of COVID-19 include conjunctivitis (Hong et al.
the United Kingdom, the Royal College of 2020; Zhang et  al. 2020; Seah et  al. 2020; Xia
Ophthalmologists updated its PPE guidelines in et  al. 2020; Karimi et  al. 2020), retinal hemor-
April 2020 (PPE and Staff Protection rhages, cotton wool spots (Marinho et al. 2020),
Requirements for Ophthalmology 2020; PPE internuclear ophthalmoplegia, and abducens
requirements for ophthalmology 2020). nerve palsy (Gutierrez-Ortiz et  al. 2020).
Accordingly, all ophthalmologists need to wear Conjunctivitis may occur as the initial presenta-
surgical masks and gloves. Also, the American tion before the appearance of other symptoms.
Academy of Ophthalmology suggested that when Ophthalmologists are at risk of infection due to
seeing low-risk patients, the use of surgical masks the proximity between ophthalmologists and
and eye protection for clinicians as well as surgi- patients during examination (Lu et  al. 2020).
cal masks for the patients may reduce asymptom- Ophthalmologists need to stay vigilant, use
atic and presymptomatic transmission (Alert: appropriate PPE, and practice frequent hand
Important coronavirus context for ophthalmolo- hygiene during their clinical work. Moreover,
gists 2020). the use of a three-level hierarchy approach,
Apart from practicing universal masking including administrative control, environmental
(Naveed et  al. 2020; Tang et  al. 2020b), eye control, and use of PPE, provides an excellent
35  The Implications of COVID-19 to Ophthalmology 651

framework to minimize the transmission of Characteristics of Health Care Personnel with

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COVID-19 in ophthalmology. 2020 (2020) MMWR Morbidity and mortality weekly
report 69(15):477–481.
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Challenges of Cellular Therapy
During the COVID-19 Pandemic 36
Kamal Kant Sahu, Sikander Ailawadhi,
Natalie Malvik, and Jan Cerny

Abstract plantation (HSCT) can be a lifesaving proce-

dure for many patients, such as those with
Currently, coronavirus disease 2019 acute myeloid leukemia with high-risk cyto-
(COVID-­19) has spread worldwide and con- genetics. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pan-
tinues to rise. There remains a significant demic has thrust upon the hematologists and
unmet need for patients with hematological transplant specialists’ unique challenges with
malignancies requiring specialized procedures the implementation and management of cel-
and treatments, like cellular therapy to treat or lular therapy. One of the significant concerns
cure their disease. For instance, chimeric anti- regarding this immunocompromised patient
gen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy is population is the significant risk of acquiring
approved for relapsed/refractory (after two or SARS-CoV-2 infection due to its highly con-
more lines of therapy) diffuse large B cell tagious nature. Experts have recommended
lymphoma and B cell acute lymphoblastic leu- that if medically indicated, especially in high-­
kemia that is refractory or in the second risk disease (where chemotherapy is unlikely
relapse in patients younger than 25  years of to work), these lifesaving procedures should
age. Similarly, hematopoietic stem cell trans- not be delayed even during the COVID-19
pandemic. However, proceeding with CAR-T
cell therapy and HSCT during the pandemic is
K. K. Sahu (*) a considerable task and requires dedication
Department of Medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, from the transplant team and buy-in from the
Worcester, MA, USA
patients and their family or support system.
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group Open conversations should be held with the
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Network (USERN), Worcester, MA, USA patients about the risks involved in undergo-
ing cellular therapies during current times and
S. Ailawadhi
Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of the associated future uncertainties.
Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA
N. Malvik Keywords
Division of Transfusion Medicine, University of
Massachusetts Medical Center, Worcester, MA, USA Cellular therapy · Chimeric antigen receptor ·
J. Cerny Coronavirus · COVID-19 · Pandemic · Stem
Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of cells · T cells
Medicine, University of Massachusetts Medical
Center, Worcester, MA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 657
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
658 K. K. Sahu et al.

36.1 Introduction cells have been used. The main types of cell ther-
apy are as follows: hematopoietic stem cell trans-
Currently, the world is facing an unseen health cri- plantation (bone marrow, mobilized peripheral
sis in the form of coronavirus disease 2019 blood, or umbilical cord blood); genetically engi-
(COVID-19) pandemic (Sahu et  al. 2020i, j, l). neered cellular therapies, chimeric antigen recep-
With 9,170,913 confirmed cases and 473,277 tor T cell therapies, or pluripotent stem cell-based
deaths due to COVID-19 as of June 22, 2020, this therapies; and others, like mesenchymal stem/
pandemic has affected the physical, mental, and stromal cells.
economic well-being of humanity (Mishra et  al. The current COVID-19 pandemic has signifi-
2020a). The ongoing pandemic presents a unique cantly disrupted the regular functioning of most
challenge to deliver cellular therapy to patients of the cellular therapy programs. It has caused a
with benign and malignant hematological disor- delay in the treatment of various disorders and, as
ders (Block 2020; Sahu and Cerny 2020; Jindal such, put potentially patients with advanced
et al. 2020; Sahu et al. 2020a, s, r). It has extended malignancies at the risk of disease progression.
beyond the routine patient care and involves other On the other hand, proceeding with cellular ther-
aspects like logistics, transportation, infusion, apy poses its specific challenges, such as placing
administration, distribution, and resource alloca- the recipients at high risk of infection, potentially
tion (Broxmeyer and Parker 2020; Dholaria and for prolonged periods, due to immunocompro-
Savani 2020). Hematopoietic stem cell transplan- mised states. COVID-19 infection in the post-­
tation (HSCT) and chimeric antigen receptor T cellular therapy setting could be particularly
(CAR-T) cell therapy are the two major forms of challenging due to the paucity of experience of
cellular therapy used for the patients suffering the transplant specialists and infectious disease
from various hematological malignancies (Ardura physicians with COVID-19 management.
et  al. 2020; Weinkove et  al. 2020; Hunter et  al. Additionally, unlike what is typically expected
2019). These treatments and their associated pro- and available, prompt intensive care services
cedures are exceedingly complex. They require a might not be fully assessable to post-cellular
great deal of coordination, communication, and a therapy patients due to the potential saturation of
well-structured network of teams to ensure their healthcare services. Therefore, it is necessary to
successful implementation, and this process is discuss the significant challenges (and potential
typically initiated weeks or months before the solutions) being faced by cellular therapists,
actual cell infusion itself. Unfortunately, like many transplant physicians, and various stem cell pro-
other healthcare sectors, the management of cel- grams during this current situation.
lular therapies has its practical challenges during
the COVID-19 pandemic that need immediate
attention and intervention to ensure delivery of the 36.1.2 General Rules and Policies
best and safest care possible (Hunter et al. 2019; to Prevent Infection with SAR-­
Mishra et al. 2020c). We now review the numerous CoV-­2 Causing COVID-19
facets of cellular therapy, including patient and
donor selection, travel and logistic hurdles, imple- As the incidence of COVID-19 continues to rise,
mentation, and delivery, scarcity, and prioritization almost all hospitals across the globe have adopted
of available resources during the ongoing COVID- standard guidelines for good hygiene practices
19 pandemic (Sahu et al. 2020q). based on the recommendations suggested by the
World Health Organization (WHO), Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and other
36.1.1 Current Cellular Therapy government and local public health agencies
Types (Sahu and Kumar 2020a). Also, there are institu-
tional guidelines, which are tailored as per the
For the treatment of various malignancies and local COVID-19 disease burden state (county,
degenerative disorders, different sources of stem city) laws and regulations (Samaha and Kattan
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 659

2020). It is because the COVID situation is Table 36.1  Areas of potential disruptions in cellular
therapy during the COVID-19 pandemic
hugely variable between different countries, and
hence the guidelines and recommendations sug- Apheresis procedure and availability of efficient staff
gested by national and international authorities Stem cell or cell processing lab
Manufacturing site vicinity
need to be adjusted according to the local needs
Drug shortage: concern over nonavailability of
(Sahu et al. 2020d; Samaha and Kattan 2020). In tocilizumab for CAR-T cell recipients due to its
particular, pregnant women, patients with HIV/ current use in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Also, a
AIDS, cancer patients, elderly individuals with shortage of other vital drugs like azithromycin, IVIG,
multiple comorbidities, and other immunocom- and albumin
Shipping and transportation due to international border
promised individuals are at the highest risk of a
closures and air travel restrictions: based on the local,
dismal outcome if infected with the SARS-CoV-2 regional rules and regulations both at the place of
(Sahu et al. 2020c, k, m, r; Liang et al. 2020). collection center and the infusion center
Among the cancer patients, those awaiting Referring bias (either patients are hesitating to go to
HSCT or CAR-T cell therapy require special hospital or primary referring oncologists are not
referring the patients)
attention and planning due to the unique com-
Hospital and ICU capacity (lack of availability due to
plexities of cellular therapy. These procedures are surge in COVID-19 patients’ related occupancy)
complex to execute due to the various factors like Blood bank (blood products and platelet shortages due
cell acquisition, processing, procedural guide- to lack of donation drives)
lines, transportation (for HSCT, donor center to Laboratory testing and result interpretation (staff and
reagent shortages)
transplant center; for CAR-T cells, collection
Radiology (staff shortages, nonavailability, need for
unit/center to the manufacturing facility and then additional visits)
back to the center that infuses cells), genetic Pathology (staff shortages, lack of antigens and sparse
engineering, international travel restrictions, supply of essential dyes, specimen processing)
staffing issues (need for quarantine, lack of child Transfusion medicine (lack of adequate and expert
care, COVID illness transmission), availability of staff)
Absence of caregivers (caregivers may not be able to
cryopreservation, and donor/recipient eligibility
travel or are unavailable, restrictive hospital visitor
criteria (Neelapu et al. 2017) (Table 36.1). policy)
Overall staffing and nursing issues (due to the
reallocation of the CAR-T specialized nurses to
36.2 C
 himeric Antigen Receptor T non-CAR-T floors/ICUs)
(CAR-T) Cell Therapy Lodging and housing services (local housing
closures): Hope Lodge has been temporarily
36.2.1 Currently Approved CAR-T
Cell Therapeutics
(R/R) diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL)
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy and tisagenlecleucel (Kymriah®; Novartis), both
has led to a paradigm shift in the management of for adult R/R DLBCL and R/R B cell ALL.
patients suffering from recurrent B cell acute In the pre-COVID-19 era, outpatient CAR-T
lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) up to 25 years of cell therapy had been gaining popularity, as most
age and adult recurrent B cell non-Hodgkin’s centers found it easy and more cost-effective to
lymphomas (NHL) (Schuster et al. 2019; Maude arrange for post-infusion lodging than inpatient
et al. 2018). Currently, there are two anti-CD19 stays, and follow-up plans were generally well-­
CAR-T cell products approved by the United executed and followed. The exception to this is
States Food and Drug Administration (FDA): axicabtagene ciloleucel, which requires post-­
axicabtagene ciloleucel (Yescarta®; Kite/Gilead) infusion therapy hospitalization due to higher rates
for the treatment of adult relapsed/refractory of toxicities, especially the cytokine release syn-
660 K. K. Sahu et al.

drome (CRS) and neurotoxicity. These side effects manufacturing process and handling (e.g., T cell
may add to the ongoing disease process in a patient collection/selection, transduction, gene modifica-
with COVID-19 (Mishra et al. 2020b, d). tion, and washing). Every cellular therapy pro-
Now, most centers are hospitalizing all CAR-T gram should have its schema or protocol that
cell therapy recipients, irrespective of the type of takes into consideration the various aspects of
CAR-T cell therapy received. It is presumably to logistics, resource scarcities, local COVID-19
ensure a safe environment for the patient during burden, and urgency of the CAR-T cell therapy/
and immediately after the CAR-T cell infusion. HSCT (Fig. 36.1) (Dave et al. 2019). Bachanova
However, this stance is debatable, as some cellu- et  al. recommended establishing a triage algo-
lar therapists may argue that patients would expe- rithm for assessing and prioritizing patients for
rience far fewer potential SARS-CoV-2 exposures urgent versus potentially delaying the procedure
at home than as an inpatient in the hospital. We (Bachanova et al. 2020; Paul et al. 2020).
believe that the risk of individual exposure is Choosing a suitable candidate for CAR-T cell
extremely variable and depends on the cellular therapy or HSCT is based on the significant fac-
therapy center/hospital measures that are in place tors, such as pretreatment disease bulk, perfor-
to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission; adherence mance status as defined by the Eastern
of patients (and their families) to these measures, Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG), preexist-
so they protect themselves from disease; and last ing comorbidities and organ function status, and
but not least the level of community transmission serum biomarkers such as serum lactate dehydro-
of the virus itself. genase (LDH) (Brudno and Kochenderfer 2019).
In the case of adult relapsed/refractory (R/R)
diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL), multi-
36.2.2 Patient Selection variate analyses have shown ECOG performance
for the Receipt of CAR-T Cell status >2 and elevated LDH before lymphode-
Therapy During the COVID-19 pleting chemotherapy as the two significant pre-
Pandemic dictors of poor outcomes in CAR-T cell therapy.
Also, a more considerable tumor bulk has been
In general, experts are usually in favor of pro- found to be associated with increased acute tox-
ceeding with treatment whenever a patient needs icity. It may be prudent to defer CAR-T cell ther-
CAR-T cell therapy. This suggestion is based on apy for these patients due to their poor prognostic
the results of multiple studies showing positive factors and considering the constrained resources
outcomes of CAR-T cell therapy in refractory/ and unpredictable environment during the cur-
relapsed cases, which in the pre-CAR-T cell era rent COVID-19 crisis (Table 36.2).
had otherwise very dismal outcomes (Romero In the case of cellular therapy in R/R ALL, as
2018; Bachanova et al. 2020). mentioned above, tisagenlecleucel has been FDA
Treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic approved. For R/R ALL, experts have suggested
has raised nearly innumerable challenges to the that rates of CRS, availability of intensive care
successful delivery of potentially lifesaving unit (ICU) beds, and access to tocilizumab could
CAR-T cell therapy. Recently, experts from eight be major deciding factors (Ahmad et al. 2020).
US academic institutions created a “CAR T-cell In a recent webinar, Dr. Schuster from the
Consortium” to assimilate the data and resources University of Pennsylvania suggested evaluating
to aid hematologists and transplant specialists in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) B-NHL
the optimization of cellular therapy care. for CAR-T cell therapy based on the availability
CAR-T cell therapy is a form of individual- of a bridging therapy (lenalidomide, monoclonal
ized therapy that involves series of complicated antibodies), which could be used as an alternative
steps requiring professional expertise in the cell treatment during the COVID-19 crisis.
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 661

Fig. 36.1  Various steps and procedures from the collection center to the infusion center, which can be hampered during
the COVID-19 pandemic

36.2.3 Managing Toxicities of CAR-T patients with cytokine storm from ventilatory
Cell Therapy During support. Tocilizumab has been the mainstay of
the COVID-19 Pandemic the management of recipients of CAR-T cell
therapy who experience advanced (grade  >  2)
CAR-T cell therapy requires the infusion of CRS (Hassoun et al. 2020). Since its approval
genetically engineered cellular product, which for use in CRS, there has been a gradual trend
can lead to an immediate hypersensitivity reac- toward an earlier intervention with tocilizumab
tion. Other common side effects include CRS, based on the encouraging data showing a
neurotoxicity, hypotension, hypogammaglobu- decrease in the frequency, severity, and dura-
linemia, and infections in the short and long term tion of CRS. Preemptive use of tocilizumab in
(Ahmad et al. 2020; Boyiadzis et al. 2018). CRS patients with a high disease burden has also
rates occur more in patients with ALL compared been studied recently, which showed a one-
to patients with DLBCL. third reduction in grade 4 CRS, thereby result-
Tocilizumab, a recombinant monoclonal ing in lower ICU admission rates and critical
antibody to the IL-6 receptor, is currently being care bed utilization (Gardner et al. 2019). This
explored for its clinical efficacy in critically ill option may also be explored for CAR-T cell
patients with COVID-19 (Sahu and Kumar recipients during the current scenario so that
2020b). Early reports from China showed critical care beds could be saved for patients
tocilizumab had a positive effect with regard to with severe COVID-19. From a practical stand-
reduced disease severity and the ability to wean point, many centers have already modified their
662 K. K. Sahu et al.

Table 36.2  How to overcome the hurdles to accomplish 36.3 H

 ematopoietic Stem Cell
cellular therapy?
Screening the waitlist and prioritizing the indication
where the likely cure rate is high, or indication is
36.3.1 Specific Challenges
Screening CAR-T cell recipients and documenting a of Allogeneic Versus
negative COVID RT-PCR before and after the Autologous HSCT
administration of cellular therapy products
In the case of pediatric cellular therapy, screening the Allogeneic HSCT is a comparatively more com-
parents of the child for COVID
plicated procedure than autologous HSCT since
Allowing only one parent to be with the pediatric
patient, thereby minimizing the risk of exposure stem cells must be procured and transported from
Selecting the right candidate and triaging the patients a healthy donor rather than the patient. Harvesting
(low disease burden and normal LDH, good of stem cells from a matched unrelated donor
performance disease) likely to use fewer health (MUD) may be even more challenging than from
resources. These patients are less likely to have a
a matched or a haploidentical related donor, espe-
complicated course nad less likely to require ICU beds
or experience a prolonged cytopenia cially in the setting of a pandemic. In addition to
Ensuring the safety of the harvested cellular products the usual hurdle of finding a willing and appro-
Collaboration with harvesting center and infusion priately matched donor, the MUD HSCT proce-
center dure during the current pandemic may present
Educating referring physicians to send the patient to new and unique hurdles, such as (1) travel limita-
CAR-T cell center sooner
tions (state to state or potentially international, as
Postponing lower risk transplants if possible/
acceptable well as time restrictions), (2) different laws and
Stringent social isolation policy creating a separate policies due to variable COVID-19 situations in
cancer clinic space dedicated to CAR-T cell patients different regions or countries (donor center
with the provision of separate elevators, pathways, and impact vs. transplant center impact), (3) willing-
areas for waiting
ness of donor to go to the donor center (hospital)
Assessing the local COVID-19 disease burden within
the patient’s community during this infectious disease pandemic and
Patients with high tumor load and high LDH with a health crisis, and (4) the risk of being an asymp-
high likelihood of going to CRS are deferred from tomatic SARS-CoV-2 carrier or becoming
CAR-T cell therapy and providing them alternative infected at the collection facility (applicable to
treatment with readdressing the possibility of CAR-T
cell later
both the MUD donor and recipient).
Frank and timely discussion of goals of care with
patients and caregivers during the early phase of
treatment to avoid last-minute discussion 36.3.2 Triaging the Indication
Early use of tocilizumab and steroids in CRS for HSCT
The transition from outpatient to inpatient in case of
high community transmission of COVID-19
House availability
It is becoming increasingly apparent that no one-­
Virtual or telehealth visits for the patients to minimize size-­fits-all set of guidelines for managing cellu-
hospital visits lar therapy amid the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Lab draws at home to minimize hospital visits and It is crucial to consider all the variables when
associated exospores deciding whether to proceed with a transplant.
The availability of adequately trained transplant
staff (in some hospitals, the team members may
cellular therapy treatment strategies and have be required to COVID-19 specific units), number
lowered the threshold for initiating steroids and of open critical care beds and ventilators, access
tocilizumab in patients with early CRS, in an to the stem cell products, location of the cryo-
attempt to free up the critical care beds for preservation and processing facility, local and
potential COVID-19 patients (Hassoun et  al. institutional guidelines, travel restrictions, patient
2020). disease status, the urgency of transplant, avail-
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 663

ability of alternative bridging therapies, unrelated ­ odifications, the latest of which is version 8,
versus related versus autologous transplantation, dated May 18, 2020 (Mahmoudjafari et al. 2020;
patient preference, risk of contracting COVID-19 Ljungman et  al. 2020). Similarly, the American
infection, availability of reliable COVID-19 Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy
screening tests for both donor and recipient, and (ASTCT) has also issued interim guidelines, the
numerous other factors need to be weighed. majority of which were adopted from EBMT
According to the European Society for Blood and (Mahmoudjafari et al. 2020).
Marrow Transplantation (EBMT), it is impossi- In the setting of this COVID-19 crisis, it is
ble to provide universal guidelines that are clear imperative to balance the need to limit the spread
and definitive, regarding which patients should of the virus in the community while protecting
move forward with transplants and which can be the patients from infection, with ensuring their
safely delayed (Ljungman et  al. 2020). In gen- access to this last line of potentially lifesaving
eral, a multidisciplinary team approach should be treatment. The guidelines provided by these
employed whenever possible, and every patient transplant societies will be most helpful to the
should be assessed by an institutional multidisci- clinicians tasked with determining and discuss-
plinary tumor board to discuss the indications for ing with the patients whether they were more at
urgent versus delayed transplant. Additionally, risk of dying from their malignancy or of a poten-
delay of allogeneic HSCT may be possible in cer- tial SARS-CoV-2 infection (Fig. 36.2).
tain situations, especially for nonmalignant
36.5 M
 ore on Selecting the Ideal
Donor and Recipient
36.4 Recommendations
from Transplant Societies The pandemic may affect donors and the stan-
dard procedure of allogeneic stem cell transplan-
Continuing to provide HSCT services and tation. Under the current condition, it is even
CAR-T cell therapy during the COVID-19 pan- more critical to assess the health condition of
demic would prove challenging for any cellular both the donor (related or unrelated) and the
therapy and transplant programs. The current recipient before proceeding with harvesting
COVID-19 situation is fluid and rapidly evolv- donor cells or infusing the product to the
ing, with variable disease burden in different recipient.
countries. Most patients slated to receive CAR-T In this situation, donors might be concerned
cell therapy cannot interrupt or delay treatment, about leaving their house and being infected with
as they have no further treatment options. The COVID-19 at the harvesting/donor center. It is a
same is also true for many HSCT patients. It practical and genuine concern from the donor’s
makes for a unique group of patients with a com- perspective, especially when it is regularly
pelling reason to push forward with treatment advised by the world authorities to stay at home,
despite pandemic constraints. Continuing with and the act of donating cells is not imperative to
these treatments should be considered if centers improving their own health. Similarly, every
can accommodate the patients while considering donor requires a health and eligibility check
national/state/institutional regulations as well. before being accepted as a donor (Table  36.3).
In March 2020, the European Society for However, with many outpatient clinics closed or
Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT) led are open for only limited hours, donors may find
by Dr. Ljungman and colleagues published it challenging to complete their pre-donation
interim guidelines and recommendations for workup and screening tests. From the clinician’s
transplant centers, recipients, and donors perspective, other concerns include the donor
(Ljungman et  al. 2020). Since then, the recom- participating in “super spreader events” or having
mendations have undergone a series of recently traveled to or from a geographically
664 K. K. Sahu et al.

Fig. 36.2 Patient
concerns while
considering cellular
therapy (CAR-T cell and
HSCT) during the
COVID-19 pandemic

Table 36.3  Recommendations for donor

high-risk area, experiencing active symptoms, or
Scenario Recommendations
having been recently diagnosed with
If a donor gets a To be excluded from stem cell
COVID-19 donation COVID-19.
disease At least 3 months deferral to be Similarly, while considering recipients for cel-
considered unless the need for lular therapy, the candidate is recommended to
donation is urgent when isolate him-/herself for at least 14  days, which
individual consideration should
be made they may have been doing already due to their
If a donor gets a In the case of nonurgent immunosuppressive therapies. Also, all recipi-
close contact transplant: Stem cell harvest ents should have a negative SARS-CoV-2
with a COVID-19 shall be deferred for at least RT-PCR test before starting the conditioning reg-
confirmed case 28 days, and donor should be
imen. If the recipient tested positive for SARS-­
watched closely for any
symptoms CoV-­2, then delaying the HSCT depends mainly
In the case of urgent need of on the risk of relapsed or progressive cancer
transplant: If the donor is (Table 36.4).
entirely well, and a COVID-19
test is negative, and there are no
suitable alternative donors, an
earlier collection may be 36.6 C
 OVID-19 and Stem Cell
considered subject to careful risk Graft Cryopreservation
assessment if local quarantine
requirements permit
Numerous countries have implemented various
If a donor has The donor should be excluded
traveled to from donation for at least 28 days travel restrictions to contain the spread of
high-risk COVID-19. Because of these restrictions, the
COVID-19 areas timely delivery of donor stem cells from the site
or came to close
of harvesting to the site of transfusion may be
contact with an
individual jeopardized. As discussed above, this, in particu-
traveling from lar, occurs in the case of MUD HSCT. To ensure
such areas that harvested donor cells are available for infu-
Prepared with data from EBMT, version 4.3, dated March sion on the scheduled date, most international
23, 2020 registries are strongly favoring cryopreservation
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 665

Table 36.4  Recommendations for transplant candidate disease progression, uncontrolled infection, or
patients (HSCT and cellular therapy recipients)
organ failure, leading to disqualify a transplant
Scenario Recommendations candidate.
Before planned Home isolation for 14 days or Similarly, centers that have traditionally used
admission for more before starting the transplant
HSCT/cellular conditioning only fresh cells were concerned about any
therapy To avoid the non-necessary clinic changes to the usual function of the graft, espe-
visits to reduce the risk to a cially graft viability and its impact on engraft-
minimum and use telehealth where ment issues (graft failure or delayed engraftment).
However, these concerns have been eliminated
Before starting All recipients should have
conditioning COVID-19 RT-PCR tested and addressed by a recently published CIBMTR
regimen negative before the starting study (Antonenas et  al. 2006; Yu et  al. 2018;
conditioning regimen irrespective Guttridge et al. 2006). This strategy attempts to
of respiratory symptoms ensure patient safety so that no patient receives a
In case, a Transplantation should not be
conditioning regimen in the potential absence of
potential performed within at least 14 days
recipient gets a and preferably 21 days from the unrelated donor cell infusion on the transplant
close contact last date of contact, and the day.
with COVID-19 recipient should be closely Ideally, infusion of marrow and peripheral
confirmed case monitored for COVID-19
blood stem cells (PBSC) should occur within
symptoms and COVID-19 RT-PCR
negativity to be confirmed before 48 h of collection. However, this is often not pos-
undertaking transplant procedure sible during the current COVID-19 situation, and
again fear of unintended delays during the transit from
If a recipient High-risk cancer disease: the collection center to the infusion center has
gets a Deferral until the recipient
COVID-­19 COVID-19 patient is become real. As mentioned above, NMDP
disease asymptomatic and has two recently addressed this by issuing a statement
repeated virus PCR negativity at that harvested products have no expiration date,
least 1 week apart (deferral of and hence infusion and cryopreservation at
14 days minimum)
greater than 72  h would not be considered as a
Low-risk cancer disease:
Deferral for up to 3 months deviation from NMDP standards or against FDA
Prepared with data from EBMT, version 4.3, dated March regulations. The mean CD34+ cell viability for
23, 2020 PBSC and bone marrow products, when stored
over 72  h at 4  °C, was found to be higher than
75% (Fournier et  al. 2020; Kao et  al. 2011).
of the donated grafts before starting the trans- Hence, this optimal cell viability and recovery
plant conditioning (Hamadani et  al. 2020; Kao allow for flexibility in the time duration from the
et al. 2011). Cryopreserving the graft guarantees point of harvest to the infusion. Hamadani et al.
the availability of stem cell products on the recently compared fresh versus cryopreserved
intended day of transplantation. Since March 30, grafts and found no difference in the time to
2020, the National Marrow Donor Program hematopoietic recovery, risk of acute graft-­
(NMDP) has implemented a mandatory step for versus-­host disease (GVHD), non-relapse mor-
all transplant programs to cryopreserve harvests tality (NRM), or overall survival (OS) (Hamadani
before transfusion. Previously, cryopreservation et al. 2020; Sahu and Siddiqui 2020; Eapen et al.
posed a potential (ethical) dilemma as the har- 2020). These studies provide us the evidence that
vested cells put the healthy volunteer donor at during the current COVID-19 situation, having
some (though typically minor) risk, and the the option of stem cell graft cryopreservation can
cryopreserved cells may not have been ulti- provide extra assurance and confidence for com-
mately used due to recipient’s condition, i.e., pleting MUD HSCTs.
666 K. K. Sahu et al.

36.7 A
 Possible Cargo Solution s­pecialists are trying to overcome the logistic
as an Alternative hurdles associated with unrelated related grafts
to Cryopreservation by exploring the possibility of cord blood as the
alternative source for HSCT. One expects that a
Cryopreservation is an effective way to preserve similar trend exists for haploidentical donors and
stem cell products, but it utilizes a good deal of grafts.
resources. Recently, a multi-agency pilot project
in which NMDP is collaborating with the German
National Bone Marrow Donor Registry (ZKRD, 36.9 Supportive Care
Zentrales Knochenmarkspender-Register and Services for Cellular
Deutschland), the German Bone Marrow Donor Therapy During
File (Deutsche KnochenMarkSpenderdatei, the COVID-­19 Pandemic
DKMS), and the World Marrow Donor
Association (WMDA) was created to test the CAR-T cell therapy with tisa-cel in many centers
transportation of fresh stem cell products using is handled as an outpatient procedure with possi-
cargo services. The successful shipment of two ble admission for complications, while axi-cel
test blood samples via this method from remains full hospitalization. Healthcare infra-
Frankfurt, Germany, to the United States was structures worldwide are overwhelmed (or nearly
recently completed. With these encouraging so) by the gigantic load of an exponential increase
results, staring April 6, 2020, both NMDP and in the number of patients with COVID-19.
DKMS have agreed to use cargo rather than pas- Critically ill patients are the most challenging to
senger planes for all stem cell products. While treat and require multidisciplinary teams. The
this seems to be a practically possible and logical Hospital Incident Command Systems (HICS) are
solution, it requires additional exploration before currently busy dealing with the clinical and logis-
being incorporated into guidelines for wide- tical complexities of staff shortages; limited
spread use until air travels return the normal resources; manufacturing issues; scarcity of per-
situations. sonal protective equipment (PPEs), hospital beds,
ICU beds, NIV/BiPAP machines, and mechani-
cal ventilators; medication shortages; and blood
36.8 S
 earching for the Best Stem product shortages (Eapen et al. 2020; Sahu et al.
Cell Source 2020h; Gehrie et al. 2020).
A unique deficiency noted is the scarcity of
For HSCT, only three graft sources exist: bone cryopreservation bags during the COVID-19
marrow, mobilized peripheral blood cells, and era, most probably due to the increased practice
cord blood. PBSC has become the preferred of cryopreservation and delayed allogeneic
source for its easily accessible site, typically high HSCTs (Tanhehco and Schwartz 2020). To
yield, and higher graft versus leukemia effect. overcome this challenge, it is recommended to
Conversely, cord blood has been less often pre- communicate with respective primary vendors
ferred due to the main disadvantages of insuffi- and order for an estimated supply for approxi-
cient cord blood stem cell dose for adult mately the next 6 months, be sure to have an
transplants, slower engraftment, and immune alternate backup vendor, and network with other
recovery. Recently, there has been an upturn in cell therapy labs to share these suddenly scarce
the search trend for the grafts. Dr. Bronwen resources.
Shaw, the president-elect of the WMDA, shared Even the American Cancer Society has made
data in a webinar and showed that the number of concessions. Its “Hope lodge” initiative, which
donor searches has gone own down by 20% and, offers free lodging for cancer patients and their
instead, that of cord blood rose by 58% during caregivers during treatment, has temporarily sus-
March 2020. It may indicate that transplant pended its operations.
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 667

Cellular therapy is usually an expensive pro- cell therapy may lead to progression of the dis-
cedure, and much of the financial burden falls on ease and, therefore, the loss of precious time, and
the recipients. International registries surely rec- the other is that in the absence of appropriate cel-
ognize that during this COVID-19 crisis, patients lular therapy, malignancies and tumors may
may be left financially vulnerable. NMDP has progress, leading to a decline in performance sta-
decided to assist by reducing the “Related Donor tus. Ultimately, these could either make cancer
Workup and Collection” fee to $15,000 for all patients no longer suitable for the treatment or
fully matched and haploidentical related donors place them at higher risk for complications if
in the United States and Mexico. Also, NMDP CAR-T cell therapy is pursued at a later date.
has agreed to provide in-home swab collections Additionally, there may be a post-COVID-19
for patients and related donor HLA typing along referral surge which exceeds the capacity of cel-
with a full waiver of the fee. lular programs. The cellular therapy program is a
Under normal circumstances, transplant and new addition to the treatment facility, and hence
cellular therapy programs use a significant num- these challenges were either not faced or
ber of PPEs (depending on institutional protocols remained unattended during the previous
and guidelines). During COVID-19 times, lim- outbreaks.
ited availability of PPE restricts the liberal use of
PPE while caring for oncology patients and those
undergoing cellular therapy, as well as when pro- 36.10 C
 hallenges During Post-­
cessing cellular products in the laboratory. It transplant Setting
could potentially place the patients at increased in COVID-­19 Era
risk of acquiring iatrogenic or nosocomial infec-
tions. These resource limitations pose an unprec- During the post-transplant period, recipients are
edented challenge to cellular therapy programs to always faced with a hefty set of challenges. These
provide standard care. include, but not limited to, relapse of disease,
To avoid a potential delay in the shipment of superadded infections, drug toxicities, and graft-­
cellular therapy products, it requires transparent vs.-host disease (GVHD) (Sahu et  al. 2016,
cross talk and a coordinated effort between the 2020f, g). Immunosuppression and delayed
cellular therapy program team and the hospital’s immune reconstitution play a significant role in
emergency response team. There should be an predisposing transplant recipients to infection. In
open discussion regarding the patients who have the case of allogeneic HSCT, the risk further
an urgent need for HSCT or CAR-T cell therapy increases owning to the immunosuppressant
so that these patients and their corresponding drugs, which improve graft survival but, in turn,
teams can be provided with the necessary make the patient susceptible to various infectious
resources for the successful implementation of complications (Sahu et al. 2016; Sheshadri et al.
cellular therapy. 2019; Duncan and Wilkes 2005; Heeger and
Cellular therapists have expressed their con- Dinavahi 2012).
cerns over the reduction in the number of refer-
rals for transplants and CAR-T cell therapy since
the appearance of COVID-19. Possible explana- 36.11 COVID-19 in Post-transplant/
tions for this include patient reluctance to go to CAR-T Cell Therapy Setting
office/hospital visits for CAR-T cell therapy or
HSCT suitability evaluations referrals, as well as There are guidelines for reporting infections in
the reluctance of primary care providers (or even the post-transplant setting. The international stem
oncologists) to send patients to larger centers cell registries like the Center for International
during the COVID-19 outbreak. The delay and Blood and Marrow Transplant Research
reduction in referrals could have two significant (CIBMTR) keep a close track of the incidence of
impacts. One is that delays in initiating CAR-T opportunistic infections via effective data collec-
668 K. K. Sahu et al.

tion systems such as the Transplant Essential Evaluating a patient for respiratory symp-
Data (TED) track that collects minimal data and toms during the post-HSCT setting is challeng-
a Comprehensive Report Form (CRF) track that ing. SARS-CoV-2 is just an addition to the
requires more comprehensive data gathering already identified differentials of opportunistic
(D’Souza et al. 2017). infections, thromboembolic events, fungal
Due to the novelty of COVID-19, data is scarce infections, GvHD, and idiopathic pneumonia
on the potential effects of COVID-19 on the post- syndrome (Sahu et  al. 2020o, p). Appropriate
transplant setting. It is especially the case during imaging and laboratory investigations would
the first few months of the pandemic when much help in evaluating such patients (Sahu et  al.
of the relevant data could not be captured due to 2020e; Lal et al. 2020). If confirmed, COVID-
the lack of a set format, absence of universal diag- 19 positivity in a post-HSCT setting would need
nostic tools, deficiencies in data gathering, and aggressive management and follow-up. The use
unstructured networking. CIBMTR has acted of convalescent plasma therapy, remdesivir,
promptly to address these issues and has modified tocilizumab, and other investigational drugs
the post-HSCT follow-­up data form (2100) and should be assessed with assistance from the
cellular therapy necessary data follow-up data infectious disease colleagues (Sahu et  al.
form (4100) in order to incorporate the new patho- 2020b). In addition to providing appropriate
gen of SARS-CoV-2. These changes were imple- medical therapy, it is also essential to ensure
mented on March 27, 2020, and with this now that adequate nutrition is maintained in cancer
effective data gathering and networking, a useful patients, especially in post-­transplant settings
data pool is being generated that could prove to be (Gibbs et al. 2020).
a cornerstone for establishing future recommen-
dations. As of May 29, 2020, 122 COVID-19
infections in the post cellular therapy stage have 36.12 Impact of the Clinical Trials
been reported. Most of the reporting centers are in Involving CAR-T Cell
the United States. It again suggests the impor- Therapies and Its
tance of increasing the awareness of reporting Implications
among the non-US-based transplant programs (48
out of 56 reporting centers). The majority of the Randomized clinical trials (RCT) focusing on
patients received allogeneic HSCT (74/122), fol- the various aspects of cellular therapy have been
lowed by autologous HSCT (40/122) and other profoundly affected and have been put on hold.
cellular therapies (6/122). Most patients belonged Newer requirements, especially for the high-
to the age group 60 and above (50/122). An inter- risk protocols, are on hold, especially in places
esting fact to note is that most of the patients con- where the health resources are scarce. Some
firmed to have COVID-19 were within the first centers (without severe resource constrains)
year (29 patients) or second year (38 patients) continue to enroll on to trials which offer sur-
post-infusion. The main problem with the data is vival benefit to patients who would not have
the lack of testing across the board as we do not otherwise good alternatives. So, some continue
know the denominator for the COVID positivity. with the most impactful RCT and phase II trials
As more data will come into the databases that could reveal lifesaving outcomes. Similarly,
(CIBMTR and EBMT), we hope we would have a clinical trial monitoring is an essential aspect of
better understanding of the risk predisposition, clinical trial conduct to ensure all required
susceptible age, and outcome of these patients. guidelines are adequately followed. This aspect
Reporting from developing countries, where the is difficult to fulfill due to current regulations
resources are already sparse for management of that debar all the non-hospital personnel like
both COVID-19 and cancer patients, should also clinical trial monitors or auditors from visiting
be encouraged (Sahu et al. 2020n; The 2020). hospitals.
36  Challenges of Cellular Therapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic 669

36.13 Future Directions Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge image

construction provided by

The current pandemic has brought challenges but

also opened new gateways for opportunities at
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COVID-19 Amid Rumors
and Conspiracy Theories: 37
The Interplay Between Local
and Global Worlds

Inayat Ali

Abstract the pandemic as an invented “plot.” These nar-

ratives seem to empower individuals to make
Stories and narratives are part of our human sense of this pandemic and to deal with its
sociocultural history, which are always pre- multidimensional effects: they allow them to
served in what I  call  “societal memory.” We feel confident enough to go outside and earn
construct stories to weave meanings that help their livelihood. In this chapter, the author
us make sense of our lifeworlds. Like stories, builds on his long-term ethnographic field-
rumors and conspiracy theories can offer deep work on infectious diseases, recent telephone
meanings when analyzed in specific contexts. interviews, and content analysis of the media
Such narratives become most prominent in to discuss narratives revolving around
times of looming uncertainties, anxieties, and COVID-19 in Pakistan. The author argues that
fears. Thus, the challenging coronavirus dis- these rumors and conspiracy theories are
ease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has become social phenomena pregnant with multiple
surrounded by plentiful rumors and conspir- meanings that deserve to be thoroughly
acy theories. These narratives reveal geopoli- explored, especially by anthropologists. A
tics when they code the pandemic as dearth of understanding about COVID-19 and
“bioengineered.” They also demonstrate local narratives surrounding it would substantially
concerns, as in Pakistan, people started drink- impede the strategies to deal with this ongoing
ing “miraculous” tea as a form of prevention, pandemic.
shaving their heads, and/or praying to God to
undo his “punishment.” Some conceptualized Keywords

A different and shorter version of this paper was first pub- Conspiracy theories · Coronavirus ·
lished in Disaster Medicine and Public Health COVID-­19 · Narratives · Pakistan · Public
Preparedness in September 2020. It is republished here
anthropology · Rumors, Disparities, Societal
with Creative Common permission: Ali, I. 2020. “Impacts
of Rumors and Consipriacy Theories Surrounding memory
COVID-19 on Preparedness Programs.” Disaster
Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 1–6.

I. Ali, (*)
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology,
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 673
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
674 I. Ali

37.1 Introduction these narratives take the form of rumors and con-
spiracy theories, it is indispensable to document
Stories and narratives are part of our human them for a thorough understanding of how people
sociocultural history. From our early beginnings make sense of (what seems) a looming threat and
as foragers, we humans have created, told, and most crucial to question the underlying reasons
retold myths, legends, folktales, and other types for these speculations: Why have these narratives
of stories both to help us make sense of our life- started and what do they reveal? I have aimed to
world and to encode knowledge and wisdom come to comprehend how different stakeholders
learned over generations, thereby passing it on. located in diverse places construct, generate
Before the invention of writing, tales were the meanings, and negotiate outbreaks of disease,
best sources to preserve and share specific mean- notably the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In the
ings and lessons. Generations to generations, nar- following section, I begin by exploring the many
ratives have continued flowing, as we are similarities between viruses and rumors.
“story-creating and story-telling animals,” who
live, remember, and dream by stories: we “domes-
ticate this wild world (…) by narrative” (Reck 37.2 V
 iral Rumors: Comparing
1983). Viruses and Rumors
Narratives are social phenomena, and many
are created to make sense of and to deal with the Although COVID-19 and rumors and conspiracy
unprecedented uncertain and challenging situa- theories circulating in response to it appear to lie
tions. These narratives are always preserved in at two different poles, they have significant simi-
what I call elsewhere “societal memory” of every larities. As viruses are a reality, so are these com-
society (Ali 2020b), which should best be under- peting narratives.
stood in light of sociocultural, economic, and COVID-19 is a viral infection, and viruses
(geo-)political contexts. The rapidity of their always have an origin: they emerge, spread, and
spread reveals the intensity of the challenge sometimes cause a major outbreak. Such is the
faced. Natural disasters, wars, and contagious case with COVID-19, which appeared to have
outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics, such as the originated from the Huanan Seafood Wholesale
extraordinary challenging 2020 coronavirus dis- Market in Wuhan, China and then was rapidly
ease 2019 (COVID-19), have accumulated mul- transmitted from person to person and then coun-
tiple narratives. After the rapid escalation of tries to continents (Ali 2020c). It has exerted pro-
disease transmission (as of 31 May 2020, there found effects on people’s sociocultural patterns,
were over 6 million cases worldwide and around economic situations, and physical and mental
370,000 deaths) (Johns Hopkins University health. It has considerably challenged govern-
2020), narratives steadfastly spread at local, ments and global stakeholders, such as the World
national, and global levels (Ali 2020c). At local Health Organization (WHO), to deal with it
levels, people brainstormed probable causes of effectively.
COVID-19 and circulated advice about preven- For studying the behaviors and patterns of
tions and “cures”—such as “miraculous” tea, viruses, we have experts such as virologists,
shaving their heads, and/or praying to God to microbiologists, and epidemiologists who appro-
undo his “punishment” in Pakistan. At all levels, priately investigate them. They explore where
rumors and conspiracy theories spread about the exactly a virus broke out, why and how it
potential agents behind this virus. These narra- emerged as well as spread so rapidly, and what
tives demonstrate geopolitics when some con- are its modes of transmission and patterns of
ceptualize and code the pandemic as spread. Under what circumstances can it breed
“bioengineered” or an invented “plot.” When further?
37  COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories: The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds 675

Correspondingly, rumors and conspiracy theo- factors are critically interdependent and intri-
ries also have specificities that need to be criti- cately interrelated.
cally studied, adequately understood, and amply Just as virologists, microbiologists, and epide-
illustrated. These narratives also emerge in spe- miologists can help to understand a virus to con-
cific situations and diverse places and travel at a tain and deal properly with it, social scientists,
pace that is almost as rapid as the virus itself. especially anthropologists, can help to
Like the outbreak of COVID-19, these narratives ­meticulously  understand viral rumors  and con-
significantly affect multiple aspects of life and spiracy theories, which is necessary to aptly con-
have their own set of researchers like social sci- tain, and deal with them. The latter, in particular,
entists, especially anthropologists, who can sys- involves anthropologists who are highly
tematically study the patterns, modes, and effects equipped, well-­ positioned, and appropriately
of these narratives (Ali 2020a). Unlike a viral skilled to study micro-level phenomena (e.g.,
outbreak, it is usually not possible to trace the rumors) and link them to macro-level structures
origins of these narratives; nonetheless, it is per- (e.g., economics and politics) (Ali 2020a).
fectly possible to locate in which area they Having described the general interlinkages
started, under what circumstances they broke out, between viruses and narratives, in the following
what meanings they are pregnant with, and what sections, I briefly mention about methods and
are their short-term and long-term then describe and analyze some of the specific
consequences. narratives surrounding COVID-19 and offer a
Another important commonality shared by general and historical overview with an emphasis
viruses and rumors is the near-impossibility of on health-related narratives.
stopping their spread or of completely eradicat-
ing them, as indicated in the saying, “The rumor
went viral.” Various old viruses re-emerge (e.g., 37.3 Materials and Methods
measles) from time to time and place to place,
and new viruses emerge (e.g., COVID-19). Concerning cultural understanding of and deal-
Viruses can be classified into categories due to ing with health and illnesss, I draw on my previ-
their similarities, such as the severe acute respira- ous ethnographic fieldwork that I commenced as
tory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) family early as in 2008. This background data are mainly
of viruses, of which the COVID-19 is a part. based on my PhD research that focused on mea-
Similarly, rumors can be categorized in terms of sles and  vaccination in Pakistan. Moreover, the
scale, e.g., local, national, or global, and the are- data for COVID-19 is based on my project on
nas such as health/medical-related. Viruses gen- COVID-19  in Pakistan that is approved by
erate rumors and conspiracy theoriey, and those Pakistan’s National Bioethics Committee of
narratives can affect how people deal with those Pakistan  (reference No.4-87/NBC-471-­
viruses. During pandemics, rumors and conspir- COVID-19-09/20/). Under this project, I did tele-
acy theories can affect preparedness programs phone interviews to explore how different
both adversely and positively. stakeholdrs  perceive, negotiate, and dealt
Two additional commonalities between with  COVID-19 at village, provincial, and
viruses and these  narratives are that both are national levels. The data I analyze herein also
highly contagious and affect “at-risk” popula- come from the content analysis of mainstream
tions. A virus severely affects those who are social media reports that I began to collect
“weak” in terms of their immune systems, and and undertake in January 2020. Moreover, I also
that “weakness” often stems from their socioeco- have  borrowed from the relevant and extensive
nomic and political situations. That same popula- body of literature, mainly from psychology and
tion is especially vulnerable to the detrimental anthropology, to provide  a historical outline of
effects of rumors and conspiracy theories. These rumors and conspiracy theories.
676 I. Ali

37.4 T
 he COVID-19 Pandemic so “China-centric,” and is cutting funding to the
and Infodemic organization, though WHO firmly rejected that
criticism (Reuters 2020a, b).
As the number of COVID-19 cases swiftly esca- These news reports, social media videos, and
lated, so did the rumors and conspiracy theories stories have accumulated a plethora of comments
(Ali 2020c, d) that led the WHO (2020) to coin a that discuss, argue, and counter-argue these nar-
new metaphor “Infodemic” to encapsulate the ratives. For example, the news report on the
pandemic of “(mis)information” that rapidly WHO’s rejection of the United States allegations
spread via social media and word of mouth. As received many online comments (Reuters 2020b).
stated earlier, these narratives give deep means- These comments demonstrated how people nego-
ing if analyzed in a context. Globally, these nar- tiated the pandemic by finding a “scapegoat.”
ratives reveal geopolitics. An Iranian-owned Undoubtedly, people often need somewhere to go
media group, Press TV, publicized a conspiracy with their anger and confusion; blaming and
theory while disseminating an interview with shaming serve that purpose and make the people
Dennis Etler, a political analyst and anthropolo- doing it feel sturdy. The commentators often ano-
gist. Etler argued that although there is no evi- nymized their personal threats yet make their
dence that the United States has bioengineered points vividly. Needless to say, their accuracy is
the virus, the country has deep interests in affect- debatable, which begs the question, who is
ing China’s economy (Ali 2020c). Merely saying behind them, and what is their political agenda?
that the United States did not bioengineer the Furthermore, on social media, especially on
virus on media can immediately start a plethora Facebook and Instagram, people shared specula-
of narratives that it did! tions that Bill Gates, on behalf of “Big Pharma,”
Likewise, China and Russia pointed the finger is behind the emergence of the 2020 COVID-19
at the United States (Rogers et  al. 2020). For pandemic. People refered to his Technology,
instance, Chinese officials claimed that the Entertainment, and Design (TED) talk of 2015,
United States army had introduced the virus to in which he argued that the next viral outbreak
China (Myers 2020). The Venezuelan President might prove more deadly than war (Zadrozny
also argued that the United States used the virus 2020). Predicting the occurrence of something
as a “bioweapon” for targeting China (Fisher may lead people to believe that you created that
2020). Turkmenistan and Tajikistan asked their something, perhaps just to prove yourself right.
citizens to continue working after calling the
virus and its treatment “bogus” (Fisher 2020).
In contrast, Matteo Salvini, the leader of 37.5 Rumors and Conspiracy
Italy’s anti-migrant League Party, contended that Theories at Local Levels
the outbreak of the virus is China’s doing, insist-
ing that the Chinese have deliberately cultivated a In Pakistan, various competing narratives with
“lung supervirus” from “bats and rats” (Fisher unknown and untraceable sources emerged, spe-
2020). Analogously, the United States blamed cifically in the villages. These narratives about
China for the origin and early transmission of the COVID-19 in that country were not exceptional,
virus: United States Senator Tom Cotton sus- given that numerous tales regarding outbreaks
pected that perhaps China produced the virus in and epidemics have long been prevailing there.
its weapons lab (Fisher 2020)—a geopolitically Various rumors and conspiracy theories  prevail
loaded  rumor that went so far that it was being about vaccination campaigns—that they are a
addressed on United States National Public means of “depopulation” via the sterilization of
Radio. President Trump started calling the virus a Muslim women and that hidden stakeholders are
“foreign virus” and “the China Virus” (Rogers behind these campaigns (Ali 2020b, c). About
et al. 2020), 2020), warned WHO against being COVID-19, comparable stories surfaced to trace
37  COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories: The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds 677

a “hidden” agent: the pandemic was  “bioengi- “Godforsaken” countries of the United States
neered” either by the United States or by “Big and Europe.
Pharma.” Speculations also contained home rem- • A vastly different rumor spread mainly in
edies, such as drinking garlic water (which might Sindh and Punjab provinces that there is no
help) or “blowing hot air from a hairdryer through coronavirus: how would it be possible that
your nostrils”; the country’s health ministry sug- one gets infected via shaking hands or stand-
gests keeping your throat moist (Dawn 2020). ing close to someone? The rumor continued
Many people followed these (relatively “harm- that the government was only imposing
less”) suggestions. lockdowns to receive global attention for
In the following section, I describe and ana- potential foreign aid and that there is no
lyze six specific narratives that  circulated in danger.
Pakistan, mainly during the start of the pan- • A widespread rumor broke out in Sindh prov-
demic, from killing the infected person to a talk- ince, from its district Hyderabad to district
ing infant: Ddaharki, that shaving one’s head is a great
preventive measures that  protects against the
• In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, virus. As soon as this rumor traveled, many
in a small village in Sindh Province, out of men (the shaving of a woman’s head is consid-
extreme anxiety and uncertainty was born the ered shameful) immediately shaved their
rumor that to eliminate the virus, the govern- heads, considering it a very affordable preven-
ment is setting infected people ablaze (Ali tive measure that costs only US5–10 cents. In
2020c). one village of Sindh, over 50 men shaved their
• In the small towns of Azad Jammu and heads.
Kashmir (AJK), a similar rumor surfaced that • An interesting and unconfirmed rumor about
the government shoots the infected persons. an infant emerged in the northern part of Sindh
Province. In a matter of hours, it spread in
After hearing these rumors, family members, many districts (as I confirmed while talking to
particularly (older) parents, became extremely my family and friends). The source of the
concerned about the mobility of the younger gen- rumor was untraceable, and the forms it took
eration and sought to ensure that they all stayed varied by region, although with the same cen-
at home. In this specific case, we can see that tral idea. In district Khairpur, the story was
rumors can have positive, instead of solely that an infant was born in a nearby village of
adverse effects, to deal with the pandemic. Gambat to a Syed family (believed to be
Furthermore,  as the pandemic grew extraordi- descendants of the Prophet Muhammad). In
nary, narratives emerged that linked it to the Shikarpur district, a boy was born in an
supernatural scale. unnamed village. In Naushahro Feroze
District, a boy was born there. Here is the gen-
• In a town of Punjab province, the narrative eral content of this rumor:
was that the virus was nothing but the punish- After his miraculous birth, the boy started talking.
ment of God. This punishment was said to be “I will not survive. I am here to tell you something
a result of the opening of cinemas in Saudi important about the current coronavirus that the
Arabia and general disbelief in God in the disease is deadly. I will die at noon and will bring
the coronavirus with me”, said the child. It could
Global North, where everything is “too open,” kill everyone if a recommended measure were not
especially romance. God has shown us how taken. The measure was brewing green tea, and
powerful he is in that science is unable to deal every person should drink five sips. The one who
with the ongoing pandemic. Because would drink these five sips would survive; the rest
would die. “As long as my heart beats, I ask you to
Pakistanis believe in and worship God, their please drink tea”. After conveying this message,
number of cases is far less than in the the child died.
678 I. Ali

After this rumor  spread, people started mak- powers to be advocates to God for seeking help
ing calls and sending messages via their smart and blessings in normal and especially during
mobile phones to their families and friends. extraordinary events. In this way, “drinking five
Taking the virus and the cure seriously, people sips of tea” has physical and symbolic powers.
paid in-­person visits to their neighbors to convey Both the properties of tea and the symbolic power
the message. They woke those who were sleeping of five can exert positive impacts on people’s
and got them to start brewing the tea and drinking physical and mental bodies.
five sips. I argue that the specificity of the instructions
These six narratives surrounding COVID-19 can make them seem more important and more
have actual effects on behavior, both negative and valid, perhaps the mark of a society that is pool-
positive. The first two rumors about the govern- ing its resources in an egalitarian way against a
ment burning or shooting infected people can deadly and overwhelming threat via a simple
compel people to refrain from being tested for treatment that is available to everyone, including
COVID-19, as well as to take preventive mea- the marginalized and the poor.
sures to avoid infection.
The third rumor, “an act of God,” indexes the
religious belief system and gives people hope 37.6 Rumors Revisited
that the pandemic can be supernaturally dealt
with through worshiping God. The fourth rumor Rumors and conspiracy theories constitute nor-
that there is no coronavirus reveals the scale of mal social phenomena (Bonhomme 2016). These
the mistrustful relationship between people and narratives are universal (Van Prooijen 2018) and
the government. These third and fourth rumors part of our sociocultural history and modes of
can be seen against the historical background of enculturation, especially around threatening situ-
the country and region: colonization, poverty, ations. Rumors can be interpreted as “brief, oral,
and aid dependency. non-narrative statement[s] based on hearsay”
The fifth rumor, “shaving one’s head,” is a (Turner 1993) with unknown reliability
good example of how a society can come up with (VandenBos 2007); as “improvised news”
an easily accessible “cure” in the absence of an (Shibutani 1966); and as symptoms of psycho-
effective healthcare system. It is relatively harm- logical diseases such as paranoia, schizophrenia,
less and seems to index people’s desire for dis- a phobia, or hysteria. Thus, their study can be
ease prevention by any means suggested, as does based on the principles of social pathology
the sixth rumor “drinking five sips of green tea.” (Reumaux 1994). And, conspiracy theories con-
This rumor has some basis in fact since studies stitute an extreme version of rumors (Taylor
have shown the positive effects of black or green 2019).
tea (as well as garlic) on the human immune sys- Through rumors and conspiracy theories, peo-
tem, although solely five sips are unlikely to help ple link threatening critical events to specific
much. actors who devise “secret plots” for achieving
Moreover, the number “five” has a special some “vested interests” (Douglas et al. 2017; Van
meaning within the local belief system, as this Prooijen 2018). Again, attributing agency gives
digit carries a vital meaning within the local people someone or something to hold account-
numerology. Many people across the country, able. Although during their continuous transmis-
specifically those who practice Sufism and Shia-­ sion processes, the content of these narratives
Islam, regard numeral five as lucky and sacred. continually changes, the underlying purposes
They link this number to Panjtan Pak (literally, remain to a great extent the same (DiFonzo and
“the Holy Five”), who include the Prophet Bordia 2007; Allport and Postman 1947). These
Muhammad, his cousin and son-in-law Ali, his narratives explain a cause-and-effect relation-
daughter Fatima, and his grandsons Hassan and ship: people weigh the situation, explore its lead-
Hussain. People believe in their supernatural ing causes, assess the risks, decide its potential
37  COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories: The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds 679

benefits, and make a final decision. Based on Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to eliminate
their conclusions, people adapt to the required homosexuality or to commit racial genocide by
measures. eradicating African-Americans (Turner 1993;
Rumors and conspirarcy theories play a pro- Heller 2015). In Indonesia, widespread specula-
found role in dealing with uncertainties and tions arose that people in crowded malls and ele-
extraordinary events. They can cause further anx- vators were attacked with a needle and left with a
ieties, fear, suspicions, and social disruption, as note, “Welcome to the AIDS Club” (Kroeger
well as make more positive effects while helping 2003). In New York City’s Chinatown during the
people to cope with those connotations. In the 2003 SARS epidemic, speculation circled that
following section, I present a brief overview of the virus had infected Americans, including many
worldwide rumors and conspiracy theories in Chinatown (Eichelberger 2007), and in Hong
regarding health and illness. Kong, one news item emerged that the region
soon would be declared SARS-infected and shut
off from the world (Cheng and Cheung 2005). In
37.6.1 The Outbreak of Contagious Australia, health officials were compelled to cir-
Rumors: A Global Overview cumvent conspiracy theories about the SARS
outbreak that it was an act of terrorism or biologi-
As previously noted, rumors and conspiracy the- cal warfare executed by some malevolent country
ories emerge and rapidly travel during challeng- or agency (Lee 2014). Similarly, in 2009, regard-
ing outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics to help ing the swine flu, a rumor held that terrorists used
people make sense of them and/or to feel empow- infected Mexicans to immigrate to the United
ered to deal with them. States as “walking germ warfare weapons”
During the bubonic plague outbreak in 1576, (Smallman 2015). Another rumor held that a bio-
in the Italian city of Padua, a pamphlet was tech company created the outbreak of the Zika
widely spread that said: “Wicked ones (sciagu- virus in 2016 after genetically modifying mos-
rati) were spreading the disease intentionally quitoes for combating dengue fever (Jacobs
with infected clothing, and poisonous ointments 2016).
(untioni) rubbed on door handles and knockers” Moreover, multiple rumors exist about human
(Cohn 2010). bodies across the world: collecting human heads
During the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, sev- as forms of sacrifice in Eastern Indonesia (Stewart
eral narratives emerged to trace the probable and Strathern 2004); stealing organs after killing
cause. In the United States, a rumor had it that a people in Brazil (Scheper-Hughes 1996, 2000);
Bayer pharmaceutical company poisoned people foreigners supposedly abducting local children to
with flu while testing aspirin tablets, resulting in make them sex slaves or to steal their organs in
the viral outbreak (Crosby 2003), or a “nurse of Guatemala (Dubinsky 2010); “whites” killing
German extraction” supposedly distributed volunteers while conducting clinical trials to
“germs in the hospital wards of Camp Meade and steal their blood in South Africa (Saethre and
was later executed” (Schoch-Spana 2004). To Stadler 2013); and “genital thieves” or “sex
express anti-German sentiments, people regarded thieves” who were stealing genitals in the streets
the pandemic “as an immoral, murderous ‘Hun of while working via witchcraft—once found, they
a disease’ that German spies spread in the United were publicly attacked and lynched (Bonhomme
States.” In England, the rumor was similar that 2016).
the Spanish flu was “directly traceable to the Family planning programs have also attracted
German use of poison gas, the after-effects of numerous rumors and dconspiracy theories
which have induced the growth of [a] new type of worldwide. For instance, rumors proliferated
streptococcus” (Johnson 2006). across the world that some stakeholders want to
In 1987, speculations emerged that the AIDS eliminate “undesirable” populations (Ali 2020b).
pandemic was a bioengineered weapon of the The medical/health sector is said to play a pivotal
680 I. Ali

role in that population control scheme via pro- to ask a simple question: why do these stories
ducing new viruses and vaccines to achieve the emerge and receive wide and significant  atten-
stated goals (Horowitz 1997). This perception tion? The simple answer is because, as previously
has roots in the notion that economically under- noted, these narratives provide meanings of an
privileged people refuse to engage in family uncertain phenomenon  and empower people to
planning and could destroy the environment via feel some sense of control in the face of frighten-
their explosive population growth (Hardin 1968). ing situations. Besides, these narratives are mys-
After the support of the United States president, terious and captivating (Van Prooijen 2018) and
Lyndon Johnson, in 1965, a wide range of family can bring excitement to people’s lives. More
planning programs was initiated, particularly in complex answers involve specific motives that lie
Asia (Lock and Nguyen 2018), on a massive behind people’s desire to believe. These encom-
scale, in a “Cold War” approach which held that pass epistemic factors that are required to under-
the populations of the then-called “Third World” stand one’s environment sufficiently; the
countries might take over the entire world (Lock existential need to feel safe and in control of
and Nguyen 2018). one’s environment; and the social need to main-
This narrative further paved the way for vari- tain a positive image of oneself and one’s in-­
ous narratives  about a “New World Order.” For group (Douglas et al. 2017).
instance, during the Zika virus outbreak in 2016, These properties lead narratives to travel rap-
a rumor held that a global elite, members of a idly via major three modes: through the transmis-
mysterious organization called the “New World sion of information via social media or word of
Order,” designed a “plot” to control the popula- mouth, personal experiences, and observational
tion (Jacobs 2016). The SARS outbreak was learning (Goumon and Špinka 2016; Barlow
linked to this “plot” (Lee 2014). People often link 2004). Prior to the presence of mass media and
vaccination with infertility in women (Feldman-­ social media, word of mouth was the primary
Savelsberg et  al. 2000; Andrade and Hussain source of rumor transmission. This historical
2018; Renne 2010), vaccination as a “Western source of circulation still prevails in those societ-
plot” or “conspiracy” to sterilize Muslim women ies where access to media is low (Ali 2020b).
(Hussain et al. 2016; Ali 2020b, c), and vaccine These narratives may make people feel special
side effects causing deaths of children (Ali that they possess some critical and rare informa-
2020b). In the United States, mass sterilizations tion that enhances their self-esteem (Taylor
of Puerto Rican and Native American women 2019). Some people deliberately craft specific
have occurred (Lopez 1993). Another rumor that rumors and conspiracy theories, and others pro-
vaccination campaigns were a “Western plot” duce counter-narratives; hence, in a way, both
turned into “reality” when a fake vaccinator was equally participate in their spread (Douglas et al.
sent to discover the hideout of Osama bin Laden 2017); to generate a counter-narrative to a given
(Ali 2020b, c). Since this was a covert vaccina- conspiracy theory is to give attention to and to
tion drive with ulterior motives, people began spread that theory further. Some people are more
suspecting vaccination teams as “spies” and prone to such speculations, especially those who
started attacking and killing them (Andrade and believe in other similar narratives (Bruder et al.
Hussain 2018; McGirk 2015). 2013; Douglas et al. 2019; Galliford and Furnham
2017; Lewandowsky et  al. 2013). For example,
those who believe that Zika was a scheme of
37.6.2 Rumors and Conspiracy Monsanto were likely also to believe that some-
Theories: Reasons and Modes one from inside was involved in 9/11 and that the
of Travel National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) moon landing never happened (Taylor
While devoting considerable attention to docu- 2019). Analogously, in Pakistan, those who
ment rumors and conspiracy theories, it is crucial believed in rumors and conspiracy theories about
37  COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories: The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds 681

family planning and vaccination are likely to also demic, Donald Trump considered the coronavi-
believe in rumors related to COVID-19. rus as a “foreign virus” that “will not have a
Rumors and conspiracy theories index ambi- chance against us” (Woodward 2020). He
guities (Butt 2005), convey coalescences of ­criticized Europe for failing to control the out-
meaning, and reveal interconnections and inter- break and argued that the United States’ ban on
plays between local and global contexts. The China plays a role in containing the virus. Some
speculations grow successfully in specific socio-­ regarded his views as xenophobic and as excuses
cultural, economic, and political contexts to shift the blame. The controversies and criti-
(Douglas et al. 2017). Their circulation continues cisms grew over time as cases and deaths caused
in waves of what I term “the provision of mean- by the COVID-19 startlingly escalated.
ing.” Rumors and conpiracy theories  tend to In April 2020, due to his approach and
occur in multiple versions and can constitute remarks, many criticized Trump for his self-­
what Scheper-Hughes (1996) refers to as “global promotion when he claimed: “When somebody is
mass hysteria.” They describe the relationships the president of the United States, the authority is
among (geo) political and economic low-power total” (Parker 2020). After this media briefing—
and high-power groups. These narratives can in which he made claims like “Everything we did
explicate and indicate the politics of inequality was right”—media analysts competed in insist-
(Butt 2005). ing that Trump’s paramount concern is not the
Therefore, their meanings must be deciphered virus but himself (Parker 2020). Afterward,
within their historical, sociocultural, economic, Trump played a “propaganda-style” biographic
and (geo)political contexts to be fully understood video, in which his supporters were praising him:
(Kingori et  al. 2010). For example, refusals of “The president has been outstanding through all
anti-tetanus vaccination in Cameroon have roots this,” stated Republican Florida Governor Ron
in colonization and mistrust in governments DeSantis (Parker 2020).
(Feldman-Savelsberg et  al. 2000). The emer- In addition to giving power to the powerless
gence of the “AIDS Club” rumor in Indonesia has and more power to those already enjoying it, such
roots in the sociocultural and political realities of narratives can help to negotiate a given phenom-
the 1990s (Kroeger 2003). Suspicions of vaccina- enon. For example, in South Africa, trial staff,
tion in Pakistan are entrenched in sociocultural, community, and trial participants negotiated clin-
economic, historical, and (geo)political contexts ical trials for assessing a microbicide vaginal gel
(Ali 2020b, c). to prevent HIV in women: white kill the partici-
Rumors and cospiracy theories can illuminate pants and sell their blood; women participate for
a lack of power and can allow the less powerful to the financial gains, and volunteers participate for
express their fears. When local people see them- health and aid (Stadler and Saethre 2010). In
selves as powerless against the dominant institu- South Africa, while defying the dominant episte-
tions, e.g., the government or international mologies of HIV/AIDS, people articulate it
non-governmental organizations (INGOs), they through rumors when elders consider the disease
spin different narratives (Bass 2008) to meet an as curable, and the younger generation regards it
important objective. Such narratives assist people as “foreign diseases” (Stadler 2003). People con-
to “create an alternative public sphere and maneu- tested Ghanaian national identity through the
ver to speak in oppositional voices” (Perice spread of the Sakawa rumor, in which Sakawa
1997). boys were said to have manipulated evil occult
Conversely, rumors and conspiracy theo- powers to enter into the Internet and perform
ries  can be created and spread by people who fraud (Armstrong 2016). This act of observing
enjoy a great deal of power and wish to use that rituals to commit fraud was negotiated by the
power to promote their agendas. For instance, Ghanaians while linking to the national identity.
during this ongoing global coronavirus pan- The rumor was:
682 I. Ali

Sakawa boys sleep in coffins or do not wash for information can be false, and so can “official”
weeks; some even kill a small girl and eat her like
fufu (a national dish)! They do whatever these
information (Bonhomme 2016). For their believ-
Sakawa leaders tell them to do, and then they have ers, a rumor or a conspiracy theory always counts
the ju-ju power to do their evil tricks. Then their as real and meaningful. Perhaps their credibility
spirit can enter the internet, possessing the obruni is unrelated to these narratives but rather to the
(White person) to get their money! It is evil, selfish
behavior, and they bring shame to Ghana. Kwame,
credibility of the tellers. The authentication of
Abiriw, Ghana, 07 August 2009 (Armstrong 2016) anything can be challenged.

Although rumors and conspiracy theories can

be true or false, or half truth and half lie (Taylor 37.6.3 (Mis)Trust as Pretext
2019), they are always a form of communication,
and they can convey hidden and vital meanings, Rumors and conspiracy theories  also serve as
reflecting beliefs and perceptions regarding the analytical windows into institutionalized forms
workings of the world, and collective explana- of inequalities or what Farmer (1996) terms
tions and illustrations about complex circum- “structural violence” and what Kleinman et  al.
stances (Kroeger 2003). (1997) call “social suffering.” In Nigeria as else-
These narratives  often have their roots in where, rumors help to understand “the origins of
social institutions (Heath et al. 2005). They can inequality and the structure of power” existing in
function to mobilize crowds (Rudé 1981; their society (Smith 2001). Behind these narra-
Thompson 1971) and to unite rioting masses tives, there is always an invisible interplay
(Guha 1999). Rumors differ from other types of between trust and mistrust. This trust deficit may
communication because of their enunciative and occur between citizens and governments,
performative functions (Bhabha 1994). Due to between people and global stakeholders (e.g., big
their flexibility, rumors work as a practical mode corporations), and between or among countries.
to reflect upon hard economic and political situa- People suspect that the government withholds
tions (Butt 2005). In rumors  (and conspiracy valuable information to make secret deals or that
theories), words transform from a medium of power strings are in invisible hands and encode
communication to an apparatus of force (Das such suspicions in rumors (Kroeger 2003).
1998). An example is of the 900,000 people in Hence, the next question is what lies under-
Brazil who became a protesting crowd when a neath these phenomena of (mis)trust? Following
rumor spread about the closure of the Bolsa this line of inquiry, we should explore several
Familia Program (the Brazilian government’s economic and political factors that have occurred
social program that provides financial support to throughout our social and biological history. For
economically poor people) (Morton 2014). example, the suspicions surrounding vaccination
Raymond Firth (1955) explored two Tikopian programs in Pakistan have roots in regional his-
rumors, one attributing extraordinary power to a tory, British colonization, the Cold War, the
person after death and another about the destruc- USSR invasion, and contemporary geopolitics
tion of Honiara by a hurricane. These rumors (Ali 2020a, b). These “critical events” (in the ter-
functioned as a prototype of the cargo-cult in minology of Veena Das (1995)) have germinated
Tikopia and succeeded promptly in the case of the seeds of suspicions about the vaccine, the
severe dangers, e.g., famine. Rumors can disap- government, and global actors (Ali 2020b, c;
pear and reappear during similar circumstances McGirk 2015). Sentiments of anti-tetanus vacci-
but with prominent modifications, e.g., additions nation in Cameroon show the links with coloni-
and subtractions, such as in Indonesia (Forth zation and mistrust in the government
2009). (Feldman-Savelsberg et al. 2000); narratives con-
For a rumor  or a conspiracy theory to have cerning the “AIDS Club” in Indonesia have roots
powerful implications, it does not matter whether in the sociocultural and political realities of the
it is true or false. A rumor containing private 1990s (Kroeger 2003). Likewise, local resent-
37  COVID-19 Amid Rumors and Conspiracy Theories: The Interplay Between Local and Global Worlds 683

ment against polio eradication efforts in Northern rooted in historical events such as the “Cold War”
Nigeria has a sociocultural, political, and histori- and colonization.
cal context, which shaped the local response to COVID-19 is no exception, as a novel corona-
suspect the vaccine’s quality, mistrust the govern- virus caused it, and by the writing of this
ment, and regard politicians as corrupt (Renne ­chapter, researchers were still unraveling its char-
2010; Ali 2020c). acteristics. The escalation worldwide was  so
Analogously, the current rumors and conspir- rapid and worrying, and the media presented it as
acies surrounding COVID-19 and spinning at the “an invisible enemy” that has severely “threat-
global level reveal unceasing geopolitics. As we ened” the world, which seems at “war.” These
have seen, the big superpowers like China, the unusual metaphors demonstrated overwhelming
United States, and Russia are actively engaged circumstances, which have generated massive
in generating and spreading rumors and conspir- uncertainties and anxieties and sparked a pleth-
acy theories. Other countries, such as Iran, Italy, ora of narratives. The narratives either were preg-
and some Latin American countries, are also par- nant with a potential solution or probable
ticipating, either as supporters or adversaries. “enemy” behind it while causing further panic
This scale of negotiation and contesta- amid uncertainty.
tion  embodies the historical processes of the In Pakistan, narratives surrounding the 2020
World Wars and the Cold Wars. While China and COVID-19 pandemic under circulation at local
Russia are blaming the United States, the United levels might qualify as societal coping mecha-
States is blaming China for the origin and spread nisms to avoid the threat of becoming either
of this virus. This embodiment signifies a “win- infected or deceived. Most notably, these rumors
or-lose” situation. Countries strategize to win and conspiracy theories  ran rampant in those
their old battles. places where structural inequalities prevail.
Considering shaving heads, drinking five sips of
green tea, and worshipping God as preventive
37.7 Summary measures or potential cures decreases people’s
fear of infection and made them feel that if they
Whenever extraordinary uncertainties and threats were  infected, they could  easily be treated.
to life surface, rumors and conspiracy theories Regarding the virus as a conspiracy and not
quickly spread. If the new phenomena resemble something real, like interpreting the pandemic as
an old one, then the new narratives also resemble the government’s ticket to receiving foreign aid,
the older versions, but with specific modifica- might have removed the massive burden of fear
tions. These narratives are always preserved in and decreases people’s worries that there was no
every society’s “societal memory” (Ali 2020b), danger in going out to earn their livelihoods. In
which should best be seen within sociocultural, sum, almost all of the above narratives give power
economic, and (geo-)political contexts. Each back to people to do something that can turn
society accumulates information—about every away an extraordinary existential and physical
phenomenon, including the potential threats, ene- threat.
mies, counterstrategies, and solutions—and con-
verts it into collective knowledge. As soon as
similar circumstances and reasons emerge, soci- 37.8 Conclusion
ety releases its “antibodies,” i.e., rumors, to deal
with them. Stories and narratives are part of our human
Throughout history, rumors and  conspiracy sociocultural history. It is indispensable to under-
theories have surrounded pandemics and medical stand that constructing stories, weaving mean-
interventions. The vaccination programs are good ings, and deciphering them are the long-standing
examples to cite, as they have remained the cen- human social phenomena. We cannot survive
ter of multiple rumors and conspiracy theories without narratives. Functioning as building
684 I. Ali

blocks of society and as means of enculturation, Acknowledgments The author would like to thank
Robbie Davis-Floyd for her immense help in terms of
these narratives help us to encode crucial infor- thorough reading, critical comments, and invaluable sug-
mation that is necessary for biological, sociocul- gestions. Although the author received no specific funding
tural, emotional, psychological, economic, for this article, he acknowledges the Higher Education
and—the most important—political sur- Commission (HEC) of Pakistan’s grant (­PD/OSS-II/
Batch-IV/Austria/2012/9903), which supported Ph.D.
vival. Such narratives rapidly surround a new and work that has significantly informed this article.
uncertain phenomenon, as it has happened in the
case of COVID-19 that has  caused exceptional
circumstances.  Considerable efforts were taken References
and (are still underway) to understand the virus
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Exploration of the Epidemiological
and Emotional Impact 38
of Quarantine and Isolation
During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Helia Mojtabavi, Nasirudin Javidi, Anne-­

Frédérique Naviaux, Pascal Janne,
Maximilien Gourdin, Mahsa Mohammadpour,
Amene Saghazadeh, and Nima Rezaei

quarantine is useful, mainly if applied early
and if combined with other public health mea-
Starting in December 2019  in Wuhan sures. However, the efficacy of quarantine and
Municipal Health Commission, the coronavi- isolation is limited in many ways, ranging
rus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has crossed the from legal issues and suspension of economic
borders forming a pandemic in 2020. The activities to mental health considerations. This
absence of pharmacological interventions has chapter is an exploration of (i) epidemiologi-
pushed governments to apply different sets of cal impact of isolation and quarantine; (ii)
old, non-pharmacological interventions, emotional impact of isolation and quarantine;
which are, though temporary, helpful to pre- and (iii) the possible effect of culture on quar-
vent further pandemic propagation. In the antine experience.
context of COVID-19, research confirms that

H. Mojtabavi
Faculty of Medicine, Université catholique de
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran
Louvain, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, Belgium
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
P. Janne
MetaCognition Interest Group (MCIG), Universal
Université catholique de Louvain, CHU UCL Namur,
Scientific Education and Research Network
Avenue Dr. G. Thérasse, Yvoir, Belgium
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Psychology, Université catholique de
N. Javidi
Louvain, Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Life style
institute, Baqiyatallah University of Medical M. Gourdin
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Faculty of Medicine, Université catholique de
Louvain, Woluwé-Saint-Lambert, Belgium
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy Studies
(CPPS), Universal Scientific Education and Research Université catholique de Louvain, CHU UCL Namur,
Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran Avenue Dr. G. Thérasse, Yvoir, Belgium
A.-F. Naviaux M. Mohammadpour
College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and Health Service MetaCognition Interest Group (MCIG), Universal
Executive (HSE), Summerhill Community Mental Scientific Education and Research Network
Health Service, Summerhill, Wexford, Ireland (USERN), Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 687
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
688 H. Mojtabavi et al.

