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122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [1]: 1 #Single Inheritance 2 class Student(): #base class 3 def _init_(self): #constructor function 4 self.__rno=int(input ("Enter Rollno.")) 5 self._name=input ("Enter Name : ") 6 self.__age=int(input("Enter Age : ")) 7 self.__city=input("Enter City : ") 8 def _del_(self): #destructor function 9 pass 10 def display(self 1 print("Rollno. : “,self._rno) 2 print("Nane : ",self._name) B print("Age : ",self. age) 14 print("City : ",self._city) In [2]: 1 class Marks(Student): #here Marks is derived means child class which inherits 2 #the features of parent means base class 3 def _init_(self): #constructor function 4 Super()-__init__() #caLl member constructor function of parent 5 #super() inbuilt function which is used for parent class 6 self.__phy=float(input ("Enter marks of Physics ")) 7 self.__chem=float(input("Enter marks of Chemistry ")) 8 self._maths=float(input("Enter marks of Maths ")) 9 10 def _del_(self): #destructor function 1 pass 2 def display(self): B super().display() #call member of parent 14 print("Marks in Physics : ",self._phy) 15 print("Marks in chemistry : ",self._ chem) 16 print("Marks in Maths :",self. maths) In [3]: 1 ¢main program 2 #create object of derived class Marks 3. mi-Marks() 4 mi.display() 5 del mi Enter Rollno.45 Enter Name : gj Enter Age : 45 Enter City : yi Enter marks of Physics 45 Enter marks of Chemistry 454 Enter marks of Maths 45 Rolino. : 45 Name: gj Age: 45 city: yi Marks in Physics : 45.0 Marks in chemistry 454.0 Marks in Maths : 45.0 localhost 8888 /notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb ano 1122/22, 9:12 PM In [1]: 1 #multi Level inheritance 2 class Student(): #base class Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook 3 def _init_(self): #constructor function 4 self._rno=int(input("Enter Rollno.")) 5 self.__name=input("Enter Nane 6 self. __age=int(input ("Enter Age 7 self. _city=input("Enter City : 8 def _del_(self): #destructor function 9 pass 10 def display(self): uu print("Rollno. : ",self._rno) 2 print("Nane : ",self._name) B print("Age : ",self.__age) 14 print(“City : ",self._city) In]: 1 In [2]: 1 In [5]: 1 class Result(Marks): #here redsult class which inherits the feature of the base class f 2 def compute(self): 3 self._total=self._phy+self._maths 4 self._percent=self.__ total*100/300 5 def display(self): 6 super().display() call display() of marks base class 7 print(“Total Marks : “,self._ total) 8 print("percent : “,self._percent) localhost 8888 Inotebooksiinhentance neha ipynb ano 122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [6]: 4main program fcreate object of result class res=Result() res.compute() res.display() when Enter Rollno.45 Enter Name : FG Enter Age : 45 Enter City : GF Enter marks of Physics 45 Enter marks of Chemistry 54 Enter marks of Maths 54 Rollno. : 45 Name : FG Age: 45 City: GF Marks in Physics : 45.0 Marks in chemistry : 54.0 Marks in Maths : 54.0 Total Marks : 99.0 percent : 33.0 In [1]: 1 fmultiple inheritance 2 class Student(): #base class 3 def _init_(self): #constructor function 4 self. _rno=int (input (Enter Rollno.")) 5 self.__name=input(“Enter Name : 6 self.__age=int(input("Enter Age : *)) 7 self._city=input("Enter City : ") 8 def _del_(self): #destructor function 9 pass 10 def display(self): 11 print("Rollno. : “,self.__rno) 2 print("Nane : ",self._name) B print("Age : ",self.__age) 14 print("City : ",self._city) In [6]: 1 class Marks():#base class2 2 def _ init__(self): #constructor function 3 self._phy=float(input("Enter marks of Physics ")) 4 self._chem=float(input ("Enter marks of Chemistry “ 5 self._maths=float(input("Enter marks of Maths ")) 6 7 def _del_(self): #destructor function 8 pass 9 def display(self): 10 print("Marks in Physics : ",self._phy) 11 print("Marks in chemistry : ",self. chem) 2 print("Marks in Maths :",self._maths) localhost 3888 /notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb 30 122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [7]: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 class Result(Student,Marks): #here Result derived class which inherits atthe features of base class Student and Marks def _init_(self): #constructor super()._init_() #caLl constructor function of first base class Student Marks. init__(self) #call constructor function of Marks base class def compute(self): tprint(self.__rno) #error show #find the total marks self,__total=self._phy+self._chem+self._maths self._percent=self.