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In some countries, people prefer to rent a house for accommodation while in

other countries, people prefer to buy their own house for living. Does renting a
house have more advantages or disadvantages than buying a house?

Nowadays, renting a house has become very prominent among civilization. This is due to the fact
that migrating jobs are getting augmented. However, owning a house has become more of a status
symbol. I believe renting a house has more benefit. While there are manifold betterment of renting
a house as well as multifarious advantages of owning a house to consider.

At the onset, these days competition in workspace has become ruthless also job opportunities are
getting alleviated so it has become very common to do a transferrable jobs, it is a best idea for them
to rent a house because it is more economical for them in short terms. To exemplify, my brother
started a job in IT Company in Chennai. Initially it was very difficult for him to buy a house. So he
rented a small apartment instead of buying a house. Moreover, price of real estates are fluctuating
all the time yet it cannot affect the rent because tenants are supposed to pay a fix rent.

Consequently, there are plethora of gains of owning a house. It goes without saying that costs of
housings are differing day by day and mostly escalate so buying a house can be a sagacious decision
for an investment purpose. Take the case of an illustration, my uncle bought a house for investment
purpose and after few years when price of that house rose he sold the house and bought another
house from that money. Furthermore, owner can decorate, design or renovate the house as per
their interest and there is no one to stop.

In contrast, buying a house can require a lot of money due to rocketed price of real estate whereas
renting a house can become a cheap alternative.

To core out, there are myriad of advancement of renting a house as well as buying a house. Despite
of this, I uphold my view in favor of renting a house has more advantages than buying a house.
Planting trees is very important for the environment. Some people say trees should be planted in
the vacant areas of cities and towns. While others believe housing facilities should be built
instead. What is your opinion?

Nowadays, chopping off trees has become very common in order to develop cities. A segment of
people believe that trees should be planted in unoccupied areas of the town. However, it is a very
controversial topic as it has been argued that accommodation facilities should be built in that area. I
consider that more and more trees should be planted though there are many factors to consider.

At the onset, it goes without saying that currently the level of carbon dioxide is consistently
augmenting in the environment of cities, and trees are the only thing that absorbs the toxic things
from the air and proffer the oxygen and fresh air, also trees are the most significant part of the city's
ecosystem. Moreover, trees are redundant for urban wildlife, I live in a city where a plethora of
animals live in streets and due to increasing buildings they have lost their home and many species of
animals have died, for preventing this we should grow more and more trees in vacant areas. To
exemplify, my friend runs an animal welfare club so while volunteering there I grew a myriad of
trees for giving a home to birds, squirrels and many more.

Consequently, groups of individuals think that building housing facilities is more than necessary. This
is because, most of the metro cities face a real problem like over population, in many of the cities
accommodation facilities are not enough for population. Take the case of as an illustration, one of
my friend lives in Mumbai. Biggest slum of the world is there in Mumbai, finding a housing facility is
the biggest problem in Mumbai.

To core out, it has become very crucial to plant trees, also green spaces are necessary for
humankind’s wellbeing. Whereas, housing is a basic human need. Despite this, I uphold my view in
favor of people who should plant more trees. I deem the government and people should colligate
and take a sagacious decision about utilizing vacant space in the city.
Despite improvement in vehicle technology there are still large numbers of road accidents. Explain
some of the causes of these accidents and suggest some measures that could be taken to address
the problem.

Nowadays, the number of accidents are augmenting day by day, and the increasing quantity of cars
are accountable for this. There are many reasons for escalating car accidents like careless driving,
automation of cars and many more. However, significant prevention of these are discussed below.

At the onset, although technology brings a lot of improvement on vehicles, there are still numbers of
accidents. Automation can turn out to be extremely perilous. These days cars proffer many features
like automatic cruise control and lane keep assist in which the car drives by itself, sometimes that
can be a cause of an accident because the driver feels lazy and sometimes he feels sleepy if the
distance is long. Moreover, younger generations are gravitated towards movies also try to copy
them and for thrill they tend to drive fast and because of these carelessness towards driving they
end up causing an accident. To exemplify, one of my friends got seriously injured after a big car
accident this is due to the fact that he was driving recklessly.

