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Trabalho de inglês-Argumentos

 She has the greatest chance of surviving and of full recovery

 If she dead, 6 people will lost a mother and 3 a grandmother,
summarizing, 7 people will lost a parent.
 Differently of other patients, she doesn’t have a determined
limit for your life.
 Have the smallest cost for the health system, because of your
great chance of recovery, and with this a less quantity of drugs
and medical assistance.

Against the other patients:

 The men don’t work and is supported for your wife, generating
more cost to her, who have 5 kids, so will be better if he dies,
for your sons and wife, and if he has luck, will live at 40 years,
and he have 35
 The child has 7 years old and have cancer in terminal stage,
with 10 moths of life, moreover chemotherapy and
radiotherapy are very expensive.
 The woman not even if survive, she something has 5 years of
life, after that.

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