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Are Changes in Leg Power Responsible for Clinically Meaningful

Improvements in Mobility in Older Adults?

Jonathan F. Bean, MD, MS, MPH, w Dan K. Kiely, MPH, MA, z Sharon LaRose, BS,w
Richard Goldstein, PhD, w Walter R. Frontera, MD, PhD, § k and Suzanne G. Leveille, PhD, RN#

OBJECTIVES: From among physiological attributes com- confidence interval (CI) 5 1.09–2.02) and GS (OR 5 1.31,
monly targeted in rehabilitation, to identify those in which 95% CI 5 1.01–1.70).
changes led to clinically meaningful differences (CMDs) in CONCLUSION: Improvements in leg power, independent
mobility outcomes. of strength, appear to make an important contribution to
DESIGN: Secondary analysis of data collected for a random- clinically meaningful improvements in SPPB and GS. J Am
ized controlled trial of exercise using binary outcomes defined Geriatr Soc 58:2363–2368, 2010.
by recording a large CMD (Short Physical Performance Bat-
tery (SPPB) 5 1 unit; gait speed (GS) 5 0.1 m/s). Iterative Key words: muscle power; exercise; rehabilitation; aging;
models were performed to evaluate possible confounding be- aged
tween physiological variables and relevant covariates.
SETTING: Outpatient rehabilitation centers.
PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling mobility-limited
older adults (n 5 116) participating in a 16-week random-
ized controlled trial of two modes of exercise.
MEASUREMENTS: Physiological measures included leg
power, leg strength, balance as measured according to the
Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA), and
P hysical performance measures are recognized for their
clinical importance, not only because they are represen-
tative of limitations in mobility, but also because they are
rate pressure product at the maximal stage of an exercise
predictive of subsequent adverse outcomes. For example,
tolerance test. Outcomes included GS and SPPB. Leg power
and leg strength were measured using computerized pneu- Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) scores are predic-
matic strength training equipment and recorded in Watts tive of future hospitalization rates, nursing home admission,
and Newtons, respectively. disability, and mortality in older adults.1,2 The SPPB is a
composite measure of mobility including standing balance,
RESULTS: Participants were 68% female, had a mean age
chair stand, and gait speed (GS). GS alone is also predictive of
of 75.2, a mean of 5.5 chronic conditions, and a baseline
disability and mortality,1 so it is not surprising that physical
mean SPPB score of 8.7. After controlling for age, site, group
performance tests are advocated as useful outcome measures
assignment, and baseline outcome values, leg power was the
in research settings and as screening tools in clinical settings.1,3
only attribute in which changes were significantly associated
with a large CMD in SPPB (odds ratio (OR) 5 1.48, 95% A significant advancement for the use of physical per-
formance measures in research has been the definition of
clinically meaningful differences (CMDs) in SPPB and GS.
In a seminal report, large CMDs in SPPB and GS were
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts; wSpaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
defined as 1 unit and 0.1 m/s, respectively.4 These findings
Network, Boston, Massachusetts; zHebrew SeniorLife, Boston, Massachu- have been corroborated in a more-recent investigation.5
setts; Departments of §Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and kPhysiology, These reports have informed the design and clinical inter-
School of Medicine, University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico; and pretation of subsequent studies. The only available therapy
College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts at
Boston, Boston, Massachusetts.
believed to be effective in preventing disability is rehabil-
itative exercise. No drug therapies exist.
Aspects of this investigation were presented at the May 2008 Annual
Assembly of the American Geriatrics Society, Washington, DC and the May Rehabilitative care is designed to correct the impair-
2010 Annual Assembly of the American Geriatrics Society, Orlando, Florida. ments that contribute to declines in physical functioning.
Address correspondence to Jonathan F. Bean, Spaulding Cambridge Outpa- Impairments are defined as defects in physiological attri-
tient Center, Box 9, 1575 Cambridge St., Cambridge, MA 02138. E-mail: butes involving organ systems such as the musculoskeletal system.6 Impairments that are typically targeted in reha-
DOI: 10.1111/j.1532-5415.2010.03155.x bilitative care, such as loss of strength, power, balance, or