Consequently, technology plays an increasingly critical role in terms of safety purpose of the driver
and preventing the chances of an accident by adding some feature. Anti-Lock braking system and
electronic stability program should be standard features for all the vehicles, while having these
system braking and stability of the vehicle improves which curb the chances of an accident.
Furthermore, governing bodies should make a strict rule of speed limit and traffic police should be
strict so offenders get punished as well as accidents due to overspending can be alleviated. Take the
case of as an illustration, the government of Gujarat has passed a rule regarding over speed, they
raised the penalty for over speeding by 50%.

To core out, in terms of avoiding road accident not only improvement of car’s technology but also
self-awareness is a critical part. Despite of this, I deem that government and individuals should
colligate and take a sagacious decision to put an end to road accidents.
Some people think that mobile phones are harmful for
children, while others disagree. Discuss both the views and
give your opinion.

Nowadays, smart phone has become an indispensable part of

our day to day life. A segment of people think that utilizing
mobile is inimical for kids. However, it is a very controversial
topic as it has been argued that it is not harmful. I consider
that mobile phones can impact very badly on children
because it affects their mind, health and many more.
At the onset, these days using smartphone by adolescent is a
very common thing amongst civilization, so augmenting
usage of mobile phones come with a cost like, kids are
suffering from dangerous diseases like obesity, also it affects
their eye sight as well as children are becoming very lazy and
less active. To exemplify, my nephew is only 8 years old and
he is suffering from obesity because he always uses mobile
instead of playing outside. Moreover, kids are so innocent
and not matured enough to use mobile wisely so they always
use mobile for gaming purpose so they become addicted to it
along with it can impact their mental growth.
Every coin has two sides, another group of individuals believe
that mobiles are actually helpful to the children in many
ways. Currently online lectures has become prominent
amongst students, therefore in any condition they can learn
from internet using mobiles or computers because it is an
incessant source of knowledge. Take the case of as an
illustration, my niece is just 6 year old but in this pandemic
she always attends her lecture using mobile. Furthermore,
kids get to know about the real world in such a young age
using mobiles also they use it to take a picture or listen to
some music.
To core out, the role of smart phone is irrefutable not only in
adult’s life but also in juvenile’s life. Despite of this, I uphold
my view in favor of using mobile is detrimental for kids. I
deem that parents should colligate and take a sagacious
decision to limit the screen time for their off-springs.
The pie charts illustrate the average of individuals working in
various fields in city A as well as city B in the year 1960 and
Overall, it can be seen that the people working in the
manufacturing sector rose dramatically in city A whereas
people working in sales grow significantly in town B in 2010.
In 1960, 41 percent of people used to work in sales, by the
time of 2010 it slumped to almost a half in a town A.
Moreover, the percentage of people working in service fell by
half and reached 16% in 2010. In addition to this, the
percentage of the general public working in the
manufacturing field peaked at 64% while in town B it was
only 25% in 2010.
Furthermore, the mode of people doing services was almost
the same in city A along with city B in 1960, it was 20%.
However, the percentage of citizens working in sales plunged
by a quarter and reached 53% in 2010. Additionally, in 2010
the manufacturing sector hired 15% more employees than in
Many people believe that we should protect all wild
animals while others believe that we should just protect
some of them. Discuss both the views and give your