Keywords role the immune system truly plays against

COVID-19 (Rokni et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah
Anxiety · COVID-19 · Emotional regulation · et al. 2020a).
Iran · Quarantine · Social isolation There is neither vaccine for prevention of dis-
ease nor a specific treatment, other than support-
ive care, and previously identified options for
dealing with viral pneumonia that causes immune
38.1 Introduction dysregulation (Rokni et al. 2020; Bahrami et al.
2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020a; Saghazadeh and
In late December 2019, the world faced the prob- Rezaei 2020a; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Lotfi and
lem of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19); Rezaei 2020; Nasab et  al. 2020) progressing to
its spread was as rapid as it was declared as a acute respiratory distress syndrome and multior-
pandemic by the World Health Organization gan failure, e.g., antivirals (Mohamed et  al.
(WHO) on March 11, 2020 (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020b) and immunosuppressants (monoclonal
2020). As of writing this chapter, all countries antibodies, corticosteroids, plasma therapy, and
worldwide have experienced the first wave, some intravenous immunoglobulin) (Saghazadeh and
are undergoing the second wave, and the others Rezaei 2020b; Mohamed et al. 2020b; Lotfi et al.
are aware and possibly preparing for the second 2020; Pourahmad et  al. 2020; Jahanshahlu and
wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. About Rezaei 2020b). However, a number of promising
6 months have passed since its first report, and it opportunities appear for specific treatment of
has affected nine million cases and claimed more COVID-19. They include therapies that can pre-
than 460,000 lives worldwide. Such a high num- cisely target signaling pathways engaged in
ber of deaths state explicitly how much the hyper-inflammation and viral entry into the cells
SARS-CoV-2 is violent, and multiple routes of as well as cell therapies that can help enhance
transmission might explain its violence antiviral immunity while attenuating inflamma-
(Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020b; Jahanshahlu and tory responses (Sharifkashani et  al. 2020;
Rezaei 2020a; Lotfi et  al. 2020; Saleki et  al. Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei and Rezaei
2020). Genetic factors and medical conditions 2020; Basiri et al. 2020b; Rezaei 2020b).
can intensify infection severity as well The absence of pharmacological interventions
(Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; Darbeheshti has made the health-care system to rely on early
and Rezaei 2020; Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020; diagnosis of infection, which is, in turn, challeng-
Ahmadi et al. 2020; Sahu et al. 2020). The cur- ing and needs more reliable techniques (Basiri
rent literature provides a library of evidence of et  al. 2020a; Rabiee et  al. 2020), to provide an
inflammation in people with severe COVID-19 extended window for care delivery. However,
along with reports of a relatively lower suscepti- COVID-19 has affected the health-care providers
bility to develop COVID-19  in people lacking as well (Rezaei 2020a; Moazzami et  al. 2020),
immunocompetence (Ahanchian et  al. 2020; and this has pushed governments to apply differ-
Bahrami et al. 2020; Babaha and Rezaei 2020). ent sets of old, non-pharmacological interven-
Totally, these findings have made doubt on the tions, based on societal measures and behavior

A. Saghazadeh Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,

Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and Education and Research Network (USERN),
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran Tehran, Iran
N. Rezaei (*)
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 689

adjustment, including cordon sanitaire, traffic mission of disease by about 2%, 29%, and 35%,
restriction, social distancing, home confinement, respectively. Self-isolation effectiveness
centralized quarantine, and universal symptom increased to 37%, 47%, and 57% when combined
survey, which are, though temporary, helpful to with household quarantine, manual contact trac-
prevent infection and re-infection with the SARS-­ ing of acquaintances, and app-based contact trac-
CoV-­2 pandemic (Pan et  al. 2020; Jabbari and ing. Furthermore, it reached a high value of 64%
Rezaei 2020; Jabbari et al. 2020). in combination with both household quarantine
Quarantine refers to the restriction of the and manual contact tracing of acquaintances
movement and separation of people who are not (Kucharski et al. 2020).
ill and may have been exposed to an infectious As summarized in a systematic review (Lahiri
disease, while isolation means separation of peo- et al. 2020), the most commonly used models for
ple who are ill and have been infected. Both quar- prediction of the behavior of COVID-19 pan-
antine and isolation aim at controlling the spread demic included susceptible exposed infected
of communicable diseases, such as cholera, diph- recovery (SEIR), susceptible infected recovered
theria, tuberculosis, plague, smallpox, yellow (SIR), and neural network models and their mod-
fever, and viral hemorrhagic fevers (Parmet and ified versions. The review highlighted that con-
Sinha 2020). In the context of COVID-19, trol measures, ranging from isolation, social
research confirms that quarantine is useful, distancing, lockdown, and quarantine to port-of-­
mainly if applied earlier and combined with other entry screening, testing, tracing, personal
public health measures (Nussbaumer-Streit et al. hygiene, and the increase in the number of hospi-
2020). Thus, several strategies were imple- tal beds, should be combined to enhance each
mented, including cocooning, social distancing, other’s strengths and also to compensate for each
movement restricting, and self-isolating. other’s shortcomings.
However, the efficacy of quarantine and isolation In the study (Wilasang et al. 2020), the authors
is limited in numerous ways, ranging from legal compared ten countries, e.g., Belgium, China,
issues and suspension of economic activities  – France, Germany, Iran, South Korea, Spain,
which will be discussed in Chaps. 40, 41, 42 – to Thailand, the United States, and the United
mental health considerations. This chapter is an Kingdom, in terms of reduction of the reproduc-
exploration of (i) epidemiological impact of iso- tion number, starting from the date when the
lation and quarantine; (ii) emotional impact of reported number of cases exceeded 100 to 3
isolation and quarantine; and (iii) the possible weeks after control measures were applied. As of
effect of culture on quarantine experience. April 07, 2020, two countries could achieve and
maintain a reproduction number of about one to
below one after implementation of control mea-
38.2 Factors Determining sures for 3–4 weeks: China and South Korea. In
the Epidemiological Impact China, control measures include a strict
of Quarantine and Isolation lockdown, total standstill, stay-at-home order,
During the COVID-19 contact tracing, and quarantine, reducing the
Outbreak reproduction number from 3.10 to about 1. In
South Korea, these measures were a strict lock-
38.2.1 Combination with Other down and active case finding, leading to a
Testing and Tracing decrease in reproduction number from about
three to below one. The other eight countries
Using mathematical modeling of data from UK applied only one of quarantine (lockdown) and
participants (n = 40,162), the study estimated that active case finding and failed to control the
each of random mass testing of 5% of the popula- COVID-19 as of study completion date.
tion each week, self-isolation of symptomatic In summary, the findings of the models are
cases within the household, and self-isolation consistent with an analysis of real-time data dem-
outside the household would reduce mean trans- onstrating the more effectiveness of comprehen-
690 H. Mojtabavi et al.

sive attempts, comprised of early isolation, quarantine – defined as the degree to which the
contact tracing, and quarantine, to bring down the community correctly follows quarantine laws
reproduction number of COVID-19 (Wilasang and limits  – and the effectiveness of a 2-week
et al. 2020). lockdown with community quarantine in Italy.
The four different degrees of adherence to com-
munity quarantine were complete noncompli-
38.2.2 Digital Contact Tracing ance to community quarantine, medium
adherence to community quarantine, near-­
As above described, self-isolation alone could complete community quarantine, and a complete
reduce transmission by 37%, and this reduction community quarantine, on the average of 10, 5,
increased to 47% when combined with the man- 1, and 0  h out-of-household activities per day,
ual tracing of contacts compared to 57% when correspondingly. The more time spent out of the
combined with the app-based tracing of contacts house (the less the community tended to adhere
(Kucharski et  al. 2020). Telehealth or telemedi- to the quarantine), the more the number of sec-
cine offers digital technologies that not only ondary cases increased by the end of
accelerate screening and contact tracing but also quarantine.
facilitate treatment and surveillance. Interestingly,
the use of telemedicine assists clinicians with
holding virtual visits while being quarantined at 38.2.5 Response System
home (Hollander and Carr 2020). In this manner,
quarantine and isolation will work more effec- Based on mobility data from mobile devices in
tively employing digitalization, a concept referred the Boston metropolitan area, an agent-based
to as “Digital herd immunity” by Bulchandani model predicted that it would suffice to keep a
et al. (2020) and Caetano et al. (2020). potential second wave of disease at the place
within the capacity of the health-care system, if a
response system using social distancing com-
38.2.3 Combination with Travel bined with testing, contact tracing, and house-
Restrictions and School hold quarantine permits detection of 50% of
Closures symptomatic cases, tracing of 40% of their con-
tacts and households, and 9% of individuals
When combined with travel restrictions, a review quarantined (Aleta et al. 2020). Under such a sys-
of studies suggests that isolation and quarantine tem, economic activities can be re-opened while
could control the outbreak better in terms of preventing the oversaturation of the health-care
reduction in the number of confirmed cases and system.
duration of the outbreak of COVID-19
(Nussbaumer-Streit et  al. 2020). Models, how-
ever, forecast that travel restrictions, even if 38.2.6 Early Implementation
strictly sustained, reveal more than a moderate
effect on the trajectory of COVID-19, if and only The study (Moris and Schizas 2020) using data
if combined with other control measures that can from the Worldometer compared 22 countries in
reduce disease transmission by at least half terms of delta days defined as the gap between
(Chinazzi et al. 2020). the first-time implementation of control measures
and the date of the first case per million popula-
tion (PMP) confirmed and its impact on 30-day
38.2.4 Degree of Adherence mortality and incidence outcomes. Among the
to Quarantine countries included in the analysis, only Iceland
and Switzerland implemented large-scale sam-
The study (Sjödin et  al. 2020) investigated the pling, while the remaining 20 countries relied on
correlation between the degree of adherence to lockdown as the control measure. Delta days
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 691

ranged from −1 day for Hong Kong to 29 days ble individuals is more important for controlling
for Sweden, and the less the delta days (control the spread of disease as indicated by the number
measures occur earlier), the lower the 30-day of confirmed cases when compared to the quar-
incidence of COVID-19. By observing no signifi- antine of infected and exposed individuals. No
cant association between gross domestic product direct evidence exists regarding the effectiveness
(GDP) health expenditure and disease outcomes, of quarantine of travelers on controlling the
control measures and their timing appeared to be spread of COVID-19 outbreak. There is only a
a more critical element of success. little indirect evidence on the issue regarding the
outbreak of SARS, as reviewed in Nussbaumer-­
Streit et al. (2020).
38.2.7 Duration of Quarantine

Studies using different epidemiological models 38.2.9 Household Size

make different recommendations on a preferred
duration of lockdown. Other factors that play a The study (Sjödin et al. 2020) addressed whether
role in determining a preferred duration of lock- household size would influence the effectiveness
down include the degree of adherence to quaran- of community quarantine in Italy concerning the
tine and the population and household size. For degree of adherence to community quarantine.
India, studies mostly conclude on 3  weeks of There were four different average household
lockdown for adequate detection of cases and sizes, larger (six persons), medium (three per-
controlling the disease spread in the country, sons), small (two persons), and single-person,
while other studies call the need to adopt the and four degrees of adherence to community
lockdown for an extended duration of 42–56 days quarantine, no, medium, near-complete, and
as reviewed in Lahiri et  al. (2020). For Italy, complete community quarantine. Considering a
modeling data related to a 2-week community town of 5000 persons, the model provided esti-
quarantine estimated that for medium average mations of the number of secondary cases under
household size (three persons), a 1-month dura- the quarantine scenarios mentioned for different
tion of quarantine is required for adequate con- household sizes as follows: larger, 43, 29, 19, 16;
trol of outbreak when the degree of adherence to medium, 20, 12, 8, 7; and small, 11, 7, 4, 3. It
community quarantine is near complete (Sjödin shows the interaction between the household size
et  al. 2020). The duration increased to 54  days and the degree of adherence to quarantine and its
under medium adherence to community impact on the effectiveness of community
quarantine. quarantine.

38.2.8 Individuals Quarantined 38.2.10 Population Size

Using a SEIRQ epidemic model with high accu- The study mentioned above also found a direct
racy for COVID-19 predictions, the study (Cui relationship between the population size and the
et  al. 2020) evaluated the comparative effect of number of secondary cases. For a town of 50,000
quarantine of different populations, including people, the number of secondary cases was esti-
susceptible individuals, exposed individuals, and mated to be 110, 70, 40, and 30 for a small house-
infected individuals, on COVID-19 variations. hold size under no, medium, near-complete, and
The model predicted that quarantine of suscepti- complete community quarantine scenarios.
692 H. Mojtabavi et al.

38.3 COVID-19: Psychological how people feel emotionally, mentally, and phys-
Challenges ically. It can also affect how people behave.
and Opportunities Ahead During the COVID-19 outbreak, stress has
caused fear and worry (e.g., about work, health,
38.3.1 COVID-19: The Trauma support, finances); changed eating or sleep pat-
terns; worsened focus, chronic health problems,
COVID-19 is a severe threat to global health and and mental health conditions; and increased our
is now recognized as one of the significant human use of alcohol/tobacco and other substances.
concerns internationally. The impact of From this point of view, stress appeared to make
COVID-­19 on mental health cannot be dismissed people vulnerable and to possibly aggravate a
even though there are so many things to tackle at situation already dramatic by disabling emotional
the same time, like stopping the virus and helping management and regulation. In that sense, it can
those struggling financially. The cost of psycho- contribute to intensifying the damages of the
logical support skyrockets when left unaddressed. coronavirus, causing confusion, discomfort, and
We are all affected by the pandemic, both emo- chaos. However, stress has also been extremely
tionally and mentally, but to different degrees. beneficial during the COVID-19 crisis. Thanks to
As such, COVID-19 is traumatic in many stress, we have been able to react to the threat of
ways. From a psychological point of view, a COVID-19 and take action to protect ourselves.
trauma is a response to a deeply distressing or Stress is crucial to raise our attention, focus, and
disturbing event that overwhelms an individual’s alertness in a situation of insecurity. It helps
capacity or even ability to cope. It generates feel- behavioral change or adaptation and enables
ings of helplessness/hopelessness and reduces planning in order to reduce the risks and the dan-
the sense of self and the access to the full range of gers of our environment. Stress is essential for an
emotions and experiences in an individual. organism to initiate and activate a cohesive
Medically, trauma can also refer to physical dam- defense while exposed to a threat. Stress increases
age (which is evident in this pandemic). the body’s ability and energy (via cortisol secre-
COVID-­ 19 is to be considered as complex tion) in order to preserve personal and environ-
trauma, being exposed to varied and multiple mental health. During the COVID-19 crisis,
traumatic events of an invasive and interpersonal stress helped make people aware of the gravity of
nature. the situation, to take things seriously, and attempt
In such a context, the most critical issues to limit the spread of coronavirus. Stress will
related to COVID-19 are stress, anxiety, and their become a problem when affecting how people
consequences, which can also be worsened by cope with day-to-day life, and both beneficial and
necessary public health actions to stop the spread destructive aspects of stress have been observed
of the disease (such as quarantine and isolation). during the pandemic: a double impact.
These can make people feel lonely, powerless,
and isolated.
38.3.3 Anxiety

38.3.2 Stress: A Double Impact Contrary to fear, which is a response to a well-­

defined and very real and concrete danger, anxi-
Stress is a normal physiological response to an ety is a response to a vague or unknown threat. It
abnormal situation. It is a fundamental compo- occurs when we believe that a menacing or unfor-
nent of our lives. It enables us (body and soul) to tunate event could happen and are expecting it.
adapt and adjust to both positive and negative Like stress, anxiety is experienced at various
situations through increased cortisol levels. individual degrees and intensity. The extent of
Stress is multifactorial, not constant, and varies the anxiety manifestations greatly depends on
from one individual to another. Stress can affect how we perceive the anticipated event.
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 693

Anxiety appears directly connected to peo- separated from loved ones led to worrying for
ple’s uncertainty, cognitive ambiguity, and lack their safety, well-being, access to medical assis-
of scientific information about the virus. As per tance, mental health, and daily services and sup-
the DSM-5 (2013), anxiety can present in many ports and to wondering about how their loved
ways and forms: generalized anxiety disorder ones’ condition would evolve without those regu-
(GAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), lar supports.
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and pho- In terms of behaviors, alarm, panic, and terror
bia (including social phobia), with or without a appeared first, but also anger and confusion/delir-
panic attack. Levels of anxiety, depression, and ium. Maximum individualism was illustrated by
PTSD have doubled in society since the onset of food hoarding and compulsive buying. There
COVID-19, with as many as 4/10 people experi- were thefts in shops, pharmacies, and hospitals to
encing symptoms (Lucey 2020). the point that hydro-alcoholic gel distributors had
to be removed from the wards. Some aggressive
behaviors also emerged, either via assaults of
38.3.4 Challenges and Behaviors various types (from threats to gun attacks),
During the COVID-19 Crisis including against health-care professionals or in
a domestic context with a raise in arguments,
During the lockdown, challenges were legion; abuse, and violence within the home (couple and
some people reported suffering from quarantine family crises). If insecurity certainly motivated
and isolation measures, as they felt lonely, these manifestations, increased consumption of
restricted, and withdrawn from the environment. alcohol and drugs associated with boredom and
Self-isolation reduced drastically social contact, despair is also to be taken into account.
and many people felt trapped. Other people felt at
risk of losing their livelihood, especially the ones
who had a horrific experience (like being on a 38.3.5 Mental Health Alterations
respirator or extended stay in ICU). The uncer- During the COVID-19 Crisis
tainty status over the disease, coupled with con-
stant exposure to harmful and frightening news, Millions of people are suffering from psycholog-
made life extremely difficult. The decimation of ical repercussions, especially those closest to the
normal routine and structure, the loss of free- pandemic. In patients acutely ill with severe
doms, and the boredom associated with quaran- COVID-19, available data suggest (Rogers et al.
tine made the whole process very lengthy for the 2020) that 65% experience delirium, 69% have
population. Some individuals were particularly agitation after the withdrawal of sedation, and
sensitive to the changes in work circumstances, 21% have altered consciousness. In the general
the financial insecurity (including bankruptcy, population under lockdown, not only anxiety
financial loss), inadequate supplies and infra- increased, but depression also intensified; depres-
structure, and the fact that their life was “on sion is a mood disorder that causes, among other
pause.” It was very hard to adjust and obey soci- symptoms, a persistent feeling of sadness and
etal changes that were not always well explained loss of interest. Hypochondria is not to be forgot-
nor well understood and which heavily impacted ten in the picture. It is also called health anxiety
families (as weddings and funerals, e.g., had to and consists of an excessive preoccupation with
follow a different protocol). Prolonged uncer- one’s health. Besides cyberchondria otherwise
tainty and impossibility to plan the future were known as “compuchondria,” COVID-chondria
probably the hardest challenges population faced (excessive preoccupation with one’s health
during the COVID-19 crisis. Of course, while around the coronavirus), COVID-phobia
confined, many had to closely face the cracks, the (extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to
conflicts, and the failures of their couple/family, COVID-19), and paranoid states (in which perse-
without being able to escape. Similarly, being cutory and grandiose ideas and delusions consti-
694 H. Mojtabavi et al.

tute a significant part of the symptoms) were also 2013). The precarious feeling of anxiety is being
observed. Altogether, anxiety appears to be the treated in this approach. It is because the main
most substantial mental health alteration and focus of this approach is to create a safe, emo-
most common psychiatric disorder to affect all tional, and supportive environment. Both
individuals (in the general population but also approaches help to control and manage anxiety
health-care professionals) during the COVID-19 by managing and regulating emotions.
crisis. It only highlights the necessity to invest in
mental health services, hotlines, counseling,
guidance, information, and online help and sup- 38.3.7 The Notion of Locus of Control
port groups. and the Response Ability

The notion of “locus of control” first appeared in

38.3.6 Psychotherapy Approaches 1966, thanks to Julian Rotter. It was formulated
to Anxiety after observing recurrent patterns in how people
perceive what is happening to them (and to their
Psychologists use psychotherapeutic approaches health). On the one hand, he observed that some
such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) individuals believe they are directly responsible
approaches and emotionally focused therapy for what is happening to them, as directly result-
(EFT) approaches to help regulate anxiety levels ing from their actions or behaviors (internal locus
in order to treat individuals (Najafi et al. 2015a). of control). On the other hand, Rotter noticed that
In the CBT approach, harmful and wrong beliefs some individuals consider that the “reinforce-
are considered as the basis of negative emotions. ments” they receive do not result from their
Healthy beliefs lead to healthy emotions and, actions but are depending on external factors
ultimately, to healthy functioning. This approach (luck, fate, others, external locus of control).
also helps to improve anxiety through the use of More specifically, this theory aims to predict
psychological training techniques, cognitive which behavior an individual will adopt, know-
reconstruction, coping, and role-playing. The ing different reactions are possible. Multiple
EFT approach is also a short-term approach, studies have applied the concept to the health
which is an empiric humanistic approach to sector and have identified three subtypes in terms
rebuilding the emotional business and uses a of beliefs, thinking, and behaviors: (i) internal
structural, systemic approach to rebuilding inter- locus of control; (ii) external “powerful others”
actions (Javidi et al. 2013; Soleimani et al. 2015; locus of control; and (iii) external “chance” locus
Najafi et  al. 2015b). This approach focuses on of control. There are some obvious connections
emotions and helps people to achieve emotional between COVID-19 and the health locus of con-
self-regulation. It uses the components of focus- trol (Naviaux et al. 2020).
ing on positive emotions, emotional reconstruc- Indeed, people who have a rather internal
tion, and finding new meanings to better locus of control will look after themselves and
communicate with others and better adapt to the self-observe (fever, cough, shortness of breath,
environment (Madahi et  al. 2013). In this sore throat, headaches), while individuals with an
approach, the therapist pays special attention to external locus of control will consider that the
attachment styles and the communication pat- course of the coronavirus depends either on luck,
terns of individuals (Javidi et  al. 2001; Najafi destiny, or “the others.” The health locus of con-
et al. 2015b). On this basis, the therapist regulates trol will also predict how people will handle pre-
the treatment process in such a way as to lead to vention measures, quarantine, and isolation;
a secure attachment, so that people can move knowing that people with an internal locus of
more confidently toward a positive and construc- control will better comply (than people with an
tive relationship in order to be able to express external locus of control) because they feel
their emotions constructively (Javidi et al. 2012, responsible (“response-able” or “able to provide
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 695

a proper response” in order to protect their others if only within the family. They might seek
health). Therefore, opting for an internal locus of more attachment and be more demanding to par-
control during the COVID-19 and choosing ents. Intuitively they will get cues on how to
response ability is not only salutary but also manage difficult times by observing adults’
sanitary. behaviors and emotions. Supervised and limited
access to (social) media is given. Just like for any
vulnerable group, we need to help, support, and
38.3.8 Vulnerable Groups stand by our children.

During the pandemic, children and young people, Elderly People
older adults, health-care providers, and people Older adults and those with cognitive decline or
with comorbid conditions appear as the most dementia can be deeply affected by staying at
psychologically vulnerable populations. home as they can experience an increased feeling
However, pregnant women are the same even if of isolation and loneliness. The lack of daily
they are not infected (Mirbeyk and Rezaei 2020). tasks and their physical vulnerability can make
them feel more anxious, angry, or even agitated. Children and Young People Adjusting to a new situation can take a while, and
Schools and colleges have been closed, so chil- do so, it is crucial to develop a regular structure to
dren and young people are staying at home dur- the day as routines make the world safer and
ing the pandemic. Parenting is the key. It is more predictable. Staying active, eating and
important to help young ones find a positive way drinking healthily, and receiving practical and
to express their feelings, such as sadness, bore- emotional support through family, friends, and
dom, or fear. For example, engaging in creative professionals will help maintain good mental
activities such as drawing or clay modeling can health. Participating in groups or events online
prove extremely helpful in that regard, as it and developing new interests will also be benefi-
allows us to express and communicate feelings cial. Information should be provided clearly and
and emotions. Isolation can be challenging for simply so that people with cognitive impairment
little ones who miss their friends and their activi- can understand. Information should be repeated
ties. It is essential to keep children close to their if necessary.
parents and family if safe for the child and to
maintain regular contact with parents and care- People with Pre-existing
givers in case of separation. It is crucial to make Conditions
time for younger people to check in with friends People with pre-existing conditions might expe-
and family they might be worried about, using rience increased stress over the threat of the
phone or video calls, so that they can see they are infection. They should activate their social con-
okay. Young people should be informed about tacts for assistance and make sure they have
what is happening in the world, using words and access to medication, food, services, and medical
language they can access, and not overwhelming assistance.
them with unnecessary information. Adults need
to be honest with them and address their concerns People with Pre-existing
in a reassuring way to ease anxiety. Maintaining Mental Health Issues
familiar routines (such as bedtime rituals, hygiene There is a risk of exacerbation and deterioration
routines, and a healthy diet) increases the feeling of pre-existing mental health issues. Physical
of safety. Creating new routines and dedicating exercise, maintaining daily routines, and a
some time to daily physical exercise are also healthy diet, as well as regular activities, are
essential. Children must be encouraged to pursue helpful to cope. Having access to appropriate
learning and age-appropriate activities, to con- (and not overloading) information is essential,
tinue to play, to have fun, and to socialize with just like it is to keep in touch with family, friends,
696 H. Mojtabavi et al.

and professionals. Access to medication, food, It includes harassment, stigmatization, and physi-
services, and medical assistance should be cal violence. In response to this concern, on May
available. 26, 2020, 13 medical and humanitarian global
organizations representing more than 30 million
HCP have issued a declaration condemning
38.3.9 Health-Care Professionals increasing incidents of attacks against health
(HCP) During the COVID-19 workers and facilities (
Crisis 2020).

HCP are disproportionally affected by work-­

related stress because of excessive workloads, 38.3.10 Opportunities
working in an emotionally charged environment
where demand outweighs capacity and facing a Along with the damage it has caused, the
lack of management and government support and COVID-­19 pandemic has also provided opportu-
unrealistic public expectations and perception of nities for people to develop their existential and
stigma. HCP are at high risk of decompensation skill-building capabilities. It has led to achieve-
regarding both physical and mental health (burn- ments, including hardware and software
out in essential workers), and access to appropri- upgrades, improved knowledge of specialists and
ate support should be put in place. HCP can also public adherence to the principles of health and
experience cynicism regarding a possible change hygiene, and an increase in the spirit of sympathy
as they face (unprecedented) high levels of mor- between people and the authorities. It would also
tality and extremely distressed patients (includ- help to understand the importance of health-care
ing treating infected colleagues). No child care systems, education, and research and identify
arrangements have been made for HCP who have strengths and weaknesses in various areas, in par-
to deal with social isolation and interpersonal ticular, in the field of crisis intervention. Its psy-
distancing, infection control procedures, dimin- chological achievements also include improving
ished collegial social interaction, and re-­ individual emotional regulation, identifying indi-
deployment in unfamiliar environments or with vidual existential capacities in times of crisis,
unfamiliar colleagues. They often do not dispose controlling anxious beliefs, improving psycho-
of adequate supplies and equipment, rationing logical adjustment, recalling anxiety about death,
personal protective equipment and facing ethical enhancing creativity and innovation, individual
dilemmas of rationing access to ventilators and self-assessment in the field of courage/fear and
other essential health supplies. HCP are, of indifference, a better understanding of the value
course, facing a higher risk of contamination. of health, a distinction between opportunism and
Personal worries include infection risk to self and profit- and fame-seeking and truth-seeking,
others, and concerns regarding the well-being of human attention to family and friends, the
family members who are “home-schooled,” quar- empowerment of sympathy, and the creation of
antined, or infected are real (Gavin et al. 2020). home opportunities and home quarantine jobs.
The only study to date on the psychological
impact on COVID-19 frontline HCP reports high
rates of depression, distress, anxiety, and insom- 38.4 True Face of Quarantine
nia (Lai et al. 2020). Ensuring that HCP is safe and Social Isolation in Iran
and able to carry out their job is crucial. HCP are
per definition exposed to the virus in their life- One of the primary methods in breaking the
saving activity and should not be stigmatized for chain of infection is the separation of people
this. exposed to a contagious disease. Three main
Unfortunately, the sad reality is that HCP have methods could achieve this: (i) isolation, sepa-
been subject to many shocking forms of violence. rating the affected individuals from the rest of
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 697

the population; (ii) quarantine, applying distance 38.4.1 Review of the Literature

on any suspected member; and (iii) social dis-
tancing (Huremović 2019). Although quarantine Outbreaks themselves attenuate community-­
is considered a passable action in outbreak man- wide anxiety, starting as the first death being
agement (quarantine and isolation), many gov- reported through the increasing reports in media
ernments, e.g., the United States, Singapore, and and by the growing number of newly infected
Iran, doubted about its actual effectiveness in the cases. The mass quarantine can raise this imposed
current COVID-19 outbreak, mainly due to anxiety due to several reasons. It represents the
socioeconomic burdens. However, social dis- authorities’ belief that not only is the situation
tancing described as canceling mass gatherings difficult, but it also is liable to worsen. Also, it
and closing schools has been the preferred mea- brings the feeling of being trapped and having
sure for the abovementioned governmental lost control among the population under quaran-
health authorities so far. tine. Besides, the absence of clear messages and
According to the official reports from Iran in facts on the ongoing situation escalates to fear,
May 19, there are 122,492 confirmed cases; and and as regards, people turn to less reliable sources
the number may be underestimated due to a lim- for the information, which makes the possible
ited number of COVID-19 PCR diagnostic kits, ground to plant rumor (Rubin and Wessely 2020).
hence the US ban (Retrieved from worldometers Quarantine forces people to separate from
on May 19, 2020). Indeed, there might be sev- loved ones, brings loss of freedom and uncer-
eral cases with milder symptoms (or even tainty over disease course, and has the potential
asymptomatic) who were not included. On to expose individuals to profound boredom. The
February 20, 2020, the National Headquarters latter could lead to suicide, as previously been
for Fighting Coronavirus in Iran has made a reported. Consequently, successful mandatory
decision for closing schools and universities mass quarantine application is not reached unless
until the further announcement, asked people to we are aware of the potential psychological costs
house-quarantine themselves and avoid unnec- that we have to pay and do our best to reduce it
essary travel, and dedicated specific hospitals (Brooks et  al. 2020; Barbisch et  al. 2015).
merely to manage COVID-19 in isolation. From However, social isolation describing the loss of
March 6, 2020, province-wide quarantine was social integrity with the loved ones has severe
applied to two Northern provinces of Iran health damages as reducing immune responses to
(Mazandaran and Gilan), which did not exceed viral infections and inducing inflammatory cyto-
3  weeks. Although only two mentioned prov- kines (Leschak and Eisenberger 2019).
inces have gone under the official mass quaran- Although we could not find strong evidence to
tine, remarkable portion from many other back up our claim, Persians are considered a
metropolitan residents, e.g., Tehran, Karaj, friendly social community that relies intensely on
Mashhad, Isfahan, and Shiraz, have voluntarily their social network and prioritizes the family
house-quarantined themselves. Moreover, most gatherings to any other personal activity. Hence,
airlines stopped traveling to and from Iran, we presume the Iranians to be much vulnerable to
which brings a sense of entrapment within their this house confinement. Moreover, this quaran-
own geographical borders in the population. tine is concurrent with the Persian celebration of
These measures were applied a week before the New Year, anciently called “Nowrouz,” which
pandemic declaration ( directly translates to the new day. Nowrouz marks
speeches/detail/who-­d irector-­g eneral-­s -­ the beginning of spring in the Northern
opening-­r emarks-­a t-­t he-­m edia-­b riefing-­o n-­ Hemisphere and marks the first day of the first
covid-­19%2D%2D-­11-­march-­2020 accessed on month (Farvardin) of the Iranian calendars, which
April 16th). usually is in March 21. It is the most important
698 H. Mojtabavi et al.

national holiday for the Persian population with people anxious and should be avoided. Also, it is
the essential tradition of making short visits to necessary to build particular forms of communi-
the homes of family, friends, and neighbors. This cation such as support groups and special com-
concurrency could also be considered a mental municating lines that ease the connection between
burden for the population. quarantined people and other affected ones and
Reviewing the literature revealed the null also health-care providers, such as psychiatrists.
experience of previous quarantine in the Iranian Lastly, health authorities should provide a mech-
population. Thus no evidence is available on the anism by which people with the symptoms of the
community acceptance, the effectiveness of the disease can connect to the health-care workers
modality based on Persian culture, and their men- and learn what to do if they develop illness symp-
tal health within and afterward. It raises the need toms (Brooks et  al. 2020). Currently, several
to learn from different nations’ experiences in online platforms and hotlines are provided in Iran
order to apply better facilities and measures dur- to reassure people about the symptoms they are
ing the quarantine period and to minimize long-­ experiencing in order to ease the corona phobia.
term psychosociophysical burdens on this huge
quarantined population. The Individual
It is crucial to plan mitigation measures along The individual responsibility is to trust the gov-
the way since the psychophysical burden could ernment and do as they are asked to, pay attention
be troublesome in the future. The only proven to the instructions, maintain the quarantine, and
risk factor is pre-existing poor mental health. avoid stigmatizing the affected people instead of
Coping mechanisms focus on four main groups, supporting them. It is crucial only to pass valid
including the role of government, how the indi- information and avoid spreading fear and fake
viduals could cope, and the impact on health-care news about the disease. People should only buy
workers and among youngsters. Lessons learned what they need instead of buying loads of sup-
from previous severe acute respiratory syndrome plies out of panic. They should help each other to
coronavirus (SARS-COV) and Ebola outbreak overcome the income reduction during quaran-
alongside with author’s recommendation led to tine (which is the reason for many low-income
the following coping strategies in brief (Robertson families to break the quarantine). Also, they
et al. 2004; Brooks et al. 2020). should avoid overloading hospitals out of fear, so
that there would be enough time and resources
remained for the people in need (Robertson et al.
38.4.2 Recommended Strategies 2004; Brooks et al. 2020).
People experience boredom, loneliness, fear, The Government and anxiety at this time. According to previous
For the government, clarity is the key. That is studies, the most useful way to cope with these
what makes people believe them and listen to feelings is the stress adaptation model. In this
their instructions and reduces panic among the model, you identify, articulate, and normalize the
public. Governments should propose an exact stressors as much as possible. Prolonged home-
extent of quarantine relevant to the incubation stays lead to severe inactivity, which contributes
period and stick to it, inform the population about to anxiety and depression and could cause a range
the disease and the reasons of the quarantine, and of chronic health conditions. Maintaining regular
do it through altruism rather than compulsion. It physical activity at the house, using a smartphone
is also crucial that governments plan to provide application or other multimedia, can boost the
the supplies and the resources for the needs of energy, lower the stress, and enhance the immune
people during the quarantine. One of the essential system (Chen et  al. 2020; Sellami et  al. 2018).
needs is communication. Lack of proper deeds to Examples of home exercises include walking in
communicate through social networks can make the house; alternating leg lunges; stair climbing;
38  Exploration of the Epidemiological and Emotional Impact of Quarantine and Isolation… 699

stand-to-sit and sit-to-stand, using a chair and Children

from the floor; chair squats; sit-ups and pushups; They are a vulnerable group that could easily be
and yoga (National Center for Complementary neglected during the home confinement. Stressors
and Integrative Health. Yoga: what you need to such as prolonged duration; fears of being
know. Available at:). infected; fear of death; inability to perceive real
We also recommend the practice of mindful- information; frustration and boredom; losing
ness meditation to the people under quarantine. their social network of classmates, friends, and
Mindfulness meditation mainly represents a teachers; and familial financial loss can raise
mental training framework for cultivating a state problematic psychological issues among children
of mindful awareness in daily life. Besides the (Wang et al. 2020). Based on a study by Sprang
known role of stress management, mindfulness and Silman, children are more prone to develop
has shown to enhance cell-mediated immune PTSD, when exposed to quarantine, compared to
functions by increasing the number of CD4+ T their parents (Sprang and Silman 2013). An inte-
lymphocyte and their activity. It also reduces grated approach is necessary for this matter.
inflammatory response by reductions in the activ- Parents can build committees to work together
ity of the cellular transcription factor NF-kB and and bridge the needs of students with school
reductions in circulating levels of CRP (Black requirements. Psychologists and social workers
and Slavich 2016; Bower and Irwin 2016). In this can offer online services for children to learn how
matter, several online sessions could be found, to cope with mental health issues caused by
and the most accessible professional application, domestic conflicts, tension with parents, and anx-
which authors recommend, is Headspace iety from becoming infected. Lastly, the role of
(Headspace). schools is more critical, not only to deliver edu-
cational materials to children but also to offer an Health-Care Providers opportunity for students to interact with teachers
HCP need special attention during this time. and obtain psychological counseling. They
Not only should they be provided with organiza- actively promote a health-conscious schedule as
tional support, but also the affected staff should an obligatory school curriculum, encouraging the
receive proper support from their colleagues, so children to build personal hygiene habits, encour-
that they will not feel guilty for causing more aging physical activities, and teaching healthy
work for them. It is crucial to forming a leader- diet contents and sleep hygiene (Wang et  al.
ship group from different specialties, for exam- 2020).
ple, psychiatrists, internists, immunologists,
virologists, and infectious disease specialists
among epidemiologists and managers. They 38.5 Conclusion
should keep in mind that it is their job to provide
transparent information and supportive atmo- Currently, the COVID-19 outbreak has put many
sphere among the colleagues and that the health- nations under serious psychological stress due to
care workers can be more vulnerable because quarantine. Social relationships are described as
they get isolated from their loved ones, they what exists between two people when each can
cannot work when they are most needed, and all influence the other’s thoughts, feelings, and/or
of this makes them prone to more prolonged behavior has lost (Clark et al. 2015). Loneliness
adverse psychological effects. Useful measure- and decreased social interactions affect individu-
ment is to link psychiatrists with other col- als’ health drastically. Apart from depression and
leagues to inform ease the mental support. anxiety, a lack of proper social contact exposes
Senior staff should act as role models, for exam- individuals to a higher risk of coronary heart dis-
ple, in using the support system and medical ease and stroke, suppresses antiviral immunity,
care advice (Brooks et al. 2020; Robertson et al. and increases the inflammatory responses
2004). (Valtorta et al. 2016b; Valtorta et al. 2016a; Wang
700 H. Mojtabavi et al.

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The Main Sources and Potential
Effects of COVID-19-Related 39

Piotr Rzymski, Hanna Mamzer,
and Michał Nowicki

Abstract responses to stress induced by certain types of

stimuli; (iii) sense of helplessness based on
The outbreak of a new coronavirus disease the lack of control over reality; (iv) psycho-
(COVID-19), which appeared in late 2019 and logical responses reinforced by conformism
eventually resulted in the announcement of a (crowd psychology); and (v) the stigmatiza-
pandemic by the World Health Organization, tion process. The chapter also presents the
led to global fear and panic as well as the main groups of increased risk of experiencing
spread of false information and fake news prejudice and discrimination during the
from different sources. As a result, a sharp COVID-19 pandemic (Asians, health-care
increase in prejudice, discrimination, and workers, COVID-19 patients, and their rela-
xenophobia against different groups of people tives). Moreover, it provides a documented
was observed in different geographical loca- example of such behaviors. The groups at
tions. This chapter presents the psychological higher risk of more adverse effects of
and social sources of stereotypes and preju- COVID-­19 due to pre-pandemic discrimina-
dices that take forms in the COVID-19 pan- tion are also discussed. Finally, initiatives
demic. These sources can be located in taken to mitigate the discrimination associated
psychosocial processes, such as (i) socially with COVID-19 are presented, as well as the
generated and reinforced fears; (ii) human recommendations and good practices for pre-
venting these behaviors during future out-
breaks and for limiting discrimination against
P. Rzymski (*) COVID-19 until the disease can be contained.
Department of Environmental Medicine, Poznan
University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), Poznań, COVID-19 · Discrimination · Fear · Prejudice
Poland · SARS-CoV-2 · Stigma · Xenophobia
H. Mamzer
Faculty of Sociology Adam Mickiewicz University,
Szamarzewskiego 89 c, 60-568, Poznań, Poland
M. Nowicki
Chair of Histology and Embryology, Poznan
University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 705
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
706 P. Rzymski et al.

39.1 Introduction d­ eveloped to track the daily global COVID-19

situation (Dong et  al. 2020). Within the first
Although modern human history has already 4  months following an outbreak, over 8000
dealt with the epidemic and pandemic of infec- papers – original research, reviews, and commen-
tious diseases, the pandemic of the new coronavi- taries  – were searchable via PubMed/Medline
rus disease (COVID-19) associated with the beta database with key terms “SARS-CoV-2” and
coronavirus or the severe acute respiratory syn- “COVID-19.” These papers covered and dis-
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has met cussed all the essential aspects of the pandemic
with an unprecedented response on many levels. and its etiological factor, encompassing molecu-
Firstly, it has received an extraordinary joint lar biology and pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2,
reaction from the global scientific community diagnostics of infection and its clinical manifes-
(Deng 2020; Yi et al. 2020). The Chinese Center tations, potential treatment options, epidemio-
for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC) logical data, mathematical modeling of disease
confirmed a cluster of severe acute pneumonia of transmission and mitigation, and preventative
unknown etiology on 31 December 2019 (Chen measures (Rothan and Byrareddy 2020; Huang
et al. 2020a). Complete genome sequences of the et  al. 2020; Cao et  al. 2020; Tang et  al. 2020;
causative agent (provisionally named “2019n-­ Andersen et  al. 2020; Wu et  al. 2020a; Ozma
CoV” and later officially classified as SARS-­ et  al. 2020). At the same time, authors were
CoV-­ 2 by the International Committee on increasingly posting online preprints to facilitate
Taxonomy of Viruses (Gorbalenya et  al. 2020)) the swift distribution of scientific information
were made publicly available by Chinese (Kupferschmidt 2020; Majumder and Mandl
researchers 11  days later (Zhang 2020). At the 2020). A number of publishers have taken an
end of January 2020, a team of Australian scien- effort to create collections of articles devoted to
tists isolated the virus and maintained its passage COVID-19, ensure timely peer-review process,
in cell culture (Caly et al. 2020). For comparison, and provide an online review forum for preprints
SARS-CoV, the causative agent of the severe (Johansson and Saderi 2020; Wellcome Trust
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), was identi- 2020; Eisen and Akhmanova 2020; Mamzer
fied in late March 2003 with full-genome 2020). One could, therefore, potentially assume
sequences made available after 5 months follow- that the size of scientific response seen during the
ing the identification of the first case in November COVID-19 outbreak should effectively prevent a
2002 (Hawkey et  al. 2003; Marra et  al. 2003; spread of misinformation, counteract fake news,
Rota et al. 2003; Zeng et al. 2003). All these rapid and positively mitigate prejudice, discrimination,
achievements in January 2020 allowed not only and xenophobia related to COVID-19. However,
to develop diagnostic tools of SARS-CoV-2 at the same time, an ongoing outbreak has
infection (Corman et al. 2020; Ai et al. 2020) but received enormous coverage from worldwide
also to study the viral mechanism of cell entry mass media. As shown by LexisNexis, only dur-
and propagation (Hoffmann et al. 2020; Ou et al. ing January, over 41,000 English language print
2020) and to initiate first experimental and clini- news articles on coronavirus were published, and
cal studies on drugs and the development of vac- over 45% of them were included in the headlines
cine candidates (Rismanbaf 2020; Zhang and (Ducharme 2020). The print and online articles
Wang 2020; Yao et al. 2020). At the end of April were heavily accompanied by graphical content,
2020, over 90 candidates were tested, with 8 often images of medical staff in special biohazard
entering a phase I clinical trial (Thanh Le et al. protective clothing as well as people, in early out-
2020; Callaway 2020). The number of pharma- break stages those of Asian origin, wearing a
ceuticals has been repurposed to evaluate them as facemask in public spaces. These masks, mostly
a treatment option of COVID-19 (Rosa and surgical ones, have quickly become a symbol of
Santos 2020). An interactive online dashboard the COVID-19 outbreak. However, contrary to
updated by Johns Hopkins University was Australia, Africa, Europe, South America, and
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 707

North America, masks were already widely used 2020; Mian and Khan 2020; Ioannidis 2020). As
in various Asian countries for various purposes – highlighted, social media played an important
not only to prevent infections but also for the pro- role in the spread of fear and panic (Depoux et al.
tection from allergens and pollution, as well as a 2020). All of this represented a serious threat that
“social firewall” (Burgess and Horii 2012; Wada evidence-based information is not reaching the
et  al. 2012). This cultural discrepancy could, public in a sufficient manner despite efforts
therefore, create an unsupported notion that all undertaken by health authorities and the aca-
individuals of Asian origin, located outside the demia. The World Health Organization (WHO)
Asian continent, particularly those wearing face has called the spread of misinformation and fake
masks during autumn to winter season, are maybe news related to COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 as
a source of COVID-19 infection (Stoye 2020; “infodemic” (Zarocostas 2020).
Rzymski and Nowicki 2020b). Furthermore, a COVID-19 outbreak has also surged global
number of studies clearly show that mass media political tensions with different leaders who
are often dominated by sensationalism (Ransohoff made public accusations for the global health
and Ransohoff 2001), negative news are reported threat. These accusations were most often
more frequently and receive more air time directed towards China or Asian countries in gen-
(Johnson 1996; Garz 2014), and “clickbait” tech- eral and could have also fueled xenophobia. The
niques (that means content, most often a headline WHO issued a guideline in 2015 that explicitly
and a related image, is purposely designed to states to avoid a previous practice of terming dis-
generate the highest revenue) effectively attract eases and their etiological agents with references
attention and encourage forwarding of the mate- to geographical locations (e.g., Middle East
rial over online social networks at the expenses of Respiratory Syndrome), people’s names (e.g.,
accuracy and quality of information (Burger et al. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease), species of animal
2019; Bolton and Yaxley 2017). All in all, this has (e.g., swine flu), cultural, population, occupa-
partially promoted misinformation and miscon- tional, and industrial references. It also clearly
ceptions on COVID-19 (Shimizu 2020; Bastani highlights that terms inciting undue fear should
and Bahrami 2020; Kouzy et al. 2020) and could not be used (Fukuda et al. 2015). That, however,
have added to prejudice and xenophobic reac- has been violated not only by the mass media,
tions in different geographical locations. The e.g., referencing to SARS-CoV-2 as “deadly
media were reporting on “deadly virus” (Wong virus,” but also by selected prominent political
2020), “killer coronavirus” (Matthews et  al. leaders who made statements with terms, such as
2020), “alarming spread” (Hindu 2020), and “Chinese virus.” The latter, massively repeated
“highly contagious disease” (Kasraoui 2020) and through social media (Budhwani and Sun 2020),
provided daily updates on the number of con- possibly contributed to xenophobia towards the
firmed cases and death toll. Compared with the people of Chinese origin, while the former could
previous epidemic outbreaks, COVID-19 has potentially add to fears and prejudice not only
emerged during a time of increasing global use of towards infected people and their relatives but
social media that plays an important role in the also medical staff.
dissemination of various information. Social In consequence, the COVID-19 outbreak has
media, such as Facebook or Twitter, were forced increased the magnitude of the backlash of preju-
to undertake actions to combat fake news related diced and discriminatory reactions towards dif-
to the COVID-19 outbreak, although their users ferent groups of people. Such behaviors are not
are still able to share rumors, fake stories, and uncommon during outbreaks and have been seen
unsupported advice directly with each other. The before (Person et al. 2004; White 2020; O’Shea
modern social networks have also provided a et  al. 2020); however, the COVID-19 pandemic
platform for a rapid spread of conspiracy theo- has happened during unprecedented times in
ries, such as that a SARS-CoV-2 was purposely terms of global information spread and sharing,
designed as a biological weapon (Calisher et al. and the importance of social and worldwide mass
708 P. Rzymski et al.

media in this process is more than ever. Therefore, stainless steel has added to anxiety and fear that a
some of these reactions may be further magnified virus can be contracted during different daily
as compared with other outbreaks. Moreover, activities shared with other people (e.g.,
certain specific features of COVID-19 may also shopping).
add to the prejudice and discrimination. Firstly, This chapter reviews the psychological and
the disease and its etiological factors have been social sources of stereotypes and prejudices that
frequently referred to as “novel” (Jiang et  al. take strong forms in the situation of the
2020), which could promote the fears of the dan- COVID-­19 pandemic. As outlined, these sources
ger of the unknown. Secondly, evidence of the can lie in the following psychosocial processes: i.
presymptomatic spread of SARS-CoV-2 had socially generated and reinforced fears; ii. human
been accumulating with some studies showing responses to stress induced by certain types of
that the virus can be infectious already 2–3 days stimuli; iii. sense of helplessness based on the
before the onset of symptoms, reaching its peak lack of control over reality; iv. psychological
half a day before their occurrence. Although such responses reinforced by conformism (crowd psy-
data is important to model the disease transmis- chology); and v. the stigmatization process. The
sion and incorporate effective mitigation strate- chapter also presents selected examples of behav-
gies, it can also drive fear and anxiety over iors, including those documented during the
contracting the SARS-CoV-2 and increase a level COVID-19 outbreak, to illustrate the abovemen-
of suspicion that every encountered subject can tioned mechanisms better. The main initiatives to
be a source of the infection. Apart from the prevent and minimize discrimination during the
hygiene regime, social distancing interventions pandemic are also given. Finally, a list of recom-
are effective in lowering the spread of infectious mendations on preventative measures to be devel-
agents, such as SARS-CoV-2 (Ferguson et  al. oped and implemented before future outbreaks is
2009; Matrajt and Leung 2020). However, one provided.
should note that they also have various unin-
tended effects. Besides mental health effects,
they can reinforce prejudice towards other indi- 39.2 Basic Functions
viduals, which may persist even after lessening of Stereotypes
the restriction measures and reopening after lock- and Prejudices
downs (Venkatesh and Edirappuli 2020).
Moreover, at the beginning of the outbreak, the Stereotypes and prejudices have important prag-
stability of SARS-CoV-2 outside a host was matic roles in the functioning of a society. Their
unknown and could only be hypothesized and most in-depth, basically biological background
partially predicted from experiences with other refers to primary, evolutionary old reactions
coronaviruses (Kampf et  al. 2020). The experi- resulting from physiologically controlled behav-
mental studies have, however, shown that it can ior associated with deep brain structures. Their
remain viable for a few hours on copper surfaces, task is to provide behavioral strategies that maxi-
tissues, and print paper; 3 days on plastic, stain- mize the chance of survival. Currently, in the era
less steel, and banknotes; and up to a week on a of living in post-modern societies based on devel-
surgical face mask (Chin et  al. 2020; van oped cultures, the functions of stereotypes and
Doremalen et  al. 2020). These investigations prejudices are limited to the right selection of
were conducted under immobilized and stable information and the elimination of unnecessary
conditions; therefore, they should be interpreted data. Judgments based on stereotypes and preju-
with caution as regards extrapolation to the real- dices may be misleading, but they are quick
istic scenario under which both temperature and (Aronson et al. 1994). It allows for equally fast
humidity are changed, while objects are subject reactions. In prehistoric contexts, such rapid
to movement. Nevertheless, the possibility of reactions, especially those related to fleeing, it
SARS-CoV-2 to survive longer on plastic and repeatedly saved lives and therefore constituted
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 709

the quintessence of the self-preservation instinct. 39.3 Psychosocial Sources

At present, their functions are less critical in of Discrimination,
avoiding physical threats, but the selection of Stereotypes, and Prejudices
information is adequate. The functioning of ste-
reotypes results from the specificity of human Some specific circumstances increase the proba-
brain functioning, categorization of information, bility of triggering stereotypes and prejudices;
and it is impossible to disable this process. As these are all situations that generate a sense of
shown in neurobiological studies, the stereotypic threat. Appearing fears cause an increase in the
attitudes can only be moderated and inhibited, a level of mistrust and suspicion towards other peo-
process that employs specific areas of the frontal ple (Giddens 1991). Again, from effective behav-
lobe, such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex ioral strategies aimed at maximizing the chances
that is involved in higher-order processing of survival, this is a highly efficient approach. In
(Kadota et al. 2010; Knutson et al. 2007). the cultural world of a man, however, moral and
In the social sciences and humanities, there is ethical judgments that require the elimination of
a consensus on how to define stereotypes and stereotypes are involved in the whole process.
prejudices (Zimbardo 1994). It is assumed that Hence, in situations commonly considered by
the stereotype is an exaggerated generalization, people as threatening, many emotional tensions
ascribing identical features to each person appear, as well as emotional–rational thinking
belonging to a given social category, without tensions.
taking into account the real differences between The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic is a
individuals. In this sense, stereotypes are an ele- phenomenon that people have not experienced in
ment of larger units. They are cognitive elements the last century (except for the Spanish Flu pan-
of attitudes or permanent structures made up of demic). The memory of such situations is there-
emotional, behavioral, and cognitive elements fore no longer appropriately embedded socially;
which express the attitude of its host to an object, hence it is difficult to refer to the knowledge
a person or a group of people, or a phenomenon. retained on this subject, which might be based on
By contrast, prejudice is a much broader con- direct experience. Such knowledge has, of course,
cept, defined as an attitude towards a social cat- been recorded in other forms, in the form of
egory based on false or incomplete information. notes, chronicles, and diaries or fiction. Excellent
It is common for both concepts that in today’s examples of this kind of publication are Albert
Western civilization, judging other people Camus “Plague” and its prototype  – Daniel
through stereotypes and social prejudices is an Defoe’s “A Journal of the Plague Year.” Reading
undesirable and negative behavior (Angermeyer these books and combining them with the obser-
and Matschinger 2005; Baumann 2007; Rössler vations of the surrounding reality reveal the exis-
2016; Puddifoot 2019). tence of universal regularities in human behavior.
It might be due to changes in the realities we The COVID-19 pandemic generates many fears
live in today, compared with the realities our leading to the appearance of intensified stigma-
ancestors lived in before. In the absence of direct tizing reactions, which are based on stereotypes.
threats from competition for the primary Unfortunately, these reactions are reinforced by
resources indispensable for survival, Western messages conveying political propaganda and by
cultures assume that the use of stereotypes is not the media’s search for sensations and the focus
justified. Nevertheless, it is still challenging to on presenting exaggerated reactions. The world-
stay distant from stereotypes, because, as men- wide COVID-19 pandemic is a very powerful
tioned earlier, their origins remain in atavistic stressor-like stimulus, and as Selye (1976) points
physiological mechanisms (Link et  al. 1999; out in his biological concept of stress, it is a kind
Marcelin et al. 2019; Pascoe and Smart Richman of stimulus that knocks the body out of the
2009). homeostatic balance. Moreover, we encounter
710 P. Rzymski et al.

here an imbalance in both types of homeostasis, 1983; Maier et  al. 1982). The influence of the
psychological and biological (somatic). sense of control over the stressor on psychophys-
Psychological homeostasis is mainly based on iological reactions was also proven by an experi-
the sense of security, and security is embedded in mental research involving humans (Lundberg
the predictability of events. Once the events are and Frankenhaeuser 1978; Houston 1972).
predictable, the situation is perceived as safe and During a pandemic, where an individual has very
controllable by people. These perceptions might little or no influence on the threat, it is particu-
be delusional, as the events may not necessarily larly essential to generate a sense of self-efficacy.
be predictable, but if people perceive them as A type of a positive psychological influence on
such, they are accompanied by a sense of accep- society is the widely used encouragement to
tance, peace, and precisely a sense of situational maintain basic hygiene principles, such as hand-
awareness. Moreover, biological homeostasis washing and disinfection of objects. Citizens,
results from somatic integrity and lack of health therefore, have a sense of influence on the situa-
disorders. The loss of health (particularly broadly tion, as they are personally responsible for these
understood – as proposed by the WHO1) is one of principles. Paradoxically, in a situation of danger
the most extreme stressors disrupting homeosta- and lack of control and influence on the environ-
sis2 and activating all possible actions as well as ment, such a mechanism may provide a kind of
mobilizing resources needed to restore the lost psychological support – by being able to control
balance. In this sense, stimuli causing somatic their own behavior, people get the impression of
disorders are perceived with increased sensitivity controlling the danger, thus reducing, at least par-
and are accompanied by high levels of emotional tially, the level of stress accompanying the epide-
tension. miological situation.
There is another factor that has a significant In the nineteenth century, French social psy-
impact on human behavior and well-being; how- chologist and sociologist Gustav Le Bon (1897)
ever, this impact is almost completely ignored by described the mechanisms of social functioning
the Western model public health system. It is the in an exceptionally adequate manner. His classic
sense of self-efficacy. Seligman (1975) classic work “Psychology of Crowds” is a universal
experiments showed that a profound lack of con- description of human behavior in large and anon-
trol over reality leads to mental disorders ranging ymous groups. Le Bon points to the irrationality
from depressed moods to advanced forms of of the “crowd,” the vehemence of its behaviors,
exogenous depression (Rotter 1966, 1990). It is unidirectionality and exaggeration, the use of
also confirmed by an animal model research emotions, and the impossibility of rational con-
where the generation of a sense of stressor con- trol over it. Such behaviors of the “crowd” (in
trol was associated with reduced glucocorticoste- current post-modern societies, we would say the
roid levels and pain  – despite the absence of “mass audience”) are very dangerous; they
corresponding modulations of the intensity of a threaten the safety of the people and contribute to
substantial stressor (Maier et al. 1986; Dess et al. causing harm, particularly to those social catego-
ries that are weak.
WHO’s Definition of Health;

who-we-are/frequently-asked-questions (Accessed 2-
April 2020)
39.4 Discrimination and Prejudice
In 1970 Thomas H.  Holmes and his colleagues con-
structed a list of stressful events. This is a scale that mea-
Under a Pandemic Scenario
sures stress in the Life Change Units (LCU). According to
Holmes, people who scored more than 300 LCU in total Discrimination is a process where five consecu-
were prone to suffer from a serious disease within 2 years tive and overlapping stages can be distinguished,
(Zimbardo 1994). Loss of one’ s health is presented as the
sixth most stressful life situation (after death of a spouse,
passing smoothly from one stage to another. The
divorce, separation, or death of a close family member) on initial stage is described as a psychological dis-
the list consisting of 43 different situations. tance between an individual and the others.
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 711

Distancing occurs in the absence or exclusion of fear and anxiety. The mechanism of combining
empathy. It rapidly turns into devaluation and discrimination with stereotypes consists in attrib-
thus depreciation of the value of an individual. uting the act of doing (the guilt) to some social
Pejorative terms are introduced to social practice, category based on beliefs (faith) and not the facts.
such as “animals,” “subhumans,” “others,” “bar- Most often, as Sontag (1979, 1989) points out,
barians,” “they,” and even “cockroaches,” “rats,” people that are accused of carrying the disease
or “plague” (Sontag 1979, 1989). People are “strangers,” i.e., people who differ from the
described with these names lose their humanity dominant majority (a distinctive feature may be
in the eyes of a person who makes such a descrip- any possible trait: gender, age, and ethnicity or
tion. It activates the possibility of proceeding to religion, as well as lifestyle with dietary, sexual,
the next stage of the process, the delegitimization or other preferences). The psychological mecha-
and thus the sanctioning of the deprivation of nism of the “scapegoat,” which otherwise per-
rights of a given social category (e.g., the virus forms important social functions, works precisely
carriers). At this stage, the psychological process in this way. The consequences of the discrimina-
is transformed into a social process and leads to tory processes are always negative, both socially
concrete actions towards other people (e.g., label- and psychologically. For an effectively, ratio-
ing of sick people’s homes). The fourth stage is nally, and functionally well-managed commu-
physical segregation (creation of ghettos, places nity, they should be eliminated through systemic,
of isolation and closed camps, or, e.g, of “total educational, and grassroots solutions.
institutions” as described by (Goffman 1986), Activities that may seem rational in the pan-
such as prisons, hospitals, or infected and con- demic are potentially burdened with a high risk
taminated zones, and even “contaminated” of negative social consequences – the initiation of
houses’ labeling.3). The most drastic is, however, stereotyping and stigmatization processes, i.e.,
the fifth stage, which can assume the form of psychological and social processes based on
physical extermination and therefore taking the emotions. This kind of behavior (as Le Bon
lives of people. The gradual nature of the phe- pointed out, by the way) is potentially very dan-
nomenon of discrimination and the swift trans- gerous and, in reality, very difficult to eradicate
formation from one stage to another make it and control.
difficult to feel and notice how, out of the seem- They can occur at the following levels:
ingly innocent phenomenon of emotional detach-
ment, reactions take the form of segregation • Individual activities  – stigmatizing sick peo-
leading to extermination. ple, suspected of infection, and blaming peo-
What is very perilous is the fact that discrimi- ple of foreign origin for bringing the disease
natory processes occur at different levels simulta- to Poland – scapegoat mechanism;
neously and concern different social categories. • Individual actions, but grouped in the form of
In a pandemic, people with more resources collective actions, such as the crowd behavior
(material and financial, but above all, the described by Le Bon (hate and aversion, rejec-
resources in the form of social and cultural capi- tion and labeling of medical personnel and
tal) have better abilities to cope with the chal-
lenge of the disease. People with no resources food stocks. They have to buy products on a daily basis,
have significantly less access to these and this exposes them to the virus and disease. Lack of
knowledge, awareness of the mechanisms of a virus’s
opportunities,4 which can cause an increase in impact and transmission, etc. makes it impossible to pro-
tect effectively against the virus due to a lack of under-
standing of the importance of certain procedures. For
3 example, wealthier people can buy tests to identify the
rosta-bogdan-zielinski-proponuje-oznaczanie- virus in their bodies. Many employers are beginning to
domow-osob-zakazonych-koronawirusem-4559094 verbalize expectations that they will only employ healthy
[accessed on April 20.2020]. people. Therefore, poorer people are losing equal oppor-
For example, without savings, they cannot accumulate tunities on the labor market.
712 P. Rzymski et al.

patients and their families as potential Chinese citizens; (ii) Asian descents; (iii) patients
COVID-19 vectors); suffering from COVID-19; (iv) relatives of
• The activities of enterprises, which consist of COVID-19 patients; and (v) health-care workers
refusing to serve selected groups of people (Fig. 39.1). The sources, examples, and potential
due to fear of transmission of infection; outcomes of COVID-19 discrimination in these
• Local administration initiatives  – here the groups are provided in the subsequent subsec-
examples are the proposals to label houses tions. Moreover, certain minorities  – Native
where people are either infected with SARS-­ Americans and African Americans  – suffered
CoV-­2 or in quarantine; from pre-pandemic effects of discrimination that,
• And governments’ measures  – for example, at least partially, resulted in an increased rate of
introducing mechanisms to control citizens’ infectivity and mortality due to COVID-19. This
behavior. aspect has been discussed in the subsection
“Other groups.”

39.5 T
 he Main Targets of COVID-­
19-­Related Prejudice 39.5.1 Chinese Citizens
and Discrimination
Chinese citizens located in China and the Asian
Considering that the COVID-19 pandemic is a continent were the target of discrimination due to
complicated situation affecting various sectors accusations for being responsible for the
(e.g., health and economy), the associated preju- COVID-­ 19 outbreak and its consequences. It
dice and discrimination may be faced by differ- may be further magnified by media reports and
ent, often unrelated, groups of individuals. As political leaders deliberately using references,
opposed to previous outbreaks of discrimination such as “Chinese virus,” effectively demonizing
that were solely based on skin color, sexual ori- individuals inhabiting China (Budhwani and Sun
entation, or some form of disability (Casey et al. 2020). Even within China, the stigma related to
2019; Krnjacki et  al. 2018; Monk 2015), the COVID-19 was recorded; e.g., hotels in Yunnan
COVID-19-related discrimination may have province declined to fulfill the pre-booked reser-
sources in geographical origin, health status, and vations from guests coming from Hubei, regard-
specific occupation. It has been predominantly less of their health conditions (He et  al. 2020).
affecting the following groups of individuals: (i) Some accommodation places had reportedly

Fig. 39.1  The groups of individuals with increased risk of prejudice and discrimination related to COVID-19
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 713

hung signs stating that “people from Wuhan and ate host (e.g., pangolins) in transmission to
cars from Hubei are not welcomed here,” while human, and the reported association of initial
travelers from this province had their personal COVID-19 cases with the Huanan Seafood
data, including ID number and address, posted Wholesale Market in Wuhan (Andersen et  al.
online (World Journal 2020). Visitors from Hubei 2020; Ji et al. 2020; Wan et al. 2020). These prac-
province were also facing blockades set by rural tices are often considered unacceptable by mem-
and urban communities that effectively stopped bers of other cultures, although they are also not
them from further traveling. Importantly, these revealed by people of Asian descent. To work or
blockades did not discriminate visitors based on study abroad, particularly outside the Asian con-
medical checks, which were not performed and tinent, these individuals must travel far from
not verified. Cars with Hubei’s registration num- home, adapt to another culture and traditions, and
bers have been subject to attacks in various overcome a language barrier. Therefore, experi-
Chinese provinces (He et al. 2020). As shown via encing COVID-19-related prejudice/xenophobia
a survey performed across 31 provinces in may add to the feeling of isolation, jeopardize the
Mainland China, over 15% of respondents adaptation to a new culture, and affect mental
declared to expel all individuals from Hubei from health. Finally, facing discrimination may
their own communities actively and 50% reported adversely affect the care-seeking behaviors of
that they would avoid people associated with individuals of Asian descent, as seen during the
Hubei. In contrast, nearly 90% were committed SARS outbreak in 2003 (Person et  al. 2004;
to reporting to local authorities the appearance of Bruns et al. 2020).
anyone from Hubei in their community (He et al. As the epidemic COVID-19 situation evolved,
2020). the prejudice and discrimination behaviors
towards Asian descents were numerously
reported by mass media from different parts of
39.5.2 Asians Located Outside Asia the world. In the USA, the University of
California, Berkeley, issued an online info-
Individuals of Asian origin located outside an graphic, for which it later apologized, listing the
Asian continent (students and workers) were sub- normal reactions that one can experience during
ject to discrimination related to COVID-19 due the COVID-19 pandemic and including the fol-
to: (i) the emergence of this disease in an Asian lowing on the list: “Xenophobia: fears about
country (China) and (ii) the culture of wearing interacting with those who might be from Asia
face masks in public spaces, (a practice not com- and guilt about these feelings” (Asmelash 2020).
monly practiced in Western countries) which due The range of discriminatory acts varied from ver-
to media-coverage has quickly become one of the bal abuse to violent attacks and occurred in pub-
symbols of the COVID-19 pandemic. All in all, lic spaces, such as on the streets, in public
these subjects may be victims of unsupported transportation, and on campuses as well as in
assumptions that every Asian, especially the one shops (Campbell 2020; Sosa and Brown 2020;
wearing a face mask in public, is a potential Zhao 2020). The research surveying Asian stu-
source of SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as vic- dents in Poland found that over 60% had faced
tims of accusations to be responsible for an out- some form of prejudice and discrimination
break and its consequences (Rzymski and related to COVID-19, even though the study took
Nowicki 2020a; He et al. 2020). The COVID-19-­ place before the first case was confirmed in this
related discrimination in this regard may also be country (Rzymski and Nowicki 2020a). A survey
associated with the views on Chinese dietary of Chinese residents overseas across 70 countries
habits, particularly the consumption of wild ani- has found that 25% of surveyed had experienced
mals sold at wet markets. It is due to the zoonotic discrimination related to COVID-19. Its most
origin of COVID-19, the emergence of SARS-­ commonly reported manifestations included
CoV-­2 in bats, the potential role of the intermedi- being laid-off without proper cause, abuses in the
714 P. Rzymski et al.

public spaces, and rejection of rental housing. lance driver was shot for parking his vehicle in a
Interestingly, respondents living in countries with residential area, a hospital utility worker was
a higher number of confirmed cases of COVID-­19 flushed with bleach, a nurse was splattered with
were less likely to report cases of discrimination chlorine, residents were protesting against a
(He et al. 2020). It points out that disease-related return of some health-care workers to their home
discrimination rate may be higher before the (Rubrico 2020). The verbal and physical assaults
arrival of an infectious agent and underlines the of health-care workers were also reported in
need for preventive measures to be implemented other countries, e.g., the United Kingdom (Coates
as early as possible during future outbreaks. The 2020). The health-care workers were also tar-
discriminatory behaviors appeared to affect more geted in Mexico by those who feared the spread
likely those individuals of Asian origin who of the virus; the reported incidences included
tended to wear face masks in public (Rzymski physical assaults in the streets, flushing with
and Nowicki 2020a). Before implementation of bleach, and banning from the use of public trans-
their universal use, wearing face masks implied portation (Rios 2020). Similarly, in Argentina,
sickness in various regions outside Eastern Asian incidences of denying public transportation to
countries (in which their use is frequent and health-care workers on their way to the hospital
linked to a broad range of motivations). These were recorded (Universidad 2020). In India,
cultural differences contributed to the increased medical doctors wearing personal protective
discrimination under the circumstances of novel equipment were assaulted by a mob throwing
infectious disease that emerged in China. stones (Pandey 2020). Attacks on ambulances
were also reported (The Economic Times 2020).
In Colombia, a pediatrician and his family first
39.5.3 Health-Care Workers received death threats, and later their apartment
in Bogotá was attacked (Cabrera 2020). The
Health-care workers, such as physicians, nurses, refusals to service medical doctors in shops, bak-
and paramedics, were at increased risk of preju- eries, gas stations were also reported from vari-
dice and discrimination during the COVID-19 ous world regions (D’Angelo 2020; Wroński
outbreak. This group constitutes an essential 2020).Moreover, the stigmatization of health-­
front line in the identification and treatment of care workers may also result in prejudice directed
patients with COVID-19, and this may result in towards their families. As reported in Japan, chil-
public fears as well as fears of their relatives that dren of medical professionals were shut out from
they can represent a source of SARS-CoV-2 daycare centers or asked to provide proof that
infection (Rana et al. 2020). That is due to their they are not infected with SARS-CoV-2. In India,
direct contact with COVID-19 patients, including families of physicians have been ostracized by
severe cases, and increased risk of infection, their neighbors, fearing that they may be a source
despite protective equipment and other measures of SARS-CoV-2 (Pandey 2020).
undertaken to prevent transmissions in various One should note that medical workers work-
regions. Health-care workers revealed increased ing on the “front line” are by itself more prone to
rates of infection in various world regions (The burnout feelings, stress, and trauma due to over-
Lancet 2020; International Council of Nurses whelmed health system, equipment shortages,
2020; Folgueira et al. 2020), and these statistics and often challenging decisions to be undertaken
were immediately covered by mass media, add- (Wu et  al. 2020b; Zhang et  al. 2020; Tsamakis
ing to fears of contracting the disease (Hirji et al. 2020; Chen et al. 2020b). Facing prejudice
2020). and stigma, also by their families, may further
Some prejudice and discrimination behaviors add to the burdens of an already stretched work-
related to COVID-19 and aimed at medical per- force and drive the burnout feeling, decrease the
sonnel were reported, including highly violent level of job satisfaction, and lead to mental health
acts. For example, in the Philippines, an ambu- issues.
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 715

39.5.4 COVID-19 Patients and Their Muslim population in the country (Vietgiaitri

Relatives 2020).
The discrimination of COVID-19 patients
Patients who suffer from COVID-19 could face could, to some extent, play a role in health out-
discrimination due to fears exhibited by family, comes for infected individuals, as it could effec-
relatives, and society. The stigmatization related tively delay reporting the onset of clinical
to infectious diseases (e.g., Ebola, HCV, and symptoms to emergency and subsequently result
HIV) has been numerously observed in the past in worsening the disease outcomes (Bruns et al.
(Pellecchia et al. 2015; Zacks et al. 2006; Crandall 2020). Such delays were observed, e.g., in the
and Coleman 1992). Facing prejudice may add to United States (McNamara 2020), also in case of
stress and the feeling of isolation already gener- clinically disturbing symptoms, such as COVID-­
ated by quarantine/hospitalization and affect the 19-­associated large-vessel strokes (Oxley et  al.
mental health of patients, including convales- 2020).
cents. During the COVID-19 pandemic number Moreover, the family of COVID-19 patients
of discrimination behaviors towards infected was also at higher risk of facing accusations of
patients was seen. In Colombia, a mob was spreading disease and related prejudice and
throwing stones at houses of hospitalized patients stigma due to societal pressures and fears. For
(Semana 2020). In Russia, COVID-19 patients example, it was reported that one family in
reported online bullying, threats, and intimida- Poland experienced denials to shop in stores
tion, while the deputy health minister of the located in their hometown  – a case that forced
Bashkortostan publicly admitted that “there is local authorities to issue a statement condemning
such an aggressive stigma that people cannot such behaviors (Partyła 2020). In Ghana, a fam-
even leave the hospital” (Cordell 2020). While in ily of deceased COVID-19 patient, whose name
Kenya, a man was beaten to death by a mob after and the family name was announced on the local
being suspected to be SARS-CoV-2-positive radio, had to face stigmatization from the local
(Dyer 2020). As reported by the Argentinian community (GhanaWeb 2020). The COVID-19-­
National Institute Against Discrimination related prejudice and discrimination towards rel-
(Instituto Nacional contra la Discriminación), the atives of COVID-19 patients may disturb the
number of reported cases of discrimination acts social functioning and generate the feeling of
towards patients was outnumbering this towards exclusion.
health-care workers and included, but not limited
to, harassments from the neighborhood, online
publications of pictures of COVID-19 patients, 39.5.5 Other Groups
and placing warning signs at their homes
(Universidad 2020). Particularly vulnerable to stigmatization in times
The prejudice and discrimination aimed at of increased anxiety caused by a pandemic are
COVID-19 patients may be magnified by insuf- the “Others,”that is, those whose behaviors,
ficient measures undertaken to ensure patient actions, and appearance are significantly differ-
confidentiality; this is challenging since ent from the dominant majority. An example is
­authorities need to take steps to identify those the Navajo Indian community in the states of
who maybe have been exposed to SARS-CoV-2. Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico in the United
Not obeying the law of self-quarantine of patients States. As reported, the infectivity of Navahos on
with mild symptoms may also add to discrimina- the reservation is 22-fold higher compared with
tion  – as reported in Vietnam, a case of two the national average with a death rate of approxi-
Muslim COVID-19 attending public events have mately 4% (Soto and Hakim 2020). It can be
resulted in demands to imprison the entire hypothesized that this group may reveal some
716 P. Rzymski et al.

specific biological factors essential for SARS-­ lighted and magnified under the pandemic situa-
CoV-­2 cell entry, especially higher expression of tion. Living in the racialized environment resulted
factors, such as angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in blacks having lower income, less wealth,
(ACE-2). Considering that increased tissue worse (if any) health insurance, and poor access
ACE-2 levels have been evidenced for selected to education when compared with whites (Sohn
populations, i.e., East Asians (Cao et al. 2020), it 2017; Donnor 2013; Patten 2016). Under such
remains unknown whether this is a case for the circumstances, it comes as no surprise that long-­
Navajo tribe. Besides, it is also unclear whether standing discrimination of the black population
this could explain increased mortality. In turn, it in the United States and associated trauma and
is highly plausible that pre-pandemic discrimina- stress from poverty (Himmelstein et  al. 2015;
tion has contributed to increased infectivity and Britt-Spells et al. 2018) could have contributed to
mortality rate within this group. Native Americans the higher vulnerability to COVID-19. Of note,
are an example of chronically discriminated and during the early stages of the COVID-19 out-
stigmatized communities, a phenomenon that led break, a false claim that black people are immune
to lower-income, wealth, poverty, and high rates to SARS-CoV-2 infection, which may also have a
of unemployment and addictions. It, in turn, devastating effect on health outcomes for this
would contribute to disparities in health status community. The misinformation has likely arisen
that result in age-adjusted death rate for adults from the news that an individual of Cameroon-­
exceeding by nearly 40% that of the general pop- origin, who represented an initial group of
ulation and higher rate of deaths to cardiovascu- COVID-19 cases in China, has responded well to
lar diseases, chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, treatment (Padayachee and du Toit 2020). This
diabetes, influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis misinformation brought memories of the yellow
(Jones 2006; Whitesell et  al. 2012; Sarche and fever epidemic in 1793; during which 400 blacks
Spicer 2008). Thus, it is not surprising that Native lost their lives due to false susceptibility claims
Americans experience more significant effects of (Hogarth 2019).
the COVID-19 pandemic.
A similar issue of pre-pandemic discrimina-
tion resulting in worse health outcomes under the 39.5.6 Future Groups
COVID-19 pandemic situation could also be seen
in the case of African Americans. As reported in At the moment of preparation of this chapter, a
the United States, the rate of infection and death vaccine for COVID-19 is not yet available, the
related to COVID-19  in predominantly black pandemic is not yet contained, and it is expected
counties is over three-fold and six-fold higher that the number of infected people will experi-
compared with predominantly white counties. ence seasonal rises. It may, therefore, create a
Moreover, the black population represents as lit- situation under which new groups will face preju-
tle as approx. 13% in the United States, yet dice, discrimination, and stigma. It may particu-
African Americans represent over 30% of larly affect those traveling from regions
COVID-19 hospitalization in this country (Yancy temporarily facing worsening of the epidemio-
2020). However, some biological hypotheses logical situation. For example, it has already been
could be put forward to, at least partially, explain reported that individuals of African descent are
this phenomenon; one cannot disregard the long-­ facing discrimination in China due to fears of
term effect of racism experienced by the black imported transmissions of SARS-CoV-2  –
community on its situation during the COVID-19 Nigerians, Ghanaians, and Ugandans in
pandemic. Racism has a profound effect on social Guangzhou have been rejected by hotels, evicted
and health disparities (Nelson 2016; Brondolo by landlords, and, in some cases, left homeless
et  al. 2009), and these effects are further high- (Hood 2020).
39  The Main Sources and Potential Effects of COVID-19-Related Discrimination 717

39.6 Initiatives Undertaken tively develop policies and implement mea-

to Decrease Discrimination sures preventing discrimination against
Related to COVID-19 Asian students and staff located outside an
Asian continent (Rzymski and Nowicki
The discriminatory behaviors reported during the 2020b).
COVID-19 pandemic were met with some reac-
tions and initiatives from different authorities and
individuals. The most notable included: 39.7 Recommendations
to Decrease Discrimination
• On 30 January 2020, WHO advised all coun- During Future Outbreaks
tries to act against actions to promote stigma
and discrimination during the COVID-19 out- Considering that prejudice and discrimination
break (WHO 2020). during outbreaks of infectious diseases are not
• Statements of political leaders aiming to pre- uncommon and are also present during the
vent discrimination and show support to those COVID-19 pandemic, affecting different
at risk. The most prominent politicians groups of individuals, there is a need to develop
involved in such actions included: Canadian recommendations aiming at the prevention of
prime minister Justin Trudeau, Italian presi- this phenomenon during future epidemic.
dent Sergio Mattarella, and mayor of Toronto Practical implementations of preventive mea-
John Tory (Global News 2020; NBC News sures in this regard require commitment from
2020b; Il Messaggero 2020). various parties, such as political leaders, health
• Statement of the United Nations High authorities, academics, and non-governmental
Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle institutions. Mass and social media must be
Bachelet on 24 February 2020 calling against employed to increase the output of actions
a disturbing wave of prejudice against people undertaken and their promotion (Parke 2007).
of Chinese and East Asian ethnicity (Reuters Likely, future outbreaks will also result in epi-
2020). demiological situations with global impacts.
• Global online initiatives providing (besides Therefore, the successful implementation of
other aims) support to health-care workers anti-discriminatory practices requires to follow
engaged in combating COVID-19, e.g., Global the advice on intercultural communication that
Citizen’s “Together at Home.” also regards reporting and visualizing public
• Various local and national initiatives aiming to health risks (Grabill and Simmons 1998;
support health-care workers (Jeffrey 2020; Welhausen 2015).
Hess 2020; Deshpande 2020). Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic, we
• Statements supportive to health-care workers suggest 13 recommendations that may be useful
published by various authors in the peer-­ in the prevention of future outbreak-related dis-
reviewed journals (Xiang et al. 2020; Adams crimination as well as in mitigating COVID-19
and Walls 2020; Calisher et al. 2020). discrimination until the containment of this dis-
• A website hosted by the Asian Pacific Policy ease will become possible:
and Planning Council and Chinese for
Affirmative Action that allowed reporting the • Development and enforcement of interna-
­discrimination related to COVID-19 (CAASF tional and national regulations preventing the
2020). promotion of pseudoscience and scientifically
• A hotline launched for inhabitants of unsupported claims as both fuel fear and
New York that allowed reporting discrimina- panic, and magnify prejudice and
tion related to COVID-19 (NBC News 2020a). discrimination;
• And a call-to-action published in Science • Development of effective measures to main-
that urged the academic world to proac- tain the confidentiality of those who are seek-
718 P. Rzymski et al.

ing health care due to outbreak and all outbreaks as they face high levels of stress and
individuals who may be part of contact trauma;
investigation; • Promotion of social actions to thank and sup-
• Development of guidelines on how to report port health-care workers during their battle
and visualize health data to decrease adverse against outbreak;
impacts on public perceptions, panic promo- • And the involvement of individuals associated
tion, and fueling fear and stigma; with the management of international student
• Advising political leaders to follow the WHO exchange programs in the prevention of preju-
guidelines when reporting on emerging public dice and discrimination that studies from spe-
health threat and avoid referencing to its etio- cific geographical locations may face during
logical factor by country of origin as this pro- the time of the outbreak.
motes unwanted prejudice and
• Political leaders and health authorities should 39.8 Conclusion
be encouraged to speak out against disease-­
related discrimination proactively and to The present chapter demonstrates that the
release statements on “zero-tolerance” to such COVID-19 pandemic has, predictably, resulted in
behavior, both in public as well as online the backlash of fear-driven prejudice and dis-
space; crimination, which can lie in the standard psy-
• Engagement of political leaders and national chological context. These behaviors affected
authorities in the proactive reduction of health different groups of individuals with Chinese citi-
disparities in minorities as these disparities zens, people of Asian descent, COVID-19
magnify the adverse outcome of the patients, their families and relatives, and health-­
pandemic; care workers being at the highest risk of experi-
• Engagement of social media to effectively encing them. At the same time, the number of
block a material that contains signs of disease-­ initiatives has been undertaken to reduce the
related discrimination from online effects of discrimination. Future outbreaks will
publication; require the swift implementation of measures
• Engagement of social media in supporting preventing prejudice and discrimination and to
patients and health workers via reassuring react a priori rather than a posteriori. It requires
posts and infographics; not only action from international and national
• The strong commitment of academics in the authorities, academics, and non-governmental
prevention of the spread of fake news and organizations but also the commitment of mass
disease-­related discrimination  – as seen dur- and social media to report on the epidemiological
ing COVID-19 pandemic; situation in a responsible manner and to prevent a
• Sharing the accurate information and raising spread of fear- and panic-fueling misinformation
awareness on the disease and its etiological and fake news.
factor in a non-emotional manner with partic-
ular attention to avoid increasing tension and
fear as well as ensuring that shared ­information References
(e.g., in the form of infographics) does not
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Potential Mechanisms of COVID-­
19-­Related Psychological 40
Problems and Mental Disorders

Alfred Shaw

Abstract Keywords

As the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID-19 · Mechanism · Mental disorders ·

pandemic has spread, so has the psychological Pandemic · Psychology · Quarantine
impact of the disease been felt worldwide.
Despite this, the mechanisms of COVID-19-­
related psychological problems and mental
disorders remain unclear. As such, effective 40.1 Introduction
therapeutic schemes or intervention strategies
cannot be developed. It is, therefore, neces- Beginning early December 2019, the COVID-19
sary to establish a theoretical basis of psycho- outbreak spread globally within 3 months to
logical problems and mental disorders related become a full-blown pandemic. It resulted in
to public health emergencies such as substantial social impacts and economic losses.
COVID-­19. Herein, the potential mechanisms COVID-19 is an infectious respiratory disease
of occurrence and development of COVID-­ that seriously threatens patients’ health and life.
19-­related psychological problems and mental Its potent infectivity, disability, and fatality rates
disorders have been discussed from two have caused widespread public panic. Many gov-
angles: the pandemic as a public health emer- ernments have formulated and implemented strict
gency itself and the extensive quarantine situ- quarantine measures to prevent further spread of
ation during the pandemic. the disease. Public health emergencies such as
the COVID-19 pandemic have severe negative
psychological impacts on individuals both ran-
domly and spatially within the population.
In contrast with typical social emergencies
that have more simple stressors, the strict quaran-
tine measures imposed to prevent further
COVID-­ 19 spread across communities further
increase individual susceptibility to psychologi-
A. Shaw (*) cal problems and mental disorders. As such, these
Network of Immunity in Infection, Malignancy and conditions have been on the rise. Studies focus-
Autoimmunity (NIIMA), Universal Scientific ing on the correlation between public health
Education and Research Network (USERN), Beijing, emergencies and related psychological problems

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 727
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
728 A. Shaw

and mental disorders have confirmed that there is emotional, cognitive, and behavioral stress
a close relationship between these events. responses. On the other hand, physiological reac-
Research has also confirmed that employing psy- tions to stress can induce related psychological
chological crisis intervention strategies during reactions through pathways such as the mediat-
social emergencies is effective. However, the cur- ing mechanism. Based on existing studies, stress
rent understanding of the mechanisms of COVID-­ can lead to mental and psychological disorders
related psychological problems and mental such as acute stress disorder (Bryant 2017, 2018;
disorders is unclear. Cognizant to this, effective Santana et al. 2017), post-traumatic stress disor-
therapeutic schemes or intervention strategies der (PTSD) (Jakovljević et  al. 2012; Qi et  al.
cannot be developed. It is, therefore, necessary to 2016; Bryant 2019), and adjustment disorder
develop a theoretical basis of psychological prob- (Appart et  al. 2017; Strain 2018; Gradus et  al.
lems and mental disorders related to public health 2014). The COVID-19 pandemic is a typical
emergencies such as COVID-19. health emergency that is both a social and envi-
ronmental event stressor based on the phenome-
nological classification of life events. As such, it
40.2 Psychological Stress can lead to a series of psychological problems
and mental disorders. Given the implementation
Stress is an adaptive and instinctive response by of strict quarantine measures imposed by various
the body when the mind perceives that environ- governments, individual support systems are also
mental changes pose a threat or challenge to the affected, thus further increasing their susceptibil-
body (Tachè 2014; Rom and Reznick 2016; Otto ity to psychological problems and mental
et al. 1990). Hans Selye was the first physiologist disorders.
to systematically use the concept of stress to
describe the regulatory responses which occur
when the body is threatened. He introduced the 40.3 The Zeitgebers
core concepts of stress and stressor. He inter- and Zeitstörers Theory
preted stress as any stimulus that seriously threat-
ens the body’s homeostasis and stressor as the Proponents of the zeitgebers and zeitstörers the-
stimulation which causes stress (Szabo et  al. ory believe that the basis for individual biological
2012, 2017; Szabó and Gyires 2015). Currently, rhythms is a timer composed of stable biological
the meaning of the term stressor has expanded and environmental factors (Kupfer and Reynolds
from a single external physical or chemical factor 1983; Ehlers et al. 1988). The specific physical,
to a whole variety of external stimulus factors, chemical, and psychosocial events that interfere
including psychological stimulus owing to the with an individual biological clock are consid-
deepening understanding of this concept (Koffer ered to be zeitstörers. They are the critical risk
et  al. 2016; Leger et  al. 2016). Different stress factors for the occurrence and development of
theories have been developed in the last century. psychological problems and mental disorders
Currently, there are three commonly recognized (Frank 2007). For example, changes in light
stress theoretical models: the cognitive appraisal exposure can affect the establishment of an indi-
model, the system model, and the process model. vidual biological clock. This phenomenon is
As a result, the definition of psychological stress caused by the impact of sudden changes in light
has changed considerably. exposure, meal times, and sleep time as a result
Proponents of stress theories define various of flying across different time zones. It can cause
biological, psychological, social, and behavioral jet lag responses and mental health symptoms in
changes caused by stressors as psychosomatic susceptible populations (Finkelstein 1989;
reactions of stress. These include physiological Patterson 1989). Wever suggested that social and
and psychological reactions to stress. On the one natural zeitstörers have the same effects on the
hand, psychological reactions to stress include biological clock (Wever 1979). These zeitstörers
40  Potential Mechanisms of COVID-19-Related Psychological Problems and Mental Disorders 729

include adverse events such as divorce, bank- psychological responses to fear that lead to the
ruptcy, and widowhood. They lead to psychologi- occurrence of psychological problems and men-
cal problems and mental disorders by breaking tal disorders can be said to be the shutdown of
individual circadian rhythms and sleep-­normal reaction to fear.
awakening cycles. As the understanding of the
zeitgeber and zeitstörers theory deepens, psy-
chologists can further explore the mechanisms of 40.5 Potential Quarantine-­
adverse events that lead to psychological prob- Related Mechanisms
lems and mental disorders. Currently, it is
believed that adverse events initially cause social Although the COVID-19 pandemic has signifi-
rhythm disturbance by breaking social zeitge- cant psychological impacts on the majority of the
bers. They then affect individual biological population, only a minority of the population is
rhythms, consequently leading to psychological under the standard of the theories mentioned
problems and mental disorders. The COVID-19 above. As such, it is worth noting that the impact
pandemic is a typical public health emergency of the stressor of the outbreak itself is based on
that can be regarded as a type of zeitstörer. As the psychological stress theory, and the nature of
such, its related adverse socio-psychological social zeitstörers events based on the zeitgeber
effects can be explained by the zeitgeber and zeit- and zeitstörers theory should not be underesti-
störers theory. mated. It is, therefore, necessary to independently
analyze the individual social and psychological
impacts of quarantine to understand the social-­
40.4 The Shutdown of Normal psychological impact of the COVID-19 pan-
Reaction to Fear demic comprehensively.

