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Why It Matters

Americans have the right to speak out on issues and

make their feelings known. The Bill of Rights—the
first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution—
guarantees certain basic rights to all Americans.
Among the most important is freedom of speech.
It guarantees that people will not be punished for
stating their beliefs even if most people disagree
with those beliefs.

Chapter Audio

Section1: TheFirstAmendment
The Constitution of the United States establishes
and protects fundamental rights and liberties.
The First Amendment protects five basic freedoms
that are essential to the American way of life.

Section2: TheBillof Rights

The Constitution of the United States establishes
and protects fundamental rights and liberties.
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution describe
the rights of American citizens.

Section3: Extending
the Billof Rights
A constitution reflects the values and goals of the
society that creates it. Some Americans have not
always enjoyed the full rights of United States citizens.

Rally for immigrant Section4: TheCivilRightsStruggle

rights, Oakland,
California Political, social, religious, and economic changes
influence the way Americans think and act. In the
1950s and 1960s, many African Americans began an
organized fight for their rights as citizens.

Organizing Information Study Foldable Make the following

Foldable to help you organize information about the Bill of Rights.

Step 1 Fold a sheet of paper Step 3 Unfold and Step4

in half from side to side. cut the top layer only Label your
along both folds. Then Foldableas

\ cut each of the five
tabs in half. This will
make 10 tabs.
shown. '"A~.,,~"'

Step 2 Turn
the paper and Reading and Writing As you read, select key facts about
fold it in fifths. each amendment to the Constitution and write them under the tabs
of your Foldable.

Chapter 4 119
Section Audio Spotlight Video

to Reading The First
TheConstitutionof the Amendment
and protectsfundamental
rightsand liberties. Real World Civics Todayit is not unusualto
Vocabulary seea minority or a woman deliveringthe newson national
• civil liberties (p. 121) television.Thiswas not alwaysthe case.FormerCNN
• censorship(p. 122)
• petition (p. 123) correspondentMariaHinojosaled a panel discussionamong
• slander (p. 124) important artists of color about this issue.Eventhough
• libel (p. 124) the Bill of RightsgivesAmericansthe right to free speech,
Vocabulary free press,and free expression,it did not ensurethese
• media (p. 122) opportunities would be given to all Americans.Hinojosa's
• imply (p. 123)
careersuccess,and that of other minorities,representedan
Strategy acceptanceof multicultural voicesin mainstreammedia,
Identifying Asyou read,
music,and the arts that is relativelyrecent in American
identifythe main rights
outlined in the First history.
Latina CNN correspondent, Maria Hinojosa, speaks on
a panel about multicultural music in Washington, D.C.

Congress from establishing an official reli-
FirstAmendment gion in the United States. This is known as
the establishment clause. In 1802 President
Freedoms Thomas Jefferson referred to the First
Amendment’s establishment clause as a “wall
Main Idea Soon after ratification of the of separation between church and state.”
Constitution, the First Amendment was added to
This makes the United States different
guarantee basic freedoms essential to American
from countries in which a state religion is
established. It also makes us different from
Civics&You As you learn about the First nations that have in the past strongly discour- W
Amendment, think about how life in the United States aged the practice of religion at all, such as the
might be different if we did not have these rights. former Soviet Union and People’s Republic
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• of China.

The Founders of the United States believed

that protecting individual rights and pro-
viding for the safety and well-being of
citizens were important purposes of govern-
ment. The Constitution might not have been
ratified had the Bill of Rights not been prom- Freedom THE FIRST
ised. Added in 1791, the 10 amendments in
the Bill of Rights place strict limits on how
the national government can use its power Freedom
over the people. of Religion
Civil Liberties The Bill of Rights protects
our civil liberties—the freedoms we have to
think and to act without government inter-
ference or fear of unfair treatment. These
civil liberties are the cornerstone of our
democracy. They ensure that each of us can
develop our own beliefs, express ourselves
freely, meet openly with others, and have our
views on public matters heard by those who
The First Amendment to the Constitution
protects five basic freedoms: freedom of
religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the
press, freedom of assembly, and freedom to Freedom of Freedom to
petition the government. the Press Petition the
of Religion AnalyzingCharts
Intolerance of different beliefs in their
homelands forced many colonists to come 1. Identifying What rights are listed in the First
to America in the first place. The First R Amendment?
Amendment safeguards religious freedom 2. Explaining What is meant by the "press"in
in two ways. First, the amendment prohibits this amendment?

Chapter 4 121
Second, this amendment guarantees Court, “speech” can mean Internet commu-

Americans the right to practice their faith as
they wish. The government may not favor
L nication, art, music, and even clothing.

one religion over another or treat people dif-

ferently because of their personal beliefs.
Freedomof the Press
R2 The First Amendment allows Americans
to express themselves in print as well as in
speech. When the Bill of Rights was written,
Freedomof Speech “the press” referred to printed publications
In some countries, people can be jailed for R such as books, newspapers, and magazines.
criticizing the government or for expressing Today the press includes many other sources

S their ideas, even if they do so in private con-

versations. The First Amendment guarantees
of media, such as radio, television, and com-
puter networks.
that we can say what is on our minds, in Freedom of the press ensures that the
public or in private, without fear of punish- American people are exposed to a wide vari-
ment by the government. ety of viewpoints. The government cannot
C Face-to-face discussions, telephone conver- practice censorship; that is, it cannot ban

C Critical Thinking
sations, lectures, and radio and TV broadcasts
are covered by the guarantee of free speech;
printed materials or films merely because
they contain alarming or offensive ideas. It
so are other forms of expression besides the also cannot censor information before it is
spoken word. As interpreted by the Supreme published or broadcast.

D Differentiated
Buddhist New Year Buddhist monks in San Francisco’s Chinatown celebrate the 2006 Chinese
New Year by bringing families together, sharing food, and praying for good health and pros-
perity. A Sikh woman (inset) prays during a weekly religious ceremony. Inferring Why do
you think the Framers included freedom of religion in the First Amendment?

W Writing Support
The Zenger Case In 1733, publisher John
Peter Zenger, in his paper the New-York
Weekly Journal, was arrested and imprisoned
for criticizing the governor of New York.
Andrew Hamilton, Zenger’s lawyer, argued
that only a press free to criticize the govern-
ment could prevent that government from
abusing its power. Zenger was acquitted. At
the time, the case attracted little attention,
but today it is regarded as a landmark in the
development of free press in America. S
After the American Revolution, sev-
eral states provided for the freedom of the
press in their state constitutions. Later, the
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
provided for a free press in American soci-
ety as a whole. The mass media—newspa-
pers, magazines, television, radio, and the
Internet—however, are not totally free of
government regulation.
Many reasonable restrictions can be placed
on rights of the media. For example, no per-
son has the right to use printed words to Freedom of the Press Supporters celebrate John
Peter Zenger’s acquittal. Explaining Why is the
injure another person’s character or repu-
Zenger case significant?
tation. Supreme Court rulings allowed the
press to be limited when the printed mate-
rials might threaten national security. Laws Freedom
to Petition
also prohibit the printing and distribution of
Finally, the First Amendment guaran-

