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CBBE (Consumer based brand equity)

customer brand equity (CBBE) represents how much the success of your brand is directly
related to the attitudes of your customers towards it whether the customer is an individual or
an organization, or an existing or prospective customer. it also provides a unique point of view
on what BRAND EQUITY is and how it should best be built, measured and managed.
It should come as no surprise that customers are essential to the success of any brand or
company because these couldn't exist without them. However, their impact goes far beyond
just how much people invest in your goods or services; it also has a lot to do with how they
view your brand.
Paying attention to the strength of your consumer brand equity is just as important as ever,
especially with the increase in people's capacity to openly assess and criticize a brand's quality
of goods and services.
Basically, consumer brand equity is crucial in demonstrating brand loyalty to your company,
having a strong CBBE is probably going to help your bottom line because it costs five times as
much to get a new customer as it does to keep an existing one. If your brand is not resonating
with customers the way you had hoped, analysing your customer brand equity can offer insight.
by recognizing this, you may adjust your strategy or methods to build a stronger and more
favourable link between your target market and your brand, which will encourage repeat
business and loyal customers.
Therefore, building customer-based brand equity achieves the critical aims of raising the value
of your brand, while also giving insight into what your customers want and expect from your
The Three Key Ingredients Of CBBE: -
-Differential Effect -Brand Knowledge -Consumer Response to Marketing.

CBBE model was developed by Kevin Lane Keller, a Professor of Marketing, in his 1993 book
Strategic Brand Management. In this model, Keller aimed to illustrate the progression of
customers' relationships with brands and how customers think and feel about a brand overall
from Brand Identity (Salience) at the bottom that answers the question of ‘’who you are?’’ to
Brand Resonance that answers the question of ‘’what about you and me?’’ at the top, passing
by Brand Meaning that answers the question of ‘’what are you?’’ and it is divided into two
segments: performance and imagery, and Brand Response that answers the question of ‘’what
about you?’’ and it is also split in two, covering both judgement and feelings.

FBBE (Financial based brand equity)

This type of brand equity is related to additional cash inflows to the company as an outcome of
the brand’s worth. The financial based brand equity measures the difference between the
present values of the cash flows created by a branded product and those generated by its
unbranded counterpart. It represents the present value of the additional cash flows caused by
the brand name.

EBBE (Employee based brand equity)

Employee-based brand equity (EBBE) is the brand equity from the perspective of employees so it is
the value that a company receives from a brand as a result of how that brand influences the
attitudes and behaviours of its employees; the effective and efficient employees meet
deadlines, meet sales goals, and grow the brand by interacting favourably with customers. In
addition to providing the proper service, it is the employee's obligation to make sure that the
brand promise is kept in the intended way. In light of their jobs and responsibilities, employees
must understand the organization's brand and what it means to them. Given the crucial role
that employees play in delivering the brand, internal brand management has gained in
importance as a result.

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