Nowadays, dying animal species has become a very critical

issue. Plethora of individuals think that all animal species
should be protected including wild animals. However, it is a
very controversial topic as it has been argued that only few
species should be protected. I consider that all animals
should be protected this is due to the fact that they are also
living beings.
At the onset, a segment of people believe that wild animals
should be protected, it is because of augmenting
deforestation, wild animals lose their homes and they cannot
survive. Hence that ended up in dying of that species.
Moreover, all these years animal poaching has risen due to
more and more demand of animal products like ivory, animal
skin, animal claws and many more. To exemplify, the species
of White rhino is on the edge of dying, there is only one of its
kind alive due to animal poaching.
Every coin has two sides, another group of citizens think that
only some animals should be protected. Manifold species of
wild animals are on the border of dying, only those species
should be protected like tigers, white wolves, rhinos and
many more. Furthermore, they feel that there are many
species which do not need protection because they are
already more in count like dogs, hyenas, elephants and many
more. Take the case of as an illustration, government of
Uttarakhand took an initiative to neuter all the stray dogs
because of their increasing population and disease.
To core out, protection of all animal species needs more than
a facile solution. Despite of this I uphold my view in favor of
wild animals should be protected. I deem that the
government and general public should colligate to take a
sagacious decision and come up with an appropriate
The bar chart illustrates the number of children from both
the genders aged between 5 and 14 who participated in extra
activities in Australia.
Overall, it can be seen that participation of girls in
extracurricular activities was more than boys. However, girls
were in favor of cultural activities whereas playing sports and
instruments was prominent amongst boys.
In 2003, the average of school girls who took part in dancing
reached a peak with 25% while least number of boys took
part in dancing which was 3%. Moreover, participation of
girls like drama and singing were equal at 5% as well as
involvement of boys in drama and singing was also similar
which was less than girls by almost 1%.
Furthermore, playing musical instruments was eminent
among boys in Australia. In addition to this, school boys who
had interest in playing musical instrument was 5% more than
girls, which was 15%. Another key point is this, graph shows
that sports was the most preferred activities between school
boys, 70%of the boys participated in sports, which was
approximately 19% higher than the girls. 51% of girls took
part in sports in 2003 in Australia.
Some people believe that having a conversation in mobile
phone in public or crowed place should be banned. Others
feel that we should be able to talk wherever we like.
Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

Nowadays, the smartphone has become an indispensable

part of human life. A plethora of individuals think that talking
on a cellphone should be banned in public places. However,
it is a very controversial topic as it has been argued that
people should feel free to use mobile wherever they like. I
partially agree with this, I consider that usage of cellphone
should be allowed in public places with some limitations.

At the onset, a segment of individuals believe that using

mobile phones in public places should be restricted. This is
due to the fact that it can distract and disturb other citizens.
In some public places such as libraries, music halls, or
galleries phones can annoy and ruin the experience of others.
To exemplify, my neighbor works in a gallery, they strictly
prohibited the use of a mobile phone in his gallery because it
was disturbing others. Moreover, inimical signals of mobile
can cause problems in places like hospitals by interfering with
delicate instruments.

Every coin has two sides, a group of the general public think
that the mobile phone is very helpful to civilization so there
should not be any restriction regarding the usage of mobile in
public places. Cell phones can be useful in the case of an
accident or an emergency in public places. Take the case of
as an illustration, one of my friend had an accident a few
years back, by the grace of God he has a cellphone with him,
so he called an ambulance and his family to help. What is
more, currently phones are multifunctioning so one can
record audio, video as well as take a photo with that, so it
should be banned in public places.

To core out, the contribution of mobile phones in the public’s

life is irrefutable. Despite of this, I uphold my view that
cellphone should be allowed in public places but with some
restrictions. I deem that the government and public should
colligate and take a sagacious decision after considering all
these factors.
People after retirement often require financial assistance.
Should the government be responsible for this or should the
individuals make provisions for themselves? Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, in many countries, it has become very prominent

that retired seniors are supported by the government. Some
people believe that it is the government’s responsibility.
However, it is a very controversial topic as it has been argued
that individuals should make provisions for themself. Despite
of this, I consider that the governance should help retired
people because it can become very arduous for them to earn
at that age.

