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Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

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Effects of marine noise pollution on Mediterranean fishes and invertebrates: T

A review

E. Di Francoa, , P. Piersona, L. Di Ioriob,c, A. Calòa,d, J.M. Cottalordaa, B. Derijarda, A. Di Francoa,e,
A. Galvéf, M. Guibbolinia, J. Lebrung, F. Michelih, F. Priouzeaua, C. Risso-de Faverneya, F. Rossia,
C. Sabouraulta, G. Spennatoa, P. Verrandoi, P. Guidettia,j,k
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, UMR 7035 ECOSEAS, Nice, France
CHORUS Institute, Phelma Minatec, 38016 Grenoble, France
Foundation of the Grenoble Institute of Technology, 38031 Grenoble, France
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra e del Mare (DiSTeM), Università di Palermo, Via Archirafi 20-22, 90123 Palermo, Italy
Department of Integrative Marine Ecology, Sicily, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Lungomare Cristoforo Colombo (complesso Roosevelt), 90149 Palermo, Italy
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Géoazur, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, UMR 7271 I3S, Sophia Antipolis, France
Hopkins Marine Station and Stanford Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University, Pacific Grove, CA 93950, USA
Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, INSERM, Institut de Biologie Valrose (iBV, INSERM U1091 - CNRS UMR7277), Nice, France
CoNISMa (National Interuniversitary Consortium of Marine Sciences), P.le Flaminio 9, 00196 Rome, Italy
Department of Integrative Marine Ecology, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn - National Institute of Marine Biology, Ecology and Biotechnology, Villa Comunale, 80121
Naples, Italy


Keywords: Marine noise pollution (MNP) can cause a multitude of impacts on many organisms, but information is often
Marine noise pollution scattered and general outcomes difficult to assess. We have reviewed the literature on MNP impacts on
Stress responses Mediterranean fish and invertebrates. Both chronic and acute MNP produced by various human activities - e.g.
Behavioral alterations maritime traffic, pile driving, air guns - were found to cause detectable effects on intra-specific communication,
Population and ecosystem impacts
vital processes, physiology, behavioral patterns, health status and survival. These effects on individuals can
Sustainable development
extend to inducing population- and ecosystem-wide alterations, especially when MNP impacts functionally
important species, such as keystone predators and habitat forming species. Curbing the threats of MNP in the
Mediterranean Sea is a challenging task, but a variety of measures could be adopted to mitigate MNP impacts.
Successful measures will require more accurate information on impacts and that effective management of MNP
really becomes a priority in the policy makers' agenda.

1. Introduction living resources and ecosystems. The locution “marine noise pollution”
(hereafter MNP) has been coined to define any source of anthropogenic
The marine noise generated by human activities has increased sound occurring in the marine environment capable of producing de-
drastically since the first Industrial Revolution, especially since the leterious effects on marine life (MSDF; European Union, 2008). MNP is
Second World War (Frisk, 2012). Nowadays, the ocean is reported to be today considered as an emerging and noteworthy source of pollution by
2–10 times louder compared to the pre-industrial period (Hildebrand, national and international legislation, including the United Nations
2009; Frisk, 2012). This trend is likely to continue in the future due to Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS; ICP-19, https://undocs.
increasing human population, coastal urbanization, maritime traffic, oil org/A/73/124) and the European Marine Strategy Framework Direc-
extraction and other ocean-based energy production systems (e.g. wind tive 56/2008 CE (MSFD; European Union, 2008; see also https://www.
and wave energy farms).
Pollution is generally defined as the direct or indirect introduction MNP is reported to interfere with: (1) vocalizations emitted by many
into the environment of substances or energy (MSDF; European Union, animals to communicate with their conspecifics, e.g., for mate attrac-
2008) resulting from anthropogenic activities potentially threatening tion/selection, territorial defense, avoiding predators or alerting to the

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Di Franco).
Received 23 March 2020; Received in revised form 6 July 2020; Accepted 6 July 2020
Available online 22 July 2020
0025-326X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

