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Perspective Article

A Critical Review of Phonological

M. N. Hegde
Professor emeritus, California State University-Fresno

This is a critical review of two major phonological theories: linear natural phonology and the nonlinear optimality
theory. Natural phonological theory asserts that phonological processes are phonetically based. Phonological
error patterns help organize treatment targets and assess generalization. However, the natural phonology’s
explanation of speech sound learning in children does not attain the status of a scientific theory. Process
proliferation and poor definitions are other limitations. Optimality theory proposes that speech sounds may be
marked (complex, more difficulty to produce, etc.) or unmarked (simple, easier to produce, etc.). Optimality
replaces rules with markedness and faithfulness constraints. Constraints are common to all languages, but
their ranking are unique to each language. Speakers can violate constraints ranked lower, but not those ranked
higher in their language. When speech is imminent, GEN the generator generates a variety of output (response)
options and EVAL the evaluator selects an optimal output that is faithful to the higher-ranked constraints. There
is no independent evidence for the existence of universal and innate constraints, specific language-based
rankings, and the operation of GEN or EVAL. Assumptions of universality of phonological rules and even the
existence of such rules are speculative. That children have innate phonological knowledge is an untenable
assumption. Most generative phonological theories have little or no empirical validity. Investigations of child-
directed speech, statistical learning, implicit learning, sociolinguistics, usage- and exemplar-based phonology
and behavior analysis have all supported the view that children master their speech sounds (and language
structures) through social interactions.
Keywords: Phonological error patterns, linear natural phonology theory, nonlinear optimality theory, phonological

P honology is a study of speech sounds and the rules

that dictate the formation of sound sequences in
forming syllables and words. The root of phonology goes
is that phonology is concerned with abstract rules and
knowledge that govern the production of speech sounds.
Phonetic rules are grounded in speech physiology and
back to Panini, the Indian Sanskrit grammarian of the 5th acoustics; hence they are empirically observable and
century (Cardona, 1998; Shukla, 2006). Phonology as the measurable. Phonological rules are a part of mental
study of a mental and innate sound system and the rules and unconscious knowledge; hence they are abstract
that govern that system is a product of the 20th century. and not directly observed. Phonetics is descriptive and
experimental, whereas phonology is theoretical.
Phonology is linked with phonetics, which is the science
of speech sound production and classification. Speech In speech-language pathology (SLP), the value of phonetic
articulation is a phonetic event. Both phonology and study of speech sounds is well-established and devoid
phonetics study certain common factors of speech sounds. of controversy. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs)
For instance, both are concerned with the description of appreciate the need to understand the physiological
speech sounds, sound sequences, and sound patterns mechanism of speech sound production as well as the
that result when speech is produced. A major distinction physical (acoustic) properties of speech sounds produced
and modified in the human vocal tract. The value of
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Quick Response Code: Address for correspondence: Prof. M.N. Hegde
Website: Professor Emeritus, M. N. Hegde, California State

DOI: 10.4103/jose.JOSE_7_21
Received: 18-Nov-2021 Accepted: 10-Mar-2022
Published: 06-Sep-2022.

© 2022 Journal of The All India Institute of Speech and Hearing | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow 3
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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

phonological theories that entered SLP in more recent The theory is called natural because the children’s
times, however, is debatable. Therefore, this paper offers simplifications of adult sound productions are due to
a critical review of two major phonological theories and their phonetic (speech production) limitations. Because
their relevance to an understanding of speech sound children learning different languages simplify the adult
disorders in children. production in similar ways, Stampe proposed that
phonological processes are both universal and natural.
A prototype of an innate mentalistic approach to NPT retains the Chomskyan assumption (Chomsky,
language that began to influence SLP in the 1960s 1995) of innately given adult phonological system that
was Chomsky’s (1957) theory of universal grammar. children are supposed to possess. However, in contrast
Subsequently, Chomsky and Halle’s (1968) distinctive to the Chomskyan theorists, natural phonologists
feature theory influenced the analysis of speech sounds believe that children do not follow some kind of rules
and speech sound disorders. However, since the advent in learning to produce their speech sounds. Processes
of newer phonological theories, the distinctive feature are not abstract cognitive or mental rules, but they are a
analysis has tapered off in SLP. Therefore, this review will product of phonetic or physiological limitations of young
be limited to currently influential phonological theories. children trying to master speech sounds. Children’s
speech improves as their speech production mechanism
becomes more competent and their productions better
match the adult models. Consequently, the simplification
Natural Phonology: A Linear Theory processes fade.

In a linear phonological theory, phonemic segments are Phonological Processes vs. Rules

independent of each other, not hierarchically organized,
and form a linear string of segments. A segment may be a Phonological processes are unlearned, innate, involuntary,
sound, a combination of sounds, or a unit that is more and natural and work at an unconscious level. Children
abstract than a sound (e.g., the sonorant quality of a cannot verbalize the process they exhibit. Rules, on the
sound). Examples of phonemic segments include such other hand, are not natural because they are not based
properties as vocalic, sonorant, low, nasal, voiced, and so on physiological (phonetic) limitations. Most language
forth. Chomsky and Halle’s (1968) distinctive feature rules are characteristics of dialects of a verbal community,
theory is a classic and standard linear theory in which and hence are learned. Learned rules may be verbalized.
phonemic segments are a bundle of independent features Americans pronounce the word pentagon as [pεntagɑn] and
that may combine with any other segment. Children the British pronounce it is [pεntəgən]. Both are instances of
dialectal learning, not a matter of phonetic limitations of
have an inner level of mental representation of speech
the speakers, and hence not phonological processes. Most
sounds from which they derive the outer level of surface
speakers in either dialect (American or British) may be
productions. To translate mental representations to
able to describe the rule of how pentagon is pronounced in
speech production, children apply the rules sequentially
their dialect. However, a child who says [top] for stop is not
(i.e., linearly), one at a time, not simultaneously.
following a rule. Given the child’s phonetic limitations, it
is a natural phonological process of cluster simplification,
Phonological Processes not a learned response. The child cannot verbalize the
process of cluster reduction (Donegan and Stampe, 1979).
In their Natural phonology or natural phonological
theory (NPT), Stampe (1979) and Donegan and Stampe Having rejected phonological rules, the NPT proposes
(1979) proposed that to learn their speech sound phonological constraints, which are restrictions a
productions, children simplify adult productions. language imposes on a phonological process. Constraints
Such simplifications are phonological processes that may force children to overcome phonological processes. For
affect an entire class of sounds sharing a common example, many typically learning English speaking
articulatory difficulty. Simplifications result in speech children may delete the final consonants. Natural
sound errors in the context of adult models, but those simplification as it is, the final consonant deletion process
errors are unlearned because they stem from phonetic- has a constraint on it: there shall be final word consonants
physiological limitations. Learned speech sound errors in English. (It may be noted that such constraints are not
cannot be attributed to a natural process (Donegan and universal; words in Spanish, Vietnamese, and many
Stampe, 1979). In SLP, the currently preferred term is other languages have few or no final word consonants.)
phonological patterns, but I  shall continue to use the Because of this constraint, typically developing children
term phonological processes because that is the term in have to master the production of final consonants and
the theory. thus eliminate that process.

