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33% easy
1.The external auditory meatus consists of two parts :
1. The lateral portion, cartilaginous
2. The lateral portion, directly over bone
3. The medial portion, directly over bone
4. The medial portion, cartilaginous
5. The medial portion , only skin.
Answer B, page 2;

2.The nerve supply of the external ear :

1. The auriculotemporal branch of the occipital nerve
2. The auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve
3. The great auricular nerve together with temporal nerve
4. The great auricular nerve with the occipital nerve branches
5. The temporal nerve
Answer C, page 2

3. The lymph nodes of the external ear are:

1. In the parotid gland
2. Retroauricular
3. Upper cervical
4. Occipital
5. Supraclavicular
Answer A, page 3

4. About the middle ear the following are true:

1. Is situated in the petrous temporal bone
2. Mastoid air cells
3. The middle ear itself
4. The tympanic membrane
5. The Eustachian tube
Answer E , page 3
5.The middle ear communicates with :
1. antero-superiorly to the nasopharynx via the Eustachian tube
2. antero-superiorly to the nasopharynx via choane
3. postero-inferiorly to the mastoid cells via the antrum
4. postero-inferiorly to the mastoid cells via the tympanic membrane
5. postero-inferiorly to the mastoid cells via the external auditory
Answer B, page 3

7. The tympanic membrane consists of three layers :

1. squamous epithelial layer
2. respiratory mucosa layer
3. middle fibrous layer
4. columnar epithelial layer
5. external fibrous layer
Answer A, page 4

8. The medial wall of the middle ear has two openings into the inner ear :
1. The round window
2. The tympanic membrane
3. The oval membrane
4. The Eustachian tube
5. The antrum
Answer B, page 4

9.The anterior wall of the tympanic cavity has two openings :

1. The oval window
2. The Eustachian tube
3. The round window
4. The tensor tympani muscle canal
5. The tympanic membrane
Answer C, page 5
10. It is true about the three ossicles of the middle ear :
1. The stapes foot occupies the oval window
2. The handle of the malleus is attached of the tympanic membrane
3. The long process of the incus can be seen through the posterosuperior
4. The stapes foot occupires the round window
5. The strapes foot occupies the tympanic membrane
Answer A, page 6

11. The three semicircular canals from the inner ear are named :
1. The lateral
2. The superior
3. The posterior
4. The medial
5. The anterior
Answer A, page 9

12. The tuning fork tests for testing the hearing are :
1. The Politzer test
2. The Weber test
3. The Valsalva test
4. The Rinne test
5. The Romberg test
Answer C, page 15

13. Experimental tests of the vestibular system are the following :

1. The turning test
2. The caloric labyrinthine testing
3. Optokinetic test
4. Positional tests
5. Romberg test
Answer A, page 18
14. Bullous myringitis presents :
1. Hemorrhage blebs on Tm and adjacent canal
2. Otalgia
3. Hearing loss
4. Painfull swelling
5. Pain on pressure on the tragus
Answer A, page 24
15. The causative germ of the malignant external otitis is :
1. Viral
2. Fungal
3. Middle ear discharge
4. Pseudomonas
5. Staphylococcus
Answer D, page 23

16. The middle ear is made up from, except:

A. The tympanic membrane
B. Eustachian tube
C. The mastoid air cells
D. Auricle
E. The middle ear itself
Answer D, page 3

17. The lateral wall of the middle ear is represented by:

A. Tympanic membrane
B. Round window
C. Oval window
D. Promontory
E. Eustachian tube orifice
Answer A, page 4

18. The anterior wall of the middle ear is represented by :

A. Tympanic membrane
B. Round window
C. Oval window
D. Promontory
E. Eustachian tube orifice
Answer E, page 5

19. The middle ear is conventionally divided into 4 spaces , except:

A. Epitympanum
B. Retrotympanum
C. Protympanum
D. Hypotympanum
E. Mesotympanum
Answer B, page 6,7

20. The membranous labyrinth consists of, except :

A. The sacule
B. The utricle
C. Semicircular canals
D. The oval window
E. Cochlea
Answer D, page 7

21. The bony cochlea is a hollow tube , in the form of a spiral with :
A. Three turns
B. One and a half turns
C. Two and a half turns
D. Two turns
E. Three and a half turns
Answer C, page 8

22. The cochlear duct contains :

A. Perilymph
B. Endolymph
C. Blood
D. Water
E. Cortilymph
Answer B, page 9

23. The auditory cranial nerve is :

A. VII nerv
B. VIII nerv
C. V nerv
D. VI nerv
E. IV nerv
Answer B, page 11

24. The facial nerve carries , except:

A. Motor fibres
B. Taste fibres
C. Viscero – efferent secretory fibres
D. Viscero – afferent fibres
E. Sensory fibres
Answer D, page 12

25. Witch method of investigation is necessary to examine the external auditory

meatus and the tympanic membrane :
A. Palpation
B. Otoscopy
C. Rhynoscopy
D. Audiometry
E. Valsalva test
Answer B, page 14