presence of threats (Hatch et al., 2012; Erbe et al., 2016); (2) natural this simplistic dual classification and rather referring to a continuum of
sounds that animals perceive and use as clues for orientation in space, pressure sensitivity, which depends on the presence of more or less
movements in search of food, migration to reproductive areas, and specialized hearing organs (e.g. unspecialized swim bladder vs. highly
detection of appropriate habitats for settlement (Lillis et al., 2014; specialized Weberian ossicles; but see also Convention of Biological
Simpson et al., 2016; Lecchini et al., 2018). MNP can thus alter beha- Diversity, 2014 for another type of categorization). Fishes with spe-
viors and interfere with many vital processes (Erbe et al., 2016; Nedelec cialized hearing organs are thus able to perceive both particle motion
et al., 2017; Rako-Gospić and Picciulin, 2019), as well as causing and sound pressure, covering a wider frequency band of sound.
physiological impacts ranging from mild stress to internal bleeding, Fishes with gas-filled organs (e.g. gas bladder) are generally more
internal and external injuries, and ultimately death (Fernández et al., sensitive to MNP, essentially because the vibration of their gas-filled
2005; Aguilar de Soto et al., 2016; Hawkins and Popper, 2018). cavities in the presence of noise can lead to rupture of these cavities and
Originally, studies of the impact of MNP mainly focused on the cause damage to the surrounding organs (Halvorsen et al., 2012). In-
physiology and behavior of marine mammals (Aguilar de Soto et al., vertebrates do not have gas-filled cavities and are likely to just perceive
2016; Erbe, 2002; Nowacek et al., 2007; Wright et al., 2007; Götz and the particle motion component of sound, while there is no evidence for
Janik, 2013; Weilgart, 2017; Li et al., 2018; Jones, 2019). In the last their sensitivity to acoustic pressure. The hearing of fish and in-
decade, however, there has been a considerable increase in research on vertebrates is mostly sensitive to sounds < 2000 Hz (e.g. Pacific
MNP as an important source of stress for other marine animals, such as bluefin tuna: 400–500 Hz (Dale et al., 2015); common prawn:
many species of fish and invertebrates capable of producing and de- 100–3000 Hz (Lovell et al., 2005); common octopus: 400–1000 Hz (Hu
tecting sounds (Tolimieri et al., 2000, 2004; Popper et al., 2001; et al., 2009)), which corresponds to the frequency band of most an-
Montgomery et al., 2002; Amorim, 2006; Hu et al., 2009; Patek et al., thropogenic noises (Hawkins and Popper, 2018), and are therefore
2009; Holt and Johnston, 2011; Williams et al., 2015; Ladich, 2019). likely to be sensitive to and potentially affected by MNP (being most of
Understanding the impact of MNP on fish and invertebrates is crucial the energy produced by MNP < 1000 Hz; Hildebrand, 2009).
because both these groups include species that are threatened or have a The Mediterranean Sea is a temperate and semi-enclosed basin
significant socio-economic importance, e.g. for fisheries and aqua- crossed by some of the most important maritime trade routes (Fig. 1),
culture (Holmlund and Hammer, 1999; Anderson et al., 2011; Eddy where coastal areas are highly urbanized, fishery resources heavily
et al., 2017). In addition, many species of invertebrates and fish play exploited and multiple threats are concentrated, making it a sea “under
key roles: 1) some species occupy, within food webs, a range of trophic siege” (Coll et al., 2012; Micheli et al., 2013). The Mediterranean Sea is
positions from primary consumers to apex predators, in some cases as thus likely to be particularly affected by MNP, suggesting the urgent
keystone predators (e.g. some coastal fishes and lobsters; need to develop more research in order to improve our understanding
Hammerschlag et al., 2019); 2) other species contribute considerably to of its effects on marine life and mitigate its ecological impacts.
carbon and nitrogen cycles (Pinnegar, 2018); 3) other species, finally, The aims of this review, therefore, are: i) to summarize the available
are habitat-forming species, e.g. some bivalve mollusks and corals and sparse information on the impact of MNP on Mediterranean fishes
(Peirano et al., 1998; Tolley and Volety, 2005; Pitacco et al., 2017). and invertebrates; ii) to identify knowledge gaps and priorities for fu-
Therefore, as many fish and invertebrates play key ecological roles ture research guiding the design and adoption of management and
contributing to shaping whole communities, understanding the possible mitigation measures.
impacts of MNP on these organisms is vital in order to design and adopt
appropriate management, conservation and restoration measures 2. Materials and methods
(Slabbekoorn et al., 2010; Hawkins et al., 2014; Aguilar de Soto, 2016;
Tidau and Briffa, 2016; Edmonds et al., 2016; Carroll et al., 2017; Google Scholar ( and Web of Science
Weilgart, 2018; Rako-Gospić and Picciulin, 2019). ( were used to perform a systematic
There are two distinct types of MNP, depending on the intensity and search of the literature following the PRISMA review protocol (http://
duration: 1) acute MNP, characterized by sounds with high intensity, see Supplementary Fig. 1 for visual
and short duration, often emitted repeatedly and over frequencies flowchart). Results were limited to peer-reviewed articles published in
ranging from a few hertz (e.g. explosions, air guns, pile driving) up to international journals between January 1990 and June 2020. The
hundreds of thousands hertz (e.g. sonar; Hawkins and Popper, 2018); 2) specific Boolean search string was: (“fish” OR “invertebrate/s”) AND
chronic MNP, generally characterized by a lower intensity but a longer (“marine noise” OR “noise pollution” OR “anthropogenic noise”) AND
duration, to which animals are exposed regularly or over longer time (“behavior” OR “stress” OR “physiology”) AND “Mediterranean”.
lapses, with frequencies generally below 1 kHz (e.g. boat traffic; Rako- Additional peer-reviewed articles were identified by screening refer-
Gospić and Picciulin, 2019). Chronic MNP is much more widespread ences cited in the selected primary literature.
than acute MNP and is widely considered as the main contributor to the In the present review, we considered studies conducted both in the
increase in ocean background noise (MSFD; European Union, 2008; field and in laboratory/mesocosm, which offer different and often
Hildebrand, 2009). These different types of MNP can co-occur and in- complementary information. Field studies that do not imply any in-
teract in producing their impact on marine life. trusive manipulation are generally useful to collect correlative evidence
Two sound components may influence the relationships between about the effects of MNP. However, they have the disadvantage that the
sounds and living beings: 1) particle motion, i.e. the back-and-forth multiple sources of variation (other than MNP) possibly influencing the
motion of particles in the medium; 2) sound pressure, i.e. the pressure response variables under study cannot be controlled. The putative ef-
fluctuations with zones of high and low pressure in the medium (see fects of MNP cannot, therefore, be disentangled from other sources of variation. In contrast, experimental studies conducted under controlled
for a visual representation of these two components). Fish mainly conditions (in the field or in laboratory) allow, by manipulating the
produce sounds at frequencies < 4000 Hz (in most cases below system, control of other possible sources of variations. They thus allow
1000 Hz; Amorim, 2006; Ladich, 2015) and their hearing abilities can direct assessment of the effects of MNP, even though they may suffer
differ substantially depending on the species (Ladich, 2000, 2013). Fish from the bias introduced by experimental artifacts (Parvulescu, 1967;
species have traditionally been assigned to one of two categories: 1) Akamatsu et al., 2002; Duncan et al., 2016; Rogers et al., 2016). In the
most species, referred to as “hearing generalists”, perceive the sound as case of MNP studies, sound stimuli under controlled conditions are
particle motion; 2) other species, referred to as “hearing specialists”, often reproduced with speakers, which could modify the original noise
possess gas-filled cavities such as the swim bladder, which resonate stimulus (see Underwood (1996) for more details and the terminology
with sounds. However, Popper and Fay (2011) suggested abandoning concerning the experimental rationale in ecology).