People fear when they perceive a threat. It leads

to a series of physiological changes in both the 40.5.1 Interpersonal and Social
endocrine and autonomic nervous systems. On Rhythm Disturbance
the one hand, these physiological changes can
help individuals to deal with the threats better. On The term interpersonal and social rhythm refers
the other hand, they may lead to a series of physi- to a series of behavioral patterns and regulations
cal and psychological symptoms (Garcia 2017; such as eating, work, rest times, and social ten-
Seligman 2016). Psychologists postulate that fear dencies (Ehlers et  al. 1988; Sylvia et  al. 2009).
stimulates four reactions: fight, flight, freeze, and Previous studies have confirmed that interper-
tend-and-befriend. Tend-and-befriend can be to sonal and social rhythm disturbance is closely
seek help from others or trying to make the situa- associated with the occurrence and development
tion less dangerous (Jones and Monfils 2016; of various psychological problems and mental
Bracha 2004; Taylor et  al. 2000). The interfer- disorders. It is mainly the case in the occurrence
ence of typical psychological responses to fear and development of the bipolar disorder (Grandin
may lead to psychological problems and mental et al. 2006; Lieverse et al. 2013; Meyer and Maier
disorders (Garcia 2017). During the COVID-19 2006; Margraf et al. 2016; Shen et al. 2008). In
pandemic, quarantine likely interferes with the recent years, several studies have further con-
psychological responses to fear, possibly leading firmed that there is indeed an association between
to the occurrence of psychological problems and interpersonal and social rhythm disturbance and
mental disorders. Individuals pay attention to the the onset of mental disorders. Moreover, other
spread of the pandemic every day because of its studies have shown that interpersonal and social
status as a threat event. Any negative news can be disturbance is associated not only with the early
a stimulator that gradually increases public fears. onset of depression, anxiety, mania, and other
Cognizant to this, the mechanisms of abnormal mental disorders but also with the severity of
730 A. Shaw

these disorders (Goldstein et al. 2018; Boyce and disorders in vulnerable populations. It may,
Barriball 2010; Coles et al. 2015). therefore, be inappropriate to include quarantine
Currently, psychologists are exploring the as a social zeitstörer event in the zeitgeber and
potential physiological and pathological mecha- zeitstörers theory owing to the multifaceted and
nisms of psychological problems and mental dis- complex nature of the impacts of quarantine.
orders caused by interpersonal and social rhythm Cognizant to this, quarantine is an independent
disturbance. Most psychologists postulate that topic whose psychological impacts need to be
interpersonal and social disturbance can lead to comprehensively discussed and analyzed.
biological disturbance (Grandin et  al. 2006).
Previous studies have shown that the biological
circadian rhythm and the sleep-awakening cycle 40.5.2 Transient Unmet Demands
positively correlate with emotion (Kim et  al. for Group Belongings
2017; Yan et al. 2019). For example, the occur-
rence and development of sleep disorder, depres- Group belonging is a primary human behavioral
sion, and anxiety are closely associated with the character. Individuals establish stable emotional
disturbance of a biological rhythm. As such, indi- and positive behavioral interactions among them-
viduals living with mental disorders can experi- selves by forming long-term caring relationships
ence aggravated symptoms as a result of (Baumeister and Leary 1995; Carvallo and
biological rhythm disturbance (Lanfumey et  al. Gabriel 2006; Lavigne et al. 2011). Group behav-
2013; Monteleone et al. 2011). Cognizant to this, ior and intimate relationships are formed to meet
it is generally believed that interpersonal and this behavioral character. Also, self-presentation,
social rhythm disturbance can lead to psycholog- correction, interpretation, and group integration
ical problems and mental disorders by affecting are behaviors that help individuals integrate into
an individual biological rhythm. groups (Baumeister and Roy 1982; Scott and
Strict quarantine measures have led to the sus- Schlenker 1981). Striving to fit in a group is a
pension of work, production, and schools, thus basic and natural motivation of human beings. As
directly impacting negatively on the working and such, lack of a need to belong to certain groups
living habits of many people. Interruption of typi- may lead to psychological challenges. Some psy-
cal social activities, staying at home for long chologists postulate that psychological problems
periods, and lack of physical exercise may lead to are a result of negative emotional and behavioral
interpersonal and social rhythm disturbance, con- responses by individuals when social relation-
sequently leading to psychological problems and ships are threatened. Common emotional prob-
mental disorders. For instance, a student who lems such as anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness,
would generally maintain a sleep pattern from ten and relationship problems, among others, can be
in the evening to seven in the morning may find attributed to the lack of group belongings. Many
his sleep affected by staying at home because of neurotic, non-adaptive, and destructive behaviors
the pandemic. If the student is unable to adapt to are individual reactions as they try to establish or
the rhythm of home quarantine, she/he is suscep- maintain social relationships or to express frus-
tible to emotional problems such as apathy and tration and confusion (Baumeister and Leary
irritability and mental health challenges such as 1995). During the COVID-19 pandemic, most
depression and anxiety. In this example, only the people, especially those who are isolated outside
sleep rhythm has been considered to show the their hometown, find it hard to meet their demand
positive correlation between interpersonal and of belonging to a group. Though most family
social rhythm disturbance and the associated psy- support systems are functional, social support
chological problems and mental disorders. systems have been affected by mass quarantine.
However, multiple factors are affected by home Cognizant to this, the lack of group belongings
quarantine. The synergistic effect of these factors during the pandemic could become a universal
can lead to psychological problems and mental psychological event leading to psychological
40  Potential Mechanisms of COVID-19-Related Psychological Problems and Mental Disorders 731

problems and mental disorders. However, group with COVID-19-related psychological prob-
belonging is only transiently missed during the lems and mental disorders. It requires in-depth
pandemic period. A majority of the support sys- knowledge of the mechanisms of COVID-19-
tems will be restored and improved afterward, related psychological problems and mental dis-
thereby preventing long-term impacts. orders for it to be a success. Herein, the potential
mechanisms of occurrence and development of
COVID-19-related psychological problems and
40.6 The Gut-Brain Axis mental disorders have been discussed from two
angles: the pandemic as a public health emer-
Emotional and psychological stress affects the gency itself and the extensive quarantine situa-
composition of the gut microflora. It not only tion during the pandemic (Fig.  40.1). Besides
affects digestive, metabolic, and immune func- these mechanisms, there are other complex
tions but also regulates sleep and mental states potential mechanisms of psychological prob-
through the gut-brain axis (Li et al. 2018). There lems and mental disorders related to COVID-­19.
is an interaction between emotional and psycho- For instance, the psychological problems of
logical stress and gut microbial environment people living with chronic diseases can be
(Eriksson et al. 2015; Gracie et al. 2018). Changes attributed to the existing burden of physical dis-
to the proportion or composition of gut micro- ease as well as their physiological characteris-
flora influence the pathogenesis of insomnia, cir- tics. Cognizant to this, potential mechanisms of
cadian rhythm, and affective and metabolic psychological problems and mental disorders
disorders. In the same line, emotional and psy- associated with COVID-19 are unique to spe-
chological stress can affect the proportion or cific populations.
composition of gut microbes, thus further affect- Several potential mechanisms discussed in
ing individual mental state through the gut-brain this article focus on the specific processes of
axis. During COVID-19 quarantine, individual COVID-19-related psychological problems and
negative emotions can positively correlate with mental disorders (Fig. 40.2). The essential char-
abnormal changes to the gut microbial environ- acteristics of these specific processes can be
ment, thereby potentially leading to an increase ­summarized in three points: differences in pro-
in symptoms of psychological problems and cess performance, the process of action varies
mental disorders. with people because it is closely related to indi-
vidual psychological and physiological charac-
teristics; the interaction of several pathways, one
40.7 Discussion symptom may be related to multiple pathways
because pathways interact in an interrelated man-
The psychological impact of COVID-19 is ner, and this can further be divided into single
extensive. It is similar to that of any public and mixed modes of action depending on the
health emergency, especially for special groups existence of a dominant way of action; and the
such as frontline medical professionals predictability of the mechanisms involved, the
(Shigemura et al. 2020), the elderly (Lima et al. potential mechanism involved can be inferred
2020), and children confined to their homes from the individual psychological and physiolog-
(Wang et  al. 2020). Public health emergencies ical characteristics and the patient symptoms as
are different from each other. As such, sudden well. These three characteristics are crucial to
psychological stress events, as well as the gen- understanding the potential mechanisms of
eral psychological crisis intervention strategies, COVID-19-related psychological problems and
vary. That makes it challenging to get the best mental disorders. For better and more complete
results. From this point of view, it is, therefore, results, a particular focus needs to be put in com-
necessary to develop new targeted psychologi- bining individual psychological and physiologi-
cal intervention strategies to help people cope cal characteristics in clinical practice.
732 A. Shaw

Fig. 40.1  Potential mechanisms of COVID-19-related psychological problems and mental disorders

Fig. 40.2  A flowchart of potential mechanisms contributing to the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and
related psychological problems and mental disorders

Based on the potential mechanisms discussed COVID-19-related psychological problems and

in this article, some existing intervention strate- mental disorders are needed to provide a more
gies may be useful in the management and treat- solid theoretical basis for clinical practice.
ment of COVID-19-related psychological
problems and mental disorders. For example,
psychological problems and mental disorders 40.8 Conclusion
caused by interpersonal and social rhythm distur-
bances can be managed and treated using the The potential mechanisms of occurrence and
interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT) development of COVID-19-related psychologi-
(Bottai et al. 2010; Goldstein et al. 2018; Frank cal problems and mental disorders have been dis-
et al. 2007). In the same line, patients with intes- cussed from two angles: the pandemic as a public
tinal dysfunctions can drink probiotics reason- health emergency itself and the extensive quaran-
ably to prevent further development of the disease tine situation during the pandemic. The basic
(Bottai et al. 2010; Frank et al. 2005; Dickerson characteristics of the specific processes of
et al. 2018; Butler et al. 2019). Nonetheless, fur- COVID-19-related psychological problems and
ther studies focusing on the mechanisms of mental disorders can be summarized in three
40  Potential Mechanisms of COVID-19-Related Psychological Problems and Mental Disorders 733

points: i, differences in process performance; ii, probiotic microorganisms to prevent rehospitaliza-

tion in patients with acute mania: a randomized con-
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predictability of the mechanisms involved.
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understanding the etiology of depression. Arch Gen
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Mental Health in Health
Professionals in the COVID-19 41

Antonia Bendau, Andreas Ströhle,
and Moritz Bruno Petzold

Abstract psychological strain. Further reliable and pro-

spective studies regarding the mental health of
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) health professionals, as well as further mea-
pandemic has posed enormous challenges to sures to protect their short- and long-term
the healthcare systems worldwide, which are mental health, are required.
mainly shouldered by healthcare workers
from all professions. This chapter outlines the Keywords
potential stressors of the COVID-19 pandemic
for health professionals and describes possible Coronavirus · COVID-19 · Healthcare ·
consequences for their mental health as well Nurses · Physicians · Psychological distress ·
as potential interventions and coping strate- Stress
gies. The chapter is based on preliminary
research on the psychosocial implications of
the COVID-19 pandemic in health profession-
als and is complemented by findings from pre- 41.1 Introduction
vious outbreaks of high-risk infectious
diseases. High proportions of healthcare Since the first reports of its occurrence in
workers report acute symptoms of anxiety, December of 2019 in Wuhan, China, the severe
depression, high psychological stress, and acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
insomnia in the context of the COVID-19 pan- (SARS-CoV-2), which can cause the disease
demic. Coping strategies and self-care on an named COVID-19, has grown rapidly to one of
individual level, interventions on an institu- the most severe international health issues in the
tional level such as specific training and insti- last decades and posed an immense threat to the
tutional support, as well as social and healthcare systems worldwide (Zhu et al. 2020a).
psychological support can help to mitigate Communities worldwide suffer directly from
high infection rates associated with increased
mortality, and additionally, the measures to con-
A. Bendau · A. Ströhle · M. B. Petzold (*) tain the spreading of the virus are associated
Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, corporate member of with further indirect physical and mental health
Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität zu consequences (Bohlken et al. 2020; Helmy et al.
Berlin and Berlin Institute of Health, 2020; Wang et  al. 2020a; Xiang et  al. 2020).
Berlin, Germany Health professionals of all professions play a

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 737
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
738 A. Bendau et al.

crucial role in facing and overcoming the enor- F  ear of Being Infected
mous challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic with COVID-19
(Xiong and Peng 2020). Dealing with the pan- As for the general population, it is likely for
demic comes with multiple stressors on general health professionals to be afraid of being infected
and profession-­specific levels for health profes- with COVID-19 and to fear the potentially resul-
sionals (Kang et  al. 2020a). Being confronted tant severe illness outcomes for themselves or
with those stressors bears the risk of the develop- loved ones (Wu et  al. 2020a; IASC 2020). For
ment of new or the aggravation of pre-existing example, in a study with 1357 healthcare workers
mental health issues such as symptoms of anxi- from Henan, China, 85% of them reported a pro-
ety, depression, and high psychological stress nounced fear of a potential self-infection with the
(Kang et al. 2020a). These mental health strains virus (Zhang et al. 2020b). The risk of infecting
might not only affect the performance of health oneself and others is significantly adverse in a
professionals in managing the challenges of the situation where the transmission pathways and
COVID-19 pandemic but could also impair their consequences of the virus are not yet fully under-
overall well-being and mental health in the long stood (Petzold et al. 2020d; IASC 2020).
run (Kang et  al. 2020a; Mehta et  al. 2018).
Therefore it should be of top priority to protect Misinterpretation
the mental health of health professionals as of Symptoms of Other
extensively as possible to enable the control of Diseases
the pandemic as well as to protect the short- and As COVID-19 is accompanied by symptoms that
long-term mental health of professionals (Kang are present in a wide range of other diseases like
et al. 2020a). cold or influenza (Wang et al. 2020b), which are
In the following, potential common stressors present in large parts of the populations, at times
and psychological reactions of health profes- of the pandemic, the misinterpretation of symp-
sionals, as well as possible coping and interven- toms of such other diseases as symptoms of
tion strategies, are described  – based on first COVID-19 may result in pronounced fears of
insights from preliminary research on the psy- being infected (Petzold et al. 2020d; IASC 2020).
chosocial consequences of the COVID-19 pan-
demic in health professionals. Evidence from Consequences
these first studies is complemented with findings of the Measures to Contain
from previous outbreaks of high-risk infectious the Spreading of the Virus
diseases. Vast parts of the societies worldwide need to
cope with the measures that have been installed
to reduce the spread of COVID-19 (IASC 2020).
41.2 Stress Factors Among those are, for example, the caring for
family members at home due to the suspension of
41.2.1 Stressors Concerning schools and childcare services; the omission of
the General Population cultural, sportive, and leisure activities; and the
cancellation of vacations or occupational forma-
Some of the potential adverse and stress-­ tion (Wu et  al. 2020a; IASC 2020). Moreover,
inducing factors of the pandemic are shared by feelings of helplessness, boredom, and depres-
health professionals and the general population sive symptoms due to isolation or quarantine are
(International Federation of Red Cross and possible (IASC 2020).
Red Crescent Societies 2020; Petzold et  al.
2020d). Those factors can relate to both the Fear of Social Consequences
anticipation of negative impacts and occurring The fear of social isolation, when associated with
adverse outcomes. Below outlines these poten- the disease and the fear of separation and losing
tial stressors. contact with family and friends due to distancing
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 739

measurements or isolation/quarantine, is also burdening factors and aggravate pre-existing

among the common stressors (Wu et  al. 2020a; ones. The following presents some factors, espe-
IASC 2020). cially concerning health professionals working in
hospitals. Fear of Economic
Consequences High Occupational Stress
Also, potential negative economic consequences Health professionals report a massive workload,
due to the pandemic often expose people to fears such as longer working hours, high pressure,
and worrying (IASC 2020). and more number of patients than usual due to
the pandemic as a primary source of physical Unpredictability and psychological strain (Adams and Walls
and Feelings of Helplessness 2020; Cao et  al. 2020; El-Hage et  al. 2020;
Like the general population, health professionals IASC 2020).
need to cope with the highly unpredictable and
dynamic situation due to the novelty and lack of High Exposure Risk
information about the virus (Sun et  al. 2020; Even with strict safety measures, the infection
IASC 2020). The pandemic is particularly threat- risk of health professionals working with
ening as to present, there is no vaccine, and COVID-19 patients is, on average, higher than
COVID-19 can be only treated symptomatically that of the general population (Heymann 2020;
(Shuja et al. 2020; Xiao et al. 2020). Furthermore,Strametz et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2020a; Wu et al.
the circumstances may require individuals to deal 2020a; Xu et al. 2020). It can result in stronger
with feelings of helplessness and the inability to worrying about consequences for one’s well-­
protect loved ones from COVID-19 (IASC 2020). being in case of an infection as well as worrying
about infecting family and loved ones with Worsening of Pre-Existing COVID-19 (Adams and Walls 2020; El-Hage
Strains et al. 2020; Tsamakis et al. 2020; Wu et al. 2020a)
Among individuals with pre-existing health and was the most common reason for health
issues or risk factors, the pandemic may put par- workers to report unwillingness to care for
ticular strains on physical or mental health patients diagnosed with COVID-19  in a study
(Adams and Walls 2020; Petzold et  al. 2020d). with medical staff in Chinese psychiatric hospi-
For example, the pandemic may lead to a worsen- tals (Shi et  al. 2020). Furthermore, insufficient
ing of symptoms of psychological distress or pre-­ information on the consequences of long-term
existing mental disorders or results in a exposure to COVID-19-infected patients adds
reactivation of threatening experiences from pre- strain to this factor (IASC 2020).
vious epidemics or health crises (Adams and
Walls 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d). Stigma and Social Exclusion
Health professionals are confronted (e.g., through
verbally and physically assaults and attacks) with
41.2.2 Stressors Concerning Health the stigmatization attached to people working
Professionals in Particular with COVID-19 patients, e.g., because of con-
cerns of others that the health professionals may
Additionally, to those common stressors which be infected and therefore constitute a risk (McKay
apply to the general population, health profes- et al. 2020; IASC 2020). In previous outbreaks of
sionals are confronted with profession-specific high-risk respiratory infectious diseases (SARS,
stress factors (International Federation of Red MERS), perceived stigma also was reported to
Cross and Red Crescent Societies 2020). Besides occur frequently and was a predictor of mental
stressors that already existed before the pandemic health strains in health professionals (Bell and
(e.g., high workload and high responsibilities), Wade 2020; Koh et al. 2005; Maunder et al. 2003;
the COVID-19 pandemic may come with new Maunder et al. 2006).
740 A. Bendau et al. Strict Safety Measures Dealing with the Intense

The wearing of protective clothing, the perma- Emotions of the Patients
nent need for concentration and vigilance, as well Health professionals may be confronted with
as highly regulated procedural instructions limit anger and rage against the government or the
spontaneity and autonomy and strains the physi- healthcare system by patients or their relatives
cal and mental well-being (Adams and Walls (Chen et  al. 2020; McKay et  al. 2020; Petzold
2020; IASC 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d; Poon and et  al. 2020d). Additionally, healthcare workers
Liu 2004). The reduction of physical contact hin- might have to deal with an increased rate of
ders the ability to spend consolidation for patients patients who die or suffer from severe outcomes
or colleagues, which might reduce social support of COVID-19 and need to handle the fear and
that represents a critical factor for mental health grief of patients and their relatives (Chen et  al.
(Petzold et al. 2020d; IASC 2020). 2020; Kang et  al. 2020b; National Center
for PTSD 2020; Xiong and Peng 2020). Separation from Loved Ones
Due to the higher exposure risk and the high Inadequate Preparedness
workload, healthcare workers often have to keep The rapidly spreading pandemic has surprised
a distance from loved ones (WHO 2020b; Wu the health systems of many countries (WHO
et  al. 2020a). For example, health professionals 2020c). Therefore, a resource-limited setting due
in Chinese hospitals often slept over weeks in the to, e.g., lack of staff, medical devices, and protec-
hospital and have been quarantined afterward to tive equipment, was a common source for strain
avoid cross infections of family members and in healthcare workers (Chung and Yeung 2020;
patients (Wu et al. 2020a). It resulted in separa- International Council of Nurses 2020). In a study
tion from their families for weeks and was a com- with nurses from China, a lack of knowledge
monly reported stress factor (Wu et  al. 2020a) about coping with infectious diseases and respi-
and the main reason for negative emotions (Cao ration devices was reported as a stress factor as
et al. 2020). well as the pressure to obtain this expertise in a
short time (Wu et al. 2020a). Reduced Social Support
Due to long working hours and stigmatization of Conflicts of Roles
health professionals when dealing with and Feelings
COVID-­ 19 patients, health professionals may of Responsibility
face a lack of social support (Petzold et al. 2020d; The measurements to contain the spreading of
IASC 2020). In the work environment, social the virus, e.g., the closure of schools and daycare
support by colleagues might be reduced because institutions for children, might have given rise to
of a high workload and transfers to different role conflicts between family and occupational
working environments without the familiar col- duties for medical staff because they might have
leagues, which could additionally result in feel- to provide care and home tutoring for their chil-
ings of isolation (Petzold et al. 2020d; Wu et al. dren in addition to their anyhow high workload
2020a). (Wu et al. 2020a). Reduced Self-Care

Due to a lack of time and energy, healthcare 41.3 P
 sychological Strain and Risk
workers might not be able to maintain their self-­ and Protective Factors
care (IASC 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d). Mainly a
lack of sleep and adequate recovery times are a About the multiple and far-reaching adverse
problem that health professionals are facing in impacts of the pandemic, the occurrence of over-
the current pandemic (National Center for PTSD burdening, distress, and psychological strain has
2020). to be seen as a largely normal reaction to an
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 741

exceptional event for the general population as 9% up to 22%, and severe symptoms in 6% of the
well as for health professionals (IASC 2020). medical and nursery staff.
Nevertheless, it is crucial to obtain an overview Besides depressive symptoms, symptoms of
of how many health professionals are affected by anxiety were the most commonly reported symp-
such symptoms, which are the most frequent and toms among hospital staff. In a study with clini-
most affecting symptoms, and to which extent cal first-line medical staff in China (Huang et al.
they exceed the limits to pathological reactions 2020), 23% showed symptoms of anxiety (16%
(Pothiawala 2020). Currently, substantial mild, 2% moderate, 5% severe). In Wuhan, the
research on the psychological consequences of rates have again been even higher, with 44%
the COVID-19 pandemic on health professionals reported anxiety (32% mild, 7% moderate, and
is lacking. In the following, we summarize 5% severe symptoms) (Lai et  al. 2020). These
insight from the first studies on this subject. Most findings are in line with previous epidemics of
of the studies are cross-sectional, which comes infectious diseases with high rates of anxiety in
with several methodological limitations. reaction to the epidemics (Xiao et al. 2020).
Table  41.1 shows an overview of the currently On scales targeting symptoms of post-­
existing studies on the mental health of health traumatic stress, 27% of the surveyed frontline
professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic. Most staff from China exceeded the cut-off criteria for
of the recent studies concerning those topics have post-traumatic stress disorder (National Center
been conducted in China (Bohlken et al. 2020). It for  PTSD) during the COVID-19 pandemic
remains unclear to which extent these results can (Huang et al. 2020). In a study in Wuhan, China,
be generalized to other populations, and further 37% of the  healthcare workers scored  on mild,
research on this topic seems urgently needed. 25% on moderate, and 17% on severe extents of
symptoms of post-traumatic stress (Lai et  al.
41.3.1 Frequently Occurring Problems of sleep have been another fre-
Symptoms of Psychological quently reported issue. In qualitative interviews,
Distress 30% of the health professionals from Wuhan
reported suffering from sleep problems (Wu et al. Acute Symptoms 2020a). In quantitative surveys, 34–36% of the
In a study with 911 hospital workers in Italy, 86% staff showed symptoms of insomnia (26% mild,
reported moderate to severe psychological dis- 7% moderate, and 1% severe) (Lai et  al. 2020;
tress during the COVID-19 outbreak (Bettinsoli Zhang et  al. 2020a). Complaints about loss of
et al. 2020). Several surveys with health profes- appetite (22%) occurred, too, as well as other
sionals in China showed consistently high rates somatic strains (Wu et al. 2020a).
of symptoms of psychological strain in response To sum up, on average, approximately 2–15%
to the COVID-19 pandemic (Bohlken et  al. of the health professionals reported suffering
2020). In a study with medical staff in a specially from severe and urgent treatment requiring
equipped COVID-19 emergency clinic in Peking symptoms, and more than one third reported to
(Cao et al. 2020), 19% of the staff reported mod- be affected with mild to moderate acute impair-
erate or severe depressive symptoms. Similar ments in mental well-being (Bohlken et  al.
results were obtained in clinics in Hong Kong, 2020). Those proportions seem to be comparable
with 20% of the staff fulfilling the questionnaire with first reports regarding the general popula-
criteria of mild and 15% the criteria for moderate tions (Li et al. 2020; Sun et al. 2020; Tan et al.
depression (Chung and Yeung 2020). Even higher 2020). These results stem from cross-sectional
rates occurred in hospitals in and around Wuhan, studies, which suffer from a lack of baseline
the epicenter of the pandemic (Kang et al. 2020b; assessment before the current pandemic and,
Lai et  al. 2020). Mild depressive symptoms therefore, should be interpreted with great
occurred in 34% to 36%, moderate symptoms in caution.

Table 41.1  Overview of studies on the mental health of health professionals in the COVID-19 pandemic
Recruitment Sample
Study Country Population period size Design Outcome measures
Bettinsoli et al. Italy Hospital staff, different regions of March–April 580 Cross-sectional, online BRCS, CSES, GHQ-12, and self-­
(2020) Italy 2020 questionnaire developed items
Cao et al. (2020) China Medical workers in a fever clinic in ? 37 Cross-sectional, interview Qualitative interview, PHQ-9, and MBI
Beijing and questionnaire
Chung and China Hospital staff in Hong Kong February 2020 69 Cross-sectional, online PHQ-9 and free text items
Yeung (2020) questionnaire
Huang et al. China Hospital staff in an infectious February 2020 246 Cross-sectional, online SAS and PTSD-SS
(2020) disease hospital questionnaire
Kang et al. China Doctors and nurses in Wuhan January – 994 Cross-sectional, online PHQ-9, GAD-7, ISI, IES-R, and
(2020b) February 2020 questionnaire self-developed items
Lai et al. (2020) China Health workers in different regions January – 1257 Cross-sectional, online PHQ-9, GAD-7, ISI, and IES-R
of China February 2020 questionnaire
Li et al. (2020) China Nurses + general public February 2020 526 Cross-sectional, app-based The Chinese version of the vicarious
nurses questionnaire traumatization Questionnaire

Liang et al. China Health workers of a hospital in February 2020 59 Cross-sectional, self-report SDS and SAS
(2020) Guangdong questionnaire
Lu et al. (2020) China Health workers of a hospital in February 2020 2299 Cross-sectional, online NRS on fear, HAMA, and HAMD
Fujian questionnaire
Mo et al. (2020) China Nurses in Guangxi February 2020 180 Cross-sectional, online SOS and SAS
Sun et al. (2020) China Nurses in a Hospital in Henan January – 20 Cross-sectional, qualitative Qualitative interview analyzed by
Preprint February 2020 interview Colaizzi’s 7-step method
Tan et al. (2020) Singapore Health workers from two tertiary February – 470 Cross-sectional, self-report DASS-21 and IES-R
institutions in Singapore March 2020 questionnaire
Wu et al. China Physicians and nurses in frontline March 2020 190 Cross-sectional MBI
(2020b) vs. usual wards in Wuhan
Xiao et al. China Medical staff that treated patients January – 180 Cross-sectional, self-report SAS, GSES, SASR, PSQI, and SSRS
(2020) with COVID-19 February 2020 questionnaire
A. Bendau et al.
Xu et al. (2020) China Surgical medical staff at a hospital January – March 120 Cross-sectional Anxiety scale, depression score, dream
in Shanghai 2020 anxiety score, and SF-36
Zhang et al. China Medical staff from China January – 1563 Cross-sectional, app-based ISI, PHQ-9, GAD-7, and IES-R
(2020a) February 2020 questionnaire
Zhu et al. China Medical staff at Tongji hospital February 2020 5062 Cross-sectional, online IES-R, PHQ-9, and GAD-7
(2020b) questionnaire
BRCS Brief Resilience Coping Scale, CSES Coping Self-Efficacy Scale, GHQ-12 General Health Questionnaire-12, PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire, MBI Maslach Burnout
Inventory, SAS Self-rating Anxiety Scale, PTSD-SS Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Scale, GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, ISI Insomnia Severity Index, IES-R
Impact of Event Scale-Revised, SDS Zung’s Self-Rating Depression Scale, SAS Zung’s Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, NRS on fear Numeric Rating Scale on fear, HAMA Hamilton
Anxiety Scale, HAMD Hamilton Depression Scale, SOS Stress Overload Scale, DASS-21 Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales, GSES General Self-Efficacy Scale, SASR
Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire, PSQI Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, SSRS Social Support Rate Scale, SF-36 Short Form Health Survey
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic
744 A. Bendau et al. Long-Term Consequences One to two years after the resolution of the out-
Due to the dynamic situation in the current pan- break, health professionals who worked in
demic, research on long-term consequences for SARS-affected hospitals in Toronto, Canada, in
health professionals is not available. However, all 2003, reported significantly more psychological
those reactions and underlying stressors among strain than hospital staff without exposure to
the COVID-19 pandemic described above are in SARS (International Federation of Red Cross
line with the results from previous outbreaks of and Red Crescent Societies 2020; Maunder et al.
infectious diseases (Bai et  al. 2004; Bell and 2003; Maunder et al. 2006). Health professionals
Wade 2020; Chen et al. 2006; Chew et al. 2020; of SARS-affected hospitals had elevated signs of
Maunder et al. 2003). In interpreting these find- chronic stress (30% vs. 19%), depressive and
ings, it is highly relevant to emphasize that the anxiety symptoms (45% vs. 30%), and problem-
development of a wide range of psychological atic behavior such as increased consumption of
reactions regarding the circumstances of the tobacco and alcohol (21% vs. 13%). Moreover,
COVID-19 pandemic represents a mostly normal the study showed long-term influences on their
response after experiencing an exceptional and daily work, e.g., shortening of work hours (9%
straining event (WHO and International Labour vs. 2%). However, the rates of diagnosed mental
Organization 2018; Petzold et  al. 2020d) and diseases such as depression or PTSD were not
does not automatically lead to mental disorders. significantly elevated (Maunder et  al. 2008;
Longitudinal observations of the psychologi- Maunder et al. 2006). It indicates the conclusion
cal reactions to previous outbreaks of high-risk that long-term effects of outbreaks of infectious
infectious diseases indicate that symptoms of diseases tend to be common but often stay in the
psychological strain, such as anxiety and distress, range of subsyndromal stress response syn-
tend to peak early during outbreaks and are tran- dromes (Lancee et al. 2008; Maunder et al. 2008).
sient for most responders, which means that for Furthermore, common symptoms seem to change
the majority, the symptoms resolve as time passes over time. A study in Taiwan found in the after-
(Bell and Wade 2020; WHO and International math of the SARS outbreak symptoms of depres-
Labour Organization 2018; Wu et  al. 2008). sion and avoidance predominantly, whereas
Several qualitative and cross-sectional quantita- during the initial phase of the outbreak, somatic
tive studies underpinned this pattern of initially and cognitive symptoms of anxiety and feelings
high levels of psychological strain and decreased of extreme vulnerability and distress dominated
levels after the outbreak (Bell and Wade 2020; Lu (Chong et al. 2004).
et  al. 2006; Xu et  al. 2020). It seems plausible
because, during the outbreak, the workload and
multiple other factors are probably more preva- 41.3.2 Risk and Protective Factors
lent and adverse than in a non-outbreak moment
(Xu et al. 2020). Nevertheless, the burden faced On average, female health professionals show a
by health professionals while working during the significantly higher symptom severity and fre-
COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to result quency than males in several studies (Barati et al.
in long-lasting psychological strain and an 2020; Bettinsoli et al. 2020; Huang et al. 2020;
increased occurrence of mental illnesses such as Kang et al. 2020b; Kisely et al. 2020; Lai et al.
anxiety disorders, depression, or PTSD in the 2020; Zhu et al. 2020b). A preprint reported, for
future (Bell and Wade 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d; example, a significant hazard ratio (HR) = 1.32
Wu et al. 2008). The evidence of previous SARS of women compared to men among the
outbreaks supports this potential risk. SARS out- COVID-­19 pandemic (Zhu et al. 2020b). Due to
break correlated with an increased prevalence of the vast body of evidence that shows that women
PTSD among hospital staff in Singapore from tend to be more vulnerable for affective and anxi-
before to 2  months after the outbreak (from ety disorders in general, those results may be
approximately 2% to 8%) (Chan and Huak 2004). explained by pre-existing differences rather than
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 745

by differences in pandemic-related reactions toms of depression, anxiety, and (post-traumatic)

(Wang et  al. 2020a). Furthermore, women may stress than medical staff (Tan et  al. 2020).
be stronger affected by the consequences of the Possible reasons for the latter result may include
public measures to contain the spreading of the reduced accessibility of non-medicals to first-­
virus (such as school closures) because they seem hand medical information, adequate training,
to be more often in charge of caring for their fam- protective equipment, and formal psychological
ily members at home than men, regardless of support (Tan et al. 2020).
their occupational workload (IASC 2020). Health professionals with more frequent
According to the results of studies in China direct exposure to infected patients showed in
and Italy, the younger age of health professionals two studies in Wuhan higher amounts of mental
seems to be a risk factor for psychological strain health disturbances than professionals with less
(Bettinsoli et al. 2020; Kang et al. 2020b). Those exposure (Kang et al. 2020b; Lai et al. 2020; Wu
findings are in line with the results of previous et  al. 2009; Zhu et  al. 2020b) which is in line
outbreaks of infectious diseases (Matsuishi et al. with findings of previous epidemic outbreaks
2012; Ricci-Cabello et al. 2020; Sim et al. 2004; (Bell and Wade 2020; Grace et  al. 2005; Koh
Su et  al. 2007). Less working experience and a et al. 2005; McAlonan et al. 2007; Ricci-Cabello
lower sense of preparedness in young health pro- et al. 2020; Styra et al. 2008; Wu et al. 2009). In
fessionals could be a possible partially mediating contrast, no significant differences in depressive
variable of those results (Matsuishi et  al. 2012; and anxiety symptoms between health profes-
Ricci-Cabello et al. 2020). sionals working in units for COVID-19 and
Nursery staff and medical technicians medical health workers without direct contact
reported, on average, higher levels of anxiety, with infected patients became apparent in the
depression, and post-traumatic stress than doc- context of another study conducted in China
tors (Huang et al. 2020; Zhu et al. 2020b). These (Liang et al. 2020). Moreover, in two other stud-
findings are in line with previous studies in hos- ies in the Wuhan area, the frontline workforce
pitals affected with SARS, MERS, or H1N1 showed, on average, fewer symptoms of trauma-
influenza which reported elevated levels of psy- tization, emotional exhaustion, and depersonali-
chological strain in nurses (Bell and Wade 2020; zation than non-frontline physicians and nursery
Brooks et al. 2018; Matsuishi et al. 2012; Nickell staff on general wards (Li et al. 2020; Wu et al.
et al. 2004; Phua et al. 2005). These findings may 2020b) which is also congruent with some previ-
be explained due to nursery staff (and medical ous findings regarding a SARS outbreak in Hong
technicians) having more and closer contact with Kong (Chan et  al. 2005). Those latter findings
patients than doctors, on average, more night- could be due to potentially better support of the
shifts, and maybe other more overburdening special wards, whereas the general wards may
working conditions (Bell and Wade 2020; Nickell somewhat be neglected by the hospital’s admin-
et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2020a; Zhu et al. 2020b). istration and the government (Wu et al. 2020b).
Furthermore, doctors expressed, on average, Therefore, it seems important to avoid an under-
more confidence in their ability to protect them- estimation of the mental health burden for health
selves and their patients than nurses (Shi et  al. professionals who are not in direct contact with
2020), which could be another possible mediator COVID-19 patients and to address them with
of those findings. adequate support, too.
Compared to administration personnel, medi- In studies regarding previous outbreaks of
cal personnel scored on average significantly highly infectious diseases, the voluntariness of
higher in symptoms of fear, anxiety, and depres- work in high-risk units seems to be relevant. The
sion in a study in China (Lu et  al. 2020). The clinical staff that was conscripted to such units
results of a study in Singapore are standing in because of human resources showed particularly
contrast to these findings: non-medical personnel low levels of mental health (Bell and Wade 2020;
in the health system reported more definite symp- Chen et al. 2005).
746 A. Bendau et al.

Concomitant chronic diseases (HR  =  1.51) Protective safety measures seem to be an essen-
and a history of mental disorders (HR  =  3.27) tial protective factor: full coverage of all hospital
occurred to be substantial risk factors for stress, units with protection equipment and precaution-
anxiety, and depression (Wang et al. 2020a; Zhu ary measures was associated with reduced levels
et al. 2020b), which is congruent with the find- of psychological strain (OR  =  0.69) (Zhu et  al.
ings of previous epidemics (Kisely et  al. 2020; 2020b). Both findings are in line with results
Styra et  al. 2008). Health workers with a con- from previous SARS outbreaks in which support
firmed COVID-19 infection reported more severe of colleagues and supervisors and specialized
depressive symptoms than those without infec- training and safety measures were associated
tion (Zhu et al. 2020b). Especially being quaran- with lower psychological distress (Huremović
tined because of a suspected or confirmed 2019; Ricci-Cabello et al. 2020). Preparedness in
infection seems to be a predictor of psychologi- terms of safety equipment, knowledge about the
cal distress (Bell and Wade 2020; Marjanovic virus and safety measures, appropriate training in
et al. 2007). Having family members or relatives hospitals, and the confidence to be familiar with
proved or suspected with COVID-19 was also the risks and the protection measures were fur-
significantly associated with a substantially thermore associated with a higher willingness to
higher risk for the psychological strain of health care for patients with COVID-19 (Ricci-Cabello
workers (HR = 1.23) (Zhu et al. 2020b) as well as et al. 2020; Shi et al. 2020).
seeing infected colleagues (Bell and Wade 2020). The access to supporting psychological mate-
In studies in previous SARS outbreaks, work- rial seems to be a protective factor: severe mental
ing experience seems to be a protective factor health disturbances were associated with less
against psychological strain due to an outbreak access to online psychological resources (Kang
(Kisely et al. 2020; Maunder et al. 2008). In con- et al. 2020b). Although distressed health profes-
trast, in a study in China, health professionals sionals’ access to mental healthcare services is
with more than 10 years of working experience limited, the majority evaluated such services as
scored higher on stress, anxiety, and depression important resources to alleviate acute health dis-
in the COVID-19 pandemic than those with less turbances (Kang et al. 2020b).
experience (HR = 2.02) (Zhu et al. 2020b). This In a study with hospital staff in Wuhan, regu-
result may be explained by less occupational lar exercise seemed to help to alleviate adverse
exhaustion, a higher proportion of vulnerability psychological impact caused by catastrophic
for severe outcomes of COVID-19, or family sta- events as the exercise was associated with a lower
tus: the majority of healthcare workers with risk for anxiety symptoms (OR  =  0.71) (Zhu
shorter working experience was single and had to et  al. 2020b). It is congruent with previous
face fewer family responsibilities in addition to research, which emphasized the anxiolytic and
the high workload (Zhu et  al. 2020b). Health stress-buffering effect of physical activity
workers with children showed higher levels of (Petzold et al. 2020b).
stress  – probably due to more intense family Self-efficacy negatively correlated with anxi-
responsibilities, which would be in line with ety and insomnia among healthcare workers in
results from previous SARS outbreaks (Kisely Chinese hospitals (Xiao et  al. 2020). Self-­
et  al. 2020; Maunder et  al. 2008; Zhu et  al. efficacy, therefore, seems to be of help to cope
2020b). with massive workloads with high risks for phys-
Care provided by the hospital and department ical and mental strains (Xiao et al. 2020).
administrators was associated with a reduced risk An overview of potential risk and protective
of showing adverse psychological reactions to factors regarding the psychological consequences
the pandemic (odds ratio (OR) = 0.76) as reported of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health
in a study from China (Zhu et  al. 2020b). of health professionals is given in Fig. 41.1.
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 747

Fig. 41.1  Potential risk and protective factors for the mental health of health professionals

41.4 Coping and Interventions addressed by the healthcare workers themselves

as well as by their leaders (Adams and Walls
To maintain essential healthcare services during 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d). Especially concern-
the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the short- ing the highly demanding conditions, it is even
and long-term mental health of health profession- more critical for health professionals to take rest
als, adequate coping and intervention strategies times sufficiently and regularly, to sleep enough,
are required (Bao et al. 2020; Chung and Yeung and to eat sufficiently and healthily (Petzold et al.
2020; Kang et al. 2020a; Pothiawala 2020). Self-­ 2020d). Organizational institutions should ensure
care strategies on an individual level, as well as that employees have adequate opportunities to
interventions on a macro-level such as institu- take breaks and recover and to carry out neces-
tional support, should be implemented as early as sary self-care measures, even in phases of high
possible (Maunder et  al. 2008; National Center workload, and employees should make use of
for PTSD 2020; Pothiawala 2020; Xu et  al. such opportunities (IASC 2020; Petzold et  al.
2020). In the following, some potentially adap- 2020c). About the frequent occurrence of insom-
tive strategies are described. nia and the importance of sleep quality as a criti-
cal indicator of physical and mental health,
among other interventions, adaptive shift plan-
41.4.1 Consideration of Basic Needs ning to facilitate regular sleep times should be
taken into account (Xiao et al. 2020).
Despite all the demands coming with the Additionally, physical activity is an important,
COVID-­ 19 pandemic, the basic needs of the effective, and frequently underestimated tool to
health professionals should be considered and facilitate coping with straining situations (Zhu
748 A. Bendau et al.

et  al. 2020b). Concerning its stress-alleviating 41.4.4 Self-Efficacy

effect in a study in Wuhan (Zhu et al. 2020b) and
previous research (Petzold et  al. 2020b; Self-efficacy seems to be an essential tool in cop-
Tamminen et al. 2020), regular exercise seems to ing with multiple stressors (Xiao et al. 2020). To
be an easily affordable and effective coping strat- increase the sense of self-efficacy of health pro-
egy. In the study, as mentioned earlier from Zhu fessionals, institutions should strengthen the
et al. (2020b), the percentage of healthcare work- training of psychological skills in general and
ers who performed regular physical activity was specifically regarding the particular demands of
rather low (17%) – therefore, health profession- the COVID-19 pandemic (Huang et  al. 2020;
als should be motivated to implement or to main- National Center for PTSD 2020). Furthermore,
tain physical activity. health professionals should acknowledge their
personal and occupational strengths and avoid
negatively assessing and degrading their work
41.4.2 Coping Strategies contributions and their functioning in personal
life (National Center for PTSD 2020). About
The range of possible coping strategies among enhancing occupation-related self-efficacy, it is
the COVID-19 pandemic is vast (Cao et al. 2020; furthermore important to provide all relevant
Sun et al. 2020). It can be helpful for healthcare information about COVID-19 and to ensure ade-
workers to remember personally adequate and quate occupational training, e.g., the correct
adaptive coping strategies that have helped them application of safety measures or the handling of
to overcome past crises and to reapply them patients during the pandemic (Barati et al. 2020;
(Petzold et al. 2020d; WHO 2020b). Pincha Baduge et al. 2018).
Dysfunctional and unhealthy coping strategies Concerning previous epidemics (H1N1 influ-
such as the use of tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs, enza), a study in Toronto succeeded to enhance
or excessive amounts of prescription drugs the self-efficacy and other factors of resilience
should be avoided (National Center for  PTSD and preparedness of healthcare workers with an
2020; Petzold et  al. 2020d; WHO 2020b). intervention (from 35% of the staff feeling able to
Especially concerning the high proportion of cope with influenza before the training to 76%
health professionals who tend to use dysfunc- afterward) (Aiello et al. 2011). A similar program
tional strategies to cope with potential traumatiz- could be envisaged for COVID-19.
ing events, it becomes even more important to
emphasize this aspect and to enhance the usage
of adaptive coping strategies (Strametz et  al. 41.4.5 Acceptance of Negative
2020). Emotions

It appears to be of great importance that health

41.4.3 Restriction of Worrying Media professionals accept their negative emotions like
Coverage fear, sadness, or anger and attribute them as a
normal reaction to an extraordinary situation
Rest times should be used for recovering and rather than trying to suppress them (Petzold et al.
getting some distance from the omnipresent 2020d; WHO 2020b). Avoidance of negative
topic of COVID-19 (WHO 2020b). Keeping emotions and the use of coping strategies based
oneself informed in regular intervals is impor- on avoidance rather than the problem or
tant, but, for example, excessive consumption of emotional-­based coping have shown to be associ-
media and especially the confrontation with mis- ated with adverse long-term consequences in
information and rumors is counterproductive for health workers (Edwards et  al. 2002; Sim et  al.
mental health (Ullah and Amin 2020; WHO 2004). Furthermore, specific fear regarding infec-
2020b). tious diseases might increase when health work-
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 749

ers are trying to suppress negative emotions essential for health professionals to engage in
instead of accepting them. A longitudinal study self-care and attach great importance to the ful-
during the Zika outbreak in the USA in 2016 fillment of their own basic needs, especially in
from Dillard et al. (2018) showed in a sample of times with increased workload, psychological
561 women in the USA that the suppression of distress, and reduced continuity (WHO 2020b).
fear might contribute to a future increase in fear, Self-care reducing thoughts like: “It would be
which might constitute a self-reinforcing vicious selfish to take time to rest” or “The needs of sur-
cycle of fear and suppression (Fig. 41.2). vivors are more important than the needs of
helpers” should be avoided (National Center
for PTSD 2020).
41.4.6 Self-Concept of Health
Professionals in the Pandemic
41.4.7 Social Support
The COVID-19 pandemic might result in psy-
chological distress and negative emotions like Social support can occur on different levels, for
helplessness, sadness, or anger, which in turn example, family members, friends, colleagues,
might lead to cognitive dissonance in the self-­ supervisors, as well as the society, in general, can
concept of the health professionals. Health pro- deploy social support (Petzold et  al. 2020c).
fessionals might have a strong perception of Social support through family and friends was
themselves as a helper, being mentally stable, found to be of great help to cope with the strains
and having solutions for the problems of other and challenges of the pandemic (Su et al. 2007;
people. In the current circumstances, feelings of Xiao et  al. 2020). In a cross-sectional observa-
helplessness, being overwhelmed, or the wish tional study with medical staff treating patients
for being helped might arise. This might lead with COVID-19 infection by Xiao et  al. (Xiao
health professionals to question their self-con- et al. 2020), the amount of social support was sig-
cept as a health professional and results in psy- nificantly positively associated with the levels of
chological distress and reduced self-confidence self-efficacy and sleep quality and negatively
(Petzold et al. 2020a). In this regard, it seems to associated with anxiety and distress. In qualita-
be of utmost importance for health professionals tive interviews, contact with family members via
to understand that feelings of stress and other video chat or telephone was named as an efficient
negative emotions are not a reflection of a lack coping strategy (Cao et al. 2020). Conversations
of competence concerning the fulfillment of with colleagues were also reported to be helpful
their duties (IASC 2020). In this regard, it is (Cao et al. 2020). These findings are in line with

Fig. 41.2 Self-
reinforcing vicious cycle
of fear and suppression
750 A. Bendau et al.

previous research, which underpins the protec- sionals in this context might, therefore, be of
tive role of social support (Mo et al. 2020). central importance, as these factors were shown
Thus, it is vital to mobilize and strengthen the to be associated with reduced stigma and
social support system of health professionals and increased mental health, e.g., in firefighters
to animate them to use it actively (Mo et  al. exposed to traumatic events (Carpenter et  al.
2020). In terms of work schedules, enough time 2020).
should be provided for healthcare workers to stay Psychological crisis interventions inside orga-
in contact with their families and friends, espe- nizational institutions (e.g., psychological
cially via telephone and web-based communica- response teams in the hospital’s units) should be
tion during isolation (Mo et  al. 2020; Petzold provided to health professionals (Chung and
et al. 2020c). Yeung 2020) as well as the access to outside psy-
Furthermore, the broader society should try to chological or psychosocial support opportunities
support health professionals. For example, com- (IASC 2020). Furthermore, in this context, ano-
munity staff may assist the healthcare workers in nym and easily accessible psychological support
terms of childcare services or the completion of via apps, chat, or telephone hotlines seems to be
everyday tasks (Wu et  al. 2020a). Furthermore, a promising option (Bao et  al. 2020; Cao et  al.
society might be able to provide support through 2020; Chung and Yeung 2020). For example,
showing appreciation for the work of health pro- only a relatively small amount of healthcare
fessionals and through following rules and rec- workers in Wuhan participated in counseling or
ommendations to contain the spreading of the psychotherapy (18%), but half of the staff had
virus and to prevent an overburdening of the accessed online psychological resources (e.g.,
healthcare system (Kang et  al. 2020a; WHO regarding mental health self-help strategies)
2020b). (Kang et al. 2020b).

41.4.8 Seeking Professional Support 41.4.9 Continuity and Sense

of Coherence
As health professionals are very likely to experi-
ence psychological distress in connection with Previous research on disaster management resil-
their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, it ience and the coping of individuals with psycho-
seems to be of particular importance for them to logical distress argues that the concept of
seek social and professional support when needed continuity plays an important role in maintaining
(IASC 2020; Petzold et al. 2020d; WHO 2020b). mental health (Omer and Alon 1994). The per-
It might be especially difficult for health profes- ception of meaningful continuity includes several
sionals as there is still stigmatization toward aspects in the life of a person which seem stable
mental health problems in health professionals and predictable for the individual, for example,
(Horsfall et  al. 2010; Thornicroft et  al. 2007). functional continuity (the conception of being
Since stigmatization toward mental health prob- able to maintain routines in one’s daily life) or
lems can prevent individuals from seeking sup- social continuity (stability in social relationships
port (Clement et al. 2015; Pothiawala 2020), this and social roles) (Lahad and Rogel 2004). The
might hinder health professionals from seeking concept of continuity is somewhat related to the
support from their colleagues, supervisors, or concept of sense of coherence (Antonovsky
professional treatment, when needed. Therefore, 1987). A sense of coherence means the ability of
the normalization of the emotional responses in an individual to “make sense of the world”
health professionals during the COVID-19 pan- (Antonovsky 1987). The current COVID-19 pan-
demic plays an essential role in this context as demic has the potential to reduce the sense of
well (Petzold et  al. 2020d). Fostering self-­ coherence in health professionals due to the rap-
acceptance and self-forgiving in health profes- idly changing situation with a lack of scientific
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 751

evidence regarding the virus, its treatment, and sense of control (Maunder et  al. 2003; Petzold
the consequences for the health professionals. It et al. 2020d; WHO 2020b).
also might disrupt the perception of continuity,
for example, through changing teams and roles,
reduced social contacts, and changes in the work 41.4.11 Institutional Support
environment. It might result in psychological dis-
tress among health professionals. Therefore, Besides the already mentioned contributions of
approaches to foster a sense of coherence and institutions and team leaders in health facilities,
perception of continuity among health profes- leadership should continuously keep an eye on
sionals might play a vital role in strengthening the mental distress of health professionals. They
their resilience and coping with the pandemic should create an atmosphere in which they can
situation. In this context, fostering information communicate about experienced psychological
and communication on the current scientific evi- strain (Adams and Walls 2020; WHO 2020b).
dence (to enhance a sense of coherence) and Enabling collegial support and reciprocal com-
focusing on maintaining or re-establishing as munication opportunities are necessary for this
much predictability in the everyday work of context as well as providing access to mental
health professionals as possible (to strengthen the health and psychosocial support services
perception of continuity) might be a promising (Greenberg et  al. 2020; Greenberg et  al. 2015;
approach to help them cope with the situation. Lee et al. 2005; WHO 2020b). It is essential to
prevent the stigmatization of psychological sup-
port and to emphasize the experience of psycho-
41.4.10 Preparedness logical strain as a mostly normal reaction to the
high and adverse demands of the COVID-19 pan-
As a lack of preparedness seems to be a factor of demic (International Federation of Red Cross and
risk and a reason for strain, there should be orga- Red Crescent Societies 2020). Stress and psycho-
nizational effort to provide sufficient formal and logical strain should be taken seriously, and pro-
informal training (Mak et  al. 2009; National tecting health professionals from these strains
Center for PTSD 2020; Olesen et al. 2020; Rubin should be given high priority (Petzold et  al.
et al. 2016), for example, on specific details about 2020d).
the virus, its transmission, the use of protective Moreover, leaders should be role-models for
equipment, and ethical decision-making, e.g., self-care and should emphasize the importance of
regarding surge capacity issues (Greenberg et al. self-care strategies to mitigate stress (Adams and
2020; National Center for PTSD 2020). Walls 2020; WHO 2020b). They have much
Moreover, sufficient protective equipment responsibility and are also subject to multiple
should be provided to reduce the objective infec- stressors due to the pandemic and should, there-
tion risk of the healthcare workers as well as the fore, pay attention to their own mental well-being
subjective risk perception and the associated psy- and adequate dealing with stress (Petzold et  al.
chological strain (Gee and Skovdal 2017; 2020d).
National Center for PTSD 2020; Zhu et  al. Besides the desirable strive of health profes-
2020b). For example, a SARS prevention pro- sionals to use somewhat functional strategies, the
gram in Taiwan succeeded in reducing symptoms organizational institutions on the macro-level
of anxiety, depression, and insomnia in nursery may be able to facilitate this. As enhanced orga-
staff by providing a higher preparedness (Chen nizational support and sufficient and trustworthy
et al. 2006). safety equipment predicted lower levels of dys-
Accurate information updates about all rele- functional coping strategies such as avoidance
vant aspects and precise and unambiguous com- behavior, emotional exhaustion, and excessive
munication should be provided to all staff to anger in a previous SARS outbreak, addressing
avoid worries due to uncertainties and to create a these issues on the institutional level seems to be
752 A. Bendau et al.

of importance (Marjanovic et  al. 2007; Phua 41.5 Conclusion

et al. 2005).
In a study in China, a heavy workload was To sum up, health professionals have to face mul-
named as the main reason for psychological tiple stressors on general and profession-specific
strain due to the pandemic, and doctors and nurs- levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic. High pro-
ery staff sought additional staff to reduce their portions of healthcare workers reported acute
overburdening workload (Cao et  al. 2020). symptoms of anxiety, depression, high psycho-
Therefore, organizational and governmental logical stress, and insomnia in the context of the
institutions should try to identify additional pandemic. Studies of the long-term consequences
workforce capacity to reduce the workload by are lacking, but a transient trend can be expected
distributing it on more individuals (WHO 2020a). for most healthcare workers. Several coping
Transparent allocation of roles and tasks should strategies and self-care on an individual level,
be ensured and regularly adapted to changing cir- interventions on an institutional level such as
cumstances (Petzold et al. 2020d). For example, specific training and institutional support, as well
nursery staff in a study in China reported various as social support and psychological support seem
and unclear duties as a stressor and sought for a to be of help to mitigate mental strain.
more specified task division (Cao et al. 2020). The generalizability of the results has some
Team leaders and healthcare institutions, in limitations. For example, a limitation can be
general, should convey appreciation for the inferred from the fact that the majority of studies
exceptional and important performance of health regarding the mental health of health profession-
professionals during the pandemic, as this can als rely on observational cross-sectional data,
play an essential protective role concerning men- which does not allow any causal conclusions.
tal health in times of crisis (International Especially the frequent lack (or only retrospec-
Federation of Red Cross and Red tive collection) of data before the outbreak of
Crescent  Societies 2020; Khalid et  al. 2016; COVID-19 and the lack of adequate control
Petzold et al. 2020d; Wong et al. 2012; Wu et al. groups reduce generalizability. Moreover, not all
2020a). studies provide sufficient sample sizes for reli-
Especially healthcare workers with an ele- able interpretations, and most studies rely on data
vated risk for psychological strain should be in gained from self-report questionnaires, an
the focus of attention for interventions to reduce approach that bears an additional risk for bias.
strain (Adams and Walls 2020; Huang et al. 2020; Because the healthcare systems and the expo-
Lai et  al. 2020), but all health professionals sure/affectedness with COVID-19 and the gov-
should be taken into account (WHO 2020b). ernmental measures differ remarkably from
Keeping all staff protected from elevated mental country to country, it is essential to keep in mind
health burden and chronic stress to the highest that the universal generalization of findings of
degree possible will maintain and enhance their national studies is limited. Moreover, there is
capacity to fulfill their roles (WHO 2020b). In only a low number of studies on this topic in gen-
this context, one should not forget that the eral and also a particular lack of studies regarding
COVID-19 pandemic and the related exceptional ambulatory health professionals in the pandemic
demands for the healthcare systems worldwide (Bohlken et al. 2020). Moreover, in general, more
will not disappear overnight, and governments generalizable, reliable, and longitudinal studies
and societies should focus more on long-term are required in the future to assess the conse-
solutions for upholding a sufficient occupational quences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the men-
capacity than concentrating on minor, short-term tal health of health professionals more reliably
responses to the crisis (WHO 2020b). and comprehensively.
41  Mental Health in Health Professionals in the COVID-19 Pandemic 753

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Treatment of Patients with Mental
Illness Amid A Global COVID-19 42

Ankit Jain, Kamal Kant Sahu, and Paroma Mitra

Abstract vent or minimize the catastrophe like

post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emo-
A newly discovered coronavirus called severe tional trauma, and suicides. In this context, the
acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 role of psychiatrists, psychotherapists, and
(SARS-CoV-2) has caused the ongoing pan- other mental healthcare providers is
demic of coronavirus disease 2019 indispensable.
(COVID-­ 19), which is not only physically
challenging but also has many subtle and overt Keywords
mental impacts. The concern of being infected,
lack of antiviral agents, preventive strategies Coronavirus · COVID-19 · Mental health ·
of social distancing, and home isolation have Mental illness · Personality · Psychiatry
created unrest in the society. The way of react-
ing to emergencies varies from individual to
individual, and that this variability lies in our
unique personality traits. The COVID-19 pan- 42.1 Introduction
demic is testing the mental stability of all of
us, and hence it is crucial to recognize the vul- Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has posed
nerable population and support them to pre- challenges to global citizens and significantly
affected their normal functioning (Sahu et  al.
2020h). As of May 30, 2020, there are 6,102,522
A. Jain confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 369,127 deaths
Department of Psychiatry, Penn State College of (Sahu et al. 2020j). COVID crisis affects various
Medicine, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center,
Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA aspects of normal life, including physical, social,
economic, and mental wellbeing (Sahu et  al.
K. K. Sahu (*)
Department of Medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital, 2020g; Shigemura et al. 2020).
Worcester, MA, USA Individual, national, and global efforts are
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group underway to minimize the influence (Sohrabi
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and et al. 2020). Economic packages, volunteer ser-
Research Network (USERN), Worcester, MA, USA vices, tax rebates, and relaxation in formal
P. Mitra schooling are only a few examples among the
Department of Psychiatry, Bellevue Hospital Center, many measures being implemented by various
New York University School of Medicine,
federal governments and national agencies. At an
New York, NY, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 759
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
760 A. Jain et al.

individual level, staying at home, maintaining disorders. It leads to a multidimensional health

social distancing, isolation, distance learning, hazard, increased mortality, and economic bur-
and virtual meetings are components of a new den (Sahu et al. 2019; Sahu et al. 2020p).
healthy lifestyle. The current pandemic has impacted pre-­
Almost all nations, international agencies, and existing mental health symptoms in many ways.
non-government organizations are endorsing the A more noticeable effect of the COVID-19 pan-
lifestyle mentioned above to mitigate community demic and country-wide lockdown would be the
transmission (Sahu et al. 2020g). However, there new onset of anxiety and to cause exacerbation of
is an urgent need to study the negative effect of symptoms in diagnosed cases. Any naïve flu-like
the COVID-19 preventive/isolation practices on symptom increases anxiety, and under present
our mental health (Dong and Bouey 2020). circumstances, it is expected that COVID-19
Isolation, social withdrawal, and lack of physical would have a more severe impact. Patients with
contact have made people vulnerable to an emo- obsessive-compulsive disorder, especially those
tional breakdown, which has been particularly who have checking, hoarding, and washing com-
challenging for individuals with known mental pulsion, are at a higher risk. Advice on improving
health conditions. This chapter provides an over- personal hygiene measures could potentially
view of changes to the delivery of mental health exaggerate the obsessions and compulsions for
services with a focus on services in the United frequent washing practices. Another challenge is
States during the COVID-19 pandemic. that as many countries are in various phases of
lockdown, many patients might route to panic
buying and unwarranted hoarding of essential
42.2 Background items. Some patients with special needs might
struggle with the specific diet which they are pre-
According to the National Alliance on Mental scribed by the specialists and nutritionists (Gibbs
Illness (NAMI), 1 out of 5 adults in the United et  al. 2020). About the individuals with major
States is assumed to suffer from some form of depressive disorder (MDD), the practices of
mental illness in their lifetime. Moreover, about social distancing and isolation are a disruption in
1  in 25 adults in the United States experiences the daily routine. They thereby can provoke
serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, stress, with a vicious worsening of symptoms
bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders related to depression, anxiety, and sleep depriva-
(Becker et  al. 2019). Mental illness costs the tion (Dong and Bouey 2020). Patients during
United States about 190 billion in lost earnings their peak of stress and anxiety can even take
every year. About 90% of people who died by extreme steps of attempts to commit suicide
suicide have an underlying mental illness. Suicide (Goyal et al. 2020).
is considered one of the leading causes of death There has been limited data on psychosocial
in the United States. Similar problems do exist in factors that impact mood and anxiety. However, a
developing countries, but we lack a good insight small study from Iran showed that the inability to
into the grieve situation due to the lack of a sound join work, dwindling finances, and the long-term
reporting system (Slewa-Younan et  al. 2020). impact on the economy are likely to affect new
The ongoing pandemic has different challenges and pre-existing common mental health disorders
for nationals from different countries (Sahu et al. (Zandifar and Badrfam 2020).
2020l). Quarantine can precipitate feelings of fear,
Studies have shown that approximately one-­ anger, anxiety, and panic about the worst possible
fourth of homeless adults living have a mental outcomes of boredom, loneliness, and guilt about
illness, and approximately another one-fourth of not being able to do anything worthwhile for the
incarcerated individuals have a background his- family and community. Having a history of diag-
tory of mental illness. About 10.2 million US nosed mental illness is a significant risk factor,
adults have both substance use and mental health and all these issues generated out of isolation
42  Treatment of Patients with Mental Illness Amid A Global COVID-19 Pandemic 761

practices can spark symptoms with renewed services, outpatient services, and emergency
severity, and even suicidal thoughts and attempts. ­services. As of May 30, 2020, 105,521 deaths
In some cases, anxiety can be so overwhelming have been recorded across the United States.
that it can cause paranoia and nihilistic delusions The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has
(Brooks et al. 2020). Patients with mental illness an impact on access, delivery, and quality of
have their own needs. They come importantly care. Even legal guidelines and confidentiality
with chronic physical conditions and have rules have been sidestepped to deliver care in a
decreased life expectancy (Walker et al. 2015). different environment. The delivery of psychi-
The other important note is that patients with atric care has transformed depending on the
mental illness have higher incidences of cardiac setting the psychiatric physician is working.
disease, respiratory disease, and obesity – comor- The American Psychiatric Association has
bidities, which are known to increase susceptibil- issued national COVID-19 practice guidance
ity to COVID-19 and related adverse outcomes. to help physicians understand the many
In particular, persons with schizophrenia have a changes in the delivery of care. In outpatient
shortened life span secondary to chronic medical settings, usually, most patients are seen face to
factors. Pregnant women with or without mental face in the offices weekly, biweekly, monthly,
disorders are also likely to be affected for fear of bi-monthly, or once in 3 months. In the United
possible maternal-fetal transmission of disease, States, there are dedicated psychiatric emer-
risk of infection to the newborn, and concerns gency rooms, separate from medical emer-
over breastfeeding (Janssen et  al. 2015; Sahu gency rooms such as CPEP (Comprehensive
et  al. 2020d, i; k; Egloff et  al. 2020; Jha et  al. Psychiatric Emergency Program) and PES
2018). (Psychiatric Emergency Services) units. In
More important characteristics include chal- these dedicated psychiatric emergency rooms,
lenges not only from a physical health perspec- patients are triaged and assessed, and disposi-
tive but also from a socioeconomic perspective. tion to self-care, extended observation rooms,
In the United States, there is an increased inci- or inpatient psychiatry unit is done depending
dence of homelessness and limited access to care upon the assessment and clinical state of the
and resources within this population (Sahu and patient. These services have transitioned to the
Kumar 2020a). Similarly, the current pandemic use of telehealth, which will be described in
has exposed the health disparities and inequities individual sections below.
among the African American and Latino individ- During the COVID-19 pandemic, psychiatric
uals. For instance, in Chicago, rates of COVID-­19 physicians in these settings are providing care
cases per 100,000 (as of May 30, 2020) are high- through a variety of modalities, including using a
est among Latino (2064.1), followed by African telephone or video camera, or in-person with per-
American/black (1326.0) as compared to white sonal protective equipment (PPE). At many hos-
(568.2) residents. A higher prevalence of certain pitals, patients considered for inpatient
diseases in African Americans (e.g., sickle cell psychiatric admission are now also subjected to
disease) further increases the COVID-19 severity rapid testing to determine COVID-19 status.
(Sahu et  al. 2020o). These factors increase the COVID-19-positive and COVID-19-negative
risk of contracting COVID-19 and limits seeking inpatient units have since been established.
care when unwell (Fazel et al. 2008). Visitors for patients have been asked to refrain
Patients with mental illness are also at risk of from personal meetings to avoid the risk of spread
being non-compliant with their medications, across most emergency rooms. The role of tele-
which leads to uncontrolled medical illness and, medicine has increasingly been recognized in
therefore, more complications (Dolder et  al. immunocompromised individuals like patients
2003; Mishra et al. 2020b, d). with cancer and transplant recipients who are
Psychiatric care is delivered in many ways advised to avoid unnecessary hospital visits
in the United States. These include inpatient (Sahu et al. 2020a, b, c, n; Jindal et al. 2020).
762 A. Jain et al.

Psychiatry Consultation Service, which was 2020). Some psychiatric patients have difficulty
formerly called Psychosomatic Medicine managing personal hygiene, increasing the risk
Services, attends to consultation calls from non-­ of contracting the virus. In general, the psychiat-
psychiatric departments like medicine, surgery, ric staff is not trained in infectious disease proto-
hematology, radiology, transfusion medicine, cols, putting these employees at higher risk than
obstetrics and gynecology, physical rehabilita- other hospital employees.
tion, and medicine, on an inpatient basis (Sahu The pandemic of COVID-19 has affected the
et al. 2020f; Sahu and Siddiqui 2020; Sahu and delivery of psychiatric care across the world,
Cerny 2020). When a consult is generated by the including China and Italy, among others. In
departments mentioned above, the psychiatry China, the challenges that the disease presents to
consultation-liaison team evaluates the patient in the psychiatric services were issued by the gov-
person and provides recommendations to the pri- ernment of the People’s Republic of China for
mary team. In several hospital systems, espe- strengthening the management of treatment of
cially with large hospital systems, in psychiatric patients with severe mental disorders during the
consultation service, a hybrid model has been outbreak of COVID-19 (Cui et al. 2020).
implemented, utilizing available resources, triag- Italy is one of the countries badly hit by the
ing, and deciding whether a patient is seen in per- pandemic with widespread casualties (Sahu and
son, via telephone, or video. In many hospitals, Kumar 2020b; Day 2020). Lombardy region in
consultations are conducted remotely in another Italy, which has one of the most extensive psychi-
location. atric services in Lombardy, has described the
Child Psychiatry is a subdivision of the psy- changes to their system and distancing guidelines
chiatry department where patients of age less while treating patients with mental illness (Sahu
than 18 are provided care in inpatient, outpatient, et al. 2020e; Percudani et al. 2020).
day programs, partial hospitalization, and sub- Given the recent outbreak of the pandemic,
stance use programs. These services have also there are few studies on the incidence of an ongo-
changed in the context of the current pandemic. ing pandemic on persons with mental illness,
Addiction services in the United States especially in the closed facility, which is akin to a
encompass both inpatient and outpatient services cluster. A study in Wuhan showed about 40
and services in the community. Inpatient services patients being infected initially, which increased
involve detoxification services from substances to more than 300 patients in 2  weeks (Li et  al.
such as alcohol, opiates, and benzodiazepines. 2020).
There are drug rehabilitation services of both The pandemic has disrupted the training of
short term and long term, which are utilized by psychiatry residents and medical students.
patients in maintenance treatment. Other services Residents and medical students often perform a
include community programs for methadone vital part in the treatment and care of patients
maintenance, buprenorphine clinics, and dual with mental illness. Psychiatric residents and
mental health and addiction clinics. Community-­ other rotators in medicine have been deployed to
based services also include alcoholics anony- medicine services disrupting services in mental
mous (AA) groups and narcotics addiction (NA) health (Bojdani et  al. 2020). Major educational
groups. conferences have been canceled and postponed
Across all these settings, substantial concerns (Asmundson and Taylor 2020).
have appeared about the availability and use of
proper PPE. These worries can evolve into fears
and anxieties about falling sick, spreading the 42.3 Mental Health and COVID-19
virus to loved ones, and dying. On psychiatric
units, there can be the fear that PPE “is not Databases in Pubmed, OVID, PsycInfo, and APA
patient-friendly,” and also, it is a challenge to get (American Psychiatric Association) were
psychotic patients to wear masks (Bojdani et al. searched. Specific terms such as “COVID-19,”
42  Treatment of Patients with Mental Illness Amid A Global COVID-19 Pandemic 763

“coronavirus,” and “mental health,” “psychiatry,” given their limitations, as described above, lead-
and “addiction” were used. The search yielded ing to non-compliance with medications. It often
494 results, including 29 systematic reviews, and leads to exacerbation of an illness and hence
out of these 5 related to non-psychiatric issues. In patients are brought into the emergency room. An
addition to the information collected from the interesting phenomenon is now the formation of
relevant systematic reviews, the knowledge of delusions around COVID-19 – including grandi-
clinicians working through the current pandemic ose delusions: an example being “the cure for
is applied to the narrative synthesis below. coronavirus” or persecutory delusions such as
“the FBI caused coronavirus and are tracking
42.3.1 Impact of COVID-19 Another phenomenon with persons with
on Emergency Room Services depressive and anxiety disorders is social isola-
tion, which leads to further anhedonia and mood
When one talks about emergency room services dysregulation. Emergency rooms report increased
in psychiatry, there are several scenarios under cases of suicidal thoughts among persons with
which these occur. These situations include when pre-existing mood disorders (Kawohl and Nordt
persons are deemed at risk to selves or others or 2020).
with poor self-care. Sometimes patients walk into COVID-19 pandemic has changed the deliv-
services themselves, but often, family members ery of care in the emergency rooms, especially
bring patients in asking for services. In states like with providers using PPE.  In the world of psy-
New York, patients may be brought in for emer- chiatry, it has affected the dynamic of establish-
gent services by the authority if deemed to be ing a rapport with a patient tremendously. In
unfit to care for themselves (Sullivan and Rivera behavioral emergencies where a patient is ver-
2000). bally or physically aggressive, the most effective
Often patients brought into the emergency way to assist a patient is the use of verbal de-­
room services are persons with severe mental ill- escalation. It has been relatively challenging with
ness, and as discussed in the background above, providers, and patients might be unable to con-
the current COVID 19 crisis has impacted care nect with them. Another challenge in the emer-
more than ever. One of the critical factors is that gency room is working with COVID-19-positive
persons with severe mental illness are often patients and the treatment of their urgent psychi-
homeless (Folsom et al. 2005; Ayano et al. 2019). atric needs.
Homelessness within itself leads to several
issues, which include being unable to adequately
social distance, which is the critical measure to 42.3.2 Impact of COVID-19
lower the rate of infection. The other issue with on Inpatient Care
persons with mental illness is the ability to absorb
and process the necessary information required Providing care for patients in the inpatient psy-
for maintaining sanitary measures that would chiatric setting has become a challenge in the
prevent COVID-19 infections (Sheffield et  al. times when there are protocols in place to main-
2018). tain social distancing. During the COVID-19
These factors explain that persons with seri- pandemic, inpatient psychiatric units across the
ous mental illnesses who come into the emer- country have adapted to the change and faced
gency room suffer from different emergent numerous challenges like patients not adhering to
related conditions. Unfortunately, social distanc- the protocols, inadequate spacing or design of
ing measures have impacted the delivery of care units, and staff not adequately trained to follow
in the community, and persons with mental ill- protocols. Unsurprisingly, control measures in
ness often have limited resources, including inpatient units can be a daunting task, mainly
smartphones or the ability to access telehealth when treatment traditionally includes close con-
764 A. Jain et al.

tact, for example, frequent safety monitoring, novel coronavirus, but not medically ill enough
group therapy sessions, and eating meals together. to be hospitalized on an infectious disease unit.
Additionally, there are logistical factors to con- One challenge in providing this level of care is
sider, such as shared rooms and bathrooms and the difficult-to-predict course of infection. While
tables where food is shared (Li 2020). patients admitted to this unit are discussed with
Some protocols have been placed: (i) disease internal medicine colleagues, seen by internists
precautions (screening, re-screening, PPE, use of on the psychiatric floor and determined to be
designated clothing, cleaning of surfaces, and medically stable on admission, some patients
disinfection), (ii) restriction of visitors and mini- develop complications and require transfer to a
mization of non-essential contacts (e.g., medical medical unit. It is especially important to be con-
students, physician assistant students, observers, sidered in psychiatric facilities where access to
and psychology externs), (iii) physician work- emergent interventions, such as intubation, is
force rescheduling and considerations (creating limited, and patients must be brought by ambu-
back-up pools, job reassignment), (iv) opera- lance to the nearest medical facility. Another
tional adjustments (creating isolation rooms in challenge is disposition planning, particularly for
psychiatry inpatient units, tightening criteria for patients experiencing housing instability.
psychiatric admission), and (v) group therapy Programs, such as the much-needed partial hos-
changes (limiting the number of participants, uti- pitalizations or day hospitals, are mostly not
lizing physical distancing). It is also fundamen- available. There also may be challenges in engag-
tally important to have structured leadership, ing families to participate in discharge planning
clear communication, and involvement of all dis- for patients infected with the novel coronavirus
ciplines in decision making (Li 2020). due to fear.
Inpatient psychiatric units have faced unique Some inpatient psychiatry units have reduced
challenges in terms of exposure to other patients, their capacities to half to incorporate social dis-
staff, and visitors (Benson et  al. 2020). In the tancing measures. Group activities, including
usual time of functioning, patients share bed- various forms of nonpharmacological interven-
rooms with others in the inpatient psychiatry tions, including play, artwork, dancing, and group
unit, eat in a group in the dining room, and par- psychotherapy, are currently on hold in most
ticipate in various group activities like play ther- places to ensure that everyone is practicing social
apy, activity therapy, dance therapy, and group distancing measures. Team meetings involving
psychotherapy. Some inpatient units have imple- various disciplines to discuss the new admis-
mented no visitor policies and suspension of sions, daily progress, and planning disposition of
group activities. Akin to other countries, as dem- the patients are either conducted in tiny groups or
onstrated by China, some hospitals have enforced are being done over the phone or video confer-
the tightening of admission criteria, especially encing. Administrative hearings, retention hear-
for voluntary admissions for specific substance ings, and medication over objection hearings are
use disorders (Li 2020). Some hospitals have being done over video conferencing to continue
reduced the capacity of inpatient units to facili- the treatment for the patients.
tate social distancing norms, while others have The changes made above, though vital for
converted all shared rooms to single occupancy infection control purposes, have formed an inpa-
rooms. The policy now in most inpatient units is tient setting that is more detaching for both
to screen patients for COVID-19 and place them patients and clinicians. For example, a patient
in specific units after multiple calls were made with a major depressive episode who experiences
for the same by the psychiatric community. a striking decrease in appetite and difficulty get-
At various hospitals in New  York City and ting out of bed may benefit principally from
most parts of the United States, psychiatric units attending group meals and socializing with oth-
have opened to provide acute inpatient care for ers on the unit as forms of behavioral stimulation.
psychiatric patients presently infected with the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the inpatient
42  Treatment of Patients with Mental Illness Amid A Global COVID-19 Pandemic 765

environment so that it can prohibit this treatment. across state lines (Freeman 2020). Remote con-
Overall, the combination of less face to face sultation via telemedicine has been described in
interaction, decreased in-person programming, other countries, and community hospitals
restricted dining to in-room meals instead of throughout the United States and VA healthcare
shared dining, and the “no visitors policy” is systems like South Carolina and VA Boston have
likely contributing to a decrease in the efficacy of swiftly incorporated telehealth (Myers et  al.
a therapeutic milieu on the inpatient psychiatric 2020).
unit. There are also concerns about a pandemic of There are limited studies conducted on the
loneliness and social disconnection following the effectiveness of therapy using telehealth services.
resolution of the present pandemic. That may Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) via tele-
fuel an uptick in psychiatric hospitalizations in health has been studied in older persons and
the coming months. found to be effective (Lichstein et al. 2013).