obscene materials.
tees all Americans the right to petition the
government. A petition is simply a formal
request. Often we use the word to refer to
of Assembly a specific kind of document—a brief, or
The First Amendment protects our right to written statement signed by hundreds or
gather in groups for any reason, so long as the thousands of people. Even a simple letter or
assemblies are peaceful. We have the right to e-mail written by an individual, however,
attend meetings, parades, political rallies, and could be considered a petition.
public celebrations. Governments may make The right to petition means the right to
rules about when and where such activities express one’s ideas to the government. If
can be held, but they cannot ban them. you want to complain about overcrowded
The Supreme Court has decided that schools, for example, or suggest that a skat-
freedom of assembly implies, or suggests, ing park be built in your community, you D
freedom of association. Thus the First can write to your elected representatives. If
Amendment also protects our right to form enough people express similar views, gov-
and join social clubs, political parties, labor ernment leaders may take action.
unions, and other organizations. Even if we
never assemble with fellow members, we Summarizing What is meant by
have the right to belong to such groups. a "petition" in freedom to petition?

Chapter 4 123
Citizens should use their civil liberties
Limits responsibly, which means they should not
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• • interfere with the rights of others. For exam-
Main Idea All constitutional rights are limited. ple, you are free to talk with your friends in
These limitations are necessary to ensure our other the street, but you must not block traffic. You
rights are protected. may campaign for causes, but you may not
Civics&You The First Amendment protects free disturb your neighbors with blaring loud-
speech, but does it protect speech that damages a speaker broadcasts. You may criticize gov-
person’s character or reputation? Read to find out ernment officials, but you may not spread lies
what limits are placed on our First Amendment

he First Amendment guarantees Americans
that harm a person’s reputation. Spreading

W spoken lies is a crime called slander. It is
called libel if lies are printed.
The First Amendment was never intended
to allow Americans to do whatever they
the right to express their thoughts and please. The rights of one individual must
opinions. However, this is not an absolute be balanced against the rights of others and
freedom. Freedom of speech, for example, against the rights of the community. When
does not include the right to endanger our there is a conflict, the rights of the commu-
government or other Americans. You do not nity often come first. Otherwise, the society
have freedom to provoke a riot. You are not would break apart.
free to speak or write in a way that immedi-
ately leads to criminal activities or efforts to Explaining Why areyour First
overthrow the government by force. Amendmentrights limited?

Vocabulary------ • CriticalThinking
1. Define the following terms and Which First
• 7. Persuasive Writing How do you
use them in sentences related to Amendment right do you think
the First Amendment: civil liber- is the most important? Explain think the First Amendment’s
ties, censorship, petition, slander, your view. freedom of the press protec-
libel. tions should be applied during
. s. Classifying In a chart like the wartime? Do you think that the
one below, list two limitations government should be allowed
Main Ideas to our First Amendment to censor press coverage or that
2. Analyzing Why was the First freedoms. the press should be allowed to
Amendment added to the report on what it sees? Write
Constitution immediately? Limitations to First
an essay expressing your view.
Amendment Freedoms
3. Explaining What is the differ- Give reasons to support your
ence between libel and slander? 1. answers.
• 6. Analyzing Why do you think : Cl
the right to petition is con-
Study CentralTM To reviewthis
sidered an important basic • section,go to

124 Chapter 4
Is the Patriot Act
an infringement of privacy?
A terrorist attack shockedthe United Stateson September11,
2001.Congressquickly respondedto the Attorney General'scall
for changes in the law to combat terrorism. PresidentGeorge
W. Bushsigned the Patriot Act as a new tool to fight "a threat
like no other our Nation has ever seen:'Later,some members
of Congressand concernedcitizens said some parts of the act
violated the Fourth Amendment'sprotection against unreason-
able searchesand seizures.Beforemost searches,officers must
obtain a warrant from a judge, showing "probable cause"and
describingthe place to be searchedand the personsor things
to be seized.The Patriot Act made exceptionsto these require-
ments. Section215 permitted the FBIto go before the Foreign
Intelligence SurveillanceCourt for an order to searchfor "any Schools place restrictions on computers to protect
students from visiting undesirable Internet sites.
tangible things" connectedto a terrorism suspect.
Some consider this a form of surveillance.

In November2003, the AmericanCivil SenatorOrrinHatchof Utah votedfor the

LibertiesUnioncontendedthat the PatriotAct PatriotActand defendedit when Congressvoted
contains"flawsthat threatenyourfundamental to renewmostof its provisions.In 2003 he said,
freedomsby givingthe governmentthe power "ThePatriotAct hasnot erodedany of the rights
to accessto your medicalrecords,tax records, we holddear asAmericans.I would be the first
informationabout the booksyou buy or borrow to callfor correctiveaction,werethat the case.
without probablecause,and the powerto break Yet not one of the civil libertiesgroupshascited
into your homeand conductsecretsearches one instanceof abuseof our constitutional
without telling youfor weeks,months,or rights. ... We shouldnot undermineor limit
indefinitely:'In 2004 the ACLUfiled a lawsuit our law enforcementand intelligenceagencies'
to overturna PatriotAct provisionthat gave effortsby imposingrequirementsthat go above
the governmentauthorityto obtaincustomer and beyondthoserequiredby the Constitution.
recordsfrom Internetserviceprovidersand other That wouldonly havethe effectof protecting
businesses without a warrant. terroristsand criminalswhile endangeringthe
livesof innocentAmericans:'
—American Civil Liberties Union
—Senator Orrin Hatch

1. Describing Howdoesthe FourthAmendment 3. Explaining Whyweresomepeopleconcerned

attemptto protectAmericans'
privacy? aboutthe provisionsin Section215?
2. Describing Whatmustan officerof the law do to 4. Concluding Werethe concernsof peoplewho
obtaina warrantfor a search? opposedsomeprovisionsof the PatriotActjustified?

Chapter 4 125
Section Audio Spotlight Video

to Reading
The Bill of Rights
TheConstitutionof the United
Statesestablishesand protects
fundamentalrightsand liberties.
Vocabulary Real World Civics Somedogs are pets and
• searchwarrant (p. 127) somedogs perform a civic duty during a legal search.Below,
• indictment (p. 128) police officerTom Kolbertand his K-9partner,Reggie,check
• grandjury (p. 128)
• doublejeopardy (p. 128) student lockersin a Cheektowaga,NewYork,high schoolfor
• due process(p. 128) contraband.Most dogs havea senseof smellthat is 1,000
• eminentdomain (p. 128) times more sensitivethan a human's.With proper training,
• bail (p. 129)
sniffer dogs can detect explosives,weapons,and illegal
Vocabulary drugs.The SupremeCourt holds that an individual'sright
• proportion (p. 129)
to privacydoes not extend to illegal activitiesand hasruled
• involve (p. 131)
that K-9searchesare legal.
Summarizing On a A drug-sniffing dog and police officer search lockers
the one below,discuss
four waysthat the Bill
of Rightsprotectsthe
rightsof the accused.

the Rights RightsoftheAccused
of theAccused
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• FIFTHAMENDMENT
Main Idea In addition to the important civil lib- • No trial may be held unlessa personis formally
erties protected by the First Amendment, the other charged,or indicted, by the grandjury.
nine amendments in the Bill of Rights guarantee
• A personfound not guilty may not be put on
the right to fair legal treatment, as well as other
trial againfor the samecrime.
• Accusedpersonsmay not be forcedto testify
Civics&You How well do you know what constitu- againstthemselves.
tional protections you enjoy as a United States citizen?
Read about your rights under the Bill of Rights. • Everypersonis entitled to due processof law.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • No one may be deprivedof their property by
the governmentwithout compensation.

