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In daily life, we constantly face adversities in life.

It’s almost as if it’s a never-ending

crisis. But just like they say, there’s no positive or negative circumstance in life, it’s completely

neutral. As I experienced some setbacks in my life I often whine and take things too personally.

When something bad happens, I often blame myself and the world for putting me in an

uncomfortable situation. I also dwell in the past most of the time which weighs me down. As I

grow older, I noticed that instead of complaining about my situation or the past, I can alter it into

something positive. That the obstacles that I have encountered and will encounter are just

helping me to grow and make my life more fulfilling.

I also learned that nothing stays the same in this world, that nothing is certain and we

need to adapt to ever-changing circumstances. This also led me on validating my wisdom instead

of continuously listening to someone’s advice that is foisted on me. Instead of relying on other

people telling me what actions should I take, I must also believe in my own decisions. I also

discovered that people come in many forms and I need to understand them to be able to

communicate with them better. To accept them as they are. And to build a strong connection. I’m

also starting to be self-reliant, confident, and my authentic self. These qualities will greatly help

me to overcome hurdles and to make hard decisions; to be responsible for my failure and


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