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My perfect Day

We have gone through many days in our lives.Some days may be great and filled with elation.Contrary
to those days,we all have experienced the days when everything is just not fine and feel like we don’t
even have the strength to face approaching days. But have you ever wondered what a perfect day
would be like?I bet everyone have their own idea of their perfect day. It might be the day they spend
with their loved ones or the day they don’t have to face any problems.Here I would like to describe my
idea of a perfect day.

For me,a perfect day would be the day I don’t have to worry about upcoming deadlines or anything and
be able to enjoy a day free from homework.The day starts by me waking up feeling refreshed and
restored without the usual annoying alarm sound.After waking up I’d walk to my balcony,so that I can
see the scenario after raining all night while enjoying my favorite tea.The leftover raindrops will be
slowly dripping to the ground from green leaves of the tree and I’ll be experiencing the petrichor,the
heavenly smell of rain and nature,in the air.How I start my day is very important for me because
mornings set the entire tone for the rest of my day.If I have a bad one,I’ll likely feel more stressed and
anxious throughout the day.

By around noon,I’d like to hang out with my friends. We’ll probably go the extra mile to escape from the
escape room and chat a lot at a café.I don’t have many friends but I have the right ones.They are always
there for me when I need them.For dinner,I’ll enjoy the delicious food that my mom made with my
family.Our family usually talks a lot at the dinner table so we talk about how our day went and the
atmosphere of the house will be replete with delight and laughter.I feel very cheerful whenever I’m
surrounded by my family because I can share all my joys and sorrows.I know for a fact that I can take
them for granted and depend on them. And for last, I’ll catch up a horror flim with my silblings before
going to bed.

To sum up,my perfect day don’t have to be outstanding or extraordinary. Spending the day with the
people I love such as my bestfriends or my family without any worries would indeed make me happy
enough to call it a perfect day.

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