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Marshall Cave Ui hedaneticy MY* Health) qge 2 yee fle) 71 Introduction aie eacl eee Peep aes UR ra Taae) Julia, Eddy, Joe, and Jane are all growing up. Just like them, you are growing up too. At your age, many changes are taking place in your body. Sometimes, these changes occur very fast and may make you feel rather awkward. You will have lots of questions about what is happening to you. It is good that you are curious and want to learn about these changes. | As we move along, I will share with you more about growing up and learning how to take care of yourself. So come on, let's go! Res Reue Paced ena ene Sea eo eee eta tam changing Changes in boys and girls Have you ever heard your relatives saying, “You have grown so much; you're almost as tall as your Dad” or "You look more and more like your Mum”? This is because your body is developing and changing 4s you go through puberty. Puberty is the period of time when your body changes from that of a child to that of a young adult. These changes occur inside and outside your body. They can happen either slowly or quickly. Puberty usually starts at the age of 9 and lasts till you are 18. However, the exact age at which puberty begins is different for everyone. The start of puberty depends on the set of genes that you inherit from. your parents. During puberty, you will also notice hair growing from under your arms and around the pubic area (in between your legs). A little ; hair will grow at first, but in time, the hair will Wat ape EAS Ue) grow thicker and coarser. Some boys may even of you doing? develop hair on their faces, legs and chests. Hee ... hee! Showing off our leg hair! Changes in girls Girls generally experience puberty earlier than boys. Look at the photograph of Julia now and when she was younger. Julia has changed so much! Now she is taller and has put on more weight around her hips. During puberty, breasts begin to develop. As they develop, nipples might get tender You will feel more comfortable wearing a bra to support your breasts. Menstruation Changes will also take place inside your body during puberty. All these changes take place in the reproductive organs to enable a woman to be pregnant. When your reproductive organs are completely developed, you will begin to menstruate or have your ‘period’. The egg travels Each month, 6 through a tube known can egg is released as the fallopian tube from the ovary. 4 _ into the uterus. fallopian tube uterus Since most girls at your age do not get pregnant, the lining is unwanted. Thus, it breaks down and On the uterus wall, there is a thick and spongy lining filed with blood vessels, This lining will flows with the unused nourish a growing baby aa na ee when one is pregnant. acing ie? teed @ z-| 9 a E iso} The process Every girl has thousands of eggs stored in her ovaries. When you reach puberty, these eggs are ready to be released from your ovaries. This process marks the start of your menstruation and is known as menarche. During menstruation To absorb the menstrual blood, you will need to use Choose sanitary s é pads made of sanitary pads. Otherwise, the menstrual blood will Saar seep onto your clothes. Choose a pad that is of a right size and remember to change your pads regularly. This is because the menstrual blood gives off a slight smell after being exposed to bacteria in the air. Dispose of the used pads properly. Step 2 so Step 5 Wrap the used pad in paper or in a plastic bag. ‘Some of you may have menstrual cramps during your menstruation. If you do, place a hot water bottle on the area slightly below your stomach. This helps you to reduce the pain and discomfort. Doing regular exercises, such as sit-ups, can help to strengthen your stomach muscles and may prevent menstrual cramps. However, if you have unusally severe pain, heavy bleeding, irregular periods or if you feel faint, inform your parents. You may need to see a gynaecologist, a doctor who specialises in treating females. Most girls usually begin to menstruate between the ages of 10 and 14. The exact age, however, varies from person to person. ef Ifyou are unsure about the type of sanitary pad ke to use, ask your mum, U Tyou feel tired, iritable |= cr very moody before your |= period do something you ‘ enjoy and make yourself feel better, Do not worry if you ‘menstruate for quite some time because periods can lost between two and ‘seven days. d (A Shower frequently during Rac restad Some of you may feel embarrassed about iereetiearg menstruation. Nevertheless, it is an important fresh and comfortable and unique change that only gils will experience. ee Itis a sign that you are growing up normally and that Tac is eagles oo your body is healthy! dark leafy vegetables, el fish and chicken. This helps to replace the iron lost Having your ‘period’ does not mean that you have shvough menzivsl blood to avoid normal activities like playing basketball, chatag ra envan cycling or jogging. You can stil continue to enjoy these Remember to add activities and have fun growing up at the same time! calclum-rich food such ‘5 milk, tofu, cheese ‘and yogurt. This helps wee to replace calcium lost. Changes in boys Boys, you will notice changes on your