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After reading the story, I was overwhelmed with emotion.

I was touched by the

couple's selfless act of giving and their grateful attitude. The story made me reflect
on my own life and how I can be more grateful for what I have. I also found myself
wondering how I could be more like the couple in the story and give more to others.

The couple in the story is an example of true selflessness. They are not looking for
recognition or rewards, but are content with simply giving. Their act of giving is so
pure that it touches the hearts of those around them. The couple's selfless act is a
reminder to me that there are more important things in life than material

I want to be more like the couple in the story and give more to others. I am grateful
to the story The Gift of the Magi for reminding me of what is truly important in life. I
am going to try to be more like the couple in the story and give more to others. I
hope that I can touch the lives of others the way that they have touched mine.

I began to wonder if I could be more like the couple in the story and give more to
others. I thought about all of the material possessions that I have and how I could
use them to help others. I also thought about my time and how I could use it to
volunteer or help those in need. I decided that I am going to try to be more like the
couple in the story and give more to others.

The couple's selfless act of giving is a reminder to me that there are more important
things in life than material possessions. I want to be more like the couple in the story
and give more to others. I am grateful to the story The Gift of the Magi for reminding
me of what is truly important in life. I am going to try to be more like the couple in
the story and give more to others.

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