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Reflecting on your Intelligences and Learning Style

1. What does your learning style and intelligence(s) say about you?

 My learning style say that I’m a person Bodily/Kinesthetic. Normally I

use all or part of my body to create products or solve problems and I
can relate with other people very easily. I’m also a visual person and I
remember things that I have seen or that I have read. I can be a hard
working person and I avoid distractions during study times.

2. What sort of tools/strategies can you use to learn or study?

Include at least 2 that can better your learning or studying.

- The sort of tools/ strategies that you can use to study are:

- To write down key words, ideas or instructions that can be useful

- Try to visualize things that you hear or things that you read
- Draw pictures to help explain new concepts and then explain the
pictures, or prepare flashcards to remember different items

3. Do you agree with the information provided about your learning

style and intelligence(s)? Why or why not?

- I agree with the information that provided about my learning style, as it’s
true that I am a visual, Bodily/kinesthic, I try to solve problems thinking
with my head and sometimes with part of my body. I know that I am very
perfeccionist and hardworker person and if something gets wrong I get
stressed so easily, and I want to correct it inmediately.

4. How do your V.A.T. and Gardner results differ? How are they alike?

The difference in V.A.T and Gardner is that when they show you the results,
Gardner shows you the percentage of each style of intelligence, so then he tells
you which is that represents you more and a brief description.
On the other hand, the V.A.T. teaches you the ones that most represent you
and then gives you a complete description with everything that represents you,
that is, it tells you what careers would be ideal and your characteristics.
In my case at the Gardner it tells me that I am a Musical person, Visual /Spatial,
and Bodily/Kinesthetic. And the V.A.T results show that I am Auditory, Visual
and Tactile, so really both results are pretty similar, they do not show big
differences, and I agree with them.

Cloé Calaf Badosa


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