At the onset, a segment of individuals think that the

government should look after the retired seniors this is due
to the fact that they had work very hard for the betterment
of the respected country's economy, therefore it can become
the authority's responsibility to support them financially. To
exemplify, one of my uncle who lives in the USA after his
retirement government of the USA pays him some money as
a pension. Moreover, after retirement, it can become very
difficult for senior citizens to find employment due to their

every coin has two sides, a group of the general public

believes that individuals make provisions for themselves, this
is in the view of the fact that governing bodies can encourage
the younger generation by providing incentive programs,
which can be eventually beneficial for the country. Take the
case of, as an illustration, Gov. of Israel took an initiative that
they patronize citizens from a very young age to take part in
paid programs. Furthermore, currently the government
provides many schemes in which employees save some
amount of money from their salary for the retirement fund.
Consequently, they consider that if citizens should make
provisions then authorities can work on other issues.

To core out, it can be seen that because of Inflation it has

become very redundant for the government to provide
retirement funds to senior citizens. Nevertheless, I uphold
my view in favor of government should succor retired people
financially. I deem that the government should take a
sagacious decision towards providing pension to retired
The pie charts illustrate that what younger generation in
Australia did after completing secondary school in year 1980,
1990, and 2000.
Overall, it can be seen that half of the scholars got employed
in 2000 as well as unemployment ratio of the year 1980 of
the citizens were the highest among these.
In many countries youngsters are more aggressive and
disrespectful now compare to the past. Why is this
happening? What can be done to improve the situation?

Nowadays, it has become very prominent amongst the

younger generation to be aggressive by nature. However,
their nurturing plays an increasingly critical role. This essay
will discuss the causes as well as the solutions to this

At the onset, it goes without saying that younger people

were more polite and respectful in the past. This is in the
view of the fact that in the past citizens use to live in a joint
family, additionally, only the father was working. Therefore,
the elderly and mother gives their offsprings good values
from childhood. Moreover, these days due to technological
advancement along with exposure of TV, Mobiles, and the
internet, adolescents influence by wrong things including
anti-social activities which may impact their behavior. To
exemplify, my nephew is not only engaged with his mobile
gadgets all the time but also spends less time socializing and
as a result, he has a temper issue at such a young age.

All the more, there are manifold things that can be done to
improve the situation. Parents have a huge influence on their
kids so they can form children’s behavior by telling them
stories with good morals along with teaching them family
values from the very early stage. By developing this quality
they can easily be polite and respectful to the others. Take
the case of as an illustration, my niece grew up by listening
mythological and spiritual stories as a consequence she is
very polite and respects everyone regardless of their age.
Furthermore, as they say “calmness is the key”. So, parents
and teachers should concentrate more towards teaching
patience to the children which is the good quality to possess.

To core out, it is fact that current younger people is lacking

patience which is the major factor to being aggressive. There
are plethora of things can be done to curb this situation.
Despite of this, I deem that parents should follow sagacious
steps while upbringing of their kids.
The bar chart illustrates the percentages of divorces in
Finland and Sweden over a span of 5 years.

Overall, it can be seen that mode of divorce was higher in

Sweden compare to Finland between 2011 and 2015.
Additionally, the rate of divorce peaked in 2012 in Sweden.

In 2011, the official separation rate of Sweden was higher

than Finland by almost 7 %, which was approximately 44% in
Sweden. Moreover, in 2012 the proportion of divorce in
Sweden reached a peak with 49%, while the average of split
up in Finland bottomed out and reached just over 30%.

Furthermore, Finland's average divorce rate was almost

similar in 2013 as well as 2014, which was around 40%.
Whereas, the average divorce in Sweden in 2013 and 2014
was 46% and 44% respectively. In addition to this, the mode
of divorce in Sweden encountered it's the lowest point in
2015 with almost 37%. However, the percentage of divorce in
Finland escalated and settled in 2015 at 41%.
Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even
though they know that they are bad for the environment.
Why is this? What can be done to reduce the use of these

2 para
people like to have their own space while travelling
personal vehicle can proffer more comfort than the public
some time it can be very very irretating in a public transport
because of over crowed

3 para
goverment should organize many campaign to encourage
people to use public transpiort
gov. should improve the quality of public transport
electric vehicles should be encourages
some areas should be restricted for the cars and bikes

Many developing countries place a lot of importance on

tourism. Why is this? Do you think that this is a positive or
negative development?

