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Uw gegevens

Name Boakye Boateng

First name Akosua Konadu

Nationality Ghana

Place of birth Accra

Country of birth Ghana

Date of birth 13/11/2011

Sex female

Telephone number 0492169457

Email address

Marital status single

Adresgegevens in Antwerpen

Street Lakborslei, 2100 Deurne

House number 469

Is this your first address in Belgium? Yes

When did you arrive in Belgium? 16/05/19

What is the purpose of your stay? family reunification with a Belgian or

European citizen

Gegevens van familielid

Name Kankam

First name Sheila

National identification number 85042255813

Grote Markt 1 2000 Antwerpen
How many family members (not including 0
yourself) will come to Belgium?

Do you have a passport? Yes

Nummer van uw paspoort: G1710214

Heeft u een identiteitskaart: No

Visa family reunification

I completed this form correctly and accurately.

I understand that the electronic submission of
this form on the Internet has the same legal
status as a signed application.

Grote Markt 1 2000 Antwerpen

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