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Going Places

Short Answer Type Questions

Answer the following questions in about 25-30 words:

1. Why did Sophie like her brother Geoff more than any other person? From her perspective, what
did he symbolise? Or Whom did Sophie like more than anyone else in the story? Why?

Ans. Sophie liked her brother Geoff more than any other person because he used to listen to her strange
fantasies very patiently. He symbolized a pathway to the world of romance and excitement.

2. Did Sophie really meet Danny Casey?

Ans. Sophie did not really meet Danny Casey. It was all her imagination. She imagined seeing Danny
Casey near Royce’s window.

3. Which was the only occasion when she got to see Danny Casey in person?

Ans. Danny Casey was a football player. The only occasion when Sophie saw when he scored a goal while
playing a match. Was

4. How does Sophie include her brother Geoff in her fantasy of her future ?

Sophie longed to know Geoff’s friends. She wished she could be admitted more deeply into her
brother’s affection and some day he might take her with him. She concocted a story of meeting Danny
Casey and shared it with Geoff.

5. How do we know that Sophie’s family lived In poor circumstances?

Ans. Sophie’s family lived in poor circumstances. Her brother Geoff worked as a mechanic. Her mother
did all the household work in their small room. The dirty linens could be seen piled up in a corner.

6. What is unrealistic about Sophie’s dreams of Her future life?

Ans. Sophie dreams of becoming a manager, owning a boutique or becoming an actress and having a lot
of money can never come true. She imagines her meeting with Danny Casey which would result in
disappointment only. She dreams of romance and all her dreams are unrealistic like the dreams of any
other teenager.

7. Why did Sophie want to be admitted into Geoff’s affections? Or

Why did Sophie long for her brother’s affection?

Ans. Sophie suspected areas of Geoff’s life about which she knew nothing, his friends and the places he
must be visiting. She wanted to know his friends. So, she wished to be admitted into Geoff’s affections.

8. How is Geoff different from Sophie?

Ans. Geoff, the elder brother of Sohpie is more sensible than her. He works as an apprentice mechanic
and contributes to the family income. Geoff knows the reality of his family but Sophie lives in her
imaginary life.

Long answer type questions

1. Sophie and Jansie were class-mates and friends. What were differences between them that
show up in the story?

Ans. Sophie and Jansie are classmates and friends. Both come from poor families. But they are poles
apart in their thinking. Jansie is a very practical and realistic girl whereas Sophie has unrealistic dreams,
Sophie is very ambitious and has dreams of becoming a manager after leaving the school, earning a lot
of money and starting a boutique or becoming an actress. Jansie is very serious and sensible in her
approach towards life. She knows her limitations. Sophie is very romantic and fantasises about a football
player, Danny Casey as her boy friend. Jansie discourages her from building castles in the air. She thinks
that they have no hope for a bright future. They can get a job in some biscuit factory after leaving the
school. Sophie doesn’t listen to the advice of her friend. She cooks up wild stories and even tells a lie.

2. How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father? Or.
Describe the character of Sophie’s father and the role played by him.

Ans. Sophie’s father had plump face which was stained and covered with sweat and mud. He was
strict with Sophie. Sophie did not feel comfortable in front of her father. She felt uneasy when Geoff
told him about Sophie’s meeting with Danny Casey. He disapproved of her dating and he did not
believe her. He took it to be another wild story of Sophie as he knew she was a liar. He was an
aggressive sort of person. He was also fond of watching football matches.

3. Give the character sketch of Sophie. Ans. Sophie is a very ambitious girl. Like every teenager, she has
big dreams. She dreams of riches and romance. She wants to become a manager after leaving the school
and earn a lot of money. She also wants to become the owner of a boutique or an actress or a fashion
designer. She also thinks of visiting different places and meeting her brother’s friends and enjoying her
life. She wants to meet celebrities like Danny Casey and many other influential persons. She always lives
in an imaginary world which gives her happiness and satisfaction. She cooks up many wild stories. Her
father also thinks of her to be a liar. She has a romantic vision of going out with Danny Casey who was
player of a Football team.

4. Every teenager has a hero/heroine to admire. So many times, they become role models for them.
What is wrong if Sophie fantasises about Danny Casey and is ambitious in life?

Ans. Every teenager has a hero/heroine to Admire. So many times, they become role models for them.
There is nothing wrong in it if one wants to inculcate the positive qualities of one’s role model in one’s
life. These qualities may be physical, mental, financial, artistic or anything else. One may try to become a
good actor or a good artist like one’s role model. Anyone whom one admires for his/her qualities can be
the role model in one’s life. Sophie admires Danny Casey. She is a big fan of him. She is also ambitious in
life. Ambitions can be achieved by proper planning and doing hard work. But W Sophie’s fantasies about
Danny Casey are harmful for her. Her going to the lovers meeting point, a solitary place, to meet him
brought her disappointment only. The wrong thing is that Sophie, instead of inculcating the good
qualities of her role model, wants to get him as her boy-friend.

5. Sophie was a dreamer. The lesson ‘Going Places’ reminds us that mere dreams will not help us to
accomplish anything. What qualities, do you think, would help Sophie to realize her dreams?

Ans. Sophie lives in a world of dreams which is far from reality. Mere dreams will not help us to
accomplish anything. Sophie needs to work hard to achieve her dreams of having a bright future or
equal to Danny Casey. She should accept the reality and know her limitations. There is nothing wrong in
dreaming but to fulfil those dreams, Sophie should first concentrate on better educational qualifications
which can provide increased opportunities in life. With more savings, she can even own a boutique.
Sincere devotion is needed on her part to raise her status in life and actually, have the company of
successful people like Danny Casey.

6. It is natural for teenagers to have unrealistic dreams. What would you say are the benefits and
disadvantages of such fantasising?

Ans. Dreaming is an essential component of one’s existence. In the absence of dreams, there will be no
aims and aspirations to strive for. Teenage is the time in everyone’s life when they indulge in hero-
worshipping and fantasisting. People usually dream about the things or persons they desire in their life
or what they want to achieve or become. Having realistic and achievable dreams have positive impacts
on one’s life. It pushes and drives the individuals to work towards the fulfilment of their goals and
aspirations. They invest in their aims and ambitions great alacrity and willingness, which automatically
increases the probability of their accomplishments. However, some people harbour dreams which are
not feasible or are quite unrealistic and unreasonable. When such unrealistic dreams are not realized or
achieved, it results in disappointments and disillusionments. Such repetitive and harrowing experiences
can demotivate the individuals and may force them to develop a negative attitude towards life. They
may completely stop trying and give up their desires.


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