The First Amendment freedoms are among SIXTHAMENDMENT

• Theaccusedmust be informedof the natureof
our most important civil liberties. Equally
precious, however, is the right to fair legal the charges.
treatment. This is the subject of several • Theaccusedmust be alloweda speedyand
amendments in the Bill of Rights. public trial by an impartialjury.
Suppose someone accuses you of commit- • If possible,the trial must be held in the area
ting a crime. In some countries, government where the crimetook place.
agents might ransack your home, drag you W • Theaccusedmust be permitted to hearand
off to jail, beat you, and hold a trial without questionall witnesses.
even letting you respond to the charges. In
• Theaccusedis entitled to a lawyerand to call
the United States, the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth,
witnessesfor his or her defense.
and Eighth Amendments help prevent such
a scenario from occurring.

The Fourth Amendment protects Ameri-
cans “against unreasonable searches and
seizures.” No soldier, government agent, or
police officer can search your home or take
your property without probable, or a valid,
If law enforcement officers believe you
have committed a crime, they can ask a judge
to issue a search warrant. This is a court I AnalyzingCharts
order allowing law enforcement officers to
search a suspect’s home or business and take 1. Identifying Whichamendmentguarantees
specific items as evidence. Judges do not give that if you arearrested,you will be informedof
out search warrants easily. They must be con- the chargesagainstyou?
vinced that a search will probably turn up 2. Explaining What is due processof law?
evidence of criminal activity.

Chapter 4 127
The Fifth Amendment also protects people
from double jeopardy. This means that peo-
ple who are accused of a crime and judged
not guilty may not be put on trial again for
the same crime.
In addition, the Fifth Amendment protects
an accused person’s right to remain silent.
Throughout history, innocent people have
been threatened, tortured, or bullied into
D2 confessing to crimes they did not commit.
To prevent this, the Fifth Amendment states
that people cannot be forced to testify against
themselves. This is called protection against
The Fifth Amendment goes on to say
that no one may be denied life, liberty, or

property “without due process of law.” Due
process means following established legal
procedures. It also includes the idea that the
laws themselves must be reasonable.
The Fifth Amendment also protects a

Legal Searches Reasonable searches can take place

when the county police have cause to suspect a crime
has been committed. Analyzing How does a search
warrant help protect the rights of a person accused
- -
citizen’s property rights. It limits the govern-
ment’s power of eminent domain. Eminent
domain is the right of the government to
take private property—usually land—for
public use.
of a crime? For example, if your home lies in the path
of a proposed highway, the government may
legally take the land and destroy your house.
The Fifth Amendment limits this power and
If warrants were issued frivolously, the
requires the government to pay a fair price
Fourth Amendment would give us little sense
for the property.
of security. Anytime of the day or night, the
police could invade our privacy and confis-
cate our possessions. TheSixthAmendment
The Sixth Amendment guarantees addi-
TheFifth Amendment tional rights to people accused of crimes. It
The Fifth Amendment protects the rights of requires that they be told the exact nature
people accused of crimes. It states that no one of the charges against them. It also requires

- -
can be put on trial for a serious federal crime
without an indictment—a formal charge by
a group of citizens called a grand jury, who
review the evidence against the accused.
A person who is indicted is not necessar-
that the accused be allowed a trial by jury,
although they may ask to be tried by only a
judge instead.
If an accused person asks for a jury trial,
the trial must be speedy and public, and
ily guilty of a crime. An indictment simply jurors must be impartial. If possible, the trial
D1 indicates the grand jury’s belief that an indi- should be held in the same area in which the
vidual may have committed a crime. crime took place.

128 Chapter 4
Accused individuals have the right to hear factors, including the type of crime commit-
and question all witnesses against them. They ted, the record of the accused person, and
must also be permitted to call witnesses in the likelihood that the accused will appear in
their own defense. Finally, they are entitled court. In some cases, bail may be denied, as
to have a lawyer. Since the Sixth Amendment when a defendant is likely to flee.
was written, the Supreme Court has ruled When a person is convicted of a crime,
that if an accused person cannot afford a law- the Eighth Amendment protects him or her
yer, the government must provide one and against having to pay excessive fines. Fines
pay his or her fees. may vary, however, depending on the seri-
ousness of the crime.
TheEighthAmendment The Eighth Amendment forbids “cruel
and unusual punishments.” For many
Although the Sixth Amendment guaran-
years, Americans have debated what kinds
tees a speedy trial, sometimes months go by
of punishment are cruel and unusual. It is
before a case can be heard. During that time,

generally agreed that punishment should
the accused may have two choices: stay in
be in proportion, or balanced, to the crime
jail or remain free by paying bail. Bail is a
committed. For example, a sentence of life
sum of money used as a security deposit. If R
imprisonment for stealing a loaf of bread
the accused person comes to court for the
would be too harsh. People disagree strongly,
trial, the bail is returned. If the person fails to
however, about whether the death penalty
appear, though, the bail is forfeited.
for very serious crimes is cruel and unusual
The judge decides how much bail a person
must pay. The Eighth Amendment, however,
forbids “excessive” bail—that is, an amount
that is much too high. Excessive does not just Identifying Whichamendment
refer to what a person can afford to pay. In protectsa personaccusedof a crimefrom double
determining bail, a judge considers various jeopardy?

Gun Ownership Individuals may own firearms if laws are obeyed. At this firing range
in Massachusetts, gun owners are trained on weapon safety. Speculating Why did the
Framers think the right to bear arms was an important right to protect?
JackieFernandez • •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
Main Idea In addition to the First Amendment

