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Narrator 1: A little help, a kind gesture can reach a wound only compassion can heal and can go

further than you think. So have you helped someone ? have you been so empathetic that someone
opens up to you? Have you changed someone’s life by just giving them a streak of hope through some of
your kind words?

Narrator 2: So today grade 9 will present a play showcasing the significance of helping and how it can
mutate a person into a totally different one. Let’s start with the name of Allah for that I would like to call
upon____________ for recitation and ___________________ for translation.


Narrator 1: Ebad and Reyan, two brothers enter the living room with different levels of
triumph gripping onto their result sheets which seemed to dictate their future.
Ebad: Dad! Guess what! I topped my class AGAIN!
Dad: I knew my son, I knew you would never disappoint me, after all, it runs in our blood .

Dad turns to Reyan

Dad: what about you Reyan? How have you managed to disappoint me yet another time?

Reyan slides the paper in dads hands

Reyan : Dad, I tried .. I worked so hard.. I tried my best to make you proud but … this result, it
really does not match my efforts.

Ebad: you tried hard? Really ? Scrolling through Instagram and wasting your time watching
those useless art reels, right before the exams is NOT what you call “working hard”.

Reyan steps back defeated

Dad: learn from your elder brother who has been making me proud since the day he was born
and YOU, who has not even worked hard are trying to explain to me that you worked hard?
Such a disgrace o the family you are!

Scene 2
Narrator : He is alone in a room with just his fathomless sea of thoughts

Reyans head is down

Narrator: Reyan being yet again another victim of depression tired of his constant failures
wishes to soar higher in his fathers eyes

raises his head

Reyan: I’m a disappointment …I know! I’m a failure…I know that too! But what do they know
about me ? did they ever ask about how im feeling? Or did they ever ask if I needed any help ?
NEVER. Do they know what I go through? NO! all they did was shatter my dreams . I never
wanted to study Eng Lit or Engineering … All I ever wanted to do was Arts and that even I
cannot do. If they can’t help me they should not put me in pain. If they put restrictions on my
freedom of conscience then they should not set towering expectations. I don’t even understand
literature , All I see are dancing letters mocking my capabilities.

Narrator: poor Reyan has no idea he has dyslexia . he continuously blames his efforts for his
Ppod d

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