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2nd red pilled individual

The pill question echoes the old story from the Bible and the choice of the fruit from either the
Tree of Knowledge or from the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden. The Tree of Knowledge
represented the desire of gaining wisdom of all things, both good and evil, making one just like
Knowledge and belief; some may see knowledge as morally incorrect, evil or sinful. Therefore,
we have a contrast between life based on faith, motivated by hope of a positive consequence or
the result, such as life guided by knowledge.
Now, if you do decide to take the red pill, you will be enlightened, knowing all the wonders of
the world, all truths and lies; but also, the nightmares-, secrets and incidents, hidden by the
powerful or buried by time as humanity evolved.
Do we actually want that?
Firstly, humans are known for testing their limits, to go as far as one can – we evolved because
of that, giving birth to creations that are meant to ease our way of living. We could do so much
more if we knew about our ancestors. Let us look on the aforementioned – religion. Religion
played a big role along the years, not just Christianity, of course, but, for the sake of the
example, we will stick to it. Christianity was one of the reasons for wars in the past. If people
were aware of the truth behind it, maybe that could have been prevented. I do not think that some
writings from ancient times about (insert some Jesus stuff here), that could have easily been
changed by people with power over the decades, are such an important thing that we need to
abide by them to the point of violence.
Secondly, we got the Dacians. They lived on this soil before us, at the same time as the romans;
religion wasn’t even that much of a thing. We don’t have any writings made by them, at least not
accessible to us. It is said that they excelled in agriculture and crafts. They knew a lot about
plants and their medicinal properties. Even if drugs advanced, having cures and remedies for a
lot of symptoms and diseases, we may have lost some very important knowledge to time, that
may have helped us.
This leads us to today’s world. Nowadays, violence is done based on ideologies. Here we have
the case of everyone having their own belief. By receiving the knowledge of the Universe,
everyone will agree to one single thing. Even today, if people reflected more on religion, they
might understand that it’s the same person with a different accent, so to say.
Sadly, according to surveys, the majority of people choose the blue pill. Therefore, we will
remain with the present thinking, and we shall achieve peace through violence.
But for those who do decide to take the red pill, few as they are, even if they cannot make a
difference, they may at least be at peace with themselves.

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