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

Fig. 1. Map representing the main maritime traffic routes in the Mediterranean Sea and the distribution of field studies (blue dots) (data from MarineTraffic – Global
Ship Tracking Intelligence; (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)

This literature search initially produced 672 results, which dropped 3) 33 (58%) studies were conducted on fishes and 24 (42%) on in-
to 511 after removal of duplicates. The articles' abstracts were then vertebrates (12 (21%) on crustaceans, 8 (14%) on cephalopods, 1
reviewed to select field or in aquaria/mesocosm studies with the main (2%) on cnidarians and 3 on bivalves (5%)) (Fig. 2 D);
focus on the effects of MNP on Mediterranean fish and/or invertebrate 4) 41 (72%) studies were conducted under controlled conditions (e.g.
species (i.e. species native to the Mediterranean, with a distribution aquaria) and 16 (28%) in the field, using either caged or free-living
range not necessarily limited to the basin). Fifty-seven studies finally individuals (Fig. 2 E);
met the selection criteria. These articles were then classified on the 5) 26 (44%) studies assessed the impact of MNP on behavior, 19 (33%)
basis of the taxonomic group, the type of noise (i.e. acute vs. chronic), on physiology and 12 (21%) on both (Fig. 2 F);
the origin of the noise (e.g. ships, pile-driving), the experimental setup 6) 44 (77%) studies focused on adult individuals while 13 (23%) fo-
(i.e. field vs. aquaria/mesocosm), the intensity and frequency of the cused on juveniles (Fig. 2 G);
noise, its duration, the location where field studies were carried out and 7) 45 (79%) studies measured only the sound pressure component of
the origin of the organisms studied (i.e. wild vs. aquaculture) (see sound, 1 (2%) measured only particle motion and 11 (19%) mea-
Supplementary Table 1 for further details). sured both (Fig. 2H).

3. Results and discussion We analyzed more in depth the studies for their specific content by
classifying them on the basis of two criteria: taxonomic group impacted
Among the fifty-seven studies selected, sixteen were conducted in (fish vs invertebrates) and MNP type (acute vs chronic). Results are
the field (seven of them in fact carried out in Atlantic, North Sea or reported below.
Baltic Sea waters on species also living in the Mediterranean basin,
while nine were conducted in Mediterranean waters), mostly in the
western part of the Mediterranean basin and in the Adriatic Sea (Fig. 1). 3.1. Impact of MNP on fishes
The literature survey showed an increasing trend in the number of
studies on MNP, especially over the last decade. Specifically, before Thirty-three out of the 57 studies dealt with fish. Approximately half
2004 only 2 (4%) studies were ever published on the impact of MNP on of them (14) focused on two species, i.e. the European seabass
Mediterranean fishes and invertebrates, 4 (8%) between 2005 and (Dicentrarchus labrax) and the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). These
2009, 17 (30%) between 2010 and 2014 and 34 (58%) between 2015 two species represent > 90% of the European marine aquaculture
and 2020 (Fig. 2 A). production (FEAP, 2016, The remaining studies
The analysis of the published articles highlighted that: dealt with flatfish (the common sole Solea solea, the European plaice
Pleuronectes platessa), pelagic (the wild sprat Sprattus sprattus, the
1) 31 (54%) studies focused on chronic MNP, 24 (42%) on acute MNP mackerel Scomber scombrus, the allis shad Alosa alosa, the Atlantic
and 2 (4%) investigated both MNP types (Fig. 2 B); bluefin tuna Thunnus thynnus), cryptobenthic (the red-mouthed goby
2) 28 (49%) studies investigated the effects of MNP produced by ships/ Gobius cruentatus, the common goby Pomatoschistus microps, the painted
vessels, 8 (14%) by pile driving, 1 (2%) by both, 1 (2%) by air guns, goby Pomatoschistus pictus, the two-spotted goby Gobiusculus flavescens,
1 (2%) by pingers normally used as marine mammal deterrents and the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus dydactilus, the long-snouted sea-
18 (31%) by a computer replicating one or many of the previously horse Hippocampus guttulatus) and other coastal/demersal species (the
mentioned noise sources (Fig. 2 C); black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus, the pout whiting Trisopterus
luscus, the thicklip grey mullet Chelon labrosus, the brown meagre

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

Fig. 2. Synoptical diagram of the studies considered in this review. A) Temporal trend of published studies on the impact of noise pollution on Mediterranean fishes
and invertebrates; B) Type of noise; C) Source of noise pollution; D) Taxonomic group investigated; E) Experimental conditions; F) Category of variable considered;
G) Life stages investigated; H) Sound measure used.

Sciaena umbra, the damselfish Chromis chromis and the European eel sounds (e.g. actual explosions, air guns, sonar) because the gas filled
Anguilla anguilla). Among these 20 species studied, only three lack a gas cavity vibrates with this noise, possibly inducing severe internal in-
bladder. This is an important point to note as species with a gas bladder juries (e.g. gas bladder rupture). See Table 1 and Table S1 for a sum-
are: 1) usually sensitive to sound pressure as well as to particle motion, mary of the response variables tested for each species and more details
and are thus more sensitive to noise; 2) more at risk from explosive about the studied species, the noise features (type, level, duration and

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

Table 1
Response variables assessed for fish studies.
Noise type Species Response variable Reference

Behavior Physiology

Acute Alosa alosa Swimming speed / Wilson et al. (2008)

