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College Application Essay

“Straight lines, even edges. People don’t shovel snow that way anymore. Nowadays they

just clear a way, they use snow blowers and all sorts of things. Any old method will do,

scattering snow all over the place. As if that were the only thing that mattered in life: pushing

one’s way forward.” (Backman). This quote resonated with me, because in today’s society I

believe we often do things just to do them. We don’t actually take the time to do things the right

way, this is why I enjoyed “A Man Called Ove” by Freedmen Backman. The main character Ove

is an opinionated cranky old man, who believes in doing things the right way.

Throughout the book we are introduced to the events in Ove’s life, with the book

switching between past and present we get to be immersed and truly understand the events which

shaped Ove as a person. Ove’s mother died when he was young, leaving him with an honest hard

working father. The two of them were the meat and potato type of people. Ove suffered a lot of

disappointment in his life, a few examples are: being framed at the railroad for stealing a wallet,

being rejected from the military for having too big of a heart, as well as becoming an orphan.

Throughout it all, he kept true to himself never letting tragedy turn him bitter. He became more

quiet, but still was a genuine hardworking person. He meets the love of his life Sonia while

working during the nightshift on the train. After getting married the couple lost their baby on

their honeymoon in Spain. Leaving Sonia paralyzed in a wheelchair. Still this didn’t affect Ove’s

personality, he was still the same thoughtful hardworking man he had always been.

In the beginning of the book, we are introduced to Ove many years after these events

have taken place. He is living alone in his house when a new family moves in. They are friendly

kind people, while Ove comes off as grumpy and mean. He wants to be left alone, as he’s dealing

with depression from the loss of his wife Sonia. Over the course of the book the family helps
heal Ove. They become intertwined in his life and help him find peace. They learn about his loss

in life and in turn he becomes a father-figure in the parents’ lives. To the kids he becomes a

grandfather, he gains the family he’s always deserved after years of loss.

In conclusion, A Man Called Ove is a really enjoyable and well written book. A very

complicated story intertwined with a lot of details. Many morals in the story add a certain detail

of enrichment, such as never lettin tragedy in your life close you off from new relationships and


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