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

Phonological Error Patterns NPT offers several clinical advantages to SLPs. Stampe’s
(1979) basic claim that phonological error patterns stem
Whether a phonological process is normal or of clinical from a still developing speech production mechanism
interest depends on the normative information. Natural makes practical sense. Clinicians intuitively believe
phonological processes become of clinical interest only that articulatory errors in typical language learners
when a child who, based on normative information, is are due to an immature articulatory system. Clinicians
expected to produce the sounds correctly. The process of find NPT’s claims more acceptable than the generative
final consonant deletion, for example, is typical (hence theorists’ claim that some deeper mental processes cause
not a disorder) in a 2-year-old but atypical (hence a speech sound disorders. Speech sound developmental
disorder) in a 6-year-old. Children who misarticulate data have documented a steady decline in speech
sounds their peers produce correctly have a speech sound errors or patterns of errors and a corresponding
sound disorder. Main phonological processes and the increase in sound production mastery as children grow
ages at which they are expected to disappear are shown older and presumably gain greater control over their
in Table 1. speech production mechanism (see Peña-Brookes and
Hegde, 2022 for a review and evaluation of studies).
NPT asserts that children suppress phonological Furthermore, availability of phonological pattern
processes as they become more proficient in correct (process) assessment tools have facilitated the application
speech sound productions. Children who did not of NPT in speech sound disorders. Phonological error
suppress their phonological processes beyond the patterns are a convenient way of grouping multiple
expected age ranges have a phonological disorder. errors that may seem bewilderingly scattered. SLPs may
monitor the treated error patterns for generalized correct
Evaluation of Natural Phonological Theory productions during treatment.

Although some clinical researchers have investigated As a scientific hypothesis, the proposal that phonetic
the nonlinear optimality theory, SLPs continue to use (physiological) limitations of typically learning children
phonological processes of NPT in assessing children with cause speech sound errors appears plausible. At
speech sound disorders (Peña-Brookes and Hegde, 2022). a minimum, speech sound learning in children is
Henceforth I use the preferred term phonological patterns correlated with age; age is correlated with improved
instead of processes. A vast majority of clinicians diagnose speech production skills (see Peña-Brookes and
phonological disorders in children on the basis of the age Hegde, 2022 for a review of research). That children’s
of disappearance of phonological patterns [see Table 1]. phonological processes disappear as they become more

Table  1: Major phonological processes in natural phonological theory

Phonological process Examples Ages of Disappearance
Syllable Structure Processes
  Final Consonant Deletion [bu] for books 3
  Cluster Reduction [top] for stop 4 (Clusters without /s/)
5 (Clusters with /s/)
  Unstressed Syllable Deletion [medo] for tomato 3-4
 Reduplication [wawa] for water 3
  Epenthesis (insertion of an unstressed vowel) [səpun] for spoon 8
Substitution Processes
  Stopping (substitution of stops for fricatives or affricates) [tun] for sun 3.6-4
  Liquid Gliding (substitution of a glide for a liquid) [wæbit] for rabbit 4-5
  Vocalization (substitution of a vowel for a syllabic liquid) [pepo] for paper 5
  Depalatalization (substitution of an alveolar fricative for a palatal fricative) [fis] for fish 4.6-5
  Velar Fronting (substitution of alveolars for velars) [rin] for ring 3.6
  Deaffrication (substitution of fricatives for affricates) [ʃεr] for chair 4
Assimilation Processes
  Labial Assimilation (a non-labial consonant is changed into a labial) [bʊb] for book 5
  Velar Assimilation (a non-velar is changed into a velar) [kʌg] for cup 3
  Nasal Assimilation (a non-nasal is changed into a nasal) [mɑm] for mop 3
 Voicing Assimilation (a voiceless sound is changed to a voiced or a voiced [dεn] for ten 3
sound is changed to a voiceless sound) [pit] for pig
Note: Suggested age of disappearance of phonological patterns are approximate; different sources report slightly different age levels. Information must be used only
as rough guidelines to make clinical decisions.

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

proficient in sound production is also consistent with the NPT does not adequately explain how children learn to
developmental data and common sense. produce their speech sounds. The statement that to master
speech sound productions, children should suppress
In spite of its reasonable assumptions about the origin phonological processes does not explain learning. But
and disappearance of phonological patterns in children, how do children suppress natural processes? In fact,
the NPT’s has significant limitations. Its status as a NPT does not need a suppression construct. If processes
scientific theory is questionable. NPT simply restates are errors due to an immature speech production
what investigators of speech sound learning in children mechanism, then a more mature mechanism will help
have stated since Wellman et  al.’s 1931 publication: produce the sounds correctly. Nothing needs to be
As children grow older, (1) their speech production suppressed. (Still, the other learning variables will have
mechanism matures, (2) correct production of speech to be specified.) Bernhardt and Stemberger (1998) have
sounds increases, and (3) the articulatory errors decrease. found the construct of process suppression absurd. They
This is hardly a scientific theory. Most parents of typical suggest that the construct is equivalent to proposing that
speech sound learners will have concluded that much. children learn to walk only when they suppress a falling
It is akin to the statement that as children’s motor skills down process. Bernhardt and Stoel-Gammon (1994) point
improve, they walk better. No one takes this as a serious out that positive progression, not negative suppression,
scientific theory of walking. characterize skill mastery.

