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“Father open the door please!” shouted, the young Phillips William.

Phillips continued to scream and

scream but not a single sound from his father, Mr. William. Mr. William his father was lying on the floor
covered in blood but that wasn’t all someone had ripped all his external organs and limbs and decorated
the room with them. The William family arranged a funeral for the late Mr. William and after that, they
were reached out by one of Mr. William's friends who was also a detective, Mr. Bond who offered them
help to find the culprit.

Mr. Bond knew that Mr. Williams was the Founder of one of the biggest corporations in the whole of
America so his rivals must be jealous of him. Bond then invited all the big rivals to dinner however
unbeknownst to them they were in a middle of a investigation. However it didn’t look like anyone of
them was a culprit except one person whose behavior was very suspicious. That suspicious person
entered a room but was followed by Bond.

The following morning Bond informed the family that the culprit was one of the three sons Jay, Ken or
Phillips. Bond brought each one of the brothers into the interrogation room. Bond then immediately
checked there phones and saw the chats of Jay and Ken with the same suspicious person whom he saw
last night. Mr. Bond already knew it was those two as he already had a word with the suspect last night.
Both Jay and Ken were handed to the police and later sentenced to death

However the night before the execution Phillips went to their prison cell ,the brothers see him and begin
begging him and saying,“ Please help us get out of here before our execution.” Phillips said, “ I am afraid
that is not possible.” The brother cried, “But why?” Phillips replied, however both brothers were
completely shocked as from the darkness walked out a familiar figure Bond. Phillips and Bond then
explain their plan to Jay and Ken, " We knew what was happening in the shadows of The William
corporations, all the corruption, the human trafficking, so we decided that something needs to be done
so we intricately planned the murder of the head of The William Corporation and with that we sealed
your fate too, so enjoy your time down there and wait for us too."

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