42.3.3 Impact of COVID-19 42.3.4 Impact of COVID-19

on Outpatient Care on Addiction Services

In the outpatient world of psychiatry, care is In the world of addiction, access to substances
delivered in many settings, including traditional has decreased significantly due to ongoing social
community clinics, intensive outpatient clinics, distancing measures and restrictions to pubs, res-
day treatment programs, and community teams. taurants, and gatherings. It has led to isolation,
In each of the settings, the delivery of service which exacerbates other symptoms like mood
works on personal interaction between providers and anxiety. If there is increased use of sub-
and patients. In most intensive outpatient pro- stances in isolation, this may lead to severe with-
grams and day treatment programs, persons with drawal symptoms like delirium tremens, which is
mental illness often stay all day and attend vari- a life-threatening condition where patients often
ous groups. Day programs often point to the find themselves in intensive care units if left
essential backbone of treatment where persons untreated (Kar et al. 2020). The delivery of ser-
with mental illness remain socially connected to vices for addiction psychiatry is on a multi-model
both their peers and treatment. It has been dis- structure. Addiction services comprise inpatient
rupted in the recent pandemic where telehealth detoxification and rehabilitation services and out-
has become the norm. Evidence has shown that patient treatment programs. Patients suffering
telehealth is an effective way of treating persons from substance use disorder might struggle dur-
with mental illness (Bashshur et al. 2016). ing this time period due to the non-availability of
Again, some of the limitations now include substance or medicines like methadone and sub-
persons with serious mental illness who have dif- oxone (Xiang et al. 2020).
ficulty in accessing software technology neces- Per the national institute of drug abuse, per-
sary for telehealth. Another downfall is the loss sons with substance use are at higher risk of
of social structure for persons with mental illness developing COVID-19 given that it attacks the
who often rely on programs for routine and care. respiratory system, and this aspect is of particular
COVID-19 has led to the expansion of tele- importance to people with opioid use and meth-
psychiatry, which had begun to burgeon. During amphetamine use. Many prominent substance
this pandemic, to improve access to care and use associations such as the Substance Abuse and
reduce transmission risk by in-person visits, the Mental Health Services Administration
US government temporarily waived numerous (SAMHSA) and the Drug Enforcement Agency
regulations around telehealth (Torous et al. 2020). (DEA) have been instrumental in issuing guide-
Monitoring barriers to telemedicine were also lines for continued treatment of those with an
relaxed to allow for various platforms to be used addiction disorder.
766 A. Jain et al.

Inpatient detox programs have remained func- demic, possibly bringing permanent changes to
tional for those in need, though provided with this service (Funk et al. 2020).
minimal staff and limited patients to manage Owing to nearly universal lack of adequate
social distancing. PPE in the healthcare facilities of the United
Most addiction services are served in the com- States, as well as inadequate testing for
munity. Addiction services are in many forms, COVID-­19, many C-L psychiatry services have
e.g., joint mental health and addiction services, implemented telepsychiatry routes, usually
stand-alone methadone programs, and day treat- reserved for under-resourced areas. Usually the
ment programs. The backbone of addiction ser- gold standard of consultation involves in-person
vices includes AA and NA. Most have transitioned evaluation of the patient; however, this crisis calls
to online groups and virtual meetings. Patients for the use of technology to decrease viral trans-
with addiction often are neglected during disas- mission. Guidelines from the Centers for Disease
ters and are at higher risk of relapse during this Control and Prevention recommend the use of
period without adequate monitoring and support. telemedicine when possible, the limit on the
Methadone programs that rely on testing their number of staff providing care to COVID-19
clients for illicit substance use and daily dosing patients, and the use of dedicated healthcare pro-
have now resorted to giving medications for the viders who care only for COVID-19 patients dur-
month and having virtual meetings. ing a shift (Sahu et  al. 2020a, e; Chang et  al.
Buprenorphine clinics have transitioned to vir- 2020).
tual settings, including the induction phase, Most hospitals in the United States are utiliz-
which is traditionally done in the clinic to moni- ing the hybrid model of patient care where the
tor clinical withdrawal. consults are usually answered by telepsychiatry-­
video conferencing interview and assessment of
the patient, review of chart, and contacting col-
42.3.5 Impact of COVID-19 lateral contacts through telephone unless an in-­
on Consultation-Liaison person patient interview is deemed necessary in a
Services few cases.
In one of the reports from psychiatry consult
Consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatrists stand at service in a large general hospital in the United
the junction of psychiatry and the rest of medi- States, there were 19 patients documented with
cine. C-L service, when at its peak, is a crucial delirium in the setting of COVID-19 as of May 1,
entity in the hospital. C-L team provides care for 2020. Some patients were admitted with confu-
extraordinarily sick patients based on physical sion and agitation as their presenting symptom in
examination findings, including a thorough neu- the absence of respiratory symptoms or other
rological as well as a psychiatric examination, signs of infection (Baller et al. n.d.). In addition
and manages conditions, such as hypoactive or to significant agitation and attentional impair-
hyperactive delirium, catatonia, and severe alco- ment, exams were notable in varying degrees for
hol withdrawal, which require frequent visual myoclonus, rigidity, alogia, and abulia (Beach
assessments (De Giorgio et al. 2015). et al. 2020). Some of the treatment recommenda-
As of April 9, 2020, over 9000 healthcare tions are based on anecdotal observations that
workers in the United States have been confirmed some patients with COVID-19 and delirium
to have COVID-19, with at least 27 confirmed appear to have increased rates of myoclonus,
deaths (Characteristics of Health Care Personnel rigidity, alogia, and abulia, suggesting a dopa-
with COVID-19  - United States, February 12– mine depletion state or catatonia-spectrum condi-
April 9, 2020 2020). Because of the risk of sus- tion. When there are no absolute contraindications
tained transmission of the virus causing to any class of medication, it has been recom-
COVID-19, like most medical specialties, C-L mended to preferentially use alpha-2 agonists
psychiatry is strained to adjust during the pan- and low-potency antipsychotics to manage
42  Treatment of Patients with Mental Illness Amid A Global COVID-19 Pandemic 767

behavioral disturbance. Universally a thoughtful, (Rowan and Laffey 2020). There is increasing
individualized, step-based approach to manage- data that adequate PPE prevents cross-infection
ment is vital to the management of delirium asso- between patients. Specifically, for mental health
ciated with COVID-19 while keeping in mind professionals in the inpatient setting, there are
whether there is pre-existing mental health or ongoing concerns about being part of a “cluster
neurological diagnosis (Rogers et  al. 2020). A contagion.” Another concern has been ethical
recent review has described the initial picture of concerns around psychiatric inpatients who con-
delirium in patients with COVID-19, which is tract COVID-19 and wish to be released into the
similar to that in patients with SARS (severe community without concern for maintaining ade-
acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle quate social distancing measures. Finally, health-
East respiratory syndrome). It might be presented care professionals, like others in the country, are
with a variety of symptoms, including agitation, plagued by financial downfall.
confusion, and to a lesser extent, psychosis and
mania like euphoria and psychomotor agitation.
Also, long-lasting effects mainly include depres- 42.4 Discussion
sion and post-traumatic stress disorder (Rogers
et al. 2020). The current COVID-19 pandemic has brought
about several changes to the delivery of health-
care in the United States (Sahu et  al. 2020m).
42.3.6 Impacts of COVID-19 Individuals with a known psychiatric disorder are
on Healthcare Professionals incredibly prone to disease and related conse-
quences. Many social factors play a role in this
Healthcare workers are exposed to mental chal- context, including homelessness, chronic medi-
lenges during the current pandemic. There could cal issues, and lack of access to care and also the
be multiple reasons which can cause a healthcare increased prevalence of diabetes, hypertension,
provider prone to an emotional breakdown, and cigarette smoking, which are of known risk
including the worsening situation with each pass- factors for COVID-19 (Dickerson et  al. 2013;
ing day, fear of being infected, and subsequently, Mishra et al. 2020a).
other family members, prolonged shifts, witness- On the positive side, however, systems have
ing critically ill patients in the intensive care unit, shown that they can gradually move to telehealth
and the frustration of not being able to save lives and work with patients with some amount of
(Wu et al. 2020). The majority of the studies have effectiveness. Also, many hospital systems have
been reported from China, and similar trends worked with providers and patients to provide
seem to be present in the United States as declared PPE and come up with innovative methods to
by the healthcare providers. The development of work on anxiety management. To cope with
mental issues has also been noted to have a socio-­ COVID-19-related stress, the World Health
demographic graphic variability with younger Organization has issued guidelines and adviso-
aged females (< 30  years) being at the highest ries, which apply to outpatient services. Many
risk (Lai et al. 2020; Liang et al. 2020). Cai et al. studies published recently have received criti-
reported middle-aged medical workers (31– cism worldwide for lacking authenticity. Hence,
40 years) to be worrying about the family mem- it is also essential to recognize the importance of
bers having the risk of getting cross-infection. educating our patients about the right source of
The study also showed that health workers authentic information (Rzymski et al. 2020).
>50 years expressed the death of the patients as A substantial downside is the increase of men-
the primary cause of their stress (Cai et al. 2020). tal health symptoms in both people with and
Healthcare professionals are also subjected to without previous mental illness. There has con-
concerns that they may not have adequate PPE, tinued to be an increased need for behavioral
which is instrumental in preventing infection health services. Symptoms such as anxiety due to
768 A. Jain et al.

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A Shift in Medical Education
During the COVID-19 Pandemic 43
Farida Nentin, Nagaraj Gabbur, and Adi Katz

Abstract viders. Additionally, the pandemic has

disrupted medical education, both at the
The  COVID-19 pandemic has abruptly undergraduate and at the graduate levels, and
affected every aspect of people’s daily lives according to many predictions, its effects may
worldwide. Just like every other area, the forever transform the ways medical education
medical field has been dramatically impacted is delivered. In this chapter, we are exploring
by the need to care for a large number of the history of medical education, describe
patients while at the same time protecting changes in medical education experienced
staff, patients, and their families. Changes in during the COVID-19 pandemic, and predict
the wake of the pandemic called for the prompt some of the considerations worth taking into
and extensive rechanneling and re-­organization account when envisioning the future of medi-
of resources. The pandemic has opened chal- cal education.
lenges and concerns for patient safety, starting
with the early recognition that individuals, Keywords
including medical staff, may spread the virus
during the asymptomatic phase. Many health- COVID-19 · Education · Pandemic
care facilities faced resource-limited settings,
including challenges in the availability of per-
sonal protective equipment for healthcare pro-
43.1 Introduction
F. Nentin
Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by the novel
Reproductive Science, Icahn School of Medicine at SARS-CoV-2 (Arun Krishnan et  al. 2020), has
Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA abruptly affected virtually every aspect of peo-
N. Gabbur ple’s daily lives on a global scale. The medical
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zucker field is one of the areas that was dramatically
School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, North
Shore University Hospital and Long Island Jewish impacted by the need to care for a large number
Medical Centers, Manhasset, NY, USA of patients while at the same time protecting
A. Katz (*) staff, patients, and their families. The changes in
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Zucker the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic opened the
School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell, Lenox Hill need to re-think the organization and allocation
Hospital, New York, NY, USA
of the available resources, while at the same time

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N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
774 F. Nentin et al.

providing practical and professional healthcare system. Between January 1909 and April 1910,
and ensuring the wellbeing of patients, healthcare Abraham Flexner, a high school principal sup-
providers, and families. Therefore, the COVID-­19 ported by the Carnegie Foundation, visited all
pandemic opened challenges in terms of the 155 medical colleges that were at the time in
delivery of healthcare and patient care and safety. operation across the United States and Canada.
The pandemic also created unprecedented and After visiting, he published in 1910 a report that
unpredictable challenges for medical education. was primarily addressed to the public, in which
Both undergraduate and graduate medical educa- he outlined how to reconstruct medical education
tion were profoundly impacted in several medical (Cooke et al. 2006; Mitka 2010). When assessing
fields and multiple countries (Chang et al. 2020; the medical schools, Flexner evaluated them as
Chatziralli et  al. 2020; Virarkar et  al. 2020; Go an educator, and not as a medical practitioner
and Rajasekaran 2020; Wang et al. 2020). (Duffy 2011). One of the findings of the report
Considering the impact of the pandemic on was a high number of substandard medical
medical education, and the relative scarcity of schools; many of them run for profit by private
knowledge in terms of the best approaches to physicians (Mitka 2010). Based on his report,
reshape and adapt educational resources to an medical schools were assigned to one of three
ongoing and  unpredictable public health emer- categories. The first group included medical
gency, we want to present the changes in medical schools that were compared with Johns Hopkins
education that our institution has adopted during University; the second group included schools
the pandemic. We hope that our experience will that were viewed as substandard, but possible to
complement the teachings that other medical be salvaged by providing financial assistance and
education programs and other institutions gained correcting shortcomings; and the third group
during these challenging times, and contribute to included medical schools that were thought to be
a framework that will be  most certainly of such poor quality, that their closure was rec-
needed during future healthcare crises. ommended (Duffy 2011).
One of the significant foundational principles
that the Flexner Report was built on is that medi-
43.2 T
 he History of Medical cal knowledge, as opposed to being static, con-
Education: Where Have tinually grows and evolves (Ludmerer 2011). The
We Been? report was particularly valuable for three reasons:
its very comprehensive nature, the emphasis on
In the nineteenth century, after the Civil War, a science in the practice of medicine, and its appeal
marked expansion of knowledge in medical sci- to the general public (Cooke et  al. 2006)
ences led to a revolution in the practice of medi- Additionally, the report also established the bio-
cine (Blaisdell 1988). Before  that time, there medical model of medical training as the gold
were no standardized requirements for medical standard (Duffy 2011). Flexner’s report was dis-
school admission or graduation, nor was there a approving of the traditional lecture-driven cur-
consistent curriculum. Students during those riculum and, instead, it promoted active learning
times were merely observers, passively learning through various hands-on methods, such as case
information and techniques. Lectures were given studies and bedside teaching. Flexner also sup-
to overcrowded classes, frequently with no clini- ported teaching students to become lifelong
cal experience or hands-on instruction. Students learners, using research and medical literature to
or apprentices went on to practice these skills that support their decision-making and supplement
they learned without questioning reason (Halperin their medical knowledge and skills. This concept,
et al. 2010; Ludmerer 2011). described in a 100-year-old report, is now one of
Accordingly, medical educators recognized a the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
critical need for reform in the medical education Education core competencies by which we mea-
43  A Shift in Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic 775

sure medical residents’ success: practice-based 43.3.1 Flipped Classrooms

learning and improvement.
The Flexner Report is considered iconic. It As part of the shift from the traditional, lecture-­
accelerated leaders in medical education to pur- based teaching methodology in medical educa-
sue a new mission and provide young doctors tion to approaches that involve more active
with the necessary tools to  help them mature participation from students, the flipped classroom
into problem-solvers and critical thinkers. Less (FC) model has received increasing attention
emphasis was  placed on the traditional peda- (Chen et al. 2017). The first FC experience was
gogy of the nineteenth century, and so began an reported in late 2012 and subsequently became
era marked with students as active participants, increasingly popular worldwide (Young et  al.
through clinical clerkships, small-group teach- 2014; Chen et  al. 2017) in both undergraduate
ing sessions, and self-directed education, rather and graduate education (Young et al. 2014). The
than moving through medical school as passive FC model offers educational materials and pro-
observers (Ludmerer 2011; Halperin et  al. vides knowledge independently before the class-
2010). room meeting (Kraut et  al. 2019). While in
traditional didactic methods content is delivered
synchronously in a classroom, and students may
43.3 T
 oday’s Medical Education: complete assignments at home, in FC the content
How Far Have We Come? is delivered at home, before the lecture, asyn-
chronously, and students can later work on
For most of the twentieth century, lectures have assignments in a classroom setting and receive
provided an efficient way for teachers to trans- support from an expert in the field (Young et al.
fer knowledge to learners. However, numerous 2014). If the asynchronous learning activity that
studies have shown that learners do not engage precedes the classroom meeting cannot be
or retain information with the traditional accomplished due to time constraints, the facili-
PowerPoint format as compared to active learn- tator can use 5 to 10  minutes of the session to
ing educational sessions. Educators are increas- review the educational materials for the class
ingly looking for ways to move away from the (Riddell et  al. 2017). Class sessions can then
podium and incorporate more active learning focus on simulation, case-based learning, or
into their curriculum. The techniques described small-group learning with an instructor who
below allow for a more interactive learning facilitates this process. This format allows learn-
experience. Improving the quality of educa- ers to apply their acquired knowledge in collabo-
tional programs in graduate medical education ration with peers while receiving immediate
requires the utilization of all instructional meth- feedback and guidance from teachers (Sait et al.
ods. Recognizing the benefits of the different 2017; Wray et  al. 2020). The FC approach was
educational techniques and utilizing various reported to significantly enhance student learning
options throughout an educational conference in health professions, as compared to the tradi-
may better convey educational content and tional teaching methods (Hew and Lo 2018).
increase retention. With time constraints, didac-
tic lectures are still the optimal way to commu-
nicate information to a broad audience. Active 43.3.2 Team-Based Learning
learning sessions, such as the flipped classroom,
team-based learning, small-group sessions, Team-based learning (TBL) was initially intro-
case-based learning, simulation, and role-play- duced for business courses and was later adopted
ing/standardized patients, are all tools used in by medical schools, for pre-clinical courses,
both undergraduate and graduate medical edu- internships, residency programs, and continuing
cation programs to enhance the educational medical education (Faezi et  al. 2018). TBL
experience. focuses on applying knowledge in a collaborative
776 F. Nentin et al.

environment, improves creative thinking, and subsequently became increasingly used in medi-
was shown to particularly benefit students with a cal education activities (Zhang et  al. 2015).
lower academic performance during their final Simulation can be used to teach learners new or
exams (Koles et al. 2005; Inuwa et al. 2012; Faezi challenging procedures. Simulation technolo-
et al. 2018). The seven core elements of TBL are gies, including task trainers, computer-based pro-
team formation, readiness assurance, immediate grams, and mannequins, serve as tools for
feedback,  sequencing of in-class problem-­ hands-on learning. These activities can be incor-
solving, team application exercises, incentive porated into education programs as small-group
structure, and peer evaluation (Farland et  al. sessions with a single station on a regular basis or
2013). Building on the flipped classroom model, as a simulation conference with multiple trainers.
this approach allows for further advancement in Learners can be taught at skills-based stations,
several Accreditation Council for Graduate while senior faculty or program leadership can
Medical Education core competencies, such as assist or observe the simulation, and this allows
medical knowledge, professionalism, and inter- them to assess the activities in addition to oppor-
personal and communication skills. A TBL ses- tunities to provide immediate and meaningful
sion has three segments: feedback. Interdisciplinary simulation drills have
been filmed for immediate debriefing and feed-
• Review of assigned materials before the back as an aide for improving communication
knowledge acquired over meeting sessions. skills and team-building activities (Haas et  al.
• Followed by working in teams to address the 2019).
same questions (group readiness assurance
test (GRAT)).
• And finally, discussion of answers amongst 43.3.4 Case-Based and Problem-­
teams. As there is no single correct answer, Based Learning
mimicking real-life clinical scenarios, this
segment encourages peer learning, challenges, Problem-based learning (PBL) was initially
and constructive debate. developed over 50 years ago, to teach basic sci-
ences, and was later adopted as an effective
TBL, similar to flipped classrooms, allows for method for delivering postgraduate and continu-
immediate feedback from instructors as well as ing medical education (Al-Azri and Ratnapalan
peers (Poeppelman et  al. 2016). Both flipped 2014). This educational strategy provides oppor-
classrooms and TBL were shown to increase tunities to solve real problems and scenarios
knowledge. However, they also require increased (Pilcher 2014). In PBL, learners are given a case
learner workload and, therefore, they have as a focal point to direct their learning objectives
received mixed reviews  over time (Fatmi et  al. and to apply their knowledge to solve the case.
2013). Learners work in small groups, and the instructor
serves as a passive facilitator, guiding student
thinking and answering questions as needed. The
43.3.3 Simulation goal of PBL is to promote self-directed learning
through critical thinking and problem-solving
Simulation-based medical education refers to any skills. Studies have shown that incorporating
activity that uses simulation aides, usually sim- PBL into learning activities improved these
plified, to replicate complex clinical scenarios skills, enhanced the ability to analyze complex
artificially. Simulation represents an alternative datasets, and fostered teamwork (Pilcher 2014;
to real-life patients (Al-Elq 2010; Datta et  al. Srinivasan et al. 2007).
2012). The introduction of simulation activities Case-based learning (CBL), also known as
into medical education dates back to the early case study teaching or case method learning, has
1990s (Thomson 1990; Luketich 1990). They different definitions depending on the discipline
43  A Shift in Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic 777

(Thistlethwaite et al. 2012). In the health profes- these limitations in graduate medical education
sions, these CBL activities usually involve patient is predicted to be most strongly felt by medical
cases, in which patients may be real, simulated, residents and fellows in their ultimate or penulti-
virtual, or text-based (Thistlethwaite et al. 2012). mate years during their respective training pro-
CBL is a form of PBL, and while the differences grams (Potts 2020).
between  the two are not always obvious, CBL Disruption can be inconvenient and cause
uses a more structured and guided approach than hardship, but it can also spur innovation and posi-
PBL (Thistlethwaite et  al. 2012; Suliman et  al. tive change in society. How disruption in the
2019). CBL is sometimes called “guided inquiry wake of the pandemic caused by COVID-19 has
approach” (Srinivasan et al. 2007). Group discus- changed the world of GME is a case study exam-
sion is directed toward the intended learning ple. On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared
objectives set by an active facilitator. CBL COVID-19 a global public health emergency
enhances clinical skills and is a more structured (Sohrabi et al. 2020), and on March 4, the gover-
learning modality with assigned reading and nor of California declared a state of emergency
more guidance from an instructor (Carder et al. (Newsom 2020). On March 6, Stanford was the
2001; Hansen et  al. 2005). CBL was  shown to first major educational institution to go entirely
significantly improve knowledge in reproductive online. On March 13, the President of the United
endocrinology and infertility, and it was possible States declared a national emergency, and on
to successfully integrate it into residency training March 15, the governor of NY closed schools and
(Goldman et al. 2017). all non-essential businesses in the state; subse-
quently, the ACGME suspended all activities and
allowed institutions to declare a Level III
43.4 D
 isruption Brings Disarray, Pandemic Emergency (ACGME 2020a; Brooks
Turmoil, and Change 2020). This declaration allowed residency pro-
grams to suspend all Common Program
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the Requirements (CPR), yet it contained several
education of medical students, residents, and fel- main tenants (ACGME 2020b):
lows, by interrupting their education in unprece-
dented ways, and placed them at risk for gaps in • Adequate resources and training: all residents
their education (Hoopes et  al. 2020). For resi- and fellows must be trained in and be provided
dents, one of the dangers was the possibility of with appropriate infection protection for the
surgical-skill decay, which is defined as the loss clinical setting and the situation.
of acquired skills after a period of inactivity • Adequate supervision: any resident or fellow
(Hoopes et al. 2020). who provides care to patients will do so under
Since the foundation of ACGME in 1981 appropriate supervision for the clinical cir-
(Sofka 2014), and the establishment of orga- cumstance and the level of education and their
nized medical education, including the forma- experience.
tion of the American Board of Medical • Working hour requirements: the ACGME
Specialties (ABMS) in 1933 (Nelson 2014), Common Program Requirements addressing
nothing that we can think of has disrupted gradu- work hours remained unchanged.
ate education so abruptly and to such an extent. • Fellows working in a core specialty: fellows in
Although there is a wide variety of instructional ACGME-accredited programs were allowed
methods available, residency programs typically to work in their core specialties if several
deliver education primarily through lecture- requirements were met. These include being
based strategies (Wray et  al. 2020). The pan- ABMS or AOA board-eligible or board-­
demic has disrupted medical education and has certified, being appointed to the medical staff
forced residency programs to re-think the deliv- of the institution, and maintaining the time
ery of their educational activities. The impact of they spent on their core specialty at 20% or
778 F. Nentin et al.

less of their annual time for any academic many years. Some schools have remote learning
year. sites but were responsible for ensuring compara-
bility of education no matter the location of the
The overall objective of the ACGME was to student (Parisky et  al. 2009; Kahn et  al. 2014;
ensure the safety and supervision of the residents, Winn et al. 2015). For them, it is not practical to
yet allow residents to care for patients safely. bring students back to the main campus for an
Customarily, ACGME, in general, seeks, through in-person lecture. Therefore, although the tech-
its CPR, to achieve a balance between academic nology has been available for several years, resi-
education and clinical service (ACGME). In dency programs rarely, if ever, took advantage of
other words, resident physicians are not to be this modality. Remote-distance learning technol-
viewed as cheap labor. In many instances, resi- ogy has mainly consisted of streaming a lecture
dents are less expensive to have as employees that allows for live lectures but also allows the
than House Officers, NPs, and PAs, which com- learners to ask questions of the lecturer
mand higher salaries and only work about immediately.
40  hours a week. Residents can work up to The platforms that are used for distance learn-
80  hours per week on average and are usually ing provide several advantages. One of the most
paid a lower overall salary. Part of having resi- obvious advantages is that web-based education
dents as a workforce includes the requirement of overcomes physical distances. It provides some
protected time each week for didactics. However, convenience for the lecturer, who can be any-
with the declaration of a Stage III Pandemic where to deliver the lecture, including home,
Emergency, ACGME allowed clinical service to office, or a different state or country. Learners
be favored over academics in order to attend to also have the opportunity to attend, irrespective
the needs of the overwhelming number of of their location. There is no need to travel, which
patients. As a result, all academic activities, sometimes may be a reason why a lecturer might
including Grand Rounds, Resident Lectures, not be able to deliver a lecture. The lecturer does
Simulation Sessions, Mortality and Morbidity not have to “dress up” for their lecture. There is
Conferences, and Bedside Teaching Rounds, the added convenience for the lecturer to read
were canceled overnight. from a script. The lecturer may be less nervous
The Stage III declaration is only allowed to when presenting online as compared to when
last for 30  days unless requested by the they would present in front of a live audience.
Designated Institutional Official. At the end of Finally, the lecturer may be in almost any setting
this time, programs were required to follow all and be as comfortable as possible (Lahaie 2007;
CPRs. However, during this short time, the Cook 2007).
dynamics of daily life in the hospital has changed. Some of the disadvantages include loss of
What educators had taken for granted was no lon- audience contact. Sometimes giving a lecture on
ger possible. The most significant change was a web-based platform may make the lecturer feel
gathering in groups. No longer could people as if they are talking to themselves during the
gather in groups for a lecture or even Grand video conference. It is very challenging to gauge
Rounds. No matter the educational construct, the audience’s nonverbal behavior, receptiveness,
e.g., TBL, Case Discussions, and Simulations, mood, and interest. The interaction becomes less
the main prerequisite was to gather together to individualized. Experienced lecturers can shift
participate in the learning activity. gears when sensing how the audience is reacting
Residency Programs now had a new issue to the didactic material. They can make the mate-
with which to contend. The major question rial more interesting if sensing boredom or spend
became how to deliver educational activities more time on a concept if sensing confusion. The
without meeting in person. Programs turned to art of teaching, in some ways, is blunted. Online
technology. Coincidentally, some of the medical presentations are sometimes plagued by poor
schools have been beset with this problem for internet connection and technical malfunction, or
43  A Shift in Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic 779

by the speaker’s lack of familiarity with the pro- As of 2019, New York had the highest concen-
gram platform, or features may be problematic. tration of residency programs in the United States
Finally, the audience may feel inhibited to ask (544) and, as a result, the highest concentration
questions (Cook 2007; Lahaie 2007). of residents (12%) in the country (AMA). The
This crisis also changed resident schedules. state with the next largest number of programs,
Non-urgent services were temporarily suspended, California, has 431 residency programs as of
and all clinics and elective surgeries were 2019 (AMA). Similarly, there are 35 Ob/Gyn
stopped. As a result, most resident schedules residency programs in New York State. Of these,
changed to a rotating schedule of day or night 31 are located closely together in NYC,
shifts and a back-up team in case a resident Westchester, and Long Island.
became sick. Rotations were changed every Northwell is a hospital system consisting of
3–7  days to decrease the exposure of the resi- 23 major hospitals and 4 independent Ob/Gyn
dents and allow rest and recovery during these residency programs located in Staten Island (1),
times of increased stress. Residents from other Manhattan (1), and Long Island (2; 1 in Nassau
services, such as Dermatology, Orthopedics, and 1 in Suffolk County). All four of these pro-
Surgery, and Physical Medicine and grams were struggling with the issues outlined
Rehabilitation, were deployed to make-shift ICU above. The programs decided to share didactics
units, newly created Medicine wards, and to the and links between programs. Didactics were
Emergency Room to help with the sudden and given in each program on different days. It allevi-
ever-increasing influx of patients diagnosed with ated the issue of when to perform those activities.
coronavirus. This process started in mid-March 2020. After
With the residents subdivided into groups, all this initiative had a successful launch, a decision
with different schedules, an effort to have pro- was made to expand the model to the other uni-
tected time became a logistical nightmare, if not versity programs in NYC and Long Island. An
an impossibility. Furthermore, increased num- e-mail was subsequently sent out to the other pro-
bers of faculty were pressed into service as fac- gram directors, and their response was immedi-
ulty time became stretched as well. Lectures ate; and all of them immediately agreed to
were given sporadically online or not at offered participate and to share didactics in their respec-
all, and the education mission appeared to have tive hospitals and programs. Subsequently,
collapsed due to overwhelming clinical demands. e-mails were sent out daily with lecture sched-
ules and links to live lectures. A few days later, a
decision was made to expand this initiative to all
43.5 D
 isruption Brings Innovation of NY State. An e-mail was sent out to the
and Adaptation remainder of the programs, and they all agreed to
participate. By word of mouth, information
Web-based delivery of didactics was an adapta- spread, and programs in neighboring states,
tion to the pandemic. The next challenge was to including Connecticut and Vermont, asked to be
determine the best option for the time to deliver included in this initiative. Soon after that, all pro-
these educational activities. As part of that chal- grams in seven states from the Northeast were
lenge, one of the considerations was how to have apprised of the program.
faculty participation when faculty time has also However, meeting the demand for e-mails and
become so limited and identifying the individual communications that were involved in this pro-
faculty members that will give the respective pre- cess soon became overwhelming for the organiz-
sentations. Although there have been several ers. Additionally, for residents who were unable
instances of Innovation and Adaptation through- to attend a live-streamed lecture, it became
out the country, during these trying times, we impossible to see that lecture at a later date. This
want to highlight a case study of one of them, the is how the Education For All (EFA) initiative was
Education for All (EFA) initiative. born (All 2020). It involved creating a website to
780 F. Nentin et al.

host the lecture schedule with links to live lec- et al. 2017). A prevailing thought in medicine for
tures and to also act as a repository for previously decades is that the amount of research is propor-
recorded lectures. The creation of this platform tional to the effectiveness of a teacher. However,
alleviated the crush of e-mails and constant actual teaching effectiveness is not measured by
changes to the lecture schedule that was being the number of publications that a faculty member
sent out. It also allowed the viewing of missed may have. EFA utilizes the wisdom of all faculty
lectures and provided opportunities for residents across the United States. It helps smaller pro-
on night rotations to partake in didactics. grams that may not have enough resources in
The purpose of EFA was threefold: to support general (smaller faculty size), and it helps more
residency didactics across residency programs extensive programs by alleviating the burden of
through sharing of resources, to promote faculty lecture preparation in this stressful time. EFA has
development, and to promote networking among helped medical education in the GME space to
faculty and residents across residency programs. move from the “sage on the stage” to the democ-
The Chair of the National Ob/Gyn Education ratization of education.
Association, Council on Resident Education in
Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG), learned
about this program and encouraged and promoted 43.6 Medical Education
national publicity for it. As a result, our EFA ini- in the Post-COVID-19 Era
tiative became known across the country over-
night. Website analytics revealed an increase of Historically, UME and GME have been slow in
>4000% in the visits to the site, with over 6300-­ adopting changes. Traditionally, incorporating
page visits by mid-April, when the site was only new technology into medical education has been
about 3  weeks old. Analysis of the data also a slow and tedious process. For example, despite
revealed that knowledge about the site had spread the availability of resources, few medical schools
internationally and to other continents, including are using virtual anatomy with three-dimensional
Europe, South America, Africa, and Asia. imaging, computed tomography scans, and ultra-
EFA accomplished several objectives. It sound. During the COVID-19 pandemic, some
helped alleviate the issue of not having enough medical schools removed students from their
faculty to deliver didactics. As a result, live lec- clinical rotation, and changes were proposed to
tures are currently available every morning and the residency interview process. Telemedicine
afternoon and are also stored on the website for has become established as a viable approach to
later viewing. It helped promote those “unsung” provide healthcare (Smith et al. 2020). For exam-
heroes of every department; those teachers who ple, during COVID-19, chatbots provided valu-
are not getting NIH grants or are not on the cover able information through technology (Smith
of medical journals with the latest research, but et al. 2020; Priya 2020). In particular, telemedi-
who can really teach and teach well; and the cine reduces exposure to other patients with acute
teachers that are perennial candidates for the disease, and, as relevantly expressed in a recent
departmental teaching award; every department article, the only infection that one can catch dur-
has one or two. Finally, it helped promote junior ing a telemedicine consultation is “a computer
faculty by giving them exposure and an opportu- virus” (Portnoy et al. 2020). In the United States,
nity to add activities to their résumés. during the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine
Crowdsourcing has been one of the hallmarks played a transformative role in healthcare during
of the twenty-first century. YouTube and three phases: to help with stay-at-home patient
Wikipedia are prime examples of this trend. care, to address the initial COVID-19 hospital
These websites utilize the “wisdom” of the surge, and to assist during post-pandemic recov-
crowd. Examples of crowdsourcing can be found ery (Wosik et al. 2020). Virtual patients and sim-
in medical education as well, in attempts to solve ulation replaced the clinical rotation for some
specific problems (Blackwell et  al. 2016; Dai students.
43  A Shift in Medical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic 781

The question is whether these UME students or Android medical apps, the possibilities for
will find themselves at a disadvantage and revolutionizing education programs are exciting
whether their educational experience may be and endless. The COVID-19 pandemic has
diminished. Residents in a surgical specialty who impacted humanity in virtually every aspect of
had significantly less surgical experience second- livelihood. It has overwhelmed healthcare sys-
ary to regulations limiting elective surgery and tems, devastated global economies, and led to
patient may develop a fear of hospitals and medi- surging unemployment and poverty. It is highly
cal facilities. Another conundrum is whether vir- likely to create a shadow pandemic of emotional
tual reality or augmented reality could replace distress and mental health as well. It has
resident experiences and whether the simulation impacted education by closing everything from
is sufficient. Historically, simulators have been a daycare centers to medical schools, leaving par-
costlier option, and they are not available at every ents to homeschool their children, and pushing
teaching institution (Siddiqui and Aslanian educators to innovate with the use of available
2020). Using simulation before the surgical pro- technology to create a new curriculum. The
cedure can improve performance during the case, question remains whether we can continue these
but it is questionable whether it can also replace innovative changes to medical education curri-
the experience with a patient. Would a patient cula with the use of technology and increased
feel comfortable seeing physicians that had the active learning into the post-­COVID world, and
majority of their training performed using virtual the challenge will be to find strategies to do this
situations? Pilots use simulations for many hours in an ideal way.
before they are allowed to fly a plane, and argu-
ably, it is critical to adopt this to medical educa-
tion. The criticism for this approach in medicine References
has been that students will not develop a connec-
tion to their patients and will not fully appreciate ACGME (2020a) ACGME response to the coronavi-
rus (COVID-19). Available at:
the variations of the human body. The solution Newsroom/Newsroom-­D etails/ArticleID/10111/
most likely lies somewhere in the middle (Prober ACGME-­Response-­to-­the-­Coronavirus-­COVID-­19.
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Reopening Schools After a Novel
Coronavirus Surge 44
Dan Li, Elizabeth Z. Lin, Marie A. Brault,
Julie Paquette, Sten H. Vermund,
and Krystal J. Godri Pollitt

Abstract siderations of benefits, risks, and precautions.

Guiding principles for safety and strategic
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) application of the principles in each educa-
pandemic shook the world in ways not seen tional niche are critical issues to consider dur-
since the pandemic influenza of 1918–1919. ing school reopening. The fundamental
As of late August 2020, over 25 million per- principles of disease control involve school-
sons had been infected, and we will see the directed initiatives (physical distancing and
global death toll exceed one million by the end mask use, hand/face and surface cleansing,
of 2020. Both are minimum estimates. All administrative controls, engineering controls)
segments of society have been drastically and individual-level risk reduction approaches
affected. Schools worldwide have been forced to maximize adherence to new guidelines. The
to close due to illness and absenteeism, trans- school-initiated “top-down” approaches and
mission and risk to vulnerable members of the the individual-level “bottom-up” approaches
school community, and community concerns. must be synergized, as no single method will
The decision to reopen school during a pan- ensure safety. We discuss how to effectively
demic will have a tremendous impact on chil- layer strategies in each educational space to
dren’s safety, growth, and well-being. Not increase safety. Since the vulnerability of chil-
opening invites social isolation and subopti- dren has been heightened during this pan-
mal educational experiences, especially for demic crisis, we highlight the special
youth whose computing assets and online considerations for mental health support that
access are limited and those with special should be considered by schools. The safety
needs. The opening has hazards as well, and principles, disease control strategies, and
the mitigation of these risks is the topic of this other critical issues discussed here will serve
chapter. Opening schools requires careful con- as a starting point for developing a safe, com-
prehensive, and feasible reopening plan.
D. Li · E. Z. Lin · M. A. Brault · S. H. Vermund (*) ·
K. J. Godri Pollitt (*) Keywords
Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, CT, USA
e-mail:; Coronavirus · COVID-19 · Education · Pandemic · Quarantine · Reopening · School ·
J. Paquette Disease control strategies · Safety
Office of Facilities, Yale University, New Haven,

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 785
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
786 D. Li et al.

44.1 Introduction breast, and loss of speech or movement, while

milder symptoms are muscle aches, headaches,
“Plans are worthless, but planning is everything.” sore throat, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, rash, and
(US President Dwight Eisenhower)
loss of taste or smell. The incubation period
ranges from 2 to 14  days, with rare later cases
Given the impact of the coronavirus disease (Oran and Topol 2020 #16).
2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on every facet of People in prolonged close contact are at the
society, the quote from the late President highest risk of COVID-19 infection related to
Eisenhower speaks to the need to think through virus-laden droplets and aerosols expelled
operations and be adaptable rigorously. through coughing, sneezing, talking, singing, or
Kindergarten through Grade 12 (K-12) schools simply breathing (Fennelly 2020 #3). Respiratory
were closed in early March across the United aerosols are characterized by a diameter of fewer
States, recapitulating the experience of China, than 5 micrometers (μm), while droplets are
South Korea, Iran, Italy, Spain, Britain, and many larger (Fennelly 2020 #57). Evidence strongly
other nations. Given the high individual and soci- suggests that the COVID-19 virus can be trans-
etal costs of these closures, as well as the adverse mitted through fomites and contact with contami-
impact of school closure on children’s growth nated surfaces (Santarpia et  al. 2020 #22). A
and mental health, nations have placed a high pri- growing body of epidemiological studies sup-
ority on reopening schools. Planning for school ports aerosol transmission (Fennelly 2020 #3).
reopening as COVID-19 case numbers have Approximately 15 to 45% of SARS-CoV-2
remained high in many US states at the start of infections are asymptomatic cases (Nishiura
the 2020–2021 school year presents challenges. et al. 2020), though one review cites 40–45% to
The unique nature of each school must be consid- be a better estimate (Oran and Topol 2020).
ered and will require a tailored solution for each Individuals infected before being symptomatic
geographic zone. This chapter aims to present are termed “pre-symptomatic.” They may harbor
general guidance that can be adapted by K-12 high viral loads before they feel ill, potentially
schools as they develop a safe reopening plan that transmitting viruses efficiently. The role that
will consider the needs of the children, their fam- asymptomatic cases play in the transmission of
ilies, and staff at the school. Information pro- SARS-CoV-2 is unclear, given their typically
vided in this chapter is not a comprehensive lower viral loads (Vermund and Pitzer 2020).
guide nor are requirements or standards One may speculate that lower efficiency of trans-
presented. mission per encounter could still add up to a high
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by transmission burden due to more encounters tak-
a coronavirus identified in late 2019, the so- ing place since an asymptomatic person is less
called severe acute respiratory syndrome corona- likely to stay-in-residence compared to a person
virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The SARS-CoV-2 virus who feels ill.
is the seventh zoonotic human coronavirus to be Currently, there are no effective methods to
identified (Banerjee et  al. 2019). Four of these treat or cure COVID-19, though the antiviral
coronaviruses cause approximately one-third of drug remdesivir, the monoclonal antibody tocili-
common cold cases. zumab, and the steroids methylprednisolone or
Much concerning COVID-19 transmission, dexamethasone all have benefits for some
susceptibility, and treatment remain unknown patients. Patients with mild or moderate symp-
due to the novelty of the disease. COVID-19 may toms are asked to self-isolate at home for at least
occur without symptoms or cause symptoms that 10 days to prevent community spread. Contacts
can range from mild to very severe. The most of cases are asked to self-quarantine for at least
common symptoms are fever, dry cough, and dif- 14 days since the time of the encounter with the
ficulty breathing. Symptoms in severe cases potentially infectious person. Supportive care is
include chest pain or pressure, shortness of given to individuals with severe symptoms. In
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 787

severe cases, hospitalization, ventilator treat- crucial to protect the well-being of the commu-
ment, and intensive care unit (Connecticut State nity as a whole.
Department of Education) support (World Health In this chapter, we introduce key issues in
Organization 2020b) might be required as well. COVID-19 and school reopening. We will dis-
There is no vaccination or prophylactic phar- cuss guiding principles and the hierarchy of dis-
macological method currently approved (World ease control related to school reopening in a
Health Organization 2020b). Thus, the risk of respiratory viral pandemic. The application of
subsequent waves of infection remains very high, these safety principles will also be discussed for
and disease control in schools is dependent on specific school spaces. Finally, we will highlight
preventative public health practices on multiple special considerations for vulnerable student
fronts. Effective planning of administrative and populations and school mental health support in a
engineering controls for risk reduction, commu- pandemic.
nication across the school community, and part-
nerships with local public health organizations
are all key to effective disease prevention. 44.2 Fundamental Principles
While children can be infected easily with of Infectious Disease Control
SARS-CoV-2, the incidence of COVID-19  in
children is lower compared to adults; children 44.2.1 R0 and Its Relevance
who contract COVID-19 are more likely to
remain without symptoms or have moderate The basic reproduction number (R0) measures the
symptoms (Dong et  al. 2020). Youth deaths are transmission potential of an infectious disease. It
less frequent than they are represented in the gen- is the average number of cases produced by a
eral population (Dong et al. 2020). One hypoth- single case of infection in a given population
esis suggests that milder cases of this disease in under theoretical conditions. A variation of the R0
children may be attributable to lower levels of is the Rt, the effective reproduction number, the
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene R0, as seen in real-world conditions. Both are
expression in children compared to adults. measures of the transmissibility of an infectious
Rarely, children may present with the multisys- agent – in the current case, SARS-CoV-2. R0 is
tem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) influenced by biological, social, behavioral, and
(Henderson et  al. 2020). MIS-C is a condition environmental factors; control measures can
where different organs become inflamed, includ- reduce R0, and this is estimated by Rt. Our
ing the heart, lungs, kidneys, brain, skin, eyes, or approach is organized by the basic principles of
gastrointestinal organs. Fortunately, COVID-19- public health to do what we can to keep Rt below
related MIS-C is extremely rare, with an inci- one so that transmission likelihood is low. Our
dence of 2 per 100,000, and it is treatable with goal is to protect the capacity of a K-12 school to
symptomatic and anti-inflammatory measures. continue to function safely and effectively
Children tend to have closer interactions with through the academic year (Delamater et  al.
each other compared to older age groups and may 2019; Barratt et  al. 2010; Lemecha Obsu and
be less likely to follow guidance on mask use and Feyissa Balcha 2020).
proper hand hygiene. Adult supervision and regu-
lar positive encouragement of safe personal
behaviors are required to promote adherence to 44.2.2 Disease Control Principles
recommended COVID-19 public health prac-
tices. Children are likely to spread the virus to Disease control can be categorized as approaches
more vulnerable individuals in their close con- that are directed by the school administration
tacts or households (Somekh et  al. 2020). (top-down) and those that are dependent on the
Controlling disease outbreaks in children is likely personal behaviors of students, teachers, and
788 D. Li et al.

Fig. 44.1 School
directed (top-down) and
(bottom-up) risk
reduction strategies to
decrease disease

administrative staff in the school (bottom-up) disease control shifts learning to a virtual for-
(Fig. 44.1). mat, which may not be feasible for some
Top-down approaches include the elimination schools and presents challenges for successful
of physical contact, administrative controls, and implementation. Even for schools offering full-
engineering controls, ranked in decreasing order time in-person learning, the development of a
of effectiveness of reducing transmission risks. virtual learning program is essential to accom-
Bottom-up approaches are focused on individual- modate students and teachers who are at high
level actions such as face masks use and good risk for COVID-19 infection due to older age or
hand hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection behav- prior risk profiles, as well as for students or
iors. No single control measure will eliminate teachers who are in quarantine or isolation. A
infectious disease risk. Layering multiple strate- remote learning platform is also critical in the
gies from both approaches is critical in creating a event of a school closure. In-person courses
safer school environment during the COVID-19 should be prioritized for academic experiences
pandemic. that cannot be achieved virtually, like hands-on
learning experiences. Teachers may benefit
from training sessions discussing effective
44.3 School-Directed Initiatives remote learning techniques. Tutorials on their
for Disease Control virtual platforms would also likely be useful for
most students and their parents. The school
44.3.1 Elimination of Physical should be aware of families where students may
Contact be without access to a computer with high-
speed internet to participate in a virtual learn-
Eliminating physical contact is the most effec- ing environment. A remote option can be a
tive method to reduce the risk of disease trans- powerful tool that offers students and teachers
mission (National Institute for Occupational the safety of learning from home while mitigat-
Safety and Health 2020a; American Society of ing the harms of foregoing the in-class aca-
Safety Pofessionals 2020). This strategy for demic experience.
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 789

44.3.2 Administrative Controls “Pod” Model

Smaller cohorts or “pods” can be created to limit
The risk of infection can be minimized through class sizes (Connecticut State Department of
the implementation of school-initiated adminis- Education 2020; Moroney 2020; North 2020;
trative controls. These control measures as related Cullotta 2020; Moyer 2020). Students within
to academics, logistics, and school staff/teachers/ each pod are recommended to eat together, have
visitors are summarized in Fig. 44.2. classes together, and perform school activities
together. If a student within a pod becomes sick, Academics this model reduces the risk of a larger outbreak
The academic calendar and class schedule should across the wider school community. Pod size can
be adjusted to maximize physical distancing at be strategically adjusted based on the size of the
all times. Staggering arrival and departure times, school, the number of available teachers and
recess, lunchtimes, and times for locker access classrooms, and the different social and develop-
for different learning pods is a potential strategy mental needs of different age groups. The larger
to facilitate physical distancing between students. the pod, the easier it is to maintain social cohe-
The time allotted for recess, lunchtime, and sion as two students are very unlikely to socialize
locker access can also be extended to give stu- just by themselves. However, large pods may
dents sufficient time to travel or wash their hands have a higher risk of inter-pod disease transmis-
without generating high traffic in the hallways or sion. The number of each pod must balance both
other spaces. The extra time can also allow staff adherence to guidelines and also transmission
to provide air ventilation time between different control.
groups of students in a given classroom. Having Setting up different entrances and exits for dif-
a hybrid schedule in which students take virtual ferent pods, whenever possible, can help to miti-
classes for a portion of the week and in-personal gate risk further. Arrows and signs are helpful to
classes for the remainder of time may be useful to indicate directions of travel and encourage physi-
reduce occupancy of the spaces. Holidays like cal distancing. It may be beneficial to allow stu-
fall breaks can be readjusted to avoid travel dur- dents from the same pod to use the same
ing the semester. classroom throughout the school day and ask
teachers to rotate between spaces. This method
can minimize item sharing and contact in the

Fig. 44.2  Administrative and engineering controls that can be implemented across the school to reduce the risk of
disease transmission
790 D. Li et al.

hallways/stairwells. For young children who will imprecise, with unfavorable connotations of
find it challenging to wear a mask for a full school social isolation. As COVID-19 transmission is
day and to remain in the same classroom for the currently understood to occur through prolonged
entire day, it has been suggested that students close contact with respiratory droplets and aero-
remove their masks while with their pod indoors; sols, physical distancing is a critical practice for
this will increase within pod transmission risk, reducing transmission risk. Approximately 2
however. A better idea to combat “mask fatigue” meters (6 feet) of distancing has been suggested
is that of “mask breaks” where a student removes following the dynamics of droplet deposition
a mask for a brief time of 30 seconds or so. Other (Santarpia et al. 2020; Bi et al. 2020). Airplane,
proximate students should retain their masks if train, and restaurant outbreaks are also support-
such a break time were contemplated; 2-meter ive of the 2-meter guideline. Accounting for aero-
(6-feet) physical distancing should be sol transmission necessitates increased physical
maintained. distancing, in particular for higher-risk indoor
environments (i.e., music rooms, cafeterias)
Activities (Prather et al. 2020). A variety of strategies can
Before- and after-school programs have tradi- be implemented by schools to ensure that stu-
tionally been offered to enrich the learning envi- dents and teachers in indoor spaces can achieve
ronment with clubs or sports and provide physical distancing guidelines. Teachers can con-
additional child care support for parents with sider removing extra furniture from their class-
external commitments. These programs present rooms to free floor space and storing less
challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic as frequently used items that might crowd desks and
students from across the school community have seats. In cases where physical distancing is not
the potential to interact, contravening the core feasible, additional controls, such as plexiglass
directive of the pod model. These programs are barriers, can be used. Even low-cost clear shower
recommended to proceed only if the teachers and curtains hung from rods or ceilings can be used
students can adhere to public health guiding as physical barriers.
Other events also have the potential to be high Cleaning and Disinfecting
risk if they include large student gatherings with Regular cleaning of classrooms should be
prolonged close contact in indoor spaces that arranged by the school’s administration.
cannot be well supervised by teachers or parents. Commonly touched surfaces and items in these
Some examples include school assemblies, field shared spaces should be periodically and more
trips, arts events (e.g., drama, music, dance), frequently cleaned and disinfected; tabletops,
spirit events, sports events, and “homecoming” chairs, doorknobs, electronics, and banisters are
(common in the United States). These higher-risk of particular concern. Surfaces and items that
gatherings should be held in a virtual online for- appear to be dirty must be cleaned before being
mat to maintain the students’ social networks disinfection. Recommended disinfectants for use
while reducing risks to the school community. against SARS-CoV-2 have been compiled by the
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Logistics (United States Environmental Protection Agency
2020) as well as by other national agencies. No or
Physical Distancing reduced touch options (i.e., sensor-activated,
Physical distancing requires individuals to main- foot-operated pedals) can also be installed to fur-
tain a safe distance between themselves and oth- ther reduce the risk of disease transmission
ers outside their household to limit disease through contact of contaminated surfaces.
transmission (Centers for Disease Control and In the event that a student or teacher is sus-
Prevention 2020a). This has also been called pected to be COVID-19 positive, it is recom-
“social distancing,” but we believe this term to be mended that access to any spaces recently used
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 791

by this individual be restricted until after thor- ing non-touch temperature checks before stu-
ough cleaning and disinfection is complete. dents enter the school building may help mitigate
To ensure cleaning and disinfection is accom- risks. However, a warmly bundled child in a cold
plished thoroughly, schools must have available winter may run a transient higher fever simply
stock of required supplies and personal protective from warming; similarly, a child having walked
equipment for custodial staff. It is recommended to school on a hot day may also have a transient
that custodial staff receive training on the proper low-grade elevated temperature. Sending such
use of disinfectants (i.e., sufficient contact time) healthy students (“false positives”) home will be
and personal protective equipment. It may be disruptive for both families and schools, so sit-
useful to designate administrative personnel to ting a child in a quiet, temperature-controlled set-
monitor and maintain the school’s inventory of ting for 10 minutes and then rechecking the
personal protective equipment, hand sanitizers, temperature is advisable.
disinfection wipes, soap, paper towels, and other
cleaning and disinfection products. Testing and Quarantine
Schools are recommended to have the necessary
Noise devices and medical supplies to monitor symp-
The sound level can be used as a proxy for the toms. If a student gets sick while she or he is in
extent of aerosol release through vocalization; school or shows any COVID-19 symptom upon
speaking loudly, yelling, or shouting can release arrival, the student must be isolated until a parent
more aerosols (Asadi et  al. 2020; Asadi et  al. or guardian comes to guide the student off the
2019). The NIOSH Sound Level Meter is a freely school property. Schools are recommended to set
available app that can be used to indirectly inform up an isolation room where students can stay
and remind the students and teachers to keep until they are able to leave the school, except to
sound levels low (National Institute for go to a dedicated restroom or in case of an emer-
Occupational Safety and Health 2020b). Visual gency. Access to personal protective equipment
displays of sound levels are also available in the (PPE) is crucial for school staff when interacting
form of a traffic light, which serves as a useful with a potentially ill student.
tool for younger students. Anyone who might have been exposed must
be notified and quarantined immediately. It is
Symptom Checks debatable whether a class or pod is considered
COVID-19 symptom-check apps can be a useful exposed if there has been mask use, physical dis-
tool that can be implemented by the school to tancing, hand and surface hygiene, and optimized
remind students and teachers to report symptoms indoor air management. The US Centers for
and check their daily temperature. The apps will Disease Control and Prevention considers con-
notify the school officials as soon as a COVID- tact to be the proximity of fewer than 2 meters
19-like symptom arises. The schools can then (6 feet) for at least 15 minutes. If someone in the
take immediate action to encourage students to class qualifies as a contact using this criterion
stay at home, conduct a test, and conduct contact (e.g., friends sharing lunch in close proximity),
tracing. These apps can also provide additional then they must be quarantined. The rest of the
information regarding student attendance, move- class may not meet this contact definition. If a
ment, family member attendance, and parents case is confirmed, the responsible healthcare
and teacher communications. These data can worker or teacher must file a report to the local
allow schools to identify high-risk individuals health department. Parents or guardians and the
and families and allow for immediate action. student’s pediatrician must be notified immedi-
While convenient, the use of these apps requires ately so that an ill child can return home for
access to a digital oral thermometer, which pres- 10 days of isolation. Medical attention is needed
ent challenges for some low-resource school for children who are more severely ill. Parents or
communities. For schools without apps, conduct- guardians of identified contacts must be advised
792 D. Li et al.

to pick their children up immediately and keep critical role in mitigating risks through continued
their children at home for 14 days of quarantine. communication of disease control strategies to
Furthermore, responsible adults must be edu- students and the supervision of students to ensure
cated on prevention strategies to avoid a family safe personal behavior. Being good role models
cluster outbreak. and communicating with all school personnel
For boarding schools and colleges/universi- daily can help reinforce health messages. Daily
ties, all students and staff arriving on the school briefings help reinforce safety principles, inform-
campus are recommended to be “gateway” tested. ing adjustments in strategies and community/
Ideally, a test within 4 days prior to arrival fol- school health status updates. Regular meetings
lowed by 14 days of quarantine and repeat testing can be held to evaluate the intervention plans and
at day 12–13 or so would help eliminate false- strategies. It may be helpful for school staff to
negative cases and those that are incubating. send regular reminders to students and their par-
Students and faculties should not be allowed to ents/guardians of their responsibilities for safe
circulate freely on the school campus until the personal behaviors to reduce risks. It can also
test results are confirmed as negative. The schools build consumer confidence in the efforts being
may need to quarantine students in their rooms made to keep children and staff safe.
(ideally without roommates, but at the very least, Teachers and staff need to stay home if they
with roommates who are on the same quarantine feel sick. COVID-19 symptoms are so nonspe-
schedule). Food must be delivered, and laundry cific that any respiratory symptom can qualify
facilitated. Particularly limited use schedules for one to stay home; even diarrhea and abdominal
bathroom and shower use, with students or staff pain have been cited as symptoms. Schools
helping clean bathrooms after use, is advised. should anticipate that the number of days taken
Schools can also consider “gateway” testing after for sick leave over the academic year is likely to
return home for holidays. Less rigorous be higher than in the past. All students and staff in
approaches may be indicated if the background the school should receive influenza vaccines; this
epidemiologic circumstances suggest very low will diminish the number of COVID-19-like
infection risk and if students are all coming from symptoms and signs that manifest, reducing the
these low-risk venues. year-round (in the tropics) and seasonal (in tem-
Any student must be re-tested if presenting perate zones) burden on school nurses, commu-
with any symptom or exposure (contact defini- nity pediatricians, and families. It may be
tion of fewer than 2 meters [or 6 feet] for at least necessary, when possible, to remove any barriers
15 min) to infected individuals. Boarding schools for taking additional leave from school, such as
and colleges/universities can also track epidemi- medical documentation, if local health services
ologic trends across the county to judge the are overwhelmed (Edwards et al. 2019). It will be
needed frequency of routine testing (Centers for important for schools to build the necessary staff-
Disease Control and Prevention 2020b). With ing capacity to fulfill these responsibilities and to
viral background circulation, some modelers fill any staffing gaps that may arise without exac-
advocate frequent routine testing to maintain a erbating crowding.
virus-free educational environment, though this
will be unaffordable for most school districts Non-essential Visitors
(Paltiel et al. 2020). A strict visitor guideline can help schools miti-
gate risks of disease transmission associated with Teachers, Staff, and Visitors outside visitors. It is recommended that visitor
access be restricted inside the school building. A
Workforce and Communications designated outside pick-up area can be set up for
School operation is contingent on faculty and parents/guardians. In case of an emergency or
staff resuming their teaching and administrative other exceptional circumstance, all visitors need
responsibilities. These individuals also play a to wear a face mask that covers their nose and
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 793

mouth. In the case of deliveries or maintenance, to individual rooms and exhaust fans are func-
physical distancing is prudent, as is excellent tional and venting outdoors.
hand hygiene and outdoor “hand-off.” The operation of ventilation systems with
Establishing a time limit for visitors can also be 100% outdoor air, eliminating recirculation of
useful in reducing risk. viral material in the building, offers the most sig-
nificant risk reduction concerning engineering
controls. Increased outdoor air use may be feasi-
44.3.3 Engineering Controls ble for some buildings when ambient tempera-
tures and humidity levels are mild but will present
Establishing well-ventilated school buildings is challenges for regions with extreme hot or cold
essential in reducing risks associated with the air- temperatures. Maintaining a building at an opti-
borne transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Poorly ven- mal indoor temperature during these hot or cold
tilated indoor spaces can lead to increased periods will require increased recirculation to
exposure of virus-laden aerosols. Engineering avoid damaging the HVAC equipment. While
controls can be implemented in a school to thermal comfort for school occupants is impor-
improve ventilation through (i) increasing the tant, adjusting building temperature set points to
amount of outdoor air introduced into the build- parallel outdoor conditions will enable effective
ing; (ii) improving filtration of recirculated air; use of outdoor air and provide an additional
(iii) increased the volume of air exchange per option for disease control.
hour; and (iv) use of supplementation controls in For many buildings, continuous operation
individual classrooms, such as portable air clean- with outdoor air will not be feasible. Schools
ers and window-mounted box fans. When gener- may decide to run a short (10–15 min) 100% out-
ating a negative pressure in the classroom, fans door air purge cycle during the day (i.e., after or
should be pointed outward, drawing air outdoors. during the lunch break). Schools running their
Fans and portable air cleaners can be most useful HVAC system using less than 100% outdoor air
in older buildings that do not have central will recirculate some amount of air.
mechanical air systems. The optimal configura- In the HVAC’s air handling unit, filters can be
tion of controls will be unique to each school. used as the first line of defense in removing virus-
Figure 44.3 presents a flow diagram to evaluate laden aerosol from recirculated air. Filters are
potential risk reduction controls that may be fea- rated for their efficiency at airborne contaminant
sible based on the school’s existing removal. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA)
infrastructure. filters have a single-pass removal efficiency of
99.9% for aerosol sized between 0.3 and 1  μm Mechanical Ventilation diameter. Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value
School buildings that are equipped with heating, (MERV)-rated filters are also effective at remov-
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system ing aerosol and range from MERV1 through to
are recommended to discuss current operation MERV16. MERV13-rated filters have been rec-
protocols and system capabilities with facility ommended for use in HVAC systems as a risk
managers or an HVAC professional. The HVAC reduction strategy for COVID-19 (American
system must be commissioned before school Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-
reopening to verify the expected performance: Conditioning Engineers 2020a). In contrast to
commissioning will confirm that (i), filters, HEPA filters, the single-pass efficiency of a
dampers, and economizer seals and frames are MERV13-rated filter is 90% for similarly sized
intact, clean, functional, and responsive to con- aerosols (Azimi and Stephens 2013), a bit lower
trol signals; (ii) temperature and relative sensors for the smaller aerosols at 70%. If possible, filters
are appropriately calibrated and communicating should be upgraded to the highest-rated filter that
with the building automation system; and (iii) air can be accommodated by the system. While a
handling systems are providing sufficient airflow MERV13 filter is recommended for use, it is
794 D. Li et al.

Fig. 44.3  Engineering control flow diagram for optimizing ventilation in schools

important to ensure that a building’s HVAC sys- enhance ventilation. ACH should be evaluated
tem can accommodate the necessary flow for each classroom in relation to the size of the
required by a higher-rated filter. room and occupants’ activities. The American
Beyond simply upgrading and periodically Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-
changing the system’s filter, it is also critical to Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has estab-
ensure the filter cage is maintained; any gaps in lished ventilation standards for different types of
the housing assembly will impair filter efficiency. school spaces (ASHRAE 62.12019 – Ventilation
When handing these filters, it is important to rec- for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality Standards)
ognize that they are delicate and require careful (American Society of Heating Refrigerating Air-
handling to preserve performance. Regular Conditioning Engineers 2019). The amount of
inspection of the filter and filter assembly, as well airflow into each schoolroom should ideally
as following manufacturer recommended mainte- exceed these minimum standards with a goal of
nance, are critical to ensure proper operation. 5–6 ACH.
Filter changes are recommended to be carried Enhanced ventilation can additionally be
after a period with no or less building occupancy achieved through the extended operation of the
(i.e., weekend, holiday) following findings from HVAC system. It is recommended that the system
studies evaluating the stability of SARS-CoV-2 be turned on in occupied operation at least 2  h
on surfaces (van Doremalen et al. 2020). When it before the arrival of staff, teachers, and students
is possible, a 10% bleach solution or another and remain running until at least 1  h after all
appropriate disinfectant can be used for disinfect- occupants have departed. The system should also
ing filters before removal. Once removed, filters be operated at a maximum total airflow to the
can be placed into a bag for disposal as general extent possible, assuming full building
waste. occupancy.
Increasing the number of air changes in a HVAC systems in some school buildings may
classroom will allow for sequential removal of have displacement ventilation capabilities. This
airborne viral material on each pass through the system feature introduces conditioned air at a low
filter. The number of air changes per hour (ACH) flow from supply diffusers positioned near the
in an indoor space can also be increased to floor and exhaust air near the ceiling to provide
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 795

enhanced air mixing. The use of displacement uate performance (Association of Home
ventilation in classrooms and offices is another Appliance Manufacturers 2020). The CADR rat-
effective engineering control that provides ing reflects the volume of air the device is capa-
enhanced air mixing, moving potential contami- ble of filtering per unit time (measured in cubic
nant air from students and teachers. feet per minute, CFM) and the particle removal
efficiency of the filter. For each air purifier, this Natural Ventilation rating is evaluated for airborne pollen, smoke,
For buildings using natural ventilation, operable and dust; the CADR rating reported for smoke is
windows, doors, skylight, or roof ventilators can the most comparable to the size of SARS-CoV-2
be opened when outside temperatures and humid- aerosol. Airflow pattern (i.e., location of supply
ity levels permit. In buildings with an HVAC sys- and exhaust air, windows) and the configuration
tem, the interlock with the windows should be of students in a classroom can be used to guide
disabled in the building automation system. the placement of the device – this is of particular
Portable air filters can be used in lieu of HVAC importance for the floor units.
systems when the outside air is too hot or too UV-GI systems are capable of inactivating air-
cold. borne viruses and have been installed in high-risk
settings, such as healthcare facilities. These sys- Supplemental Controls tems use low-pressure, mercury lamps which
Air purifiers, window-mounted box fans, and emit non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, pri-
ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UV-GI) are marily in the UV-C range (Reed 2010). Doped
supplemental controls that have been used in var- quartz glass is used in UVGI installations to
ious indoor environments to reduce virus-laden block transmission of 185 nm wavelength, which
aerosol. Supplemental controls can be used in is where ozone is generated. Multiple installation
combination with other risk reduction strategies, formats are available, including upper-air, in-
as guided by the flow diagram shown in Fig. 44.3. duct, and coil systems. Upper-room air disinfec-
Box fans can be placed in the window of a tion systems achieve maximal efficiency in
room in the school to enhance the exhaust of spaces with an appropriate fixture and sufficient
indoor air outside. This engineering control offers vertical air exchange in high-ceiling rooms (Xu
schools in a naturally ventilated building a low- et al. 2003). In-duct systems can also be a useful
cost option to increase airflows. Efficiency can be option if designed to provide sufficient UV dose,
maximized by blocking open-air cavities on the which is determined by exposure time and irradi-
side of the fan. Box fans can also be fitted with ance. The rapid movement of air through ducts
filters to create a closed-loop filtration system requires in-duct UV lights to operate at a high
analogous to filtration via HVAC systems. intensity (Kujundzic et  al. 2007). Even if UV
Air purifiers with HEPA filters can remove dose is optimized, the single-pass airborne inacti-
airborne chemicals (e.g., particulate matter) and vation efficiency is low due to the short exposure
biological contaminants (e.g., virus, bacteria, time (order of seconds) in this UV-GI format.
fungal spores) (Kettleson et  al. 2009; Foarde Installation of in-duct systems in spaces with
2010; Miller-Leiden et  al. 1996; Shaughnessy high ACH can improve efficiency (Beggs et  al.
et al. 1994; Kujundzic et al. 2006). Portable air 2000; Kujundzic et al. 2007).
purifiers floor units, as well as ceiling and wall- Coil cleanings systems can be used to decrease
mounted systems, are available with a range of the microbial surface loading on cooling coils.
fan sizes and filter ratings. The optimal size of an This system format has been shown to have max-
air purifier for space can be determined by the imum effectiveness in climatic regions that expe-
size of the classroom and targeted ACH. All air rience coil condensation (high outdoor relative
purifiers certified by the Association of Home humidity) (Luongo and Miller 2016; American
Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM) have a clean Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-
air delivery rate (CADR) that can be used to eval- Conditioning Engineers 2019). Installation of
796 D. Li et al.

upper-air or coil cleaning UV-GI systems may be operation at maximum air flows independent of
feasible for some schools as an engineering con- the number of students, teachers, and administra-
trol strategy. However, installation often requires tive staff in the school building.
upgrades to the building’s HVAC system, and the While demand-controlled ventilation is rec-
high installation and maintenance costs should be ommended to be disabled, these carbon dioxide
considered when evaluating the feasibility of use. sensors can provide useful information about
In-duct UV-GI systems are unlikely to be effec- occupancy load and activity levels in relation to
tive in a school building where classroom ACHs the ventilation capacity of the classroom. Airflow
are low. may require adjustments if levels of exhaled car-
bon dioxide steadily increase while occupants are Unintended Exposures in the space. For classrooms not already equipped
from Outdoor Environments with these sensors, low-cost models are commer-
While maximizing outdoor airflow is recom- cially available and may provide school facility
mended in indoor spaces, it is important to be operators with useful insight on under-ventilated
aware of potential contaminants in outdoor air classrooms. Additional sensors are available to
and take precautions that minimize/prevent evaluate ventilation of air pollutants from other
school occupants from exposure. For buildings sources such as particulate matter 2.5 μm or less
with mechanical ventilation, outdoor air inlets in diameter and volatile organic compound
should not be positioned near exhaust air outlets sensors.
to avoid re-entry of potentially contaminated air. Unfortunately, nearly all these strategies
In schools using natural ventilation, outdoor air- increase energy utilization and cost. However, we
borne contaminants can readily enter the building hope that building air quality can return to nor-
spaces through open windows, including air pol- mal when COVID-19 can be treated more suc-
lutants derived from traffic and industrial sources, cessfully and safe and effective vaccines are
allergens, pests, and insects. It will be important available and deployed universally.
to consider potential exposure to these contami-
nants and be selective on which operable win-
dows are used. Considering the potential exposure 44.4 Student- and Teacher-
of students and teachers, exposure to these out- Directed Risk Reduction
door factors is also important if scheduling out- Strategies
door classes.
COVID-19 public health guiding principles S  ensors to Monitor Building include physical distancing, hand/face/surface
Performance hygiene, use of face masks covering the nose and
Achieving the optimal performance of an HVAC mouth, improved air quality and ventilation, and
system requires regular commissioning. Indirect appropriate testing and follow-up (isolation,
measures of system performance can also be quarantine, and contract tracing). Adherence to
evaluated using air pollutant sensors. A well- all of these is key to improving the safety of the
commissioned HVAC system will provide a suf- school community. These principles may become
ficient number of air changes for space based on the new normal for daily practice until we have
the size and number of occupants. Some HVAC excellent COVID-19 therapeutics and vaccines;
systems are designed to adjust air flows in indi- school administrative staff and teachers need to
vidual classrooms automatically, and offices communicate and reinforce their importance.
based on occupancy load monitored using carbon This section will discuss how these public health
dioxide sensors. Demand-controlled ventilation principles may be applied and special consider-
sequences need to be disabled to maintain HVAC ations for different settings and populations.
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 797

44.4.1 Masks distancing or other guiding public health

There is strong evidence from epidemiology and Face shields are not a replacement for masks.
economics that supports the use of masks to limit Masks and face shields apply to different routes
community spread of COVID-19. Face masks of transmission. Face shields can effectively limit
provide inward and outward protection. All stu- the spread of droplets released when coughing or
dents, teachers, and administrative staff are rec- sneezing; less effective protection is offered
ommended to wear face masks throughout the toward aerosols (Lindsley et  al. 2014). Face
day while on school property (Centers for Disease shields will have limited utility for reducing risk
Control and Prevention 2020a). Education on toward airborne transmission (Perencevich et al.
how to safely choose, wear, care for, clean or dis- 2020). A face shield could be worn in addition to
card, and store masks can be useful to encourage a mask, but face shields should not be worn with-
adherence. Promoting personalized masks with out a mask unless substantial physical distancing
the school logo or creating masks for students in is also possible.
different classes, houses, clubs, or sports teams Masks can create challenges in certain peda-
may also encourage use. Fun masks for younger gogical cases, such as language classes. Foreign
children may include favorite cartoon characters language instructors may need to be seen by stu-
or colors. Masks made from cotton fabrics with dents to appreciate mouth movements needed to
high thread counts and random fiber orientation make certain sounds. Video assistance should be
seem promising for preventing release and expo- considered, or a shield combined with an increase
sure to droplets and aerosols (Dbouk and Drikakis in their physical distance to the students to 12 feet
2020). They are also highly cost-effective (4 meters) or combined with a plexiglass barrier
(Abaluck et al. 2020). may be considered so that students can see the
In contrast, elastic fabric materials are not rec- instructor mouthing the words to be learned. In
ommended due to the large pore size, resulting in these cases where teachers do not wear masks,
lower filtration efficiency. Masks should be the duration of the class time without a mask
appropriately sized and provide coverage of both could be minimized, and additional engineering
the nose and mouth (Centers for Disease Control controls for ventilation can be used in the class-
and Prevention 2020c). Face masks with an exha- room to offer enhanced risk reduction approaches.
lation valve are not recommended as they offer In situations where lip-reading is required, and
inward protection but no outward protection; physical distancing may make it impossible for
thus, they will not prevent the spread of the virus the deaf or hard of hearing student read lips, com-
from the mask wearer (Ippolito et  al. 2020). munication may be possible using a mask with a
Reusable masks can be washed or stored 2–3 days transparent mouth window. School policy should
between wear (Hao et al. 2020; Yang 2020; World be developed to accommodate members of the
Health Organization 2020a). Rotating between at school community who cannot wear masks. For
least three masks will allow for safer reuse of instance, certain states are requesting all students
masks. that cannot wear masks to develop a particular
In situations where masks cannot be worn educational plan with the teachers.
(i.e., eating, playing a wind or a brass musical While not ideal, teachers using only face
instrument), other precautions can be taken to shields can stand near an air purifier or window-
increase safety. Alternative arrangements should mounted box fan. These lessons can be held out-
also be made for students who are unable to wear doors if weather permits. Also, lessons can go for
a face mask due to developmental, respiratory, 15  minutes with a 10-min non-talking period,
young age, or other physical conditions. Members limiting the potential for high air aerosol volumes
of the school community must understand that and maximizing the ability of the HVAC or fan or
wearing a mask is not a replacement for physical air purifier to cleanse the air.
798 D. Li et al.

44.4.2 Hand Hygiene maximal disease control requires a layered strat-

egy that includes multiple controls. The optimal
All members should be consistently reminded to combination of risk reduction approaches imple-
wash their hands as frequently as possible. Hands mented should be guided by occupancy patterns
should be washed with soap and water for at least and activities of students, teachers, staff, and
20–30 seconds. That is longer than most people administrators in the space. We will discuss the
realize, the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday application of administrative and engineering
to You” twice. When lacking soap and water, controls in specific school spaces.
hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol
can be used. For hand sanitizer to be effective, all
surfaces of the hands must be covered and then 44.5.1 Upper-grade Classrooms
rubbed until dry. It is especially important for
students, teachers, and administrative staff to As students spend much of the school day in a
wash their hands after touching common surfaces classroom, disease control measurements must
or their face after they cough or sneeze and after be implemented in these spaces (Fig. 44.4). Older
using the restroom (Pradhan et  al. 2020). Also, students are likely to be more adherent to guide-
even adults may need a “hand-washing lesson” lines than lower-grade school students, but teach-
since, commonly, the hands are not thoroughly ers and school administrative staff need to
washed in everyday practice. Touching one’s face regularly reinforce the benefits of adequately
should trigger additional hand hygiene, as would wearing a face mask, hand hygiene, and physical
touching of potentially contaminated surfaces. distancing.
Courtesy greetings such as shaking of hands Schools should be aware of “mask fatigue”
should not be conducted as long as COVID-19 is with children, as mentioned earlier in the chapter.
not well controlled with medications for infected “Free Mask” breaks can be scheduled during the
persons and vaccines for the uninfected. school day, where students can take off their
mask under teacher supervision while physically
distanced (>12 ft. or 4 meters apart) outdoors. If
44.5 C
 ase Studies of Specific this is done indoors, the break should be a few
School Spaces students at a time, maintaining mask use by those
students most proximate.
Approaches to reduce transmission risk through Teachers need to arrange desks such that stu-
the elimination of physical contact, various dents are physically distanced at least 2 meters or
administrative and engineering controls, and per- 6 feet apart. Zig-zag configurations can be used
sonal behaviors have been discussed. Achieving to maximize the number of students that can be

Fig. 44.4  Risk reduction strategies in upper-grade classrooms

44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 799

Fig. 44.5  Risk reduction strategies in kindergarten and lower-grade classrooms

accommodated in the classroom. Plexiglass bar- behaviors, including the use of face masks, hand
riers can be used to limit contact between stu- hygiene, and physical distancing. Teachers can
dents when 2-meter (6-foot) distancing is not consider implementing various creative strategies
possible. It may also be possible to repurpose to overcome age-related challenges, as summa-
larger spaces available in the school, such as rized in Fig. 44.5.
gymnasiums, common rooms, and auditorium as To encourage preventive behaviors, teachers
additional classrooms. can play health education games with students.
Also, teachers are recommended to rotate These games could cover topics including sneez-
between classrooms rather than students. This ing into their elbow (“be a vampire”), effective
strategy can limit occupant movement in the hand hygiene (“wash off the paint or glitter”),
school building and reduce potential contamina- and mask use (“decorate your mask”).
tion of shared surfaces, contact with high-touch While physical distancing younger students
items, and close contact in the hallway/stairwells. may prove challenging, classroom furniture can
Increased ventilation in classrooms is a practi- be rearranged with activity stations spaced at
cal approach to reduce risk to virus-laden aero- least 2 meters or 6 feet apart. Toys, shared sup-
sols. Schools with mechanical ventilation should plies, and high-touch surfaces are recommended
operate HVAC at appropriate total supply airflow to be cleaned and disinfected between groups of
throughout the day. Naturally ventilated class- students. The supply of disinfectant wipes in the
rooms can make use of operable windows and classroom will facilitate frequent use by teachers
consider the use of air purifiers or window- on contaminated surfaces and items. Placing a
mounted box fans for greater airflow. hand sanitizer bottle in the classroom can encour-
age use by students, and students can be taught to
remind each other and be reminded by the
44.5.2 Kindergarten and Lower teacher.
grade Classes Increased ventilation can also be effective in
reducing airborne transmission risk. Classes can
Activity patterns of students and teachers in be held in outdoor spaces if weather permits.
lower-grade classrooms (kindergarten to grade 2) Available mechanical and natural ventilation
are distinct from the upper-grade classes that options should also be maximized to increase
were previously discussed – students tend to be ACH in the classroom. Supplemental ventilation
more mobile throughout the day in the classroom can be achieved in the classroom through the use
space, and much of the day is spent near or on the of air purifiers and window-mounted box fans.
floor. Young students in these classrooms are also Depending on the size of the classroom, multiple
likely to have lower adherence to preventive units may be necessary.
800 D. Li et al.