Y ou can probablyfind
Alexandria,Virginia,in a
freedoms and due process guarantees, the Bill of
Rights includes other protections for American
local bookstore.Sheis
Civics&You Several of the first 10 amendments
one of the writers of a
deal with the rights of people accused of committing
new book publishedby
a crime. Why do you think the constitution protects
Bill Rhatican,her APgov-
the rights of the accused?
ernmentteacherat West
PotomacHigh School.
QUESTION:Canyou tell
us about the book? T here is debate over what rights, exactly,
ANSWER:It's calledTheConstitution:Writtenin are guaranteed by the Second Amendment.
Sandor Etchedin Stone?Thebook is a collectionof Some argue that it provides only for each
essayswritten by studentsabout the U.S. state to maintain “a well-regulated militia”
Constitutionand the Bill of Rights. by allowing the members of those militias to
Q: What'syour essayin the book about? carry arms. When the Second Amendment
A: Fanfiction,or fictional storiesabout characters was written, a militia was a small, local army
from booksand moviesthat are alreadycopy- made of volunteer soldiers.
D Other people hold that the Second Amend-
righted. Forexample,if I wanted to write a story
about what the characterYodadid betweenStar ment guarantees the right of all individual
Wars:EpisodeIll and the original StarWarsmov- citizens to “keep and bear arms” without the
ies-that would be fanfiction. interference of the government. The courts
Q: How doesthis relateto the Bill of Rights? have generally ruled that the government
A: I think the FirstAmendmentprotectsthe fanfic- can pass laws to control, but not prevent, the
tion author'sfreedomof speech,while the Fifth possession of weapons. For example, federal
Amendmentprotectsthe originalcreator'sright to and state laws determine who can be licensed
property.In otherwords,one part of the Billof to own firearms.
Rightsallowsme to write aboutYoda,but another
part of the Billof Rightsprotectsthe personwho TheThirdAmendment
thoughtYodaup.Sofanfictionis both condemned One cause of the American Revolution was
and protectedby the Billof Rights. the colonists’ resentment of the law requiring
Q: Isthe Bill of Rightsa "living" document? them to house and feed British soldiers. The
A: Yes!If the Bill of Rightswasn't"alive;'it Third Amendment makes it unlikely that
wouldn't be applicableto modern-dayinventions. Americans will ever be forced to shelter the
Q: How will it feel to seethe book in stores? military again. The amendment says that,
A: Amazing.I'vealwayswanted to be published. in peacetime, soldiers may not move into
It's like a dreamcometrue! private homes without the consent of the

Writea paragraphon how freedomof

Student Web Activity Visit glencoe.comand complete
W expressionhastaken placein your life.
the Chapter4 WebActivity.

130 Chapter 4
TheSeventhAmendment TheTenthAmendment
The Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth Amendments The first eight amendments grant the people
deal with people’s rights in criminal cases. rights. The Ninth Amendment states that the
The Seventh Amendment concerns civil rights guaranteed in the Constitution are not
cases—lawsuits that involve, or contain, the only rights the people have.
disagreements between people rather than Unlike the other amendments, the Tenth
crimes. The Seventh Amendment provides Amendment did not add anything to the
for the right to a jury trial in federal courts to
ratified Constitution. The Tenth Amendment
settle all disputes about property worth more states that any powers the Constitution does
than $20. When both parties in a conflict not specifically give to the national govern-
agree, however, a judge rather than a jury ment are reserved for the states and for the
may hear evidence and settle the case. people. (This amendment is the source of many
of the reserved powers you learned about in
Chapter 3.) The amendment expresses the idea
TheNinthAmendment that the federal government is limited only to
The Ninth Amendment states that all other the powers it is granted in the Constitution.
rights not spelled out in the Constitution are In this way, the Tenth Amendment pre-
“retained by the people.” This amendment vents Congress and the president from
prevents the government from claiming that becoming too strong. The government of the
the only rights people have are those listed C United States can have only the powers the
in the Bill of Rights. The Ninth Amendment people give it.
makes it clear that citizens have other rights
beyond those listed in the Constitution, and Describing What is the purpose
those rights may not be taken away.

Vocabulary : CriticalThinking
,.Write sentences related to the
.. l~ll~llb.,
: 4. Which of the first
: 6 • Persuasive Writing Select an
Bill of Rights using the follow-
ing terms: search warrant, indict- .. 10theamendments do you think is
most important? Why? issue related to the amendments
ment, grand jury, double jeopardy,
.: s. Organizing In a web diagram in this section, such as the death
due process, eminent domain, bail. penalty or gun control. Write a
similar to the one below, iden- letter to the editor of your local
tify important rights in the Fifth newspaper expressing your
Main Ideas Amendment. views on the issue.
2. Hypothesizing Why do you
think the Framers of the
Constitution addressed the legal N
treatment of the accused in so Study Central To reviewthis

many amendments? : section,go to

3. Explaining How do the Ninth
and Tenth Amendments limit
the power of government?

Chapter 4 131
Tinker v. Des Moines School District
Public school o cials set standards of behavior that students are expected to follow. Does
this arrangement leave students with any rights? Sometimes the Supreme Court must decide.

of the Case
One night in December 1965, a
group of public school students,
led by high school sophomores
Christopher Eckhardt and John
Tinker, and eighth-grader Mary
Beth Tinker, wore black arm-
bands to protest the Vietnam
War. As other students joined the
armband protest, principals and
members of the school board met
the growing protest with a ban
on armbands—to prevent “dis-
turbing influences.”
On December 16, 1965, Chris-
topher, John, and Mary Beth Lorena, Paul, and Mary Beth Tinker hear their case has
were suspended for wearing their armbands to been settled in their favor.
school. Their parents protested the suspensions
in federal courts. They contended the students’
First Amendment free-speech rights had been WhyIt Matters
Supporters saluted the decision that “students
TheDecision are entitled to freedom of expression of their
views.” Critics predicted harmful consequences.
On February 24, 1969, the United States
Dissenter Justice Hugo Black suggested that the
Supreme Court in a 7–2 decision declared the
Court’s decision was “the beginning of a new
school suspensions unconstitutional. Justice Abe
revolutionary era of permissiveness in this coun-
Fortas, who wrote the majority opinion, first
try fostered by the judiciary.” He argued that no
established that the students’ action was “akin to
one has a complete right to freedom of speech
pure speech.” Even though their protest involved
and expression. Later decisions, such as Bethel
no speaking, it deserved “protection under the
School District v. Fraser (1986) and Hazelwood
First Amendment.” Then he wrote:
School District v. Kuhlmeier (1988), narrowed stu-
It can hardly be argued that either dents’ First Amendment rights while expanding
'' students or teachers shed their
the authority of school officials.

constitutional rights to freedom

of speech or expression at the • Anal g the ·Court O eitis ion,
schoolhouse gate.
'' -Justice Abe Fortas
1. Explaining Why did the students'lawyersarguethat the
armbandswere protectedby the FirstAmendment?
2. Inferring How did JudgeFortas'sconceptof"pure speech"
extend FirstAmendmentfree-speechrights?

132 Chapter 4
Section Audio Spotlight Video

Guideto Reading Extending the

A constitutionreflectsthe Bill of Rights
valuesand goalsof the society
that createsit.
Vocabulary Real World Civics In the 1948primary
• suffrage (p. 135) elections,thousandsof AfricanAmericansacrossthe
• poll tax (p. 137) country stood in line to exercisetheir right to vote for the
Vocabulary first time since1876.Theyfaced possibleviolence,name
• violate (p 134) calling-even losingtheir jobs. Although the Fifteenth
• specify (p. 137)
Amendmentguaranteesthe right to vote, somestates
Strategy createdobstaclessuchas poll taxes,passinga literacy
Explaining Asyou read,
completea graphicorga- test, or proving property ownershipto avoid letting
nizerlikethe one belowto minoritiesvote. In 1944,the SupremeCourt ruled that
identifyand explainthe these requirements,specificallydesignedto exclude
AfricanAmericans,were illegal.

