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Device list:

- Cell Phone
- Laptop
- PC


My favorite technological device is a laptop I feel that it is a very important device because it
facilitates me in every aspect whether it is in the study helping me in my homework and in the
work environment and make it more practical, my laptop is modern light and of a suitable size
that helps me to mobilize it.


Well, my favorite device is my cell phone, it is important since it has greater accessibility to be
able to talk with my loved ones and to be able to search for information. And the
characteristics of my cell phone are: Black color, 7.5'', Samsung, and compact.

I really like it a lot because with it you can do anything at any time you want, as a personal
recommendation it is always good to carry a power bank, so you don't run out of battery.


My favorite technological device is a PC. I like my computer because I play video games and I
can listen to music and I can do my homework, my computer is expensive and modern. I
sometimes play with my brother in my computer.

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