SLPs have uncovered other limitations of the NPT. A basic The need for constraints that replace phonological rules is
problem for the clinician is the ever-expanding number also unclear. Children do not learn to produce word-final
of poorly defined phonological processes or patterns. consonants because of a constraint there shall be final word
Researchers disagree on the definition and number of consonants in English. When they are phonetically capable,
patterns that exist (Miccio and Scarpino, 2011). A  few children begin to produce word-final consonants simply
to more than two dozen patterns have been described. because they hear them in the speech directed to them.
Even with a large number of patterns recognized, some
errors of children remain unclassifiable. Distortions, a NPT also shares some general limitations with other
common category of speech sound disorders, does not phonological theories. In a later section, I  return to a
fit any pattern. Errors that are more complex than the general evaluation of phonological theories.
adult model are puzzling because by definition, patterns
are simplifications. For instance, a child’s production of Optimality: A Nonlinear Theory
yak as [ræk] is not a simplification of the adult model
(yak is thought to be simpler than ræk). Few errors that As noted, the classic Chomskyan assumption that
many children exhibit do not form patterns. The typical phoneme segmentals are a bundle of independent
suggestion that fewer errors are a motorically based features that may freely combine with each other is
articulation disorder whereas multiple, pattern-forming a linear concept. Rejecting that concept, several later
errors are a phonological disorder begs a crucial question. theorists have built nonlinear models in which segmental
Do fewer errors (mild articulation disorder) have and suprasegmental aspects of phonemes (and speech)
different causes than multiple errors (severe disorder)? are organized into hierarchically arranged tiers, not as
Perhaps not. An affirmative answer suggests an unlikely linear strings. A nonlinear tier may be created to account
causation of disorders. Generally, compared to a mild for a speech phenomenon that linear theories fail to
medical or behavioral disorder, a more severe disorder address. For instance, Chomsky and Halle (1968) did
may have more of the same kind of causal variables. not handle tonal variations in their theory. Therefore,
Therefore, the very distinction between articulation and Goldsmith’s (1979) autosegmental nonlinear theory
phonological disorders is questionable. inserted a tonal tier just above the sound segments.
Another nonlinear theory, the metrical theory (Goldsmith,
The existence of unique patterns across languages and 1990; Schwartz, 1992) is mostly concerned with the
in children speaking the same language suggests that syllable structures, stress patterns, and rhythms of
patterns are not universal. Initial consonant deletion, speech, all inadequately handled in the Chomsky-
uncommon in English, may be fairly common in French, Halle theory. None of these nonlinear theories have
for example. Also, some children exhibit patterns that made significant inroads into SLP. The one that has
their peers do not (Yavas, 1994). The NPT cannot explain been applied to some extent in analyzing speech sound
such unusual patterns. Within the theory, clinicians have disorders is the optimality theory.
no way to classify vowel errors, although others have
suggested ways of classifying them (Ball et  al., 2010; In addition to a hierarchical notion of phoneme
Reynolds, 1990). features, optimality and all other nonlinear theories

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

share certain common assumptions. Most nonlinear may be violated without consequences. There are two
theorists (1) redefine mental and surface representations major sets of constraints: faithfulness and markedness.
of the Chomskyan linear theories as input and
output representations; (2) claim to have abandoned Faithfulness
phonological rules and processes in favor of phonological
constraints that are universal and innate: and (3) assume that The faithfulness constraint requires that a child’s output
in the minds of children, there is a representation of the sound (word productions) should be the same as its underlying
system which constitutes an innate universal phonological input representation. Identity or similarity between
knowledge. inputs and outputs is faithfulness. In common terms,
correct productions of sounds and words are faithful.
Prince and Smolensky (1993) and McCarthy and Prince If the mother said “cat” and the child said “cat,” then
(1994) are the original proponents of optimality theory the child’s correct production is faithful to the adult
(OT). But first, what is optimality? Assume that a child model. When outputs differ from inputs, the faithfulness
gets a speech input. (She heard her brother say “cat,” for constraint is violated. Then the child’s production is a
example.) Now the child is ready to exhibit an output. mismatch, not faithful, incorrect. Depending on the age
(She is ready to imitate her brother or give a verbal of the child, mismatches may be grounds for diagnosing
response.) But for reasons I will specify later, the child a phonological disorder. A  few major faithfulness
will encounter numerous output options, including the constraints are described in Table 2.
word cat, an approximant of that, and many that are
totally different. (The child could say any number of Faithfulness constraints are straightforward in their
different words or syllables when trying to imitate or meaning and application. When inputs and outputs
produce a specific word.) A  mechanism in the child’s match, speech sound productions meet the faithfulness
mind will select one of those countless options as the constraints, and are judged correct. Markedness
most optimal to produce. (The child said something.) constraints are not this straightforward in their meaning
That optimal output is the winner, all other potential or implications.
outputs are losers, and hence the name optimality.
In OT, phonological constraints control speech production.
Constraints are innate and universal specifications Both the distinctive feature theory (Chomsky and Halle,
of acceptable (and unacceptable) sound sequences in 1968) and the natural phonological theory (Stampe, 1979)
languages. Speakers generally obey these universal had accepted the concept of markedness that Trubetzkoy
constraints. Whereas the rules of the Chomskyan (1969) and Jakobson (1968) had originally introduced.
universal grammar (UG) invariably apply to all Markedness now is a mainstream linguistic concept,
languages, OT’s universal constraints are ranked not limited to OT (Haspelmath, 2006). However, it is a
differently and uniquely in each language. Across dominant concept in OT.
languages, the same constraint may be ranked higher
or lower. Originally, marked meant the presence and the unmarked
meant the absence of a specific feature in a phoneme. For
Constraints are innate, so children need not learn them. example, /g/ is marked for voicing (+ voice) and /k/ is
They only have to learn how the constraints are ranked unmarked for it (– voice). Such a binary system was in the
in their language, because the rankings are not innate. distinctive features theory (Chomsky and Halle, 1968).
Unlike the inviolable Chomskyan universal grammar Currently, the meaning of markedness varies across
rules, OT’s constraints may be violated or obeyed theories, but in OT, it means sounds that are (a) complex,
because even though they are universal, a specific (b) difficult to produce, (c) not natural, (d) infrequent
constraint in a language may be ranked so low that it in languages, (e) abnormal, (f) unpredictable, (g) later-

Table  2: Major faithfulness constraints in optimality theory

Constraint Stipulates Examples of violation Comment
MAX No deletion [bu] for book Omission pattern in NPT
DEP No insertion [pəlet] for plate Epenthesis in NPT
IDENT[feature] Don’t change features [wek] for lake Substitution pattern in NPT
IDENT[cont] Don’t change continuant [tun] for sun
IDENT[laryngeal] Don’t change voiced [pik] for pig
Note: Correct productions are faithful to the constraint.
NPT = Natural Phonological Theory.