African American voters line up to receive ballots in

Columbia, South Carolina, in 1948

change their customs; some actively resisted.
CivilWarAmendments The federal government and the Supreme
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• • Court often seemed indifferent.
Main Idea The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and
Fifteenth Amendments are called the Civil War
amendments because they grew out of that war.
TheThirteenth Amendment
The Thirteenth Amendment officially out-
Civics&You In our country, freedom and the right lawed slavery in the United States and thus
to express our opinions are precious rights. Read to freed thousands of African Americans. It also
learn about efforts to extend these rights. outlawed any sort of forced labor, except as
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• • punishment for a crime.

The Bill of Rights was intended originally

to constrain only the national government. TheFourteenthAmendment
For many years, local and state governments Although the Thirteenth Amendment en-
were not bound by its terms. As a result, sured the freedom of African Americans, it
states sometimes used their reserved powers did not guarantee them full rights. After the
R1 to pass laws that violate, or disobey, civil lib-
Civil War, many Southern states passed “black
erties. In most parts of the country, for exam- codes” that excluded African Americans from
ple, women and African Americans could certain jobs, limited their property rights, and
not vote. Before 1865, many states had laws restricted them in other ways.
that sanctioned the enslavement of African To remedy this situation, the Fourteenth
Americans, who were treated as property Amendment was enacted in 1868. It defined
and had almost no rights at all. a United States citizen as anyone “born or
Three amendments were passed after the naturalized in the United States,” a defini-
Civil War to extend civil liberties to African tion that included most African Americans.
R2 Americans. However, the promise of these The amendment also required every state
Civil War amendments was not fulfilled for to grant its citizens “equal protection of the
almost 100 years. Many states were slow to laws.” In recent years, this clause has been
used to benefit women, people with disabili-
The Right to Vote Following the Civil War, African ties, and other groups whose rights have not
Americans across the South voted for the first time. always been protected fairly.
Many states tried to make it difficult for them to The Fourteenth Amendment also forbids
exercise this right. Identifying Who else besides state governments from interfering with the
African Americans were prevented from voting “privileges or immunities of citizens of the
after the Civil War?
United States.” Further, state governments
may not take an individual’s “life, liberty, or
property, without due process of law.” These
provisions made the Bill of Rights binding
W for state governments as well as the federal
government. This is called the nationaliza-
tion of the Bill of Rights.
The Supreme Court, however, ignored this
interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment
until 1925. Then, in Gitlow v. New York, the
Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment
could safeguard free speech and a free press
“from impairment by the states.”

134 Chapter 4

• Revisesprocedurefor electing the presidentand • Changesthe datesof congressionaland

vice president presidentialterms
-- ,...- .... --r,-,=~~~~.=;n,~-;.~-:1\--
- ,...,-.--- .-- T"- T"- -r,- n-- --.- 1-- n-,,- l":l-r,-- ri- r:-n--:,-~- :-::i-,.,-r,-.,- ....--r,-,=~~~~,.::;;;.-;,.~-;..-,n-
c-:- 'C'"-::n-

• DefinesUnited Statescitizenship;guaranteesall
citizens"equalprotection of the laws"
- .... l-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.:::::~--1
-T'I- ....
- ...,- ....
- _,- .....
- ...,-;~~~:;;:--

• Givesresidentsof the District of Columbiathe

• Prohibitsrestrictionson the right to vote based right to vote
on raceand color

• Establishesproceduresfor successionto the

• Enablesvotersto elect senatorsdirectly presidency
-- -::i-rr-'C'"-T.-T.-T- re-:
---no- ~-..,,.-~--r.-~--~;;.;;-;:;-;;~~~;;;;~;;~-;,-;.,-;..-
__ .... ...,-,>-;~~.;;-

• Prohibitsmaking,drinking, or selling alcoholic • Setsvoting age at 18 years

• Delayscongressionalpay raisesuntil the term
AnalyzingCharts following their passage

1. Identifying Whichisthe amendment that

dealswith women'srights?
2. Explaining Whydo youthinkthe Framers
madethe amendmentprocess sodifficult?

Since the Gitlow case, the Supreme Court

has used the Fourteenth Amendment to apply
other rights in the Bill of Rights to the states.
This “incorporation” of the Bill of Rights by
the Fourteenth Amendment’s due process
color, or previous enslavement. The amend-
ment clearly aimed to guarantee suffrage—
the right to vote—to African Americans. Still,
many states found ways to keep African
Americans away from the polls.
clause means that U.S. citizens in every part The Fifteenth Amendment, in reality, pro-
of the country have the same basic rights. tected only men. The various states had the
power to decide whether women could vote.
Women, regardless of their race, could not
TheFifteenthAmendment vote in most federal or state elections.
The last of the Civil War amendments, the
Fifteenth, says that no state may take away Explaining Whatdid the
a person’s voting rights on the basis of race, ThirteenthAmendmentoutlawin additionto slavery?

Chapter 4 135
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• •
Main Idea Amendments added to the
Constitution in the twentieth century deal with a
wide range of topics.
Civics&You Our Constitution has endured for
more than 200 years with only 27 amendments. Read
to find out about the amendments added to the
Constitution in the twentieth century.

Gradually, the Bill of Rights came to cover

all Americans equally and to limit govern-
ment power at all levels. Additional amend-
ments to the Constitution and court rulings
extended the rights of Americans to partici- 18-Year-Olds Get the Vote In 1971 President Richard
pate fully in the democratic process. A num- Nixon, before a group of young people, signed the
ber of amendments deal with voting rights. Twenty-sixth Amendment. Explaining What role
did the Vietnam War play in the passing of this
According to Article I of the Constitution,
the people were to elect members of the insisted as early as 1848 that women belonged
House of Representatives, but the state leg- at the polls. Many who believed that women
islatures were to choose members of the should not have the same rights as men
Senate. Ratified in 1913, the Seventeenth opposed them, however. It was only in 1920
R that the Nineteenth Amendment protected
Amendment allows voters to elect their sena-
tors directly. This change in the election pro- the right of women to vote in all national and
cess gave Americans a greater voice in their state elections.
TheNineteenthAmendment African Americans and women were
Although the Constitution did not guaran- not the only citizens who were denied vot-
tee women the right to vote, it did not explic- ing rights for many years. Residents of our
itly deny them suffrage. As a result, states nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., also fell
made their own laws on the matter, using into this group.
the powers reserved to them under the Tenth As you may know, “D.C.,” stands for
Amendment. The territory of Wyoming per- D the District of Columbia, an area between
mitted women to vote in 1869, and several Maryland and Virginia. Because the District
other territories and states did so as well in is not a state, the people who lived there
the years that followed. were not initially allowed to vote in national
elections. The Twenty-third Amendment
Anthony and Stanton However, national changed that in 1961. The amendment says
support for woman suffrage was slow in that residents of the District of Columbia may
coming. Woman suffrage leaders Susan B. vote for the president and vice president, just
Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton had as other Americans do.