body too. You will grow taller and develop broader shoulders and a bigger chest. You will also put on weight as your muscles and bones develop. Just look at Joe and see how much he has grown and changed! During puberty, you will experience a change in your voice. Your voice will sound deeper and lower. You will begin to sound like an adutt Sometimes your voice may suddenly break into a squeak. This is known «5 ‘voice-breaking’. Do not worry «a8 voice-breaking occurs only occasionally and for a short period of time. Dealing with puberty During puberty, many changes are happening to you at the same time. Talk about and share your experiences with your friends, your mum or your dad. This will help you cope better with the changes. Do not worry if you have not experienced these changes yet. Everyone goes through puberty and you will too. Ea False 6, & 8 % 2 in @ dary’ A balanced diet A balanced diet is important for healthy growth. This is especially so during puberty since your body is developing at a faster rate than before To have a balanced diet, you need to eat a variety of food. What are the types of food that you should eat every day? Can you remember them? body-building foods energy-giving foods Healthy Food Pyramid Every day, you need to fill your plate with energy-giving foods, body-building foods and protective foods. But do you know how much of each type of food you should take? You can use a simple tool - the Healthy Food Pyramid to help you Starting from the base, the Healthy Food Pyramid consists of: °o Food from grains such as e Food that is rich in protein rice, bread and noodles such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, nuts and beans CoN Fruit and vegetables o/| Food that is rich in fats, oils, sugar cr sait such as butter, soft drinks, coke and fies The Healthy Food Pyramid makes use of serving Servin 9C: size to help you eat the right amount of different Cize types of food every day. So, how much is 1 serving? Examples of 1 serving = 1 bow! of cereal or 2 bowls of porridge or 1slice of bread or 4 plain biscuits or 1 bow\ of rice or ‘ez plate of noodles Examples of 1 serving = 1 slice of melon or 1 cup of fruit juice or 1 medium size banana/pear or 6 strawberries/lychees or 1 cup of leafy vegetables or Ye cup of non-leafy vegetables “sang of meo/sh =the ie ond thickness cof astock of cords. Examples of 1 serving = 1 chicken drumstick/fish or | I glass of milk or 2 whole eggs or | Ye cup of beans/lentils or 2 slices of cheese or 1 piece of beancurd (tofu) or 1 cup of yogurt a However, no one type of food is more important than the other. It is the serving size that makes the difference! So do have a variety of food in the right amount for your meals every day. Keep a food diary to jot down what you have eaten for the day. This helps you to check whether you are eating the right amount of different kinds of food every day. A Food that is high in fats, oil, sat and sugar, should only be taken sometimes. Remember to take two servings of calcium-rich food such as cheese, milk, tofu or yogurt every day, Try to eat fishin three meals a week. Go for GUY LER SUCH GK GRRE, LONG, 2a AER sardines, herring. mackerel, salmon. smelt ‘swordfish, tuna or whitebait. aoe © Exercise for health Besides eating healthily, regular exercise is also important for your growing body. Exercise is fun and enjoyable. However, be careful not to injure yourself while you are exercising as it can be a painful experience! You can be injured if you do not do proper warm-up exercises or if you do not wear the proper attire and shoes. a Warming up You need to warm up your body before exercising. Stretching, jogging or cycling for five to ten minutes can help you warm up. All warm-up exercises should be done slowly. Wearing proper attire You should wear proper and well-fitting attire for exercise. Attire that is too tight makes you feel uncomfortable, especially when you perspire. Choose T-shirts and shorts made of cotton \, as cotton absorbs perspiration well. 100% cotton Cooling down At the end of your exercise, do some stretching to cool down. This will help prevent injuries. A Choose shoes that ft well Check this by placing your thumb between your longest toe and the tip of the shoes. The space should not be more than ‘the width of your thumb. (When you buy a pair of sports shoes, choose one with soles made of shock-absorbent material. This helps cushion your feet during exercise. Food and exercise Have you noticed how you tend to eat more after doing some vigorous exercises like playing soccer or swimming? This is because when you exercise, you use up a lot of energy. This energy comes from the food you eat. When all the energy has been used up, your body responds by making you feel ' hungry and you end up eating more Look at Joe. He is enjoying a great meal \ after a soccer match! Isn't it amazing how your body responds to hunger? Most people eat too fast when they are hungry. This can lead to overeating. Do you know that your brain takes 20 minutes to realise that you are full? So give your brain some time to realise that you have eaten enough. Go slow and chew your food well. Eating too much can make you overweight. Itis also important to drink some liquids when you exercise. Take a few sips of water every 15 to 20 minutes. This helps to replace the water lost through perspiration when you exercise. Remember that if your body lacks water, you might suffer a heat stroke. If you get a heat stroke, your face turns red and your body feels very warm. In serious cases, you may have to be sent to the hospital to have your body cooled down! So exercise and enjoy your food but go slow! Also, remember to drink plenty of water during and ar after exercise. Then you will feel energised once again! 