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

acquired, (h) language-specific, and (i) perceptually Marked features, on the other hand, require environmental
weak. Being the opposite of marked, unmarked sounds are input and learning. These include word-final consonants,
(a) simple, (b) easy to produce, (c) natural, (d) frequently consonantal clusters, fricatives, affricates, and liquids—all
occurring in languages, (e) normal, (f) predictable, (g) less natural, more complex, and unique to languages.
early acquired, (h) universal, and (i) perceptually strong Misarticulations also are more common on less natural and
(Haspelmath, 2006; Hume, 2011). Natural are the features more unique sounds than on more natural and universal
present in most if not all languages; unnatural are those sounds.
present in only a few languages. More easily understood
sounds are perceptually strong and difficult to understand Faithfulness and Markedness Interactions
are perceptually weak.
Constraints are in a constant state of tension because
In OT, markedness is a set of universal and innate they oppose each other. Speech production is a balancing
constraints that presumably apply to the languages act between these two opposing forces. Speakers cannot
of the world and help explain speech sound errors satisfy the opposing constraints simultaneously. When
(Dinnsen and Gierut, 2008). Markedness constraints are one constraint is fulfilled, another is violated. When
counterintuitive in that following them is a disorder, one constraint is violated, another is fulfilled. Because
violating them is normal. A few major constraints are conflicts are unavoidable, grammar aims to (a) reduce
listed in Table 3. the number of conflicts and (b) keep violations to less
serious (lower-ranked) constraints. OT postulates that
Languages share segments and segmental sequences an optimal output form (i.e., the eventual utterance) is
more or less commonly (Yavas, 1994). For instance, the best among the available choices and violates fewer
features that are found in most if not all languages include and lower-ranked constraints.
(1) voiced and voiceless sounds; (2) stops, especially
voiceless stops; (3) voiceless fricatives more so than voiced Unique ranking of universal constraints in a language
ones, especially the dental-alveolar /s/; (4) nasals; (5) distinguishes it from all other languages. For example,
the vowel /ɑ/; and (6) unrounded front vowels (e.g., consonant singletons are simple, easy to produce, and
/i/); and (7) CV (consonant-vowel) syllable structure, hence unmarked and universal whereas consonant
among others. In OT, vowels, glides, nasals, and stops are clusters are complex, difficult to produce, and unique to
unmarked; they are natural, universal, innate, and do not certain languages, including English, and hence marked.
need the environmental input because the child already But the markedness constraint *COMPLEX (do not
“knows” about them (has a mental representation). produce clusters) is ranked low in English because it has
such clusters but high in Fijian because it has no clusters.
Studies on speech development have shown that children English language speakers may violate the lower-ranked
master the unmarked and natural features sooner than do not produce cluster constraint so they can produce the
the marked and the less natural. For example, mastery clusters. The Fijian speakers may not violate the higher-
of unmarked (more natural) unrounded vowels precede ranked *COMPLEX; they must be faithful to it. Essentially,
that of marked rounded vowels. Children master the it is the ranking of constraints, not the constraints per se,
more natural (less marked) stops earlier than less natural that will dictate whether certain features get produced or
stops (see Peña-Brooks and Hegde, 2022 for a review of not (Barlow and Gierut, 1999). Productions that violate the
studies). lower-ranked constraints in the speakers’ language will be
acceptable (optimal); those that violate the higher-ranked
constraints will not be acceptable (non-optimal).
Table  3: Major markedness constraints in optimality
theory Vowels must not be nasal is another markedness
Constraint Stipulates Examples Comment constraint. This universal markedness constraint quickly
*COMPLEX No clusters [top] for Cluster reduction ran into trouble because several languages do have
stop pattern in NPT nasal vowels. English does not, except in assimilation,
*CODA No final [hæ] for hat Final consonant and therefore, the constraint is ranked high and English
consonants deletion pattern speakers cannot violate it, should be faithful to it. In
in NPT
common terms, English speakers should not nasalize
*FRICATIVES No fricatives [pæt] for fat Substitution
pattern in NPT their vowels, and in fact, they typically do not. However,
*LIQUIDS No liquids [wuk] for Substitution in Kannada or Hindi (two languages of India), some
look pattern in NPT vowels are nasalized. Therefore, the markedness
Note: Incorrect productions adhere to the constraint. Correct productions constraint vowels must not be nasalized is ranked low
violate the constraint. NPT = Natural Phonological Theory. in Kannada, Hindi, and many other languages with

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

nasalized vowels. Speakers of these languages, thanks constraints differently than the ranking in the adult
to the low ranking of the constraint by the English grammar. A  constraint ranked higher in a child’s
phonologists, are permitted to violate the constraint and phonological grammar than in the adult grammar
produce nasalized vowels. prevents correct production of certain sounds. A  few
examples will illustrate the OT explanations of specific
GEN and EVAL speech sound disorders. It should be noted that in all
examples, a faithfulness constraint is ranked lower in
In OT, two mental mechanisms are operative in speech- the child’s grammar, hence violated, thus causing errors
language production. When there is an input to a child (Barlow, 2001):
(i.e., the child heard a word, say, elephant), there is a GEN
(the generator) that creates a variety of output candidates • Fronting errors are due to *DORSAL, a constraint that
prevents velar outputs.
the child can select from. The generated outputs maybe
• Final consonant deletions are due to *CODA, which bans
optimal (accurate or nearly so) or nonoptimal (less final consonants.
accurate or outright wrong). • Stopping errors (stops substituted for fricatives) are due to
*FRICATIVES, which prohibits the child from producing
The second mechanism, EVAL (the evaluator) scrutinizes fricatives.
the candidates that GEN has generated and selects a • Cluster reductions are due to *COMPLEX, which instructs
winning and optimal output that succeeds (gets said). the child not to produce sounds in clusters.
The winning candidate adheres to higher-ranked • Epenthesis is due to a failure to obey DEP, a faithfulness
constraints, violates the least number of constraints, and constraint that tells the child not to insert an unnecessary
vowel into words [see Table 2].
violates only the lower-ranked (less serious) constraints
• Many other kinds of errors are due to a violation of IDENT-
(Teser, 2000). The unselected candidates are the losers the FEATURE, a faithfulness constraint that instructs children
child’s EVAL will have rejected. Figure 1 illustrates how to not change phoneme features of inputs in their outputs.
GEN and EVAL work.
Evaluation of Optimality Theory
Speech Sound Disorders in
Optimality Theory OT’s basic concepts—naturalness and markedness,
innate universal constraints and their varied rankings
OT proposes that children’s speech sound disorders across languages, and hypothetical GEN and EVAL are
are due to their phonological grammar ranking the all questionable because they lack empirical support.

