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Curso : Ingles I

Profesor Titular del Curso : César Eduardo Marañón Bendezú

Nombre de la actividad : My Daily Routine
Semana : Semana V
Código de la Clase : 30905


APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (1) : Cutipa Ynuma, Cecilia.
CÓDIGO (1) : U22101822

APELLIDOS Y NOMBRES (2) : Huanca Ayna, Cesar.

CÓDIGO (2) : U22103655
 Leer las indicaciones antes de realizar tu trabajo.
 Revisar las penalidades para evitar inconvenientes.

My Daily Routine

Hi Cesar how are you doing.

Good Cecilia.

Tell me what is your daily routine from Monday to Sunday cesar.

So, in the morning I get up at six am, have breakfast at half past six, then I get ready to go to
work and well, I go in at seven thirty in the morning, all day I have meetings and office documents
and I return to I get home around seven at night and then I have dinner and watch movies as
well as I review my canvas of the university work, from there I rest and well this is always daily
from Monday to Friday. On Saturdays and Sundays I wake up around seven in the morning and
I have university classes, I also do sports and then I go to visit my brothers and return home,
have dinner and rest until the next day. And your cecilia what is your routine.

Well, I wake up at 5:00 am to make breakfast for my children and I also prepare lunch for them.
I have a very long job at 10:00 am and I leave at 10:00 pm. In my spare time I do my university
work, this is every day, on Saturdays and Sundays I enter my virtual classes at the university
and I share something with my family, just like you I always visit to see how everyone is and to
rest later.

That's good, Cecilia, see you, take care

You too will cease until soon.

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