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FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination Key PartS 56. experimental 58. production 60. economically 62. frequently 64. navigation 57. technologically 59.electricity 61. disadvantage 63. driver 65. considerably 129, 2. say 6. tell 10. said 14, tell 18. told/asked 22. tell 3. tell 7. says 1. said 15. asking 19. saying 23. say 4. said 8. tell 12. toll 16. ack 20. say 5. asked 9. asked 13, say, tell 17. tell 21. tel 130. 2. He said he had always hated the music they played at that disco. (out-of-date reporting; the tenses change) 3. She said he'll repair the car next Friday. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don't change) 4, She said she would be travelling home that time the following week. (out-of-date reporting; the tenses change) 5. Sho says he loft last Monday. (the reporting verb ia in Progont S. 20 the tonaes in the reported sentence do not change) 6. He said he hasn't decided what type of car he will buy. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don't change) 7. She said it was time we/they went out. (unreal past) 8. He said the earth is/was round. (true) 9. He said (that) when they were fishing, they caught a trout. (the reported sentence contains a time clause, therefore the tenses can remain the same) 10. The secretary said my reports are all typed up. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don’t change) 11. The teacher said dinosaurs are extinct. (rue) 12. Lucy said Paris was a small city. (not true) 13. He said he had been sunbathing all afternoon. (out-of-date reporting; the tenses change) 14, Paul said she looks/looked very pretty todayithat day. (reporting immediately after it was said) 15. He said that if he were me, he would enter the competition. (2nd type conaiitional) 16. The coach said that if they had played well, they would have won. (3rd type conditional) 17. He said she doesn't seem to be enjoying herself. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don't change) 18. The professor said water freezes at 0°C. true) 19. He said she ought to see a doctor. 20. Tom said Mum was making a cake then. (out-of-date reporting; the tenses change) 21. She said they had been to Australia two years before. 22, Tim said he can't possibly be serious. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don't change) 23. Her father said they had been/were watching television when they heard the news. (the reported sentence contains a time clause, therefore the tenses can remain the same) 24, She said she is meeting Terry tomorrow. (up-to-date reporting; the tenses don't change) 25, My boss said that | would have to do better than that the next time. (out of date reporting; the tenses change) 131. 2. He asked me how much money | had. 3. She asked Tim iffwhether he had really written that poem. 4, They asked the doctor how the operation had gone. 5. He asked her if she would be going on holiday the following Easter. 6. Joan asked Mary ifwhethor that was her daughter walking along the pier. 7. She asked me why he was acting that way. 8. She asked me if I could let Joan know she would be late. 9. She asked Lynn which of those dresses suited her best. 0 10. He asked iffwhether that bicycle belonged to anyone. 30 FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination 132, 133, 134, 135. He asked who had used his toothbrush He asked me if/whether | wanted to join them at 6.00. He asked me why | hadn't told him about the party. She asked Sue if/whether she had been to York before. BSS I doubted that he had stolen the money. He wondered if she had told anyone about their engagement. Could you tell me what time the train leaves? ‘She wondered who had done it. He wanted to know where she/I had been. | wonder if/whether he speaks French fluently. | doubt iffwhether she will be on time. Do you know how long he has been working here? I want to knaw ifwhather they are moving house. Mother told us/me to wipe our/my feet on the mat. She asked me to forgive her. He asked me if | could babysit for him that night. ‘She advised me not to eat so much meat. Tom's boss told/warned him to be there on time in future. Barry asked/requested her to pass him the salt. Sally suggested buying some new curtains. Henry suggested my going to bed early/Henry suggested that | (should) go to bed early. His father told him not to be horrible to his little sister. SErNggaen Soernovaan Soepnoasen She asked when we would let them know. She offered to carry my suitcase. (offer) She said (that) she couldn't play chess very well She said (that) we had to finish the work that day. She said (that) | didn’t nave/need