2 para
for some small advancing countries tourism is the only way
to boost their economy and infrastructure
local business will grow
as well as to gain recognition all over the world

3 para
positive :
it will be visited by number of visitors which will help country
to escalate their economy develop infrastructure
grow employment
individuals can be exposed to so many different cultures

terrorist, smuggling
drug paddler
people will litter the place... so many

increasingly critical role in global economy

The bar graph compares the export earnings of a country
from five different product categories in 2015 and 2016 while
the table illustrates the percentage change in export revenue
in 2016 than that of the previous year.

Overall, earnings from petroleum and engineered products

were maximum for this country both in 2015 and 2016.
Moreover, a huge jump can be seen in the export of textiles
over a year.

In 2015, the country earned approximately 220 billion dollars

from its export trades, which increased by around 10 billion
dollars next year. In addition to this, earning from petroleum
export peaked to over 60 billion dollars. While engineered
goods brought that were bought was nearly 58 billion in
2015, which was lesser than the exported in 2016 by
approximately 3 billion. There has been a significant rise of
8.5% in the value of engineered goods.

Furthermore, Jewellery and agricultural products consisted of

70 billion Dollars income in 2015, revenue from gems and
jewelry which dropped by nearly 5% whereas the value of
agriculture rose by almost 1% over a span of a year. , Despite
of this, the textile goods bottomed out in 2016 by securing
around 27 billion dollars of sale, its value rocketed and
settled over 15%.
Despite a large number of gyms, a sedentary lifestyle is gaining popularity in
the contemporary world. What problems are associated with this? What
solutions can you suggest?

Nowadays, majority of individuals tend to have an inactive

lifestyle. There are manifold factors which play an
increasingly critical role such as, white color jobs, augmenting
automation in the industry, things getting computerized and
a lot more. However, I consider that there are myriad ways to
prevent this. This essay will discuss the problems as well as

At the onset, there are a plethora of problems associated

with such way of lifestyle. Obesity is the most eminent issue
which is faced by a large number of citizens around the globe
due to an inactive lifestyle. As a result, a person cannot stay
active and faces a lot of health issues. Moreover, a sedentary
lifestyle is usually connected with online work which make
people addicted to social networks. Also, more screen time
can affect their eyesight. To exemplify, one of my friends
works in an IT company, he faced an issue with his eyes and
he ended up having surgery of an eye.

All the more, there are multifarious ways to curb these

problems. One of the most effective ways is that governing
bodies should promote an active lifestyle so the general
public can get inspired by it therefore they can start traveling
by cycle or walking short distances instead of using cars. Take
the case of, as an illustration, the government of Gujarat
initiates the program in which they patronize citizens to use
cycles that are called "my bikes" to stay healthy.
Furthermore, a healthy diet can play a crucial role in healthy
lifestyle. Hence, the general public should shun the
consumption of fast-food and junkfood which is detrimental
for health.

To core out, an inactive lifestyle has become a vital hindrance

for people. There are many ways to overcome it. In addition
to this, I deem that government and individuals should
colligate and take a sagacious decision as well as this problem
needs more than a facile solution.
Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even
though they know that they are bad for the environment.
Why is this? What can be done to reduce the use of these
Nowadays, Automobiles like cars and bikes have become an
indispensable part of human life. Although overutilization of
those can be very perilous to the environment, yet
individuals prefer to use it. there are manifold reasons for
this. This essay will discuss reasons as well as solutions to this

At the onset, there are plethora of purposes why citizens

tend to use cars and bikes. One of the major causes is that in
personal cars and bikes people can enjoy their own space as
well as it provides comfort. To exemplify, I always prefer to
travel by personal car because of its comfort and I can listen
to my favorite music while traveling. Moreover, sometimes
human kinds find it very irritating to travel in public
transport, this is due to the fact that most of the time those
are overcrowded. Additionally one has to go to the respected
station to go by bus or train. Whereas, cars and bikes can be
used from their doorsteps.