JAGS 58:2363–2368, 2010

r 2010, Copyright the Authors
Journal compilation r 2010, The American Geriatrics Society 0002-8614/10/$15.00
2364 BEAN ET AL. DECEMBER 2010–VOL. 58, NO. 12 JAGS

aerobic capacity, have been termed rehabilitative impair- tial screening assessment described above. On completion
ments (RIs).7 One RI attribute that is particularly important of the initial screening, 99 people met exclusion criteria,
in underlying physical performance is muscle power. and 28 chose not to commit to the study, leaving a total of
Whereas maximal strength refers to maximal force pro- 138 participants who were randomized to one of two ex-
duction, optimum power reflects the maximal product of ercise programs. One group participated in an exercise
force and velocity of movement. Cross-sectional studies program known as InVEST training. This mode of training
have suggested that, although leg muscle power is related to provided a series of progressive resistance training exer-
muscle strength, it has a larger influence than strength on cises using a weighted vest for resistance. These exercises
SPPB and GS performance.8 Prospective studies have not were designed to mirror functional tasks and to emphasize
adequately addressed this question. This is important be- speed of movement.9 The other exercise group participated
cause understanding which RI to target to achieve a CMD in a strength training program for the upper and lower
in physical performance can make rehabilitative care more limbs using free weights, as advocated by the National
efficacious, more cost effective, and less burdensome. Institute on Aging.10 Only participants who completed all
One recently published clinical trial, the Increased Ve- 16 weeks of training were included in this secondary data
locity Exercise Specific to Task (InVEST) Study, was de- analysis (n 5 117).
signed with recognition of the clinical relevance of RI and A research staff member blinded to group assignment
physical performance testing.9 This was a multisite random- conducted all testing. Baseline assessments were conducted
ized clinical trial evaluating two modes of rehabilitative within 2 weeks of the screening assessment. Leg power and
exercise for mobility-limited community-dwelling older leg strength were measured using computerized pneumatic
adults. One group performed a novel form of resistance strength training equipment (Keiser Sports Health Equip-
training, and the other group performed a progressive resis- ment, Inc., Fresno, CA) and recorded in Watts and Newtons
tance training program advocated by the National Institute respectively. Participants were tested on a seated double leg
on Aging.9,10 This study presents an ideal context in which press machine. Seat positions were recorded and replicated
this knowledge gap in rehabilitative care can be addressed, at each testing session. Muscle strength was measured at
because CMDs between physical performance measures were each evaluation using the one-repetition maximum (1RM),
reported in both groups after 16 weeks of training, and and leg power was measured at 70% of 1RM, as previously
changes in power, balance, aerobic capacity, and strength described.7 Balance was measured using the balance com-
were achieved. Therefore, it was desired to conduct a sec- ponent of the Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment
ondary analysis of the InVEST Study to determine which ob- (POMA). This measure scores eight balance tasks between
served changes in RI attributes were associated with CMDs in 0 (low) and 2 (high), with a maximum score of 16.12
SPPB and GS. It was hypothesized that, when accounting for Although other balance measures were part of the parent
other RIs, changes in leg power would be predictive of CMDs study, POMA-Balance was chosen for this analysis because
in SPPB and GS. it is associated with falls and had the least covariance with
the balance component of the SPPB. Last, as a surrogate for
changes in aerobic capacity, the product of heart rate and
METHODS systolic blood pressure (rate pressure product (RPP)) at the
This was a secondary analysis of results from a single-blind maximal stage of a submaximal exercise tolerance test per-
randomized controlled trial conducted at two outpatient formed on a treadmill was measured.7
rehabilitation facilities in the greater Boston area. The in- The SPPB is a well-established, reliable, valid measure
stitutional review boards at Hebrew SeniorLife, Harvard of lower extremity mobility performance. Testing involves
Medical School, and the Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital an assessment of standing balance, a timed usual-pace
Network approved conduct of the study. A detailed 4.0-m walk, and a timed test of five repetitions of rising
description of the parent study is published elsewhere.9 from a chair and sitting down. All times are measured to
Participants were community-dwelling older adults the nearest 0.01 seconds using a stopwatch. Each of the
aged 65 and older who scored between 4 and 10 on an three aforementioned tests is scored between 0 and 4 and
initial screening SPPB and who were able to climb a flight of summed (0 (disabled) to 12 (independent)).1,2 GS was
stairs independently or with use of a cane. Exclusion criteria derived from the results of the 4.0-m walk test component
were unstable acute or chronic disease, a score of less than of the SPPB. As part of the parent study, the SPPB and GS
23 on the Mini-Mental State Examination,11 a neuromus- were recorded at the screening visit and at a subsequent
culoskeletal impairment limiting participation in further baseline assessment, and the two values were averaged.
performance testing, current participation in a resistance Statistical analyses were performed using SAS version
training program, and a submaximal treadmill exercise tol- 9.0 (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC).13 The analytical strategy
erance test with positive findings for unstable cardiovascu- was formulated to address the hypotheses and to use meth-
lar disease. All active medical conditions and prescription ods that were easily interpreted from a clinical perspective.
medications were recorded after completion of a compre- All data were initially inspected using descriptive statistics
hensive history and physical examination conducted by the and by visually reviewing a graphic display. Descriptive
Principal Investigator (JFB). information was reported as means  standard deviations
Initially, recruitment inquiries were solicited using re- for continuous variables and as percentages and counts for
search volunteer registries, advertising in newspapers, di- categorical variables. Differences were calculated between
rect mailings, and referrals from primary care providers, Week 16 and baseline values of both RI variables and the
resulting in 493 telephone screenings. Of these, 265 people outcomes. CMDs were defined as 1.0 unit for the SPPB and
were identified as potentially eligible and attended the ini- 0.1 unit for GS, which is consistent with existing criteria.4

