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dramatist, was born at Toulon on the 4th of February 1848.


be promptly resorted to as a means of diagnosis, and not left

purples, red disease, hog cholera or swine plague).'' The

interest. Pasteur prosecuted his investigations into the

in details have been enumerated. A similar panel of

'ABBAHU, the name of a Palestinian 'amora (q.v.)

His brother, OSWALD ACHENBACH (1827--1905), was born

of these two languages, is the best guarantee for success

and a good conversational knowledge of English, French and

the reasonable limit of a 10% error over or under the amount

May, the shepe folde is to be set out''; but Fitzherbert does

in Biologia Centrali Americana, 1889-1902, are valuable);

year, when he was placed at the academy of Turin. After

instruction in sugar-manufacture, which had an international

in short by the investment of the capital which the yeoman

If they were to be free from arbitrary arrests, secure in

as far up as the first fall, the Porteira, has but little

in series with a suitable low resistance which may be .1

of the city (i.e. Rome).

carried. One hundred rounds of the Martini-Henry ammunition

grace by which the supreme power in a state restores those

to get a higher electromotive force (E.M.F.). To prevent

be heard and condemnation thereupon as prize in a court of

the kangaroo-thorn of Australia, A. giraffae, the African

Chalotais et le duc d'Aiguillon (Paris, 1893); Marion, La

age are held at centres in some counties, and there are

treaties of Abbeville and of Paris (1258--1259). His main

Abd-ar-rahman found that his life was threatened, and he

EUTHYDEMUS, and PERSIA, Ancient History.) Of the details

first made. 2. A shoemaker's tool. 3. An Italian patriot. 4. A

to prepare a scheme, whihc, when approved, it was to carry out,

duodenum; R, cut end of rectum; C, caecum; CL, colon.

Braemar, the deer forest being the most extensive in Scotland.

change of aethereal strain----that is, of (f,g,h) specified

branches out into perforated side-pipes, so that the mass

sea. There is a remarkable fortress rock at Gooty, 2171 ft.

if at the time she was at war with Aegina. (iv.) There is

while the two Standerate are (since 1904) elected by

It was in connexion with this mission that an episode occurred

monastery. Hsuan Tsang informs us that Dinnaga, the

spreading outwards from the Moray Firth invaded the low

papal authority, and three separate memorials were presented

different months embrace three Metonic cycles, or the 57 years

of the British Museum MSS. in vol. ii. of La Chimie au moyen

and gave him his daughter AEthelswith in marriage. 855 is the

from the Academie des Inscriptions, edited the Solwan el

but probably mythical sanding of sugar occurred between

which are inseparable from a too rapid generation.

that these men turned to scientific investigation, but in

both generations, may differ, and that the difference in some

hours. Various substances have been used for the injection,

o{ Africa; Congo basin; }

moved to the cooler region of Media, an actual mutiny of the

Association early in September, ventured accordingly to

(Boston, 1902), and useful lists in Ropes, op. cit., and

under the general subjects of pathological investigations,

marine, are attached plants. Some, however, are wanderers,

Acclimatization by Variation.---A mass of evidence exists

was published by the Pilgrim's Text Society (London, 1889).

1807, when Sir H. Davy showed that they were oxides of various

as a pensioner of the new sultan. He declared himself more

Pass). These are usually divided into three groups, the Central

P. Gori, L. Molinari, E. Covelli, &c. The manifestos of the

Sumatrans. Their nobles claim Arab descent. They were at

passage of Raphidium into a Dactylococcus-stage, although

in common with his Federalist comrades of the International

See. Shortly afterwards he induced Alphonso d'Este, son of

lie (fig. 3). Each opens in a vas deferens which bears three

in a ``roasting- furnace.'' The latter was formerly often

with a mean annual rainfall of 20.4 ins. The vice-regal

of about 3 by 1 1/2 ft.; the outer circuit of the city wall

of $300,000 in the appropriation for the common school fund,

are confined to the Atlas region, wolves and foxes to North

ALLIER, a department of central France, formed in 1790

army was to advance through the Romagna and attack Milan,

the laws, collect fines and administer capital punishment;

See the article by Dr Verner Soderberg in the

of 1863 laid the basis for the change in the land system

bargaining, the famine-stricken citizens agreed to pay a ransom

family had lived up to that time on a good understanding with

Geographentags zu Bremen (Berlin, 1896); L. de Launay,

private individuals before coming into general military use

The formidable undertaking of reducing the accumulated planetary

the Radstadter Tauern (5702 ft.) and the Katschberg (5384

at the mouth of the Danube (Pausanias iii. 19. 11). Ajax,

ALFRED, or AELFRED, known as THE GREAT (848-? 900), king

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