Figure 1: A diagram illustrating the works of hypothetical GEN and EVAL in generating and selecting word productions in optimality theory. Note that the input candidate
1 is the most faithful. From A. Peña-Brooks and M. N. Hegde, 2015, Assessment and treatment of speech sound disorders in children (3rd ed., p. 119). Copyright 2015,
Austin, TX., Pro-Ed Inc. Reproduced with permission

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

OT’s terms are imprecise and are used with multiple clusters, no final consonants are constraints or rules. They
meanings. Haspelmath (2006) has described 12 senses might as well be described as phonologists’ orders.
in which the term markedness is used in linguistics. Such
multiple meanings and imprecise definitions make most OT has not generated any speech sound treatment
of the OT’s terms ineffective in any theory (Haspelmath, procedures. OT’s effect on clinical practice has been on
2006; Hume, 2011). Consequently, OT fails to explain the the selection of treatment targets. Traditionally, easier
different patterns of speech production and variations sounds (sounds that the child can imitate) and those
across languages. that are typically acquired earlier have been the initial
treatment targets. These are the unmarked sounds in
Even if naturalness and markedness are defined precisely, OT. Several treatment research studies have shown
something common is not necessarily natural and what that teaching complex, less common, or more difficult
is natural is not always simple. Conversely, something marked sounds before treating unmarked sound errors
uncommon is not inherently unnatural or something results in a system-wide generalization (Barlow, 2001;
unnatural need not be essentially complex. Because Barlow and Gierut, 1999; Bernhardt and Stemberger,
both naturalness and markedness are dependent on how 2011; Bernhardt and Stoel-Gammon, 1994; Storket, 2018).
commonly sounds and their sequences appear across Whether this insight is indeed due to OT is uncertain.
languages, the well-established statistical distribution There is nothing in OT that suggests that complex
sounds should be taught before simpler sounds. That
of frequency is sufficient to describe them. There is no
the teaching of complex sounds will result in system-
need for such pseudotechnical terms like naturalness
wide generalization is not a compelling deduction from
and markedness. As Bernhardt and Stemberger (1998)
OT. Without any theoretical push, experimentation with
have pointed out, naturalness and markedness cannot
different treatment targets is an established treatment
be independently verified and they are circular: sound
research strategy.
sequences are natural because they are common, and
they are common because they are natural. Haspelmath Finally, GEN and EVAL are invented mechanisms. OT’s
(2006), saying that “linguists can dispense with the term assumption that these two mechanisms work in real
‘markedness’ and many of the concepts that it has been time is improbable. It is not credible that children’s GEN
used to express” (p. 63), suggested that markedness be suggest an infinite variety of output possibilities and the
replaced with phonetic difficulty. Most phoneticians, too, EVAL examines all of them and selects one for output
believe that the relative difficulty in mastering speech (production) in real time. Verbal response-reaction
sounds is a function of the degree of articulatory effort, chains with short reaction times observed in real world
acoustic complexity, and the extent of perceptual clarity conversations render even the super-computing GEN
(Lowe, 1994). There is still a need to develop procedures and EVAL theoretical fictions.
to measure the degree of articulatory (phonetic) difficulty,
but experimental phonetics, not phonology, is likely to General Evaluation of Phonological
make progress on that front. Theories
An additional questionable assumption of naturalness Phonology is a taxonomic and theoretical discipline
and markedness, themselves of dubious heuristic value, whereas SLP is an empirical and experimental discipline.
is that frequently occurring sounds and their sequences SLP shares a wider knowledge base with phonetics than
are innate and do not need environmental assistance with phonology. SLPs and experimental phoneticians
to learn. Equally questionable assumption is that less (Beddor, 2015; Ohala, 1995) are committed to empirical
frequently occurring sounds have no genetic basis and methods of investigation. The substance of phonology
hence are entirely environmentally induced. Specific is rational and nativist theoretical speculations. Much
speech sounds may occur more or less frequently, but of the difficulty with phonological theories stem from
all may be susceptible to genetic and environmental a few overarching linguistic concepts: universality of
influences. Treatment research in speech sound disorders phonological grammar, children’s innate knowledge
has amply documented that all sounds and sequences, of that grammar, and children’s rule-following.
regardless of variations in their frequency, are eminently Consequently, the empirical validity of phonological
teachable and learnable (Peña-Brooks and Hegde, 2022). theories is limited.

Although optimality theorists claim to have dispensed Universality

with phonological rules, their constraints are no different
than rules. It does not matter whether such linguistic Generative language and phonological theorists
injunctions as no deletions, don’t change continuant, no entertain a grand ambition of finding mental,