26. Testing the hearing include, except :

A. Pure tone audiometry
B. Otoacoustic emissions
C. Tympanometry
D. Speech audiometry
E. Tests of spontaneous and provoked nystagmus .
Answer E, page 15

27. The symptoms of the ear diseases are, except :

A. Hearing loss
B. Otalgia
C. Otorrhea
D. Tinnitus
E. Trismus
Answer E, page 19, 20

28. Which from the following is an inflammatory external ear disease :

A. Ear wax
B. Hematoma of auricle
C. Burns
D. Bullous miringitis
E. Glue ear
Answer D, page 24

29. Which inflammatory/ infective disease of the external ear has the symptoms
: itching or mild otalgia , pain, edema of EAM and erithema :
A. Furuncle
B. Otomycosis
C. Bullous myringitis
D. Eczema
E. Acute otitis externa
Answer B, page 24


30. Which symptoms refers to Cholesteatoma :

A. conductive hearing loss ,facial palsy ,vertigo, foul smelling discharge ,
intracranial sepsis
B. hearing loss, mucopurulent otorrhoea ,
C. aural discharge , worsening of the general condition, tenderness to pressure over
the ear
D. hearing loss ,otalgia, otorrhoea, pyrexia.
E. hearing loss, otalgia, stuffiness , autophony.
Answer A, page 29

31. Extracranial complications of otitis media , except :

A. Mastoiditis
B. Meningitis
C. Petrositis
D. Labyrinthitis
E. Facial palsy
Answer B, page 29,30
32. Intracranial complication of otitis media :
A. Meningitis
B. Facial palsy
C. Mastoiditis
D. Otosclerosis
E. Petrositis
Answer A, page 30

33. Sequelae of persistant SOM are , except :

A. Delayed speech and language development
B. Tympanosclerosis
C. Cholesteatoma
D. Recurrent supurative external otitis
E. Recurrent supurative otitis media .
Answer D, page 27
34. It refers to barotrauma, except :
A. Rapid fluctuation of the pressure in the middle ear
B. Rapid fluctuation of the pressure in the external ear
C. Middle ear effusions with deafness, pain, vertigo
D. Treatment is nasal decongestionant , antihistaminics,
E. Treatment is miringotomy and insertion of grommet
Answer B, page 33

Nose and accesory nasal sinuses

33% easy
1. The blood vessels of the external nose are :
1. The facial artery with her branches
2. The dorsal nasal artery
3. The angular vein
4. The internal maxillary artery
5. The external maxillary artery
Answer A, page 50

2. The nasal septum is made of :

1. Vomer bone
2. Cartilage
3. Flat bony sheets
4. The frontal process of maxillary bone
5. The middle turbinate
Answer A, page 51

3. In the middle meatus it opens :

1. The nasofrontal duct
2. The anterior ethmoid cells
3. The maxillary antrum
4. The nasolacrimal duct
5. The sphenoid sinus
Answer A, page 52

4. In the inferior meatus it opens :

1. The nasofrontal duct
2. The anterior ethmoid cells
3. The maxillary antrum
4. The nasolacrimal duct
5. The sphenoid sinus
Answer D, page 52

5. In the superior meatus it opens :

1. The nasofrontal duct
2. The posterior ethmoid cells
3. The anterior ethmoid cells
4. The sphenoid sinus
5. The maxillary antrum
Answer C, page 52

6. About the anatomy of maxillary sinus is true :

1. Superior wall – floor of the orbit
2. Medial wall – lateral wall of nose
3. Inferiorly- tooth bearing area of maxilla
4. Superior wall- floor of the nose
5. Medial wall – nasal septum
Answer A, page 54

7. The floor of the frontal sinus include :

1. The roof of the orbit
2. The floor of the orbit
3. The canal of the supraorbinal nerve
4. The canal of the infraorbital nerve
5. The canal of the frontal nerve
Answer B, page 55
8. About the anatomy of the ethmoid cells are true the following :
1. Superiorly – anterior part of the base of the skull
2. Laterally – lamina papyracea
3. Posteriorly – sphenoid sinus
4. Laterally – middle turbinate
5. Laterally –nasal septum
Answer A, page 55

9. On the lateral wall of the sphenoid sinus lie :

1. The cavernous sinus
2. The internal carotid artery
3. The II nd cranial nerve
4. The III rd cranial nerve
5. The IV th cranial nerve
Answer E, page 56

10. The floor of the sphenoid sinus is related to :

1. The roof of the nasopharynx
2. The posterior cranial fossa
3. The choane
4. The pons
5. The cavernous sinus
Answer B, page 56

11. The sphenopalatine artery supplies blood for :

1. The nasal septum
2. The turbinates
3. The meatus
4. The frontal sinus
5. The ethmoid sinus
Answer A, page 57

12. The ophthalmic artery supplies blood for which part of the nose and sinuses :
1. The vault of the internal nose
2. The frontal sinus
3. The ethmoid sinus
4. The meatus
5. The turbinates
Answer A, page 57

