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“To study the transient response of a Tank Circuit”

DC Voltage source, resistor, capacitor, inductor, ground, voltmeter, scope, powergui and connecting

Circuit Diagram:

The tank circuit, a common building block in electronic systems, is a parallel resonant circuit
comprised of an inductor, a capacitor, and an optional resistor. Since the capacitor and the inductor
both store energy, this type of circuit is referred to as a tank circuit. By taking advantage of its
bandpass response characteristic, tank circuits are typically used to limit bandwidth. This is of
particular interest in filtering an IF signal which is to be amplified by a very large gain. By limiting
the bandwidth, one is able to limit the noise power of the unfiltered signal, which could easily saturate
the amplifier. It is also called LC Filter Circuit,
Block Diagram:

 Make the circuit in SIMULINK according to the circuit diagram.
 Assign the values to components.
 Insert the measuring device i.e. Voltmeter.
 Run the simulation and observe the scope for output results.


Observed the response of a Tank Circuit and analyzed the graph for voltage with respect to change
in time. Moreover, gained hands on Simulink in MATLAB.

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