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Universidad Latina de Panamá

Azuero’s Seat

English with emphasis on Translation

Redacción de Textos

Professor Yessenia González

Assigment 5

Argumentative Essay

By Azalia Nieto

ID 8-859-2320

2nd Quarter

Why not to give them a second chance

Do you have any idea of how many trees are cut down per year? A new research led by
Thomas Crowther of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology reports that this total amounts to 15.3
billion per year. We are aware that we have always used timber trees to create wood products.
Currently we still make a lot of things out of wood, such as doors, dining tables and some other
items. almost, all our household furniture is largely made from wood derivatives, but we cannot
deny that owning wood products have become more of a luxury because of their high prices.
Therefore, you should you consider restore antiques wood products instead of buying new ones.

It is important to keep in mind that mankind, since its beginnings, has depended on trees
for its growth. We have used fruit trees to feed ourselves, timber trees to build our homes and their
amenities, as well as wood to create work tools and weapons to defend ourselves. To all this, the
study also concludes that we have cut down 46% of the total trees on our planet since the beginning
of humanity. Consequently, there is an eminent threat due to deforestation and it is imperative to
contribute to its solution because trees are responsible for purifying the oxygen that gives us life.
This leads us to reflect on our future and what we can do to contribute. However, it would be
contradictory to continue buying wood products that only contribute to consumerism and the new
alternatives of raw materials made from wood that are not very good, to say the least.

Among these alternatives we have the new wooden furniture manufactured with materials
like chipboard or MDF. Among their disadvantages we find that they are made with chemical
compounds. Such as their adhesives, which can be harmful to health and cause from eye irritation
to cancer due to prolonged exposure to those who work with them. Also, depending on their quality,
they can be filled with sawdust and other types of wood derivatives, which generates little
resistance to water, even in those that have been treated for this purpose. So, their durability is
limited, and their quality is low. In addition, when they are already deteriorated, they create the
perfect environment for vermin such as cockroaches or mice to create their nests from their filling.
All these inconveniences have an impact on your health and account, it is money badly invested, the
same money that you could invest in restoring an old wooden product.

Wood is almost eternal; with the right work, it lasts practically forever. Oak, mahogany, or
cedar are high quality, durable woods with little maintenance, but today they are expensive because
of their scarcity. While working with wood, I have come to realize that most of the wood products
we consider antique, such as grandma's table or your neighbor´s old door, are pieces made with
high quality wood, making them timeless, and treasurable. Therefore, it would be another waste of
money to throw or give them away. That is why restoring the furniture you already have at home,
or second-hand is an exceptional decision. Maybe your cabinets or TV table look aged, or you find a
chair with a broken leg, but with a small investment, a cut here or there, a sanding and a color
change, you will get from any wood product a new piece.

If you take all the facts above and analyze them, you will realize that it will not take you long
to choose to restore your own furniture or second-handed wood products. The most important
thing is to be aware of what weighs more, having new wood products with low quality or keep those
that have history and good quality. They may even become more special when you see that your
decision also contributes to the environment and the future of yours. At the end, that is not what
we all want in life, to be given a second chance.

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