13. The blood supply for the maxillary sinus is provided by :

1. Infraorbital artery
2. Superior labial artery
3. Internal maxillary artery
4. Sphenopalatine artery
5. The greater palatine artery
Answer A, page 57

14. The venous system of the nose drain blood in three directions :
1. Forward- facial vein
2. Backward – sphenopalatine vein
3. Upward – ethmoid veins
4. Forward – Kiesselbach plexus
5. Backward – carvenous sinus
Answer A, page 57

15. The innervation of the nose and the paranasal sinuses is provided by :
1. The septum- nasopalatine nerve
2. The sphenoid sinus- fibres from sphenopalatine ganglion
3. The maxillary sinus- infraorbital nerve
4. The frontal sinus- supraorbital nerve
5. The ethmoid cells- nasocilliary nerve
Answer E, page 58

16. Nose as a reflex organ is important because of the communications that exists
1. Nose- lung
2. Nose –heart
3. Nose- blood circulation
4. Nose- metabolic organs
5. Nose – the genitals
Answer E, page 60

17. The sinusal ostium obstruction involve:

1. The self cleaning mechanism of the affected sinus
2. The secretions stagnate
3. The composition of the sinusal secretions
4. Oral breathing
5. Nasal fetor
Answer A, page 61

18. The examination of the nose include :

1. External examination
2. Anterior rhinoscopy
3. Posterior rhinoscopy
4. Nasopharyngoscopy
5. Rhinomanometry
Answer E, page 61,62

19. The examination of the sinuses include :

1. Inspection
2. Rhinoscopy
3. Nasopharyngoscopy
4. Olfactometry
5. Rhinomanometry
Answer A, page 63

20. Symptoms of the nasal disease are :

1. Increased nasal secretion
2. Nasal obstruction
3. Bleeding secretion
4. Fetor
5. Pains in the head or face
Answer E, page 63

21. The symptoms of Folliculitis of nasal vestibule are :

1. Sycosis
2. Pain and swelling
3. Increased nasal secretion
4. Partial nasal obstruction
5. Bleeding secretion
Answer C, page 64

22. The etiological factors of acute rhinitis are :

1. Viral
2. Bacterial
3. Traumatic
4. Allergic
5. Nonspecific
Answer E, page 65

23. The stages of acute rhinitis are :

1. The prodromal stage
2. The bloody secretion stage
3. The catarrhal stage
4. The seasonal stage
5. The vasomotor stage
Answer B, page 65,66

24. The complications of allergic rhinitis are :

1. Serous sinusitis
2. Asthma
3. Nasal polyps
4. Vasomotor rhinitis
5. Sycosis
Answer B, page 67

25. What kind of disorder is the vasomotor rhinitis?

1. Allergic
2. Viral
3. Bacterial
4. Neurovascular
5. Nonspecific
Answer D, page 68

26. The nasal septum is made of :

A. Vomer bone
B. Frontal bone
C. Frontal process of the maxillar bone
D. Superior nasal turbinate
E. Inferior nasal turbinate
Answer A, page 51

27. The out line of the lateral nasal cavity include:

A. The vomer bone
B. The nasal septum
C. The three nasal turbinates
D. The frontal bone
E. The nasal bones
Answer C, page 52

28. Which structure open in the inferior nasal meatus:

A. Nasolacrimal duct
B. Nasofrontal duct
C. The anterior etmoid cells
D. The maxillary antrum
E. The posterior etmoid cells
Answer A, page 52

29. In the middle nasal meatus it open:

A. The maxillary antrum
B. The nasolacrimal duct
C. The posterior etmoid cells
D. The sphenoid sinus
E. Nasopharynx
Answer A, page 52

30. In the middle nasal meatus it open:

A. The nasolacrimal duct
B. The posterior etmoid cells
C. The anterior etmoid cells
D. The sphenoid sinus
E. Nasopharynx
Answer C, page 52


31.In the middle nasal meatus it open:

A. The nasolacrimal duct
B. The nasofrontal duct
C. The posterior etmoid cells
D. The sphenoid sinus
E. Nasopharynx
Answer B, page 52

32.The superior nasal meatus conteins the opening for :

A. Sphenoid sinus
B. The nasolacrimal duct
C. The nasofrontal duct
D. The anterior etmoid cells
E. The maxillary antrum
Answer A, page 52

33.The superior nasal meatus conteins the opening for:

A. The nasolacrimal duct
B. The nasofrontal duct
C. The anterior etmoid cells
D. The posterior etmoid cells
E. The maxillary antrum
Answer D, page 52
34. The roof of the nose is formed by:
A. Cribrifrom plate
B. Frontal bone
C. Superior nasal turbinate
D. The maxillary bone
E. The vomer bone
Answer A, page 53

35.Which nasal sinus is the largest:

