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Vinnie Care 101


Sand bath ⛱
Clean it once in the morning and once at night

Don't dump out the whole thing unless you haven't cleaned it in a couple
days and it stinks a lot or you're gonna wash it with water

Just dig in and scoop out the areas she peed in (the clumpy sand)

Every few days, take out the sand bath bubble entirely and wash it
thoroughly with soap and water

Make sure Vinnie doesn't escape during this; thus, it's a two person

Screw in the little bubble nub thing??? it came with after taking out
the sand bath bubble

Food 🥕
Her normal food is the sunflower seeds and red treats in the Ziploc bag
(dry food)

Vinnie Care 101 1

Pick out the sunflower seeds when giving her food, only give her a
couple each time

Don't give her food in a dish, instead scatter her food from above the
cage so she can scavenge for her food

You can also lightly bury a few seeds in her bedding

Check her chicken hideout before giving her another round of food, she
usually hoards uneaten food in there

It's recommend to give her one teaspoon of dry food a day, but don't
give it all at once

As for treats, only a couple each day

Treats are placed in her cardboard toys, replace them if they're gone, to
check, just shake it

She may have some vegetables but IN MODERATION



She can have:

broccoli - one floret a week (if you don't know what a floret is, google

carrots - cut into tiny cubes and give a couple cubes only per week

cauliflower - give a small, teaspoon sized floret once a week

celery - a small piece once a week

corn - give only a couple pieces once/twice a week

cucumber - a small slice once or twice a week

cooked potatoes - not recommended though, cut it in small cubes

and boil it without any other ingredients

tomatoes - chop into cubes equivalent to a quarter teaspoon, once a

week, don't give her the tomato leaves (they’re acidic — toxic)

when it comes to veggies, giving raw veggies is most common, but in

some cases like potatoes it should be boiled

don't give cooked veggies since they contain salt, spice, etc.

Vinnie Care 101 2

don't give her the entire list of veggies each week

pick a couple types of vegetables for the week and change it up the next

when you give her veggies, watch her eat it, make sure she finishes it, if
she takes it back to her chicken hideout, take it out and give it back to
her later, veggies are wet food, therefore, if left for over 24 hours, it’ll rot

Sleep 💤
just let her sleep, don’t poke her to wake her up

Water 💧
you don't need to refill her water bottle everyday, just refill when it’s
almost gone

only refill with the water from the one liter water bottle inside her basket,
it’s mixed with her medicine

Cleaning 🧹🧼
don’t replace the entire bedding

just replace the one in the corner of the maze she likes to hide in, there’s
probably poop there, so just scoop some out, leave a few cause
hamsters have poor vision and navigate with their sense of smell

to add bedding: take a little chunk out from the bag, rub it in your hands
a little so they’re no longer compressed and just sprinkle from the top of
the cage

she also poops in the chicken, so wait till she’s outside the chicken to
take it out

take out the poop but leave everything else in, except maybe some food
if she has an excessive amount in there

Wheel 🎡
Just don’t interrupt her while she’s running, this is exercise for her

don’t stop her wheel all of a sudden, she could fall

Playing outside 🌄
wash your hands with soap and water before starting

put on a mask and gloves

Vinnie Care 101 3

use a mug to transport her as she could fall if she’s in your hands

put a blanket in whatever container she plays in, and a few toilet paper

always keep your eyes on her, she could escape

don’t cough or sneeze EVER around her

don’t put her on your body or bring her outside the container

don’t hold her up too high, e.g. when standing, she will squirm out of
your hands and fall

back off if she keeps biting you

if she bites you and it bleeds, just wash the wound with soap and water

WASH YOUR HANDS WITH SOAP before you handle her

WEAR A MASK if you’re near her at all, especially if you’re playing with her,
whether you’re sick or not

if anything happens to her, I will gouge your eyes out

Vinnie Care 101 4

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