136 Chapter 4
Amendment TheTwenty-sixth
Although the Fifteenth Amendment gave Throughout our nation’s history, people
African Americans the right to vote, many still in their teens have bravely fought for
had trouble exercising this right. One reason

was that several Southern states had poll
taxes. In other words, they required vot-
ers to pay a sum of money before casting a
ballot. Because the tax had to be paid not
our country. By law, however, they were not
old enough to vote for the leaders who sent
them into battle. Although the Constitution
did not specify, or mention, a minimum
age for voters, most states set the minimum
only for the current year, but also for previ- at 21.
ous unpaid years as well, it was a financial That standard finally changed in 1971,
burden for many. Because many African a year when many young Americans were
Americans could not afford the tax, they C fighting in the Vietnam War. The Twenty-
could not vote. Poor whites were in the same sixth Amendment guaranteed the right to
situation. vote to citizens 18 and older for all national
In 1964, the Twenty-fourth Amendment and state elections. As a result, millions more
made poll taxes illegal in national elections. Americans can exercise their right to vote
Two years later, the Supreme Court ruled that and enjoy the rights of full citizenship.
poll taxes were illegal in state elections as
well. The elimination of the poll tax allowed Explaining Who benefitted most
many African American citizens to enjoy from the passingof the Twenty-third Amendment?
their full rights as voters for the first time.

Vocabulary____ _ • CriticalThinking
--- .
• 6 . Analyzing Visuals Review the
chart on page 135. Which
1. Write sentences related to vot- How do you amendment guaranteed the
ing rights using the following account for the fact that even right to vote to citizens 18 and
terms: suffrage, poll tax. though the Fifteenth older?
Amendment guaranteed suf-
Main Ideas frage to African Americans,
many were not allowed to vote?
2. Explaining How was the
promise of the Civil War : s. Explaining On a chart like the .
: 7. Persuasive Writing Because
many 18- to 21-year-olds do not
amendments fulfilled in the one below, explain how each
of these amendments extended vote, some believe the Twenty-
mid-twentieth century?
voting rights. sixth Amendment should be
3. Identifying One topic covered repealed. Write a one-page
in the later amendments is the essay expressing your views on
Amendment Effect
right to vote. Whose voting this topic.
rights did the twentieth cen- 17th Voterselect
tury amendments specifically
address? 19th
• Ci N
24th • Study CentralTM To reviewthis
: section,go to

Chapter 4 137
,,]v:: Financial Literacy
' -

Cash or Credit?
Debbieis shoppingand seesa jacket she reallylikeson salefor $300.However,she
hasa problem-no cash.Sinceshe is 18,she hasher own credit card.Thecard carries
an 18 percentannualpercentagerate on unpaid balances.Debbiecalculatesshecan
afford to pay $15a month on the account.Shouldshe buy the jacket or not?

How CreditCardsWork
Creditis usingtomorrow'smoneyto payfor
somethingyou get today.A credit cardis a useful
financialtool. It can be moreconvenientto useand
carrythan cash,and it offersvaluableconsumer
• Buyneededitems now
• Do not haveto carrycash
• Createsa recordof purchases
• Consolidatesbills into one payment S
• Highercost of items (interestand financecharges)
• Financialproblemsmayoccurif you losetrack of
how muchyou are spendingeachmonth
• Leadsto impulsebuying
Credithasboth advantagesand disadvantages.By
usingit wisely,you emphasizethe advantages.

Checklistfor Buyingon Credit

Thereare no hard-and-fastrulesto tell you whether or not to buy on credit.
D Answerthesequestionsto help you determineif you are makinga wisedecision:

1. Do I reallyrequirethis item?CanI postponepurchasingthe item until later?

2. If I pay cash,what will I be giving up that I could buy with this money?
3. HaveI done comparisonshoppingfor credit?
4. CanI afford to borrow or usecredit now?

-- Analyzing Economics
1. Describing Whatarethree waysto avoidcredit carddebt?
2. Defending Toqualifyfor a personalcredit card,a personmust be 18
yearsold or older.Shouldthe age restrictionremainthe sameor be
changed?Defendyour response.

138 Chapter 4
Section Audio Spotlight Video

Guideto Reading The Civil Rights

Political,social,religious,and Struggle
wayAmericansthink and act.
Vocabulary Real World Civics In September1957,after
• discrimination(p. 140) weeksof violence,Little RockCentralHigh Schoolaccepted
• segregation(p. 140) nine AfricanAmericanstudents-the only blackstudents
• civil rights (p. 140)
• affirmativeaction (p. 143) in the public high school.Theteenagers,and their families,
• racialprofiling (p. 143) could not haveimaginedhow their determinationwould

Vocabulary affectthe livesof millionsof studentswho cameafter them.
• section (p. 140) Now,morethan 50 yearslater,their braveryis markedby
• gender (p. 141) Testament,a monument on the ArkansasStateCapitol
Strategy grounds.Theformer students,ElizabethEckford(right),
IdentifyingAsyou read, Melba Pattillo Beals(left), and the other studentswere
completethe chart
reunitedfor the dedication.
belowby filling in key
lawsachievedby the civil
Elizabeth Eckford, right, unveils her Testament statue in 2005

Civil RightsActsof 1964
!~!.~!~~~~- .....l
sections, or parts, of restaurants and theaters.

Main Idea Although amendments to the
They even had to use separate public rest-
rooms. The social separation of the races was
known as segregation. African Americans in
Constitution guaranteed rights to Americans, the North fared better. They could vote freely,
African Americans and other groups still did not and segregation was less noticeable. Even so,
enjoy civil rights. prejudice restricted opportunities for many.

Civics&You What would you do if you were denied
equal rights when using public transportation or while
sitting in a movie theater? Read to find out how the civil
rights movement reacted.
It would take more than 100 years for African
C Americans to secure their civil rights—the
rights of full citizenship and equality under
the law.

R2 The Brown Decision An important gain

came in 1948, when President Harry S.
Despite the advances made after the Civil Truman ordered an end to segregation in
War, African Americans routinely faced the nation’s armed forces. A bigger victory
discrimination, or unfair treatment based on was the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v.
prejudice against a certain group. Southern Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas (1954). In
S states, for example, passed so-called “Jim
Crow” laws requiring African Americans and
this landmark case, the Supreme Court ruled
that racial segregation in the public schools
R whites to be separated in most public places,
was unconstitutional. Segregation violated
such as schools. Later, African Americans had the Fourteenth Amendment’s principle of
to ride in the back of buses and sit in separate equal protection under the law.

C Critical Thinking
Study Central provides summaries, inter-
active games, and online graphic organizers
to help students reviewCartoonist
content.Mike Thompson
created this image in
2005, when civil rights
D Differentiated
Instruction Summarizing Ask:
activist Rosa Parks died at
the age of 92.
1. What diverse,
is the setting for
extremely hot to cooler) this cartoon?
2. What figures are

W Writing Support 3. How do you interpret

the statement made by
President Lincoln?