A. The maxillary sinus
B. The etmoid labyrinth
C. The frontal sinus
D. The sphenoid sinus
E. The cavernous sinus
Answer A, page 54

36. Which structure separate the etmoid labyrinth from the orbital cavity:
A. Cribriform plate
B. Lamina papyracea
C. The nasal septum
D. The medium nasal turbinate
E. The frontal process of the maxillary bone
Answer B, page 55

37.Which structure is not in a close relation with the sphenoid sinus:

A. Anterior and middle cranial fossae
B. Optic chiasma
C. Optic foramen
D. Sella turcica and pituitary gland
E. The orbital cavity
Answer E, page 56

38.The blood supply for external nose include, except :

A. External carotid artery with exeternal maxillary
B. External maxillary with lateral nasal branch
C. External maxillary with external nasal brach
D. Internal carotid with ophthalmic artery
E. Internal carotid with external maxillary
Answer E, page 57
39.Plexus of veins on each side of the anterior septum:
A. Valsalva
B. Kiesselbach
C. Balanger
D. Burnings
E. Kissing
Answer B, page 57

40.The septum receives from the nasopalatine nerve, which is out of :

A. Nasopalatine ganglion
B. Sphenopalatine ganglion
C. Infraorbital ganglion
D. Supraorbital ganglion
E. Nasocilliary nerve
Answer B, page 58

41.Functions of the nose, except :

A. Respiration
B. Olfaction
C. Protective organ
D. Reflex organ
E. Endocrine organ
Answer E, page 59

42.The examination of the nose include , except :

A. Anterior rinoscopy
B. Posterior rinoscopy
C. Nasopharyngoscopy
D. Otoscopy
E. Olfactometry
Answer D, page 62

43.Clinical aspects of the nose diseases include, except :

A. Increased nasal secretion
B. Nasal obstruction
C. Bleeding secretion
D. Hearing loss
E. Fetor
Answer D, page 63

44.The erysipelas of the nasal vestibule is caused by:

A. Sycosis
B. Group A streptococcus
C. Group B streptococcus
D. Group A staphylococcus
E. Group B staphylococcus
Answer B, page 64

33 % easy
1.The benign tumors of the oropharynx are :
C:Hodgkin’s disease
E:Malignant Lymphoma
Answer: B,page 120

2.The diagnosis in a malignant tumor of the pharynx is made by:

A:clinical aspects
E:all of the above
Answer: E,page 122

3.The most frequent benign tumor of the nasopharynx is:

E: Carcinoma
Answer:B, page122

4. A nasopharynx tumor can start whith one of the symptoms, except:

A: Rhinologic
C:Lymph node metastases
D: Nerve paralyses
Answer: E, page 125

5.The treatment method of choice for a nasopharynx malignant tumor is :

A: Brahytherapy
B: Chemotherapy
D:Neck dissection
Answer: C, page 125

6.The treatment for hypopharyngeal carcinoma includes,except:

E: Chemotherapy
Answer:D, page 127

7.The hypopharynx contains:

A:Piriform sinuses
B:The palatine tonsils
C:The tongue
D:Vocal cords
E:None of the above
Answer:A, page 125

8.At what level is the lower border of the pharynx :

A. C3
B. C4
C. C5
D. C6
E. C7
Answer E, page 94


9.Which is the lower border of the oropharynx :

A. Fossae of Rosenmuller
B. Vallecula
C. The orifices of the Eustachian tube
D. Choane
E. Soft palate
Answer B, page 94

10.Which structure , at the children , lies behond the posterior wall of the pharynx :
A. The hyoid bone
B. The larynx
C. The Gilette lymph nodules
D. The basilar process of the occiput
E. The sphenoid bone
Answer C, page 95

11.The distribution of the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx form a ring :

A. Rosenmuller ring
B. Waldeyer ring
C. Gilette ring
D. Eustachian ring
E. Kiessenbach ring
Answer B, page 96

12.The lower border of the hipopharynx is :

A. Superior pharyngeal muscle
B. Middle pharyngeal muscle
C. Inferior pharyngeal muscle
D. Cricopharyngeus muscle
E. Interaritenoidian muscle
Answer D, page 96

13. Which cranial nerve supplies the pain sensation in the pharynx :
A. X
E. V
Answer B, page 99

14.The venous drainage of the pharynx is :

A. The external jugular vein
B. The lingual vein
C. The facial vein
D. The thyroid veins
E. The azygos vein
Answer C, page 99

15.The functions of the pharynx are, except :

A. The mastication
B. The swallowing
C. The taste organ
D. The smelling organ
E. Fonation
Answer D, pages 100-102

16.Which is the method of investigation used for the nasopharynx :

A. Anterior rhynoscopy
B. Posterior rhynoscopy
C. Bucopharyngoscopy
D. Otoscopy
E. Laryngoscopy
Answer B, page 103


17.Which structures are situated on the lateral wall of the nasopharynx :