0) . J XX Do not eat a heavy meal one or two hours before exercise. You may feel il when you exercise because the food has not been propery digested, ‘The best time for exercise is in the morning. Avoid exercising in the afternoon, under the hot sun. (U. Slow down your exercise gradually to.a stop if you are breathless or in pain (A Drink before you fee! thirsty. Your body is already dehydrated by the time You fee! thirsty. As blood consists ‘of water, if you don't drink enough water, your blood will become thick. This makes itharder for your blood to bring | nourishment to various parts of your body. It also makes it harder for your | blood to carry away waste in your body. | Care for your eyes | An eagle depends on its good eyesight when hunting for prey. Imagine what would happen if an eagle could not see clearly. It would be impossible for the eagle to wear glasses! Good eyesight is very important to an eagle. Similarly, your eyes are just as important to you. You need your eyes to read, watch television programmes, warn you of oncoming traffic and carry out many other activities every day. So how do you take care of your eyes? Bad habits First, you should be aware of the things you do that can damage your precious eyes. Sometimes, Eddy, Julia, Joe and Jane do these things without even realising that they are harming their eyes. Look at what they are doing and learn from their mistakes. Eddy is holding his lose to hs eyes. F eRe EO ae Deniers: position for a oie Bt UA Toke more orange-red food such as carrots, pumpkins, Papayas, mangoes and tomatoes. They are good for your eyes Have enough sleep every day. This helps rest your eyes, especially after «long day at school U See an optometrist (an eye Pee specialist) immediately if Rene eeyrnscogets oy Fae eet a SR os * blinking ch yur take a Good habits v, esi aa oa on Besides avoiding these bad habits, visit hour of computer, tablet or an optometrist if you have problems seeing clearly. srnortete ese. Wear spectacles prescribed by the optometrist A 100k at green trees if you need to. Spectacles help to correct and ‘or plants to rest your eyes A Make your eyesight fomadgldsreen ox better. You will get used to wearing spectacles and you will still look good with them! Care for your teeth Fresh breath and a beautiful smile! Don’t they make you feel good about yourself? If you want to have them, you need to make an effort to clean your teeth regularly. It is important to take care of your teeth because you need them for eating, chewing and speaking. Parts of a tooth To take good care of your teeth, you must first know your teeth well. Do you know the parts of a tooth? Well, this is how a tooth will look like if you can cut it into halt tissue that The gums covers the support visible part your tooth. of your tooth, Plaque You have to practise good oral hygiene to maintain ] a healthy set of teeth. This means you have to practise proper brushing, This helps to remove a sticky layer over your teeth and gums. This sticky layer is called plaque. Plaque forms when you do not brush your teeth properly and food pieces are left in your mouth When plaque stays on your teeth for too long, it causes tooth decay, together with swollen or bleeding gums. Tooth decay Tooth decay occurs because bacteria in the plaque act on the pieces of food left in your mouth to form an acid. This acid is so strong that it can destroy the enamel which protects your teeth. When the enamel is destroyed, bacteria can attack your teeth and cause tooth decay, When the tooth decay is serious, your gums might even start to swell and bleed. tooth decay Brush it off! soft bristles The simplest way to get rid of plaque is to brush \ your teeth at least twice a day. You must also remember to choose the right toothbrush. X Your toothbrush should have soft bristles that hilo not hurt your gums. It should fit into your ir — mouth comfortably and allow you to reach all your teeth easily. You can also use disclosing tablets to check whether you have cleaned your teeth well. The disclosing tablet will stain the plaque with a reddish-pink colour. The reddish-pink stains will show the areas on your teeth which you have missed during brushing. Plaque still remains in these areas. So, keep brushing till the stains ‘are gone! disclosing tablets Beautiful teeth! Practise good oral hygiene to keep your beautiful set of teeth free from plaque and decay. It is well worth the effort! Plaque-removing mouth rinse, fluoride toothpaste and dental floss can help to prevent and remove plaque. A. Misit the dentist once every six months. (A Be gentle on the gums when you brush your teeth. ‘Avoid injuring the gums and causing them to bleed. — 3 