44.5.3 Music Rooms with HVAC systems are recommended to be

operated at total supply air flows throughout the
Music rooms are high-risk spaces in schools as day. If continuous use of outdoor air is not pos-
singing and wind or brass instruments can gener- sible during the rehearsal time, facilities manag-
ate aerosols. Administrative and engineering con- ers could consider a purge cycle before the next
trols can be employed to decrease risks, as group of students enters the room. Flutes in
summarized in Fig.  44.6. Schools should con- which forced breaths are passed over the instru-
sider holding classes and rehearsals that include ment rather than blown into it should be segre-
singing or wind and brass instruments outside. gated behind plexiglass and/or physically
To limit exposure, students playing the piano, separated by more than 12 feet or 4 meters from
string instrument, or percussion should wear a other instrumentalists and the conductor.
face mask over their nose and mouth. Students Each student is recommended to have her or
playing a wind or brass instrument can also be his own music stand. Students who can wear a
encouraged to wear an “instrument mask,” which mask while playing their instrument can be posi-
has an overlapping, layered opening that can be tioned 2 meters or 6 feet apart facing the force.
pulled back to access the mouthpiece. While Increased physical distancing is recommended
playing, this mask design allows their nose to be for wind and brass instruments and singers. The
covered. While masks offer protection from aero- occupancy in smaller-sized classrooms should be
sols and droplets, vulnerable students should be reduced. A larger ensemble alternatively can be
notified of the increased risk of participating in spread across multiple rooms and connected by
music classes. live stream, if available. Classes may consider
Indoor class times should be limited depend- meeting in larger, well-ventilated school spaces
ing on the size of the room and allow for a flush (i.e., assembly hall, auditorium, gymnasium,
period before the next group of students enters etc.) or outdoor locations to achieve the recom-
the room. Teachers can control aerosol levels by mended physical distancing. Tents can increase
scheduling 5–10-min breaks during the rehearsal flexibility with outdoor spaces but should be
session to permit HVAC or fans to cleanse the open sided and high pitched.
room air. During these breaks, all students are To further limit exposure of other students to
recommended to wear masks. These breaks may the enhanced aerosols released by these instru-
also serve as an opportune time for teachers to ments, wind and brass players can be positioned
introduce digital platforms in the event at-home by a ventilation source (i.e., open window, air
learning is necessary. purifier, window-mounted box fan) surrounded
Ventilation in music rooms should be by physical barriers. Students can also use nylon
increased during and after rehearsals. Schools or cloth bell coverings on wind instruments to

Fig. 44.6  Risk reduction strategies in music rooms

44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 801

reduce aerosol emissions. Students should not least 2 meters or 6  feet of physical distance;
discharge water valves on the floor; students workstations can be reconfigured to promote
should have their own absorbent pads or adherence to guidelines. When proximity is
container. needed for teaching, this should be very brief. To
If students are obtaining instruments from the maximize available space for physical distancing
school, each student should be assigned to avoid and to facilitate cleaning, unused tools or materi-
sharing. Similarly, percussionists should be als can be organized or stored. Increased ventila-
assigned their own stick/mallet. tion can further decrease risks from the airborne
transmission, either via the school’s HVAC sys-
tem or natural ventilation strategies. Supplemental
44.5.4 Art Rooms controls (box fans, air purifiers) may also be used
if other ventilation options are not available. If
Art rooms can be viewed as lower risk as students the weather permits, teachers can consider hold-
can wear masks throughout the class session. An ing outdoor classes.
overview of approaches to reduce transmission
risk reduction in this space is summarized in
Fig. 44.7. The risk of COVID-19 transmission by 44.5.5 Computer Labs
fomites is of relevance when art tools are shared
between students. SARS-CoV-2 can remain via- School computer labs present similar risks as
ble on various surfaces, ranging from 4 h on cop- other classroom spaces but also present a risk for
per to a maximum of 3  days on plastic and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 via the fomites,
stainless-steel surfaces (van Doremalen et  al. namely, shared computer peripherals (i.e., mouse,
2020). Providing each student with a set of essen- keyboard, screen). Strategies for risk reduction
tial art tools can minimize shared objects but may are summarized in Fig. 44.8. Computer peripher-
not be feasible in many cases. Any shared sup- als are made from plastics where SARS-CoV-2
plies and surfaces are recommended to be cleaned can remain active or infectious for approximately
and disinfected after use. A block of time can be 3 days (van Doremalen et al. 2020). Cleaning and
scheduled near the end of each class allocated to disinfection between groups of students are rec-
cleaning and disinfecting art supplies. ommended. The availability of hand sanitizer and
Disinfectant wipes and hand sanitizers are rec- disinfectant wipes around the computer lab
ommended to be accessible at multiple locations would help to promote good hand hygiene as
around the art room to encourage use during well as cleaning and disinfection behavior by stu-
class. Students and teachers should maintain at dents. Teachers and students should maintain at

Fig. 44.7  Risk reduction strategies in art classrooms

802 D. Li et al.

Fig. 44.8  Risk reduction strategies in computer labs

least 2 meters or 6 feet of physical distance while Swimmers in adjacent lanes can start at opposite
wearing masks, but this may present challenges ends of the pool so that they are not swimming
with computer workstations that cannot be easily together and instead pass each other. Decisions
moved. Plexiglass barriers can be positioned regarding phased return must be made for each
between workstations to minimize prolonged sport. Schools should consider canceling inter-
close contact of students during class times. school athletics competitions to limit interaction
Ventilation can be increased further in computer between students and teachers from different
classrooms, as with other spaces, to reduce air- schools. Division get-togethers, team meetings,
borne transmission risks through mechanical or and team demonstrations are recommended to be
natural ventilation options. Supplemental con- held virtually.
trols like fans and air purifiers can also be used if Precautions should be taken for sports activi-
other ventilation options are not available. ties held in indoor gymnasium spaces. An over-
view of approaches to reduce transmission risk
reduction in gymnasiums are summarized in
44.5.6 Gymnasiums Fig.  44.9. All students on sports teams would
likely benefit from education on disease control
While athletics programs are a significant com- and discussion of the importance of a “shared
ponent of school life for many students, COVID- responsibility” mentality. The symptoms of stu-
19 presents a high risk of transmission while dents on sports teams should be checked regu-
participating in contact team sports. Sport-related larly. Non-touch temperature checks before
impediments to personal distancing are unavoid- training, practices, and competitions may help
able in many teams and contact sports like the US mitigate risks. Outdoor practice sessions are rec-
or Australian football, wrestling, football/soccer, ommended to be arranged as much as possible.
field hockey, handball, lacrosse, water polo, and Masks are recommended while playing sports,
basketball. Contact ball sports such as baseball, in particular, when indoors. Shared items and
softball, or basketball often involve ball sharing surfaces need to be cleaned and disinfected
and ball transfer, which increases the risk of between student groups. Good hand hygiene can
transmission through fomites. Individual sports be promoted by placing hand sanitizer around the
are relatively easier to keep physical distancing – gymnasium. Many gymnasiums have high ceil-
swimming with adequately spaced lanes, golf, ings and are equipped with dedicated mechanical
and tennis. Schools should assess the risks of dis- ventilation systems that have the potential to pro-
ease transmission in each sport. Athletes can be vide adequate levels of ventilation. To ensure
physically distanced when playing contact sports. increased ventilation is provided for students and
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 803

Fig. 44.9  Risk reduction strategies in gyms

teachers in this space for physical education students must keep at least 2 meters or 6 feet of
classes or sports practices, available HVAC sys- physical distance. Markers can be used to indi-
tems should be operated with demand-controlled cate 2 meters or 6 feet spacing. Frequent clean-
ventilation disabled to allow the highest levels of ing and disinfecting during the school day are
outdoor air to be brought in while the gymnasium recommended to minimize risks of surface
occupancy levels are relatively low. Gymnasium contamination. Automated infrastructure in
spaces may have extensive HVAC capabilities restrooms (automatic doors, touchless faucets,
that could be repurposed by the school to hold soap dispensers, towel dispensers, and toilet
other classes or events. In gymnasiums that are flushers) can be used to reduce touch of high-
mechanically ventilated, operable windows and use surfaces.
window-mounted box fans may be used to Instructions on proper hand-washing tech-
increase ventilation levels further. niques can be posted by the sink area together
with a clock that students can use to time them-
selves. If students follow the 20-second guidance
44.5.7 Restrooms for hand-washing, aerosol and droplets sprayed
by hand dryers will not likely present disease
Restrooms may impart additional risk for viral risk; however, paper towels are recommended
transmission. In restrooms, aerosols do not only given that many younger and even older students
transmit from human to human or objects but may not adhere to recommended procedures.
also can be generated and spread by flushing toi- Placement of hand sanitizer by doors may also
lets (Knowlton et  al. 2018). SARS-CoV-2 has encourage good hand hygiene.
been found in fecal samples of patients with As most restroom spaces are small, physical
COVID-19 (Knowlton et  al. 2018; McDermott barriers such as plexiglass can be positioned
et al. 2020). There is no evidence that there is any between sinks and urinals to lower contact
substantial degree of transmission via the fecal- between occupants. Toilet lids can also be
oral route. Schools still need to be cautious and installed as another physical barrier to limit expo-
minimize any risk of fecal bio-aerosol transmis- sure to aerosolized fecal material, though this
sion by limiting bathroom crowding and maxi- may result in more touching of the lids. Increased
mizing handwashing and surface cleaning ventilation in restrooms will also be critical in
opportunities. limiting airborne transmission; exhaust ventila-
Administrative and engineering controls tion should be confirmed to be functioning cor-
can be used to decrease the risk of disease rectly and should be left on at all times when the
transmission, as summarized in Fig.  44.10. school is occupied. Due to the bathroom exhaust,
Occupancy limits should be set for each rest- these spaces are negatively pressurized relative to
room. While waiting in a line for the restroom, common areas (i.e., airflow is moving into the
804 D. Li et al.

Fig. 44.10  Risk reduction strategies in female (left) and male (right) restrooms

Fig. 44.11  Risk reduction strategies in cafeterias

restroom rather than from the bathroom into assigned classroom. Students can be encouraged
adjacent spaces). to bring a packed lunch from home if possible.
Alternatively, a “grab-and-go” style lunch can be
offered by the school to avoid long queues that
44.5.8 Cafeteria extend contact times between students and
between students and food service staff.
Cafeterias are viewed as high-risk spaces in Also, students can be asked to eat lunch at
schools. Wearing face masks is one of the most tables that are physically distanced 2  meters or
significant disease controls; however, the mask 6 feet apart. Multiple students can be accommo-
usage cannot be enforced due to the need to eat. dated at a table using plexiglass barriers. Aerosols
Administrative and engineering controls should will be released by students while speaking dur-
be increased to account for the increased release ing lunch. The release will be great with vocaliza-
of potentially virus-laden droplets and aerosols tion. Students should be asked to speak quietly,
(Fig. 44.11). which is recognized to be potentially challenging.
Lunch periods can be staggered to limit the A noise monitor with a visual indicator can be
number of occupants in the cafeteria. Students placed in the cafeteria to monitor sound levels.
should be encouraged to eat their lunches with Placement of hand sanitizer bottles at acces-
their pod outside (weather permitting) or in their sible locations in the cafeteria will facilitate good
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 805

hand hygiene. Access to disinfectant wipes on direction), to avoid congestion, and to remind
tables will further encourage students to wipe people of keeping at least 2 meters or 6 feet of
down surfaces before and after eating. physical distance. Also, classes can be stag-
Evaluating ventilation options will be critical gered to minimize traffic in hallways. The con-
in this space. Mechanical ventilation is recom- centrated flow of students and teachers in these
mended to be operated at appropriate total supply spaces will create many high-touch surfaces,
airflow throughout the day. Since many building such as doorknobs and light switches.
HVAC systems cannot be continuously operated Disinfection of these surfaces after class
at 100% outdoor air, a short purge cycle can be changes can help minimize transmission risks
run between groups of students to bring in more via fomites. Sensor automated, foot-operated,
fresh air between use. For naturally ventilated or pop-open doors can also be used to reduce
spaces, operable windows should be used. Air touch of high-use doors. Signs can be placed in
can additionally be exhausted outdoors using these spaces to alert students, teachers, and
outward-facing window-mounted box fans. staff of these non-touch features and encourage
Multiple units can be installed depending on the opening other doors using elbows, keys, pens,
size of the cafeteria. or other tools. To increase ventilation within
hallways and stairwells, windows, if operable,
can be opened during and after times of high
44.5.9 Hallways and Stairwells traffic.

Although hallways and stairwells are only

intermittently occupied continuously during the 44.5.10 Library
school day, they are still considered to be
higher-risk areas due to high time-limited occu- School libraries provide important learning
pancy, limited space for physical distancing, resources to students. Beyond access to books,
and potentially lower levels of ventilation. An libraries offer a safe and quiet study environ-
overview of approaches to reduce transmission ment as well as access to computers and the
risk reduction is summarized in Fig.  44.12. internet. These facilities and amenities are espe-
Hallways and stairwells should be marked with cially important for low-income communities
tapes to show directions of flow (similar to a where analogous services may be unavailable at
road traffic pattern with lanes to traffic in one homes. In planning for school reopening, librar-

Fig. 44.12  Risk reduction strategies in hallways and stairwells

806 D. Li et al.

Fig. 44.13  Risk reduction strategies in a library space

ies are of potential concern because of the clear plastic curtain separation, frequent sur-
unstructured time students may spend in this face hygiene, and maximizing distancing,
space before, during, and after school. As this is mask use, and indoor air quality can mitigate
a common space, students will likely interact risks.
with others outside of their class pod, which
may warrant additional administrative and engi-
neering controls to be implemented. These strat- 44.5.11 Playgrounds
egies for risk reduction are summarized in
Fig. 44.13. Schools should plan to maximize students’
Building HVAC systems with maximized air amount of outdoor recess breaks and time in
exchange or air purifiers should be implemented in playgrounds. The risk of transmission in these
the workspace to increase air exchanges. Given the outdoor spaces can be minimized through vari-
size of most library spaces, schools should con- ous strategies that allow for physical distancing
sider placing multiple air purifiers with the same as well as good hand hygiene and cleaning and
CADR rating. Protocols to facilitate physical dis- disinfecting protocols (Fig. 44.14). Recess times
tancing should be established, such as 2 meters or can be staggered to reduce the total number in the
6 feet spacing between study/reading spaces and play area and interaction between students in dif-
setting single occupancy in bays of books. Placing ferent pods. Students should wear face masks
a plexiglass barrier at the information desk and use during recess breaks. Increased teacher supervi-
of a drop box for book returns can further mini- sion is recommended to ensure proper mask use
mize interactions between librarians and students. is followed and encourage physical distancing.
Students can also be encouraged to maintain good To promote physical distancing, schools can
hand hygiene as well as contribute to disinfecting increase the number of available portable toys,
efforts through the placement of hand sanitizer and such as balls and sand shovels/buckets. These
disinfectant wipes at multiple locations across the items can be cleaned and disinfected between
library space. groups of students. Play structures are not likely
Issues for libraries may also apply to audio- a route of high transmission due to sunlight inac-
video studios, radio studios, computer labs, tivation. Regularly disinfecting high-touch sur-
and other specialized areas of a school that faces (i.e., slides, swings) and good hand hygiene
may represent closed spaces and multiple per- can further lower risks. Hand sanitizer stations
sons using the space. Spacing, plexiglass or can be placed around the play area to encourage
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 807

Fig. 44.14  Risk reduction strategies in playgrounds

use, and students can wash their hands before and behavior recommendations made for all students
after recess. and teachers on school property, all students and
the bus driver are recommended to wear a mask
while on the bus or queuing to board the bus.
44.5.12 Transportation Departure should be from front to back and
should involve physical distancing. We appreci-
Many students rely on school buses for transpor- ate the cost implications.
tation to and from school. Several administrative
controls can be implemented to decrease the risks
of disease transmission. It is recommended that 44.5.13 Isolation Room
bus drivers be screened for COVID-19 symptoms
and temperature daily before starting their morn- Schools should arrange to dedicate rooms to be
ing route. The maximum occupancy of students separate isolation areas. Students that develop
on the bus should be decreased to allow for only COVID-19-like symptoms during the school day
one child per seat, also seated in a zig-zag pattern can be taken to this space until they can return
to maximize distancing. Cost and time consider- home safely. Isolation rooms are recommended
ations may not make this feasible, but reduced to be located on an exterior wall to maximize
crowding should still be a goal. Hand sanitizer ventilation options and have exterior exits to
placed at the entrance of the bus can encourage eliminate infected individuals from mixing with
children to disinfect their hands while boarding healthy staff and students. It is recommended that
and exiting the bus. Increased cleaning and disin- this space include a bed if the child needs to lie
fection protocols should be followed; seats, seat- down and all other furniture be removed to facili-
belts, and windows should be disinfected between tate cleaning and disinfecting protocols. Ideally,
each group of students on the bus. Windows a dedicated bathroom will be available for stu-
should be kept open as an engineering control dents requiring the use of this space. For contact
whenever possible to promote increased airflow tracing, anyone who enters the isolation room
through the bus. Weather will guide the extent to should be logged. Anyone who enters the desig-
which windows can be opened; however, it is rec- nated isolation room must use appropriate
ommended that some windows along the length PPE. Efficient ventilation systems are critical for
of the bus be kept open approximately 3 inches isolation rooms. Negative pressure should be
irrespective of weather. Similar to the personal maintained in the isolation room to limit the dis-
808 D. Li et al.

persion of air into adjoining spaces. Schools 44.6.2 Socially Vulnerable Students
should target to have 6–10 air changes per hour
of total air in this space (American Society of Schools should also be prepared to help socially
Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning vulnerable students. Socially vulnerable students
Engineers 2020b). For schools with mechanical include but are not limited to those who are unin-
ventilation, return air from isolation rooms sured, homeless, those in foster care and/or group
should be exhausted directly outdoors. Schools homes, undocumented students (i.e., immigrants
with natural ventilation can use a window- who may be in camps or considered illegal), and
mounted box fan to exhaust air outdoors. If those living in unstable environments. In the
weather permits, this isolation area can be out- United States, one can add persons with Deferred
doors in a tent. Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) status.
Protecting these students is both a moral and an
ethical obligation. Students with limited resources
44.6 Considerations must be provided with the necessary supplies,
for Vulnerable Populations technology, and support to ensure a safe and
equitable academic environment.
44.6.1 Physically Vulnerable
44.6.3 Academically Vulnerable
It is especially important to protect students, Students
staff, and faculty at increased risk for severe ill-
nesses from COVID-19. People at increased risk Some students with learning disabilities may
are those with pre-existing conditions, immuno- encounter difficulties with virtual learning plat-
compromised, older age, or those with family forms. Extra tutoring and academic resources
members who are sick (Jordan et  al. 2020). may be beneficial to these children. Teachers and
Students with asthma, respiratory problems, guardians must work together to provide the best
immunocompromised, other underlying neuro- learning environment for these students. If lim-
logic, genetic, metabolic, and developmental ited face-to-face capacity is available in a re-
conditions are at increased risk for severe illness engineered school environment, the academic
from COVID-19 than other children (Centers for vulnerable and special needs students should be
Disease Control and Prevention 2020c). Students prioritized for classroom engagement.
and faculties who live with at-risk individuals
must be protected with extra precautions.
All members of the school community should 44.6.4 Medically Vulnerable Staff
be instructed to discuss their risks and concerns and Teachers
with school nurses/healthcare personnel. Any
individual who falls within categories of high Schools should be safe for teachers and other
risk should be permitted to work/study remotely. staff. Persons who are over the age of 60–65 years
Necessary supplies, such as laptops and high- who have underlying medical conditions like
speed internet, should be provided. If needed, the asthma, a chronic obstructive pulmonary disor-
school administration can reassign roles to allow der, diabetes, uncontrolled hypertension, and oth-
at-risk faculties to work while staying safe. ers are advised to teach virtually or, at the very
Schools should provide adequate PPE, supervi- least, teach with extra precautions. One of the
sion, and other protections based on each indi- authors (SHV) of this chapter fits this category,
vidual’s risk. Accommodations can be granted and he will be teaching with universal classroom
case-by-case upon request. Extra precautions mask use, maximum physical distancing, abun-
must be taken to protect the privacy of high-risk dant hand hygiene, and optimized indoor air
individuals. quality made possible by his university’s invest-
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 809

ments (Vermund 2020). Not all teachers will be lacking, though studies thus far indicate that
so fortunate, given resource constraints and/or a many teachers are struggling to balance their
lack of administrative or political support. commitments to their students with fears of their
personal and family’s risks of infection
(Odriozola-Gonzalez et  al. 2020). The sudden
44.7 M
 ental Health Among switch to online learning has created new bur-
Students, Teachers, and Staff dens on teachers. Teachers and school staff, simi-
lar to their students, also face anxieties related to
The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken many peo- the uncertainty of future disruptions to education
ple’s lives. Many students are experiencing and employment (Araujo et al. 2020). Given the
worry, sadness, anxiety, and trauma related to the importance of teachers beyond their role as edu-
upheaval. Students from minority and marginal- cators, any approaches to incorporate mental
ized communities already experience higher rates health and behavioral interventions into school
of anxiety and depression, while also having lim- reopening must also consider the needs of teach-
ited access to behavioral healthcare. Parents or ers and staff (Zhou 2020).
guardians may have lost jobs, businesses, or other Despite frequent discussions of the stress
income. The pandemic will only exacerbate the that teachers and school staff face with the
needs of families. reopening of schools in the media, the mental
There is a growing literature on student men- health implications of school reopening for stu-
tal health amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Much dents are unclear. One study conducted with US
research has been conducted with university stu- college students found that students were ame-
dents and those in countries like China, Italy, and nable to keeping colleges closed until a COVID
Spain that experienced the early surge of infec- vaccine was available, but it is unclear how
tions. During the pandemic and the resultant younger adolescents and children might feel
school closures, several factors converged to con- about continued distance learning (Cohen et al.
tribute to student mental health and psychologi- 2020). Further research is needed to explore stu-
cal distress (Courtney et  al. 2020; Duan et  al. dents’ expectations and feelings concerning the
2020; Huckins et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Cao reopening of schools amid the pandemic, and
et al. 2020). The uncertainty and fear associated this information should be incorporated into
with the pandemic continue to harm students’ reopening plans.
well-being. Quarantine and isolation result in dis- It is crucial to provide mental health services
turbing insecurity among students. The media is to students, teachers, and school staff during this
generating heightened stress. Many students are crisis. Tele-mental health services or virtual well-
experiencing anxiety, depression, suicidal ide- being sessions are effective ways to make mental
ation, substance abuse, and domestic violence. In health and behavioral interventions accessible
China, a study found higher rates of post-COVID and safe. Mental health staff should receive train-
anxiety in students than the general population ing focusing specifically on telehealth, virtual
(Phelps and Sperry 2020; Wang and Zhao 2020). counseling, and pandemic- and trauma-specific
Adolescents and young adults may suffer more stress counseling. Training is necessary to pro-
acutely from loneliness and the loss of support vide the needed education, confidence, and skills
from peers than younger children, contributing to required among mental health providers. Virtual
additional distress in this population (Loades communication is an accessible, valid, and
et  al. 2020). Further, there are early indications responsive venue for student support. However,
that the stressors of the pandemic and lockdown in-person arrangements should be made in case
may cause post-traumatic stress among some of a psychological emergency.
youth (Loades et al. 2020). Schools should set up meditation, mindful-
Teachers’ and school staff’s mental health is ness sessions, mental health workshops, and ther-
also critical in reopening schools and providing apeutic group discussion opportunities for
support to students. Data for these groups are students and employees with different needs.
810 D. Li et al.

Coordinated care that addresses the needs of and leaders, parents/guardians, educational adminis-
incorporates resources for both students and their trators, or school staff do not take COVID-19
supports (teachers, family) will be critical (Zhou control seriously, much damage can occur if nec-
2020). Self-care education can also be integrated essary precautions are not taken appropriately.
into daily teaching and activities. Teachers and Improved air quality, masks, hand sanitizers,
schools should promote “physical distancing, plexiglass barriers, grab-and-go meals, outdoor
NOT social distancing” messaging. Teachers can tents, and smaller class sizes all take extra
encourage students to replace high-fives and resources. Governments must acknowledge this
hugs with “virtual hugs” or “flying hearts.” and provide additional resources in this time of
Teachers must be vigilant for signs of depression, COVID-19 before the availability of excellent
anxiety, or burnout and bridge students to neces- treatments and vaccines.
sary support. A high degree of knowledge is not The current crisis calls for a shift in culture
necessarily protective of depression and anxiety, that recommends the universal, routine mask use.
as demonstrated in a study of Chinese medical Behavioral adherence must be reinforced and
students who were studying public health during incentivized. Vulnerable groups must be pro-
the pandemic shutdown (Chen et al. 2020). The tected, whether students, vulnerable persons liv-
socialization, even limited, provided by the ing with the students, teachers, or other staff.
school may help avoid mental health problems Mitigation measures hopefully enable us to open
for some youth and may also enable parents and up schools in lower-incidence settings around the
guardians the opportunity to make a living. world. Virtual online learning becomes the pre-
Offering mental health support will be crucial to ferred method of education in the face of high
the well-being of students and teachers as they viral transmission in a school’s particular
seek a return to school and a new normal. community.

44.8 Conclusion References

Fundamental principles to keep schools safe are Abaluck J, Chevalier J, Christakis NA et  al (2020) The
case for universal cloth mask adoption and policies
similar to those for any indoor environment dur- to increase supply of medical masks for health work-
ing the influenza season, but the needs and pro- ers. Covid Econ (5):147–159.
clivities of children must be brought to the fore in default/files/news/CovidEconomics5.pdf
this more urgent time or greater risk. Fundamental American Society of Heating Refrigerating Air-
Conditioning Engineers (2019) Ventilation for
elements are universal mask use, 2 meters or acceptable indoor air quality in residential build-
6  feet distancing, assertive hygiene for hands, ings. vol ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2019 ANSI/
face, and surfaces, optimized air quality, outdoor ASHRAE, Atlanta
teaching and activities whenever possible, limit- American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (2019) Ultraviolet air and sur-
ing crowds, and abundant testing. A universal face treatment. ASHRAE Handbook, Atlanta
influenza vaccine is highly advisable. Provision American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-
for temporary isolation or quarantine, along with Conditioning Engineers (2020a) Reopening of schools
contact tracing, is needed. Boarding schools, col- and universities. American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
leges, and universities that host students from far
away may need to invoke their locum parentis reopening-of-schools-and-universities
and provide healthcare, quarantine, isolation, and American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-
contact tracing on behalf of distanced parents and Conditioning Engineers (2020b) Reopening schools
and universities guidance. American Society of
guardians. Long-distance travel is not safe for a Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
known or potential SARS-CoV-2 carrier. Engineers, Atlanta
The feasibility of maximum safety will vary American Society of Safety Pofessionals (2020) How
with local attitudes and resources. If political to apply the hierarchy of controls in a pandemic.
44  Reopening Schools After a Novel Coronavirus Surge 811

American Society of Safety Pofessionals https://www. 2019 (COVID-19). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta
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COVID-19 and Its Impact
on Tourism Industry 45
Dimitrios G. Lagos, Panoraia Poulaki,
and Penny Lambrou

Abstract date impacts, aiming at a critical appraisal of

the current situation. It will mainly help in
The current COVID-19 pandemic is leading to making the appropriate pandemic manage-
significant changes in terms of people’s eco- ment plan in the tourism industry.
nomic behavior, which will inevitably impact
the tourism industry and tourism activity both Keywords
worldwide and in tourism host countries.
Immediate control measures, such as neces- COVID-19 · Economy · Pandemic · Tourism
sary restrictions on travel, avoiding physical industry · Tourists
contact, social distancing, as well as tourists’
and patients’ changes in priority making, have
vanished interest in traveling away from the
place of usual residence and seeking to receive 45.1 Introduction
tourism services. COVID-19 pandemic has
caused immediate impacts across the whole The current COVID-19 pandemic has caused
spectrum of economic and social activity. The immediate impacts across the whole spectrum of
duration and intensity of the arising malfunc- economic and social activity of the global com-
tion in tourism are not yet known; thus, it is munity. The whole world is faced with a health
too early to make any assessments of the crisis that bears a tremendous impact on our soci-
financial losses that will be recorded on an eties and people’s lives. The ongoing crisis has
annual basis. However, an initial approach is affected many sectors, among which travel and
necessary in order to assess the range of to tourism have been negatively affected to the
greatest extent. Taking into account that millions
of jobs are at risk, urgent support must be offered.
D. G. Lagos (*)
Department of Business Administration, University The COVID-19 outbreak has paralyzed the tour-
of the Aegean, Chios, Greece ism industry, leaving travelers scrambling to
e-mail: return home and devastating economies that are
P. Poulaki mostly dependent on tourism (Niestadt 2020).
Department of Economics and Management of The duration and intensity of the arising mal-
Tourism University of the Aegean, Chios, Greece function in tourism are not yet known; thus, it is
P. Lambrou too early to make any specific predictions on the
Hospital Manager – Health Management Consultant, financial losses that will be eventually recorded.
Athens, Greece

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 815
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
816 D. G. Lagos et al.

Nevertheless, it offers a rare opportunity for posals aimed at buffering the crisis that is affect-
reflection and recalibration to grow again and to ing the sector.
grow better for the planet and people According to the World Health Organization
(Organization 2020). In many popular tourism (WHO), tourism arrivals in 2019, based on data
destinations, hotels have been deserted, and res- from tourism destinations worldwide, reached
taurants, bars, tourism attractions, theme parks, close to 1.5 billion, indicating a 3.8% (54 million
and museums are closed. arrivals) increase compared to 2018, a steady
An initial approach is necessary to assess the increase over the last 10 years (Organization
range of to date impacts of the crisis due to the 2020). According to WTTC, tourism contributed
COVID-19 pandemic, aiming at a critical 8.8 trillion dollars in the global economy in 2018,
appraisal of the situation. It will mainly help in a figure corresponding to 10.4% of world GDP
making the appropriate management plan in the (WTTC 2020).
global tourism industry economy. Beginning from the end of World War II, tour-
Global international tourism arrivals declined ism has shown impressive growth internationally,
by 20–30% in 2020 as compared to 2019. It can and it has been slightly affected by events such as
be translated into a loss of US$300–450 billion terrorism, wars, and natural disasters. Such fac-
(€270–407 billion) in spending by international tors have been overcome, and the lost ground has
visitors (international tourism receipts) been gained in a pretty short time. It constitutes
(Organization 2020). common knowledge deriving from global tour-
According to the Organisation for Economic ism industry statistics that numbers of interna-
Co-operation and Development (OECD), the tional tourism arrivals have been continuously
shock that is implied could bring about a “45– increasing over time since 1950 to the present. In
70% decline in the international tourism econ- particular, the increase of international tourism
omy in 2020” (Assessment 2020). The prediction arrivals has been observed to grow in numbers in
of the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) the last 70 years, and only a period of 2 years has
for the year 2020 is that more than 70 million seen a decrease in arrivals compared to the previ-
jobs worldwide and 6 million jobs in the European ous year. Specifically, the largest decrease was
Union will be lost in the travel and tourism mar- recorded in the period 2008–2009, due to the
ket. The WTTC managing director believes that global economic crisis, which affected interna-
“once the outbreak is under control, it would take tional tourism, causing a 4% decrease in 2009 (−
up to 10 months for the tourism sector to return to 37 million arrivals) and a 6% decrease in
its normal levels” (WTTC 2020). international tourism revenues. In 2003, the
In most countries, a considerable number of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epi-
lives have been lost, with the United States, demic, which also started in a Chinese province,
United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, China, had little effect on world tourism, and interna-
Belgium, Brazil, and Germany being at the top of tional tourism arrivals fell by just 0.4% (− 3 mil-
this list (Buhalis 2020). The situation is particu- lion arrivals) compared to 2002. According to
larly tricky in several European Union countries international estimations, it is expected that 290
that are key tourism destinations, such as Italy, to 440 million fewer arrivals will occur, due to
Spain, and France. According to the Italian the COVID-19 pandemic, corresponding to a
Tourism Federation (Assoturismo), it is esti- percentage reduction by 20% to 30%.
mated that Italy stands to lose around 60% of its According to the OECD, the prospects for
tourists this year (Niestadt 2020). global growth remain incredibly uncertain. As a
Urgent measures must be taken to ensure the result, annual GDP change is projected to be
restarting of the travel and tourism sector, which negative and decline estimated by 2.4% in 2020
in Italy represents 10.4% of the total GDP (Valeri as a whole, with growth likely to be negative in
2020). Only the trade associations are trying to the first quarter of 2020. The negative impact
create a common technical table to advance pro- on confidence in financial markets in the travel
45  COVID-19 and Its Impact on Tourism Industry 817

sector and the cessation of supply chains con- Within the hospitality sector, small- and
tribute to the downturn in all G20 (Group of 20) medium-sized enterprises have been particularly
economies in 2020, especially those closely severely affected. The drop in demand has led
linked to Australia, China, such as Japan, and many hotels to the decision to close down. As an
Korea. indicative example, one could mention the coun-
The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) try of France on March 17, 2020, when the hotel
points out that today more than ever, the focus of occupancy rate was reaching a low percentage of
global interest is on man. In this context, esti- 3.3% (in comparison to 65.3% occupancy rate on
mates that the sudden and unexpected drop in February 26). By March 30, restaurants and bars
tourism demand caused by COVID-19 puts in had been closed in almost all member states of
jeopardy millions of jobs and the livelihood of the European Union (EU), except for Sweden. In
workers, while at the same time jeopardizing the many hotels, restaurants, and bars, thousands of
progress made in sustainable development and staff layoffs or even redundancies have occurred
equality in recent years. worldwide.
UNWTO analyzes the type of travel restric- In the second phase of returning to the new
tions introduced by destinations around the world normalcy, the global community is concerned.
when the WHO declared COVID-19 an emer- The nature of the pandemic has divided the inter-
gency international concern for public health. national scientific community over the measures
UNWTO estimates that in the first phase of the to be taken. Thus, each country forms its own
pandemic, 100% of destinations worldwide are strategy and deals with the health crisis according
subject to COVID-19 travel restrictions. In the to its own health indicators. However, the global
past, international travel has never been limited community expects unanimity on the ecosystem
so extremely. One hundred eighty destinations, of transport, which is an essential factor in the
or 83% of all destinations worldwide, now have travel and tourism industry.
relevant COVID-19 travel restrictions for more This chapter reviews major global pandemics
than 4 weeks. Of these, 107 destinations, or 49% over time, to assess the effects of the COVID-19
of all destinations worldwide, have closed their pandemic on the global tourism industry and to
borders or suspended flights for more than 4 make proposals that can help shape a commonly
weeks. Of the 217 destinations worldwide, 97 accepted pandemic management plan.
destinations (45%) have fully or partially closed
their borders to tourists, 65 destinations (30%)
have been entirely or partially suspended interna- 45.2 Basic Definitions
tionally, 39 destinations (18%) are closing bor- and the History of Major
ders in a more differentiated way prohibiting the Global Pandemics
entry of passengers from specific countries of
origin. In comparison, the remaining 16 destina- Looking at the topic of a pandemic, for a better
tions (7%) apply different measures, such as understanding of its impacts on the global level,
quarantine or self-isolation for 14  days or visa it is useful to take into account the etymology of
measures. this compound word, with the ancient Greek ori-
Air travel has been hit particularly hard. Some gin, which consists of the prefix “pan-,” which
airlines have ceased operations, while others means “all,” and the word synthetic “demic,”
have temporarily canceled all flights (Niestadt deriving from the word “demos,” meaning “peo-
2020). A significant number of flights have been ple.” In other words, it is “an epidemic that
suspended, and many airports have been closed, spreads through human populations over a vast
preventing the departure of flights. Governments area, crossing international boundaries and usu-
have paid significant amounts of money for citi- ally affecting a large number of people” (Hoad
zens’ repatriation, testing, and providing hospi- 1993). According to the WHO, the classical defi-
tality in hotels for quarantined travelers. nition of a pandemic is: “the worldwide spread of
818 D. G. Lagos et al.

a new disease” (WHO 2020). At first, a pandemic definition of the pandemic, as indicated by WHO,
is classified as an epidemic, which is the rapid it is worth mentioning because it was perhaps the
spread of an emerging disease across a particular most disastrous and fateful epidemic of recorded
region or more regions or defined as “the occur- ancient history (Langmuir et  al. 1985). It is the
rence in a community or region of cases of an so-called “Plague of Athens” in ancient Greece,
illness … clearly in excess of normal expectancy” which emerged at 430 B.C. not long after a war
(Porta 2014), and then it is classified as a pan- between Athens and Sparta had begun. It was an
demic when there is a global outbreak of the epidemic that ravaged the people of Athens, dev-
emerging disease. Therefore, the difference astating a significant part of the city population,
between a pandemic and an epidemic is that and lasted for years (430–427  B.C.) (Langmuir
while an epidemic may affect just one or a few et al. 1985). According to several estimations, the
regions, a pandemic affects the entire world. death toll was then as high as 100,000 people.
Pandemics are, therefore, identified by their geo- According to the Greek historian Thucydides
graphic scale rather than the severity of illness (460–400 B.C.), “people in good health were all
(Porta 2014). of a sudden attacked by violent heats in the head,
The outbreak of COVID-­19 was declared as and redness and inflammation in the eyes, the
such a pandemic by the WHO on March 12, inward parts, such as the throat or tongue,
2020. When thinking of a new disease, one bears becoming bloody and emitting an unnatural and
in mind infectious communicable diseases, such fetid breath” (Crawley 1914). Initially, it was
as those that emerged in the past and have either characterized as the “Thucydides syndrome” by
been eradicated or even those that have re-­ many researchers. However, a later hypothesis
emerged, namely, influenza (flu), plague (bubonic showed that the pathogenic cause of the plague of
plague, respiratory plague, septic plague), small- Athens might have been different from the cause
pox, tuberculosis, cholera, HIV (AIDS), SARS, of the described syndrome (Langmuir et  al.
and the most recent emerged pandemic of 1985).
COVID-19. Several categories of factors play a Throughout the history of pandemics, the one
central role in the occurrence of a pandemic. that has been characterized as the “mother of all
According to the WHO, some environmental fac- pandemics” was the Spanish flu, which was the
tors influence the spreading of infectious dis- deadliest influenza pandemic (Taubenberger and
eases. The most important of these are water Morens 2006). An estimation of 500 million peo-
supply, sanitary facilities, eating habits, and cli- ple worldwide has fallen victim to the Spanish
mate conditions. In the context of travel and tour- flu. The death toll was one-fifth of those, namely,
ism, several factors affect the occurrence of an estimation of 100 million deaths. Some indig-
pandemics, in particular, the mobility of popula- enous communities have become extinct because
tions, new transport links, and traveling. Another of specific pandemic. During World War I, a
category of factors that we could distinguish is combination of significant factors concerning the
public health policy factors, including the influ- majority of people led the flu to spread and
ence of civil liberties on public health policy and become even more lethal. Several of those factors
pandemic preparedness frameworks on policy include soldiers’ limited conditions, lack of sani-
levels per country through defined standards and tation (conditions and facilities), and poor nutri-
health capacity (Madhav et al. 2017). tion due to war. Despite the name it was given as
As far as the first time of epidemics/pandem- “Spanish Flu,” the disease was likely not to have
ics occurrence is concerned, according to archae- started in Spain initially. However, the fact that
ological findings and historical surveys, Spain was a neutral nation during the war led to
researchers’ indication of epidemics and pan- less strict press censorship, so early numbers of
demics start from the prehistoric era several thou- the illness victims could be freely published. So,
sands of years ago (Jarus 2020). Concerning the first report of the flu case was in Spain. As a
ancient times, although it does not fall under the result, people probably falsely believed the ill-
45  COVID-19 and Its Impact on Tourism Industry 819

ness was limited to Spain, and the name Spanish influenza epidemics, pandemic influenza is
Flu stuck. Since it emerged during the war, poor defined as “when a new influenza virus emerges
nutrition of the population played an important and spreads around the world, and most people
role in the emergence of the pandemic as a direct do not have immunity” by WHO.
result of weakened immune systems from mal- Concerning the most recent and still ongoing
nourishment (Jarus 2020). crisis due to the COVID-19 emergency, caused
Table 45.1 provides a synopsis of a subset of by the novel strain of coronavirus of 2019, every-
major global pandemics, having played a signifi- thing is still under uncertainty, and the situation
cant role in the history of humanity. is new and rapidly evolving. Thus, it is difficult to
Concerning the influenza viral pathogens, one estimate and predict the real impact of the
must note that the threat of an influenza pandemic COVID-19 emergency, as the outbreak is still
is ever-present. Because of the constant muta- ongoing to the present day and scientists and
tions and the emergence of new influenza strains, researchers are still investigating and learning
we can never be sure about the time and the about this novel strain of the coronavirus. Future
region where the next probable pandemic will research will shed light on the “truth” of this
arise. In those terms, another new influenza pan- ongoing coronavirus crisis.
demic is inevitable, and the question that is still Throughout history, pandemics have had a tre-
pending is when another influenza pandemic will mendous impact on all facets of human life
arise in the future. In contrast to annual seasonal (health, economy, and society), with disease out-

Table 45.1  Subset of major global pandemics in the history of humanity

Death toll estimation
Occurrence Pandemic disease Initiation and spread (subject to debate upon
time Etiologic agent/pathogen causing the pandemic regions new evidence)
1346–1353 The black death (bubonic plague) Europe Over 50 million people
The bacterial pathogen, Yersinia pestis Globally in Europe
1889–1890 The influenza (flu) From Russia to 1 million people
Viral pathogens, influenza virus Europe and
1918–1920 The Spanish flu is known as the mother of all Probably China 50 to 100 million people
pandemics Globally
Viral pathogens, influenza virus Not originally from
Spain, despite its
1957–1958 Asian flu pandemic Asia 1.1 million people
Viral pathogens, influenza virus Globally
1981-present AIDS pandemic and epidemic Africa 25–35 million people
The viral pathogen, HIV Globally
2009–2010 H1N1 swine flu pandemic Mexico Between 151,700 and
Viral pathogens, influenza virus Globally 575,400 people
A, (H1N1) 2009 virus
2019-present COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus of December China Not yet finally estimated
2019) pandemic, caused by a novel strain of Globally
coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2
Prepared with data from:
Note that many of the death toll numbers listed in table are best estimates based on available research. Some, such as
the swine flu, are subject to debate based on new evidence
820 D. G. Lagos et al.

breaks having played a significant role in shaping ities of the world economy. The vertical reduc-
politics, in crushing revolutions, and in establish- tion in tourism flows has also dragged on other
ing racial and economic discrimination (Snowden sectors of economic activity, such as air travel,
2019). In other words, infectious diseases are as car rental, travel agencies, transportation, tour
crucial in understanding societal development as guides, and food business, especially in regions
economic crises, wars, revolutions, and demo- that demand complementaries.
graphic change. Looking at history, one should The United States includes 50 different states;
note that pandemics have ravaged humanity, each of them makes its own decisions on the
changing even the route of history (Jarus 2020). measures of social distancing that are being
On occasions, this has occurred even more imposed. The relationship between States and the
instantaneously than wars or natural disasters. On Federal Government is similar to that of Member
the global level, one area of significant impact is States with the European Union.
in the tourism industry, as we are going to indi- In the short term and as long as there is an
cate and discuss in the following sections since escalation of the crisis, tackling the health crisis
tourism is especially susceptible to measures to in countries in which a health system crisis has
counteract pandemics because of restricted occurred must be addressed with targeted mea-
mobility and (imposed) social distancing. sures of support from the states of the world com-
munity in the context of a creative intervention
45.3 T
 he Effects of the COVID-19 The return to new normalcy should be gradual
Pandemic on Global Tourism and in line with the development of pandemic
Industry cases. It is the first step that can serve as a psy-
chological means to change the behavior of trav-
The pandemic of the COVID-19 has caused sig- elers and their expectation of vacationing in
nificant changes in the economic behavior of low-risk countries. There is no easy way forward
people, and this, in turn, will have inevitable neg- until a vaccine is produced and full medical treat-
ative impacts on global tourism activity, espe- ment can be developed (Buhalis 2020).
cially in the host countries. Immediate measures The forecast for the current tourism season is
are taken, such as the necessary restrictions on that there will be a large number of last-minute
travel, fear of physical contact, and changing pri- arrivals; thus, all businesses in the tourism indus-
orities for patients and travelers, which have try must be on standby. The model of mass tour-
almost nullified citizens’ interest in moving to ism that has supported the main island destinations
receive tourism services away from their place of for many decades is now becoming insecure, and
permanent residence. there is limited scope for optimism. The excellent
As of writing this chapter, one-third of the scenario, especially for the countries of solar
world’s countries are in quarantine. The world tourism, is that the tourism season starts in July
community is going through one of the worst and lasts for 3–4 months so that there are employ-
periods in its history since World War II.  The ment and tourism and related companies can
blow to world tourism is enormous and will last. cover part of their operating expenses. It, how-
The WTTC estimates that 75 million jobs are in ever, depends on the condition that an interna-
immediate danger in the travel and tourism sector tional health protocol is implemented so that
worldwide because of the pandemic, while the travelers can move in safety. In no case, domestic
UNWTO estimates that international arrivals and tourism can compensate for the short-term eco-
receipts of 2020 will be declining. nomic losses of the global tourism industry. The
The effects on the world economy are esti- so-far significant progress in dealing with the cri-
mated to be very damaging both in terms of sup- sis due to the COVID-19 emergency in various
ply and demand, as tourism accounts for 10.4% countries of the world community is a positive,
of GDP and has a multiplier effect on other activ- useful example. It is too early to make serious
45  COVID-19 and Its Impact on Tourism Industry 821

predictions about what “the next day” will be has long since completed its life cycle and is now
like, not only for tourism but for the lifestyle that following a slowdown. The new model of tour-
will follow in general. However, at the same time, ism development that is now emerging must be
with the resumption of international travel, it is based on quality in tourism, where potential visi-
expected to be much pressure from the major tour tors will have the opportunity for quality tourism
operators and airlines for significantly lower services at a reasonable price (value for money).
prices as part of the standard all-inclusive tour There are different levels of challenges across
packages offered. To this end, the aviation eco- each destination; thus, each destination needs to
system will have to adapt to the new data and take be treated differently. Regions such as Greece,
measures to prevent the health crisis. For exam- Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Portugal that have per-
ple, airlines will be forced to reduce the com- formed well may be considered safer than other
pleteness of their aircraft to the logic of increasing countries, and in these countries, more facilities
the distance that separates passengers from each will be able to open up and to be made available
other. The adoption of travel safety measures will to visitors again. Scientists/epidemiologists, in
inevitably be accompanied by high operating cooperation with local authorities, should make a
costs that will lead to forced increases in fares. decision once the parameters for each particular
Respectively, airlines should work with airports place can be defined (Buhalis 2020). For instance,
and ground service companies to increase sanita- Italy has implemented a tourism-specific support
tion in the reception and waiting areas for pas- package. Some countries have re-nationalized
sengers. The issuance of health passports similar coronavirus-hit companies (Niestadt 2020).
to those issued by the WHO on yellow fever Travel companies could consider six actions:
could be a possible solution for travelers until a
safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine is pro- • Care for customers and employees to keep
duced. Several of the above measures will not them safe and support them through the crisis
only concern the aviation sector but the entire • Uncertainty management by setting up a nerve
ecosystem of tourism, which, in any case, will center with a custom, real-time dashboard
have to adapt to the new condition. • Preserving and optimizing liquidity to ensure
In particular, the United States is intervening access to cash and thereby maintaining critical
financially and subsidizing four of the largest air- operations
lines to avoid bankruptcies, acquisitions, or • Preparedness for recovery by determining
mergers, provided they do not dismiss their when, where, and how to ramp up commercial
employees by September. The EU has abandoned activity
aid initiatives in the Member States and simply • Planning to compete in the new world, with
expects to consider the legitimacy of each case. changing customer behavior and industry
In any case, the demand for tourism packages, landscape
even with significant discounts, will decrease • Planning to return assets to service and reinte-
more than expected. grate employees into the workforce
The above return framework to the new nor-
malcy allows us mainly in the host countries to The recommendations are divided into three
build a new identity (rebranding), a new tourism key areas, including the management of the crisis
image based on a new narrative, and a new and minimization of the impact, offering stimu-
approach to tourism that creates a high-value lus and acceleration of recovery, and preparing
chain. The model of mass tourism, which consid- for the future (Organization 2020). The world is
ers the number of arrivals with a small profit mar- currently faced not only with the dilemma of bal-
gin and relies on low-cost packages and tickets as ancing a trade-off between human health and
an indicator of success, must be abandoned. The economic prosperity but also with the question of
one-dimensional tourism product “sun and sea” whether the economy will be relieved directly
that many countries of the world have developed with liquid funds or whether those funds, even if
822 D. G. Lagos et al.

they are granted on very favorable terms, will or indirectly linked to the production and distri-
have to be repaid in the future. Many of the mea- bution of the tourism product.
sures taken by governments of different countries In regard to the third question, we estimate
are quite similar (Gallen 2020). The most popular that the negative conjuncture of international
ones include tax/fee deferrals and in some dimensions, which is accompanied by negative
instances also waivers; general loan facilitation, psychology that limits the intention of people
either by government or government-backed or willing to travel, either turns them into cheaper
backed by special banking institutions; deferrals vacation options or shapes a waiting attitude. The
of payments, such as for principals, and interest shrinking income and the high rate of insecurity
for loans (“credit holiday”); short-time work and uncertainty of the inhabitants, for the devel-
compensation and wage subsidies; and hardship oped traditional countries of origin of tourism as
relief, for different settings, sectors, and geo- well as for the emerging markets at the heart of
graphic perimeters. Tourism contributes both the economic crisis with rising unemployment
directly and via its multiplier effect indirectly to and shrinking, are all parameters that must be
create jobs globally and economic recovery after taken into account in planning the tourism crisis.
crises. Post-crisis periods have shown the capac- Finally, given that many countries have sig-
ity of tourism to bounce back strongly and nificant comparative advantages that can be taken
quickly after external shocks (Organization into account (such as cultural elements, natural
2020). wealth, enormous historical and architectural
There are, of course, several questions that heritage) and have the potential for multifaceted
still need to be answered, such as: tourism development, we estimate the occurrence
of modern developments in the tourism industry
I. How long will it take to restore the full oper- worldwide. A new perception of the holidays,
ation of the global tourism market? sustainable tourism development, and changes in
II. Will the problems of the tourism market tourism standards, forcing a redefinition of tour-
solved at the national level, or will there be ism policy, need to meet the expectations of the
differences per country? global community.
III. What will the travelers’ behavior be, and
Each pandemic is unique and part of a specific
how is the psychology of the population of social, scientific, and historical context. How the
affected countries going to be? global community deals with these issues may
IV. What will the structural changes that take well be an important factor in determining the
place in the global tourism industry look survival of our society and perhaps even our spe-
like? cies (Snowden 2019). In particular, the ongoing
crisis of COVID-19, in addition to its particular
In the first question, we estimate that it will characteristics, differs in powerful countries such
take at least 2 to 4 years to be made feasible for as the United States and the EU, which are
the economy gradual return to the new normalcy expected to lead the efforts. However, they have
and for the economy to restart. The tourism so far shown almost no social solidarity toward
industry needs to regain the trust of travelers/ the global community.
tourists in a relatively short time with healthcare
measures that need to be agreed upon
internationally. 45.4 T
 he Framework of Policy
Concerning the second question, we estimate Proposals to Address
that each country will implement its own strate- the Global Tourism Crisis
gic plan concerning health indicators and the
magnitude of the pandemic crisis. Reducing tour- Targeted measures are needed in the economies
ism activity will act as a “domino effect” and will most affected by the coronavirus outbreak. A
harm other economic activities that are directly series of such measures are listed below:
45  COVID-19 and Its Impact on Tourism Industry 823

• Establishing standard regulations for the 45.5 Conclusion

reopening of air, sea, and road transport to
ensure the safe and uninterrupted movement In addition to being a critical threshold for its
of travelers around the world development, the model of mass tourism con-
• Formulation and implementation of a unified flicts with two critical issues related to the envi-
strategy for reheating demand and restarting ronment and productivity. One is the function of
the global tourism industry tourism products based on the exploitation of
• Strengthening businesses and employees natural resources, characterized by declining
affected throughout the crisis due to the scale yields and consequently reduced average
COVID-19 emergency by providing substan- labor productivity. The other is the expansion of
tial liquidity and other interventions tourism demand only for low-income social
• Creation of a World Tourism Recovery Fund groups which enter in the tourism market.
• Issuance of bonds with a growth clause, where The ongoing crisis due to the COVID-19 emer-
the “coupon” and the debt repayment capital gency is exacerbating the problem of declining pro-
are linked to the economic development of the ductivity and is causing concern on the direction of
issuing country tourism and the role it is going to play in terms of
• Strengthening public health infrastructure to national economies worldwide. This issue is already
address possible cases of COVID-19 among at the center of discussions not only by the stake-
travelers and to grow a sense of security and holders in the tourism circuit but also by the bodies
confidence that activates tourism demand pursuing state policy in the various countries.
again Various countries, concerning their compara-
• Encouragement to establish a body consisting tive advantage, have many opportunities to
of specialized executives/experts who will develop unique experiences and products that
deal with the management of the tourism offer a significant competitive advantage, as long
crisis as, gradually, they escape the vicious circle of the
• Enhancing fiscal support via more robust pub- masses. Therefore, in the current context of the
lic investment crisis due to the COVID-19 emergency, the pro-
posed tourism policy framework should focus on
We believe that the governments of the the qualitative reconstruction (i.e., differentiation
wealthiest countries should be of raised aware- and enrichment) of the tourism product and the
ness given the COVID-19 pandemic and its effective functioning of the tourism industry in
impacts and take initiatives toward the support the context of endogenous integrated and sustain-
of the entire ecosystem of tourism and aiming able tourism development.
at ensuring the smooth running of the competi- Monoculture, especially in times of crisis, cre-
tive tourism market. In this regard, central ates multiple problems in tourism destinations
banks, such as the World Bank and the where tourism is the main economic activity. We
European Investment Bank, should take imme- believe that the ongoing crisis allows us to reflect
diate action to support the global tourism on the current model of tourism development.
industry. Any changes should be made gradually through-
It is time to reignite, refocus, redesign, and out the range of activities, as they shake the helio-
reengineer the global tourism industry: the new trope pattern based on the steady increase in
4Rs of tourism! For immediate recovery, the arrivals from tourism packages promoted by tra-
global tourism industry has several critical condi- ditional tour operators, often in the logic of low-­
tions that need to apply in order to reignite tour- quality products with all-inclusive status and
ism. Also, the EU is working on many levels to with low efficiency.
fight impacts due to the COVID-19 crisis (Buhalis It is a necessity that governments act quickly
2020). and dynamically to overcome the COVID-19
824 D. G. Lagos et al.

pandemic and the economic impact worldwide. It guidelines for all states to return to the new nor-
is necessary to allocate financial resources to malcy and to restart their economies.
cover the deficiencies of public health policies/
systems, to prevent infection and reduce trans-
mission of the virus. Well-targeted policies also References
need to focus on supporting healthcare systems
and health professionals as well as employees of Assessment OIE (2020) Coronavirus: The world economy
at risk
the tourism sector and protecting the incomes of Buhalis D (2020) Brace the future and time to Reignite,
vulnerable social groups and businesses during Refocus, Redegine, Reengineer our global tourism
the virus outbreak. It is now clear that we need to industry: the 4Rs of tourism
trust the welfare state more and invest in public Crawley R (1914) History of the Peloponnesian war done
into English. JM Dent-sons, Limited, London
health systems, as well as investing in research Gallen S (2020) The response of governments vis-à-vis
and (health) education so that we can better deal the economic ramifications of SARS-CoV-2. AIEST,
with unforeseen future health crises. St Gallen
The macroeconomic policies adopted can help Hoad TF (1993) The concise Oxford dictionary of English
etymology. Oxford University Press, Oxford
restore confidence and recover tourism demand, Jarus O (2020) 20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics
but they cannot offset the immediate disruptions in history
that result from forced travel restrictions. In this Langmuir AD, Worthen TD, Solomon J, Ray CG, Petersen
context, there must be a significant, credible, and E (1985) The Thucydides syndrome: a new hypothesis
for the cause of the plague of Athens. N Engl J Med
internationally coordinated effort to provide the 313(16):1027–1030
necessary financial resources for the immediate Madhav N, Oppenheim B, Gallivan M, Mulembakani P,
treatment of public health emergencies, the relief Rubin E, Wolfe N (2017) Pandemics: risks, impacts,
from economic shock, and the development of a and mitigation. In
Niestadt M (2020) COVID-19 and the tourism sector
path to recovery. In this regard, governments Organization WT (2020) Supporting Jobs and Economies
need to work to ensure international cooperation through Travel & Tourism – A Call for Action to
to address the challenge and promote standard Mitigate the Socio-Economic Impact of COVID-­19
policies, through direct funding, to mitigate the and Accelerate Recovery, UNWTO, Madrid.40.
effects and speed up recovery. Porta M (2014) A dictionary of epidemiology. Oxford
The COVID-19 crisis has led to economic dis- University Press, Oxford
ruption. It, in turn, is affecting the functioning of Snowden FM (2019) Epidemics and society: from the
financial markets and banks in all countries. It is black death to the present. Yale University Press, New
a severe crisis of the capitalist system calling for Taubenberger JK, Morens DM (2006) 1918 influenza: the
international multilateral action to manage this mother of all pandemics. Rev Biomed 17(1):69–79
issue effectively. Finally, we believe that for rea- Valeri (2020) Coronavirus abbatte il turismo
sons of global solidarity, the establishment of a WHO (2020) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) travel
single global health crisis management plan is WTTC (2020) Travel & Tourism Global Economic
more necessary than ever because it will provide Impacts & Trends 2019
COVID-19 and Its Global Economic
Impact 46
Zahra Kolahchi, Manlio De Domenico,
Lucina Q. Uddin, Valentina Cauda,
Igor Grossmann, Lucas Lacasa, Giulia Grancini,
Morteza Mahmoudi, and Nima Rezaei

Abstract become more serious. In addition to increased

health expenditures and reduced labor force,
Pandemics are enormous threats to the world the pandemic has hit the supply and demand
that impact all aspects of our lives, especially chain massively and caused trouble for manu-
the global economy. The COVID-19 pan- facturers who have to fire some of their
demic has emerged since December 2019 and employees or delay their economic activities
has affected the global economy in many to prevent more loss. With the closure of man-
ways. As the world becomes more intercon- ufacturers and companies and reduced travel
nected, the economic impacts of the pandemic rates, usage of oil after the beginning of the
pandemic has decreased significantly that was
unprecedented in the last 30 years. The mining
The original version of this chapter was revised: This
chapter was inadvertently published with incorrect industry is a critical sector in several develop-
­affiliation of Dr. Manlio De Domenico which has been ing countries, and the COVID-19 pandemic
corrected now. The correction to this chapter is available has hit this industry too. Also, world stock
at markets declined as investors started to

Z. Kolahchi
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
L. Lacasa
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
M. De Domenico (USERN), Waterloo, Canada
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Povo, Italy
Queen Mary, University of London, London, UK
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
G. Grancini
(USERN), Povo, Italy
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
L. Q. Uddin
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA
(USERN), Pavia, Italy
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
M. Mahmoudi
(USERN), Miami, FL, USA
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA
V. Cauda
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Department of Applied Science and Technology,
(USERN), East Lansing, MI, USA
Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy
N. Rezaei (*)
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Turin, Italy
(USERN), Tehran, Iran
I. Grossmann
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Sciences, Tehran, Iran
(USERN), Waterloo, Canada e-mail:
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021, corrected publication 2021 825
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
826 Z. Kolahchi et al.

become concerned about the economic After months, COVID-19 is still a living chal-
impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The lenge to medical society (Sahu et  al. 2020;
tourism industry and airlines have also experi- Moazzami et al. 2020). It has already transmitted
enced an enormous loss too. The GDP has between people globally (Lotfi et al. 2020; Rezaei
reduced, and this pandemic will cost the world 2020a), though the behavior of disease is variable
more than 2 trillion at the end of 2020. depending on numerous factors, including age,
sex, medical conditions, immunogenetic back-
Keywords ground, and the organs affected by the disease
(Hessami et al. 2020; Yousefzadegan and Rezaei
COVID-19 · Economic impacts · Global 2020; Ahmadi et  al. 2020; Rokni et  al. 2020;
economy · Market · Oil · Pandemic Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020; Bahrami et  al.
2020; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; Babaha and
Rezaei 2020; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab et al.
46.1 Introduction 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b; Jahanshahlu and
Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et al. 2020; Ahanchian et al.
History reminds us that pandemics go beyond 2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a). There is a
health impact and leaves tracks on the economy widespread effort (Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020;
of nations and the world in direct and indirect Mohamed et  al. 2020a; Rzymski et  al. 2020;
matters; the fourteenth-century pandemic, Moradian et al. 2020) to meet the need of devel-
named the Black Death, changed the direction oping diagnostic, prophylactic, and therapeutic
of the global economy as it brought feudalism methods specified for the COVID-19
to an end and created capitalism (Bobdey and (Sharifkashani et  al. 2020; Mohamed et  al.
Ray 2020). According to the World Health 2020b; Rezaei 2020b; Rabiee et  al. 2020; Lotfi
Organization (WHO), viral infections keep et  al. 2020; Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei
appearing and can emerge as a serious problem and Rezaei 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Basiri
for global public health. It is of great impor- et al. 2020a; Basiri et al. 2020b), while old antivi-
tance to learn from previous occasions to not ral agents, immunomodulatory drugs, monoclo-
only identify the probable economic impacts of nal antibodies, intravenous immunoglobulin
the outbreaks but also to utilize previous expe- therapy, and plasmapheresis remain as supportive
riences in dealing and managing the adverse care (Pourahmad et  al. 2020; Jahanshahlu and
economic effects effectively, efficiently, and in Rezaei 2020b; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b).
time (Jabbari et al. 2020). Numerous viral epi- The increasingly frequent crises and outbreaks
demics, including the severe acute respiratory of novel forms of coronaviruses are warning us
coronavirus syndrome (SARS-­CoV) from 2002 that diseases like COVID-19 should be expected
to 2003 and H1N1 influenza in 2009, have been to be a significant threat to public health. Indeed,
reported in the last two decades. Not long ago, novel CoV outbreaks in the upcoming years seem
Saudi Arabia declared an outbreak of the inevitable considering climatological and eco-
Middle East Respiratory Coronavirus Syndrome logical changes and growing human and animal
(MERS-CoV) in 2012 (Cascella et al. 2020). In contacts (Chen et al. 2020). In the first month of
December 2019, an outbreak of unexplained the beginning of this outbreak, it was limited to
pneumonia in Wuhan attracted massive atten- China, and its impact on China’s economy caused
tion on a global scale (Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). interruptions and a decrease in productions.
After investigating the etiology, it was revealed Consequently, the worldwide supply chain was
that a new coronavirus, severe acute respiratory interrupted. Activities of thousands of firms and
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-­CoV-­2), is the corporations stopped because their necessary
causative microorganism (Lotfi and Rezaei equipment and material were provided by China
2020) of the so-called coronavirus disease 2019 (Fernando 2020). The impact of COVID-19 on
(COVID-19). the global economy is estimated to be far higher
46  COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact 827

than that of SARS or other outbreaks in the last government under severe financial pressure
few decades. In 2002, China had a less critical (Fernando 2020). The more the virus spreads, the
role in the global economy than nowadays, where more effects it will have on economic activities
it has become an economic superpower (Bobdey globally. Government policymakers must pro-
and Ray 2020). Despite the restriction of infected vide synchronized and organized responses to
cities, just a few months later, the outbreak spread mitigate the economic downturn.
around the world, and, eventually, WHO declared From the perspective of complexity science, a
that the situation was a pandemic (Organization). pandemic like the COVID-19 is a shock that
In a situation like this, governments are unable to propagates through our social contacts, favored
simultaneously mitigate both the outbreak mor- by the high interconnectivity of our transporta-
tality and the higher-order effects of the viral tion infrastructures. This type of shocks quickly
spread to the highly interdependent socio-­ spread through the interdependencies (Gao et al.
economic system. At the beginning of a large-­ 2012) of our multilayered socioeconomic system
scale epidemic like this pandemic, the short-term (De Domenico et  al. 2013, 2016; Kivelä et  al.
goal is controlling the contagion spread and 2014), and it is known that the robust-yet-fragile
keeping death rates as low as possible. However, feature of real complex systems (Albert et  al.
avoiding the collapse of national public health 2000; Vespignani 2010; Carlson and Doyle 2002)
systems comes with other costs in terms of both has the potential to cause an abrupt collapse of a
the social and the economic systems, forcing pol- given system (Radicchi and Arenas 2013;
icymakers to take specific measures to mitigate Radicchi 2014).
the unavoidable economic downturn in the mid- Based on available information about the
and long term. COVID-19 pandemic and previous literature on
Until now, in the absence of a tailored cure viral epidemics, in the present chapter, we outline
and a vaccine, the most effective strategy to con- the impacts of COVID-19 on the global
tain the COVID-19 outbreak has relied on non-­ economy.
pharmaceutical interventions, from quarantining
the contacts of all people by isolating them in
their homes (Burns et  al. 2008; Anderson et  al. 46.2 W
 hy the Pandemic Affects
2020) to physical distancing, changing contact the Global Economy
patterns, restricting human mobility, and enhanc-
ing individual hygiene (Lai et al. 2020; Chinazzi Studies strongly link public health to economic
et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020b). Studies estimate well-being and development. Pandemics can
that nearly 80% of COVID-19 patients are impact the global economy in many ways
asymptomatic or have a mild form of the disease. (Fernando 2020; Haacker 2004; Maliszewska
Thus, by symptom-based isolating, containing 2014; Medicine 2004). A disease usually affects
the outbreak is impossible (Anderson et al. 2020). the economy either directly or indirectly. To
As long as the quarantine status continues, peo- obtain an estimation of the economic burden of
ple cannot go to work, and many firms and com- an infectious outbreak, a conventional way to
panies are unable to operate. Global and domestic evaluate the reduction of potential revenue from
transports will continue to be restricted. Inactivity death and disability is using morbidity and mor-
of companies and global transports will reduce tality rates in addition to healthcare expenditure
oil prices. and related services. There is no doubt that this
Additionally, some consumers and companies conventional way underestimates the actual eco-
panic, show distorted typical patterns of con- nomic burden of those infectious outbreaks,
sumption, and generate anomalies in the market. which are incredibly contagious and spreading
Also, these changes affect global financial mar- rapidly around the world. For instance, SARS,
kets, and stock market indices around the world HIV/AIDS, and pandemic influenza are previous
drop significantly. Rising healthcare costs put the epidemics that can teach us valuable lessons to
828 Z. Kolahchi et al.

estimate and respond to the COVID-19 outbreak tion, cultural values related to traditionalism and
appropriately (Fernando 2020). individualism, and prosocial and antisocial
behavior. Moreover, life history theories in psy-
chology and evolutionary biology suggest that
46.2.1 Behavioral Impact organisms should alter future-oriented behavior
and reproductive activities in response to envi-
One of the influential factors of the economic ronmental unpredictability (Griskevicius et  al.
impact of the SARS outbreak was fear. The fear 2011; Varnum and Grossmann 2016, 2017) and
factor is also expressing in the COVID-19 pan- suggest possible consequences of the pandemic-­
demic. Psychological impacts of the fear of an induced uncertainty for delay of gratification and
unidentified lethal virus resemble the response to birth rates.
a biological threat or terrorism dangers and lead By evaluating the last pandemics in 2003
to anxiety and stress, usually with long-term con- (SARS) and 2009 (H1N1 flu), it is estimated that
sequences. At the beginning of a pandemic, a about 80–90% of the total economic impact of
large percentage of the population will feel a them is because of behavioral impact
great danger, even though their real increased (Maliszewska 2014).
risk of infection is small (Fernando 2020). This
fear factor results in three outcomes: first, a sig-
nificant decline in market demand, especially for 46.2.2 GDP Loss
transportation services and retail trade. The rapid
rate of epidemics makes people refuse social To realize the impact of economic growth and
interactions in affected countries. In regions with GDP development, we start by reviewing the US
higher population densities, the unfavorable economy’s growth over a long period
demand shock is more severe. The psychological (Maliszewska 2014). The real per capita of the
shock is raging all across the world, not only with United States grew from $3340  in 1870 to
the countries where COVID-19 can spread $33,330  in 2000. The growth rate of per capita
locally since the world is so intimately connected GDP was 1.8% per year. Now suppose that the
through international travels (Medicine 2004). growth rate of the United States decreases by
Second, operating costs in businesses rise, and 0.8% per year from 1870 to 2000. In this condi-
based on the region risk, the acceleration of pre- tion, the real per capita gross domestic product
mium costs would occur (Fernando 2020). Third, (GDP) in 2000 would be $9450, approximately
the labor force is reluctant to get involved in just 28% of $33,330; a tiny difference in GDP
group activities; therefore, a fear factor also results in significant consequences (Robert
reduces the labor force participation rate J. Barro 2004).
(Maliszewska 2014). Besides, fear is not the only Low- and middle-income countries have con-
way how a pandemic can impact behavior. There siderably higher rates of death during pandemics
are numerous theories on the impacts of infec- due to inadequate appropriate medical services,
tious decease threat, linking it not only to mental greater dissemination rates of diseases, and
health but also to prejudice toward outgroups, higher amounts of malnutrition and comorbidity.
more conservative attitudes, and less risk-taking Consequently, a more significant economic
(and less creativity). For instance, behavioral impact happens in these countries and then
immune system theories suggest that intergroup affects the whole world (Jamison et  al. 2017).
processes are affected by evolutionary and onto- Also, open economies seem to be more suscepti-
genetic pressures related to pathogen stress ble to disruptions in pandemic situation, and
(Faulkner et al. 2004; Fincher et al. 2008; Murray countries which have large-scale exports are the
et al. 2011; Schaller and Park 2011; Tybur et al. most affected (Chang et al. 2007). Furthermore,
2016), suggesting possible effects of pathogen as much as the monetary policy of a country
threat to outgroup prejudice, political polariza- resembles the fixed exchange rate regime, the
46  COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact 829

pandemic costs will be more than countries with and middle-income countries may experience
floating exchange rate regimes (McKibbin et al. more significant fiscal problems, eventually
2006). resulting in reduced appropriate actions to public
Several studies have estimated the possible health and perhaps being forced to change other
economic consequences of a pandemic (Chang government expenditures (Jamison et al. 2017).
et al. 2007). Bloom and colleagues assessed the
economic impacts of a pandemic by avian flu
virus with 0.5% CFR and a 20% attack rate. In 46.2.4 Reduction of the Labor Force
this case, through infecting East and South Asia, and Forgone Income
excluding Japan, a loss of around 6.5% GDP
(282.7 US$ billion) will occur (Bloom et  al. Bloom et al. reported that improvement in health
2005). Also, global GDP will decline by 0.6 per- capital has a positive correlation with GDP.  A
cent (Chang et  al. 2007). Burns et  al. reported 1-year rise in the life expectancy of a community
that an avian flu pandemic similar to 1918–1919 can result in productivity enhancement of about
Spanish flu can reduce global GDP even by 5% 4%. It is a pretty significant impact, suggesting
(Burns et al. 2008). that higher healthcare spending may be supported
Additionally, McKibbin and Sidorenko simu- solely based on its effects on the output of labor
late an ultra-scenario for a global pandemic, (David et al. 2001).
which was similar to 1918–1919 Spanish flu, but Forgone income, typically measured by the
with the excess mortality rate for older people. amount of missed working days due to the dis-
They estimated that in such a situation, the GDP ease, is another factor that must be considered
would decrease by 5.5% in the United States and while calculating the costs of a pandemic. When
8% in Europe. Also, 142.2 million people would somebody dies due to the disease, forgone
die, and global GDP would decline by 12.6% income is obtained by the determined value of
(McKibbin et  al. 2006). Altogether, evidence the expected lifetime that has been gone, pre-
shows that the range of economic impact of the dicted on estimated income for various age cate-
pandemic is extensive, although even considering gories and survival estimates. Thus, in the case of
a mild pandemic, the economic consequences deadly outbreaks, the forgone income is signifi-
may be noticeable. cant. For example, over 1 million people die due
to malaria every year (Medicine 2004), and
approximately 770,000 people died from HIV
46.2.3 The Decrease in Tax Revenue around the world in 2018 (Organization 2020).
and Fiscal Shocks High mortality rates of pandemics also lead to
negative population shock, although the impacts
A decrease in consumption and income would on GDP are divergent based on affecting differ-
result in the reduction of tax revenue, particularly ent age categories. An outbreak of an infectious
in low- and middle-income countries with more decease, which mainly results in the death of
restrictions on fiscal policy and weak tax sys- children and the elderly, despite no effect on the
tems. It usually coincides with raised health economically productive people between 15 and
spending and public expenditure, which puts 54  years of age, will enhance the GDP.  On the
governments under double pressure (Maynard contrary, a decrease in the labor force increases
and Bloor 2009; Jamison et al. 2017). When the the capital-labor proportion and reduces the
pandemic is mild to moderate, high-income return rate of capital, resulting in slower accumu-
countries are not affected, and support influenced lation of capital and, therefore, lower growth rate
low- and middle-income countries to mitigate a (Medicine 2004). Noticeably, death is not the
fiscal crisis. However, in stressful situations, only cause of a decline in the labor force; as long
high-income countries are also under pressure as pandemic continues, governments quarantine
and usually reluctant to support others. So, low- all people at home and prevent them from going
830 Z. Kolahchi et al.

to work. At the same time, schools are closed, so as much as influenza A.  So, it is probable that
taking care of school-aged children is another COVID-19 pandemic lasts more than one or two
reason which gives rise to absenteeism from seasons, which can increase its impact on the
work. Even people that have the necessary jobs to global economy (Anderson et al. 2020; Guo et al.
provide for the basic needs of others sometimes 2020).
have to stop working because of concerns regard- Epidemics also can have indirect conse-
ing catching the disease and recovery time quences in the long term. As stated by the child-­
(Jamison et al. 2017). It is also evident that in epi- survivor hypothesis, parents must be sure that a
demic situations, laborers who need to move definite number of their children will survive. A
between various regions to seek work face many life-threatening outbreak, especially if it becomes
problems. Preventing individuals from working endemic in some regions, will increase the fertil-
in a workplace with much productivity is another ity rate in the future. Therefore, the growth rate of
cause of a decline in economic growth (Medicine a population is also increased in those regions.
2004). If one accounts for the existing social and According to the quantity–quality trade-off, an
economic inequality, it is straightforward to real- increased number of children in a family has
ize that the effects of a declining economic adverse effects on their education level. Low lev-
growth will not affect all socioeconomic classes els of education and increased population can
uniformly, with the poorest and most vulnerable significantly reduce GDP and income per capita.
ones being more exposed to the dramatic effects For example, the rapid growth of population and
of financial shocks and recessions. an extraordinary fertility rate are correlated with
It has been discussed whether morbidity or high mortality in some African regions with a
mortality factors are the leading cause of the eco- high prevalence of malaria (Sachs and Malaney
nomic costs of a pandemic. Both morbidity and 2002).
mortality factors are important, but their effects
unfold differently over time. In the short term, the
morbidity rate through absenteeism, closure of 46.2.5 Abnormal Consumption
schools, decreasing production, and raised hospi- Patterns
tal expenditures affects more than the mortality
factor. Conversely, the  lost labor force due to In addition to the issues mentioned above, fear
mortality, and the influence of foregone earnings influences consumption patterns among people,
account for pandemic outcomes in the long term and sometimes economic strategies of firms
(McKibbin et al. 2006). change also. During the SARS outbreak, it was
An important factor influencing the impact of observed that as community concern becomes
the reduction of the labor force on the global challenging, the willingness of people to pay for
economy due to absence from work is the dura- eliminating the likelihood of infection increases.
tion of the pandemic. It is still unknown whether All of these reasons contribute to generating
the COVID-19 pandemic will be mitigated anomalies in the market (Fernando 2020; Liu
through summer or not. A convenient way to find et al. 2005).
the answer is to compare COVID-19 to influenza
A epidemic. Because of school closure and
higher temperature, the transmission of influenza 46.2.6 Increased Healthcare
A virus with a basic reproduction number (R0) of Expenditure
1.1–1.5 decreases significantly during summer.
However, based on mathematical modeling, R0 of Containment of infection spread in hospitals
COVID-19 is around 2–3 or even can be up to 6 requires a set of wide-ranging and expensive
(Hellewell et  al. 2020; Kucharski et  al. 2020; measures. The staff must use gloves, N95 masks,
Zhang et al. 2020c). Thus its prevalence may not gowns, and goggles during any contact with
significantly decrease through different seasons patients or procedures. Additionally, hospitals
46  COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact 831

must limit the working staff daily, the number of a result of the international decline of economic
patients, and the number of visitors as much as activities, it can decrease by 1.5% in 2020, while
possible. Despite a lower number of patients, the it was 2.9% in 2019 (Development 2 March
cost of supplies will increase significantly 2020).
(Achonu et al. 2005). Due to reduced patient bur- As reported by the World Travel and Tourism
den and to prevent more exposures, several Council (WTTC), the tourism industry is an
employees are sent home during the pandemic enormous economic sector comprising 10.4% of
situation although they are paid. On the other the GDP of the world and 10% of worldwide
hand, the working staff is paid more than usual employment. After the onset of the COVID-19
because of the condition. Retail sales of the hos- pandemic, one of the most affected sectors was
pital will close considerably. Thus the revenue tourism. Chinese people alone comprise one-­
will decrease too because part of hospital revenue third of all tourists around the world; the declined
is obtained from retail sales (Achonu et al. 2005). rate of their activity caused a considerable
During the COVID-19 pandemic, while the demand drop across the world. Also, when the
healthcare systems across the world are subjected virus spread in other parts of the world, its effect
to stress, they can even get overwhelmed by high became larger. It is estimated that a drop rate of
incidence numbers during various epidemic tourists around 20%–30% will occur, costing
waves, and resources (such as ventilators) and approximately 300 to 450 billion dollars.
demand (such as ICU patients) could be Furthermore, the International Air Transport
load-balanced. Association (IATA) evaluated the airline industry
lost nearly $252 billion, with also a 44% fall in
income. Besides, WTTC has predicted that about
46.3 Possible and Definite 50 million employees will be at risk of losing
Impacts of the COVID-19 their job in the tourism and travel industry as a
Pandemic on the Global result of the COVID-19 pandemic (Açikgöz and
Economy Günay 2020; Council 2019; Nicola et  al. 2020;
Chakraborty and Maity 2020).
As a consequence of the SARS pandemic in 2003 A British Plastics Federation (BPF) study
and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the recur- aims to look at the effect of COVID-19 on UK
rent coronavirus outbreaks which are happening manufacturing companies. More than 80% of
in China may have negative impacts on foreign surveyed persons predicted a drop in turnover
investors in China or even countries with low within the next 6 months, and 98% have the opin-
public health. Its impact is not limited to these ion that there are adverse effects of COVID-19 on
countries; other countries that are also competing business activities (Federation 20 March 2020).
for foreign direct investment (FDI) may be influ- On the other hand, many countries, including
enced (Medicine 2004). China, have locked their borders to try to contain
Although the mortality rate of COVID-19 is the infection. The pandemic has hit the supply
approximately 4% (Zhang et al. 2020a), studies and demand chain massively and caused trouble
suggest that there is no strong correlation between for manufacturers who have to fire some of their
the mortality rate of the COVID-19 and its eco- employees or delay their economic activities to
nomic impacts. COVID-19 pandemic influences prevent more loss. It is a very terrible and long-­
the global economy via other channels (Fernandes lasting consequence of the pandemic because of
2020). a dramatic increase in the unemployment rate.
COVID-19 pandemic started affecting China Additionally, some of these closed manufacturers
from December 2019, and its growth prospect may never re-open again. For example, in China,
decreased to less than 5% in 2020, compared to manufacturing output dropped by around 13.5%.
6.1% in 2019. It is also estimated that global eco- Multiple industries practically collapsed entirely.
nomic growth will decrease by 2.4%, or even, as Restaurant sales decreased by 95%, and car sales
832 Z. Kolahchi et al.

declined by 92% (McKee and Stuckler 2020). worldwide, the demand for materials and metals
Based on the prediction of Goldman Sachs, the has decreased considerably. Thus, alongside
US economy will contract by 24% in the middle reduced exportation, the prices dropped dramati-
of 2020, which is unprecedented in US history cally, especially for aluminum and copper. This
(Reinicke March 2020). Its declined business condition is very similar to the global financial
activity leads to the reduction of money circula- crisis (GFC) of 2008–2009 for the mining indus-
tion and, thus, tax income (McKee and Stuckler try, but there are some differences too. For exam-
2020). As tax income decrease, less money will ple, during the GFC, the gold industry grew
be available to support public health, which is conversely. Gold prices increased twice com-
vital in containing the infection. Therefore, it pared to the time before the GFC.  It assures
generates a vicious cycle that helps to spread the investors to take their money and invest it in the
effects of the pandemic. gold industry as a safe market. On the contrary,
On the contrary, there is some benefit to adapt- the new pandemic has affected the gold industry
ing to this pandemic. For instance, disrupting the too, and some gold companies are experiencing a
supply chain may force industries to provide their dramatically negative growth rate. Some of them
needs from new routes of supply chains and make also had to furlough their employees in order to
them find new markets for their products. save the company from more significant loss
Furthermore, working from home, online educa- (Laing 2020).
tional sessions, and online shopping could lead to World stock markets declined as investors
an improvement in digital technology (Açikgöz started to become concerned about the economic
and Günay 2020). impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to
With the closure of manufacturers and compa- stabilize markets, governments started to cut
nies and reduced travel rates, usage of oil after interest rates, thus providing cheaper loans
the beginning of the pandemic has decreased sig- (Açikgöz and Günay 2020).
nificantly. It caused a reduced oil price and led to The COVID-19 pandemic will probably cost
a negotiation between oil producer countries to the world approximately $2 trillion just in 2020,
stabilize the price. However, the argument estimated by the United Nations Conference on
between two significant oil producers in the Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
world, Russia and Saudi Arabia, prompted Saudi (Development 9 March 2020). The April report
to produce a tremendous amount of oil, which of World Economic Prospects predicted that the
caused more imbalance between the supply and GDP would decline as much as 7% in the first
demand of oil. It dramatically decreased the oil half of 2020. However, in the second half, some
price, which was unprecedented in the last of the business activities may begin again and
30  years. It is getting back to average price prevent more loss of GDP.  Although if another
slowly, but it takes a long time to become stable outbreak of the virus occurs in the second half,
(Nicola et al. 2020). Theoretically, declining oil the GDP loss will get to 8% (Prospects April
prices would have a positive effect on growth, as 2020).
the cheaper fuel becomes, the less cost for busi- Physicians are also affected. Recently, a study
ness would be. Therefore, the prices of products surveyed 724 physicians and showed that the
will be less, too, and the purchasing power of COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted 97%
consumers will enhance, although this is only of them (Association. 2020). A decline of 70% in
true for importer countries and can hit the econ- surgical interventions and a decline of 33% of in-­
omy of exporter countries (Açikgöz and Günay office visits were mentioned. Research by the
2020). HealthLandscape and the American Academy of
The mining industry is a critical sector in sev- Family Physicians predicted that approximately
eral developing countries, and the COVID-19 60,000 family practitioners would close or
pandemic has hit this industry too. With the clo- reduced their working considerably. The layoff of
sure of many manufactures and companies nearly 800,000 workers will be inevitable if the
46  COVID-19 and Its Global Economic Impact 833

condition remains unchanged (Satiani et al. 2020; tion will get back to its previous amounts soon, as
O’Donnell April 2 2020). we see it is returning in China now (Le Quéré
The overcoming of the COVID-19 outbreak et  al. 2020; Rugani and Caro 2020; Tollefson
can enable new economic and social patterns in 2020).
the direction of sustainable development in the Carbon emissions usually are reported annu-
future, as highlighted in the European Green ally, but this time, after the beginning of the
Deal project (Deal 2019) and also supported by COVID-19 pandemic, the dramatic reduction in
the major universities throughout the world. The the daily discharge of the carbon dioxide was rea-
health emergency has not canceled the environ- son enough to attract attention. It was a fantastic
mental world crisis, but it has, in contrast, worsen result for people how rapid air pollution could
it. disappear by stoppage of driving and using fossil
To face the health emergency, most of the uni- fuels. Such an event has occurred in 2008 and
versity institutes have made substantial techno- 1970; in those times, it results in paying more
logical and organizational advancements in few attention to the solar and renewable alternative
days, delivering lessons virtually, using online ways to make energy. There is hope now that the
platforms that allowed the connection of hun- COVID-19 pandemic reminds us of the possibil-
dreds of students. Similarly, smart work organi- ity of living in a cleaner world (Le Quéré et al.
zations in most companies and public entities 2020; Rugani and Caro 2020; Tollefson 2020).
also applied. Such exceptional digital transfor-
mation and conversion of the work roles and dues
must not be lost after the overcome of the pan- 46.4 Conclusion
demic period but should be valorized to empower
workers and companies of flexibility and work To summarize, pandemics are enormous threats
delocalization. It will also positively impact the to the world that impact all aspects of our lives,
workers’ mobility, for example, reducing the especially the global economy. Its effects are
need to travel day by day to work and ultimately short term and long term, including reduced
contributing to the reduction of pollution by own human capital, reduced GDP, shocks of stock
car traveling. It is also a cultural transformation. markets, abnormal patterns of markets, decreased
We all have to occasion to rethink and reshape tax revenue, and delayed business activities. For
our lifestyles, methods and processes of educa- this reason, health and the economy are corre-
tion, and production and consumption of goods. lated strictly. The more information we acquire
Also, we need to redefine environmental policies, about its mechanisms, the more we can do to
promote policies aware to population needs, fight handle the situation. Contrary to decades ago,
climate changes and biodiversity loss, and sus- nowadays, the deluge of multidimensional and
tain the development of highly innovative com- multilevel data, together with the adequate math-
panies for high-tech innovation and rapid ematical and computational methods of analysis,
time-to-market delivery of innovative products. It e.g., based on the science of complexity, pro-
requires obtaining the broad promotion and eco- vides a suitable starting point to map the propa-
nomic support of fundamental and applied gation of shocks through our socioeconomic
research to solve the real world’s problem. system. Also, they provide the ability to design a
Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, more resilient society. Beyond everything, the
the daily discharge of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas most important goal must be preventing another
has been reduced drastically by 17% worldwide, pandemic in the future (Kafieh et al. 2020), and
as the most significant drop in CO2 emissions this will be difficult to achieve while the risk of
since World War II, albeit for unsustainable and re-infection with COVID-19 is possible (Jabbari
unwanted reasons, although the energy consump- and Rezaei 2020).
834 Z. Kolahchi et al.