A. Choane
B. Vallecula
C. Lingual tonsil
D. The Eustachian tube orifices
E. The Waldeyer ring
Answer D, page 103

18.At the examination of the hypopharynx we can see, except :

A. The lingual tonsil
B. The base of the tongue
C. The adenoids
D. Epiglottis
E. The pyriform sinuses
Answer C, page 104
19.The paraclinical examination of the pharynx include, except :
A. Endoscopy
B. Radiological exam
C. Bacteriological culture
D. Biopsy
E. Anterior rhynoscopy
Answer E, page 105

20.Clinical aspects of the pharynx pathology are, except :

A. Sore throat
B. Dysphagia
C. Otalgia
D. Globus symptoms
E. Oral fetor
Answer C, page 106

21.Oropharyngeal causes of dysphagia are, except :

A. Angina and its complications
B. Mechanical obstruction
C. Congenital anomalies
D. Reflux
E. Neural lesions
Answer D, pages 106,107

22.Laryngeal causes of dysphagia are, except :

A. Inflammatory
B. Neural
C. Tumors
D. Globus hystericus
E. Radiotherapy and surgery of the larynx
Answer D, page 106

23.The main cause of the acute tonsillitis is :

A. Bacterial infection
B. Viral infection
C. Fungal infection
D. Trauma
E. Allergic
Answer B, page 108
24.The acute tonsillitis can be, except :
A. Simple
B. Tonsillitis in infections diseases
C. Tonsillitis in hematologic diseases
D. Allergic tonsillitis
E. Ulceromembranous tonsillitis
Answer D, page 109

25.The cause of Herpangina is :

A. Adenovirus
B. Rhinovirus
C. Herpes simplex virus
D. Coxsackies virus
E. Herpes zoster virus
Answer D, page 109

26.In Diphteria the aspect of the tonsils is :

A. Reddened
B. Redden ed with erosive ulcer
C. Moderately reddened with grey velvety membrane on the surface
D. Round nodules
E. Superficial epithelial erosions
Answer C, page 111


33 % easy

1.The laryngeal skeleton consists of:

E:All of the above
Answer: E, page 129

2.The most proeminent point of the larynx - ”Adam’s apple” is given by:
E:Cricotracheal ligament
Answer:A, page 131

3.The epiglottis is shaped like:

Answer:C, page 131

4.The functions of the larynx are the following,except:

D: Swallowing
E:Protection of the lower respiratory tract
Answer D, page 137-140

6.Forms of acute laryngitis are:

A:Laryngeal sarcoid
B:Laryngeal amiloid
C:Laringeal diphtheria
D:Laringeal tuberculosis
E:Scleroma of the larynx
Answer C, page 146

7.The most frequently etiologic agent responsible for epiglottis is:

A:Haemophilus influenzae
B: Staphylococcus aureus
C: Beta hemolytic streptococcus
D: Moraxella
E: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Answer A, page 147

33% medium
8. Gerhardt syndrome consists of the following symptoms,except:
C:Bilateral recurrent paralysis
D:Inspiratory stridor
E:Expiratory stridor
Answer E, page 153

9.Benign tumors of the larynx are:

B:Vocal cord nodules
C:Vocal cord polyps
D:all of the above
Answer D, pages 154-156

10.Malignant tumors of the larynx are the following, except:

E: Papillomas
Answer E, page 156

11.The primary symptom of carcinoma of vocal cords is:

A: Inspiratory stridor
E: Dyspneea
Answer D, page 159

12.Laryngeal stridor is:

A:Rapid breathing
B:Produced on inspiration
C:Produced on expiration
D:Calm breathing
E:All of the above
Answer B, page 162

13.The chronic causes of stridor are:

D:Foreign body
E:None of the above
Answer C, page 162


14.The first line of treatment for acute airway obstruction is:

A:Intravenous antibiotics
B: Intravenous steroids
C: Intravenous adrenaline
D:Endotracheal intubation
Answer D, page 163

15.The indications for tracheotomy are,except:

A:Tumors of the upper respiratory tract
B: Tumors of the upper digestive tract
C:Bilateral recurrent nerve paralysis
D:Bilateral trigeminal nerve paralysis
E:Inflammation and oedema of the larynx
Answer D, page 164

16.Adult airway obstruction may be:

E:All of the above
Answer E. pages 167-168

17.The infectious etiology of child airway obstruction is:

A:Choanal atresia
B:Laryngeal cysts
C:Laryngeal fistulas
Answer D, page 168

18. The congenital etiologies of child airway obstruction are the following,except:
A:Choanal atresia
B:Laryngeal cysts
C:Laryngeal fistulas
Answer D, page 168

19. The congenital etiology of child airway obstruction is:

A:Choanal atresia
B:Laryngeal cysts
C:Laryngeal fistulas
Answer E, page 168


33 % easy

1.The esophagus connects:

A:Pharynx and the laryngx
B: Pharynx and the stomach
C:Larynx and the stomach
D:Laryngx,pharynx and the cardia
E: Larynx,pharynx and the stomach
Answer B, page 169

2.How many physiologic sphincters the esophagus has?