Outcomes were further defined as dichotomous variables in 44 (38%). Baseline values for power, strength, POMA,
representing values as less than CMD or CMD or greater. and RPP were 7.5 W/kg, 19.26 N/kg, 14.5, and 22,286.9,
To justify inclusion in the same statistical model, correla- respectively. Group-specific values are included. No group
tions between changes in the RI were evaluated. Separate comparisons achieved statistical significance. Power change
multivariate logistic regression models were constructed and RPP change were not statistically significant (P 5.06
predicting CMD in GS and SPPB. Initial models evaluated and .08, respectively).
changes in power, POMA, and RPP as predictors of the Pearson correlation coefficients (r) were evaluated for
outcomes after adjusting for baseline age, site, and treat- changes in the four physiological attributes in response to
ment group status. Although all impairment measures were training. The correlation between changes in RPP and
treated as continuous variables within the multivariate POMA was significant (r 5 0.21, P 5.03), and the correla-
models, RPP changes were divided into quintiles based on tion between changes in strength and power was not
number of participants to make the odd ratios more inter- (r 5 0.19, P 5.05). The correlations between changes in
pretable. Cut points for the quintiles were RPP values of power and POMA (r 5 0.05; P 5.61) and between changes
808,  800,  1,898, and  3,620. Subsequent models in- in power and RPP (r 5 0.02; P 5.87) were nonsignificant.
cluded the addition of changes in strength and baseline Likewise, the correlations between changes in strength and
values of the outcome. The effect of changes in strength POMA (r 5 0.10; P 5.29) and between changes in power
alone without changes in power were also evaluated in the and RPP (r 5 0.09; P 5.36) were nonsignificant.
model. Last, each of the final models was evaluated, ad- Within the multivariate logistic models (Figures 1 and
justing for baseline impairment status. 2), power was the only attribute significantly associated
with a CMD in SPPB (odds ratio (OR) 5 1.58, 95% con-
fidence interval (CI) 5 1.15–2.16) and a CMD in GS
RESULTS (OR 5 1.34, 95% CI 5 1.06–1.69). Additional adjustment
As shown in Table 1, the mean age of the 117 individuals for changes in strength and baseline values of the outcome
who completed 16 weeks of training in the InVEST study did not meaningfully attenuate the associations between
was 75.2, 68% were female, and the participants had an power and CMDs in SPPB (OR 5 1.48, 95% CI 5 1.09–
average of 5.5 chronic conditions. Baseline values were 8.7 2.02) or GS (OR 5 1.31, 95% CI 5 1.01–1.70). Change in
points for the SPPB and 0.93 m/s for the GS. After 16 weeks strength was not a significant predictor of CMDs, even
of exercise training, CMDs in SPPB were observed in 92 when changes in power were excluded from the multi-
(79%) of the participants, and CMDs in GS were observed variate models. Further models adjusting for sex and base-