to wear formal clothes. She said that | should take more exercise. (advice) She offered to get me an aspirin. She said (that) Tony must have missed his bus. 10. She said (that) we would go to the zoo the following day. 11. She said (that) she might take up skiing 12. She asked me what she should buy him for his birthday. (advice) 13. She said (that) they wouldn't arrive on time. 14, She said they wouldn't have to be at the meeting the following week. {Suggested answers) . instruct - He instructed me to press the button first. a deny - He denied copying/having copied John's work. 4. complain - He complained to me about him never telling the truth/He complained that he never toldjtells the truth. boast - He boasted that he was very good at maths. exclaim - He exclaimed that she was very beautiful. inform - He informed me that Peter was unable to attend the mecting the following day. refuse - He refused to tell me what had happened. adie - He advieed me to go home. explain - He explained to me how to fix it. suggest - He suggested that | (should) go home. explain - He explained to me how he had begun his career. admit - He admitted teling/having told them everything. apologise - He apologised for shouting/having shouted accuse - He accused me of lying/having lied to him. want - He wanted me to carry the bag. remind - He reminded me to ask Janet. SSRESRISc@ernoG 31 FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination 18. warn - He warned me not to touch that wire. 19. permit - He permitted me to go. 20. urge - He urged me to try it again. 21. insist - He insisted on her attending more frequently. 22. invite - He invited me to go to the theatre. 23. forbid - He forbade me/us to talk during the exam, 24. encourage - He encouraged me to enter the race. 25. command - He commanded us/me to run immediately. 26. beg - He begged me to tell him the truth. 27. deny - He denied that James had told him he was working undercover. 28. allow - He allowed me to take his car. 29. promise - He promised that he wouldn't do it again. 80. threaten - He threatened to shoot me if | didn't give him the money. 31. offer - He offered to help. 82. order - He ordered me to give him everything. 33. apologise - He apologised for being/having been late. 34, agree - He agreed that he was very handsome. 35, 36, 37, claim - He claimed that he knew the musician well ask - He asked me to explain once more. . complain - He complained that | was never on time. 136. (Suggested answers) A. _... Carter explained that he had already been on holiday, reminding his boss that he had been on safari in Kenya. His boss then wanted to know whether Carter had gone in March, When Carter said that that was correct, his boss asked whether he had enjoyed his holiday. Carter explained that as he hadn't managed to see many animals, it had been (very) disappointing. The boss then asked him if he had any plans to go back there. Carter informed him that he had already booked tickets for the following year in February. adding that he thought it would be a better time for seeing the animals. ‘The boss ended the conversation by saying jokingly that they would be looking for a new accountant if Carter came face to face with a lion. B._... the weekend in Scotland, adding that they would be able to find a cheap bed and breakfast in the Highiands. Cathy wanted to know what they were going to do all weekend with nothing but sheep for company. Andrea promised to teach her how to ski, C. _... had written to the University of Madrid. James apologised, explaining that he hadn't had time. Mr Mille eaid that there was no point in apologieing to him but he pointed out that James had to apply early because the universities/they fill their places very quickly, James then admitted thathe wasafraid of not passing his Spanish exam. Mr Mills asked him if he had been working hard. James said that he had buthe had hoped to apply to Paris ashe was much better at French. MrMills agreed that James was better at French and wanted to know whether he would write to the Sorbonne that night ithe put his name down. James promised to write as soon as he got home, 137. (Suggested answers) A. _..."mnottaking responsibilty for our/the situation.” ~But you don’t even know Now to read @ map," Catherine said. "I'l leave if you don't get us out of this mess." "But you always make me do all the ‘Stephen complained. "!'m sorry for not helping," Catherine said, "but please do something as I don't want to spend the night in the open.” "OK, welll find somewhere to stay," Stephen said, "but just keep calm. Actually, would you mind helping me with the map reading?" “Of course," Catherine laughed. "Perhaps you should try holding the map the right way up." B. _...ashipwreck full oftreasure on the ocean floor, "the diver boasted. "You are lying,"his friend replied. "You see, that part of the sea has been explored thoroughly." Well, | have found some treasure," the diver insisted and added, “only | have searched that particular area.""Well fthis is the case, "his friend replied, "you should notify the authorities as soon as possible in order to lay claim to the treasure. If you fail to do so," she continued, "someone else may claim the treasure for themselves." "Well actually," the diver admitted, “the wreck isn't really that old and the treasure consists of Monopoly money!" 