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Ministry of Defense Assistant Director (BS-17) Held on 4" December 2022 General Knowledge 1. Arab spring started from: Tunis 2. Karl Marx was belonged to: Germany 3. capital of Bhutan is: Thimphu 4. currency of sweden is: Swedish Krona 5. How many countries are members of ASEAN? 10 6. Headquarter of ASEAN is situated in which city?, cas Jakarta G 7. CPEC was signed in which year? ge pee 2013 1 P2 8. Pakistan joined which international organization first? United Nations 9. Which City of Pakistan is famous for sports goods? Sialkot 10. When Sui Gas was discovered in Pakistan? 1952 11. How many Pakistanis won Nobel Prizes? 2 (Abdul Salma & Malala) 12. What is the length of Pakistan China border? 596 km 13. How many official working languages recognized by UN? 6 14. Promoting cultural heritage sites is the objective of which international organization? UNESCO 15. Which picture is on the back of 5000 note? Faisal Mosque 16. Which is the major crop of Pakistan? Wheat 17. What is the national bird of Pakistan? Chukar Partridge Pakistan A ffairs/Current Affairs 18. In the National assembly of Pakistan, Non-muslims are allocated__ seats? 10 cas 19. Tashkent agreement was brokered. by: ppsc Soviet Union ag 20. Nancy Pelosi of USA is’ working as: The speaker of the House of Representatives 21. Allamabad Jalsa was conducted by: Muslim League 22. Who coined the name Pakistan? Ch. Rahmat Ali 23. India has constructed Baglihar Dam on which river? Chenab 24. How many medals won by Pakistan at Commonwealth Games 2022? 8 25. Who Prepared Pirpur report of 1938? Raja Syed Muhammad Mehdi 26. Current Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan is: Syed Mehdi Shah 27. Who is the current Governor of State Bank of Pakistan? Jameel Ahmed 28. Gilgit-Baltistan isa Administrative territory 29. Which country is facing unrest due to a sudden spike in fuel and inflation? Sri Lanka 30. SCO Summit 2022 held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan on: 15-16 September, 2022 31. Who is the current Chairman of National Accountability Bureau (NAB)? ‘Aftab Sultan fOllow Fb Page PPSC MCQS 32. Who is the current Chairman of Election Commission of Pakistan? Mr. Sikandar Sultan Raja 33. Who is currently serving as Minister of State for Foreign Affairs? Hina Rabbani Khar 34. The current population of Pakistan is: 231.24 Million 35. What is the present GDP of Pakistan? $346.34B 36. Who is the current Prime Minister of Russia? Mikhail Mishustin 37. Who is the current Governor of Punjab? Balig ur Rehman 38. Iga Natalia Swiatek is a tennis star of which country? Poland region of Pakistan? 39. Elon Musk is the owner of: Tesla & Space X -Both 40. Raast is Pakistan's first instant payment platform which enables: End-to-end digital payments 41.Elon Musk took over Twitter Company in a___billion deal. $44 Everyday Science 42. Lack of causes diabetes? Insulin 43. Carbon dioxide the temperature of our atmosphere. Increase 44. Which is the smallest part matter? Atom cas 45. Another name of vitamin C is: SoG Ww Ascorbic Acid er Islamiat "0 P aoe 46. When was Quran translated to Latin? 1443 47. How many chapters are in the Quran? 114 48. What is the alternative name of A. Ghazwa-e-Ahzab? Ghazwa-e-Khandaq 49. Preface of the holy Quran is: Surah Al-Fatiha 50. When was Tayammum revealed in which battle? Battle of Banu Al-Mustaliq 51. The first revealed book was. 2 Taurat 52. What is the 7th month of the Islamic calendar? Rajab 53. After the death of Kadeeja, who marry the prophet Muhammad? Sauda 54. Kausar means: Abundance English 55.Alll the planets except Plato the sun. Travel around 56. have been studying For two years. Antonyms 57. Alien - Native 58. Capitulate - Resist 59. Extension - Reduction 60. Gradually- Suddenly 61. Barren- fertile 62. Meager- Plentiful 63. Productive- Disa pao? gb pave ¥ Join our Whatsapp group us for Daily Current Affairs & Single Paper MCQs 03074455944

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