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Unit 2 - Developing Writing LSTS Gateway C1 A Formal Opinion Essay

Unit 2 Writing Assessment - Guided Essay

You have just listened to a radio discussion about what influences teen trends and fashions. You
have made the notes below.

What is the most important influence on teen trends and fashions?

Your Notes:
Influences on teen trends:
1. Friends
2. New Technology
3. Role-models (e.g., celebrities, influencers)

Opinions expressed by peers in your discussion:

Opinion 1: ’It’s important to most teens to fit in.’
Opinion 2: ’There’s always a new device on the market.’
Opinion 3: ’Teens want to copy their favorite role-models such as a celebrity.’

Instructions: Referring to the exemplars and guidance provided in this document, refer to your outline and
write your 4-paragraph formal opinion essay below. Remember: Discuss two of the influences in your
notes. Explain which influence is the most important, giving reasons to support your answer. Write
between 220-260 words. Please check the rubric attached in the Canvas assignment for more information
about how this essay will be marked.

Procedure: Outline your answer on paper (due class 11.3), then write your essay for the above task,
discussing two of the influences in “Your Notes” listed above (due by November 25). Explain which
influence is the most important, giving reasons to support your answer.

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Unit 2 - Developing Writing LSTS Gateway C1 A Formal Opinion Essay


Below is the model answer to the prompt “To what extent is homework beneficial for students?”

Notice how the student’s essay follows the suggested paragraph plan and information from the
outline above:
Paragraph 1: Introduction – outline the topic using general statements.
Paragraph 2: Develop argument for proposition 1.
Paragraph 3: Develop argument for proposition 2.
Paragraph 4: Conclusion – restate the most important point(s) and call to action.

The benefits of homework have been debated by students and teachers for years. For many people, homework is seen
as advantageous because it encourages students to think independently outside the classroom. However, others believe
that it causes stress and can have a negative effect on learning. As homework is an integral part of most students’ lives,
it is an issue that requires serious consideration.

The main purpose of homework is to enable students to retain knowledge that has been taught in class. Research has
proven that practice is required in any subject in order to achieve excellence and for this reason, homework can improve
students’ performance in tests and exams. Whereas at school students may spend time interacting with peers, at home
they can work at their own pace, without distractions. This means that they are better able to concentrate and learn. A
further benefit of homework is that it may allow students to research a subject using other resources, such as the library
or Internet, which can develop their understanding of a topic and increase critical thinking skills.

On the other hand, some people say that students are often involved in extra-curricular activities after school so they
do not have sufficient time for homework. They argue that hobbies and sports are equally important to well-being.
Furthermore, they suggest that there is increasing pressure on young people to participate in the community through
voluntary work, and so many demands can be stressful. While this may be true, time management is an important skill.
Learning how to be responsible and organized so that it is possible to combine both work and other activities is not only
useful while studying, but can also help to prepare students for adult life.

To sum up, homework can be beneficial in reinforcing what has been studied in class and improving academic
performance. Despite the fact that it may be time-consuming, it can also enable students to develop valuable life skills
such as time management. In order to encourage a positive attitude towards homework, a reasonable amount should be
set so that young people can continue to live balanced lives. It should also include interesting tasks that motivate them
to learn.

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Unit 2 - Developing Writing LSTS Gateway C1 A Formal Opinion Essay


Remember the basic features of formal essays:
• an introduction and conclusion
• impersonal style: more use of passive; less use of ‘I’ and ‘you’
• balance of complex sentence structure (two or more clauses) and sentences with a single clause
• fewer phrasal verbs
• avoid the use of contractions, slang, idioms, etc.

See below some linguistic suggestions on how to keep your writing formal.

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Unit 2 - Developing Writing LSTS Gateway C1 A Formal Opinion Essay



★ Candidates are given clear guidance regarding the content and structure of their essay. This means there
is much less scope for personal self-expression than in some other types of writing.
★ The guidance takes the form of three bullet points, which are three different ideas about the topic. You
have to address two of these bullet points. You are also given three ‘opinions’ that relate to the topic,
which you may make use of in your essay if you like. However, it’s perfectly acceptable to express
completely different opinions if you wish.
★ It’s important to use your own words and, where possible, not repeat language from the question – use
synonyms and paraphrase instead.
★ Where appropriate, support the points you make with evidence or examples. But remember that you are
not expected to be an ‘international expert’ on the topic. It’s perfectly acceptable to use evidence or
examples from your own experience, such as your family, friends, school and community.
★ The word count for guided essays is 220–260 words. For most candidates, there will be insufficient time
to write more than 260 words – and anyway, quality is more important than quantity! This does not allow
for detailed or lengthy arguments. In fact, to complete the task, you will need to be concise and make
your points as efficiently as possible.
★ Guided essays should begin with an introduction and end with a conclusion. Often, these paragraphs are
slightly shorter than the others. This allows the focus of your essay to be the points you have to make.

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Unit 2 - Developing Writing LSTS Gateway C1 A Formal Opinion Essay


Along with the development of information technology and globalization, people are no longer
influenced only by their countrymen but worldwide trends are now easily accessible. These days, it
takes no effort to recognize what is in vogue since we can see what they are beating the drum for
from social media to reality. Teenagers, who are more likely to approach and support the trends, are
usually questioned about what and who influenced and inspired them to do that. This essay will
discuss this matter.

The most influential thing that boosts teenagers to follow the trends is role models, which refers to
celebrities and influencers. Since these individuals have their voices as well as fame in society,
young people tend to have them as their dream models and look up to them because of the prestige
they hold. As the belief that what public figures do and put on is always the standard, it is easier for
the trend to spread widely, and consequently, ‘a trend’ is accidentally created. Let’s take Jennie
from BLACKPINK, the biggest girl band, as an example. She is known as a trendsetter because of
the classy vibe she gives making anything she wears unexpectedly special. There was a time she
released a new single with her group and in the MV, she dyed her bangs blonde and left the entire
part of the hair black, which has never been seen before. As a result, her iconic hairstyle reappeared
by international influencers and celebrities, proving her impact in particular and public figures’
impact in general on fashion and trends for teenagers.

From another point of view, it is possible that friends are another potential motivation for teenagers.
Although it may not as vital as role models, it cannot be denied that teen trends cannot work
efficiently without friends. The reason is that friends are simply teenagers, therefore, before they
inspire their other friends, role models are the first one to do that. Moreover, role models are the
initial inspiration, but what decides teenagers to whether follow the trend or not at the end of the
day depends on their friends. Peers are whom they are most familiar with, thus, once witnessing
their loved ones also join in the trend, their confidence are automatically boosted, which makes
them more comfortable doing what they like without worrying of being judged because they have
their company behind. In some cases, seeing friends catching the trend, people tend to follow it to
achieve the feeling of fitting in the crowd. As current generation of teenagers, being left out or
treated differently is everyone’s nightmare.

Inevitably, the influence of role models as well as friends on teen trends and the fashion is most
crucial than ever before. While public figures give teenagers the idea of the trend, friends play an
important role in supporting and give them the comfort to follow the trend. In order to encourage
the confidence in teenagers, the importance of uniqueness should be propagated widely.

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