32 Key FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination 138. 2. He proposed that we/they (should) go to the beach 3. Dad recommended that wethey (should) paint the room blue. 4. She requested that I/he/she (should) bring her a cup of tea. 5. Mr Smith insisted that we/they do our/their homework. 139. (Suggested answer) she was very hungry and she added that she hadn'teaten anything since breakfast. She then asked Geoffrey if he was sure he didn’t want anything. He replied that he was sure. adding that he'd already eaten too much that day and couldn't eat anything else. Joan suggested that he have a glass of milk and he agreed. Joan told him that she had really enjoyed the visit to the aquarium that morning and went on to ask him what he thought they should do that afternoon. Geoffrey suggested going to the folk museum because he thought it looked interesting. Joan reminded him that they had to be back at the notel by six. He asked her not to worry as they would have enough time. Joan then gave an exclamation of surprise and went on to say she had lost her purse, adding that she thought she must have dropped it in the car park. Geoffrey offered to go back and look for it for her. 140. 2. She exclaimed that it was a brilliant idea. 3. She promised to take me to the park the next day. 4, She suggested having the wedding in the spring. 5. She begged me not to tell her father what had happened. 6. She complained that I was always late. 7. She apologised for not being/naving been there when | needed her. 8. She accused me of switching/having switched the reports. 8. She refused to lend me the money. 10. She forbade me to go to the party that night. 11. She offered to hang out the washing. 12. She reminded me to send Mum a birthday card. 13. She explained to me how to switch on the machine. 14. She boasted that she was the best tennis player in the club. 15. She encouraged me to propose to her. 141, (Suggested answer) "You must tell me exactly what you want the money for,” said the manager. "I want to set up my own. cleaning business," Daniel explained. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea. But you have to be very careful before you invest a lot of money," said the manager. "Yes, | know," said Daniel. "And it's true that I've never had my own business before." "I'm sorry, | can’t promise you a loan immediately," said the manager. "Why don't you write a business plan and come back in a week’ "OK, I'd be happy to come back next Thursday," said Daniel. 142. (Suggested answers) He asked her to take the dog for a walk as he was busy. ‘She advised him not to smoke, explaining that it was bad for his health. He asked if he could borrow her pen because he needed to write something, The teacher told them not to talk because it was a test. ‘She suggested that he turn off the TV as he wasn't watching it. He invited Mary to their house that evening, explaining that Jim wanted to see her. He wanted to know if she had read the newspaper as he wanted to look at it. ‘She explained that the baby should be asleep as it was ten o'clock, ‘She refused to have any more cake, explaining that she had had enough 411. Their mother warned them not to play near the road because it was too dangerous. 12, He told me that he liked Susan because she was very triendly. 13, She explained that she was teaching Jane's class because Jane was on holiday that week 14. He informed me that Sarah would like to have the house because she had lived there a long time. 18. He told June that che could become famous as che was a very good singer. 16. He asked her whether she was going to take the job of wait for a better one. BSeeneason FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination Key 143, 144, 17, She asked me to phone Julie as she had heard she had had a fight with Mark 18. She wanted to know when May would be back as she had been away all week. 19. He asked his wife whether they should try the new restaurant as he had heard it was very good. 20. She explained that if anyone phoned I was to tell them she wouldn't be there till the following day. 21. She said she would love to go to Venice, adding that she had never been there. 