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Want me to Leave Lane? Haha why would any one… wanna leave lane?

The outside worlds recoils in fear

Thinking if they slip up, they’ll get banned from the game
You’re killing yourself just to make ends meet
While I’m workin’ on my tan and kicking up on my feet

You can’t beat staying in lane, there’s always farming to do

And you know who’s tilting everyone but you!
Every day I que up after a nice hot shower
Don’t pay the water bill so I’m scrubbing for hours

Blast some music on and get yourself some gold plating

Maybe blow of some steam get your wave frozen

And there’s nothing more exquisite then 1v2 while your jungle is
thinking to start inting

Common and my champions!

There is gangplank the pirate
And Yorick the tyrant, he start to taaake turrets down while thinking of
There is aatrox, and tahm kench, and doctor mundo
And every single one of them scumbags agreeee

I don’t wanna leave laneeee(I don’t leave lane)

Leave me in luxuryyyy(leave me in luxury)
Why try helping your team when you can just farm to scale?

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