All the more, there are myriad of things that can be done to
prevent over usage of cars and bikes. The government should
organize campaigns to patronize people to use public
transport also making them aware that private vehicles can
be detrimental for the environment. Take the case of, as an
illustration, the Government of London took an initiative to
restrict private cars and bikes to some areas of the city center
to curb traffic congestion and pollution. Furthermore,
vehicles that use eco-friendly fuel together with electric
vehicles should be encouraged so that they will not affect the
environment negatively.

To core out, Toxic gases which are produced by cars and

bikes are very inimical for the environment. This problem
needs more than a facile solution. However, I deem that
governing bodies and individuals should colligate and take a
sagacious decision to overcome this problem.
Nowadays online shopping is extremely popular discuss the
impact of it on the environment and on people who lost their
jobs because of it.

Packaging (plastic, thermocol)

Packaging material (cut trees)

No middle men(lost their job)

Banking jobs(opt for online shopping)

Nowadays more and more people prefer to wear fashionable

clothes, is this a good or a bad trend?


Shunned by the society

Nowadays celebrities earn more money than politicians. What are the reasons for this?
Is it a positive or negative development?

Nowadays, the entertainment industry has become very

eminent amongst the community. Therefore it goes without
saying that entertainers are earning a handsome amount.
Whereas, politics should not be encouraged as a high paying
job. Hence, I consider this as a positive change.

At the onset, the Entertainment industry is a lucrative

industry this is due to the fact that it is advancing rapidly. The
Internet plays an increasingly critical role in the betterment
of these industries by providing plethora of online platforms
for entertainment such as Youtube, Netflix, Amazon Prime
and a lot more. Thus, actors can make money because of a
wide range of opportunities. To exemplify, the majority of
the actors got work after the introduction of an online
platform, so definitely the earn more. Moreover, politics has
nothing to do with earning more money, these days
individuals are getting aware of politics and instead of giving
money to politicians, they prefer to donate their amount
somewhere else.

All the more, I have seen this as a positive development, this

is in the view of the fact that employment is escalating in the
entertainment industry as well as with regards to the ruthless
competition it has become redundant to earn more.
Furthermore, politics should not be a profit-driven
profession. Politics should be a profession for a good leader
who can help others. Take the case of as an illustration, one
of the prominent leaders of India once said that "politics is all
about giving, a politician should first think about what they
can give to the society, not what to gain for themselves."

To core out, it is needless to say that celebrities are earning

more due to a wider variety of income sources are available
like advertising, endorsement and many more while it is not
available in politics. Despite of this, I uphold my view that it is
a positive development. I deem that it is better for the
Most people prefer shopping in supermarkets nowadays. How does this affect the local
shops? What are the positive and negative impacts of this development?

Nowadays, it has become very prominent amongst humankind to shop from the supermarkets
due to this local shops are getting affected terribly and because to this development local
shops are losing their consumers. However, I think it is a positive trend in general public’s
point of view.

At the onset, these days most of the people prefer to shop from supermarkets also increasing
numbers of supermarkets are affecting brutally to the local stores. Local stores have started
losing their customers this is due to the fact that super markets gravitates more citizens due to
myriad reasons like low price, plethora of option and many more. Furthermore, because of
losing customers locals cannot able to make a big stock of products and due to this they do
not have more options and discounts which can also be a huge drawback. To exemplify, my
neighbour runs a local store of groceries in our area but couple of years ago one super market
opened next to his store and he lost almost 40% of his consumers.