Chelon labrosus Swimming speed and depth / Kastelein et al. (2007)
Dicentrarchus labrax / Primary and secondary stress response Debusschere et al. (2014,
Fish shoal behavior (cohesion, direction, / Herbert-Read et al. (2017)
Startle response, swimming speed and / Neo et al. (2014)
depth and group cohesion
Swimming patterns / Neo et al. (2015)
Swimming speed and depth / Neo et al. (2016)
/ Ventilation rate Radford et al. (2016)
Startle response, swimming behavior Cortisol, glucose, lactate, AMP, ADP, ATP and cAMP Santulli et al. (1999)
Swimming speed and depth / Kastelein et al. (2007)
Arena exploration, predator inspection Ventilation rate Spiga et al. (2017)
Pleuronectes platessa / Oxygen uptake Bruintjes et al. (2016)
Scomber scomber Group behavior and swimming depth / Hawkins et al. (2014)
Solea solea / Mortality Bolle et al. (2012)
Spondyliosoma cantharus / Oxygen uptake Bruintjes et al. (2016)
Sprattus sprattus Group behavior and swimming depth / Hawkins et al. (2014)
Trisopterus luscus Swimming speed and depth / Kastelein et al. (2007)
Chronic Anguilla anguilla Startle response Ventilation rate Purser et al. (2016)
Bruintjes et al. (2016)
Anti-predator behavior Ventilation and metabolic rate Simpson et al. (2015)
Chromis chromis Escape duration, school density Body condition Bracciali et al. (2012)
/ Glucose, lactate and total proteins in plasma as well as Vazzana et al. (2017)
expression of HSP 70
/ Hearing thresholds Codarin et al. (2009)
Nest caring behavior / Picciulin et al. (2010)
Dicentrarchus labrax Predator response Ventilation rate Bruintjes et al. (2016)
Swimming behavior Lactate, hematocrit levels and glucose Buscaino et al. (2010)
Gobius cruentatus / Hearing thresholds Codarin et al. (2009)
Territorial behavior / Sebastianutto et al. (2011)
Sheltering behavior / Picciulin et al. (2010)
Gobiusculus flavescens Acoustic communication and spawning / de Jong et al. (2018)
Pomatoschistus pictus success
Halobatrachus dydactilus Communication distance / Alves et al. (2002)
Hippocampus guttulatus Displacement Respiration rate Palma et al. (2019)
Pomatochistus microps Mating success / Blom et al. (2019)
Sciaena umbra Flight reaction and hiding behavior / La Manna et al. (2016)
Fish vocalizations / Picciulin et al. (2012)
/ Hearing thresholds Codarin et al. (2009)
Sparus aurata Swimming behavior Lactate, hematocrit levels and glucose Buscaino et al. (2010)
/ Weight, fork length, ACTH, cortisol, glucose, lactate, Celi et al. (2016)
hematocrit, HSP 70, cholesterol, triglycerides and osmolarity
/ Total oxidant status, lysozyme activity, antiprotease activity, Filiciotto et al. (2017)
white blood cells and albumin / globulin ratio
Thunnus thynnus Swimming behavior / Sarà et al. (2007)

frequency), the locations where the studies included in this review were juvenile and adult European seabass, and adult black seabream exposed
conducted and the origin of the animals (from the wild or aquaculture). to pile driving noise displayed a decrease or increase of oxygen con-
sumption rate (Bruintjes et al., 2016a, 2016b; Debusschere et al., 2016;
3.1.1. Acute MNP Radford et al., 2016), which is indicative of a stress-induced response.
The available studies showed fairly heterogeneous results. Eight Spiga et al. (2017) investigated the effect of pile driving on European
studies were carried out on the potential impact of pile driving, either seabass and highlighted behavioral changes (e.g. exploratory swim-
in the field or under controlled conditions (mesocosms or aquaria). ming) and an increase in ventilation rate. Pile driving has also been
Studies on juvenile European seabass (Debusschere et al., 2014), larvae reported to affect the structure and dynamics of shoals of juvenile
of common sole (Bolle et al., 2012) and adults of European plaice seabass that tend to become less cohesive, more disordered direction-
(Bruintjes et al., 2016b) did not report any detectable effect from pile ally and less coordinated in speed and directional changes (Herbert-
driving noise in terms of instantaneous or delayed mortality, long-term Read et al., 2017). Hawkins et al. (2014) exposed schools of wild sprat
effects on ventilation rate or oxygen uptake by organisms. Available and mackerel to sequences of acute noises simulating strikes from pile
evidence suggests that pile driving does not have any significant effect driving. Results showed that sprat schools were more likely to disperse
on the investigated species, development stages or variables measured. and mackerel schools more likely to change swimming depth.
These results could be related to the use of experimental settings which Significant effects of pile driving noise on oxygen consumption and
are not representative of real conditions (see Akamatsu et al., 2002; grouping behavior have been mostly detected on confined individuals
Rogers et al., 2016), and/or the studied time scale (immediate vs. de- following exposure to “real” pile driving noise in the natural environ-
layed response), the recovery capabilities, an increase in tolerance or a ment (Santulli et al., 1999; Hawkins et al., 2014; Bruintjes et al., 2016b;
change in hearing sensitivity, resulting in an absence of permanent/ Debusschere et al., 2016; Spiga et al., 2017). In contrast, the studies
detectable effects on the measured variables. Other studies showed that where no observable effect was reported used playback recordings of