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

universal, eternal, and innate entities such as rules, deep In science, faulty theories are due to hasty and incomplete
structures, constraints, processes, representations, observations. In this paper, I would not go into possible
knowledge, and so forth. As soon as a “universal” geopolitical factors or racism. (See International Journal
rule or constraint is announced to the world, someone of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2020, 23, 7—a
somewhere finds not one but plenty of embarrassing special issue on linguistic racism; also see Frawley, 2007
exceptions to it. For example, a natural phonology and Kubota, 2020 on epistemological racism).
constraint is that there shall be word-final consonants.
But several languages of the world, including Spanish Most scientists abandon their premature theories when
and Vietnamese have few or no word-final consonants. replicated and convincing contrary evidence emerges.
As noted before, a constraint of the OT is that vowels But phonologists have a different approach. When certain
must not be nasal. French and Asian languages, among universal rules turned out to be untrue (“violated”)
many others, have nasal vowels. Because of multiple in several languages, phonologists did not abandon
exceptions to every claim of language universals, the their invalid rules. Instead, they shielded themselves
claim is essentially false. Even within a language, such by creating a new rule: universal rules are violable. Rules
as English or Kannada, regional dialectal variations are are universal, no doubt apply to all languages, but they
so deep and wide that any theory of innate, invariable, do not apply to specific languages, and in which case,
speakers have permission to violate them. This is a fine
universal language structures becomes untenable.
exemplar of an oxymoron. Linguistic universality is
Why do phonologists propose such rules and insist that unassailable. No amount of contrary evidence can defeat
they are universal against all odds? Based on limited it. This is like a government making a rule that you cannot
observations of their own language, American English steal from others, and upon finding out that people are
linguists and phonologists of the generative school tend stealing from each other, issuing a new rule: you cannot
to propose sweepingly broad theories that they insist steal from others is a violable rule; you may steal from others.
are both universal and innate. A  rule or a constraint
The most compelling empirical reason for rejecting
that holds good for the mainstream American English,
universal and innate rules is language diversity. Such
must be true of all languages. Chomsky (1957) started
rules, if they are truly operative, can only create uniform
this trend that has gotten stronger and spread wider by languages. It is true that languages share many common
the decade. Ironically, aspects of speech sound patterns elements, but it is also true that languages differ in not
and grammar of the mainstream American English so trivial ways. Language is a human activity and other
does not apply even to several dialects of American human activities, too, share common features across
English, including the Southern, Appalachian, and Black people who differ in many significant ways. Instead of
English. Anyone who has read Mark Twain’s Huckleberry an excessive concern with universality, a serious study
Finn would be skeptic of language universals. And of language variability and change across time would
yet phonological and grammar rules derived mostly give a pause to theorists (Cousse and von Mengden,
from American mainstream English are claimed to be 2014; Crowley and Bowerman, 2010). It is only a study
universal. The world’s languages, however, being highly of diversity of languages that can also detect empirically
variable, and culturally, socially, and locally shaped, valid, observable, and measurable variables that are
seem defiant of the English phonologists’ universal indeed more or less common across languages.
rules. For the generative linguists, language variations
are a problem, a nuisance, and noise in the signal (Pisoni, Innate Phonological Knowledge
1997) that interferes with the task of developing theories
of universal uniformity. That children have linguistic knowledge that they follow
in learning to produce speech sounds is a fundamental
In face of the mounting evidence that what is most assumption stemming from Chomsky’s (1957) universal
universal about languages of the world is their diversity, grammar hypothesis. That assumption permeates
not uniformity, Chomsky double downed that “there phonology. Hayes (2004) described three kinds of
is only one human language” (1995, 131). It must be phonological knowledge speakers have. First, speakers
the American mainstream English. This assertion have a knowledge of phonological contrasts. The English
is so egregious that it deserves no comment. But speakers, for example, know that /p/ and /b/ contrast in
most linguists of non-generative school consider the the voicing feature. But in the Korean language, /p/ and
universal grammar as either dead (Tomasello, 2009), a /b/ are allophonic variants depending on the context;
myth (Christiansen and Chater, 2009; Dąbrowska, 2015; there is no voicing feature contrast. Therefore, the Korean
Evans and Levinson, 2009), or useless at best (Ambridge speakers would not have the knowledge of /p/ and /b/
et al., 2014). contrast. The Korean grammar would set a phonological

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

default that /p/ and /b/ are the same (Hayes, 2004. of linguistic rules or constraints. There are no such
But why would the Koreans need a default rule that rules or constraints imposed on speech or a language.
/p/ and /b/ are the same? Is it because English makes Phonologists, not children, derived those rules from
a distinction between /p/ and /b/? The assumption patterns of speech and language production. Rules did not
seems to be that languages that do not conform to English precede speech; speech preceded rules that phonologists
phonological rules need default rules that inform the formulated. These rules have nothing to do with children’s
speakers that they need not worry about English rules. speech sound learning or their knowledge.
Why would Korean speakers be concerned about English
/p/ and /b/ that do not exist in their language and do Some phonologists claim that children themselves
not produce someone else’s speech sounds? English rank the OT’s phonological constraints. Children are
distinctions are irrelevant to Korean speakers; they do little linguists. For instance, Gnanadesikan (2004)
not need a default rule. Such rules can only be described who analyzed her two-year-old daughter Gitanjali’s
as linguistic Anglocentrism. (G) speech sound productions, claimed that her
daughter’s phonology differed from that of the target
Second, speakers have a knowledge of legal structures English because “G still ranks certain markedness
(Hayes, 2004). Phonotactics (phoneme sequences) found constraints above certain faithfulness constraints.”
in a language are legal; sequences not found in a language (p.  74). Presumably, the two-year-old child did what
are illegal. In English, for example, /bl/ sequence her mother the linguist did. Gnanadesikan found
is legal but a /bn/ is illegal. In optimality theory, a that simpler, easy to produce, frequently occurring
higher-ranked faithfulness constraint protects what is sounds and syllables (unmarked) were dominant in her
allowed in a language and a lower-ranked markedness daughter’s speech samples. Compelled to explain this
constraint prohibits what is not allowed. Phonotactics puzzling phenomenon, Gnanadesikan theorized that her
are regularities found in sequenced speech sounds. But two-year-old produced mostly simpler sounds because
in phonological theories, phonotactic regularities are she had ranked the markedness constraint *COMPLEX
elevated to a judicial/extrajudicial status. (do not produce complex structures) above faithfulness
constraint (correct production of complex sounds). If
Third, speakers have a knowledge of alternate patterns of only G had ranked complex productions higher than
pronunciation of phonemes that depend on the context. simple productions, the two-year-old child’s speech
For instance, the plural morpheme /s/ may be produced would have been complex enough to match the adult
as /z/ when it follows a voiced sound (bagz as in bags) model (input). Gnanadesikan did not specify why her
but as /s/ when it follows a voiceless consonant (hats child did not do that. Therefore, the problem lies not in a
as in hats). Hayes (2004) claims that 8 to 10-month-old young child’s limited articulatory skills, but in the child’s
infants have knowledge of such alternate pronunciation mixed-up constraint rankings. This is but one instance
rules. Hayes also claims that infants have the knowledge of hypothetical mechanisms displacing empirical reality.
of OT’s constraints. These are extraordinary claim about
infants’ knowledge for which Hayes offers no evidence. Grammar is an autonomous agent that speaks in OT.
Non-phonologists assume that people speak. But
The child speech development data do not support phonologists replace speakers with grammars. Who
Hayes’s (2004) claims. Typically learning children do produces syllables? Apparently not children or adults.
delete phonemes in the initial stages of speech sound According to Gnanadesikan (2004), “. . . grammar
learning; they do not seem to have the knowledge of OT’s produces syllables. . .” (p. 74).
MAX constraint. Sooner or later, they begin to produce
the sounds correctly. For the phonologist, the observation OT’s constraints work both the ways and shield the
that children do not hear certain sound sequences in their theorists from conflicting data. As noted, they explain
language is negative evidence. There is a rule for that, too: children’s simpler and less accurate productions in terms
children learning their sound sequences must make no use of of their failure to promote faithfulness constraint above
negative evidence (Hayes, 2004). It is not clear how a child *COMPLEX (no complex productions). However, if a child
(or a scientist) can discard nonexistent negative evidence. unexpectedly produced complex utterances—which
happens fairly frequently—it is because the child’s
It is ridiculousness to claim that children’s speech phonological grammar allowed the marked (complex)
productions follow some arbitrary theoretical rules that utterances, so the child produced them (Gnanadesikan
phonologists have invented. Such rules are summary (2004). Presence or absence of complex productions
statements of observed speech patterns in children that are easily explained: the child’s grammar allowed it or
reflect the speech practices of their immediate verbal prohibited it. Observed were the speech productions;
community. No child in the world has ever heard unobserved were the grammars.

