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Project Outline

In this report, you need to compare the performance and policies related to the sector/indicator in

Pakistan, with that of the selected country.

Prepare a report on the topic (sector /indicator) assigned to you based on the following points;


1) Describe the topic (sector/indicator) given to you. You need to explain what the topic is

comprises of.

2) Pakistan: Performance and policies

a) Analyze the performance of that (sector/indicator) in Pakistan (in the last 10 years)

b) Discuss the effect of the performance of that (sector/indicator) on Pakistan’s economy. What

steps are taken by the government to improve (sector/indicator)

3) Select a developing country that you think is performing better than Pakistan with regards

to that sector/indicator.

a) Compare the performance of that sector/indicator in the selected country with that of Pakistan

(in the last 10 years ).

b) Discuss the steps taken by the government of the selected country that allowed that

sector/indicator to improve.

4)Conclusion/ Policy Recommendations

What steps should be taken to improve the sector/indicator in Pakistan

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