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Retrieval and Investigation of Data
on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 47
Using Bioinformatics Approach

Muhamad Fahmi, Viol Dhea Kharisma,
Arif Nur Muhammad Ansori, and Masahiro Ito

Abstract ordered information hubs and resources,

which are essential to derive data and mean-
Sudden emergence and a rapid outbreak of ingful findings from the current massive
SARS-CoV-2 accompanied by a devastating information about SARS-­CoV-­2. Advanced
impact on the economy and public health has algorithms in this field also provide
driven extensive scientific mobilization to approaches that are essential to elucidate the
study and elucidate the various associated relationship, origin, and evolutionary pro-
concerns about SARS-CoV-2. Bioinformatics cess of SARS-CoV-2. Here, we report essen-
plays a crucial role in addressing and provid- tial bioinformatics entities, such as database
ing solutions to questions about SARS- and platform development, molecular evolu-
CoV-2. It helps shorten the duration for the tion and phylogenetic analyses, and vaccine
vaccine development process and the discov- designs, that are useful to solve the SARS-
ery of potential clinical interventions CoV-2 conundrum.
through the simulation and information
retrieval, and the development of well- Keywords

COVID-19 · Databases · Information hubs ·

Molecular evolution · Phylogenetic inference
M. Fahmi · M. Ito (*) · SARS-CoV-2 · Vaccine design
Advanced Life Sciences Program, Graduate School
of Life Sciences, Ritsumeikan University, Kusatsu,
Shiga, Japan
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Network (USERN), Kusatsu, Japan Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
e-mail: (SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
Research Network (USERN), Malang, Indonesia
V. D. Kharisma
Master Program in Biology, Department of Biology, A. N. M. Ansori
Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Doctoral Program in Veterinary Science, Faculty of
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Kampus
C Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Computational Virology and Complexity Science
Research Unit, Division of Molecular Biology and Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group
Genetics, Generasi Biologi Indonesia (SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and
(GENBINESIA) Foundation, Gresik, Indonesia Research Network (USERN), Surabaya, Indonesia

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 839
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
840 M. Fahmi et al.

47.1 Introduction et al. 2020). Later on, it attained a pandemic sta-

tus, as declared by the World Health Organization
Viruses have been characterized as distinct bio- (WHO) in early March 2020, and the virus has
logical entities for more than 100  years. They spread to more than 150 countries and infected
were initially discovered in 1892 when Dmitri over 5.8 million people by the latter part of May
Ivanovsky observed that the tobacco mosaic dis- 2020 (World Health Organization 2020a, b). The
ease was caused by tiny rod-shaped infectious devastating effects exerted by this virus have
particles smaller than any known bacteria; later, motivated multiple researchers to study and elu-
these particles were named as “virus” by Martinus cidate the various associated concerns that may
Beijerinck in 1898. Since then, they have been help strategize the process of obtaining a solu-
isolated from multiple organisms and even the tion. Here, we discuss several state-of-the-art
virus itself. In this manner, viruses have been computational approaches that have been used to
assigned to a unique taxonomic position. The address questions on SARS-CoV-2, including the
abundance of viruses in the biosphere is esti- development of databases and platforms, studies
mated to be markedly high and approximately ten on structural and evolutionary relationships, and
times greater than that of bacteria (Breitbart and designing potential interventions through virtual
Rohwer 2005; Suttle 2005). They have been stud- screening.
ied extensively owing to their infectivity in
humans and other organisms, which causes sev-
eral diseases, as well as their ability to maintain 47.2 SARS-CoV-2-Related
ecosystem homeostasis and exhibit pathogen Databases and Platforms
control (Flint et al. 2015). Several attributes are
considered for the characterization and identifi- The sudden outbreak and rapid spread of
cation of viruses, including the clinical attributes, COVID-­19 have endangered global health and
pathogenic properties, measurement of the physi- economy (Li et  al. 2020a; Huang et  al. 2020).
cal structures, and the comparison of genetic This crisis has called for extensive scientific
material (Flint et  al. 2015). Viral genomic mobilization for studies on SARS-CoV-2 con-
sequences were some of the first available cerning its characteristics, the mechanism of
genomic information. The development of a transmission, clinical aspects of the disease, and
more efficient method for virus attribute retrieval management and prevention strategies, with the
requires sophisticated computational tools and ultimate aim of countering the devastating out-
techniques for analyzing the extensive data avail- comes. From January to May 2020, an extensive
able. Bioinformatics plays a crucial role in con- body of literature and data consisting of several
tending this challenge, thereby providing thousand articles has been published. As a result,
substantial support in addressing several com- such vast numbers of publications have over-
mon questions pertinent in virology (Chang whelmed researchers in their effort to derive
2015; Marz et al. 2014). meaningful findings or to track novel information
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavi- simply. This “explosion” of data calls for novel
rus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the seventh coronavirus features that would help establish well-ordered
that has crossed the species barrier to infect the information and advanced computational tools,
human population. It is a rapidly spreading virus which will help create a more user-friendly
that has posed a significant public threat and medium for the accession and analysis of “big
proved to have a considerable burden on the data” from the literature on SARS-CoV-2.
global economy and human health. A form of Additionally, several common and virus-specific
severe respiratory disease caused by this agent, databases that had been developed before the
known as the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), emergence of SARS-CoV-2 continue to be rele-
was first detected in late December 2019 (Zhu vant and useful, especially those that process
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach 841

sequence and structural data. Intelligent use of location with visualization for better access
these media would expedite knowledge discov- (Chen et  al. 2020). Additionally, a platform
ery, which is essential in coping with the urgency developed by the Evidence for Policy and
of the crisis (Table 47.1). Practice Information and Co-ordinating Centre
(EPPI-Centre) at the University College London
is an alternative resource for accessing the over-
47.2.1 Platforms and Tools for SARS-­ view and distribution of articles related to
CoV-­2 Literature COVID-19 (
MAP/covid_map_v11.html) (Lorenc et al. 2020).
Scientists are overburdened with the vast array of This platform has been built from the
papers on COVID-19. In the 5 months since the Collaborative Approach to Meta-Analysis and
outbreak, more than 23,000 papers on SARS-­ Review of Animal Data from Experimental
CoV-­2 and COVID-19 have been published in Studies (CAMARADES) infrastructure that had
public domains. This repository is proliferating been developed previously, the infrastructure
and has doubled in approximately every 20 days includes systematic review facility, crowdsourc-
within this period (Brainard 2020). Journals and ing for screening, annotation and automation
scholarly publishers have provided outstanding techniques, and a web-based portal. This ­platform
support to such efforts for disseminating scien- provides an updated map of the current evidence
tific contributions rapidly by accelerating their on COVID-19 by categorizing publications based
editorial assessment, peer review, and publication on the study type (Lorenc et al. 2020).
processes, which has raised concerns about the The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Research
quality of the resulting publications (Horbach Compendium (NCRC) is an alternative central-
2020). As a result, the concept of a curated body ized platform available to the public that rapidly
of literature is integral in dealing with informa- curates and reviews emerging scientific evidence
tion overload and deriving meaningful patterns on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, with a specific
from findings across published papers. Currently, focus on providing accurate and relevant infor-
several groups have commenced the utilization of mation from original, high-quality, and trending
state-of-the-art computational approaches, such research ( (Johns Hopkins
as artificial intelligence, for curating hubs for Bloomberg School of Public Health 2020). The
easy and effective access or simply filtering demand for reliable and rapidly curated evidence
papers with specific focus on high-quality publi- from the public, programs, policies, and research-
cations (Chen et  al. 2020; Lorenc et  al. 2020; ers amid the fast growth in the body of literature
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public on COVID-19 has driven numerous researchers
Health 2020; Balakrishnan 2020). from Johns Hopkins Schools of Public Health,
LitCovid is one such prominent hub of curated Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and other
literature for tracking recent scientific informa- institutions worldwide to develop this platform
tion on COVID-19 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public
gov/research/coronavirus/). This open-resource Health 2020). This group rapidly evaluates
literature hub was developed by researchers COVID-19-related publications and strictly
under the aegis of the National Center for selects high-quality articles to be categorized
Biotechnology Information (NCBI). It assists the under several topics listed in this platform,
retrieval of relevant literature using sophisticated including diagnostics, modeling, epidemiology,
search functions and categorized topics, includ- pharmaceutical interventions, non-­
ing an overview, disease mechanism, transmis- pharmaceutical interventions, clinical presenta-
sion dynamics, treatment, case reports, and tion and prognostic risk factors, vaccines, and
epidemic forecasting (Chen et  al. 2020). The ecology and spillover (Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
articles are also categorized based on geographic School of Public Health 2020).

Table 47.1  Essential databases and platforms for SARS-CoV-2 literature

Platform and tool Description Web site References
LitCovid A curated literature hub for tracking recent scientific information Chen et al. (2020)
about SARS-CoV-2 research/coronavirus
COVID-19: living map of the Map of the current evidence on COVID-19 by categorizing Lorenc T et al. (2020)
evidence publications based on the study type MAP/covid_map_v11.html
Novel Coronavirus Research A centralized, publicly available resource that rapidly curates and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
Compendium (NCRC) reviews the emerging scientific evidence about SARS-CoV-2 and School of Public Health (2020)
COVID-evidence Continuously updated database of the available worldwide evidence covid-­ COVID-evidence (2020)
on interventions for COVID-19
Global Coronavirus Map of COVID-19 trials according to geographical, trial, patient, covid-­ Thorlund et al. (2020)
COVID-­19 Clinical Trial and intervention characteristics
Tracker Database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted (2000)
around the world
International Clinical Trials Clinical trials registry database by WHO World Health Organization
Registry Platform (2005)
COVID-19 Open Research Resource of more than 130,000 scholarly articles about the novel Wang et al. (2020)
Dataset (CORD-19) coronavirus for use by the global research community cord19
SciSight A tool for exploring the evolving network of science in the SciSight (2020)
SPIKE-CORD A powerful set of tools for effectively searching and interacting with spike.covid-­19.apps.allenai. SPIKE-COVID (2020)
the CORD-19 data org/search/covid19
ViralZone A knowledge resource to understand virus diversity Hulo et al. (2011)
M. Fahmi et al.
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach 843

The WHO initiated an international clinical duplication (Thorlund et al. 2020; World Health
trial called SOLIDARITY a week after the decla- Organization 2005; 2000).
ration of the COVID-19 pandemic, and over 100 Additionally, the development of text mining
countries have joined the SOLIDARITY trial and and information retrieval systems is the key to
are working simultaneously to solve the issue at the dynamic discovery and extraction of rele-
hand (Balakrishnan 2020). A clinical trial is a vant, nontrivial information from the massive
type of research methodology in which tests and collection of literature. To accommodate such
treatments for the disease are evaluated by assess- advancements for use in SARS-CoV-2- and
ing the safety and efficacy of clinical candidate COVID-19-related studies, the Allen Institute
interventions (Friedman et al. 2010). It relies on a for AI (AI2) released a COVID-19 Open
foundation of evidence to improve the quality of Research Dataset (CORD-19; www.semantic-
health care and help stakeholders control the in collaboration with gov-
costs involved through careful comparison with ernments’ several leading institutions (Wang
alternative interventions (Friedman et al. 2010). et  al. 2020). This resource contains more than
Amid the rapid growth in the number of 128,000 scholarly articles on COVID-19, SARS-
COVID-­19 patients globally and the absence of a CoV2, and related historical research on corona-
confirmed drug or treatment method, the urgency virus, which are assembled in a machine-readable
to develop or discover an efficient therapeutic format to provide an accessible structure and
strategy for COVID-19 has triggered a spike in system for the retrieval process using computa-
clinical trial research and unprecedented growth tional methods such as data mining, machine
in the number of findings from studies on a spe- learning, and natural language processing (Wang
cific disease within a brief period (Thorlund et al. et al. 2020). The development and availability of
2020). Hence, an easily accessible platform that this resource are provided to the global commu-
summarizes findings from COVID-19 clinical tri- nity to apply recent advances of AI techniques
als is necessary for convenient tracking of rele- and to develop robust and user-friendly compu-
vant information without including irrelevant tational tools that help researchers find answers
data in the findings. Several groups of researchers to their questions from published studies. The
have taken the initiative to develop media that is CORD-19 itself consists of several built-in tools
focused on the mapping and summarization of such as SciSight and SPIKE-CORD for explor-
clinical trial research instead of providing an ing the evolving network of scientific informa-
overview of all articles related to COVID-19. It tion and for effectively searching data,
includes COVID-evidence (covid-­ respectively (; spike.
and Global Coronavirus COVID-19 Clinical covid-­1
Trial Tracker (covid-­ (Thorlund et  al. (SciSight 2020; SPIKE-COVID 2020). SciSight
2020; COVID-evidence 2020; Ruano et al. 2020). helps retrieve a comprehensive network of infor-
Both platforms use automatic search and expert mation using an AI-powered visualization frame-
manual extraction strategies for retrieving data work. This tool has several features for exploring
from several sources, including published articles researcher working networks (the network of
and the International Clinical Trials Registry science), searching key facets (Faceted Search),
Platforms, to minimize duplicated entries and exploring the association between proteins,
(Thorlund et  al. 2020; COVID-evidence 2020). genes, and cells (proteins/genes/cells), as well as
Additionally, (clinicaltrials. between diseases and chemicals (Diseases/
gov) and the International Clinical Trials Registry Chemicals) (SciSight 2020). Conversely, SPIKE-
Platform (ICTRP; by CORD offers user-friendly text mining options
WHO are relevant resources for tracking clinical for effective search and interaction with CORD-
trials, although these platforms provide data 19 data. That is an advanced tool and comprises
without recapitulation to avoid unnecessary three query modes, including Boolean queries,
844 M. Fahmi et al.

sequential queries, and structured queries and retrieval locations of sequence data and
(SPIKE-COVID 2020). annotation. Generally, three primary public
ViralZone ( is nucleotide sequence databases facilitate the
another important resource that provides a clear availability of DNA sequence data to the public:
view of the biological processes of the complete NCBI, the European Bioinformatics Institute
identified virosphere (Hulo et al. 2011). This web (EBI), and the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ).
resource provides fact sheets with information on Over the years, the repository of sequences
sequence information, replication cycles, taxon- deposited in these databases has grown at an
omy, and epidemiology, as well as graphics increasing rate. Since these databases form the
describing virion organization, genome tran- International Nucleotide Sequence Database
scription, and translation strategies for every Collaboration and exchange updates daily, they
identified virus families/genera, thereby creating follow certain common principles for the arrange-
an accurate and concise information platform to ment of sequence data and mainly provide the
improve the understanding of the complications same accession number (Koonin and Galperin
associated with the massive diversity in viruses. 2003).
The ViralZone platform has a dedicated resource Additionally, scientific journals generally
for SARS-CoV-2 with additional information on specify that the sequence data should be cited
antiviral drug development and COVID-19 treat- with the accession number of information from
ment strategies (Hulo et al. 2011). these databases in a paper that describes a nucle-
To deal with the devastating effects of SARS-­ otide or protein sequence (Brister et  al. 2015).
CoV-­2 infection, the global scientific commu- Following the growth in the number of viral
nity has made an effort to contribute to the genome sequences and the challenges of
current information on the disease, which has ­implementing a purely well-annotated represen-
created a massive collection of readily accessi- tation of viral genome sequences, NCBI has a
ble literature. A challenge involving the tracking unique feature known as the NCBI Viral Genome
of novel findings and the construction of a Resource (
meaningful network from such a massive data viruses/) to serve better the needs of the commu-
repository awaits clinicians, researchers, and nity of virologists. This resource has a central
policymakers. Fortunately, several research browser for viral and viroid genomes, which lists
groups are addressing the challenge and have all viral and viroid species indicated by the cor-
attempted to create sophisticated platforms and responding reference sequence and includes links
tools that focus on providing user-friendly to genome neighbor sequences (Brister et  al.
media. Given these efforts, the utilization of 2015).
such media aids active tracking of important Specific databases for viral sequences have
findings on COVID-19. also been established; this is an alternative of the
general public nucleotide sequence databases.
The development of a specific database for
47.2.2 Sequence and Structure viruses is essential to avoid the challenges arising
Database of SARS-CoV-2 from the sharing of viral sequence information.
For example, the Global Initiative on Sharing All
The ability to sequence DNA at higher through- Influenza Data (GISAID) EpiFlu (https://www.
put and lower costs leads to the rapid increase in was initially developed to address
the available sequence data. Sequence analysis problems experienced while sharing virus
plays a vital role in viral surveillance, host reser- sequences, such as the potential intervention by
voir identification, and public health policy government agencies for the international
debates (Brister et al. 2015). The development of exchange of information and the hesitation of
a sequence database is essential in current bioin- researchers to share data on sequences of lethal
formatics research and applications for storage viruses (Elbe and Buckland-Merrett 2017). This
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach 845

database provides protection and assurances to vides convenient access to experimental data to
data contributors through a unique data access the community of researchers and students of
agreement. Users must register themselves with biological sciences. In response to the COVID-­19
official affiliation to access the data in this data- pandemic, RCSB PDB has developed COVID-­19/
base and comply with several agreements, includ- SARS-CoV-2 Resources, which provide quick
ing the acknowledgment of the contributor while access to all PDB structures of SARS-CoV-2.
using their data in publications and refraining
from data sharing with third parties outside the
GISAID community (Elbe and Buckland-Merrett 47.3 Molecular Evolution
2017). This mechanism allows researchers and and Phylogenetic Analysis
the government to share their sequence data of SARS-CoV-2
promptly and is important because the immediate
availability of viral genomic data helps expedite Recognizing the relationship, origin, and evolu-
the processes involved in tracking and recogniz- tionary process of emerging outbreaks of zoo-
ing emergent epidemics or pandemics (Elbe and notic pathogens may help health authorities
Buckland-Merrett 2017). The GISAID EpiFlu develop strategies to prevent cross-species trans-
system itself contains above 27,000 partial and missions and control outbreaks in the future
complete genomic sequences of SARS-CoV-2 (Boni et al. 2020; Li et al. 2020b). Evolution is
that have been contributed by clinicians and arguably one of the most important aspects to
researchers worldwide, as of mid-May 2020. comprehend, especially for rapidly evolving
Given the extent of available sequence infor- viruses such as RNA viruses. When the genome
mation, the number of structurally characterized sequence of the etiological agent of an epidemic
proteins, nucleic acids, and other biological mac- or pandemic is available, comparative genomic
romolecules is relatively low. Acquiring three-­ and phylogenetic analyses are powerful tools to
dimensional molecular structure information address the abovementioned queries. Next-­
helps characterize the molecular function and generation sequencing (NGS) and advanced
interaction. Additionally, elucidating the viral algorithms in phylogenetics and comparative
protein structure and interaction is fundamental genomic analyses provide genome-based meth-
to comprehending the virus receptor recognition ods that play a major role in the characterization
mechanism, which is associated with its infectiv- and identification of viruses, especially in case of
ity, pathogenesis, and host range, and is a requi- rapidly evolving viruses such as RNA viruses
site in the effort to develop structure-based drugs. (Delwart 2007). In addition to identifying the ori-
The Protein Data Bank (PDB) is a prominent gins and evolutionary history, molecular phylo-
global repository of experimentally determined genetics can apply to the recognition of
three-dimensional structures (Sussman et  al. transmission routes and source populations of
1998). It is one of the first open-access digital epidemic outbreaks and seasonal diseases
resources for biological sciences established in (Kühnert et al. 2011) (Fig. 47.1).
1971. The Worldwide Protein Data Bank cur-
rently manages this database (wwPDB; http://, which includes the RCSB 47.3.1 Comparative Genomics
Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB; https://www. of SARS-CoV-2, the Protein Data Bank Japan (PDBj;, the Protein Data Bank in Immediately after the initial report on 27 unusual
Europe (PDBe;, cases of pneumonia in Wuhan on December 31,
and the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data 2019, the complete genome sequence of the caus-
Bank (BMRB; ative agent, SARS-CoV-2, was made available on
(Burley et  al. 2017). This community manages January 10, 2020 (Wu et al. 2020; Lu et al. 2020).
annotated protein structure information and pro- Measuring the genetic distance is a simple com-
846 M. Fahmi et al.

Fig. 47.1  The general

workflow of molecular
evolution and
phylogenetic inferences

putational approach for understanding the origin tioned in the article should be registered with this
of biodiversity. For this purpose, the detection of platform (Pearson 2013). Once the homologs are
candidate homologous sequences is a fundamen- detected, building a more accurate alignment
tal step, which is achieved by searching sequence model using multiple sequence alignments forms
similarity in sequence databases or GenBank the basis for the calculation of genetic distance
(Pearson 2013). Several available programs sta- and determining genome organization, as well as
tistically estimate sequence similarity against developing other evolutionary analyses, such as
existing sequences in databases, such as Basic the construction of phylogenetic trees and recom-
Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST), bination detection. As computation has become
SSEARCH, FASTA, and HMMER (Altschul more accessible recently, utilizing a more rigor-
et al. 1997; Smith and Waterman 1981; Pearson ous multiple sequence alignment method that
and Lipman 1988; Johnson et al. 2010). Sequence employs iterative approaches such as MAFFT
candidates with significant similarity can be and MUSCLE is recommended for acquiring
obtained using these programs, as the sequence high throughput and high accuracy results
data in GenBank is becoming increasingly com- (Pearson 2013; Katoh et al. 2002; Edgar 2004).
prehensive, based on the principle that scientific Through these steps, the pairwise sequence iden-
journals that require the data of sequences men- tities of SARS-CoV-2 initially isolated from sev-
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach 847

eral patients were analyzed and were observed to host cell and translation, this large polyprotein
share a nearly identical similarity of above commonly undergoes proteolytic processing and
99.9%, and this indicates a recent host shift into is cleaved by virus-encoded proteases into sev-
the human population (Lu et  al. 2020). Several eral nonstructural proteins (nsps), including viral
groups have confirmed that SARS-CoV-2 belongs papain-like protease (PLpro), main protease
to the genus Betacoronavirus, with the bat SARS-­ (3CLpro, also known as 3-chymotrypsin-like
related coronavirus (SARSr-CoV RaTG13) as protease), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
the most closely related member (96.2% similar- (RdRp), and helicase (Hel) (Marra et  al. 2003).
ity). Human-infecting coronaviruses that are These proteins mediate the replication process of
closely related to this virus are SARS-CoV the viral genome and generate nested transcripts,
(approximately 79% similarity) and MERS-CoV which are essential for the synthesis of viral pro-
(approximately 50% similarity) (Lu et al. 2020; teins (Marra et al. 2003). There are structural and
Fahmi et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; Paraskevis accessory genes downstream of the ORF1a and
et al. 2020; Chan et al. 2020). ORF1b sequences that encode the spike glyco-
As SARS-CoV-2 was observed to be related to protein (S), ORF3a, ORF3b, envelope (E), mem-
the genus Betacoronavirus and the genome orga- brane (M), ORF6, ORF7a, ORF7b, ORF8a,
nization of betacoronaviruses has been elucidated ORF8b, and nucleocapsid (N), which are inter-
previously, the genome organization of SARS-­ spersed with the TRS motifs (Fehr and Perlman
CoV-­2 can be determined simply by sequence 2015; Thiel et al. 2003). The structural proteins
alignment with the genomes of other members of are responsible for packaging the viral particles
Betacoronavirus (Kim et  al. 2020; Marra et  al. and the entry process in host cells, while the
2003; Rota et  al. 2003). It was performed by accessory proteins are likely to play vital roles in
alignment to two representative members of viral pathogenesis (Marra et al. 2003).
Betacoronavirus, SARS-CoV Tor2 (GenBank A notable feature within the specific region of
accession number AY274119), and bat SARS-CoV-2 can be identified by comparative
SL-CoVZC45 (GenBank accession number analysis once the genome organization is known.
MG772933), which are associated with humans The S protein is one of the most variable regions
and bats, respectively (Wu et  al. 2020). The within the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2. It
SARS-CoV-2 genome contains a positive-sense displays the lowest sequence identity of around
single-stranded RNA with a 5′ cap structure and 75% to bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-­
a poly-A 3′ tail, and it has ~29,900 nt encoding CoVZXC21 (Lu et al. 2020). The trimeric S pro-
~9860 amino acids (Marra et al. 2003; Rota et al. teins of CoVs mediate binding to the cell receptor
2003). The 5′ end of the SARS-CoV-2 genome ACE2 and membrane fusion in the viral entry
contains a predicted RNA leader sequence of process; understanding this protein is compul-
~70 nt that is fused with two open reading frames sory in vaccine design as it elicits an antibody
(ORF1a and ORF1b) through short motif tran- response (Li et al. 2005a; Belouzard et al. 2012;
scription regulatory sequences (TRSs) (Wu et al. Babcock et  al. 2004). The core structure and
2020). The TRSs precede each structural or receptor-binding motif of S protein to the claw-­
accessory gene, which aids gene expression (Fehr like structure of ACE2 receptors occur in the
and Perlman 2015). Usually, the ORF1a and receptor-binding domain (RBD) (Li 2015, 2008).
ORF1b overlap in betacoronaviruses, and the There are six vital amino acids in the RBD for
region occupies two-thirds of the genome. This enhancing the viral binding of SARS-CoV to
region encodes the viral replicase and a transla- human ACE2 receptors. They are Y442, L472,
tional read-through comprising a − 1 ribosomal N479, D480, T487, and Y491 based on S protein
frameshift, which allows the translation of this sequence (Wan et  al. 2020). With coordinates
overlapping reading frame into a single polyprot- based on SARS-CoV, those amino acids are
ein (Fehr and Perlman 2015; Thiel et al. 2003). L455, F486, Q493, S494, N501, and Y505  in
Subsequently, upon infection of an appropriate SARS-CoV-2, of which is only one amino acid
848 M. Fahmi et al.

identical to SARS-CoV (Wan et  al. 2020; Forni et  al. 2017; Hon et  al. 2008). It has been
Andersen et al. 2020). Another notable feature in reported that SARS-CoV-2 is not a recombinant
the S protein of SARS-CoV-2 that has been iden- of any viruses detected to date (Tang et al. 2020).
tified is the presence of polybasic cleavage site This indicates that the sampled diversity of CoVs,
(RRAR) at the junction of the two subunits of the especially within the subgenus sarbecovirus, is
S protein: S1 and S2 (Walls et  al. 2020). This massively inefficient.
cleavage site is preceded by inserted proline,
which is predicted to result in the o-linked glyco-
sylation of S673, T678, and S686 in the S protein 47.3.2 Molecular Phylogenetics
sequence (Andersen et al. 2020). Furin proteases
cleave this site during biosynthesis; this process Elucidating the origin, relationships, and trans-
is essential to enable exposure of the fusion mission routes of emerging infectious agents is a
sequence for cell membranes, which crucially key to conveniently understanding their biologi-
mediates the cell entry process (Walls et  al. cal processes and the potential methods of inter-
2020). The fact that the cleaving process varies vention. These functions are related to molecular
from coronavirus to coronavirus implies that the evolution, which can be elegantly illustrated by
cleavage site is associated with transmissibility molecular phylogenetic analysis (Kühnert et  al.
and pathogenesis in the host animal. 2011; Lemey et al. 2009). The phylogenetic tree
CoVs have developed several genetic mecha- has played a fundamental role in the efforts of
nisms to control replication errors as they have an inferring the evolutionary history of several
extraordinarily large RNA genome. infectious agents such as HIV, HCV, and
Recombination is the capacity to create chimeric ­SARS-­CoV (Kühnert et al. 2011; Gao et al. 1999;
molecules from two parental genomes of differ- Santiago et al. 2002; Pybus et al. 2009; Markov
ent origins during coinfection and is one such et  al. 2009; Li et  al. 2005b). The phylogenetic
mechanism that contributes to the genetic stabil- methods are pertinent for detecting orthology and
ity and diversity of CoVs (Simon-Loriere and paralogy, estimating divergence times, recon-
Holmes 2011; Lai et  al. 1994). Deciphering structing ancient proteins, finding the important
recombination event that contributes to the virus residues to natural selection, identifying recom-
emergence hence is one way to identify SARS-­ bination points, determining the identity on new
CoV-­2 origins. This analysis is also important to pathogens, and identifying mutations likely to be
identify virus expansion of viral host range and associated with disease (Holder and Lewis 2003).
the evolution of resistance to antivirals (Brown Once the predetermined sequences are aligned, a
1997; Gibbs and Weiller 1999; Nora et al. 2007). wide range of methods and software packages are
Numerous tools for examining recombination available for reconstructing the phylogenetic
have been developed within the last two decades, tree, which can, at times, make it challenging for
such as SIMPLOT, RDP, TOPALi, and 3seq, all researchers to choose the well-suited ones. Each
of which are optimized to detect recombination method relies on a different algorithm and has its
in different ways (Lole et al. 1999; Milne et al. own advantages and limitations. There are two
2008; Martin and Rybicki 2000; Lam et al. 2017). types of reconstruction methods: distance-based
The comprehensive list of tools for analyzing methods and character-based methods (Lemey
recombination events can be found at http://bio- et al. 2009). Distance-based methods reconstruct trees from the calculated distance matrix of every
grams.shtml. Even though CoVs have been pair of sequences. These techniques can also be
reported to be a highly recombinogenic group of classified into two categories: clustering-based
viruses, detecting recombination event of the (UPGMA and neighbor-joining) and optimality-­
recently emerging CoV from the ancestor that based (Fitch-Margoliash and minimum evolu-
likely develops multiple recombination events, tion) algorithms (Lemey et  al. 2009). These
however, is not trivial (Zhang and Holmes 2020; methods generally have a rapid calculation time
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach 849

and a large number of applicable substitution CoVs. Two possible scenarios can plausibly
models for calculating the genetic distance explain the origin of SARS-CoV2: natural selec-
scores; however, their applicability in cases with tion in an animal host prior to zoonotic transfer
divergent sequences and high variance of large and natural selection in humans following zoo-
distance estimates is poor (Lemey et  al. 2009; notic transfer (Andersen et  al. 2020). With the
Yang and Rannala 2012). Conversely, character-­ first scenario, the genuine progenitor of SARS-­
based methods are based on the mutational event CoV2, however, is unrevealed; this uncertainty is
scoring of given aligned characters (sites in align- attributed to the absence of animal coronaviruses
ment), which prevents information loss in pair- that have the highest similarity on the entire
wise distance calculation (Yang and Rannala genome location to SARS-CoV-2; this also indi-
2012; Xiong 2006). Character-based methods cates that subgenus sarbecovirus is likely to have
include maximum likelihood (ML), maximum massive hidden diversity (Boni et  al. 2020;
parsimony (MP), and Bayesian inference (BI). Andersen et al. 2020). Even though the RaTG13
MP follows the “Ockham’s razor” principle by bat coronavirus has been identified as the virus
selecting the proposed tree with a minimum score with the highest similarity to SARS-CoV-2, the
of discrete changes to the given alignment data RBD in the S protein of SARS-CoV2 is signifi-
(Lemey et  al. 2009). The resulting tree in MP cantly related to that in the Pangolin (Manis
generally has the minimum instances of homo- javanica) coronavirus, which belongs to the sis-
plasy (Lemey et al. 2009). Owing to its simplic- ter lineage of the RaTG13 bat coronavirus (Wan
ity, the computations in MP are less extensive et  al. 2020; Andersen et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al.
than those in other character-based methods, 2020). RBD is a region critical in SARS-CoV-2
although these lack explicit assumptions. The transmission in humans because it has a high
ML method estimates trees with the highest like- affinity for human ACE2 (Wan et al. 2020). This
lihood of development using discrete change data binding is likely a result of natural selection of
of alignment based on multiple proposed trees human or human-like ACE2, as a novel binding
depicting different evolutionary hypotheses pattern distinct from those previously predicted
(topologies, branch lengths, and sequence substi- was observed (Wan et  al. 2020; Andersen et  al.
tution models) of taxa in an alignment. 2020). This complication highlights the uncer-
Conversely, BI calculates the posterior probabil- tainty involved in the identification of the direct
ity distribution of the proposed trees based on the ancestor of SARS-CoV-2. Conversely, pangolin
model, prior probability distribution, and data. SARSr-CoVs are likely to be the progenitor of
When the data are informative, the majority of SARS-CoV-2 if the second scenario is applied,
the posterior probability is typically concentrated following to their significant similarities of the
in one tree (or a small subset of trees in an ample RBD region (Andersen et al. 2020). Since pango-
tree space) (Lemey et al. 2009; Xiong 2006). At lin SARSr-CoVs have RBD that binds with high
present, ML and BI are considered to represent affinity to humans ACE2, it is likely that this
the best accurate methods since they incorporate virus jumped to the human population and
the most complex statistical models. acquired genomic features that give rise to SARS-­
Several authors have constructed the phyloge- CoV-­2 (Andersen et al. 2020).
netic trees of SARS-CoV-2 with that of previous
CoVs using the whole genome and specific
region sequences to understand its evolutionary 47.4 Computational Approach
history and recombination event (Li et al. 2020b; for One Step of SARS-CoV-2
Wu et al. 2020; Lu et al. 2020; Tang et al. 2020). Vaccine Design
Based on the currently available genome samples
of CoVs, the whole-genome phylogenetic tree The spike glycoprotein has an important role in
indicates that SARS-CoV-2 is closest to SARSr-­ binding with host cell receptors; this protein is
CoV RaTG13, followed by Pangolin SARSr-­ found on the surface of virions and allows it to be
850 M. Fahmi et al.

neutralized by antibodies. Vaccines have been receptors, which allow the recognition of anti-
proven effective in handling an infectious disease gens displayed by antigen-presenting cells
and aims to reduce the deterioration effect caused (APCs) through binding to the major histocom-
by that of the etiological agent. Currently, around patibility complex (MHC) molecules. T-cell epit-
90 vaccines have been developed for the clinical opes are represented by MHC-1 and MHC-2,
trial of SARS-CoV-2 carried out by universities both of which are recognized by CD8 and CD4 T
and companies across the world. A variety of cells. CD8 will become cytotoxic T lymphocytes
vaccines with a distinct approach is tried against (CTL) following the introduction of the CD8 T
SARS-CoV-2, such as virus vaccines (weakened epitope, whereas CD4 forms Th or T regulatory
or inactivated virus), viral-vector vaccines (using cells (Doytchinova and Flower 2007). This is
adenovirus), nucleic-acid vaccines (DNA or divided into Th1 (plays a role in the cell-­mediated
RNA vaccines), and protein-based vaccines (pro- immune response), Th2 (forms antibodies
tein subunits or virus-like particles) (Sun and through mediated immunity), and Th17 (acti-
Zhang 2014). The development of an effective vates the inflammatory response and protects
vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infection is against extracellular bacteria) (Lamiable et  al.
urgently needed, and it is unlikely to use classical 2016; Kharisma and Ansori 2020). Currently,
methods in vaccine design under current condi- there are numerous immunoinformatics tools for
tions (Doytchinova and Flower 2007; Lamiable B-cell and T-cell epitope predictions (Table 47.2).
et  al. 2016). Currently, there are no inactivated Prediction of B cell epitopes allows us to gain
and live-attenuated vaccines efficient enough for insight into the important position on the surface
providing extensive protection against SARS-­ of antigen that can be recognized by BCR in the
CoV-­2 infection (Kharisma and Ansori 2020). adaptive immune response. Immune Epitope
During the current critical period, the Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB) (http://
immunoinformatics-­based approach could help is one such prominent plat-
shorten the duration of the experiment for discov- form for epitope prediction, the approach for epi-
ering potential SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidates. tope prediction can be divided into linear and
Also, accumulated releases of SARS-CoV-2 discontinuous predictions (Sun and Zhang 2014).
genomes in GenBank, NCBI, and GISAID Linear prediction works by introducing antibod-
EpiCoV facilitate the immunoinformatics-based ies to the primary structure of the amino acid
approach for the development of virus-based sub- residue of the antigen. It is distinct to discontinu-
unit vaccines. The subunit candidate, such as S1 ous prediction, which utilizes the 3D form of an
protein or the RBD element of SARS-CoV-2, is epitope for the introduction. The methods of lin-
one of the precious targets for vaccine develop- ear epitope prediction for B cells use the sequence
ment design (Jespersen et al. 2017). characteristics of antigens through the amino
The humoral immune response involves acid scale and hidden Markov models (HMMs)
antigen-­antibody interactions for pathogen rec- (, which consist of
ognition. A specific antibody recognizes antigen prediction of hydrophilicity, flexibility, accessi-
through an area called antigenic determinants or bility, surface, and antigenic tendencies in poly-
B cell epitopes. B cell epitopes can be referred to peptide chains (Sun and Zhang 2014; Doytchinova
as surfaces that have amino acid groups accessi- and Flower 2007). BepiPred is one of methods to
ble for recognizing antibodies or B cell receptors predict B cell epitopes in IEDB platform, this
(BCR) and making it possible to trigger a humoral method is based on a random forest algorithm
immune response. The introduction of B cells to trained on epitopes annotated from antibody-­
epitopes is distinct from that of T cells, which antigen protein structures (Sun and Zhang 2014).
have a mechanism through direct binding of anti- The  other methods include DiscoTope and
gens and activation through T helper (Th) 2 cells ElliPro, these methods determine B-cell epitopes
(Sun and Zhang 2014). In addition, on the T-cell in 3D antigen structures based on solvent acces-
surface, there are specific receptors called T-cell sibility and flexibility (Sun and Zhang 2014).
Table 47.2  Immunoinformatics tools of B-cell and T-cell epitope prediction
Prediction Tool URL References
B-cell epitope BepiPred Jespersen et al. (2017)
DiscoTope Kringelum et al. (2012)
ElliPro Ponomarenko et al. (2008)
ABCpred Saha and Raghava (2006)
BCPred El-Manzalawy et al. (2008)
COBEpro Sweredoski and Baldi (2009)
SVMTriP Yao et al. (2012)
LBtope Singh et al. (2013)
EpiPred Dunbar et al. (2016)
Pepitope Mayrose et al. (2007)
T-cell epitope IEDB-MHCI Nielsen and Andreatta (2016)
IEDB-MHCII Nielsen et al. (2007)
NetMHC­4.0 Lundegaard et al. (2008)
NetMHCII­2.3 Jensen et al. (2018)
NetMHCIIpan­4.0 Karosiene et al. (2013)
IL4pred Dhanda et al. (2013)
ProPred Singh and Raghava (2001)
EpiTOP http://www.ddg-­ Dimitrov et al. (2010)
MHCPred http://www.ddg-­ Guan et al. (2003)
PEPVAC Reche and Reinherz (2005)
47  Retrieval and Investigation of Data on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Using Bioinformatics Approach
852 M. Fahmi et al.

Fig. 47.2  Schematic representation of peptide epitope based-vaccine candidate (green) from spike glycoprotein recog-
nized by B-cell immune response to produce specific antibody against SARS-CoV-2 (Kharisma and Ansori 2020)

Conversely, T-cell epitope prediction aims to and to perform molecular docking, respectively
identify short peptides in antigens that allow CD4 (Lamiable et al. 2016; Kozakov et al. 2007).
or CD8 cell stimulation. There are three steps for Previously, we characterized the spike glyco-
the prediction of T-cell epitopes, namely, antigen protein of SARS-CoV-2 to obtain epitope-based
processing, binding of peptides to MHC mole- peptide vaccine against SARS-CoV-2. In that
cules, and recognition of T-cell receptor. study, SARS-CoV-2 isolates were retrieved from
The predicted results of epitope mapping con- the GISAID EpiCoV and NCBI and then aligned
sist of peptides that are potentially recognized by to obtain the conserved region of SARS-CoV-2
the immune system. The peptide can be selected spike glycoprotein. We identified Pep_4
based on the antigenicity or the ability of an anti- ADHQPQTFVNTELH as potential  B-cell epit-
gen to trigger the activation of immune cell ope  vaccine candidates to overcome the SARS-­
receptors that recognize it. This prediction is CoV-­2 outbreak. Pep_4 vaccine candidates are
based on linear protein sequence alignment and predicted to trigger B-cell immune response
physicochemical properties of the protein so that through direct binding to the BCR/FAB molecule
it can calculate antigenicity scores on the peptide. (Kharisma and Ansori 2020).
VaxiJen v2.0 server http://www.ddg-­pharmfac.
net/vaxijen/VaxiJen/VaxiJen.html is  a platform
that can be used to predict the antigenicity of 47.5 Conclusion
peptides (Sun and Zhang 2014; Doytchinova and
Flower 2007).  After determination of the epit- Computational and statistical approaches are
opes candidates, the next steps include peptide essential entities in virology. Here, we reported
structure prediction and molecular docking with numerous tools and platforms that have been
specific receptor to identify the potential of can- developed to facilitate global research to study
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of COVID-19 Pandemic Through 48
Innovation and Ingenuity

Kathryn Clare Kelley, Jonathan Kamler,
Manish Garg, and Stanislaw P. Stawicki

Abstract herein are telemedicine, blockchain technol-

ogy, artificial intelligence, stereolithography,
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 and distance learning.
(COVID-­ 19) pandemic has created a
maelstrom of challenges affecting virtually Keywords
every aspect of global healthcare system.
Critical hospital capacity issues, depleted Artificial intelligence · Blockchain technol-
ventilator and personal protective equipment ogy · COVID-19 · Healthcare innovation ·
stockpiles, severely strained supply chains, Pandemic · SARS-CoV-2 · Technology ·
profound economic slowdown, and the Telemedicine
tremendous human cost all culminated in what
is questionably one of the most profound
challenges that humanity faced in decades, if
not centuries. Effective global response to the 48.1 Introduction
current pandemic will require innovation and
ingenuity. This chapter discusses various During the unprecedented time of the novel coro-
creative approaches and ideas that arose in navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the
response to COVID-19, as well as some of the medical community, and the world as a whole,
most impactful future trends that emerged as a has witnessed numerous and often unexpected
result. Among the many topics discussed innovations. The development of these innova-
tions has taken place to provide necessary medi-
cal care and education, to create much-­needed
K. C. Kelley · S. P. Stawicki (*) personal protective equipment (PPE) and other
Department of Surgery, University Campus, St. medical devices in light of worldwide shortages,
Luke’s University Health Network, Bethlehem, PA,
USA to improve methods of testing, and, finally, to
prevent further spread of the highly infectious
J. Kamler
Departments of Emergency Medicine, NewYork- virus (Chauhan et  al. 2020b). This chapter will
Presbyterian Health System, New York City, NY, serve as an overview of the various forms of inge-
USA nuity that emerged worldwide to keep vital health
M. Garg and education systems functioning and, of equal
Departments of Emergency Medicine, Weill Cornell importance, to preserve a sense of normalcy in an
Medicine, Columbia University Vagelos College of extraordinary time where quarantines and lock-
Physicians and Surgeons,
New York City, NY, USA
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 859
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
860 K. C. Kelley et al.

downs continue to be in effect. Some of the address the urgent problem of lack of capacity
advances and innovations highlighted include the by allowing patient encounters to be delivered
implementations of telemedicine and virtual at the point-of-­ care (Chauhan et  al. 2020a;
learning, three-­
dimensional (3D) printing of Stawicki et  al. 2020b). Related to the area of
medical equipment and devices, artificial intelli- telemedicine is the much broader domain of
gence (AI), flexible supply chain adaptations, telepresence. Here, opportunity abounds in
novel methods of testing for COVID-19, and education, including medical school and resi-
other ‘future trends’ of health science and dency didactics (Chick et  al. 2020; Schwartz
technology. et al. 2020).
Second, some innovative approaches may
appear a bit clumsy or even illogical at first. It is
48.2 Innovation During an expected norm in the area of innovation, where
the COVID-19 Pandemic: significant initial resistance often needs to be
Recognizing Limitations overcome before an invention, or new way of
and Optimizing Possibilities doing things is accepted first by early adopters
and ultimately by the general public (Kee 2017).
Although there is no such thing as the wrong Thus, the 3D printing community came together
place or wrong time for innovation and ingenuity, synthesizing face masks, face shields, and venti-
there are significant limitations that one must lator parts initially at a snail’s pace only to
recognize in the context of a truly global event of quickly achieve economies of scale and make a
transformational change. The emergence of the dramatic difference shortly after that for the
severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 frontline healthcare workers who were in severe
(SARS-CoV-2) represents such an event and need of high-quality personal protective equip-
therefore calls for special measures and ment and hard-to-find equipment replacement
considerations when it comes to innovative (e.g., ventilator) parts (Ishack and Lipner 2020;
thinking (World Health Organization 2020a; Kaza et al. 2018; Cavallo et al. 2020; Larrañeta
Bruce 2020). Given the profound and acute et al. 2020). Other manufacturers, such as those
economic crisis that is inherent to the life-saving producing sports gear or clothing, have also
physical distancing measures to mitigate flexed and adapted their capabilities to help
COVID-­ 19, any innovative ideas and their address various acute shortages (Elliott 2020;
implementations in the face of this great challenge Newcomb 2020).
have to occur ‘under budget’ and with little room Third, extraordinary circumstances lead peo-
or time for experimentation. In this chapter, we ple to connect the dots in truly unique and inno-
will focus on broadly understood technological vative ways. For example, when faced with acute
innovation and, more specifically, on information shortages of COVID-19 testing kits and supplies,
technology (IT) innovation. clinical laboratory scientists promptly devised a
First, it is crucial to recognize that innova- “sample pooling” testing method, whereby speci-
tion does not necessarily require invention or mens from several patients are processed simul-
discovery. Thus, merely re-allocating and re- taneously using the same set of reagents. The
focusing our energies to existing ways of downside of this approach is that when a positive
doing things may bring about incremental result is reported within a testing pool, individual
benefits well beyond those achieved through specimens from the pooled sample (typically five
discoveries. One example of this general to ten patients per pool) require dedicated re-test-
approach is the true embrace of telemedicine ing. Significant efficiencies, both in terms of
as a response to the current pandemic (Chauhan resources and money saved, and the ability to
et al. 2020b). Considered by some in its early screen large numbers of patients (especially in
days to be a tool looking for applications, tele- areas with lower disease incidence or before
medicine enabled the medical community to community spread) were realized using such
48  Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Ingenuity 861

implementations (Stawicki et  al. 2020b; Hogan viduals is restricted, and quarantines are in place,
et al. 2020). worldwide populations are at risk for increased
Finally, nonmedical innovation affects health- daily stressors, various communicable and non-
care more profoundly than many appreciate. communicable diseases, and undiagnosed mental
With global supply chains disrupted and the health disorders (Chauhan 2020). The use of tele-
emergence of regional shortages of critical non- medicine service(s) (TMS) has become vital,
medical frontline personnel (i.e., truck drivers), allowing access to care while decreasing the risk
novel approaches of addressing logistical chal- of person-to-person disease transmission
lenges arose. Simultaneously, air transportation (Chauhan 2020).
came to a standstill, further compounding the Telemedicine allows for non-urgent virtual
situation and leaving few viable supply links in patient assessments, such as focused medical
our highly interconnected world (Shepard 2020). consultations, follow-up encounters, and mental
In one original solution, detached semi-trailers health visits (Chauhan 2020). The service also
were transported using rail cars, providing much importantly protects individuals at high risk of
needed and timely supplies to locations where contracting COVID-19 (e.g., the elderly,
direct truck delivery was either not possible or immunosuppressed patients, and those with
would have been severely delayed (Stawicki severe medical comorbidities) (Mehrotra et  al.
et al. 2020b). In another example, driverless vans 2020). TMS can serve as a “gatekeeper” to safely
were deployed to collect laboratory specimens identify patients who require escalation of care
from patients who required diagnostic testing. and who can be safely discharged with remote
Here, a synergy between AI and the need of the follow-up, thereby preventing emergency
moment created a solution that will likely stay departments and hospitals from becoming
with us for a long time (Business Insider 2020). overwhelmed with high patient volumes
Below is a case-by-case summary of key (Chauhan 2020). In one such example, TMS was
developments in each of the above areas of utilized to care for 12 COVID-19 patients who
innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic. were received from a quarantined cruise ship
Also, a section on other potentially novel (Chauhan 2020). Various modalities for TMS
approaches is provided at the end of the chapter, have been employed, allowing for virtual patient
with a focus squarely on innovative ways and assessment and examination. For example,
innovative thinking rather than actual develop- robotic telemedicine carts featuring cameras are
ments in the space. devices with screens used for communication
between patients and clinicians (known as the
“two-tablet approach”), including remote vital
48.2.1 Telemedicine signs monitoring enable clinicians to view
temperatures, heart rates, blood pressure
By the time we completed this manuscript, there readings, and pulse oximetry data without any
have been over 5.9  million confirmed cases of additional human contact (Chauhan 2020).
COVID-19 worldwide, with almost 1.8  million Electronic monitoring in critical care units, which
cases in the United States alone (World Health can allow remote surveillance of up to 60–100 ill
Organization 2020c). During this challenging patients at a time, is being employed by a growing
time in history, the emergence of innovative solu- number of institutions (Goh et  al. 2020; Ross
tions and technological advances has provided et al. 2020). Of importance, a significant barrier
humanity with many novel, previously unavail- to maintaining continuity of care via TMS was
able options (Chauhan 2020). While the concept recently removed by the Centers for Medicare
of telemedicine itself is relatively well estab- and Medicaid Services (CMS), with the
lished, the applications and widespread utility implementation of payment parity between
during the COVID-19 pandemic certainly have telemedicine and in-person medical visits
been unparalleled. When the movement of indi- (Stawicki et al. 2020b). One area of critical need,
862 K. C. Kelley et al.

especially during the highly stressful COVID-19 from their clinical clerkships. It forced the
pandemic, is mental health and addiction development of new methods to attempt to mimic
medicine (Ganesh et al. 2020; Zhou et al. 2020; the hospital environment as much as possible.
Wright and Caudill 2020; Knopf 2020). The Options currently being employed include high-­
availability of telepresence and “mobile health” fidelity immersive simulation featuring virtual
is a true game changer for those with mental clinical cases, making the telemedicine
illness who currently may have only limited environment available to medical students in a
access to much-needed care (Torous et al. 2020; fashion similar to traditional clinics and moving
Torous and Keshavan 2020). Another area where clinical didactic sessions online earlier in the
great strides in innovation have been noted is in curriculum to prepare for later entry into the
education with various modes of virtual learning clerkship environment (Rose 2020). For
for all ages. physicians-in-training, many in-person academic
activities, especially those involving >10 people,
have been severely restricted and mainly moved
48.2.2 Virtual Learning to online settings (Stawicki and Galwankar 2020;
Ashokka et  al. 2020). This includes various
In response to COVID-19, education at all levels didactic sessions, morbidity and mortality
has been forced to transition to a largely virtual conferences, simulation labs, and other activities
format. In the United States, most elementary that are vital to medical education (Chick 2020).
grade students have been effectively moved to Institutions such as Brooke Army Medical Center
either home school or virtual school environments have developed innovative solutions to those
(Butcher 2020). Instead of creating new virtual problems. For General Surgery residents, these
platforms, some school districts have partnered solutions include implementation of a flipped
with existing online learning companies, sharing virtual classroom model, in which learners are
online video content and webinars to ease the provided with didactic material before the
transition to online instruction for traditional scheduled event, and the online conference
classroom teachers (Butcher 2020). The United session is held with a focus on case-based
States’ largest state-based virtual school, the discussions (Chick 2020). Other methods utilized
Florida Virtual School, has offered customized were online practice questions, teleconferences,
training programs for its state teachers (Butcher telehealth clinics with resident involvement, and
2020). Other existing online platforms have also facilitated use of surgical videos in order to
proven useful for sharing ideas and generating mitigate the loss of in-person opportunities in the
collective learning (Greenhalgh et  al. 2020; operating room (Chick 2020). Virtual reality
Almarzooq et  al. 2020; Jayaraman and immersion, in which multidirectional filming is
Jothiswaran 2020; Langford and Damşa 2020). used to produce 3D video, has successfully been
Concerning medical education, there are cer- used to support emergency medicine training at
tain unique challenges brought on by the COVID- the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell
19 pandemic for both medical students and University, through the production of realistic
physicians-in-training. Medical schools tradi- walk-throughs of critical airway procedures
tionally focus the first 12–24  months of their (University of Pennsylvania 2020). In addition to
basic science curriculum on a lecture-based bringing the bedside to the student, these
programmatic format, followed by highly technologies facilitate telementoring,
structured clinical medicine clerkships in the teleproctoring, coaching, and other less formal
later years of training (Rose 2020). The but equally vital educational activities (Amparore
COVID-­ 19 pandemic has particularly affected et al. 2020; Karim et al. 2020).
those students who are now effectively displaced
48  Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Ingenuity 863

48.2.3 3D Printing of Personal (Tino et  al. 2020). The US FDA has issued a
Protective Equipment (PPE) no-objection policy for the creation of such
and Other Essential Medical devices, including T-connectors, which meet
Supplies specifications for placing more than one patient
on a single ventilator when the number of patients
Many hospitals, companies, and researchers have in need exceeds the available supply of ventilators
utilized 3D printing as a new manufacturing (Tino et al. 2020).
resource during the COVID-19 pandemic
(Chauhan et  al. 2020b). COVID-19 quarantine
restrictions have instilled a sense of fear and even 48.2.4 Innovations in COVID Testing
some degree of hysteria in the general public,
leading to panic buying of items such as PPE, in Essential for controlling the spread of COVID-19
turn leaving those in need of PPE, such as is the ability to accurately test individuals,
essential healthcare employees, in short supply especially given the number of asymptomatic
(COVID-19 Supply Chain Response 2020). An people who can potentially transmit the virus
entire movement to supply home-made and (Stawicki et al. 2020b). Group testing, or pooled
improvised PPE developed (Chauhan et  al. testing, is a quicker, more resource-efficient
2020b). In response, the global 3D printing alternative to individual testing, and its
community has devised numerous reusable PPE application to the COVID-19 pandemic has
devices featuring insertable filters, which are proven an ingenious idea (De Wolff 2020). The
easily made using low-cost desktop filament use of group testing, which originated in the
extrusion printers (Tino et al. 2020). For example, 1940s with syphilis detection in the US military,
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United could potentially save as many as 85–95% of
States Veterans Association, and National tests that would be otherwise administered
Institutes of Health (NIH) 3D Print Exchange are (Gollier 2020). The concept in its simplest form
collaborating in developing prototypes for N95 is that multiple samples from a group of
masks, face shields, and ear saver mask holders individuals are pooled together and tested (e.g.,
(Tino et  al. 2020; COVID-19 Supply Chain five pooled samples of ten individuals) (Bertolotti
Response 2020). et al. 2020). If the pooled samples are negative,
The COVID-19 pandemic has also led to all of the individuals in the group are deemed
shortages in essential medical equipment. Such negative for the virus (Bertolotti et al. 2020). If a
shortages include the lack of masks and hoods pooled sample is positive, then all individual
required for the proper use of continuous positive samples from the group are tested separately
airway pressure/positive end-expiratory pressure (Bertolotti et al. 2020). This approach thus uses
(CPAP/PEEP) noninvasive ventilatory support much fewer tests than universally applied
(Tino et al. 2020). In Italy, a country significantly individual testing. Numerous countries, including
impacted by the pandemic, it has been challenging the United States, Germany, India, and Israel,
to obtain venturi valves, which are critical have been employing pooled testing and
components of respiratory support equipment, demonstrated its efficacy (Bertolotti et al. 2020;
due to acute supply-demand imbalance (Tino Yelin et al. 2020; Stawicki et al. 2020b).
et  al. 2020). An Italian startup called Isinnova,
with its 3D printing community of physicians
and engineers, successfully developed ways of 48.2.5 Nonmedical Innovation
manufacturing Venturi valves in order to boost
local supply (Tino et  al. 2020). Another novel Innovation outside of healthcare has played a sig-
invention spurred by equipment shortages is the nificant role in addressing the challenges of
3D-printed ventilator splitter, a device that allows COVID-19 pandemic, in part due to the large
the use of a single ventilator for multiple patients number of individuals affected directly, as well as
864 K. C. Kelley et al.

the significant impact of the society’s collective temporary bridging measure. Also, specific limits
behavior and attitudes, on the spread of disease. and guidelines should be set regarding the
Supply chains have been particularly strained, number of times PPE is reused.
with elevated demand for PPE, ventilators, test
kits, and other essential tools, as well as reduced
supply impacted by fragmented transportation 48.3 Innovative Ways
networks and worker quarantines, leading to the and Innovative Thinking:
creative use of available vehicles and broader The Genesis of Future Trends
implementation of driverless vehicles (Stawicki
et  al. 2020b; Dizikes 2020; Ivanov 2020). The The numerous scenarios and use cases summa-
need to mitigate community spread has led to an rized above illustrate only a small proportion of
array of changes to routine practices, known as approaches to innovation in the face of an over-
nonpharmaceutical interventions, including the whelming challenge. Optimization of existing
closure of nonessential businesses and limitations technologies, rather than discovery and inven-
to social gatherings (Stawicki et  al. 2020b). tion, can be truly transformational and bring
Though the effectiveness of these measures in the about widespread benefit, as demonstrated by
United States is to be confirmed, evidence from telemedicine and other virtual platforms. 3D
theoretical and historical models, and data from printing of PPE and various medical equipment
early COVID-19 pandemic experiences in China, parts demonstrates how innovation can leverage
suggests they can help control local outbreaks creative adaptations toward repurposing existing
(Hartley and Perencevich 2020). In Japan, capabilities. Reevaluation of historical strategies
lockdowns were avoided largely with the and applying them to new situations is
innovative, population-wide application of a demonstrated with pooled testing, initially
simple yet very effective three C’s paradigm developed decades ago. Finally, nonmedical
(Feder 2020). Instead of implementing costly, innovation contributes to the overall pandemic
across-the-board shutdowns, citizens were asked response by supporting healthcare providers and
to wear masks, avoid closed spaces, crowded patients and minimizing community spread.
places, and close-contact settings (Feder 2020). The COVID-19 pandemic has shown that a
Although not perfect, the paradigm appears to be rapidly evolving public health crisis, with
comparably useful to more restrictive measures. multiple emergent needs requiring different
Factors that may play a role in the effectiveness solutions, necessitates multi-pronged innovation
of the three C’s in Japan may be the existing across many domains beyond healthcare,
culture of mask-wearing (Feder 2020). including technology development, clinical
Local innovation initiatives, primarily initi- resource allocation, and communal risk
ated at single-institution or hospital network mitigation. As the acute phases of the pandemic
level, include PPE sterilization using hydrogen subside across the various global hotspots,
peroxide vapor and ultraviolet (UV) light increasing efforts can be directed toward
application (Nogee and Tomassoni 2020; Kenney assessing, improving, and broadly deploying the
et  al. 2020; Rubio-Romero et  al. 2020). In the most effective techniques, practices, and
setting of acute PPE shortages, the ability to approaches in the future. The sections below
provide frontline healthcare workers with safe review these emerging trends.
and effective means of personal protection is
critical to the overall pandemic response
(Organization 2020b; Rubio-Romero et al. 2020). 48.3.1 Technology Development
Although important in ensuring PPE availability
during the acute surge phase of the epidemic, As of the time of this writing, no therapy has
sterilization and reuse of equipment designed been proven effective in preventing or treating
specifically for single use should be considered a COVID-19 outside of the investigational setting,
48  Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Ingenuity 865

and novel approaches to technological innovation surgery (e.g., providing tactile feedback to
will continue to provide critical adjuncts to surgeons (Abiri et al. 2019)) and brain-machine
clinical care for the pandemic response (Stawicki interfaces (e.g., enabling sensory feedback from
et  al. 2020b). Technologies using readily prosthetic limbs (Flesher et al. 2016)). Increased
available, inexpensive components are likely to demand for telemedicine patient evaluations is
have a great impact in the early stages of an likely to accelerate efforts to add the sense of
outbreak, particularly in resource-limited touch into routine virtual encounters. Similar
environments. The increased use of telehealth applications may also be critical in the setting of
will help address present needs but also reveal physical isolation of patients affected by a highly
opportunities for broadening the clinical contagious pathogen, and maybe especially
information that can be communicated and acted applicable in protecting frontline healthcare
upon remotely. Telemedicine will also accelerate personnel while enabling the preservation of
the transfer of technologies typically found in excellent bedside care (e.g., in intensive care or
supervised clinical settings to the home emergency department setting) (Yang et al. 2020;
environment, as well as the development of Javaid et al. 2020).
devices capable of automated clinical assessment Telemedicine is also incorporating devices
and intervention (Chauhan et  al. 2020a, 2020b; that collect more comprehensive audio and visual
Stawicki et al. 2020b). data which is traditionally typical of in-person
Novel technologies derived from inexpensive, visits, including cardiopulmonary auscultation,
readily available materials have been directed otoscopy, and high-resolution visualization of
toward limiting person-to-person transmission of dermatologic lesions (TytoHome 2019). One
SARS-CoV-2. These include an intubation tent, startup developing tele-auscultation is deploying
made of plastic sheet and tubing, to isolate the a device and algorithm to assess lung sounds for
heavy aerosol load produced during this high-­ fluid buildup, which could be useful in the
risk procedure and thus protect nearby healthcare detection of acute respiratory distress syndrome
workers (Henneman 2020). A nasal spray in COVID-19, as well as chronic conditions such
delivering an antiviral salt formulation is being as heart failure (Perry 2020b). Another venture is
developed to potentially reduce the generation releasing software that calculates heart rate,
and transmission of infectious bioaerosols oxygen saturation, and respiratory rate using a
(Edwards et  al. 2004; Pulmatrix, Inc. 2020). If standard video of the user’s cheeks, via the
successful, these kinds of innovations can be detection of changes in microvascular blood
manufactured easily and distributed widely, volume known as photoplethysmography (Allen
helping to more effectively (and less expensively) 2007). Examination techniques that can be
contain new outbreaks even in resource-­ performed remotely but require some level of
constrained settings. clinical expertise or complex tools can be made
As state-of-the-art technologies gain wider available more efficiently by being grouped at
acceptance and use, their potential application local clinics teleconnected to the relevant
beyond current specifications can become more specialists, as is already the case for retinal
apparent and motivate new research and evaluations in primary care settings or tele-­
development. Current telemedicine technologies, neurology in stroke evaluations.
for example, communicate real-time audio and The increased availability of telemedicine has
visual information but generally do not make use also accelerated the transition of established
of touch, which is an essential component of a diagnostic and therapeutic tools to the home
complete in-person physical examination. Haptic environment. Hospitals attempting to optimize
interfaces, which enable manual interaction with care for COVID-19 patients, while minimizing
virtual environments, remote systems, or robots the risk of nosocomial infection and managing
(National Research Council 1994), have found capacity limitations, have developed protocols to
significant medical applications in robotic discharge lower-risk patients meeting certain
866 K. C. Kelley et al.

criteria with portable pulse oximeters and oxygen 2020). Patients and physicians can utilize these
concentrators, as well as close telemedicine apps to monitor health and access additional
follow-up plans and strict return precautions resources (information, supplies, and personnel).
(Allen 2020). There has also been growing Finally, the use of drones with artificial
interest in home electrocardiography devices to intelligence can assist in supply delivery and
monitor COVID-19 patients for cardiac theoretical protective surveillance of large, highly
arrhythmias. One such device produces a six-lead dense populations (Abeler et  al. 2020; Oliver
electrocardiogram that can be transmitted et al. 2020; Ichino et al. 2020). Implementations
immediately to a clinician; it includes of such systems must be meticulously thought
measurement of the QTc interval, a lengthening out to avoid any misuse of sensitive information
of which is one indication of increased arrhythmia or unwanted manipulation of social discourse
risk (American College of Cardiology 2019; (Stawicki et al. 2020a).
Giudicessi et  al. 2020). Realizing the full
potential of telemedicine may thus enable, in the
long-term, improved access to both general and 48.3.2 Clinical Resource Allocation
specialty care.
Remote diagnosis and treatment technologies A crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic inevitably
incorporating increasingly sophisticated AI leads to profound questions regarding the
deployments may ultimately reduce the need for distribution of limited clinical resources, spurring
synchronous clinician involvement and more innovative approaches to the allocation of
advanced point-of-care applications (Vashistha medical devices, physical space, and providers
et  al. 2018; Attia et  al. 2019). This principle is themselves. It is generally understood that the
already apparent in automated insulin pumps for overarching goal is to provide the most benefit to
diabetics, which measure glucose levels to most patients (Christian et al. 2014; Ornelas et al.
calculate, and then inject, appropriate doses 2014; Joynt et  al. 2019). In some cases, this
(FDA 2016). A bracelet-like device, using more implies prioritizing care of patients who are less
complex algorithms, is currently being developed ill and may have a higher chance of survival.
as a potential treatment for trichotillomania and Influenza pandemics have prompted attempts to
other compulsive behaviors. After being trained standardize protocols for the allocation of
to recognize hand movements associated with the intensive-care resources, but a broad consensus
pathologic behavior, it alerts the user when these has yet to be reached (Christian et al. 2013). The
occur and thus allows for conscious redirection COVID-19 pandemic, furthermore, has strained
(St. Anthony 2019). During the COVID-19 human resources in addition to physical facilities
pandemic, its makers suggested the bracelet may and clinical tools. Thus, hospitals, in conjunction
be further useful in detecting and minimizing with government guidance, have had to devise
face touching, which may reduce the risk of viral mechanisms for allocating available capacity as
infection (Perry 2020a). Thus, personal devices needs have emerged.
capable of immediate clinical assessment and For certain clinical interventions, a tradeoff
intervention will likely expand the reach of may be required between optimal use and the
medical care and encourage patients to become number of patients eligible to receive such
more intimately aware of their conditions and be treatments. For example, shortages of a clinical
more engaged in the management of their own trial drug can prompt efforts to determine whether
health and well-being. Finally, various technology reduced or otherwise modified treatment courses
companies are developing novel ways to keep the are also useful (Carlson 2020). The splitting of
public safe and informed through sharing real-­ ventilators, to connect each machine to two or
time COVID-19 awareness data through more patients, can present a similar choice
innovative Internet- and smartphone-based (Englisz and Darowski 2000; Neyman and Irvin
applications (Abeler et  al. 2020; Oliver et  al. 2006; Paladino et  al. 2008) and has been
48  Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Ingenuity 867

performed during the COVID-19 pandemic tals, specialized teams could be established to
(Allen and Brown 2020). Further evaluation of perform specific procedures in these acute set-
the risks and benefits of this approach is necessary, tings and reduce the burden on the native staff,
however, as it decreases the ability to optimize including anesthesia teams for intubation and
settings for each patient, and there has been surgery or interventional radiology teams for
disagreement regarding whether the potential central line placements.
risks are acceptable (Stawicki et al. 2020b). Finally, novel technologies that are beginning
The increased need for high-level clinical to change how both medicine and public health
resources during the COVID-19 pandemic has are practiced extend well beyond telemedicine
spurred efforts to repurpose adaptable spaces into and 3D printing. For example, implementations
makeshift intensive care units (ICUs). The broad of blockchain technology are making it easier
cancelation of elective surgical procedures, and more efficient for patients to receive home
which reduced potential transmission and PPE medication deliveries (Ting et  al. 2020), for
use, has also enabled the use of underutilized public health officials to track cases (Nguyen
operating rooms for critical COVID-19 patients et al. 2020), and improve supply chain functioning
(Stawicki et  al. 2020b). Invasive ventilatory (Pal 2020). Innovative uses of both AI and
support has been provided with anesthesia blockchain technologies, especially when
machines typically used to sustain patients combined with existing data management
through general anesthesia during surgery. capacity, enable a truly transformative increase in
Though these machines do not provide the same process efficiency, transparency, and speed while
range of settings as standalone ventilators, their at the same time reducing costs (Nguyen et  al.
use has decreased the need to seek new supplies 2020; Stawicki et  al. 2020b; Mashamba-­
of ventilators (ASA 2020). Moving generally Thompson and Crayton 2020).
lower-acuity patients to makeshift spaces,
including outdoor tents, convention halls, hotels,
and Navy hospital ships, has also provided 48.3.3 Communal Risk Mitigation
additional space and off-loaded critical hospital
capacity during the surge phase across various Mitigating the pandemic has also required inno-
COVID-19 hotspots (Stawicki et al. 2020b). vative strategies among community institutions
Clinical administrators have shown adaptabil- and government authorities. It is especially true
ity in managing provider shortages during times regarding quarantines for suspected or confirmed
of surging patient volume. With testing capacity COVID-19 patients. Isolation guidelines are not
for SARS-CoV-2 initially limited and unavail- always practical, especially among patients who
able to even symptomatic healthcare workers, are undomiciled or live in group facilities (Leung
guidelines for quarantine have included nonspe- et al. 2008; Tsai and Wilson 2020; Culhane et al.
cific viral symptoms to maximize sensitivity in 2020). The situation was further complicated by
identifying potentially infected clinicians and the lack of widespread testing early in the pan-
minimize the risk of transmission to colleagues demic. Some undomiciled patients with milder
or potentially vulnerable patients. It led to a symptoms have been considered for hospital
reduced patient-facing workforce. In parallel, admission to reduce potential community trans-
there was the increased availability of clinicians mission (Bond 2020). In New York City, sleeping
from services whose patient volumes decreased, arrangements at shelters were modified to
including anesthesia, surgery, surgical subspe- increase spacing, and additional spaces, includ-
cialties, and interventional radiology. Thus oph- ing hotel rooms, were also made available
thalmologists, urologists, and neurosurgeons (Gilman 2020). Similar arrangements were made
found themselves working in emergency depart- in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
ments and ICUs under the guidance of attendings Along with increased testing, appropriately struc-
in those fields (Miller 2020). Also, in some hospi- tured changes have made it possible to discharge
868 K. C. Kelley et al.

patients to these sites while reducing their risk of viduals and the common good are represented
transmitting or becoming infected by the virus. appropriately.
On a broader communal scale, testing of sewage Innovative coordination among manufactur-
to detect SARS-CoV-2 shed in the stool may ers, governments, and humanitarian organiza-
facilitate early detection of new outbreaks even tions will promote the ongoing development of
among asymptomatic carriers, as well as the vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 and their
dynamic measurement of outbreak severity, fair distribution worldwide. Gavi, an international
which can be used to guide the timing and inten- alliance that has sought to bring vaccines to
sity of public health interventions (CBC 2020). underserved communities, has created adaptive
In the United States, the pandemic has partnerships with vaccine producers during past
required broad public adaptation to guidelines outbreaks, including provisions for immediate
regarding working and studying from home, availability of formulations under development.
social distancing, the use of facial coverings, It enabled pre-license use of the rVSV-ZEBOV
and key changes across other aspects of daily vaccine, which was considered essential in
life, which has led to an unprecedented debate containing Ebola outbreaks in the Democratic
on public health and economic risks. Republic of the Congo in 2017–2018 (Berkley
Government agencies assess whether to man- 2020). Coordination challenges apparent during
date a large-scale safety measure and, for this, the Ebola response led, in part, to the establishment
compare its cost to a calculated monetary value in 2016 of the Coalition for Epidemic
deemed representative of the impact of the sta- Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), a global
tistically preventable deaths. Before the early partnership that facilitates cooperation among
1980s, this value was based primarily on esti- researchers, manufacturers, and regulators to
mates of lifetime earnings; newer models have accelerate the development and deployment of
used the increase in wages for workers choos- vaccines for emerging threats. Its portfolio
ing high-risk jobs (NPR 2020). Such models, includes five vaccine candidates for MERS-CoV;
however, have important limitations, including an adaptable platform technology, similar to
the unclear validity of assumptions about indi- influenza vaccine platforms, that may permit the
vidual risk acceptance, the possible undervalu- rapid development of new vaccines and
ation of an individual’s impact on others, and, immunoprophylaxis for multiple diseases; and
of course, the exclusion of potentially overrid- ongoing support for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine and
ing ethical considerations regarding prevent- adjuvant technologies (Coy 2020; CEPI 2020).
able harm (NPR 2020). These concerns Novel organizational approaches like these,
notwithstanding, the models have been used to aligning emerging capabilities with pressing
calculate a value per statistical life of approxi- needs across borders, will ensure our collective
mately $7.9  million by the Food and Drug efforts have the most impact on all patients
Administration and $9.1  million by the affected by COVID-19 and future pandemics.
Environmental Protection Agency (Appelbaum
2020). Public policy experts, as of mid-April
2020, thus estimated that avoiding potentially 48.4 Conclusion
hundreds of thousands or millions of deaths
from COVID-19 far outweighed, in statistical In summary, the COVID-19 pandemic has pre-
terms, the economic activity lost due to societal sented the global community with formidable
restrictions (Fink 2020). As these restrictions challenges, driving innovation and ingenuity in
continue to be re-evaluated, thoughtful and cre- many disciplines. Among the topics discussed in
ative approaches to analyzing the underlying this chapter were unique ways of employing
issues, and strong patient advocacy, will be existing resources and technologies to meet the
necessary to ensure the interests of both indi- challenge that is upon our planetary community.
From stereolithography to new supply chain
48  Answering the Challenge of COVID-19 Pandemic Through Innovation and Ingenuity 869

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COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence
of Culture and Lessons 49
for Collaborative Activities

Linda Simon Paulo, George M. Bwire,
Xingchen Pan, Tianyue Gao, Amene Saghazadeh,
and Chungen Pan

Abstract number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 has

been increased very slowly in the countries of
The rapid epidemiological shift from an epi- East Asia, including Japan, South Korea, and
demic/outbreak in Wuhan, China, to a global China, when compared with those in the
pandemic of COVID-19 in less than 3 months Western countries. This chapter begins with
came with lessons the world’s health system an overview of the impact of COVID-19 on
should learn to prepare for the future out- healthcare workers and public health facili-
breaks. Since February 20, 2020, the total ties, followed by immediate global actions and
research in response to the newly emerged
L. S. Paulo pandemic. It includes an evaluation of the
Department of Development Studies, Muhimbili potential influence of culture on the imple-
University of Health and Allied Sciences, mentation of different protective measures to
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
combat the COVID-19 pandemic while at the
G. M. Bwire same time offering suggestions that will make
Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology,
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences, it easier for all populations to adapt protective
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania steps against COVID-19 and other respiratory
X. Pan infectious diseases. Finally, the chapter pro-
Department of Human Resources, Shanghai vides a detailed discussion of lessons we have
University of Finance and Economics, learned from the pandemic, leading to the con-
Shanghai, China
clusion that the transition from individualism
T. Gao to collaborative efforts is the treatment of uni-
Earl Haig Secondary School,
versal pandemics.
North York, Ontario, Canada
A. Saghazadeh
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran Collaboration · Collectivism · COVID-19 ·
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Expert Group Crisis · Culture · Globalization · Healthcare ·
(SRMEG), Universal Scientific Education and Individualism · Transmission
Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
C. Pan (*)
Laboratory of Molecular Virology & Immunology,
Technology Innovation Center, Haid Research
Institute, Guangdong Haid Group Co., Ltd.,
Guangzhou, China
© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 875
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
876 L. S. Paulo et al.

