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Focus on Units 5&6

BUT include section on Opinion Essay p. 50-51 STB

(Introducing arguments and giving opinions/phrases)

Unit 4

Revise the Future perfect and Continuous (only these two forms!) (and any extra exercises on it)
as done in class.

Unit 5

Review 4 p. 53

Vocabulary Banks p. 138: Crime and punishment/Law and order

The choice (text, vocab., prefixes mis/dis) p. 56-57

All Conditionals (0, 1, 2 & 3) (Gr Ref section in WB, exercises WB & extra copies)

Three-part phrasal verbs p. 60

Text Coming of age p. 62-63: vocab. (Synonyms: the law)

Modal verbs of obligation, prohibition, permission (WB & STB sections and exercises)

Curfew for teenagers (text & letter p. 64-65)

Ought to and should (not)

Review 5 p. 67

Unit 6

The influencers (text, ex. 1-4 p. 68 and vocab. p. 68-69) (ex. 5&6 excluded because not yet done)
(discussion around stealth marketing and advertising included)

(Unknown text and listening = possible / writing section of more extensive scope to be

Any queries? Drop me a line... (chat or email!)

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