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

There are no explanations in OT. The theorist will have to English, but simply because the children have not heard
explain why there are constraints and why children obey that sequence. Children and their caregivers know
constraint such as the one that bans complex utterances. nothing about constraints that ban speech sounds or
They will have to explain why one-year-olds do not put their sequences. Children are unaware of legal and illegal
the faithfulness constraint at the top of the list, so they can sound combinations.
get ahead of themselves. Because there is no independent
evidence for the existence of constraints or the child’s Rule-following behaviors may be explicitly taught,
ranking of them, it is no more explanatory than saying however. Children and adults may be taught to follow
that children’s speech productions are simpler than that an explicitly stated rule by reinforcing the actions the
of adults. rule specifies. Children may be taught not to touch hot
surfaces. Stop the car for the red light is a rule that drivers
Speech sound production learning does not require a are taught. Speakers of foreign languages may learn
knowledge of the sound systems or phonotactic rules. grammar rules, follow them, and forget them when
Children do not know and need not know that speech they acquire native-like second language skills. Rule-
sound features are stacked up one over the other like governed learner can usually state the rule. Only the
floors of a multistory building or laid out as a string behaviors explicitly taught to follow stated rules are rule-
of flowers in front of them. They do not know OT’s governed. Childhood speech and language learning in
constraints or their rankings. To produce words without the natural environment is not rule-governed. Learning
voicing the initial /p/ and to produce words with voicing more advanced verbal skills of writing and speaking
the initial /b/, no child needs to know the voicing under explicit instruction is likely rule-governed.
feature of phonemes. Children just have to hear adults
produce words. Rule-governed behaviors are a behavioral learning
phenomenon, but rule extraction is a scientific-analytic
There is no empirical basis to claim that knowledge activity. Scientists in all disciplines extract abstract laws
of skills that experts develop is necessary to learn and or rules from patterns they observe in the phenomenon
execute those skills. The claim that children cannot learn they study. Phonologists, too, extract rules from patterns
to produce their speech sounds without phonological of speech sound production in children and adults. In
knowledge is analogous to the patently false claim all sciences, extracted rules are succinct descriptions of
that a person cannot learn to ride a bicycle without behavioral patterns, but they are not explanations. As
the knowledge of the physical laws of motion. Ohala summary statements, phonological patterns are useful,
(2005), an experimental phonetician, put it this way: but they do not suggest the child is following rules. Rules
“Even a rock obeys the laws of physics without having that are extracted from patterns of behaviors cannot be
to know them” (p.  38). We eat, walk, see, and hear driven back to the child’s mind—an undefinable and
without consciously or unconsciously knowing about mysterious territory.
the physical constraints of those actions, Ohala pointed
out. Analysis of speech samples makes it clear that speech Empirical Invalidity of Phonological
sounds are patterned, as are other behaviors. However, Theories
knowledge of patterns is unnecessary to learn behaviors
that form patterns; after learning patterned behaviors, a SLPs should be most concerned with the dubious
knowledge of their patterns is unnecessary to maintain empirical validity of phonological theories. Inductive
the behaviors. Other than the language experts, no method in which data precede theory has a better chance at
speaker can describe the various phonological rules and avoiding premature theories, but theoretical linguists are
constraints. Phonologists counter this criticism by saying not known for collecting empirical speech and language
that speakers have unconscious knowledge, a contradiction. data in naturalistic social communicative contexts. In
fact, the generative linguists have consistently denied
Phonological Rule Following the importance learning a language in social contexts.
Even more astonishingly, generative grammarians had
A statement often-repeated without offering evidence disavowed any interest in what speakers actually do.
is that language is rule-governed. Empirical linguistic Chomsky and Halle (1968, p.3) had warned their readers
theories as well as behavioral analysis reject the view that their theory of phonology should not be confused
that language learning involves rule-following. Rules with “what the speaker and hearer actually does.” There
are unnecessary to learn speech sound productions. is no danger of such confusion. It is clear to empirical
English-speaking children do not struggle to produce scientists that the generative theory has nothing to
the /mb/ sequence in word-initial positions not because do with real speakers and their speech and language
the children are told that the sequence is “banned” in behaviors. Paradoxically, confused are the phonologists

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Hegde: Phonological theories: a review