49.1 Introduction Meanwhile, cases are increasing at a fast pace in

many other countries. As we have learned more
On December 31, 2019, a severe acute respira- about the virus, we have also learned more about
tory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) first the strategies required to protect against it in the
appeared as the cause of Coronavirus Disease absence of vaccines or therapies.
2019 (COVID-19) in Wuhan, Hubei Province, This chapter would first take a brief look at
People’s Republic of China. On January 13, cultural diversity and how it might complicate the
2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) implementation of protective measures against
reported a case in Thailand, the first outside of the disease while, at the same time, offering sug-
China, a woman who had arrived from Wuhan gestions that will make it easier for all popula-
City. In less than a month, since its identification tions to adapt protective steps against COVID-19
in China, different countries from three conti- and other respiratory infectious diseases. Then,
nents reported confirmed cases of COVID-19, the chapter provides a detailed discussion of les-
including Russia, Spain, Sweden, and the United sons we have learned from the pandemic. It leads
Kingdom. A disease was declared a Public Health to the conclusion that the transition from indi-
Emergency of International Concern by WHO on vidualism to collaborative efforts is the treatment
January 30, 2020. In Africa, Egypt was the first of universal pandemics.
country to confirm the COVID-19 case from a
foreigner who presented with no severe symp-
toms, while in Latin America, Brazil was the first 49.2 Healthcare Workers
country to confirm the case of COVID-19  in a and Public Health Facilities
61 year old who had visited Italy. In this regard, During the COVID-19
all six WHO regions reported confirmed Pandemic
COVID-­19 cases within 2 months since the first
reported case in Wuhan (Fig. 49.1). The World Health Assembly designated the 200th
Accordingly, in just a few months, COVID-19 birthday of Florence Nightingale in 2020 to be
has caused over 10 million confirmed cases the international year of the nurse and the mid-
worldwide and dramatically affected every aspect wife. The efforts and dedication of this cadre and
of people’s lives. Every country has to implement other healthcare professionals were conspicu-
multiple precautions to control the spread of ously demonstrated during the COVID-19 out-
COVID-19. For example, as the first profoundly break. When the rest of the world closed behind,
affected country, China has carried out strict sur- they rushed to help those in need with little or no
veillance on virus transmission for 5  months compensation or personal protective equipment,
since January of 2020 (Pan et  al. 2020). especially in developing countries. Despite

Fig. 49.1  COVID-19 timeline for the selected events. Time series in horizontal against COVID-19 reported cases in
vertical across the globe
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 877

losses, they diligently kept serving the commu- epidemics. Furthermore, improving the health
nity. Although they were embraced and cele- system will play a significant role in life-saving
brated in most countries, some faced harassment, and promote better community health, funda-
stigma, and violence in several communities mental to development. Therefore, investing in
(Amon 2020). These injustices transcended to the health system is necessary as a life-saving
journalists and activists as some governments investment regardless of the threat of another epi-
censored information about COVID-19 to the demic. Once it became clear that serious emer-
public. Safeguarding human rights was again gency of COVID-19 is underway from China,
highlighted in this pandemic as a critical aspect countries started recruiting and training person-
of the national and international agenda. nel but not in the speed as the virus did. The
Authorities should increase efforts to improve the world needs trained personnel such as experts in
structure of the health system to offer physical disease surveillance and epidemiology ready to
and emotional protection to healthcare workers confront and contain the epidemic quickly, but
(HCWs). Emotional and psychological support this was not the case not only in developing coun-
for HCWs is missed in several countries and tries but for developed countries. During the epi-
many fight occupational hazards without receiv- demic, it is also crucial to have useful data about
ing proper compensation. what is going on. Unfortunately, this has remained
HCWs rely on personal protective equipment a challenge in most developing countries. An
(PPE) to protect themselves and their patients essential part of human resources is model
from being infected and infecting others. experts for predicting what might happen and
However, there has been some reports of PPE-­ what interventions must be in place and priori-
associated deaths of HCWs across the globe. For tized. Additionally, public health centers should
example, WHO reported that, since the start of have a high-bandwidth internet capacity to help
the COVID-19 outbreak, prices have surged, with reporting data and coordinating personnel.
medical masks have seen a sixfold increase, N95
respirators have trebled, and gowns have dou-
bled. In European countries, the region believed 49.3 I mmediate Global Action
to have sound healthcare systems, the health and Research in Response
authorities declared to be overwhelmed with the to the COVID-19 Pandemic
large number of patients requiring intensive care.
In these countries with a high number of inci- During previous outbreaks like Ebola, countries
dences, hotels are turning into hospitals, and with weak health systems were more vulnerable,
elective and semi-elective operative procedures while during the COVID-19 pandemic, countries
are canceled to provide enough spaces to save reported having better health systems such as
COVID-19 patients. Similar to what developed European and North American countries were
and developing countries are doing in preparation hardest hit with the virus. The message to the
for the possible wars, the same preparedness and world is that infectious outbreaks have limited
investments should be made in health systems containment; what is happening in sub-Saharan
even more. The reason for this is that COVID-19 countries should keep an alert to other unaffected
has proved the world that an infectious disease regions and call for global actions. On the other
outbreak is a dangerous invisible enemy both to hand, series of delays were observed in respond-
human health and the world economy. ing to COVID-19 outbreak; for example, on
COVID-19 has reminded the world of the January 23, 2020, WHO reported that “the out-
need to invest in basic health systems such as pri- break was yet to constitute a public emergency of
mary healthcare facilities, laboratories, and criti- international concern (PHEIC) and there was
cal care facilities. Strengthening healthcare insufficient evidence of the virus spreading
systems will both promote health in a broad range between humans outside of China.” Immediate
and improve the national capacity of dealing with global actions like intensive screening for the
878 L. S. Paulo et al.

returning travelers, travel restrictions to and from veillance will keep us alerted on where the
the high-risk areas, and a mandatory 14-day epidemic seems most likely to break out. Global
quarantine of travelers could have slowed the investment in better disease surveillance is
rapid importations of this virus. Nonetheless, needed now for both normal situations and epi-
most of the countries closed borders and imposed demics. If done routinely, a well-designed sur-
travel restrictions when it was already late, lead- veillance system can detect early signs of an
ing to local transmission originating from the outbreak.
unidentified or late identified imported cases.
Several candidate vaccines and drugs for
COVID-­19 are going through different clinical 49.5 Measures to Prevent
phases. Customary, vaccine/drug research and COVID-­19 Transmission
development take several years to complete
(Gates 2020). For COVID-19, the timeline has Containing COVID-19 transmission is hampered
been shortened not at the expenses of quality, by the ability of the virus to spread through air
safety, and effectiveness but under the expedited droplets during the incubation period when indi-
bureaucracy and globally coordinated manner. It viduals are asymptomatic (He et  al. 2020;
should not end on COVID-19 pandemic but be Stadnytskyi et al. 2020). It complicates the iden-
the direction to take for much other biomedical tification and tracking of infectious sources. In
research. Then there is the question of funding. contrast, both SARS-CoV and highly pathogenic
Budgets for biomedical research need to be influenza A virus, H5N1 or H7N9, usually spread
expanded over and over. Billions of dollars are after patients show clinical symptoms, making it
usually needed to complete clinical trial phases easier to identify the source of infection and con-
and secure regulatory approval for vaccines and trol it at the beginning of an outbreak (C. Jiang
drugs. It may need the government, public, and et al. 2020).
pharmaceutical companies funding. Up to now, various measures have been
adopted against COVID-19, such as immediate
and accurate testing of the virus, travel restric-
49.4 Health and Disease tions, social distancing, washing hands fre-
Surveillance During quently, and wearing a mask (Xiao and Torok
the COVID-19 Pandemic 2020). Whereas some Eastern Asian countries
(China, Japan, and South Korea) have success-
COVID-19 is added to the list of zoonotic coro- fully controlled the pandemic, the virus continues
navirus disease after Severe Acute Respiratory to transmit rapidly in Western countries, as shown
Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and the in Fig.  49.2 (Baidu). Therefore, we asked what
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus would account for the ability of these three East
(MERS-CoV). Although the information on the Asian countries to control the spread of the dis-
sources of SARS-CoV-2 is limited, evidence ease, while, at the same time, Western countries
reveals that SARS-CoV-2 could have been origi- could not.
nated from bats (Sun et al. 2020). SARS-CoV-2
outbreak came as of no surprise in the scientific
community as researchers previously cautioned 49.6 Collectivism
about the possible outbreaks from coronavirus and Individualism Play Roles
after discovering that, still, there is a reservoir of in the COVID-19 Pandemic
mutating coronavirus in bat (Li et al. 2005). The
conventional surveillance system in one health One difference between East and West is the cul-
fashion (animal and human health together) is ture of collectivism vs. individualism and the role
vital in fighting to emerge and re-emerging dis- that each plays in the perception of a public crisis
eases. One health approach and continued sur- (Hamamura 2012). When a crisis breaks out, it is
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 879

Fig. 49.2  Infection curves of several countries from cates the times when most countries carried out travel
Eastern Asia, North America, and Europe, respectively, restrictions or set up temporary hospitals in the hard-hit
between February 20 and May 15. The United States data epidemic areas. The breaks in the United Kingdom curve
were collected from February 20 to April 8. Red stars mean unavailable data
indicate the three East Asian countries. A red circle indi-

expected that the government will take the lead in 2001). However, public crises are characterized
coordinating experts and messaging (Pan et  al. by a set of strong negative externalities. These are
2020). However, in Western countries, individu- also known as external costs or external disecon-
alism can make it challenging to achieve unified omies, referring to the phenomenon that certain
national action (Rynn 2005). Individualism behaviors (people or nature) affect other people
emphasizes individual responsibility and the pur- or enterprises and make them pay extra costs, but
suit of independence and freedom (Kim et  al. the latter cannot obtain corresponding compensa-
1994). Individualism supposedly inspires initia- tion (Rynn 2005). It could account for the relative
tive, independence, and creativity (Triandis slowness of (Iii 1995) individualist societies to
880 L. S. Paulo et al.

respond when compared to collectivist societies the loan rate (Boubakri et  al. 2017). In the col-
(Triandis 1990). In the COVID-19 pandemic, lectivistic East Asian culture, people are more
however, we have seen that coordination from the willing to deposit than to lend. In contrast, the
public is crucial for stopping the spread of the advanced consumption in the Western individual-
virus (Kickbusch et  al. 2020; Kokudo and istic culture makes people reluctant to deposit
Sugiyama 2020; Pan et al. 2020). and more willing to lend, as in, for example, the
For example, we can compare the response to use of credit cards (Boubakri et al. 2017). Banks
the current COVID-19 to that of the 2008 eco- were simply willing to loan out more than they
nomic crisis (Shablovsky 2017; Stadler et  al. knew borrowers could payback, but borrowers
2003; Taylor 2012). First, both exceeded the will be willing to take the “subprime” offers.
intellectual grasp of the population in the breadth Some scholars believe that South Korea was
and depth of the destruction. While a purely eco- more affected by the economic crisis because of
nomic crisis goes directly to financial security, the transition from collectivism to individualism
the pandemic, as we have seen, affects financial
security, food security, and health security. The
contagion of COVID-19 is inextricably linked to Table 49.1  US stock markets in 2008 and 2020
multinationalism and the ease of travel, while the 2008 2020
2008 recession ushered in a years-long economic Quote Rank Quote
contraction in most countries (World Bank). increase increase
Stock market of (%) (%) Rank
Some have estimated that the effects of
Energy −47 7 −46 1
COVID-­19 will last 1 to 2 years (Michie 2020),
Finance −83 1 −35 2
implying the strong negative externality of each
Industry −65 2 −31 3
event. As shown in Table  49.1 and Fig.  49.3, Material −60 3 −28 4
panic in both events caused significant disruption Nonessential −58 4 −27 5
in the US stock market, mostly arising from IT −53 5 −27 6
uncertainty and the Centers for Disease Control Communication −51 6 −25 7
and Prevention (CDC) and WHO predictions devices
(Luchtenberg and Vu 2015; Yahoo Finance). Public utilities −46 8 −23 8
The core problem behind the economic crisis, Necessities −31 10 −19 9
also known as the subprime mortgage crisis, was Medicine −40 9 −19 10

Fig. 49.3  Diagram of

the US stock market in
2008 and 2020
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 881

(Lee and McNulty 2003). Also, China’s eco- differences are partly due to history and partly
nomic system is different from that of the West. due to culture.
During the economic crisis, China had more The practice of wearing masks against air-
direct government intervention (Lardy 2011). borne disease began in China during the
Meanwhile, Japan showed that it had learned the Manchurian plague, which broke out in the
lessons from the 1990s economic crisis (Lardy autumn of 1910 in the town of Manzhouli on the
2011; Siami Namini 2017), directly introducing a Chinese-Russian border (Lynteris 2018). A
national stimulus program of 75 trillion Japanese Chinese scientist named Wu Lien-Teh deduced
yen, leading to a smooth ride through the 2008 that it was an airborne disease directly transmis-
economic crisis (Hongzhou 2009). The data in sible between humans. Based on this conclusion,
Table  49.2 and Fig.  49.4 show that the GDP he introduced a new type of mask, adapted from
(gross domestic product) of Japan and China existing surgical masks used in Europe, for anti-­
from 2008 to 2010 increased over that of other plague purposes in China. It led to the dissemina-
countries, except South Korea (World Bank). tion of the behavior of mask-wearing, and 60,000
Individualism typically focuses on the masks were distributed to the general population
achievement of personal goals and the direct (Tendfonline).
expression of opinions. During the COVID-19 In Japan, face masks are an especially popular
pandemic, this explains why some in the West accessory. It started with the Spanish flu pan-
spontaneously protested the quarantine policy. In demic from 1918 to 1920. In 1919, the Japanese
contrast, collectivistic societies respect higher-­ government recommended wearing masks along
order decision-making, and people are more with vaccination and gargling as measures against
likely to accept quarantine orders, stay at home, the pandemic. After the pandemic ended, the rit-
wear a mask, and practice social distancing ual of wearing masks went away in other places,
(Phuong-Mai et  al. 2005). These steps dramati- but it persisted in Japan (Burgess and Horii
cally speeded up the implementation of preven- 2012).
tive measures against COVID-19  in East Asian Wearing masks continued to be shared among
countries. East Asian countries up to the twenty-first cen-
tury. During the SARS epidemic in 2002 to
2003, more than 90% of people in Hong Kong
49.7 Inconsistent Acceptance wore face masks (Lau et al. 2004). In a 2011 sur-
of Face Covering: vey of 120 Tokyo passers-by, 39 identified them-
An Important Measure selves as regular mask wearers (32.5%). Almost
for the Prevention all 120 reported wearing a mask as a general pro-
of COVID-­19 Transmission tective device. For the Japanese, wearing a mask
had become ritualized, with 62 people in the sur-
Another difference is that the West and the East vey reporting that they had been pressured or
still have different opinions on the use of face told to wear one (Burgess and Horii 2012).
masks, which may play an essential role in con- Cultural factors also affect mask-wearing in East
trolling virus transmission (S.  Jiang and Pan Asian countries. One of these cultural factors is
2020). As shown in Table 49.3, Eastern countries collectivism. Many people in East Asian coun-
started to wear facial masks when the reported tries see wearing masks as a collective responsi-
case was only in the hundreds, while it was not bility for mitigating viral transmission (SCMP).
until more than hundreds of thousands of cases in Wearing masks in these countries fosters a sense
the Western countries were found that the strict of solidarity and mutual obligation and shows
mask policies there were implemented. These that one has civic responsibility (NY times). It

Table 49.2  The GDP of several countries from three different regions of the world from 2007 to 2010
2007–2010 GDP (USD in billions)
Region Country 2007 2008 2009 2010
North America USA 14452 14713 14449 14992
Canada 1465 1549 1371 1614
Eastern Asia Japan 4515 5038 5231 5700
South Korea 1123 1002 902 1094
China 3550 4594 5102 6087
Europe England 3101 2923 2411 2475
France 2657 2918 2690 2643
Germany 3421 3730 3398 3396
Italy 2210 2399 2191 2134
L. S. Paulo et al.
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 883

Fig. 49.4  GDP growth curves from 2007 to 2010. Red stars indicate the three Eastern Asia countries

Table 49.3  Mask-wearing by country

Reported or When total cases
Region Country Rules implemented on werea
Eastern Japan Not mandatory. Two cloth masks delivered to Mar. 4b 329
Asia 50 million households
South Korea Not mandatory N/A
China Mandatory in some regions; recommended in Jan. 22c 571
North United Recommended for the public, but not Apr. 2d 236,339
America States mandatory
Europe United Recommended by the government, but no May 12e 229,705
Kingdom mention of being compulsory
France Compulsory on public transport and in May 11f 177,423
secondary schools
Germany Mandatory across all states. Some states Apr. 22g 150,062
impose fines if no mask worn
Italy Mandatory on public transport and in stores Apr. 28h 201,515
Spain Mandatory on public transport May 2i 245,589
Prepared with data from:
d­t rump-­s ays-­c dc-­r ecommending-­
h­where-­should-­you-­wear-­a-­face-­mask-­in-­italy; and

also serves to impart a sense of safety for the Interestingly, young people in Japan some-
mask wearer, to reassure the person that infec- times wear masks to avoid interaction with oth-
tion is unlikely (NY times). ers, showing disinterest in socializing (JPtoday).
884 L. S. Paulo et al.

They also wear masks to cover facial deformities Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
and to keep warm in cold weather (SCMP). Some Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Brunei, Singapore,
in Japan even see masks as an article of fashion, and Thailand. Lenient manufacturing environ-
as indicated by the number of companies offering ment that increases profit margins has made these
masks with various colored patterns like polka countries suitable for the mass production of
dots (JPtoday). Masks are also worn in smoggy goods distributed worldwide. The manufacturing
weather in countries like South Korea and China environment in these countries allows compro-
to keep out harmful air particles (VOAnews). mises with the quality and regulatory standards
In the West, meanwhile, wearing masks is that are not possible in developed nations, includ-
stigmatized. Another theory involves the impor- ing Europe and the United States.
tance of eye contact and facial expressions in COVID-19 made the effects of the lenient
Western social interactions, which would pre- regulation of manufacturing industries felt
clude the full acceptance of facial masks (TIME). throughout the world as countries were flooded
The practice of wearing masks is also negatively with counterfeit medical equipment in the time of
associated with East Asian people in Western dire needs. Spain procured test kits that had an
countries (theAtlantic). It is seen as part of Asian accurate detection rate of 30% significantly low
otherness, as indicated by reports of Asian mask compared to other reviewed tests that had a sensi-
wearers in New York receiving odd stares from tivity of 71–98% (Jones 2020; Watson et  al.
other commuters (TIME). In East Asian coun- 2020). The faulty equipment comprised genetic
tries, wearing masks in public places is seen as a and antibody tests, face masks, and other protec-
sign of civic responsibility and conscientious- tive gears that were reported by several other
ness, whereas in Western countries, wearing countries, including the United States, Nepal,
masks is shunned as it gives the impression that Australia, the Philippines and Netherlands
one is ill and spreading contagion or that one is (AsiaNews 2020; Chain 2020; Euronews 2020;
spreading unnecessary panic (theAtlantic). All Loh 2020; Tibetan Review 2020). Thus, the
these reasons have prevented the full acceptance COVID-19 outbreak calls for further efforts to
of facial masks during the pandemic. strengthen the regulation of manufacturing in the
global supply chain.

49.8 C
 OVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons
for Globalization 49.8.1 Lessons for Leadership
and Preparedness Policies
Compared to the previous respiratory virus out-
breaks such as Spanish Flu and SARS, COVID-­19 The response to COVID-19 demanded leadership
stroke at the peak of globalization. It is also the from each sector of any magnitude. It touched
time with the highest levels of population and people in their capacity as inhabitants of the
interconnectedness in the world’s history. Life planet earth, and each one had a role to play to
expectancy had risen for most countries except in curb the pandemic. During the pandemic, the
disparate regions with civil unrest and wars. With World Health Organization (WHO) appears as
high interconnectedness, countries relied on oth- the custodian of the roadmap to a successful
ers for the importation of manufactured goods exist. Together with coordinating the global
and exported manufacturing to other countries. efforts to manage the pandemic, the WHO has set
Over the past two decades, manufacturing indus- out an initiative to ensure equitable access to
tries migrated from West to Eastern countries, COVID-19 tools (WHO 2020). However, for
specifically to China. With the recent formation some countries, the declaration of COVID-19
of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations pandemic and management guidelines were
(ASEAN community), more factories have likely to be delayed and unclear. On May 29,
expanded to Southeast Asian countries, including 2020, President Trump announced to terminate
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 885

US ties with the WHO, halting a substantial their way back after the pandemic requiring to
amount of funding to the organization. This con- restructure and set new strategies. The use of
troversial decision in the middle of an outbreak technology eased social, economic, and public
threatens to weaken global efforts to prevent and health efforts during the COVID-19 outbreak.
control diseases as well as mitigating other socio- Through the use of technology, South Korea
economic effects on the communities. tracked cases and managed to isolate suspects
The COVID-19 outbreak caused countries to without instituting lockdown measures. Although
have embraced individual responses, becoming the context may differ between countries, docu-
part of the idea of nationalism, which has strongly mentation and wide adoption of practical digital
resurfaced in the past decade. This approach measures should be embraced early.
threatened not only global solidarity, but also the Africa has been intellectually dependent on
regional cooperation showed existing weak links. other countries for more than five decades post-­
In Africa, each country chose its way of handling independence. However, in the public health
the outbreak with no clear evidence of collabora- realm, Africa has developed resilience from
tion or exchange of best practices. The spirit of fighting several infectious diseases and more
global solidarity lies in alleviating human suffer- deadly outbreaks such as Ebola in DRC and West
ing. It led to the formation of the United Nations African countries, Lassa fever endemic in
and its branches, including WHO, in 1948. For Nigeria, and HIV, which continues to ravage
many decades, the WHO has successfully led many lives. The technologies used in the devel-
global initiatives in eradicating diseases and opment of affordable testing kits for Ebola were
combating other conditions in collaboration with repurposed to creating affordable test kits for
other entities, including smallpox, polio, wom- COVID-19  in Senegal and Nigeria. Several
en’s health, and nutrition. Hence, this is an oppor- African and developing countries incorporated
tunity to strengthen leadership and preparedness digital and other technologies during COVID-19,
policies at local and global levels for effective which should not cease during the post-­
management of disease outbreaks and other COVID-­19 outbreak. They should use this oppor-
health conditions. tunity to strengthen innovation capabilities and
The gender disparity in the successes of strengthen their scientific expertise level.
COVID-19 was highlighted by comparing the
effective management of the outbreak in female-­
led countries. However, this success might be 49.8.3 Lessons from Lockdowns
attributed to the general scores of equalities
within these countries as opposed to individual For economies that are yet to graduate from the
leaders. It reminds countries on the importance of hand to mouth means of survival, lockdowns
promoting gender equality and equity in the proved to be a painful experience for a fraction of
social, economic, and political development for the population. The decision to lift lockdowns in
universal health. these countries was based on economic rather
than epidemiological/health reasons. While it is
possible to live with the fear of the Coronavirus,
49.8.2 Lessons for the Application this fear is quickly forgotten in the face of the
of Digital Technologies hunger virus. It is not easy to sustain the pains of
hunger, and every scientific fact vanishes as food
The digital solutions have been available for sev- is a basic human need. Based on the economic
eral years; however, their adoption was escalated level classification proposed by Hans Rosling,
to a magnitude that was unforeseeable before the the author of the book Factfulness, each nation
outbreak. New technologies call for new policies, has people spread across four economic levels
leadership, and management strategies. Some (Hans Rosling 2020). The lowest level one is
occupations and companies may never make extremely poor, who have to work each day to
886 L. S. Paulo et al.

eat. They are the most vulnerable in the face of Nigeria, and Kenya. For instance, the lockdown
diseases, especially in countries without univer- in Ghana lasted for 3  weeks. After which the
sal access to healthcare. They are likely to spend number of cases doubled from 1200 to more than
up to 40% of their household income on medical 2000 (Guardian 2020). South Africa had the most
expenses in case of significant illnesses. prolonged lockdown with registered higher
The second level is a step above level one with deaths compared to other countries. After
a stable income, more belongings, but an easy 10 weeks of strict lockdown, it planned to move
fall back to level one in case of illnesses or sig- to level three lockdown on June 1, 2020. The
nificant catastrophic events such as COVID-19. government affirmed into reverting to level four
With hard work and sacrifice level, level three has and five lockdowns if cases increase to avoid
managed to save enough to absorb shocks from overloading of hospitals.
medical expenses with stable access to nutrition,
education, and other social services. However,
with prolonged lockdowns, for example, in the 49.8.4 Lessons from Mathematical
United States, residents from this level were also Models
challenged into lining up for assistance and filing
for unemployment benefits (NY Times 2020). Mathematical models to predict disease behavior
Level four comprises those in the high-income were widely used to inform nonpharmaceutical
group on the verge of self-actualization with interventions (NPI) during the COVID-19 pan-
power, enormous savings, and networks. This demic, such as the decisions on lockdown and
classification transcends from the remotest vil- when to lift the lockdown. NPI aims at reducing
lage of a developing country to the middle of a the chances of disease transmission between
metropolis in the most developed nation. individuals by predicting the extreme scenarios
Although there is a significant contextual differ- with the maximum number of severe cases. Early
ence for the four levels in lower- versus middle- models were put forward to inform choices such
and high-income countries as classified by the as investing in vaccines or the use of antivirals
World Bank, the struggle falls into the four cate- using data from past influenza pandemics,
gories at individual levels in each country. namely, Spanish flu 1918, Asian flu 1957/1958,
Historically, the lockdown has been employed Hong Kong flu 1967/1968, and Swine flu 2009.
as the first step to contain and prevent the initial However, the world is devoid of effective vac-
spread of the disease. However, balancing these cines and antivirals against influenza viruses. It
dynamics to flatten the curve during COVID-19 calls for more allocation of resources to develop
has spiked debates and paused a moral question effective vaccines and antivirals for strains that
without a clear answer. China instituted this mea- have led to pandemics as well as more research
sure first, and the rest of the world followed. For into the unknown potential strains.
developing countries such as those in Africa, it The statistical aphorism that all models are
was challenging to follow these measures as wrong, but some are useful, was proven in the
those in levels one and two had no means of sur- COVID-19 outbreak. Some models were thought
vival. Those in rural areas who survive from sub- to be too optimistic about the number of deaths,
sistence farming experienced little changes as while others predicted the spread of COVID to
they continued with regular life routines. The have started many days before official announce-
governments of developing countries also faced ments. They were questioning if lockdowns were
with choices to procure emergency loans to cover warranted in the first place.
the lockdown expenses, which further intensified An example of a model that was put forward
their economic struggles. However, it did not sus- early during the pandemic predicted 0.3 million
tain them as within 30 days amid increasing deaths in the presence of extreme social distanc-
cases; the lockdown was lifted to save the econ- ing and 3.3 million deaths in the absence of any
omy in several countries, including Ghana, interventions in Africa (UN 2020). Up to
49  COVID-19 Pandemic: The Influence of Culture and Lessons for Collaborative Activities 887

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A Borderless Solution Is Needed
for A Borderless Complexity, Like 50
COVID-19, the Universal Invader

Kawthar Mohamed, Rangarirai Makuku,
Eduardo Rodríguez-Román,
Aram Pascal Abu Hejleh, Musa Joya,
Mariya Ivanovska, Sara A. Makka,
Md Shahidul Islam, Nesrine Radwan, Attig-­
Bahar Faten, Chunfeng Xiao, Leander Marquez,
and Nima Rezaei

ure of finding a vaccine, a therapeutic agent or
even accurately diagnosing the infection. The
This chapter briefly describes the universal entire world is suffering, but every country is
intricacies caused by the COVID-19 pan- trying to combat this pandemic individually,
demic, from the ineffectiveness of distance and this deed is the main barrier that prevents
measures, the massive economic impacts, and reaching a peaceful end.
the severe mental health challenges to the fail-

Universal Scientific and Research Network

K. Mohamed (USERN), Caracas, Venezuela
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
A. P. A. Hejleh
sciences, Tehran, Iran
Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University,
Universal Scientific and Research Network Heidelberg, Germany
(USERN), Manama, Bahrain
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
R. Makuku (USERN), Mannheim, Germany
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
M. Joya
sciences, Tehran, Iran
Radiology Department, Kabul University of Medical
Universal Scientific and Research Network Sciences, Kabul, Afghanistan
(USERN), Harare, Zimbabwe
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical
E. Rodríguez-Román Engineering, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Center for Microbiology and Cell Biology, Instituto Tehran, Iran
Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Caracas, Venezuela (USERN), Kabul, Afghanistan

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 891
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
892 K. Mohamed et al.

Keywords treaty is recognized by some authors, such as the

League of Nations and the United Nations today
Borderless · Complexity · COVID-19 · (Gross 2017), it is evident that its spirit is fading
Pandemic · Solution · Universe away (Osiander 2003).
However, cooperation has always been a com-
mon strategy of surviving in nature at all biologi-
cal levels and even at the economic level (West
50.1 Introduction et al. 2007; Hirshleifer 1978). History of victory
over past global pestilences, pandemics, and nat-
50.1.1 A Borderless Solution Is ural disasters ascertains that human beings are
Needed for a Borderless eusocial and naturally high cooperators, with the
Complexity potential of resisting the forces of natural selec-
tion (Nowak 2006; Jabbari et al. 2020). Relatively,
The present world order is the result of slow his- the pandemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019
torical developments of particular theories, prin- (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory
ciples, and international practices influencing syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a new
each other on various relative angle values betacoronavirus in the family Coronaviridae,
(Hershey 2017). The Westphalian Treaty of 1648 cannot escape the defeat by the intensive human
is one of the concrete historical events associated effort and the extensive borderless cooperation.
with the triumph of state sovereignty, the estab- This chapter seeks to discuss national border
lishment of a community of states, and even the shutdowns and quarantines, international ties
beginnings of collective security, which later needed to handle the COVID-19 economic crisis,
transformed into a conceptualization of the inter- flow of experiences and experts, need for interna-
national system (Schmidt 2011). Although this tional research collaborations, unified diagnostic

M. Ivanovska A.-B. Faten

Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Chair of Wind Energy Technology, Faculty of
Faculty of Pharmacy, Research Institute, Medical Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology,
University-Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria The University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany
Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, University Universal Scientific Education and Research
Hospital “St. George”- Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria Network (USERN), Tunis, Tunisia
Universal Scientific Education and Research C. Xiao
Network (USERN), Plovdiv, Bulgaria Universal Scientific Education and Research
Network (USERN), Beijing, China
S. A. Makka
Neuroscience Research Center, Faculty of Medical L. Marquez
Sciences, Lebanese University, Beirut, Lebanon College of Social Sciences and Philosophy,
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Philippines
Universal Scientific Education and Research
Network (USERN), Beirut, Lebanon Universal Scientific Education and Research
Network (USERN), Diliman, Philippines
M. S. Islam
Department of Tissue Engineering and Applied Cell N. Rezaei (*)
Sciences, School of Advanced Technologies in School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical
Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, sciences, Tehran, Iran
Tehran, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Network (USERN), Dhaka, Bangladesh e-mail:
N. Radwan
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Unit, Children’s
hospital, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Universal Scientific Education and Research
Network (USERN), Cairo, Egypt
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 893

approach, therapeutic development, and strate- sanitizers, and gloves (Nacoti et al. 2020; Atkeson
gies for vaccine development, and stress control 2020).
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although COVID-19 has affected the whole
world, its case fatality rate (CFR) and the inci-
dence are not uniform among nations and regions
50.1.2 The Borderless (Table  50.1). Current studies estimate that CFR
and the Complex Nature varies from 1% to 15% in different regions and
of COVID-19 countries (Rajgor et al. 2020). Overall, the CFR
is, however, estimated to be less than 1% (Fauci
COVID-19 is a rapidly spreading respiratory dis- et  al. 2020). Therefore, such a large number of
ease, which started in Wuhan (Lipsitch et  al. deaths related to COVID-19 indicate the high
2020), the largest metropolitan area in China’s transmission rate of the viral particles even dur-
Hubei province. On December 31, 2019, the first ing the non-symptomatic phase of infection (He
case was reported to the World Health et  al. 2020). Also, it might lie in virus-driven
Organization (WHO) Country Office (Cascella hyper inflammation as a product of a cytokine
et  al. 2020). On January 30, 2020, the WHO storm syndrome that also conduces to ARDS in
declared COVID-19 as the sixth public health severe cases (Mehta et  al. 2020; Zhang et  al.
emergency of international concern (pandemic), 2020b; Zhang et  al. 2020a). On the other hand,
after affecting 18 countries and territories (Lai older people are at a higher risk of developing
et  al. 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). It took acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
93  days (from December 31, 2019, to April 2, (Koyama et al. 2016) and death, likely owing to a
2020) for COVID-19 to reach the first one mil- less vigorous immune response in this population
lion cases; however, it only took 12 days (April (Wu et al. 2020). Given that the old-age popula-
2–14, 2020) to reach the second million cases in tion is more pronounced in wealthier countries
213 countries and territories (Organisation 2020a, (Western), it is expected that the impact of this
b, c, d, e, f). Consequently, COVID-19 became a pandemic might be mitigated on poorer countries
problem present in the world regardless of any (Africa) with weaker health systems but younger
borders. age structures. Current statistics support this
Furthermore, the borderless complex expectation (Dowd et al. 2020).
COVID-­19 has caused major socioeconomic Conclusively, the current surge of prolifera-
disruptions worldwide from its healthcare bur- tion and intensification of globalization is render-
den to containment measures, like extensive ing borders obsolete, and state decisions are
testing, quarantine, and social distancing subordinated to international institutions, like
(McKibbin and Fernando 2020; Mhlanga and WHO. Within that scope and as regards the issue
Ndhlovu 2020). The implementation of these of COVID-19 and other pandemics, the global-
measures occurred in almost every country or ization of diseases is becoming one reality that is
region around the world. As of April 1, 2020, so omnipresent and erosive to global public
more than 90% of countries applied restric- health hence calls for more collective borderless
tions of mobility, and about 40% of countries solutions. Finally, we need to learn from past
used complete border shutdowns (Connor experiences like pandemics of flu in 1918, which
2020). occurred in three big waves with the second wave
New strategies are needed to fight COVID-19 being the most destructive, especially in the
and its sequels. Applying cooperation and soli- United States (source: Centers for Disease
darity among nations would help reduce the Control and Prevention 2018). It is time to focus
impact of this disease, for example, supporting on maximizing tools and knowledge to stop the
more vulnerable countries through donations of possibility of the next pandemic wave, which is
materials and equipment for health personnel and not impossible as COVID-19 seems to cause re-­
the general population, such as face masks, hand infection (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020).

Table 50.1  Comparison of the World Health Organization (WHO/Europe) regions

Region Confirmed Today Yesterday Case/Inhabitants Recovered Recovered% Deaths Lethality
Europe 1,020,198 22,992 28,594 1697 295,298 28.9% 98,886 9.7%
North America 776,239 27,322 34,278 1571 80,757 10.4% 40,864 5.3%
Asia 406,934 16,691 16,287 86 179,147 44.0% 14,714 3.6%
South America 77,637 4418 5579 182 27,627 35.6% 3630 4.7%
Africa 21,689 1248 1373 17 5329 24.6% 1060 4.9%
Central America and the Caribbean 12,313 326 685 132 1190 9.7% 500 4.1%
Australia Oceania 8116 5 105 199 5046 62.2% 81 1.0%
The table shows that the WHO Africa Region is the least affected, while Europe and the Americas are struggling with COVID-19 burden. At the time when this table was updated,
Belgium showed a CFR of 14.7%, and other countries as Sudan, Bahamas, Burundi, and Nicaragua show CFR from 15–20%, however, with fewer cases than Belgium. Prepared
with data from Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak World meters; April 18, 2020 (Worldometers 2020)
K. Mohamed et al.
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 895

50.2 Border Shutdowns (Jewell 1857). In 1377, the Great Council of

and Quarantine: Disputable Dubrovnik (former Ragusa), Croatia, introduced
Solutions a similar strategy that strangers had to stay
30  days (Trentino) in a restricted location to
The unprecedented crisis, COVID-19, has been observe the symptoms of plague (Stuard 1992).
declared as a pandemic by the WHO on March Later on, the isolation period was extended to
11, 2020. Following the emergence of this out- 40  days, called quarantine originated from the
break in Wuhan, the epicenter in China, in late Latin word Quaranta meaning 40, the isolation
December 2019, the virus spread rapidly to dif- time to prevent the spread of infection. The isola-
ferent countries, including Italy, Spain, France, tion or quarantine is considered as the greatest
Germany, the United States, Canada, the United achievement of medieval medicine and an essen-
Kingdom, and Japan (Organization 2020c, April tial milestone of the medical heritage of
17). The current COVID-19 outbreak is consid- Dubrovnik and Croatia (Anonymous 2002).
ered as the third outbreak caused by the coronavi- Since then, different countries experienced
ruses in the twenty-first century, after the severe such transient border restriction and movement
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) (2003) and limitations in all pandemic threats. For example,
the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) after the discovery of HIV/AIDS in 1984, 66 of
(2013) (Wells et  al. 2020). Apart from curative 186 countries in the world imposed some form of
protocol, countries around the world have travel restriction (Joseph and Amon 2008, Dec
deployed sweeping measures, including lock- 16). However, a research team led by Norbert
down to entire country or cities, shutting down Gilmore (1989) concluded that the adopted travel
airports, imposing travel restriction, emergency restriction on HIV transmission was “ineffective,
closure of the borders, isolation, and quarantine impractical, costly, harmful, and maybe discrimi-
to block the spread of the novel coronavirus natory” (Gilmore et al. 1989). International bor-
(News 2020, April). The initial strategy of airport der restriction also instituted during outbreaks of
screening was adopted in many countries in SARS (2003), MERS (2012), and Ebola virus
response to global spread; however, eventually, it disease (EVD 2014) aimed at the prevention of
appeared ineffective in slowing the spread of dis- the spread of infection (Errett et al. 2020).
ease (Samaan et  al. 2004; Wilder-Smith et  al.
2003; John et  al. 2005). On January 23, 2020,
China implemented a strict lockdown strategy, 50.2.2 The Travel Bans
along with the other 16 neighboring cities in
Hubei province, also known as the largest Cordon Restriction, to some extent, is beneficial.
sanitaire in history (Leung et al. 2020; Rachman According to Lainie, the Rutkow travel ban is a
2020). legal option that the government can enforce to
mitigate a pandemic (Rutkow 2020, February
13). Anthony Fauci, head of the US National
50.2.1 Quarantine Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
claimed, “If we had not put a travel restriction on,
The word quarantine has come from the history we would have had many, many, many more
of the black death in Europe. Repeated waves of travel-related cases than we have” (Cohen and
plague swept across Europe started from the mid- Kupferschmidt 2020). Recent research revealed
dle of the fourteenth century. It was estimated that international travel bans in and out of China
that one-third of people in Europe died by 1350 during December and January could minimize
(Kilwein 1995). As a part of extreme control the viral spread. For example, China’s lockdown
measures, in 1374, Viscount Bernabo of Reggio, of Wuhan city delayed the epidemic progression
Italy, declared that persons with plague to be only for a few days within China and few weeks
shifted out of the city till they die or recover internationally. It was, however, helpful to flatten
896 K. Mohamed et al.

the curve of infection, thereby reducing the pres- proportions in a short time” (Bajardi et  al.
sure on the healthcare system (Chinazzi et  al. 2011).
By early February 2020, the government of
several countries, including the United States, 50.2.3 Airport Screening
Australia, Russia, and Italy, imposed travel
restrictions, and 59 airline companies limited or At the airport, the temperature screening during
suspended flights to Mainland China (Sang-Hun exit or entry is not a practical way to stop the
2020, Jan 21; Kiselyova 2020, Jan 28; Travellers international spread since infected people may
from China to be denied entry into Australia be in the incubation period, asymptomatic, or
2020, Feb 2). A research team led by Matteo have mild symptoms. Moreover, massive invest-
Chinazzi estimated the effect of travel ban imple- ment is needed for little benefits. However, dis-
mented in Wuhan and the international travel ease prevention recommendation messages to
restriction enforced by other countries in early travelers, collecting health declaration with con-
February 2020. They utilized a metapopulational tact details for the proper risk assessment, and
network integrated with real-world data and the contact tracing of incoming passengers are the
airline transportation data from the Official more effective approaches (Organization 2020d,
Aviation Guide (OAG) and IATA databases in the February 29).
Global Epidemic and Mobility (GLEAM) model. A debate rages about the restricted border
The model indicates that the travel ban in Wuhan control of multiple countries locking down the
was initially effective at reducing international citizens in the pandemic that have been credited,
case importation, and the growth of cases outside on the one hand, with delaying the disease spread
Mainland China delayed only for 2–3  weeks. and, on the other hand, assigning a very high risk
Furthermore, the model found that a significant to economic activities. For example, the first
number of individuals exposed to SARS-CoV-2 travel restriction enforced/enacted in January
have been traveling without being detected 2020 and focused on the people in Mainland
(Chinazzi et al. 2020). China and other hotspots in Asia. The WHO
European experts reached a consensus on observed an initial fall in the case numbers inside
February 27, 2020, that refusal of entry of people China accompanied by 80% reduction of case
with coronavirus symptoms is not an appropriate exportation from China due to this bold approach
measure to prevent the virus spread; rather, it and the delay of disease spread regarded as “buy-
would be counterproductive and ineffective. ing time” for 2–3 weeks for the preparedness of
Experts emphasized the systematic checks for the rest of countries (Patel 2020).
arriving people and the coordination between
border guards and national authorities with real-­
time exchange of information (NICOLÁS 2020, 50.2.4 Effect on the Economy
Feb 28).
Paolo Bajardi and colleagues analyzed the The international border restriction and quaran-
2009 H1N1 flu data and concluded that mobility tine due to pandemic have a significant effect on
restriction could make a delay (on an average macro- and microeconomy. For example, G7
less than 3 days) in the spread of disease by con- countries jointly share 60% of world supply and
taining outbreaks of infectious diseases at their demand, 65% of world manufacturing, and 41%
source. They, however, reached to this conclu- of manufacturing exports. A temporary negative
sion that “such restrictions achieved no contain- supply and demand shock are attributed to regu-
ment, and the virus was able to reach pandemic lar flu, also called macroeconomic sneeze, in
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 897

which quick recovery is possible. However, a 50.3 International Ties Are

pandemic like COVID-19 may produce a global, Needed to Handle
large-scale, and persistent economic breach. the Economic Crisis
Furthermore, quarantine and travel restrictions
will elevate the unemployment issue worldwide. COVID-19 has profoundly affected the interna-
According to the International Labour tional economy (review 2020). The extent of the
Organization, global unemployment could rise ultimate damage depends on how quickly the
between 5.3 and 24.7  million based on global virus is contained, the steps that the authorities
gross domestic product (GDP) growth estimates. are taking to contain it, and how much economic
The workers from the poor and developing coun- support governments are willing to deploy during
tries will encounter the massive effect of unem- the outbreak and its aftermath. Generally, it
ployment that largely depends on the seems that world responses to COVID-19 have
export-oriented industries. For example, been mostly uncoordinated and country-specific
Bangladesh, one of the leading apparel exporters (organization).
in the world, is under the threat of order cancella- One standard measure taken globally was
tion worth about $2.8 billion, and about 70% of closing the borders (review 2020). This measure
workers are already sent home without wages in has immediately disrupted international trade
the face of nationwide lockdown for the since this measure would not only deprive some
COVID-­19 pandemic (Barua 2020). countries of all of the goods and products that
they cannot produce but also hurt the economies
and worsen unemployment. It even gets worse
50.2.5 Disputing the Quarantine when combined with full and partial lockdown,
Approach as some countries implemented.
Closing the border together with the lockdown
Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, working on contagion of cities can increase the risk of disrupting access
modeling in the University of Vermont’s Complex to medical supplies and destabilizing food mar-
Systems Center, stated that “the effectiveness of kets in addition to the unemployment. For exam-
mass quarantine is disputed in general.” He criti- ple, China, which is the second-largest economy
cized any physical or legal barrier since tracking of the world, strived back to life in early April
and testing people become harder. Quarantine, in after suffering a withering blow from the
a sense, staying home or canceling social events, COVID-­19 outbreak (Review).
might be acceptable for avoiding the transmis- The question arises on how to control the
sion of infectious disease (Newman 2020, March spread of the virus and resume the economic
11). activities. It is challenging to resume the eco-
Lessons from several pandemics (SARS, nomic activities unless the spread of the
MERS, EVD, and ongoing COVID-19) indicate COVID-­19 is controlled. For this purpose, the
that border restriction and quarantine are not the public health response must focus on hastening
ultimate solutions to mitigate an outbreak. Such and containing the pandemic as soon as possible.
attempts might provide potential time for the pre- Many countries expended hospital intensive care
paredness at the cost of massive economic dis- units (ICU), prepared temporary hospitals, and
ruption. Social distancing, lockdown, and overproduced respiratory protective gears and
quarantine should be proportional to the public masks (Organization 2020a). Other countries,
health risk and economic capability. Effective such as Germany, implemented large-scale test-
collaboration in pandemic management, includ- ing of the population (Worldometer 2020).
ing equitable distribution of salvation, medical Moreover, international collaboration in commu-
aid, and flow of information regarding develop- nicating the evolution of the virus and the best
ment of drugs or vaccines, is essential beyond the practices is crucial to understanding how to con-
border (Moazzami et al. 2020). trol the spread of disease and reduce the contami-
898 K. Mohamed et al.

nation. It is also needed to provide funding for WHO launched the shipment and distribution of
developing countries. All in all, unified leader- 250,000 kits to 159 laboratories. Dozens of labo-
ship is the most relevant solution, as it is wiser to ratories started using the publicly available assay
take a coordinated approach to boost production protocol to establish diagnostic of COVID-19,
and meeting the needs of the most vulnerable showing that data sharing in the form of diagnos-
populations and regions worldwide. tic protocols is crucial for the emerging public
health crisis. Laboratory testing is an integral part
and constitutes the foundation of the WHO’s
50.4 T
 he Flow of Experiences strategy published in the Strategic Preparedness
and Experts and Response Plan (Organization 2020b).
Additionally, diagnostic testing remains an
50.4.1 The Need for a United essential tool for tracking the viral disease and
Diagnostic Approach helps authorities to assess the impending burden
and allocate medical resources and staff more
The year 2020 will be a historical year, taking a efficiently.
look at the COVID-19 pandemic affecting not Currently, testing of COVID-19 is done with
only international healthcare systems and the sci- reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction
entific community but also people’s everyday (RT-PCR) based on viral genetic material from
lives. The causative virus of COVID-19 is highly nasopharyngeal swabs. This method works by
contagious, can spread quickly, and has been amplification of a specific sequence of the viral
capable of imposing enormous health, economic, genome (Ohan and Heikkila 1993); thus, it is
and societal impacts in any setting. Therefore, limited to the detection of an active infection
real solidarity and collaboration are essential rather than a resolved infection. Other possible
between nations to combat against this common methods for diagnosing COVID-19 are immune
threat.While nations implement strict border pol- identification technologies like point-of-care
icies as a necessary measure to control the pan- testing (POCT) of IgM/IgG and enzyme-linked
demic, scientists reach out beyond their borders immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The urge for a
to initiate regional and international research col- fast, simple, and feasible diagnostic device led
laborations. These collaborative works were researchers to intensify the development of
launched within a few days after the outbreak POCT due to its rapid turnaround time (approxi-
started, demonstrating the fast dynamics in sci- mately 15  min) (Kozel and Burnham-Marusich
ence. The current outbreak highlights the neces- 2017). It is mainly required in resource-limited
sity for accurate and fast diagnostic methods settings that lack governmental support and
(Basiri et  al. 2020a). During the last couple of healthcare infrastructure.
weeks, the laboratory diagnostic methods have The current pandemic has created a novel situ-
evolved significantly and gradually replacing ation for researchers and laboratories. In many
conventional gold standards (Yazdanpanah et al. countries, the mass of patients exceeds the diag-
2020b). Prestigious research journals offer free nostic capacities of the respective healthcare sys-
access to published COVID-19 data to make it tems; consequently, the WHO has recommended
more accessible for the research community and two COVID-19 diagnostic kits for emergency use
accelerate diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. and facilitated their distribution worldwide. The
Researchers from the German Centre for efforts of these global institutions constitute the
Infection Research (DZIF) at Charité  – backbone of a unified diagnostic approach, yet it
Universitätsmedizin Berlin developed the first is not the only measure taken to enable the accel-
laboratory assay along with academic collabora- eration of diagnostics. Sharing prior published
tors in Europe and Hong Kong and immediately protocols and data, for example, on the free
handed over the protocol to the WHO for further online archive medRxiv, would guarantee the
publishing (Corman et al. 2020). As a result, the openness and accessibility of scientific findings
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 899

(Rezaei 2020b). Addressing low- and middle-­ 2020b; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b;
income countries, the Foundation for Innovative Pourahmad et al. 2020); three robust drug trials
New Diagnostics (FIND), a Geneva-based non- have been completed so far, but neither of them
profit organization, facilitates the development brought the acceptable results (Bin Cao 2020;
and delivery of diagnostics (Sheridan 2020; Sahu Prof Mandeep R Mehra 2020; Yeming Wang
et  al. 2020). For that, FIND published an open 2020). At the start of each drug trial, hope springs
call to all laboratories around the world to submit eternal; maybe this time, the cure will be found.
any performance data on commercially available The fate of the COVID-19 drug discovery is
diagnostic tests for independent evaluation. The ambiguous (Mohamed et  al. 2020), and one of
results will be accessible to everyone via their the tools that can clear up this ambiguity is an
website. international collaboration. How could interna-
Additionally, individual laboratories contrib- tional collaboration be helpful in COVID-19
ute to the fight against COVID-19. Cancer drug discovery?
researchers at London’s Francis Crick Institute To start up, ritonavir/lopinavir and remdesivir
turned their lab into a COVID-19-testing facility, trials can precisely explain the critical need for
volunteering to help battle the pandemic (Baker international collaboration. The same scientists
2020). Taken together, all institutions from gov- from China accomplished both of these trials;
ernmental authorities, nonprofit organizations, Bin Cao et  al. conducted the ritonavir/lopinavir
worldwide alliances, or individual laboratories trial from late January till early February, which
need to work hand in hand to guarantee an effec- is precisely at the time that COVID-19 peaked in
tive, fast, and feasible way to diagnose COVID-­19 China. Although this work epitomized an orga-
on a large scale. Although there are still countries nized rapid response against this pandemic,
lacking urgently needed diagnostic kits and test- which is extremely difficult to manage in these
ing infrastructure, there has been impressive circumstances, it was not able to come up with a
progress made during the current outbreak as cure for the COVID-19 infection (Bin Cao 2020).
opposed to the 2002–2003 SARS outbreak, After that, from early February until March,
where it took nearly 6 months to identify and to Yeming Wang et  al. handled a randomized,
establish assays for the detection of newly double-­ blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter
emerged coronavirus. For the future, the recently trial of remdesivir. This time remdesivir showed
established collaborations and ties between inter- promising effects but not reached statically sig-
national researchers need to be intensified to nificance confirming the results (Yeming Wang
accelerate diagnostic data sharing, facilitate and 2020). If both of these studies were supervised by
unify the evaluation of novel diagnostic methods, the same investigators, why one of them had
and improve the equitable distribution of medical great significance while the other did not have it?
goods to be prepared for prospective global The answer might lie in the downswing of the
health problems (Kafieh et al. 2020). COVID-19 cases in China during the remdesivir
trial. What would have happened if the remdesi-
vir study was performed in one of the countries
50.4.2 International Collaboration: that were in their way of hitting a peak in March
The Key to Therapeutic like Italy, France, or the United Kingdom? An
Development influential study with COVID-19 remedy could
have been handed to the world due to conducting
Since December 2019, scientists have been work- the remdesivir trial with plenty of cases, the main
ing to find a treatment for COVID-19 limitation that Chinese scientists face (Tsallis;
(Sharifkashani et al. 2020; Rezaei 2020b; Rabiee India 2020; news).
et  al. 2020; Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei By having a look at Fig.  50.1 that demon-
and Rezaei 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; strates the number of drug trials of two groups of
Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et  al. countries, the countries that have passed their
900 K. Mohamed et al.

Fig. 50.1  Number of drug trials conducted by the coun- expected to hit their peaks by June (orange columns)
tries that have hit their COVID-19 cases’ peaks no later (Tsallis 2020; India 2020; news; 2020)
than May (blue columns) and the countries that are

peaks and the countries that will have reached cases, in order to end this pandemic immediately.
their peaks by June; each of the United States, the When countries individually supervise their drug
United Kingdom, and China has the highest num- trials, they might accomplish a frustrating, repeti-
ber of drug trials, whereas Brazil, India, and tive work that, in consequence, not only leads to
Pakistan have the lowest record of drug trials. misusing their sources but also reducing the pace
The former countries represent the countries that of finding a prosperous solution.
have passed their peaks, while the former group Figure 50.2 reflects the total number of 143
illustrates the countries that are on their way to drug trials that investigate chloroquine/hydroxy-
reach a peak (Tsallis; India 2020; news; clinical- chloroquine or both of them in treating the 2020). Therefore, it could be beneficial COVID-19 infection. There are about 70 studies
to exchange the experience, the knowledge, and in the recruiting phase, and about 59 registered
COVID-19 cases between the countries that hit trials that have not yet been recruited (clinicaltri-
their peaks previously like China and the coun- 2020). Therefore, around 41% of the
tries that are nearly reaching their peak of studies have not started yet, while we need to
COVID-19 cases like Brazil, in order to prevent consider other therapeutics too. If international
another frustrating work (Tsallis). collaboration was present, the number of frus-
Another pronounced issue that is worth men- trated studies would have decreased.
tioning is the repetition of the trials that have
clear consequences like the ineffectiveness of
hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine, which was 50.4.3 International Collaboration:
approved by Mehra and his colleagues (Prof An Agile Strategy for Vaccine
Mandeep R Mehra 2020). Although repeating the Production
same research for getting more accurate results
cannot be neglected, wasting a lot of time and Outbreak of COVID-19
effort in ascertaining a negative result is not rec- The increase in the world population, traveling
ommended too. habits, and contact between people from all areas
COVID-19 is a newly emerged condition that of the world have highly favored the global
is filled with uncertainty. There is no evident cure spreading of pathogens (Niall 2002). It will lead
for it, and the world is in a race for the discovery to an increased risk of pandemic outbreaks. Such
of its remedy. It is better to consider this pan- risk further rises by the climate change that
demic as a global crisis other than a race, to ­influences the distribution, abundance, and prev-
exchange data, experience, or even COVID-19 alence of pathogen-bearing vectors, promoting
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 901

Fig. 50.2  Number of

drug trials on the effects
of chloroquine,
hydroxychloroquine, or
both of them in the
treatment of COVID-19
infection by May 31,

infections with a range of vector-borne diseases them are three emerging pathogenic CoVs,
(Susanne 2018). including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and the
An outbreak of COVID-19 has started in newly identified SARS-CoV-2 (Wang et  al.
China since December 2019 and has caused atyp- 2020a, b). SARS-CoV infection in humans was
ical pneumonia and has spread to 26 countries first reported from China in 2002, while MERS-­
(Shang 2020). COVID-19 spreads rapidly by CoV infection in humans was first reported from
human-to-human transmission through respira- Saudi Arabia in June 2012 (Ksiazek et al. 2003;
tory droplets or direct contact (Qun 2020; Lotfi Zaki et al. 2012). The fatality rate in SARS-CoV
et  al. 2020). The median incubation period is and MERS-CoV was reported to be 10% and
3  days, and the time from symptom onset to 34.4%, respectively (Organisation 2020a, b, c, d,
developing pneumonia is 4 days (Qun 2020). By e, f; Du et al. 2009). Different from MERS-CoV
February 2020, a total of 75,465 cases with but similar to SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2 can
COVID-19 infections have been confirmed, and cause human-to-human transmission, but its
2236 people have died in China (China). SARS-­ intermediate host that leads to the current human
CoV-­2 is currently infecting more than 70,000 infection and outbreak is still under investigation
people with about 2.7% case fatality rate (Wang (Wang et al. 2020a, b).
N 2020). In March 2020, the WHO announced After studying the structure of SARS-CoV-2,
COVID-19 illness as the worldwide pandemic it was found that it shares some features with
that is overwhelming the healthcare systems MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV.  Coronaviruses
globally (Organisation 2020a, b, c, d, e, f; Fauci have four structural proteins, namely, envelope
et al. 2020; Mahase 2020). To date, there are no (E), membrane (M), nucleocapsid (N), and spike
available vaccine and specific treatment for (S) (Chan et al. 2020). The single-stranded RNA
COVID-19 (Shang 2020). of SARS-CoV is packed inside the capsid
formed by the N protein, while the M, E, and S Structure of SARS-CoV-2 proteins form the envelope surrounding the cap-
There have been seven coronaviruses (CoVs) iso- sid (Qun 2020; Niall 2002; Wang et al. 2020a,
lated from humans (Wang et al. 2020a, b). Among b). The E and M proteins have essential func-
902 K. Mohamed et al.

tions in the viral assembly of a coronavirus, and forms for vaccine development and to execute
the N protein is necessary for viral RNA synthe- many steps in parallel before confirming a suc-
sis (Shang 2020; Schoeman and Fielding 2019). cessful outcome of another step, hence resulting
The glycoprotein S of SARS-CoV-2 is respon- in a significant challenge due to elevated finan-
sible for virus binding and entry (Gralinski cial risk (Gouglas et al. 2018).
2020). All these proteins can stimulate the The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness
immune system (Shang 2020; Jiang et al. 2005; Innovation (CEPI) is an international nongovern-
Regla-Nava et al. 2015). However, subunit vac- mental organization that supports the develop-
cines require multiple doses to cause maximum ment of vaccines against epidemic pathogens on
stimulation for the immune system (Eyigün and the World Health Organization (WHO/Europe)
Gul 1998). priority list. They have tried to support having
Based on the ongoing studies, the S glycopro- ideal platforms for vaccine development that
tein can be a potential protein for vaccine devel- allows a timeline of 16 weeks between the identi-
opment as it is responsible for the viral invasion fication of viral sequence to commencing clinical
of human cells (Jiang et al. 2020). The S glyco- trials (Lurie et  al. 2020). The developing plat-
protein can be cleaved into two functional sub- forms aim to meet different challenges for rapid
units, an amino-terminal S1 subunit, and a vaccine development that includes identification
carboxyl-terminal S2 subunit. The S1 subunit is of the best antigenic protein for the vaccine, the
responsible for virus-host cell receptor binding, mode of administration, safety, the efficacy of the
which mediates the viral entry through the host developed vaccine and finally the production
angiotensin-converting enzyme two receptors capacity to meet global need. Over the past
initiating infection (Lu et  al. 2014) (Li et  al. decade, the scientific community and the vaccine
2005; Wan et al. 2020; McCaffery et al. 2015). In industry has been successful in the H1N1 influ-
contrast, the S2 subunit is involved in virus-host enza vaccine, but not in SARS, Ebola, and Zika.
membrane fusion and, consequently, delivering The success in the H1N1 vaccine was attributed
the viral genetic materials into the host cell to the presence of a previously well-developed
through the fusion core (Lu et al. 2014; Li et al. platform for such viruses (Lurie et  al. 2020).
2005). However, efforts are still going to meet chal-
lenges and develop a rapid response to meet International Collaboration emerging epidemics.
for Vaccine Development Since the announcement of the genetic
Conventional vaccine development has success- sequence of SARS-CoV-2 on January 11, 2020,
fully decreased the burden of several infections the global R&D activity is set to develop a vac-
(Susanne 2018). Nevertheless, the vaccine cine against the disease, and the first COVID-19
development process is a lengthy, expensive vaccine candidate entered human clinical test-
process that typically takes multiple candidates ing on March 16, 2020. As of April 08, 2020, the
and many years to produce a licensed vaccine global COVID-19 vaccine R&D landscape
(Du et  al. 2009; Gouglas et  al. 2018). During includes 115 vaccine candidates, and it is pre-
such a process, developers follow a linear dicted to have a vaccine by early 2021. Most of
sequence of steps, with many pauses for data the vaccine developers are in North America,
analysis or manufacturing-­ process checks. China, Australia, and Europe (Thanh Le et  al.
However, these established steps are not suit- 2020). Such international collaboration is the
able or even feasible in outbreak situations. key to the rapid vaccine development and is a
During a pandemic, vaccine developments meet step in the changes needed for vaccine develop-
many challenges that need to be addressed dif- ment to meet new emerging epidemics and
ferently. They need to develop efficient plat- pandemics.
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 903

50.5 M
 ental Health Issues Derived pandemic (Bhatia et  al. 2020; Zulkifli et  al.
from the COVID-19 2020). Manjeet et  al. reported a 28-year-old
Pandemic unmarried, college-educated man of upper-­
middle socioeconomic status with COVID-19
50.5.1 Recognizing Challenges pandemic-induced panic disorder. Repeatedly
Posed to Global Mental Health hearing news of the COVID-19 pandemic was
Work by the COVID-19 the precipitating factor, as demonstrated in other
Pandemic studies (Bhatia et al. 2020). Therefore, it is con-
cluded that psychological and mental problems
The mental health challenges brought by the caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are not only
COVID-19 pandemic should not be ignored. caused by a single factor such as the pandemic as
Some believe that COVID-19-related psycholog- a stressor itself but other factors, including but
ical and mental problems are likely to cause a not limited to quarantine, media behavior, and
second pandemic (Choi et  al. 2020). After the government behavior during the pandemic play
occurrence of such sudden public health emer- role as well. Due to the diversity of precipitating
gencies as the COVID-19 pandemic, many psy- factors and the complexity of pathogenesis, men-
chological and mental problems, including tal health work in the context of the COVID-19
depression, anxiety, and sleep problems, have pandemic still has a long way to go.
Populations who are, in particular, vulnerable
to COVID-19-related psychological and mental 50.5.2 Understanding
problems include women (Wang et al. 2020a, b), the Homogeneity
people younger than 40  years old or older than and the Heterogeneity
60  years old (Wang et  al. 2020a, b; Qiu et  al. of Stress across the World:
2020), medical workers (Zhang et  al. 2020c; The Source of the Challenges
Rezaei 2020a), students (Zhou et  al. 2020),
patients with pre-existing physical and mental When an individual is exposed to prolonged,
conditions (Ozamiz-Etxebarria et  al. 2020; Xu intense or unexpected, external or internal stress-
et al. 2020; Hao et al. 2020), people with higher ors, the mind and body mediate physiological,
educational level (Wang et  al. 2020a, b), resi- biochemical, mental, and behavioral responses,
dents living in the severely affected areas (Ni collectively referred to as stress responses. The
et  al. 2020), pregnant women (Mirbeyk and term stress, in the most general sense, means the
Rezaei 2020), and other special groups (Özdin accumulation of emotions from situations in
and Bayrak Özdin 2020; Saccone et  al. 2020). which one needs to adapt to specific facts, fac-
Among these populations, the level of depres- tors, and conditions of the environment in which
sion, anxiety, and stress were significantly higher he lives. Stress is a constant factor in today’s rap-
than their control population(s). For example, the idly developing world that can endanger our
risk of anxiety in women during the pandemic health if left unchecked. It affects the immune
was 3.01 (95% CI: 1.39–6.52) times higher than system by activating the hypothalamic-pituitary-­
in men (Wang et al. 2020a, b). From this perspec- adrenal and sympathetic-adrenal-medullary axes.
tive, to prepare for the second pandemic in the Various neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, hor-
right direction requires the identification of mones, and cytokines mediate these complex
potentially vulnerable populations and develop interactions, which have been the subject of a
practical approaches to promote the mental health field of study called psychoneuroendocrinoim-
of these populations. munology (PNEI). The pandemic condition and
The existing evidence suggests brief reactive related stress would exacerbate the effect of
psychotic disorder and panic disorder as the most COVID-19 on immune dysregulation and inflam-
common mental disorders during the COVID-19 mation, and therefore multiple organs and sys-
904 K. Mohamed et al.

tems fail to work correctly, as demonstrated in It is interesting to know that people can
patients with a severe form of COVID-19 respond differently to stress due to the difference
(Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020b; Shamshirian and in every person’s level of discrete hormones (nor-
Rezaei 2020; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; adrenaline in fast response and cortisol in slow
Sahu et  al. 2020; Rokni et  al. 2020; Bahrami stress response) that are released. It can be
et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; because of polymorphisms in genes coding stress
Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Saghazadeh and response and some hormones and neurotransmit-
Rezaei 2020a; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab ters like GABA.  These heterogeneities of the
et al. 2020; Saleki et al. 2020). stress response pattern can be seen in different
General adaptation syndrome (Abida et  al. populations. Not all of us will become ill and
2019) developed by Hans Selye involves three develop depression and post-traumatic stress dis-
stages in the body’s response to stress: alarm order (PTSD). Epigenetic modifications (meth-
response, resistance, and recovery/exhaustion ylation of DNA leading to different gene
(Taylor and Sirois 2012). expression) because of persistently high levels of
Alarm response (alarm) occurs in two phases: stress hormones are also of importance in stress
shock is when the body is subject to changes as a response. Having increased gene expression in
result of stressors; however, the body’s resistance some cases can lead to visible psychological and
to stressors is gradually diminishing; and anti- behavioral changes in some people. The mean
shock is when the threat or stressor is identified gene expression would be influenced by the
or realized and the body begins to respond and is genetic background within a population and var-
in an alert state. During the latter stage, the locus ies from individual to individual.
coeruleus of the sympathetic nervous system is During the pandemic time, some of us are
activated, and production of catecholamine, going to be more resistant than others to the path-
mainly of noradrenaline and adrenaline, begins; ological effects of COVID-19  in terms of both
therefore, the fight-flight or freeze response (it is physiological (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020;
a physiological response that arises as a result of Ahanchian et al. 2020; Babaha and Rezaei 2020)
the anticipated adverse event, attack, or threat to and psychological effects. As mentioned above,
survival) appears. this might arise from our genetic background
During the stage of resistance, increased (Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020) and its effects on
secretion of glucocorticoids plays a significant the neuroimmune system. In order to protect our-
role. Lipolysis and catabolic and anti-anabolic selves, we must find methods to cope with it. The
reactions result in increased concentration of fats, issue of reducing stress is not insignificant. When
amino acids, and glucose in the blood. Besides, using cognitive-behavioral therapies to manage
lymphocytopenia, eosinopenia, and neutrophilia stress such as meditation, yoga, hypnosis, and
might occur. Recovery occurs when the body’s muscle relaxation, the psychological and physio-
compensatory mechanisms have successfully logical effects of distress can be reduced.
prevented the effect of the stressor. Otherwise, all Systematic training and strategies for dealing
the resources are depleted, and, finally, the body with stressors are needed. Children must see a
is unable to maintain normal function (exhaus- good model of coping stress from their parents.
tion). If the third stage is prolonged, long-term Creative strategies like singing, drawing, or usage
damage can lead to prolonged vasoconstriction of digital methods (not fake news on the internet)
and ischemia, which in turn leads to cellular for social connection can be helpful too in quar-
necrosis. antine conditions all over the world while fight-
Good stress (eustress) and bad stress (distress) ing COVID-19 (WHO/Europe). With all of these
are two different conditions. Short-term response actions, we will be able to prevent distress, long-­
to stress has considerable survival value. Distress term changes in our body, and the development
is the one that leads to stress-related diseases. of stress-related disorders after this pandemic.
50  A Borderless Solution Is Needed for A Borderless Complexity, Like COVID-19, the Universal Invader 905

50.6 Conclusion works, travel restrictions, and the global spread of

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Socialization During the COVID-19
Pandemic: The Role of Social 51
and Scientific Networks During
Social Distancing

Sara Momtazmanesh, Noosha Samieefar,
Lucina Q. Uddin, Timo Ulrichs, Roya Kelishadi,
Vasili Roudenok, Elif Karakoc-Aydiner,
Deepak B. Salunke, Jan L. Nouwen,
Juan Carlos Aldave Becerra, Duarte Nuno Vieira,
Ekaterini Goudouris, Mahnaz Jamee,
Morteza Abdullatif Khafaie,
Morteza Shamsizadeh,
Mohammad Rasoul Golabchi, Alireza Samimiat,
Donya Doostkamel, Alireza Afshar,
Mohammad Amin Khazeei Tabari, Melika Lotfi,
Reza Yari Boroujeni, Niloofar Rambod,
Anzhela Stashchak, Alla Volokha, Dainius Pavalkis,
André Pereira, Amir Hamzah Abdul Latiff,
Rauf Baylarov, Bagher Amirheidari,
Mojtaba Hedayati Ch, Antonio Condino-Neto,
and Nima Rezaei

of social distancing can be diminished by
In the COVID-19 era, while we are encour- social networking. Social media, a quintessen-
aged to be physically far away from each tial component of social networking, facili-
other, social and scientific networking is tates the dissemination of reliable information
needed more than ever. The dire consequences and fighting against misinformation by health

S. Momtazmanesh · N. Rezaei (*)

Universal Scientific Education and Research Network USERN Office, School of Advanced Technologies in
(USERN), Tehran, Iran Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
e-mail: L. Q. Uddin
Department of Psychology, University of Miami,
N. Samieefar · R. Y. Boroujeni
Coral Gables, FL, USA
Student Research Committee, School of Medicine,
Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Tehran, Iran (USERN), Coral Gables, FL, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 911
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
912 S. Momtazmanesh et al.

authorities. Distance learning, telemedicine, fight against COVID-19, particularly in the

and telehealth are among the most prominent scientific field.
applications of networking during this pan-
demic. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic Keywords
highlights the importance of collaborative sci-
entific efforts. In this chapter, we summarize COVID-19 · Pandemic · Scientific network ·
the advantages of harnessing both social and Social distancing · Social network ·
scientific networking in minimizing the harms Socialization
of this pandemic. We also discuss the extra
collaborative measures we can take in our

T. Ulrichs D. N. Vieira
Institute for Research in International Assistance, Institute of Legal Medicine and Institute of Bioethics,
Akkon University for Human Sciences, University of Coimbra, Faculty of Medicine,
Berlin, Germany Portugal, Coimbra, Portugal
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Berlin, Germany (USERN), Coimbra, Portugal
R. Kelishadi E. Goudouris
Child Growth and Development Research Center, Pediatrics Department, Medical School, Federal
Research Institute for Primordial Prevention of University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Non-Communicable Disease, Isfahan University of
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
(USERN), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
USERN Office, Research Institute for Primordial
M. Jamee
Prevention of Non-Communicable Disease, Isfahan
Student Research Committee, Alborz University of
University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Medical Sciences, Karaj, Iran
V. Roudenok
USERN Office, Alborz University of Medical
Belarusian State Medical University, Minsk, Belarus
Sciences, Karaj, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
M. A. Khafaie
(USERN), Minsk, Belarus
Social Determinants of Health Research Center,
E. Karakoc-Aydiner Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences,
Division of Pediatric Allergy/Immunology, Marmara Ahvaz, Iran
University Hospital, Marmara University,
USERN Office, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of
Istanbul, Turkey
Medical Sciences, Ahvaz, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
M. Shamsizadeh
(USERN), Istanbul, Turkey
USERN Office, Hamadan University of Medical
D. B. Salunke Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
National Interdisciplinary Centre of Vaccine,
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing, School of
Immunotherapeutics and Antimicrobials, Department
Nursing and Midwifery, Hamadan University of
of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
Medical Sciences, Hamadan, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
M. R. Golabchi · A. Samimiat
(USERN), Chandigarh, India
USERN Office, Isfahan University of Medical
J. L. Nouwen Science, Isfahan, Iran
Erasmus MC, University Medical Center,
D. Doostkamel
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Faculty of pharmacy, Ardabil University of Medical
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
(USERN), Rotterdam, The Netherlands
USERN Office, Ardabil University of Medical
J. C. A. Becerra Sciences, Ardabil, Iran
Hospital National Edgardo Rebagliati Martins,
Lima, Peru
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Lima, Peru
51  Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social and Scientific Networks… 913

51.1 Introduction Holmes et al. 2020). The measures on social dis-

tancing during the COVID-19 pandemic are also
Social distancing is an effective measure in slow- contributing to psychological problems (Qiu
ing down the spread of pandemics. The benefits et al. 2020; Venkatesh and Edirappuli 2020). The
of social distancing in combating COVID-19 are main components causing these repercussions
indisputable. Many countries implemented these included worries or concerns about one’s own
measures to limit the spread of the virus, to pro- health and loved one’s health, limiting visits from
tect vulnerable groups within the population, and loved ones, and financial concerns (Cosic et  al.
to avoid the breakdown of their healthcare sys- 2020; Lai et al. 2020). In addition to mental ill-
tem by an overwhelming number of patients nesses, patients with other chronic or acute dis-
needing critical care (Mahase 2020). These eases may also be treated insufficiently or may be
advantages, however, come at a price. Our expe- diagnosed late because of the effect of the
rience from COVID-19 and other outbreaks has COVID-19 pandemic on screening programs and
shown us that social distancing and isolation can referral of patients to clinicians or the emergency
lead to several dire consequences. A tangible units (Jones et al.; Rosenbaum 2020).
example of these repercussions is increased vul- The COVID-19 pandemic is most certainly
nerability to mental illnesses, like depression and not our first experience with physical and social
anxiety (Hawryluck et al. 2004; Jeong et al. 2016; distancing. Before the recent pandemic, a similar

A. Afshar A. Pereira
USERN Office, The Persian Gulf Marine Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Biotechnology Research Center, The Persian Gulf (USERN), Coimbra, Portugal
Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Bushehr
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
University of Medical Sciences, Bushehr, Iran
A. H. A. Latiff
M. A. K. Tabari
Allergy and Immunology Centre, Pantai Hospital
USERN Office, Mazandaran University of Medical
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Sciences, Sari, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Student Research Committee, Mazandaran University
(USERN), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran
R. Baylarov
M. Lotfi
Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan
USERN Office, Zanjan University of Medical
Sciences, Zanjan, Iran Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Baku, Azerbaijan
N. Rambod
USERN Office, Islamic Azad University Medicine B. Amirheidari
Faculty, Mashhad, Iran Herbal and Traditional Medicines Research Center,
Kerman University of Medical Sciences,
A. Stashchak
Kerman, Iran
Kharkiv National Medical University,
Kharkiv, Ukraine USERN Office, Kerman University of Medical
Sciences, Kerman, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Kharkiv, Ukraine M. H. Ch
Faculty of Medicine, Department of Microbiology,
A. Volokha
Guilan University of Medical Sciences,
Pediatric Infectious Disease and Pediatric
Rasht, Guilan, Iran
Immunology Department, Shupyk National Medical
Academy for Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine USERN Office, Guilan University of Medical
Sciences, Rasht, Guilan, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), Kiev, Ukraine A. Condino-Neto
Department of Immunology, Institute of Biomedical
D. Pavalkis
Sciences, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Rector Medical University, Astana, Kazakhstan
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), São Paulo, Brazil
(USERN), Astana, Kazakhstan
914 S. Momtazmanesh et al.

outbreak that prompted physical distancing on a Providing citizens with reliable information is
large scale occurred more than a century ago, a vital tool in tackling COVID-19. With its far-­
when the 1918 influenza pandemic (also called as reaching influence, social media can be harnessed
the Spanish flu) struck the globe. It contaminated effectively for achieving this goal (Merchant and
nearly one-third of the world’s population and Lurie 2020). Many reliable sources, including the
resulted in almost 50 million deaths. Even during World Health Organization (WHO) and the
the 1918 influenza pandemic, social distancing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
showed promising results (Canales 2020; Aimone (CDC), are using mass media to convey critical
2010). At that time, there was no hope for any information to citizens. Social media can distrib-
vaccine to end the pandemic, and the knowledge ute trustworthy and critical recommendations
about immunity and strategies to fight the virus among their users, such as the importance of
was somewhat limited. Thus, the population had handwashing and staying home. Many platforms
to rely on distancing as the only measure and had have taken significant steps toward this aim. For
no information on how long this measure would instance, Facebook and Twitter have partnered
last. Not only was the therapeutic armamentar- with reliable sources to disseminate reliable
ium limited, but back then, social interactions information and have facilitated sharing WHO
and exchange of information were mainly only and CDC recommendations (Facebook 2020;
feasible via person-to-person communications, Twitter 2020). Similarly, social scientific plat-
mail, and phone. forms such as Google Scholar and ResearchGate,
To date, we have paved a long path from where by designating a specific section to the research
we were in 1918. In our era, physical isolation related to COVID-19, have made it easier for cli-
does not and should not mean emotional and nicians and researchers to access reliable data
social isolation. In the twenty-first century, we (ResearchGate 2020; Busvine 2020).
have many useful tools for staying connected at While social media can rapidly disseminate
any time and from any location. The internet and useful information and guidelines, we cannot
media have made the dissemination of informa- overlook the fact that it can also provide a tool
tion extremely easy and rapid. Millions of people for knowingly spreading misinformation, which
use various platforms categorized as social can have a detrimental effect in our fight against
media, which allow the rapid exchange of data. COVID-19 (Cuan-Baltazar et  al. 2020). These
Additionally, we have gained many experiences platforms may doubtlessly limit this flood of
from conducting collaborative scientific efforts misinformation by imposing appropriate regu-
and scientific networking. lations (Limaye et  al.). As WHO Director-
General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has
said, “We’re not just fighting an epidemic;
51.2 S
 ocial Networking: What Is we’re fighting an infodemic.” WHO has
the Role of Social Media? launched the WHO Information Network for
Epidemics (EPI-WIN) to ensure the dissemina-
Social media is a crucial part of social network- tion of evidence-based information and avoid
ing, which is defined as “communication with misinformation (Zarocostas 2020). Another
people who share your interests using a website excellent example of the taken actions in avoid-
or other service on the internet” (Oxford 2020). ing misinformation is the joint industry state-
With more than three billion regular users spend- ment, which was announced by Facebook,
ing a considerable amount of time daily on social Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Reddit, Twitter,
media, these platforms have reached a significant and YouTube in March 2020 to combat misin-
penetration all around the world (Statista 2019). formation (Statt 2020). Nevertheless, it is still
We can potentially employ mass media to tackle challenging to reduce the spread of false infor-
many of our challenges during the COVID-19 mation; therefore, further attempts and regula-
pandemic. tions are necessary.
51  Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social and Scientific Networks… 915

Prominently, social networking through mass COVID-19 patients but also individuals who
media can also play a critical role in maintaining would typically visit hospitals or clinics, but
our mental health during this challenge (Galea because of the circumstances, preferably not to
et al. 2020). Many countries, like Canada and the do so. Several fields, including ophthalmology,
United Kingdom, or organizations have provided surgery, and urology, have implemented telemed-
online counseling instead of in-person sessions to icine to take care of patients during social dis-
help both the public and healthcare workers in tancing (Hakim et al. 2020; Saleem et al. 2020;
coping with the challenges the COVID-19 pan- Boehm et al. 2020). Online self-assessment tools
demic has created for them (Richards and Vigano are examples of implications of telehealth in
2013). Additionally, social media enables us to managing the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance,
stay connected with our family, friends, and col- should someone suspect that they might be
leagues while we stay at home (Panahi et  al. infected with COVID-19, they can use online
2016). Without a doubt, maintaining social con- self-assessment tools instead of referring to a
nections is an essential need of human beings. clinic or hospital. These tools, which are pro-
Last but not least, while in-person classes and vided by governmental authorities, analyze the
training had to shut down due to social distancing symptoms and possible exposure of the person to
temporarily, online social networking played a the virus and guide the individual on taking the
significant role in promoting distance learning next appropriate steps (Rabiee et  al. 2020;
via numerous international and national resources Government-of-india 2020). Such websites and
(World_Bank 2020). In response to COVID-19, applications can lower unnecessary referrals of
E-learning websites like Coursera, Udacity, and citizens to clinics and hospitals and can be
edX provided their users with many free courses, immensely helpful for healthcare providers.
especially courses related to global and public Contact tracing apps are another example of
health, social sciences, and courses for students, using the opportunities networking provides us.
helping them to advance their knowledge and These applications, however, are in their initial
skills during this challenging time (Coursera stages, can help authorities in detecting exposed
2020; edX 2020; Lager 2020). Not only do these subjects. They notify people who were in contact
classes help the public to become more skillful, with COVID-19 patients and ask them to quaran-
but they can also help in preparing medical tine themselves (Nature 2020; Zastrow 2020). In
­professionals and can be used in medical educa- addition to reducing unnecessary hospital and
tion (Walsh et al. 2018; Liang et al. 2020). clinic visits, detecting potential COVID patients,
and protecting patients, social networking can
also be implemented for inpatient management.
51.3 Networking With and Within For example, an infectious disease specialist
the Healthcare System: How might not need to examine their patient in person
Does It Change Patient Care? to give a consult. Should we use only a tablet to
establish a virtual visit, we can lower the risk of
The role of telemedicine in managing the infection for both the clinician and the patients
COVID-19 pandemic is undeniable when the dis- and also save on usage of personal protective
ease can widely affect the consumers of health- equipment (PPE) (Hollander and Carr 2020;
care as well as the healthcare providers (Rezaei Moazzami et  al. 2020). Undoubtedly, telemedi-
2020a). Telehealth and telemedicine are some of cine and telehealth are still growing fields need-
the other merits of social networking in our fight ing much further research and collaborative
against COVID-19 (Latifi and Doarn 2020). In global efforts (Ohannessian et al. 2020).
the COVID-19 era, the public strives to minimize Additionally, networking can help us
unnecessary visits to hospitals and stay at home immensely in overcoming the shortage of PPE,
as much as possible. Using social networks can testing kits, and other necessary equipment.
help us greatly in taking care of not only potential The endeavors which have been taken by the
916 S. Momtazmanesh et al.