__total*100/300 def display(self): super().display()#call Marks. display(self)#call print(“Total Marks : “,self._ total) print("PErcent : “,self._percent) In [8]: 1 res=Result() 2 res.compute() 3. res.display() Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Enter Rolino.45 Name : gh Age : 56 City : ghhg marks of Physics 56 marks of Chemistry 65 marks of Maths 56 Rollno. : 45 Name : Age : city : Marks Marks Marks Total gh 56 ghhg in Physics : 56.0 in chemistry : 65.0 in Maths : 56.0 Marks : 177.0 Percent : 59.0 In [9]: 1 #Hierarchical Inheritance 2 class Shape: #Shape base class 3 Beavaus def Vol_cube(self): azint(input("Enter Side : ")) return atata def Vol_cuboid(self): azint(input("Enter Side a : beint(input("Enter Side b caint(input("Enter Side c return atb*c localhost 3888 !notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb ano 122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [10]: 1 #Find volume of cube 2 class Derivedi(Shape): #0erivedi is a child class which inherits Base class 3 ‘#Shape 4 def volune(self): 5 vesuper().Vol_cube() #call function of base class 6 print("Volume of cube : ",v) In [11]: 1 #Find volume of cuboid 2. class Derived2(Shape): #Derived2 is a child class which inherits Base class 3 ‘#Shape 4 def volune(self): 5 vesuper().Vol_cuboid() #call function of base class 6 print("Volume of cuboid : ",v) In [14]: #Main program print("1. Volume of cube") print("2. Valume of cuboid") nt(input("Enter Your choice : *)) Hereate object of Derived classi D1=Derivedi() Di.volume() #call elif ch==2: 18 tcreate object of Derived classi 1 D2=Derived2() 2 D2.volume() #call 13 else: 14 print("Invalid choice") 1. Volume of cube 2. Valume of cuboid Enter Your choice : 2 Enter Side a : 12 Enter Side b : 12 Enter Side c : 12 Volume of cuboid : 1728 In [16]: 1 #Method Overloading 2 class Shape: 3 def area(self,a=None,b-None) : if alzNone and b=sNone : return 3.14*a*a #area of circle elif a!=None and b!=None : return a%b #area of rectangle else: return “invalid” localhost 3888 /notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb 50 122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [18]: 4main program #create object of shape class ‘S4=Shape() ar=S1.area(3) print("Area of circle :",ar) print("Area of rectangle :” print(S1.area()) » St.area(4.5)) Nawnune Area of circle : 28.259999999999998 Area of rectangle : 63.585 invalid In [1]: #operator overloading ass BRUNE arb out[1]: In [3]: 1 int._add_(2,5) out [3]: 7 In [4]: 2 be"6" 3 arb 4 out [4]: *56° In [5]: 1 str._add_(‘5','4")#operator Loading magic method out[S]: ‘sae In [6]: 2g% out[6]: localhost 3888 /notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb ano 1122/22, 9:12 PM In [10]: 1 bool.__add_(2,2) out [10]: 4 In [12]: 1 float._add_(2.0,2.0) out [12]: 4.0 In [13]: as! bs at out[13]: 1 In [19]: 1 int. _mod_(10,5) out [19]: e In [20]: 1 class a: def _ init, self.x=x def show(self): print ("x=",self.x) (self, x): wawN In [25]: fimain program At=a(10) A2=a(20) a3-a(30) AL. show() Nouwnune 10 20 30 localhost 3888 !notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook m0 72212, 9:12 PM inheritance neha -Jupyler Notebook In [28]: sum of 2 nos 4miltiplication of 2 nos. class A\ def _ init, Self .x=x def show(sel#) print("x=", self.) def _add_(self,other): return self.x*other.x (self,x): wevanaunn In [29]: A1=A(10) A2=A(20) AL. show() 2. show) AL+A2 waune x= 10 20 out[29]: 200 In [2]: 1 #_str_() #magic method 2 class Employee: 3 “WE ARE CREATING A CLASS EMPLOYEE" 4 def _init_(self): 5"enter name of employee : ") 6 self.salary=int(input("Enter salary of employee : *)) 7 def _str_(self): 8 return "Employee name : “"\n salary:"+str(self.salary) 9 In [3]: 1 main program 2 d#create object of class Emplyee 3. print(Employee._doc_) 4 E1=Employee() 5 print(E1) #automatic call str magic method 6 print("Dictionary of class: ",£mployee._dict_) 7 #inbuilt attribute of class 8 WE ARE CREATING A CLASS EMPLOYEE enter name of employee : neha Enter salary of employee : 100000 Employee name : neha salary:100000 Dictionary of class: {"_module_': '_main_', '_doc_': 'WE ARE CREATING A CLASS EMPLOYEE, '_init_': , '_str_': , '__dict ": , '_weakref_': ) localhost 3888 !notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb ano 122122, 9:12 Inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In [12]: 1 #method overloading: always used in inheritance 2 class addition: #base class 3 def show(self): 4 a6 5 b=2 6 caatb 7 print("sum : ",c) 8 class Subtraction(addition): #derived class subtraction which inherits the features of 9 def show(self): 18 super().show() un 2 B 14 print("subtract: ",e) In [13]: 1 si=Subtraction() 2 sum: 8 subtract: 4 In [14]: 1 #access idendifier of class 2 #1.private: 3 #2. public: by defualut public 4 #protected : it is used only for inheritance In [15]: 1 #recursion: always used in ser defiend function 2 #recursion means function call itself repeatedly 3 #iteration means Loop 4 In [16]: 1 #wap to find the factorial of given no 2 def fact(n): 3 fal 4 while n>@ : #iteration 5 fof 6 nen-1 #n=3 n=2 n=1 n=O 7 return f In [17]: 1 neint(input("enter number : ")) 2 fefact(n) 3 print("factioal : ",f) enter number : 45 factioal : 11962222086548019456196316149565771564383733760000000000 localhost 3888 /notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb ono 6122/22, 912m inheritance neha - Jupyler Notebook In[ J: localhost 3888 !notebooksiinhetance neha ipynb 10110

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