Table 1. Characteristics of Participants Completing All 16 Weeks of Training in the Increased Velocity Exercise Specific
to Task (InVEST) Study (N 5 117)
Characteristic All Subjects InVEST Group National Institute on Aging Group

Age, mean  SD (range) 75.2  6.7 (65–94) 74.8  6.5 (65–94) 75.6  6.8 (65–92)
Female, n (%) 80 (68) 40 (69) 40 (68)
Number of chronic conditions, 5.5  2.4 (1–14) 5.5  2.2 (1–11) 5.5  2.6 (2.0–14.0)
mean  SD (range)
Baseline average SPPB, 8.7  1.5 (4.5–11) 8.6  1.5 (5–11) 8.6  1.4 (4.5–11)
mean  SD (range) (out of 12)
CMD in SPPB, n (%) 92 (79) 47 (81) 45 (76)
Baseline GS, m/s, 0.93  0.23 (0.45–1.60) 0.93  0.23 (0.45–1.53) 0.93  0.24 (0.48–1.60)
mean  SD (range)
CMD in GS, n (%) 44 (38) 21 (36) 23 (39)
Baseline power, W/kg, 7.5  3.3 (1.2–16.4) 7.5  2.8 (1.2–15.9) 7.5  3.7 (1.7–16.4)
mean  SD (range)
D Power, mean  SD (range) 0.58  2.06 ( 8.69–7.50) 0.95  1.88 ( 2.47–7.50) 0.22  2.19 ( 8.69–5.48)
Baseline POMA, 14.5  1.9 (7.0–16.0) 14.6  2.0 (7–16) 14.4  1.9 (9–16)
mean  SD (range)
D POMA, mean  SD (range) 0.56  1.68 ( 5.0–6.0) 0.66  1.68 ( 5.0–6.0) 0.46  1.70 ( 4.0–5.0)
Baseline strength 19.3  8.6 (7.0–44.0) 19.4  8.9 (7.0–44.0) 19.2  8.4 (7.2–36.5)
(N/kg, mean  SD (range)
D Strength, mean  SD (range) 3.9  4.5 ( 14.3–22.2) 3.9  4.3 ( 14.3–15.1) 3.8  4.7 ( 6.3–22.2)
Baseline RPP 22,287  4,882 (10,304–34,200) 21,497  5,223 (10,304–32,340) 23,063  4,430 (12,600–34,200)
(heart rate  systolic blood
pressure, mean  SD (range)
D RPPmax, mean  SD (range)  1,486.9  3,234 ( 12,838–7,172)  1,827.7  3,383.7 ( 12,838–4,998)  1,164.6  3,082.8 ( 9,210.0–7,172.0)

Group comparisons all with P4.05.

SD 5 standard deviation; SPPB 5 Short Physical Performance Battery; CMD 5 clinically meaningful difference; Balance 5 score on the Performance-Oriented
Mobility Assessment (POMA) balance test; Power 5 leg power; RPP 5 rate pressure product (heart rate  systolic blood pressure); GS 5 gait speed.
2366 BEAN ET AL. DECEMBER 2010–VOL. 58, NO. 12 JAGS

Model 1: Changes in RI attributes predicting CMD in Model 1: Changes in RI attributes predicting CMD in
SPPB Gait Speed
2.5 2.5

2 2
Odds Ratio

Odds Ratio
1.5 1.5

1 1

0.5 0.5

0 0

Model 2: Changes in RI attributes predicting CMD in Model 2: Changes in RI attributes predicting CMD in
2.5 SPPB Gait Speed
Odds Ratio

Odds Ratio
Δ Power Δ POMA Δ RPP Δ Strength 0
Δ Power ∆ POMA Δ RPP Δ Strength
Figure 1. Multivariate logistic models predicting clinically
meaningful differences (CMDs) in the Short Physical Perfor- Figure 2. Multivariate logistic models predicting clinically mean-
mance Battery (SPPB) between participants completing 16 weeks ingful differences (CMDs) in gait speed between participants com-
of training in the Increased Velocity Exercise Specific to Task pleting 16 weeks of training in the Increased Velocity Exercise
Study (N 5 117). Model 1: adjusted for age, site, treatment Specific to Task Study (N 5 117). Model 1: adjusted for age, site,
group. Model 2: Model 11Dstrength, baseline value of outcome. treatment group. Model 2: Model 11D strength, baseline value of
RI 5 rehabilitative impairment; Dbalance 5 change in Perfor- outcome. RI 5 rehabilitative impairment; SPPB 5 Short Physical
mance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) balance test Performance Battery; D balance 5 change in Performance Oriented
score; Dpower 5 change in leg power; POMA 5 change in Mobility Assessment (POMA) balance test score; D power 5
POMA balance score; RPP 5 Change in rate pressure product change in leg power; DPOMA 5 change in POMA balance score;
(heart rate  systolic blood pressure). DRPP 5 change in rate pressure product (heart rate  systolic
blood pressure).