Answer B, page 169
3.How many segments the esophagus has?
A:Cervical and thoracic
B:Cervical and gastric
C:Gastric and thoracic
D:Cervical, gastric and thoracic
Answer A, page 170

4.Methods of investigation of the esophagus are:

C:Rigid Esophagoscopy
Answer E, page 170

5. Methods of investigation of the esophagus are, except:

C:Rigid Esophagoscopy
D: Ultrasound
Answer D, page 170

6.Congenital esophageal abnormalities are,except:

E:Hiatus hernia
Answer B, page 172

7.The symptoms after caustic ingestion can be,except:

B: Dryness of the nasopharynx
Answer B, page 172
8.Treatment of caustic burns consists in:
E:All above
Answer E, page 173

9.Pacients with esophageal foreign bodies present the following symptoms,except:

C: Gastric pain
E:Regurgitation of food
Answer C, page 174

10.Potential complications of esophageal foreign bodies are:

Answer A, page 174

11.The ethiology of gastroesophageal reflux disease is:

A:Esophageal stricture
B:Gastric cardia insufficiency
D:Peptic ulcers
E:None of the above
Answer B, page 174

12.The diagnosis in gastroesophageal reflux disease is,except:

A:Barium swallow and X rays
B:Upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy
D: Ph monitoring
E:Patients history
Answer C, page 175
13.The treatment in gastroesophageal reflux disease is:
A:H2 receptor antagonist
B:Proton pump inhibitor
C: Antispasmodic
Answer D, page 175

14. Which of the following conditions may NOT lead to dysphagia?

A:Multiple sclerosis
B: Mastoiditis
D:Tabes dorsalis
E:Miastenia gravis
Answer B, page 176

15.Achalasia represents:
A:Esophageal infection
B:Esophageal diverticulum
C:The absence of the relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter
D: The absence of the relaxation of the upper esophageal sphincter
E:A benign esophageal tumor
Answer C, page 177

16.Whitch of the statements below about esophageal diverticulum are false?

A: Can affect any part of the esophagus
B: Can affect more frequent the hypopharynx
C: Can affect the pharingx at the junction with upper esophagus
D: Results from an incoordonation in the esophageal motility during
E:Results from an incoordonation in the pharynx motility during swallowing
Answer D, pages 177-178

17. Which of the simptoms below about esophageal diverticulum are false?
C:Gurgling noises
E: Halitosis
Answer B, page 178

18. Which can NOT cause esophageal varices:

B:Portal hypertension
D:Mediastinal tumors
E:Thrombosis of the portal vessels
Answer A, page 178

19:The emergency treatment to stop the bleeding of esophageal varices is:

A: Antihypertensive treatment
B:Blake-More tube
C:Hemostatic treatment
E:Oro-tracheal intubation
Answer B, page 178

20:Benign esophageal tumors can be,except:

Answer D, page 179

40 % medium

21.Benign esophageal tumors usually present:

D:All of the above
Answer E, page 179

22.The treatment in benign esophageal tumors is:

B:Endoscopic surgery
D: Chemotherapy
Answer B, page 179

23.Most affected population by malignant esophageal tumors is:

A:Males over 60 years
B:Woman over 60 years
C:Males between 40 and 60 years old
D:Woman between 40 and 60 years old
E:All sexes after 40 years old
Answer A, page 179

24:Predisposing factors for malignant esophageal tumors are:

Answer E, page 179

25.Diagnosis for malignant esophageal tumors is made by,except:

B:Barium swallow
Answer A, page 179

26.The inervation of the esophagus is given by:

A:IX th cranial nerve
B:X th cranial nerve
C:XI th cranial nerve
E:All of the above
Answer D, page 170

27.The followers are methods of investigation for esophageal pathology,except:

A: Clinical examination
Answer D, page 170

28.Central neurological disease that can affect the esophagus are:

A:Vagal neuroma
B:Miastenia gravis achalasia
D:Cerebrovascular accident
E:Hylar limph nodes
Answer D, page 171

29.Periferic neurological disease that can affect the esophagus are:

A:Vagal neuroma
B: Cerebrovascular accident
C:Multiple sclerosis
D:Bulbar palsy
Answer A, page 171

30. Mechanical external compresion on the esophagus can NOT be given by:
A:Thyroid enlargement
C:Hilar lymph nodes
D:Gastric tumors
E:Tracheal tumors
Answer D, page 171

31.A connective tissue disease that can affect the esophagus is:
B. Dermatomyositis
D:Myastenia gravis
E:Hodgkin’s disease
Answer C, page 171

32.The immediate burn by acid of the esophagus can determine:

A:Edema of the airway
E:All of the above
Answer E, page 172

33.The anatomopathological lessions of esophageal burns by acid are NOT:

A:Local necrosis
B:Generalized intoxication
D:Gastric necrosis
E:Scarr tisue stenosis
Answer D, page 173

34.The injury after caustic ingestion can be assesed with barium swallow after:
A:One hour
B:One day
C:5 days
D:10 days
E:One month
Answer D, page 173

35.Dilatations after caustic strictures can begin after:

A:Two weeks
B:One month
C:One year
D:One week
E:Two months
Answer A, page 173

36.Clinical aspects of esophageal foreign bodies does not include:

D:Gastric burns
Answer D, page 174

37.Esophagoscopy is used for:

B:Removal of the foreign bodies
Answer E, page 174


33 % easy

1.The anterior triangle of the neck is bordered by,EXCEPT:

A:The anterior border of SCM
B:Midline of the neck
E:Anterior belly of digastric
Answer E, page 181

2. The anterior triangle of the neck is divided in,except:

A:Muscular triangle
B:Supraclavicular triangle
C:Carotid triangle
D:Submental triangle
E:Submandibular triangle
Answer B, page 181

3.Posterior triangle of the neck is formed by,except:

A:Supraclavicular triangle
B:Occipital triangle
C:Cervical triangle
D:Submandibular triangle
Answer E, page 182-184

4.The content of the carotid sheath is, except:

A:Internal carotid artery
B:External carotid artery
C:Anterior jugular vein
D:Internal jugular vein
E:Vagus nerve
Answer C, page 184
5.The neck contains the following cranial nerves:
Answer C, page 184

6.The lymph nodes of the neck can be divided into how many levels?
Answer B, page 185

7.The submandibular lymph nodes drain from,except:

D:Oral cavity
Answer E, page 185

8:The upper jugular digastrics lymph nodes drain from:

Answer C, page 185

9.The middle jugular lymph nodes drain from,except:

C:Oral cavity
Answer B, page 185
10.Inferior jugular lynph nodes drain from,except:
B:Supraglotic larynx
C:Subglotiv larynx
Answer B, page 186

11.Congenital neck diseases are, except:

A:Brachial cysts
B:Thyroglossal cysts
C:Sebacceus cysts
D:Cystic higroma
E:Dermoid cysts
Answer C, page 186

12.Specific infections that determin lymph nodes are,except:

E:Glandular fever
Answer D, page 186

13.Salivary glands pathology includes,except:

B:Thyroglossal cysts
D:Benign tumors
E:Malignant tumors
Answer B, page 208

14. Palpable abnormalities of the neck are given by

A:Thyroid gland
B:Lymph nodes
C:Salivary glands
E:All above
Answer E, page 187
15. Which of the following are NOT a congenital neck remnants:
A:Branchial cysts
B:Thyroglossal fistula
C: Thyroglossal cysts
D:Parapharyngeal abscess
E:Cystic hygroma
Answer D, pages 188-190

16 . Which of the following are NOT a congenital neck remnants:

A: Cystic hygroma
D: Branchial cysts
Answer E, pages 188-190

17.The superficial infections(soft tissues) of the neck region are:

C:Cervical aneurysms
D:Lymph nodes
Answer B, page 190

18.Ludwig’s angina results from a dental infection with:

A:Streptococcus viridians
B: Haemophilus influenzae
C: Staphylococcus aureus
D: Beta hemolytic streptococcus
E: Moraxella
Answer A, page 191

19.Specific infective lymphadenopathy may be given by,except:

A: Sarcoidosis
Answer D, page 192
20. Specific lymphadenopathy may be given by:
A: Sarcoidosis
B:Neoplastic lymphadenopathy
D:Hodgkin’s disease
E:Non Hodgkin’s disease
Answer A, page 192


21. Which of the following are NOT vascular tumors of the neck:
C:Cervical lipoma
D:Arterio-venous fistulae
E:Cervical aneurysms
Answer C, page 195

22.Tumors of the neck can be:

D:Cervical lipoma
E:all of the above
Answer E, pages 195-196

23.The thyroid gland produces hormones like:

Answer D, pages 198

24.Thyroid functions tests includes, except:

B: Thyroxine
D: Triiodothyronine
Answer C, pages 199-200

25.Investigation of thyroid diseases does not includes:

A: Thyroglobulin
B: Thyroxine
Answer E, pages 199-200

26.Hyperthyroidism can result after:

A:Toxic adenoma
B:Congenital hypoplasia
C:Congenital aplasia
D:Diabetes mellitus
E:total resection of the thyroid
Answer A, page 202

27.Thyroiditis can appear after:

E:all of the above
Answer E, page 203

28.Autoimmune thyroiditis is called:

A:De Quervain
E: Heimlich
Answer B, page 203

29.Thyroid carcinoma forms are,except:

A:Follicular adenocarcinoma
B:Pappilary adenocarcinoma
C:Anaplastic carcinoma
D:Medullary parafollicular carcinoma
E:Scuamous adenocarcinoma
Answer E,pages 204-205

30.The most invasive thyroid tumor is:

A:Follicular adenocarcinoma
B:Pappilary adenocarcinoma
C:Anaplastic carcinoma
D:Medullary parafollicular carcinoma
E:Mucoepidermoid tumors
Answer C, page 204

31.The anterior triangle of the neck is bordered in the anterior part by:
B:Midline of the neck
C:The mandible
E:Belly of the digastric
Answer B, page 181

32. The anterior triangle of the neck is bordered in the posterior part by:
B:Midline of the neck
C:The mandible
E:Belly of the digastric
Answer A, page 181

33.The carotid triangle is formed by:

A:Superior belly of the omohyoid
C:Posterior belly of the digastric
D:All above
E:None above
Answer D, page 181

34.The submental triangle is part of:

A:Anterior triangle of the neck
B:Posterior triangle of the neck
C:Carotid triangle
D:Muscular triangle
E:Supraclavicular triangle
Answer A, page 181

35.The posterior triangle of the neck is divided in:

A:Submental and Carotid
B:Supraclavicular and occipital
C:Supraclavicular and submental
D:Submental and muscular
E:Occipital and muscular
Answer B, pages 183-184

36.Submandibular triangle of the neck is NOT formed by:

A:Posterior belly of digastric
B:Anterior belly of digastric
D:Posterior border of SCM
E:Digastric muscle
Answer D, page 181

37.Posterior triangle of the neck is bordered in the lower part by:

D:Digastric muscle
Answer C, page 182

38.The superficial fascia of the neck is found:

A:On top of the platisma
B:Under the platisma
C:Under the trapezius
D:Under the omohyod muscle
E:Under the thyroid cartilage
Answer B, page 184

39.The followers are spaces of the neck ,except:

A:Submandibular space
B:Sublingual space
C:Parapharyngeal space
D:Visceral space
E:Thyroid space
Answer E, page 184

40.Congenital neck diseases are:

B:Thyroglossal cysts
C:Lymph nodes
D:Carotid anevrysm
E:Vagal neuroma
Answer B, page 186


41.Whitch of the followers is NOT a congenital neck dissease:

A:Branchial cysts
B:Cystic higroma
C:Sebacceous cysts
D:Dermoid cyst
E: Thyroglossal cysts
Answer C, page 186
42.Aquired skin neck disease are:
A:Lymph nodes
C:Vagal neuroma
E:Reactive lymphadenitis
Answer B, page 186
43.Benign lymph nodes of the neck are NOT:
B:Glandular fever
E: Reactive lymphadenitis
Answer C,page 186

44.Malignant lymph nodes of the neck are:

B:Glandular fever
E: Reactive lymphadenitis
Answer C, page 186

45.Aquired diseases of the thyroid can be:

A:Solitary nodule
B:Multinodular goitre
D:Benign tumors
E: all of the above
Answer E, page 187

46.Actinomycosis usually first affects:

B: Jaw area
C:Base of the tongue
D:Lymph nodes
E:The skin
Answer B, page 191

47.Parapharingeal abscess can result from:

B:Respiratory distress
D: Gastroesophageal reflux
E:None of the above
Answer A, page 191

48.A nespecific lymphadenopathy can be given by:

Answer B, page 191

49.In sarcoidosis the adenopathy can appear in:

D:Parotid gland
E:All of the above
Answer E, page 192

50. The standard treatment for carotid body tumor is:

E:None off the above
Answer C, page 196

51.Van Recklinghausen’s disease is:

A:Myogenic tumor
B:Vascular tumor
C: Neurogenic tumor
D:Malignant tumor
E:Nespecific tumor
Answer C, page 196

52.The neurogenic tumors of the neck can affect:

A: Accesory nerves
B:Hyposlossal nerve
C:Vagus nerve
D:All of the above
E:None of the above
Answer D, page 196

53.The treatment for leiomiosarcoma is:

B:Surgery and radiotherapy
D:Radio, chemotherapy
Answer B, page 196

54.Salivary glands are:

A:Parotid gland
B:Sublingual gland
C:Submandibular gland
D:Minor salivary glands
E:All of the above
Answer E, page 205-207

55.The largest of the salivary glands is:

A:Parotid gland
B:Sublingual gland
C:Submandibular gland
D:Minor salivary glands
E:Paratiroid gland
Answer A, page 205

56.Radiographic diagnosis of salivary glands pathology is made by:

B:Conventional plain views
Answer D, pages 207-208

57. Radiographic diagnosis of salivary glands pathology is made by,except:

C: Conventional plain views
D: Sialography
E: Biopsy
Answer E, pages 207-208

58.Witch of the following is NOT an inflammatory disease of salivary glands

A:Bacterial parotiditis
C:Pleomorphic adenomas
D:Infections associated with HIV
Answer C, pages 208-209

59.Etiology of autoimmune Sjogren’s syndrome is:

A:A hormonal disease
B:A collagen vascular disease
C:A nervous disease
D:A muscular disease
E:None of the above
Answer B, page 211

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