Remember, itis not how hard or how fast you brush => y but how you brush that is important. aU GR. tow much time de gou spend brushing and tossing gour teeth? | # eity Book: Tooth decay po18-19 Why do we need clean water? Do you know that of our body is made up of water? No one can live for more than two or three days without water. We need clean water every day . aoe 08? Ks = og Ain" Where our water comes from depends pret on where we live. Some places get their = face water from rivers and lakes. Other places washing hands! collect rainwater. Some other places dig i wells and there are even places that use rushing teeth seawater! Do you know where your Cleaning house local water supply comes from? Other Regardless of where your water comes from, this water has to be treated before it is clean and safe to be used for drinking and cooking reservoir Have you ever thought about what would happen if the water in your country gets contaminated? Drinking and eating seafood from contaminated water can make us ill. We may even get diseases such as hepatitis, cholera or dysentery. Poor Joe had diarrhoea after eating some seafood 2 that he caught from a contaminated river. Would you like to be ill like him? If not, then together, ™ we must try to help keep the water in our country clean and safe. water treatment plant Keep our water supply clean We can take the first step by getting rid of our rubbish properly. Jane and Joe always place their rubbish inside plastic bags before they throw it into a rubbish chute or a rubbish bin with a cover that fits well. Tf rubbish is thrown into drains, canals or rivers, it will contaminate our country’s water. Has this happened in your country? Remember to pour waste water into your toilet bowl or sink. The waste water will be carried by pipes to a central area where itis treated before being drained into the sea If the waste water is thrown into drains, it might be carried to reservoirs together with rainwater. You certainly would not want to have traces of waste water in your drinking water, would you? river polluted with trash If you spot big patches of oil on your next trip to the beach, alert the marine police. Oil pollutes the water and also harms marine life and birds. Remember, everyone must play a part in caring for the environment. We must keep our water clean and safe. See how beautiful a river can be, when itis clean! IS intestine Food) paisontng Get rid of germs Germs are all around us, even in our food. Do you know what will happen if you eat food that is full of germs? You will feel sick and will most likely have a stomach ache and diarrhoea. You may also feel like vomiting. This is because the germs are multiplying and Scrub your releasing harmful substances palms. in your intestines. of Apply soap. ot Moisten your hands with water. 0 So how can you prevent such awful experiences from happening? Easy, just remember the 5Cs: © Clean your hands * Prevent Cross-contamination of food © Chill leftover food in the fridge * Cook food well * Use separate Cutlery Clean your hands } After you have used the toilet or before you eat, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to get rid of germs. Follow Julia and see how she washes her hands before dinner time. Wash the back of your hands, Scrub in between. max my’ your fingers. \ Scrub the tips of your fingers. Wash your wrists, ae to Rinse. thoroughly. Prevent cross-contamination of food When raw food comes into contact with cooked food, germs cross over from the raw food to the cooked food. This is called cross-contamination. Hence, you need to wash chopping boards that have been used for raw meat, fish and chicken with soap and hot water before you use them to cut any cooked food or food that is meant to be eaten raw. Chill leftover food in the fridge SR * Germs grow rapidly at room temperature s0 refrigerate leftover food immediately. * Bring soups and gravy to boil when re-heating them. Cook food well * Eat food that has been cooked well, especially shellfish. Use separate cutlery Food can be shared but remember to use different sets of cutlery like forks, spoons and chopsticks. * Germs can be spread easily when two or more people are using the same cutlery. When one person is sick, the germs will spread more quickly. 4 (reas 0 Perils eS Vv fo avoid food poisoning, follow the golden rule, “Keep hot food hot and cold food cold”. Emergencies In your dai if, you depend 4. ny dager on your sense of smell taste, bleeding and hearing, touch and sight to erent hurts! alert you to dangers. Imagine what would happen if your skin cannot feel the heat coming from a kettle of boiling water! What if your nose cannot detect the smoke from a fire? What to do in an emergency? | “Fight” and “Flight” When emergencies arise, what do you do? You can respond by facing ("fight’) or fleeing away ("flight") from the danger. For example, when you see a fire, i you may help to “fight” it with water. However, when the fire gets too big, you take “flight” and ask for help. When you ask for help during an emergency, do the following: UA Toke a deep breath to calm yourself. A Provide the following information as accurately «5 possible: ‘+ When did it happen? ‘+ How did it happen? ‘+ Where did