line values of the RI did not materially alter the findings leg power may be more reflective of improvements within
(data not shown). the musculoskeletal and nervous systems occurring from
training. This notion that separate impairments may have a
synergistic influence on mobility was first introduced in
DISCUSSION work by Rantanen and colleagues, who coined the term
To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first investigation to ‘‘coimpairments.’’ Their analysis of the Women’s Health
analyze data from a study of rehabilitative exercise and and Aging Study found that the combination of impair-
evaluate impairment predictors of CMDs in GS and SPPB. ments in strength and balance put individuals at higher risk
Of the final models, leg power was the only RI in which for walking-related disability.14 Leg power measurement
changes were significantly associated with subsequent was not part of their study.
CMDs in SPPB and GS. In the current investigation, changes in strength were
These observations are important in advancing knowl- not associated with CMD, but in a previous investigation,
edge regarding the relevance of leg power to mobility. Ear- changes in lower extremity strength were predictive of sta-
lier investigations argued the importance of leg power tistical improvements in gait speed and chair stand perfor-
relative to leg strength through cross-sectional studies, but mance.15 This inconsistency may be for two reasons. First,
this prospective investigation demonstrates that, even after the current study differed from the previous one15 in that
controlling for mode of training, changes in leg power were the current study did not measure strength (or power) at
more influential in producing meaningful changes in per- more-distal limb sites such as the ankle, where higher force
formance-based outcomes than were changes in leg and power production during gait may be observed.16,17
strength.8 Mechanistically, this is probably because power Second, the sample size of the current study was small. The
is representative of not only limb force production, as is the contribution of changes in strength might achieve statistical
case with leg strength, but also limb speed of movement. significance in a study with a larger sample size.
Previous reports have demonstrated a relationship between Another important consideration is whether these find-
strength and speed of movement and physical perfor- ings highlight the need for specialized training emphasizing
mance.7 In representing both attributes within a single RI, muscle power. Overall, the findings suggest otherwise,

