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Select E.CodEmp, NomEmp

From Employe E, Tache T
Where E.CodEmp = T.CodEmp
Group by E.CodEmp, NomEmp
Having count(disctinct NumProd) = (select count(NumProd) from Produit)

Select P.NumProd, DesProd
From Tache T, Produit P, Categorie C, Atelier A, Machine M
Where P.NumProd = T.NumProd and P.NumCat = C.NumCat and A.CodAtelier = M.Codatelier

and T.NumMach = M.NumMach and Superficie > 1000 and LibCat = 'Vetement' and
Group by P.NumProd, DesProd
Having count(disctinct CodEmp) = (select count(CodEmp) from Employe)

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