themselves. Most phonologists, while building theories surface. Speech consists of integrated movements that
based on self-generated speech corpus that are removed advance rapidly. At the instance of production, properties
several steps from natural speech, nonetheless “treat of speech are not separate components of tiers or strings.
their corpora as accounts (albeit partial) of things that
speaker-hearers do” (Docherty and Foulkes, 2000, p. 115). When phonologists find that some aspect of speech
Ohala (1995, p. 751) had cautioned that “without having production is missing in their theory, they do not move
an ‘anchor’ in the real world, phonology risks having to collect data to fill the gaps in their theory. Instead,
its claim apply only in an imaginary universe of little they draw a new graph, a box, a figure, a linguistic tree,
interest to those outside the narrowly circumscribed or some such graphic design, insert the name of the
world of autonomous phonology.” missing phenomenon into the design, and consider the
job done. Noticing that the classic Chomsky and Halle
Empirical validity sinks to null when cognitivism, (1968) theory did not address tonal variations of speech,
mentalism, rationalism, and nativism are rolled into a Goldsmith (1990) inserted a tier of tones and placed it above
deductive theory. It is difficult to see parallels between the sound segments in his new diagram. There is nothing
what the theories say speakers do and what the speakers empirical about such drawing-table theory building.
seem to do in social contexts. It is hard to believe that
mental mechanical devices tell children “no final Generative phonological theorists set aside a staggering
consonants,” “no clusters,” “no fricatives,” and so number of empirical variables that are known to be
forth. It appears that the function of such constraints important in speech-language learning. Such theorists
is to induce speech sound disorders. It is empirically make no room for environmental stimulus conditions
improbable that children produce all phonemes of a word that trigger speech and language responses. A standard
just because the hypothetical constraint (MAX) whispers linguistic criticism of language learning hypothesis
do not delete any phonemes. It is illogical to assume that was that nobody teaches the rules of phonology and
children follow the constraint “no final consonants” linguistics to young children, and hence, speech and
when their language is full of them. It is not clear why language could not be learned. Several significant
children’s grammar says “no fricatives” when they hear lines of investigation briefly reviewed in the following
fricative all the time in their environment. To produce paragraphs have contradicted this often-repeated
their nasalized vowels, Kannada or Hindi speaking statement.
children do not need English phonologists’ permission
to violate the dictum no nasalized vowels. Those children That most parents do not explicitly teach the rules of
do not feel like they are violating any rule because they phonology and grammar does not mean that they do
know nothing about them. not teach speech and language skills. These skills are
learned implicitly, not by explicit teaching of linguistic
There is no empirical evidence to support the claim that rules. Contingencies of verbal interactions teach speech-
when children are stimulated to say something, their language skills, not explicit rule-teaching (Hegde, 2010).
GEN gets busy generating an infinite variety of output A  line of investigation on implicit learning of speech
options, some clearly wrong [see Figure 1]. A child who and language has reliably confirmed this view. Implicit
is stimulated to say “Mom,” in a social communicative learning is learning in natural contexts in which children
context does not think of infinite output possibilities, interact with their caregivers, other family members,
including totally unrelated and irrelevant utterances (e.g., peers in schools, and in larger social contexts (see
“bom” or “Tom”). Why would GEN suggest anything Arnon, 2019; Ellis, 2015; Segar, 1994; Rebuschat, 2015 for
other than the correct response? Perhaps to justify the overview of studies).
existence of another hypothetical mechanism EVAL,
which would have nothing to do if GEN suggested only Another vast body of research on infant-directed
the correct response. speech (IDS) has confirmed that caregiver-infant social
interactions help teach speech and language skills in an
The hypothesis that child or adult speakers hierarchically implicit manner (Segar, 1994). Parents do offer natural
organize the different articulatory-physiologic, acoustic, consequences for infant speech attempts. There is
prosodic, and other aspects of speech in tiers is not plenty of modeling-imitation-and-modeling loop that
credible. It is difficult if not impossible to demonstrate reinforces infants’ speech. Multiple replicated studies
that speakers first move to the tier of segments and have demonstrated that IDS facilitates both speech
then to the tier of tonal variations. When someone and language learning. Consistent with the behavioral
says a phrase with a certain tonal (prosodic) features, view of language learning, caregiver-infant verbal
segments and tonal variations are organized neither into interactions are contingent on each other, reinforce each
downstairs-upstairs tiers nor as linear strings on a flat other’s behavior, and are consistent with the methods

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of teaching verbal skills to young children (Bomstein, production (Behrman, 2023; Raphael et  al., 2012).
et al., 2015; Eaves et al., 2016; Goldstein and Schwade, An exception is Stampe’s (1979) natural phonology
2008; Masataka, 1993; Miller, 2014; Ramirez-Esparza which takes phonetic and physiological factors
et al., 2017; Segar, 1994; Thiessen et al., 2005). The empty into consideration. The OT adherents are especially
mechanical operation of input the phonologists propose vulnerable to the charge that they woefully ignore the
does not capture the complexity or the significance of workings of the speech production mechanism, its
IDS that promotes children’s learning of speech sounds limitations in children, and phonetic sequencing factors.
and other elements of language. Aerodynamic factors, physical and acoustic features
of speech, physiologic, motoric, and neuromuscular
For lack of space, I  will only briefly mention a few variables also play no role in deductive and generative
other lines of investigation that have affirmed the role phonological theories.
of social interactions in teaching speech-language skills
to children. A  series of studies on statistical learning A pervasive mentalism pushes generative phonological
has shown that the frequency with which children theories, especially the OT, outside the boundaries of
hear the speech sounds and their sequences in words empirical sciences. They make untestable assertions. In
is significantly correlated with speech sound mastery. generative grammar theories, language phenomenon
Generally, children master sooner the sounds they her of significance happens in an unobservable mental
more frequently than those that they hear less frequently underground. Observable speech-language behaviors
(see Arnon, 2019; Frost and Armstrong, 2019; Saffran, are superficial products of such hypothetical mental
2020 for reviews of research). Similarly, in learning mechanisms as deep or cognitive structures, universal
speech and language skills, sociolinguistic studies have grammars, GEN and EVAL, and input representations.
emphasized the importance of social interactions, not As Ohala put it, “Explanation is, after all, reducing
innate universal grammars. Sociolinguists also have the unknown to the known, not to further unknown,
documented significant diversity, not universality, of uncertain, or unprovable entities” (Ohala 1996; p. 262),
languages (Foulkes and Docherty, 2006). Finally, the but phonological theories complicate and obscure speech
exemplar and usage-based phonological theories have and language. Therefore, it is a puzzle as to why SLPs,
postulated that children learn speech and language by the who need to observe, measure, experiment, and stay
exemplars they hear frequently. Exemplars are utterances close to data in their theories get attracted to obscure
adults produce and children hear. Children who mentalism that banishes observable phenomena into
repeatedly hear exemplars learn to produce them. Usage- unobservable territory. It is better for the clinician to heed
based phonology, much more empirical than generative Ohala’s conclusion: “there may be no need for features,
phonology, suggests that speech sound learning is made underspecification, autosegmental notation, feature
possible by their frequent use (productions) in social geometry, or similar speculative devices” (2005, p. 35).
contexts (Cousse and von Mengden, 2014; Guy, 2014; Imaginary mechanisms offer no clinical advantage and
Tomasello, 2003). These theories collectively suggest most likely a hindrance to developing natural science
that the frequency with which children hear the speech accounts of speech and language.
sounds in words, social interactions, and exemplars the
caregivers provide is helpful in learning speech sounds Financial support and sponsorship
(see Peña-Brooks and Hegde, 2022 for more detailed
review of phonological theories). Those suggestions Nil.
are consistent with the behavioral analysis of speech-
language learning (Hegde, 2010).
Conflicts of interest
Variables related to ethnocultural conditions and the
child’s family environment do not figure in phonological I have no known conflict of interest to disclose.
theories. Effects of speech-language development of
parental education, especially the educational level of This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed
mothers, the socioeconomic conditions of the family, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-
child poverty, and abuse and abandonment, have been NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
well-documented (Peña-Brooks and Hegde, 2022), but others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-
such variables play no role in theories that emphasize commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and
innate universal rules for speech and languages learning. the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.

Several phonological theorists ignore the influence For reprints contact: WKHLRPMedknow_reprints@
of well-established phonetic factors in speech sound

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