because treatment group status was not a significant sectional analysis and after training.16,18 In this study, RPP
predictor of the outcomes. This was consistent with the served as an indirect estimate for changes in aerobic
primary analysis of the InVEST Study, which observed capacity. Direct measurement of oxygen consumption was
CMDs with both modes of training and with only a non- not part of the InVEST Study and would be the best means
significant 0.33-unit difference in SPPB changes between of determining the relevance of changes in aerobic capacity.
the two intervention groups. This between-group difference The study had other limitations. RIs are not the only
was less than criteria for a small CMD (0.05 units) defined factors contributing to the production of CMDs, especially
previously,4 although a subgroup analysis of that investi- with respect to the SPPB. Individuals in both groups per-
gation showed that the response to training differed formed exercises as part of the exercise programs that were
between treatment groups when baseline impairment similar to the chair stand and balance tasks that constitute
status was considered. In individuals who were below the the SPPB. CMDs may be derived from improvements in
median for baseline leg speed of movement, the InVEST behavioral and physiological factors that are reflective of
training produced a 0.72-unit greater improvement in SPPB task-specific training and that these four impairments
than the National Institute on Aging exercise program, did not adequately address. Also, it may be more clinically
whereas the treatment group difference was 0.09 when meaningful to categorize changes in RI by using clinically
evaluated in individuals who were below median strength relevant cut points, although such analyses can only be
values at baseline.9 This led the authors of the current study conducted with much larger samples. It was not possible to
to conclude that baseline impairment phenotype may be an include 21 participants who dropped out of the study before
important factor when considering response to a specific Week 16, which may have limited the ability to observe
mode of exercise. A meta-analysis of falls and exercise in relationships in some multivariate analyses. A more-
which the inclusion of balance training was found to be detailed comparison between these participants and the
predictive of reduced falls in fall-prone (balance impaired) remaining cohort is mentioned elsewhere.9 Last, this was
participants reinforces this conclusion.18 Also, it may ac- not a population-based sample but a rather homogenous
count for the weak associations (r 5 0.09–0.21) observed cohort of mobility-limited volunteers for a randomized
between changes in the respective physiological attributes trial. Thus, the findings cannot be generalized to all mobil-
in response to exercise. Analyses adjusted for baseline ity-limited older adults living in the community. Nonethe-
impairment status of all participants did not result in a sig- less, the analyses of trial results allow patterns of changes
nificant difference in findings. A better approach to address in RI and mobility performance to be observed that would
this question would be to evaluate whether different im- not be likely to occur in an older cohort without some form
pairment phenotype subgroups exist for whom the response of intervention.
to treatments might differ. Unfortunately, the InVEST Study Despite these limitations, the strengths of the study
was neither designed nor powered to conduct such a sub- include its longitudinal design, inclusion of a diverse cohort
group evaluation because that would require a much larger from the standpoints of health and physical functioning,
sample size. Future studies on CMDs and the relevance of inclusion of multiple RIs, and use of state-of-the-art
changes in physiological attributes will help clarify these impairment and physical performance measures.
questions. At this point, perhaps the best clinical message is In summary, it was found that changes in leg power
that the ideal exercise program ought to emphasize exer- were significantly associated with CMDs in SPPB and GS.
cises that prioritize strength and speed of movement so that These relationships should be evaluated in larger studies to
those who are slow can get faster and those who are weak better understand the relative importance of different RIs
can get stronger. and the clinical significance of impairment phenotypes on
The primary analysis of the InVEST Study did observe a changes in physical functioning.
significant difference between groups in limb power im-
provements, whereas this subanalysis did not (P 5.06). This
analysis differs in two important ways. The primary anal- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ysis was designed to measure changes in a composite mea- Conflict of Interest: Dr. Bean was funded by a Dennis W.
sure of upper and lower limb power, whereas this analysis Jahnigen Scholars Career Development Award, American
focused only on leg power. Also, this analysis addressed Geriatrics Society/Hartford Foundation, a National Insti-
different scientific aims requiring uses of a subsample of tutes of Helath Mentored Clinical Scientist Development
the original study and employing a different analytical Award (K23AG019663-01A2), and by the Department of
approach than the one used in the original study. Both of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical
these circumstances reduced statistical power to detect School. The clinical trial from which this analysis was ob-
group differences. Even so, given the primary study’s tained is registered (NCT00158119).
original findings, it was felt that it remained important to None of the authors have any financial interests related
control for group status within all multivariate analysis. to this article. None have conflicts of interest, financial ar-
An association was not observed between change in rangements, or consultantships with a company whose
RPP, a surrogate of aerobic capacity, and physical perfor- product is associated with the submitted manuscript.
mance. In part, this may have been reflective of the fact that Author Contributions: Jonathan F. Bean: study concept,
neither exercise program focused primarily on aerobic design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation,
exercise, although substantive changes in RPP from baseline preparation of the manuscript. Dan K. Kiely: data analysis
were observed in both groups. This finding is consistent and interpretation, preparation of the manuscript. Sharon I.
with other investigations that showed weak associations LaRose: subject training, data collection, interpretation,
between aerobic capacity and mobility status through cross- preparation of the manuscript. Richard Goldstein: data
2368 BEAN ET AL. DECEMBER 2010–VOL. 58, NO. 12 JAGS

analysis and interpretation, preparation of the manuscript. 8. Bean JF, Leveille SG, Kiely DK et al. A comparison of leg power and leg
Walter R. Frontera and Suzanne G. Leveille: study design, strength within the InCHIANTI Study: Which influences mobility more?
J Gerontol Med Sci 2003;58A:728–733.
data interpretation, preparation of the manuscript. 9. Bean J, Kiely D, LaRose S et al. Increased Velocity Exercise Specific to Task
Sponsor’s Role: None; the authors retained complete (InVEST) training vs. the National Institute on Aging’s (NIA) strength training
independence in scientific investigation and reporting. program: Changes in limb power and mobility. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci
10. Exercise: A Guide from the National Institute in Aging. Bethesda: National
Institute on Aging: National Institute of Health, 1999.
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