Consequently, there are manifold positives of supermarkets to being favoured. Generally

supermarkets proffer a huge discount on the products as well as there are various products
available under a roof. So that can consume less time of individuals. Supermarkets have
many branded products, normally which is hard to find in local stores. . Take the case of an
illustration, I always prefer to buy things from the super market, I recently bought a bed sheet
and I got huge discount on it. In contrast, after shopping from local stores for a long time one
can build a trust with the shopkeeper which can be beneficial and chances of getting fraud
can become very less.

To core out, there are multifarious factors why supermarkets are being popular. It goes
without saying that augmenting numbers of supermarket is a positive trend. Despite of this I
deem government should take a sagacious decision and come up with an idea which also
promote the local stores.
The bar chart illustrates the spending on five consumer goods in United Kingdom and France
in 2010.

Overall, Britain spent more money on consumer goods than France in a year of 2010.Both
UK and France spent the most amount of money on cars. Though units are measured in

To begin with, UK spent almost 50000 pounds more on cars than the France in 2010, which
was also the highest spending of UK as well as France. In addition to this, France’s
expenditure was more than the Great Britain by 30000 pounds. Moreover, spending on books
was almost 410000 pounds in UK while France spent 300000 pounds.

Furthermore, amount of money paid for perfume by France was comparatively higher than
England. Which were 200000 pounds and 149000 pounds respectively. Also it was the lowest
spending of Britain. Additionally, spending money on cameras by UK were almost double
than France. UK spends 351000 pounds on camera whereas France spent 150000 pounds.
It’s believed that people who read for pleasure develop their imagination more
and acquire better language skills compared to people who prefer watching
television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, reading books and watching television have become incessant source of
information which are heavily used by general public. Some people think that reading
book is better for enhancing positive thinking while other groups say watching
television is beneficial. However, I consider that books are good for imagination skills
and language skills.

At the onset, it goes without saying that reading brings plethora of benefits for the
humankind. It can be seen that people who like to read books or article for study,
they will enhance their knowledge and imagination capacity this is due to the fact
that there are no visual or audio to limit an imagination. Moreover, reading book can
improve individual’s creativity, by reading different books one can gain manifold
ideas as well as knowledge. To exemplify, my uncle has habit to read books, he
always read biography and motivational books. So he has myriad of knowledge
about many things and many example to learn from.

Consequently, a segment of people think that watching appropriate programs on

television can also bring betterment for citizens. Watching TV can also improve
listening skills and speaking skills. Some television programs triggers the viewer’s
imaginative thinking such as national geographic. Which shows the programs related
to science and inventions that can improve imagination skill. Nevertheless, watching
television for longer period of time is detrimental for individual’s health. Take the
case of an illustration, one of my friend use to watch a TV all the time, and now he is
suffering from a serious eye problem in such a young age.

To core out, television improves the listening and speaking skills while reading and
the analytical ability of an individual are developed more quickly by reading books.
Despite of this I uphold my view in favour of reading books can succour individuals to
develop their imagination and language. I deem that reading book is a better option
for everyone to learn more, develop imagination and improve language skills.
Some people believe that restoration of old buildings costs too much; we should
demolish them and build new ones instead. To what extent do you agree or

Nowadays, it has become very prominent amongst individuals to spend money to build
modern building rather than restoring old ones. However, I partially agree with this view.
I consider that those old buildings which are neither beautiful nor useful should be
demolished whereas buildings with unique identity or a historic significance should be
repaired and restored at all costs.

At the onset, currently it is very common to see infrastructures are being modernized in
advancing cities, it has become a trend as well as it is very redundant. This is due to the
fact that materials like cement, iron rods and many more which are not available at past
time so due to safety purpose and for augmenting strength of the buildings builders
prefer to build a new one in the place of old one. To exemplify, my uncle recently build a
new house in the place of old house because it was in an earthquake zone and it was not
very strong because of old infrastructure.