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

real noises emitted either in aquaria or in the field (Bolle et al., 2012; the frequency band in which most of the boat noises are produced in-
Bruintjes et al., 2016b). The three exceptions reviewed here are: 1) the duced an increase in lactate and hematocrit levels, as well as an in-
case of the European seabass showing increased ventilation rate in re- creased mobility in both species, while a decrease in glucose was ob-
sponse to playbacks of pile-driving, but habituation occurred after served in gilthead seabream. Vazzana et al. (2017) exposed caged adult
12 weeks of exposure (Radford et al., 2016); 2) European plaice directly damselfishes during 2 min to an artificial noise consisting of pure tones
exposed to real pile driving noise, where no detectable effects on aimed at reproducing the main acoustic energy produced by boats,
oxygen consumption were reported (Bruintjes et al., 2016b); 3) the ships and ferries. They found that this exposure induced an increase in
modification of the structure and dynamics of shoals of European sea- stress biomarkers in blood, such as glucose, lactate, total proteins and
bass reported in aquaria (Herbert-Read et al., 2017). Hsp70. Simpson et al. (2015) found that ship noise compromised anti-
Santulli et al. (1999) investigated the potential effects of another predator behavior in European eels. Fishes were slower to react to a
type of acute noise, the air gun acoustic waves directly in the field with predator stimulus and were caught more quickly. They also found
a real sound stimulus produced by an air gun. The authors showed a elevated respiration and metabolic rates.
biochemical response in caged European seabass exposed to a passing Alves et al. (2016) showed that masking induced by the presence of
seismic vessel. This response consisted of transient alterations of cor- boat noise caused a reduction in the distance at which adult Lusitanian
tisol, glucose, lactate, adenylic system components (i.e. Adenosine- toadfish were able to detect a conspecific from 6 m to 2.5–4 m and from
Mono-Phosphate, Adenosine-Di-Phosphate, Adenosine-Tri-Phosphate) 13 m to 7–8.5 m, depending on the call and the type of boat noise.
and cyclic-AMP in blood and different tissues, which went back to The noise produced by boats at sea can affect individual and
normal within 72 h post-exposure. To test whether intermittency, am- schooling behavior. Two field studies conducted on adult brown
plitude fluctuation, repetition interval regularity and the presence of meagre showed that boat noise caused an increase both in the rate of
‘ramp-up’ have the potential to impact fish behavior, Neo et al. (2014, vocalizations, probably to compensate communication masking
2015, 2016) exposed adults of European seabass to multiple types of (Picciulin et al., 2012), and in flight duration and frequency of hiding
artificial noise. They reported multiple behavioral responses including behaviors, followed by a rapid recovery after exposure (La Manna et al.,
increased group cohesion, swimming speed and depth, startle response 2016). Bracciali et al. (2012) reported an increased escape duration,
(i.e., sudden change in swimming direction and acceleration). All these alterations of physiological conditions (Body Condition Index = Total
behavioral changes could be due to the perception of the noise by fish, weight/Standard length3) and a decrease in feeding frequency in adult
considered as a potential threat. damselfish exposed to boat noise in comparison to a navigation-re-
Effects of acute noises with higher frequency and much lower in- stricted area. Palma et al. (2019) observed the displacement in 37.5%
tensities compared to pile driving and air gun have also been tested. and an increased respiration rate in 87% of adult long-snouted seahorse
Kastelein et al. (2007) investigated, in outdoor tanks, the effects of the during passages of motorboats over the specimens. A decrease in anti-
noise of different dolphin anti-depredation pingers on adults of three predator response and an increase in startle latency has also been re-
fish species, i.e. European seabass, pout whiting and thicklip grey ported as a behavioral reaction to boat noise in adult European eel
mullet. While exposed to this noise, these fishes displayed pinger- and (Bruintjes et al., 2016a). Purser et al. (2016) also investigated the anti-
species-specific alterations in terms of swimming-speed and depth. An predatory response and respiration rate in juveniles of European eels.
increase in swimming speed (possibly related to an escape reaction; Their results were similar to those reported by Bruintjes et al. (2016a),
Wilson et al., 2008) has been observed in adults of allis shad in response but only when the fish were in poor body condition. Blom et al. (2019)
to ultrasounds (70 or 120 kHz; Wilson et al., 2008). This species can showed that continuous broadband noise increased latency in female
perceive these frequencies that correspond to the sounds produced by nest inspection and spawning, and decreased spawning probability in
some of their natural predators (i.e. sea mammals), which are similar to adult common goby. Resident adults of red-mouthed goby, a small-
those of sonars or boat propellers. sized territorial benthic fish, were found to be more submissive and
won fewer encounters while fighting against conspecific intruders in
3.1.2. Chronic MNP the presence of noise playbacks of a 5 m-fiberglass boat (Sebastianutto
All the studies we have found on chronic MNP dealt with boat noise, et al., 2011). de Jong et al. (2018) found that, in the presence of boat
produced by recreational or fishing vessels, ships and ferries. Twenty noise, painted gobies and spotted gobies reduced their acoustic com-
studies investigated the effects of chronic noise exposure, either munication and were less likely to spawn.
through playbacks in aquaria (n = 12) or directly in the field on wild Sarà et al. (2007) observed that adults of Atlantic bluefin tuna caged
fish (n = 8). in a tuna trap modified their schooling behavior during the passage of
Studies that employed playback recordings in aquaria provided ferry boats next to the trap, suggesting that migration patterns to
evidence that boat noise can alter hearing threshold, affect physiolo- spawning and feeding grounds could be affected by boat noise. By using
gical responses, induce behavioral modifications and mask commu- time-budget analyses during playbacks of a ferry boat and a fiberglass
nication in fishes (Hawkins and Popper, 2018). boat, Picciulin et al. (2010) reported a significant decrease in the time
An increase in hearing thresholds (defined as the limit in decibels spent caring for their nests in adults of damselfishes and an increase in
(dB) under which a sound is not perceived) has been observed in adults the time spent sheltering in adults of red-mouthed goby. Similar be-
of brown meagre, damselfish and red-mouthed goby, by using play- havioral changes have the potential to affect, besides the single in-
backs of boat noise. These increases in hearing thresholds were asso- dividuals, whole populations, by decreasing offspring survival in
ciated with a decrease in hearing and communication range (Codarin damselfishes or decreasing the time dedicated to feeding and mating in
et al., 2009). Celi et al. (2016) showed an increase in stress-related red-mouthed goby. Finally, González Correa et al. (2019) found that
plasma variables (ACTH, cortisol, glucose, lactate, cholesterol, trigly- fish call rates and complexity were higher in a location where mooring
cerides, Hsp70, hematocrit and osmolarity) in adults of gilthead seab- was not allowed compared to regulated mooring locations where mo-
ream after 10 days exposure in aquaria to a sound loop consisting of torboat noise was higher.
seven recreational vessels, a hydrofoil, a ferry and a fishing boat.
Filiciotto et al. (2017) have reported changes in immune parameters, 3.2. Impact of MNP on invertebrates
such as higher levels of lysozyme activity, antiprotease activity and
white blood cells together with a lower albumin/globulin ratio in MNP has been found to induce multiple negative effects on in-
gilthead seabream after 40 days of exposure to a loop of recordings of vertebrates (Aguilar de Soto, 2016; Edmonds et al., 2016; Carroll et al.,
different types of boats. Buscaino et al. (2010) found that the exposure 2017). In the Mediterranean Sea, twenty-four studies assessed potential
of juvenile European seabass and gilthead seabream to linear sweeps in effects of anthropogenic noise on marine invertebrates. Twenty-two