140 Chapter 4
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

B orn in Atlanta,Georgia,in 1929,Martin Luther

King, Jr., rivetedthe country'sconscience
leaderof the civil rightsmovement.Hewasselectedas
time he first arrivedin Montgomeryin September
1954as pastorof the DexterAvenueBaptistChurch,
he had also met and marriedCorettaScott.
Manof the Yearby TIMEmagazinein 1963.Kingreceived Fromthe beginningof the Montgomerybus
the NobelPeacePrizein 1964,making
himthe youngestmanandthird R
boycott, Kingencouragedhis followersto use
nonviolentresistance. Thismeantthat those who
AfricanAmericaneverto receive carriedout the demonstrationsshould not fight with

this internationalaward.His authorities.In spite of his standon nonviolence,King
wordsandeffortsmovedmany often becamethe target of violence.
to join in the strugglefor equal In April 1968,Kingwas in Memphis,Tennessee,
rights.Whatdrovehim into to support a strike of sanitationworkers.There,the
this demandingrolein history? ministerwas shot and killed.
The son of a Baptist
attended Morehouse
he was 18yearsold,
decidedon a career In whatwaydoesDr.King'sreligioustraining
in the ministry.Bythe showitselfin hisleadership
of the civilrights

C Critical Thinking
Study Central provides summaries, inter-
active games,
Montgomery and
Bus online graphic
Boycott In 1955, organizers
one African American students began stag-
help the
Brownreview content.
decision, an African ing “sit-ins” at lunch counters that served
American woman named Rosa Parks was only whites. White and African American

D Differentiated
arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a “Freedom Riders” traveled together on buses
white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus. to protest segregation. In his 1963 “I Have
Parks was arrested Ask:
for violating Alabama’s Instruction
a Dream” speech, King inspired thousands
segregation laws. Her refusal (veryand diverse,
arrest with his hopes for racial equality.
spurred the local African American commu-
extremely hot to cooler) Civil Rights Act of 1964 In response to
nity to organize a boycott of the Montgomery
the growing demand for government action,
bus system. A year later, the Supreme Court
D Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
ruled that public bus segregation was uncon-
stitutional. Both Parks and Dr. Martin Luther
W Writing Support
This far-reaching law prohibited discrimina-
tion in public facilities, employment, educa-
King, Jr., a leader of the boycott, gained
tion, and voter registration. It also banned
national prominence.
discrimination not only by race and color but
Peaceful Protests A Baptist minister and also by sex, or gender, religion, and national
stirring speaker, King believed in nonviolent origin.
resistance—the peaceful protest of unfair
laws. He helped organize marches, boycotts, Describing Throughwhat means
and demonstrations that opened many peo- did MartinLutherKing,Jr.,hopeto changeunfair
ple’s eyes to the need for change. laws?

Chapter 4 141
discourage African Americans from register-
TheStruggleContinues ing and voting.
•• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• •• • Ratified in 1964, the Twenty-fourth
Main idea The struggle for equality in America Amendment outlawed poll taxes. The
has persisted and has extended to include many Voting Rights Act of 1965 took further steps
groups. to ensure that all citizens would have the
Civics&You Regardless of your race, religion, opportunity to vote, regardless of race. As
or political beliefs, you have the right to be treated President Lyndon Johnson said when he
equally under the law. Read more about the efforts to signed the act,
fight discrimination.
" Millions of Americans are denied
the right to vote because of their
Although the Fifteenth Amendment to color. This law will ensure them
the Constitution gave African American C the right to vote. The wrong is
males the right to vote, that right was not one which no American, in his
always respected. By the 1960s, several states heart, can justify.
had found ways, such as the poll tax, to
"-President LyndonB.Johnson




BROWN v. BOARD OF Prevents people sellin

OF TOPEKA, KANSAS, homes from using certa
g or renting
Supreme Court rules se of discrimination
in forms
schools unconstitution

sets up co T OF 1957 EQU A L 1972
mmission U N I T Y ACT OF eiving
civil rights
a on O PPORT esses re
civil rights nd creates a divisio s that bu
in Justice n
Departme of Provide ds must have e number
n s
EQUA nt federal fu grams to increa loyees
r o p
Bans w L PAY ACT io n p it y e m
S act n d m inor
a O a
on race ge discrimina F 1963
of fema
, gende tion ba
nation s
al origin r, religion, or ed
CT OF 1964 yment,
Strengthens Four
teenth Amendm Bans discrimination in emplo
protections; bans
discrimination in
ent transportation, public accom
inst persons
employment, vo
ting, and public and telecommunications aga
accommodations with physical or mental dis

VOTING RIGHTS ACT OF 19 AnalyzingCharts
Empowers federal governm
reg istr atio n
to intervene in voter
discrimination 1. Identifying What is the legislationthat
protectsthe rights of disabledworkers?
Explaining What is the legislationthat
bannedwage discrimination?
CivilRightsGains From the start, affirmative action was
controversial. Critics complained that giv-
In 2006, the United States Senate renewed
ing preferential treatment to women and
the Voting Rights Act of 1965, hailing it
minorities amounted to discrimination
as one of the most effective pieces of civil
against men and whites. The Supreme Court W
rights legislation in history. The civil rights
case of Gratz v. Bollinger (2003) centered on
laws of the 1960s were instrumental in
affirmative action. The Court struck down a
opening more doors for minorities. African
University of Michigan point-based admis-
Americans, Latinos, and other minorities
sion policy, stating that it gave excessive
have made striking gains in educational
points to minority applicants.
achievement. They increasingly hold pro-
The struggle for equal rights continues.
fessional and managerial jobs and serve in
Each year, the federal government receives
government, yet whites still tend to have
more than 75,000 complaints of workplace
more opportunities.
discrimination. Many Americans and others
are sometimes subject to racial profiling by
AffirmativeAction law enforcement officers—being singled out
In the 1970s, the federal government as suspects because of the way they look.
began affirmative action programs to try to Some Americans even become the victims
make up for past discrimination. These pro- of hate crimes—acts of violence based on a
grams encouraged the hiring and promoting person’s race, color, national origin, gender,
of minorities and women in fields that were or disability.
traditionally closed to them. Colleges, too,
practiced affirmative action to help minority Explaining What is the purpose
students gain admission. of affirmativeaction programs?

Vocabulary____ _ : Critical Thinking

1. Write a paragraph using the Why was the civil
following terms to summarize rights movement started? : 7. Persuasive Writing Do you think
the civil rights movement: that affirmative action laws are
5. Identifying Use the graphic
discrimination, segregation, civil a fair way to change past dis-
organizer below to identify the crimination? Write your opinion
rights, affirmative action, racial areas of American life where
profiling. in a letter to the editor.
affirmative action has been used.
Main Ideas
2. Identifying List examples of • Study CentralTM To reviewthis
the discrimination that African : section,go to
Americans faced after the
Civil War. . 6. Analyzing Visuals Reexamine the
chart on page 142 that lists some
3. Describing What other groups
landmark acts achieved by civil
besides African Americans are
rights activists. What was the
struggling for equality under
purpose of the Americans with
the law today?
Disabilities Act?