Consequently, the newer buildings could be made in such a way that they can
accommodate more people in that space. These buildings could also be made to be
energy efficiently using newer technologies which could save a lot of energy later on.
Take the case of an illustration, one of my friend build a new building with double glass
which increase the insulation and they design a terrace in such a way that they can install
more solar panels.

Every coin has two sides, there are some historical buildings available which had a special
design or a heritage buildings. So that type of buildings should be restored at any cost
because they reflects the greatness of a culture. To quote an instance, my maternal uncle
have a house which is more than 100 years old it considered in a heritage buildings due
to its unique design so he restored it.

To core out, it goes without saying that, the decision to preserve or demolish old
buildings should be made after examining many factors. Despite of this, I deem that
government should take sagacious decision while considering heritage buildings
because it might affect their budget.
The line graph illustrates trends in music buying habits between 2011 and 2018. It shows
three different methods: streaming, downloading and buying CDs.

Overall, it can be seen that downloads and sales of CDs have steadily declined over 8
years, while there has been a sharp rise in streaming music.

In 2011, majority of sales were of CDs, at55% of all sales. Additionally sales of Downloads
were at 35%. They both intersect in year 2013 at 41%. After that sales of downloads
slightly increased and eventually sales of CDs and downloads both constantly Alleviate.
Then purchasing of CDs bottomed out in 2018.

Furthermore, streaming was not common in 2011, it was only 5% of all sales. After 2013
sales of streaming rocketed. In2016, purchasing of CDs and streaming was same at 30%.
Moreover, Downloads and Stream were intersected in 2017 at 35%. However, stream was
peaked out in 2018 with41%.
This process chart demonstrates the production of steel

Overall it can be seen that this process is divided in to 3

stages. First of all raw material melting then shaping
and finally sizing and testing.

To begin with, raw materials iron, yellow and carbon

are getting mixed in a container. Then they transferred
in to the melting slit where the melt at 13000 – 15000
degree. After that it get refined in smelting cabin after
that it moves to pouring machine.

Following this, melted metal in ingots is set into cool by

connected cooling reservoir which lower its temperature
down to 60-100 degree Celsius. In the next step strands
of cool metal move to roller and get heat treatment in
heating machine. Measuring automation done in surface
check compartment.

In the last stage, that strands sent to sizing where

cutting process happens with the cutter. Finally, id
stamping is done and sent rods for the inspection for
quality check.
Nowadays, it has become very prominent amongst the
civilization to judge a person by his physical
appearance in every phase of life. Group of human kind
believe that person’s appearance is significant.
However, I totally differ this statement as well as I
consider this as a negative trend this is due to the fact
that it can be a negative influence over community.

At the onset, these days looking good has become a

trend. Citizens are getting influenced by the movies and
following this companies prefer to take a person for job
or school who has good body shape. Though there are
many fields where companies have to take a person
with good body shape like air hostess, manager of five
star hotels and many more. Every coin has two side, I
believe that hard work and skill plays a significant role
in every phase of life whether it is job or school.
Individual without skill or knowledge can become a
huge burden for a company also it is totally unfair to
those people who really works hard with dedication. To
exemplify, my brother is HR in multinational company.
He told me that companies select a candidate in the
basis of their knowledge and skills not because of their
physical appearance.
Consequently, considering physical appearance rather
than knowledge and skills is very detrimental for
society. This is due to the fact every human is made
differently, one cannot decide their potential by seeing
his profile. Moreover, it can be really unfair to other
people, in many countries body shaming is a crime also
looking good is a temporary thing while knowledge
stays forever. Take the case of an illustration, recently
in USA police judged a person by his colour so in
consequence a huge protests had done in USA for curb
the racism.

To core out, it can be seen that general public are

getting aware about this issues like racism, castism,
body shaming. However, this problem needs more than
a facile solution. I uphold my view in oppose of body
shaming and I deem people should colligate and they
should take a sagacious decision that physical
appearance should not be a point to consider for

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