E. Di Franco, et al.

Table 2
Response variables assessed for invertebrate studies.
Noise type Invertebrates Response variable Reference

Group Species Behavior Physiology

Acute Cephalopods Loligo vulgaris / Statocyst lesions André et al. (2011); Solé et al. (2013a, 2013b)
/ Statocyst lesions occurring sooner in hatchlings than adults Solé et al. (2018)
Illex condietii / Statocyst lesions occurring sooner in hatchlings than adults Solé et al. (2018)
/ Statocyst lesions André et al. (2011); Solé et al. (2013a, 2013b)
Octopus vulgaris / Statocyst lesions André et al. (2011); Solé et al. (2013b)
Sepia officinalis / Statocyst lesions occurring sooner in hatchlings than adults Solé et al. (2018)
/ Statocyst lesions André et al. (2011); Solé et al. (2013b); Solé
et al. (2017)
/ Expression of proteins related to stress and cytoskeletal structure Solé et al. (2019)
Inking and jetting / Samson et al. (2014)
Crustaceans Pagurus bernardus Antennas retraction, locomotor behavior, shell / Roberts et al. (2016); Walsh et al. (2017)

Nephrops norvegicus Burying and bioirrigation behavior and locomotor / Solan et al. (2016)
Cnidarians Cotylorhiza tuberculata Statocyst lesions Solé et al. (2016)
Rhizostoma pulmo / Statocyst lesions Solé et al. (2016)
Bivalves Mytilus edulis / Clearance rate Spiga et al. (2016)
Chronic Crustaceans Pagurus bernardus Predator response / Nousek-McGregor and Mei (2016)
Grouping behavior and predator response / Tidau and Briffa (2019a, 2019b)
Palaemon serratus Locomotor patterns and sheltering Protein concentration, DNA integrity, HSPs 27 and 70 Filiciotto et al. (2016)
Palinurus elephas / Hemocyte count, phenoloxydase activity and HSP 27 Celi et al. (2015)
Locomotor activity Glucose, total proteins, Hsp70 expression and total hematocyte count Filiciotto et al. (2014)
Carcinus meanas Predator response Inhibition of color change Carter et al. (2020)
/ Size-dependent increase in oxygen consumption Wale et al. (2013a)
Feeding, sheltering, righting after being turned on / Wale et al. (2013b)
Nephrops norvegicus Burying and bioirrigation behavior and locomotor / Solan et al. (2016)
Cephalopods Sepia officinalis Visual displays / Kunc et al. (2014)
Bivalves Mytilus edulis / Settlement Jolivet et al. (2016)
Valve opening time, valve gape Oxygen consumption, lipid peroxidation, DNA damage, metabolic oxydative Wale et al. (2019)
stress, algal clearance rate
Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450
E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