WHO are examples of this. Since the beginning researchers to investigate this still-evolving chal-
of the pandemic, the WHO has shared COVID- lenge further.
19 testing kits and PPE with more than 120 While countries have closed their borders, in
countries. The exchange platform founded by the scientific field, researchers are working with-
Resilinc and Premier Inc., in collaboration with out borders now more than ever. Undoubtedly,
Stanford Medicine, is another example of such conducting multiple simultaneous investigations
efforts taking place at the national level. This in different laboratory settings and with widely
platform matches organizations needing certain different samples can accelerate the process of
supplies with peer providers who can provide finding a solution for this challenge
them. (Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020). WHO has made
remarkable endeavors to promote collaborative
research. In April 2020, it publically announced
51.4 Scientific Networking: Can the initiation of global collaboration for finding
Collaborative Scientific an effective vaccine against the virus (Public
Efforts Help Us? 2020). Another example of such actions is the
launch of the SOLIDARITY trial. This trial aims
In the scientific field, networking and collabora- to find an effective treatment for COVID-19 and
tion are considered critical elements in conduct- is being conducted in at least ten countries (WHO
ing research. Notably, it has been shown that 2020).
multicenter and multinational papers commonly Doubtlessly, in addition to the research activi-
reach higher cite scores and impact (Chinchilla-­ ties conducted to find potential vaccines and
Rodriguez et al. 2019; Breugelmans et al. 2018). treatments, both on the national and international
Our experience with the recent epidemics or pan- scale, regular and effective transfer of knowledge
demics, including severe acute respiratory syn- and supplies can be extremely helpful in fighting
drome (SARS), H1N1 influenza, Middle East this virus not only at this stage but also in the
Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and, lastly, future (Kafieh et al. 2020). This transfer would be
Ebola, showed us that international collaboration particularly applicable to healthcare providers
is indispensable for preparedness to combat these who are on the frontline in the fight against
challenges (Jabbari et al. 2020). COVID-19 as well as to the educational pro-
The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the grams of the universities for training medical stu-
importance of collaborative scientific efforts. A dents who are future physicians (Mian and Khan
quintessential example of scientific collabora- 2020). For this purpose, other platforms can be
tions is the rapidly advancing knowledge of launched that run in parallel with the rapid pub-
COVID-19. For instance, the rapid sharing of the lishing of open-access scientific papers.
genomic sequence of COVID-19 paved the road
for investigating this virus by many researchers
all around the world at the same time (Wang 51.5 Scientific Networking: What
et  al. 2020). When it comes to the COVID-19 More Can We Do?
pandemic, we face an extremely rapid pace of
publishing data, which is not comparable with Despite all of our success, as a united body, we
our previous epidemic and pandemic experi- can take many extra collaborative scientific mea-
ences. As of the end of May 2020, nearly 14,000 sures in our fight against COVID-19 yet.
articles were registered in PubMed sharing clini- Conducting collaborative genetic studies in vari-
cal and epidemiological features of COVID-19, ous ethnicities to detect genetic predispositions
in vitro and in vivo investigations aimed to find can be an example of such efforts. The need for
an effective treatment and potential vaccines. such studies is justified by the role of the host
This immense sharing of data, which is com- immune system in the pathogenesis of COVID-­
monly open access, eases the path for other 19-­related multisystem involvement (Saghazadeh
51  Socialization During the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Social and Scientific Networks… 917

and Rezaei 2020a; Rokni et  al. 2020; Bahrami (Basiri et  al. 2020a; Sharifkashani et  al. 2020;
et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et  al. 2020a; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et  al.
Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei and Rezaei 2020b; Jabbari and Rezaei 2020).
2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020; Babaha and Rezaei Universal Scientific Education and Research
2020; Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Nasab et al. 2020; Network (USERN), founded in 2016 to promote
Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b; Pourahmad et al. borderless science (Rezaei 2016, 2017, 2018), is
2020; Ahanchian et al. 2020; Yazdanpanah et al. among the active organizations during the
2020b; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Saleki COVID-19 pandemic. As a united body, mem-
et  al. 2020; Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020), bers of this organization, from different scientific
reports of severe forms of COVID-19 within fields and more than 15 countries, have announced
some families (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020), their support for international cooperation and
and genetic algorithm proposals for modeling collaboration in combating this challenge
COVID-19 (Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020). (Mohamed et  al. 2020a; Momtazmanesh et  al.
Moreover, international cooperation can ease 2020; Rahmani 2020; Moradian et  al. 2020;
multi-site randomized clinical trials aimed to Rzymski et al. 2020).
explore effective drugs, whether already avail- To summarize, we can harness networking in
able old drugs or new drugs (Mohamed et  al. three significant fields: education, research, and
2020b). These collaborations can take giant steps advocacy of the healthcare system in terms of
in developing potential treatments (Lotfi et  al. prevention and treatment (Fig.  51.1). Social
2020; Rezaei 2020b) by bringing industry, aca- media can help us in the dissemination of reliable
demia, and public health entities together. Not information and fighting against misinformation,
only will these investigations contribute to find- which plays a significant role in preventing the
ing potential treatment options, but they also can spread of the virus. Networking can also be effec-
help us to deal with challenges (Sahu et al. 2020) tively utilized in improving healthcare and uni-
in developing and testing potential vaccines and versity medical education. We can use it in all the
rapid and reliable tools for diagnosis of a new forms of education, including distance learning
infection and its differentiation from a re-­ for the empowerment of the public and profes-
infection, which especially need to happen now sionals, making them more prepared for the fight

Fig. 51.1  The roles of

networking in
COVID-­19 pandemic
918 S. Momtazmanesh et al.

against COVID-19. Its substantial role in research Boehm K, Ziewers S, Brandt MP, Sparwasser P, Haack M,
Willems F, Thomas A, Dotzauer R, Hofner T, Tsaur
to find potential vaccines, treatments, and discov- I, Haferkamp A, Borgmann H (2020) Telemedicine
ering genomic variants causing severe forms of online visits in urology during the COVID-19
the disease is undeniable. pandemic-potential, risk factors, and Patients’
perspective. Eur Urol.
Breugelmans JG, Roberge G, Tippett C, Durning M,
51.6 Conclusion Struck DB, Makanga MM (2018) Scientific impact
increases when researchers publish in open access
To conclude, in the COVID-19 era, while we are and international collaboration: a bibliometric analy-
sis on poverty-related disease papers. PLoS One
encouraged to be physically far away from each 13(9):e0203156.
other, we need social and scientific networking pone.0203156
more than ever. Both social and scientific net- Busvine D (2020) Science platform ResearchGate
working provide us the advantage of minimizing launches COVID-19 community. Reuters. https://­health-­coronavirus-­tech-­
the harms of this pandemic and becoming more researchgate/science-­platform-­researchgate-­launches-­
durable and more prepared for fighting it. covid-­19-­community-­idUSKBN21O1QD. Accessed
Distance learning, telemedicine, and telehealth 20 April 2020
are among the most prominent applications of Canales K (2020) Photos show the precautions US cities
took to ‘flatten the curve’ during the 1918 Spanish Flu
networking during this pandemic. As we more pandemic Business Insider. https://www.businessin-
effectively harness the opportunities which are­flu-­pandemic-­1918-­precautions-­
provided by networking, we become more influ- us-­cities-­2020-­4
ential in the fight against COVID-19 and similar Chinchilla-Rodriguez Z, Sugimoto CR, Lariviere V
(2019) Follow the leader: on the relationship between
challenges. leadership and scholarly impact in international col-
laborations. PLoS One 14(6):e0218309. https://doi.
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Interdisciplinary Approaches
to COVID-19 52
Negar Moradian, Marjan Moallemian,
Farnaz Delavari, Constantine Sedikides,
Carlos A. Camargo Jr, Pedro J. Torres,
Armin Sorooshian, Saeid Paktinat Mehdiabadi,
Juan J. Nieto, Stephane Bordas, Hamid Ahmadieh,
Mohammad Abdollahi, Michael R. Hamblin,
Frank W. Sellke, Jack Cuzick, Bozkurt Biykem,
Michael Schreiber, Babak Eshrati, Georg Perry,
Ali Montazeri, Ali Akbar Saboury, Roya Kelishadi,
Amirhossein Sahebkar, Ali A. Moosavi-Movahed,
Hassan Vatandoost, Mofid Gorji-Bandpy,
Bahram Mobasher, and Nima Rezaei

tance of bringing together the world’s scien-
tists to find appropriate solutions for
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) controlling and managing the COVID-19 pan-
pandemic has been a significant concern demic. Interdisciplinary cooperation, through
worldwide. The pandemic has demonstrated modern scientific methods, could help to han-
that public health issues are not merely a
health concern but also affect society as a
whole. In this chapter, we address the impor-
F. Delavari
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
N. Moradian · N. Rezaei (*)
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine,
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
C. Sedikides
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Children’s
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
e-mail: Centre for Research on Self Identity, Department of
Psychology, School of Psychology, University of
M. Moallemian
Southampton, Southampton, UK
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran C. A. CamargoJr
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics,
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Faculty of Nutrition and Food Technology, National
Nutrition and food technology Research Institute, Department of Emergency Medicine, Massachusetts
Shahihd Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Tehran, Iran Boston, MA, USA

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 923
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
924 N. Moradian et al.

dle the consequences of the pandemic and to 30, 2020, there are more than 10 million people
avoid the recurrence of future pandemics. confirmed to have COVID-19 worldwide. Even
this disturbing amount is supposed to be just the
Keywords tip of the iceberg. The COVID-19 fatality rate is
probably around 0.02% to 0.4% (Ioannidis 2020);
Cooperation · COVID-19 · Interdisciplinary · though, due to the high infectivity of severe acute
Pandemic · Problem · Solution respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-­
CoV-­2) causing COVID-19 (Huang et al. 2020b),
the number of deaths has been high, with more
than 500,000 people died from COVID-19 as of
52.1 Introduction writing this. The pandemic has exposed the need
for a holistic commitment to developing health-
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), an infec- care systems around the world; only, for exam-
tion attributed to the severe acute respiratory syn- ple, during the pandemic, many scientists
drome of coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), attained worldwide have been carrying out studies related
pandemic proportions in early 2020 (Jabbari to the pandemic (Remuzzi and Remuzzi 2020;
et al. 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020). As of June Rzymski et al. 2020).
Public health is a practical and relevant area
for the implementation of interdisciplinary
P. J. Torres
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
research. Actions to enhance health services
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran quality include innovative strategies like the
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidad
de Granada, Granada, Spain
H. Ahmadieh
A. Sorooshian
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Ophthalmic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti
Department of Chemical and Environmental
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Engineering, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, USA M. Abdollahi
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences,
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA
Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC),
S. P. Mehdiabadi
The Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences (TIPS), and
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
School of Pharmacy, Tehran University of Medical
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Physics Department, Elementary Particle, Yazd
M. R. Hamblin
University, Yazd, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Faculty of Physics, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran (USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
J. J. Nieto Wellman Center for Photomedicine, Massachusetts
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network General Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran Boston, USA
Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidade de Santiago Laser Research Centre, Faculty of Health Science,
de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain University of Johannesburg,
Doornfontein, South Africa
S. Bordas
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network F. W. Sellke
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
University of Luxembourg, Institute of
Computational Engineering Sciences, Luxembourg, Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Department of
Cardiff University, Department of Applied and Surgery, Rhode Island Hospital, Alpert Medical
Computational Mechanics, Wales, UK School of Brown University, Providence, RI, USA
52  Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19 925

inclusion of related disciplines, such as medicine the evaluation, review, perception, interpretation
and pharmacy, molecular and cellular biology, of the health consequences of COVID-19 as well
microbiology and biochemistry, genetics, immu- as coping with them (Christakos et al. 2005).
nology, pharmacology, nutrition, psychology, Interdisciplinary study and evidence-based
epidemiology, economics, societal needs, com- treatment of COVID-19 is essential for many rea-
munication, and political sciences, health, and sons. One reason is the need by public health
nursing care services, physics and chemistry, policy analysts for science-based information on
geography, and statistics or computational sci- the efficacy and usefulness of interventions. Such
ences for big data management. All of these analysts may assist decision-makers when
diverse fields have study viewpoints that lead to addressing the needs and desires of the popula-
tion. Another reason is that this new human
J. Cuzick
pathogen requires interventions at multiple lev-
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network els, from the individual to societal. Collaboration
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Cancer Research UK Centre for Epidemiology,
Mathematics and Statistics, Wolfson Institute of
Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary University of
R. Kelishadi
London, London, UK
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
B. Biykem (USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Child Growth and Development Research Center,
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Research Institute for Primordial Prevention of
Winters Center for Heart Failure Research, Non-communicable Disease, Isfahan University of
Cardiovascular Research Institute, Baylor College of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Medicine, Houston, TX, USA
A. Sahebkar
M. Schreiber Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Biotechnology Research Center, Pharmaceutical
Institute of Physics, Technische Universität Technology Institute, Mashhad University of Medical
Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
B. Eshrati Neurogenic Inflammation Research Center, Mashhad
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
H. Vatandoost
Centre for Communicable Diseases Control, Ministry Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
of Health and Medical Education, Tehran, Iran (USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
G. Perry Department of Medical Entomology and Vector
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Control, School of Public Health, Tehran University
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
University of Texas at San Antonio, Biology and Department of Environmental Chemical Pollutants
Chemistry, One UTSA Circle, San Antonio, TX, USA and Pesticides, Institute for Environmental Research,
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
A. Montazeri
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network M. Gorji-Bandpy
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Population Health Research Group, Health Metrics
Research Center, Institute for Health Sciences Department of Mechanical Engineering, Babol
Research, ACECR, Tehran, Iran Noshirvany University of Technology, Babol, Iran
A. A. Saboury · A. A. Moosavi-Movahed B. Mobasher
Universal Scientific Education and Research Network Universal Scientific Education and Research Network
(USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran (USERN), The World, Tehran, Iran
Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University Department of Physics and Astronomy University of
of Tehran, Tehran, Iran California, Riverside, CA, USA
926 N. Moradian et al.

with an interdisciplinary focus can help achieve mission capacity (Lotfi et  al. 2020). Despite
these goals (Kivits et al. 2019; Yu et al. 2017). SARS-CoV having a higher fatality (9.6%), the
new coronavirus has caused many more deaths.
The dramatic rise in reported cases makes it par-
52.2 COVID-19 ticularly challenging to prevent and control
The twenty-first century has seen the appearance Scientists and policymakers around the world
and outbreak of three previously unknown coro- have taken urgent steps to monitor the outbreak
naviruses: severe acute coronavirus respiratory and carry out virologic, clinical, and epidemio-
syndrome (SARS-CoV) in 2003, Middle East logical studies (Chen et al. 2020c).
Coronavirus Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-­
CoV) in 2012, and 2019 novel coronavirus
(2019-nCoV, later officially named SARS-­ 52.3 The Importance
CoV-­2) in December 2019 (Tu et al. 2020). The of Interdisciplinary Research
current pandemic of COVID-19, initially seen in
China’s Hubei Province, has spread to almost The pandemic has made it clear that COVID-19
every nation in the world (Li et  al. 2020b). On not only causes physical health damage but also
January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization poses a mental health threat and can stir major
(WHO) announced a public health alert based on economic, social, and societal upheaval.
increasing cases of COVID-19 observed in China Therefore, COVID-19 does not merely fall in the
and subsequently in other areas around the world purview of medical sciences; also, it is a matter
(Velavan and Meyer 2020). This global health of urgency for economics, behavioral and social
alert came just 1  month after the first officially sciences (e.g., physical distancing rules, social
recorded case in Hubei, another proof of the high isolation), and political decision-making (e.g.,
infectivity of this virus (WHO 2020b). border control, unemployment) (Moradian et al.
Coronaviruses are enveloped RNA viruses 2020; Dimant and Schulte 2019). The synergy of
that mostly infect birds and mammals. Before the diverse fields of expertise promises to contribute
three coronaviruses causing outbreaks appeared, to understanding, prevention, and management
four other coronaviruses, including 229E of the detrimental consequences of COVID-19
(alphacoronavirus), NL63 (alphacoronavirus), (Hartley and Perencevich 2020). We advocate
OC43 (betacoronavirus), and HKU1 (betacoro- such an interdisciplinary approach in this chap-
navirus), were identified in humans. They cause ter, where researchers work jointly, but also from
mild infection in the upper respiratory tract, like a disciplinary-specific base, to solve the common
the common cold, and much less frequently do problem (Okumus et  al. 2018; Mohamed et  al.
they cause severe lower respiratory tract infec- 2020a).
tions (Weiss and Leibowitz 2011). However the We provide examples below on the role of dif-
three coronaviruses causing crises of SARS, ferent sciences for controlling and managing the
MERS, and COVID-19, in essence, invade the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout, we empha-
lower respiratory tracts, though after the entry size the importance of experts’ cooperation for
into upper respiratory tracts (Lotfi and Rezaei achieving a proper solution to this pandemic and
2020). for decreasing the chances of similar natural
The SARS-CoV-2 virus affects not only the disasters in the future.
respiratory system but also the digestive, gastro-
intestinal, hepatic, and central nervous systems
(Rodriguez-Morales et  al. 2020; Arentz et  al. 52.3.1 Physics, Chemistry,
2020; Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b; Jahanshahlu and and Engineering
Rezaei 2020a; Saleki et al. 2020). Compared to
SARS-CoV, which triggered an outbreak of COVID-19 transmission mainly happens through
SARS in 2003, SARS-CoV-2 has a higher trans- droplets containing the virus, which are formed
52  Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19 927

in the respiratory tract of an infected person and and gowns, as well as detecting the virus and
come out of the mouth and nose when breathing, monitoring the physiological condition of the
coughing, or sneezing (Huang et  al. 2020c). In person wearing the clothes, alleviates some of
particular, droplet transmission or contact route those health risks (Medicine 2006; Livingston
of transmission occurs through physical contact et al. 2020).
with droplets on the surface or direct transmis- It is also advantageous to use disposable
sion into the mouth or eyes, while airborne trans- equipment to reduce the production of plastic
mission occurs through inhalation (Shereen et al. waste. The role of chemists and engineers work-
2020). ing together to mass produce these products is
The rules of physics modulate virus transmis- becoming more and more crucial (Huang et  al.
sion. Virus-infected particles showing up through 2020a).
sneezing or coughing behave differently. After
leaving the mouth or nose, the particles mainly
join the other particles in the air and move with 52.3.2 Mathematics and Computer
them (Bourouiba et al. 2014). Science
Physics can predict the particles’ type of
motion by examining their behavior, which Mathematical and epidemiological modeling is
depends on their size and speed. For example, essential in forecasting, detecting, and monitor-
small particles are suspended in the air and move ing epidemics. In order to better understand and
upward, polluting the ventilation system in the model the complexities of an outbreak like
ceiling (Bourouiba et al. 2014). Therefore, access COVID-19, researchers need to consider several
to different models of particle motion can help to factors, ranging from host-pathogen interactions
predict contamination at different levels. The to host-to-host encounters and the predominant
chemical composition of the respirable aerosols political, social, economic, and local parameters
containing the virus impacts on how much the worldwide (Soheilypour and Mofrad 2018).
aerosols can change in size upon inhalation Mathematical modelers use evidence from recent
owing to hygroscopic growth, which will ulti- and long-past outbreaks to determine who could
mately determine if and where the aerosols will be affected, where vaccine efforts may be more
deposit in the respiratory system (Youn et  al. successful, and how to minimize the spread of the
2016). virus.
Either way, it is vital to disinfect all surfaces For example, a recent study implicated cell
efficiently. Chemistry can change the properties phones, along with online surveys, for data col-
of materials in nanoscale to increase the self-­ lection purposes. Such self-reported clinical data
sanitization capacity of metal surfaces (Saccucci can be used for preliminary screening and early
et  al. 2018). It would be particularly useful in identification of COVID-19 cases. Thousands of
hospitals. Another beneficial surface decontami- data points can be analyzed by artificial intelli-
nation solution has been recently obtained by gence (AI) system that can assess and stratify
physicists. They proposed that violet/blue (400– people in terms of risk status (i.e., no risk, low
470 nm) light is antimicrobial against numerous risk, moderate risk, high risk). Identified high-­
bacteria and even viruses. Empirical research has risk cases might then be quarantined early,
demonstrated that this is a low-cost and safe thereby reducing the possibility of virus trans-
opportunity to sanitize equipment, hospital facili- mission (Srinivasa Rao and Vazquez 2020).
ties, emergency care vehicles, homes, and the Another newly investigated route for data collec-
general environment (Enwemeka et  al. 2020; tion, and a more objective one, is the analysis of
Kowalski et al. 2020). wastewater as a way to estimate the total number
Moreover, personal protective equipment of infected persons in a city. Virologists can
(PPE) restrictions have posed health risks for locate traces of the virus in the water and then,
medical staff. Improving PPE, such as by reusing with an adequate network model of the wastewa-
gloves, masks, air-purifying respirators, goggles, ter system developed by mathematicians, can
928 N. Moradian et al.

track the virus back to its origin to identify hot ule, specific models of communication and trans-
spots. On this basis, scientists can plan for appro- mission networks are applied to investigate the
priate action depending, for instance, on postal impact of the network system on the dissemina-
code (EPFL Scientists 2020; Mallapaty 2020). tion of epidemics. It is one of the most challeng-
In order to make reliable predictions with a ing modules.
mathematical model, one would need to have Tracing apps such as STOPCOVID (in
accurate estimates of the parameters concerned. France), Corona-Warn-App (Germany), and
Data fitting is the method of modifying system Ariana (Luxembourg) help build the network of
templates and evaluating the accuracy of fit. The contacts within a population, which can have a
introduction of an effective and consistent proto- significant impact on the design of confinement
col for calculating the number of sick, deceased, and deconfinement strategies. From a given
and recovered cases and for unifying various pro- infected person, these apps, based on low-energy
tocols at the international level is essential to the Bluetooth technologies, enable the safe and
calculation of accurate estimates (roland Oliphant privacy-­aware tracing of contacts, without any
2020; Rafa de Miguel et al. 2020). Dynamic sim- global positioning system. In turn, smartphone
ulation, game theory, and spatial modeling will applications can also be used to track symptoms
be of growing importance in understanding the and hence help predict the spread of the pan-
biology of complex systems. These approaches demic and are invaluable in providing a rational
can also illuminate the complexities of interac- and quantitative approach to estimating the main
tions between pathogens and their host (Ewald parameters appearing in epidemiological models,
et al. 2020). be they agent-based or equation-based (Ariana-­
Two statistical mechanisms specific to a pan- tech 2020).
demic such as COVID-19 are stochastic and Such systems, together with information tech-
susceptible-­ infected-recovered (SIR). The sto- nology (e.g., bioinformatics, big data analytics,
chastic simulation includes all statistical equa- computer intelligence, artificial intelligence, sen-
tions of random variables in the function sors, image recognition), are used worldwide by
assignment. In other words, the stochastic simu- public health authorities to analyze and establish
lation uses random assignment for predictive strategies for ever-emerging infectious diseases
functions, which is useful in the early stages of and to respond to outbreaks (Ewald et al. 2020;
virus dissemination (Ming et al. 2016). The SIR Seno and Dansu 2019; Siettos and Russo 2013;
model has a robust predictive capacity extended Dansu and Seno 2019).
to circumstances where people infect each other
explicitly (Adamu et  al. 2019). However, in
recent years, spatial frameworks and, in particu- 52.3.3 Biological Sciences
lar, network theory (as a model for road networks
or flight connections) and metapopulation have Biological science offers a greater understanding
proven relevant in understanding the dynamics of of pathogen-host interactions via molecular biol-
virus transmission (Huppert and Katriel 2013; ogy and computational biology advances devel-
Rihan and Anwar 2012). Network theory pro- oped during the first decade of the twenty-first
poses that simple mathematical models of epi- century (Aderem et al. 2011; Li et al. 2020a). In
demics presume a random combination between particular, computational methods of drug dis-
people, which is not the case in practice. covery can help select among the best existing
Populations have a structure, and people appear drugs for COVID-19 treatment during the pan-
to communicate with a tiny minority of the popu- demic (Mohamed et al. 2020c).
lation. Contacts or connections between entities The control of COVID-19 depends to a con-
are a network, and infectious diseases that trans- siderable extent on two factors. The first factor is
mit by direct interaction may propagate only the discovery of testing methods and kits to esti-
through the networks and pathways. In this mod- mate the extent of the pandemic accurately. The
52  Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19 929

second factor is the development of new vac- rent casanova 2020). However, it is equally
cines. Testing kits are the product of research on important to explain the deadly disease that is
biomedical sciences and engineering. Ideally, sometimes found in the younger population. For
they are designed to provide high precision and example, there might be an inherent, inborn error
fast detection for mitigating the transmission of in immunity associated with COVID-19 infec-
disease in the population (Speers 2006; Chen tion in younger individuals (Darbeheshti and
et al. 2020b; Konrad et al. 2020). Rezaei 2020).
Regarding vaccine development, scientists
need to identify viral epitopes that could be used
as therapeutic targets and that not only activate 52.3.4 Social and Economic Sciences
the immune system but also recognize the virus
as a target (Ahmed et  al. 2020b; Sharifkashani The occurrence of illness and the propagation of
et al. 2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b). More epidemics rely on individual behavior, the social
than 100 vaccines are being produced against systems, and the political and societal climate
SARS-CoV-2 by research teams in universities that could discriminate between different sectors
and companies around the world. Scientists are of the society in terms of race and socioeconomic
exploring various techniques, some of which status (Arthur et  al. 2017; Cauchemez et  al.
have not historically been used in an approved 2011). Once exclusion rules and social contact
vaccine. At least eight projects have now started limitations (e.g., spatial distances) are placed into
to administer substances into participants in practice (Uchenna and Ossai 2016; Parmet and
health trials; many others have started testing in Sinha 2020), social scientists must be mindful of
animals. There are now more than a half-dozen the psychological, behavioral, and economic
candidates, including live viruses, recombinant implications of these decisions. Social and clini-
protein subunits, and nucleic acids, that could cal psychology, as well as psychiatry, illustrates
lead to an effective vaccine against COVID-19 the psychological problems (e.g., loneliness,
(Chen et al. 2020a). depression) associated with social isolation (Liu
A look into the future is that current molecular et al. 2012; Hawryluck et al. 2004; Hawkley and
biology methods have the potential to offer infor- Cacioppo 2010).
mation beyond simply identifying causative Communication of facts about COVID-19 is
agents for recently found infectious diseases, another critical issue. Many people doubt the
such as COVID-19, but could also inform us veracity of information disseminated by politi-
about the emergence of other novel pathogens, cians but are more receptive to information dis-
the longevity of infectious processes in nature, seminated by scientists. Indeed, the presence of
the study of the origins of this and other pandem- scientists on TV, the press, and, more generally,
ics, and the resistance mechanisms of different social media is becoming increasingly preva-
host classes (Rezaei 2020b; Rabiee et al. 2020). lent. Also, some people are susceptible to fake
This knowledge could culminate in the creation news (Sheera Frenkel and Zhong 2020) or con-
of DNA and RNA banking for the study of patho- spiracy theories (Emma Grey Ellis 2020). These
genic gene encoding factors (Speers 2006; Qu can be debunked with counter-persuasion tech-
et  al. 2020; Yousefi and Moosavi-Movahedi niques, such as inoculation (exposing people to
2020; Wong et al. 2007; Ahmed et al. 2020a). a weak argument to build their defenses against
Various theories have also arisen from this a more robust argument) (Banas and Rains
virus by scientists looking forward to demon- 2010) or nudge (prompting people to consider
strating a novel disease mechanism. According to accuracy) (Bago et al. 2020). For more informa-
one of the theories suggested by Jean-Laurent tion on infodemic and misinformation, we rec-
Casanova of Rockefeller University, immunode- ommend the following materials offered by the
ficiency leads, at least in part, to severe disease WHO (WHO 2020a, c; Organization, PAH
and high mortality among the elderly (jean lau- 2020).
930 N. Moradian et al.

Moreover, COVID-19 has enormous socio- Here, we emphasize that the borderless approach
economic consequences. With the massive and should also be imposed within the branches of
systematic rise in international travel and com- medical sciences itself. For years, medical sci-
merce, pandemic outbreaks can cause economic ences have been put into the solid box of the lin-
shock waves that reach way beyond the conven- ear model (Godin 2006), which indicates a
tional health system and extend beyond the initial sequence of predisposing achievements to make
geographic range of the pathogen (Smith et  al. innovation (and more specifically, intervention)
2019). During the first months of the outbreak, possible. However, in extraordinary circum-
the economic consequences were limited to stances, an integrated approach could yield a
China and affected China’s economy by disrup- faster and more appropriate response. For exam-
tion and a drop in goods production. As a result, ple, the usual perspective on diseases suggests
the entire supply chain has been disrupted, given that management protocols follow the identifica-
that China provides essential equipment and tion of the disease pathophysiology. In the case of
materials to businesses and organizations world- the new pandemic, though, the race to identify
wide (Warwick et  al. 2020). The effect of the pathogenesis was launched alongside (and
COVID-19 on the global economy has been not before) attempts to identify treatment
much higher than that of SARS. In 2002, China approaches (Cao and Li 2020).
played a minor role in the global economy, but As the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths
today it has become an economic powerhouse increases globally, the healthcare policymakers
(Bobdey and Ray 2020). Also, the virus has have re-oriented research on prevention, identify-
spread far beyond China and is having a direct ing risk factors, and estimating their future impact
impact on economies worldwide. Analysts, for (Bedford et al. 2020; Kafieh et al. 2020). As pre-
example, expect that the pandemic will result in a ventive and treatment approaches advance, the
projected annual economic loss of 2–3% of role of health system design is becoming critical
global gross domestic product (GDP) in the com- in achieving equity and efficiency in the distribu-
ing year (Oxford Economics 2020). tion of screening and care services (Bollyky et al.
Economists can encourage the need for com- 2020). This development and fairness would be
panies to become pandemic resilient by building drastically anticipated at the time of reaching
political, organizational, and financial resilience effective treatment or vaccines. Moreover, the
and declare that these measures are a duty of care frequent updates on protocols for healthcare pro-
for society and the environment. viders and critical caregivers remain vital in pro-
Intergovernmental coordination is a crucial com- viding standard care. However, the mental and
ponent in controlling COVID-19. Coordinated physical care provided specifically for the health-
measures are required to ensure that all external care staff has not attracted the research attention
causes are taken into consideration to minimize it deserves (Li et  al. 2020c). Such research is
the transmission of the virus across borders and especially important, because a prolonged over-
to deter future pandemics, and this is important drive in healthcare is anticipated (Rezaei 2020a;
given the risk for re-infection with COVID-19 Moazzami et  al. 2020). On another level, fast
(Jabbari and Rezaei 2020). decision-making and providing palliative care
could benefit from the involvement of both
­medical ethics and healthcare management (The
52.3.5 Medical Sciences Lancet 2020).
Aside from tackling strategies at a population
Medical sciences are expected to spearhead the level, an interdisciplinary response to individual
effort to address the pandemic, although, as we care is also relevant. The virus attacks multiple
have argued, the frontline role of medical sci- systems. Patients may evince respiratory failure
ences would not diminish the importance of as well as cardiovascular complications, includ-
interdisciplinary research (Moradian et al. 2020). ing myocardial injury, clot formation, vascular
52  Interdisciplinary Approaches to COVID-19 931

injury, and inflammation in different vascular follow-up care. On the other hand, the long-term
beds, stroke, rhythm abnormalities, renal injury, somatic impact of the virus is still unknown
liver failure, coagulation abnormalities, cytokine (Morlacco et al. 2020). Medical scientists are in
storm, vascular collapse, and shock (Rismanbaf search of an effective plan for COVID-19 preven-
2020). The strain of multiple systems has chal- tion, treatment, and rehabilitation. This plan rests
lenged pharmacology (Zaim et al. 2020) and dif- on an interdisciplinary approach involving infec-
ferent medical disciplines, particularly cardiology tion, re-infection, and immunity, epidemiology,
(Shamshirian and Rezaei 2020), immunology physical distancing, recognition of the acute and
(Ahanchian et  al. 2020; Babaha and Rezaei asymptomatic disease, acute and chronic long-­
2020), oncology (Ahmadi et al. 2020), and hema- term multisystem complications, and clinical
tology (Sahu et al. 2020). However, searching for outcomes like morbidity and mortality, treat-
other frequent manifestations of the disease ment, and vaccination.
might open new avenues for early diagnosis and
treatment of the disease (Basiri et  al. 2020a).
Furthermore, the state of immunological hyper-­ 52.4 Conclusion
inflammation may play a fundamental role in the
morbidity and mortality of patients, particularly Interdisciplinary research must be central to the
younger ones (Merad and Martin 2020; Rokni international response to the COVID-19 pan-
et  al. 2020; Bahrami et  al. 2020; Yazdanpanah demic, given its potential deleterious impact on
et  al. 2020a; Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; individuals and society. The first half of 2020 has
Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020a; Pashaei and witnessed one of the greatest scientific collabora-
Rezaei 2020; Nasab et  al. 2020). This prospect tions, with experts crossing physical and intellec-
has called for the mobilization of multiple tual boundaries (Mohamed et  al. 2020a) and
branches of medicine – including immunology producing evidence-based guidance for respond-
(Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Pashaei and Rezaei ing to the pandemic (Holmes et  al. 2020).
2020; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Pourahmad COVID-19 has become a turning point for estab-
et al. 2020; Fathi and Rezaei 2020), personalized lishing the importance of interdisciplinary
medicine (Basiri et  al. 2020b), and genetics research. In this context, the contribution of
(Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020; Darbeheshti health-related international bodies in integrating
and Rezaei 2020) – in reaching a consensus over knowledge about the virus and improving the
the potentially most effective therapeutic tech- management of infections worldwide has been
niques. Ultimately, properly designed (and inter- invaluable. These bodies include the World
preted) randomized controlled trials are necessary Health Organization (WHO), International Union
to test the many therapies proposed for COVID-­19 of Nutritional Science (IUNS), International
formally. These trials will benefit from clinical Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
trialists, biostatisticians, and other members of (IUBMB), Food and Agriculture Organization
effective clinical trial research teams. (FAO), and Non-governmental Organizations
As the COVID-19 infection continues to (NGOs) as well as international consortia such as
spread globally, the many branches of medical Universal Scientific Education and Research
sciences are active and will keenly engage in the Network (USERN) (Momtazmanesh et al. 2020;
foreseeable future, often needing to take preemp- Mohamed et  al. 2020b). In particular, USERN
tive action. For example, as mentioned above, the has allowed the Integrated Science Association
pandemic will inflict mental health scars, such as (ISA) to integrate different disciplines. ISA is
anxiety and depression (Vieta et  al. 2020). The built on top scientists and provides its members
anticipation of such consequences will inform a with a platform for moving beyond their own dis-
comprehensive approach concerning lockdowns, cipline. The Integrated Science book series is
isolation strategies, treatment approaches, and entitled to use such a platform.
932 N. Moradian et al.

Acknowledgments  We would like to thank Prof. Jagan syndrome in children: first case from Iran. J Paediatr
Mohan Rao for his critical comments on this chapter. Child Health.
Banas JA, Rains SA (2010) A meta-analysis of research
on inoculation theory. Commun Monogr 77(3):281–
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Health and Art (HEART):
Integrating Science and Art 53
to Fight COVID-19

Nima Rezaei , Aida Vahed, Heliya Ziaei,

Negin Bashari, Saina Adiban Afkham,
Fatemeh Bahrami, Sara Bakhshi,
Alireza Ghanadan, Atlasi Ghanadan,
Nastaran Hosseini, Pariya Kafi,
Reihaneh Khalilianfard, Kawthar Mohammed,
Sepideh Sargoli, Kosar Tavasoli, Mahya Zare,
and Amene Saghazadeh

the central nervous system by affecting the
immune system, either directly or indirectly.
Netting individuals separated from each other The COVID-19 condition, thus, calls for a
by vast distances; the present condition of necessary compensation of loneliness to
COVID-19 needs art and its extraordinary reduce the psychological impact of the pan-
capacity to connect human beings and inte- demic. Not only art can fulfill this purpose by
grate scientific disciplines. We can predict that meeting social affiliation needs, but also its
the COVID-19 pandemic would leave the
mind lonely and vulnerable to diseases, for, on
the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic and A. Vahed · H. Ziaei · N. Bashari · S. A. Afkham ·
F. Bahrami · S. Bakhshi · A. Ghanadan · A. Ghanadan ·
related problems, in particular social isolation, N. Hosseini · P. Kafi · R. Khalilianfard ·
are itself stressor. On the other hand, studies K. Mohammed · K. Tavasoli · M. Zare
confirm the potential of COVID-19 to involve Health and Art (HEART), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), Tehran,
S. Sargoli
N. Rezaei (*) Association of Science and Art (ASA), Universal
Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran Scientific Education and Research Network
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (USERN), Tehran, Iran
Integrated Science Association (ISA), Universal A. Saghazadeh
Scientific Education and Research Network Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Tehran
(USERN), Tehran, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Health and Art (HEART), Universal Scientific
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Education and Research Network (USERN),
Tehran, Iran
Health and Art (HEART), Universal Scientific
Education and Research Network (USERN), MetaCognition Interest Group (MCIG), Universal
Tehran, Iran Scientific Education and Research Network
e-mail: (USERN), Tehran, Iran

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 937
N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,
938 N. Rezaei et al.

related creativity is a definite achievement of erature, philosophy, ethics, history, and religion,
the performer while acting as a motivation which, when integrated, can provide opportuni-
facilitator of creation for the observer. Besides, ties for special patient-physician relationships
artworks that illustrate effective hygiene (Stewart and Swain 2016). Patient-physician
behaviors and physical distancing in an easy-­ relationships can be a powerful tool for identify-
to-­understand manner could help health infor- ing and addressing patients’ unmet needs (Hafizi
mation systems to control the spread of et  al. 2014). Active listening and observing the
COVID-19. The integration of art with bio- patients while they are sharing their story are the
medical science applied for simulation of the skills required for the identification of patients’
infected population, lung imaging data, and problems, while empathy and self-reflection are a
the viral surface has been useful for prediction first step toward addressing the source of the indi-
of the spread of disease and earlier diagnosis vidual problem.
of COVID-19 by imaging techniques and Arts in practice can, in general, encourage sto-
might be a contributor to drug discovery for rytelling, enhance empathy in the healthcare
COVID-19. Also, arts admirably influence the environment, and help patients and practitioners
immunoemotional regulatory system so that develop effective communication. In particular,
not only would it enable humanity to tolerate visual and performing artists help people learn
quarantine but also enhance antiviral immu- and analyze arts, by which the brain would rescue
nity. More interestingly, the effects of dance immersion in thoughts of disease, disability, and
have been observed in children, elderly, death, break the silence, and create his arts. When
healthcare workers, and pregnant women, creating arts, people have opportunities to express
which have been of special attention during their emotions, improve self-awareness and self-­
the COVID-19 pandemic. In summary, arts reflection, and build better coping mechanisms.
provide us powerful tools for tolerating the Accordingly, the arts offer a form of
quarantine time and enhancing the immune psychotherapy.
system, educating behavioral tips for hygiene While professionals steadily insist on harvest-
practices and physical distancing and in psy- ing physical and mental islands of health by deep
chosocial care of vulnerable populations dur- borders, the evidence is mounting that the psy-
ing the pandemic. chological states closely correlate to the physio-
logical states, as such psychiatric disorders to the
Keywords physical diseases (Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2019;
Saghazadeh et al. 2019a). Beyond the act of art as
Art · COVID-19 · Health · Metacognition · psychotherapy, we can, therefore, expect that
Integrated sciences · Social isolation physical health have been improved by the treat-
ment of mental health with the arts. As reviewed
in Stuckey and Nobel (2010), current literature
corroborates that art-based interventions produce
53.1 Introduction benefits to both psychological and physiological
Health promotion is the mission of medicine that Uncertainty is a well-appreciated source of
will be well-accomplished by humanities think- stress, and uncertainty conditions where a sur-
ing interdisciplinarity, not focusing on biomedi- prise is expected to cause emotional responses
cal thinking merely. Medical humanities is an can affect both the brain and systemic function
interdisciplinary field developed for this purpose. (Greco and Roger 2003; Monat et al. 1972; Peters
It involves different fields of science, such as lit- et  al. 2017). Under these conditions, the verte-
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 939

brate brain increases the energy budgets as a 53.2 Definition of Health

means of mitigating the uncertainty. Persistent
increases in cerebral energy correspond to cogni- The definitions of health and disease reflect the
tive impairment. Also, the whole body, in the nature of human and so must dynamically relate
attempt to meet the increased demand of the to the degree to which humanity demands on bio-
brain, faces challenges, which particularly trou- logical and psychosocial aspects. A dynamic
ble the autonomic cardiovascular function. In this definition of health can be formulated as
manner, the selfish act of the brain can lead to follows:
cardio- and cerebrovascular events, and uncertain Health is a dynamic state of wellbeing character-
conditions are a trigger of this act. ized by a physical, mental and social potential,
In December 2019, a new coronavirus which satisfies the demands of a life commensu-
occurred to humans (hCoV). This small envel- rate with age, culture, and personal responsibility.
If the potential is insufficient to satisfy these
oped virus, called severe acute respiratory syn- demands the state is disease. (Bircher 2005)
drome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), with
approximately 120  nm in diameter, could Where the term “disease” refers to deviations of
spread worldwide and has already caused a health due to different conditions people have
global pandemic, with more than 400,000 peo- been exposed to them. Thus, it covers the full
ple died by mid-June 2020. The so-called coro- range of states, including malady, illness, ill
navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has shown health, and sickness, that call for medical care. In
the ability to spread in the body and affect this manner, health is identical to the potential to
critical organs. It can have potentially fatal manage short-term, medium-term, and long-term
consequences, though it will either remain demands that happen throughout life, and this
asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic in potential would be dependent on biological and
more than 80% of cases. In the current pan- individual factors. During the COVID-19 pan-
demic condition, uncertainties exist in various demic, genetic factors seem to make some fami-
research areas, including the prevention, trans- lies highly susceptible to severe phenotypes of
mission, management, and treatment of disease (Yousefzadegan and Rezaei 2020;
COVID-19. Therefore, it has challenged not Darbeheshti and Rezaei 2020; Ahanchian et  al.
only human physical health but also his mental 2020), and, also, more than 95% of deaths are
health. Such large numbers of incidence and reported over the age of 44 years. Genetic factors
death have made the 2020 pandemic of and age are biological factors that can protect or
COVID-19 as a top-­ranked source of stress for predispose the host to the COVID-19 (Babaha
humans. Moreover, physical distancing is and Rezaei 2020), while personal hygiene culture
maintained as an indication of that highly con- is an individual factor affecting health during the
tagious disease, and, consequently, social sup- disaster.
port and its power of stress-­buffering under
current conditions are not permitted. COVID-
19 has shown a global capacity for inflicting 53.3 Integration of Science
people from patients and society to healthcare and Art
professionals (Yazdanpanah et al. 2020b). Now
stress has filled the home and healthcare envi- On the joy of understanding the way an artist has
ronments, and that the popular way of social used different elements in constructing a work of
support to relieve stress does not apply to the art as a whole, we can understand the compo-
present time, the virtual forms of art might nents by which the self is assembled (Räsänen
help to bridge the physical distances between 1998). When perceiving our self as just an ele-
people and then become capable of improve- ment of that work of art, we can value our current
ment of their health. position, and evaluate the individual limits of our
940 N. Rezaei et al.

function, and find clues to locate ourselves closer engaged with art activities, either as an observer
to the goals of the perfect world. or as a performer, people experience improve-
The art of art goes beyond the basic emotion ment in short-term and also long-term emotions.
of happiness by providing a privilege to think Considering the reciprocal interaction between
without boundaries. For this, despite its neurobi- the psychological and physiological health, the
ological mechanisms remained to be fully under- result of this experience is represented by both
stood, art integration is a solution to bridge the psychological and physiological parameters.
gap between disciplines and figure out interdisci- Such effects are attributed to the action of arts on
plinary and transdisciplinary platforms. In sci- strengthening creativity, imagination, self-­
ence and research, these platforms produce fruits expression, and self-reflection. This view is sup-
that we could never find in the context of each ported by evidence of the most noticeable effects
discipline separately. For example, biomedical in the case of engagement with creative and
engineering integrates engineering science with expressive art activities, including music engage-
the biological and medical sciences to solve ment, visual arts therapy, movement-based cre-
health-related problems. Imaging and visual arts ative expression, and expressive writing (Stuckey
are a means of simulation and illustration that fill and Nobel 2010).
up the interval between engineering and biomed-
ical sciences. Also, the integration of art with
education would pave the way for the cultivation 53.4.1 Universal Scientific Education
of productive styles and skills, such as empathy and Research Network
(Bradshaw 2016; Reif and Grant 2010), learning, (USERN)
and creativity (Marshall 2005). Altogether, with
the integration of science and art and the possibil- In 2015, the Universal Scientific Education and
ity of scientific problems being transformed into Research Network (USERN) was established as
aesthetic experiences, we can adopt a new an independent, nongovernmental, and non-
approach to systems thinking (Marshall 2014). profit organization binding humanity together
Early diagnosis was and is a matter of concern with the purpose of education and research for
since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. Real-­ all people who feel passionate about science,
time reverse transcription-polymerase chain irrespective of the GPS coordinates on which
reaction (RT-PCR) testing for the causative virus, they reside. USERN has provided a network to
SARS-CoV-2, is challenged with accuracy, preci- incorporate credible sources, including ideas,
sion, rapidity, and stability issues (Li et al. 2020b; facilities, human, financial, and educational
Tahamtan and Ardebili 2020; Tang et al. 2020). resources, into life and continuously strives to
Analysis of X-ray and computed tomography improve credibility in science. The USERN has
(CT) images could help earlier and more reliable connected more than 13,000 people and 100
detection of patients (Tang et  al. 2020). Also, universities across the world, though it is not
visual arts applied for the education of physical 6  years old yet. The USERN board is consti-
distancing, traveling, mask-wearing, and hygiene tuted of Nobel laureates, Abel laureates, and top
behaviors, which are vital for controlling the scientists and provides support and supervision
spread of disease. for junior members of the USERN who actively
work in the well-­ defined interest groups of
USERN.  The publication of more than 600
53.4 H
 istory of Health and Art high-quality research papers is only one repre-
(HEART) sentative of the reliability of this network in the
last 5 years. The USERN celebrates its congress
As mentioned above, the concept of health allows festival each year in the week in which
us to bring the biological and psychosocial November 10, the World Science Day for Peace
aspects in one close association flexibly. When and Development, falls.
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 941

53.4.2 Health and Art (HEART) Kick4Sick (miniWorldCup)

The Kick4Sick (miniWorldCup) is a football
Just after its establishment, the USERN initiated competition organized by the HEART group at
a series of Heart and Art (HEART) activities. In the national level. Kick4Sick offers inpatient tod-
the HEART group, medical doctors work hand in dlers and kids playing football. Adults who are
hand with artists aimed at providing art platforms famous footballers (former and current), celebri-
to boost the mental health of patients, especially ties, and medical doctors perform the coaching
children, and thereby helping to improve the like- sessions prior to the main competition. They use
lihood of successful medical care and treatment. tips and strategies by observing which children
For this purpose, the HEART group uses social and teens learn effective team working and know
media to inform members of healthcare centers hospital as not only a place for undergoing diag-
about the effect of art on health and introduce no-­ nostic and therapeutic procedures but as a place
cost ways of enhancing the nonverbal communi- for treating pain and suffering, playing, and hav-
cation skills to help sick people and their families ing fun, thereby helping them to build a positive
to express their feelings, control their emotions, picture of the hospital in their mind. Figure 53.2
have less anxiety, and experience less pain. Also, is selected from the miniWorldCup records.
the HEART group holds various programs mak-
ing a calm and hopeful atmosphere in healthcare HEART Band
centers. Some programs encourage sick patients HEART band is made up of pediatric patients
to become actively engaged, helping them to who are amazing in playing music. DAL band
develop a healthy and happy sense of self-­ works with pediatric musicians to direct perfor-
confidence and self-efficiency. mance (Fig. 53.3). These bands came together in
two live music performances. International Festival
of Pediatric Patients’ International Village
Painting (IFPPP) of Games and Art
The International Festival of Pediatric Patients’ In 2018, the theme of World Mental Health Day
Painting (IFPPP) is an annual painting festival for was defined as “Young people and mental health
children and adolescents aged <18 years with a in a changing world.” The theme reflects con-
history of admission to the hospital. Annually, the cerns about the consequences of the changing
top three paintings in each age category (Group world for mental health, especially in young peo-
A, up to 6 years; Group B, 7–10 years old; Group ple. Also, it is consistent with the research pro-
C, 11–14  years old; and Group D, 15–18  years viding evidence of the recent trends of rising
old) are awarded, and the top 200 paintings will stress-related consequences in children, in par-
be printed in a booklet. The exhibition and award- ticular, fear of failure and psychosomatic issues
ing ceremony of the IFPPP festival took place in (Stueck and Gloeckner 2005). Immediately, the
Iran (November 2015), Hungary (October 2016), HEART group made the event of the interna-
Ukraine (November 2017), Iran (August 2018), tional village of games and art aimed at enhanc-
and Hungary (November 2019). However, differ- ing children’s mental health. The event team
ent countries celebrate this festival annually and members were international medical students
announce the top-ranked painting in their own who could provide fun ideas for the easy intro-
country. Figure  53.1 shows the painting gallery duction of national and international arts to chil-
opening of the fifth IFPPP held at more than 40 dren. The village designed spaces for gaming
centers in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Finland, Hungary, competitions and painting in parallel. Recycling
India, Iran, Italy, Peru, Romania, Russia, processes of waste materials, sound recording
Slovenia, South Africa, Turkey, Ukraine, and the and reproduction, live radio, and Shahnameh-­
USA.  The sixth IFPPP will take place in Iran Khani were performed at the place of the village
(November 2020). in front of children and their parents. Figure 53.4
942 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.1  The painting gallery opening of the fifth IFPPP held at more than 40 centers across the world

Fig. 53.2 The
miniWorldCup held at
the Children Hospital
Medical Center, Tehran,

shows some children’s activities that took place (ASA) was established to provide a fertile ground
in the event. for joined artistic and scientific activities. For
this, ASA developed a series of 12-min talks
prompting junior scientists to present in public
53.4.3 Association of Science and Art coming alongside junior artists who make an art-
(ASA) work. The votes of the audience, including senior
scientists and artists, are counted to determine the
As mentioned earlier, the integration of science winners of these talks, known as the USERN
and art supports a wise act, making outcomes miniature talks. These talks were first held in the
easier and more sensible to gain for both parties. year 2018, and the last minute 2018 event was a
Therefore, the Association of Science and Art theater of science reached on December 31, 2018,
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 943

Fig. 53.3  The HEART band: the group of pediatric musicians

Fig. 53.4 The
international village of
games and art, Tehran,
Iran. The top three
images show making
mud shapes, painting,
and planting flowers.
The image on the
bottom left corner shows
the introduction of space
science to kids. The
image on the bottom
right corner shows the
event notes in different
languages written by the
international medical
students who planned
the implementation of
the international village
of games and art,
Tehran, Iran (October
944 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.5  The theater of science performed by the winners and finalists of the 2018 USERN miniature talks

Fig. 53.6  The calligraphy for the poem called Bani If you’ve no sympathy for human pain
Adam (human kind) The name of human you cannot retain”
“Human beings are members of a whole Adapted with permission from the Association of Science
In creation of one essence and soul and Art (ASA), USERN; Contributors: Alireza Ghanadan
If one member is afflicted with pain (calligraphy) and Saádi Shirazi (poem)
Other members uneasy will remain

the ceremony day for the third anniversary of 53.5 COVID-19 and Psychological
USERN establishment. It was performed by the Problems
winners and finalists of the 2018 USERN minia-
ture talks (Fig. 53.5). Figure 53.6 is a calligraphy poem that states:
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 945

Human beings are members of a whole associated with the COVID-19. Also, people (i)
In creation of one essence and soul
If one member is afflicted with pain
who had symptoms of the disease, such as chills,
Other members uneasy will remain myalgia, cough, dizziness, coryza, and sore
If you’ve no sympathy for human pain throat; (ii) with pre-existing chronic conditions;
The name of human you cannot retain (iii) who reported contact history in the past
2 weeks; (iv) who felt they had not received a suf-
The above clearly shows that merely living ficient amount of health information; (v) who
during the pandemic and witnessing that the were concerned about other family members, in
world and humanity are in pain would influence particular, children; and (vi) who lacked confi-
people’ emotions, even if not infected themselves dence about the doctor’s ability to detect
(Fig.  53.7). The effects might be profound as COVID-­19 were more likely to have high levels
much as psychological resilience matters and, of stress and anxiety. Interestingly, engagement
therefore, present to us mental health difficulties, with precautionary behaviors, such as washing
in particular, anxiety, depression, panic disorder, hands with soap and water, avoiding sharing of
and stress. utensils during meals, and washing hands imme-
A survey of 1210 respondents from 194 cities diately after coughing, rubbing the nose, or
in China has revealed that more than 50% of the sneezing, correlated to lower levels of stress and
general population are affected psychologically anxiety.
by the initial phase of the COVID-19 outbreak In another nationwide survey of 52,730 valid
and about 30% reported moderate to severe levels respondents from Hong Kong, Macau, and
of anxiety (Wang et al. 2020). The female popu- Taiwan, more than one-third of the population
lation appeared to be more vulnerable to the psy- noted the experience of psychological distress
chological impact of and stress and anxiety during the initial phase of the COVID-19 out-

Fig. 53.7  The world’s

pain in the human eye.
The figure clearly shows
that merely living during
the pandemic and
witnessing that the
world and humanity are
in pain would influence
people’ emotions even if
not infected themselves.
(Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Painting by Fatemeh
946 N. Rezaei et al.

break and that the experience was more frequent 53.6 COVID-19, Self-Regulation,
among the female population, people aged and Metacognition
between 18 and 30 years or 60 years above, peo-
ple who were highly educated and therefore Metacognition refers to the higher-order cogni-
highly self-aware to navigate health information, tive skill collection developed beyond the basic,
migrant workers, and people residing in regions average levels of thinking. It is a means of self-­
profoundly affected by the COVID-19 (Qiu et al. regulation of thinking and action composed of
2020). metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive
A study of college students in China during strategies. Metacognitive knowledge and beliefs
the initial phase of the outbreak confirmed that have been shown to moderate the association
more than 20% of students experienced mild to between perceived stress and negative emotions
severe forms of anxiety (Cao et al. 2020). In this such as anxiety and depression (Spada et  al.
population, a history of infection of closely 2008), and, more interestingly, this moderating
related people, as well as the impact of infection effect goes much deeper than that of self-esteem
on economic and academic activities, predicted (Palmier-Claus et al. 2011). As a result, metacog-
higher levels of anxiety, while students who lived nitive therapy could make a substantial recovery
in urban areas or with parents, students whose for patients with post-traumatic stress disorder
family income was stable, and students provided (PTSD), enduring less negative affect and lower
with social support reported lower levels of levels of anxiety and depression (Wells and
anxiety. Colbear 2012). Besides, metacognitive strategies
The study conducted (Li et  al. 2020a) enable the mind to master the cognitive processes
machine learning analyses of the Weibo posts that undertake simple to complex operations of
made by active Weibo users (n = 17,865). Based learning (Veenman et  al. 2006), including aca-
on the word frequency data, it provided evi- demic learning, multisensory learning, and sen-
dence that daily lives, during the COVID-19 sory substitution or sixth sense learning
pandemic, deal with more negative emotions, (Saghazadeh et al. 2019b).
including anxiety, depression, indignation, and In the context of the COVID-19 outbreak, a
sensitivity to social risks, while seeded with study of 1778 health workers and public service
less frequent moments of positive emotions, providers classified nearly 30% of the population
including happiness and satisfaction, than as the clinical or subclinical diagnosis of
before. PTSD.  Different factors predicted the diagnosis
An online survey investigating the impact of of PTSD, including a history of previous mental
COVID-19 in the healthcare environment indi- disorder, interpersonal problems, and sociode-
cated frontline medical staff being more prone mographic status (Johnson et  al. 2020). Of par-
to produce fear and develop depression and ticular interest was the significant effect of
anxiety compared to nonclinical staff negative metacognitive beliefs on emotional dis-
(Momtazmanesh et al. 2020a). Frontline medi- tress and thoughts of danger. It calls attention to
cal staff work in the departments of respiratory metacognitive therapy as psychotherapy for psy-
diseases, emergency, infectious disease, and chosocial challenges associated with
critical care. COVID-19.
In summary, mental health difficulties are The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educa-
common to any occupation but become different tional systems to launch e-learning programs.
from individual to individual and from the initial Self-regulation learning strategies, including
phase of the pandemic to the late and post-­ metacognitive capacities, time management, crit-
pandemic phases. These differences are neces- ical thinking, and effort regulation, would facili-
sary to be considered for policymaking tate the transition from the classroom to online
purposes. learning and thereby coaching academic achieve-
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 947

ment during the pandemic period (Broadbent and potential courses of action, and public opinions
Poon 2015). from social media data, and the policymakers of
each country can be prepared to deal with this
pandemic based on information (Ting et al. 2020;
53.7 Social Media and COVID-19 McKendry et al. 2020; Han et al. 2020; Mohamed
et  al. 2020a; Momtazmanesh et  al. 2020a;
Social media presents online platforms for inter- Moradian et al. 2020b; Rzymski et al. 2020).
actions to happen around numerous health topics On the other hand, social media allows effec-
relating to patient education, health promotions, tive communication between healthcare profes-
public relations, and crisis communication sionals and the population to reduce the number
(Eckler et al. 2010). Social media involve several of face-to-face visits and alleviate the clinical
technological approaches such as blogs, microb- load of physicians in medical centers by educat-
logging (e.g., Twitter), social networking (e.g., ing patients about health issues related to the pre-
Facebook and Patients Like Me), video- and file-­ vention and symptoms of the disease (Moazzami
sharing sites (e.g., YouTube), e-games, and wikis et al. 2020). It also has a role in facilitating com-
(Househ et al. 2014). munication between members of the scientific
The public usually turns to social media for and medical communities so that information can
information when emerging infectious diseases be shared accurately and quickly and updated
(EIDs) outbreaks occur (Tang et  al. 2018). The accordingly (Hagg et al. 2018; Ting et al. 2020;
outbreak of COVID-19 is a severe global public Ahmed et al. 2020).
health emergency, and dissemination of accurate Social networks can contribute to educating
and up-to-date information is a crucial part of the and promoting the health of the community or
collective response. So, social media has become patients and provide them with accurate and fast
the main channel through which the public can information (Figs.  53.8 and 53.9). Social net-
receive information and express their beliefs and works also keep people up to date with the latest
feelings (Han et  al. 2020; Ahmed et  al. 2020). news during pandemic conditions, and that can
However, it should also be noted that while social increase the level of public awareness, such as
media can have positive effects in this situation, it quarantine conditions and other government
can also have adverse effects on public health guidelines. Another advantage of social media is
(Viviani and Pasi 2017; Waszak et  al. 2018; that patients can help empower and enhance their
Pulido et al. 2020). knowledge by reading the experiences of other
patients. Moreover, because people need to keep
a social distance during quarantine physically,
53.7.1 Benefits of Social Media digital technology allows people to communicate
During the COVID-19 virtually with each other, and this will help to
provide psychological support and boost people’s
The benefits of social media in the health sector, morale (Househ et al. 2014; Ahmed et al. 2020;
especially in the pandemic, can be examined in Depoux et al. 2020; Tang et al. 2018).
terms of its impact on three groups: governments
and policymakers, scientific and medical associa-
tions, and patients or population. Regarding the 53.7.2 Threats of Social Media
positive effects of social media for the govern- During the COVID-19
ments and policymakers, it can be said that dur-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic, between different Because information is collected on social media
governments around the world and researchers, by users, one of the threats in this field is the dis-
open sharing of clinical, epidemiological, and semination of fake information and rumors,
virologic data is helping to form international which has dangerous consequences such as
public health strategies based on public responses, threatening global health and awareness, which is
948 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.8  The benefits

of social media in
framing the reality of
COVID-19. Social
networks can contribute
to educating and
promoting the health of
the community or
patients and provide
them with accurate and
fast information.
(Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Designed by Ehsan

Fig. 53.9  The benefits

of social media in
framing the reality of
COVID-19. (Adapted
with permission from
the Association of
Science and Art (ASA),
USERN; Painting by
Saina Adiban Afkham)

still one of the main concerns in public health and more easily than this virus and is just as dan-
today (Tang et al. 2018; Pulido et al. 2020). gerous.” As well, WHO warned that the outbreak
The World Health Organization (WHO) said of COVID-19 was accompanied by a widespread
that “We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re “infodemic” or an overabundance of informa-
fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster tion – some of which was correct and some were
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 949

not  – which made it difficult for people to find ception of the conditions created by the virus and
trustworthy sources and accurate information to increase people’s knowledge and awareness,
when they needed it (Lotfi et  al. 2020b; Pulido both in terms of guidelines and in terms of dis-
et al. 2020). ease prevention and treatment, will be very help-
Although it is helpful to give people informa- ful in their accompaniment with governments
tion about epidemics, the spread of misinforma- (Depoux et al. 2020; Chan et al. 2020).
tion about the coronavirus, and the constant However, the information that is published
listening to media coverage of stressful events, on social media must be accurate and reliable
raises fears, anxieties, and panics among the peo- enough to gain public trust and reduce poten-
ple, which in turn creates a serious problem tial psychological harm. To achieve this goal,
(Pulido et al. 2020; Ahmed et al. 2020). ­specialist physicians have an important role to
Headline stress disorder is the psychological play in improving the dissemination of accu-
disorder caused by too many news coverages, rate information. The World Health
and psychologist Dr. Steven Stosny first defined Organization also has created a WHO myth
it as a high emotional response to endless busters webpage to address and correct misin-
reports from the news media, such as feeling formation about the COVID-19 outbreak
anxiety and stress. Although it is not a medical (Dong and Zheng 2020; Mattingly II 2015;
diagnosis, the continued anxiety or stress may Depoux et al. 2020).
cause physical functional disorders, including Figure 53.10 shows the brain surrounded by
palpitation, chest tightness, and insomnia, and the flow of SARS-CoV-2. The idea behind this
further progression may lead to physical and painting is that as the viruses, the p­ andemic-­related
mental diseases, such as anxiety disorders, news can penetrate the mind (Figs.  53.11 and
depression disorders, endocrine disorders, and 53.12), affect the thought, and cause psychologi-
hypertension. cal problems in people, while the concept painted
In conclusion, in a situation where the only in Fig. 53.13, i.e., working together, lays out the
way to deal with the coronavirus is to cut off the potential of global networking to fight
transmission chain through quarantine, using COVID-19.
social media to speed up shaping people’s per-

Fig. 53.10  The brain

surrounded by the flow
of SARS-CoV-2. The
idea behind this painting
is that as the viruses, the
pandemic-­related news
can penetrate the mind.
(Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Painting by Negin
950 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.11 The
SARS-­CoV-­2 in the
brain. This graphic
figure clearly illustrates
the capacity of the
SARS-CoV-2 to enter
the brain. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Designed by Nastaran

Fig. 53.12 The
vulnerability of neural
cells to SARS-CoV-2
infection. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Designed by Nastaran
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 951

Fig. 53.13 The
potential of global
networking to fight
COVID-19. (Adapted
with permission from
the Association of
Science and Art (ASA),
USERN; Painting by
Saina Adiban Afkham)

Fig. 53.14 Quarantine
as the only solution
currently available for
the problem of
COVID-19. The painting
shows how the
SARS-­CoV-­2 pandemic
has trapped us in a cage,
that in our eyes looks
like the virus. (Adapted
with permission from
the Association of
Science and Art (ASA),
USERN; Painting by
Fatemeh Bahrami)

53.8 Art to Fight COVID-19 the only solution to control the first wave of the
COVID-19 pandemic. There are therapeutic
53.8.1 Power of Art in Tolerating opportunities that look promising (Pashaei and
the Quarantine Time Rezaei 2020; Sharifkashani et al. 2020). However,
and Enhancing the Immune until the treatment is discovered, the quarantine
System will remain the only solution to control the dis-
ease transmission for countries undergoing the
Months after the discovery of SARS-CoV-2, the next waves of COVID-19. Separating people and
outbreak went beyond expectations and turned restricting their movement, in particular for more
into a pandemic, and the world is still waiting for than 10 days, leads to stress (Stefana et al. 2020).
a specific diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of Quarantine-related stress causes people to o­ vereat
infection (Basiri et  al. 2020b; Fathi and Rezaei food, especially carbohydrate-rich food, as an
2020; Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020b; Mohamed attempt to relieve stress and enhance mood
et  al. 2020c; Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b; (Muscogiuri et al. 2020). Such eating behaviors
Rabiee et  al. 2020; Hanaei and Rezaei 2020; pertain to metabolic dysfunction and inflamma-
Jabbari et  al. 2020; Rezaei 2020b; Basiri et  al. tory and oxidative responses (Gregersen et  al.
2020a; Rezaei 2020a). Inevitably, as painted in 2012), which correlate with a constellation of
Fig.  53.14, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has metabolic, autoimmune, and cardiovascular dis-
trapped people in a cage because quarantine was orders (Saghazadeh et al. 2019c). Obese people
952 N. Rezaei et al.

are more vulnerable to adverse outcomes of et al. 1996), which have been of special attention
COVID-19, and that the higher the inflammatory during the COVID-19 pandemic.
responses, the more the COVID-19 is severe
(Saghazadeh and Rezaei 2020b; Bahrami et  al.
2020). Therefore, on the one hand, quarantine 53.8.2 Power of Art in Educating
would help reduce COVID-19 transmission Behavioral Tips for Hygiene
among people. On the other hand, quarantine-­ Practices and Physical
related stress would make individuals susceptible Distancing
to mental health problems in the short and long
term, which, in turn, predicts the development of The COVID-19 pandemic has brought by itself
more severe phenotypes of COVID-19 (if the other epidemics of information usage (info-
case of infection) and chronic immunometabolic demic) and face mask usage. Governments and
disorders. public health agencies have made different rec-
In COVID-19, different organs and systems, ommendations (Feng et  al. 2020). However,
notably the cardiovascular system, central ner- most of which converge on the use of face
vous system (CNS), and immune system, fall into masks in public in the cases of people who are
a dysregulated mode (Fathi and Rezaei 2020; at moderate to high risk of infection and when
Lotfi and Rezaei 2020; Sahu et  al. 2020; respiratory symptoms are present. Hand wash-
Yazdanpanah et al. 2020a; Hessami et al. 2020; ing and physical distancing are other strategies
Jahanshahlu and Rezaei 2020a; Lotfi et al. 2020a; of public health to control the spread of disease.
Saleki et  al. 2020; Mansourabadi et  al. 2020; Artworks are useful for the demonstration of
Nasab et  al. 2020; Saghazadeh and Rezaei how much effective hygiene practices and
2020a). Arts admirably influence the immuno- physical distancing can help to control the
emotional regulatory system so that not only spread of disease and thereby encouraging peo-
would it enable humanity to tolerate quarantine ple to do so. In particular, they can be designed
but also enhance antiviral immunity. Music, for in an easy-to-understand manner for children
example, has shown to meet social affiliation (Fig. 53.15) and those who have difficulties in
needs, lower sensitivity to stress and arousal, learning.
involve the neurocircuitry of reward, motivation, Figure 53.16 is an artwork of the effect of
and pleasure, and regulate immune responses hand hygiene on killing the SARS-CoV-2.
(Chanda and Levitin 2013). Also, a recently pub-
lished systematic review demonstrated that music
would cause pleasure and decrease anxiety while 53.8.3 Power of Art
affecting the cardiac autonomic nervous system in the Psychological Care
and enhancing heart rate variability (HRV)- of Healthcare Workers During
related parameters (Mojtabavi et al. 2020). the Pandemic
Dance has also been demonstrated to regulate
immune, metabolic, and hormonal responses as The recent pandemic put an extra burden on
well (McMurray et al. 1996; Rahim et al. 2017). healthcare professionals who work in different
Interestingly, it could increase lymphocyte count, specialties; this may result in higher rates of psy-
especially cytotoxic T cells, which play a role in chological problems among medical staff due to
antiviral immunity in people who underwent a extra physical and psychological pressure during
regular program of dance (Rahim et  al. 2017). this pandemic (Walton et  al. 2020). Studies
Since there is evidence that the progression from revealed that the rates of anxiety, stress, PTSD,
mild to severe COVID-19 is accompanied by depression, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive dis-
lymphocyte count reduction, dance might be a orders, fear, and distress are significantly higher
helpful complementary therapy for enhancing among healthcare workers, especially in the
antiviral immunity. More interestingly, the effects frontline medical staff caring for critically ill
of dance have been observed in elderly and preg- patients (Walton et  al. 2020; Wu et  al. 2020;
nant populations (Kim et  al. 2011; McMurray Pappa et al. 2020).
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 953

Fig. 53.15  Hygiene practice in children. The painting of trol the spread of disease and thereby encouraging people
a boy and his bear wearing facemasks shows the success- to do so. In particular, they can be designed in an easy-to-­
ful implementation of hygiene procedures. Artworks are understand manner for children. (Adapted with permis-
useful for the demonstration of how much effective sion from the Association of Science and Art (ASA),
hygiene practices and physical distancing can help to con- USERN; Painting by Fatemeh Bahrami)

Fig. 53.16  An artwork

encouraging hygiene
practices to prevent the
spread of SARS-CoV-2
infection. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Designed by Nastaran
954 N. Rezaei et al.

Higher workload during the pandemic, caring the hospital environment. Colors are the most
for very sick patients, working with new strict crucial part of the visual art that can have emo-
infection protocols, less contact with their family tional effects. The colors with higher levels of
members due to the fear of contagion, unknown pleasure and lower levels of excitement are suit-
duration of the pandemic, and lack of any proven able for conveying a sense of calm (Lankston
treatment for the disease are some etiological fac- et  al. 2010). Visual art display in hospitals has
tors that can predispose healthcare personnel to positive effects on patients, visitors, and staff; it
psychological problems (Walton et al. 2020; Wu improved the clinical outcome and healing of the
et  al. 2020). In general, they are more prone to patients other than positive psychological effects
various mental disorders because of a wide array on medical staff (Lankston et al. 2010).
of risk factors that are present during the pan- On the other hand, painting or creating any
demic (Zhang et al. 2020). artwork regarding the efforts of the healthcare
Healthcare policymakers and the government workers during the outbreak by the artists for
should consider protocols for reducing these appreciating their valuable activities is very
problems, such as providing counseling services worthwhile. It causes that the medical staff per-
for healthcare workers, regular checkups for ceives the sense of sympathy from the people,
evaluating the psychological status of the person- and it gives them the energy to keep up their
nel, and providing a supportive work climate. activities during the crisis.
The power of art and humanities in reducing Figure 53.17 is a painting showing the pres-
stress and in enhancing the quality of healthcare sure under which healthcare workers are during
activities and effectiveness has been proven; an the COVID-19 pandemic. Figure 53.18 is a cal-
active art program has positive effects on differ- ligraphy that illustrates a nurse holding the
ent aspects of working activities among health- SARS-CoV-2 in her hands and expresses the cal-
care workers. Regular weekly art activities had ligrapher’s acknowledgment of nurses’ efforts
effects on the general and mental health of the and sacrifices. Also, the calligrapher’s sadness is
nursing staff in an investigation compared to the behind the poem in Fig. 53.19, asking the medi-
control group; it also improved their creativity cal doctor why you who are a physician for all
and reduced their fatigue and stress (Karpavičiūtė people get sick.
and Macijauskienė 2016; Sonke et  al. 2015).
Most of these nursing staff were encouraged to
continue these art activities in the future, which 53.8.4 Power of Art in Promoting
helps them to have positive emotions despite the Development of Children
their heavy work and negative environment of During the Pandemic
hospitals, which are the center of COVID-19
patients (Karpavičiūtė and Macijauskienė 2016). In general, physical activity is an important factor
It has also improved communication between in the success of making a healthy lifestyle. In
patients and medical staff. It provides a caring particular, physical activity in childhood has been
and more relaxing environment for not only med- associated with a more favorable cardiovascular
ical staff but also patients (Sonke et  al. 2015). profile and achieving a higher peak bone mass at
The positive effect of these programs has been a later age (Boreham and Riddoch 2001). Also,
proven in the surgical environment in hospitals; it research shows the positive effect of physical
enhances the quality of patients’ care and medi- activity on mental health, especially reduced anx-
cal staff practices in the short-stay unit (Sonke iety and enhanced self-esteem and cognitive
et  al. 2015). It should be considered that these functioning (Biddle and Asare 2011).
programs should not have adverse effects, such Accordingly, guidelines recommend 60 minutes
as medical staff distraction in the working envi- of moderate-intensity physical activity daily for
ronment (Sonke et al. 2015). children. However, children less participate in
Among different art constituents, visual art physical activity compared with previous genera-
and music are the most appropriate types of art in tions. Moreover, the pandemic condition and the
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 955

Fig. 53.17 The
healthcare workers: the
heroes of the fight
against COVID-19.
(Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Painting by Sara

Fig. 53.18 The
calligraphy of a nurse
holding the SARS-
CoV-2 in her hands. The
poem expresses the
acknowledgment of
nurses’ efforts and
sacrifices. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Contributors: Reihaneh
(calligraphy and lyrics)
and Mahya Zare
956 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.19 The
patients’ sadness due to
doctors’ disease. The
calligrapher’s sadness is
behind the poem, asking
why you who are a
physician for all people
get sick. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
contributors: Reihaneh
(calligraphy) and Mahya
Zare (painting))

Fig. 53.20 The
SARS-­CoV-­2: a sling
attached to the foot of
children. The painting
clearly shows how the
pandemic and related
social distancing has
restricted children’
movement and affected
their mode. (Adapted
with permission from
the Association of
Science and Art (ASA),
USERN Painting by
Sara Bakhshi)
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 957

importance to adhere to the rules of social dis- ing, drama, and visual arts, make children learn
tancing has exacerbated this situation. As drawn to be more resilient, boost confidence in their
in Fig. 53.20, the SARS-CoV-2 has acted like a selves, build relationships, and thereby feeling
sling attached to the foot of children. less sense of loneliness and achieving a greater
Yoga is a mind-body movement therapy that sense of belongingness. When occurring in the
might help to improve CNS functioning in chil- group setting, the effects are pronounced, reach-
dren and adolescents (Kaley-Isley et  al. 2010). ing the power to promote the development of
Research shows the improvement of sensory-­ social cognition and so the personality develop-
motor performance and planning and execution ment in children. Noteworthy mentioning is the
times in both simple and complex tasks with family’s role in supporting and helping children
yoga (Galantino et  al. 2008). In particular, spe- to learn through creative arts and plays (Brown
cific yoga practices, breathing techniques, and 2001). And now, with the emergence of mas-
imagination journeys apply to the pandemic con- sively distributed SARS-CoV-2 (Fig. 53.22) that
dition for handling stress and developing self-­ has limited outdoor, group activities (Fig. 53.23),
regulation skills (Stueck and Gloeckner 2005; the family’s role in encouraging children to
Hagen and Nayar 2014). Figure 53.21 is a paint- express their thoughts and feelings is important
ing that shows a peaceful child stretching his more than ever, and arts-based approaches greatly
arms while living at home and looking out of the help them to accomplish their role. In the post-­
window. pandemic world, of course, we hope the SARS-­
Creative arts and plays are regarded as ther- CoV-­ 2 does not want to stay in our home
apy. As reviewed in Zarobe and Bungay (2017), (Fig.  53.24) (Jabbari and Rezaei 2020), and its
creative arts activities, e.g., music, dance, sing- threat will be effectively neutralized (Fig. 53.25);

Fig. 53.21  The mental

health-promoting effect
of mindfulness-based
therapy. The painting
shows a peaceful child
stretching his arms while
living at home and
looking out of the
window. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN;
Painting by Pariya Kafi)
958 N. Rezaei et al.

Fig. 53.22 The
spacetime curvature of
the SARS-­CoV-­2
pandemic. The theory of
relativity by Albert
Einstein relates the
spacetime curvature to
the total energy of the
system or equivalently
to its local mass. This
paint and resin art
illustrate the curvature
of spacetime due to the
massive distribution of
SARS-CoV-2. (Adapted
with permission from
the Association of
Science and Art (ASA),
USERN; Made by
Sepideh Sargoli)

Fig. 53.23  The shadow

of the pandemic on the
times when we were
together. (Photo by
Kawthar Mohammed)
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 959

Fig. 53.24  A tiny virus

that happened to the
world and the human’s
huge hope to knock out
this virus. (Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN
painting by Atlasi

Fig. 53.25  A white

T-shirt govash painting
which illustrates a
flowering tree on the
earth that allowed the
flowers to circulate in
the air, while the threat,
i.e., the SARS-CoV-2,
has been neutralized.
(Adapted with
permission from the
Association of Science
and Art (ASA), USERN
made by Kosar Tavasoli)
960 N. Rezaei et al.

group art activities, in particular music therapy platforms produce fruits that we could never find
and song writings, are required as they pave the in the context of each discipline separately
way for children to share their fear from what has (Mohamed et  al. 2020b; Momtazmanesh et  al.
happened to the world and maybe to their fami- 2020b; Moradian et al. 2020a). Also, the integra-
lies. Then, it would be the music therapist’s role tion of art with education would pave the way for
to make children feel empowered to come up the cultivation of productive styles and skills,
with hope-filled bright futures (Fairchild and such as empathy, learning, and creativity.
McFerran 2019). Altogether with the integration of science and art
and the possibility of scientific problems being
transformed into aesthetic experiences, we can
53.9 Conclusion adopt a new approach to systems thinking.
Also, arts admirably influence the immuno-
Metacognitive skills, which are a means of self-­ emotional regulatory system so that not only
regulation of thinking and action, enable the peo- would it enable humanity to tolerate quarantine
ple to master the cognitive processes that but also enhance antiviral immunity. Music, for
undertake simple to complex operations of learn- example, has shown to meet social affiliation
ing and thereby feeling empowered to overcome needs, lower sensitivity to stress and arousal,
negative emotions and thoughts and better man- involve the neurocircuitry of reward, motivation,
age dangerous and stressful situations. Social and pleasure, and regulate immune responses.
learning promotes the development of metacog- Music can be used to invite peace into our home
nitive skills, while the pandemic condition has when we live at a distance from each other. Dance
limited access to social support. Therefore, the has been demonstrated to regulate immune, met-
current condition calls for a necessary compensa- abolic, and hormonal responses as well and that
tion of loneliness to reduce the psychological the effects of dance have been observed in elderly
impact of the pandemic. and pregnant populations, which have been of
In the critical condition of the pandemic, special attention during the COVID-19
social media has its advantages and threats. pandemic.
Social networks can contribute to educating and Arts are also regarded as a type of psychother-
promoting the health of the community or apy. In particular, the application of arts in health-
patients and provide them with accurate and fast care centers is associated with reduced
information. However, because the information is psychological problems, e.g., PTSD, anxiety, and
collected on social media by users, one of the depression, among healthcare workers. Creative
threats in this field is the dissemination of fake arts and plays also make children learn to be
information and rumors that have dangerous con- more resilient, boost confidence in their selves,
sequences such as threatening global health and build relationships, and thereby feeling less sense
awareness, which is still one of the main con- of loneliness and achieving a greater sense of
cerns in public health today. belongingness.
In addition to social media, art integration into In this manner, the arts can directly enhance
science offers a powerful tool to combat mental health profiles during the pandemic con-
COVID-­19. The art of art goes beyond the basic dition on the one hand. On the other hand, art
emotion of happiness by providing a privilege to integration into science would promote interdis-
think without boundaries. Indeed, art integration ciplinary and transdisciplinary thinking into the
is a solution to bridge the gap between disciplines problem of COVID-19, hopefully reaching us the
and figure out interdisciplinary and transdisci- neutralization of the causative agent,
plinary platforms. In science and research, these SARS-CoV-2.
53  Health and Art (HEART): Integrating Science and Art to Fight COVID-19 961

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Correction to: COVID-19 and Its
Global Economic Impact

Zahra Kolahchi, Manlio De Domenico,

Lucina Q. Uddin, Valentina Cauda,
Igor Grossmann, Lucas Lacasa, Giulia Grancini,
Morteza Mahmoudi, and Nima Rezaei

Correction to:
Chapter 46 in: N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19,
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1318,­3-­030-­63761-­3_46

This book was inadvertently published with incorrect affiliation of Dr. Manlio De Domenico. The
affiliation has now been corrected in the chapter.

The updated version of this chapter can be found at­3-­030-­63761-­3_46

© The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 C1

N. Rezaei (ed.), Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19, Advances in Experimental Medicine and
Biology 1318,

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