it happen? | Didi... UA Move to a safe spot. One way of obtaining help during an emergency Ao Wait calmly for help is to call your family members or an emergency hotline toartve, such as the police or firefighters. Can you remember ‘any emergency hotline numbers? Memorise these emergency hotline numbers or carry a copy of these numbers with you because you never know when you might need them onl a , Simple first aid Itis good to know simple first aid. It can be used for treating injuries such as cuts and burns. First aid is important, especially when the help you need does not come on time. Have you tried applying first aid in school or at home? As far as possible, get the help of an adult if you are applying first aid Cuts and scrapes First, clean the cut with antiseptic liquid to kill the bacteria. If you are bleeding, press on the area with a piece of gauze or a clean cloth. This is to stop the bleeding. Next, cover the wound with some gauze and a plaster to keep out bacteria. Change the gauze daily. Slight burns Place the burnt area under running water for about 5 to 10 minutes and dry the skin gently with a clean cloth. Gently rub some cream meant for burns on the area and cover it with a piece of gauze. Observe the area for any swelling or redness. Things in the eyes If chemicals enter your eyes, wash your eyes with lots of water. See a doctor immediately if your eyes still hurt. When dirt or dust gets into your eyes, apply some eye drops or saline to clear the dirt or dust away. (U See a doctor ifthe burn, cut, swelling or irritation worsens. A Moke sure you have a complete frst aid box at home and in your ‘classroom for emergencies. Check the expiry dates ofthe first aid items regularly and replace ‘them when necessary. ~~ | Noasmeking What's in a cigarette? Cigarettes are made from tobacco plants. These plants contain a substance called nicotine. Nicotine causes the heart to work less effectively. Effects of smoking Smoking is addictive. It takes only a while to get addicted to it. Once you are addicted to smoking, it is very difficult to stop! Smoking affects the way a person looks. You can smell a strong and unpleasant tobacco odour on a smoker's clothes, hair and other parts of the body. Smoking can also cause staining of the teeth. tobacco plant ugly stained teeth a smoker's stressed heart So, do you think smokers look cool? Would you want to stay around them? Smoking also costs money. In a year, a smoker will spend a lot of money if he or she buys a pack of cigarettes every other day. Have you ever thought that this amount of money can be used for buying other useful things such as food, books or games? So, don’t start smoking! Tell your friends about the bad effects of smoking. Have a smoke-free environment for your farnily, friends and yourself. Don't ever try smoking. If anyone casks you to smoke, refuse him or her politely. If he or she insists, Just walk away. | etity Book: Who con buy? pH82-83 | Do you worry a lot? How does this make you feel? Do you know this can lower your confidence? SSE ready for ‘My little brother was also worried that no one would want to be his friend and laugh at him if he gave ‘the wrong answer in class ‘Mummy, Idon’t want to be here! a Science lesson tomorrow. What if I don't understand anything? 3 So how can we T’m just not good x turn it around and not be ‘amr in Science. What if » i ? THINKING | I fail again? Teacher Ben taught us to change ‘chilli hot” 4 thinking to ‘ice cool’ thinking OO. People will laugh at me when I give a wrong answer and no one will want to be my friend .. Twill fail my Science test again’ and Mum will scold Change these unhelpful thoughts to helpful ones! We all make mistakes sometimes. However, we should avoid making careless mistakes. For example, if you don’t check your Math test m still learning new things. It's OK even if my friends laugh at my mistakes. My teacher is my friend and I can also make new friends in class! Twill get better and better in Science as I will spend more time studying and checking with teachers on areas I don't understand. Z| Thank you, or essay, you might miss correcting a calculation Teacher Ben, for giving us or spelling mistake. Such careless mistakes are made very helpful advice. because not enough effort has been put in. So put in your best effort to check your work, then you wouldn't need to worry about careless mistakes. Do you know other ways to reduce worrying? H pativity Book: Chil hot or ice cool? p.34 Marshall Cavendish Mel ce ane UMPCs Lele Rey to instil in every child the importance of cultivating omnes n ae ees Tate a eee eect feel SRR OR Meo) ut 8 Oke eA LUR UL Real eo} through Grades 4, 5 and 6. Together with two new characters, Jane and Auntie Mel, these characters will help children better understand the health issues that affect them. ecco eeee econ Manel Neen Ries Uae) Dag etait kell ecres colourful illustrations and photographs. This series ete scr Rtas eel eaehs a focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEU. ee mee eeui nee meta) eee eee chee ates being caring, patient, humble, forgiving, etc., are Mise Meters tetera Melrose ee eis een eae eke Mea er ae Care CBee son

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