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o PRIEST: We have gathered here to marry these two people. Their marriage was not
taken lightly, and today they openly declare their private devotion to each other. The
essence of this commitment is equal acceptance as lovers. companion and friend A
good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overwhelmed or
absorbed by the other, and in which both parties freely and without jealousy offer
affection. Marriage, in its ideal form, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and
dreams. Growth requires a specific effort. They overcome difficult times together
because they are caring and selfless.
o PRIEST: To love is to come together from the pathways of our past and then move
forward hand in hand along the unexplored roads of our future, ready to risk, dream,
and dare, and to always trust that with faith and love in God and in each other,
everything is possible. your promises to one another 
o GROOM: When I saw you go down the aisle, I saw everything; my future, the
beautiful mother of my children in the future — that was the rest of my life right
there, my partner for life, my miracle. You are my first priority right now. My happily
ever after is right in front of me right now, and only God can guide it, and I'll never
stop thanking him for providing me with people who are not only physically
attractive, but also generous and giving on the inside. You love so many people, and
to feel that way is simply overwhelming. It was really challenging for eight years.
And there were always others who wanted to hurt us. However, according to
Jeremiah 29:11, no one will harm us. That's exactly what he did. It's not about
materialistic things or what you have; it's about love. It makes me extremely rich. It
brings me life. Thank you for providing it to me. You are a true blessing from God. I
now see, feel, hope, and know that the future will be wonderful. I'll be holding your
hand as we embark on the next eight years of our lives.
o BRIDE: As I look back, I can’t help but wonder why you never left. Our friendship was
never easy. And every time I asked, "Why are you choosing to stay with me?" you
just said, "Because I love you." You've struggled for your place in my life for the past
eight years. And I notice you become exhausted at times. But there was never a time
you gave up. I realize I wasn't the best girlfriend for you, but from now on, I promise
to be the best wife you'll ever need. From now on, apart from God, you are my
number one priority. From now on, your happiness is my happiness. What makes you
unhappy makes me sadder, and what hurts you hurts me the most. It's been a long
journey, my love, but we're finally getting married. And it's a great love story
because God wrote it. It was precisely eight years ago today that I said, "To become
your girlfriend," and even then, I knew in my heart that you'd be the same man. I
would say yes to becoming my husband. Happy anniversary, my love, and I am so
excited to finally live my life with you.
o PRIEST: I know you acknowledge your consent to be married "What God joins
together, let no one put asunder."


o It is my pleasure to welcome students, families, and faculty to graduation day. Each
of you has had an impact on the graduates present today. I'd like to begin this
speech with a quote.
o "It is at our darkest moments that we must focus in order to see the light," said
Aristotle Onassis, and this phrase is contemporary and pertinent. I'm speaking to
you, especially graduates. I’ve been in one of those seats you're sitting in. If I
remember correctly, I'm in the third seat on the first column. And, like you, I had to
overcome hundreds of obstacles before I could complete my senior year. " In our
darkest moments, we must focus to see the light "I want you guys to close your eyes.
I want you to focus. When you're on the edge of giving up because you believe you
won't be able to accomplish the infinite work that must be finished, I want you to
open your eyes. Look around you, look at your parents' smiles, for you may not
realize it, but you have just survived the most difficult moment of your life, and look
where you are now.
o Right now, you are now prepared to begin the next chapter of your life. Always
remember, dear graduates, that if you ever find yourself in a bad situation, when
you're about to give up, remember this day. for You'll discover from there that this
isn't the first time you've felt this way. Remember, you've conquered this before, and
you'll conquer it again today. Remember this day as a steppingstone to the
brightness of achievement. 
o May this be the beginning of a productive journey in which you realize all of your
goals. Always keep your feet on the ground and your head up through life. Never
stop believing and working harder for yourself, not for the benefit of others.
Congratulations once again, dear graduates.
o Good day, my dear college students. Today, I will address reported concerns with our
hardworking faculty and staff. I expect you to pay attention and take this seriously so
that we can have a peaceful environment.
o first, there have been lots of reports that the most of you students do not know how
to properly dispose of your garbage, especially in our canteen. Our canteen has been
serving us with nutritious foods in return for all of your plastics, candy wrappers, and
dishes. There is also a continuous need to practice. My dear students, you are all of
the appropriate age to understand what has to be done. As a result, you must take
care of it. I'll visit our canteen tomorrow and hope everything is in order.
o next, there are concerns about students who do not wear their proper specially  boys
with their vests. Your vests aren't just simply fashion statements; they are also an
important component of your attire. My dear teachers, whenever you enter your
classroom, check to see if your students are dressed properly, and if not, mark them
absent. Those who provide letters explaining why they aren't wearing uniforms will
be entertained. This is another reminder for you, my dear. Students must always
wear their full uniform.
o I now end this meeting, hoping that I will not hear these identical reports again.
Thank you everybody and have a wonderful day. You are now free to return to your
respective classrooms.
o Child: Hello, Mom. I was wondering if I could talk to you about something related to
o Mom: Of course, son. Just keep in mind that I will always make time for you.
o Child: Okay, Mom, it's just that I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm not doing well in
school, and I'm afraid I won't make the honor roll. When you see my grades, I'm
concerned you'll be angry with me for not trying or giving my all. I just wanted to let
you know that I did. I truly did. I'm sorry if I ever failed you, Mom. I promise to do
better next time, so I won't feel the same way.
o Mom: You don't have to feel that way, son. I will always be proud of you. I've seen
you, whether you're at the top or bottom of your class. Persevere only for the sake of
making us proud. I admit that I became happy. What's more important to me when
we cross the platform to get your award is how you truly feel. I won't be upset if you
don't get one this time; just remember that there is always time for improvement
and try again next time. I will always be proud of you. I've always been proudest of
you, son, since the day God handed us to you. I'm your mother, so I'll always be your
biggest fan. I love you, son.
o Child: Thank you, Mom; I'll do my best for you and Dad. 

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