22. She told me not to ask Simon how to use the computer as he didn't know a thing about them. 23, Samantha explained that she had to go at once or she might miss the bus. 24. Charlotte apologised for not having phoned/phoning me the day before, explaining that she had had to visit her aunt. (Suggested answers) 2. ... urged us to remember 17. ... exolaimed that it was 3. ... accused Mandy of taking/having taken ... 18. ... begged him not to hut. 4. ... reminded me to take ... 19. ... urged me to give her 5. ... complained about ... 20. ... agreed that | was right .. 6. ... insisted on Laura having another... 21. ... asked them to leave Ner ./ 7. ... promised never to let... asked to be left 8. ... complained that John never put ... 22, ... apologised to Jane for hurting ... 9. ... boasted that he was .. 23, ... admitted (to) having torn ... invited me to lunch 24. ... asked the passer-by to call 11. ... denied eating/having eaten .. 25. ... offered to do .. 12. ... suggested going out .. 26. ... refused to go to 13. ... forbade us to touch ... 27. ... allowed me to use ... 14. ... claimed (that) he knew where .. 28. ... encouraged her to join... 16. ... gave David permission to kiss ... 29. ... threatened to lose his temper 16. ... warned me not to drive 30. ... agreed to paint ... 2did 5. to 8 do 11, to 14, having 17. are. 20. been 3. of 6 about 9. to 12. to 15. that 18. do 4. will 7. but 10. that 13. had 16. to 19. how Oral Development 7 (Suggested answers) 1, “Isn't this wonderful?" said Philip. “I wish we never had to go home." "Yes, it's marvellous,” agreed Monica. “I couldn't believe it when Jack told us we had won the competition.” Philip exclaimed how wonderful it was, adding that he wished they never had to go home. Monica agreed that it was marvellous saying that she couldn't believe it when Jack had told them that they had won the competition. 2. "How's your husband doing?" said Sharon's uncle. “Has he recovered properly from the operation?" "Yes," replied Sharon. "Ho's up and about now. In fact he'd love to see you. Why don't you pop round tonight and surprise him?" Sharon's uncle asked how her husband was and wanted to know whether he had recovered properly from the operation. Sharon replied that he had and was up and about. She then added that her husband would love to see him and suagested him popping round that night to surprise him, Folder 6 145. 2. on 4. up 6. out 8. round 10. infoack 12. out 3. downwith 5. infor 7. up 9. back 11. over 146. 2. for 6. of 10. of 14. on 18. to 22. for 3. on 7. with 11. for 15. of 19. to 23. for 4. to 8 to 12. in 16. for, by 20. with 24, in 5. in 9. about 13. in 17. in 21. for 25. with, about/over Key FCE Use of English 2 for the Revised Cambridge Examination 147. 2. ... shouldn'tineedn't have bought me... 7. ... to avoid spending ... 3. get through all this work .../ 8. ... were cut off... .. get all this work done ... 9. ... agreed to take me/us ... 4, «1. one of whom was ... 10. ... spite of being an expert 5. ... and as a result he ... 11. ... denied having given them ... 6. ... IS likely t0 go to ... 12, ... attitude was So inritating that ... 148, 1. sheisn't very enthusiastic about it 6. made me feel drunk 2. learn it by memory/perfectly 7. very easily 3. very clumsy 8. depressed 4. never does anything 9. through people telling each other about him 5. without following a fixed set of rules 10. openly but without having been noticed 149. 2. make 5. do 8. being made 41. make 14. making 3. making 6. do 9. made 12. make 18. make 4. hasdone 7. does 10. making/to make 13. did 16. made Practice Test 6 Part 1 1c 3A 5.B 7.8 9c 11.D 13.C 15.B 2D 4A 6D 8A 10.B 128 B Part 2 16. whether 19. lot 22. for 25. There 28. while 17. about 20. having «28. fact ~—«-26. from 29. something/a 18, full 21, more 24. well 27. most/many/all 30. be Part 3 31. ... stil hasn't finished ... 36. ... apologised for spoiling/having spoil ... 32, ... should not have given up ... 37... should turn in 33, prevented him from running .. 38. brought up two children ... ‘34. ... not worth arguing about it... 39. be allowed to take ... 35. ... take as long as .. 40. must have known Part 4 41. got 437 45. of 47.her 49.7 Siw 55. more 42. was, AA. for 46. that 48. 4 50. in 52. one 54. Part 5 56. revolution 59. roughly 62. normally 65. continuously/ 57. observatories 60. astronomical 63. fascinating continually 58, noticeable 61. development 64. active

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