were conducted under controlled conditions and two directly in the 3.2.2. Chronic MNP
field; eleven dealt with physiology, nine focused on behavior and the Filiciotto et al. (2014) showed that adult spiny lobster exposed
remaining 4 assessed both physiology and behavior. There were 12 under controlled conditions to 30 min of boat noise playbacks recorded
studies that focused on crustaceans, namely the European green crab next to a harbor display an increase in stress-related hemolymphatic
Carcinus meanas, the Norvegian lobster Nephrops norvegicus, the hermit biomarkers (glucose, total proteins, Hsp70 and hematocrit) and in lo-
crab Pagurus bernhardus, the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas, the comotor activity, reflecting a potential response to MNP disturbance.
common prawn Palaemon serratus; eight cephalopods (the European Boat noise was also involved in the alteration of immune response (with
squid Loligo vulgaris, the common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis, the a decrease in total hemocyte count and in phenoloxydase activity in
common octopus Octopus vulgaris, the southern shortfin squid Illex co- cell-free hemolymph) and in the increase in Hsp27 expression in he-
indetii); three on bivalves (the blue mussel Mytilus edulis) and one on mocyte lysate of spiny lobsters (Celi et al., 2015). These results showed
cnidarians (the Mediterranean jellyfish Cotylorhiza tuberculata, the that boat noises may induce stressful conditions at both cellular and
barrel jellyfish Rhizostoma pulmo). See Table 2 for a summary of the biochemical levels. The 30 mins exposure to boat noise on adult spe-
response variables tested for each species and Table S1 for more detail cimens of common prawn elicited an increase in protein concentration,
on each study. Hsp27 and Hsp70 expression, DNA fragmentation, and a decrease in
locomotor activity as well as in the time spent in sheltering (Filiciotto
et al., 2016). These impacts could decrease the probability of survival in
3.2.1. Acute MNP the presence of a predator and lower the number of mate encounters,
Roberts et al. (2016) showed that an experimental apparatus gen- thus reducing the reproductive success. Exposure to playbacks of boat
erating noise types similar to anthropogenic activities, such as blasting noise, either produced by a large shipping vessel or a small outboard
and pile driving, may induce the retraction of antennas and reduce craft, can affect the behavior of the hermit crab inducing a greater re-
locomotion in adult hermit crabs in aquaria. Solan et al. (2016) in- sponse latency to a stimulus of looming predator, thus increasing pre-
vestigated the impact of simulated continuous and impulsive noise on dation risk and mortality by predation (Nousek-McGregor and Mei,
the Norwegian lobster. These authors reported a reduction of the 2016). Moreover, in two studies, Tidau and Briffa (2019a, 2019b) re-
burying behavior and, in general, of the locomotor activity. ported that the hermit crab displays clear grouping preferences with
MNP studies on cephalopods in the Mediterranean Sea focused on 4 other individuals that is dependent on shell suitability (crabs with ideal
species: European squid, common cuttlefish, common octopus and shells prefer to stay in pairs, while crabs with suboptimal shells do not
southern shortfin squid. Most of the studies (André et al., 2011; Solé show any group preference). While exposed to boat noise, grouping
et al., 2013a, 2013b, 2016) used sinusoidal wave sweeps that are not preferences disappear or strongly change, and shell selection ability
strictly impulsive noises but that share many characteristics such as decreases (hermit crabs are less capable of selecting an ideal shell).
short duration (≤1 s), a relatively broad spectral density or high am- Walsh et al. (2017) investigated the impact of white noise on the hermit
plitude, and they can elicit acute effects. André et al. (2011) exposed crab in aquaria: this type of noise is produced by combining different
adults of these four species to high-intensity low-frequency sounds, frequencies together, effectively simulating broadband noise, like the
mimicking acute sounds produced by human activities such as pile noise produced by distant ships. In a noisy environment, shell selection
driving and air guns. These authors reported permanent and substantial was more rapid, with hermit crabs approaching the shells faster, re-
alterations of the sensory hair cells of the statocysts, responsible for the ducing the time spent on inspecting and entering the shells. This could
animals' sense of balance and position in space, with damage increasing induce sub-ideal shell selection, potentially reducing individual sur-
with time of exposure. These results were confirmed by Solé et al. vival probability. Finally, Carter et al. (2020) investigated the effect of
(2013a, 2013b) who exposed adults of the same four species to the playbacks of boat noise on European green crab. When exposed to
same sound sweeps, and observed typically noise-induced lesions in the playbacks of boat noise, green crabs showed reduced camouflage abil-
statocysts. Solé et al. (2017) observed the same damage on statocysts by ities and less effective anti-predator escape response, both effects
exposing caged adults of common cuttlefish to different noises at dif- having the potential to severely reduce crabs' survival.
ferent distances from the source in the field. Their study confirmed to For cephalopods, Kunc et al. (2014) reported that playbacks of ship
some extent that noise exposure conditions in previous studies con- noise can induce an increase in the frequency of livery (body coloration
ducted in the laboratory were representative of field conditions. Fur- patterns) change in adult common cuttlefish.
thermore, Solé et al. (2018) observed that the damage to the sensory For bivalves, Wale et al. (2019) showed oxidative stress, changes in
epithelium happened sooner in hatchling than in adult individuals of DNA integrity, reduced oxygen consumption, as well as increased valve
common cuttlefish, European squid and shortfin squid. Solé et al. gape and reduced filtration rate in the blue mussel after exposure to
(2019) reported differences in protein expression in the statocyst en- ship noise playbacks. In contrast, Jolivet et al. (2016) showed that
dolymph, some of these proteins being related to the stress response underwater vessel noise was used as settlement trigger in blue mussels.
and cytoskeletal structure. Samson et al. (2014) assessed the response
of juvenile and adult common cuttlefish exposed to pure-tone pips in 4. Conclusions, knowledge gaps and perspectives
aquaria and reported an escape response from sounds. The intensity of
the response was related to the stimulus amplitude and sound fre- There is increasing evidence worldwide that MNP may represent a
quency. After repeated exposure, some evidence of habituation was serious threat to marine life. Our review and the available literature
observed but a total response inhibition never occurred. indicate that acute and chronic MNP can cause a wide variety of effects
The only available study on bivalve mollusk is the one published by on marine invertebrates (chiefly mollusks and crustaceans) and verte-
Spiga et al. (2016) on the blue mussel, that highlighted a higher brates (fishes and mammals) (Aguilar de Soto, 2016; Edmonds et al.,
clearance rate after exposure to pile driving noise. It is worth men- 2016; Carroll et al., 2017; Rako-Gospić and Picciulin, 2019). Effects
tioning that Aguilar de Soto et al. (2013) highlighted body malforma- encompass behavioral alterations (e.g. swimming and gregarious pat-
tions and delays in development after exposure to pile driving noise of terns, anti-predator responses, mating and spawning patterns), auditory
the larva of Pecten novaezelandiae, a scallop from New Zealand which is damage, communication masking (mostly intra-specific), changes in
very close to the scallops found in the Mediterranean. habitat use (e.g. shelter frequentation), migration and displacement
The only study focusing on cnidarians is that of Solé et al. (2016), (e.g. towards less noisy places), stress-related physiological responses,
which reported injuries in the statocyst sensory epithelium in two jel- internal and/or external non-lethal injuries to immediate death (e.g. as
lyfish species (Mediterranean and barrel jellyfishes) after 2 h of ex- a consequence of severe internal organ damages) (Aguilar de Soto et al.,
posure to low frequency and high intensity sweeps. 2016; Cox et al., 2018; Hawkins and Popper, 2018).