Chapter 4 143
• Dred Scott v. Sandford
Before the Civil War, Americans were asking: Are African Americans citizens of the
United States? May Congress prohibit enslavement of African Americans in U.S. territories?

of the Case TheDecision
Dred Scott, an enslaved African American, The Supreme Court decided the case on
worked for a physician. A member of the mili- March 6–7, 1857. Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
tary, the physician moved often, taking Scott with spoke for the seven-justice majority. Taney first
him. As a result, Scott lived for a time in the state asserted his own view of the Framers’ so-called
of Illinois and in the territory of Wisconsin, both original intent: “The only rights and privileges
slave-free zones. Both zones were also north of African Americans were meant to have were
the boundary set by Congress in the Missouri those granted by their so-called ‘owners’ or by
Compromise of 1820. The Missouri Compromise the government. Therefore, Dred Scott could not
permitted slavery south of the line and prohibited be a citizen.” He wrote further:
slavery north of it.
[I]t is the opinion of the Court that
By 1846, the physician died, and Scott was
again living in Missouri. There he continued to '' the act of Congress which prohibited
work for the physician’s widow and her brother . . . [slaveholding] north of the line
John Sanford, who was from New York. Scott therein mentioned is . . . void; and
sued for his freedom. He claimed that his ear- that neither Dred Scott himself,
lier residence in a free state and a free territory nor any member of his family were
made him free. Missouri’s courts denied Scott,
made free by being carried into this
however. In order to claim federal court jurisdic-
tion, Scott’s lawyers then stated that Scott was a
citizen of Missouri bringing suit against Sanford,
'' -Chief JusticeRogerB.Taney
a citizen of New York.
The Court was saying that the suit of non-
citizen Scott and the Missouri Compromise were
unconstitutional. Therefore, Scott was not free.

WhyIt Matters
The ruling added to the tensions that led to
the Civil War. In 1868, three years after the end
of the war, the Fourteenth Amendment to the
United States Constitution overruled the Dred
Scott decision.

• An~I g the ·Court IDet:i,si,on

1. Explaining Why was DredScottnot freed asa resultof the
Dred Scott
2. Inferring What is your opinion of JusticeTaney'sview of the

144 Chapter 4
Rightsof Citizens Equality
the Law
The Bill of Rights-the first
1Oamendmentsto the U.S. • • Limits on rights must be
Constitution-guarantees cer- reasonableand apply equally •
tain basicrights to all Americans. • to all.
The Bill of Rightsensuresconsti- • • This is especiallycritical
tutional guaranteesof in the courtroom,which is
• freedom of expressionand where the right to due
belief; processcomesinto play.
• individual security;and • Due processmeansthat gov- •
• equal and fair treatment ernment may not act unfairly •
beforethe law. or arbitrarily but must follow •
a set of reasonable,fair, and

• • Civil rights are the
protections granted in
the Constitution that Civil Rights march on
recognizeall citizens must Washington, D.C., 1963
be treated equally under
the law.
First North Carolina sit-in, 1960s • In Plessyv. Ferguson(1896),
• • In the United Statesat one
time, there were widespread • the SupremeCourt ruled that
segregationlaws. separate-but-equalfacilities
LimitsonRights were constitutional.
• An individual'srights must be • • In Brownv. Boardof
balancedwith the rights of Suffragist parade, Educationof Topeka(1954),
othersand the community's 1913 the Court ruled for complete
healthand safety. desegregation.
• • Thecivil rights movement
madepossiblethe passage
of legislationguarantee-
ing basiccivil rights for all

to yourPDA

Standardized Test Practice

For effective recall at exam time, study in one-half-hour intervals for a
week before the test.

Reviewing Vocabulary 6. What does the First Amendment prohibit?

Directions: Choose the word(s) that best completes the sentence. A assembly of groups such as communists
B establishment of an official state religion
1. The First Amendment guarantees the right to C criticism of the government or its officials
D dissemination of alarming or offensive ideas
A libel C petition
B slander D due process Section 2 (pp.726-131)
7. How does the Fifth Amendment help accused
2. The right of the government to take private
property for public use is called .
A by requiring a speedy trial
A suffrage C eminent domain
B by requiring a search warrant
B civil right D double jeopardy
C by guaranteeing a trial by jury
3. in Southern states prevented many D by protecting against self incrimination
African Americans from voting.
A poll taxes C civil rights 8. Which amendment states that all rights not
spelled out in the Constitution are “retained by
B age requirements D search warrants
the people”?
4. Sometimes law enforcement officials single out A Second Amendment
suspects unfairly through . B Third Amendment
A indictments C censorship C Seventh Amendment
B racial profiling D affirmative action D Ninth Amendment

Reviewing Main Ideas Section 3 (pp.133-137)

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. 9. Which amendment guaranteed African
American men the right to vote?
Section 1 (pp.120-124) A Thirteenth Amendment
5. Which of the following does the Bill of Rights B Fourteenth Amendment
C Fifteenth Amendment
A the right to provoke a riot for a good cause
D Nineteenth Amendment
B the power of government to operate
efficiently 10. Whose right to vote did the Twenty-sixth
C the freedom to act without government Amendment guarantee?
interference A poor people in the South
D the choice to overthrow an unjust B women across the country
government by force
C residents of Washington, D.C.
D citizens 18 years old and older

146 Chapter 4
Section 4 (pp.139-143) 14. Which right or freedom best reflects the
11. Which sphere of American life was humane intent of Anglo-American law?
desegregated in the 1940s? A the right to bear arms
A schools B the freedom of the press
B work places C the right to private property
C armed forces D the freedom from cruel punishment
D lunch counters
Document-Based Questions
12. Which measure outlawed poll taxes? Directions: Analyze the following document and answer the short-
A Civil Rights Act of 1957 answer questions that follow.
B Civil Rights Act of 1954
C Voting Rights Act of 1965 Amendment XXII

D Twenty-fourth Amendment Section 1

No person shall be elected to the o ce of the
Critical Thinking President more than twice, and no person who had
Directions: Base your answers to questions 13 and 14 on the table below held the o ce of President, or acted as President,
and your knowledge of Chapter 4. for more than two years of a term to which some
other person was elected president shall be elected
to the o ce of President more than once.
—the Constitution
Privateproperty 15. A presidential term lasts four years. According
Nounreasonable searchesorseizures to the Twenty-second Amendment, what is the
Nocruelpunishment longest time one person may serve as
Noexcessive bailorfines president?
Rightto beararms 16. Why do you think Congress and the state
Rightto petition legislatures considered the Twenty-second
Freedom ofspeech Amendment necessary?
Freedom ofthepress
Freedom ofreligion Extended-Response Question
17. Write a brief essay explaining how the Ninth
13. Which amendment protects freedom of and Tenth Amendments prevent the national
speech? government from becoming too strong.
A First Amendment
B Fifth Amendment
C Thirteenth Amendment
D Twenty-fourth Amendment


Ifyoumissedquestion... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Goto page... 121 128 134 143 121 124 128 131 135 137 140 142 122 129 135 135 131

Chapter 4 147

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