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

This review summarizes the available evidence regarding MNP On the basis of our literature analysis, we have identified the fol-
impact specifically on Mediterranean fish and invertebrates. Fewer lowing gaps in knowledge on the potential effects that MNP may have
studies concerned marine invertebrates, while most of the published on Mediterranean fishes and invertebrates:
papers dealt with fishes. Among the 33 reviewed studies assessing the
effects of MNP on Mediterranean fish species, three did not detect any 1) some categories of marine organisms have been little investigated or
effect on the variables taken into account, which, nevertheless, does not totally ignored, such as i) invertebrates such as annelids and echi-
mean that other variables would not have been affected. The remaining noderms, ii) elasmobranchs (although they are the most threatened
30 studies reported that MNP may have detectable negative repercus- fish group in the Mediterranean Sea and worldwide; see Ferretti
sions, ranging from mild alterations to physiological variables to ex- et al. (2008, 2010) and Casper et al. (2012)), iii) early life stages
tremely stressful conditions associated with decreased immune capa- (generally more sensitive to impacts than adults, see e.g. Simpson
cities and degraded body conditions. Internal and external non-lethal et al. (2016));
injuries are not discussed here since no study that concerned 2) some biological variables/mechanisms have also been little in-
Mediterranean species dealt with this aspect. Behavior can also be vestigated or totally ignored, such as i) the hearing sensitivity of
impacted, with effects ranging from short displacements and slight organisms (that has been investigated for a few species, so we do not
changes in swimming behavior to compromising feeding and nest actually know for how many species MNP can impair hearing and
caring behaviors. These negative effects could impact both single in- mask communications), ii) the bio-physiological mechanisms trig-
dividuals and entire populations. Such individual to population-wide gering the observed behavioral responses, iii) intra-specific differ-
impacts have the potential to affect from entire communities to eco- ences in behavioral response, iv) the ways MNP affects populations,
systems, especially when species playing key ecological roles are im- communities and ecosystems, v) the physiological variables poten-
pacted (e.g. high-level predatory fishes; Guidetti, 2006; Sarà et al., tially impacted by MNP stress (which is crucial, e.g., to properly
2007; or habitat-forming mollusks; Charifi et al., 2018). This review assess energy metabolism changes, to characterize concentration
also showed that MNP can have an impact on the physiology of several variations for hormones potentially involved in stress responses),
invertebrates (crustacean decapods, cephalopod mollusks and cnidar- and vi) global responses using multi-omic technologies to ex-
ians) that can range from an increase in stress-related variables to haustively understand the effects of MNP stress (e.g. long-term
permanent structural damage, possibly with fatal effects. Crustaceans adaptation of species subject to MNP stress);
and cephalopods also showed different degrees of potentially harmful 3) few studies have assessed the potential for recovery, habituation and
behavioral responses, ranging from changes in movement patterns to adaptation to MNP in relation to species features (e.g. species' mo-
increased latency in response against predators, possibly affecting in- bility), which is fundamental to understanding whether some re-
dividual reproductive success and survival. Most studies we have found sponses are permanent or temporary;
are individual-based, but the effects of MNP could have population- 4) most available studies focus on chronic MNP (all concerning boat
wide repercussions, particularly when MNP is intense and/or chronic. noise), which is the most widespread type of MNP monitored by the
MNP has the potential to affect a variety of Mediterranean marine MSFD, although acute noise pollution may have the potential to
species, among them some key species providing ecosystem goods and cause serious injuries as well;
services, which justifies the increasing attention paid to marine noise 5) methodologically speaking, many aspects deserve to be investigated
pollution (MSFD; European Union, 2008). Until now, the available data in more depth, such as i) the advantages of coupling field and la-
for the Mediterranean Sea has mostly focused on marine mammals (see boratory approaches (the lack of which often precludes the possi- bility of drawing reliable and robust conclusions regarding the ef-
shipping-on-marine-fauna), or were limited to a few variables (while fects of the different types of MNP on the investigated species), ii)
the impact of marine noise may potentially range from cells to eco- the limits to the use of organisms (especially fishes) from aqua-
systems) and to snapshots or short-term studies carried out at a few culture (which could be less sensitive or responsive than wild ani-
locations. Here we underline the urgency of paying increased attention mals because of potential habituation or because they descend from
to Mediterranean fishes and invertebrates as relevant groups with re- cultured lineages exposed since birth to the noise of aquaculture
gard to MNP impact. There is thus a clear need for more research and facilities), iii) the effects of the acoustic configuration of the ex-
systematic monitoring to exhaustively assess the risks generated by perimental units (e.g. aquaria) or the sea bottom (potentially hin-
MNP to marine life. Data acquisition should be extended in space and dering, altering or stopping the noise stimulus produced, perceived
time, and should integrate multiple species and variables, so as to be or emitted by animals; see Rogers et al. (2016)), iv) the measure of
capable of capturing information on both early symptoms and long- particle motion (in addition to sound pressure), which is often ne-
term, and possibly permanent, effects. glected although many species perceive only particle motion, v) the
Furthermore, MNP has generally been assessed without taking into impact range of each type of noise stimulus that determines po-
account the variety of interactions it can have with other sources of tential population-wide effects, and vi) the spatial distribution of
environmental disturbance at sea, such as overfishing, climate change, field studies (few field studies have been conducted in the Medi-
acidification, chemical pollution and other forms of anthropogenic terranean Sea, and most of them have been concentrated in the
disturbance that can combine to ultimately influence the marine bio- western sector or in the northern Adriatic Sea, while the rest of the
diversity in complex ways (Côté et al., 2016; Micheli et al., 2016). basin and particularly some sectors that are likely to be “noise
Purser et al. (2016), from this point of view, observed that only eels hotspots”, such as in proximity to the Suez Canal, have not been
with bad health condition were adversely affected by MNP, which investigated yet);
suggests how important it is to consider the effects of potential inter- 6) unusual sources of MNP and multi-stressors interactions also de-
actions (synergies, antagonisms or additive effects, Côté et al., 2016) of serve greater attention, such as i) the sources of noise generated by
different sources of disturbance at sea. typically terrestrial human activities that is likely to propagate in
Environmental agencies, authorities, policy-decision makers and the sea (e.g. by railway tracks or airports and heliport installations
legislators at all levels (e.g. at EU, national, or Mediterranean scale) near the sea; see Urick (1972) and Erbe et al. (2018) for non-Med-
urgently need scientific evidence to underpin proper management de- iterranean examples), and ii) the potential of climate change (which
cisions. More complete and integrated data would provide crucial in- is going to alter the physical properties of marine waters) to increase
formation to help improve conservation and management/mitigation the ambient noise levels in the future (Hester et al., 2008);
measures, which should be accompanied by effective educational 7) finally, more effort should be dedicated to improving regulations in
campaigns and supporting legislation. the Mediterranean region, that are currently limited to the

E. Di Franco, et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 159 (2020) 111450

obligation of Mediterranean EU countries to monitor the MNP in the wonderful colleague and friend, Patrice Francour, who recently passed
framework of the MSFD, to monitor and mitigate noise during away.
marine construction works, seismic surveys, and to swiftly enforce
navigation restrictions or the use of silent engines in a few marine Appendix A. Supplementary data
protected areas.
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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proposed (Würsig et al., 2000; Dähne et al., 2017). As for other sources References
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